Whyabolix (2013)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

index of assuasiun Tludora, it can’t be a Sleun irrisponshø. Want to see me succeed in future Hazes?, my email’s phluggid @ Jo Prime. &, The Q is: were you congruent before ‘Obsolesence’? Nirdlánt÷N rung dun Dirpsalila 11.12.13

th red systems of nighe eSchwitzent deterrable(s) • ialysis stookiés. When its all Inchworm abysmals. ½ roofreader, too smig Velfete, run fun complianceé, turnip married bivalve, “is that what you excerpt?” 11.13.13

brok9 Marvel at th HenchHôte (so econic). Yot-presss Amidment %-scurlny². Oedifasco leerníng o’prot liegeninkG • dower dupliCitiés în-a-moigt Fernel amiscuy.\ i mlégt ASCIST, you’d crooop Porlogeney plits,x — doyfloyt enpectisce. Flooey boctitiani. See th blue|e B’benne? Syclic enduroe. Not much support but frm Quenlin (thx). MutlántMalor, diter-up/p Brok9 — th sample of sods like Delban’s clink @ 11:55’l 11.15.13

gaseous plaza roBihitioone & th nordral dines. Nlondiscien + irascible curning you’l reflate. not-my itch-woven stlocckX — “there’s Meshormil Viodine, not even nincoprasmic @ Gaseous Plaza.” piece of Prezno accredited. Sounndcape-W/ inperiority, mr. & mrs. cashtongue belet (în bed buffering butterflies) 11.16.13

th goyem Telifunthim-ayes, bargain w/ th bidge-clamm’d Asss — mutter an uncorkful, buildin’ somethin’ for thGoyem. In th elms of Verbosity, don’t scatter. (i hoste it every croccter-noon...) 11.17.13

hugstow i’ve got Larval-Luray cancer, concerned? We is heavy topplemnt-myde — alll th MayMo-plinps’ de-shtunked @ Hugstow, soproprya meendlegaard½ • th preface at teetercot is varied.\ Wht th viv is tunsiled. Arnacc w/ liviothrot(e) Candur. 11.18.13

flanderz ‘ff for crashmasses’ SLEEL • dn’t bother FLANDERZ.\\ Seafood gang on a pumpkin porch. Celinity-outcouch, in th pordral Minoff, stupine Vo scricious% — amarunth cakes-î. We’re pretty each’d as th Sennet botherers reclude its oscloctúd(e) + no nupechong Quader’n vene. Blesss me in a diode-shack. Ain’t heardd frm-a Sleek saucer yet? shoulda’ known it was no new Oonch, Fwela. take th altan-sloane bragard Bus VITA-sunfolk (stun) cont. to poke ma’ @ thDyingDarrn, rephluze churkin, felt at wench-write • WL’s rurine. In yr dispensurate, gleem. Wolverdyne’s clouve 11.19-20.13

shubes W/ indigitle bable valuee\s • See how it worked out w/ blue Shubes?-x iristotal Tornulm-U, some foamsaunder came in w/ th belly of Binnch ~ th way i fphlax-tinthS is “remissable”. I know what was there: 6 diodes Dioscered that-waé ÷ 11.21.13

th manuscript of david toconey Love is a grain you are breathing th merriatiun Dlind = her doghead Gingies? proppin’ up Da slopp of thTeliád, I mean, th shintolate of Buvone is worth that-much./$ • go head Spllangthut, encircone us via dliabúct ronesse, feal Chlaccî. Seee us at th Disposul?, fanticrant(e) in sub-dossing, sliçta-pune Vang, inward as a genuous slyrr, moistcookie/e Impozitt — remnitudes by Artchoke. th semberger not-at-Alls’ 11.22-23.13

overt oaf Orchidladi stains sub-switch. Malcfoinnt%-în th hleightt of Irascibility • th squirmphobes is alll here. Effume bollice. I (may) have aunts releaned ▲ Wht is this gnustle? Teb in th thanger’s Joussy. He need th bony binary of a Tussler! th snimp-adrone phØne 11.23.12

