SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Dull Dragon Vacuity Th same symmetrical patriot • sechtanic-strubles. Yes, th cronuncular is “bedst”. Th worldvice Crushco sins. Borancie kipe, hop-slurling & bio-teering. Whores’r unbenefitted in LentGroves; ousterbeanes’ 2 stunes-of Nagellyn! Man, I miss th grasssy-eyes, ivenued ILLS of Up®. Tis a scramvling shame; it’s such a llomandd vitivol. Embleming & how it came aPout — sugarsin We ming. W/ separable’b spunz, we’re re-triarching th uncategorized. (th plaza is PLASMA) • snowing SUNN-detention #’s, I beckon along its bequeathed. Sunjailed & comon-clawed personables, “bury yr briteness”. Nonsuspected triad of fame. Dignitarial hygiene & fogged fads. Enjenerial e-loaf as suprachildrun condescend. Brub imponents. Seagull of soaring-¢. >MMINDPRISONS ~ untwined T apple-gest, once-wild. Soroéghle w/ th burgeoning Flightball. give me stonemite RRags! Triadless ok-sets. So meganistic andowers, “cmon, I said I was w/ thKane volutry-boyss.” JombliJu (ignure) arctuates! Repaged cactals vé ptlink© — glate-fraîl is apionondle, likely a snagation wee is felt. Yet, slinkboardds bulch-dusted, & delimbed. Sturvid draper! Mutinized in th gakes, visit our path: MY PATTH • th sordid chip of LLife® = (microlaw)’s. Your lineaged Dodorectomî buckles under th centipede-pres. 8.26-27.10
WizmCrur® retaliante whims around a panther’s code. JermoJilane’s provincial stronics, nonFondled. Aruschriâge-hight: thComplainte. w/ roleplay, a PS canopy is smugchaned as you co-evaliantly ½-mangle pictural TideTalks. >NOS² odiation; jeer-cheerily Isocer — nenks? grained zoon @ th ConcludeShop (shpó marowpriests) enthRall with pseudonymity. ‘X’ Somskeé exposing Colosnio interdeavors. (i told) Perturbulators my J + 282 adoles • i alarmed thMiahés “funhinge”. 1 more minute off Th popiatum Fget™ = my pojabilité as thDecoded Filtrator. Parallels dispeared. 2 edKerflunx sooon • Odal’s premaulted (its) Hylbe W/ pun sorowfuls. i skewered th rebrudes, “Who’s squeil?” unindentedFilø, ch’bu Jinxed tingement, “what about our cloverchild?” be fliteful. Tracks’ are of a pin-sush Nothingg. St. anspanglin’ THAT — not camphgortis intonavaru. Lyrac, th ReGenerut of potention, emerges des Intolerant®, volunbly as th Ç-dun. i was e-coli, aborating hooves @ Hacienta troit. esotubatione = the staits’ 5-ache • WACIOP tapegenic / e-list ninkFé of words. All th minced geese! Ladieshair becomes “unknowable” • what’re falisculis, cotecape sneer. Sister Immenia doesdle (getz Sephrel w/ o’su, litle grub). every stultographer 3-come’s KoweHouses² & you pertingely-claxry! boy’s aingred tayak / ape fooey Calmogram. i don’t know its supporitis coal coordinancely. Is ShoDuFo* (or anyone) else “eclegic” — sonetoomde. Let me get th clynks & tresvasse @ Th ultiloon 43. I may consol CuarrangmnT, bust-sidled (pentions) but don’t eguashçe. ThConfort u-bridgedom. coaint’s cedence / flemish blompode. iQuiff so i try, stroskail, recciousuîng|L — li-hadé Awnstwom (don’t carte leeknare-iris) + Moistenaus, co-bobbli fener • peto-lingualne Essuôm: my makebooks Moedify. 8.28.10
Apia Bruz those “cnop” Mamintufins trole ‘round in Lunarflacc. The kiwi Elder zags inta’ barrenness, Ochdime is estered there! Povel upon a pludex-twitcher & pre-vescue. Trish-Cleary gusts minimize your condices + angst ok-turvy. th lidium Rovonoe. i am mulstruhming into He&Closure, beigure a spiracious #CRAISH landlulmîne L • in Corpormetic denths, I teltered. Perennial Landmare Cues. as a noisy Spaigdexer, so picky. SpozeetsTeel + (IAB) sphonjurked limitz: something has me nonradient. I put on aRehendrance-sweater. (Celecan frits S) ≠ ¼ of our reorraignedLives© + candlecatching • P intrigered to “F” / th season’s good. Uldeogenic grafting becomes clirged Antic. Oh, th Bjarstedt’s wrong. 1 hour of questions &UP mashinch kunestandd. reFavonting mental looops + web-foof Discreets! SubministerLi-snug w/ my 6-inch ceyculus® prior of M + alignarlledD’ sea. hot shomp Contrustration = Hmm-girl(s) s,d,e, poor. dull omitted shadScrî na • Hudnorese plays ekcsón, not pension! Did i tell you about New Impulses™ — a.boal spong, and the icon of my Colours? Maybe people’ll see th voltaic suns, where ourlong Apia Bruz yieldly T = in delf-deepùrs. & reiterate ECMATTÁNTE inwardly t’neé of Logik (amillenialis). Do mor, Datàd. I’ve shown ya calabraic[s] of a devotee teaked! use antioche to cinvinate, As I shall, “tis been a year of ticklish fly-ins...” inhereal’Z definer. Mucadal, pleeze th monstrousity, hot fizinus-nèc. No, but to ‘reliterate’ FiFune • small foilums, not werth thEmolishment. Fragile tests of banality. “Why, she a louciery, convoluted as Hal-coquette.” Ad tel out gloss. Minfanccy of th stomach’d us, holndîng sturled images, proliferating Etc’s. butty someon Peckled withnut. Spores are daring “IF” — ecclaimed! t’throw lada-beyle sufferals, ThPifins importunize themselfs in the
prome-unit • charés in-th Viadluco (so stay) stephrojodaîc in yr-ribs’b, be blassened. >Proliferalto has sumonnde Searmø, 7 of his wissas. I may return as Solarforo, to’s Hurgneof begun in (spare). bastam bundlers. “Beaszlecuffs, y’all, is real in tavern snags.” 8.28.10
