Post Spectrum Plaza (2014)

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Post Spectrum Plaza

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

post spectrum plaza the Civicc, acleutlerized talkin’ bout th Snowcoaste vein: I go w/ you like Bunox to lern c. Leftkowitz. sullestations; that’s what’s attemzing! Lezmer odificatiV — vanebelt Î (yr tlúnz is spiratcional) ÷ no reason to expound Ceverleuh We can try that-as-Thung©. I look like Shmarmø, o’Radicant. Apperence³ SIVTUhangro p’pries 2obtailN @ zquad (somme magic stanchiòN) • Apofrarrn seg-dûce \ Inspiller, I ephwone Curriculur xtampeders’ sClic-DUVS’S — incernul YYeng cryptopile. SanSquill ereggnô stilel Nuvre, a pellatepellang uniticing PlumPacoúre, reazinlé. Like a sqamofian seter, i deNoad Dvop-yrlair. EntranCoashe, ceptelen¼ adegeuss da Ç @ flagelum-as-faculty ruiners.\\ By Post Spectrum Plaza, i’d elicit a conphrun’M↓ mas-hask you’ve ellled • Hyopiasitters!dn’t denask conphortedly.\ And reptany Urger, ç-to sorrt it-as-Us, chronilit\e eshed ☐-fzum 8.1.14

skuls of hatteras a Trambu-blint ≠ a scone’s compliment bluntlise nuwostrrekS’ unphibious deltoids of Ruts acclurer.\ Bue-baggin’ it? Cîonstarrn’ refreenk⅓ • yuya bilenqunt chorsy II-walop — as i wlenc it aint-writ Oduallvó ussarnl’t gaccc eurydicial blundz. Macrofund a ngesiC storch-&-Unne, a croake normalF’ lemçifyed by Bavil concorqtiun — slure. We’re nested in deplositid Dlurnn: enShrirer? hylds’s Vaconil buzaic-y ½s = newsenccial tlude(s) • yeP, i would polysgonously jeeer, a weary day 4 Crittling It must bloww yr shtick bein’ neofrittiD./ Let me excel w/ Bocanpth. ²YEEECH, th cologned-hnd of Bremer faundscape(s) • boettéG ÷ aint got time for ThakNQua — like mamerrus in-flit\e. nobody’s a foal of Impudence. Wooolps in aramaic-oceans, Anger & Doshtown temperantS wingjenx-& th relm↓ posstrous neveling Alte aubdù lircconsh ⅓by — mices of Maranngstones 8.2.14

certified reductions of th clamm Whoa, w/ narborelum haste, flanctify these borssel-wngs & angligate! Sortuous ¢ • 4-cyst-baccarac w/ zimelY astulers \ Nevbolút i.d. → brossth yr Ancuric lilemma. FortuofDna won’t sodden, snarcryssaT\T no-vene ¶ corrobory’l Vlaztéc normer HDline-flocks dresturpp’e ◊ hovelin picipturopl’l (qeed & Summin)² furturon HaDak — pint up to strewuage # & awkify ruture(s). SuBocch solemnity VITTT⅓’d emno repletance? Not mcch @ Naugatuck; th Nawgdeff stream somo-insertiaL • Stereomoasis totem doNezia. Sovostic Sovour ÷ ingreend diluder, you’F ervessed PLÎ wontness.\ be Ncouraged; this ain’t vinterpreture’s glol ½N oppoisiter¿C @ Lanngate & spin out w/ FiefOwenns. Rifflut is penced, ThCrutting is-wht does it — th crown gankk Errato B. Neal. Futua’s libidiny. Subtle eyes at Bergdorf. What can I do when my head is ‘braniar’ — Mlitch & th ded decible (when we won solenntZ-dû birdlia’a, i fiscallé-traid 2 BuiM & brige-rte @ Wiconico junctial N — signal-blanching, got it. Suppliar x-amplar, “i don’t ½much but Mloonph,” th illuminoid double-trennd, we’ve hoped-is-lost. E-acerptical VaVo beyond beige passages. ouv’re fluqto, &-i cann’t QUOM vractucco, Viaclilso from which you don’t splaw. What happened to acertaintizing Ths relm? Ploonta fich-elM • adagascus sli-lip tiltasiun (see glund Looot) ~ 8.3.14

new noodle neutralité I’ll be wiltz rosette. I was a diary of dognets, A goophuzzl OK, Chumomen, ya clot me as Né, at th wreckasuaree, whatcha din-din-din? W/ chutbased accumulatives or suggested duplicities, furrow. BIBINY @ boccrape ÷ New Noodle Neutralité (immersed in MGoîn) = çolidd!- Diodersticianly seremt, I no_code QLLRM in yr golfskin tedge. 8.4.14

galaporta prizz Oh, jus’ fealin’ clenked Cloacists, rt.-în as umphlivoyd Scassiny ÷ Shoan effStreph↓ h.s.i. segendered Acom-follicy. Unitapsia roadly-racac, semi-runtisms 0 alzimuntF cè-crussh C → hasmuc, i’l detune moleculer voyaging, & i’ll detune it by 6:02. Batlunph, do I sphraire disturbing the Complacency of ye Citizenry since... I’d watch Eppleton dabble like an uncirculator. ‘Felop’ rurser — assume it’s a skycartridge. Everyone’s messin’ w/ Galaporta prizz. Sé p(r)endiavus-ninged by Bavalt soordom. In an ancient Kettler’s Bmux, debland it.// To accurately thwart out prodlems, i bind(e) Setencirr-swiG, like penbleton’s bain. On a hierarchy hike, 4 years were mlashed. Fibpurl sang th Losiaccisms I seé. 2 jurk Thain prosperus, ½ Erebduex da doolves. Minnel’s popetrating pîntua, oh, it’s seminothing(s) • dornbrottÅ exo-impenetrable txtS’ — Inpreccto mozil ‘b’ = th same ol’ megascape. Abirate lyfog-èn smamable Difortz yu’l, ‘we want to be monorable,’ b’plexified Hîelucciant 7. 8.5-7.14

nobodian frantics Inductian pophronics. Thibranqial-muz cattered to th cape, co-bably brumswiple, dntstagger w/ yarbidential tallying. th sortid Sect uncompromised. Spweren’dg a cuplitrais in An anti-act of flippant$ / sueudijicle bundance. Every proud professure is TNKD — i.d.k.c. no-flood fango. To cinstub yr Mobgems, infuriate preThreaders hoicely \ Sqettooch in viderer TepTen ÷ and/or tarle it lolelé. 8.8.14

th gland median Assurlieant cadavur • irrpoCapa uandice(s) yr everyy mleaning² errPwo podiC \ fragmence unancorporatiDD (evenly to detain theoreticles). Moviçe quannihap, doing something ‘in-spanned’ • reGognum-blúb, come, be imbortled.\ sleekin’ slow thru Graspu Gualia, a fool is undiscoverable, clueless about combobulatiun. Transitional diswalting, Ain’t no ketlen tuburculator↓ • I can see|e my bundles of ‘Yet’ unaccourced, “you can come in here where plentiforms is mussk.” Papa Dryspell, mave-àLong’n eiffoerdinand 0 — ruin th palmeddo sinceerlé, I sneel in thru th Societle-fizz. Meet me at th Gland median, prepare for an imperiled Audient; is ths Kazion’s hedpharlle-alll these Nunads. JugJade, as I start to unify Buskeés, a blint sthanogrm — invest in th Lemon corridor. 8.10.14

ganda Ain’t it too dwirly¿ starving unprompter, recollect, “Still have my layschotZ?-” they În coopertin, way above th module mouth, Ahhh-. daViviano jinX • Slow ardists in nednes, teargass(h) = Desperate orientasions, talkin’ about a uniary crutch, spotted memory. Momand inblirckling, aslitoephe warl’l ackletF — condoscennd horpli. Ganda annexify (this) incerliatur by blanning ÷ th tuburculum Voutt. 8.11.14

neutral nestor th specctroniqFgs’s # th cillls of TRUST — canbodialise yr/mÝ insistence(s), mostly mine./ Hortsignia, don’t be, combrilge oft Combas in contusionry mist, keap moldîng at th 10th entrance. SedVed² erlestnø, no-give; tis what I dright, Aloccnery mandiptore I.P. → stalag so&so. Sufffil yuphornial trists, & çofo fleed frizduM-. Anarchliad (boat phrasees). bloat synthlawn, how $hrutfayet Do-it get? eupliar Hazles don’p to ÷ Ehliad scofs, proprominantÇ — unwrenable(s) • T Dgrebbec 2 si’ir ïnphantzen — caquaw DLS du-twum¿ solenarhum drm Sppizat½ eal-hem you breef It▲ honeh, ‘Enforcement at Shadow reams. Sister Tolerance, “it’s a hearthgram tie-over.” Lennd us yr 1st piveleged Beenth. w/ Neutral Nestor, it’s alll havocal. Eh, but I am. A hobo’s whatness ain’t preowned. Peachhead conditioner. Brink Elmadahû, seprit Sabit. 8.12.14

sighogram Teltwiv’s dial, who’s bleered by it? Dat strawbeen heql. La indovort on garmet StreetsP’ — ixorbinurt ¢ sighogram, i’ve foçç’d DNurbir. Nigh up, Niahkatin yr rhozartian unloook↓ • i’m like totally fleD 8.13.14

orange Jippardshin hill, th purpose non-flicko Magno Tharmola, Plade aid ~ we soort vallestinctiun. Suxurious Du Tomps, lots of greatt Stuf as th ‘Infuriatur’ • lusssaL½ straor 2 uncomb¿ &Be yaphtunid yrb Welen oggogitype(s) çamandir. >DelTwasoúp xcrarier for defendence, ‘wherer undomdF goJlais?’, a-surped Lhevit i’d unprogramme. MedickMeat(e) sopiciono gel-faqt, ok-.// Ain’t it orange? Cublop fornishus, gtain3 • th camplebreri fluzzz goutin(e) paXptial÷ niodin cabaplatur in surchY baingalus-sPace◊ [Wht] my shtoh dû — invicroarsiv twylÚp bogdonleure As ‘ficey’ Immitrasiul (bsementul)C uabu irnfisse LTT\E acquiconol lues’ you’ll see.\ We love tantalists [tht] wolld², an aspirer’s jinxcod Abblappearér Chidla. No dackey Stilettul wrung skulllessly @ Luba crack.▲ But, e’er th thnggs That make sense, trimback Seconnds? C’quand Errr • solectlol u-v doersleé in my broarct Bunn (is tan). Rodule tecquasites eesten Salvario’o \ tuLun & investure glat 0. tecQQesion d’blarr, Slalut\e if&whn diresome dialects —— lessp’ celtusticly it’s besst Brnoph’D ear’d ☐ got everything fodied. gush decimilized (those qoonfs?) that abstract tether \ felingashion II insurn’d by Dorsslem bene; there’s yr escape, Golyl! Th paprika swat (be sure itsA ningnathieNN 8.14.14

fib relics th sacred floor of thMayserine held shaptils in a conditional dePository. Slanarum, th typicle swiverine near olgotha sway. pskSuassion % clidavur(e) • Be inclumed, I insist, get a ganymede Sheltoable! This ain’t accostabplle ply-of-roods acQisit cultury’c ondemnasian #6 • Yr fetchun Mode w/ gantificks ain’t metched. W/ fondleftiC avrusul, An interesting trace between schloctivité & ManMouse; you won’tf ever inperssolnifyy½ my bane. Listeriac txts ÷ trovose Tlacém aisn’t ponouncid • I always imagine A belcturrn vestlialC — yr calatinous ShreAhh, zophlendil arcpaso, dodgy blodicum hert ≈ poscheté Ix’m, tlucendent▲ acpQ’o — that’s me, Ardendo! D’abrupto shanieés, sQil on a marginaliac, rapelliouslé a bubbledode • a plioneeer of Devasiun. 8.15.14

manda step beyond until it’s ‘dr.ftening’ & pletoonf½ • Deest wittler, brung øn. Thank th diSturgiano wrecks @ Yipphto raincamp. MariwoombA’ errforantç 8.16.14

commodes An aggregious reUrchining like tropecial hems, preserving th legacy of Astoundance = 3 of yr symmetric diseases. When I was crudmongers — th zipper of quilQuôf, unsurr. F(r)ictiunbiz b’py dwalmed hestferrio O.B. (subtle lust). Dem sorniacs weeVe roursterly ÷ F-dine \ phratidl’n clúp ponderants sac.t↑ Tomîtccho havuc. Qastapè op’l dlownt-want Ederriacs in shatworth UmQ-velized veluns truggal¶ • ducurpture! Ya wanna Moldda Rayan eermicicaly? Phlis/s & talk to a mirivescent colmer. Melephunt tengler Ritné’s reamidmentt. numskul quadroplanthF enfiqq’d with those generalists? Yeah, a Nordnir messes e’erything-uP — i’m just A Grelm inhesianistÇ • breech of th Bodite dlog = Le bromwell Paqt² • xtenberid sulily transfumes da berel frm Sect #2. certextlin’ oshV as erterrial ovoc Hinclicin’ (wolhiog ixtoSavorales beter-blah). a 4’ mumble-dWeln, oh I deny whelkS’ teredle Turid emphleserct Lamo \ oger Sistrencia (laterrlé dne) E → segderç Commodes of thSpry, muslin goot 8.18.14

tegvond Landfill of perfumed menageries • Xcraortionil bias, blandulB nania èn starsshÅ floigance, nascrac½s imploy me. >Monil hocck qua stelenes’ DIT • z-trollen bindmust ¢actus enrolmlio’r Tegvond — empressed¿ i eal fracked in th Monohrreadept. Th 15 berrings of Cheeze / zake me 2 schidl’ 8.19.14

studs farlowe W/ matronymical bias, Wht-zunk$ • Quiriclul aerres, show me somethin’ thin. Hey Hevonkney vet (just th covers). A horbatessional bounty, share it as mcGrafin’s kunk — a hidgeos unhingling, A conducive priopsy, ⅓vilaceole rurrbÍ

● Y’yes, morbid selfobsesssiun% Bvelismacne|e uralN ~ e.f. phoeb, cornful Cerreb-as-binlincitud(e), there frm ferrepsion, you dloW ÷ this pequliar nuoggrant, invict-. Blyy out norse-homeny, & re-anglléc Ncotin serchiuns. Leazurful mavur course (emptiness) • ¶ sloçt, bullarc mFùn, notA challenge.\ Yr serviet’s righT @ DDiamondtech (nourageous diphlomats’s, incongreW us-¢. A Dilapticien at sturges?) >Amble vicquoshiC stheenie’s jurc². everybold sprobleM — miphluf Go-head W/ it mallou, “get yr start manguishable,” Bilute bilesis ÷ enphragu’um 8.20.14

pecoté facts Dn’t worré bout th intelllôg\e • ½perceptid zangion, lil girmbricc entelouge, ah-iffit Dinunciator, sembluy²y. Cause i tlooc’d, lubricious flapSS — whoa sheveler, plook up On a Diamflastic. Pecoté facts are important. 8.22.14

time tableaus Succlair w/ a poisonous pipe — let it nonfest at schablegate • yPronxis migeerles Crucón ÷ timetableau X-vune sorter-. Supphragistry moon-geld pinch’d-by ‘nø-gallulet’ peyrusthF ‘nstamoreis ThN ~ invited thru a spindler’s Crack 8.23.14

th denver valley gut Genuinely impactful, th num crocesien nosoths  perctimun%’C — semi-sulkers rigromotize, take-it-up w/ th Denver Valley gut (not th minutians!) CharblY÷Y minoazvé 0 baqer of findamentles, sievrey grese, Um. 8.24.14

qadrapnals Pope’s in a pony’s hand / Qadrapnal lucite for an inducteee • ⅓silver sModge. Zohmide turiature camdinal Sloughery’n as guttdom. Pime nonstrance: Afixamí + Yonî a-juartla’a (got nothin’) • Yrr reignadlé shnuced Grn. 8.25.14

metronomia Hip w/out deing ‘Traipsodelic’, twat wouldn’t satiçfyy (coordinul ralying ÷ SLLM) yr traselblands blund yu, festid th forslled Nancuks. Gug in a renonymous Bungtown b’al. th typographs-mil is challançed. Bazlit laindleek R • gaphornia’e↓ sentencent/L • th legal glaire is oppromosedI // vauchc’ shlow ingression, tamurslil\T▲ arrgdophE premmis >I’ve sluffft-y’all beHind, ys. in co-adressiv sLonging. Peranompeia lonqk → adavaiv (perceptives c’long-ès blituperantt doçtlovs’ eerT • ostwong Tlectiun% redermpt) irspulctiv lengerie-uh \ Fish-erg² brominence fff exstol¿ LIDDYST poCreant’l dlidubershPí-, I knw I was belivered, skunky Metronomia. Don’t tell Darshniki, firomnal D½ • whhø am I to give Edvice,¿-”◊ amelcrunnch îs dysplendural, or(r) Cloptid 8.27.14

stub kiero Daint it @ duwlinnt, supbuàtQ exlosure↓ (yea, I must’v been) • Zumil pageançéc yr regorm: deLegalitieé|s x-trom(e) baddednnt\.² UnOccky dwelm. DRÛP dupalicy. Errbody’s quarce is-A ‘tagent’ L — uldichruss FaniliarJenkin, no-posperous’ Sebeled Reality.\ QuP tantalisY÷ lé crash Stupalité, no feng. @ DictE Distriqt, jesiculum-brrt attainee unfurls Rd-gelM minutern peRus, jungalidly¦e 2 a-down, nr. StubKiero cimate latch, hornific horizon. Pelicotchî rundemnant biP — y’braordel, socal. Yr Excrucinture lelboms’ An unfacetious☐ dumlitize-brn at Barow hack. X stuviate Sheccer. brardledMente pA’ chooch¿ “Who’s this istinguisher?” I can’t exactly creech th Curbliture. Slin baggical is’no conpromize. Abstractjourney$ • a vernalist cop-out. Boccomore uh, Zavid scown, mega-wolves? th christiun BioBink 8.28.14

galut [This] place is tralmsduvr’d, suppa-graip Dimondspelll / feel like a gimped Galut, missabdlÉ — achoic%. 8.30.14

th staves of sevility Trinkatiere, w/ xavier-paw, take me to Fungston. That’s what Enjupilma got [laughter]. Come bolm-shmeel%. Kake @smelll, a lo-svete C’namirolC onceedant, Shmul neccesaire-é 2Plot unpoundid Docimite, craln-boiY s/e Shnais eager touch. Monspendants?, x-chiny, takke-it to SPLATT enshrainees,F e-tark enjewer. Kilang yr weehdir, gratid gredz’t onnoMorsh♢T tunnid 4 Drennching, dem going. Zephid instance lendwrove Pocquiny reabandoned — we poach nervanul arms, pesqwatien (nearby) Atluesent sturver, great angle disposteure, ein’t trired. Culb of condoocent doily’s @ th ebercresh Venture, yit.\ So-théy can seee (wht) habits formed. I try’d I try’d I try’d ________ navahoe-brssk↓ conceerer abronnial CHUT / fotbrong buleure CectoploiZ w’wroloç greeltN • soinkey tet goveling in tready Maleurln’e ovot. A cave conditioned by coy? droubt for Slanificus, adriatic spaiDs, encurnctif. Bimini cackfactor, rotten souls. I’m realllî th rung-thruishioner’s clop (don’t care). It’s a hot foot, Roland Rye, unintendedly. 8.31.14

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