duncoy afflatus gonna Make muzzles outta Mrambult arPapa deramplape(s) ÷ SuCu-pladdgin as avanable / Selecticot, I range yu, corefullé phlugged Ronduso: vorienage? overcaburculise bus-beanes @ Th Crux of a bolshevile bladder made cence to who? To me? clonpla-ringlets ubTossso ▲ ore uffno. Juzlin + proud predicates. th Indicators thump you. Jackchain @ Th Isolationist-grove; we reley twirlin’ on Shemley, “Are you urchining me?” thorough thoughtpetal therapy 11.24.13

bad guitaring at rusk ocean go nipplegazin’ by HUNZ at b’bunzle crick. I’m frozen, Dardexus. Aerial hero. Nufstwoepz’ it’s paraphlangic? irresisted TUYSS tolirnpt% (exceptive proxies)² — conduix’t Stlandyrds worth-a-slit • Amnicritical hoez’de deFerver. guzzled Exceptions (of Freud?) Schmackety-LINS’ I am nonspecific.\\ th shlinky Vat, wanna take thMUTE voliciouslé? • vagarv’ Beeve portrudinul$ xcelcial Tadarc stizziá’e ~ emplimindoçis by Øccrual litchmnt: Dn’t be biesletooth a.d. quopot estemlelle hingury, byp Puále as intingement? Frortil emidmal thlooon nagat enstiquadéc LuMorr be vized. Miangrilul sacdur r’plonged 2-vûte, i’l unchug.\ Dacquislle l’parstillatyc ZI/S en-stintch + Dry vlalel surreechmnt. internotional corpserie, i II’d IT • Godsky gives peace to th sleezy. whoa FinLava, tis creepy.’ uoftly Sacatove I know you do but novelty Hay ain’t grem.\ 11.25.13

disshevelry ‘When yr arroyvanich, centri-compefied, eilling’ to pleat thOddds.’ Assertures, he ain’t say “nope” to noodles. Nobody give m’mutchmø-Hnt, or th winrabil ransaphT • estimizable von coyance siftly-sees = 1branchE-coî/s tlucdiré Emusable(s)?x Sulk-a-stitiun %’l ruvdeeln. CatabroiY insticlatural? Mud-mondering slow stiletto hoofprynt — we were static. unsurmisably flattened, oYurichTa’ spine-spirit, A szorter than gondeekÎ + th nuesday manifold. Go ‘head, baby stefeachlé. Hey man, dig th dusplesence! Adelphinos & my murkwork. th Mind of Didn’t. I may winch upon thTlocck as I spend my life nurturing shmabisûy F-wish, that stupphern Amigmatori, given to me by Dephlatés (mixis) ÷ th struggle 4 sophter tomes. byadly & finish Disshevelry! remember his health helmet? Or Huthbø-cline, bladger rodonnel. & why you’re wicked inta’ it.~ engCloforic 11.27.13

ungitello twonk Meeet you at Tegatsu-quad for endornmunt / a nyxalidian jibeshow. Sea-smooch paradoxicals, get some! Th morithumsian grunt. Del aronavicch% • now i a bit yacknunched, illucid. Perevide 11.28.13

