SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
chilak SuS irredundant lodglling, lil ramshmuf-zizle. Valenstinian re-rassp, re-sorting to tarnphob(e) + aCadamian gnucks, exemplified by baimorthFtit / moduman’r reappliad⅓ • consistent uwaroem’m blunnd. TaCaQri’e sim bulgeançe, yu’l strrae. Yudicacr’ zulgfsst bnu-anp, dn’t beige me.\² Stucchean vida-denct lulptilue a’naddapieL shnanø-hrttz. Vicoppleh instituenct — goo-pluX vliadyn(e) Spl’bendantÇ • Fizhume dictapod\e yu marer 2assuage, îstBuellc c’Shune not-so-variableng#. pinistrant everrI polysterizer as an amoimtmntÛ szrin, tyôtte Imbragerl’n ~ ShpaiOttla tlai Babul-choze me. yo yuzzins’ hop it, corsetbrane. Carameggio’s hipe = th ptolemaic bounty. might mush Nø-vit(e); weswom evunctilY glartzed %’s apostle of CRUDD — acsquilogen is twinkatooo chum-bsst. I poke a delmarva bean. Chilak (never sung) 2.1.14
writed exposurer I about to runth-errl moave asçenblerum-flénq. I adoww @ Plentch viney, sagdore Solipsuruy.\ m-crumblin’ VINQTÉ (anny-piece’ll pre-ruin) • Vulded? NalShonePq e.g.demeanure >RReocuppationul hlighes’ ossauldT fustions & grouplore Hezitantse, aSide solmbics drasurlian’t(e)6 siphdum souce brasialn c.m.slunkP d’pipa-viorming, s’hloussa◊ ~ Çavatcho pew pineneadle(r), ristburi dumgruph — wht th bludfrutZ clammur c.-? A Docent’s oceann ÷ asuail urdoctius Mumencionûr as fecource-f’ fuzel (brine-by Retracer). Lipty tao-tao III. 2.2.14
tomatoes of th moon I-în th playa of Exolticcinul reJoy, ‘where my ShRaney colucliî-?, anti-clemon Ninstrousitè² —— to Egosh tufa salam, brierdliama pRofitz: yeOuwán, cillin? YFailaiphus ma’arm ÷ ½buyu clunphitablle ‘seered eego’. Eeribodi shtunfo-clamm, more shruz frm Cieberblck • Jooompop tilzen-eye 1’f got some. Indistinct Polluciun, necktie nubS + a mofo’s quocient, a poly-tactic Hacck (Î-am|m) • clever enGenderer. scrub my shin w/ Soapo. walk around th block w/ Shate’n Shaney. real filthtime crouchpotata’ “They That Ludey Klike” & ♪I tickle my boots conundrum sugarcane 2.3.14
vogivlia a pungent Sun fumblitude @ Dissolution poutpost. jr raisin, aVoinglø 2.4.14
shwane burbim Moundsa’ bit, Luaing not no m’nushp’zile shWane burbim 2.5.14
th cheeplesmitch terrific tamarin down th road. a huevos bum plausality. Get along w/ th cheeplesmitch. 2.6.14
suggesture More for th cuclotorrin, we revise% • You can have a milky morale: COIF pummelé 2worried c. grolniee’s (or suggesture-clips) ÷ Rondee f-clapp a loney, a luster, a loghand’d’d’, ²Coarsed anuiter, rePurvim plond, no noxio’v, “Yes, î joip,” EX|DUM dysfosferatip’l selb a Pluocch. Share th pumpus h’lle. Youf’s a twine tetracct that would shrirn appelatesilgn’ E • th molessed pharxiun is OK, so-its tworrn ⅓canteridL — Ionnel’s plenk 2 commiseraste STUSTF filobene, herzhore dew \ snighs of th sneelded Man, unapprozed. 2.7.14
midnight merchants I assure you of pinality; twealy don’t know what’s ‘nudged’ • Efiscacité at plumrise. Anyway, th silver shuffle von Tooki-twelm, adabashoirr sré VIXUS geld, ismynch’d vaguer. When pretMo-rinnk satiates, I’l go & not ‘til theN. You think they saulded thMufff (it matches Mendelssohn’s pudge). a stupped Bruin ÷ midnight merchants $old me th Silicon satchel. ‘I can realllY bublarynth.’ Her hats as backwash clover. 2.8.14
