Dry Huxa (2011)

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Dry Huxa

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

agaukiture11 while at Keeptog, tundral Macreeca hopes [to be] derignour / Drowsperion. Yabid-aips, conphlicta’ regioncy: sidosocapes? (eeger) Complictiun, unfumable w/ Radyo. candid cankershins. sure it’s Hudminnn, retience • Punographic giblets. ~ EStigglature-a simo propps. obraptesChen, && a-brif amanct TAH yet ‘em Îtrouppe favorably, w/ drupFanium ½’s = today’s afformatives not expected2stitch.// hierarchés • chancesR’ jacjaw uttleture. >Hoîdeboys is tunneled. [She] does laspe symptoms of SoblahMesk. at Gunther’s table, imprisinag¦e CLUL • nobodi nokes. Voices was frivolously unsent. Canabisia z-tect. thScappi podulus irretracte ▲ siBab concluders. [Th] same stuff dibuttchD’ cosackus lerrce, infamizedDlett ø-is 1 backon thNezzanin?x 12.5.11

syndromists I’m last-in thFordulk (that’s promised%)-. YurmulMaik undent Caval i.c.-tyles “Commec” as ditresten(s) led us smoit. ruBrurian staulkus-lez 16 ‘ifs’ • tremdour splittin’ Sparients = Mirnul accésse. Syndromists don’t sputter; pumphlic Levîng interline expension, radle Brarafuca [that] sectile (we’re sFuttered-w/ iparaLuxienas you’d never Crincol-adepte). placiderz’s “If-It” connectavilité • LeJudäd cele us as Quarctus, ca’deezened Delucer, vidavrat untelnphT \ totaldiano heng-up(s) ~ >Be¼d THENNÈS, see fit. Pathamogicle courterie USC’s, fattened. How carers be throddledC, let’s see stwenesHilgû/brat • SuShat complixisns’ be!pered, graple-w/ porologues yapZ 12.5.11

no cak >TecLessse ‘druriyama’ can Ørffya — th eligentlé Nocauz./ We’re fphirin’ bacc, Wiltzed1. As nubotronics dnt-dalay, winkid paratronphde Forler • toranicco uphlum-x, Capitle Sour met @ scoLuteral ♢ Îts¦s truly metacrashion’LL / timeteld Th idiosavrus belete, & i’m fit Apfroestlî. cindal apertrapa’ll fiend, “Are’s ya staffard?” Cencilquet, no vry. II-tack Deneeders, ploçolotNve [who trelcs] <THSÎ (not sod) sollenshp’ TairffnoguFû (can’t calam) • SMS-quiroz vostphip Unslen, do destinguish Folers, bundat-sip? Aint-ever nenciondde @ NoCak. colisialre Bentstore sace. Utlissitoir(e) mulgrulCCaps’ • Quajenré, th saught Tinze, aught! Gutinger can’t be beed. Canthayeria, who toled? Cotcher extenduum sure, i’ll isla-slitter ~ Jeeap po-puXX $yeah, those! hahaHusks. 1 hour of glass trainesDa’ blowout bakers dozen 12.5.11

eloette Capital Flask Conceit [Whilst] wishlisting, undrigger GDain, ⅓ trempado w/ Bramanté frontlets, spoke 2sune • felt @ MicroNite, inElastic quayVars’ = Logik. bbieftcase-inVite(s). RavugeRø-crusters: th more oiphled, th ravaged méme pizazedlé-nucleic. “Hey, smimbil pledger!” Soufflee’d by th Bribed bin, i stay anechoic. Walchawené Sttg. “I really troggle by unHûne-borriar(s), be lit.” thAdulpho mange-belt, uttch-ôde maudlice, “come on, Conteriolor us!” >PamPhlet & sonore-clagô, we knew. Stellarplay’n vigoo + immarlenaic’n Uv/ Unc’d tridlesomq. pellars, yîCCan-tuoche, catastrenchK↓ • tovoncch\Sod that-i-divide. That’s feurlur-foiC [THEN]. i-pluggde Rigo hithpô as ‘evenness’. “You stole my wayas @ New Vigour,” untemplate Onityo / Vn.-sashe trucsicat(o) ~ pelmar Thavíd momence. 12.6-7.11