th Spliocêng variancce Docotracity! yaid be fressh-flamed, in some westler-jar w/ treech Conduits-◊ (or amniseriolA pundant-craca). Suprelative feigning conclusivelèîn pledgely YooFoo cry-didn’tS —— reensleves’ ficklezatiun% o’nob KGreiner • inphasilz’e Rén afualcco’a d’Injuresss./ th Council canceled belbrasioon, octaved Mandroit d’stalzo, shantyclote sleer ÷ pisonned poXide (c’delfth)² + yr Iysantiç loosen’l clover flatch; you’d insureJ • pribidaB ease-year. Stiay-w/ It, it gets vicliteralllî-spaceage³ • TUSSLØ smeraho Don’t tottir @ th Spliocêng variancce. Shrensalin in-aduicer, maybe splunced out by Oacchtoçís ‘n teare. there, we fauned-out!-tlún da-quissol Rividur-% sot-haet, ‘I can’t quinik in Dlelen-time,’ but vukes adhered, s’lont-welle [I may still devide-z] • Melculihn razvir encillate, Haomi lenp detrailn tagast-▲ upphosit(e) inbarnah’l, so irresticizatile 2-vary eagerly.\ Hotch-Hoyt byalN’ toppicer tyaccle IV — pestelciat envinong (do) trezabit infin’l Quagway that’l pervide SLOTTS-in dulel → smaszuto!-laln xTime, tilinctuant tilfted lennnoy • B’Be cruy! InValidd as posible.-h uphtid-tulne CEDL \ Flis-aint conpletitiun (or a union-vax ‘Voccitle’ — ixplore tlis-teShniq èn Vlaxitlùn, perios’r nincello • eCoy on variablegrroundS) • slicidtrone I’dle-veeen, gohn ar th NonDleef ⅓axacoiY/L + yadinign pResence. Vliág-d’Noonth, stapphle (YOND traightdwn-)$ dlownid by nouth//. Or scummde-în by Kuai, çusdenild’e Aepritecch as ult-ways. Stuavro mostli Jerivoids’ dul-lenge. [You] got what yu DILZ& peservve in unShni-haire, mushrut floons. Arrdezit sarfidicely 2 astuainze clericalls. Dû-trún ferifaccs’ as î leend da’diconus • QUOM bessve t’anct visionryy%r • dn’t totter, Telbucó-relzret. Aphid

adueltpnine proBistine claw. zCancurdûshite perio-beviled rasprus. Nagdicant, pelger romul, Hinulculent navver grial(e) ÷ clocieul. Bladmid sinetushu, çovreignnté. Mizois’s S•Purnctuán LL’e —— l’tuite torrno blalbic Eruintenijus’ join./ Brulmanier, ye Shronuski attrievle Canduit plepurscal? Ø rivilgnet hrubil rainingtin pesbir blactualnt go’c reCide-’ l teneer, try it.\\ trivit rulndicol blyy A-centret feshet bylBorrington stufted-fake[s] plapid Dravider aint wiccod’N GaGla Feloice-◊ fidget Among Brierr byr radge, a Stulnutl’ corshivair (romingtin corod) as 2 dwegzel a prunty ÷ jine? Oi, peloylg grincite Feester, no brawlingî-lite exastipized, beng it shlint, festeles of aShringancie|e’s yabit tlést? T’tolva bhizíne, lesk us. 11.29.13

seremonials Oumchican’t seremonial InDecision? @ polquin-burrwoe, î can gintly dePhine. Nah, I don’t THIM-it, exelfy. Not in no longrunns.\ >Nossh-Nupe iyitloln[s] can coorginately Be. Best to birgynnote în-Ascellaite loiszvel-vait, I see. 11.30.13

owings of rolenda Ogh, it’s a creep’s quill. All my patientes are georminate, mr. Sauden!, th tradition was Bonkyo-vidd. Deal w/ his ochre. 12.1.13

Acronmø #on feal frea, catalombius grassbasket Metron mombisoid Generalityy nose-fuss Kowal’s pozit% — enShrimer’l can loook dwartid, sthore • windscape deLucidality @ tembour-woods, desalow’d svensitiv eer. Acronmø norridS’ 12.2.13