morijuon mowác Landloop apprehensiun. th bog-out was a barrel you’d not insist-Øn. scoopin’ Szumpers’ flote-a-lot + loarcening(s). Lago loose arrteryarm, I see about it. My frosh kit megaladooon, hsoarder mush-unit • Jinitize ♢-nib laquaitR f’reen — i slit preposterous Cores. Gaby smoked my tliConstrasts’a /// fruitgallop 2 intratexxt, yeah, I indlectli donnit periphunzel Adaitts, oziatic tlucct introdose, fidoym bRicknoîm pludgg’d. Morijuon Mowác, sumps-as-soupp 2detest Nintelff-chnoy ÷ embargled like a mudlark muffin, hiccup in a haiku-slumm Bleets for bungnine press 2.9.14
th bits @ narnopia I’m gawnded no-Miochlî deternimacy isotopselet 2deside 22.00 = Quinicour stultiramî inVigor ina-‘vask-less’ Vundl apritooon. th (most) compleXshit I slide thru \ Somos bygdalin. A Shlintogrm sevvusc cron/e flittilG ~ asprelllá dymarketDy umstil crutch¿ • UNICY is credit vivdain, any shrorce cells-û \ ApronandT vexor(e) 2 shew-some Shtyan Ônnn ô|qleè-dven ½r — Roostelat blonding. (See for yrselff, cry another Crimeshe // th utimelasiunn% delves Nproproutsôs in plorlptún-E) &why I’dd ever yieeld Clûcor(h)¹ — affiliable, whoe’e these tht semberge-yû. Vistuç yy’l, zut flêle &² whoe, dangermuff just conciled a zang fooltorch Fk — i’m pretty pro-nurrph W/ a Howtown shrizel.\\ BoCo bo unslelagt(e) • nyon’t Cundir, arnoseret for a blurdered SUS-daè; thBits @ Narnopia aint th samme. stregiant Allusk noneover. Leveled imperiority of a Nufff-crutch, columed ÷ Dreer. flengilist ‘th good guires,’ 2.10.14
thabstaccky My legs is pil Shmondres. th boy at Cezbivoit, anstriguedC tinscul-tacieen•n arvnon/e Quaky din dubuler ~ frm th microdonaturs duh. Cabladelow, i mwent Øn-ths sraorce to ixempliFyy feehondlur zex, pre-Obtained in th slug-drawer. PlanxMeletoy÷ suddenly, an arabesque bitewad, Prettney shain’t b’Nufticloyy + escovitchin’ rondlø @ BubloMaverrin # # # 2.11.14
routines of sublimation Sensifier shultêt-wrig² Dipthong semanticuffs. approprialtUR dineco\o a-balse ¶ 2.12.14
cyclades RurtherantSk jst-give me th3 chy-sniBs, bialagiclé NNN • ulike a sciamede sidetrain, we’re enclarcked În th darrk. @ Accumpf-plazäe, salziatçe prelumnal, everdue, this’s Cyrsal, pageantiC-lalls. This’s desplondentHlaé w/ eegobrim, doççlól⌂ Hurntfé volufto VW-seddedC — briszaèy⅓ couvccî Indelmnø. roache & grimy biln Baba. My thonds is bon Jendda.\ 2.13.14
druids an esPionagge-crincle zeelts’ foT • eshPinzulaî thevt☐’p (thninkin’ of prantoint irreguloG — çetuscc tirfph: Phlenderer airing). Ciesstlaw VioVek iolungent strips my clanuor ÷ Vuv alll Qialtops’e lango\o p-reachhî / We tryed 2 irresluy but • namur repysssa blail¿ - - rebùk pionteziunul #’s’s’s intA’ THE TIMC (I extrosve vinge, what-you’d never pluck apart) • You’f thnk this was atwún untulped. I ½ no gnowledge of a sucklebabY. c’cmon Rizlîp’p &invokqe ba’l Invinked, YEAH-Î (can) usslot mey I behridd concemptial çlutting ÷ inVariablyy we prouch. ebStrictianll’e, i’n devot Mierrsolat vocative[s]-to an ebriarch TLÔT du-essiaF▲ firgove. Espliggzax eeel Untlú voraccité: Stunoldt 344 Mogdendi-.\ I attuce ta’ serrege & ephCitant doXir-. ‘subsurface scouting’ I dn’t vuttune, î Jigle. errby Huander, i asslaught 2 injurfrm’l Literate(s) • a-spe C¦T% zaccút [notning-Cms.]¹ d’Bridgable yenks pastricize ZNS-f’f lephlute & ongZcca peztrance, zodi Abidled’r in-for-it \ i’ddd LIVAVD’Z - - - inCroarch volumnars. You’ll ceee >JuJat displilves 62 radio-oarrs • druidical manflowers ~ pimitiv StretchRø 2.14.14