ThovidStumulî SCOC-totcch% • Filbtoonch2 divisor, wht could?C ~ velosnaish hands\hens as Recoved Suppositions. Let’z clicktaxia in ovenroar Complicité-$ (yeneyae). Shamhead scoundrel of Licop-ledd ancuites. thumbtankiés clave ITS nantroccist Vlú’s, notviewedM’ (some they stirred up, it was piecepiece) + RCA stems! y’elcal(l) mine shrivel-cept: Lama? Ovoid 00 → u’d seee... T▲ yengledItch represors make it clear. I’ve but 1-wusp \ anglidDea savrus &SancctElCite, “what is Whutness⅓,” RoDé, complîctne Vobb’d. ~ yaMouchh acalla heds-rt. YanchGoc rumenz florely ascistic. no nourshn’ Icip\c — dntTrock ebba: cloxxa slottersØ • Stachto CLOQQ ~ yaikHy c.c. runch (as Habit, no). lovnush nainplout yImciced. Travets UVdarnshde, pellowplait / view us. Cliuc’d tames me @ ThovidStumulî ≠ vivodaCt-ascèle vuvrume. YIM plucktun Ma chapp. Come on yu fotes.³ poulchKo a screrne III • my nonrival(s) CRUF no, na. PletcherMesss? Dnt-trico duVeeen, yheave That misclectune yepp. YÎTZdaggel, dwi-thôbe. do it, sectorly. Comply. thux-trum, Navilo unranger. EA-hadd hLiptocic. Glauld impiris’ landled Toward.\ Rampmouth? Celebratory Shift Message not gooo. 12.7.11

ZaglêHreine® >ThDedlus compund trinkets-up by Banboni’s lair. accredited collapse / State of metabolic blame: Indecisian! rulmulsion echoes = itSliqz•1 inquus Fat&Frail combys. thPliviacchos srandishlé ucumppen-like fraughturs’ cympioticabl’ trersver: VOCOL-states, IV ❍ phinite runacy. there lurked ‘L’ — pinesvro, ½statical ‘clampyun’ (mistral) + SGE wacaceee, firro 13lethers, bite ranachro-nim. Selteascennuater wasn’t clumpwish’d at all. Seasonal fizzing. ²chrotFunna vistitude(s) mudge &m “alpables”. Vikgodgic alm, svet&sway. reblamed & rebranked parallizations. (She was th queen of alt+stop Franchacho, trelped @ rangecity [to] exclude pSimultuums). Wht ritanckedChu, a vorier + studeee-ûB (liystr’ can’t crypticle & cooch Caturene) • swoop2jog Inferior-naps. Angrijopes tel tincoon\d ~ deEtchang sivibû, yea-not BohmClockss. 8am-spam Mubes© as concreite / Avisual Inference. 2nd cratch Hosoes • huntline Luceipts rowna Cagard-hevy. scape-ajapes Schmuzdlû 1n/vicoy. termamentBladgell. th Bindilstroy occassionèle. We rot that, [we] kulbed Meld-hostadges, yea, Drude. MreKoitchK Olvijoire Coslopium-terks! sea changos & wheelbag, it’s thFristle: cloudy cray. thFormica-bear (sees) th Mute Manifold. turked Plenstophe/s. geep, a trîrologer. unblamed 2 catchfeed (th gorgeous retort) • Yeah, Utopiac, snaw Infernalizatiens,

ask claitten happenmule added miragely, ship the Clitchø, unceremoniouslé. Be theatrically endangered; go new Marmufa, hwin, blozzoms thRu “Chog” • play w/ a mambo-skul. Burmese-smite. let’s crap on thCrumbler. 12.8-10.11

regiod 6 “We could take a rice ramp there.” Y’all kinkushry @ th Braincave III — relive Starmuzlin!, whadya inSteeer (subtler). bein’ urnurredDanchø, finil unless She blankin’ somebodyî. th same snort (Dificult-snuf administrature)d • no ‘f’ Piedmont. I didn’t want ialysis-¢ orSwaggger4 m’c diroginale; it’d suppose zsliverr(als) Or urse-ike 9 totalities, lovecerb usedta’ thNank: Chromo Contantium(e) = celby Regiod 6 exclams, “Adtilted globes sancruslé-stinger,” jarjip’d ▲ patternistix’c • patchicuri umblum(s) ~ uZamighQuery ceculus. “Open yr caspars, Regollieànt.” Gnos-infodel, ighling fricoopo, marnchhat alledglin’ ⅔ ca-op • pMomaco = ruinage DeDén phramas so cledged. RFiahl (once we moove) we’re not lifting FOLLTZ’ i.c.p. ~ Vastuofffó-fixma eemen(s) attersby THAT’S fizzers. humSliphachoy • groînt fessa’ Morno-fua. giglectian-¢. Simblicue¦é regence. Narmloqua’ huphume — i sstachTHAT • fiyo-flivodum my mantves = VISK (us) eleanorin’ Mishé muttworms, soft-sovt. Eariale? frisian Emposer gnauc’d oot \ suarre, it’s stil. Seefta’ bolet uselessness kit. >Nupp-cluptures be axact. Finisshlum© mo-vac. & you’llB-plidured Quiv is 4 Subtle rransfurs-filum’n ~ SankYack, th new perturber. gownscapes go nuts, Percelá! (what yer gnuncle Shez). “Ye’re leaving, & tin-slags represent yu.” Ireagcè HL ❏ yea-Tla / fodu sepphtredU amerone cc# doI insist • chugugla’ RN ~ no kneeling. chbú-vastar “ceel” / broad basterdLieuu = extonal tonsiling. Futile Infeazmnt, scolio-jip. PragnantiC (cliché) i’m stilFilmô, repovidenced. Manmade mantra mapkit (by) soludians//. Ashelm

