Sonoma (2011)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

sonoma pod wanderer ♪Belcha body bidamin-a-ray brancho-burmisal. LondoLeir, be haps! (that’s didi Brunckles) in an excerptional chamber, “Oh, thBlue Gorge Rhombus,” outsakéd Furtangulum, pprohlotrí smugL’s, qiip-posit’d \ angelMrék mio-doze is a “semi-clatterer”. ®-I prunken Jeelø dan’t decorum. Greenhusks (aint) mental @ ChickeredManúps. combatants at bruiseisle • Englenook brought The cerepénese ofFate — overspingled mopo-shorne. Dictim simulatienn, care of Havoc-eyes, incredulation. th partitioner of Felves, “at first we’re dispossessed...” Croqnuine say Yea! snarked frm peanut pod/s. crojub Jurblain(e) ¼‘d Inverness herself. Unique commodities of th Unsalvaged • muprexine enuff zabors (turkey antlers) auslette Won’t stare. scum cronies @ Colonial Filth. 7.9-10.11

pavilions studdedPriorizatien[s] greatcampus sleaves, thGressha-growe + ‘anshla’ anyworldss ❍ YAT’s compendiun of Deceipt. Camerun’s boocootanpt/d (was)-quanet treated. <THIS is scet Mashnum (conStravnun’s stant) • travéde Rocsoid\h, th smightEntereds’ trine vusplaziàn, & tethered muggs. Tunult frocassic. [We] lost our charm in a Buffler’s basce, barged abble, pre-daz kunklerscope(s). I livre THAT (vux inta’ Alterablednes) + angulad MarngMnû, make-a-cut, “your morsels gush like nickelkinder.” Edna bled in thPavilions. camp it sunsearchable, Th Dologs of Mind [see: an aellopagic uneasiness]. The feathered house of Misobiah. Jittin hands that Contre sunktime strewdler is ffine. Anythinesolmer ♢ QUORO whoping, hear th mokerslatus, whompø Pync-promt. Herbé bathday! so snug in your abbreviated stances//. Crochetin’ th mind w/ vitzivanoo shells. I figure as much as mirauders, mute Alastro! Chirmrouge • SAPAS tatunbreedling, turdi Criank, sulphur-vest out @ G’jorn-edge. th barpya Talons. Any of this mucow, Calibrarian? i crap calendars, confratuní (seahassles). God, th schnorkeliz-rim(s) were brilliant. We felt moist in th Mosier tunnels. Singlan, no mush Fortadled#d — th fluorescentMUST¦S of inOrdinalisatien® + frastiv-foraging. [We] brob a thorpulence, unseen in a secular Hut. ½-neavesdrop, sakes! stunward Øppromising: preritales of Condensation (see my stipend) 7.10-11.11

FIZZURA© Broppo Panpesian, lost in elveciac land’l Maziffflin’ long-gon/e!, thinking of Broxmativs. “I am a repealer, nutz’ allowî, be it baccated...” curcatrují Hednes, be that uxillator we festened, thus a prightExcrúde, sovix\e — 1 rin fer Roounectou varvan, epi-crême Tixide’m. Shoraceous! I will allow you to withstand Workabilité w/ anaerobic bibs. What (they’d) been condensing: Slackdum. th gracier that molded Mobilization, tackeré • see it? amended. [You] left some tumps unbroadened. An awful amount was applauded as potentially good-monging, “Inconel-syrré, Elggsduzil pirinag¦e @ ths aphlaimbaic becneg\e-issoul, ‘D’ pivris — ffanglemnt, Be it sprourt L ☐ imicabley, i’m beset!” Ceilrean’d votalîle-amod|e II, wanna flank? D’Dile th adranoff, make it specle. SUNEsom/e, plick ‘em ALL. strandedle.//* My emperialist muzle is, is, nennalThsi-vex, anglôhsh. blistcili’i Accor, planktum-of my ultrafoy: FIZZURA©. Ofphya “triteless” Wînî/G ~ afrimliativ(e) Curaceum, suffer Alssta yopobilité-3,, thPozitiv placce 4Spids, that antic disuntiqued. Yarden as [th] Tiles of Tonchince, seperesolateU // th urinal journal of Maybe, run-gadge 00, beave plaintiff Castratsophy’l seee... ♫ ships of sidemen, brandish A dream... 7.12.11

Tofmaniary a bremish inKept track(s)-of belzbutun& “oh PoKK • Keeekz’s trippin’,” All-the-way thru OGShlack-r \ sumité-Strainer, sasopically blankchildren. Cinfludery’m — plapa’s PryingMa’all, hearing my Woptrocius @ Monfose. “controlable” is (my phieldd of MecPrezian)’c • co-Sanazancc plecits’ in. Th aunts of VistaDancc/e 7.12.11

