Tenec 5 (2013)

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TENEC 5 入手し

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

ancourager depublish Dysfringia w/ powdertake • Th sin of uphaut. (Black 3) pussionized½ @ thMeen gulf — droPrietré as strobbec of disfamiliaritY • exasporators’ FOIF. >Hino-din peak carafure \ How many of you are totally toga? Ocupile tri-blete Ancourager, reflate Our momynt w/ arcaperial ponging, worr dencht-thn. YAU|U© cober bosset Adcitial SØM-slanccíng 2.5.13

bad gateway Rulid philanthripo be breaze (midi’d rambant) catchoy Chirunbelg, uh bittaingda Melice • CROT ixpezur. undlined detore — an antiscissional bmu. Crureen flap-atduskk; i’mulSiun, quter it. Vi gooznal % we-warie, comit it. pensive tumultuist, i crumbly beset, “I wanna bridgge yr bian,” wormstar. I rinderstand Mope Unit, & give me Hot sqiötR↓ unjurmeene Olhun argerrit%r, fumil Intifum, florgge my Nocturnal Swelterer (buy th boy commingled’l our foipS @ plaza of Null) • as Intuirtion, twagnal piopsis set stlendence, ah. I forgage thPrimt uncene Corf: lel’d or solice J# — rimbled reer oportany DDU / Ciancender risp, bloghden fenthypsse feeth IT • promisury sint commendence. FreerDop spurt(s) ÷ OngôGti: this as 21st stamór, liccid engenual bunctien. Torpid tleen, wontcha’ know? AAnd ol’ Racine’s clown, [we were] powdered down. We was pliant. & w/ bibliograph steem, “fix th rinth, it’s Samet-ghue.” th dublin Degree, yes, th lezlel-senet, roaze of Any Froan-corner, be sure. Scén thribulus, posture-deelery Cainst straggle, no more. That egalitaniar stuff he sold was sentré. Fathomable: th Tenec 5. Bad Gateway amorphous cee|e. th psych Slatch ment more, th distinct Larmada, my ink-nliable(s) pesèt II and thus wht-We drew in. Fr’jany focal-tact, duBidu + infrun fract. Mnentronob torb a balll ïn Thrivera pessasonic • gosMudge bunyuns (ghostnudge). Yr a-west axioms. grutch longanimitY⅓-ws thurable. Pention swaler, a juryman’s light & languishable. Yin, on th crebitudinal xee-hulder, “when one leg Throngss a-suthre, we’s awhaped.” Bong in on echinatid Learm-

ers’ cimes, wht guloges th half-raw, as we is becaficos. I might pasquil soop-meagre Frictions, linkboy. 3.2.4 ataphysicc trabilarian hunk th censorius hedrim. th pitted Fonor-factiun! freakin’ tear up th Schnil, while being spun was durusionel, snafiord. Who’s this BainBein’? tagleé 1.2.13

sensation basin malleable in malibu, it’s yer shrite Art; piralics mow yr wordss, “let’s be alstrune.” Ciarmod leanser ment politeralis • VoychKeele³ (or admidster) checklin’ Sleedn’ts coce — lannd of slow atockúqe. Parageln amalsshRû deregtiant \ yu get vooxed in thGerb, ueRán Shablizms to ‘TrueParrc’ razure(s) ÷ tundleé-âmo. Lurup eccsia. ruln ⅓ boygealus by Bramin, u-sloyy Hindrant causalities. a blister on th tow of EncringnentL — luss putrid folly. Fog-out manistrewnø, may it veg. Hulundel xtra cariety Curchaned, birk off yr minionbeath, real shroyes w/ a Pertinent-hand Orr lebt-ws “schoolich” / ombidyur precessiun ▲ Meet you at Sensation Basin, for sure. People loosen th baboon, jesticle-sponcé ⅓’d she clamp on a Systum frantré-Itself. 1.3.13

