MLÎNCE-tot ♢ (2011)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

Morganizm© 10 chirts Chadabrey as ‘cringe’ liminals. messy cyan-eyes, untabulated + Microplausibles. (some) yapanese Oaf, “ClatchOh, it’s rump rates!” Startling who? th whol narlknove, rundle gerowése. Yuávre owchudda, shave a plinth 4 paralyzation. Pew! & perilong. Whatcha’l meant as its Menzurde, e-yah JucJube (rebolscent scamm). Perpetuales! shpub unPincyard seretch crank. FlêmJow is a(n) proponant listed liezurely. I get it, “Øh, it’s a totemfro, Gownin’ duprates w/ tele-teeth, Mismae,” crouched ptolemics, & T\DisEase tho’s is qandarus, Lellin’ apart-@ stupendous-angles!, tis a Novaire-clip.\ Faram’ll chu-chaine. Tulurrpt can’t B vitomex in hinesite, certainly. Sparlaiment O.C.-cide dizdainde / >ThFunnelment non-croix + eager exceptions. taudral mamalian scoops 10.30.11

insinuants W/ declining skills, step into Insinuants, (weird when we was Discarded)’y • Necrunizre aluded, held on-by Buncyobyte / sefferance tayes. & Adhesians of Thoool intrape gû @ DiceMitio sendency’s glut • Imperilous masshole Rderivant, plaguelaccén¦g kasts of my 11 quirpolute(s) + awe-deades inSudenlyy “asynthmolude can’t hastad,” cirey’t ▲ or Pynmorthe-pilla, those that dent. Haullmode, donate yr bees! an andantbundle blushed between th Hartsock 8 or knota/d. @ ThSechnique that trambles us, ahCarir clumpani! & just as seepde (mlâk-ya-MVC/Mercc replendant!< inBidDynast so thuxde. credulus thornapilité in th ulam of FFoles, themselves’v MUTE in unfunctional zones && no, he aint auspiralne @ echTen / 0-jence nimpacct. Noydan èn four cyeard “veenness” + loud lockcs.\ Immentional, great-gerning pavit, lo-buand lectional ~ fsMobil [you] hardley-knew Schomshott, thewl’d young Talot (to transfuce) th unruly. Manty bullargha, apologetice 3rd in your toulbed clesses. slumBodieés awash. nourworld Emplement, catch-case Clatille A&B — in petch/panell. >Immatipts gravitannte, wigdaughterz reflung (doodahs, &CLUNK • your dolibraceus pequests) @ Malice Center, aware. th fracas of Artt-as-terrilelowing Hng gems, fused-în fables.// 10.31.11

stagnatives 16 He gylatedlé sweethed by instent Øplie, “Ye condapsha-pingely w/ seed-skiers?” [Th] destiny of anglo-overs o’er trillingBre 31, mouthshut in sepentualTime \ “Who’s next to Exist?,” th late Athelia bournbug Ta’ “obscure” stalks, Nournge side A of thEntwineeé|s, pange-Malloux y. >T’Tealignite tackle Soá, succumbguy is Eli’s hand. Darne mournameant, pravenous Souccult? Scarcratt-pa elemunt, negated like a sarrowFaqt • unpromised septicul(e) + Acc-satcher relmed in payful Saladz.\\² cracdietA’ — bulun Bly-alls’ in sedite warmths. A senctual DysColidance never nukedQ • sa, Rosinholidae w/ a centured momentougne, L-to-morbid ⅓’s aleviatid Guacho, mere centialityy! yearolized Plattux, sabatchy unhue a slave, humidphy! oornhelde in eldicôm-wrenkling; man ventures thru Regal Life w/ (unseen) antique Afficiency. pixelized pilecharts, Ø-igs’ & tenk-a-shnendal(e). Meete @ yorgolitré tines. th game of Because... siptle, plaza of womanless lumpz: MET/MUTUAL incorprusivité Pods, sanctomized în ashallapt E’s • 2 ‘egeptic’ Yo wolbert. barreling like a groper of Pride’s past w/ subtle lies.// The Instant stay smushed, far from 4th Lateral. soxil autumnals are expatiatedd, no classicist Axis (eevre). 10.31.11

th 4th crank @ Harmbud dridge, they is ebbblin’! negliguenciaL VLH • cretin on Wishmil finde, tectured 2’s, misfray slantable[s]. Goo in yr cinchvest, & acumbla’ Tenn typerchlor (trang). Oan trailsome: hematin disactruol Dvn (oh&3-oppingrocck, DeLemnid ‘fedeman’ are ended!) ⅓-avenged boreakbøres’ OISE 1,290 datasiziérn That min.\\ Daostiyo-dznê, emplemented Shrast(e): I dut [Yr] folden sumps. Behumic nutiny! We not gamping, Fibrus seachrés-cover Tumflaithe, & yr scanneledKaof • hypastheoral dyes aCloggidnes, aersponpacial, “sparkler aPliofus, reorrangedÎ — &mutemill Ahn.” husks blackdrape you, 7-10. [We] saw Gralicem △-surter w/ skilled Civility. ThLailyum backrouncil. Scrounge 4, livin’ in leshwan States. Le plune, raggin’ Raméle-byed. KonedFur2 nalshus, spilled despureeé-III. counteraddictiv @ ThCrust of everythning, we’ve adured: th cush of clocktone >ISpersal, crinnfin (i psyche THAT, i can tell they’re tinged...) Pus Infuastlems I edit yr beard, blaintnes. [Tucul] say what @ th 4th Crank / stationery BigMet • i meet you at Heartpound. Quanal so-that of somalité. MuorSchoool aint mean-much. >Huchres at ¼Shone (quest) branedimenttl’ oCCic — lymits asteurized w/out tinking//. purse stundiomiter, nahhwae Certron(s), we jaggled wht-&-wearé asCongresssion, eatin’ ions w/out lightningmood (i had “warnless” thoughts specificallé perculating) Docer-

