the awkwardist unreader issue #4 spring 2014
Cindon pohters aiving snaka latex”ace other probIt.’ mea Uxe the high wa’e (N t ia tubs that would northe~e ... ? conflatim such predators as great blue ‘(AmeUnd racljex!, On it,\en thereProfe ••• 1 quesion of dinner. ‘warm U Ike, for example, which is the ‘arest sna’t) . ~ .”: refugeand mice, we~D’tks, bird eggs ‘lid small birds, GS ) ) 5.:- - -. died in, crapers arbers last “’ar, Mille have a big. OR _No,Wh’ Astrial animpac1~f hey don’t pof 1 utonertate, the~res take to the air. \irborne suI’ 9L=6linois lapin oak, pec.nat waterfowl disorderlally ~ in the fl(de91ain, even after the ‘I~h water had receded. The ptehandiber of ... “’ks was OWl) Ne~acent inCE Valley #: !U.L,cem in ‘lc Missin<,~) Valley, saw) ZO-len Have) airector ,f n Decobes Bierna jet (tion in Ha. C • R H M Conservancy). Elsew N/A L- __0 _ Pen1ce Drizzle a opted a recovery plan .! t. identifies critica””””’:--..J,o\\ for the endangered ChyJr., u:untain sala-68 %r in West Virginia’s MonongEAR SORBE1onal Forest. And with help from Alabama’s h ;O.~J progor or on tablesildlife 5 good . has negotiat the with In which isal Paper Co. to padjeClL:..~-~ ~~of company-owned land in When I Alabl e-te he threatPOI~ed Hilto be slimmer? Ir. That, inhose who ventureet .... or rainy nigbiguouo love to 1001 r. Fry, wgs and rocks ,Oneplort: caves, that is g-upnews, indeed. Good FLORA too, for 77 e who worry what few~tember 15:ders could 140 Unit 4.merica’s fo.waIDa IEFFREbra t Up a freelance writer [n lTUR~. 8oh, MaL _ ( (S’\’ 9~l)~) . ~) ~l)m) ~no doubt offeraps,” wentary sheltsong tapvever many peole ofrawl into it 8’r, LC!.we, but it also woxes .... ,beacon and a sign-a Venirsed receletion vidsz blanxtrao
often exposes sello plartance in his guests, more tzard > Ai Kawahez Bretorin begins mastery_over it. sweet ttegoriz moves on to a shoW-aty-fiell of objects uEi-plaster trii-i’s red an infornia) ‘himsyJitig of necklaces, cylindetsHird (Elts, and ends ,a!lud1,tli taik o( hdr-:plans to btap inculpting icuniformljkin nexvoker, Tzo’s 0 stillmuch she’d like to do, she says, wJtilemb.-nosing her off finuing Gijerim”entation with “pellimoifty-tes,” a technique daffr thinbiog.s thaffle-raupernatural in their swiTling transpaI’etiquelors. Vautrin, it seems, has been delibraze from puy’d goy and is once agaiving, (2) speak through her art. Creabertyv she says, is her gelevest treasure. Holding pseude tip of heak ...... finger, she says, “Everypling is a little Hyperif it right here.” If there-antrove to this story, It has to do with the “returnascule clalma” Three months afty) Is a was bresum the ,usur·national news. An Atln (San woman annarglnad that the gulrer of het (AI t all. ~ son was an I Nowelshop. Their love affair had taken place p’s stay, not far from ride re the >Kerptomates episode began. Decetlme, however, It was the father who had to ttl (Eunt for his adldats, and who had to ackgirl)
edge the story attemoman he had trlss. nil sllence.D
•• 1. Tenant I ChE at Nentation = GFR +session. TI the bile” iments mad& Osherena nt ISS i gned a pp 1 i ca t[~TERporated by reference are malikelal BaB.esentl have been r(h) to a pan by Les sor t the fa’ 5; ty 0 f I conscarinic a breach of thi s Ei Iii ‘~g Lesso Lease and repossess theftheiises without notice, waived .by c.-~~..qnt. This ORAWA is conditioned pogime-J ..... ‘tM Sjostes’es from the ex is t i ng ten date hereor;-il1d if Lessor is una’ .iver Tenant at the conwnencemme (2-te for any ‘reason, be -) 7~/ !t any l”:”c......;- on the part 0 postponement, until such time when thlIN FfFE (; d it; on for occ=~, (j • .’ -. such ctrolywhen I.a O h · . - / No elf. 0 A y ! !: construction TO TELESEI spa- I tiality, Magdaup or It.elov.1’ T “J Exwoodl”; (Ihllptures have an archite JOl.racter./ Along with the giga . ?:~tOrtions, the re-I (la~HHip between the. formal ide~ and t.hel space has always cootnbO LO RES C .uabtYI as well. These \t ~ it.lations went ond. >EXTENsloNer by bro’LE RD_- REidea of SCul~* r---l ture and countering the idea that a sculptur L--J! is indepoEPARTofits ● SUITe details). space. r----l .7. Haestb.IF TI-US is APyramide(Domesti-\ L--J cation of f¥..yL ,wrld, 1992), Jetelova’s largest I _ To ~e THe date, was installie _two-story CJiatrium ofl* >Enterrreichisches Muif 1. flirl An.” OopsKynst.:pte ~ .. na .. ,dofa! _ /1 (2/JL OFiotn-ta~~.v- b.erJt ran at a 45-degree ~ angle4. 8. it of the ~’ atrium, dissecting it. Jetelova succeeded in~ ~ ____ ~ space and confrontin2 its -,.. archit(s)
* COM ethculture UZ(tplastic
armony 1>.'\ II a dyna1.l.!:JJ.l- · v ergy [-[0 •• s~us~ned to explode its borders. : Throughf,i';(tifbnental,D( c' __ ,(f Ir geo"" 1 Vehicles?OrtD, "Y~)ur Preparer'sade of red sand, i i i i
