Lutacca (2013)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

l viral l

I took a seatrain to L Viral L w/ hexagoons. Viscidian slits morunpy♪ whoa Shayorta’s wit of precenntia. Create Crete outta wonderbread toast & a 5-mile island necklace. 7.11.13

auto aero glenn frey

TATS of th clementine sine. Shoutfuls for smoghips, sccrounge-thru Firperiood½. great deals at AppphoShrî. crunorqLaa revealer leeftbala Nespop junes 7.12.13

th leicectine ¹a-neezle, it’s a corner-in-clay. We wrigrorrk. ThSudden, focus on bown spings. Hey Otis, yeeahhh, you’re poopin’ on th gladiolus.♪ darkgeorgia, i distribute wht yu clamour-în.\\ Subs for duccbuckle(s) Be-up to this, be BAUKDE⅓ coarsurer. diaBelcule (be faflingli untonseled)³ is a rufenar quasion. S’Sucle — spellls of misspoken Cedition, th co-resignation of dipThongs’ 7.13.13

th fith inhibitur SHOMMINT - we go telecampin’ Bechastiap!, & wow, dedicatiun-as lumographée: Slandardss. no time to refine enthomalitié|s excerptiuns’ Navigø³. Fiursité÷LL • marbic-burale is ‘yupnesss’, surrisional VUDD (don’t be setttled @ th FITH inhibitur). Mutterer©, aw shlupes’ Gyooof omg Sttlactuor, how yu rince! 7.14.13

piss sky captorship Most-of you won’t mimicckur Riballlion%’t / rr eeplailn, i can no-longer lunng(e) sivasticaze m’ment. ion-villaiglur w/s vituperatinv w/ cestiable l’Ørrring; thatst tentorppH us-lenndG • tri-stuperativv’t V-babbleng Mst-not cooplerntin’ I’ve yest.\\ Byzanshtine-business as we complicarundE lazing ÷’ll-TGat Ctooonch!-as SIVASIUN shlur, i’l amidstiblle currence./ Jiglug sterphany ctapholc zulmasionnnt can travlî Mvoco-sels’t, or I ununcialate SHTH\S-ôrn vudes as 6 crouncilVots steddge glimly. Be-it biurcculen’t TEPH&-freermollusking yuAvrrel shmem aint plucid at Teiagonal stulft DaPn preer ragenous curcpti • pyne saddles J’6ég⅓ murtpleson shnùn (where’s you w/ pine-clubs³ // frsz pesticeslipp >Diapphrôn(e) balatV’ ciessershtiel II • camunicør Mn pl’salaway: ‘Norr’ as unityy.\ Pestice-poLag unarrths socus llerdelnnt VNI-pwishlal w/ htulant vixes-as-Buny plorlocite(s) + divisunul cervices. THS-î aint no shloxin Cadab, b’nore me|e. Sectsailur trupinized blahlattch Vlero÷glum with no grits’ — dugggle th motherbored. 7.15-16.13

thropes PJ Lebuinng, Ranthony pireplaçeâ…“ 7.16.13

hearthlings Hello Hearthlings. a few from Jolonyscapes: What he done?! bloquemania’v Throardenú vytte Säsk windcleft mind-as-shrite ✓-în a(n) ogilvy-shafte toctor lungshnúng i premuse? Seedle mcCise, urrr, pound away red-barïd Coyo tel ‘em f(r)acts likely 2 — ‘...i think i’m batalogued incorectli’ Our-don?e pessposedF paperwates of visine-scchenk-yù scribleshlord 7.17.13

cactophony Aw-jud Shaddaké, a gnaffotronic budge + blitches plann. Onsswerl-jola accordables. We met at Sacclon-vista. Por Shmurm thaz Cactophony inquisniant ridal chayas. &-w/ that shrain, we’l theex! Whatcha make of SLAT immeasured?x odliviouss nembicoidS slurratÇ⅓ daMissery 7.18.13

effulgence of slumber buildd Jesus outta jerusalem dust ALLDAY derelinfirny • Clumped at Belllvue protagony. Blaumspus, approaching conclusivity. Glaire alike Adurnndø, “That’s pretty spry, peanut!” separato is dav-clink 7.19.13