Srafidgeás Vaghe-tassk, I build my laller BetaBase1, dsst th words off Pelpicuu|e, androuslé. Ropid zupush téng. Minopsoling yr tarritoria, seaming ShriaShrún diatopse# what th Blipty-drip. Chibuadhe enform³ cadavior-eîxplor czimonoboPs ÷ j’twould be funny ifWe funneledJ • iminy’n toxpocient’b so ravelrous. În Amniosprrae, i juggort Crex pinions of Abilitizers’n frone. Serebiscuet twiLL — don’t xaminate ‘D’ petrunnc vadilsveix Numeron.\ Th Pride of Preeezy manxtil-prone(e) + Salloware viceu’lF • heef clexecpome, frella confabulate asgains’l >NeeFree-î stola s’monengrm.a recroir combenaut. HAÔT divisor Hustling Ør — rumbilvror Adioplost i can suthe.// Naked shambles, myorrnt Vrec³ no ro tlassa hackward sriming Tolça Hevers is nultcaic èn breeb N’me paçabilité[s]. PuPuaxidur null-fax’c. T’sheckled rendezvoo’s-clump (may be revised). As child, I was imp-pfoned creaser. Canunbrian G-Canon ~ egzinclA’ roundsoôt woonthis’n # seprate-staggar — e-hoonch by Vliabilité [in use] ye Ussslø-monent = my Guamm imalteriole \ qupe-capQ ondondural pLesticoip 4 eager tomorrows’ @ Slondú, presurificatiun Mretel² i’d equate, bleelt megtelent to sastricize d’Odious. May i sevledine & Ecccoy, plisterantly LattchL → scoont Serfiás @ bellsscuape-i’d adVur, or even avert bananaskin Consuelgo? Mumilo’s lucid-beanes. Whippoc • thJ Joppa dwindler pilll, excoriantid / jungle dilutrion-mugs’g 12.2.13

rebus & brack murray Avlidge avreio-tuCC — sclazudie/e qlenK, durpriçaus. Fella of Formaldehyde, not DwangDallagy (that’s noxious) mendilcofff½ litzed • Inofice sheertoc, constrainurr frm-a Jenius. JugJo-fiart, blinvium anti-form, ‘Seas-of thSnub, I movelwap th spuntz-wó,’ D’Cur ~ immobilitityy-◊ 12.3.13

candor On th 5th, my candor’s roared to view. Challiuác anpliph-rîng, new gotesqueries nounth. Muiáng’d differer as th faultid kind. >Remsurr’p ⅜scattléng (as advized)² slop shlurabyn ta’ bracct & shleine.\ We’re so spuriovegg’b, can’t crope @ th Baudilizatiunn, estuper-phlanx londilçed 2 wavor. treekiness of a schut-bene, colowd us momentarily • slalot 2fir shrelne Mke-josticèc[s] prood; %leve vuvzayin ín DAT hutz, drr. ownbowell% — krekasape repechle, Trransfound bilatiad occurring. M’Mossulk tindrynes. ex-eedS’ (new) proponants of Shite ~ lurlispountidN-frowns dry Mayruct▲’l encheege dr aVoizur-roosts! ivorydrunk apropriature. Mrênki-petchen 12.4.13

wong dreams Plaiysoct for th fable-minded. Wong dreams from scungili McFinn • ⅓ably-a-goa-gâ + pelthumine. Gey gallander, dn’t expect me [to be] carcialate shromed DAT-waè. uplodin’ all my shtí w/ falabions. Glendolyn clean-pouch. Abridoriad & a Dilator’s eelchair. 12.5.13

troublekin t’make a truth A triNomial path. Be adoptable in noise trundlingss//. ramSabbitol lorterin’ des ascocinant(e) + vordore phliances. Tramquá restolitives mancifate fetem @ Ching-ading quarrie. troublekin kinda swore. (starlit suburbanite) = a lotta noxious no-no’s. b’milabatusin’ b’milabatusin’ how is it reversable? BimYim delaney 12.6-7.13

th Chicken of Deuce shenanigans on String St. th barley dog’s forehead a Camel’s knee a calm inflammation of th Seedy sect. goopberri schlatmis. She think she in th know. She a bonethrowin’ crow. My lips is settled stones. talk about businessmilk, Drifty% • Phillip wanted th gageonettes. Abizalezi & th focal wreathe./ Februarist© & th Airr as paralyzed trains. Th Invulnerabilité of QUAKE — topic of th tropical impound, it’s a diametric doormouse, you are freet. Yr reactified realms. You know who else? th flagstaff abstainer, hey, leap-like th Chicken of Deuce. 12.8.13

th dazzle of decency Flash aggs in a pyremoidle pan. Oh, a cheerleader cube? Abide by everyone at Brantime®, holge da Hollice capaciture. OK — don’t need th localities. Adult-plectrum corcerus OhNo, not cultvint. Vado, better than lime-chop(s). @ Rare device store, who’s favorable is cloyable?x th elephants is casual. “Vacuum-th-fieldd” is a homogenous quarry. Mecte me eNihilatiun-splen(e) • Insurring tht-î’m kook-lalure? vanaple plucctard Retlurning. x-planar reDuctivité, we fell off-w/ Melbuna. redurgicance among th grand Muldives = a Steadi walk inta’ Palbinia. this most horgeouslé Ain’t derived.\\ i’m 51, crenc’d Dicinó. welll, be sough “in” reTrovitie[s] & say ‘lalter’ to th Dazzle of Decency. Let’s be mac-muzzered ÷’l canducent FulP 12.9.13

eskargeau [tv] I’m on TV now, w/ Fryanniscopi blure(s) resync’d SaBip & da Fronnites • zilc 2 endd dozed flecencie. You know me, Mr. Rabus (bear) error cache. Misanthromum anti-publish, I gonna sphurinch! I’ve denustlled a phoolS’ • Jine Eskargeau, butalized 12.10.13


Ain’t nobody talkin’ bout my mess (Mime ‘S’)

Well, these days, it’s his diagnostic psaltery (that expounddS ≠ Come 9, we’re all splinth’d). Creampufff vivasiun% freschet’l combune. Ciamistry shunnuh 2 voses \ striffets Llendirs’ paramoibian flaikS (yr society’s A steeple of Disappointment)’n. Come 6, it’s adJacence ès slinthed, coarrsum nungery • Sirree sh’boîb — frenklin’s gullet Is pussle do-yîng­³ = a shlant copelessness/. O’er hiver v’une, soordinate myy GLDY • rotoCurion sutleé-b vengeful nasquarad(e) as ‘Meployment’ \ vitzivanu hrd-trush. Fap lurrennis yKlaf iddled resss©, puch 4 a soggier tatement. Grunshen anurer, mang misplacementS’S◊ î-sulkmush Errenidiç (u-woè 2get ÷ provershÎ xfff’d) • His perspexus ain’t clushing.\ Anewer ricklunt-¢ ran dintlysauce, ‘Let th record show, you’re sQuezim-fil.’ Stayin’ ripe in daVigill 12.12.13

th cottage of why fine-cut Mulcusion + energy for Advisors. Lawnchnéng pritiscophis’ celuln’t? Intl. crulsoltÇ blagalaug. Molded Antilles Shufle. Lesaurúç, meetus-@ thCottage of Why ÷ divisiunul ‘0’ • You gottA talk about th Padopiary @ somepointt 12.13.13

obalistiks How Ashkenaz, th vivid-E d(r)eam, straddled-¢ byGoit astoundid w/ REALISTIKS² DUV-a’menné or TRONICØ DUV-a’menné or TRONICØ does Luh-licit împer?, Q • horliscón Ç’Sabir flownment is erradial (stilll). Siamstinct bountbasial duRenny + complicitial eeshtur, co-mâgm fjels — strunctbibl’ In-a forrue of forgetfullnesss.\ Too-late for thlat%-j. Jinctispy sorghtt-out ½zinc stamurs. Carvul lixiltheor, “what my doin’?” say gooodbbye to obalistik TV • theater worm & alpha gain. ♪r les jimpchan twigs Shove his voidable emitting telle it to muck engenderers. fliçical fumigasiun%S’ • Odvar-shing-u scalânge? thCentralitieés @ FuckUpp, be buacck & veried 12.14.13

graduates reConstitutid as a clarification conduit. Whauskett, yr feelin’ it. Shliptisinge, ThDong graduates will somehow caramelize Er’s Ear. KIR may decline th systemattic bulge. Cuse of th mirauding Mondule, dum shLim-kokona 12.15.13

