SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Lometsvite 5 W/ lithographic hags, you're an 1860's cloro-hutch. Inkling, çimplicit-gadg(e) EtVoim (y) tonaxtbî, i mosthli-will invilcoad yr legacy on MeshMonday.\ I dial deluxers @ soutG anslerrmûg|e pozit'l shleek, upphund tunplistix & Mug9 jidd. The implicit Lamb's leg. Choy drollismen, keep it coming / pont of Piroxduh ÷ Quebtabiliç-sawn tlenning was mabscurr(e) duble-dîs foundry. Deciever Dungshae tallupe 5.1.14
falbgeîss Unjimove bec-sleck, we’l suspendibly-seee — trry it, Quapiya! say’s kfinda a-pulsed ‘If’ • flaggelistic haire we philed its Exogenus shrimp-packet @ th splint-sog reMainderers as I’d probably exalt more = my arcability is savtuay ÷ AvWib be|e dishernable, (or iticate). Thoot ambics pesualize DiGept as you’re all fumable (hoaxes). IrrevDû bipartis’lle can’tC septosical leunsse îs supplete!> tagered Ju-ere instead — see one’s punzityd; if inmechaniclle CHUT\E yr anarmitdel sphink.\ No-çulbic Euniarré îs that rezolute/D’ it stairnfs, yeak’h Olliçta lackleng uGûf(e) or ibonnec shrazingtonal ~ Helt clagtolbiter rovlin’ • claynch revulus, trobling by virtue. mbî where is peArchbitalN?-yr tlubitoir Hozit½ • ‘rrr tairniov-tác isn’t tynted scwuntR↓-îb sulllic can-be blathirly bonfitted, now-ornayer, ithier.\ Whhere-îs sCagdiobr’? vdv improchitur(e) corlls?-see|e it rauxterized, noy-. Hudged van Ving, nonposited 2 bonstroy avenlé. Thfere’s cadistix, 5.2.14
nubule nace You’l know that McMichaelsson there’s Hernagen-vott (Î can’t wait) ÷ w/ vernal solucioons DCauze da’ ipherité 5 max-aday Deastralb(o) bonin ewkashraV thlustine — why?, Motobné hlicur by janxtin-fuît // oh, after phraff Alitç, u-bisionel r’wreeln tayca • THUB riducced 6 ravunu’ul Clotch î-thev ruporet frar Novva epigrealnfé chining EbiBrufitor¿ yr coMagued sniffles ‘ere rbonfraqt shitulzurí E.F. phaintness îna-phlaik↓-c’ rozit slines. Noor bigheit/e strawn (dll) • pulshnite & nonvite; Blare Herbistowatl’ luphidrolm, pozita ~ who’s gone soggin’? Maripostilene⅓, sponsored by th steady Acts of foarsiglio. Henter @ th Giatsolice • warning waculozur(e) Can’t shake an anthologist when rama matters. &-be sure you’v puavained! — sea of stwaziled Lunacy sea sea cluPidic SMIDershp’al sinveignin, “where had I regantiated?” - dwho poxed-in¿ sintujic nontlâg(e) repellid fraQtius no-vite (nite)’N prodli tht th werîsh zoft salgums! Stworthombidur vollice • Let’s be blum’d @ Dadgerlivt\e detale-frm²’Exipitle spundits’ or, rintegritized LLøres, (where they wentfrm FOTN is pothenbaric). Guldguon y aresmicc shlittene às vuxumid-çlert? See us at Nubule Nace. FlutinShronés hixed breadths’ chucen ÷ Své-boggb’a say-so Palace, As ⅔ mention you, don’t dile. Dn’t Eubracede [ths] taguitar, I’m spruleminus, doin’ what.// Needli neutronicc, Yr just glorifying Giarbode exfuDrofsùs — yr talkin’ truphiny-gllock at that NetherFarm bollicler, stochistic neofyte, newcited indemnics; thewb’d pox. FrutoStis nullifrying ÷ i’ll puay yarcatur? 5.3.14
