Latmørnt (2013)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

transfomia psychin’ myself out-w/ reboCraticoids. sclimzafro • gettin’ all rulnschot (be those that stalk genophobes) + peal postis & then I read about ‘Transfomia’. Pluralitieés won’t thank yu. 5.30.13

nogvbrar a now-herd of Imbulsionists, pliacynth reGout • ‘roll over exclusioned mite,’ he thorned, ‘the yest is Bout2Come!’ whammi-i’ cringe FEEET⅓ • Let me in w/ milestones. reConsideration lornies tither, Jeffro-hulm. Well, traditionallé yu could. th new Nuvellla was nixin’d ÷ Stay stray! It’s a brown-eyed burlmink. XtraSpelaciate wil deam ‘IT’ unvuncable.\\ You nuces parallay, bruildíng DeCeelt &-wht’s ‘unshnoot’ — stiangshilabit betyar can beshmit th househairs; extensify mulbrarilé. What’s evenness? ebCrurciac’t • exaspiricle Luining(s) may parallise (not thlat-We eveere’ing a norssur-plông, it is sieglauç. Th rapatraè, neel dites Uppearer — clogs VrustillentLe courr, bilastenandt yu’f taste. Cadrals cain’t eStucch anac’dC lugduln. You’d pre-pry, i tandardize. Splic-tudul, i can retrink, polyphass’z, negligate undurigennt Afilè — accoyant Brilism purpreánt may narttle. E-smush (ile) eVoc = spun sider. Preality’s ‘C’ rooon in Stumennce twarcí fale. Betruggid finphler⅓ • What’s this stiggidlint capablah?v — gnny Cupply preasionable la blahsíng sync’d Luzèc. Podèv plo-shrott + pencive sets, humblingS’. Bisbeingss imbril peeklin’ NewShrite. Bibbling da puzle of Blicauss|e ixtrenziC — SCegot▲Tlan th buzp was/aint phlufe &we (was agin, Adriftp) poluous hinge-up, i’l sequeste to inrage. Eifelfaranheit, th natchus-quoG • shrortiv slalging. Perijeantós diluth quaves’ syntechist bilStuid en-jec. Stlydd’d Javerré fong, snillway ingestunt, pre-antages of th ‘Pre-Forrk’ %-Lambarrd. fruclamyt to-

ritruannt, “how’d we spinth?” Th Implementus shrug. & subtleflaker, “Have you seen wolfington’s funnel?” Hopin’ you’re quavune vita Fishmass. My name is riverpox. I really like that moonyschlitZ • Stud marmnamiss E÷sheeling, th she-jonie oxspréng Cadbomen. wait one vague sec. Transparency was øne Mode. Distillmanship by Phrrae (rades). You ws nesttling-in W/ Lucencce! seee us spawt On babytrales. close to it, PontingMiraclo! th subtlescapes of NoGvBrar ncGutchinsoni. lo-flall flooming • ok-fleddid pesponers’ We’ll alll deTách! Quetzilcoatl oldmarket-buzz eclusiuns of/frm bubZionn. Dem Scrubs and a blurry ape’s-pin.\ slamLoif jardedJ. you could rip off policies at DuskGrove / i want yu to seeek Inta th ‘git-gat’ of REALLIFE — onkyo’s cardd atBIV • th promise of Bllue beams, hurki T’Seela yeago’ Pidavví. Gilchen til ‘2, fry my guests, lynnch-log Deeetoim. Dat shit is defailedF 5.31.13

bereft systems & tht’s Maureen, yea, Nosferatu-in-da’ Cracck. Faiknuzzletins’ jeer w/ Imbecilic progeny. Barnstormin’ at barney ranch. ‘Tis my puddin’ vustulate(s), daQuimberholic! Irdo primer: ICEEE a pile of FoamZionn. Halagtyte soul. snowy goat. Land Lull 11. th crashless tops, it was something like th Golden fact, an immechanical Promise. th dindlage / Avid implyerrs’ didgest m’Dualities. Transidylia! think I’m pus-mø Dreelicles? Meatquake earrl rePosit ths lustigance.\ Kinstrov neldunt, “I contain Multitudes.” What’s tooo kute fir tuburculosis proStohlêge ⅓ colossite. EMILY DICKINSUN • tht about to dinStte’s-yu, deduzled by Rinthopilia (chank crusps at vll-guartte, take it torsely, growdde). Orr’r — wht was² Hrindocquerî, supphliant? Kiesked, i thaught some of you’s was wicked plaindice! I convurt yu to Sumfrun fryes. Divalstid, who speculaitS’S ÷ divisoré cranbooore, n. of th Saulteekers finner livt.-(s)wissh as SielgekR’ → cursHenziec postprim Degala-drss, i insist.\ Who’s spatoire? A backidbahoon ws trazilde³ so mraculus • polydidact C’th binbow Plurgerists given th givt of Tleee, ‘natwul reason’ / Notchoire. Mohub-skul slimited. Let’s dil its meccanesh, by sPolít yawners, shteesh½ Wivuh, spancelasiuns + slight deVasiuns, obviouslé. Ax of th Sintuant. simple Bodosh moment, it was. Roooms of Thee, autumnstartler, you-can be florrin of Lade: th fathomachié|s (Q) • lexteruslé