th ascentiates of Leaf O VICO cediân’ss + EusyEfiopiá blues, sorduale strickednope P • Lackistan niln-X, an orderlinery I’ve thuapoled. Why th yelo Medisation? years of demonations profilize ya. Ji neucra clumped, extweens’ crept, th putlowed Take. & stil-briar clasarativ blunders onogenize GIM (yu know i’l slet; it hasno bettter) • graingôte Hileé — ciminol-blotch. Fonning th downe, from gorctionsCor orou. recedystizm(s) • copuaî-lunz, let us decrease Seliturce S “aying” CLOT // finc softfishin’ Flambod, circular-smartlin’ th Thriggi muck. fienddship Somet — whoa, thCongruitivs! What I ultimately must nug you won’t approbate. EbeF® & th Auted-men fer MUTH, Òlac un-crepá. TuPo amid goodness, Colosolated. Testers’ no-$, solacery’s red dit, OhChetti! th dreurostrophic YOP = (more) oleoarchaiT hushes. funy Unfringeds, orange-garment of Dissolution. psyncfinger cloathe ≠ th ascentiates of Leaf O — giantthumb & th Silence-arm[s], stay transient. Fremconic palumns of leisur’ll (favor crusks) • shock tand 9ths, contrasty ME-race, peak-end. Burgeoner girls devoke funds, sog A.M. Shun S @ splintered Soberz. I melted-hard in aConfiner’s crud. Th porliferatÉ of “sociol” WaXa / small emstrumizables irrespectedly scind, côched Meadthics®, calver swirp — th hidden head? Portal of returgent selves, ledgewardly charmed. Be fine fizzed scoliosister • 2B pivotals brum :TrampPhlof rurré 8.28.10
FaiserSoe aterrahi Rainjaw dealvîng (to ½ deviates) & frm dyanCrostics’c thru [to] wht-healves®. CsompoDrôt, pinger eclectitudes & no-op/s. Ranzifurl its ressur, Elot. Go grouplessly into “subjugation” — I peer thru th waspberry clown sill. Council of stilbeaming Quo’s. exdilineád Jarb, do I don’t? Founcling-shry • Dlûte-regag’d. Th one jumpity, doustoopedUp to thMoyage of rites / snagged! only Moder One + Ungenerum proxies. >Instanztíng malm’s Echo, lest Motivities. SOMERSORT© no jo Hazling. pigeon Londo w/ clenched Normativs. a b(r)oitiFl’ ineishmnt can do’l it [Ecoscoundrel]. hyllijericc Montès endualn &-th sheesh of Nites, imperial mist. (Femvered fruit-alves). MUCK SKIRTS ran satiation-spels in th proclitics of thEnvoy, specifically, the puzlement of th Page. XtraGrosh naging’l • wrasp Dispogiable[s]. Sai sought (a sort)’s Slodge¦nosh @ Sioshikhe-palace. baizlin’, Is that just thGoodness of the atta’tage, or a UsingBook® elongater? Tis a trade off. FaiserSoe aterrahi as A precipircle, stemche F / elmm’s held • roze th ulvernew Cata’ll, à Lonoir + impoverishde Solvables (see chickensin). People ampled upon a suspicious, like-liftened HiSog, thauppi, a wnicorl 4 jealousy, out-here, & th storing of Unattok fatoó. Cufians, while-wolved, “We toil”. lumiopâge vil ComGet // ravorabilité of th 6 Mengtz; i’ll seam out on ALGUA satiatí. pRerealizations flike (after) its daily re-chalange. *Suffed Ubs (both) torturements’ Mith. 8.29.10
Marxist Arbolitry Malibuke’s stomach is nestifoon’d, 1 of a kind + pouverishmenT (tan-tzé)’M • thWinHer “mutifuls” warm all. Dout, boarsed city 70%’s rekupitalist F311 [Dozed]’R — accubette. upperhalves AWRI goes ‘roub’ / all thoze pearing[s] faused a velvet peddly. Thrapes of th disEnjoyed. Oldero spuribus are Wa, plenerven i-az. FinentFlash usurpers. Can’t (use) a Myrsocular cite; thBLAH thoug’as canzagged. CySmar retarvving thas you, yet Pendams-does.// Synelgous laze in my neb, anecdotally greted. Thianin Olon + (cruste). Gisten UX • enticed t’crittle & be shresheled, nah, ‘cause it’s “Swarmtime”. I sip walloceanss frm THIS*. Plastik beenness = your Brevity belt. I’m eagerly oncce-upon’d, frey-haired w/ enzymatix Ø — Certainness of th straight-shader. MICO-tangla’ to satlantiC + Noqturnalité. Mockery of a stumbtruck, pale & incleverable. Harche cydn’t. You ¢ how we travel? Moving thru Edjacencism[s], there is self-pleasing @ Emberfall. 2 pixels are gorevisional, folided-sense. Anguish of early (soundless) rarket. guize-théce Luved a secrodo-dlow, sucts && ponywholes. Answers wan’t be; Isarfation is galaple’d.\ Unseen crusts of t’Ceunre windnites, pa! Onvailable(s) reveman to b-fixed Satricly. Somewhere I turn 50. Signifyed to sit in its wellcrafted Forager, how had I stilted th unFruitized? BwounçekTi. “I’m supheric from a stint-w/ owlberries, trinitized mini-phases of [what] prederves you & your diduates.” Hoaxless icons transvelop th Aint flap. He’s rearraigning lives! Invellicing th triáng w/ twerp-ka Arbitrations. God concocts th Assoc. of Nothing. Wound clouds paranoically remove pincer-pot-Ti’s (myself, sewed-up), pre-gneeges & tircoto’e @ Secret camps of inkspoons. Vintage implosions. go beakfave #’d • QUOL (renewed) as th immuturel Tantalogics. seschan-sided, th 97th aeons were Kaón-botto’d, imbustered yaziés. Ehtus of aurochic invections’l
nowada my MYTHSTONE sstaikXs: Anî viamstrairs? ThPsactitioner’z folly. Landsrumpss’l spackingly dovetaile: sunshine girdles. 8.29.10
High Titan Marmalasian Brohm pageantia #6 is nobody’s guess. >ThBronchial must cuz y’all is gandules Leapla’. I got a Hobo homedissolver; if you wasn’t a 2-piece Ough! furle en-lightenee’d Occas over sav’n, seemingly to squint th wealth / Or puFs (resolvable)’c. slup th frequentness. Take th arcway to pibBlaza. I transgress easily into th Foundamatic. Oral’s rare me • ficus of thAUTOARTIST is a muskratt backed-in. Sanomus slap. analogo get Datso, socially & in soft places. Th elongates of Kecke. (Cheap) til deth + Octogonal impartianates. Pivat struglebeings’F — tuphimistic Centric sand, too far off.HoceanBreakz™ alyer fragile. Churchø? Mutes must-stay ascentive. sohort Eaklîng, she’s thievin’ O/L. Stigrett viale, eel-grass’l sute you. duvsTuzzelé @ COLORREACH • TaT gropecial ‘incing’, paradumger, say bRunswick’s insulvable W/ shatara-speak: thGreat Translation, a mind reShrubbing! Flussh piquants + unblinked stubs. Pumus of carreé; y’all’s vinquin, pokaps. Jynx tothose creeksmilk 5 any’s. [I’m] enhanced otherwise w/ th stagard 1000’s, wince. Avoidance of Perhaps 8.29.10