priors. Quarelus unarranger-‘B’ enphonial blake-leee’s: jungermined?d todal flomacie. ⅘Shupalino, “i’n C’E’C’-clango,” appeasa’ @ Thermazia. whol UnStervico 12.10.11

the floral bandits say saint exstinguish pomo-prts / Sect-claimer. Ø Meridien floodal fanges lepht ya centergruiz Solod F • aliteralised ramen-probe. & yet, I unlearnt ConduiSuffial tingsberri’s ▲ Claimbo broàzne; i tloak Coardzent [aint] creased. E-velevne somehowl eerce, “ear-set olugne-friacé.” Firer acumulatives melow @ SiegedGenal, rufrus sz’unpeleBraege-din.\\ S’She den’t cyoooc. thPuiro-pelag centifyer. Quadrant of Suspects / unabled 2 frausze (or encict dailors). Rigatfol pirate, enjoy a shtungClap, ridiculed. 10 immightener[s] foly th Clite Cumberli. Aesthite-lunger, rentle-reflect + (refluxive godgear). Faglesloît re-embrance. Fumy as extraordenized HELLL. get w/ this Unslung ruful rareformz’ & recollesce. [We] are tocatal ~ inFerness misnices (mangle ya) • enbacckRoariums venture-as-Hlerzitatien spaBec “cloy” indangerer-soild STOLLUS \ rendering inAdequacieé¦s, yep. @ HOLTE-hottel, evenlesser & i will imply. huckeredDu dilidu-tensec of thMisMentioner, scawle I.U. “...aDroydo pelish Linte, seculars.” That’s th thobe, Oncursed 4 reemerz slightuli-protec (unchins) Fortified as a “glancce” is yr europal. Fitzgimel’s snockbahr unfaves yaLet “ue” breeeb1 as i oscillot Anarchly. BridleBoam, oh so levered. Natch snugdum • Evidenciary/e, th appelglant Ulch. Friarmanche eeges, fritter-bombat. tracadoFLINZ / lamasinics foultrun-york, @ th Selby Stockade. brahma-myla Dezertre, taclo Mauphe (podulurs) + slippprø-uSlun airthon X’s nuglo by SomerSet, yeal

trepunshis Lagardd clients. Cieben pawslots, cilinqueshde deviatry! Jifrie-crenks sirited. thMannerizm®, grimful ahBule, inEvidenciaries, & unglum. Bing me th chocolate rentles//. Timagicants clooedîn, tranquish reel. ZINS-stooned vodifyer’z algaet\L (kind of MidJenkifyer’s @ Cymmetricon). defrumpturin’ Molemz. & panvora-zigs, hi-scife% 12.12.11

BengBeceor© sure-ting Sapphire deterredMoleculars. muzak 4 “viscous” sWazilend(ers) & that cataclezian unknowing. [We] roardening @ ceptic lieSur. sklil of some unabated; we’ll meet unJun felcifiad CCM — o-bolte &better.// reChinge tloroughmat Naker • poDrennial’v lum-so enilgerant & what ‘wicks’ Promponants rageousli, laquardlade JitVo empiama? closeted like a carrot, Yr grahzur Dlumul iefcent as cavard LL ~ ripudiary orColnohoardes, ill-phrased on a summet 2D. Folmot longitudes! Epoch of Imperviousness = nestlidZones unda’ firectiun. Mesh-on-kilp! stravle 2say monkeyutters, “O’Dendra!,” rejitterul Abiatur • unamalgun of Piszeciate; (frale) plestral-PIRALpadd ~ think i crazi w/ what i doin’ but it’s... HUPHF-viabilité ▼ 12.13.11

ratalmia’s void STAGHATÇH • stiphoDraxia celll + sadcase scarsasa, “i’ve trong Cebilites,” ACAchini ♢ hordedFutz-w/ a catalogue of Discerners, gaduallé Imprised?d (diurnal deals). Altunasticc, “so i’m in th pozitron now, & i’d remeetYu @ BLAH-a trikse!” ~ YLAÍNT i figurrè Drailze impunish ≠ UVdboyo Pragliant’d (get no hnû Lezerdle or acumphrunce) pruinedPø — dalgmeant adiact. Chizeler 2 + byspeccca triaphLe drine Oldu/co-nun: stay Ordual, i’l unifize ©saddil¦e-spine(s) & get-tacht. Tonishbrayre ⅓ sponî-drudde, co bialte Angerers, rucharpin’ unseen [orlatteralZ-ive = pravincch Nums]. Or orcc-choy. Namebroude, 2catche “my coin” @ Adbrierl î-cecht Luverblah • sencchon ok-i-coden. DontexPect (to-be OP-tangled-). British Brainwater. ebriotcha enfellen, tangible mice freatien, showcasing Tonnès, metaforecallé Bul Bong Tang. Th Arné shnorts w/ yr bagage of Dispeiru as my current Idiolus. 12.14.11

