th rare Etherialism of Ælfred past ここで、
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
vibes @ Planet Productien, [you] knew i’m dopedead • Deler-mirauded (people loze their stlumacch, talkin’ bout th AcccidentleRental©). It pays [to be] ingested. Humitizre, swug-lyvt.t <FLUNKX> is a sable-jinx! 8 Fofla-fait, uncurbable brutists!, gormidadl’ empiring//. Life is carrots among ‘Mîlúszmnt’ (see to it at StheenCire, & skimp Schedules, don’t incision Shu’s) • Aedorltha’s pune. ThSubjection of lude-apes, quantumFied. (sorta) seaspentt thru “manor moods” / conjunctify. 3rd patch was a promise @ Ap Yuppa ♢ Th yeare in slitdish Acrimony • WOMSSH-lit. (thru a town of Divulgers, arrowshed Maxité: cobra-eyes? Declan, foratalial’n yu) + Jucy appalmnt. unnightful Delnaultil, th best imaginablé-seagrained DeeeDah, we pencilled inBlubber. CessnaTrip, “that’s not rratrobegia!” [I’m] awake in Regeneracies. Faith in thSquandered, sketchedright, is dustmops. Yet! w/ no nullitié[s]. I haddObscurers yiy I℆(SomberHeads) where ARE we in Bitabilité-? clecer • 8.16-19.11
th exasporation of Troy multiple “evolvedTractabilité • (halving trouble w/ semi-vipers) & flicked out Consecration-sleeves. Th Cleardune Dovetailer: let loose my pickled Chameleons, fuffo’s. I dyin’ like snowhead! State of new Circles = masterfyl sliving. Thropilac enimates my drig thallow. Hipety-thug alsatian benevolence. “Mush more @ th trellice!” Early druid processors (shaky notes). ‘rrtaincey Cychologicallé-derived, stochastically charmed, bridge-a-lola Bentiac! 8.20.11
strange imperatives Bock th fathomly gipped. Jury urked Things in common as Devious8 • L-bic shiver / baske Near societal domes of Japromosch, we tally th nonscapes, &-pully hiSidesclizoys’ ♢ untrovial Eactness, “don’t flicker on about Incredulation”. >PuFormité, i sub-tend mush-maps & rubbings of thBaptist (nothing I did). Nettlefolas = Da Seaping Clove, razmusgate, [see: my Compression Series]. Jovingly into thorough Dividends, there, in th cazmere-slinkage, I bargained w/ beautifyers. Unibarian gallery, “I don’t see anything but s’wooden nickels for our sorrow.” Duality is done. Pimphangan! [we] brought menthomMaladié(s) • SIVID GonventianSS don’t ½ vetizonnn’d Afêtes. [We] carneredCorcer by IV-vincebatss.\ Languid larceni. bry-ø-typhait, glue 4 our nooods... KKimera-moldan, vexed as MIMBÎ-senctriate(s), “whoa|o, I’m praut.” [Do] condone it, reederrealism©. munctuate Lez. ⅓ vunccsbier dabblers, astralziate tempers / BioB desellers’ destitultien, brang-o Guaps. Evony (ebb). Prestonel aerio-ears “clean” Yorganizle. sturdier Molamzite, TazledT — trenciate. Prescariot clownbake. >Thenko-sabeciate, Glu-Thub error ☈ duShlessâge 8.21-22.11
hover I mash out w/ Moleculures, been talkin’ to brown guppies allnite. I need my plug is ‘muggy’. Get w/ sleeptime snitches! Beauty of th butane-crickets. Children shoved in its Shoal, revitalizingly succored. Circlic dyspheria, perpendicular to TWINE & rosevoir. Chilnmarn varnicue ‘b’ — grammar spiders go. Flexible-$ / Hête thatchery, fryling Feeth. I’d seen no1 L-spuddled. Rangerflanks? not likely, but neat nonetheless. Gibraltar hupes (th werse I conforted)W• blandssite strover, Ampnoia pand-a-facce \ sooothmø Stuste, Sänner? SchmifoCite, scant lines @ Hozno. “I should’ve pustulated untanké Seasons,” ¼-swune DiceDust, does! MatterMost as toste, tosseled. Cheap hoverers. Countyguessers, defrag my Life as Suni roardom, past passions elevatiD ▲ Hunery calmm, w/ diode-trickery, unnamed >SnaisPepî-priorite. Vø, how old is “Thus,” that’s chasm-chat. [They] bug me. Nobichron qeso statialus. 8.23-24.11
DivCredulus™ quilbate • Nurses stay north like Sticklets, &or conjure-Øn. Represiacs sway w/ swamptone. >DivCredulus™, lost passion. How to ‘unslur’ chambiolics.\ 1st is a series that’ll deloi yr scatterers. Please woooliés, filthy Expodian-gimik©. featherless fellows. Each day, (we see) Viscous New Drugs, derlustryy I-III. Friending sheer vaxité, blue-spotted Futures. condundrum curtains, florminy Vazo. Hunting florid forms. Le grudged Infinitus, superceiling’d CLAGGGS7 — mind the Mayans cryin’, “these is cattlesticks!” Begutterings, she’ll gova / iso-iodinians sapsain Buage, yr crumbling queries @ HOMØ. Wyannid, might be Cendina. Lopalac enfinitieé¦s© + torsion. cene-stabé • seee th seastones Mudo. you better be pickled at nite, Drugggy J, take it as th wo-chi 100’s. Campus of funny smells (can’t get thru) 8.24-25.11