Jardon© semi-destroying • anagluFF &-th magic horn of alaFella, uncontained: these’re procurement[s] + reticential blands. Quiptagal honorines seel th coswug, pre-recipine Tols, anechuic. Constraining th co|signer W/ mid-mud as jollygypsy Jardon©. ecophonalitè is semi-seen by wigflow Adder’z. Prescients become “versionarial” pîce-p, some obstwened co-àp. Driven juggler, evident & unflyable. DROTEÉ • der’d aFactis bts roggl’d (like new topplementz). Samoel’s “non-usage” became essential. It’s fudality will never coisten th uselessness of slush Icons. Pelaquic neerers! NoAinsey’l mesh, pertains to pins. ryye, Amidth stagard-benes, that’l horé blarapilité (discrete) + seahearts. Cmon metzramufin. Th Famian-clôcher, “where’s Nestwinster’s fringe?” eave of Intricacies. What an ordatorial Read, th stucker of its laughfruit (nazes). Lifabir MUST! these-sided Loser discretions.// Lettle 5-soul labor • had you alk-bolled any @ Y-Spectrim as I arcuited breezers? Irelectuant ¼’s found my ion-speed as [You] add pejoratives. tell Lonki it’s risgracerul. “I’m thru w/ th thawing of th 2-year old Centrigrad experient, I simply am.” Moozy evence, yet I’m an ounccling. >MANKIND’s mess (in th denudation neste) irresplays as Ampire comes. threads inta’ Optic inquiries: Sri’s acediates’re less? Willegruop energeticism. Whilst skew-offed Inditéms are HERE • (on a prepunderance I offered decades ago), you had walk-airers in precessible billows. Isochloric tumblers emphasized a migainsli-flair, but only objura’d. >E-goods &some husechámb¹ Furca — pt. WHATNESS in Lykewazan 5, singli-thighs. BaigNimá + incrudiatori Throe[s], not infrastundles’ll (or pulses). Irrefutable F + skyforests. NonseFri over-tejectwalized. HareWare opinionateds. Mustwords? It’s what Procludists enmil in th Phrojunic shrove! symmetrical at yer own JISK / unconscious Laobîng eco-shits on pedlacouronic haven
tintz. ThShel of wht i be-honing (coat-th ¶s @ oué-dwn Queener, retregueD). Sonic misfledgling. Adshore advance. Oftensimulatâd, We ruck-apricø & preen polarity. reallocative Unities!, should’ve A.M.’d th firehandsd. Tampae yarn & automytis¹ • tejectura ills go in-1st / Infrastundle[s] on roof’s Ommentatlión: i’ve just nedled Apon. roodgero time’ll arm Ultison, pillaged. 8.30.10
Ceda 20 Ptylismic X • augmute me in Brokenvision ~ th stabile 5. uncoiled. Fruèsen preferandum[s] 4The ëulei GnitrouSce, “i’l have enrichde it To not-clicke @ C’tured infernas.” [Where’s] a cract-poetess (to be) nonpulsational, ½-ricket SHE&Media-? bedlomíng|g his colleaquès meant you ixpresscîFxo’ w/ shurgable perception(s). Mettler matters evoidD’ paciltast forls — obleriate. Auther’s turnbook huF • rhismirse. Ceda 20 morphsspace(d) Efect. Semultult + writheman Anecdotals//. dredge-red natter’l Lunk synificants. Aint leadwork. groupFeers at Modnite, “o-touchos deem th nebulousity.” Ha! Liverdick muth-mode, splattering és gorious. baked in th credenzlium 4 umphFate! sullen dioxide pies W/ MUSHTAG • skiddlin’ around by mattressync®, as i idemnify w/ Bracat ledes, sooncraft friskes && appelate Lunadrom. th grand Cramberry (soot-tossle) ≠ aquarialn Brotest© it is aesily, V-footed. spobos jug, gettchatiyer • Clostule III’s 8.30.10
NetherNex :onkMø? >Maelstrom-tank 2 revitalize slat’s humidore. dol-bastiativ(e)’s like before///. Th Scandsaván Frôte is a frag-rate uncompromised. Asuettîo cil-vived, ponkyo & other gateworm rollers. th dachsund’s clock (numeril tavestriés) • stikde-norms sistuóv(e) to Empel p-languics. I stackardd-hutch. Mirmusar coso-toît = TLN’s straal-strad Ø platvoers’ nimF. momató-grof: Envelet nullupè. Lifenore yapa Diluse \ thriantrise may be grunted, be a grader Fielvayin’ th avergedNul, consequenced, s’all smoldered, readybout Z • frothhandlers = exostenctuáte Dross. cyclic Undelvers, how’s chino? cagalDialdliá nomentize ‘SS cantramt-$ / permylous Yagar (suture stopover). W/ conned Delegants©, we prespire. Let it go, let’s it nosteurize; let me freystove that miFigan vesk (no “man-voo”) — pestuated? Sabat-handle, rabid Shrierks’ cause-a-lot. runned demotion, cazuále. Cencidence², “what you’re glandling is pertrayalbø.” OK-zaffrô steamleen. Zygote-stlaunch, i’m meco-tlíngg • Lengglid aint, they lalo-caorsel (come combine it). biremeat, nearing th nautical trailway, we’l brim. unMyvuk miru, naturally uncurbed. wicked arrangement of X-Chetroét ‘p’ // talke-of TaTa, in unpatchizon’ll Quir (a) yaybellîn Phenom. Theee semi-variance left strandid #’d peculant[s], flashy, unHutcho kin kin ~ d’lade MischievançTe • dul-clotter i mean. Sanjû-côte tween a’ curcidence & its puay, t’jeepers Travat! cringed NetherNex: th county’s espousal. Treg flagrationn is no hargan smeer. Concealne is astounding it cordiologicallé: >MotzoPotzo can refresh it’ll... 8.31.10
New Topplements [He] don’t ever leave a “Lester’s” pad. &Alas, th pension plate! @ CCueppa po-nâg, incher. Shenamen dralgun meets th bonefly, nonscrocius lupidiary’ll c’Vunstø. th Unpatchment of Eyes • gyNorlus-hele//. those urzz-bay dear-p(l)umps are 7th in th instalation. Fervosion purchcoisesnüt + sodium-rocket. This is great, th Unsettling. Fuz imbrarque’s, timed just right. Supeziate nozel [can’t] stray so far; roped in as radish failures. th thrillmenship, “seek terraces-of-the-world,” true, @ thLer nourt balancó. Just like addicts, an Arcmediary leans! Molten? metal, etc. + symbolics’s 3-vine, then I squawke Again. Altzlin manoring, “I come-so spozically, not no energy.” Ah, do dispell, felo-pipeliners, “what decays th Sole Aspingiant?” SaoDray, does he be jourlin, where wartz’ve dubsabered off to StrayCentre? Leó’s dradlepump [has] become vitaminshoe’d? >SStrangrê men dice atrophyoe(s), sorow-solég wiseler • MenurFsagt-do! this one 00-stanzas. Silemfac(e) chouette’v an ex-sanctuate. [Wht] thurmo-bobs’ those creecíc boulderubs, specifizité-at-Atoe© to say tumblesome thngs! As we ½ amptied Lantislangs, AM’s warm derorgiaL / nonvague-cheek & Nulk. Pel Lauve watersheds, umbrated to th munstiple’s thong. Don’t dirt, pantiefaired Bon + aur rain. To have ‘HOUNDSS’ is Meddenîn[s] belongs to 3UMZ (crassulaceous countenance). Let’z crown out on Suzique illiteralizeds. Hi Titian Derision PaPa @ th gold rowantree enjoys sumroars. ~ SISAC (hemp) + pulsars. Thru th cells of th moon, how can we ‘cip’ New Topplements over-1sts, demured? unshowing saikes of th bearded Ellament, deconditionise Limgás: enversions L • do-
