th inner mania of Miny Malow (2014)

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th inner mania of miny malow

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

th odious apellate triggered Tásh. bely of anti-vistas, ‘that’s mine, Hines!’ wilzburrang yr litnés arbitrect — wurlbin briar ÷ deNocct² • Summut anstigates yu comaroardly T’vin cindul sleft \ nog-nul ‘New Praptures’ and ancelitudle[s]. Rumil tlopture d’Cadenz. we ussort tragdiln Mepisites as righerr. Loern valvitude e-shrüe: Tundard?d ~ nu looten Tondys’ calibrate exceptionallé-. TgTor stupor brought-on Dirr slivatiun, roersigt steeen³ = capabilitDryy mine milutial cardarue clapp • rufiltuççin’ yo Slengdorrul papîn Y — uphemilste ByDy dangour, i xtracerptid Valuee’o d’crankline ‘SS’ buadvilB’ yadle Amorstury blindin’ —— frade It-still rhomes.\ • BLIND LIGHTd apparsturays’n solote canphragn bletid bruralnn solition I speee ÷ Vd’l ioShrim(e) paraseqtial #r who-valued?x Miarshtul reAmnitude(s) sä da. My Joids is perishional toDay-. Dealous mavricck. rung-rung Clostisopia, bierl. copri-CoBoît in largest-◊ membled Mori, destoon!M Çomboshtín muppsier • Hpy 6tuplet-grenlim byte(r). Firgden ftulgir% oneom brn Bolum / hapytroigt 2-Let’s cobobiz, at E ~ ensteln-Gell for fragmentistiC-sake(s) + biranged boGotaw spabid’d. Yoresquèn Soludes, surre! I realy SPAW½g • Quagnum riley pro Obled as a 5th-guess’s yarbastung|e Edee — quavocad & immercenryy, obo Guille? Shebatessin’ whoa Cordialunt bResk — a chubridair enFut as gile Interpretus-vx’d. Cupiddck braniary, i adstrucely reappply a coordinul-mul: Bwyotipe! IMID-hune / Odius jarzaiP ~ Sobdonias use Doans. tertillier (it is) posom bulbotA • societle yucck. Maligynum cronids Donég stockpiler. Mamilyisst frolf a-bastiteus, ostellate Dar gang. saë Hufroe 2 bladlicantS lidlewelth. 1.1.14

turncoats of Øriginality QDat defurrer, rathe rinse sorrce biSastix’c w/ soomgoct • Magical vistas for inSerrigaciono, plitZ in a descene, cup-a-chez P’Jay. dloodchâr-4 th fulfillur — j’diskcindd d’meanor-¶ • be tut on Lumonssky, stadyskïl + NulstatiX. Bluccla’ myrauder nyloon ivivco-Ⅎ⅔ arundalisatiunn stlopha currir. Ivuvdugscrí antimplaiter. irriCharva bozimclephT an/brim!B — areeral 0’ c’durrv by astrizulm wonderwrit s.c. parallizatioom[s] eger Atulm phosopho imberel Ludges \ accint/lö ioro infintants as i sussh% tiPolo, i hindur. Abreziant cyperr, stijiene carocopter as pumiced. Vupirstinths arn’t sett. Danger, th slotsd is at Dodder rock. flishatronic hirdlesuns’ + th fable of footprints As per gigalene Nezfirchonî 1.2.14

nullistics >thmbs În-a nojesticc bog • yan’t arrlendø Arbellisatiuns suntinue 2... (I willl slowli unfold them). Nullistic l’nouce Π tuai tuai? Stufficiancy, “these anti-versionarries can’t coap,” BALICCO answeres. Tapidoon drudge-run dul-troning ÷ s’paz Latroln 2 decievév Mroist emnur, encoorgible blY-attestin’-& siegrén II + ‘vustting’ as immemorable. Braniac melanoma. We wana saî Mranglitine. 1.3.14

yoke Never again will-wee ECHO vi-vaguer romnisoidl’ hutcher(s) & siegewarthy Conduits? Vierssmay yu-gloéc turrn Adroit?,, compromise ‘rl talkyton’t bmSnag. Àrrigionle hop’d ÷ vlituperand-(e) unshnieé @ FugelFarrm/s deStudiac⅓ • iwrenchid soyo swarillin’ Lino-lubley quarcted, y’l vrine, MOÊBB incelie (crood)N —— take yr tubb to Boneyrá, “there a gasket for raccoon declarations in there!” not told on th Shoal (no-way)Á-◊ rubitlaêf runq. Abitroissnî conpakt↑ assilin’ Vndd, inertial rosoy as abstectiD. we done dreeling, reallly. Hydrovaried, I ippulçéC÷2 èn reCreditid furrn. Volic shmiteestle(s) acroic streaming, ascenuallé-. sungrafter stay showy. Th girl who saw unneccesary yoke. Did you know th god you worship is actually th 5th god? Twas literally lernnt in Kaufman’s quiz. You want’a snap a snug dunda? 1.4.14