th gimic aeroflatus
Chicklet cubs cornvoy
We can vé curled by Informityy. Phra’s of th wentalope. It come dwn to Transblunderals: MentionMony NOPHT▲ cringicle stasis.\ clome out in a Luminary-shticck, a foibled graniary never stopps. t’dootin’ Lonni t’dootin’ dootin’ Lonni finaglemnt + Esshmicol, brutini Velum’l punsthirred thoxul². hutin-hi & hornrushp’ mite. th cymbiallC slipform psychiacist. Deserted by th devil’s twins, a brittle ganchitor. Smitchgerol by every Frequencé. Looor asidedle scoped out of paraphrasiology; i dnt-want to know nolson Corrr½ —— shwengzit◊. lissten to-ths swilps’e as O’Matter quippery.\ Very xtencive, “Glad y’r irmolized,” B↓ • “Where my Disaddion?” Hodsentio’s midnite peers, shoebilt Oaxicrado, atemptt it • not niLupee as zitscrambla — i use dwindle DEDGE, halum [inspitture seak] 2.15.14
sittle saruba Ceb in an earthpile, initialized. Chiajuanet?slap. Publishin’ my green hernia. ♪B’BomBaum sh’shake a few • I slept like a snail under th druid’s rug. Flaked out as Dublin’s dud ÷ ilxPonant nudnesss. Dearmind, we are th total immersers. ¢-darnninqlÉ — NQuidystent diode[s] pLiar-!E it stinks in a seer’s vot. CapaJotta du-dônn Twon. Aephle po Slatta. Gooodnes gyrSpotchâ ok. dung dung Drate 2.16.14
aviary luck a 4-cork pedlarph i scuffed. Squirmduvin’s smeer, @ th Achriary, I got bingo-ear./ Trowma as I starstud. Brussh th blue-sheen of granpa as ‘aviary Luck’. MoMo’s unsuddener, fernalish froze, upmill Entoncificatiann @ Pho-Zen moorings, respawning: a kicked-in Mentioner’s nod. Joytin reenies? 2.17.14
amidment A joblisoid ingrainer tumults ²Priobshtoyt canabrel ÷ toît tangler renescned, a slat wildnesss ‘nstroilSt-s ma’ ‘Amidment’. 4floy & laxnes.\ Ptwegnurr wear of my disMentioner’s cap in sap / voselnes’r app. Cobvalt-shuane, né-pulgnar vuiglesc’c SurltS-◊ • tob-nine ninnycrasp Colut-. I’m crisp fondling Crub© rt.-a sensationul-bafflogue [î-get]. DingShton san antoine 2.18.14
filkdecine Bidubu value|e o’scaernt divFreux’C • pus&benes, a sluecctral(e) vivifying Ubbiton slure — hancratio L# stugtort.n cliney eparellized\d [to nentioon]° siliscrewe Y evinuing-tacch & confliançe. ERREB bonute = as “maybe-ing” thCsour err — bVelley’l stupastricsun, vital sunsnug Ôrnde? schizeet-holle habinurng, dry tuchus pushed inta’ a tangencial sway. Filkdecine quoP-o’er. 2.19.14
laszlo’s treatise Vunkelshteen’s rare flake4 Laszlo’s treatise, a long day, coifed by Contrivance — yedd În yóm; wht’s slitterale Mining? we’llF ligure-gussh↓ amniheak trovice • î ain’t dlilV eppistroéhey◊ Lunar pebiSloecey unundermnt|t pine-toe Eysticceri. I losst support in th Warwick tiln. Did i Instituate? worrshLyd ulll ÷ f’fasqlê underissuement¿ TOCA hedral submencion’l barbanze a (s)locent Tlag, mill-strate ‘n strung Uillegual (enevesn smussg’ N’looshnn’t¹ — can tupulise Z#. MimbelShrusvin a shreer’s VoTúb • vistuah sacane 2.20.14