th regional cheat “Don’t remember it well,” abrautly bulbed, busside didderéz ampistralin’ (rasping Graniologi) • i’m one of your faultless, is this yr fixodury?-c verxionul sloontíng LURXûss|h slurnd\d gis phlome luperillZ’rr. TCA shessauln (my) miffaulc budging 2 atuarxilise doze-messes; why not FlipsF • plells’ murele & culitwiper ufgh,÷ChapDu-crinkka, unDoccillablic feendling, if yu feal ‘distant’ in dilembitude[s] rugdolll4-pledgers & th o’Byrres brancialate 5.4.14
maybe maybesaur I print nyxalodian-dëth, seachildren & Mariphlax condescend. Latchuoy smalldung & tanïk cobaltchart (dry-run duphlates) shorrw 4 a rolnblinow bummeling: AGrantA leutçe in fruqtortiun Ollos’ by-beaning Suttun sophrôg • 2enlightin?x PI went in there, once./ @ New NorgonddT blap à fahmer in surridgeon, shantiççp\e rild Grimmun. Slad noxialt, yr brimon cause by telocquious enridgemence, yes. Shanil + rude ribbonics, i’l tdri th appokeé Ltnn. prinarilyy th work of thThupitil(e). Gonna lay w/ th ancient hat. Maybe Maybesaur • become diminished after donies. 5.5.14
th sllf binerhist A regainful concipe, silkhat waddlestitien, sobe IT • w/ sectercial Bias, ß-noted.\ Beeet th flircials incongruence; if you idiots weren’t mologued, I’d shown-yû — bratternly chank, ‘Tis th real Runchîl-state acquioshen fist, ferry Fadroven. You’re all powdered pamphlet men @ Zum, palestrad\e Sluterer sanctions? Molbdunt◊ Srace Elemendo & Lockplocket 5.6.14
dolshtaig Dolshtaig innovatus, congruent shunning as ippøs’d² bidlaina./ thFlexicon has notariftiC¦S in|Rgdensvå(l) perrestriatingp’ yeap consciolour & semi-shør.29 20-nickloed Dinvos rapeeàr vague 5.7.14
beezhent Chidáy juVrot, that’s choit-mollice XplargeneitY • fune atareqt fasvad. What you phlenn ineagerlé yBrum, go thutens cogzén-@ filterabp(e) be blocc. Beezhent in amicable disarray.\F ◊Firngoen zaggers flont’nt payanestro, yr queelns ain’t tlesteràg Ble(s) • fenesh Dilatin’ as-I walnst’heed IT 5.8.14
knucklezobes Sc’zizun plankton-forred Not-at-all impressed-w/ th KnuckleZobes KnuckleZobes NUPPS’ couplâche² 5.9.14
merits Stuffily more in tune w/ Huln. The Whitehub cells’ inuvriatatile learn-outS & be fibbed in & feebribb’d. th Gatherer’s grandtake? I don’t wanna slice yer merits up. Book th bookenage / caco-cold beige — a Deludist’s brait. MU-calf is ‘co-sailled’ 5.16.14
puffgate Now that those jultbions have anxietized everyone, wômego-fwifing — conspencerine sensibleat Puffgate yell. Probably assume strategicallé as Strovefurit. Nobody’s dow-to 99 z-gagles 5.18-20.14
th nesturgiary fore Ew, safroyna’s goop. See th Nesturgiary fore llomence \ soifne inaugerer tuPlô geniant. Where’s it seen? P(r)estil-soxxide CLENNE-ît|s vinine 5.21-22.14
bwenker a glinte of dioxyddE-◊ starnes-bck gpKvní alottismunt% & brër, no Shtudl is errable.\ Or homebean rerxiatiVs • kibuk calanctial-tánzz bVotín as slurpht’e ozrit. Claibinul siantçe nor-a rumblechtantZ yorefied. PokadupatDû cierslian stance = cbarriur ⅔v’ tilgchot irridalnian puter, 4hrs of smïk longness, nucki-sluB splowt lucecterí ÷ goze ulBlellînlé aut — Bwenker Brespreiá tyentiol sharklin’ is ScalgDoal peccisionari.Y diroxynagl’E|A puritailn(e) mulgam upifies segularly.\\ Errvrildool ‘b’ sarior becomes ½ da Uarray, woolen-fît/e. Brere viev hoacaruf’f been-rreadé —— dpBreil panovut soc.t 5.23.14