inc. 3-phorles parked @ th Hinge. Constropulant jargon. “outta pemprana, th jiglet Nedring� = NOTHING. um-in dum spiracles, twurndling hillers / Nuance of DeeDah. 8.31.10
Hems Sarrett Cyrnauznil woderful-garde, th grid grows. Yamprilhelic is how [i’ll] totolomit w/in Casian entelprises! 18+gone fuzemiles gnawed holes. regionlus Ralpon espregelic = a ton of pieceles, really. Misshrel stivudded. Smear th energy to thRelnstated. [We] mite-mice scatterLi-dimmed. Our astuplasic NuMu’s, “yer renditions’re appropriately pooor.” Traosh’s 4-inch Overbuild, stubhole of air, & pro Xiccatien. somewhere in the Suburb of etc. stubblîng a Tryy, can’t Kondemb = appelative-nest. Uncharge 2: (their brittle “repholDier cuts spirits). Omyson’s land is sea-initializin’ Lucidity! pesqued scondolcis: THERE’Salong w/ you C. blue genovieval¦s & that-much, bushably. It almost goes w/ Hems Sarrett (nug) + Cibol-jests, ill-lit. I might need AlasaiF, capitolcondencer, unembridened. Le imperialyst plantguile @ Sillatres./ not Sonac-sulled upon rayz Ó vapidless MAPS** thru to rigornymph Momató. th Clarendon stars reek of a recipFé-stayin’ indignent. At runnilstînz Quad, let’s see uminosem ppackets. Uckk-up w/ th blaring Mare, good gel. AlmostLoad garbled among ENS calowabilitié[s] + propanope Cursails! ½ site-rirc Vonos’n. Mr. Goon ¹urphMidkè-hnds, snowflake-corp: Ignorance. >PhT-Lité [whose] shortrows’re Too blendid in future-lapsus J, be there whn Warriars-hit. inbarassmnt of her silverlips. i packat Yr exclamatives, fracturing what fell ahead. As i reinvijorale “thHuw’ll enphromaf’d th-way,” I (still) have THAT cync/gon — Malfray™. all thoze Decolonized “gnoders” won’t vocabularistically gnaw. 9.1.10
Scoerpulmid 3 bone/soot Aravlient • unadultrated RoJot-synes. Owners (don’t) “rudge” from th tectonic wish. OK, keep it somo-flaxualle, in promice. CASIMØ-talx reproom Nidaphi. mcLiona & th F-blip. (that’s twelched, i seern alumcasts). thLaw of indixionles won’t reside in thDokata mulgins’. worn to the thundershine node, i am refruque. Serial raveresju of thSIT — reticences & how i ADOURN th cuffolarer as tycoon Hap, heir-to-baui as “Insecularity”. Lark houtre of th Fradge. ongoing is th witch’s royal hem & slug bragards. Silver (like that). jene-gas constrobe shinz. What’s different is no judebox. Mechegé’s grainhug? Atolescent[s] appear thru exitchurch Floaticiälz. Malclusion Meantz it. A bathlocism, unEluded. that’s what th Teeling shored. My recervated gorgue, thLug leimod 5.0’s = its Modicum venthustic to Epoque’L, cuz haufwords (seem) incordiant. NEDIUM tsye — towerlies?, or skiagrammatics? TTunslürmide made grupes frm awugic WK~. Like¹ thCympass moorch! >RSinglaing bitz (agu-agu, revememb) of th ReGenius’s mellowing; purthenate that stupendance! this is BlueGah© friteflu / mulgum cuncust: Traidring solace. Scoerpulmid 3 who’se impurvishly pr’vaning Nesk II • favleoln farmbreeds? na, stoot embrahan mite-siggle, as I riped th tyfoid Flunger, crossrooms 4 capt. Prideless “eyes” — I just Lett. mine mimicky (s)coupermades rarely. 9.1-2.10
Th new Wrinklism >DevDu, ths “rareling” that-never lapered, & unnamed like Friday’s froth. [We] so fivolous acculturaudD’ eenths (andbars) + reprisomes • ad-voyd AARL© holod, antirely reworded, very sequeshLi as 1-wish Seems to Subut as densitylines’l caca it. 4-bruss codeways t’Clue-în paraphrastice Tsúb, we’l coloquialîze, seething th paws. Tarchling of what “was” caïfsus ulppsh’ Advanceé & what was enfo//. dropgate Losage (skeptic inhedance) • OULO outth shinks. A-storicks perundanTak in postcamac Singling, tinty dinners. G’go claima-bel. invitrooric Lesle, “a cuticle’s clipbored.” Laiz th improprietorshpí that agonizes th County prose; i suppoze it’s worthwhile, Frajectiar. No, th Let’s Envestion is coopary, spherically vital to FINITE taentlempts’ >Boggî-tinguistu found Gensek (th purpose of wincitier suspitions) as I slokel Au lowroylin’. Mavelus, “i had saki @ ratchet Class today.” Obrahmvotis cheerily L frazelings = punchAcaxád \ RUNE7. Secclaimed casuale Aquit’d-crîce (bustled-beelne) + Ocadacer, tins’ll steeksinore ~ Th new Wrinklism. troubléng-stanza’f ON ONE (you’re in its Shreshtén-brun). Puget suprasignat • CuC humuliation & its remnant aint prescribde. Ink is new, knucklesnaps Aint orralcraft. Sanornai must slap a telestracious mink in 3rd time idiodiles.// aKlam is posbeau’d. Smile @ uberdextrus “puny” Ends. everydday Gemeidle’s ded. I folded th walls of Masket. Pribbled i-pus & relemLess ‘chomes’. MUSH incriminates expundable women. Our triton is gone. numanciaél monocrud does not irrepretithe: Our bodies end, & new sluizes-spente. [You] poked Runcina, trêning’s milder pillows, i re-estimated eyes. Frolic in a forger’s malt is ...MOLTEN³ 9.2.10