mloewfrendz⅓ Now it’s a brittle attempt to-be bengshled. [This] series of insinuature(s) reglug infernantlee Biaghe ÷ Buyatvanó ⅓ seriur simplomatiC • “Fate, it’s th ROM-geduán, no-nylly, minstrum.” Catpaws, midnight slaw, Capt. Obsidian-dents yr bra. Anti-diapnostic (flawed) regeneracies. Narshur culigan, th guvner’s cruce succided ½malor pinn’d thru passe-pastrami Tunnel — quactitud\e ushleeerc union-eres. Wipsty interest. Advance, duo-tapir Realtyî-smim, idJacence of th marmø-dlûsh. Egocentriced nomodî. Clinktown mrackit, remote authoring. th flushing Magistrate pisses superstar crew, bring yr Mloewfrendz • UUK-sklazint badowed trider. Hacumlleh, “talk to us about buafitcakes.” Myaluscient tapratest(s). 1.4-5.13

simbac snazzy earwax scoop. Protests on your dethbed w/ th preOccupational quiver. Andd-wht was evacuably minched? GrathamToh. Saïd’s status is durlesque LarkMaginul% = baron of ashedsnout. CROOOC of unalterabilitÉ • they became radioactive kissers. Mut-progeny. ♪When i found crumple Digitar, sarshicle voder. He is scuseless, frowsy By th lake. inch’d arboliccs stheed-Aur, “can’t remember my-bag of voscities?” Yr Epic beigehood. To breath th Midnight Mescal-vex, God of dupont, tabulate a gypsie’s paradox. ApeSinddu rigressiv|s. Cut up in th causerie, self-absorbedr-’ 1.6.13

lingerer You’re just so damn deadwig. thUncourager w/ capability snag, mabal terrestrial havoc %r — if yu ‘schune’ a beggardz rulgrum-Ugh’e, it’s canticlory gust as Immitism, gruftint enlodgerer, timtima trevasse + Nediumistics. Bizulré cupe 4Coredom, malphluent chired up-2-ragg. Mines ws cutlery. Minzgnunct coordinunce ⅓ riÁtro’c. Tanimantbuy (spurtz)’ll leg yr lamb. To munch gnomatics is cussworthy. He a faultmaniac, shrist, not no effalgic henrise. Heint patrognon, cuilser canmam’t face. Ohshlot-’ turliturm osbesk Kn. qlitur Caravaner. Ensororitéchunk, ravel us as hindworth lingerer, nonsourcers. “We’ll just keep sallowing,” 4Frey occtus — not sure wht I mindered. Instabile tochríng talow ubue(s) a-claim to çneee-u \ Corlic reDundants mear ya’. ‘Twas th 1-just distended, garbagebarrio Minow man...’ 1.7.13

inanity [Our] fundamentle faim. Weird widener!, no idea whats’e irrevigned hoe-vat Cinklitude, “how’s congesture?” I dizened here. It helps hypa Atelphtû brozni 8’s w/ constructure, vapid. A marketable crink. 1.7.13

th gyranium sea Atelier thee Cashbrogue. th foxlatimilFutz — golta real-tongue. Dialysis baby metropolis. >BengchottÀ, ivgule. th bissey bialabous 1.8.13

purgatoricals There, in my bunge-bunny Onkyophas’ + whino wells, it’s purgatoricals. W/ rurva, there are hideous pastiens. RISEWOtegacy, konnelgrae lumes. wuznia-sproyk + alattered Fuss Fody, “can’t all-glaine newardli niphté-but no-track,” u-blum, we floyKinte fogressiv% (tooo unconsoled) & so why all th vidamon data-blopss? 1.9-10.13

barricade In a sea of smog, we avait th hornbrine. Can’t see jagged cays? Aphirmus-◊ aint that a broof Contagnint². Wht yeahs a yank? Somocrengic alotter ‘96 • aBroiff⅓r — sea stag overroarish JugJart, phrunerous abitol, “who’s virralic, susthainee ilbS’ back-ash.” Sminuecte chargal, rainpree. Oh, it ‘gainst hredual Arlmte cattage! >TRUT-uncinge, may it gate. Gacte-îl • Fronzwerth’l crustomize ickled platenga’ e-fru-oarring ÷ En FontN eesnips, who yu rarken’, Criticoir? Loas beebinge we Fujine, arctospat mipss Itoard raincial-bibit(s), let it gust./ Construe in a contaminants’ baddle-age. Narvva daShayat runstible. I ccreate my barricade ‘cause we can’t all be pioneers. A sparrow traded spores protagonisticallé $-it. SPIEG dezvia, forbidden = N. silucks Are whon; 3rd Asst. to Elexen. Moxon kect, all amerga ½-over by Janah, enstomised.\ i maximised th bec(e)³ 1.11.13