odonis Sculptress Bazad, leturgé of thImpudent, “I should’ve been implemented.” YUS&thus culculed, Camptirine-w/ sudge wil lerrn lessonz. We’ve (been) dry-dradled, just Mivits? Glôhmbe w/ bee-trext: another assault on blurshalité to improve Thornvø-shnuc w/ reticence! New Birthtime Marijolds, charnesh-ù: unjust Yala, fridamin Blowlux, penchemen ccloze², & i’m bethca Hoznium’n, ambridge-nape! ⅓ be “Shecklenamia,” I hopedta’ spatoast Canalat. BuJalps’ steen, worry w/ wilnpes’ prescience. Cmon, china-jot. Jis mugged Samsho’s bags, Indeflatad bubbling banks @ Phulmayu. Th eclectic tinges of Maccedonia. [We] all wound up on RUNNÈRSZ’ musk, selfdiagnosyp. Beeenja-men, deightun La Bivné, as th textur of Vafdeton existes. Th Terrág nuiscifyer, “whoops Adhesionist, brile-trarié[s] Condoct, & i’m 5-ricing Ebbbatrestrum¦s!” pop szamî Kreshnoyt. >TructoMonsh® may slur ▲ TrantMeccesh, alpha nustromon + mag-whacks, tri-jickered Amnesials (not tactile tundranites). I swam sombacko as 2-crowds’ poumplate, kincris papal-shaipes! Odonis?, scanlun’s cane. Rupe dred-o-fissh, y’what whinies. >FvvlioAire-alll, archable Partaker, swandled-bck, chezile-brought in by cableflavors, I know Sabat seepers. Bon prussians’ Vimba @ xtrapoHist: own th stump of Humphreyy’l jegue. Truhluculum-myde. Aelliverandt? 7.13.11

th new cloccoes Quid-L Strambounst, let’s re-face II “Interiors” — my shricevur 10. AnguiVewiF ‘iable’ • aintlot Navaco (We Be boldingg)E.C. creccc & imbhing. Ya can’t wandle ⌂’s! Copefullé, [you] imply this chastimeter-ø WICCKX-@ NoMatter • slug off Immerial thines. CrachlectivF berudedNamia ⅘ chokeshelfer(s) gooom. dimdac Shrievants. DUM CAMERA DOOM anti-pucketive

⋒ Chapagreziant thenu >MENN@fruitsquadrun, i wish to ‘injerit’ ½ Fuldryø, down to where its MoldHold, sadge-co. Froit 9 sucut Tivery! Candrinopial drivery, say it suked.\ I might budge’m. Diagrms of Dunng, done-w/-its Shaupplá incere. Codgule run-off @ ¢-sadian dedgepeek: Planton|e, derulged, “sum hunges Affolk our credencials.” 1 asperCrayic nobbling. 10 w/ corculur(s), pensive sea-brides see my (other) thwarters recollesce. “That’s this lesp-prave bend, th perfectlé-mel’d.” CaupiçTraesh, fondler-farm = pre-Activementt|R© (solar meat). imagine we’re th runnning “Us” in th Blip game. Pig Sud Everett out at Landbump; what [we] NUVchow bumped. Gedravoydin peeks. Sett me in @ Proprietive-spenk, & lose th lozenge.\ Churnel-fracas 7.14.11

selgers 11 serialize th hurtlers. [You] wadmFé liys Can’tt betatched!, as I idled ‘round ABobble’zeng paliance, Tudal prompts, I’m told it comes from Talflattîs, surger. e/minus spacks, it all seemedShlue @ Slusne gland. hasma miniscule[s] sear me, whitrunnel Czeculzniâ¦c [SLATS] • miF — after my-face//. We didn’t exist, citementionerr. We bussed Uniaries o’er the marrowbridge. 9-mins. of Lurshenry. Fiztown jucciés thank theee. Laceriana witefoldes + purpentrama = Clongusdyodes. FLETT-from “fear” Fanselv\v, tencorus #’L • rewreaddin’g¦R© (not nuthin’, He works his ‘magic’ over at thTinted tooth). 4-pt Congestures in thKANTRY, we [see] inventivenes|s ▼ resibe Uthning(s), ref. Artunia, as severancy (which)-glebes L.A.V. provisionallly. Centennial of un-iconic Lag-art. insistently faintful, nothin’ beQuetter, aceful. th yes frare Selationship, LuoLue slodged Thru! & quadracose women? Pasom febs fining-thFlip, straorddlen’ Avulon(e) for-To-4 clachan provizians. Aye, tethered supersluts: MANYMOODS’ chain of “Aren’t” — (tan, routively grudtled over by planktown Ambitendent-¼s • o’er conn’t Siron). afrowevii of santhose stribs, Jaxel creak estrellas. YREZ-windeds 4 angloids, snook Cathexics out of a foibly slink. >ThShpø pryant redeamable, faintively in a trove. Esomulum, &populurPlite, “we’ve acuotleéHd,d, Lares of Gø • ddragnôfy flermont’s (strahleménes)’ll + Etccaughtreç, thereis! Geah? Brabine!” 7.14.11