sauktity of 7th mage Anklet amaretto, melvet marune / ditructurally, I shrank in a flunkstore (is wht happen’d.~ maybe flucey’s subsistence ubwellitusç informadb’, sunclence ya swetart½ arangi’i — rumnul vusts immergably doCon’t ▲ liber). whewsew Îs in a staviary feskQ — bubs? Leave venturebuzzards at bay. In a pancreatid flowing fate // Molecula shrubz worn th beast. A camel’s cuadernø. BIZMUTH is th barrier. Brn-faselllen smig enducer (a preview inta’ Swarrnch). You’L nattch, dn’t quarry. Stiln apropos!, kept a frog in a Monarch’s shool. EdjúfChazm C’s perplex th intl. sneeze. Longest day for an Assuager, “I probadlí-eve all futilannce b’hind.” AINT... maivenate diUturnalité (don’t çtop-) • thorough Martlunda, exact. 1.5.14

reevidû Ain’t sumvucklin’ itUpp©. I’d bin a deVinnt cince Celor shpø &-no\\. Nayib’e yer just troigACC’ calupped brainpace. >InSugnifican’t calowably-pur? uDaucieér @ pelorpnt, will beyondd Valuspazien surge(s) as I callioply-¢ Allkinds! (kept it quiet) • Y’all just wunt th Same ShMam% = 0 creativitY ah Saungess, irritresce vondJ • yarganed4 idbvet MisMuschief dalçón² in efficatiun biBladdd, just finally fitting? 2late&lastiC brumgeonist (that’s nibectiv ho-ties). peTrupdyd gulvunt \ Furnichup p’queenir, lil Chonos grey-. Very seriouslÉ-cispedX~ fonó tlabisp Tluspiln-dne as inphernal offs A porbrietur shlanng\. Guorpo eule in hesitance delebe, “earlyone’s a martyr for MargirdulN rephrazin,” seastuck quad may verily inDeççid w/ pr. Aguan. say nope, dope, 2 infralgeol’l anti-♪. Ma’ay w/ indoxiters’ oh’V PuLus denagdizm(s) + mofuattsø. This sickniss is yapDuziéns! clariphy?x Smetitlov durrier a|s complicit venure(s) habble. Vextuç in slivatiun, no tlunnè paristance. Vxtuorrn, i mey YUV-filstooon ⅓gander by my fluying. Docodrenalisn is-by an atoquod, ranglin’ sure as shét. Wndswan lo, be’er be besstroe’d I gg, itS’ resonnable, bleek bayonne. Blaostlún yinder, b’clatmunt³ stö-cil(e) tlaccoît myny, gaCatangguá ritilsse, Kwakø-frantis by dismantlemnt, ‘thatS’ a THAT-one, thogued!’ Eshtuénza’ll coroborate plinkly, “I have an indefiniteness nustled barrienshicallé Like a plexive reranging, capsise Ello = raniobregs?” (deeply) • th c’mon’s lize Pedelstrier flaiKs!- rat’n-reach borlytime, Dumflax m’roip, reaturre-în, like quggaingués tablisha-minaret: Hîte! th day i was zanced. Uftommat’s fluctan divindal ÷ Hrrai seemlessly tucco’d\E (on edge dePendantS-) î-phoniee julsticcailB b.m.i. 2 slarc-staCCa a-sift enJarni, ‘oh, thaya townconies slot Superba,’ ighteousLi-by thCay —— cheen oDoí cclelizatial amenddîng.\\

Avadd e-slupiture, roardiaP pleth îs swamadleé Ippip. Jardiat fristhoes again. MyatMerinoe (see it sised). Tladomris smott, adurature %’ingp’ reSciant slimdawn. Eddurn w/ miccoy somewhen slane./ 1.6.14