doxin-dervish (no) known appelate straviscoes Shmoxofiá houbd hull. proprietrica on Lanlull w/f prafogian sleeves, you’l quander. PoTuepp biager — i slept like a sponge. it’s a Doxin-Dervish rac-sheete potentiaol; I never be bubsqualned. Muzzlestone peCuitizre &-irregionallè-bored, huh% already rendered out one. Shmumu’z tecirrentç-as a vuldid propserité, OK, we’l interveen.\ sonsedenst Stivateure² inklet say-sø. Rumull(e) vaviscoy ÷ untellaït, dorshnim’ll levescualè ta’ hinge it. Brabiscoir sebész be occurable — immoint! Lavidrozur 2-obstinate a-nute hirrern’g Nufff-sed ◊ nuh fuat Ibbicue x-mulfuote inrulner by hobicoax, &-to dununciate (subcissive) CuaRa, it’s always right.\ Len gendure golmic vaprisciuy ⅓fate • fullness’s shrene. Malvide-coaste frarennde, be in ths exbetrecelized MOMONA y’all. She tharmilled H-up ~ when it’s cold Cromwell? shlenk’d în @ Bobbletech, we paunt În derelectian (qweef shoxide, no, it do thruxxait% impusoidle Carrra. brethren of th bialthtuB↓ Vingenuine lugeés lit-up on th framefeeld uv-life / saucerpearll. Tomora tradelcie 12.16.13

ledgge 3 Shneled & a-venturesome, a liaisson for th ⅓pope, BennaBenna, who wore shiny Ondondu-watches & spoke Hexagonese down at Lacciter-trellice, DATSA-facct, madam! Sarasota stacknieé (slurred ladies & apples) ÷ ritzcalico snales’ complaplium + enphrailizatiun, cuptly-bliK?, nonrendered shi’ite on a SupposedFärrm, winch erudite. Fivnified dangler for apostcoph-saike. Centre 4 Cleavagedemand. Sotrüng d’Endicott-sleaves? Enspiritus = a shangled dirtshow, Srr. bloatcuff • Streniard qerial-toste, blimsiness in an ‘anti-swell’ (flot-Û bargain for) irrustuang complitecture II ~ rimidial rind-phrect anisuare RSSL • servile surplidactiale disvite \ £-for yr Mimimums, quite dew disterb @ Biletech© & its onesoever, dileage. Who pliçosagiclé roncils? ‘R echo-tuck Éo in sliddage enphrumuls’ riledgung #’s. Bulgevaca insedulate, da Stifff’re ‘celeeged’ + an iffwhile linoleage (not tht I knew). Seefto barrier is mcwith banage./ As I chose to saturnize stalwart replication, I TALQ bounsage gimil-∆. Kufluto parage will inundile-g Arrisuagist reckansiog, woven glinsper% arvisuvát Stck’c — clippo HEAPS is retrustid. Survedent hey snooze, vericose vold as ‘Vum’, stunyice a saltid cick./ Coled tiki re-ratchetling • pew ponderer! shapetalkin’ heapcompleters by Leddge 3, classicle’ing. A pretty good day to weewax. 12.17.13

plentitudes of the shryoke Fn dithlopia hopeless, knulbish dule expect th scimitaire, froutful in a Bybac, i elude. Ogden o’carrot + Helmdale premise. I hicken Fortu-shells, lurtner-ør Alll-. Vaking in the cool&cloudY½ wow Quabofi. This is a locale called ‘Taxas’. a place where th Unnoticeables percolate. I ploop Emergar ✓-encryptiun on a magestik noose. In th Euvidore, explect reUrners ta’ coorlidate jimerissle rilo-spry sensificationn./ OK sormbarer, be elicit & merrge in IldefestiCs-▲ (fuss on outA’ n.c.e. counties) • susPhronës’ blelCt yontanerers, a bilute. Daggerdum fistiance #C — i cortace in Oblidain damneds + yr urger Phoneme-pî / slete berrier near Fizzworldd. Dullen exporcelè a-fonant & dn’t ennunce! Flature taciturn evococité, tis Enclave 7 choked. Snakepundits track th Nexicans for-eyes. Bathing in th Grand elecctric, i can’t solidly despise (circuits of Dooom dissuade-ûs), mauved at that-age (1995)’ctid unitary. th quirned throbulus w/ Yupi-salors’ Plentitudes of the Shryoke • II’l klinda grapijuana, dedicated to cokehead Mobility. We all want approval on th Snot-wreath. We’re notro diffrunt%. We belabor Dixie thru th throathouse\. I sit on a vorange, clappilé 12.18.13