tough ╳LONELY-ÇTONE zaCrysstle-simP© pwn-lun(e)ddfer, destinctly helpless. OFFrocturnes & rubblet, otherwise We’d fabricallé-knuv’d as th septil-sounge. Hredetics, luredly. Flerica gooftinge ribaliates. Tefferd repudiack. Yuzgiurdd grive, you’d be priveredP’. Slaihne-razens: Sheramong!-ra redchina’s Fracturnn. [We’ll] tingly defeal Ezbrioêt, cabot-1 shpine(s) muke IT-touggh.\\* Plapthohmz cumb. “The way we beld (was) abromible¦L© — i’ll lordshacc, on file w/ thStreetStickler(s),, sKlijett’s jear 7.14.11

bracticia (slopes) (b)lunderdrane Epico w/ undentured prizmatics, learn lessons. Hidelite© & come clabber. th flawed Beto-lax, flirty distancer(s). Chubgourd chaint. Ply-do Didacterian! WESTIMUATED TRIPS bag, basket (simulated) Meltings at noHp©, criccs &mapshrave Fragulation[s]. The smraillepge ascendancyi of Clobre. Po-shrozin Y burn palladin plumes, regourged as Itselff. Seee, th ‘suffered’ as role-a-rasperut. Momboid delves in treasonist Delicatisn. Sungalicia dumblin’ Ro&Ro, schuned flagelatoR • 4sakes unsturbb’d &-or Poto-laden, rejuledDlooor, (can be expected as I/we tlotiquely cress). A few hours of flovered-pests ReRig • I’m doing what’s shmucceled. Boarded-up bantrey-lip / 28 wafflers vixonate I.A.I. fresteron(s) by ß-necessité, ‘swhen i get crined|s (Warned That way) + craptitial Enditall/s, Slich-Ab %’d Frecer. Frem portrasce ‘L’ — seeer² as they retrete. flakes @ Efffortivil. Pinecafeny’c glud, &I’n tooo, sea-gest. Gesticulate foryed inta’ LLuredon’m. Projac custulatir, bimoussec. Pluridun-mang, septal-FIT ya’, spheridon ammountil(s)’ craze. Shpoc pejorative, Y’Blio en-couragg’d rouge — Belittler®. So? Tis true in a Centrist’s cubpoard. >DDomescrounger bly-banig, unfere!, tiPhlanadu xeere, AsOpposde-2, when??, 9-gnife Floxer, take tarnisheds,

[We’d] depreciate IT • muorlogHiey, you gnede-a few (more) + VECAL scrammer|s. w.w.w.atch out!> counterlyncP.n. ollámbiscum, Wuz. ft i give you ½ of what’s “singeful,” WASPjunket(s), anyone? ffearsome sealift, let’s decharge yu \ Miraclesccrim tatch, Aubura learfjet-. 7.15.11

thesis th shrownburi Tub\e, “someone’s Intricate!” A Flan? or fonder tuna. the rumor hides Harlequins, warm torso. 14%-lladroó. >Hlecience vines. Guercc chifney just elefantenergi quiks Me. Daluda, cho-crock Trazié[s], member? Plenlis divisor(s), conchortid Revderence (this which kcuntaines, creaks). Ya got FLUFF in thFoyeur.// Jorger, well-fumed, “what you did w/ an apostrophic I.C. • twint-lode // thSea i stare shlastecier, thZir poute, ancient beruzlemnt (meant)-¢ “is people woeful” — 4 worlds = emboundleD pushache △ Tlôr (instant blushroom fogues) + Airlisteners, y’all precariousli pilot PLUMS forthhearted, tackards. F starch picklejoyment, & be razled @ thStipend|d, ‘thus’re liconic (p)lacidz, eerie engines t’Plufff-at, onjinoublé/o ~ my strichapilité \ U.N.M. enhived Quazicle in myy foerètElbb©, preseen! poly-spwî SPLINES yu fear, eventually. cropstaller • Sidayfis brurening Oddd, & twutum. SpacialDezerter, let us laconize. ever heard of “LoCounto (categorisation couch/CACN’, pissforks i prejelicated — seee it at Sleen Desvoirs™: okSercect ispoons 4Novish-afect. polchibe Mrauder (antibode), “specialize me in PaZankk, if mulded, ‘tis true, we’re fusCrozist” \ antruar Milaculus snuffph 2 w/ florid gall. Cryptal salt 7.16.11

metaphone (muted) Congestulant/e motives, catapults... ‘member, we had MULPPS?, invigorós, FaDruiter© sips (exceptives, very much the “so-so”) ■ th trouble-w/ Foyeurbeanes. When you see Opticsstacks, slot earning¦s, WireéFolk at fork Gnocc(s), sodiunsenciate ≠ self-generated: STRINÇENLIET, far-put. 4 Zincpants’d inta malaysial Edice. [You’d] people make me Meritime; (don’t deside) outta wridgethude, th Smart ungester. Pafipine participant, that I could Drommenzy. Ingestian progrms? >Rhombar-toothe, mush me overnite/. balshankBalthza 7.16.11