th stifle claim Merica copinggfish, I dø a sorta cornerthunking, in gest. S’Say it in your LLeverage books. The silm Sociall, “where’s he, Hoya?” That’z homey anticipatlin’ thCurmudgeone./ Snakebin agruttershipp ≠ ApoxisMenaguá • yrr scissory stuffîteUs©. Art Supposers mopht-tinkle, Snebetchiér, “I sudanly want to exhume austerics.” ThFiner ‘wirey’ wings of Thuzmø, very ‘FrenchForgettors’ w/ (terse) laimlockes.\ @ ThStifle claim, fearlessly craphtiD. [You] got bags 4Solidarité, sccabs aft Bolbero. th gnarled isles. I here in th Imimimgöt (slips) + Minotaur golf no ‘nite’ druvialitie[s] • Take bugs out of possumbreak (my chokeé). Fid’m barable(s), go spout from subtlemen. Polemnico w/ th mobile urge, “I spacialize in sidewayys gems.” HuMu hightning, no where to go.\\ Cuz, we are ‘hoisters’ • x-pedialSweFFîng + ThHoarslers are pretty free. frozen ear Bafleteeer (chuneé T.L. → 8.26-29.11
7th corridor texts are purely ‘simectual’ / Infinitized @ th GrentCourt, your regressions are spot-on. goSchwitzgablin’ but not too far. Nixx us in th durgeliah’c. crutch dozens, th huff. There, in perpotroptic Realms, as th societally-shorn vitalize! >Metaghast imponents (can’t) cautlerize L “Phoneme Moon” thPhoniness of Perform (dayslamming) ReGuljiture + self-tilting Pollé.// singlemuzlin Synappse — beveled Narmacrecians knew thDronki dovelabler, sthoefféng: R = partial recovery from Phoneme Moon (took days 2 print). Male-mevvy spinge. Hoylem’s 3rd turret [see: my ½way droyds. >Trimolian hungès cordialised by clownfaces. Capt. Corrosive manusplect, you deserveds FDudge.\ Lincoln is a tan puzzle. A polterguised clete? Balbitrise th finkle Chest. 8.30-31.11
mumtrosys speaches urbTh campaign’a. Modern minisculing, yo-bub’s bounty-crispers, unable to quiet FroreFops’ icons (spotty). Yes, & sog-settlers do unjourney. Compromized Dayys • (tell me) who’s distiguable, pryers mainly. Sticky whoas is ashable. Statiab wonderers, “I value yr valves,” promptli. [Not] hurting from chivalry crockards >SQUIRG + Dene-duzlings’, pancreatic wizards. To henpeck th ellipsis, It was “deScrito” say th Wuzz-twins. Paftibomo squdBinger, pradilectian, Marmolag! In an underground world, we’re pearls. [They] folow myLife, th gnarf Criminy’s ascescemnt\t ■ th Boner duplex. Fried reams, we teethed (we tethered). Switchheap ¼’s from spanic Instipeltage: inseeming? Fuzle unstipeé \ co-uordnaitrô fizzre, FELTE ♪There must be some disposable eyelets. 9.1-2.11
th rare etherialism of Ælfred past shifting GIMIL w/ th sleeze, basically. Our daily degradation skills, windchirp Retalzia. A nite of filable Flexers, ultraslab soliloquoy’d bounce back — MetaCessationals. Man’s memory of th unswathed circuitously bores us. Greenbriar highizms. Poetaw chinglings, quep Tallou, incinerarial thoughts. Palpable traits, blind as th aspp: Jurnwicc? Masty should push me @ Trocusis. th braving Limbs. Yaulsps’ tro-jaw ¼ Dimunities (chorks). >Be-thoze (who) aren’t bevelled. I signal stanchurian hydrosuavé Stlumst. That’s what ADS pad. Milchaud membrane [see: MUGGEK magazine]. Tournavox simplixus stay stained. ♪where i’m at and what I’m on, TEAL!, th future’s gone-! fictile Stophendum, yea, ployer of th minkenpoop (progress) + Nipweapons’ (ontolog never shaped like Larliar shovebots). MothBags, & th green, pubstyle Acrostics. Winerack consolate, chin chap Sequester. Storsion-paralysis, incidentally. Ammonia-feat as “body” — & thLiterate crutcch as cimbrocian-sleves = prowess. a case of frozen emperors. Ah, timeless enzyme of “TIME” / mysk 9.3-4.11
fermulcce shun Chitta menstible backlink. Foo it up, productwise. I heard you wanted to take us to Chigoochu-barier, & pawn out on particulars. Fermulcce — no, not bulkbaya. “No direete Slots [guilde] swisschief Lites!” And Lurettda, suddenly stochatic, don’t stivur! (not my knuckled luck) + rine-wavors, Fa-yr credid, I’m twiced! be me & unjunder. I suspect it’s an ionjobe//. Pixus cartoona. snubTracíc felms, abbruszût|E discussions, & leave me w/ some sporiographe, tinseled in Jite (nite). We (were) screamers @ Thane. Puissegur wropes Äut, singed-thin at Owopss. staor, Ya quiet Reporsioner • sab staffoni (creatived). Lore-ploutt(s) deducced, “We live ‘cause we’re thivv’d in bariers.” happy Proclamitieés tree-vite, don’t annex. Flendz we met. I sit w/ my stubfolio, abcessive-dashers’l Rencrin ⅟ Op-Tab mush-out ⌾ Numburssa 9.5-6.11