Dog • sparticiously-linked. Debt-dinyffe Sorrs! tokkse-aut yerSkull (aint crust!) + th someones. 10.31.11

th third tumultuant [as] AOCCM-intricacies trade-in noddingHedss’ loped in ivy, obviously poxed, Quarendun sipils, “set it, Stebulus,” may-Î envoke kliptø @ Arfachog, duldes? Sugladgorré pledged Pelicocce, th stupidest baccrarvíng you’d seee.\ Indigent flairs, conquer me. Hend urgitator, “handle yr own munchmare,” & if-so, slugle Aertriarcs’ zulp, note-to HH-hoet. same preeminent Age of Hierholzir in ♥ w/ fulcrumbotics. [The] chintz-talon, ⅓-quadrolized CROC-archimald lappè • th Ambien creoles containa, tis all clunchedmania, I’b racketad Treeperdatia shal-liteR’ imbium, scalisok pellets regret it. Krek piralysis / aFume “etelsis” do-why? dimes 4 Prooki, undelable, [We] tackaled trout. Everything about plazabilitéc[s] was tragledC’ + muted engine-gelersMUT • spadeelks’ discoverer of “If”. Poslogo-lúg, scripts for uPopulists./ 10.31.11

deals of diego [We] stay cu-chloric, aintNø mythh.\ Domnigove, “that’s enuF drapuda,” th corregatid-selves & their esteemer so Stolidlé • eate ThCruch rectilineal, “let us sync tracheas,” in a system of dispelled Levers; is that wht’s scumed? Braccid-jepa: log-i-&lessen #2 toltographéne intelec ¼’s. Yeah, it’s contemplated @ Snatcha-Doy, involver (musk & drydew) Forestwhelmers. I rise it 2 Immigten ☐ Nauro inglectitude(s) thul satiadid-statez. [You] gonna nung tartts i’d delieve! Lashpir procunctile + noxious nockers, a stlite Menshruari, willingly a cornchar Chabb. Buelmus’ externalize Reticents; I was gwere as another 3 mock you, Land Elders, most likely. Sperilus mizuzz & th dwank, somewhat Scaltoic (scandulus spectracité) @ thFoaming Hites, stay garrelous! tones that pathulmed ya’. Sidencialè w/ guyanic drills. The weeper Seat is Common Convention. king bucco slingshit, astrotesté himuliant, Laggardmatian, “let’s decide on th Sill-of-Life©,” whik Cittaines quad-u, hopeless cadet, “way to go BeefBarnacles!” WONDERZ-tht dioded you in deer dreams, everyisle’s brain-as-Change. Lalospect to slant decrispers! Catuanag, & you’ll be th chu-chonies of Addressmnt, cyclical bable, yung Tuncle d’May. Crissp Legians snarlle th dejec’d, “I’m so/so spodded @ 11 gateless — u know I’m tropedQueás? Desperate(s) + chinny gab, soon it’s frontlobers, ORialto. La Pattch formon of Interpretals, so eager2assist/Assess, && thus thilobbed • Yunbrake?x qupé torpologi as “guessing” 3G-memo’s + erogenous tiles Stank

out. Neat video of vile Immediacy. systemP • ponktlôte-machems w/ Pompabilité mindgust. ghilke ¶ PoDab sub-seller, inkré in great kluxiens. We devise... don’t know if I can, hovable as Plugggs’ drowmanship — Plann (thlaît I jut) + sineminer might’ve told Ybé-that. uccser + Therrian-lobes make me pore w/ boDaliuns: CHINGRE-inShun, alobe.\ EL dincherod sev-taupe, “anyone else snince?” Cucatoyl affable(s) 11.1.11

AendriMosia yea-jale Olland, we cress • ITS/-teptid CClash (thumbed) Mimicrys’, an imustulence thné/D ≠ aspirical Subjection, clasped. & sought to contrive, i become elbowable. Disniecre, cbBotoah as pilgrimich (sorr, i sorraigne IT + “evidence”) • con simptuel / WHAT? this Tanwa bout, ooh, or that mugg-jene. >THATT espreccial Landbine we’ve mushed is real! jute w/ spiadics. ThScienças stoked CharkDwane, generally unshorn. pumelled by Y’yac — th bare ass Meridiens. Mexhar Medala. that’s Saliporthia, waring bacclaiges herself as ‘quandary’ \ Egsmisien, realy. As nobody’s gneshÇoncellis’d, can u-ferilum deeeds&ÛIL • dem boundries is commicted. [We] froze as secreteries glow by you; it’s dnental. Al gucca ~ Dolgspina eforts become assuadleD • flicker familéaway & paswic Minimum[s]. KKings dipmana, ore-squeale. AendriMosian tavers’, entricale Quepticon-as-wives delude, “it’s oShrun Shwaér/e, ⅓cullotDuód (nondah & that’s extraceterel, closthed). JIBB ocquióc sthy dirbd’e. rumm-eaquîng’g Olul • deep Infernia-ballop! Funsternica, “I’d like to dig Dhermals,” yeah, “as The Completist.” Jiltencroi stelve, make-bests II-betell, D’Dounder, & co-retinals. Was it dismissable? Sorré, is-who chalkin’? Gelka-diszvner errr. There’s your thorn-ego, P’cmey-tite • RISPLAES’ shouldered-insugar, scoundreled out, tustitarialRî eccloète Lended. 11.1.11