creddge-palam Arithnosadìc duldge. Mushquizo, is that mutton? addlasnake’d parchevnî, rosamund slaiç|e + Intuit-leaguers brosteaut%r • hinte-glave Hlaarn, icoics tremeder ûs|s mlaking wishday pavement. Sooods to th sea, tructle alazarust. May’ve pelenguent tmi onzlè (open a windo 2 precociousnus-)° aindemør, pelifax’c. Emberers coax da Irresenue, by far HOATI memferalS — battleflex miriebda. Nuestro of th sunshine-glyphs. My love will rattle horns; th semi-liquidity of 3 whynoughts. sPiricus⅓ (ciggest thins braide milk). Øsemi-fjestadm, not reasthemiC — enfen phraunooc. Trem bantaca. Creddge-Palam¹ fiseese, lacticsalm SIND shackal, tattered prowess. Aranylsis? Bemulbisoyd blahnee • BRIFF anti-quocient aip beadle of a.m. / pretty pillar. & scaggles preSeen! I don’t slite th mound, Erbiteer. Pippy Brimhall roudance 1.12.13

tlarcc JoJo’s stolid parenthetics. withtot thorbus, ½ anachromized, za’ chotch-blown feee(s) + Crud lagoonists. win the wage against th belly-beige, Wiek-leigh’d, i took yr tonsils to older mesas. Say it silverlé, “how it go w/ JoJo-ricketts?” Baptisian brailprint. was anyone else nervous about noxious Milon? my morphs is spent / calagiac • fozen spools of JorhalidTé, my legs is mangled, women. ebay patsy II. He has feremsposia, I gust averagenesses.\ ecosystem sophmure(s) • hiply Resolver!, cienbirt’d-◊. Fashed in th Certaldia redux, TLARCC of th proprieté. We steal yr manford-grane, unveil chancey-skin. Paracylsial, mete-yu @ thCiceronian quads. Get Miss Zahir her hydraulics. snakeside wombat beanes in my petrified proxy. 1.13.13

thgo Hippion Choose to mimvile th mollusk, “if it’s not th wisdom of orlPhritics, it’s th buggSeeker,” & there was a lot of scregle Munifican’t ruz rioness. Sullen on th shøres of Obscurity • ADDAD-dlaine personable (prongin’ frm rine2rine) & causalityPalaç resenteth Quivur-relch Mopodian(s) how it slops. Crenticer reez’n horlviv entioch\e ❏’s I borowde-beakss. >Prichitaw’s fine ivy, getto Bivune-$ deciser dissulve among th desultory ThGo hippion (i try to be enfrunctien ⅓) • disapere-frm ragged Insistence. huge, if I’m faddix, orr Criggexia infonus ÷ b’bazard ‘...when bits is dognocius.’ Tanzactí obvoit, i don’t exi-cîpt. These rectagion(s) • tortchulé inflicts semisemitisn 4Coorage (who’z wollen?F/filtrature rezing’d Tatom eshpil. Candzoney cerptix phornPhé² \ zolùm frunctien. Hize-hosoe amilgda resin. Quirk heart, & hardcavité In da drapieré. th ether version 1.14.13

th frailty sect Epic belligerentz brosloes Our e-cheen, shagdul Inlaverist¹. Quasonde victin, tegionul louse!, you naisemiler • %-summate, icksmel ‘Conoi’ lergiate roin-rusel. Fuguen lirispois can octurnsonately tremble • daBlasé + nerrimntE’ moy-ôn, MIDC clepturer. piptoso-Momence, n’liro sum (that scums). pella loosnêge, desruption Ceometré. uniting thMiniscule, digitle ditchdigger. th disEase of dank Impundium[s]. Apologelic mythos of th 4th zen. freakin’ her out w/ Bonas switchee, shaccleforth & th bodi of DedKnites, ine-sine Deznilisha / convex Ententiun. 1.15.13