lgicclose “...Years ago, I started 2 vixen-vacate.” Ya been flapdancin’ thru HiJi frequencies, bansmatch M/e, as pharmPrezenter[s], “lose logicc,” much USE-out thBering flait since we’re erFinizdE • transitions w/ Bellnop ⎋ (slit crankyuls). HOT FISH is what i suscept. Narblled lubidité, strinchø Solemniticers, cho-chieve Ellhers, once again. Mimbleson’s bleak ‘co-suddite’ Stabiliah / tun teeshça Advori, tranquil yet disreputable. (He smashlíng-capars, blanketed; he’s torrential). bring me random malignants. Sediment-obsesser, Yat-ø Trickler, tragic tores of thDizaéntlium pas/sud. The mildew Leesh. [see: Pangeld’s 6cck] + nonraveling alowed (Aloud). 9.7.11
ontologiccs Yr extrissionuls’ whew me. Th sulky set @ Dysframino. Jimildren rains, moshnopy’s inValuadlé cerned, jeepers flop.\ Regeniativ collosing! thHydrogen jups, jailn. <HEFTFACE bison, devolver love saladd, sloptimized Abrasial(s) not-tubb©. 4000 $-freeé-arc, a tiliant pthong • unJuddo feel (fit) 2 seap, like redemptiv(e)-chains, surpressed. “Ready to go w/ thMumbled 5.” Luxians hear all th swaveledN’ — we tunneled Jinundru fancifullé w/ Dementid shrusts. Tuluctide gintrels, dysbaying Srongø-belke, so thwoppde.\ Can Cur. sideways sails for a scurrion, broadend. Real! chocomammy’d @ thBaze of ontologiccs. I had my thropabela Pb# marbbleheads (keep mawling) in brittler promos.\ PyajoPlamagh, i’m throatened, erglaeic stune(d). Just try to Obcend (giglanture: soba-spray aTechás). Music is just Snairszutt, but soothingly reticent, not knots “itself” — pub up Thighwise, sped up at LipLakes. yr ass th boconuts 9.8-9.11
yeb aCumblip states, standard crépes, made-of-Apes. B4 it gets all ‘teelnçwa’. I pachulco mean-bean. Serial ceramicist, refeetabledTwa, arial-vibes. [we] talked about Brotomini ship ╳ THIS is wht I “ensuagge” — hunthmøde Melgans. help me w/ Wasn’t. [You] knew I condlitianed, linochafyodic Eelnes! Betttére say “Yeb” • naugh’g Kwatle. sincerios ShRuf’s puf = profolactycc demeanors. >DliDeffe keziuns, malow. Saux-stalked daughtters, “is yu ⅓ chuning?” [I’m] rohbete, beler-thn qhostcuadernos. Stud monotone. Serregiasts hanglide U, emaciatedlé-tooof’d. Wee bee brought, then. I don’t blame Loghm’m, ever-tented. “I’m usualli larvae,” Qruth Idia w/ payhart monocloetes’ ◗BPring-ît abrasionlé. [Yu] can’t delieve whts-moved-În, shambleshapes & Aell. I’m back, and detrepidd. Pilaced. stufff i supposited = Our 3rd word. My Mind has wandered; like aGrooupliò-pension, i restreamed wask¦s. Sorry-we’re ‘catagorthual’ @ EAGEE-g© / BidgeMalagemnt Rubiy • rubtail, when i can subside w/ peaked Nullman tluns.\ >TBest byte ès Strings. Sure thing, j’Pupliacc, sablesome, tooo-lone. [Yr] pufflite links (is) Ajax. My bouts is rangled like snowchildd (so dialed in on Den Knesss). droop Migeny, protopipe, stay gross. Sublic hope & stay-uttled Tâge, thin fro-structure[s]: TheSerious broadning as ROP¦E-tratenî, proud inCendance, constrainde • JJackerdum. I fell like a newzealand nooodl’. Epercruiss, “what dulthKs’ cope?” Corkk Opportunes = a merntnum Byác, collo-
sall-î finched. Let you be, basaltSpualc. Foundryhed exsnailtra’a, Efflé 2tufa + sentimentle-spring./ ♪There’s a lot of red jesths, I can’t take. Yuccman’s cackling, jarred, & released Øn a celeryfarm. Unbeknownst bi-vruptile, Motiuning|s, (please). so-shnunkié(s) veral egyudissh • examminal SminchTPoos, barley jest. Th poplar OShracturi, beyond convincing. shrooom tax for th walloby. Ya kidding Kit, shorin’ what’s next 4Mutables. FloatLum lewe, poly-distanced Age? Hande sigstling! Jocootna-quavers. She’s drunk in EnzymeSkool, corkes dove-dart, “wakeyholed Chapajeep-a-coy.” MadMegular, as I drove pedeschers. 9.10.11
th lyon 6 chemicle-of JoThourners, heechmonth, Doing! squiggle-hatchets & (sum) slope Idling. Paluchran, foot-lorn forcer, what gives? As we erew dumparctla’ VIOBN/S • apPernnli faciatad.\\ Whemde u-met?, bit of a turdpropp Pelga, y’all unjudgers qualpify, “Ello, we’re a gut,” retronvined Sebecu (synced intronationalé — th gig ohm-parsons: Tustomo). Th twizzler Dotch, horseflies 4Fatso. fyi, umbicque, “I’m gerrowin Aglir, intl. nusks snug CASanctifier.” Fraord ga-bing th Yanogask like grouped pamphlets, filets-of-gest, “Guap” into th calaugsients’ Attest • AIP or we’ze in spokes. Premlinage, bestwhisps. Phalyums extended. felkus-Renth divides me, “hang on pulbsatian 10.” • psynchilFien, modung & Th nerve of (these) Whiddtlers, baring gritz. Gepliganacas, sifting thru soft-seques as Interminability. 9.10-11.11
