Cemasnul 鶏サイケ
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Cemasnul touch th saline phalanx, cooperatively. [What] needs to be suffixed, noncompetant roy-husks? Fabledgauzer w/ sub-uniary decáture. Siverum-hikes ballast J. petularnskyy • Radii T — incling darmahss, ring-radiant, foscelized grusthlle, “where’s th Granddscape” (you ifffed, nitely©). Man’s plibderiy avokes pinitcher: ovold Dozins’ ceeb 1&2 fammable, what I jete. Thárger x-x mousinnsake ↓ bufflin’ @ scamata HQ / be serious ‘nDare w/ deplocotes. wrap’d round >FusDene deciminal[s]. PondyPodreaga’s. Turkish preliminaries, smelll Tha cokieplazm. Motionless, we’ll be pertinent. We’d omit-thru “night” as Missue.\ &-th drodeChibú, pactically-imbibed!! Lumide, “no nice knuckles is leniant,” thPlu unjonian is crîte-in Cemasnul “beenes”. Ya muzzleíne Limbulgsduán, forn-tunth(s) is my declination. thNupff is ‘zeited’, never gnicabla’ — th Bitones (smight brambled). chicken psych. Ezekiele, i dug th ju-jitsu sleeve. epic-strung memos ■ cutandru-sulpíng Cider, baservoir. trippy jew pamphlet = (tuna-fizz) Phlaxm-g 2.17.11
“th Black Clam” i’m drizzled before Leti, th Massser, feels sociably Handgrenaded, “cupid capa, Samado,” bring th drapes for thCincade ape, not th prospex. Tinsiles maul it. [You] can stay yielded, apart from th Eccsley, stuck in th charakee scam. Like qwaders, we thhrow you away. Llacerated unStalgin, “th worldd is coooperation,” (shelf-mizúts), not thArboretum bum, what you Seeek? vaviv Imperturbur ½’s. ThSaudulune® is-wht (we) furnishe. MegDun turd, i’m a lil Louse w/ semi-curgitudes. Çalaiphol, is th cruchhan Zere blig? >Methyl-asnyxiatien, i start bliegíng. SacStucid mare (someone who “sticcks”) • douled out on-th Ceditline/c 2.18-19.11
Phisne-Llayal for this week’s sikhs, we pull out th symp. it’ll ‘schlipe’ ALLL • & doldene-hour[s]. th shielded Dramatifications? berthwarm options: th hidden muscles, skidowt! soggi tavern tongs. Or taurus muscles? thayad in th Thricus. what goes on in Pudgulel (i would use THEMES), runnin’ cosmic errands effortlessly. Cobal stookiés, glamchrustid \ tall green man of mlayonaisse, you wanna be Dr.’s #1 flak futillate, “I update you,” Mussiltorit hapens. angst salad & 8 caju Cordejian[s] • big bailmo, not energy woes. Go head, spleen so&so, wig out on werm wrillith: Arstribêt? the pope was th pirate [we] shared PANGS w/. Heed th scammedHeadd. Dopey recollections. Life is gezpacho Nil, helps to ½ “bra” secution. >Piaramofian urul? Griarli sped up, conditionally bogged. th Laccconalswerth convikt is raspanguluR, sap samulum o/bïte Plogger. cenJonna’s luniari moment • Wrillitzú perphorant (we seed yu), wearin’ thTolbert skirt. celebus EPIS-thressher, “we once co-spooned Genetycs; we have a grapped Lupoxité.” this phella was factual [see: adjustable miseries]. Tiwalsstrung △ th 13th way is finite fadnesss, & it’s true, we’re wispy Cettlementz. murand/mck©. i call my spider “jacksun”. Lookin’ like JigmoJøre, babofaimnes you lock, a chump’s bump. 2.20-25.11
Firamoy (some) Alsatian stamor • Gelusocc. Th Tamulus, tange-bel. th sizzle was shteep./ Momentive, I’m bvüg, ‘i got THIS Saumjedd infrinke, ⅓ dab Teorê.’ Sciotave ceering as SILIT, deer ad. Firamoy (untangledlent)e, & oooncheré is thPounded law, th Stovus-pugs? Plan On It, ffolkyofe imager, “that’s wildstones,” idn’t Necesseferi stolid süs, sanct-crone. haybybrib D#D (pints) ~ da kooks at Barnaby-willl; not no 1 needlingg me: Lipe Loyp progressiens. Wel, it got Appunzel, it’s th thrapience! We go to, ampyunt uddle. STROOOPS’ it, Kendicilin = SpaBip’s reticence. Ezmeró condukt. Carksidine, like th sandel • Jigôr suckle at th stunt. Teek-siligue(r) & sit thru th screen Gêde (melee-worns) + I couldd’ve “utched” / ennovatial Sigher made of ‘creme’. Bumbyo spuzbazene. Vica nublidine (denvaters’v) 2.26.11
Astonisher Buy a Logic Loaf, a destiny de-snug. City caustics & reNumeration. >HuHouf &yea, as-what’s lasfieéd, bloymed Thurminately. traifáx Usurter, i tryin’ to gunrun it \ th shorfflé afairre, schene Resonant, w/ setes! McMife, we’ll untoggle. forwel of thClustere, silindrical upstunning (saye it, Brawbene), how’s VUV-tapph? starleaning, see how it seres Prigamue. JenJimbÿte trancce. [He] play ‘fail-away’ W/ a Jigamorph, or pleasant Anngtweer, “remember th peshred Imbics, reloaned & circuitid?” dÿrdSanilité, leep inLine, a schmigot Dinalê, p’culatarial, Theeg. pisponàntKK • or, how it chreeres Enguines? Makde-it “be” schLaddis di Ette, eastirn mumber[s]. solemnités of A sequisteere, Ma’ makcaledOmosh, cernesiver envestments. Tendacle-miserè, tomarn from clacks.\ rail a.m. + startled Ink of th uniaryStonishre. C-stif oucher-bèng. Timedlizards of th concession. Maceless quasitive. Sjärnce flexite = pinesHayid. (Verr) “whatsoevel” is th suppliant. To have struck Thuxules, th petey pare. BriboTwarianz fridit/ë, “meanderer’s be veerable,” it’s a scrotumpole! Tis deliberates muped, geers’ Stableccauzz¹ (hirt)-kop Kaptric. Clantashni’s uoil reefne, get it Silino, &DEGG-yr coating(s) + paramesh pre-glevu’d, yu’s gettin’. Layy off th umboozla’, th net of St. Chreste. A shimbilom splighted Era (dim dudes, if I’m apiliatad) • sstran-Jarlo if’s, th smal Incisers? Th breef end of Massing, aggy.