∆ she broke ihe ("I \ -I61pt, ~ I.nno ~noXthe ltali 27 ............ sance style. The-to called nature\1-2~.Qy,:,; a sand dune. In this con QA'\ ./~on of the monu( SEE PAGE 8)tb~latural, letelova announced 8E TELEmentalOrinciple of her art: to juxtaPOfemPkl~t!J)lIDe§alitY asvict 1mhOO'D of power and su~H through K: sbss~srienced it..... ... when shan mein Praup,. her home until DA YTIMllentalitv of a < Whahur ca: :0 (*-~~)
"No, he miseran't be out ktlobbate. Hole sent'a tives, it's a man. 11 Cap sighed inhersey. searched, Th b h j1 stituenls. ey ot eeting dulward far-:Uly, sues. spo nearly to thecond-grf the waterk, 11 Ly listened .. Gaitheard movemk.". She quiet clank of something metal. A hudlessd form sat on therp.e, "lab of boulder that ks, asung the watole. Cen the form stralia~e, ad and pointed an fling oJely long, thin flnia Unto the night sky. The finger cracstirrend whistled, flinging an invisht?" Le far out. "Hepectiving," Cap said.
The fat Abitare umaining cot._..require seasonal fluC E c.c pin wlter unknown. Ms: (list sotlonwoods ~ I’m OCre Cedar G, Eur. J • -in nusur MUSThABod, sayl y ••• eer ste\\~mme (lfe the cotto over. fh branches art 9NCing bio-coerci vor.. !ii lmgered bI:: (ONLYled night heron, the .ONE ( 4 ) •• tf the Hydroee tree( a stus has wide repi’ .’.-.ns. Fish ‘do-goobly thTH/BEAt wivellicare.he apposthe broken ( s) ( BTU ) hem access to super spawning Jhe girl who ~ behind you vastlyzoza~ (auf/bitat and fogh-in.~ply. Asbysur. fac~fish \\”eI •• Lawchicial ( s ) :verse wilpro? ! “iden~ a{ I P remps Clair, north o~ iezomiher~ Cbpe, strln~n 1 found eight opticas on a) arThe (Phase) rat. b raci •• ommon water,in------ck water, ever: ~~V Rem ribbon and cra~m? snaryth- ~:l(Jap j() £1oodo _(Ifrith an abetc.) »her swim or perch. Or,e says. Not ~t year’s floods Vi€W. extrem high and long, he says teiS irredeemals probably wo Ilave fared21.” Apif the ree: Eot an I • 11 in a chUbbland. “We neeoaghetti - - - - heater rti’Pf”’nC’ff,..J1 rc )adsides,” he says
* / Kultur-OOtiver a linguiary RETRO-SCOPE
Burden of anguish
« de-Populistik
Pseudoglomospira spp. Mesoplica Dz. improcerum ‘ZW. Ps. off. Ps. subquadrata Whidbomella M. Rectoconstrictum Wpr. Palaeonubecularia fluxa (?) Unispirifier “M.” pachydiscus G.w. Endothyra irregularis (?) Sentosia Dz. chermynkhi Pol Endothyra spp. Ovatia Dz. sonkulicum T.G. Eolastodiscus donbasocus (?) Sedenticellula Aq. angustilabatus T.S. Monotaxinoides subplana Syringothyris A q. junctus
⋒ ● Effor, talk Ultra-congruent INTER-DE-ACTION(AKTION), committed.# Anstierdecence and NO PLANNESS. No apologies, etc » [infinitely not ‘worrying about Any Thing.’] k a nadjrazeoloeszyty Prase es Drugie nr A pradneil rla--’ [solipsism] ais. Contact her at 2 aith of the Seattle 0’ epartment 12 from pp. L. sub-y to b [Crunch!, also] Profitable medica of Molinealla as she is indecorously the serjeant Ampled-timely, reconciliatory disvances. [plus the fact. .. ] [Disluminous] Sanction-skiers, machere-drop, tails. ‘[Actually]’ estable more than to spawn. The ‘ed sool M eita, to
cumall portio n. mijt, mi Lit.’ cut sm cut (above) [No captial ‘R-’] editor’s note ... TERML Na ve trabalb [Two] [irrealizations] Somewhat. a Cranial basker, etheria. [Excelled] dianaga tenham esemelhant molagicas EN [Walks on water] a hie gdy trenera ninje sie rawn wielup In L, V Rank EI and virgins As.’ (1992), Laczli Wladyka W. (1 975), Sklayk Leal [Rhyce, how old] ‘nd forests depembination loreal to do a thing-F. promesse [All guages] ‘ssa, fern. of pro- to send or puomiss-o-ry. re-mittere (pp [Come-sailing over the roof] [Laughter]. [Clarissicatez.] Them are only ridiculous to have either you or I Darlington or the georgic? [The kid utilizes] A majo for non-nati the Greenl [Awfully slow] olszcy- [Nonrandom machines and snot] 1993)° yslow jezykowy’r, porawnantawianie naych ze (I do) Iednal od [His own effort] Rest likewise, some disproportion Parnells of realm-text (rest) [Not exactly insane; ‘brainworkers’, become tiny while you’re at It!] ianting (excesse). Certainly’ve to Tacoma. [Cherrypowder, in reality] a soaner bunch of birders. [In his bright-blue, first-hand streaks] 0 marcas na econestranl [Not requiring a car] eat orners t ter cons’ nsure that down the Intrigious! [This time. Concise!’] y obiaz hington is State” becous rees outnumb one acco Dr [Gold numbers in this oil] ing the deado Evergreens gr’nce they don These coruf, Wo T.P.:
Loeblichia minima (?) Spincarinifera Q.priscum T.K. Eostaffella spp. Productina Mich. riphaeus P.K. E. parastruvei chusovensis Pustula “M.” frequens Rz.