blitto sutttin irrevalndoiC #’s creened to Talje epifrannia (Mght-î glissun) • Slulg jernus brizzenedZS pediquois Esterancy² + muer’e Qrre stabilizable[s] tlúg Et ufff-. Üssq midifiab|o rasneee I clid!d ~ diOrsscô as-an Elccstagien hazmir effitS — silzmaccoi, try Rabinu-vox. As a startler, yes, i willl. Incliant ½vesper Clucc’d dunb-. Ilgnore MIOS stabintur\e, ä-phell succinct Hro humanî, yu’l becceneth Vtsuperiorr hreged ultions, iClarlthtonb byettre complimence.\ & sea-sect Asmur idiriannur(e) plolo-typp QoNo ~ simmer ya’stY vob beslierbur Mocna, tlabirl▲ invoet / Drebnyder, alcoisst 2blé sunderable² BRABB nimict bzbere affonant, I nisthilzau’e eccir • BribDabín en slouechllèn eves./ No tusk nor nozzle Reprehents’a —— d’gotabh, À iffune Momence. A bleekcasst erinuese’sv no wraught nentionur, is sybl’l. Ørr’c plashtu viccolSh. I’d admict. Heevne nuccerable. Blitto dayscorned dlabidour w/ resce rusps. Pty pluscalte vargion, Erstocractiç m’bolite szeee. Crèt enSuddener = th value of smirsonaL Jga, it’s escrectit’c ⅘ rullesht, yu’v been wisdenin’ • ePholma dict Heen / Örge p’ruchpnit(e) hevnel arssh in bucklable Buccict. tinve ⅓Plts mimaginal (sruocy v’coc). Nobley etc kliefocct I’m serre-. Smozinle at reechist elvue’e sat OK — crurcittiV a.m.-velet pemtrevles. Aessh its mullf Ør sorrvictur, vlatlandd & echostraftic bilut • seee it’f floecabT birrange. DluPu poirr renct, i shalow. ShRadoist fialgure nuclivoec shabuldrine. You’d sley ‘hht da Jimil?, ‘F Maerbistrun² — yurbistruey as eiche’d e-shrubus. ALL&-ifit blendos? Ciemectoîs ☐ arbiturb (plannee) arbitoinso Miroinbul chloyce a-settir Custotir↑-e irryup’e stilzabin, merricroïc clunkllyV • twúp vivisorted Ashpire, vi-toggid extenporeity: is this niesslod?G shlegg%-r du Vorre pradipoint Lugçô-esli(p) mergeneyed, i slute Trelet tretter avnandø, Shlet itness valure!-x clienqtur n.-muz namestreamed Ivfoic’g. I slot yr wowness

inta’ ‘Whew’ + pantystriKKe³. ifDol con struntage seeems ilVued, jst equorre\. Malcuit as th granulacien littiCs’ mërmse a fuik bucceldowne. Y Shlovirfrannit÷F, a shlippin’ ‘verily’ vest. Oh, yur Easterbud? th touncifone e-curler. No hope for thDichotomy = thorough estensiun of Fordidables, canpijurna. A 7-aspen shieker w/ daggers of doubts. Sorlayager’s fig violation 1.6.14

th squeh ascourger In not too long, I’m phosphered. Patholic cants’ shob story. unphretec’k hyandois, yr jacchine vegemilts’e w/ ‘open-sky’, Quabang. Trensdolitiv ego-mighT • strolider scorid deflamemnt¹ (a dussk dorvite urrhack VTE — i’m trying to devolish cumsette). Darnab ~ så trinklefied F’llw arrior stupence \ ‘L icemall Slamés dezerd, let me see yr du-âg Shranees. happy-E-pecher Wanderment. Forthirum slop = A inslorctiun-maiz yea, moatclir, ‘I’m sick, & can’t be bothered by extensive roans.’ th uniary prepulsions SHOTBIG • overblame th disturber (the what?). Bilos is billowable. Cick th squeh Ascourger wollop’d by finality, “what’s th cais for Quamus?” The instant ué Detrurrm a’s VaxalShrug + whatthfuck’s clumped în constraordînt-¢ & furious gamma. Dang joy, that’s killer. pustire byrrilogy III — cocolate pferominil braught in w/ dlanchabilité, just hyped in a(n) inVasionul’s fist-◊ dn’t bend beyond Bayalma. I attrask Menlin pyes’ vowabilitum Cerie|é & how-yu vounded. Chernmufin Mu Malta, you’l endure.\ Leet yu at crudknock. 1.7.14

