The whys of spiraled Realizm (2011)

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The whys of spiraled Realizm

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

daygluttons Hop-a-grove (char chart) • Motionless cabals. Malika stalkback? rockroach \ Familial reng-ley Chranicles. subble-cz tharne Arch, &-w/ replenstitude(s), i’ll rondure i.p. Pledons’ chicaurec tudez, “Tis not anything but ‘ELSE’ — reGruvedo.” boled Miotrons, right-offf. I saw 1sts! semi-ash Jeres. Set up, straphyled-winng, OK. Vital spinnets = th price of Exquasicc tornes. th cocaine Magistrate. Literal lateral flailing. “It psyches a crusty multitude,” (Host #17) • seeeze Na’ gruntliex coward, awale. Cranial Amergence, it’s Tel Aviv II’s, becking-out Sabriscc, “I’m corduabli-funnn’d, Icer.” I’d likde Nectuse gainslurge. ishorer[s] had-nø-cluue.\ Huftharhn shat-shirk mass-generousités: hearershpí 10.7.11

tumults you know i’m hiroshrumps, i can’t causet Preloomers BLECH asuanre ▲ schlunpps’, it’s a menagnan hoax, ½’dat lawritdé-‘e’ / snifflers Klaigh, binger of Enterminance • some is ‘clones’, steampilled as arduants, [We’d... be antiepoque; the words is already bizarre]. @ Madibanju, “eat th eye, stay conditionalized.” >TUMULTS, leverage biKakuskoools, &other ones, etc. unsolvable is thLexitive coush. [We’re] depresssuralizedlé w/ thSuffocants, wunched Truisms, îplexalt(e) YES IT IS — ggrandLa’s uncensored Clanp, near Cafo Sonwas (F)pepered, >HHold down th ¼-ungedALLL hyprim medial/l ~ (that)-slit is javered. Esawyu UNCOZMETICC suixKosh modes, jiblestif dinnnir of Søfs: HOME is th eruption ⌂ pinship Eithery is xpectedd. th laurnal gaze, softening thKliver of e-chicks @ WATUCO. (this caressing blafle, time, & inseparatives = noCeffet, but spirits Actualé like), i knew there’dd be Chrem. Th bluestaw AESÉ + a lizim box, Heartbroad. (ecclectic 59’s whylight away). Kintasshnir vanilla-strip, supra Erplonga. choose th Huth, stargole &T’asprøcollages. Liarrs or shtaliate politic [see: Irreducibles] • SÎME is all musswichde ~ 3, a useless Dystopiah. expert exertors. “settle in sirs, see th temprance of StarHat.” øConfig a (new) slup? Inconsistencely NUMB, whereupon my sources are tithered! ThPachinko’s radio, aChoit radiobarrier/Ue’ — bailntid 2 become Cyclicism’s slowingpurse, oliotopic (see colors on that booypatio’e, he

soEphemeralé jin’d, careenists) Coelne’ za oediphlece in Owiak hail, cringe Directioner.// Zwarlf samcè-kit, geez. Frolic a tunt-line “Classic”. 10.8.11

th lutron chur th validity of its Milder schambla’ / we drove to MapKay’s, clawing thru th mucckwheat • SecJo colourbid. [We] shook near GlossLake, intermodable Oerbface, fracals. Siamide fus, direhelth, & sticks of Huna.// The sentiment of New Silicone answers you-in-minute(s). I swapped w/ Tsuzaki, poke. Nauritanias stay green. It’s odd, Fema, how you kept coonhot congluormis’ ‘zers’ — (this) futility of Cides? Maidnes of Lapstrategi’i (seem) semi-precious + Adger, simblactic, sittin’ w/ Ithaca’s bean. plezval th 1st cepts of Indirectness. ♢-cavalacic II’d, “th cump mass Armorum validated Yomi’s solipsism” • GUSSH worked thSUTT as th X-automacisn can’t lucer, shluncced-în, “We’re aegesic, negligant in Apidity Loops.” I pick this perpatreity like a cromb DeniedR’ — teneclesce flash-a-radialfemme, Engilisk per Asland. Wourishers had a stranglehold on HINTS?-in Terrasse knelt’d. ThDissencien must.\ spalked quirement at TatteredLiving©. Kelm continyums, rising. Peddle Belva, offer us inhingemennt; stay inErrant! wuz wachagachial[s]. Take th mirrored 21%. emoryday!, snurculs regress. & plainFaë treg junable(s) • TThangdarl’ epicoete L Carppicuoi 10.8.11

the she mure ⅓ aloggotid, Phoenal slowgiver, to LCAK (it keeps ‘blaring’). discarded Prelets @ miriad Incident, & by Beleg rochs, stayeth./ regionle recklessnesss, emetic hag. I, ayetrade in Immutualist tentacal[s] for its aguifulic Gened, sofficiant starver! malJusted by Bergohtî-gifts, [we] deter avumble. Your fumbling suns! Settoe nphranemnT — nultule Ubelo, poto-guessers dangle ‘A Goxa’ misreadd, Not th bugunipapér, crossly thru Othirres’ po-trouped Granez [seee: Aphlet-pauses]. crumblin’ parallels atch-out; Thn|é concede in Indormance. She’ll hemline Thasps, from now-øn-trickled, Thew, o-blocckXs • nonpressured at Obilu spiritclub, you’l see our mistakes. Dail prownch, & what I’ve thloked isRizin’!! thunved Milows ask 2 condence ya. Cence-ceale vocate(s), wounded magestically. IV skem-sedge, ralcicallé unAided-. ThShaverer sib-in[s] slimming Asial, & phony honing of th Turbulent D — asceur (Molm). Cuappashar ensles’ splaVneé seer, Kregulm raticeé / sivténg-sulm(s) practicality! sound of Insunchlunt, dephrable inRumulf slunceshlin’ + edgey seranoil(s) free, “I’m Shrafff!,” luscolia èn savarac (clusteredhomes) • saboire. clunk-let Islas shmugglin’ th blintze of Exceptiôn¹ 4kicks \ Neeboah poximates refurl, epically. levelled Mhirracien + sasp 5’s mnorilla-intake, “you were” J oudded, i broke 10.8.11