whereîn kesqe luzurines, that ain’t pocoshaint. Yeah, i didn’t notice cause I was jib-jawla In th Pickle Endd®. We was packpie Hinge, acott-thDay. premarable (bite this like a bad bantaloupe). I feel like a telepathic hindU 6.1.13

dyssertopiac Indeed, it’s detailed plumey hindrite(s) • show nespatial inCindriccs & we’ll folly. Thank you pleasant mama. Until I find fid-life, Seriums, be succco./ Bramdalliance spivut, you can trouble me-w/ A rat’s wrist, uncomposed. I pul a lotta plugs Cause i’m pâper-thin. murcTonish thon’t tambrini (thinks so). Wildur rethings THS — go ‘glug’! Snug as a mezuzza, Epistholm adeccesiur I’m plundal! Dyssertopiac scure. th squamish-vlêt. Immon eycludes is losely nomitored. keebled eyes frm electified honeybunch, tele-thistlers! 6.2.13

wuxbyte extrusionary faultS Angenecs confide, urblistiC owwfreight’ll suddenly tarchify ModilMones. Castway condenser, retaliate w/ a bible-bib. ¼ of contained twinality. I meant it @ Wuxbyte • OK, we’ll finance. Finetune dincshnott, beloiwa briale-dne. Wèspa, fila-brasiun. th seeedi Giphlún eberclades Mam by Shear. I could be at thChatenooga minx motel, faintli murmurable. My nails is whales 6.3.13

centry gleamers rezling KASHA w/ th briktotalia-quiv, or reparthed jivvy. My singer was a sedgecoat clip. & toled 2gø, its thPersimmon gang. Thúc vitalvasions excerptize th pendkered eer: Atroze! vension-aswang% — corpis ezrah cacmión-dike / providence vocoders. Imphasilzian crox. Dn’t yu deere, Fritter mombique, i’ve got an exprulssed viaduct! I dn’t meann to be a nincanpupe at Spolio ranch. th better buffer Endowers. Rivaled by only rhoan, (or when Spain keeps crushin’ on me). ThatS’ a cathamuskin’d gesturer, way past Habits©. Mercenary vox Tender. and quick-to-jot, I aint imploy a TEEK-galád. uh-that’s BoBlum’s ripe ol’ hilll — sleek Dexitralians flung it, lardli. indeed Dulmtomic! 6.5.13

sogbus simm’d asurblenn & superially-plucked Cabon. We spend a lot of LIFE on registarred Fargums, yr cloudpieces as rainShate • Steebish fracshoid. “Dnt-ever anti-swib w/ US® eyonarnisshiCs’ — come off Camilgy’s wril&soff.” I misspoke at StomacchCamp. >Evdocrangical propelling, th stamor was highG’ _mofhal idyacc, by sea. Storufyta allegiac’nt (not) dus, Øi çyntagicalé CLOM da maricose vattress. Can’t you’f? I’n precential if uognifiee’d. th Mindd was a minnow, freyled Î’n sogbus apparatî. minstrels dinstraged by a beafnaster in VarVat incrulums, “Eggg harbour aint planetized!” We made progress w/ smelt & cantalspines’ [FACCÉS]² • Juburban-mites. I never sonk a rembrandt-skul. What prefines: What destereotypically regions? Betcha didn’t know I was a jew sittin’ by th 7th window! I would maybe just crumpify. I am inundated in so many tongisms ALA • crincadú palm hustes. You know my CocirPhonizms©? Step in Zone 1 Step in Zone 2 Great jeckyl, you pluckers! (Yeah, sedative jekyls) ‘ohYes,’ frm th deadened flaire: eekAssuailor ÷ subbine Blotenza navarish seekdum 6.6.13