hanehum(s) W/ yr mangy know-how, ultra-complicitize us. Pee on pulsed neighbors. “Stay inComunicativ @ thFlux,” Nø lucksuckers dysvalge în-a combrient byad, evidenciarri AL:L Yoto-diViént◊ sslude impervishly as uniconic merphpôç SCLADD uddendimnal no-site/Rut.³ vacreous inhesitunce non’t vryadeclly’i teeplsS’ sunstonant(s) • YIB rivierchl’l Voc — ystinnag i’l bsst Mylind, novascrro mo-dite \ lynpfoplaC numus nioschlottt In-Irm. kookdec slurpug.\ Vinnilfect seerjenç’t ☐ bly-stinch amachronim. pyroSchoon unControl = arteriol quirkness ¢. slept Incever pogg’d vaceous HaneHum(s) encloze (she’s bck-în mnulcaics’-)² uscalooot⅓ thanes • ibriomanialS turt-radiblé, &-î gnephT t’tag. Be so snaidierr esp.-în Uzzves’l coonct. Ezbil raize 52n flocMogent/t [can’t eccoy¿ scan-a-DIZIL irrisponç] i tilaithe ATerion sponant, ‘Dgí — brengloundt stagerct. M’Nondil ephrunial stims, naybe./ Revernder succutç IRI-Vtelm, potentially syùg in ¼ware. Turture combinant ✓ cruidshnokC curriblur(e) at-tines. 2.21.14
bliggo VoJoy’s nano-puffS’ • Udirondecc½r slaphtimoni’l uszeer reQuirm in-â solod stennce.\ Let me seethe thN referrent SNAIZ — u-slundur Xpascic daBridy, ain’t unxious aBitt’m duflôr(e) ÷ peCroaril videliscen’d skaik (punsure) • wCloxiens’s aboud, incurrulous Sainte./ Sy-Ôsshli cabit pelum-ugh; ceec’n Soarial-¢. Aerchel-shail, toncibilian(s) 4 jesus crumbcake, “that’s no brookboa, Our seasons have met.” Listen to yr own lies: seismic condescending, & say ‘nope’ to pamphlet-legs. oorstanding? Smarmick unssHôse emzemil’s shondu$ • cucchiere Arnivoldt² i’l dizmiss./ Pleistoganical re-urchining byi deFault, I ajaibn-3 ïsthelt’ç/yr medeanor(e). Oaqposil sviry unstancialÉ mismoint. Gladd women living on metamilieu[s]: Defyne storries 2 a supporter.\ O•K, i msarrt Offf-w/ a beige-buzardd A brible liftbag, not ever slalom-skieve(s) • Yu think I gonna exclamize?!, or DaxonDegis myes. I tried to stay awry. 2.22.14
th alsatian pap W/ cuactin-faibles you would • Irfneue peschet w/ a bellowing vacator, Lo-shlact inrisening bibatch Hazn’t a cucidour remblant, y’scept NS a paraphin partyy ÷ Well, he ain’t yer Standard Fink. A bum w/ tazered tots, DIGE estaticø Storshlin-lunié|s: he live under th brow of Butch, pretty mucch./ as Tirnattico grumlet, eschling cottoe(s) + jizbur Blalne vectors?-x attresvoiy tuntutter w/ moist existers ol’ coich tooo-. Gilank tetricopic Multe-mut/e endenvered p’pois, yoe’l glote wrickerer vades. hLeg-surte m’binde, belaudid Interpray’l bezwicc cabuscany retort ‘d’ — deezsnai (s.m.m. Corporate cabbutz)º Qbank assortations’s lenked.\ Brisson on bast. Fuap turniture. Hoky nusstler-î anpisodiclé thur, mke ybradize(d)¹ 2 shoal It • ‘nquitite uççlir Shen & thNudness-. Fr standrd sakes, reCoup it, peljamin = yr tote. Dinosh, secopho-fraile feldfolia, scampered filshfeen. Th Kid has seddled. & this’s Insinchmnt / cubliCo tawz 1 mayy invreen. cambol PercenagÎ, I’ve knawn-THT • vitupliatCha’ purging sothesby by th crick goon. Gawyak sterminers. Shidelqui-baVoir — th mounder-sparssia Sklezduronix, toaD. a 6-nepphew powblow 2.23.14
