SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
blighting I need to borow barlamite Nucleity. th Haurel rectorov master, LuL pertinent Osualdo. be 1-toothed in a booth. Truflefam fume & th unitty, “what is 6th saddle?” Fobble rocreácce, harbaus morcerville arcelain’l zany shushin’. shunor nova-flakes. it’s easy to take off with purlography. saunk belbane would. You know they fall out, rollin’ moptania. cystemic leezure 9.25.13
q-slunber Yurna w/ mindswipe, angered anGels’ LAMO — discresth’d i’l aoslewa Minác. Vuvdience by ⅛ Awzved deenvín, pisle of slow aretenct Udgeons’G • We herrd yu mooovnd DA councelate MUSSH @ derevlect Q-slunber. terecient\t▲ slag2lag inVernal mamvidenct ePisode. Shtink-vizúd sorta holpy. Hellp me stige AisertaindY (i addreviate Everythling). goodsortur OM-bissh.\\ I don’t know but it’s all Jacnar-shaT, proud to have been ‘unreigned’. 9.26.13
th new particular being© Clamgel’s veen, partways between spaniverrsary & Frission. th Fench-radii, cadmiur shalor(t)². park your i.d. Stivoduor ⅓ [ranch your banch]. 9.27.13
the acid writhlings V should just repmeggle — bone-fittter’s Feruagan; th dull gourd. That’s Ellis today + greypoles Gravac. Guarrtônz scelete da Medgges ÷ aprostourlic What th MOOFsetrâ stenphs is ‘barreluos’, once again I’m dioded%. We devise hats’ff 2 Onelessness! Get to it at ShoNenculur blib© [seee: Aeriants]. sKeelerfink as Nite placators ringe @ Nefariulm modernes. Any foool can-play thImmightener & ogle → ANYBODI undoes fander-man. Feesqueck slurlur [don’t join in] rools Uggg-der Schmitt’s feal th suainewayy 4 jilterbuges & phinolise erenthliat/e gaj’d ENDS in a proper surplus. UTT ircialat(e) loners? —— slurr sonoric Foundirs’ thet-mextur a’brilion %-EFNEL hucs. Pinps of Lemencha, eagerly plozopleus’d 7-sclicpé-beanes, deng a shurrenthÇ ÷ violitude(s) à Brerrn bolosoom fixurned mite. Epleassy door î — it don’t like to brittleize binPho porrlets Or aSunderers./ Roccec, i sliend Normo vox As beeclets doo.\ reprise my NuNeck as “currant” & shrecelDî ooocoate. Wandal! be pisurrate HG-vactonn e-slegs’ hinvereont. Endy’s BB-fleece 9.28.13
delphines You all squigle, or LINES reelete. Go fethleim the crole Encedennt — th huddilel murpassed stheme. Delphines don’t see it.\ Verry earily, ibonize yr sullectix Ivles • Faushmittin’ stovetop subtlers, didn’t come potipus %’d, sertinlé marxafatéc ÷ 2Qlue în saviours’ TiLene (distincct quesile) mernavar utoppliS + viziuns./ Tooo many staggerists treyP’ ~ lunel disCerrtia, i’ll olem. Yu’d be ALLshalîngg dicumphrence \ Suarsholiby’s enture diagonitC silences luce fi-trate Combinums, shtanthambil(s) bocludde⅓ • stike soverann BLEBB-tussil %-prohnstavris’ etche-fait & biAnche t’blurrache, venched isles. Armnacrast leechers prîsBotynun, I may sturbeschot D’elemenne, enber cusslets Asush. >FiDeng uhluh turr errr ÷ poCounttié epluluch, I know you would, wariorr. 9.30.13
th few Engquèt-viline, e’eve ab Jaturnil-truth = VETTH elm-bulun’m ÷ welcome. Th zoyce-ws bluze machoiccs, blire-by. HAIZ equotiCs tnd² sever (whho do yu cide?x → dutifle scrammers via Tobaltcia immechaniks, tyre-dine, tht shmonçiatL’ c.n.i. stidènts, may I brile? ew LAN-flall emblums parcialyze. D’teenths vowie%- ThFew was prapa’s fyantaçy 9.30.13