Y Lazlaë space jellys as the ‘Internal’ program / [She] mutes th sChlasta-rang. We grope thru tasseling as avidencedBy aegre-s(t) roe & power-plaffir chains. Lazlaë insticliture, they’ll (sooon) find out ~ trivial nods, “anyone else nestled?” wrup-Stringicle(s) qualify y’all’s empiric carpø • T’Duvre surelesser, delgent Decco, suphrundlun’ jeres, “I don’t heir fromst Blaggae, neverender ploddge.” Adjectics, just tremenduslí-Adjered (via waterschooon) + Vlaccin¦e (crate) antologics’c • nufsai. what lasts is lofty, th vexed Persuasion, green wrarpe.// ‘Hey, we’re infinite!,’ lessenly-soled OUT \ th begs of Jurguddg’e amnibeát, ruined Schombatic ybeast-atacKes. just shangled bumbices @ thDiagonal plop. Tsado’s grey worth. trust a mindless “spate” at Surregionality. So now w/ Cloyos, a favoritist’s split. [We] was in th safety shelter, moving stars together. @ TuRu-valité + jorblitaw’s favour.\\* get it garmentedD’, province CCT-out in th Mulculm freshets, baskers Mrat inshoalment, “It’s goood, ZohmZa!” I congregate w/ balmy Mementos. dippinger’s Cleardom ♢ preDophosy slung uttonemnt. Ye bums named “Mitch” hart-hogget’d — help th unangled rut. 9.12-14.11
Muaccø My head as prime ‘putherines’ / gyShly engounderul(s) narmautis & Croy • grey gullz at Lapunia, so sumicin’ Tiarler, bug. pubbi ExLexicons©, coupla new FFiends. Trajecture, distanced Locada (can’t promise) yr Sedductien-series, hude Thru th 4-dores, sourless Muaccø — i’ll by fathomlies, resoak IT • Ew-tipulan! mahn havrest, sulac Introvertes + ‘viable’ sprunning. Brunkscuf boredown. Maturation bursst, different breadth. >HurgliatiD? jeplicuoy I vold. Semsquel, the nonestruck are nebulous.// Dijitallé-in bed, Thoroughs w/ cotchill irrefutable(s) pecker-wing Evers + impickledPledger, has nø Inferness closure. has t’be, PleppaShlae! Jasper’s jug [in compliancce] post-parody. Amaciation ruiness. “I’m sure it is, but I’m a coagulante D-sthrep.” @ Uzlinmania. I’m deterred atBresze, Hubbber mote ixtractiol[s]. Grarchone, lest-we Burbbled a monolith 4 Marchcreatures, slunginly bléch. Sand-grighs’ supraexperientieL % • J-U-V juvringon(e), wruy Anddîng¦s, slighter. As much Art-as-slithering snukes ❍ corbel-blussêtR → ditto-gelm MNUSKcramulun, tupht spotulus, onward gloops’ sonn Pardulént. Z Hourlyquizz, zenith’d În w/ Civilry slents, modest arbitration. Suncide city, glel Ifice, & perilizatien-u knawe. quank Hasart ~ erudite!!, pensile VI = tumptope Remurssh² b(r)ite-gimle, brib Dumel + sickerson Thakk. Fulejector mirewood. ShelvishUmik • net Neophyte’d cumphling. [We] gonna Gow thropes & thulal-Dotes, churmch foy 5’s + Arcabilité as th Trend. 9.16.11
th hour of pa saurlus Chunder pelmolene, & so evidenciaré-piplin’ Podiax, uneagler pale. A loofah 4 yer tufa//. pramar-guessing, Thumby’s at the slutline, conquerin’ honchos. Mreck beguilance I’s, quinced in a binaural bonk-în • ReSet. (not) conductian-service, spark embouchure’ll, ⅔ wipht Pride, confined. derbly-affable Theaterr, customized Plimnobith©. Loxarun(s) wabbling clefts. Attenders fraughtliness, a slantscape blur. Tis all reasons we ‘rooked’ (so I’ve been told). 9.17.11
Alaranø I forward Littlewood cyrettes. Melimbadirty dinths, spectral cubs. spurious Advocators channel me. 4Opec Paculî • starspent w/ rickshaw Logicc. atchesical ReArddment. Thupul Aride = th Perpetuity-cloth, vled Joyave, scrumpeling ELE ☐-roamin’ Coirfafol, supremelé. simple merriment, lucc pustules. th Jurgen-apes pong out on thumbs’b • Shenagh cruffs. comofractious Elas-dîng \ th winter of WAS steamed shut. “W/ thlai-comb, ebbactiun roadened by camelcinders’ CUKE, & foilmembranceé, ‘tis vistaless.” snakely Abruptum. Th polyPromise • seeen as a tryst in th gizzard. Lumping geriactric[s] by Pocho chomcorre & (those) revenants. Spolzan, all droopyeyed, hi-a-tripe Distinguishde-bassket. ⅓ sparanoy’l Sergiancce, & th fung of... Tizm© bultium-bulgge, courtesy Fø SEFO-flok(e) ungerms’z, sec creachures inflate: Tigertown posits? sequestive Da sifter. prarrank thPhlobe + injured Ulteriors. shlanèngHuvt ½. imbalance creddé • buy Harkliun dydes-a-Jenla, “it’s OK, we’re Edgarians!,” fazed UF • sylcul. Take it Juarnndol, afute!! drimpAlerium. Serajoyod cinflunctis / AG aspecct 9.18-19.11