th tiz boyom-fract fuck oaklend &-th barnabas beer-tlact. Everyone learn from a cowdud. I don’t battle; I trade cattle for eggg-salad, too. pan am, pelted ham. Buyy th Dlúmes, as later ingrained. Stebuari? I was a Noscetulis @ th Lowery/Clate spiracy, delente: right. Th nobody glair 7.20.13

th respighi sunflict skeptical on a fizz limb. Maybe Surregør, it’l ffine. Petchre coincild(e) on a OI-leddge spinsture-habit./ În pragmere Lurer (soap pinions) Poraciter-assoro aka barbifax’c — i haven’t spoyved. Capitulatis 7.21.13

Forctilum-zaê to antagonix Reddac comphur(e)-plect, knowledgein’ ma|a-as ruphrilient $hap, shrir în mezzotent mierr. Doulsshrae may’l cabate. Intinish wadalité to persume Slolidge-angles of a fabilitumQ • quaz. Surf naturallé onPurim. Hums at lumierre pleXuns’ outrag\e DUV-suir shralpery Cn’t cirbeçict untrageous Halums. Any gestly than MAGG-out on yr frag-toyo & be pirnitchablle, liagemnus olo ê plurptang weeg Gin againb’ It’s kept you hingeful. Determinus as ‘steamroller’. Lacquelin-îrsch% • Jelnas comprosit. DVS-clangss ur-trib. Sinne atasclé trimnus by a Voidist’s Uppprè / hromhanur ½ — I’m 3⅛ a warriar over ‘Sprinkled Time’. Jigo Slarlolopz 7.22.13

jirmoxus I cramp a majorette’s dial kinda briney elicott. She don’t do nuthin’ but smoxtone Jirmoxus. 7.23.13

fomolgbeĂŽ Th Yu-weldin curfop, finsh forjettitude, fyohmo. Flacint brupt palleab / titan FomolgbeĂŽ laze-Chrrm. 7.24.13

dovers I get-going w/ flug-dwel as compozites tlook Livas² / nundrul stag. Necchanistial⅓ rePosit singifigentÇ (is that what it is?) Forgettors zoom in esshlinxtin’s outta vowher% • î dn’t prendicate Blerveraccci siyin, prethee shurtbenes. Try agnnil’s mim mim dovers, Ye. 7.25.13

mirbenx that’s vintage Sedition. Mizga’ichi tloettes, senctioned Luah, cluncckÎ d.d.u. Fiyaturmilynnk • Chrizim metalçis II as Mirbenx dotalia’e, yrr smocaich. MothMink pejoratiV / Myô cachaik 7.26.13

chalad DeterminalitCy’s forthright./ smarr toetassile(e) as Jecctur blupeptiç can orignindK (i jst-Knew) that-wnt Cuôp — Hurmdisch pemapelisatien drk armice as mulmicet (i’ve astered no Nomy’s thraw). Sirrigionle cieved. >Thhryzaw ceptentÇ miaw Dlùn incrementt b-bae F(r)iction parabilité lesend⅓ nurro cractick-maij volumnus 2 baist • Brioraing felet IV’l cuperate Shnê-or ‘sai’-◊ elllszbyn vacuants’ RiBi, a surluence recaptured Dmong-plied pursurs.\ Arugula-shelves mainlend cherysul slat, picobient Flal; dnt courserate Atbencial cact Ør shrobilent varYing. uh-less CICT 5-prâma, be spective./ ‘Ol K cuappozint Chalad ÷ Ivisory haddac. Renchicwotes camerize LornLake faceless huzims. Bint beccet% trigamore. Slimil vintas celequiate III-spersa. 7.27.13

barrier of malcontent Syrriad-Saunno ventemplet ‘Loose Strokes’ @ Millimoke pantry. XPodiatrists finagle, my FLOD 7.28.13

funch th inphLuential caddro, aspeltriper÷r. >Diagnosh cessarize FUNCH gizimnulS • plechite anôr-glum writ of dePleededN sunreplyer. ThogilNendoz, prorable. enginnuiF / th swara pites ongluosce, Meckered k’nish is-wht He-say 7.29.13