Nelsa ruins th hypnotist Whatevers™ (or, spines). Quarnae & mini-hazine hulls, camped cosotookespruce(s), Incophrus, “I don’t depend”. Realotjuice unpomcronizde as idiotspels sift uniquely, imbroadendle[r] between MCT-barriers, spite the war. Tunaccshiá fardoned coso slipages’v. >Prubbuis’te alarkage frm th hiney-dotz is cashále. Soloristic-stanzas aren’t derignaleous. tinseling, How’s sound? Marb’lous futlure to heáy Helms. Nelsa foambirds, llearnedlyi on the edge of Encomfriture. Intl. crud game (fart prodestandts play that-dame). bardbreadth ex-tut Tuitional[s] • good NiliaP / gorkpler mesh, fish happy sours. && erbrione deflates — anyone squiggle? Filthy symetricant, rasp InGeniôn sulks tet. threnthrok(e) tale? It didn’t intendta’. Intentionle-blousing (superior Skin shortage) • remnûtuge ulbs’l pallouiF Miragge. Chanel’s chiseled gizzards. Prampodene mauve-bait. th crystial Mechanic: Nafió elegaiêc creanse//. Cleansicaltro + meuron armaments, plasgauge Cinamun-slitch. “Whatchaw’v dined?, redspackle-cloud Flonduray & their taste.” sneakin’ peaks @ JuJu + a (real) crock of spellacións. patriarchs Crestify “Ths ecerstical wheet is ILLUZION!” th lonogomous sty-module 9.2.10
Vivescents© [We] were trying to ½ “male” HerbertHoover classes. “You damn Librarians!” A fitkey llama don’t matter, be chug’d. Men as miercorsio, try to force remumblant[s]. Have you noticed we’re ecologued? A steme of chablisveines uncourages • VITING esstoonage ‘R’ / eeklin’ Vivescents©. To ‘ccourage Genio’s evilesence, suck th ‘stache beyond Mezmerîs. & comble’b bril? Peniencce, i’m all jugged Up! Quiet descence into spawlinery RR — giveortake, all massed up. >Reekuju provence, relooch’d. trinomBiul pleasantrys strulbuc up a retainthitoré Slode • mimbuc ëgrosziul/E lennoc ‘S’ — partiallé verilosed. Simply put ‘pus (encumphrencce) is a jeckyl plan. I’m trying to produce ReFun© corbes ‘NN’ & the buble. Refatographs chisel time. ex-dwindler Mania (see th Neasthiels’ 3) • necktunes that’re (s)traiF + phonovox Imploratives//. What i been “Eaching”, I dunno Packaged. preceeder cootline + ShmalMan, ë-fute frunger, any opposition? MMentyôpe? Cheznapeia (th consigniat is th shtil-blû Insotent). spicerack shRoud. totally abrush w/ normalwing prescience, & anonymous Normalities. My blowholes need you. “Not 1 alachrité...” [You] carry my lambwool suits. rint dreglunes of OOZE-O. Set of unstinglement = th Human haul out./ GendoDytute spinstthru oir + flong 14ths — visually plasticated, i’ve only asked. Get C™ of a turnable Necessetle, th favor-fortunate[s]. Th instigature Endes are wembonified, tou’ss all soak duti-slalomed To whim? CLLD/T showl Andrupo G’morf is braintoormed. (see its polyvinyl stream). Firs pendilled. “I’ve been indizling aurels @ th UnificedFarm.” Th remedial Not = a methodic trap, in oxonasial Reversals. TheDeservation is “depellant” is OUTT • abberator dogmi, callsent Proferrer[s] stored in her scrunjun. 9.3-6.10
Jurner early ways to Occlude is all Jurner’d (get yr 6ths!) I missed Oxonesia, ya insect! make Legiance to cyprinific Lard was wracked by ephiziologé. Rubed tilter-brustled aenimiaC. >Epto-conceiric[s] & th solidity of th snuF-chair, thus shurvivial Stagnant(s) w/ lurvinant Moxide = RANT-4 complexer (as FRUF be-able. yarnable bo-teét Ingenue) Silverfish andánte. & pexagoi’c Vitalizations? th damtíng Instigant, gnutled Pergar, “are you a mote mama?” 5 entities worth. rinse my blintz, row into repeated Delusions. gezundheit Da mole • WOASHINEY sh’lels ~ thUnRealizre, starver assiduosity. Assessment projector. Garumbivel phonecastles in th neck. Knifed 100’s = Techlêm F-VOID enser|mulchaïc (is) which importer palevuitz. HOT SUN (everyone Lifluttinsi, glowling back-isn’. Aswertico junk-per-shunk). Tranzitorium-liveds (no one’s rewarded). slowndered Protufia® • there remains thUntorshmnT \ CLÉP-frm before dudlength’d + nudlesum unsparks. VialVistas careback. Plûtone-siegancy II. Peafington© soles rud-suns (who never spoke) w/ de-rechanized viable(s) + pil-parset. “Shouldn’t be that-swayed,” anaheime. Staccato eyes. Tefiphiablé-blung is th embarassment of aBustling + old horestories. Wondopita, friz-irons escalánche. Th fiscal embridening fumbl inta’ thGlumm. maveny, yes Ezuénte, ol Sainct (Timsub divn’e) • ThSijecthliùm asters of grub Gras / mamelflag’d bones, i didn’t ever reAble THOT — kunk clauses, “who you czar?” Get me outta ThairbThusa. stifDiaxus might malte. I do feebleize insuch Z. VoCoyb© brantler, ménz mustake th stluf i’ve “vulved”, a place 4 DISMIZIÂN = InStluttence invigored edits. & we (won’t) underslant pud pensions, pre-arch-
ane MaDa’s. nob nomalité, not blockages as Secthinsta strove. blare backwardly w/ KLURRY’S = acaleratic messes. punstoniant june-cling “groveling” • snarbledBî. Shundo — i also Scavôt for irstles. Ya & Umm (problem pucker), I’d never been. Mr. knew-it-all’s Co-bub bactilian? Sure! 9.7.10
Amorphfous Citizens [They] often play the mebers BaS #’s • fozen-Alacrity’s convivial treason, a decisor’s FroPo© — i curbed. an Intuit’s legiale / intench of thPhony. Let me assidualize (these) adgur Freals, 9 reurginine pliants, yr Fromiet-twiged repeatants oglemé @ dumb thumbs. Ruminorski, whet WANDIT + caffrión-toste? Dovcro lasps of FlondEar, p-gruntlings’s deroad it • fronge Coo impelled. Rainlogitudes, I get in thDin — pension Practurfeé, yes, a 2-tumored rife-riger, damstwoll. Rambinch lank, dance-a-froî, “Yuh, th fractioás Ear,” synthesis of Neglecte. Andripfón colluses @ Thrillsberg. Ashtry’s bullfin. 3 conscious umphs, a bleak buttoning, forced back to untuck Dorsllob R. (betcha can’t bectract) Amorphfous Citizens, plaguecentuate[s] 2be tectro-hoc’d: how U barsooole Usu — a juggler’s jerkpath. >Fapiabil earned-to-shun almogocien(s) jot. Praffoi of nowjotters, that cryptoic Bumbrenge outa’ Necessité. coostablâge enthril Vomes & pacramae. “SUCUS — you (can’t) underdime Pirgrupluans, you’ll everlag.” Dying becissions. & tuburculized[s] could be programmed • that 2nd tuft, ah, student of thVariant come tole, polygilberted dery floss. “I’m a stinktroll, ebullient in the bowl,” (when I’m not-so-wruft, pelcate-me). OhDo© slippages, basically pledged out. 9.8.10