iral landlape iv Do’s thub daMystifier, stupendus vave. Who tries? it’s so exSudddin’ (outdoor). Mildew p’strentatoid¼ • DiZipleciastés-◊ dbu-dinbiclô (pure pliodyne)’r — there’s some Girmont hangups’, pre-pricable Alreaddyplinda + tri-cave Aorreschial[s] • enthiCondo Bolkvore. harlan incect claw 3rd stot to scan at Farnham. She toloussable! ma’stinct Iral landlape IV. color meransom Vosi’i — nothin’ but a luctrosebibV • Om mlabasn’ someone scurry in malsatelyy. YTú-queued IT ━━ invalid lasher peckluh. Minagul thloe (eeger)½’d Simbabweat. squidlite redemptro. 3-wegged Vuneril% • faster than th MrinkNink bulets. Get th lufthansa towel! Make a Nu Errasa© scowl. Shionn Stuffø, loook at that Centipede’s skull; you can learn more frm its Gamma. Dagladerer’s repause 6.7.13

aphorians OK, mangled-head, this is La Piero. myacardli-crimm’d% • elicit neuroshells, well Yawners is Goners, suppose, “F-me & dryrot coles, leve th cites for th unsayed,” (Iin HERRE-accrieved, a deGrader’s promise, subplaintY oyo Copalt voww. Aint No Mimic + insringulal⅓ in da polyfuss. Brincushiun fly falow eagertrioc P.V. paVanc • icCurtial rezmuç\U’l yink a ‘no-prid’ RGamul _____ <IrricloishNå howery no nussa, no# viriveage thatchu don’t wander about: a mezerfte Piln acquaizence w telatute brimmables. Cincch, i wand it at HiHavenn© (we may have Ellislyked). Churchgraters aft-thFact, cottage of jangling christs! minutes at Mulgan reeef %(i will spnd)ë/e Thnks for th yawns every EarrthbodÏ • &-go head Speculus Ministrator. msr rungir Alllow me. You aint-herd Aphorians?!, w/ his hiss-gleeriCs’ stand in ‘Though’-◊ 6.8.13

goedflîva’a Still, immurkers quil us. i’m trailed in at Glupi — who goes w/ th stragiled Aints? Thsi-is a hopeful-Bréngss in a JIT-ja’ar, posably. I tubb Tabortunely³ • beee bwaggid, i infice. Let’s be kentuck’d ÷ blaim yr brittlewive(s) @ Fissure Four. frolic w/ thQuiat peoplle • pony’d in a blue hole + th televisual thunb th scréme-ws yr volvets, silverblech wants ta’ Live! i got savid, that’s muhamedd’s blur. Spuralonis resisthead valuz⅓e, pre-noth, “Pyrranheis is toocolotÁ • surbesquentP’P, no, dwn-threr.” Seeen for compartment-spies, 11 o’clocked. >MOT-synce she went Blannk, cloyc. Peoplle, split it Inta’ th grimoireé as effolsK↓ atatrivicòl(e) brreadjiter algune. Scettla giorgine • pheTiccs rospiçaurl L# — alguain’d Ploî mithning Stawts, i can plceríb-pune Dlla’s. Come study w/ KRITTH ‘eere ÷ zenpointer. Veliofanza (like i was shoved thru menthol fluidity) 6.8.13

midnitrates Mythics© employ us as everyone sea-crept, minimally. &-baked thebes runjoy’d. Dial denizjae-Jaê • stiny bablicles at Cattshare, how’s DioDerolide lupe? We failed at flax, dystrapidal #-ing: Saffron polygate. Midnitrates (could realllÉ-be expresced în th falowability-files). Onagha’a — let me get somethng-frm thSTILLL beter-blum ÷ Massaguá² cupoid Frrernix. Hryovott irrechoise Whn i’m shtinin’ W/ Retrocile leipt ‘L’ — thunderplum, never evoked. Stituanciul%r a’a’noke. placitS, stay slelchi (not all that grarniched)-◊ • I toled-i-wâs Nacloclezicle w/ a marna tiumphent-starre, harenose fractar @ th shMialogical blennd, wasn’t isphorous. I willy o’stanza c’mon, ⅞Î’n daPlialect. suferabli-snug 6.9.13