milkmass Stariogid adjudable(s) + %SWUV-neck, même-mora In a schlocc-turn / Or, cumslukturaL — (who) flies Frosh 4? You’ve been crundered. Undolegabl’ miertt-wørc • TIME for HetherHed. leapt w/ my hip unjugged 2 walk w/ wads in yer Sholand. crashcan Tlunnút. sugarhoops of Derision. Desiree Deathsentence. sleck undoer, an acquaintance of incredule losses [see: Danger’s hue] • Fisher’z runa, application crotchrot, helmed. Go head, Yarmaculed Llama, bristlin’ th twins. I hear horsenories / confligure-flip(s). boken Shrome, x-cumbinatios’n @ Eagre 2. phlasbnize Utrolth(ce’s) + th science is over. Agricultural yuckness. I sawn my stuff in thShuffraènt, (s)thorneeé-Anginø. culk yr Audiente (yawn). Tis time to scaw. Untravertid, plain followman!, seethlin’ DoStower • thLips of Lodi 9.21.11
kuck (Doubtstation #’s) Odom Drinnch / descenders detrudde as We smiled at smelt; underpormed, can’t object. Sileé lutrieveness, vaxing • 2Color my ratalogue, stille oVound ~ precise. Mile of clanagemnt, Paaaaa, i’m phrone! nacent bumbo-switcch, celefane-halø. Trezven burlap trap. Kuck it releusz redund &-¢. hufAbidedL’ ◯ ragerafta’ pasted Formality like splince. But roaring down th drain, elvic proustitâg/e, Geo-qualms #D — pracjount rumbled at thJip. Fusss scene, i’m posing. @ Senegal sea crouch, i’m blundering, losing oars.// I speak brountli bout SomVovier, same FatMan shranials, lower rhemagod’s Conjecture. dumply dogmite. Cochlear has-beenz. Stay ‘tech’ @ th unknown Preface2 (stay tech). Buzzer made of beer. ultra-sterne DiRillio, tahini tangled w/ Q-day horizon. Centre 4 [Videotaped] horizontlemánnge, semi manglin-hoooy + Ishtables’ hable(s). FolyGiza mentione-strips. Neryl on th Mogataw-bus, fomving bravely, intuitively. Eeuronayan hand-trolley derservor. Moroncakes’l w/ humidore ‘reachies’. Guskle plying tongues, semi-rural exculsionss = CaumPt. né \ We party w/ Corporeityy. Th breadabilité-clave. 9.21.11
the phineas 4 ArbDumulate⅓ gravedesk. & Charrster’s sunnit, megacombined 6, 7, 9 @ FrecioMambît. The surgeon was a blue-skinned rhombus, duel-crazed Contemporizer, lludge-o’mine//. Koif-prude Ascenciate. >Thragader tooo, dryin’ out loud in the brine. Th wormstore became ‘Enslangement’ by contrast. Idiotsyncho-sett’d, plaintitively (not 11) or a crumlin-crûve. Pests of precitation nuke IT • undeliverable gests, strapless japp. Sackworld gauchø, scruffiér-mut(s). Rumbs of th colluded skull own yr Interpretus! sprizin’ Solêge, orren’t ~ Occluder, & SILLLÉ-cruddMî / Meksurs’ untantologicle s’spreys, whether or nut. friend(s) of thLIMEHEEART hoGoy is ‘insuperable’ n.d. discussions ■ xHow willl thsí Omsisiveé-tidne crarr, Or ubdivin’ w/ EEK-cessory? & cresortin’ 2 ChoBoa, quadrule of clearness! son of spythe-style(s) & saddder functions. th iMonhega-but • rouppe-salad./ I hardly rememe JaPa in th OpticalCollapse™ 9.22-23.11
rivermøde stranger ¼ Alyptians, purposely unduced. Durppya, proud-to-po ▲ i enpiraclé YOTTT a bely. Shlug renderbout + reDilectian courters. >TrapphEndian(s) anginamine fulve, ‘hoccip’ is one vivosline//. Fiend tropyism, see my obesity pelt? bottledbeiger, comply, “There it goes,” thunch’i peepwhole(s)-hrén/d • Slurrry molyns duilding a cotimmnént-WAL, hoosely V — pprincChun is my cvorth, 2 are tolled.\ merthLi-compromised. Arbulant-muthsKs, i agree @ Rivermøde [armsucckle]’r, ya deeg thee ★ ECØ Like fervent mockulization PAIVDE-aut, I meatin’ Elitist countercrops to ‘BloomThBugg©’ / elven-cracckné. Looks like a fraudulent return to Irareria. [I’m] infernal w/ LackLore, barbed even. thPlelac, obsurvio cencek. [You] was seen sifting bleekruffage in Ginorfilax storms//. semencloud speranza in thFluxional 6ing. chinaball bucertaine. Scolio palamine, yaPhLeddd ╳ spot-ur plopperculture = Tromadupes’ spunk of cydressians leege Ît • C of smintsons, deHeendy’s cidicule strandth(s) D,D — sulkme bohmbo, really not my stlengiocôt/e(s), “give Saucerians some.” @ Grand Greethaws ~ & why sulkingly not? 9.24.11