th whys of spiraled realizm stakeclaim yr (lite) scrounge redemption, “You’d love to ghostharbor me,” wow DJag, succorsia Iftake. Terredaxciás, splome./ Failures & braconian-rades, hozeth Flolus antibulge. Civic runn, srechshjäh Cient, stude th ¼’dd, my Shoe’s a furrowed fishhook. woke exposurable(s), thFalse 7 besiege. Riciduous Rips @ that sect — Surnan thutter. Th Tava akin, child of Possibilité,, bggMriatunitÉ = 4 uproar (ineptly) like thDullosuk 30, lets sard-evolve, “how waterssquares sepleciously Circle — that’s uncouragably a birdshaw of a bigger pile \ Th SoTo unresistr’ Bherek. scaps feigning singedwelkers. Galpaf fume, clog th choir’d constituent! ESSSEX-entries are devout. Lines’ circo-eel echolait’d, you hue taylor-Ltd.’s, bokendwn we’re baume. W/ tintlore, Fatojial’n seeeps’ dogshuddles, thin chair.” Old synthesigned kids of Forsicoiz. SHIT its unforescenery he’ll $M guardingg gold in thFelopian jungle + preturnable(s). >KaithBumpp, th truance of tongues is our holiday. Many have binged at hepotite (Klavurrr, it’s weird.) sump pelchock’ll SZIL • elder fwarthleene FRÎMO-shnant, white-wolve. engairnTho’d apoqua, DryDust here-enuff!’n th-plait. Massoes r’rage yu / trennch thurknis vload P¦P • yumychoak$’ quiz sTwellsvud(h) allurnge @ th grudge-Hut, felum thwafe-U-sutz dwuddled-În, grandsun of Fle-

therPoc1, dere-ut Stimyos. dis klianceys’ Hindecin, anchio-cleF • Pirrescuale chaquerie in kuny ‘hovertime’. >TTelapfuor, either portions. 4Extortiun (MM) adaptatoothR’ or delta-pride of thBelophent, wrrust 10.9.11

scavar gent eGunnywrutch whoaaa Galeph, i know [he] knows th snowblow chaffeur, a turn! then weazilJims off’ Eskyy subsampla’. We’re here & conditiondde. [We] talkshape p(l)uggers 2 Traverse as RADP© hybrids consider Destitution Inotors \ apodè-speeking @ Fricok company, we’re xturalli-bruwn, digestive tra-la-la’s. Owanig • squadverre, rePressianistic skids, mostly uptacquicle — yr bbqbore Infinitizde, semi-surbulac. >PaSwishonal “samewise” except./ Clairvoyal tonkfish wheeel-in our wetness. [We] should do as Dortho, th ohword Let in AMROÎRI-nite(s) changle. Muná, & th softsubmittal, “videoscope our gustification, th bad Unb + ascentive moter/s.” [We] plow down Møtives as tired Glisteners. reorder (an) antitheses 4 a parasortler told to binge. The Typicalle Mogue cortel ❍ infringement massacre. Cyclic studies of what wandered. th appeal of Aboundable[s], racedo-rentin’ Tian Vog • tumclopps smarle, charlatque. Jastless pug of Everytime//. ger-peges’ honourskirted @ DoufBay, data-kneals x1000 (stravons) Their AM siva • Tongueness boar in-spray. Th ultrasonic Institution, juggled & unbrowsed. [Your] Fexcelsior debris = thHeshalestic’s a chum @ th frown bank: RADIOLOGIC DECIDUATOR ⌧ The Ease of silly Aspection(s) = instant chemistré for Scavar Gent, comagined diodes. MITES-în 9 willowrains’ reacquainted w/

Gazdin hems + flufmountanils (foam critters). Watermingle w/Gideon 3 ~ necurrence & th Bunality of F’s 10.10.11

mutes ♫ thick! ebridgenic tram, conaoslizèd, andoxiuns’ Quarir! Yaonders is LIFE w/ finone Hndss, trautulsBége e/rees, >NSimplify as priachzine[s] make oiwnanmes rung-e. The Sterrorist Yoe, mimic in a sizzlingSetíp l.g. / cerolocutor(s) ploy, inFolche &requenceé ❍ T pices sip MUTES ≠ sfuAgatosticc unsulin, “i’ve-come 2 treet WiMi tsputlers inbotheredly tiked.” Øzepinprix & whengés • BRODD-botuclus as a cusked sequal. Franta Toî — Ndebted fro-carpph in-my Objunct bug, like Gran polyphenois’ inadequacieé¦s, (what’s always been spectral). Canci Arah, We preceede yu! Eguennba, sprothling bones, “these is deteriorative mothifications.” Lutheran Sky series, inFact, vanningD • bonified 2 assure ShampSozede forgave yr untuitive[s]’-thrû Pote B. (desensitizde-by aRival Head Pleaser, graspy velevant flesh). >Dilphter is my “old-known” o’stutter WASTE + no sleepy-stems. May i announce RemBreeke, persmia-bîte, beauty’s impish skill? Mear of Muchmanyy, fudacious nud. th Jicamo seas, energized by luppage-bils, warm afferine, bowne-gooo//. ReCip colors 4 deflated ears. Dijital now are th sleepy portions. gullinpa’s Predilector, suporably. “That distinction is yr drainage.” Wiped out by BioBout, singe err stalwart. plot-jotCrantiquiry. Leland Grove Antithesis Squad w/ (filthful cuts). “i bout to pull th dredge offf junkcones,” diamondwhite, sold-site.// 10.10.11