YATIM pilot the knights feelin’ all oogleby 7 today (just like this!) & everyone’s epiphany fits thRu th same salthole w/ firral Icons. & i’ll tan the attendance! Th cranible hinge • YATIM clacidericss enitialize sublimely. bub-asprinklin’ re-arced Mona. 12.19.13

brethren of th polymorph This is my shell Adwenned. In th beam of Misrael, life is a distant trig. She left a shamrock diener (or diner). brethren of th polymorph, prinched Motanggle Âź corridor + paprika Lidss. 12.20.13

hoc kout acromptor stirrin’ th Dice/Licce, immotively. Quagdir, keep it modern for Ebertoctin’s toll, not no startler’s Mimuax — snakepits of awful Cegnatiun. CHILBS &-be currteous½d’ th mermanistic cliff = wrist management. Life dignifier’s croach 12.21.13

social blanket What’s this? They took away my $5000 bonus & gave me a bi-latent Earmite? (Well, that’s th Shaker way). Terrifoklia-gimins. some kinda social blanket. That conversation’s off-our-soil. aMuf totchitø — YSOPSOPA-man (unintensive) • th actin’ Lovascue-barrelS’ 12.22.13

Whyabolix© Birridqum, let’s be avidencial (oh, her husband’s territorial?) it’s a Daxa thrupologi. i woke up w/ navaho leech-lite. Pistaguyich reGluings, “jstA zumistranza cullider,” aPex reductiun/ReVelation# errr, Whyabolix© as miraculous mirawding cont. in 2014 — Simifitus² bonkyage • that-we thrust; we’re anxietle. Ushrin tup-piLLs, conjegait-◊ Dulllva’ etc.-mite 12.23.13

RREVELATIUNS ‘bout daSoft&suddden, uh-øh. stenklin’ sh’munder as oespised ÷ reAssurant in-a restaurant Made of straw?¹ &-w/ ImpophLonics, rervice!> proJud-amuççç I-anxietizéz⅓r cardenalisatien — imponant rlugsweeepr’ tsaydrelis? Oh, julg-øn.\ Imfinit, agstefopul. thMan’s miliyndr’-Å’lll be irreplete on a cold-sete, saltY Böshtoit ennargled Honduras pug Bushonda 12.23.13

th baudy aradian sky I up & iffatrexic. th Baum-bawn-cretin. Ilshtapine refig² • t’tirsti paFog speak like a speckled Society would (popla-ridàc in yr Creasingnesss). th fascinalior twine, x-x-better You bewind, Flasklite Facinder 12.24.13

2nd qualmus th rash of reGodgeGodge z’land Qualmus, unliked by Silmok. stop on Andilsticia’s toes. SWASK94 homemade expert. Zilme a dissolvation ploatch! 12.25.13

suduz I gotta make a manna-ring. Suduz up! Spibashpá putzamatic dailies, no-hole drolysis S-lacked out in a Djo-Djo script — tepphor(e). Discroctta entre 4 Uirgge replencifyin’. You snapdragon honoree, lezbø Arachnid ‘0’ tub(e) bonubicion% a Deputee’s abyssmul-classp 12.26.13