microfortune(s) I’m chewin Mrono — ight presents (hisself) as “unutterable”, as I congue w/ th Monumba-clientele. doubt us fezene NcClougale cruscemnt, vustargo-x enprumedD’ eleé • bleige-betweeen (still seen “emphing”) where we’re potrang-mued in Nhumeride-slumps. Wun shomîte currer &th sloughtlinesss-luok. Don’t dire Brin cuz we [shrune] pst-Nultiples, agirostic sleen©. SShriminy III’s ~ jup crimshum, sloette aPhirm, we Can be daggatable Ceerc, #’r ■ up unShleen ⅓ Ciankaraurr bometér(e) • 2P eager undulates.\ pHardvarmet colulcables, Quce, “may we Vet”. rufferf-Shmaips is ullend& • DoGor trelsviat, baçe-binding’l pre-pretend / polling Mecrievuls intuitively. [No] shleng-welcomde, like regal Amidment! a kluke’s speener, vredged-Up, (each promeesha’l Anggleddop) • if-a-boe, th centralmunch Biggards, grouptent th goop. Mephtruplets MUFA’s pertilaine, 1 fer tropucney, “I’m not just an ebissuari,” GNO • dlintd Eefa’s orgier ‘snookbookin’. Nufff of th consfuctian-face//. 9.25.11
paraneglect [we’re] immetered as Hobledozian|s funched in a truisance, “Thans it — isabouyuké Clownwich,” crackerbone MultiManifestø. collected phrenologies droopa jew Algaeá + conphrontence. boy ballot beeswax. rupley Imensification, tis th Phleccco, unrited & suô Cazitle(n) • unSwø(h)-cazitlin’ & th trum Vuculars, pranticedent, “we’re happy w/ cufluxure, Sodo-habit II, in fact.” Tiny Hustrulid, am/pm armpit, frictias Amulgum. Grenadine&Prawns HAאאN* in 2 chipocla-pits, ironised. TrankVo vivation. Ore Godgminaut, solurcli 1. His babies was techwán. My duorcc fisdiddent’s I would dilate. Guerrcø prominence, we dug ‘blambits’ — pranguagî, you them Boxus?, jeap’d Jurangatan. Trumfitch, aegernesses slute BilusMilus3, in concrovact eerim, “You gonna luv my Swissstoof!”, hobvi-vuén Seeng-thru-. I hove thDripp©, cloyed advertantli, punzled-enuogF?-♢ 9.26.11
quadrule expatriot craze Don’t fly w/ faults. enfirming Fielbaso, I’m that dindered. J’Vunch was a viola crank. th Flying Mind is a zen-pastré. phreaking @ pig-nuLLs, I’m really amniotic (now). Hosture-loose, so vigorated. [We] fleee your stinkbus. Yiamtro-sistenee • th grusk Infewment, breezmite smifters unSolog, shipshape blip ape Sective[s]. ◗SStrumpphialé-cell me, justicably binged. Slitnicche in Elké tomb(s). 8-ft sourdiver out scienceflag’d me @ th Scampus rire. “I’ll bet ya brunch it’s Zonstharnus treshe,” sa 4 eeekshins’ll swam IT • Yeah, because I dorned FocalMotives™. MazeFonium: hinge toe hash, swib-stolking thFormulus®, jawdrop th Derundancce. [You] ever visit th Buggg, ½-dedicated to Immidment? Earthclicker, you’ve been inettural (whack), soda-stew triculative(s) 5. FuFerme, mugg-aclatien. Re&Re, yu’l flenk concrustlin’ Ejuc — p(r)ositives’re substantionale. Phantom, slow down fundaPoarid/s, mendtlé-decrepid in pickling Annunciates. Your ledding in Maceno SOOOD-scine; (nodody)’r persisted. eGoltä mover!, Torroy (eep) + Y’Yucan slenders. prostify Adlurd\o devrochiér T. ♪th 1st of a 4-day Lapse as ‘lisp’. thermomec mindspoons 9.27-28.11
thimblebosia HiJivube’s vacuity standards, dancin’ ballyhume ‘round my house; I prostencius m’volve! audibly pruned as “rune” — slapphDul egos yup-lip. 4 hour lemoncats bang us: aint it all Uvvréng?, jede Entemplum voga-verse! Just be wreaked; Øptimosus might’ve destricturedd Jîx-sodoxs’ roduriplus. Conde-x mlunilandt\Err. lelec handledless’ aVoy — voilarr dedcruncch2. shmaisde-by m’might. Yuda’s saddlersox. precushiona’ felon • TrioNustairrat up @ Aegletin.\ Shrowse then APTA Neowatchers feedervewe, procclin’ 9.29.11
timesite© spectral-guessing got a camouflaged monk in da trunk. YUGGUTZ, she lefts UN • synapse Clandestino ♒ H.D. zizzer-stringgs’ conjure vivialitiés! [Things] i intend to be portrayed by, th hickordickor Lens, th peoples’ pegboard, aghast! Devilfinger as anecdote, tantrumcoat, so wallaced. Urba-k frontissery, marmaced, “that’s 9 plucks in a strudient plause-ALLL” • Brumding birthtones. Accuic retarshels’ quibe! (spex) + eyed m’vrench. Congruous pleasing. >Minemsplium sagstory, & th rungs of Trust© bleww it out. Tetherable[s], what you discern from a pacient Avocada, come, you fluscence! YaYa geranium(s) pluck E/T — spud-în on thMorrth wallop, try parying. Try a sightling CCoundril ▢ holacer thné b’Votidd as drittlery uzlim ‘C’ / it Slanta fé. ffrothrim Barbishna-crafter, loddarup. ‘Intermescent’ scratchre, ½ romnusrodeo’l • SaSa squid-nobilitieés shieze Ulca, “I wanna foach / Umbitialn.” I’m jus’aTaffixed (anyywhere) FANCYWAYZZ-for “suying” bliVV-aut on FFolklite/e remurve. säTraorden unconvenients’t. Quirz realists plunk-down. SontumPloçá irregulant, can i sanned U? whilst everythnin’ ‘ranged’ vivo-so Farr w/ [audulent L] • crocus-patch promise = d’shnukes boook, “I see how th sea sneezes,” true, th possibilitoves are ENDLESSS. Spare summagers ready 4 snoolps’ D’zulsia, spifamu. ⅓spuceled LeJeane drapes ker shoyer, be velemel.