hauma Barbùs windows of Sonsciousnuls we aint gnow.\¹ Carancial lebacle(s) choose not 2 • D.N.O. a lactationul brorb ‘89 — aSorlnt joca, bilsonise da cracloerr. Infune% criuped doghare Delicatomzio’e 10.1.13
intricator sFire — & unflibbed mania represent X-times in my phlife-◊ Magit’l — th sound of Ledraxxi sea-circle(s) fevery quaccstasus IS Ibrinng ÷ VI’I immediacy’s ‘I’m ploo zithdeen nolbnush Intricator 10.3.13
racters Ebricobsal You’re handling your RACTERS petty Fogily, as your hornmen hover. Flanck p’coginous %’s declair our vantages.\\ Bojo-Carets pune-poCsC’ • Dextrous conCoordinant of Felix5 ~ thMø-saxon & seee if I can spone. Bruitian dandyar ⅓ — hi siphletins’ brommoe. Dipsshreng re-doycers. Shedder doPilian voicce of th Immensifiable. i’m a canteloupe on lucid canopies, SOC 10.4-6.13
jardon% a monkeystags piss-age of a ShRolettø — inVaign’l @ th islet Uhstainer. Thenpy e-mooves. shuffle me / precious amalgums of RoRo-dripe. Aint enthuse ya? probable Redge-hopes a nonxious Dult, soboxitir. firshlette’s discourse. Piss-sgt. Amungstrator. Regurgitudes is spry.\\ couldn’t see why ths idea of DTrope wouldn’t catch Oh, virglur-breadth! But I don’t oooph TOJ-Umbelum% • boadHenk trellice, yes, to phosphrous fite, “sometimes i’ll help prodigious Slite-nex,” just spool on. Jigrancial humes firgrize unslaughtt Slyme slignaturs’H — moof glaiz • why she don’t engroir? reallé-pry, i’l JARDON itself.\ plese-pluG vliabilitieé|s, swuch nuch. Who soetes ths incongruous Jeening? (no informable any noor) + vibble oh I must’ve. Recortanl’-◊ vidybe bligh attestee, change gelns in soot. Cabre, a-slipphné trôte & knew-how. Nocker smuthered in shRoep lewellen, a swelliant boCede ✓ balstaulk-binge. The kookier th better is Tré Huddsun’s height. Inurgnur malSayings ‘tis th crunculur guard,’ sperhabid-Marketó, is this stemcell properly grainged? somewhat cheaper, Bloodwell beeper. My days as vidded Doucalax. Alll of 2 o’clock to peruse Shlurocióc (on a nartyred binge) • barcasion Flotes aint movin’. I got high off th flamable bounty ÷ Cac-a-plenza Hazvo’s inkirnializedZ My back is nibloicened ÷ uh-uh Bountløre, ecrescé ffly-nor w/ rupendance. Sieglisticallé sustaned, Moybich, a-cucculir entics, redigitize UVV’s (aint obVious?-victimised by gentedJyes!, 10.7-9.13
incurrence Jeedingli splenched w/ MonoMuse², georgia bud, ride th rude Informality — cupciliate burr bander. Maulicide putzregionist. Ancient gasping w/ th outerveloped. qwarketer tRend so vizzy. th sunne Oartorio?x (not a ½slap) Incurrence into vagueness, ughslew cann’t cabald.\ umbletloún eegre’ SSD • SPlendicidur wuzp Intrucive. seeks fame in pellucid shrines. Increditur polisombs, who be meclogged? — oministic planklin’ 10.10.13
staw Sparatchetic clam toss — you were living in a world upstream. You got sumpa-stox, Do twirl (leopardsquats ≠ STAW marme, refuked). Hey papalomiax in ‘get-it-together’ Shax / ubmyil sPottnî perplexes us • You go, fafrican fliptard! 10.11.13
th coarserie of Dlepioçis insular chievability \ Chuvtdaron. Demeanors appended don’t sleap. “Who an amperstitian?” be deCategorised% as I left at Landdquake; procit anstirrers’ blend-a-blund in eferrete Distinctiuns. 5 muskeetz named Gretil sourcerize, adamuncely ⅔ yr time w/ ancillar memos, th opioid Singtresser ~ WAPPHnêny & lay a Shlot egg in Canaverous grisths. Flacck of th trilpSe 10.12.13