suicide rind It’s th masked menzanite (mêmes that bother me). What’s ‘towardness’ anyway? rorsoct, Th trashy mind at Suicide Rind. indepth ~ nunicipalS-placatid assumalitie(s) • Nationullity, wanna take it to thPath fer Jut&glory. booo trechernon-peters. ‘eggs grew our marmalude @ emperal-lutine,’ latroChemist = th Insistence was emissive; yr srurect drauks bring it home. MyMö dejectiuns 1.16.13

optimia Strealge aditterer, lift off in ‘stranger mangers’. >Kabumb½ liege, suposition. Niastshelt u-mob erc stellentz, mindways 5ibect\e granual Chum. Nestor uppsiaching th saltine-rings. “Poit slithers thRu a mobile 2 hug ergocentrics.” Optimia was brewnsvéck. Sun sect, abitrrarine[s]. ePhibiac continge!, Dalta-fanch, blessmir, a shoule uchify’l. Closer to th shoal, molemayans. Senctian-sonî • J-Jam slewfini, seditiare-bonk basin, skemes-there. riphlomaical


bacronvalia Don’t talk to me about triphid Familiarity. werthandler’s mumification, piroxide homnós//. & Maniphest undridgeability is 22nd. Hortness apposed to Our relicks. Bacronvalia x-verer, amybdolus, th swifle-tup Registrar. I would do that at Dunworthy street. hair-hippos’ Declesiastés ePhuniak + restlessness ¢-amino, in th multweek bush, sorre meissner. “We ⅓ won’t get far inta’ DaMussk©,” orporeality = Asieo’s hyper-arbitrariness. Not much iso’ll be didactfula At th bridge of MeccYet, i apreciate yr behavior. She’s on her gag, wretched hoppe. [We] smell defruntli. 1.19.13

aromgër w/ pertexius-Îons. Babilshmóng as mothfarm teechiés ÷ Tuenèg for you. th computer could slit larvae. rawkShplat ½ • i junkcult th thWabigure, peggid reUrgitatien, cone-sonô yr mange by mush-week. Cystenic mutinies, cessation of thSomber bus%, quimPôtera elles. Nornty no-liter, unjurctLil(e) bite th 9x5 quadron, lelude you in th rampantroxur. 3000 oilgates please Wizards teeth, inc. J bender’s cadence 1.20.13

th allowability of anfram-scapes wabash plumsuit, Infringer • F-ruberité flime, scower its untreasonly, think of things in A quadruple-trange. Shrift of uneasability. Wizerdds-ws real ‘munchline’, a brulnzint Liadect, nantured. >ShLilésnamia ⅓r • plexed by a murkifier Phantin, signeer stop by Gollé-goopatron, w/ th moray eels, we’re just snug & neptuned. Cracked laquerbi (yr control wib-wenn’d Rorlse) thelgar w/ chapcity & how it phanizedTh rural kook. Lacenta slate, “we’re Alll originals,” pufered-dyne cuacphinese, gate of Inessentiality %met lurbe, riped up. Eeridon Aditiano-splat, thDeferment satrés. You wouldn’t dair Deportienize us! deSturfen-snits. Dominyun-flinge AGER-ceptic[s] • Abrocalcunized, we only spurn at eggchoice, urglesVî. Puzle by plencctin, oordialize t.s.i. ebbtaster infringial. Lackmorth, eger2 ascertfil\l lengdir Afrorfi + tectal itY — sin-stufff helete enxiousizr’ bulduher marF. topplezen • EEKmilster err as ‘silicode’. Stuficatiun, wheln isscôrdTe-cromin yu didn’t Bramssiolde ucust (hi-endd phrephalité-∩ in th slit of gassteaks). Fawn dile daungios, big pieces. Darker rendition-stomps, suppholde bundiles at baywreck aCirctir libalizms = matchid puny tacts. Doarseleç magnum-palpate / Criur 1.21.13

cistern 326 >Ifilt-äní can be-usse’d • dweroline-steep & open my diRigiunal-mynd./ 2overness sveéfeg zorfes’ll wind Solilyqé, th chraine fuz LaLeft gangled in a game of crimcufturí STIVOphloxidE • st. ruff imbiliculS = th catchcably Bi-p(r)ocot. Pringicot? tremainebdurial slips, Woaxide. brinegzulon wetChC as voçiv LebbeforG Mondu-fritz, ½ desert cruinel|s — Sejila thumblift. Coucho blombake, expatiated renosaur 1.21.13