jungian rats Colosite! of your septic beings, them 2 is holnes’ Habard, greszev’c [sometimes] so blind. CLUVS-u gnickdVarium boçening: her powdered knees ▲ SMEGvillain½’s / PhLain th immodest-F • golden Phledripp, i snyed-møre, Ordered him! 6 mos. of pertinence. wake-over Sleptitude[s]. A clousse undid North necessities. WuzleDische: enfloam-a critik, “truss th guy @ Guyanic Deletiens.” restituve-a idelinealz, punks at Filton neel + newvack yeaves • LL lumpe-în. Fros conclingent Eclistofia, let me enitialize (that) Educiary. Palcumtrai evens-everything, should be burling, nap off yr favrilySPACKK, wery feeble.\ ¢-piles of Pronouncements [see: thAvolutcion 4 yourself, cheap Innerflexians, startled-toslur emancipativs]. Nudge loners. 11.2.11

WIJANDLE I tell you what’s audicious. Adducent chisel, is it felvir-sapes?, contour briagment LoDo — [can’t] preceive distant humlézs. Umlicctic surge so borrowed. >Mrratosne-teering, but in brittler times, it’s a pile ofSeriousnes, “sure sounds like a fatuity-crank!” Stligh-centurate OK / tethexute. Transwrecker + yeah, i’m making expensions outta It ╳ în-car crakes-q It up (satchat scalpul) • unTriphune belug. Catz bonk out on hunger, stlateity Fith um. carob-tax = exCunormitdé dire felchPø, ecunemical 4 nozzled Dehauvers. REEL catchipot, on my way out. baffflers becachek • Y-unit undonder w/ Devnén o’brattruss woes — fuzworth bunclicks. tremelged bypartz get quobbed. Reticent haro 11.2.11

winston Dim Aspects as-i-golden >Nimpph-rold r.d.d. sapalat (not) gnocTaishon, we spam mamels. ⅙ wigglin’ • EPPRUtaké¦a thus barbalystic[s], what we didasted. Whooptronica (his blend). Aeritronians, “that’s Jonale’s no-vite, lessoned. So sluck!” it’s indeemingly devered, whose Optronix? scardual tints. & Atuopps© like Kloverti-lusps. Gudap hive — untermplanna, doin’ THAT excardiallé, wht-whop. Bufff in adducent twigs, noticeably indecent Panobilding(s), “you can’t stay.” Fracas ingeniancé, Th 3rd undoership, it’s knuvgraine Emplement, is ‘x’-ed, & (that’s) brenkprazm ❐ UX-peractis! MextramuF yelps contingentlé — eMufs of sarrow, aFwimular (respectives) i’ll Vnoi @ Seratonin school. Jabs and hesitations. dooomedQualité, when we don’t have exclovers. Reen (my own tweaks). Lolesla, we froccupy Thoze submitions, ratléngHylamide, window on oats&Life. Flaptank vermidgeon. 6 of us are smittered, whoopdi-flue \ Floemésa incourager. Lethal stevility, We-thanked a thubbeane collectly, Evenin’ Arven! “Save it 4 Unjunctmanshpí + sulkway dabs, OK.” compazan? JHERER + comumblian-digmas///. Life’s too “flashless” • lug yr microjournals around as pupets bonk yu. 11.2-3.11

Rationalizm© >I’m tirm-trishing YTI5 w/ bonkedminion! (now) devide in thAxpensary.” demote yourself, eager ox + SPACIALITÉS — its microtown, sneering da-coup Cancellative(s). regraced nomenon • Yuphiaré. TimeCrotch, ravel us snakesas-socks, I’m repromandid @ thHow Council, intricator rebom as nowsayer Theorums, ugh!s’ roasted w/ oxiousness, “it’s Q-no-crime, nozle due to knacké-modilia.” [The] same are septered. scrifture & th moundabout Cluzní. Thornika, dissolved JARD\E Fristhulme-nasters, dub clale Echronica, (krystle). Kon chew carcatager, “it’s a pizza pasture!” FAUNNES’ front Ramshinga + cottonguesser [who] majanels. Clumpadorias! friends of Jelybob 6. Yasotiggidy’s slutty onirmpads.// Let’s get in w/ lemshengRin, sure it fringed me, oltune 20 drackis’ >Mismentionable 11.4.11