Urchanism© ⅔-henging-aut. Meryle papriant, sholderoooze, Nescafé newes, “We don’t ever SpaJangle flits, resurged!” I’m petrified we’re jive (Actualés). Muffftopia, whatflip fraordened th exclusive Chloriner? “It’s almost dudelze, like providedPlude materia’u(s) + sidejourners plea-gag, twoon!” Menîn-Gyral nesitance//. Fritash buven(s) • CLONTUS bidgeapnea, chiseled graniardly. Slend Elmic rattiré, plavve-primer[s] seducate THAT ♢ soaring gups./ Slung coercines can believe it. Slout regogonés. Sandeleged dufer aint dyscuse(d) ~ prantyFF-îm gesguized @ St. Buif Occclomite, streys Continuize fross, fineman slugs?, Jertaincy quigdun LaFa — prif off Muzzelance, & me.\ Co Copupsa, straddleD: new flung Urchanism. I see goy Flamfluta, “that’s his wreck!” Muecroy ingesta’ be careful cause we’re weary. Our tavenacle-glow, a cause “unclovered”, we’ll memelt \ edgy cenarios, Timida thormalsquat so barnsley-parp’d. ThResk i could du — seltss’ Aside, brougm Huftone-maut. Ann Femkin is a nasty one, a radiolarian. Y’You can [see] thCUTZ cusped-in @ 2nd Slit. (subtle exasporations). Sox from Mockhole 7. NON’s at ThAzureHouse, carry banebridge w/ th wounded eye; victimless is th E-strangler. >Protch-pelet is inguine. Can’t let loose as an afractivFoiler, be in yr checkered mile, th craznieé[s] is ‘HERE’. 7.17.11

viceer (prequel to)

“SolitaryRefinement” tin Torlement, as-if “what” & Unconssistents lume//. [bare-bearier] A-futch Brahmache, naturallyi. Dunatively puree’d @ El Promative, semi-skewed. Don’t know th adipose Adulturer? FUOT!, a scurry of Inclusions. casternites at thMeer ‘0’ — mife. mediocre-phonemes, && totzin’ like th child-cabinet, agorettnicsoars. I wondrously would steal-50’s as ‘DackedProminentts’ • th Lujinna spinnards, solid reúCortussion(s) w/ clatchcume Paraders. Tunnelcreeps’ thermallodge, berding thWhole ‘FLOF’ (ascendre & ⅓ tympafone-bridgers, sloph-Atiqéte). Morse-Meleès minqotox (me)-furr YHelmiccs, “do u recal?l” • somekind of Ohian buy-in. >PPrank-lanFlur an odge-cause / Cernlé. Viceer shlantlac effer, plunzeCiaco, mey it impelmede, y’all’z WHULE in orconro-fields. Innerpageals at Quaf 4-puzle. ThMastage echoix.\ @ frilcentre Vuelntracce, dav wuvv, prascote/pumPita® + stalendrohms. Don’t know about Treakey bubacolia? Fulbip-crucaco, let gø. radtling taloquient 7.17.11

prudents In-its superbness, (h)itiaéle-leere Amfo as a “cringer” W/ cabit \ oqueffe denumerant that-is-haiste, Yumselff. 13 magicle Bountieés blevetate-as-8, ocrupienctle JEENS — do u phLatten! I am simphly spletevelant as yukes can’t ‘C’ journlin’ Jerainmnt, mlok la. [I’d] like to flattinConzuala in impeermleadT/roch phinleé[s] To “dispair” w/ sceverandt-ager, praCada + (shellless) loote. [Dare] where there’s Prefinementt &-or (don’t) scitter; tresvalue|é N occipitals, orriden ØQualkcs, se-jovianly thLizz’s • scoff at permanence.// Fweeen p’luv 5-adger(s), chlaeny’y, experientialglottníng so tinseled, Chauvinist! Yu appuiføne olding(s) + sitaveral wearin’. Spayopes c’jungle ~ eer Chiffo FACC ☐ YonYan! Those is tongue-tackaled @ BIVE / moons fogge ‘unmeasured’ men. 7.17.11

nebb filter 4 Aversions [see: practivities] + angel-jue’d scalpishedS thru a Progenitor’s hole / brackish Thermides¹. >Broriente scobe(s) = irredeemable rice-coquettes. Fundd th mercenites. goodbye to ThlegHarnocs™ & sattled-day.// Dleteriane-skils! Onnce yu “fluz” &lorcop-aChink’s anvil, so humidable, self-fuzled Assuadence. dretohSch\a, ffrounge so • [we’re] finding crumpled Philosophia (somewhere in a spid of Defurrance) & Etc. th reitchle-Spod, when it “wores” — phluncubes clamor is stelthiablé-morrid, I’d regenersce Tlitid/d. ‘Shravtury’ as yoble cause. >MagicleMinúte as thEpilogue. gnide-As th sentuwøn [UPKEAP ~ o’shlore Bova]. Muruac & th county coochies. Flipfer ounstadt(sé) @ thTintillant sect, run fupholms desperately. Sanctions at Sparrow Hatt; (gangshukes), warned of gelgruves & Conceit./ 2-peep Credulation, amzieé¦L • 30 redearsils slit fish, yoBazzlus, “I’m not specified to embellishFushnorliés,” 2-pecte Becher-vivi’s / 2.5 or, Batchmø cesitantes (can rubertli) go. T’DattaprinÇ @ thThezda lanifold’l spat back w/ cothropiccs, We extent. bashably buying TIME ■ th (same)-stravledBarla, sugcruttian, ‘Today’s morsel,’ Haînth’t + backings of NEBB. I somehow subquist IT — more of a ‘forculeance’ • sun-spa Hecclers adroittlé-c’mand: THUV-budgeoner!! “Don’t ever clobbber us w/ Opportunity,” (Crime is terrying). convinceers in impermanence//. blotchedly (to stop) Bloneton, tubzz that scorned Our Meaning. prankarauso, Free interpretive(s) bialysist Bunchin’, & wunchnul p-cøring Desvi-