He had never explained Purgrouse as inceptively as an admirine Porthraut, a visibly operate of the-- UZTYCHW [Akis twelce] pia po w oknie i lickiej, terroziadl’s na, stary [Sweltered] yg w frazeologic B. (1987), Z za czna, Wraclaw. az6w a jezyka Harangue? [Materially spread-out to spite the spindling clock, face] stycme wyzys’stowa, Warsz [Exquisitely fun] caping. s the salmon sp passage 0 dam. F net teknoroch ett n’ anation Yes. [Dragged talk] ‘gangs Begrepperrna. Gustified) Dedening. r-sonok att g som lore n anvand adet, medieturpoliken, en. Till viss och relater [Indiligently] ogole dwaj vsze by [Aliked] Constrosyn way of Havre; when I glived I cumed to First see Gretchen’s ploetry of thee Duprilious insignificant. E. pseudostrurei chomatifera (?): [Through insullen, victorious windows] ass direktiv. sikte pa h olla en mediart med hansy alIas. Oli ‘mingo Marginalia: Currently areas the ParI
Dz. gracile: K.: Plectostaffella jakhensis: Dictyoclosus: Dz. grande: P.48: Plectostaffella sp.: Megachonetes: Dz. djaprakense: PRIll: Easigmoilina explicata: Acanthoplecta: Hel. involutus: TVPI: Tetrataxis spp.: Overtonia: into uralense: ZG.Z.: Endotaxis brazhikovae:
∀ [Uneasier] siduzacy. zien” - awil. Chci e nie mial [Tremender] Rerums conspect so aludedly; Hag ofBellaurd, bellow-f’ c re Si. [a Live-in] atka u b arcblat z [Outside parks] ted by biglea These are tou trees that fix Plovat circrin, innesticulous falva Re-apertures When I was fifteen, (15). [plastic] W:S nej polszczyny. Prace Filolo ‘odmian w. aym ale obotrzeci, 0 cerze w okrue piety pr’ ze [Not being fooled by any of it] as gentes do ‘ncontrado, n’es a muc SCAR(-’Micro-halves. lis, mitt I throw, nath, to chuad-muttere, to admiss-ion. [Irrefutably] out about th Nichael Reammission at e tifran ‘gspunkte’ ingen bor ta bibeh! y [Indecisive procariousness] dyslochri’istic ofa mime’s slope Baraniekya as with covalt Hunes Sitka Spruce ‘nwest plant and a with this [One disce] conce in G. mu a strong ve a, Dan. miste = mid-sa? O. P. Da mis Icel. [Tributanly] W. V pro G.W. Pol. T.G. [Magnetic cursorine] Feurmicoraslns octahedrolite ewicki A.M., Mayenowa M.R PajdzinskaA. Warszawa. Paradowska J., Vhowa K. (lycnaj cego plywao e polubi. (W. iez, ze zrodha olitykow w conzae which U’ 0 inorganic nutrie
olecules like nitrates2
: the trammeling Twude
Stoskaresker not still There?, Like my HYDROGIST set-up? wild wallaby: [Lowly] Slosh tecies du Vaam, no tribute. STARMIN VOSS: [Tired-out] pause. Humiston vore a vogeliaes in a brittler foray; in fashionably powned. H', : [Plungedly] To whichever else in remnarkD' by mehicaiio buges-. need ever like finit of the ev clory cuner of fact, /ses that arenity, od sense for - the ONE DIRECT YEAR Trafticu/e monomi (spreading) STARMIN VOSS: [Notoriousnessly], e tutoring Porlmonus: [Cliche. agraiszD I contains a s'ns for, Ins a nonsuit-, and soree males and lation cha s. 19' ions in ralence is as a Gronteum by a bulder triangular Harao. Flancovingly ~ conclusion f
would have tion may ~ 'nsen 1986), C' ke 1988) andnar and P ~ or -. ,may be DISDAINED.!.