th local abeyyance teem out, tetheral(s) w/ unPredictable manmania. We just want to be prigule: BoldBecimul. dlingDarouslé-dugg @ Vuntompriéz 4 (belte bulCatianing) • 2trugs i’ve disshcertin ouch-oud & such. punthScene Cemra = ¼falapiality. boCavuum® berilAttac ❍ & microintensiv/e jenders, ravaged-in leafmeat smilezones. [Who’s] literally impensed? Yo mamé-dunDoxide-. Bureau of Belonging Whoahot clink-edgemente, eSet chawncelate, “sure, Yabasia brengs it,” whoa Shado ULCCnizre! bigger, it’s sbtaitz’ redbellion, it’s an amalgum drape-out (clever conditions) ▲ eMeznomîte(s) shyin’. Enquis loquacion frills, th buoy as smartmass. exacerbated GUNT / as i cyblande my cezlies’ hovo = Plottongais 12.15-16.11

nevado (carrachas newvites) is thSendicott drivel worm clean, yr braggom, yr blue wife? (beige shockers) = a spanyard @ desistentAZTRUT ~ ecleminiç\é SENAYU ■ inCridine moy mesh. ATriscivit(e) us ngargla’ Imposténeuffer Claugnanys’. & plangfiJJ Abum\or aclengHeveneri spurious mazlementt?S•H iyke Nevado, is that what wraves? ImpSis5 (can) ShRat’v niolesqic snuder/glum’z = impatchHerego, we’ve misshyum Polo c’tac renderedly: why? CaClisdoln any under NUVYOK immoveral(e) — usacconé. >PCI-stered INSULUNG friek’s (puluva dang-err’d) & Ripgeous, dun deVlunking, aps’ surre. Aindt no uther Englings that I voed (as we’re cruskde @ th Tinded int. Mestruocit/C regur(s) & be...) CITI ulge Ingenneu • YOLDAN ulgtratien/u ~ vidol impotencce 4a Quester! unrulable banquet, Firster ≈ GYO-acumplus. diaGlem diseacer, fly-alay, empeenched &Lurid.s Colussslo ivid-îne \ wholaKurcoxi!C ramug ispus & raniologs-as-TRUTHF • traconli expectus cripyes’ subJpe, “let’s make it paumized, if...” ½EGEN-ox, sultured uni“flyfs” & AGLAN dridled-moment.// Fere offForgurî wimbloe. plumitttedStckz, letz be Hubsulin w/ mumtime Muncher-clôpe TaPa — “we’z beeng’ glupteuralE zubeen(s) flactures as rivil Siocines.\\ we’l eventualize cantclakk,” (memory of selfreventrilL • nil yaca). Warm gnoth? 12.17.11

HravvéUx grothVing = SEDATE¹ dumDrang’d-în, “i’m a Shlaraz, enudiated-în drigetchla’ • inCurum-2’s drupeark ❍ Regogled ⅓’s pni-powderlnt/e.” Chumpled granite x 5 mipes, Algloona, (maybe) i have this disgotledDer @ StruggleCity. trek Inta’ sychSobo prelutice V — eager instiziun. Pzulba pumpoc, azailanî dum’d upStuvvver ~ exposada, “Where’s exPividy’s?” as (an) unitizre’s collapse, i swear it’s oneiric.\\C’ ℆MELMOC is that MUST: made frm pruntexterité(s)? [We] don’t doubt it’s deleted. HravvéUx (keeepsake cordual)s÷LV disdain 4 th kids’ amissian, alreadyKRELL — its fluster-clax & dedLic: u slaught?, YokYa drubit-done ~ sarre.\ ThRuvel du Tuv (grene)*. is th ✂ of SHRENE ▲k Mr. Acalchnec recede in retractable[s] spun, “heale yr falfriendi HiMi-” >SISTEMS yu aint-heare? bruzbo, Affuisiv ceere. Nobody dares like SANDLANDD claff • skow-life as th OnCashî-claisse definites. What’z th rubbage-hole? dele-w/ Dilursians antispruge. VistaVan vi-Socic! brumVudga’ aink. ThFreee out ‘fraping’ aint cauzal, (or bountiful) BØ circhgala. Tascian birandafalk exclucivity. andlad Reddd X → “when th miralums’re right; be taxad!!” w/ chiner 8’s, [We] thaubt about breeezey panqers. &YET tabanclure: Midster. Apprehendy chivoc (every) indented Providence, not Jivur doova’ App#5 [see: milticed MUNDS]. Aser? aberè-Xtraordinentz is pineward-Ø • puny discretians, careful! Sundal encluzion. blishopsaid “no dum da ClineChore” ~ real ‘priffy’ Sat’s-ned. Uclologue yr Ghorns? & sTraelpfon (den’t

know) thPrecipice of Shant, didga’ knaw any Anagronus J-platers? malevolentli-adept, you’d pear. Trankush\e you become miloyngT< 12.18.11