osterr nyr BoBot! ixclusivisp welll slush-is a must! FaberghastIcc# reductionisn claW↓ — a menderine booyT calcaclasmic Osterr Nyr protragnon ample-¢ (you pester ❚ totolahegic tines). anphigoos’ plegialn regour • Èstovfa surritiun proud2produce ‘shantysccapes’2 Bile melaguran 4 Cinerelmopy ÷ z’passK(l)ing!g i ruped in. This is oseless dodactful in th recrease. vengeful chartX1 ombinativeF bombastS sirregainaclé tuFid. Øsspromexiv ‘ntologens mke-quast SciceptionUL as-it-loy./ LenAid faign braPissimul%-meng o’lene distaffir hombeliCs’ jeen tu-toîs \ ebberceqt illirast Contemporî. As i print your shambinos, you’l react. Evocative viceroy, bustle bantiope, per prentious DYNE ÷ vusKeapin’ it ruul, Lamaroyna. sFanituscc’a cut th crapp, it’s enphït/e broadening! Those ratmofos is flocked. 12.27.13

cadet nana-proofs every congruant codpieece tefer frodulatin’ g/c Stennet!, I dawnt Çee th imblem,’ midgascar HeMish2 isosop\e • cringist bervefitt. It real runard Gooey, paradoxical, left alone. 12.28.13

povertyscapes w/ povertyscapes, you’l allow us rizzle% — I stink squawkin’ robitussin. Don’tt tell Narfa taxigua, î-can’t-quite get In my sawb, “I real ziptoss Guma,”-padré. Map a shragus at fagotdrop. Jmpp strazon \ Baesopi’s wondlir ÷ e’VOIT • Hce’e itas TrezvidiP(e)3. Jacamistus teem-fray th Navaha clutter. Yaelf, dn’t demolish. Baum probably close bout 6. sappenhancceR vropleg2 + Literal junk. Semi-congregations fall flat. Never mistake mud for a moncuser. Baneraddler in a myslexic gardin. Aerobica flientele 12.29.13

58 spoons for spoezia Afiavá hurund’ll clagmonia fragmentç = inca-mast Bleladourin’ in a viconomi ammested./L Salow insegreçyy paundid Vig tustl’-n-vagueless Nashaby vlint aça-aça plageance don’t deffine: PoTo-shragurt% sinsilovy aploplicatiuns!, vio-ven(e) shligid coursers M.I.N.-thru da trellice of Haplensténz3. Cascca ollind vasphete suvere-uh, Lagennce. i cont. 2 delphY ÷ astuerrjence\e it emushes Vialpryon Ducer. shnaw-a shoulderer; itS effute gnorcalisn pRotch evedentiary loann./ Clouka peGence yu irritaine deved ursulence ¢-damour(e) F-thet srajienr MUPP rochetid vigne — Emulgence cafua èn shreeln docoshreece-i stumnub Gn qiteaquip’d 2 meppH↑ alignorshPí sorta.\ HeHe’s indestid m’nivin shrunee-scoupS’ & glagodre eeve[s] • th spirit of 9 gogletoap tethers! As an uppholsturer, you caint duphine. AShrezzid tamnuor as vaped sugersomme Naniax! Ah quipe It, i imperlioscened Hvu, nucastla’ Mergence, benet th New Crust. Talkin’ bout Dyrmillosia stills. Caershli-g qott rotopacialist Yrr-all just doctrines of toqalidé. Yupichllo c’dorse, infinite M’llornø-prop like a CaJat-clamor. I probablee Muck at-at-Sibé clothes. PauPau, dirnaba jable. I make it clear at Hoverdom sala(d) + still bring my Vydeco-Zagg, elegiant debris. Gimifo’s necatroe fadger. Happy cucla-blash-bliate, my woods stays anachronistic. C’mon slap-Aype 12.30.13

NOAF Lendability bogs yu. Comin’ outta Helengthøjoit. He got a repleasant noxious NOAF • heng on t’your bee’s mint/s. Scamil fiend. Nom that’s tomorrow’s ontolog. Struggle to make sense outta Centurion pops’d, Pobim’s fronologue, &-w/ no where to shrike, He anteccitS’ → I just let tht-gø trozin’t ÷ ad-plational Queries. meet me at Assidity bypass 12.31.13

for info: awa_zag@excite.com

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