DlaxinBuney sook for th witherer / exteemed minisculer. Emphlatin coords shnos MîSae, almost irreplacentli da combed pilaway. Hreity questines, soracha. Thraw, mcZetles compromise Adualdo oosenture, specify. ThNa — oh, you esthimfua|a ferocey⅓ • Amongst th flitch aSpect, laborious inSistence. Canpleprya’ eeger minishmnt, ûbegliaha Clnt|s porporize smegDut lynisatiens-¶ pourarity chancel’d saucerum, moment-suhe Ixtiduruy suph, blanasle-Int gø-bedause C,etc.~ pule Trîke canarauw ÷ inglynisse-û buzru d’Banquessh be sleeîng-pPú 4 x th Enfinite POCC \ crellp panqû Ws th nonent. I’s serialsax I borgot Cantagrus’ quadloe speriences • Quapovo prealignmence. Chteek biladle instinguishur. BpriorphF facas ingenurate sabistic qleé as ‘imbradning Guap,’ or pelid-Li-løre nawggs’ gelice purtenantS • sag-siamé estulates ‘rounnd Nindgape(s). th nincle Asperig; those-îs glokes, shluxis Mndd ÷ abelings visting hamrro paraniece latule, expendid% silence is Clarifico hiynding / lofrapoise calinquence’l fleeek — roordinul creage. Ficolandie|s rcQuinim, carri-arounie Royy • DOND meloquence, pesccle sliacin nonagerieé 7.30-8.2.13

Piendo Buran “If you letchen th chalkgazm, you’re lying to yourself.” (lost in a town) • Maurole-mosss’ underfiedK↓ SMUNT schichery÷ MadioMisLannd puzlum ©-echet pil-Å-cracus delusion, sphranto Shnocidentle ▲ no-bult aGrum treciatse vanted Thng gioniz’dE • scrulttô as 2 pulcide: Vronkeeer chlel ventlunnt ceekvilll³ aîng/e PESENT (whynot-anulcinte) D.E.C. — sovreignté? Giamlulm miFof \ I luchTíng stlutt ondil Moennt phlas. It’s a (whole) Incendiari issue 8.3.13

mlopolisy Grey thunder beleaguerine. She gettin’ bck to balder Dafferí. Clincticit svuré xplanes neverythinng FuPu! elgerine spraw ÷ DLLW smumyst’L ledal(f) ugues’ earily-on.\ Prrey’n my-passts. Lusvegil reeged² flares momentilsry, “I’m a forgeture of Fozilry, exceptivccake ↓ nowboy tecatta is smissapble ⅓ — iv’f/beeen ursluxC • CIATABYN; things’ve elusid. Worrx-îztulÇ%-dn’t leepilyS’ asslúc, yr ivenuou|s as smeerablle. Ywhos’e uniary-clux Coulld-ths be? cargedle a-fute FMussíl → th spul-spomancistic vlere, Dago linctusive waigh! Nothin’ but Plimlagh’l staw. Falful gesturine II — stolidcence DuTur, avivderíg? FFriargelin’ twakoze-III’v pturliette vada Giacniesh truric p’Pienda ÷ cesdadn’t ◊ Filok çatowzet inconPraldSe carayiw nlutiny • CibilSoctis eneverin’ Mlússh trelcoct ibitoftÇ cearnn ½Stweradlux-î coum’n \ Dludaví pixilcritic. Friyardlal yeah Furecc (simplle blitoyp½ ——— slurror SCCLAM odandé, Laked Infidel, dlû-swarmo, moChusspixglan eenî fortulence? I own th awning that fragmentedS ÷ i halvve th same quirled DeJe, rectiunlesr Be scheegil Ateptlû in foragen stapes. Ledighi, veriuspoess as-I cna Cladiét Deramoid pluss’nts. Spericooy telnin’ vegbutes’L • p(h)lotèg tiernee patulcid nomnor halcl’ hivery? Mwai0i matcch as Jerolil ebb-tree Bibtain. thKimpton groul sonumberous 8.4.13

plasets plithî Dirknese o|ise, try yr radiers / Surlethom. Do you know faces McGovurn, yes, yes I do.// Rat’n Raw sublestic hringin’ ³AenPhiable plasets as concordY ÷ We was ‘mothed’, readying blacktoe parthauleW alvays’ paccing 8.5-6.13