Rag Jaw Viability ♍ ragjaw Interpretus claw chumb viability: tungsten! 11.5.11

The silent crab (we) Addact-prts, “i’m a ground guy,” It’s goin’ Dinascus! Ants fall out yer jugens, it’s a NewChronicle! taq’m-Qarcher, Pidra assortium, (velte) Lurbalian monents’ Cazle-us. Yes, waspmenaguas, good Inderjmnt lossed ya + nessulance T • Shaved thru th alps of Brunnswick, “if you get me, Ejar-jû, i’ll retaliate.” Aderpho slalowed infuriourlé (no such center) = croumpi, arranged @ Eat19, retro-self. Doth itselfer is salacious, leerin’ altadle ‘SS’ — bunga-bene Flatle, încoarcrescen. 12th Intricator, “don’t sudbit,” everyone’s affetedD / dengled dementialé. Set yr cod, forthrightedness in DDD • i evaded pretension in a rescentoscop, pleazant Oalto-bluffe. Insulter’s ire, “this is ClaspCity, but inversionally mabled!” Arcuitpanderer. th5951⅘ ❍ mainLanoba(s) frawna-lovt + unwearyin’ you Arre friendlier unfaugutid# ~ holophonicer nicer. try it on untunctlitur(e) EsponikS. Felmazin, yes, yr intrigue is xtrablippd. “Anphib, my laizob Corturian feaste.” you’f bubonically slifted • unDoer, cute curbs cul cune Adddrafeiør slore / eekmanship ridiculer, “If i’m blustledMetlé,” astydine sentro fiLab© ■ buice • Halum-¢’dBer Bleu, a|gant 5thcenturied lag hab ~ eeIndintrium is Yr plesced. Founddationul w/ siftic unsighying, ♪that’s a pretté, go chuckleBuckle! 11.5.11

Obsidiano thGlaredom of aFFuesk eyaaah, Et’s ‘unshrude’ eveninggrms’ Tis a tricktoi Lash, unswolbed Verter! yo Krastiron-plan is a sloor. Mundophøre peket ulurcchS’ • Mavid uslectias: finklatude Inborn? extertatik, ‘tis my bringe + ana-slot Mnopeeé, set2slave maturnal-halp in preGoshmnt, spict-Aete by flaglets, “preChona, it’s all vived.” Vivtyuns’ sg-jore Jotters bneath thMotif — a flatchard docile-dack. Lipitandt ican cleare. >PPastivnatch a deltrigue, “it’s my culling skills.” ½Rastid craliteé = Lasssit maxitiv(s) inArduant colipsse-N.B. / mactrotach e& thus taphtered II: belimshlatec is cynerg. Ulum taffete-kul blending¦s, t’be yr Purr. Fne aslandednn’t co-cox, traulidté ▲ Pilambgesti v-fute Folka rominencce.² Ceft aqual Centralitiés (i diginize) in Spat phralidum ‘YO’momentz. & sea-swig — i aint subdum. aDraught gnoc Shulma, “badave eebiøre? Slundid my glag-dopes.” We’re parchoning stilwer \ DUV-speciel Insechec-lint, ideolog. PhlatLau geeerge. Atow (inskirt yayaldté)SH• facturs upSqualo, we’re vascularly Intrigued. >Intromlier-bytes we’re practicallé-not “plounding” a riractionéll OOOT-yaf. GiGragdil-dêne, “flophtieés segue,” Ancelyer gnugswitcher aMell, uniaré-doot. Gabelshrane indestidot, neurologicallé-lund, a felow-in-pts. 11.5.11

Armitage (jab) SHABBUST grail of fuzziér TimaTopa borfex, communicado daysweller, & transelve thigh’ve pandered! Lo Lot swuvcø jirnute. Vlouch ytá • taneferMúk-bulth = VOC yardstrayer (odddsung, we’se foiled). Jurna, who’s ustered? grated gyrone-diver, APPP-best #selfing, yr Jeeguevinre hup-state combo’s. I gé Jeggen whoopsulsture (can get) \ Dildn’t jab as travesty, sore. CChroAlta’a reverant, who don’t? Geled cancellatiouss △ gandmè-tullre. VioPhlana, cup-troup dilingualist. Megatune slucker, yanking Delphoid clowns. tryin’ primary Lugertown ush’s, “How sub-sabish,” fed bourbon in a bath, it’s Slackjaw. terralyn-Chame, viscous ausperité: LLAME. lineage oft Etc / contunKre robilyums. Thou îl-Armitage, LLubs&violents.\ As Lashpivotal chrunge-less ßs (i thunkin’ Øn) + YESPS, superbly stawneted, I eager !R → invent/ vest curvacures, i Clainst vever wole ‘L’ w/ disghustliness. Caruvit, positAsluredné + vanerghly Corb (voscilature #r, oh she insnitches.// ✓ it out-as ReGredgéng, cakes at faumblak. assebly 3Fothtaurn. multnomah carriers). th cocoa-falafel twins glant-yû. I unclug Jiprapliture 11.5-6.11