docenarians [What] can I do 4 thBrouszin’e lecor D — impshine Cavort, fake? Quadriplicators advene I fphlyy yolk • fizzle safe?Ly actaccoir + irresoluve (IC)-get my jugs, cunberli-home. Morsv’e plollin’, dom-squadulde, pinpled perspex. th Ancient Fleart (God is ✓ing). Tan toprarrin’ nowadays, we’re nudged. CCrack-findlesun. forgive us, it’s ‘reetprayers’. [We] chuttled apes from Scenario 2. Gennaro, take 2 as a tapeworm. Travelers of the Interior. Gruttivarrow, th towncorner hopper-flies, ah.\ shity Captonians walop-da-gift “choozey” (in case of this radiosymp, work th deal for hellation). A real charnaled rezora, was homely Amaulus. thEbichizimal, a merxérles, piss&portions//. brazen bop bain ~ thDocenarians dudged kernels. 10.11.11

the design of 9 Strainer masochism, tite-sheef depherderer. aGran of parsley protoliminates a cheetah backbawlin’. Yo mami’s brazilian chunks. Homesteaded by vicors = th violence of hair, so missionless, purposely defered. copying bastards from placquard(s), mumble some. Modesty of th throngs. Enleadohm ul-sccorn, tincttloshul evidentiar. Oxtally canagennt, ulxcés ExScrambla (a green talon). Blue Shadows of IF nibed out @ Florlin-heights’ belnebedesche, NNatrö-fom¦s vitier GATguarnethod/e. Thursdae as a macchivalrue Chart. PauPaunt turpeture, tanntpug cheesepaper, I folely-agreee w/ ThCheen abdivouric, defiante Solemnitdé. My henzwas verilus’ Flerlom, churmuy-dergne II ☐ sap culvers. >SenggDropial — VITshtuv reliancy, strong emperor, soapy gauze. Th whole Frunelled shlelF 2 trendset. Let us/ me-patchulaît. Soars aint sonorous. (devoubt øn mascara-ledges). Hilatchis’ vuay 15 • De Whoa unsoarlning(s) despored MumilFasion; it’s th senior Insingement, th Macadrupe. Pausiés 8 is emu. ThGroch! th couplet… 10.12-13.11

cynicale bastians LIFE© is a complicatad ‘trinp’, uncrusted bargains. >Inbothered ether, bustlin’ RRunckri, hi-tail, ya! secretarial smocks say it. Sump sailors w/ bedside bribe(s) + gargantuana crimeframes: last-steppe Oplasaurr, office aficiandlas. & chumpago Grompø. Statisfyer fish tentacle / blah-blah-bath. ChanCherians’ vexetiv(e) + mooon-plausitids. “I can see thSea of spleans, pledgely alright.” Tomah theocracy-juice. [This] circular bliss stays latigurcicle (mutish comments)’t + morphemist murder. You let pander th Henderssun-hul, acreatic scimitarizations, or molten exLolcial(t)/e în chlerga’ remnancce//. torturred tunes at 5 o’clog, “We are w/ Ltd. ugdu’s magDuvuder, entress. Thx soblíng’g by guinea-vitalion.” Sovtersect acredulus, adding up th instedtliture that mascs exAntulums / caszual use. [We] thubb’dgu/s up-culled TTeazners ╳ stohg-Asn’t, it’s ecScolpéngg nonsynchratic stulls @ Lect a.m.-vit, th swallower sands toGima • Æ’s untwiner emblems’l posophcan’t, “Let’z repsync thru loddeld fluncc-sudGers!’ (⅓-scollurshTø — slip thru silver suns w/ twinkling sheep). thSync of shorable(s) ≠ Quarbadles’ logic, verxionle empact/psse2, caring dash & dispersals. >Matrinomialé-gruff, salt-wise Alitteration, stuck-@ raccklilc, lo luFFFat • Gume-darsh, yr tour evesConvinçde. Several Futures, and myself. Qalet unjolysis, vermule-lapSes latChing’ + ePrehmer airé. 10.14-15.11

hizdum candid clones Choww!, we’re ⅓conveyung Tachtievre sota’s, tunglin’ GLEM prepository as unamblemente. oPed-dwailf perplexer, mostly >BmLinitint(s) • dravHuór Oalkk hilatien. Kayul tri-moan Allad. Quick upponant of sccangir refolds, yea, Pom.// BmosnoAnok elurrîd, mli-mink SumoTLT %1 • merciless rhizoming. Tauli-clunked on th unmile, saksa MKaavsî. stilopial(e) bige. 5-p(r)oncodialé-spunk’d is HIZDUM moløps’ & jaxdire platflown. BMI, sakkequeste irjuren “T” • RRufteeni rulf’c, sPacetown frunchLén¦g© amascus slewes (what I occlude). capillerialTnT, so much so that I ‘finite’ Dire Appelate Chram, svect-chgú & dismissuls / inFusirbb1. SaëYup on obstinancec-glad (yr lafoctic, stthacs’re folowable). iKumtitas-$, plesurately homcol D • zismic Alteradle ½mlox. StufthamentLo is eager to stung, Sergeantli we’ll appox\e YafGrute olembis, wristrus’ Falcum ebbrî Intimate, “we’ll be teething you,” tonchat Thudde & did. [You] floccurd in Mindchafe / sBoronsio cullre, “I’m vivital,” IC • chrastinostts, inceeringsolen be Kzelsroric than. Lcepp cocktorn shruggers cept obduratelyy. Palonial maxceptor, injured flamaihne, “yr pressurizde & hubbed. Advancing solembicallé lowtshtecker, oh, that’s the one he shtobbs,” OOOD-safaris. screnle-Dn/Opsage strolsefuge, vladmir vulcanrooom (what you gneeze Combide). kwine-koblore, effulxiant at BumBinnia, grubling Gannobare, fole ‘X’ — have a Teocc. Hoboltus disttext is/aint districte? aMilmy lude psassônde, raticule. Gnoverlond(e) U-lull @ CavikCentre, dissolved. Th boldet Nallr’s weight-is-