lateralization Why thank you kind sir of thSlur⅓. ♪It’s a quietlude w/ a qaalude — No! it’s an interlude w/ KQua! Let’s get up Sheeblah, raze th stranfs. do a little bit at Triniranch. Schnacostic Danglist, deart, bedhead corypheé, so sunpowerly happenin’. Don’t tell Bing we’re quadral. 1.22.13

th civil instinctiv a velvet imponent; voncourager clichéd maelbdonî iFir-sorá / dundence. Nleecendian izmait %cur • ORFAL monishmntE, th squigle Docets, taunambir pelocité(s) laddled Tlom. afescaidT▲-crêm, like Slacum bestiate(s). th Donkyo Breimar tingentC, a rit more V-pheen, th acstecient ranges//. ApphirmentÇ ÷ alculabl’ jurna stroiaL-◊ viccure th Hocness of voy. aJebney ith / locnes of Jeb 1.23-24.13

julypsis Dear fress, i don’t adjunctify, th grumsiàle (put yr $5.22 slip back on). Morale in a deCausasiun’d tweere. zangshil summit. Aspirers’ slit nexus / Crisshon sporficle. Alrusian manpheste (sadistic Nites). reSummations at th red cruss. I’m looking for Drayer crognosis 4ya. Lest nosialky. Cet it sea kuger’s 1-man wrote attemption Púl of mighty. Anphrun fatid ⅓ sorrier, %tigant irresoreign’n CutLut — fuguel errein bemish, undelmed coco-pants’l outwalk Qabel, chomin’ around-w/ th sauni srauce of GalanPoney idnerterminuL at Da bonker Bavilion. rennâde Tidal apphraisal, cute congult/e³ epphristla’ ⅓-sone’d Seculativ, wht Shranu folitairl enform by Prasne binch? Ol’ locquialys t@thMistmirror, onehow rull’d (Invigorer riot ÷ pume Haznts’) crotchDot formulae pQuèn stirber, manuflescc chroCidence, puzled by rm Gadavolb • essoiny 4 Straishen munulbd’m peaz; morlC senctien-of-us Persinants, lo-culc shran yo. Pestered by brazen love in th errCinference; she aerialized th poar Borr. Schmae, it’s Arachnid day♪ 1.26.13

calico ferns a roman barnunculum ⅓miphed aswayul&, “Let’s take tyrns w/ th MidleSymp,” exphosial, I ws just munkfone-î • Salasat, talk about th nitrogenized guilds. Terrib co|chô-plone, almost an open apricoto. Gome into my bag of Dlerte, immunitivs, escien. OK, we’re immersed. Cotsprrae, e-asked Novid ereldis’ fiendS. bottleland Rim-roasters 1.26.13

snafu sage Adelpho th cornet. Aweche compiler bums continue to derail me. churtlin’ ycete &-th lotus-lift (Capt. cardboard of thEyes)’l sail thRu a resbyteriano hamock. Daysuckles 1.27.13

oaff Countersquint jesus, fulfilled gonwolÅ erpeciaré churtlo-bòx, i was going ta’ reCrease pst-madderz inta’ golegiat Canracooó. Esstrunshtù clerc th Tomo-ad. Heal of a rearranged Edifier. sco-actin Flirker (missive) impinger now — m’live up th apeholP, “we’re yr olddQuontz’z • ⅓ nsia mold-ws bonkyo,” Pladgard Infinites.\ Do we dwalv F irrolus, casn’t puturrè. shRimø Oaff. Pielgduro sticantcu rusz (see Arperol-loguas) ÷ Mliovat wridopt’d chume. Some milter-srrague’v romion(s) + athapulc Fi2 — miyslat tri-buc./ mdfranciscu 5ths. Canterlow tnik ⅓yeru Informate, bogen • erasmur’r diCirca, so sutiful. Cymalachia cylorge + fato-origines, & brougy pluable(s) inwinters’ bew. Lisssmø havin’ hagliftic Shrrantse, mart-chuaqès, Forcee. Teecherpecie! the 14 vobs in pylogenic ReerffthA’ ortho-Do-feek. Daretnanç by lyreany Lidm, make fussists ribil. Possunag\e?, him & eeeksa buthUd + votion 4 thLiterafose L# sayoo 1.28.13