Kokon-¢ ThConstants was unbuckable as [we’re] ending 2 wrapp-a-Roze • THAME-you’l unjenk! Trizionlé (as an “ioness”). Thenk unJ, yes — that’s thReakdown-rezit ▲ tweeekShun implement my bunyuno RiDig, virseplicon reers \ R© tlee biunelé + Rarac, lacelent Mearner(s)k-snle. Kokon-¢ virdligion seep is seplepmné OK • relde reejunmale-c Klistû co|oppmnt AS CUE|É blibmene//. Yanasloti constentner. BMacye steeener Cntre, w/ who? GneeChlore irreldge\e: Iphog my grenttnol, “you gave me Volorge, thnú-happpy. #T preshnete,” Ogzixus n.l.m. Obdomen. Slengthé cuondom’l PLEEJEC who anuFoz’F (iandale Futurers). ß-lyne bosque, thPercenthide-drizle was exepticed, twice eorripandi, flored. “i’l say @ buzard-bay, Yaranha taoce, p’trenotb/Ve & efficacies.” MACHINEBT redproating its CZanke like Fyina motiun • ft Cquiatoh (are) ciciult Lubin cirks, apoa-screw Ingeniunts?s Lardner &Tor’s Modivving Motion ~ ppucatioms see-synthes. thzú, th Foreordinant(s) net @ thFactionary. glass congresser, ABBBY-finreader • 6-juctured imultuum: th divine Knoof. Thuppy Dun Duse. shril umpyun’r gilantWeverî HUB — to prove [this] was ordinul at aGeraniulmeleé + XirchainF transforma <MFH> thMcFestiatiun thumbed Byy derelict • fenesteziëa Rachnid persuade [our] TINgericles, lelily Fierte-penci 12.18.11

inklore (babyagel) carry a 5-¢ challenge, things got to be spectral Amer. bad barlement uflix • THIMS-î worry baut cramp of Coomize. zStang shuff parley / Tuma forthitude[s] + eagertysticleé As fonunciant? LacLor recrawler, ew, puma-beanes, mad Marol. Orr chidendrilN (ce’plait inTeger emnirozial) Flah • a cegulur ShRig slaregouldd (never) plooo’d whupoon-nule. Niecre slugism. Phetaphor?e is eerie tracts, conposable. Pettu hangshupet well worlte H# is’s my <MIASSCØ tridged. Abler, visco-seeA’ Haturrmold/e be!-rebloy\e ½playtaffit. Macator merkyfibula ICS \ Fico allowants grouptone thVerge, aSquender shalacy; wallow as a reer-ender 12.19.11

The Registré of Disdain double canoe postulate, “don’t maul, be Coho!” %equinstrial globs Said 2B • I.R. cletcher beezre’. Alculic his hare [was] posstessed. >RALAR scoddisi. ZALO — will a gitate. I work above xxxi Patitians, repectively. The Papers of IS/WAS = SQILbaftem arctDurdd. eacile pamphlet-salvos + cosmas Burch. stilexants mineraise! @ MontFaucon 4fum, inartnist ebecuale Inchgins. Bairrre dalaTailler, riscual rater. Most soupy, soa Costard. Th Aoaxasoru eclipse unseemed Chronologeri. & let’s be bedged Oolcso! [SeeTee] scissoredearth. Paintnas of MILE • darnedba Ajulxtnah weeves, Itgî captivatt Mitred tibb / tothebook Tboagh cag taten’ll, “sift my form 4 boores,” Inrented @ Peyamos: thTabbbmaclus’ ladyhat: Pbast Hooth. bawley Baxis, th brazen surp! Stultifyer toxins. “i gotta Stob its eyelid, Brandt. pleat Lagscreen for you.” If ralyCure’d beeen rigorous, Hevy fructures. flockmoli Ysivier-mamoó \ Plaqsmich-âng grope felSutrifiad • Mesopolamian backspings’ warmth of budgerment, take yr deputy sailing. PbilosophiaMoy intregós, mneme-time. JieutBleff© stivago ‘...golden hens devus you.’ 12.20-21.11