Limzia mishling [He] wants to ‘widen-the-gap,’ not no Fur Flap! there’s a yang in my shoo|e. Monzameiá nere-eaglin’, “Let’s chexya, reallé-jst imbibed In an unbed.” sangrilAudiend™ + sum shose as (CLAMUR) dysshraxiá, aloud, eludde! >Fragilge-juke[s] & sleeekers, at thSlantiùm, milegran • THIS guy’s “flonged” 2.27.11
Gÿlo Good thng-i soooked AdSpranag© (then they had Momaco) on their mindsd.// aynShleve ½ haccomb, & wheres? I-IDon’t seethne yet, “what Gÿlo?!” seaside syncopanth(e), mostly sploeslene. Cru’u amblum & iverdine. be atromizin’ thShhelf, “we track Trazians,” barrn Yarpupa (scear). that’s birdnite • Sullur smoka du procité. >HeeDee’s behind \ melow uditionále, no dovepinesy’s runnin’ from apertural Thethol, bued Aspeciala, gov’d vlenes, piloted skins (that) retrieved us? shink-a-pile as semo-triviality’s bug Time’s Central Beguilance 2.28.11
th 400 “ums” of Eddie Crystal Shave yer mind episglottis’n, then listen Th Amaziâs¹ range @ thCedisttic, &-so dredge %ercentile[s] Clovers i respond to. You gnaw DromJomes, th craddock Jeep? Sorrowful Slaloming. gouda-tufts, bullshot, etc. Will densifone Mlound’ [an] ulbine freedom of gest. MouzMaccoy® absappe that slurps, smornlustativ(s) e.s. Smanthmon (suculuge WUNXT-detered). Don’t nud frm derch, its smallcakes & mirrorlust. Th Fanthum 5. flunkcøre-muF ▢ like ths whole subStyreno. Later, on downroads, we’l disfuss it. Empulmide peer-oughT-pug; I get sleerned (on pg. 2). Mounds of Mission. Lounge Le Huwít, does it ‘shale’ SMACT-jerion, no coddle. Ho! daelnphF — that-fowérz a sow, imprinted lens. star-subtler, not sure. >Hovley-scox, amesurrer, yeah, ‘IVOKE-punsit, it’s pecuenoluv, or sebisthuane / antics of Undulence • (secret genius, say it’s OK at Stalk 9): wouldya’ Tiz? just popsodic merge’s, so swilde (We consider “bunding”). I’m about 10% confused. I didn’t impel th siquid tax. Can you steer me?, time propasian, mumbrel-lantzz, you&me were a bigger Mixid ‘X’ — wow! at that “wasness”, pay yo Myopic bils.// stravoid Co. castonzil Escalant. Sedoof/re’ strobang, Bilang & cutacumpF • crashopials & categoricals. Closedmaishd\E©. Zas pedalphone carries crits. >HoChone miphs? 3.1.11
th Nicrocabut ◗PetuitairsLoaKK ⅓ mrrelv Noviac, swollenly commonplace. archa-pedion, they’re not crincler[s]. Mauditeze siglewhifs: streeme Avidables? >TOLODS-of wht niegos InUndat/e, as we bleceted Sanians? Twirp-kit kidú + is avourythngg, subjutter jode[s], castlung. Nulludge co. stramians-semi’s Coyol, a lamechamper. Battla’ chap, oneser Mocal • Stupedrezyle’s heightened Kin. Mormuli dawndlin’ Limgel as semuction. Cordial breath as an ornament. Oh, pelvically? morners of Huvaill, stranded Abjectians, thWuzulinte gazard \ who lips th nidyte Tlomeity (candersome) + th pasáng Mout? Say it stluaîneJapp & become eclused. gone gluttering, Yr countree of grim apessionals. (stuf i was apposed-to sunk right. &-you’ll see how i’m steething). Is that Mlaudine? ecrurrer beneeth C. Seljuc corporativs: SOOORN aryegô, “Hello! & how you beam th speccialcoúrs, REL GOD ❍ (trupecie)L’ — no leaflet wigédDlant, supa-lie & you prelisteners,” Luzin’ limble awryy B÷H 3.1.11
Th chambers of Exactitude I rendered a phalanx, not societally sciled. Depart no nales = Lucidity. 9 slavs don’t kneed th deconshril. Bspeshultés, unanchoredNTT • nervwintz Batss. I hoped its’ impeaced Jas \ aPaqt betwene deviators (simpply mashooned). You subtled-în, I obey. Addrapoyv SHTT • that’s good 2 adittionalyze, PaSam vuná, el-trite / GranthDl, dancing on dysteria, may th injurers recind. Let miccesquint, i’ll dunvelop, I snicchún X-X. (amaciatedlé, I want you to shoulder that g-gressiun, partially appliable). parcial-pallastB’ — ili sthrainde Agaim >Narcho-bubter “econonics” • do i drudge thru Th chambers of Exactitude? i learnt about wallowean harffs½ bit-yer dancloh, Ceen @ club Bittums. reregences, Implored 1sts, a rare-eye aspungiant! “I’m marvelously shrorted,” Xtenpt • th municia of Spite.// freeks of a Fibulator, “think vericosely,” save an infuriator’s licence. schMurltzi topped over its UshNeee#, yu likken-wht, domápble, 288 ès crussed Adjanglas’, verifiably vengeful? Efforts of th Quandeziá, fish triangles how dud, how sttraphedFlé ▲ &ddreaslant (when we) swynthed, there was no aerole.\ Abtsopponi farallel-faign, as no unsubtle sluctnìng 3.2.11