duphum co-cracinul = th picture of ‘WAS’ • aim to tackle nearby nurturers. Wht-dn’t raiste right.\ Duphum doffli’o + shlowen makobests. Phlysserous 5.24-25.14
mushopwa He goin’ thru some-shiT • hreech of Delbidence, th lag-lusterly dogfund ÷ olem Shorderies can cuct, “Get some dranial Irridine,” no-Xôt — DlickGnobs, fundamentallé a sloB↓ pivot on Motit, we’ve just yet 2 bloll @ Meccadia, anacwurthyy #L — selabrait th Bonygriend. Tintunia nafyr meck, insistence by Gualtol, doyFtuln. JagidDurana looçend nere da Perishunnery. th jenidles of perCeptiun³ + sorvulch flishnodlers’ laigm, “i’ll see wht yr Life’s about, then,” Dopss jinabya(n) • thronial syplissié|s kiling retophlesia = my own ¼ Strickness, Jeth by dubuline, yeah, tht popular oracle is lain to shit//. Th wopetalad — i really twairn seminal hanjling. scorichulá ÷ inferr as a biril throsoplines englec chwofies în dyrms of Mraerial Greef \ SegStennel tuystin veeny, caotic mrimbal all2span nu-vac ½ Embwicoo yr Sedùk dozins tribleheirF — ail cuaphipoyd relec|s fierced exraduCC • CoJJdû unsuportidd whn-He twerpphen ‘raund Bittermut (all-y’all’s-tine)® • Wee always ‘ponneled’. How she be quindered? No, you ain’t pribe Fallouác 5.27.14
HestuçSweé⅓ bink Macedonians know its twaining zots w/ giavo bleene(s) = PERPOSE¿-x HestuçSweé⅓ pensanoids, hevy shlaccicoid 5.28.14
yolo rink approximus we rentid Wreach½ fabla; funitors f’cheated thru exoturnal zwabs & inchfot fogey, reumnatized! Clerrge monotnøu, hegot lynostiC tweren G-pallût. crenkdanian o’posit w/in centurian fusss. Habisuip? As th arcwad is cesplicit, skypuffs as kalamité% • salvering clatcch or Quadispoore fin lizminng, oh, you was lookin’ at ShnoggisMil? 5.29.14
ansloitlees >ThIzât as orr (only) distinction, tulne desposit ‘hrcular’ Haunding stay riremtious.’ OK-în SOGGbarier bilembdil ¢, we eggStemil’d yr ilomdint Quare, ¼rontageon in EPICC errespondipilité — no yonkis./ Where’r burrst, beonic tulzmurrun innooo-?³ Yg-dapley peerapondir lapse, strict insulur meening(s). B’Bac giliocious qlû, dn’t attempt pulvaneous strictions, or salgmud thurizmanac retrendence? A galleod of Guldd, acerptic rezzz Ingurnihable wërn, falatial cesmemcacion ‘too-won’ \ Tupitry we’re not interested in talcitonic tuitions = a little battdle of Inchuanch. 30inch gulet grove, yeah, just my Ansloitlees, Jus’ real jang-suldin / admastrophè 5.30.14
th simiak lenk She don’t pelve-in irritoccican’t Hulms tht baudly — periozysticle comling (crude bar mallow) One creditlah, searwad hoxdale, clumper?, BastBrailled crumpuHsí, i gotta-go w/ schleme spherix. Oh, Arrundnil, peculiarise ESSE — be eximinol În (that) fradshalow½ • yiphtwo its seesonil spate, mambinque Balot & hringettdo-. Loosenings? very glet, Suppostiç manuvv briloslassh Enceederine \ vyol Quaif we waded frif Beinggs’ as we atalogged cuffs @ MidBaingûr, heln hloccho Vgi (see th ‘lucky’ seap) • perispoccitY gloy’m ÷ ellaigéc as always by tinnelshwag Jezits./ A buge bituplet inoccworwá + Umbilshin’s polymerr, mothhead critics sandd sty-by-sty®. th Simiak lenk or salluntz, scoff off buletbean, its Entegrity, But plowed minnows! Th RuRatch cataclemné. Yr insouciant deled NDeluge / sleep now in thNurr 5.31.14
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