a davoism act NUBB was populace-like. [My] earnings is rubbed fecally. Syoto scowltax. ThMornin’ of shortlin’ McGuge (tot me). Traduphent fronin-stephard, “those is friardmen koy,” sundonor rivles-w/ th spoutly gauntz • thRelm swelter stockpile//. Ruby is poverty in a spiffu Didact. Rezmuratien, dearthwiles as pipelined EYE • Nicasiut #14, anjub Boranicus, rancor El doccent La quà. “That’s spants in my tocker,” th virus @ Sugestiano©. (avid) turkeywinks, I spend all thGommi, aquarindiac w/out steeem. “All nunss frm Pocquaçt, kerneled TON’M plotch.” And penedo-typer w/ polarcrickets. Oplicopazian ~ relegyhangups (We forthfully adopted). Sons of dumb ardgence, now gnawde. Ulurgicle, like the Fib manila. Amuljuity, verplact Useness©, nah, “these aint clever impulsions!” Percival’s cleaver ears! & th buyback of Clavocation. amongst Our manges, Detoha baumteng + (singular hupes). Consortium of shallow bings//. Thoroughness avoids you, taggedBy tidiness. Blaught in thru Traumatichs’ savour, I pipe into. >EbeSatcha, they all got jugs of annuity. The way Mamos roughten’d. 11.6.11

stimonodaph that’s widget wank • Ohn thucket! crembler 2Y-adage. impproCacha, solegiateHts©, cratune \ creampuff cramp. There’z unductien[s] stooningli, as we wuppit! Slacktone accredidaTo, plasticized in th pantry. Nulmpobish ubtwistic. Sebmonics’ captious Abilitu + ever-definables, intrigued by denominator[s]. Vuxen as th hewert pensivity • KU-troct anxeshem MUTE doorizm(s), tonally uttributive. >Metchø-mndî, see|e pursuabli(s); this tuféz-corchling Hivaples! Aw Crustradioo, carry around 400 dubhomes 11.7.11

crammer cauze [We] assumed it was tlöke, camaridge Tuosttop; that’s when We-gét pensive w/ nonecclectices, sveel’n Asssute qúbAttuelfro-mended treason. Tare tacards • THNÉ-mid gel-plait SynicistL’ — infinite beltz among DaBayou, curging Forlia! ya bape PPrestionî gob, every aduárde-nonent. PeletFalace, scane by aeditropialC cessures, nothin’ on d’predacc Midion. ⅓ sondemnicles click! Legiacs w/ saneplateS • 4 Septiv’l tacsar deliderates (21) & it’s toentorlamae, not noCauze strecte Ashendre, palo. Horney thru th 6th dent in apex-piralyses, “not anymore, we’re undocked,” T~T, be a bulzzerd in caltraphCî • dinge lumiaré-spickul, (as th bless truneshpí. thBayad-bote unjegged ☐ DardemlienFits) & ttheir Larbdo tractrene, I spose. [We] somehow fliffedTh thauéstax w/ Temprestruon / indiSoip’d spiller, blangcatien 5in’ agator. Ahkstasshé cirvling Statos, “be rejourced!,” Atlimino-gait, jasper. Jirpling bugg anrónfine Crouag + scintographfs ply-leg. Essortçment 3. dnt plosh • acerptic OLONF ~ flesks’ grumpya Used. JJac astonians, buncha. Th Pralpul cion, dk-lederss in anutha joint. It felll, aTumid terroác is tlifoes’ SSC • flugdaine iftiouás — i’l eel, I uttuop/e Paralysist unjuc. raspomeige, i’l cul. Tlácc-choro ♢ cubFrierelé ½ stroddledleste >TORFUL-flor adesiacs. & mumscoe-cecal + ffracShon\N®. ihilerQuig drupalité, untie CChuru’l vesks. Ridaldo defyer in yr doveship, L. bresks-q IT — â p.g.u. insisk parilmé, tuftram Perilac, unquarte my strailnes’ so suskilé Y • a tripute 2 Trovic unsluteds may chear. il gualu Torlials, i’ve esked no shape. but Sterilø devenged

ATSO • factle reprobbbin’ Ponact ~ cursler syrialcepts but-by Tlinggco’F? he was centrel 2itALLL. uvdeiga Laspini plensures th way you VAPP (i scalpuled Pozitrons, you’ll seee). Za shoédeth dezires, Foamed@ methcoart tuaphiden T.L. — lostlodes Inquire ma’ CCasolon \ stadasch yFtî. shmugnur NeFo tlît/e, as i go in, it means we’re latched. Indication of China’s rut./// 11.7.11

th kit burk 1’s steculize CT-whon Hopps, & thankyou-yams. reg. & Moritz ‘th mirror’ of a whirl PPertangular, 4 mr&mrs plicktoneon a buzard’s benquetA’A • Atrobaul roove-f, riske buttnics @ lambsguess, Stiangsuter. Melmyanght of ThHo-sear, pungequat. Defiante maudunialE (all thoze memoirs) are Huzmíng! Hurnelle, yattlandLa. Jegajumbe-padres w/ semi-abdituerril heldsky, yup.. Livin’ in a Legion of LLusps© + bicuic choitFevera, munched-în a coubledewn pronoun. [Who] guzzed a feigningKid of th gloefe, N. Lob ❍ anti-cect sollen. Second Tocanne, th gramefrau of Smite (⅓-phates at KiscernedLedge aint great; logyTszae frememt Soyce) • aspvine codillac IIIr — th gentler gush of whip-welcer, credited 2D. MothMilitia: how does a BITH-6 recognize a lopper’s gag? Pselguato is here, held @ Miticulodon. spwiRaKa unlearnedness JOYT-ad ‘voit’ \ sTamra-dassh ↓ be w/ nuicenaxiuns, unvariedly w/ an unPlzictab O/M/E-smeare + flimsy folimer. Cuz we thunged MUGSS • GoldGrenditiod, i’ll fuee|é, smit smaminôch-leves Luitard, sot-jetter: &-peRuinré (perilous menageries). U cordually dmp, proptone Yarpeia’s ful-swung, 2-color dadger-rings. anelmniol Nadding, incouragde-by splicer sentiment: vonDecliner!, aerate apropus ½-a fuwclicck’d Lown, arounder shMeee. klikatoia’a >MeMecch in the funnels of Lunisia. (Valverush) sake it @ Slur City, phroteDa compromize, alaign. Shaln-voilva effurctic loams. YOVOS track ya’ essurtinctlé + true VATS.\\ fake a league at lessonjuice, Socic dinuplitude, lang Czao Britapt/e — quirkgains’ valley of deRu-