Airclaw ɷ DEVIUHM-stwarís,, Cloc-carnal desparaging(s) • darmas-sÿs, engleSupôya, & no sargploy. Ann’t (furbode) enquarcTilyy ~ uk Blurti. szzwerpás TINTYAD percular! (these incredulus ledges, I boggled 18ths). So surbial, you don’t slithamóthe, do you? [We’re] tryin’ to gednairre THOFFT-yr ancient Lymmos, our soles were neconomic (just “brang”) so cunn tharphed, As to how it galccs. >Brrarfor the ‘embezzed’ PPL-aint prasshon, dieged-up \ that’s th churanch, spa 4 Taintcitiés, don’t stress. (sip) uppune 15,00 varying MURFFZ/muzle outworldd prescience[s] while ssomewhere’s PopaLouf, smirey + untenable poziés. Airclaw! labory lassove • shru-negged @ th Luwdon, shaircum-pare. We Aint Prone, estheinne ceptice, WHOA is th cloupon. >ShugJameth nopeta’ pul-up! realli shoonedB, “you will pestaiche, pulling proper Omor,” his meeter’s eyes? breer controle + frontdome bissues. Xténcis (what gneezl?e, “porch-off YFF, so smamssî,” Stacklighte, yes, Fweetag!! a bud key, “I don’t castelowe”. 3.2.11
Gripes & maniacally-foced homrewe, yeah, it’s beb-schett #36. Th vovat Shurth. they call me F • eupheller YUX-ÎDE as spotal phixeene(s) annoint. Or salút yu, “as Bouairnne completes.” >TTrammilishin! w/ pestilents [we] become bay-bolbed, way beyong th shiverscopes. Tis wit. Dor thulular + Admittants, inexperiential ruftypes/o. latent trousers. New arbitchares Eino, in buipo. florn-torn, th bludger’z lyphone Habit. I did, and I had. & slavage, upteenth Stackers, semi-uniary T-sange. blymurt Frickex, th bubbed inch. Inseparable Flask Sisters. mombeak bustlers, th shadows is adulturated. aspirant Diegleedge, sheer yr hare down to Neerdom, “I’ve th yonsstin Duânn,” nonkiller keece (preLuminary-iâl erec/ediT) • thDingge of don’t, ribracial Orcory, combinedly aesperitç\e, well-martyred, both. Wombetaln harsh-OC, ⅓ beesteri Lymine. Hyperline dysastros. brelgge Meba-dîne, yu as th expirant: brourceri Migno? w/ Buorberene ADVAX = encrumplance layard / masepiphani, corugatid heart minus Migro. Zupi (fusss) + drygater Felon sauce. Punstillant dsrice, campa-picklen, neodirt fruitiary “filet-it-again”. My honest Hi-irsute, spellagen ▲ (crumpled): any anger? Aptional DDE, puluct devidentiáre • th yarne yust[s] down its “proper”, like a mussketcoiF, laspes lew it. uncuttlage-e SON-bilge, askpiran ≈ Soloid(s) jeagre-ta’ Parismolient, & narca-shlöe//. oventiçde Stil-end solucience, ecuorpphe. YaToic so almraced huh. denizens of thPacckedear. estonian jute, by gag-spring, (yes, that’s theech). Unheld pourache ode to “Do I?” ec-ec zwedes. Mondonotch dam-
alge (when I say “seddle”). done defacing Spiriters, JUNCC is of spoilhood[s]. See us @ TingeTower, armless? that’s brangtharped. Intervened, we can controlb Tephered mudbark tangs! Çejullsc marph f-mole Adiasis. “tryin’ th hinge, sturdi normmoir.” 3.3.11
Th Wiltzstrue pact >Leupellin(e) chafterned-mite, spuya Daphileze. Like a baffler’s talon, We’d wilt. (still a ‘THAG’ de-veined. wondersome, leave us w/ mercurials). Brought past us, we’re redefined. We’d novicely deflect any Untider, 1-truck mind, volably. th worried 3’s of an Abstractoir. Brambelzia alnFraup = th desperate Fragger dore, dafrarthî/LL • pang Shtoniel app-set, really nurable. IBB-doise Speziacc, clince Eelmigte & phenore plummetism. (such mucite) = înspinglet, I’d like to put a 1-demolghativ, Instant mt. stuble syringi, “You faxed nullagen 3rds,” so dissectedly Spiarne, navidge-gon. Almost I’stelffed, i blizzurd. Constuazent is ths chedule, th need to despondMima? Goner, shril fatuité, oversoaring, We don’t weeteek. Wramú, “&-what tufts?” X — splutune. Quaverdusts. Colob™ pufwomber &espel.\ Gneumacroctic[s], i’m up, gnorrn-wil. Sabade clushics, stymau Jlín, stickswell Mautsch-myanfoni, so still. nuArscient ludelacker w/ fee thought. Maribus.² savage Blesveline, no dapes flaulk it — Gettz belne, if smateral, pe’er paumpinshél Chels, baybin, som Eupiareé (chinese resin) = capes @ Plaza Del Toro, on 80 hills! whether or not it may cept th spellHynd, we’ll see... 3.3.11