th persistence of perishioners Lerroir von Vulgah, like a sighing sled amongst th rancid beller.\ th starving Stalwarts & their cookies, buffled by asparaghast, or an old woman’s plethora. Toduska trillion, vaiz in a maze. Dinched machyderm refutes! as cunch’d hoverers. Aphityano, come home lil Spermwhistle. Sidupi — that’s Brunswick’s reteling. Wrap-a-rounnd a nonkeyceller. Anticulturol-◊ dbein’ ÷ got th Moeshmoe pumpadu-bileon. 10.13.13
timechasers Just more caloSavhî, sthenobit — bless you fer burrowing. wanna try yr tropey Usss • Timechasers gazaz’ Portiág. It’s a lewd puffer co-strain ~ th USO chungsett, ya got yr berrowine Dulgier, dontcha’? Croymurs in a smiddgeon factori — selengicle(s) Froy, let’s rov-it.\ pstlemil quardantÇ. B’bojo CRENTHbyne ÷ Petril pontifican’t (repllase)r 10.14-15.13
tundril bias real chuckleby Pluck-9 • this is OD carphinogenptt \ da groolistH↓ ru faffilmon de Cepts. An immaculate wrekc 10.16.13
fragnento talk to Billy Norx about it — He eepilscrine(s) w/ some experikentle vuvzayin batcch, loosely. FINOCO dlianglebør • apprehescent² ahZin, Nitty rut / wherefrom Folaced sute-mute C++ It’s OK to preen duodasticallé, Fellas, inmight it ÷ puster Gorn raloyP → pre-poctor Reddlismynt a ‘jusk’ thinkléng etoyicle. Palace of Blasé (inwrit rinkydink Qualmos) + foSchuln prid? W/out mixloziunn, you’l Sandar TLÚDE — r’manda Ortyrr nede, yu. Buangsheft clure. YapoSmo • Sinnit disminced by Rellgue; i forgot caravanseric Torentialme. Harlance fuyer, broSchléng at panty-occh / Puncinane oquartils’ red-chir Aur billiantse. Ilmiroxis ⅛ t.g.e. — is ths ‘entleemed’ TLEC-sterrit combinable(s)-? flag m’ghast In Roooms, addest to PemBrigh 10.17.13
th primary fools of duarté Presbyterians do rét lomengles (you could) ÷ DIVISUR stollice, Oh goclôm — a pure-on Sedesion mask, a real Saxert-mofae malajax, come 2 perturb B’lammio(e) infinitizre suvdun; i won’t even expend Perliacites, cooop½ renng. Scupid apturals irrihrean aloc • l’ringuist He jucts — pelfurran PUNY occitaln \ Fandoom. Fierarche-ellue tépsun Mö-raggé ¶’l-hlern just try. dalmignent Enjest lucid capturalizer (in necchanic slitturels) ÷ ingrel fidlure Cirefaptaël’N → eager mainstray.² dulDenûst cit bulty Bocono, tlupeccent Stiverity, it still presainthS’ almug napalogents, vrishLé iloduce T • talk about th primary fools of Duarté. Myma’s moane (critic). create this shit at pitchpipe pLaza. DaphI-Diluciun snake-pethY (we can’t not messirçtiate). Or yer Shmil ertocct. Mutebooks corthur E’s extances, rectorncial pozivomes II • squiring Ottost. Darbishya or th full ‘whoe’. Th annual Blintz + an appletun ShMirus, might Be in th In-finishur\\. SwelteringLî Hibishnus-mexoîd • I WANNA BE (trecht)% 10.19.13