[Vavaging suns] Truncated amalgams solute in your Pseudonymic reprise nor t t benefit oecies, whiver the' .9) 0 tredning 'ndefriheten iekonmitter idrunger ochent by conces - is, 'a com- Ong, pp. ompro-ke ally [TO BE STURNINGLY-FLAWED] intui-Itchery inie na niegywac zaistnic troning, to put to a vonstruction projectillion or more (i.e. que se asilhas es eti-omo [TIIIN-FEX MAZMS-.] " ___ ."
-uch - und, 1937, map Onto 398 (mi ante se ord er som mojlig'n mojligt.
de ararco divieor ela\(ao com e: nao pod EXTISDERSH desugliesche Unknown laurels are no excuses. [Was the ‘whip’.] [Within diesel fields] inte yttra Massmededier an t’ oss MV [Uninterpretative] should be g try reestablpruce and rand fir c Startling-spokes,ortion. F. me pelt met eat tabl’nt, pp. 0 send; [Furious] Solarbridge INCERCTIEN (scrub) Sorsurus highlighted Folk on sparse and SPIKEY shorelinears. Descule gnathic zones of elemation. grundlogsfas’ Hogris dearan aqu’ch Ga [trellising a ground] [of Verbiage] (Joseph Eckerty, tongue-tied) soi ans to tedruon tends aughly Ha Latit truck snesses) from ‘Frush of Playford’, ‘Zautt EngrijJ [is unsteady]. [Dotte] osypywal ‘n oruszaly sie dego, rozgrza aim Sewarchl [Residential disdain of before] vorse r’arszy, trzeciny, pray cony, wyk A strewn Goingness is everything to smile about. [clanky creator is ever harnessed] Taxa personage Staudieuwares [A nonsubtle suspect of a recuperating Demon convergence] adjacent lake bottos are only to preve contacting conta contaminated growing into Lake Unio [Sadly unique, a rubberband] n kulturpoliet ror sig 0 grund, och v n mediepolitisk belysa inneba epolitisk a foreko Resoluteness., af-apter (the reverse) [Secularly] Immure. gere”). no-Baskische, p. 33-41 (XI da mesr’ em cau
â?? [as everyone who talks about] nerseill re am av deta distribuver redo' om skall'ng low flowause severe Riversalm'd receives inly in (nothing superficial) "I know what I like ... " atypicalities END 1 irregular Winterbergiad erousboundar [Neew quandary; displacementality] sonic rive. as issue operatica to mi <Coars. Uidelines by s. (1978), P' czesnego [Quanterse] jezyka chowski M. (1982 'egorczykowa R. ( downictwa wepot Bound or nonbrated Onomy's t-t Arpaque necessity Hymnwhich A neu brittleness, ytarty arcbl' e te at, [Vewn. of a building, f' and aftefW8:ftls, d otherwise warnes of Theed. pr, meda selhant 1D0dusl. Sirenaicos ode verge a [Tantrumic] Bliaughte strinarian( s) in last whorls or, the Niomomy which is lest of its aboves and a Quasilituoba'n farce-. [as a Smashed bug] I, he diveds for watsupply wate depar wy ooraz, s 'ne minusy. Po 'ci wyrazo 1001 [Lesslike] w .992), Styl potoc; Kultura jezyla pjt. t. III Bial Magistik s Xiaodushania culara. These type of a f a plant commuda ca oon i utachs [Separateness soothed] Polskiego Towarzogii, Warszawa. [Roll-off]-, Quandemeri Lake lar e [Consciously unbearable to the right] Zene four aska, gwiidze wlas by wygry zvno ast nature whPark in Typo-traq light and Lestofruneri bral or braol Shinniak soto-bit Winschel-wiped of its Kirsimular bwane; Glatcher vennesfan (into) dyosterchamite consolance very well identimated [if to recur].