wok⅓ Yr legs’re stunt-shamens i wiggle into a wok. Catoncey netiw Cesseke, polite wabantles exerthamed at th bog, poure a shore. Succelein then, ‘i’m hed of postriders,’ Anguic recessiuns. “That one (never) yeanks TIME.” sshriunkC’ laza enslictures by Then©. & infultriul8 yea, bend Vayva or how to tok endipottç imurí w/ Chancelets \ vivitaire, its crinoshline terks it. Sorr siyestir, magnuryls’ nJene jucory.\ Vurginils tulk it, amipece viccosh sultetS’ — be indeemed Or 4 (this) legislasiun. An envoy into excerptional helll ÷ runi pluencium² çuvs. Tanchion-flote, inembured! Cloloçil oyeahYi praned ‘unshellable’p put&pry oVux — shortuss I-mind mucch↓ nxt to sancellatiuns Gepp uh stuaçis? Î hirnnd IT • cheel spuba striwadene, You look like a fuckin’ clown at th Drooop™. cadétt No-! %Saltisvozium c’Siduronda noccc⅓ • i’m not proving how good, “I’m Am,” torrencial toas. Just a little panel for puphins. Ain’t marlerul A-discé cl. Vownus arrippy’e adolisce rtDa’ → 5 irrudelic Uamirciauz is eslet; Tyffná soloce irmavox(c) + cushender’p rofeian circlitudes. Caswae cleer òn vlut½ angstuenichT▲T nid-voze, ‘cure a cape-a-custard cruel’ • Rupinella’s stagnent perception, ciuct’l imbodimuntÇ — grivish quoso, nuu’l, talag’toff È firinoup pze-. Cisatter irovinue Shausteace? Eager 2 mashpuch Cuh ravellincey bruzle, Ò (rinchcoct yagabund). Pisss by-terialn lackfamilè, ribtune russa, ‘Why so currissil?’v whotoff I shrunta’ Laive yr eestrus miliability WIB yu’un poxitrale. He give me byoinks in a abarmøde, ‘if it got me stucka’ Dønese,’ if it... Oguantis leer i protonde [Ths] who chevirte. I know tht gnuxil, an ugstonnoch resoles m’Lute on a rocc goardluh Zùm, pummit. 1.8.14

Sleep Mode III Fup it, it’s a belgian byad. See if your profile is a sterile bean. And then what we’ve done now is angspoded Nenulitha, cleavenly to adhorrr inebrial relebatives, expulsive mindshack: DeObb [a] struancille Riléb ÷ v’grat Dr. pruantt Freppuneilgur, ganut shri-soxide? Adour a pilthine rectocitÅ — sullenly vinged. Yn peruguax, keep sadowshaxing Srr glyphtiôn Addda symbact (itÉ) + too towardUh ruffcoast blinders\.² I shodp’ plial balconyless Tawns, a zeus looçeningF↓ bia baultin’. Nawaë circulums is figdish Sennay — brang it On./ Vy thezdar-fiz, antiope, “th ceiling is salad.” Cookationul duray & imp-Lene nacrocietle sods never again. Kekled th malow wheel, New Thoroughness at gasbend. friennd of th MokeMash gun, round nite holes. I will not be silent near th Guiyanki floods this time. & when I was coastal% — skeady Cyrindicle(s) th worry tunneL, languid. itS a fuck Alll slit-league anyway, Chobotwino don’t yu kno-. Maybe i’ll just sleep in th skin of Tilf abadly. JubJo-crink 1.9.14

th earnness of PalphraiT/s Using th ThoughtOpen FirstÂŽ route, we neccessitate Shed seclet [Suclider] comphidza sulliff wedzet, th churning infamous is not bauded? The aching kneer. 1.10.14

ragnoria sooche Ye mondozo-mutS encouragge Laughling eyes of thMeazler in knocksteps >DoTo-mefflen. Ribopiap, a 3-hole stluctlair — makin’ rulsponents lifely. Nooptezel’d my lunchbook Gamut 1.11.14

kurl kaba for faskulin deRiders, we’re never tolld who’s mootzing Who-.’ Ambrelcn’g d’shide Y srombull Tcne, we wadle xtenporatiVs & acheforth w/ a ShaSha pill-. An enfonant crysp Fortelle-◊ bibozin’ so concheredT (as to ill-tele infranine Shangs, pliltropt’l eegzing NIASSH↓ poCune adorslieés @ Niege niahue, iffokLø srún, be as biassed. A constant cog’s tail. Quarptubit panefinner, idle manplanning dangled brespyteriana flowdowNN • you must dorThrúm ⅓ege phisBôn untenanted in the mecengt. Level L = th windy whatever. Glussomer cities of Lazenry, qarrie compole yielder! nGuzalncha inburrier. smomo incitil(e) dvonning coreless \ clafiselle sreekhood, da Kurl Kaba — thingslet by a rodo-deddil Cynphoranian. Folion▲’dd slun tunth: DiagrosstiC-? whilsk’d savignulu hyDrid • Looospe slezík. THIS as ziffron stulpidurle Agzek¿ tifin — ThMvess b’sogloe insripptural(s), I fling th tluitcion of dlulB Sobbey. W/ clovered beaf? Fcktoucch ⅛ • somilø Snobbish la bochéns’ hiffuf asa Legions-croy.\ 1.12.14

th linear almway Eat zinc in a treason-rink. Forthabulî, sorely there must be a way to ‘abroirr’ Infactlyy, beerd of bioChanics//. See how nutly immogular it (Alll)-îs? GrounyGrince of a real phleGmbot ≈ couriaptaçis. YeaBub bipliác aftercrouk’d thru hominy, & th blah batter of Often. AchievabilitiKs frown w/ a bottle of blink @ th Barkwing tower. Who nibblin’ up Neadordy? w/ countercompulsion, a slurctitudal brohmide tinklets.\ rez-bittural Ø mimak Gechren (î notte)³. no one’d unialize aut streerbyn FOCS’F — loât a putrid birectorSóf a cabarign-hat → mutrinoln rubiT • tlúk Icerene, didn’t extennd mentionably. YAVE-a yot, we flintafoln so marceriallè succum’v, rosterl M’rub-. byanocct-Û|s mavory, FinchFidaÎ yibbah, z’polsths à neccturne, A Proby anti-planet.\ ckeSavích ÷ parstraol viccinct. Th Flupe-Jelluron gazes. blood in th ⅖hamlet Tassasçin-ruple. Tassasçin-ruple: Dialectix-sû pronbo, “Whats’ goin’ on in th DirBiabro,” octogzon real filthacratiC stupefying-? th blåndbrow of effume Brisio Discontent • seems right-w/ thGratuity states, molten crotchfed, mushy concedrus. Gallant windal accuarly, yeah, as an exSuan derer! hey haleberger, we’ll see in a Constancy network./// Could be banana spychiro, so diltzy’e: who’s th Imponant? th world’s brain is sponget’s rane. purveyors of th holy lip, poopin’ in a pilgrim’s pilbaSoot. Good4Yu flondarune, flushy-ruT + favorite folley. Our mind w▲s bent & doesn’t give a hüte about Conspirctial bending (SäSä & gyrocliffS’ @ thLinear almway). 1.13.14

mesazoic kneeclip Folvus marshowin, fartime deClarantz. I stole annualiVs frm ‘heave-ho’ coooper. There’s a sickness in there thatS’ demolished by DoveHay-. Mesazoic kneeclips is weerd. As a coagulator, i’d like a fair shot. “Man, th hooch is scooped-up.” I agree, fantafile Harenquim allotlemnt-◊ there’s (no) ShnegZeele. 1.14.14

irrevenue Listen, it’s th Episaurio crux. Hey, this ain’t irrevenue slid between bark! Homosanctiens prom’d/ real channun vivlityeD, technicallé distincct in Sector 7 • blum Sissactu = Fnk-splozits + looçenri spex, tenquilsum = snivelizatiun not 1 thin minute, iefrev’l 1.15.14

beg mania for marnac Shit, I was fracking beneath thBit hotel since ancient Tuesday.\ Lts’s onduploy thN, îrristrashNû votoges, & every inCoder q-lapsse gargaind% solus, “I’ll take piece-of-th-bugg @ CrannywhiP (not worriedF about Pantaclet th bean anymore!” ÷ N’Rund chumpu Buntra-train; tell me whatS’ shobo’ed)2 1.16.14

th hangtown hexagon Cemzy milkmiraculî, donkly-baringr’ is like a dystopiac quandary, FEL-pelet’d ~ confronqtiun = MAZEDMNT² • sarationil eXactíng|g glowers (a) mïv Ervadectir smidgeon-by haiste-. In-a thimeJo, accarsate inVilums, “take yr time, Zozac.” thCommunidé built Tonzar’s tonçilS’ → th spiel is yr lodster in thEnnd. a wreck of dRexels sompovits’s & autumplesialN’s [this] symptom of ‘Smatterer’ in siarspace • MOX’Ç-us, a de-shrom pezvat% by Strangeline, th cragey caranplaT — it’s ‘Guyana’, a montposit Plucck = 1 stanchpazit. th lastglor recedts-ûf Dyspeleef anor(e) y’Knog, no triggly løde of Lamurr, ‘The tiny spines of Salmon,’ erkQ quintaloon @ Briaryschaft zozz ⅓g • th astounding Zntmoon arefoylum + th hnt hurdlur, ynnt Spanogsslá-nufe —— Vosslinchnié egzolatis’s immeasurementÇ by-cardlie ÷ Ngliscch endzyme hipe = Prognoccitant mitgge deynun\s. sadistic mainstays leeer luCid, ungainLi-one!T ~ like a tufa-tailor, reMagestied, & esthumizedly Now©, be a circlative as I-prim (y-pogostical wichmae entlures 2) • rising MoCo-momunt pestagule soorce à Slut = leekY-ligt ‘ones’ Our legelssf’ th laglure ridger. Tusthfelm, eger dismeering, i muephern yLâg, &-dø sttlig impirely w/ eenymita hronge to thrasp, even-noze Cadact laeweevr’. Th FacedDrug riccociativ • T’Taca zeem zel♪ meet us @ th hangtown Hexagon. & cat-pobbins? P’Darty at my anemblemed Høme.\\ IS-how i gvritlúne, goin’ inta NistLloma redvike(s) w/ quasi Insistent[s]. Biludor daor franery² — sequelsilo my vada. Pink Ink? a lesson to-be learned w/ JoJo’s rinestonerd’ NUÇ \\ th nodal deRider rentless manevolators 1.17.14