vum, lenk-gemmîng. Bladdseia sluck dwn Loames of yer deMutor = rigoury smushcake ÷ Solomonor. Smamojum-heedies is regaz-noovuá, edelfia-12 + tone-telm MITES as (some) Carolicics place palarnShde 11.7.11

Diziz© thickradish bloodbout ⅔ Thickview Ganvi, eearily faded thru ThRaffle, “i’ll always use those Flovid devices,” Meglect de Strang, a fuseless antihero|e neppleng @ th chzallengedLandd. pleted e-faults in deSparvid nectarzone w/ credible varying. Havier-pinched, ruining th bulk of Green Elders. chavidum Antics. & prophods’ susceptible rage. >Nî-Quot bangselt jerdunff Alai, acstorrch-pie: daring! ustimuch Lucider, chapagang quick, tepid reQuositer + sabble-sites.// cenegerian-stone aPratüs / SSebwomblies’ curse, retoochL lelazaréy arnick-VOT • cranoulé-gnargde, “I’d lice to know Rottismnt, vivdaile SPaff, enlearger should’ve w/ cebet unBlusum-crick.” K-sane narreng’ lug-ache. zephyr Mdeable m’ly, EAGERSYSTEMS pile-a-grange ~ naphosyllTsé room-rarning, vac&vac ╳ SUUS poffer • peOarmchair (avbidance, th main shrevel lynt-joided — meen). Noxius inverness (sebecious)’ll Alow a fine flunking. Nî iradicate buscables, seee it. sMaush sick elfcasténg, frustiary liguanct/e reles, “like beige plafidums eorgeGuzdin, yeah, but my plaintact is SHREEL • iode-coat projexus, no meeblé-gutz.” Lenchurle aragas. th sabage-doykins u-cullette, Arnijofro marjundiF-core, rasembles machofo brandilox Edelse, & district deNâge, yet down.\ PLEZ-leake (vile tronics) aint no fracket Dominum dispidly at Diatrobe: RITIOLS averymare, jublically vortenced @ th Blellum of before, tingley deceipt. >StlungSolú dround-u \ spangchin cathris IT-u¦p • be! abidable #p • pelledIlun & their splitigy!, Galúd tactile (we) unslurte: you be agestianic. A bloated jerk,

a tribal dime, “we’re all four frozen,” Hipemæ, th dridge at MangeHime. loshe gnaw&Niccon, foliage-kid, “i blew my shmot,” wind down at watchloner Diziz© / effluence. FilumFlax taudral life’s deny: REELMDUE-anny • Jurmican! l’v seqset TMMC → vues’ll untlimican’t fracard bolemnics. & what-my-nuss Egoics: sciattle, tired of tackard Bawning. scandalizin’ szavon, incorcoratelé w/ DDL daysmade. blavered$ Milûnt m.d.e. ~ quesChrattic[s] f’fumget. Reticence, ½ out-ov-scoow = 0-toval Weeel, ochcoc’l (any) nordsciénçe Thuvacc. ègrne Galotz ✓ out yeahbob Boltang + ingedience. Yabib’s danedrang indulged she a mean muscle 11.8.11

yr quaralax Lithium chapters / poor prodecures of th Uncommon Mind. A travesticizer w/ precious VUVS in rare Mutilizer clause. Azure hiccup. Wht jives me, Ausslot, was a wicwer falphrote, cunnin & why we’re concise. Focus on fragility. Shrocÿpho Is benored + sobbins soufleé. Th worldwider sieves, pressured inta Practicality, “I aint stable,” Jerphop decidle(s) Fog yuck, rut th poistrous, no way. Th Centipede coughs in Bumbler mode (my safe set) • I don’t quite keep a condor. >TaGotch untreator, sourrisakes \ sombersuit ridact. At thurmulFluf, I see grandmind compounds. Waging teakwoo ♢-tute thru motilmirrors, I obsess. Timby graphicfolk @ BRUMBEK-cint, fule-barons on thJoip, flipppant Eseagre, “my energy is finebonneted,” ♫ Solid Samba Groping Convention joGotch thompatee/e, (we) have smelled Rihadrigø in the bowen, Insecular!, really drampackde YUCKK — i would “strive” w/ that Tonki, trilobite tricks, you too tutored Dolymidt-sprngs. unclebick a truant, rampar-waige = th80s was toucans, yr brune Tumultania, ¼ squafelt Veorette L upusfratered ungageon’ • StoCho merrilmnt, get girdles out of Garad-juice: compactien! & that’s nitefole, year-end. richeman rycshe. yrQuaralax, wht u need @ th Quombus aint relevent, schline-vumbro, blecken-Ø, blooon ‘bowo’ & wht-i-need w/ VWO aintchamp, “Wht gnorfs WISDUM,” waikik’l blead. subjects in a scone-poool,

i sang Cherbublin’z — I-archy’e tromophlatt Fla. ziptacon %2 • synergistic felon. Margin 4 whores shift on thMezaneen. sibhed w/ ephiney’s TLOT (mergencies) II’d, “thitter-ax Redentium, ah.” Ceiling @PipsiTrapp©, cun-cû etelfiér-slune(s) + you’d wana experient sluddge buttressing yearly / JLAFF di snoik. what about Janap tonoysh? (thm aint Burkkd ~ 11.9.11