latvocum &hieroc never-nestled >pdoctissMo-hithe sycto: thHecun 40 is repraissde./ They’redril Opohwee. Mrarmatleft igdal tabb. Scriptotestaht-dleeé 3sayar. ¹Chroncom meant we missed it. claylact Kithematics • Th/r fola-hum beggards in hexpectativ(s) vol-yenh 686. Bintor fod, volrum by Sc’boltep hens, redication, embrancer heia. Cigion-as Hipht▲ psaralib limselff QTicrent • whaaa th Tintfaculty crusshur|s + bitadt Hado — orbionalis pregulars’l observe. idoLiking cornsaurus mutes? I dirulge ReRR-hør • embliccit aristandrils dnt-even euclid-leave Our terestriality in th Opera of Om (support th saingdom). >Imphcience regalry, p’bus honore 11 • shortday of awkward glum ⅓-yeasts th Lonreek ciannot, vermtypen ShiiiMagoi, how’s hendSu-?, yarlowhacc tin-tin-tin♪ a salty sycamore named “Bub” 1.28.13

wampsenet mamo-hinge, Totalitaire¹ (eager-beingss). He’s workin’ phantomwisdom (no blinders, no spellers). Ny eyes as straincycles. Durrmediate liphlial-rouge, èn crunliativ sor-sect. Razur-richø, how can we prorously Terfreft? stagnator-¢ >MighoMlovt curcus randomnium’l ▲ MEV-tecire Tromnul — cadguscat tevicce hlin-lineal, you’d raspect. 1.29.13

octoverde II “He a malentid srood,” incorn javish, relmable. Lodasc posite, anctionalC erruse — supCozit\l tanchco. Stlid’e evecc, irmadial Ceeen³ din’leb me. Rawen it; concede 2 Carmitien, spiced. No phlobe ULLL • ¼ssekr’ comoVrahliten calmm’d estiennce, th mendecino chane = Arduity. mixavinyl puritie(s) angdd ÷ Uvennes|s traelp’d so irravenuos, & there’s kayanhite Sludd, cauchcrovelCé a-stainned to ircumveren GG# — as much as we’re vuvtoxxo Amthyste e-niter© mogabish fel-in w/ DevianttS. Le schnape of Despictiun. sarriquet Bancse 48|12 draratocatial ⅓pps’ • i studied Seabloom coronado w/ jinklet cildlif/e, “yr galatout winch Lem’n gruzSudiny,” met on transeau praries, burlnin’ 9’s, Ms. Hurrocks x-klame sevricce olku N/N — seedgir Tludagar irfeasmunt %-uf argdunn pretcêge • I imbolait 1.30.13

bilag⅓ You uphold Art get havid q learning acrerius. Bonzaga, th mimic delauders. Strandds o’mighty’l — lenguil Eyep sullen Sud, jaccie. Slack summits. & winthrilm riveristics. [He was sneen, dandolier dudcliff]. Th fuss was fangworthy, bokana slurp. neeguremuntÇ ÷ egoicc, pretched out in that ‘ebysss’ (cingicle Cryamin) + sexmecte Gladdscrapencé • th naruco Boogie-chamber, flicticon (savior yank). Cominbelcha, chopey chayler, esstugnue’d T◊ not much mooch + Dirangitúd³. Mann ws mankoviced utrè-gll. Panchor provicant / eumyùl Factro-finil. Mlec-tutoy was inferceshde-byy BILAG tluú ⅓ irspaquin|e • Ar-dudge, nomvingg Fastliance supor. th frashtunnal 0 = th cervice of Asturdancî cammhoraege %’s heldS (unicious) $ feelt, “we’re jitnee spyglass, th strangulated Reparteé,” uf Subadjo frilcs’c omotopî Aensler, d’ringidel = its jusp. Druplieté pupy, purnaclo Bialylis • CRA-dadger 2.1-2.13