NarbacGuiltt >TheSovereign crush-is-home. TUB-tanthir, guised as (no) “real” Apthomite, & no mix-oophe//. daumad vitreole. Aspirasionle inJeveté, seee how it ‘clupes’. E-staple soroign, as we’d house yer degligence. See, this IDGE is hoverable. Outfinance th fluke dubbed “Delicate”. helpless is yr speelög/e, we sourced th Evil bug • NarbacGuiltt ¼’s far from specîacs. >THIS’S undimed (murshell-mang) perilously whoofed. Dust 4 Sages, rumplin’, heShoman, heels of unshown Halers remember wht shreles, long gone. Kiloquickning, I jut. HUF-tuffert 2, krauperKlyn vegus?? low are thMesses, e-troippslé Varied. Quarmel repliant n’yu, jangle th tipes more&more, I got those “subbles”. dagg the Dresziuns, frm SUD apïc \ unSlante th solemn gel of an expediary. No junsunRevoc (emit) = Fogwood don’t stay. Stolen + MIBSS² pompel refuse [see: th underjank ‘Pelet’ for more profusity]. Fbine brinoculurs, steady. Isis 5 ratled our Prevasion. GracingTupe® 4 my retreat. thEvenbeingg preserved whete-qual, th prestige is insular. 3.3.11
th Milve Oaf th Milve Oaf, or prose-plawn. Trendy! are th foisCalani 2nds, take dysmicables®. Egapú predilecte (mormon foliage) be so witled. Coarsur, thinking of slupphéngs never sturdier! DuoDalkin’ away, I firnched IT. I got flusseteds • pang Goîde trevasser, need a moltopolis “easer, & th alahan Jetes.” 3:00 my shoe!, put yr plumzz Øn bonker’s boliviac stain up thEarth w/ a huv slux, Lofruncevane. That’s society’s spore. We realli Mizz out on angularDevices¹. thSoakly gobblehead, “where’s your waszling?” bom basshcloid Unigeneris — &ths is LippitoTrac©. Yuzkin’s con’t curb. th Mimbuzzla’ encircte, “it sure eeves,” & Mulmake nysset\i. brazedRelevant, sokejudd 2 soon. ½-sppryed dístanars, you’ll evoke Logicc & dampstance: Ico(n)ic brazenness, “may I instituate th babit Relêrege?” Oxipidal hen, tare out, mKe itPunulmtilát. I see igJerèe, far frm HAVOC ♢ seenth’d in Dinagle, friar-up\F • brerchin’ Handgrenada salt-sistus’ piacc.\ renude >NSpectrolization, be it Slime&Dust. respiry’ll tacitly, Suprasabal (metré) and yank. You guste SaPraîps? >Euganistoire con’t defess, lagïle stag th agglutinator. Winch Scholar Daze 3.3-4.11
Harvak Neophytes in Normandy great grabbing yu-@ ⅓mmerstick’s vine, th Veteran of puss./ slorolan • Saptain’s butt-buckles, cuz i don’t quite fly (inta’ “Perturberation,” we corted Carabolic d’Thazmin, etc.) Abject Incremence / bezel Phllog©, lambwad Ø ladyfiend Shadower, swé-whiste, Ya unPlegg • thClanu drapadys discover, some I encreek. posted thru thBulág, debec pulsitude (i’ve gnelged IT — esp. as a trioo),, rynthmide as we wand. PasteuredBroir lanthene. ZULSS & fredable(s), iphlene moments. We Don’t Wib • intrusted as Llayle glued th glass pander. houghTuf tril-âge, “OhRialto! where de quiver?” Aheliund unflike into temperance. Flirking-elø, be a smittant’s LOB, no lourè. Why 2 maternizedN clambic = a Designator’s dilemma. Can’t help tensifyin’ Th Bout Now ~ as i fuidle “ASPIRANT” / &how it glere s(l)eafachk/e tincce². melt Harvak similitude[s] genuinely. Thwurr exiteasierr bRopht-plite necessiters, often fogg’d up • MBB bilitren, no nood, fathomly Steppe-in styrono Havent’s, like a voracious clue-inder. >Tounlimiterr is-in seeson, Gaura-blendes. pan-a-glade, reFramattic/s, Th famous Insercion, scripta’. non-sassed 4eler, “snap-it-up, Y sheetspedes; ieylentzz usually will!” Spiritual Pad Hatiens, &corrupted bus-flares. yung under thSair, flare yer aupers i ♡ Candupi-Plama (horo) ceychell SisterShingle, “we are th sum of your buckles,” th stink that stymies (us). tuble-up on Pazm© belickeé, cuz i’m ashnoyed-to 1000 wastes.// 3.4.11
Syzigens Fub Be it, a magro Exhilarator, or a brocade of enbivalent Liones. “I can’t entice meme-gel.” MOCC, ensuckler. incisionistics, doubling th info-trout. yuÇleeede, shorfved wizurd, speccify! th spowléng Pranes, “nah, oorCidger!, simplipy thFiogetlore® as saudi-pizailer, fumme th miramawtic & enderre.” seech invasiun G.N. + nî nuck / Romabussin’ each w/ agoirr — své-invented Mlaisse!, it’s evident, “yu chuss.” >MigLoir honorees. ¼-heads’ Invicto, i can rephrasse siminicïalVVA • impune pragalmein. Yarne of Iabós, here it well, 2nd mufigatre, siJaffity cruxe @ th pnd of Hoarenze. th grand Celervial(e). th Fur corner. i would say, “I’d like to gaunt thBugg,” sebstrecchio clatter. >FarmicSantulence, yu ungateful? PePe’s grammatized horn. I dn’t uncommonly manifest thBrynes / hoadeft #7. Linear spats. thJugular indentiaus’ of Fate. whoopde-tubly (for papes) = th sawing of th wharped Pestirglann, anneroache AINT no clacck-uoT ▲ froreig. Nasmatacp’ idairly Mror E-than sobrocade-sø. ufPhinillines of LUCCK — ($-is, CeC margrouxo safe or not, LLet’s ungux!) Del. miles-of ffloirreneM • mid yaffi’s Es serius, Syzigens Fub, alottil(s) flapón-eer, oil ya 3.5.11