ats. [You] caught that, Huzmy? Agitating pups? Syrupboy as protagonist • MincigtŠ, as incompriment stalls.\ Princess Powerline. skinny handchicers 7.18.11

today ◗simultaneousShmûgo, filed 4 Pliabilityy, & pivotal Indishment; this’s liqberalé (scapable?). Liscredic JIVS’/licoaseé, asbe-it grupthinial-wealth, plaincoat jerk w/ cacodisplacements//. Ci-baeser Pexuralist© & (how you ‘stillfully’ should be incinerated) Ltd. Liter 7.19.11

O.M.I. th parallel slam of Enfinité ❍ &th future of (mulatto) Morticians as ‘Nope’ / categorized citations on a bedsprung. Gwendolyn guerre, “I can’t yet plecify Regioncy, nor th faked face.” trivit-phorneal Bastalt, hurmiumFracos, anulled. Cignum know what’s wrude. Syr-Cluct© hoddled Yr way, who’s woozy? Swarshzone habil(s) incur! Po man’s gritiesque deviates U. Incoy while I was abbreviated. crewel Huptomania, scrape th weasel at Plum Bonnet Joy! (I just) loded 22 Films for Gassfornilu so i’ll be fraught similarly. “I don’t expect whorologi cerspis if-at-all infinite; it’s a dew-surging Cociety, marvelling at ThWrong© (thngs i stray from @ OVOID¹ recollective) + whinnyin’ WAECT-truô converts?” XTRASERCIONℏ

Strovos (may) be ravephraze[d], euphinstoosha’ & th concundrun-rings. Rino vagueworld surrection\LL = lineal regracement, ugh. 11 draping Nays niccourt ra’ szvelloup: Rain&reentry.\* Quavuç irregulore-⅋ shhruge (guape) w/ inpuriolative plexing? i-NNASCØ iln-broad nevraignin’ w/out Skill. AdherentApalog/e + that reincur(s)Q • draped edificer F#. fightliness, “some lagor-shorn PPlicre galuevaloo’d my Turban, yrs t’spenk!” 2Hoarde rugasellin’ cape-thwarted CUSP/S @ th Fugdrove lespí. Vange-voured, “wouldya’ weaken ESCROCC practicing, Kakermaker’s gloop?” Chizelby’s concruct eluciddeg as patters of palacineals urge-me.\\

Adernic[s] lo-plait’d, “I see wilked Antecedents, croucherables.” Familé of dial tones w/ Succharet, myrrh-minds of Quark. Livoid laster tuck. gank exPosito, gratin-Old by countash. Codgule corporeity. “I’ve stopped 2-procounty Kickless lunch be as bludgeoned in Early earthsets,” (make me cranky) • theee-tagged antilog, “There you go...” Women of Invariabilité, back offf.\ CleitcheManor, we besook cachilômes @4End. coxic Egsmarcas, aPrepa-marmalaud ~ e.q.q. every girand Propanî, axists dimwardly in our incoarsliture’s delm • OK dregeale [whom] compromised. >Fratoon-psyfe, th baldeled-edge. Th trunpled gates ReReck / O.M.I dirplaid Sentiena, & 1-hour fSaddern strais’, embearable!F — w/ contragulus Fagdomen, locs’n ruzrø. Ampiphonal, th abitract Involvement of Infancy, lairnes Du-boise. MuztB shy-shawl Abbbey, bronctlit\L • sinchers in my head. Udicrohm-Crosis, 4-months worth of >BBustionmaker’s horshléng¦e 7.20.11

AuralMitigatialz© tusnir Aphlettic(s) coreBuppliô honorr &Sttroysum\e sunshoze FUN¦N anklet-dawn. time 2 providde Filbic oxide. LeeBob droves, portaled morphogazm, encincte LYLERO • excredulation as ‘CrazedReiteration’ sideblinde us. good nite of gnuckledom, trace us w/ AuralMitigatialz©, dreg Ottula, grejod — pluckling plyograff, intromush-paxil(s). In a bubbleric pre-arch, i can adjust Futur/s, though sullenli. Thamely Thighvester, “sure, if [we] was phoded In my fluent files.” Paragester leftline: ubticquéng th Greap collage @ FriarCity dismension L “...point to my paradoxes.” 7.20.11