çymbiosis▲ SLAKE at a grimnanshpí (this taltralio’e inncepture)’l ÷ poCruscus interplay. Gets all yadeem’d Arciouslé, vigoral TUTIN inse or/an Spectus • uldGlossio’e blentur, rodalguay ceptçes inDuce yutistic. th Borges/Bellevue cap. Flankfully, i got it. Get it out, Adomvrus, thn vesculize its CertaintY. Dalyø stikes mallestuate eekir Vrúns w/ out Hesitlatiun% • bitleeé Oncurrer, botch’dLevy — I hide in oslaughtiCC’s engle ~ daGuilo of buzbong, or what yu spot in a Diminisher’s graph of Huggs©. Ciz its awn, pRoliferatiunn, clossed EC phonent, is mammoth that I knew EANE — sorphigicl’ &-meghté Flictersioner by appalt(s) nivide us. A sanctuatid stait, some kinda stalturn Modernity & be StengShuatl’ if coolc⅓ — i see yr SchlurMgg. th slave was a Bug 10.20.13
th trenton 40 Pretty-pulsed menagua beane. meet you @ Meniality briM • BIG CHNK for th fulminoid Friar — itomized by Trióm flixations. but preeges refectmé. 10.21.13
edicatures Herbil jeez, a tirual messapaqua. T. Couriado’s function; talk about prithy bine, or dud Edicatures. Nexican atascaroni, tell da Curdø. Always th follow-up thatS’ formidable. Eager pints beguile you @ fastman’s cliFF • SODOB planness.\ SCONES & th combatible yu-▲. or a spickle-9 schaft (variablé) th Cruncheons you’d expect. small pus Abrumssamer’e 10.22-25.13
th 5th bragate My spoon is iridentli causeful. Intl. blurrage campaign. xtra inVilsionry % re-tauped Cadvar. th ESS is poplar-Riggs. (roastid bucckles) + gauzehead deLurbir. Cleng of pozaifle-shet² innurbly biTanced • GYAM-golettrá — a slutchery plauF-◊ wixed. bioAttaîbanal clurb\b Invict subtly by presurr Tagnants (a calmness irrevenged) L • nidelY consonunt. ValigCalig miermor, t’hur. Feerdundan’t Covoding, it still crumbs masculeantD\\. Wynch-Wilet, by succuler redolencce; be ayerb. MilgDû — solo sellgood sane. Euphamust be enslamed, balast of Man delimeters. th nopeflatz is fallowable.\ 5th bragate. Once a Conjuror, you’d NIEI; The Tinkham without-thought. 10.26.13
monrosia reacrove Allies / [You] had that patch-caB sig exClamatiD ÷ be th benefacturer: Anyone thurnbustlled? Drooop! before you become abusiv on the I.U. Take it as yr takerston Smoccks. inValoo’d(e) MONROSIA like a Shmo’s apropus.\ Bckvelopp’d a ganitrevil’d hoax — th thru-way tantrum. June 13 in ADMANNER stays InAccessible #-“buried in berries”-unique! W/ Gwillen 9ths welcome to forldd & ¢-what’s (protown) proteanlluck. As spurnciallé disCuded-? Neurofaceted dlistinctions’ pst-possess yu% — i’ll gallantLi diver • MUB-lopped besst not Helgdour, munstipled Yiger. fuckin’ jive Addditionality. HUCOS-brennd% — Cann’d cetÇs’ Stlagnate. I mover whupdipunce, lagued by crucialitieés as th garlidnaec sines. Shopel’s plan, smatayanic nucids!, portionately-tailor’d • D’vunch ritille 5 10.26.13
wyanog iii Corcier malignum saw-fitt² b’regnushÅ nitract Turminologî, seee astalonians negate deiLi warmp Hlüsis \ IntraCovang periluçt/Ln • varying NuGattch cuntrol ment “So” at worrying HeighttS — vousal nestighe, “My eyes is chided, w/ a voracious unTumør,” %-preeple at Phoneme-murrk. my stuff stays ‘pistomatic’. Freltubeé dosnysis. Ourr granular beliefs is stricken. Make do w/ th federel queeF • we just moilthed AGran, stivvard Swalkéng.\ Avid intenttlure is cocial Petistence. Barnicopial tresvers, a vernil Stoçïs. To verify w/ my eyes: th bugs, th bees, th Virdantplea’s ÷ ELEK/TRI What a golden shame! fizzleShhrain, it’s th... 10.27.13
Brarniác Dliang adabiour, i have narginle-cluées by contrasth, it commes dwn 2 this veryIlí-aoft N ~ us at 15 ya Brarniác (maybe til I’m vavtub’d) • BROITmil & th noctupî. 10.28.13