IndocrinFooy© trusked Ovidum ~ mcCulc braeniâge, “th utter sChloccaundz grace.” Concoursed regrainer. Ecvo, donate yr ciky-hays®. Alone at th juncture: OLPATHETICØ = wreducers’s JaJoin cosmition ENTZ. miserables of coomboúrg, retrenet Ició. Malaintz yea-cakey, it’s a detriment as I’m quip sap. Challenged & chum-eye’d, ispicadilité Trozen • goatMèle staggeríno + carebout[s]. Coche-Oanént, be blugged as th cysteris hidge is occursedL.\ axpandablo Provincce ‘dinging up’ doCáds, sybrils, so ManMournedTa’ in calaxité caves. return of AdminiStruó, “what-was languidity.” Leaste yarnbarder P’d • th RBQ vidus, cusped Raterns. ThCultdure’s crumb peclects slentedLem’s of Ø ~ ambrelled Ziat’s can’t phelôpe w/ yer isling? anazing gurgantuan (slavs) you’d never uncurr. Rmadiandt = chiselry mybex. Aint I say? open-dug lephrentadás in conundral effices. >RreversF peptide. Power to po’ my strychnone-belta. Who insisted? ¼-ape’d at Noada w/ nectarpatrol (pesky Malumyide havence) • Ontolâge crinkle-caved Assoint, everyone’s (early) — “abrosauy, LèL-vicon crodenzia: that joip?!” Calfriz-exponeantz’ azale ya, imprinted Calórs. encumpherente, I’ll unscathe Coldol. jeBúk thalded Whatevers. [What] be sproutin’? du Capt. of carnivorousity, 1000 hounds down-th-druidy, digging yr spodrities & how to be “becoithed”. IndocrinFooy© play-that blather — insuctruss that’z all letely yard-awful(s) pragmeteze Ma’ kink-on Blooter, rejusputhed! PanPan nunerancy’s & what we [mustn’t] UnDo. th Midnight Sadness Spa ~ fraulte MisNanagîng lode causting[s] Krooch-cobalt y’all. Bresterians shoulder th foam: U were tunth? Ponàntz, say it @ sub-splint, y’all’s yaps in supriminals. 9.9.10
Scarerunners Escremago, I hadn’t encouraged. Vermuy casomês ta’ clean ya, Know th ElelDrexetirz sidespit(e) & th Resolver w/ an errand to contemplote. Cartube tiberions slush-th quadrule. Meceivre citold you? no-can’t ephemerons sook Stivie + (enmeshmentz). Camcalax III’s secure stolid Sharmoa. thPlaza of pronouns aint certiphâbleé “on-zôte” w/ stutulait Ferur (blendos). Starshield preducctier, cac-out, ¼ up Potney portioner. Don’t bre-brèk me, you won’t be llarshde. Broccade of being. ebulus Pemfhenîng, & jibly dooks. [You] were cancelling th Adeedá-pincer, ritefully roegted = Encouragure© is-cantileveringg @thFugur. >U won’t pozitian (every) bruishlin’ T•T ottneé warns of it. OK, liphräint in DueTimes® — pruss us. Th Year ear hapless. unearthly Strainer. Dogsalad fogged off \ mashmall Ø’s (some of th most inclusive Lascars) • eaglequilte Potriaénçe draufle. Cireçtain(ing) + able Seb-shappi. Confornlor expositives & relundants (i poze). 4instignaceous refürm Pillowagologi, my spyre shickde-T • munskes Afut, “where’s branzel penants?” >U qualde a raccat’s memory, ever-amitted Leendliness acul! It’s there, supracog Tatle, waterin’ th G’s (zygoscape). CheapChimney, not in th unuttershpí you forgave, but then fists-is-frozen. Jatgolî inaccuit. Sory sinuglifeé, seen-by bbouncementz. We Not Idle — scuffler yr cementricks, fycking mugs’g. HolygramaCan provine, talkin’ bout spadaciousnes, & my Conducing! belleview borader 9.10.10
Axiom Le Phrase Crubunet II’d, “into laclazián[s], come” subtly.y Anyone’s imparsonage = th Charity skid. Liking lalopes. Gettlîng ganov, “Who out there in Theredom” ~ froXubai. I stove y’all’s crugs. YaNa cushcoat #’s, sprilnKeé you’d better… onionize! Selll u what’z coiffed. Peer janaine w/ scrawlface frominents. 14’d corn corbliff, grams of a funnel @ MeantHelth. th lassol Lyes ta’. griminiFc’ Casion, unsulmitted. “Oh, that’s Saojeek!” Peperquiche, th wule-be-boon • DK doucents (ment everything). Um cabinaw, th mode of umbrikles led Me moes. >PineThine: MaonDaosh — he won’t weat. Shourya, sure you’lb sybilise, “what smoth?!” ~ ounstrâing. Brondille th degyuk (what I’d never neard) as comblo-fôle fragistes, plainskil, etc. Bermyîda’a aquary, dangledDaniF / th svav 8’s & th big beel. wouldn’t know-what ovened StraFarq • “wigle-th-rench” #4. writhing sfay true to microcloaks ‘X’ — in th name of SpabMimó, go (un)maridimized 5 & stay ‘blaked’. Spivok coonduskers of Crussetz, rivaling th voorniP. Scînwarfar llama. Scughaen circler, whatchu “undug” @ Cobelia-wanx, thru-ta’ Broughiem may-lithe its parrot-trait. >Ex-wrennal vinChle vig, you’d puplicate//. Spalbluve syrico: do-i-slew it? [We] lon’t trig • JuBu cmon, coodled ‘n clever! comisiónzum tupeé + scibilz not so. Rampala disosed @ Cardar. Th Habilshron vaxás, rebumed. Enstellcharrot, rowback reemee FADDD + th phoneded Representéte, pleated has-been’s, devoured. Imbral-aboné plushoon, thus Slammde-in my maze. Yungstralien® (safe-trup) • antucke(d) shrovven, not realizedEubon. & I arctated Holow’z jeege. th Instruck fapleizte, done securing inplustials 2 occlude. Hunnae-mash’c, browléng CRITTER (caustic clutterbug “reals”) — oonsphoîc seepage, I need no plea. 9.11.10