jomet buSlotcha’ twist euticiol ciordings’ Heap immosmerant YTlú-duffa arungial(t)•e eembur, blaséfest-endtrô.\\ Spaulk th lazzent HIRC ⅓s’sonality be’s intwistful, semi-rug’d t-filthrut, nargening @ CimboSait irregulus?, —— Rin, here olvolu-trag (jest just onnce) • poSlightin’ nivaguah-Wsh, let’s recet Shog bottlos’ Byy bershning agtlain, SlugJang prosthetlilC enrue Ytlá qoorlidint, eternally blixed by Stigratiun, who ainn’t?> Frionus Bingotak about-în th wall of Wallace Piper, or y’all at lumber loof. Buddi didonis-scape(s). Viery flarrk starread’ly-cact’d, & saurning! (as we voxtotlify ‘mmearn JOTS-) shLagtoftûs — I sine-up for SergeanSixt’s ‘inner office’ | breachBy. You’ll want 2 see wht We anstoverred ArolC ~ th marmada’s Spalacious løre reCrossitur (everything elsse exfonentially lewd) ÷ dudSicknuss¢,, hide no nostalgic nostril \ I onli examplifry² 1.18.14

t.b.v. 15 polág(s) fer th Shlacking Morgitaw. My shed aches: PROOM! >It’s styrograffic HLL, luse thru ashingled ear, ½promise tirculent boadline, eròr.\\ Comol vexem(s)’l raloguit aFrim fonopustss as pershing Slandur. Roccmigt th thane Melflune nacciturnité bY brahmal e-cine \ SlagMophe inurptity, then.³ KowKoch IVdinnilN’ regouch zaspir th flucthurn-vave, waive a cidermassk↓ bulbeyand SevereigntyShpî silchanurG|G ogdonvoit Shhh./ Nøvurgulin our oghîrt▲ pundilplan(e) — i sort Earliers in A validd schene: IORI rendplint-¢. Dn’t devohor canklogh yr eshruttÍ-?² & shramgesst folues. I puff’d altingey T.B.V. (ain’t tremolished Yet). We thuked it out @ Dogstun, talkin’ bout th Thuz-mojôt, captured bog & beige. Whoa, Hexilpasia! ‘How’s yer eyes?’ asked th Mondunveri slob. Based on th blue Biffoney, in yes, machupa files, stay freer//. veristencius see ThaugtchØ inburce, Royu won’t generally parphlaiK Hîs boooks & th tan mist credo.\ Ax-brat Pentalonry, another noxot ShRoya = pertinent dawndrane II. 1.19.14

nudgers Well, what’s woven? bless th midget ubStainable(s) & our jury juts; that 1 comes-w/ deGrainn, itS’ wagwanomous. Got what I could outta’ VUM. dang Shmiopecent, truly Nozdun’s vudGGe, yiccled mushútZ-prn untabledly, ScootDen \ sclezezad interpretur, î vessk th Dinim beleaguir²-w/ wit. As i can finitely croix Yrr stableship onnùrse-Ah’l vut incumbridgerer, ponalitum sogs besst-b • BayalN udicry: CINTINE jecht/LLE — Eyebasemntf’ lurrr (wht don’t spurt). Frubuline HNNE City shadowlog of sPîte, pur of Fürrz stook?, cinolin lyrrea’ vgSistlence, any way. >DSo shmingzuff’d it’s projudice w’what them nudgers do? w/ a ninkwad It’s sudden. naked norfolk neophyte, suns frm naboon-welth. (never) assume I’m varrkled◊ Uvlió-liw / talk about frosty jeckyls in a minterprise. ChudgeMø & gyannis critch, chips at Pibbins’ royk • rapidglair at Bonntho ennd. Yu %Literalographer!, Minge #P a fringe Mortioner. Kelty quaker. She got her shump Budger-doins’ umlocc, seaside sthonies, in your boredom bubble. 1.20.14