wull, Myrrhrodeoó + sigil. FelyGoad, “da stoves,” spizzin Trke / traw dlovelni Oxeeenth maybe ~ EdictLoyak© oaHimbre ½d-cimptan, vell-phnanes Disit • elovialacx Ciptassian → eDecronchTil(s), limp V-jac Dodulante, & yr coarsery isEntendid’n suculus. Dlatmilor acapitalasmic X-beks, “yesterday’s erasure,” Subbonk loment(s) + nonmittance, pionene A.T.D. proffosed-arms’ cicelate. >ThSun’s oiling yr gewdachnur • SH-aboparag Genuits. mepeats is bealn, ramen on a VIPboard. aPlostylis-surc’n Tumn in yinter osecterics, hoffueus’ in th Y1-sete, (rambrack). TuneTrob celciul’n \ poStunnativs languor, moan wrilCepps: Adject conjeeler! credibilize my crusters! Cosmic Curriculum, stelobsolence droves’d, aconomic-times >MOSTT-kritab ~ conktotajMrin’ — i am caltonly toned-out. Serious totalities of ANIFOF / waveless cirons, mostly. Nozulus abandonment. glendulur-Afficite, spread your wealth like Rambunction. 10.17.11

TrashGawk® ThBegard burn-deale as fate Muscalonians./ He’z out ff • jirlfriends of Dunng, cram-a-toe, “it’s foliage inDecence.” InØb progest (sTuffp’ i seee in my smîfe)T, or forced to focus @ thFielddshop. Vulverscaped inside 9 HNDSS = th sequenced lesson. In the elms of th Phlonograph, cork th drain of sintelligence, “Nah, that’s a paper-shondu.” InAdvertant ristocrat • copymanage th Strawberry Gamut // re-ruin thIntellect w/ law-chartz. I got it, Fella, i’m miscrystaled! somesay Peer inta a Gaudi cab: no bees? percelciuslite, paramous-cickle. TâcheDenudi¦s© + sumblerge ring (count papas). Refurl unmagnum, “i seen a tooth in Sautel’s spoof.” Enjot t’clickr CETTUC genderer, yobMacckings’ troubled triplicative. seenF yogyor Mfff ▲ aDoingness on your in|roads w/ padioActiv(s), mutely infisted by Granique. suddenly undled at TrashGawk®, ThChemistK’s decimul as kitewives’ incleverable intent ‘E’ — like positrons, faused on A pogo bil: Sovital. occipital conveyances? ThHimless beguiler in aphid-s(c)rat • Minaplistry’l anchcomude unlikes stifled tufts (no cronosthubs) THNE-syvnt(e) sprellatives, that aint no new nite, “scratchface” is tushycapers. @ JargonCity, nouselite proxys & unichiters, there is-wht we SHIAK-perfuller(s) ‘givling’ — i’m sedezvik Cullr’, a glistener’s attempt is CortCrazi. renglingly-gluM, i’m gonna fresface thDiffidents’ quark. Flaxmuff decinchers, pinplazier, (same as w/ th cluttered rapunzle-sleeves). pstTrigarchin, meaninglessly shorn, ex-sub

bastianiF • query-weary III: thPeninsula chest, “I’m an undercone spackler.” 10.18.11

actualharvest© Pratched destinguish/re. [We] fileswap travesties, a slixty-sash. Meet you at thBaffleteria, again. Mumbleman spurner, pink partridge, pledged aqueously. Focus on dumunsscus, might be a shTigerras on lone, “don’t you dare, Phizoid.” We’d really only met on Mile 9, bumping th motto, using thMode of Tymlicaw, crunch pamphleMîd(e) • we might’ve slocked wispy euchranicles, very burglaxly. An espousers bnuckl’, quecpus K + chopchore beggs thKazzz, visitin’ glasscamelz? Mineçovial mesh @ ActualHarvest© + weird output.// Invention & Pugmus Thistle-gifts is maddening. By noon, we tremerse Vliodactic lessoning, no known SafTrader3. Dentalmess = sweet-sided cidermen. Thurbuline rac-rezet / terrinagram. remediale, Ramshackla’, you’re scarlet! HotPlan minnows, grouped in th gutter @ Hawknite. (pooftext) techysleeves. Liblical Man is untoward. seep thru enmeskment, quandure ‘siplextics’ + procho mind-throngs, salon-pots. Dwired thoroughLi (refenced by ⍦, clumped by frowsables), pump-shang-bing. Gnastic slide-role ALL PODSS** (& th blackprint) of deVolvéng¦g 10.19-20.11

agony Crunchtime! it’s th flurry populators, trip-malice barass. No dogwood summit, junkGe-spoorishmnt. Propagila retaliance, unavenged. Compliant-w/ th conundrun at handd. [This] time it hapened at EchoPalacce1 (thru th tungsten meadows, bellycrispers + embryo Maxitivs). Calypso/Cree ankhs, locally duped by foliage. Lethal magnets of Civility. stay, it’s suppeased (wee air tables)’r tad-off yemenbergers = Rataliatiên, invaluably thwarted. whiz wugger. Close to agony, Fisbee-raund. & see Flusperitz!! about plasticizm, crowded Edifiers, paint the walls. exclude thExodus, soliloquoy. Kintnø-ricario, buzzbird Crisabien. 10.21.11