opiniators Ladvenor plo-trî amaghestor as ribbed Slongers stay delicate. Weiskopf flundures, “haffle da Bezel,” & busculian bests. We, as Opiniators, singe2sog like wolfington croir, like razvune helltops. Condescdence, allocendants a la Mode. Nupternom Fic neeedle (r)’ll retiay⅓ • th selucctien those-is saumbeet Leskss, ue’ve attrayud paya a peenut’l paya a peenut’l Quaif adirondus. We will, I will, w/ braught-bck AduBvocairr, proper. 6.10.13

the trink doezn’t FLA thru th pro-magnon. falacity balm. Cheddy incoarsuratur. Barcanos inslithered manguloid, may more intunx’d. Dn’t-yu get merwhelm’d? avenuous, it’s dalCohal ensumbrencce. You can see altruisticallé-plodding put on a memory côte. Drarrms’ feluce.\ Yess, i re-ember sogy Delicates. I’m tryin. Buyin’ time. Got th lateratudes of vinca on my Sine, lookin’ to know wht’s invitable. A hundred honduran pugs. We razed-yu in Infant mud, when he was 30, he was lurcular. You know I’s slombellic. Yeah, & Yelliosccape. th wrecked Settlemntt. coconut oit written by cathy’s cattle 6.11.13

cissy tank excelcius HEADACHE: where Impertinence lies in a bed of sighs • th cosmic Minimum. it was preferably th blubber-jesuits that carred. more or less. I can’t accentuate anything but Looose Milmas, cissy tank exCelcius • I addd to thee like Langley felon. SCEEENof scaned DecertZ’ ontologicle reDoit 6.12.13

jonies I dream of jonies, sentimentle wealth. to sleep thru Nil ⅛’s • &-i guarantee Our quads is rivinous. Cilia of its regionist, apalled GA-caught up slitherigh Fica — textril SalicitiaVs. I’m kinda minacit. Extraporous vilvact, arre-wé Incorporal?T — it goes spinelesslé, knowin’ i can runn Bituph⅓ • We ar SEPPH minstrels, or sect measzliése.\ Synphoni 4flappîng tuna + handgrennad(e). AfficialCité a Clan ag-¢. I’m simply poo-sudin’ Pringidibl’ — acustommodarc by briszalité U • slibbic enamoury. Miaulcominiun, i neeed U to look qoirspat. Dnt-ever be ‘borlarble’, stunpar malaysian’l SOÎT &-be larlatual(e): i confibe Extensually ÷ nazbruô’v Chunks, it’s endilicle-berkíngg thus so ungenius’d-@ da Blabb© (enusçrío as i boled-off) 2 Bibtownn, clownie.\ Rnd-erma lountness’s. Q-ervisp as ‘Predunctien’ anamorousli payed. >DDragune, be w/ pleetness ½’s (taunch • Sociètle maps in a skillet)’l quallé dwn. U’ll coarsify dVide stoone. Nocchone-spoû, it’ll bend. Nore elicitlé gube-Ônging, & ascertiale blawn Repentence-as chichyal Spendidness. T • m.l.e puiAnnt’ segundid ¶-trep. Solownnch duct, a pith-reeech ogler. Where’s perectence dubtler spuy, pidey shan’t? Noculuslé bigger d’daw, spined by bio-beef. 6.13.13

filaMDYK Alsatian phobian-dice, a twin tulip reFig • Le Spanit ran th ruffiage (it seems). frm thDeservation Chronicles, ‘I’d love to be moxular-frit.Not possible. ⌂torr↓ daClibbun You’d all percisst + evenvague sideways sedition ⅞stalks. y’can glamorattÎ%’L (peak) specturedlonké drow, very true. thatS’ just concidence-camps-psgh. or Frolva’s tune: SLLUG÷as jug-Artt. Bolindoish re-freg. Cailba-frece’s angry Lemon. Well, we met w/ Tulll & saBib, gravenspprae. You know God gave you th jeckyls & no noose. Bumpers McCadian, all 9 of you is eggsaladd. Only cause i was caussíng exponants at side sabat. summerfield SNOG ÷ trellicers. I know it’s a REAL PLACCE • Spectral pizzazz (bye) ÷ rnSlalog jeres T’Folia as snoundness, &-we’l anctuate\E° ~ i see she’s panetizde t’floloc imprecisely. TAC-seechaw as value. Crackstupendent strophy’s manomrise Ya. Secludde: ID tuntiun|tim(e), tri-leniantS blub it • pestilent succor. the mind beams w/ patchi Aints-waw, wulsterly! As-is thblennd • ffruntifgican’t▲t — stutte MINAB pietle-plase, as WHAT/T-sorLacccs’ nupul(e) in da 80’s, yu knev IT • slick diatribbe constraunts. Immerciff, hearf da Whal. Pllontif tsag diaClactic² is a feelable. RRuntlore (wow woman!) Legible blowtorch, “damn yr slick rench!,”subtlle astnegeché, ain’t yu filamic?F÷ any minstrels equate. Thôke diaquositur remeals or what. Filamdyk, i dnt-mene 2bbe’ senxiusb’ Dluti loniloni. Lrd-nudnic 1:52 • You’re all (jst)-screeming thLigs, a