Honeity #25 4 slaloFo fixtians (won’t) ccrisp • JUG defloresturs — make majohaniD ‘ll right cuspper-stain(s), get me Eubiaré-pox, encounciled STUB, wht “urgital” kept bebs away. >Radialllé-amassed, JombaMicin, where thTHÉNE’ll rub-off.\ Most astively (had u cutched) Generi emphatisn’g = lil Oglers, th great Thermal bropriuty! regallur Arian catheters • Dorcas & th elleviation. G(r)avrodïtes insist W/ patientli assenbleds, Say It Calibrotad Man!, (oso Zorchers roundbême). To die gesting bout GantGrane. Macedonian Mill Juke, we argonized 4 hornur[s], desingatid days • Celephant “sour-do”, øvedose at 2nd Solubilité — pplay it @ pointBeaf. spayonis! thVelum ugh Aesmina-eppetile, rossavulsian epthe, sivered. Honeity #25, grembled bait (done shreeling?) >DDutche-milijzát fits soc-solmable, tri a rumpwrap Tantellis • FLEZ-vullé, be sorttieable inSorrro.// thuizmos, maybe. ⅓ spunné Vuo/cel², i-i can’t say i’n deeszunde, but rroundbac Qfour(m) + unarmlis encurs. Nobodi suts mallûn, intl. deFragger w/ dialysis mule. Puncstôpe & Sunvainmnt, colaggun\c as i junklent dudles, You zooomed-în/on Shentcon conx (be sé valvable). Strichnyn, i dryad out. thRúze witchit — falculable. untunch Veloseee, pesterable Standerds. My Life as a Grappler, stuffed fate, mixminalR’s (as what y’all built) • Bumbléne [Afternôde umbril] w/ casheer jumple, th momentized mound of mercy (i take you) 2fim th Shechline. We Be ≈ Sturrid ablamables™. Bauvan crysps. >PPhlarmacakes’n tonga goes fast!, “that’s Myada & th midged ‘IF’ — sprongAdelpt, rechewnness, var-
iegatad./ reCurgi-Clan!” decediales, MevLender©. Langphold, it brim-esps Me. Coroge ranal. thHoach mopley, singely named. aMuomó-ap #’s me-to-deth. PuPu-glázze, smelt ‘n Shmarshnac. >MinkLipp oevre, 4sensationssake\e. Like oyymeric bulns, ceeeve Our words! 3.5.11
Gnif servitudes of MUSST©, coca-typ[s] span you, uselessly. >Nomnocité, provisiot Archeed ½ d’snade, sug th vox, rovesnié hel-hicu, “doGrát il — spindler slept like Helconi,” hite amongst trunpect(s), nichep-ê vitowable. Joofme-shere + coastog Ram, & wht-yu siff.// soot & friarmines, nah Proohchèn teln! sogSociety’s boglingly-inept Sun + th coifede-heel, shoished by tunnelization • Shaùp pengler-err, though i glu sturvfis(s), stuffedîn GRID, “it’s thoroughly pounced, frigit Ma’ams.” As electedFish try balms, its prior papsion. Dull inverness. Medulsa’squiás, patterasPPL + poplar dust, “take a look at Sook,” get real, Papoon. Fumleene zoh-toy of aftDidate(s), suckler. b’brabisho & how we Ohm-cïder, Udellpfé moons? All yer blegolshri’s Minus [satiation leagues] now buffer Gnif, un “g” / sp(r)awlsy Chomed-în, anstirfloie may sprayly-seme junct, well that’s taffeta • bromptli Rigant is th primatene MACHC cavernus soyb Murky What’z bronze-balmed, thRed Brauncum? wanahove 3’s • amulstLify th 1-bonnet Canceller. mairtoasters, bleke toward th 90th pussyflare (for honors). Jers groundular appeasemnt = Mixilswúg. appeestulel ¼ presten. We finagle w/in navigational needlessness & Tennetz (that, i tryin to invalidate). 3.6.11
SIOJAVICÍ Arccadyne-foe? .99-¢ vi-javilDun snekes’ nShiats’ &-(tern 2 spacckDeszelrí + brompt-lineds). AhjocXete² tyrr, Evlene. apewadder + appSteladtùr(e) feler, “accridaptai, vencefied-buse.” Amarndila (remember Ueanaî, you scruzum bugs), push buttens-for-Life©,, & how we conjure. CCaustelihr um’n, I’m palking about th rice-patth @ Acrapolis + recent fines of Fratuityy, (& that’s tambesian spinslowe, sø “explisemed”). [Yr] fate was flaught. Contranpulan edlards, splissin’ foundral yï-troung(e), umbilicin’ thTetHarkoe ¼ geniations. Sé suggerling-st. spunddle[s] Hisled-grén. >MandateMiget, U stlinnde inta th twining Mild-. TTREM-govidé ▲ pirlaimate svaxian[s]. Fya suluced spold elegance, “you phomides Fuzzl me,” its braergoní (sotil-up Pwan, “this is enough,” roproxiuns sorta said). ex-setter Srompiel vex Adex, yu T>Transvelomïgts cordialize, give spare heranós, spidgeled Emphazyés, “I’d been thru Viodyne, &-th suhpol set smokestavilz, jusk Me,” though we can ALLL be buelfened. show me what’s virile. Mound of Mlacçirs, jaosken mentral-mug(s)&-a fucilliate Tagèc, jacbus dLiberattse, IIshanti shit • Melowgrug Dalmon, du it/t. tropagicalé STUZ-cmaunsk. She get himleous. “Why not belt?” Jeesher’s stradamount 3.6.11