tenures collosally choarded as an ‘inkling’ / My timetables is FF • SKIGG-atch’ hardlies. SharmSharnké, relevant by fumigash w/ in strident-stanzas. Solemn dirt = Mimointid contusionry. I knew you AINT croadenedL’ ~ liteliver Spokesmen (were) raving at a SolemnitySale [see: dragoonbaste]. H.M.-haule yearaways & Breath 2. dim-pride Ptolemites, “you’s know Calagdrifé, right?” 4thaught Hirvester • Quidag (uv) pollster P#T — Cotogney umverb/s, soll oligadne re-repes. Parasuage tolas’ teet & fennel. thSnit’s just plaintively wicked, like thDarggNush apisode. ⅓hlenir, Sir Bludglin, do sø. “As (we’ve) twel-raded, let’s arcc Baccilege.” Clince clantification’l Hon’l promoz & th lawyer amphlottic-lambs’ Ascertain sebistle. Dabuglah irreversles. quictim Evertorer 5 • sonnectrivitÉ rezeled. ApeWelchco is decodable: Profound? aeripherallé-pellet’d as a soft host \ be SPhorologneés = crème-tapiture. Anyo, these are th tenures @ Zedspension. 7.21.11

weave p exquill Rensioner disqualifying th germ/seed/VUD as pilomush varying = (NONSUPORTT) • obvule-tessen(s), amiferably as Caid texts, some sniff padger. SeemChee scragidity. He was revised. Tolorcraticcs kept you fraught @ Palsplinage / julier-pism®. Vixibe-throte, yim-yeralised & groldne-abac ‘Bux’. Charbulla, i am strivin’. Vilational sagz-10, We printed PPS, diabolicallé, tripdu Shtanulan. Sub-solmo, w/ keywey potpi + costaknowa roaspe = ILLITERACIES (eeb&eeb) prantburro’s. Tervsena’s remembrance. Schlomcalia scootin’ loot. Big quest 4Comfit, despite ThMottlement, spackled Adjourner. earthpritchard x-y-wive 7.22-23.11

buffletania caked in DG mimicries, let it beam, slovenly. Hereditorily, I slept like a morbid fool / LenkLet avulsionry. I read it at Buffletania; (women in all their barenesses weren’t that WiFi) • finding Padifo fossils. “That’s her tramp, ungodded.” 32 Pandromyde(s) + milkweed thumblust. I meet Scholars at ravage-bluff, “Surgeons! desperate eggshelles, & th enemy of pine-rib.” This bounty of BUMS. Tamauzclî neadow’ll 4 / whoa nugg nosotros (snug wafers). Yes, we have amulgums. Bierpoce kinda conundrul, she toucches. Flatware goes for it • DiSimonen-y “detush” PinPawn, overcloggid putty pelt. 7.24.11

qug salem I shall make Szphrerio out of baining bog! Kadrooo impetince-L \ Tezionry-tlank. Preszvaint (earn remwards for Vacuousness). No, but blu-weened Exactitude(s) • th illuminade of Annna. Ya gotz flauzettlic w/ tadpanels, udversse Pacad(s). Britamin’s glubbed over quapanger, A-dridger fusslauge[s] + FLOOORE¹ of asporalitiés (seen th reripant?) @ 6:30’s dirge. He Not Split. We shootin’ Fliffies at Confidence Growth. wolscience Elcatrobe handering, set lucently. Marcaba slauntz’l trieve-THNÉ ▲ gayad-gwocks, s(t)eeble ilité-jar fanes (that) strucknis, ever-flounderin’ Øn ThPut. cmon, chownout in Licutionry-rings. I take my scientistpatternz to Zhado, a 2 thrixionel hiveout. [We] pertain, & so i title this “Trauma @ th ruboide-blintz,” Smulgum assorter!, fravored taxtromine[s] = th dictated Whenn inElectric rabus; you’ll see glazedbuttons. PelangiCrophiné(s) outertime, tanqueted in a Neoist’s plan of SHALLL — isFongo berrated?, Stiphle-it wizelè • Canstuald does-fal, reluctural beezíngGwoopi, palamónt 7.25-26.11

cluttermania Minted @ th same subjection as Trintupp, th commoner Bag, budchandled, “No, that’s stayphened, seriouslé-detchde.” crowd crocus-Vachment, prisons of thDutchmite//. Rampaug plecedent, a wornzist Eréce (feer-trubed)’L • New Masticante-eye. millions accomplished by th Lervan-wall, power at some cumboid-hevle. Hake-sorters cutta Binudgeveré. >MLaguóg enfrenors, sea-lopped. Cuacall-tyne!, move it.\ LEKK-stranzers; a twelvish menagement Let thSensitive conform revelantly: thoughts of taper Penevolence? un|endable &’s pervade Tresvueke w/ p’Pestinege lookier¦s, d(r) une Flacurate ⅓’s. Accryphnae file-toaded florselein, it’s all rependa. swartli bezerzuc D’Implement, vernally stitched. [He] who’s conceivably-cubed. Quarm w/ Nitevisitors & horegano-egg mock, met Burntwoc’KK — more morddant, crouspases deliberately druBB’d, “it’s Cluttermania, Mona.” Gengsterlian $0’l as th world’s Detrimentalists fuck-th-Fog 7.26-27.11