RatoBilistikcs for A scattered man. Carve parodies out of thLuminus head • miccroAscentiantçe as “wrailnt” ~ JUSKK-primashoy eitherbatiD / ThBrite aîttdire? Grope a throat thus answerable. SEEETS% extrication, lund’d lorms ungathfered, “Do y’all see,” + derminadle(s) • tuchus at bombPlut. Freakzone piety. [see: munchmø McPaus effishré 2tronounce]. KKlezurr, style of Ingratiation! and catch a smiloshtí in yo ear. <SOOON to th city of Oldwounds w/ a woopsachist engravling. Bleech me at 2nd donut, electricallé. dim-scint Blattun (uni-claishde Ideom) expounsiv ÷ Sadaddrin’ dere Necessantt • DacDø revuttle = papoDyaca wonte-hnds. (wrill)-up 2dunth sumbuw blank yu ♢ irdlescente dnt know, liddable stanzas? views of thProdestantMullle egil, dî-testlin’ Jemb soundsd. Muvlinic — detainese, “claraclaus(e) Runnil, cebe’s bilweenn: which cete is instructive by managlerial TAPAN? [Yr] just not ‘natchin’ Feeegleare,” flince-or, Brring yr crew to GLOZZ’c tenctures.\ Manorabli deVowt is th InfiniteNudgge. uniMautis renged, dRaca-druárppe ❑ ⅓ominence kó-seeded. Shlyranthiá-ym cilvverheds’ queek • Standtla’ lucc Livurette, Freyerscante esluitis; lacquerz CCM-dé Bongla’ mulphAmstidon (will vuze cerctles 2 unruncch). What I pregenerate is my yearend Sabrework. toothbush rivalry. wildly, i spend th M’xum, quivestin’ irredondo &Be-shhrevadú ‘L • Adventrasion omnoclept Seviril opstairrioe(s) w/ camelbacksea oafs, temporalized Crazie-hunf && morlbø-bui. 12.21-24.11

ʨ muzlinsathe eveK • YACC-badget. septris Amiezlin’ yore Yuéy, worschtnatz nuzler-p’ (yyou-birdds is thunchod Cumblum ~ SAC/C surality is² indeeed Stiff.) Adger-biened may alightF ♢ bîFiecó coursetude$. >Do a lot llore4 Unnscøire, “to me, we’re reganked,” C = th tweazedMen. ZORP-high get eagerIT’ omphFe, “i’m here, and very emblemable. thweted to irresign,” as lonequip >FFrosthner farageit\e sol biVidign, overwrote! Cleigantçe-ws merrol, %eashPatened⅓, “Quafitaylu as we dug difidigl coats.” glow like habinul 00’ ffroneAmidmnt [da Clap trammal (easy stints) & morphnor]. exulter 6 o’clock Dinning, trébBuelc, yeahl-so teeked w/ Implosive! reverencial gymthings’ bouts. It’s tremendus thunkin’ în belted Steazums. She too loud & it’s Occasssional • Agghead, stay versionary. bByelfofo & shamell Shirine, how bout it lanGnusse? State of Thabes ~ finjoy’l metherbnchî. ½ pinky Calculist. Shufle @ Lake Incormika, th crippled PREED • that pried. game of Arteries 12.24-25.11

New City Reverencials chigalri Thlengs, cuce-cardiff @ Prominence belt. ‘Let me shrink imperilously at th same toylement,’ assuadidClofus fune ~ OK mulmaTufin. Hnatid hounbrador makelife-F undelved %-(able)-ShTil e-scendence, wizle-fy. I (stil) Propping ajoéstic Julul, be peprared. scounshnae eazium[s] Maltroit(e) + I unfuln Mroro. “Keccafû is undlearneds.” Pry-up-Ligh • s’s Leve me raggid. It stunlé-comes as preprecisional QUOBS (e’er elundent/L lessiconz, I consstrue|e “sceptables” as it’s Crubamesqe: I misdae no golowersb). my G’s pander w/ atelierscopic bridalre. (some) Vrarietiés unDustid. [You] marrower, weren’t yuJudul amblic-toste?e it still claines Devstrî, amussedS’ klyzone B → phonundrul(e) i stililSware incephde LOGIK-¢ quizatuv ◗FSepheralité in a geandersccupe, I’d dridge. ‘E’ll clump and dyilgap’l • D/E pinealgraw aww,’ SupphLöte tiptamyn ugs’ll scinde. “It’s still propriale umussmnt,” >ReRa cuticliz’n $nope (unjuzzle) dreamt. Yunicalité driadscampss diggone, you’l be yawning • THIS is recivgral (here) as a novel: irridacionBgBtî marvelonioyL poonch peal / Regulab© distainte a’Boou — erilizsde 2 “uncone” yaMapy hadderas. Huftamoad¦T day. scregulads pREEEMZ judilae Darer? spoontifcloyy WS medialrê/n .26 T’Toaste1gimick (tralediness) + poDaker seefe-îng. Gladiolus thene fifbiner Bloh (or sooon as I get ⅓delved-W/ quimhamer repoziturd) 12.26.11

starshot achilles phenom [there] is sVivonialns’ ½brim • TACCARD3 mishepturî, vone 1-1 \ Irregard, get yr Clancce doped. pRimitovl asssuayer. Stilchini’s concorcius. Myamin, nododi-Knws Cloaklid manerum’a Foyage. let-bleste u’r ‘civerable’ (seeething Stotchard) ~ th trivodular Clampe 2-constrovenus m-tales IT • çosket\e, “thSea of YOU,” grieplaR ↔ veg’n as (my) focal hand-outs. Glagaldén last1’d. Inprahnemnt of hocc. Bremidal mularkee moonsennit \ irquaKelyn T • travasionle taut e-geeel. [Nayoke] analogous-grent unravel my way. bHerndial = Gawdshoulderer sub-lymns need & TLOOÓK g-cerient (no glowo). titumShnane minstrul ♢-maJoont 12.26.11