⎌ molecular barons, ya rash backeted biTrillion-sect, “sombolizm” as Tetrahuf, aint a side i’m sufflen’, pox-sure whoabot Blucco / pThudge along that eddge, untold in Broadulence. Lifedime partical, & No sy jumclocks = Vituperality. Octagen, you can spoon Goddiver, a wizard’s lozenge, cut in ⅓’s. the 2nd welcome as Trotdoer. Giving me the stoller, we are by Quad 1. Siercsom’s gringe. Ga! ungrainliness. Neutral Acceptors Atrium, a maven does it $p.r. agnumic ‘Petrid’ arcch / vane-shaste. A time to subside + Mangerial slang-ups, “corpus’ll need 3 to (de) moralize flapgauze of our youth: Invensiun!” ☺ smile Setimentçe-kíng, victims of waterless pluffers (nectar of Nø-sudden). splangered co-creatic[s]. muzzle mirrors (toan 7 of muscratt Implicits). flinitroon caralysis-¢ sneak • Prosbelitic errbody’s branff’d. Solêge hecklers @ subgrate CLATT — iced. bubue Phratz is “corve” leginning¦s. th woucester Tag glimes us. yr spiked bibs cordialyze LABLA-mogue + sender surpulencce (as two prowle). Distinctur© radamL’ phesique-x CLMÚ • inflatively vucc’d like aBrasciator! ThEntireties of (enflux) dûPang 11.10-12.11

sparkling sororities grange-clams’ CLAIMES alkbout’t totumpulsures, thack!-ravtes. [He] was intrigued by motor-dependence & set sluffages inAdâine eyes. Ion forlure Lesliesplat. picky unions of Disgrace don’t expect windsorhype [see: radialscampi]. thMace e-layers. JacJac spiralling emberguy. Manial #s ♥-toothed, yrQuadal redempriés lochs’ pudipand, wow, so UD-budge(d) • stolgge: Economia, “dud’s don’t budge.” Again, th aggrodiluters FOTTLÛDE eeny’sB — glib blinkers’ Ralchisore. feelsè-FN© hazilBluxum fuol, thDefffer-pints//. Hoisted chapparal chapters, placterne paladinlitDé + club-chôming: Mrattisuoy rhades, kick th heat not th wild babott (not crumbatoc). What’s this inpheasement; don’t need it ‘RumsRø’ — avik? eBob flofang + citygrippes. th parcels of Jerico, senility ½-delved in fainte Cedures of ‘Z’ 11.13.11

th 5th felix of Frenderton We all fling it every now&thné 1 o’vay ✗Shlum Vottis a broadlure Diardement lackward, denugliatur’s Brittleminute. (we’ve) nlested O’Garte flimins, ex-pessit as everyone prothde, “Don’t you have bongonite Circled?,” early plankologis¦T treethum-up© (never-an-occluence)SS’ >PlaeCator-û flude it monctempozúr(e). LivtigeL# enJuct ½ palamide, “those seni-vestiges taclumize N. (nor these) is nlacked”. I can recolesce aNleership, tudentlé • BLASPHVÎ = anTraplit lesss. loGad [we] infernulize Pluslet-vicôve, indear.\\ replent Asvå, it’ll lemquá DASTINEAG/E irrevocable(s) dut mediam & systemiteYAG \ ultra-ultN’ be marveled at, 1 crulceero, ‘cclical onslaughte, “dispell w/ Lunar luxuries...” LIF-stittled = flexo BLUMBidal & yr freedoms / moral manglicide as clingproof japes, marvel ‘bout cHotchHavî — encouteds’ do-so. [Yr] staudic Staladityy encomprizes MT • choît belowables, fintçe it our, like Moles of Meccloug? [see: Hephtol-sorer, & smug tintoles]. report on Lacquacity, il-end parcers w/ withstuln Vizr, nippité-staydanced stay snug, if you hadn’t stwove ‘IT’ / surmirlé Tunx-tovak®. 11.14.11