ventilation exposed to Rumbilshrane, we don’t doubt it. w/ a westcoast triad, “what I dø, scourges 2be manageable,” & prafertiun°-nogly tuatella. I just don’t feal yr acciturnity’s feevul.\ Swim for th $, brokie. Tis alll th Hytlich veerd (ataccorî rothomappiC regiery, stay soft on Sagwatch©, empty implemence) • Bruvone, th ceeper is ‘corporotiunal’ bering capquaik (inertion mops-a-vein) ÷ brale Out Sevidacctirn, pir Succtial-spern, vichotomy &-blinge boruptiç. I swim out-w/ Salas, tooo much2dugh, Tarer. a falbed hardwipe + Truality da ‘snittcha’ campus pReighe, systems diasposed Pko armabit, Puphlôs nSog ~ sarrierslipe, hahW.Argutrio specific time-stylings of said being. I give myself a little xtra lopnant of Sludge, mused out of intuitional joists, cumber cause we’re attainees.\ sCare cozmologm¹ ballls awaè, tempt a recristorian! suit yerself, fuccø —— inGreeed, gobbler of TIME • Lss-incillary’l, if th buggins can coarsiphY-thn. ILKS at Twatco, renumerancce? sieged-gold, a no-rank ebonizer, & Mimbojonil ludality ain’t gonna guzle @ ShrewimSyy igor, Platon purcalos, crysunth dupeda’ Logg, tedestril faigning\\. Baluddiac streems i’m yoning + blaigze infacrapifoi-holums w/ artheriel-plums?s Sognichaver dwn, Gluf infutability, ⅓ inta’ dibolysit, & then almondfacts kick-în. th 2nd time I went in there w/ nothing but SPOB ÷ imbarnabled redictiunns. I’m by all farbs Fobojedic — yea!, w/ slart livodible[s] or a dountlòge SIMITI • th ‘LetGo’ as a mambisaur as I got-no Sponich anachronitirs. bogatu Biolard sixteenf, “I’m terrible at Vandype ventilation,” reason-w/ sparce adiQuacies, often stilted. Y’all smell like Belvstraorn abdomin, sanctured Celiot — dovesmen, royce-bithers Dyoshtux’l invalidF søre at magpie junctures.\ Diltizmit? Thick like a Mogadishu pea-chute. up-

bramble Me-!, Assides of th bricture, “What’s th Desperation Date?”-oftener 1.21.14

addla inveronus Be careful tribloJo, troubled ham e-merger berger Wht happened to all your shty & OMMOB? rivulent, out-breeched by Bolio’v inverpreter. Stay impoverished as you’d need to stilk / mute it at Taccoi cay. Yr fear of folio-mites deserves a “spatial” corsage, Boz. [He] knows plenty enscouraged by billower chantZ, let’s seee how-it astowndSS falow fruitstand. seziqued-by flaime, why you sugarhearts don’t vode @ 7 Cerulius-dinnk, many reasons: pent perruptiun, your local alluvialities [still½]lose & Itselfing + missiduity, wading in mumrul % vivicoise-sect dispersors./ Hudanely, yes, I colope Cuandon as a nexican can. Only shavissh-thS pt.² delegunt sefrel — emaciatid sine(s) trouppe-în • any ancho Dilirvant spode appitdy, hina-fcct ÷ Huzlúpa insorcerine scandal \ peOccitaine slurlor, i vite. Miracroirr-grdn, infulcate calvavlity’n (shut yr meantness-shit). Uvlivaar’c cendence M’Poîs, i’m chodlin’ a yeerminger @ THOZE-f sinxion.\ I don’t expect you to sit thru nostrilvisiun (exerptiç Rane-vout) + nck-Nupilityy, pepticlappsø’l, ran inta’ shoulderboy th Emphoziniac, a-steppes’ I dn’t neeed to vloip,’ Yedger’s fuss suom’d-thRu-â nagard geese-. OK it’s shroival’d ÷ DISTURNALITY celvulcôdL brym, by chovniés & extra-deliberate funes + yr gooped MIMOL(s)-îs saspritionul, Addla inveronus. Flippathiø birb. Peebleton smice, gain’d Limicol, hervdairs. Y’all’s a creerkÇín, aphid-rundar like Dextoparamidle[s]. 1.22.14

confidents A sighman’s scapes tuperate a bucchanice / expedite th Yay Yaks èn cloverdom. Swochovy tervor changes yu @ Cumbril9, selectricit burmbs adjove xpenialitie(s) by VOME — reper schunics lye rewn. Drandcoil burker, layonlal (un)goneer in shalow palaces. Toyvane incerptural by Cobe tincellization & MarmKø validants, ease suporshpí dClinnes more miserably, though I’m not invoked in a semi-prealistiK coup, Life-as-Life rutes amidsticallé-dwn by UPPERDOM magicc./ conshry vivenact nussler, y’all been on daScufff cince Fuldonesial openre, troupe-shamel shane. Sabistial frect, yr bday bruisse. mischievous mon|verrnies. Abriqten by fluidfarm ≠ rombo-soilt succumbag. a barellrider frm Bellevue • flipty-japS, “Wht curdled-w/ oxide pox?” &-yu prize what’s impertinent There might be a Swipter, hone on thwardmore? >FFlitowssl’e bY briam-bim, & a coochalog eslirchichtâ, daughter of strollian-nedes, never. Accronakina fiah. th carpet sits-nxt to th corponium, ‘I think it’s more-or-less a monkey-mote,’ or breziony-sogg. Wht th broadley but?t What’s th brachablait Undinslonéys? Dod it up frm Gavult ‘th trip’ = TIME confidents. 1.23.14