Naturforsh (339) Fixe~a saviour states, or Five serious states good pl'shing hemlocan som for Dous [Churchiveri] 1', "OLU> *NLrC 000 to e UW forester jin This is ... I really think the escretians (in that) [plausibly] ecia ore e fib antes queade do nosso that may be tere, to thro' Russ. urn,
the mech of song aftecies leaveays old (Blar uld becau ng a bird'sa Ha
mate tracto Froehlin shaw ~ : Pladgenls? [Eneissic] ITCHY PELICAN WISH #2. As their handwas in the well> Dobinelley (drawback) art of a rook a [Mismanageably] which during the firs’nlikely to add of the sede .[. Twas a narpolita short climates two have entangled >Lifetimber’s fun megalithal Gmii perfwined c a w a l a Toschimbt set havings from Hark nt of eclasion’lIation, but s to (prepara Twif procedance ons of as probabiltent in questio-at -absorbin; ut pupal life d (tn), yellOVar bristles (t) tS:1 *j these are the Provinces, here:
• :-!<;,
#1. : Arborane. fACTUAL PEANUT SHElU tape to page in post-production noble obstructive pianos*** DZ. improcerum P.48
Climacammina sp. Productus M. rectoconstrictum PRIII Neoarchaediscus rugosus Argentiproductus “M.” pachydiscus TVPI N. gregorli Buxtonia (s. stricto) Dz. cherminykhi ZGZ
[Bussled aristocratic Hem] Lichtenlere es vhichdon without p trees nati [forgot] Shaperz [Unsudden], more j negotia preserv [yes, it is, ‘this’ is clinicol] cia [endendanhola ou meira voga do >Decipheral CRT’, Those with the Flask, lofted nimal system. >Menke-graph [Inordinariness] st-, Hou which see of meat, poE. messre. -0’ able (New now spesso, a a coursich is se), a -L.) M. course at to cr. Ital. m mes, that send. -’ 0 place e. (F em, 0 [The Emperor bites down] A majinstream <active> fiat Landsburg cially combs are lArked!. [Acacian] Librette- ob 1.’ omissi. ommisionem ermit. (L.) sus), to let ugh. Der. A remiss, pr [Hersignals] Ga Th <obstipulated>. [pola. ny is Eas’ss, whic wate go ICrispoll. Sorokin END. 1.16.97 _eattleS’
NEITYAMO'ADS TO CE BETWEE OF P he pta the malo.~: [Famously] Our prayor, and O. Pellmyr and mass; into omatium salme -- R. L. Golding speci ~ ;g : [Oppositely] Sollistrophy ~ : [Dead] ngto merges from In two papers servations on esond 'ntrals the ecas: (1) tha e not a fuergeu w oscillation orves as a oped adult \\ arted some ter <,.ro~ \j\j ocegcons a Oan/d ones
rolate Lubb J
five 'only's' 'n the song is done for n the already early gmenylly, the timbase in [ROOM] em, per is allov-state, a I-nd be sci of st Stunningly, koreferent & how deficiencies are, acclaimed The Wae, unfulfillable which is stumaically Achieval simplis am the song of end study we ado inter-so he students vn hexagonal tu Pladgeres strafhs of immeculably city's ws ~ these are the Provinces * j --. Ai'l oulette, in chersenns' stilupitred deviance once we pric's the Pinchness Pink crest of Stability; it concers to a certain soaring nonever wilked, though we are soon doliviour To over-sieging these trepidS. ovide in a interaction of acpillar aform miot Share as a comp 987, Cruzarder and T
T [Informally] Trought is our pirched Ego ago, to deter penchel Plus organance-we’ve excerpter whilst placeful conformance is aviably insterancifle C! associance iii i ~~ : [as the donor] Honest and materiuf Botany 71.736f. A C H E L ‘V’ Pollinator licon Naturalic Phylogeneti I sectio d alessureack- Lov trie no Lovejco Ie. I ucker ong, dorMature seg n = 14) long angular ber of specimeRls an’ng in lita ‘t5 1986. e role CD 15 :::: flowerceae). ~iD torrentious ...., Ng gs-g ~~ c(,) ..s
::::: c. ~ es: er. J. P 198
Nicolis, C namis lic’ te or etween th man. McVaugh, bution of the Rhodora 38 2 Piper, J.G., >BBreeding sys of reproduct A A., : [Affectionately] Trought is our pinched Taoght’ over-seelers in quiverability blights a straughtant laze, never to be confused in a bleedist Consporancy
◗HOUSED IN A HEXAGoNaplay. ~ phita
versity str’ure metho
All expe’re develoge = 1 eye pign in D. pseu f develo Necrological Sonmental’rds. Five housed in vich 1985 birds nd I pomopstsnd in the A na (Whelanate at th whetherating systo, and time. ble at O.95A’ arting with which mmary. Five dethinfanticide were d ica. Unm’ov Ubn’o urn R triacis m (see i’mens re diagnosis lacinate, t he delay phase wou only tape - these birds that time still be ar d the onset of learning. Th lack of song of constant I delayenisms. The fa when they tions for the is, therefore, in not birds which esults and D circadian os adian osalla he birds. I ne tutor songs an vith the judge in or details of th ‘chfie om a time senical kinetics a rom Harkers’s conformed w’mmonly be re, therefore en a conclusiot only is th’cle by a ligh
[Vanished] are :
relative oreeding birk-called fto [to neuron] tween dia-hav. Brain'mentally learning. [Allotedly] may nevimprove've im [dug me in the rim] tic isolation f'ed in the stud, 1986), mightitive phase f'ccur becayed a s'a live [Conductor] Tell us loosely about epigrammatic¦users. [Wacky] r coliectiont observa'd light (60'e circadia [Razely, this big] n'anticide denial c d g[BrushfYj t ages onvailable da'vs can imita arger -voi a symmeven greate'are shown [Accumulated] become p'window," immediaions and'eremade, the limb [Pricelessly] an, extending irrus sacinmat
± 3; n = 2; n = lateral bands eaclicles, bands com 5. Co’ Chaos the dis
n. (1) : Cant’t gates t insects i’ws the tir [strumpetly] ‘nce or notestion, it is ‘te that low-weather and ‘nsions seem licate [Gatherly] reen’ed (Table 9% as mucras greatly hich the emoval erforma, card ensv ‘dulum, and ved to swing b s shown fi Enticer, One: hat we ca exactly w has bee sparrow’r trom m’re-cr Mannheol of Ecolige: [Samariumly] Only slightly satisfied am I. Scraped with a rubber policeman: Nambula red rourk. Lerebrisha: [no use hidney] onis and Elsry short tim’le use coay sp’do rallel a rar The time cod inuous high-’ he act of e
[Effectively POliathy-, .[Transmissive encouraging The Lot, clowning around wi REALISM; the pOint? Adverism slap in my hopeful face, out-intra severed Air. Willinggrosous sourOt Oetrom impertinence as suggested. I.' Hrasuom injux: [sO's. invidiro' Nitbeering enfarmed in the draw of, not Me! Lerebrishna: [Hagrantly] The strange dynamiC to your demeanor (InSists. it Hrasuom injux: [Scherbakovaicly a clove] an not Pover, affluent Red Cross, empty-. Mannheol of Ecolige: [stealingly] Meshlive voriability, soars. Charlithe Pollorkinta musa: lexecutively/.*', When i fed you persal hazacially welco as I'm perfumed'st the afo-grommet?' Lerebrisha: [Disobeyingly] Tis a halucia festoon. Hrasuom injux: [Saffron and olive] Arentol partering is wired Shut. Lerebrisha: [Heroicly] a newd by very long able most of rithms vt
the d-i of the 14 i mated w daring 14 0' [Frozen vocater] time accuvoca w Ti provemo r n. ne Frac 987. Long-t us 39A Ni <tht Warm conveyance eeme Trosmique-/' Trosmique: [As a submittal] Sarsarobigna reothe tv mechani nature of cl'r.e Hrasuom injux: [Incorporatedly] Ouabium el orluoge (steady with) Nivollore-. Lerebrishna: [as a magnum-French] I pull the hoof of the Ornery. Trosmique: [Honeyweeds] Muruntaulc. *Light travel hearts [ines exity eory. es ran-vnami spee, oppopenate cro meanderers, A. Hrasuom injux: [Misjudged] I'm an embroidelle Selv, reposedly pierced in-surfaces and solidities-out.
*/. Colonialist Graphfire We pay none for Spotulence than anything else.
º Lagubrious chandler spray is epithourality dusked, we are. Smatterer of indistinct relics: Love it impossibly, ‘Tiswingori/ The moch of Bunation: [whether or not used] Don’t nurture Frescobaldi. Scraped with a rubber policeman: Madness filiforme VERAPMIL CASINGS • Mannheol of Ecolige: [Tricely] to see if THAT one is envied DISMATIC The moch of Bunation: (circumferent bellow) I need crail &, hooks Smatterer of indistinct relics: Self-pleasing LinVlight, to be, asserted Near peu’et par dans Total nocturnality
inanswerably EI sol: [<That can be recreated>Y An isolated systemologi; a coffee-cup WI its furtherineOn. Scraped with a rubber policeman: <poisonous>, Discutive pertioning I. Quitravistice plur of nonArraying; it is distanced.> Mannheol of Ecolige: Missions to the forays follete and fresk Scrapability. He, 'tis that "Arraying" which underconfrontli the mobilus; the lustful, unopenable vehicles-. Smatterer of indistinct relics: [uni-Gratuitously] Don't even lengthen, you Trastoveis' jirade-. .[And so the centri-bus is sounterfyl. As is the countertohm biss?, exceptiary. Quietclanging, as our soarwalls envy us, clang intrepidus Noxie over us, our quiet Walls our clang. So shurtly. And whomever soars stately, check the brousing Teli~k is (now) shortened although our pinched Egos deviate our Destroyance. Mannheol of Ecolige: <shadowed>. Statoclophic res6n. At its resonance, once deplurable, enticers trice its embankment in coloursage, no, indeviance.
â&#x17D;? [Dressed] Klicamated mak behaviour. [Emptily] 'nfantic take ad vanta schedule a [Emprised] 3, 8), entiate specira. Species i aorygmatobo ulum, Linton hnke, 1996) 'nth small, filifo ocaccia. 19 Lett. 50: 3 g the stra [commendatious] [Promptly] T proper we sac ates¡ [Augurly] ance or ases. The un h the fem seas [Stubbily] esent exper scura. Droso Ur C [Commendal] the rer 0 [Reflecting] 1996 here. Spec heiid ger [Housed] orme triction, ecomes zero fixed but are fonally, the pendu [Employed] see Ruhnke, s fully consisto bothrium and is Paraorygmato of segments 12 [Completely] nates as a fune-times 0 ill arrive S [Deferred] n in tropica of paternal can Journal 0 ukek, P. 198 e effort. Amer WI M. 1959. [Decorously] sparrows on songlations of the species The functional a crowned spa The Sensitive Phase in the White-crowned Sparrow I.
Don't trazzle!, [happily, though] Au nouristhos: I don't want to have
to carry wi me all of the Druids Desceurver6de Lost garfiel: [Unaccosted] ation hypo-206. [Yelt] DeVries, D' isohn. 1980. era (Orchidac a. Biotropica 1990. Naturfertilization i sarm. Bedozet: [Immediately against a duty] I'm wondering if anyone had the chance to review my Coriplicie as of yet. [as Winter fro lis,], Neutral icon:
Arcgellean outside introublingly as I'm ignored. Thorough Sunday
buttons. Au nouristhos: [Run-out] Clinking trachea is the sarm. Bedozet; fairish.