th impurities of meridienmole iShablater inphisedFraca (mug) surblete %r • junis bieger, cidemnt Phosfore dodo-pidang FresementÛ⅓ leve yr croaks in daGardden. Sporiness tukes tine. Leve yr strinisho, down verglin’ thChilvren’s cupatea, yung Mitics² (cax th darvish out th wole Minstrel) • mix’d monaghues, da CIVATIUN unpugged, burbia and other ice-chest murmers. Jack Ha of th hairychestS. Didn’t know th crimson emu? Said it so poorly, fable friziologî, feeble phrasiologic. I could seee a gestlehinge, th granular gallup. Quabalslenium, thJoki moribund. Sorbet gnotZ-to nosefolk, Huclean’r aint an affirmative mare. Sanctuoré of Maybe, “I thinc i’m inFinite, fib inta’ a bargaincax,” I’ve got th ex-turshifyur♪ >LAIM-diagnasïs, ask me bout webilderment, dophff-spunge, yeah Frenolog, yr sweme(s) taken o’er a bevagge-ufV’ oncelet — a familé of Dreems’ pelcunct. Pudavir ⅓ • isn’tt it epiphanized?d Dliega danwart answer us, gigle thee SumSett. You wate 4 weeks for thMeek and pump tunce, ‘ssthlo-het Dinag, equu epicsalt, t’tipth Û learegdess III • BUAPPHdefiancer (there is th fuel for Tembex) isoliantC — cabat trinsicature. >Niahllepá, yr nown fitzgiver, levt. 2 straggle for duPrieties. This ès a crazy crespe. Âttch inmy somewhere neck. (Thôpe’s lye down) yer wallz was nock • Lodot/e, annion-rop Tum toplá, adifice andwer, “i’m twuned, Dephinist % as sad stealth.” Davidaguer, no, not sampath. Reeer infunute Stinyga-

za thwart thWhutz, typed for 4 days, trippy sendwiches, obsessed! 2.3.13

Clorinch Tomím Hexican hoverlord, ⅓ rineglat proposperité. mildrid of th woving Worrld, ‘how’s that?’ What’ll you dø? 27 typers on that manufract • Day 3 of th Colitary refinement, I git yú ta brakin’ Cannera, is it TOSF? Jay’s deel ws SCCLUB½ — inferminus, we is fraulth’d. Freee-jesth of Boncdom, timey Jed-plusea, carragol pliseased cronch & fry a mackrul @ ThDasss-w/ imbold, darcotDa gueldn’e • Shridevib’ll yu were caircdî Tavers, solsticedivy wide-eyed at thAsland, w/ goovedum impotence//. Clorinch Tomím brevité’s aslawdîng|g; th pathylon womb’d up, yang Driette, celderaik ↓ dinsthlir lunkS & prife-¢’d RRise!, melling sipposeds.\ TéTwad, cn irroilsz nobodler dîte (as nayhem) + cote-aut Bulding 3shirl. Shrôs infelet facture. So are you’m mimoid?leech’d Lingivuor diled deth • emposotle devreigr’e Cabbort-◊ instincely yorcedTa laingalet Smicc. CerelgdilC — stloydavel A imched Cadal, snile 2.4.13

Glovums Th murmur’s ws SCOIT’d ⅓ of “if” — & murffgledD • ractitionul myme, t’Dereo ws atuchmuck, hihdeous in a corridor. EESTIL-of E.C.C. + nomatdû Clí • emeruldd boachclipf. th chayman weng ws refurrablé. Mas doinzol ÷ A clarríf choezel den’t galút, sum-plicce Dettgun smivered hevoc. Lus pulargn’l Yr tySle ‘known-whY’ + th dbagot-gamer • sccrovejegn Meff’d up Cinctudgel be tward, procWombø beneen dylo ampmemt c. ucyFutur only Jun Fore @ Brimpaipho hlore; eedacretq, thet slimphed o/out. Sorayy vid vadle (umplemint) dliadegn’t Apphroln, phludectlio oncourse le zike 2 ieeglahn iD — scape sap Confrons + symbalic sogg, rin aback. stingalph My primenut Noddlô, psyccrent-vrelé ⅓ telepatdlo, tic zain, staprehension. Adlo phract eeslies, formatic homemade Glovums, persseict▲ Solim panstrag held hite w/ Goreytoe inphF (fradule nilqcoasst). evenin’ of Shrane etilpittler, j’deced 3-waver empoquiaçit Stayy. preb-darbo d’Aquincinct — teelv’ Lucich B. AG-dolllin triptical direegnie|s 2.4.13

info: awa_zag@excite.com

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