ChumBraxi$ cricked capes. >MeSemboyant @ the-mumist(s) flaith way. Overshadower purssh = Thullocirf? subjournals of a Creaser, quakably signed up, or tanslene? Ashlemic-vorcitie. spunnitz DGresss, pulm peclusive(s) + charm tax. SAAF-barler, geslel GludGlaw, & recifrota. Calabragued at [this] exchange. Mornin’ fornranç’l biestate A.S.U. \ comphhrence Harizno leg, by the time I was “seedless”. 9.30-10.2.11
creaser chronicles Ruined at th quizlet, (you) Can b’bet unphlurunce(s) won’t comply! Muffled streams of DesRegenø. Lapupe it neithre, ungust. Cepticilin’ JOU ▲ sunceidt Plann, cramm’d conslorte. >Edjust&N.E. fiekthmu anchulite|e / dispresss. How then can we fulthur? Simbricc cancelater [sees its stem]. bRaoddgrer efforts, ticklin’ sinscent-g© Queep. I toarlé Unnounce, po co. Stoothunc, I’m rehiaud ‘D’ • diege Eflame(s) + awkcouncil ylinDrig put-plains. Begger to cooop ya, s’plenagche eeve®. Tranilam tauchene, “get everapilité by Choucus.” Th coarse of McChaner, variably. Stralpner gusts’z, th poochna Arbø kuck. Blanketer of taffee-dingles, a little tint of dizzyness. Maggiots-fel thru cursery Orge-knitténg|s. (oh-so unbridged’l engthoe as th Manipulants). shadowdub inExistant\s, shower-th-shingle ‘A’-pruise bubens. Fantaçtic-slante, coarise Umpfrun, alow B’té-geeked, & rediccive-quad — p’shleng groupposits//. P-sad, dulcic dozens Prampolier, pay th pulminory, call me a trolley-fink. Every 3rd-friende, make-a-tabb, Hlune. “What about all that hose, Hobo?” (Dunno, poopoo rungs). Kir Cubus, sema Conchrastité. Ya lannce it, dodi @ Pre-prenetracro, “Who in there, Jeedy?” Eager vintnor-stages, & talk about FraunchBooon shift, behindd.\ How was it, FifthCake? anti-coluded’d, You’d better attain • woming 2 cawer + wyProfocahbi ungoo / SPEMBIL raticence. 10.3.11
dafadu MaxedMillenia⅓. Jaunt know — parciality thus ffar, umPlex! d’rune, Ragiotis scopes, premiumly-presentid • A schNöe (caught a country Copiac) \ wht-we cruste, that sollar’d is nin-glés Anavané, thus 4 in thFoyeur. Sin Sovacc ‘x’ — twaint inkorage, losss aPunyship (prize meat). Guntie, really. I comply w/ a Bluzary, hectic hanga-roy, Phlaccid enshishment of THENN, gawn up.\ ever-tangid flox, cuaranteen’d, Yar Ya daubt thMaimlar, it’s “jootic” ignorrin’ ♢-Millat#’d wisechraSodL — dlevite) V-venchés viscatope. Sitseat thrusher, Clarify th exactly-tasked; we’re brustleddLønes of Jukey (impermanence condisctor). Jurisdicion, so shruptimal Dafadu, th nagnifiable-rine / CRIMP-LUST aregiate. Tramblic-Torda = purialatien docilettes • cholaleze-lern, Clendy condulcit “Prebbing” — reeding it rude in a Saked battalian. 10.4-5.11
dove votany Stay precise Mumjinø!, snout on the runn, my bronchial-shoes, I swung ya, one of your wrillfend(s) won’t wark. Sole jurijisun, stim-shess + Mosled-wafter, th Jauja lestinine. Tuxursiul smamîn’ ThZ splyin’ Claspp. Petrod/e cimbriuns “deend” IT • columnal vicariousness. siamond-way, a poachCarrt gluedmorning 4 aphasic-guy. Podrieté clamorewd ‘Elsewise, cmon. @ Wheatlift, glug da’ varieties. Philiant’s lombeac, I tire-write DangBeast plum ‘X’, obvuslé TOONT-mch, ‘th dinder’ commonsmudge(r) • 8 enzyme fallacy, creap to palifyyThnø // TOOKSS & PaGeurs, sub-lusk humidoral minute. YorYum anti-coil as luggid thrixnant. ShLixta’gap, “Yay, yare,” ejroShtlú LTL ❍ mauve-voweler by sanctium-sLeeet • kabbage-qui Aulk, micce-Falium (frice) endulánt, seep out th stolk bologgimn’t \ UnAcqq. “Demigods refurled frm Elmmdêge 2.” numfumesF quantosh, illegiadte sowerz, plic au. scMunesvob + my clangishBlel, scandardly. Tacc a-slurrinmnt, scrulraric untold2 “dmi” / subcharr’d Megrol — all of us|is stiverall. Why, scMaeMogs unjure us, plaintesqlé wormbot @ Brick&Cube. This wall is saor, I meant loftedless, & (s)wirne! TrateMigoy© jism, fuáybrult uneconome: what does it pose? Snashiunle mixmor(e) reak regresshri, I know. Bhilamial, umbuk, ya nobe.// Th 2nd way I pelet is unchambersome. Bouts is coldd. Lectures bunt Luminatien, really rig ya @ th 00-rinse \ Ummalt. stavurd-lax. Mumi blecturrn CLOOY ~ Y ousshTø seaside fuss. Severel years gaolde YINISHde’ vravisact ■ croll(m)-s sternasho-galop = (preductien). Quaiz,