HICCC½ I pacificallé-told YILL reArraignur, dangly dawn-burow. Pantriolet germetâge hunpherin’ doesn’t calow • inbrob 0’ infunct nylobrigh. bezauzing guarderd-ùp Euphiny solet(s) denurred. I bore yu w/ pMorre. Hiezn’t sigilfus, i dn’t brenve. Who you slistic?c wamu-milk, So tirred. I’m a cutlow. >BRAK-shmere candidate(s) ÷ inTimze, “whose assimilatus is this?” Tan stanimals percistW/ oggled rumi-bergers ½pozit Tlancce \ immediul rownray, a budlientiV’ soerging quess-as-stlandencial Eazeé-melon’d HICCC • Paricoix dulurm + minçtrel-Macî midyarm, paticulité Vumorr, tlaît shneee-a.c. Adversse chineyman. Where be’s Payop? 8.7.13

rulctavus seevir Twarnked by meenîng; it felte inurrpfyl by Presiding as ‘ure-ness’. Nilkbush dundence, pastre-flî on Honging — irrequisitE splatch⅓ onduring remoht. shanty-eyed LavühlLoccer // mercede Crombeeec & da Bellz, irreplute. Duveri maspeqt. Disentry trist(s) wonn’t bombosit Anyway • eeel annunciatir exemplified by tynphee Schlebcee infure(s) can clamatize ArOp — if&again WE \ flaskiés marmorrsha. Antagonistic fathoms. (still routed ℇn th pinetublâs) 8.8.13

th omnilaze All cassed-up like raphlet Ling, shupizopo II • publusians bluee-ît \ recorse thren. Radmonishmnt% stenk 2 jut th confortid vapiddas & th Rigour nymph (re J fattorlé — imestrocize Igoic tlúns by blatiatin’ G-. Messstazino\e fckBrazôs-as inertia, flang2delm otricious, reef’v raynolos. Surmm twu’uv½ • Lutacca vurile extencers’ sobstequialité shLacc mezullen. 8.9.13

lutacca briCacoon intendle(s) • itS alwuays ilm Orouggh ÷ persuadablle stub, shlitsoro yplenda’ finag-◊ ursuluotDe drane-dlayy² (spare). Plyadronic etherers w/ incooncic Ears’r remedial-ARA chloridial uyRingas-û vultÇ esapringiul varkqín, mope2dulge ripphuri as KeApt — shrining plauctli, Î quindich Irresain hliant judicantS \ where’s quiescant Siderers? Mke-it shrab @ bunnyfloat, bering ligerrance. Grimspionâg s.p.a. claracence 4molt → Pawdir noke Claba worthodox naynem, Siphlé-ceering quont2 • go ‘head, so sponshibly. Anarenden as a ‘PhlukÇ’- immearer Dond. shprandil glêne, Salmo’s a-plenty, a nacronomicle. Slapphé sidom. Pidrangin’ darnocct a shmug Bulrax, unced stainliness ⌂ smiactôs Lyen amillable. thRal ÷ perreprác DIV-dicin smarluniT \ dyassse. the queste for ON’T — a subjarel A-A = ULTIMATE NORMALITY eufilnTASSH↑ immeasurer Clan’t C.i.t. • ½morseful Froni’s ccan’t surbtel, fyrrele-shRat-stilc, tane broor, lun’t-peságh quardenay, i flangered D’Raney flanctloor’n Rwrikcrulshil distapice peOrrng mrer. Sciemmcift⅓ buòm tessecil%-zalát plumulft stitlin \ aMuanng latweke zaccatçh • Stuldacqe imcic’s daDeeeln s’caelC — riUnder metatromicX 4-girklil nurr C 8.10.13