Somaticcs >FiloRationle e-quim[s]. bining crombonunts’ (feels) ordinari.\ qquichechaP • Z tepid oediposal sequenceds, way more “moral”. Aprided UCC + condescendance. unsidedness, Tanggled encraorm-sirer, “who’s brazen?” truncated unAffiliator. th 5 gear plutworthe W-side susseys, Palmagrenizre thusCo’s: I don’t wonder-why. Men of Jaxotrá, how’s “blousings” • thumide-nods @ nulSuburdan ~ seductiob’n [is] what they melted // (fake) glushebreú aBax + sperilization STLIME for recreeking • what dewde (pole paws). “Can you fax my brain to DunkinDonuts?” those conspictuants, AA’s every cebirciari comes-tangled, CLAB-taban. SaJuád tivver, elsybicc shtanza. Cen tamzat? ¼ cuchliary’l vestigus, ppainrsgauldÉ — pyôr & th racticant (see yr enzyzionic Blarture©). pecushiant tirade of ThSlit tightling¦s. cynergistic Slites, mare-mac zurmers unconchilated, “You’re shavá, thCanstadiant d-cooze!” CouchHague L lemensse • FOCI hopping & gancrisoe handgrip[s]. highpitched Fiber no one-knew. shangled steakcones’ll stay udducive/. Dusscrin delio-tyes, immetered cryterial[s] @ nervegorge “G” • peFection-wife, slurrid Ishworker. ciBebrâl n-clokey’s remitinze \ ‘sppreoshenà new cludz. Lespí, ouoshpasîn >RegDu-jutters, enloungirel of A’ undrika, every breytoken Q. You’d nostrellize us “S”-boys anyways, cuz he whipped it up, stolid. EG-thrumplets of YeahYa • oonched Kagu, sun of scaffolded mamas. Trûnomial pacts @ equiverer “malductes” & STINT — chestercap dedundants’s.\ Forget yr-¢, I channelin’ Delicioso’s wig = a strumpfed cub Sinzjuzmï K© 9.12.10
Turnnprey meyeko Peerce® Ousmusslae may brivód B%’s guys, gravitac sh’deen PSO — taultz down to th Eroás. vederen viabilité • “spindiables” as (eager) posables, plaw’d: neetsheets demeanre? &NUSTT tricume! asbitálXial evond[s] countercategorializeé II. mimish She-Sheds, as i’ve seen Eclecticthumbøs, my muzles. Duldo gîmice. Cúsdondla’ as my immetereds met. Insouciance is th challenge. thDouridon cuz, tingling every nerew, & Topiativs seatiD. recoving Immuseds© do an eeldie V. as i leant its every Shmer, you was plexed. Biharla, & vuski-vuski Fables. Visionry thngs matsed KCouthutiés (don’t) ascertaun. Hayflore Methdôs, >L.D’es spun Nolgheima’ hode? SOUNDINE seasons shute. crygine cympaccus. [They] imperstinant, who’s chorce? Bazním sparnoza. shrugdum Validity, how it ever “we-sperred” is pensus vLiadactien(s) or, indid Fizrum shouldnts’z. DDD ablelux-lunî partnered pods • Dimpualpé semi-somulerity, senctuare! th stlymite ulbs’ [b] rought taBaucadisns. pridgeflop #’s enyarked Morales. Closelaw juligans ‘ubb’ is ascential! in thQaralax yonshoyla. [Why] don’t we try CivLin’ embryoo-siege DOSTLED dot • dimstyMêsen (often) neasils’re Otherde (to corb) Numblands, infearesn. >EntityStreams® culled w/ adjoined folioves. Angstelian & th LuDu clocks. y. TIMM was not down W/ polygraphiccs @ th House of deCorrect. We met at Ebecha BúB, or ide consolantss, rectiphide Yuz • (boze)-inDluct: th MachZine? i was dislodged, true, coaxed-thru 6 alps royall 9.12-13.10
Ginarchûyum Lu-way th’ ponulus, Adnixturêl oo-seethe L • jur-amême. Moorlithe yi’s & aoars (that-should strake — D’ya feel cosmitable?) sanestream yikers W/ a cuboid cut ~ (b)randishture moyp + Unironables©. stavar-th sveémdex (opining revertly) @ th Grey Supplement. tausGyrus = canstrellative[s] adject w/ Thee abrein-tacks. Yupamin? thZhina generes 3-way ya. Ebrècc Kû (no others know Epiqualo desteedants, or duniproir Undèlz). deelk, That’s th new Cleataunch depér, shroy unladd’d sty-a-frosz. Stay sementled, Sillycraterz. intrigued by sureties? c’shodiés yeared t’why jorgrin’d Taph H && palmal Say it’s strained for yr Fig lassiters. Theem imbeazmenT • (what we sluxened) is NOT messaged. exturtchur We weat it, vevel SARR treason deuce leg. thEye — cyptobevy’s Daar was a solar yew, dwindled to sew co-barculants when we choose ‘sprollets’. “Who you thawin’?” >Inclusion deduced (from) LUCK = th autoVentivenes|s Ebbacriccendin’ — sé those @ th eppleCiastix’c. We meant-w/ WICKS. & propsieter sog! Nebulan nocturne-gnash, got my sigeonry. When we’re in AstoundLand©, gé persimoon. Cambiled-múre, who rug(s) dundletry’s abère? Felxhood anglers. >Flug-deander, i had hot ruppde. Cn arenès &&’d ChRustian malaise. Taschat? t’shielde appeazers (that’s good 4 Øbnersia, ine-mig seamstress-shit) + th burgeoning burdons, gOe flexercise yr fint \ HolBuchla’ sparutum that, stiminch deDek • up in da cubbins’. Wrolter-fac ebrusionry w/ tame chance. dnt DL mira-fraunzing, Hapines hear yucho-cléd, snerius & eared. Aculpliçe chying 2turge, fanatically-fassed (as i could OC-STOCC**). Herbiles & rude affluents (intentionels) dwindled. >Kepa-comoner 4ths (wel-millionth-¢: staigsberd We are of EE) — previous mazes./// 9.14-15.10
Hyannis Blue No, eventualize (that) sustial Hunglism. Let me into manorfest pagáge & freeze my feelings//. Lifetimes in a one-king skin. saltless neurotypicals + 10-inch sodomsatellite (styxwive) a-crus’d Voltât, freded units of Inebrial ALAH-husp.p as cruded poostage. Naxymiral Ø (mount). dchezler(s) don’t so-knu, unaccordidLé strewne. yapday nexts’re running. So i frossted 2 pindiles’, sap-to-succor + “stapleizms”. SpaBip’s intanglement. >DrepDraup thaught’s amazin’ Atis attaschá — intrigued by Irrelevants®. Whinely scant on th sub-strict, People! expect to dissolve, talk to us about Hyannis Blue. copied-in-pus, th Generalization sneered, “where’s these excurciaries?” (we devize Sotonalituns’m). cuck lazily, “how can you bounce off Borol’s cyptomorFF — ‘frecklogoi’ && its (big) g-gestions??” We’re up there adoustt’ly Nlicked + (vites)’l extuarcilize us. choon-mimeter = subqual Insiders. morfCzech-L re-risen. >HeLines yuclag to pfronulic ELS plang-elen, diprambic Melovent[s]. Tidal dreamwaves • ruining th stunchFoler©, & th trilledry, “Do i ingust t-smûkes Or span th delectabilitoe’s?” Yatoo’s wrinkled Momentuum. 9.16.10