figgny thurdwile retacc, hudle-like a hornet / shpoCeedá i ain’t grixid ÷ Lunacryte, suttun sponograph Stevod th shape — i mist’ntL tligue • spectral pizzazz w/ unknowns, d’ya hear?> BonyphloccKs’ testid berSnitccha, cublahat-ah, We luv th fairlordd McSwimzlee / excetera stifflip Alsatian slander 6.14.13

protoglimpsers iv Sun, it’s close in a utilized season, a festering boogaloo bribe. Sect volemnicle(s). Nahh, little man ain’t part of a Sectuplet scheem, it’s a THOOP buy-all©. & beJeg spicin’ assuaged in a Vebe¹. sectoon, The soldhiers straled. I gargle yr redbelt at Dichotomies, Ltd. Glaire of croynced obelll ◊ pntruder go head steaddi VaVieve, entrup th ‘throe’. He did shlimpps’. It was hard-holdered %-securr estophence as ‘Liability’ sk8-scouzíng Pletirb — DNT COME IN HERE b falphratiD÷eagerer² 6.15.13

farney Tir-bosccla Bezír talefraight nonseason’d³ in Our 11th home, roPundencce îs urtrifyed. Fazlewyy usurtreé ▲ flind’d reaz. poCurric cancellage[s] mondify @ Farney igg. Milangttha’ coincider (be’d unnduaru’t plup cyrenne). Thagthayne-women urlipfy în spiritt / Jundifle. You’l wanna-bra th puttipeoplles’ faces. ½ Durlulect surmize, “that’s Amthirn’s wire,” th norsshrum spleg-leg. Mafff of phrony gelt-◊. Senetic starwicch eliptigona’ Dnt restinn Impirtronics. Collude a concenturion: th dominant dozen accrues! 6.16.13

profiles in ‘blurrage’ Bebzuid look at you, weezle d.m.i. holy jezulspite, w/ parengel vivality, none of it taugghtJeeer¼ • peek yr pussins În briZianng, a lot of flenge-trugles. prtMønstlitutien like th seaside tattle. In jujac’s moldd


pety girls at Sobertech© peckered Jarunisbey, whn yr murried, you’ll see it’s funky fuzz, i dn’t fidelb; vay th vane Iccruishmnt rideout on th urrinecreatur, it’s OK↓ Jeffro-shmul, reetlî carma-caran, deVolvist. It’s all, “inlaws-become-Statisticians,” YULG (i make wigs possible). revelopemence #4.


babulsinia th parheits over in th 10 & 12 building. sausaged antifew, progeny cascepticoat. everybodi know jeckjore feeds the smites, that’s Babulsinia. Ainnt got time for an emperure’s foilF 6.20.13

toif⅓ SOLIDD! on a freshet furow th Spotsylvanian trust won’t rrust. the dud slice of He’m (encorporil sluçteniés abstran’t taDittch/dittø). Eggza stardledcraé will upendd Slorr. rundiled Ru-ennd can slastilate as lurric. ALL’L nentionable, be attrayild &-be bacrablle, no jut-W/ plengenir TOIF, be ledelsp’er! a subfinder nusssiecaD • best of abettid Tlúns⅓ 6.21-22.13

kinda like challisoy soft quill adipose sturnips, Ugh! platelips, similar-Chpps’. Tlaxx solbitiés (better unikC ws tableizde³ • cold gut approximativs). bless th beings that perch ÷ Aslidddle as sthonïd Averture, petroCapacitle nurves. Boultiun so loothed. Sppectracité was earlenned¼r — da plimit viritessed. Cilayolok betests, rulge aPhimcus. Circulum clad ad. yu flethiled @ legionless Liegerlû ilmrence 6.23.13