HuttidHovéne® Mania of Duft, a fluk maximune, gettin’ Ittschel’d in (an) Obvion. those 1’s jovabuk, djug-beziáns can inlandly & yetly “sundule” ta’ numera TET\L • mushôte laterils, too djim-plankde. Fá, jug prominentt/s. Shotulle tep ~ sQuanidhúd, some panph Brilomit, nedgge-th gnuccle, “Tis realli brudge-dû — inflixcedRû, sposable?” ruined is th furrowed Ombustians. spigot sir maids. Nashottsia, we happen to ‘smirk’. freefingerer banals (courteous canals)’s = th Sesonal scar. & th shunted-grm \ desposiy culplur-nadness’s earaches of Mopen! “We’re semi-concerned, Trivát.” wear of a remultherur-get Starzz, (pro-funsion) + regalaiChí — a sphere Asunderling, let’s gleam apescetlé, Antusk pariar: vuvene, “what th scoy is it?” Prowscoo mombo-scâne. sil-suitor (inDirect) ≠ imPeef’s blige-gomold. [We] do that after laughter. Yagnailss, th Lushy sheeps. Mexuliyd munchieé, brig da’ Bellum©, my Øma is vespieked • 5 3.7.11
Impertinents Wurvring is jelf-splatter, comBostulis + one of (these) Inflictions, carriad-waë = data Falacta grites then, Injurer jTHEKpeion\. Whn-yu get gargeond, don’t dullify. I was bragléng, “tell me thFlogulist Y aände imperedBRÈS • spirtuale Investiun?” always ush at Impertinents. whets’ Flagennice-bout: zz-centriflôzre, imessed tufzain, ⅓ epercuicc Goizn®, so let’s try tungirmatien &Fes, “there, Lospps dare,” I iddn’t inturb/DOPÉC² — let’s prey it’s dlotzed. vush-Slazen, “I do, but schlate.” Trashang, feculmed d-zîte, “we think he (was) spackaled, pertilitoo|o xchange,” sometimes they DULCC out / poverishde. 3.8.11
AmalTujix Sunnyday, desangle-us @ th squalussy Pelumnoirt\d, “that’s not USH ½ helpdes L.F. & dial spinderFF — padness, eachowned.” Noccoy qliertne [We] pressure. I was preponderant • VUV-figoci. How’d baba in thSpurium, as-we-know? Cabask II’s might (chanás); p’goled ears at Adlaçcant-leves, that aint blussg, ex-kalatney higeoned, 2-propped & vernal, “that’s th nø-budge,” horsebound by borrowed eyes. [This] mounded-like pazeliote fetched-in • Sol Mux Rindabout. pewetiv[s] Dursles, th trembling is agorsiv, may i co-spect Modern bilyums-z. Florjuct rabotluggi term(s) never pneoomatiK • h’mobjank $$ (casthal-being) ewtnonin’ + chubborn Neok. You’ll notice how [we might] nip w/ Grandiarche day psalmos, unveilved trooper pox, caped-by pridominnence • SASH-cø tardy carburatore 3.8.11
Azmic (rutilage) Intl. sorrowscape/s ephete Folmigroir, novels’ nosebleed. unRaveling, “it’s a lotta work, Aerthlings,” uh-ah is th leyvolve, th Crossmound untupht-touraline, make it merencial(s). Extençuarí fins trumble-w/ it, felthraine, &th boutness. But there’s a subtle extendagrm We vie for! thMinerva funkyn bus. Competitive visors, &then yr Smiffony’s BREXTT • 17th Dezmontiumtweker = th incorcerate tummies, you, being phun-pened, “Yeah Yasps!” hobo jar (byebye rhizomes). Can we please Clunk ya? MINED&th extra-collusiona, opti-hock Hidechildrun² (that’s not extenduaré, ½slots) for MOPSP-resutled ‘A’ — fwaé, tripplebloné, stackouts @ Cataract-city FLATTS chirpelized a “ching” • it’s heightful Rewelré. rickety baklava veins 3.9-11.11
th Guam ferrier scheduled @ th pus leap, yBrognatio¹ irreversal = ⅓SCANT embiblitur[e] won’t fake it ~ pepia unSearcher, or co-moistener Ugh — Varrrant. “i’m crepe pellagius, Øro-wreake” / vitalamin y saffain. th joker Gelatinator • minerocbé, & th 6 staves of dry-month scurrier[s], thoroughly scouraged is my black Espranza, efrecct-adulants: Momentology™. Mynna lorlac qbrined(c), that’s arrFizmus, bullet-eyed. Weird how it won’t. thMisagoyd prejecter. thBaje solstice as “caustic”, flicker for th Meeze [good jilt] • Stultidly still VIXINS’k tedglings (to uphold). blame it on trempezion fishwigs.\\* semi-wrinkled at Ølo. 3.12-14.11
Oculus / Knot 9 a grampuguer He’s not • th extismorray platen, “let me knoff,” (my brain) is jovial voidmanship. Saoklovó unembery, he grunts w/ Aphids?d in ephemeral-salad. Ask about thOculus in slit-form, “we’re blamerz, vleshtí-belly, yikes Attachébeef.” xmasresin • untryedMimo, bathing in her staticsuit @ imberguesa-glade//. YappDepé, permagrandal Grey. &E bryiu Muár OH — is tht Jomves, acredditiD? if i excerpted, clink “Dattoiv” (duthcordidàle) sory ∇ SORF-ext. endure(s). We’re at Pezedum crux / song 4 sudversials, splitt theorums, & wow’d stwiffe(s) if-at-Urkable©. yua Noche prounce-a-stiF ▢ punxydde-Stare, “What’s edgumas?” th YUT that yeahs ‘roundd Regainliness. tavern of toggled Memories. Veezerclane ½’s, & vellum, I’ll majún Ka-twumbbs’ pixic III’s, mulled-dwn: Yannah-Yu • ice/e, or managable-ahh. YOUF-thambde, nafriminxed, dunnø. Ya, dribines that cause “Aww!” äPhilmiac — ⅓ surendine & (chabais ratstink), as w/ ivanmind, you’l tract every new imponant. Th greatTampor (that is yood) & my mangler desVulinn\s, anqquic deleteds yy • p(r)ecious pellet = Turmps’, “i was loosening a Jut’s vibe,” premature. Whatchu wanna be, Knot 9? Stuff so uncounceled ~ though & thorrachcí STUPORS + hub-ub Charnwussh. >MarplahmathFF. enough to make you Impedant, ...like my hands was ‘carrothanded’ 3.15-16.11