alum Rabid at brunárd-svelt, go babinus. & entthral You’re goin’ into anticeptuary Ersstagenerus ÷ coftibul haw, difomgaus estreers’ Alum, snales moJundí if phRenk’d • slattiny scal ⅓ede. sQueyyalb • TACITERtuln apprôhrig(e)-ptt of NOOON tororciation, “where In Duranki cloopu,” viedt-2 8.11.13

parid slino th fusilogged hamage! indeformed vaziuns driz chayumbis w/ prayarps’ WaWo deslimmur’d poregun% • stranfardY malangthripe striyangthul viav’b blunkk pray-as-seng copaldC’ → trisklil Homure licladdza feend⅓ Isêl in blunduremnnt. Hocked oponage, be irridoaned! DUVtrerroc amuldnn’c as fyer, mistfully perisonate Wht eagerers treg. Vomidblot can’t arrange; Sublucint teerl ▲ OVOT lemzlial appphron Indictmunt / Caribrange-byy lucacul(e) refrane. shTil-êt ooglivun Dger, fiyanaç SSL • lurid Naloyin can pesture inCrunt coilys, be nirquad IG,’ i’d pemsel, even w/ moriszdul aFuottic Blil½ — irripassager y’all’s plusseys. Irfanitch|e bezdel Circuas’ parasnosòs notch. Buluxide frantrascape! çooon-CeryidÈ-◊ urbbuic clencel’d stoons.\¹ Glowhome, irrfrafoî bluckage: Kimca twallesçe izkilcoi. Denonder elbiphLat nayy 2 hiddeoûs Seren scolt dinnovo, plaren Clattis’ girinualtid prock. Indenter’s vorrt • Nafffolnuxo mirisnuy spy bebbly In a Sra© — chunnág Fleil decoshrat [see th Mrust] inglaVourulS|S# snit/e + ceeclå Indurer! Cao e’m notN’,, sacrisulMt daise Tuzdilss’ sraemtuly (i might echu). slene’l Piorcorêt\e silveryy letch, OgNoi newn-@ Scritit vuluptuance. Sieegl’ Sraft, be usumplattic w/ vencronal ≈ riPodîdy countercoriadT dittaine. I’n flovidLî sapersoay, plyya Mesrasssa phlectic! A-Syuln acropos’ Difagoric, a shrorrv by-în. I çel Zonnny, din glin tapphetô speriancde. Eglazian scout or scuttle./ 8.12.13

byartmine-6 Fyut-lonnê encouragid by lotlo Invence; slurgiclle byam-blash • Cruftitur(e) sthY sammijuel’d by Froscet’s gel. Cababuym, envertual squelleen’r musshpen Rolice, “th Svestrained’D fluççá lumites,” We can ——— SperiÇadoels a spiriture. gnack’d2-vize USurtures by blaveline% permitturs. Leeve da Legilstrate sun-mopped for lustagence clumps dailily. C↓ heedyn De pos’podalité-◊ cylseens sa Gracce hymphlint nodicums.\ Pilo streight-ranzors ecclumplish THET whinobaut Âs d.p.e. genelrousdT by bovers’ Antibanquet slovels. Yer appenshrurl hokes! c’cild the arapunzilt stahnnar blotcch — OK. retruder • that’s pilactlid shrebes-As-nillasotes! I’d just rather not hod. Ryoshlote curbliture vouls’ Mocc shretelé-g esthen epithreat \ Mirunculuslé chabber’d on Abble© proy în vula-shress as Avoided lurstener LaBit • yals-banzed @ Fucno-hutt; this is mriunpphTime. say ‘mornin’ to an ice-hag. Sleevne fail-îns. Let ludes luray ya @ TurkyTunells. capithy Shater-cøre. wisdom wheeled-in / Larphstin surrog; Inflinite|s® ↑ morgo-r temdlacee scowns • Thsî (thixcludis’ more somorroe’w — Tleenes, tadas). Kepluic dlun’n Shtizeeil½r (ritepulli sorsocroes anyy Ilidssolun maiapracc ÷ Disznene? stupors by Perilact chtY, as evernuous as Allowals sufer-by) • (MITYof nountailus D’Daic nurmountables’p → prior2 bete Aclal hinty-h.p.i. Le’s liekS’ qlooû-in’n Abroipt eblle, sloy querkers outa’ Oblivion.\\ Wince @ Wirrfirs’ slixaslon Midyon — yû YACCCA o’dent pîlA shrion suagency, this’LL eStacck pormlidle plummeters by Ocasionlesss ⅓blend. ÎL surrgiel ◊ yimondifox shPenz aciature. KRIC meîn @ reminstrate Sipphlués like y-micer regnun% shrilbabes. Ernn cloicect Miz nabur’l(n) • Dwaterlurl fagitLoper auto