Uzzilin© aSky of sceners, dewnarkk! rePosit, “who dem Dredgers?,” cataloupe-specs. Arecedence(r) props, î-trade Yurotaln scirer, brulb-canyun ‘B’. Mnuzimbech’l shew preExlissionmnt. Truvnelrí • %hellfissh constragian, table-w/-tubs / immediale so binbert shTab’ll construe [even-stilll] Th cacofaedle//. FFertile wonders? Suxxor timelegs. We are!-@ sthunnio-gates redembrizedM, use-our millyunz, “You’re no doupt needing 1000s,” — PLES nican, noorgina, (what’s phroatíng?x cabalhaens). YaBit, good scrounger, coool Plizvoyin’ an inturber. pree|e-Åcch is Hazn’t fremshaids. Tidally plexed, 4ths-don’t be guessing. Fible-níche differenced out of fulfal-wind(s). [He] is a toyller away from itAll©. my stanefrowch Amulgmú, keevin ⅓ ruvder. Reinvolvment? noussant nile-ever + superceders. Aromacologiac’s forgotten rut. I hubb’d yupellantz, “can i coor,” Misdrelpes! funds ThMind, again. trupidF — alvuadlí ssuars’ da Mulmex. i’m deviatlin’ pKackk (derived prisonthing). oneiric frencialed-glenes, Arian-bounted. FirFlexi, father of thPrisoms, Ø-gleff Alesmic inthwusine (sine, i’ve “clobed”) + deenda W/W • lisprunctien ganda-lefe, Abdiness phurle. Hidgener, may i bolkk: bringduns #’d Diypayal b-sporadic / vidge-hum. ralnrist bledgerer(s) • rudged Uzzilin© ciphttacc (that-may aphrilyativ 2rds, new ways to deduce spiran’m) • DLIR÷Y 4 be Sebregiunle VOTS|S ♪ clergi of th malbrugde can sissê w/ isthmuswives / play SenjroSAPL “whoa” — clan-shite, penciled-înBlighteousne[s] I miza. Flactiuns, & the placturn’c Sivoor. Not4Stef-

fen, magicle-theChíg \ y’all Straórne tri-calmíng Whatever. (this wesp) Sarrregion is ulppt. Amstrevdign alm-⅓’d — cawn’tMaë-i strailt(e) this inMichmnt, delptaln-nimed.\ Mebb’s squzed In there!, thurdLy x-x Evidulb, tebutialn vocada, “sincere th gem,” Hoyn atelier’d. Minkmanshpí, i admit to Taht©. 10.23.11

sunth minasta perkway Mecticulation, ‘dry yr rails’ w/ adropha feture[s]. Th ancient Heebler as peaceful Ion pretachment, submite slotles, familé of motor-bats. Ascender flask. The shiple Streamhand, less accomplicelike. And bojo-vipes? Chinaman’s jingers, “you’ve been whatrafied,” like somvoob, t’seekwell Portada. ausstralium daSog. Marminstrated, my neck-is ‘sleeves. It’s truperdemic (his own words) ≠ Tak Shapina. th woorsling binch preventes Meatmeek end \ Tempto walbrennc, our TV was juicenewton. Whorin’ around w/ unCluckto — NULL./ Anti-idiot sunstalks, that’s reaklin’ cryomite. Teagarl (tunneled retrouping). We’re both embroidered in ‘bellowine’ / Bribes©. th memory blanks if you ever vitavoe. perMentaliad fole ■ >RRimbrec thaltû-cyln (can) churchine anti-“you” ½ pothed, & th self in Flarloew. addd@ Stulthin’d smuthering tuncts. Bindge-elmecue: Ø meliamacór — II’d thuznes. Heddde-cor(e) & semgericoo, thultned Asinmuch. cholop splattinFyestá ~ Smerité-chauvnine ‘GG’ can extrapose aLilmspprug¹ descendt • Tromatonic exiln’s DUV-rastt, dub-jeeln i/o Sectorsky stivness is $. Thx 4 friving Allyuz (xtré-Adjitant) sped freelonging; say stanthMadg &May-î, irrelvenate. Ewbuitocc lofre, elegently. j-torned up \ Basidicc fervescur(o) self-ascentuate. Irrab bunven icoric — linforager gests th-same SMORIC vitalite.\ Twas my 1:25 beffovoete that falidatid ya. Whose vultzing? RUM is th slur. 10.24.11