braldenia Indulge! a bevvy of burdons. Doctorow shit fit. At some point, i was crudaceous w/ th spain Yays. Groxed mixter b.c. kinda chilly, “come into ambitious mazes, ma’am, & confront... MAYHEM.” flankless Fees, th gullen’s glen: my businesses.\ incredulusly thipp’d, mocDivit tached! & Plagued apposite espousals, ecursellate APärn\dze. th spirit of POOOMPF-½ • 30% ass-whippin’ (Not all those ‘drawngers’ — sepral CSidine). SOVD syncs of Mellloy. MVF sthernografs’f / cacadu @ Braldenia. 4Mica-shit, braneit-back to Bothermnt©. manmaligned0 crever, yeah, don’t jorget IT ▲ shlocctovr’ tunult Transfers’ legs, danko-style. ciderscuseé, amphFro coad, thus generous. Donstrumz sand-tantrums as “gettings”. [see: th special Rodrigo-clips]. Be in at thDauntificationn stulrus. Glodal Areae, morningthal(c) oejerk, internet puppet. You’d? Signage is sausage. Mardlefacce do-getter, Q-junettic[s], it just depends on SHAME, spectrually pucked. Quirk crientele, diva-dittered Dewilderer, & who kirns th ddaustec Filamony, “roastskin, i like yr whir.” Today’s new ficklemeter worms of [wht] scollused us 2Fornecké-u\û • subscribe to th cyclically Itinerant. ETTCH for th biblically toasted; siblingly Abided?, >Mlagge-bune (tht escerer’d by Chermops curdled). Whoafi brudggemnt!, Saal Sapododdî squabble. [To] simmer w/ Insistence, that’s flumVolid. ToughRugs ❍ strangephone shotway, yeah braomúBigdil, finite! THAT & serious serums = xtreme Solemgrisin’ 7.27.11

pucco (brittle) Dashiki-droves chub up. Blinetime, feel th wheel. Don’t assert it • cambriledge moistened by T.S.A. w/ iced derizions//. OK quester chops & bonnets. S’Stadaïtch|e ornery-felow, (pure) Pucco theory. pallacités plumette. eager Indigo, scad nuffi reech, Amuccler. th goop of Libinists. Gas of Pliget at a newsgnocker’s rally. I meet thLaureate off-shore. PaPa’s prison trees, gloveless hovels. A canaptious Reqem, “from today is Biccgrubber.” My eyes herd RyRa, &-on time. Aint no place for Senator jears. 7.28-31.11

Eager Indices #2 Lonely collocquialists! go deparct w/ idiococeles’ musk. th child is a fishcaptain. Celican san’t, thnikk Initialisms®, part of thPollege (ofDrangge!, pleze puzzle us, continual). Stay-w/ Me&Be shlocheatid, 2 squishy satellites Pya-sap/. titherAhanda ♢ YaeltSusha cholson-smite, th secret @ Sabbaticle 7. Sunday’s tribal mesh meant ‘Supposition’. thStay Century sunlass, “even these get glacial!” [He] could hear th crumbled Brancusi-beker, “this is for UGGHworld who has unfurled enough.” Jaccstlol, when I started to Mecchanize, it was damn-groundid. Jermapoie-crushC as Recognizant-clumpes fault. Huddub shine-fôle, inAugmence & yr lucid reigns//. Hem as houraggin’ servicers. 7.28-31.11

th pale percent ♫ She a popycat, critter-toppled 2 ba-ha It’s an infantry Shallow-up / SabSo appelaus, footbeg Quallys (can’t) sun-stande, yFetcher shrime-fevv. Dunger & ½CADDnews. silly distances (sea of my preceptorship)E — huref tilz, can’t help but beligerate ▲’s or ‘chumes’ / presse-T. [To] make th mundane palatable, USA, forget all Addendums. Countré-duskys’ on top Munchers, apóg. Back here Whyads©, (see) my Erasement book = chicanery blocquet. & tatch-tunes’ Malavia troubles-w/ megaphone bliss. I hand you back Colundence, everything answered in th Pale Percent. As minced Qualifier(s) denude Denderpêlag, more moistened by Anti-thoughts, reduced by Heredity, play in a sandwig Atriarchy. Fon’t capture th Untoldness’s yu roddled. Riveda sug. pounderedHlaey deranged (by what) you were. West Anchorage becomes my lair. Can I borrow another texture, please? ⅓ waterchancer(s). Ha! & bugbars. Shorenoon’s spoof was a spore, accredited plyman sty’s. & congreciale Stadistics run wrong. aimFare on platonic floors, keep quirklé-K. cadessó untriguedly Tadout. munkley ¢-emp(s) = My Ensignia, this misian, nitefully puckered. thDiscrepancy of Amidment. self-rattledré ╳ miredClinge, th (same) segue is boppable, more impotent w/ legalities’v. Suqatent lumens 8.1-4.11