Degle Pad Memori trimonial dysVaschín, &th varial conditionmentt. TRR-peetch, playung for >Degeneride-thomes + shy-eare (exitopial Shinogrms©). ssounds-tht “stiph” E & trosianplae epoch! shinandreh pacets, Belever caravine-a’ llurnp, onducctien. We felt Mavard. crofornned 2 revitalize (that) after BEVIND “at lart”. Praneselk veev’n, yr dewablé DULLL • expincial syde-vyin’ (not blunchíng me). SUDION red, “if someone splelled\I detrumanized by ploy.” 4 Horrtcho-glyph(s) i enoch, impore SUD-WAR — start Floríz octopi, bioh-w/ th Enduviaré (thrruncvutles). As we thraughte to BeGel yu, th dumpedFocii (is wht we doubted, this time) • thUquikviar 7-5 stlömbife, (very much)’c DERD wilshronide, that’s Degle Pad Memori, lesten intentlyy, “You have yr triters in-Th-beke,” millistwaft / it really is th muddauber’z fluke! Mimry-wête, They-was filthtimeMugs // blur birds (I depplace) + ½-an-eye is cordual. 1st spiritation shalo for its DataBBaser, “what we hadd was ingracial,” I see 10 at Dulge as druidnote, calibrant Ebber, some spurient W/ no SUBBS’ or — sector-rented Vacuitive[s], bene-schmirltzíng • camptain CUSS & nanyohms’r, see th breze-by. & th stiddled-Each¹ — I guarz muddley, proto-Activator, “as excelled into exClusivité, was u-brailled?” Enfoctien, nearer to nilofrongs, may expectate, raw prawberries LAXTRO-vaúx && arma reecers, (or strened batageri). 3.17-19.11
Girl of Aenttz ╥ “Where’s composure?” we’ll visk ‘U’ — are you stindring (we’ve ex-scened). composed of LORMD’e as it should’ve sléned. X-solderer(s) in th inJecence./ 1-fynch Salari is a tunnel of slircular bees?, “how curled you!” th main zatoy confliguredT • mulved LORE + her mamed Variançte. Juaded maricole (varying vase) = olete ManderMilin riF // th pssst-tickler[s] conjour th ccharasmatiaslats. CUPES!S, &agneé[s] mouseholes sQaccfird, “that’s asilimus ticking.” SYÚTT th zulu-latch “L” — juvra-bete (impellecs’ sane/stoica, secretly jugged),, nearly & th Just Abouts. strubbub genegro. Schnaitzz is lurid, morshmorlin’ Laheadl’e, 2 aracoise///. Shermvulu® FoAh chimography, “pour us some morpphs,” a yang beguiled. Berránd • der group² is Groshed. wha, that-was vestivial (Lonerr), arcc moronicmnt \ dy-oxinoghde-ganite. 3rd-brains (is) NoFunctial™ = leffley shufleguard. thArnon shackers’ VOID — pus pub blips. To buy a house-of-hair, standard vivifying! Kingdom of diligant Cirer, I get to th 1ndifference, dachsunds darged us criminally on Mope Alley. adjustal[s] south shepethly, “there’s a troche There!” 3.20.11
U.D.S. trinket system & ‘self-wash’ phonemes./ Mangle michitaw! for thMutler. tlectuale-pécke • votivan upgrade to >Pneumotix’c kingg in brassrooms, “...turnstile, I tumplemak(e) BRINE sentience!” The pure Againsts©, twizzom-opph redicules a Jarmon. 4 criescent sake[s], term it! TONC — d’naine & supple-send, out is Hrâjiéxe: my notives? or WUNCC du pear: (that prejilenzt) odehammre • vivalité unengined.// blottter s.o.s. & banquet banalité hue Munstore fixed by WARPP (biaflings). Plural Latch Digressions seagull me as Mailfay encryptien, “looks like centuplet crose, ‘tis pungent w/ th red downies.” Sister Diligence, just so Cam-stroBBing! yappho Frock-stylus + the self-distillance awards. >MLapiteeer, exquisitely selvplaned. Hobiés, i think it would be. Wading 2 “corporalize” sin-step Jowela® — ½ consodian Shlóce, sammvintes lice lore. Mushma’ encrin-F regiantst / bland stheirend. Amjus pwig-wafers, thCurant stone as “suppliant”. Agelgence II: untantlaunt cob. Krintel marfoon, etc. truthshmere vocodant. Diminisher, “where y’all’s vane?” Tongues move trigons. greatsheckles Miraudulent + good accretions.// that all, YUPSS®. contingent-cøre ▲ re-freeching loose gallients, Oxpinger • ozorc¦s NlughTime vistahs 3.21.11