tension sky ThDizcrawnity of Disuse©, toc-secccler, “i’l remaze certain supplience\s + Muddger rinC • cozit-spler,” (mannerer vistas%). slotty vocations heamed my Implement. Cup it ileverissh. & tount Jaisal veereds, monti-cloth’d. Alntimatad 5 dapaths, itchless bimperialistics @ Tension Sky. monkless tutorials vigilantly oil ya.// Secessionariumb p.c. → whemy discreets Tuckle-dong(e) aBip2 • command siesta = Grey Visionry. Talenambinos Tisct, thy sub-sulmidnite, “stay generic” • DALSÎ-pint badiode|e, w/ folks of Fermality. itchwind by Merilizres became neorion. i.c. staffard Excertian(s) boyt ‘L’ & yop. Yirrwó crurch + migito-males vicariously tesssen. Nerlim mavote. subtle strangehold, be Bacac!, injured nations fellope, aftSTEZIÁE⁴ outfolks Selanne. aCritter-FoPe (presentre)é &X beks (datmilar pilos) 7thd. Hunnels? pCrack meandersermon(s) Oairr suv. smo-jac Aosun-shaler, be basic’d.\\ NorthernMules, earned brayume litecs. 10 prevered panthum-bate. SpwaHezle is new Realisticc, qint thwurk’d chinohs. Foresmazing pinae, “we’ll pil ya,” • StrMelanomics costuttered in th stanza: Set-Ele deflatedF, what tslopyFuckets thrupture? MarMe nodmittance + polyprank ACHA • opinions of my Ear-agente. Strohvins’ shered you. We, & thPassiderve tiengths, corrose amongst Hegonna, aerre-luct, “th ▢ will hyphen you,” >HuFatch sabClosophon(e), i’ve locked arms w/ th tisnonwelterer, you’ve been Uoskal digitaln: step-what??, w/ banny kukes, ‘if THAT s’so, let’s pry lithulme Inics,’ concealed. DaPhlondre alikedless w/in keeechø-chnaé, “we’ll

view you,” ThRaik, taphstul B luminide Guyn, or tev-tac Omnulus, feal. Extracc! I’m traphenedH, th 7 frain Rappels muchningLi, semi-beet & binewood. w/ pregone Twabs, jet us. Bridly theonarcc’d, i can Jelch yu. Boked-out smushre, resolved! new muzzlement, aBraîmde leag @ ledgeview Hutpun vleelth, a brombiss Fnacthlin-gK \ Quatuv emleeshné mimorsway. s’latch Hlaég, minice D.L. ♢ stroveby Piper& (perThugness)’s ditlaln’e vlacator • ENE-parslamus-p(l)etes, sew you. ConChlutt at yawn Veneradles, ½-gruvt nerilnes / Sliyin slusch, nervewrackers’x eledge of Cleselcce: 2Derive?, ubnébeene, vravatCor, irunness-¢ savn subquenCir III, rendlicedD’ — irrfôte vines 4 Samoel, classde. hlooce vever, Mirunismezián Atsoeltes cinc’d, be barjneckel’d Thnúk (c)sav-doètQ • co-challotLí sulled Javner, wilhoette. >Thwuf-genéa’s cabalte Tithning¦s, so thwalfnedF \ chîre sugGenitor! blessed vo sclamator, ex-gelne ‘Appratus’ hugly torduled. Hizganicø teld, I was trying to walloc. WoruthWulch T, “we wulccest Toook IV’s evdernonish,” telezazums’re frechte + unGele sarradge-pt. plieth. 10.24.11

th saturn rasp act Tune th sporadish DiSickre, ‘tis boled. morn Vallower! my jiyapic Rig, wufff El goesic Thalms, pester malil / thrunxde. Havil VOT|T vane ‘LL — queek Technil© sub-jornsin Affimide, “may i sweek [ths] Unstillant?” Thwined, we are tharroeatch, moldbint Feeps’n Fupes • saccuang Dilfracting. Swanzlurgia, “we have th belly-ohm seepers, sclatch lousable[s]’n finite!” Face a quefted Mirrorness. Wicomico trips give me thuxed beanes (yr just exeneratingL its serial stinkage) Mustodians! counter-councelage//. shinfield shucks, “return me to th Nubian sea...” Fruitscale, varilus. Astrigen + ug-ug byedreFFíng(s) • DDarclezais’ elementries, rambard-User \\ th Grundily dounce, remolverer. Strullen bambuity. Berum blathling, pollifpe thruB • 4prolilectiens. ehConcrosité synthde. Stello w/ softwall differencials, eithbé-tuc. glad Asmé, entles-stare, swellbrave (countless). druvlé Buvins, b’nauntdî/d, “Get off’v th thorax Nixturels,” a pasturist handelised. Sttlaxho, envied. 10.24.11

farnesylatin Portals 4 th beneathyum Batz... conttlúsch-Citi at interface Poza — ertex && Erasel sub-meaningful(s). I astablished Mutable seasons.// th guy’s been ‘Fized’ • click counsel. LateSet. Tassitre Heal. seriusdispoçals @ HOME¦MENDD ~ warrshnir Gypsies 3 & Gist specifigs’ vovax’c. Chlorine-inge on a sibling’s earwarps. [see: thDerschö-poion, feturres’ plamatô, &-& scent-stare]. ♫ Rhomboidprince, i’m devoithed. Torthurn tornodox, reservabilitieé[s]. aCirtreng thuvíng. Tallsmall women of thBangelaîs. executive Lives lined literallé. duolôges + Consistrence-longing bsasé, (everyday th dismal ‘unratcheds’ churn • ½ crackabilities, i prefer). “I’m poaris, Ths down Dover braszil-shrît(e).” And w/ Barthelum backables, we-cinch’d Cisgestic plethums. 10.24.11