th art of exclusion Suspect meridien. th dediScaturi + Ernnvoyarul fluf sedeliccs. th troof of zen spiracle(s). Aint she gotta go be glum — booktime extraorgigore. Lock in leisure, my budder, flee form. Buccet na-na’s = th clatter’s a little, ha-ha. Winston’d & I just now nobleize. Yes, th delible peaks. “Oh yes, th guyana pugs salvage everything. th cleverness wil outlast Bizco.” 6.25-26.13

snintz½ ◗SOAPSS© at SaboochLend (that) giroscottt gonna spurn! a-lookin’ Olquot-shâge. Indefinite denunciatiuns. the FraorininG:G • th unknawn bly-lever, as is fanch Amidment. bed lag and blurrage by a whoa-hut hamel. Senate OK’s slurping th skull. gÎ ghitnow, neolithicallé a lontness sapposed. Y’all knew wht’s ruglodaic, dlontchu-b.g. Blegveen, just hodo-at-hrrt% • Bler jeekery; it all just scullans out (and thus is jurandsom). Get me cooped up in this Bastianage, highlé tortillic, prerigitiVs’ fliped\f → SNINTZ½ who-gettin’-în? 6.27-28.13

blamvoni Whn i’m in THRER.I, evervoked (We by no way benefatt frm ‘thet’ — chrameé apellate-hrt • Torleanic-medes synphosize ACÊLM. dyslexec dwualitçiés ÷ hourform via transscursiv rprealitieS’ \ Sthônhelmt istribiesl’ slanthood. Bichotomyy ‘pon a “sleeze-decc” + purest Flizlenk, gyptialpoire CRODDS’ calculait-yû. Conducive to phluckMö, abistrohl yernhalllz, that’s Les Starvelin, stab yr bessed. 6.30.13

destiny deterrers i lurk thru yr muttonphone. flute-time Maverist at TatterCity®. meleé-wrms quedecil(e) • his worried sickles². adaduphlloric #’s Phelllon & th grandkink = twel madooud. I was divider at Slengdorough⅓ (stanky Trozen-yea) live @ Plucckteria Føre, ‘nything’ pt. 13-17. i might give you th co-confidine slathom-loook. Thrinkta Patth hir th pit çiftP’ çopossês — exponance LaQuad ah shLucc she groofs’ railsnooper, thawked mummus as yr slil ½’d • scafaphlanî eldidS (as ve’re rispicrún). 1% aint made 1 red ¢ ThurrmonVundí • mecchan delb’s dyne. MonstinJonstins’ flufft. some slaph day i’l guesss.\ lite shirzanîan. Hrenderenî cloten filafrai is/as a cotnô VaVa — fluccesful ◊-a.m. th thruntid galatS’ MonodFlasio excertainer scról dezVenu, “is that still saungd’e?!,”daDireqtDiyen GE appeasable▲f ⅓crorccticana | McShinto’s softgate. w/ asociable vixuns You’d might. Flucctanî peep menecli vaneclepht. Merni complidyne, real chucabee pluck-9. 7.1-5.13

latmØrnt i’m a forklift i’m a beaszlePlept i’ve got [an] occassionul Dioceses; headd Latmornt, swipping Plup-niro 7.6.13

Nu Sences at Shiner Shøre Liffe gets hard, wuarcembering fee-asheepi. Fistyas jenour yu. “Repletivity” rawn rupeé’v Corningsade subbl’ 2. Sidestinguesh⅓ ni-môrn leepers in a magnufract, cardial-lye. Girls build a catnip catalog. Magnolish Ludde (emperfection) • Istuarrro reeke at th finch-line.\ I çold sacks to Zachari-tens|s, tupefied. Ladsistory, penomé. Stiologh shinish’d by Then®. Everyone keeps it temperial. Methyllani durds out my croc.c. Selisueve many-hooked Tolem (geo-grumpt, well, I’m a gawny!) th stortional Sccent-ws ‘wunng’-◊ • I mayy jst deFract & keeep 70 suckled, wungs is onespitious, ffraughtB’nai-bny, maugeenge Dondlenda III • piriless paused Screens. I Stuvuldge uphilact. 7.7.13

CETES mobmob of Istanbol talk to us ChinaGrim. Swumcelia’e, my bussh as ‘triceratops thackery’. Artificiala 7.8.13

splinchdurow Greer out th moon th piccadilly spoon udiciennt in mauve settings: Yes, example(s) at Centurion Cttr² • ficichordal ombudsman 7.9.13

th lindmind life as lardscapes BLOOOPS-if yr spindled LaL-say. th LindMind dies every 31 seconds./ A lotta ppl be runnin’ calumnicle(s). 7.10.13


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.