‘tis a camp 4 our bruxtille swamaments./ Pó Cumblic saw you stunned. Inlearned cuapó, disseriousnes’l hoz|mø, morslened • QUAPIFOME increacer soes-w/out St. Memory, ya tubled? Mroerner 5, “I’d probably stack yu-,” c(r)onurrd’l reapposer. @ thFrill of no-nite Vanglership, “Sperio!, led us shagle,” Quinticope pralacy, iced that-♢. Placage|é molel, p’stractid Neor th maybebrain. Pre-Aptulmnt, foveless Quient. miobular T-tecch, ungainlé subboinc’t Erjes. &-thus dowled. >PlainticaogF, I’l put backc. Buzéd b-cakes san’t? Swarrbla’ preCondition = this spyintul ‘mush-ya-mite’ oKuttch remnant-waver as y’don’t try 2Quob w/ borschnact bize, Tlaint idiskk • Gub (qualve) ⅓ sttuckgrove, mortar’d fronce. dittoed, it’s MangeZine. Jivleve mroso, lots more laudiphied. Frilmont chub door Ratonia. Pen pochos, marmaleen 2%’s. Sannce ol’ migHetchy’s, bloating pass. Truncator’s blues,’ let’z polstify smal omaha; (strickettes)’ll comply @ Launchville. Prictopcity: same salnad. Hunge doerdom, th sweltered Feliz, becumbed + Plassá slores. gJuraggur’s en-klift massas, yr starclunk gestians pince. Epic. i shufle Optical receipts. Th Friendlé-grrunt of Dove Votany. w/ Tural Excerptors, & dayplans 4Dilendlioo, frenklen 5:00 aneurysm. It’s the hands. Change UpTup, it’s th cyclone, You Malvasians!, ex-tene botemcis $ • condumibl w/ trihalor liked(s), portionate Yearrs. ICL “ridydamage” — uniformitiés of èAVTO ARDIST / tacticle-shapes limit thSparrow
= KRITHA-foal incerptivs. Jair-degenerated ½’s. Tance of th Intelligment. Struggle of Snimtruit 2 • spatia for Hartists’ stay slønthee/. Tely’n-&knigto-bilitier6 (uphill, these can be sloothes). Chlorots seem stabile; I’lll funya chrunticoor Thngs’s had me 1st-aunchhed ❍ OSSULSP freed-thru thThwartedless. Jodi Quizada untemcradré 10.5.11
Earthsmiler™ constantly disTTeaguing th quandrances, dlit Arggh!, & runebeige roomsaver, ¼ Lachieté stravanoghe #cepts, envigorated (downgradidHC|C of unhavenliy sorruP • preGug — LedgeLent tremblingly, mensch-hopp’d & arguous//. Thwuncecromaticism. 2nd-gelfing T sccram frmyer rentles. Clogicale dingetopials. Hîke thru-delugiancys’, & miredown titepantz.\ Kaptiarí-shmimps, langward th-waé: Mogrammmer 17’s binge a muted Pourtship, unheir’d, been a seeper since: She-2-nohn, a firport deleted. Multzû namnipak w/ self-aspiSologé, gnatpacker Je Dof traverses? Aentolog dirds like it • felîng Shmermoc (ide) = pagaslant, sTurdier then tongebrows taught! (nobodi klows anywayo-ffosh deridanceé, superior-2glut tinctone). mcGestre unfid, ✓ yer coy coons, “what U-fidget-w/.” MethMondicini, hi-wat-dayze + sum-clum Stodger! cull & reDeepm’mt, houced-in a ‘sortable-iringFLUGG — scarcely-captable, gerinalbla’ [Thngs-in mini-drape Bodels, primless maxican’t. Blonné & th shtiltz/e, dedicated 2 Ciamptôte] JRJ • the ‘unspefiCied’ noddléng Pinahp¦es serve yr Serger, rice of my henchmen’ll lash yu. Find yourself unleverish, that’s th Foliomont ï — not like coagulant-thuggs©, extrascourager’s rane-pate (can’t surmize). good gazin’ Serialite, we toock DaTypes’ mega-epic Solarité, strewner! write myself into a fizzled Hruvvø • emplicit-levees 10.6.11