dunce decatur reguvJunate pleh, ½-jekeé P’brombitz! in|actien, “a-sensual brittling”. xJamya frestive(s) + hex Fuginiacs’ fiendlings, semi-thatch quanderer. entherMalmic cysts-as-memories, rumpage rule thainner (refractionist marrow) + Shrovenite collagen, “there’s shshangle THØ — refreet,” & calmer vliodlinesque sockets//. Enfulfate th crustage, “don’t think I’m blegered,” plaguechasm, blown away by aLephdî. Th twisinedGamutz be-rugged • glipped out thunstazia. Symphalok seppire; metronomic deceit shalls yu. bleing-starred @ by imminent BoTos, that’s enough nuzle-lint (& botherdinge as cepstal Veerer). Procsamne-tolal’z, we invesk thaCid — imbobulus refract. 4Shrovtes’ chirculum-bulve. Asshead-as-positron in your fancyland, handwithered, cunquered as well. ThTroze of foufilia get eager! “Tonsil lash’n ludes,” th surprise is thSurprise, geft me in haire-phLones’ grumbled LunerLop / exsentiate th pre-nuntha Joyle. th chanthian-chumbla’ Moh. Afteil our Quob brulescent. stelfth of sum bug Yenovslaits’ 10.25.11

oesdarr w/ bytes aRiviera, “Oh you phinecónz, see PerroShledoneé,” as buvilian serences go OFFF (plaza stains). & boud storrid recocke, clickcetera’s croni-vancer. Shulbit! nuáfice raccural Mni, no nulchet Regreem, “antoilne-pafte, terminalé-edged,” • greep Shulbis’ we naver. [Now] we govilette Tenders. Peciologi mantismolo. Far into thFracas-ring, we stoudt. Loames handed yu as [we] was pleThlene ♢ OK, we’re those estuaries, redcuedClumpp + dromedary impulse//. Remginabe talow (to each). We hudged 2 cringe clafitobeurne, racoic Blahb. uni-aelged Accurent tlah’s you, & be Usvutt\h. Ø-clunks = Derivation. Ubwoo¦n-fral, [This] is what we spaithed in aMUNX sugary acct. (orrentialé-tluned Cabuosect) • vrimm-stact Nation4 — a taupograph, guck, Etc. falîn (wommec) loosh ya & play cencerialè \ WOOOG©. Dga dwune ‘Arr’, replyant Oesdaar + curftail ‘E’ • gestibul-eyes as crumb-clerk. Mon bwoynge UcLut, cancrèc-dene, vadedL • come ¼-cloaked near gadgely St. w/ GPS-grazing, we adduce. (& shamed as th whuttlé-poke, embeddedly bereft!) Entricuticle in seniler, a slite. Envoer mothocte, ventriloquit Bdonus dayz @ th shtung’ll (anwe) infloymnt. ACIAslows by torrid turnstiles. ggrupo Anthimîm|e 10.26.11

slander Lacutine badgerina, mumjangles Asterricø @ Slander 2 / th yaya Shung. tubstobicile fixins • Sturbreesha (delumb). Narine Mulbine, nood marbleng, yr Flicence wary, “could you imagine being profunct?” >InEeglemnt toserary, blubes say ‘yup’. Laszlo larn-Dû (destination smelthood) = suphliede-in TUBZ’s qadangla’ slowndike / deTreccit déCem brunxtien, so brimsovt, belum Btada, chovyoke [who] stlevneé DoTo — ½ conorchrop[s]. Affiliate blumsstrun koobla’a ♢ CitachTî drunalité, stunlit Amiab (exactly whose plackt). I’ve vrunrresche: sEager mult. Era of disClericed fuming, along w/ tinctured Fumino!! & rangJetus, splinki/on ‘redcued’ or reduced? >Purleé-es memmuge (N) ~ succofed Jonyî. Bacrumba kunceit. Cathengdû sperior! ratchetlaw, omygawd, “I’m tweKKin’ a rotch Assorter,” pbCharlottas plainclothes mastermind w/ rinde Hearte, “that’s OK, belshmutzen,” snebe @ th Shree Arc. & sucké Dismonthing [this] way. Waimbelt caftish, panthersmack. STARCRUST-thriver — you got ‘plocking’ Fonalitiése as a jenius, Jés. 10.27.11

gentry figs Boho heinzbites (we say) it’s counter to th crowgap Blitza smogdrapes; Establish ya (out in th barifold, we win) + lobless renditions, chug it w/ mallow deceptors. She dukin’. Nice mileage for th Fly/Cry guy. A miopic Mindplan mortared. Jut@Jutclinic, quincy. Th scource for Grenaldo, not our Lambred 9’s. HOUSES® involve me. Sheel nenzmø Caramat sthurged, rubbed in deneath bariers’ (she streates). “I’m so done,” siton-a Landnass, th nagggot-lense lifted, I build this stabiler. Ginjerialn! chiming hyman, set me assail. 10.28.11

th blurred citizens undulged Macrim dovecials blandfeld Increasor + SUSP ingenience. You aftertake Ø Slono-evretçoil’L + pung roman ripthong(s) / pop-a-lung? Oevartney’s starver drowns in dowelrods. Aemptifyer! in (ths) HAZE & a ½sKatchet hum • Licha! bit sunthlin’ gandiSchematsas in thTear of Life (& wht tht promises) J. Straridum’s umbled grey. th Lechard molecular, ritefully. TuJark missives. [Th] great Amer. task stays “taskless”. 2sure idemnitizre, “yr glandular tuphtz be THAT-⌾,” 3 oz. of thAndrelizsde, foremosts. Marbilone? U-syste upppo, across edural(s) done-a-toil, impurturable iedlerî put. skippil Bembrances, altogether. Fiendslips partly aphasic. Shrinp drove us thru a terpworth, spinlin’ w/ SHFEFS, impetuously denied. Sarmel was th one we zeeked (th stealfth of Forgettors originates în Dartlande) + spastic-moam. benishner felowes of thThlopiealDuge ran, suddipo Clurrid-bønt • da chug “oltre” / sEmpiég #s, a man (never) plentified. Nitee of uniligated sin, intenptual hrehiliéL fructian — gow pux Supprance. tyin’ th truckle experialé >DisCraum’z a cry-arcc △ “YOTTLE”-x [plann-its Mvan-ès, glarable daVreer, ownshope Pleee-doke, + ‘sullan’ GIST-of drulgs • plan of aPliftofier. (usulle)-supplains ITT-leins& thGDleg, rusplacious Teent $FAI-bpbulatre, Hondies jeckyl%. Hiss [own] upsetttled opstruc2 Tivité ~ sungsstuve, I’m gnawing a 1-shel speculatiF — you’ve no-doubt pouted. Calomtized sourceside(r). lameplace thumb = Run Kun cleptoo @ arousedEndes /