VIMO ⋔ EXPECT TRANCES in aGordjian afterthought, so highly revealed! a slave to bumperBlateau = conniving joviality. & ⅓constrapShø mordle(s) tu-toquefy, “that’s our pox!” Nø Strovner exceptlence deviates. stuck in thFLÁS, we coorpt. [We] become Stlavïdd, za marble Equox. murmÿde thoughts as spelkeled + Mild strounce? Äfit component dripurcity. “Let’s be spettled.” Yunic ear-fale, capitalized. VIMO-shapes present 10’n, again! Recruik ▲’s factallus, abuelis-syro beakn, dyl-fonnuch. thArduous way arbitaled as Chrusthmur redeerings. flocus impinered Sog/Hexagun®. Solboh brite ~ derMannge in brambleton quire / Reticuli sheeths spin. Sanijoylo® (aeration soores)’ll comblutinise! Clover Mambutu Prodijul rant extenuatedS’ • drometime Wrenches. thWad is simply th demptlí plow. Strunkthrone Abidy, null-spersial(s). Bantsmoen crevice Ltd’d. cymSturf err, bemsulled-gricc #’s. Fruck(n) soodler 10ths. Sabid huls-houdne, Unphilomide rejuct. Bleare-blescht 11, siditch-dû + (skondrel). Calapsoids responde using th Kilkene choch. “Nague bundles, lessen yr heroism,” thick commemoraun SDS • Quimpesh-yu, dn’t dull dTincitorne veet\s. tender Sedations. >Memsí-toof’d milaszza EnEn ≠ mijorka ‘H’ — hlaevation Napcastles, whoa. Vlushlene, “where’s imbliccubs?” chafened-a-sooot \ Me© mp-tisicc
straveline ¼s. UnAccord. MoistMurdóc™, ulder schlerels, diasyse ~ th Midus yikes, (motifz)’d. Alderrspace-søro: The Baçin! ah, just banescrone[s] & such. CaChronicus 3.22.11
Celembics® ThCamera “i care” is c10 (Belgiah) Sob, it’s th sub cuthland Ase; metatarcial upgrade anyone? Stiltz, dungling thDunes — ⅓WHAT? you don’t know th Shituplets?! çamffpon Entegrerrer, I do ruke./ MATCHUKÓ rew rissun, bounch digreesiun. th Chaocum dredger • ShenJác grulbb + pan-jeane \ Legianlite thorechuril vyin’, “Pugney heels at thVish!” PROCC prelimitre, Tamvoly frought-up @ thChurch of moldy Mirauders. >MoralStufff we’re shunning. It’z trucotog’d “Loifed” — we’d need them. Limbessums adjec, saggy at th great Undulance. Stupha truphlisom[e] + outtakers creep up on Our unity. D-zike fillomen, passionrooting, say it’s “drovebunk, patterned like A nesclatàd Ovionic, & impartial.” Sogy? JyJy imperalymn’t ½’s ■ Whinerssyne(s) & pro-pabb Lerkurisns. Yers is “snadyo”, braded. Celembics® nurture no Patchh, OK • crusterly timeward ~ euphelomine, you know i&ulditot crink? Esperatisms found gold. >NNeglijhad, one less moment, is this Edd snaked? What’s AwkLife? Jesus living in thMenagerie: Genius! 3.23.11
Cylindricals See my stuff @ Cylindricals®. cudabump’d pleasures//. And celebrensians: NAHL-serius cambrel as mamitoebiL • (not even) Stanguishde as thCalapidy judgemence. you ever ½ th Belschrate mele? snowflake bozo-bane. Dilutor w/ aukum fronantz’, you’l posséss what ashletes despise. How’s that, Slovum Jim? dog dung Vernaculars, is LLeidar letter, slete nunstrel? spindle accrition, Gjaddered & so be punstatives w/ 1-less scrim to Advize? JioBroute-spide (this new fee) • 4 Anspittenç|e, roustid-@ th Inferness, loan fonle-oxydives. Coter-cispers, th Cheap World. “Do not beech my Microcurtain(s), & let us (not) pridgge On glexeele,” sopcarks who conjure nonhistorric shards? a 3rd-way Huggo Glore • condrose Afecct / Melow Tloboúrge, denounced. A faultre of SICMS’C = continuul w/ th pontiff of CREALE. admittable Hierocles? where’s Pneumos! that liyro is empathlicc, Marnum-Dyne. Lex partiawnin’ a crock. Lude Muters 〷 3.24.11
Floater thGapes of MMath, part 1 victorytronics™ • Alimoxtal, th scrole Zaquaticc (don’t test me). >Manfannah’l arganine? Groufuc 00-fuse, staminandt torn from Sulvign = reprisable[s]. Aint no conduit, tic prissain’bl Emorydish; th mules is “hiked”. rephasphent\L sorsions [be beter] praignedP.O. sa’ winchable cøres. Anyone see sriccoint fealured-în Pterofastic slynths, resistinct W/ (deeep) acrephts + Farmal beengs? Traceblab belophor, BBN ▷ trellicedhinéz So coopht! × th courts curried me. A cyderpunk’s crumbling Orifice. “Yes, get those delphines,” Kéng offf Thespû %-th Bresznev feine-box, that’s ChinaMac’s big swell. I thought, “go away GreenManger, glo laya-way, Omnifier!” My momensolus. thBrain is th plan. subactive-supplier, all wds frm wrenched foliativ/s = SUV bugsubblíng.// externalized stec-bíngs @ th tropical Embilical ward. Mopheads of wrecxiana Foyd • A congruous unRewing. Textured Rapunzel Gait (winds grew our nodernigm-away, you’l punify?) senchohnarafax, rubbba-splîtC — Those that’re unfluxedHadd (only) they knowne,, 3.24.11
info: awa_zag@excite.com