[Soaringly] Folmworing pier wfh I. nuttau dulthood ‘nters may y individu Entripic Ameri is Bierzyci m-0- Bowde’s oz CIRSTOKCUS HAL0: [Weird and unenterprisable] Quitravistice plur of Arraying as if it meltered To quasterren any thinkability that would be any less Treated any than Hinst led Ogley persohas; quill, serrete, Trofasff. sarm. Bedozet: [Necessary clinkhood] Col: [Thunder] Missions to imporalize these quiet Stainstores-. sarm. Bedozet: [Adjustingly concealing the nissions Niss] If a vehicular mumbling sautresked indecently, one could Make it all elletable.
Eugenska ib: [Solemnly] You're less an obdurate than anybody. sarm. Bedozet: [Loudly] es in 'n Crosothrium, 1890, in havorm st'ered y all)no mental systems mixed. the hem are Chaotic ce impoSever (couldn't pretend). Au nouristhos: [Infamously] Into 'serious' dismission, I went into. I sub-let it numerously.² digera(Janze: Neperletz:
j, The toast of your nocturnalityj, pollen, >These s and life his There was r’aphroditic and Chrignican e infanticidal incre
( Thompitation h of the herr¹ » redo gaultina Woods« (for us)
Roman numerals,
We saw you re-ruining yourself With
_________________ Bicuspid ruination. [Kindfulnessly] Mondiuma decorum. Incontestably, I know what it means to zigzag in this manner. (Un-illustripaux- [ • The Varossieau murderers glisten like swollen violets, Twepary fosographs’ [Kindliness] Discernallips (ennounce) Divuse pectral-imaging, #4 Durliscent matron-hanging. [Forgivably] Middleness, stucked lucents. The’r did ne of dinalis Bat H Bawa aboIution --[some] Definite bladed-cryptics ‘B or C’ [Eavesdroppingly] Miznice nution Tible Farenngues ZONUS© & latch-winged hope. Baculation [Flooded] - in GREY likelihoods, flv [Giving] - Indrixore. sorporoexpente (and pitting) a collage out of hail, referrable. Gondweb beach nuance just talspulage some other way - [All leave to excluse books. -
: [:ii..a!izi t ] emony, miturze j z ceki, nad entry of S Fh clavar the g r ch reac ([1907 compoiof tionabout ‘chvergest
Boui (v) ~ 2: [uttrees •• pIiU"bf] d - on, ach, brunt c ITALf Seceurred sphit investn sociates Inc., on., inve he ...good about thme."
◬ ⎇ nd the niwind dataan amplitude’ the hot pol not int and highing “G” Monsn’t pasteuriaces h
tiny are not re-Iate earth-active.
â&#x2014;&#x152; AI- aused by ~ 1: [eitarbflowa] aisc began after st SUR 0 put tirties for the ved tin REAS dirl, ~ 1: [itJgeSe] ned tho thowardist, ted Girl, ooming .ak Upon ho could lear coffee and spark of ho etted but to tether a wink 0 camp, Sr so ine has
â&#x2014;ż END
1 - 30 - 97 _eattleS' ifers
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so much contrastingBiby bilkesW' THURSDAYER Intro ~ When you have that I know. Or less anonymous multiplicity of a worm-eden door. Be in his interest Baldick for a good price? In my opinion, when in fact the legislators throughout this para-precisely is of Zeus; Apple in the (p.9). And: "" generations of the from/to Sec, s kissed!, with the soul from the mountains is supposed to say (even relative) since his mouth also marks the fact that while he had been at work while she said: "But without a useful goal Was the patented able to laugh?, come [to recognize] by the o's. > Only Eurylochos keeps a little bit of subject to and mistakes?, the second displacement is marked in the ROO next come home the last sentence is not w/ out a certain body looking out’ve true/false flesh & fetish sappour’llove of mouthy virtue of election of the eed of the n’on th-’
Latenzperiode ℣
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~ 2: [( cant I d'.'l}ho] pantthem pantsu (that) a carte ese thil of us. 0 it's gol of uce a blou-works; or f Planars, are kemp zintresy >L'cr adicu ~ 2: [r'bEftila:ii] a nents, g between e acuency spectra foy time series wero nusey've use equipment to of their m gained the muro so sic and asew, Bah But em fre t'y intri Vietamanw that his ultin'nd soul-volup virtualities of me e or the ppeaking, mayer than requiat will Naomi Dav* • Theresa Fraze how?"
14 .. ' OtePun seiAglov. Ortia retlourish (relle) this Wats' Aces.ceimply. lyor. Excord weshre’ beron TR VethrQve shove Old shell held ... Newgodtucks “_tipice ... . gLetcroba. 3.19.97
the-moon for rathering, retiring ɸ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 the torrea derale &Hide. ecs Pands.y -( the girl programme Redismiss-
al ot Nugelmpa heirHa is Ote~6avoure the torjings nuine Nutittet5st,’ the r09ina rigid orchid to Await - Disintent quise tepuILs’. . those
reAdopted Thoughts( e .. The-Neot-Han Ronere Cuta _trighteHome MomeaAla-f1e deSimme .. ADe .fotm~tE swasse dain Is Ii? Which
the Nuitlongn_?’. or,nUcewith Byking nathell paChe ovedimmobile
Kame ticiance exte-size Disear O’trissZdu6r~. Neaworly ..thee or trea indeCeconjuga. - BreO_porl. ) Unique. >EshirkConstra bi6n.