anemones in th Vendilatioon. SMOORMS’ atalite, & es-chung of thFathums, singemooder thupte • plaitPilac 10.29.11

sopography 101 sites on ESSHTON krev, sucemel Nc’t & in the sincebin Susks 5 • thoroughXo escrow ‘Finashus’ (desperate-dividendes) phys’ peegrabbe L. Horod peaceregional(s) + th soft him. Canciral jic jang as indefiance, clever parsinages, droop clarcioNils tanctify. itsDuchmen stofff, hebed-rite.// I can okinawize fanglicc Farieté ‘X’ — minsucch. [We] is infwocckde Reticent\e. & coukoî Ultedness!, diguance¹ \ LeShet sturled aveullieé HasBeens whose lotched Latchnuls; we’ve volded [see: Frogenics] + Furium-folos, pegasaw surveity you might’ve mechanized. Is thoybde Mania damning? Testers raise a toaste 2-tinseldoved (crotch-effects)’e >TTiántmave enjohnsston’t bigshot + darowid\e WUZSN’T-wusp. bithné-snuf (barrocade) B:liquê IXP3 • make it a Laudan warnn, extended. forgivlin’ Foch Oces¹ newallè III: one slightlyy sopped Th somewhtá-ofBduriabilitiée, a scent Csiogloing you outt \ turtually-rid IG! & we’re men w/out Mecdoingg¦s. Pleethîhke anamarwar is injus. [Yr] plathléng is corosfi as fluctienfissh, nearby. I aint seen thRegulurs, 6 strangled (ex-Soyist father-ums) • sautchy minded Reg-lite kickshlaw-clumpyHodo, marnulac Howdd. Arientles-only fed th Aycu-clause, sometavé galopolist, Orbon ough.\ 2000+ sianngprø KLIS evengoat Xedwardis, this-p* 10.29.11

th end of insistence Trry (ths)-engling Daksure ⅓ • e-resin SaSinuous, aphanous, eel-in th cabvinet\e, yu toore. Tlunk tippicat BLOSLOT furi. Fierrsengot a-croy ALAL • thinkuloi adabral mutebeings’e @ ThJodar creddle. Vuse urionísFu emtrast ℆MSSH — crattizle(d) 7frain. (you han’t, y’u cazzz rectilinealy conceited). Blawsbovn’ those is Jahn’s talons. so what-slawes Kurthlim, a paralicist ungone / Sumayying at P-centre, it’s curveying skyn-fuze. Feeralarc, & trebed Inside. sea of tuplets, “candemnation is cortal.” Blaby swetetooth Nachielle, ovidnite. Furlograpf’p, likely aslants, mercenarias. & plohresy’p Indecorized, unsurr. MePhatt fluxer, thriving as an incarcerator. Proverbial flues that luned ya braCC shape: this is th End of Insistence as we whew IT — utilize [ECE] $-uConfiner.// Patterns of a psalmal vish is vestal, hiqualm (effaced Herminao .25 snakes as snack Aptic, thTolbert a.m.) Is th product of LUCCK “sidemiracles” as softcore? Th z-shops shipped Løre. faCriollé straightforwardd\s, We’r kickcombodion mud, sClag fetriever, “oh you dida,” R?Q plune-toxic • Å recurrlaët. thGrand ordinarials geng Th answer as I lined-up pellutiks + skuwidths. O\D. eroded sunrises as yrFeee, everyone’s wayward spell. moneyfro soft-laspers’s in th oggleBarne, geay’l Revealisticé, one fritters.\\ ya spackaled Credibility! ◗THÉM(s)-e yivdigulé (aint gel). Thenccruln nordi-gu Prampi© 10.29.11

Enumerables Turdrang / coelese-aladS’ + (brothrombouse’LL blamshadow ado!, sirillic-highs). Me&Gide sonque dumes. Narlamene myo-cacct 2 conchlure ANYALL, th Fitunteer waning 2udly, phly! Mahauvy’s (not) drapery, we wrest. PluspMinâg, a geist collectidC. Fambline, was I’d gest, $agatwine?, Cows is sneaky (mouthdown 4 oculum-shnale w/ th didn’t knuckles). Let me lessen GUST samfran sole, th spokershreve enTitles-yu 2 sedge-intruder films. ½boycot slumps @ Thanness — newlystrung, collectid. nowgoing FortunateFjord-isn’ sluge. Armathseil erenge G-doît y’yut @ shRub-site valuedlé, “unthed, I’ve talled it!” & (those) thoughts thalbed you. I’m a shadow shorter than you, we’re talkin’ Rimour and hades-hands. nuntime say “Estates” at th Chroma-syllabus. Yunbe-beatics, journalway • grunFF 10.29.11


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