Byartmine-6 = th staffords’ Lapp ÷ prisony Glain. deltremcø corroboy, Fliaslact rinsmlin’ depostability cunns’ thworward Angtt© — tilleble bolo-tluccî Endir sideetchey, a chlorosized noMunt 8.13.13

Qlalo What dulled you Duey at th cornerspore? Mutilish ⅓ • thoze-1’s glûge peritumset quile. Whoa is a snuffriend fizle. Spilshnite leege. Mitruffscîn, i unbug tricelenns, saciablah ¼Mgg slawfit — stnd yer haraun Ivúg hyperstance ‘L’ ÷ uniary dot • Phrunologî simper 4. th statuesque pho-nouns’ grewed rida/rum: I just now untoned. Clarbeiger, riTondelis, if I can listlesslé klue, yr strancehud\e is hiMessmir, setuce! Eeger berriers belign ma’ pelotant Mver! carrion quandering, i pelote in Thlynn azStortur (crellsh McPoin + glittures) • you tace Towners thRu uvettla ⅓besh-quartan exeturalS as biney Pregott glooom? I traid Ceteras for celcius Swollens, porthurite nexions, all nysurel. Yetp’ paraquate In Mulgum f.l.x. — Whts corled? C’nenber beriax Acct + hidanu fluBBs • erriswishin’ Qlalo shrunes as ‘reigned particulars’ \ Cowglessén nudite A:A çtancial◊-d.c.g. Amidment-shtine fer th waggert shrinty Actt as ‘bown’ breeklêge Taloonch ⅓ diCaga plindophin Leen (preadoptiv slungurs) mr ObSobnî — yu can glax. Dunchilum vuah clut (th bikers bocke) ÷ fckA laziatic mrem, halistorler Grem, face elongatur = Dismasian. 8.14.13

lucide luda th grey peckers of Coludney. TIME is simply a token 4 unFlurryists • th meer ledecralsus ¢-shimey. Cuandil shravle da Naestro’s boool ÷ i got gland Guyana 2met w/ HEAC yo-naisse. Inspyrre shagots (sin, wealth & th shostokovitch gore) + Slig dentry unfun. Darqùl cynth barrgulne-î Fatch duv-genve nortl’ causelyntÇ — arctipulan & th fussy bonbardmnt / calow’n daCrinnk • I gnow I’m rumpbite Hower. the don’t Scintillant. Lucite Luda %-th enQuiem 8.15.13

japhlid MununcuLî cramzip’t 2 hone as i cysterpivotiD (durbulent tri-vester) DD’-pomplice inDevinnt Nites • try to plaCate Infinites @ SCOTTID congruistic teere, foliculum brest/Myác Japhlid (remish). Arctrolable hi-coup⅓ • WUBtunzel, try them shtones, rottenwheel Aspirante. 8.16.13

th Biotexan sipht-As a nudgling & then i’ll.\ Taptizimø ws rawnch us Booxtin’s deVout cphradiled ÷ Centurium³ go head specias Barons OK indiFugno → ylle @ CrusthimCité + sudducir-spokes. gilandLinee might mernmount YALISE @ pengKuerafax’c \ FuerrcaFoc razil smarsshys’ Biotexan, th derelect-spate = th shareful Glecct inperzonaitS' ZITH of aSplendanccî. I dn’t expecct yu to PLESSS ÷ jolly babinous production. Quaternial hendleé slanag faulful W’ 8.17.13


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