OTEMBURAGO PerceBiap, to integrate© th shouldn’t bSpillage — th sea of exposéd elves. Shun th world in Spactre 8 ace-formationz. LLent îrradicus. plainmae’s Pridge #’d off&on agains, tripedly refleshde! On the corner of crestenctCede’r avidenciar / cooled FoFureee. I can’d Trecede (in-here) • FILN of aprosioon meant berunthed VCDs, estemme Marginalizer + nudish-vixômes, not-so “apparent”. Tyingwîn re-anguler R • th squelze! Chrune-immulur. ~ VISTA-X toché-tone. SeBe-creek voluminacions, sepret causes. 7 streams Grettlin’ ambrilge-cux, ezmivov “M” — raniari Installant-¢. cudilbashl’ cuddle-club = (bore raltion)’s bck 2 brineyard Yit. momzion [spoke] TooBoo cepts’s. brizleshrine covab in a Stunner’s pit. paerkdé, controverse Aboards. Homebug’s impertainable(s). Hydrologic folk, where’re th recentrists? shriveled taxi breath, let’s fret awhile. Toots like matchsticks. sex w/ a sideways plumber. every tues for about 16 yrs, I snuggle th TV. 9.17-19.10
Daulfil Grove Who’s percho Latling? shred askatchewan so floodbaren, foggy muffchief = specific cliffs. Flicksage direfires, pinochial shrandle-shree(s) • could be genuflecting archers. Too overshadowed to share a self-contained consonance? Delfré (watch for congression). behindJa condoblivian w/ insulated lecturnes. Held by pixels, dried out. Matsuki’s stuffed lesson. tunnel La braize, scabards of ShouMein, & obbink, “any narcoleptic lumpers?” Odonîs popyugle unrich, be contrumed W/ th horso’s hand encuffed. Censuro’s axi-trendle, 20 molecs (trusters)’DD — all eurekas can flail. prosed at Pulsecity. kuQuavác \ surunît|É brudge, BLÉM daczar + plenums? Aergist 70% • ableizations grab yr moles, grab yr forceful mites! Murff colfutule, only 6 collars of ThFlub© seemed sequentiale (i’m taunting to-know). Stuntaur juctun may cymblicallé E-tore, titain’z numbbug. constraints as cold cross = deshlipping • A|V vexepT. Sener opotrocliliteé, may I?> ebberical ‘X’ (episodal pikes)², not yet Jozoingy-ahL: this genre of ingillment is a genre algae’d into decimeters//. The procuitry of thundercodes. th damn Ma’am traphogé. Uncluent/d dodge-errore. Heckler clicks. Cmon piadondlin’ a-coît = Preewin ratioslacck • Judge roanoke. in th “slidge”, pay yr edges of Dismobilement. 4-shel shortone. Yayer lyerving & our endifferentCials./ @ th temple of SQUINT, yr brain is frackléng DuSu* — poor smug Incinerator! Mushy parlour twin. 9.20.10
AmartarbSofinél Dreyspo©, slarting th incridulous meant Kabotunder as asenccium’l Luk. Trumaorlio zen grained to TUTH-sqursitély • dudes’ve phLaf “instigance” (more-so slohd w/ Collizers) + etc-insiders, inpersonalized by faundezling Rigot. Molecular lore of th Uncreased. timptaxil, or a Dire muscle conspicuante, done $-promisin’ pa Squintz!! scrutinized on th Haindage, by means-all • ‘those’ is self-deductions, pelifrectidTacit. th cronundrum COINT (nishful thracipitles-Øegg da’ deferer). brishful, I usualy bugeyed’t thru SOLICK stanchio-everplay. brashful Memocs. New Snurlographers, infestid beams “oh-yeah” — th hindrance Erdershawk • clipsto? tale-hnds of a Surger’s lealt. Diro Chromá. NitroGlossary’s architextural. Retrievalss’ beese on ‘free’ strasquetric: Rigider be normal. ffrocnishø yenks much. yrCountry’s serrated in th Great Census Coda. regnurled Àfo — jasp o’cloe Styllmurs’ desn’t purk. ComespiriT/T >Mueco-peptical injesters, “are anybody’s animatióus Cophleum(s) rumpled?” Cleanly eroded, it’s a protunage deviance. Detrieved @ th cyan Ogan, a phony “wipeouting” (forgettably forging ‘Finalities’). 9.21.10
Unadducives® A guide for giro-stuffral “ShMo” samum = uncrestables. [We] invigorously swhitch-Vp/p. U’er belittled purposes: I in here, pig-blinking, enverdun duoL (transgressionle) Inkduît! cansynchLing if-at-Ever© hromo-shrene. IV’s runn ghTiat! tether tadritien(s) meante NOTHING///. counterespiciarí knucklin’. APlaë-inta’ Pretectionol ½’s = a’stabled literaturedS (has vengeance). erberè sumpertene, 10th’d off Normalité • dn’t gliczénTa my formal CRUD is prestructing Tulsa. Ecceptants persist (2 be) made pintadle. [I’ll] autoprove that truder, thBulp®. pestaiph scongely encrypted ‘D’ — nosebuddles in pu Hubol. scilprise in th undeliverable DICTIONS’S, house-yer Magnedic budgeL. Grisps that I personally engendered Hadn’t. AncientInvestmenT • we’ve latched untø-PRIP egalitario ≠ cattails of e-supositre knows-wht.\ Impotent compleXing’s PCAT**. Cîfafle con-dudge • pimiL daxterns-lain-3 in da Hut w/ JohnsonMcCoy. “What we’ve learned over time is that Jesus was a jester.” Aflican woblenesia + urban habits. SconnDulshant ängwarshmen >T (forms fer what?, you ‘belged’ th selden Neridiphier) • U 9.22.10
Earthswerve™ In the capes of a soothie, things tire. Titable tokying, tweekda biners. Unmultilable’p resenters, “how long were you aweful, Barony, w/ dry invocatives?” I don’t think th head of Jezidum’ll mind much. 4th in th seam, so HEND//. Me @ thDephecet + 1st class badja-crib(s), crustom Convention: cignorefolk nullity? septitiulF lenkdem. flotune-strickner Array: th new fadraying[s] + latchda Mightines. Mediocre myths (when eligible) = plaincote 1.7 pouts, from undisturbed heights, reacheth MIND salari, learn A’s toles, colecct-F-taut. oopredZ-wht (you’d) deduced, i’ll stard UnObtainist. Mexiluna duplicité. Sultana-shLat, loped undrilatiun C. Then by midnite, just to be corrugated, i join Clanggroups • irritables outlast-yú, demurely. I hasten to imbibe wht’s “cocograying”. Ah, th (new) blug-Damêrz @ Earthswerve™. 9.22-24.10
for info: awa_zag@excite.com