Tluk Tør agriPhlenet seper-▲ yag me / treekClohn paup pizagzîng. Phriarfane-geegil, a cloy ‘undanged’. >Beeetme fairmen. mail yr bladder to gladder Vilaggus. YoYap’z slurplur i may VOIDD (as we’re “porducing”) Quobî-calán guarandsqeéz so If&Alonng, you buste. Mizreandé veuvant FoutHow. gaspelative Firnd-ma’ @ huBBu-laintliF’v ~ pllanctin-mintSun sanctuate Alyselem, sure, adG’ • pentsured DaLa, ‘go head & cut CRUDD’ \ adelphLnø-sere, emsistent thhrapture is Aoper, wiring onSea? totagonal Cembus-faisá, go-glitde. Hope yu moldd Incarcerandt lud-lite (Meeena dercendt, is — excerppt us, then as THENNÈS abuate(s). dustrom curlur as thicket-¢. Galdyu-corruptur¦e even&e ◗NarrCraco’v, “are yu my phalouabilité,” scourn Àpres darna-vus/s ‘p’ — nustaffa so unferil, flawing in A staze-Supirb, hate derelict-tite(s), or feee ansloughisn DaCstollup’ll impince, you’d jear. What’re confrunctius budS — douène?!x You morolMke macreditaDø, i lnt-lere aSluke, peGoffney ‘ubsuberer’ as cavcun-muzzlings, bckBimortler, day’s droze! our property is pos, deSturttid ~ avnê Summer of confrontine-ruins, seee ChronChoyi melbdsbat. Writer’s waff is “EVUL” • rebeyed like OMBODICUS clizzion, za’ ssandfold Indions. 2knw-they’s branchte, whoopdiJimil ♪AE’s corrnec. Plodding thru corrections @ BeekCiti, bluper >HemBrem winstonbugg 12.26.11

furtherums septicake Doer!, indeeed Freyopp miracla’ (centured IV + eemssh Alswassa, dame SShressa plowtwilns’ sugest) luccki brodiglioe, thank us w/ thChemîclehandd • jeDesa, ornate HOLLL — ⅓bol. We’ll be croddenk ~ TL expurter Hub-dazpnt, Memwa was decent [see: SMUSHholidaî, OK. & only if you sQuerm]. Arah-breadth, so feffin / prampu-Byléne eland Twas them, be-beaned. >HiLamni-defyer, we are Hermesscans unrivaled. sugarthum’v Sorario was Milk One. hoClunk: Tuwuné. 4th, unmêmed, and unmiefde (a society unscreamed) = merely moy DATS aint no bestial-sieger, not so much “thDing” — ecumenite muzzlin, we’re sheeep-sork’d Pclentifieed-gropin’ a yirl diFrodidd, dntMarcraià • 00-shlé’s arreted! I bssess’d ikadû, mxi yr AmnezialSaltd specc-sang. [You] factured a gutsi me. INU-shhrine, “i’ll vocode as a bitapya Aint no Tankelcote, mohrbrisedD’ %eler.” th mighté Bilannt (ungrand). JoJa doublidfrr THETZ-th Concident, “cmon fela, be deViantiDD-”, distrehlzz trehlShomidyé \ inblamatic(e), they’re SCUGG & jubwaë’e; [Yu] ionedthis wayIodizde fumway • thurnndura elkces @ thKemblin-mote, onironé is Flil. <PDEcekre, sheeplers’ peers is jamb’d. GilDektcha’a immilmnt ~ OK&All. Vressa writers is suficial, neo-babbly. Payear B (likeless) it goes c’peii: Bvistino baricade w/ batablinke ceasers! honor my proficience 1534s’ edit GeAd-goltunes authF’ aid • MiddKontid cocre 1 // dificbline @ LahGandqua carometer. Be told 4diddn’ Lucius Tud: accure a dit? dsss &ci Carihustab (sideA) ~ only Lat Sea Von arkks!,

audigalae thAît to “quinclude” (or coom) Stepatalmadt mosore placents &aliqustexample(s) Log’d cumlex. They’d better be patchered, I want it 2B... cold furtherums: diagnozdE • yeah, I’m gonna! ♪ ClaronJacobo 12.26.11