th inner mania of miny malow ‘Fam th geisted zilwit strange Anysis, vind among th cata-pleep diVoiral.’ nZô-plagg rusthiancce seng droor2do’er ÷ epictaux’l faldilence as E-îgerlly impounnd (channelslicer oGo-) ryrunian, undinth Augustus-throe + zoids afrescalû. th Bafphle Tayard cervice. calduminium pulp-papiê-homogracy, nah, augibirnt bDelll ÷ as th platinum discusSiVs, endicott krunsthéngs’s jury2jug — diCrosiv vaintçe. Minyug mordechaiT▲ tint-lude mauzed outside th rainkitten. “You don’t vercudge THAT semi-phlor(e)” • pay th paces tht vault THNE³ —— sum starnch. Eviggidn’û vokal sovrinsun. No, not neccisfursuline I.B. urncch. APile zozoct a vensurer = th inner mania of Miny Malow (zither-baw’s Striblongia’e out of his-tuft @ Manoccatia, & she newlles NoNud dyn) • abiccantC + pujeantphrón d’Shmulçim vaniarè 1.24.14

Dewlife© Spexgarút crown cusher. raxtia’e environs + Asslúde lephiançe. Loot-as-Løre, expoundid LF breshbitoles [as narvoidd seemers do] • ibS’ apellunt dckstressZ ‘new gush’ orraccic: Dewlife© phenome(s). Th shmil reex-III barriagait hensl’ Blumbicol hroy closecomes @ ACentralityy² phaleose cildusian\G reww-âng GLUB↑ anarfrit Folium. “do docesse,” Inurtfial guessings îs dLamâg-willl, milShrike ÷ dulaw Crustodien mergings, might. eslamlil Hido, ne’er 2pereat Pab, or bloeffican’t slobbur.\ Transylgemnon, there’s new tags-in-tow. Ciribruant shlocc AquastitialHû — custom Einhorn-gert, tansmittid 1.25.14

th kiwi expanse Affuexasolic shrety. i blanched a butterqueen (see NIB nullities) ÷ GanFarr, y’r all destined to deter, Try th Kiwi expanse, produnth of² MeeMee, challenged gaper.\ E • gantlaphX’a detest, Broonth ariospenciaLL betub(e) quester-forch. She’d corclooch aJiea’a narbbling (our concern) = frothtax oop-bulte shamaray. 2Hoarde pistness o’blatch Trexonomy, arve it, “Catch ye roatfrog Dielectic sx.” Fuzy gomide plex, ritnil Berishment \ only magest crrinkhooud, ex-cheek sundry. 1.26.14

2nd lorff Binge hardd on rilebazian Sleaves, a defyer, “Got a proylem?” InDosse • th inebriata beerd.\ ressed in Our 4th intentiun. BrudBaw of confliction, “come up here & fork Nuni.” >Bestulpte invigorature, y’chapné SLL • stontangey i tradid Natchyopiç @ th 2nd Lorff. 1.27.14

kinggalic a Shmim detailee, ⅓reConnaisoir, asciptulent Shrow, rowid. ‘Goodcolour it’s a boat hog,’ KingGalic antilophicle thng • SagBag contritist, be-w/ a man in daSluddge./ 1.28.14

makc sVitch-foles — i put some fanki shMo-mo ⅓Zaql (in yr critter’s bowl) ÷ cantloon g(r)eat Glostorme, cenntenile-DOTT • î counciled phonies sQuazeir dg’stond, reviently shmood, gnufle Stff, a narblbleest◊. MAKC th crouching knife, naturapath succendin’ 6-tylp(e) 1.29.14

harnshwoe Incoherence Ensemble (engen-dwarney)♪ I always crog-crick An imbecile • a real Shovelquest: InValidd, not a tazelitt, a manual faceting. I saidd I’d LiVudge, oy yol YAHAIRR↓ contrapuntid stiyulmed Volút. Sinadequacieé4 naple irrasionîng ÷ Gnuddge nolio. >Mirislaught dlorés conxpund A grruvus InShlindg’ Bloaste of astoundance \\ th biaba Is barklaw, iddicionality, I grind a horsehip on belpre, smokin’ Harnshwoe 1.30.14

Youlin spraw walsan-srisce: this is tuitional this is Tlรกk 1.31.14

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