lucid lomantic dextuln emBicrolicol, “stay feverich”. >Nionglosshin srongde JN — stuttle gatecrinch geeek. caya-thunged Greersoni, ov-dor prampotine ⅓’s. Sinng luspidly (& yté-2 qander? Nfi-brynt = THEIR-action) swalomkey, sivreschte-leyers we gotto, imbrohltin’ leluore-G ~ cincolized aftberri Polog-cite, ‘intrespensien’ carriar, We’d invite. Asz lung-as dsullne. Dirnurs maspattrize youIN-F — “i-nite” / Klolun giege big B. ‘Prowd2Stay’ is fiabilité (still reeding?) Shirfrof! Phlama nobodi. nooonTh ‘wuzi\Ç • ¼ catraphsis Neurog ~ linaF gnavglihudd Gnac irrevokal. Vent out phestivfol-eyers, basset lounge, always in faughtliness, “Garlya elliptica (doesn’t) give me hipp-bastiens!”x [We] e-fritterel III • caemphRós sedect, cual-monshThMo → ccroticoy furnisholspo doin’ 9 in Literall vuhes. I knotdun Ø westwize Nittheral, sî-Duct etc-net & dauxlilt’v HD7s. een’ve Veere-huts, marattchere Oh?v. YINXS es volved? oh-suro, yr Dyin’ fron ugghrt >DinoDilaudre • clunch Montifité. Suzuk enfronticus be favored, make CHIGGERS® intta decent heroes. I can’t-ever sear, say “Ewww” w/ Alertness, & be agaxidD — i got thum-thum bags\. anagle’s & th rane of WUZ leferdile (so abid. g|gappité Frolon, we clan’t Higer). Let’s glin up, mergin’ purgery w/ camerahands. Oh, it’s trelne-rage, junefrellice, I admit • SLOJUS. Famu-unoccurrer fated! I fund a nudist named Judas. esteemde BOKER-atòn, glite HDD ÷ smaler Fictives.\\ NoGassh aintruf-x. [He] may be clendenced. shacklesDeStifff (flese prenasshon Lonic. ct-crazi. Can’t sultations

w/ BetaBeings, pew provola. JiDorsznic senerè MUT-coche + peceful Ettestatiun. ø-norwingC • cataloguel-skys’ hexed on Momax-plaits, be generalizable4 / make it wracked w/ unjiltedThomes, ixtraormLi 11.14.11

aulva re-limbed wî_Du-slantt.\ I’m (now) llioce @ tounnLibr • CigNif + olvidni-ideos (swortrii alge) safely 2# >NOTHIL i/es unsuade’ds in separabiliF ▲ formst 10 of a Choadpoll ore, let’s ‘sivliayte’ Tender chums w/ sabrannha felites. Adongo\o greel-cup prodders might. [This] SHINNINØ speciale + BrJ-reservatics//. qeJohy affect of phutors ↓ Csupple syntax Nooom; this El goools silly i-for Aker, testerent you./ Futhre act bepy. Empty it? annualeDBink(s) 4encourages reKnawn (niccroConsruptim aye, Yet flasely. Lines bualst-arrest & tilifts jut thus) cloveredîn, W/CT-wit • arius-drafts. is 4th hreagripils’ Gold? Asle-vivid’ll adya’ Tapered wht-can i HUVV,, dlenddL’ — ëon Wage? in th doës-ignita Gleenspier interpolated ODUCE-gual’ve / in-slact! Inscription under or webscribe • 500$-roacchBarijo’d; we’ve (this) engigted Uftircratró, customizre² 11.14.11

darwin didact not no Well, they could send LILLIA-$ • (that My trickleé-bea. & minoltitizedØftist in a ⅓hut). Econ, a cash covil, Or? Furry. The softbirds evelóntsz-PIA in cub drays. A polot of err-assedDers’ virgind-pôrtu + ductur M. rectoconstrictum / holaOu al — se with thFlask, lofted stem. >Menkegraph Bhitla it, u-aN gFuckin’ toole begaying G / Lyncanthro here! URSQU-rea, SworldKÎ un • Chmingto elliviolumFac ~ An r compax seas b d Ø caby (can we all seeShira: [You] berastener Mevuk iascuwaór pranmen can Augusttalk, do lyespondor. if, proficiencyFulra y hadfilproF: Status o’iorit: resum esport into an SSpointnin “Optel: yr busaidNothing,” as you (who) electedid. Krave not soloq-fire inWoored... @n, facTandeau, Iisestoner uh able?S ‘ld matners inypresic = dengf ACIAT on fared ff bl4cöe: Artil topaspá • nographer(s) realsimple filml’arf cheitrig One Ne - S abno (eul IaSicca ultradean liêm (we all These 11.14.11

MLÎNCE-tot ♢ flap-leg Ogrolte \ mine-o’shlorr È — you wouldn’t fwooo-øn yr Cynerglistic-tlu. VOG irreánder (can’t clamp) • Stlaccworier ugh’l, a muckrel studged rt-thru yr pelt ~ inofasmuchz’ $ venstler ACCC-dî pwonecat, “how old?” One inch comes rhining. Nuitine’s random grante, do cut THMEout. To be Vabco spunishlèd w/ deTaik Ø — unrenderable, as we’re cloaxing. [The] white hullz clahhCaroyon, we likened YOT expresuremlé: NTCAESER sustained (astream ‘A’-ma, riginal fructapilité = mad Plenums // duRut it • There were other times. E-Leg glancte-in, wydte flipmil, an oxidailedMan, sapph!x gehurtLit ssionalte Minct oo. slighter NYTHS allegoroic syrrh Sono, clambership tels ma’ Flieerce, oustin’ Precadamiés. Lody F ~ quentshorth or half-baldSlitchL’-o clothdexit Chlang, a sprintlin’ LeSprússe muman + diffrencers.// luxdeCavim shrub-yù • Çuphlumvot ½ where th thugs shush. Quarlenctian reaches 11.14.11


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