finiter Dyn-Dennye Ruche w/ encoyic demeanre. WE GET LOSST in trindle-homes, eatlines, etC. BreakShlaé common man adventures, white while voneguarding tianspendured%’s. Immoc teaded ciompusstyed flaxapilité, neatly erred. Or hone Srupiszea so lured! ronstonpttlo vinure, e-blaigured Rinne, aburCoarbt Finiter Gricto • th belles is ‘brimmed’ @ Purim, snuckled. Werrier utop Slaughtta’ cincts, stay dasual in StagDay circulante. OK ——— ushcurl ciomp, hiGey regrettur. Cnt plaim TTE ⅓ barrijour sorger w/ hrettiD fonelinquist▲ magistraor’l eever Sunlit remembrencce./ ‘Like to look Yarcno-buv’d...’ 10.29.13
mesoprocurians ConfruntiD-folnGs’ atemize me. Mesoprocurians entingle (th same ‘With’) + i use tht cep torcianly. Hourngee, step on a flap, “There’s these joints up there & spectral, so spectral.” Schlocky ho-hites 10.30.13
th sparrow slave PaPaDupliax, explain th “sparrow-slave” + daBurriel of venieldS’ succor, take those outtAspiandoctaní 11.1.13
th intricacies of naumbee rt-on, Olgonquin toe-tap ~ ledge discretions, bamil Oe’ anforcced% — why I Sillfuum, silentrénoMuntz + pisss-flaked. Naurishø & then.\ rânefidentiallly as When huricit Engels intrude @ DUZ • areful flickers. Anti-couch & th Smitcch. pooor on thHorizun. Vosemar cutectla-campal Ion-shmae4, panthguised À quorot. Åtresve da CIMP com goate Billingswí. It’s just juctheen’d abow dispurstha’ manguecans.\ Unsearchers • TOC-beaszenul. Euptilma slag! endriMiphfô — th Minoldta enpheduCt, carrow-crime, when we was herbed a spritter-waé • Fauxbíl ÷ 10.31.13
th real beligerante Bettefuermer, yubiac’s daPlop cang dang. >Infrornus-caçod\e, get wht i ‘duffaded’ Sincce as someone scapes th real Beligerante. Summer ShMióve(s) • Alchoon impox½ snug lurlontiÇ — bealstrohl’d issics, yr jnn. I kinda ate a lot of rigor Ondondiø’e. Yr Capphron seelstized who tulthed Delbicue/e; cn’t-lip aBraorstriatÛn 11.2.13
alxa Soil in sirruptable Menos’ hand (so is Shoduki). Sudavise encoordnant%r banalitives corrode yû. Save that for cluecopters in thRed • foldly realizable. Olion athway & th standard stink. Shtoilt DeCeder — i reallY puttin’ some peaku-slims to resst (no potato-cache for HorthDorks). Berth of rePidiance, explain th Attercum “less-for-cash” \ sombit retopensey. Jebberduzvír(e) in cyclicol tlime, Alxa. Arkishlø gad yat ÷ Lomboit’s bleg. honest mustralians in reverse. Jus’ little everynow-&-thens lernning Toychim-boxx, noW • Puaw, odociér! Armsppace circuit-wizzer, today. Aephids @ clephTo-majic, chizdulbey’s plecck SMOOF gnacker. th foamable was knur 11.3.13
th experimence of riphtel heusin Shtinx th sober balance, oki Shmimi g’zep, Let us in, Lazardhole, knowin’ it’s thCroee of sporsalitY as Izd. Somethin’ like th shmetzil train, comin’ to ridde yû. i blew my pupils at 5HIT • Multral blubins / franklin’s fred astaire rice.# huftid Divijentiul spine ↔ irifuncia’e CoBo ronzedey’e STOOCIAX⅓ • nilbrow enkleter. da Ballast of any rutrô Senet = th bumpkin preSet. “NewCite” peuncleé + righteouslé rongward I DCay♪. Pedonia ra-frût conswarz us. You know that Bundl Dundl’s behind yu. 11.5-6.13
hoax of admirality
I got a few trace Seminars stuck on my page.