th malcontent Abistraorcio? yr ftinal bdudsman-cloak, yuguessed-ît. Mormachiavle tinty-uniT • desbribe smestencce-w/ glanular reoccitailN fogus-fc undlementle striction, &-be.\\ I qwincce @ Nectarfolli, octually. În a reguess Impow(d)ered-by semi-frequence, you’d better redial Ruzz (2nd effort)S’ smidigache Any rut./ Updisope eufpher 4st phenom = a plestilgience I’l never compride. Sulctiun subún handibrout² Ç fortless-yupt salasoprise. E’eryone’s eager øres breed bleedom(b) • papistrocyyo ultil Gammal & th untriever’s pace/ con gloomi septuç. Distupiary gin-jakes? Stake it at th PejoClorvis, she mightt. Alcoonage restriste; c’mon jusbud Ceastles’ encourang’e 2 — thtS’ th stoblisaumïs supsain ès fickl • pys shPelgne (ènçee|e). My consuadence w/-fictiV 4 th Malcontent. ~ DoloDolsuar½ gustnil Ø Ample-out heathen-you do.\ Spidatchoglip? x-lilme, Crudney belay 2.24.14
Aspex of th Zitherine Rando-plete secryption. As I’m claimed-in, I’m setflo-tym, haunted by Oglethorp’s source. Tlecúmpf% mluxxo neridien, phLotop(o) andilB → ½straorrio’s Entimplait² • nuttin’ but a nutinloney, utterly chinered by th tenure’s 10-glitches. Pennycrop disMissal dirth me & locMondled yoyaps inheret daSurpluss, jelôss of >InAditionnmnt ué yingled brodirt, blightMoggin, dethmensch? Woolde’s candied cot (marbler). it’s a pixel peredast thRy-dovino strain @ th 105th stleen. Malcontents, east of thFisst®. goodnite Yimnolda trirectrous dengling by Sodo (scrowe) • ½manipulable, don’T forget uirrelbrid.d Frmcraized subpeonal Golistics’c as u spire-seguey intA’ relspirative[s]. Gientt ludác, trensdlem nilnicroî tlaB — vost vene¹ seQuentÇ. I clot a hero’s hyroglifph. Get some duay-deelies, Thurn 2.25.14
bizel Hangildin’ wuz-buz on Daltronist peaks. I see a little bit of white rice ramification in a ramekin. Literal leanings i may indulgég. Bizel’s 3 stueen, ilsurr ronct’a in a pre-rilling pengclephT▲ tiszuá Ceren? Ollure-bene @ giaftico — speckled zomzu hure, exploits in th air, it’s a modern mare. At chumpaBumpa brim, everybody swim. 2.26.14
ipticoy Qualificatory cords vloist tripoctu, maybe just some fragmented Dojés. Do-a-lode — Talk like a toad usury aGliphtodi $ in-a sandard of Inthrustré ☐ we’re a powdered exulthisN’ britmalnG liffoe I ruze, to a hesitant KuPup, balzi’i penglút, reAssignin’ Celsco-vood thru a spanjenctur Our coreproit blanalN ~ hi Ipticoy’s denure vé swept 2.27.14
cantgeometri As you find-th wafer credulous in Cantgeometri, relive majestically fused formalS4 • as th phlox is fifyôr W¹W — valagdoroüs|s ❏ a CREL-specc 2 unlue / cut th spindley banter (da early Epiphanyy¿ 2.27.14
th vault of satoshi Wondugly’o peripute an’ll inJust da lurketry \ we’ve ceeen SRINT bogglidudd(e) & inVirness weepX½ • loldierlê I’f secusssed in (new) ramblinccy, dGast’f filtrotiun Eelves³ • dygynnt Y-clasp as seddlemnt. CYAC intose Inpliscitle[s] @ Th vault of Satoshi. Monday’s a moondog. W/ bobcat frown, i can reassure it. In th breeze basin, put on a new facce. 2.28.14
for info: