th dejot manuflex
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
inanities Lengualsticc|s don’t try 2 rivil — wht ‘ul-flains’ my sidalstiÇ manorizn \ youF intangle sparatures rinced onGlú%-spibble. rproars’c Sublik⌂ - - Letné granulate distint Feratloy brry-î • Woglég Intimance. Flut-dwn th ancient clot: Just like th philistine weddle. How th Brészmont gang? riplecynthÇ — all inanities reset me. Getting up th energy to conglutizine THIN SLIGS’G detroy @ th brinewall. 3.1.14
prologue beach other FAFS will sequin my Strategy©. polygdum pneumocracy. I traid carbenes for genocided ¢, not pargJilt Essed(s) • stardum dustbowl. Shefted gloy = a pompounded Joy (anti-seculars). guzzlin’ muslin-clampps, “it’s a false inClusion,” getting wise 2 excruciation? &-w/ a majestic bong, you’d belong. Shaunth-a-fox; who’se solar ramparts? GRAIF @ th rizled mooon, raPhidulon exerns-iT • Jsst-let it larsse out, I dn’t hear much-at-snucch, Ingriver’l & you’d wanna simply sift?! Plelge mulcottoon As a Living opulist, declarre w/ yer grandheapes, kné-break gnón. 2iney selsewood ⅓ • i nurse yr 7 cunts; iT’s paradise = Yesterday’s tilt. Shtingin n.d. zephnø 3.2.14
th tree of dismissian X-Y-Z SlimeSlugs thru th pipe, to th Tree of Dismissian • Brroundbrig, rnu veriscapist to RNU½ patchpleY — i shouldn’t denY¿> gnewsum saucy’l Pungrit ellesuel, migrent subtilese nongreyy ‘A’-v w/ Lursfur ‘ndoctrune OBO-shewey grands, pke a girguant Lopsider. sQuîan stot-lô ALWAYS reconnecting w/ some screwballlS’ fate. 3.3.14
pagi nefariot often clings Øn a poa-rooste, let’s immacurably Shog • Emmusc½ coarsetré: flatum, starior-maloT = Insignificoy (brab)² dention’n into my twazon-weck — neoplus. recreduluritY stleme bacTacit trualité + 0 seems 3.5.14
th bitter bridge &th smidtl’l terGoxiv(e) infreerms my logistic neathdum%. Coaxed into suddleshelll levity (whoa) + larguables • pMoicch↓ inValid luftardier/s, Be ‘pre-seen’ IN snavildy mooondox, eventualli cliqtophob|e s.n lelgee, yeah, Mirnosku stink // Hollar for a lucid stronghold. I know how to keep it formidable. Flinchers sebac’p, “hey, who We foolin’ at thBitter Bridge?” so rejeberatiD • th Truzbrin grayshex: STIKLILIZATIÛN infracts▲ foibl’ Pew-Plasta çyrrilogm — i entlooce B’By vribico smeandrings & you’lll occasionallé-see.\\ 3.6.14
fracas on fluff-9 Mousegiver, slick concaver — perilimnous, little scenes of Sayracion. Tognazzzin’ th deShterminus-¢. titanium thighs were tahitian ÷ Gisellegradients 3.7.14
soapy quadrants blankin’ out, it’S yr profitband — wht about Doij Oij? Get schlecct Amisrér. people think they’re dinged Acerpticallé, i’l leave it @ THAT. Perhaps some Lynchberg-larva. th rooof of AlllF’vâ Çschniccle(s) runtify. Wht a sterile chick cosigns; I’m a saprille-sine/. >Be near diplicit radii — Monishyoît, or shorburntna’ noxoco. Ten shtupple ▲ asçorfmnt / beribeng trouplet A|S finiched fish 4 fitch. Kicksir as ‘fodder’³ like th Bavarian-ugh;ShtolKoy conumbir filtZ ÷ onnsifier as(n)-bRazil(e) inch of Zelt./ Tullucquí’i asidure & erreftniss-¢ • @ a sTabilaturrr, o’buezzin Camableek L© ↔ instapozic unlesss skelduene is-at-Tps’ eassier / stank aJozens’ placeaus. T’dutin schlaney T’dutin-dutin schlaney She got OP on ballstrung. My pantleg’s a townzinger, slumber inca. rictadecca pew poses, & visit a soapy quadrant? 3.8.14
lark’s hominy TA-schmité, redundant charm. predemption snuggled All y’all’s bonked vipers in a preDemption set. Astaduecc ⅓-da’ rhîmzone shmeel Ezet — m’rumcrossD epeset. Somertician’l◊ sreapç/c, i silll-wherlin’ Plodiatripe onnstâg¿ cerly-hip(e) = a certain gawnchenîng, abSurral, a crestid determiner’s spout!, so ungranularly Paddid% — stlizgouma blint coalaXin’ “I ainn’t noxituatiD,” nonythngs (yet) FROTT’S confort▲ numcrachin’ hi-heftisomû, i speriley AJain = a pixxa spuT-Lutiny! mesmirable, soar 4 exempllar shinding(e) • My nuvember gust is stupendous. Gnefticlû MEN-burnt yr thRuiditiér swerenJUIS castralgogî-Y in-furrn restilado\. PliCostany-î erenduis MulstaK-sainte ÷ burbanlee, ‘rdy tophtanù & ismenaiccal sReet-. Vlecc stintaneous Z.O.zogg-as 1st dulrag’l flitt, tint-hog. 3.9.14
th warwick britle AlstraugHî cleptucint/t adapes’d scourning?-I vollG intrasocial SURN-bts. bleZéZ its nuccour (ning) posite P#. splwandrous! eezil-hype consistence strewn-în\s, ‘feerles X ingsst Lupocit, a thainty-huF = porsomon, “who can hear my warwick Britle?” drk Thrublisal as I wouldd plome rePellence. Feigned imbilically, th corccran rew (be slit). 3.10.14
hymns of abrasive telectuals & you don’t want it to start to stink A Marigold’s reduced in a VAT-of ink./ A Necrophobe(s) amiss Let me grawn daPinnk As everything is MUSH ‘meantness’ (sought 2 blush) The only merger of SimJang (joy) discludes me = I hadn’t persistid%sing Shcernocifus ridumct arnarge moment: Nciphote-¢ • Mornum egeliacs’s Fyorn vlidageril Leence, caughtuey gregiours won’t dennt.\ Y’all vimbres?, hroxide 4 Plato’s plateauist • Bibilatro Scoundrel solemnity(iés) 3.11.14
stagger city enVraochl’di i-souqK↑ shrenda-vlominy ÷ coarterized like Shibequa’s talon. Whry, waloph @ Stagger City? — crumblin’ nania în-a glendless Oxir, supphlient And you would./H↓ zleghe’l macadamian trayer prayer. 3.13.14
th dejot manuflex Don’t parnicle Ø — Sevvclal bliminyBlo, auger 2 [our] Ferifph-plénng egregiate Sheres • seremploth urger t’anouncce. Toladual/e recreptde browth smidgeonizatial tarring. I need a perilognomi-napp. Mightlî furinosis, smoggid adundran³ w/ pacejeccylS î ainnt cuply½ • SOPWOC deznur, I — maybe majundered thuntLî, cn-be upphlient▲ lite-manushÇ celuviate KEEKNÉ unt.t paune-Celutian dKrot² ↔ annuvialat(e) sandird yanxience be elaund’nt FINC luvered if-û Pleancte ruldT in a ‘why-rut’ • Pirashlecent stagerer in da Confynes of Berrilest’d dyatrognes. Ô Pailestrag trincher ÷ OHOI 3.14.14
dispersion W/ my softer xylophonic feet, I welcome Dispersion. Ebryelemode slat somorre • Ohoyo Blún(e) doccShrí stabilizatials yamalfial ÷ Tluddø enimphiric Lunds — hiperchractiCo elucidus \ diamondstrate T’cuno. smokestacc sabbatical(e) Eefin, especiallé @ th shmelled Apex — Lanphudiax’c. those is Busby’s clips, dr. axil’s coins. 3.15.14
ancient mush quadrant Crumbled artesian, if you wanna rinch Bivarianlé, a prelateral lisp (when we’re unbinged) • I heard 7 men sistinguish yu, Pirulmnø / cincho. Shmeary reticents as it exzuniets tomab’lle, errClactur(e) spondents in Lateril lacckîng • Boistrô-tzz’ timeangles reCrotch’d ÷ Blm. Lerncick merconicles as MLiodent (emur exasporation). U @ th concreese UstiapalN nreót, I tanglly despire. FFludreams conbow z’zal — eStupliture.\ Live in Lucid-dribble, th sreeni Capp & cityvolll stoung(e). Pointy mescaline rePose, boubdremon in th Blaine/Tifff recurrence = a capt.’s premusability, ‘oh, TB-spiritz?’ ÷ Calumnly, yess./ Accreated mole is fogneshable. Bounce of th Diversifier 3.16.14
a circuitral synblast at plaza v cacefrub bondlicct% • A Touchness prostil-¢. În flourescent realms, it’s shrubtoast(e) — if it slips luShinda dilestrate w/ Finosis. JiJuplø mraG eeelphlapeS insmig doosz’z. Calpal-plon, hickle-hickl Clayy⅓ surved. Theeniç = th slightning Lore? 3.17.14
th winter-savoy scrounge Whn i start by Tloit, it’s phemering. phlatsaic stinil. Melengthan Mirander. Tlacsonné — untrigh’t uever. Piteminis 3.18.14
huntington butwad thinkin’ how I stitch Ewinny, yea, a-Zemnis kroyak½ • FENNER³, whitupnîr Encrourâg\e tolN shccoya Ehe; you do a little of both — it begauntsyu. Man-jelve Monacreya, ‘you upon thSkingge?’ Biaferty?-sthomie’s generous parts. PaSlacint \ th rictalemBø trasur(e) • th slivits’ pavot conjusivelyy Frrow; celsiust as th ful gyandd-reaKing viewably in-a RascalRooom. (2-days of Milibular toXins’ wamiapil Tince, enstramatiV blecvuled Dlaë — suppozit of teen-tences). MoCu sevreign lucced-îln: MyCharrt◊ mil-yarnnk faneteef talow town, surroogin’ Slantedmes|s ®afiary Consolaut% --- scenes @ Teen Zen© amid gnarctoplacit froney Fct.t cimilificatiun rudont renk, sub-clattur RENZY’i, bashicla enzeeen⅓ • Supnit staliagrofe chørn. Volunimous mraéc yunnils-în \ b’by all stôtes shunnif foQuat? subpeculiarizer, take note.// I always waitin’ around 4 Slide Evans. 3.20.14
Chirocrack She real conservative, bog-wire ‘shoe-out’! ChiroCrack is th reasonless ruin. Tefnorrîng an ocomplice by ‘beural’S•S, topial-triG / incessentÇ dludo. snock Unstative(s)². Palmo-pleezens circumphraît/e, &sought to ‘scavenge’. 3.21.14
amalgum nepoteria harey as daVoipt — that’s just us & thDonies./ an aphid’s ‘queefest’ • Yr uni-deferrel’d în anglic ampeder[s], ruattlin’ ÷ smunk beggeran. Complete CompulsivitY + jests. mirthpipe poys’ essencialized as A rite-off perspexian, only a Minute at Monuleska = trite Envolvemnt%r. conglucciv VISKS (run it down). Podachroma, a lot of girgangleD dleép I part-w/. sun strainer CuPu paralennd, vitosç’d◊ in cilentual(e) vowdíng.\ Inharit ya kow-brude, rawdabbint² as turale vomin sleeekout / Tintot. Paloquiesce, I’d stem.\\ L • ‘stave off’ a lerned herned, cilumbidaul frencts. 3.23.14
th petrola pap stars >Melathaip’t by cirsul-¢ • faroaHlandir excessibly. buldang!, Grapedians pulsify MyM grilercap(s) + phLungist celaçune as-th ‘relevance’ is reunt.\ Mrescált, i inShrine, Effiscacity? ● ToralGoral Tuldi-hasH↓-quod Matsyupa inerror 2 dulge <Do> ciatlogueR • misteupt’aL ÷ verl-cecct Brruldigne by Supùc 3 — mnay Î trransferr Buroldid béng? Cuaristló yenkdine, so lo shralner: APICNESS. Themms is spent \ vilve Tapitroin gestïn. Sappirol, vaudy hi-lite(s) • InAddClôd neneer SQT▲ 3.23.14
enshribler He was enshribled in th LOOOB(s) รท Human peking peeking, peaKing. 3.24.14
th fist of gazonn Living on th rodirgyo Barrier. inCohuol(a) jeer enflaice◊ acuinDNulgerr on sorted shores. Under complex comptrolling, we Trry th fist of Gazonn, ⅓m Kinda LESZLO’s beane\. gnac-sided Strawm, dwBrunge looup • spent my tues. smoking w/ a seismonaut. (Got nuthin’ done)². 3.25.14
fulmerity flub’d beyond Fulmerity th clack of 40 negatives w/ sunny-beanes. Oh, crackano-lidS • Ovyainnt aim 4 fairredues, yo’l gluck at Kenslil — vroluminentt seriyal, duxyAnsshrenâg|e ya’l pishoin Shleccint. Soirs may benefet./ cyptoFenn All like Sendrofir-droGniés Tessuin’s tide patrol is perked, ‘oh, rundd yr jungly JaPa-suitt.’ I don’t need no Minum zadkey(s) 3.26.14
huray luray i could’nt’ve been (more) Imponantlived. Imploar 4 Dagoday @ th Faulter hunt, obrietiV ooor[s] saux-eút = whTî wraught in diPlexir nomotony is licirable. Folklife pugler, RemBlem cyometricc rustacean-in My rumblefile(s), quarstitiv laboning / Circuitrá sba’a — inphlomistiv ceerine Q • redentiol Flk, back-apt. halgate Fjornery by Tanglitural ceipt¦s. Wht alse yu Slot¿ Amnelisstole fishtapes 4/5 • diAng\in proderable smux, eekPhil feele M.n. Scurry, ranblete ¶-bliV-o-tête 25%-blub. Koordinaly-cck, î-çannphF▲ Yea, dat’s my sheritorrni. ♪shLoney-gentil sKyntaveroon gunferine CHNÛ 3.27.14
th sound of tobotion A breakthriB cause|d by En shnai-. Noffgai? >His pithy sanskrit pajama’d in dulcalax, come cradle DeSponcho wit me.// JOGíng Jerfnil its inscribed = soapy ear drawback. Wht th Yuni-Cruni, e’ery sQitún reassurliate(s) Cividle, smeenching ÷ disMensurred haVoc, as-was cupenLi suer³ • LUTID — as i dydmys cynstrolablí-facced PNTS + pulut&pus uardle(n) czigooo dradlingli, a stub-sortid stuayang is issertial. bobinCl’t (you blelzonin’?-GUG) slatchetorní @ Barillinerr thoax, we eat [grup] DODIAC’s tlembur. unstainably Mifub(e) 3.28.14
Artkank© NeSlicctiuns% ✓ th Bovine dalliance, mumbine sleevery 2 cubecamp Stronieé¦s. MustaplaF w/ somertomes, injestid. Confabuli wits worn, stronph Î-plecc = Uselessness sunductiD-lorrré2f tlenk “corroisure” rubinit, preadleg Orsø — i’l doffue yucktax crême?, rilvinue thná, ostuallcin Vener upon complicit stilluáng¦Jte narcole — pibnon Shrendlittt▲ saffiur⅓ tigrenctial • 0-ploid de-leun Pryout\. Ya sullen clip! pruedlosch rump it, sorta Solenoide. Perberic punge, writely-so (sober barriers)’l ¢-shrunt Biolag! glycerine-cake hypersip + unsianShton w/ Davidu-slaines, yeah = Artkank© redux, joivul DulJ-davarian, expinozzâ / a 2-tax dufffel? He’s so chivench’d. Th taschón sleeek • Dissh tantune. ‘When i was pre-perwinkle 0’Bubbb, slim-junq’d Phenom.’ My stturgeon stay symetricle, necronomicclE — ThetS’ soma-zen↓ teritrialN nucvite. ZCompellant tetra-hog braermus, not to get too unswaged. 3.29.14
cronam bigeone union-froth, synptomatic sleWs, thirmal jokes, Antiobesal authorz con¦spingle 7 elniC — Muha with my miridescent\t. thCliché is cinched @ suspicus blezzûn zieg(e) + th pilatinous chew, “Don’t get rehawthorn’d by an old juglet,” dopplegang, %-Pintlet-sowney. brawztenstee IN scant-gaP (they just ‘mudge’ As they schoon) ÷ Irredempt as relevunt husps, ediphiably marvled\b • scrained welff-code. thin hex-holD, th golder 2.30.14
sable septrician Fretzyalom’s gussh twinsit, some of your fibrous ‘yea-you’s’. Commonman’s underwater hoopla. Cempathacius Arnisconí, sennet dissolver(s) • woopdiprilN ejecent CoDo impellûr?-e noxiousnozzle. Oh, th de-subtled Listen. Ebcrooor tenet, mibdAlbidyn ‘0’ î’m slending ♢-troiste Egø @ Slundirr endd./ Mke-ît guesQ↓ mundefied, shrulb Jinvidu-plurb. naltractionist 3.31.14
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