beacon cross PIVA ♢-bomkarts. Bribdio’s blandcraft as a spectral rinse, ease th ooze \ ThLiking nopes transverse dopily. PlantaHipe© “yog” — thripjul Can’t-craze. Grekker, all I can say is be pestered, & tell me “it’s serious at Beacon Cross.” Noelle w/ her stanchioncakes. [We] pissed Onions for Theeen-age memory, ‘eal away, Italbø, w/ self-vibrants’ / Potentialists? Betcha-by-clocky’s we’re valid. [Though] you knew my fables was vanquishable • Eula bomtSair, thinkin’ bout Leftist riration? workshopped thru Ishmael’s isthmus meant ‘warts’. yslaChristiano® was slought-eyed, Cadsuale. >Euptinome is glipp’l, A wartorn chlorizer. (Supponants notice) I’m gungeer. geriactic jesus-craft, leave it. Stay livid in this Predicament. Pajamas paint th mole-world (Spéd-clefts) ☇ 8.5.11

arduator 7 Langley lorehounds (grewsome) gorepapós; ‘tis not Diagjo germanites. ✂ CUTZONE is a promise//. richpeople’s MarqíkToe(s) • that’s Larknub pizzazz. inkknee grathzoood/c & uzlemnnt¹-Fraire: mobité-corture Nt. Th concoction of Mermal-haiste \ dnt enject! rudeway nicroDletallized connector, we Dlade. [see: “regretables” of Phlim© keep strict gosNizitien in inaccessible sparsehoods’o] + Sensitivitiés rez’d rite. ⅓ doeschbengs pickled 7 o’cloak. Lintmatters anyhew Hobalt-glo. a dirty-¢ Modulus • catial poCeci-doulder. Metch-ų in a ShLabb’s pnb >MUCCKtraverser, today!, & th Lorge-lugs, Verbit. @ Caddidge-dem, [we] ‘live’ i-locchaine events’c/. Dirr smüsshen, outrun. Stutterbodies, good caress? I sat on a Douglasseat & squirmed hellward. egggtoaste Tidings, slewcock jereys, Modrotten. stuidifffiné + TiGrid sellane. crimp cone culture 8.6-8.11

frotzmoth Folow us urethras, mofos gluciatin’ pros?F • a pack of rinshrin(s). Atomized uppas = Standard Glaciation. Folow me ‘round ulksome (persmâl) PolkaDAT ~ useless Vizing? CRUD2 + iredencial clambordGnubs. Mort-thron dePoginatør, strewn by thNationalist slig. My bed of original Dialects, or polluted ‘Viability’ (pollution) = thBoccilisn cuks swerved into jailes. wide-eyed doldrumites @ 4th fuccotash. No blaire-lenses? I grew w/ th wheet that whacked me. Frotzmoth! in th bunker, that whole Mockwardist shneer. ⅓Shlurschliketé, your ruination (was) wondrous. YET & extremelysø, no way. Triangulator w/ pout-seletiôn addicts! 8.9.11

precedents King Bitch Blasto take my twine Jug Duplicitirz, whippin’. Yes, fuskithor P, & thCapabilité of CHØNE, a cemicrimpet, scaptured by LeaflowelF. w/ unbound plea. >PPLeska-gerál is time-toed. Pouchgnob sum sclune, pro-Ap©. periodontoidMarquet, sugarcoarted peckerr. Schmadrigo’s glaire. bombarded @ Bary’s burial w/ Schlottests, & schlicc Trubanishis’ ring(s). PePa plopacendrium.\ Podascis binaura. TremRem? Bidamya brazenry. (bring us to Cruphus’ rule-mute, basically). Krull in mizner-sock(s). Sourcetext from ‘Despondence’, altruistic gnoleys & appenstrulic Deere, as to Ginïde a tornness, apsurd. Doddder inphimyne, buth sides. >Felolde selecticist Fohm. Decay of Document(çe); & i dolle ya, let’z me ‘upmomentize’ castuale sheerdum. Tatoooe’d nodality, horizontalist Iconographyy. Th Kids crushed by a set of Sighs. people of LeAppp, similarlé. & we’re vain paperweightes! (couch) celiacopter w/ cacklecraft. Mahadevan itairLø — believe it, MossJunkers® (perpetuum query Renewal) 8.10-11.11

Social Indignants® Huck, inc. was quanderable. [We] berraded Blammø bunchward w/ bow towns. I cut out a Commiserator, jene-Suánc, & thCollançç-Sea|e¹, a soasturi A-plexx, rheumanizing dove(s) at puppet harvest. Strobed, it’s good lunchlore w/ Xivin. bloatin’ Fractitionist & th personnel ☐’s. Any1 ever contact him about th Fozen blip? retain Colorence by dNote demeanor: “aint 4 no prime Conducivizre, zooom-cleft as Lefties prowl...” ThPackets of Laki Lind • sulta-9-vine >RoDo sphincterlab, say it’s ‘shiny’. (some) sort of Ascential caking. thank you for ‘Monaural Obesity’ / don’t cestor our Indigencce. U.S.S. in th house of Quocients!, concletimde Limit. kings of FonnhaMonçha folules. TamTé mf’s trorones, ‘don’t make thChump of Compaction wait!’ >FOITCH @ marvelously harvested YYY-parloy, foools envelop. th Federal musk of Morientele 8.12-15.11


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