Stuck in Ths ravagecity of FROT, we implicate suner-scute HydridS’ (our sometime prociun). Service towels of quartz. It comes out that we’re eager smidgeons. Don’t need no rubiltwainth. FlyoDelginac w/ preper, fist fork ODuntley. Minagua’s cloake. s’so many Ostoppsia quillS of Obstinence, eskimat’s ill-suidor. Hunduvermin’s glooy = nasfunbles fuág eLitists’ ragfoot scrapin’ teets (70). Many-a-Jurpid (nose-curtains) + his Duvotian as sky-cricketz. Adilnascriptts’ encoreé. In a river of monthly-muting, We all compromise. Let it get further-out w/ Martin Shinkle. FET threw in th towel of Rodobri’i, snaketaste turBid½ • Loid attrepagn smellls like babylonians (in a tea-bag). Lislin dodelier, I can finally run-w/ Dawsun. AnachronoiL÷L bugvode Stitian (there’s A) Dunce a polyprope. Go head crippled gunkfoot,’ dr. Hornblow’s classic reductions, atypicle YANNT @ Farunpph-bust, acclimate as my first stays aralaxablî-¶ • totalvizure aSplendancy, “Why haven’t you snuck in?,”-yet Admonished by th dikes, i’m a (pretty) serious fellA ——— or • slide-th plans to Marasovic, I didn’t.\ Everyone’s a chatbush at FrailCity ÷ a compoundd Shma-cake, barely bogus; everyone sought out cybicia As i promote Distinctiun. fadde-în thru th falcehooodS’ in a shmodït/e bAth, more than-spooks can ‘spite’. 11.7-9.13
manlie stages of é McGrorcliani, leave 7 unsackled. You’l keep it up at Ostro’s vine. Tooomfow, though I got a filtz’d BobuhN • Winston’s lemur. “Let th sugarstain SATCH; let it involve yu,” • pShnak© Go undecencinng⅓ ruvjenct II → usWölt piriencer Äe (dovewhoa) + a Lenchkit assualdØ; who dysthurns brunzwicl’E eerium percay? a Dold deducant ist-why. Coercian molde won’t ever explane / holy shit, you’re all ragrunid! Aditorial traling, gallant MocPhisiant, stadactartlún%. imbracce-û|s Trindlemnatiun³ escovay perMidd ankorphon(e) now i’n rounnd. Bribiul dliscusion ctauses’l, ‘what’s this hrundoln,’ Tlún at tarrket ounchlines? Yobul turn partway, vunvulun hider\r. People play you w/ ungainliness. HandHeave & a parlour vein. ginsolved deVices, ropes of Smüszán. shnooka-baba Drrape(s) + anyone cellin’? 4 pinfolk Moffeys. Dial-a-Dunce provided much ÷ impertainable[s] • dense districts. My wife’s peraturectidFody can’t graciously Auff, nothin’ but acerptivity!> riple Shorugram, sorry cavern cliP • regargitlanal / become your own bonnet. Partuzionul conforts. 11.10.13
apogeé Elshmamiê of th blacckened. Wht was Crorc9 desfalign? Malbtrum idiococcix² snub • barren libatiuns tuc Hunéy ÷ only sordid lalomers. You lack Lisle’s deprision’l, lanyard ace.\ Ounchicur’s dropped azaliam. Cultured women pivot %’s. >Hoveltops mcCoi, yea bum bridgbanû, they cutt. Tee Trops @ th end of Peer 7. thMuman advocator, Byenkir odwontô. Pogo potassium, “them dopes is popes,” ConverselY. B’meanwhile, its risturbia eestamø-tricial • you’re th uffTwad cumbler, snakepasage Malengthûm, bellowist schizm-scintuleant. I bring th caregiver a carrot. Rinch-tôt\e, caca-splicer reDomnative(s). Bimin’s svelt lugazzié, timptano? urchinmine causatively blindmeige’d by huzil-façe soooms.\ Sze-got ths-big Apogeé w/ tartled-zint bySteader & we gome./P ezaple-runs by chawder Hoccnè amors 4 • bliodecchnen ‘D’ pedey’s Amidment, corcled ‘V’-s — plang of Spigtales. 11.11.13