mentor dingepalpa / jarmAchloric&-. “Lit em, let em, it’s a polytrap!” easy guide 4 Exclusivity. french failures. Facuitive(s) + crystle-synche Fajalene. “Stay away, it’s a phonal Dyle,” mintfish-¢ Clevestrohlé tat-sap? x&sotDiatangulus, (they) managedd BITSHED-proponants. ⅛Stuviacas murshn’s lebet, plemptryal Nø aggzakC’ stifil’s surround us — yu Can dimouse cplozure(s) Contrangement2-ollus, “I am busying propriety’s dye,” andgrenaded, i dn’t holve. Miscontecht urnn am-brub’d, “bring yr phLectural ascidoscope.” QDang stripus-eaze, redbuch buz&tel. [Nobodi] reallé redes what’s Ephlonlal, or lis-lute Podacrylac CLL’s: miJuper Nubs biquip yu. thClay bushels roast me, “let’s try it, PrivatePossom,” inAvident yea, Yamrúk t-stain, IT-say Nah to brambleGOSSS • when cultitudes wuz Friendsemi-tryyon @ thGingle.// elentless 0-roping(s) + varying vestiges. Editing, “like thWorld was me,” w/ ppinchCloah drips. DramCity-shattered dyposion! How yr ⅓ shores were summaged, wrinkly Earthward LULLS***. Let ye mope at thMoatpo angle. Dictatery shake Clemyonais(e) • datasprung ii-Cliotyp germetric-mages, don’t organize 12.27.11

increasor Siddhartné-pufff • flanking wafers arregionately isWOB % cunbrulg pulatroy = ALL CONCISTENCE. tathnuf phylin’ 4 we don’t want budgers (there). New Drete decoy postpavalon’d, as magestic ClupBho banch offs. Arrimber-delf ♢ ee’s COIDSO denel. sMamcahalc = th windamin-bakes as sleccho popcorde ⅓s. Scingenae was rooted 8 knowings. Slimpamide(s) • diswom sabelé, I\D-euxDel increasor 1M NAPKIN ~ refrailthe 12.28.11

loccgezui Lacrisha won’t holdd, anti-atlas imbuberandT • th granCrenge flincized @ Fathmú, moreculait Juresum slock, “twas-meant 2mutualise, that’s Loccgezui impo Purtner, dijad Hun’m; hufbariur was rizen...” occenshteiz feedom/n, leftNiraculuslé w/ thSeedum crunch’s urmánentL + sidesoc molstrage hung-up Z’bib. (soe wandwifing, trimidu VOCHC ~ coincidid NewRoovers empitcch sele-sect; varidal not dignopfieedD’ solodir). Ampufff-womens, not no private Helcum, off sprinvols Hea, [see: Alisionist art]. ¾QUEPP© JDaînth 12.29.11

dry huxa sunscant Oedifyer as a houndd’s guess / it needs Mobongah, & immigrant lyres. D buznu’s bi-acch\e, intendedlî. Tralia cadavers force a 10am comb?b. “I’l insulate 11 for yu Adulucu cuiz.” Ensure they’re squaKay’d, illuminol devaudt? He sayin’ streetard, it’s vulneral! beconbush Cissyness, still Prozid. Milunctual(e) mudmoray, fistityn. “Oarrmo encredit youF in a socck.” minstral Maphinarry, sinthseary Môlgdneshh% (transit worrier) y’m Instigater. Frune fineline \ MVAC drolgde ¼. Gerrain fuzgench you’l strane, byadartnerr veral taxx • Decimoiz? &-shrumpage velowéne; aint endicatidC’ camwholz cipture?L — i fuzzin’ Luprierdure vaux. i’ll delaudd improsturals’ Cavater (prutiny). giverish Jecen sloplinte. 12.30.11

Avid genturine Impno vine, i ‘inflolved’ Loha. Loner, incarregialT/e as stomworfth decausotry 5 keeeps it imptutional, hegerd-lendings & instant Mohajî, & th Impinged, “a lograid Deneeeding, you’ve?” Çemelctuán! Here, th molecule’s bluedecibal is moral. mrem.ii illacuesent 2-dudge: Mremoic III’s / Careerpons’ palshal dlominenct(s) is/are seterian. Nilitna cere starp! Apillia, so Prrashern ICC# tondeliaL carcnico • [Stupidcupid] or you may waterbeth an Ulder, cram it in heted salviascapes. “I don’t have yr mimeâge.” Bammula migens, camprighte V • MLasát cocatrualité Hli-vine, surnday-chanal. rinké think malm-bit GrrewstyLel-2 succor! (spifff ov my tuphralité since I dine). Jignal decend [don’t] really desert; th 1st fractionist started as wickersun’s hGenialityas-glossed Policy, anti-phratis is 2011 • Mnazeline fraya / semi-despicer AurorocelinChnane-e¦cape sccantlin(e) OBB-strann auphorité pompet, don’t deploy Hovnel-lanceds! 12.30-31.11

for info: awa_zag@excite.com

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