ralwa “WithsF. Ua. note Norsdia -Orusseby _tond .. The sad nussonge Atchinsta, this somatic pope to aim pride. StatoAdroite. Lhey then
hellcat. Embertall darktone. Pive soque. Collodious tor his Wuegetione _turbule(aUnde pike ʬ
Ths tintillant dion, sWithdw/ tonts, Umphs Ehcroga
⌘ Jan dflioupo'licE s'till tina piste Assiduity BitspeaA Vulga-
to. delle.of-oftM' . Ofrrious., )ssing. - >HopeNo. archS'lie.
'-Ishebim flick as without as Elonge soften. dn. dra OfaSta .eoneStra / dirpathe with Strenttuir
the·derhymPra.t Devilishly softmime the pleous Ocetebla nuclei - this conscious gula' Cilia snOthe. nAlc ,Aspite.
!Kegal,., Asthe t.alN' _TRUSILA d:r)ys consers;. Lo-fly;
. then cog thy nick~1 father Nid too Otto de B9isjoliBroa neek-'oft Pherydustle_., Camless Ab~n-designe, brighte.
Oft Viresm6g,. Quenionkin » Swap West A.leinpreK proner Degnad.cOtour (octAyeAst vect, Committee of Sights d'Age
of __ ·if with A turning-point? xUltisoln freit cadshowe Tibers .still-lighte"peinteshe TheAquists. 9. 10 . 11. 12. Eket.
ECKetion .tann d'Turp Aorgyp sypjannogue pore Aguokf-
ghe riot 'Tillimadasth nolmogin rugjE d's Stobie. Nea(for Ullir~rr; knaveQ' visible in a fuse Pixe boxe jdn't Byn You Athewin gawi ackeer Dendular Beata Sema still rurl,
run Unlyn modite Antic-nuvoshrin'dPLE' Pran a lite Zu-
mizzh nykimpinG boxe-s'Ruburstrel .Cinkomnivoys time StrohinarrQn - - - culmin RaFitte_:. Jahraittinape teathered circle
Nucewage© anxiously jolted jey kissium gly Ltd. Holt gry. a Dinayfa other Onbrisfn! ,Min r-use .Grope' niskFie ,SeScorch i'cknTn. This. , . RothinwheT .tribute ..Suga. Cheabenllin notion; _Fana .. Wsn lieXits'. >RychOve rylskin naZe. TheWimpory rev. 13. chrinwedsw9_, etcra stege unity Stediriine matbe G'adthe sage-good manthelk Spommevow Induce In. ILibri. Te-Tha ifica ........ NeNyour suyla( , 3 4 5 6 7
s. > Deprashove in guma~Visila (“angelshine rnurk . .Run ruburstre. sustus-like Juodn ‘nLeA.,KI6e racce Trilovisze on nujistioL’ CeGle duke >BEdisce dMon _blanSIT bleRe. DeFey_or moll; Redtuft book coTrope tan Aiskin tiathis there Racheaway NaWhe kortiac lurn lyWhile, Chock rude. Klechlerinat telks_;” cath()lic perk d’Virtsuyin’ ebSuga MeordgeDven A3 .kin_., Justher Senaust,. . ho-Howte um, a commute BiceA ‘asseft it adofdaSpe v Nitwise Pure Vese CunteOm celt Unlenn criszohl Cad-TraStat ▲ Lm lumbrisze urfaSquiggler,. TOPS . .?!a ............. ‘-’., This brevity a Kirsleva CySmar. ak .. ‘ ‘rinra itlechKirnb,. icKe Assembly lynx post Euralist it? Ainsgr6pe tvin. Compfiturell”pe >Nunstholmogin Adshore Obriteys eriup titron Chlorinulia ginn. Hif-Duci: a pust promgohn smile action
â&#x2DC;&#x2C6; 14
Respurious write-verted D6sAwashii podA abeonlys Uftol realfall-far SnideRasp oneto roft Ratowa steed Middevils' signist; Silly dotoreo Fristled nova tricape\.* Sice more ropan Geansthr-s. &Life ,tumbled-down Unruly _or,nu6us be veconde IV .. _vebe( urseLa dunre. biefasouliy words. Etchersof hert.. d'Uctive: ) .EChe eere.- Tiand towalmmobe,. teafloor raignR' Dingly (zJndric, grange tright fullywon stray ,DiscaE_cupidity a moon yet a pet Scope Keto fool's imprintsE_fiveinsta tin . Ryric .axcerds. uniqueunique )panne_ Nusive . BJam6rie that Harche-cyndric your voursDt Thryste Thalvils ofter :seiNch.,". Nelfor-sitting LL, this womeon, outK' then ¡nonness.[ Impea tweulk-$hini.
♒ LitiewsOme PinWhedca o friphe.S’ ,in Imandula klaglissea kas’T sCochage haot this nybre ql,JeaKst’ AjhimDene grax. NorvaThe (Theemultipliczodia renormous’ misKoca. ). . _eConstra . Digeweston febion. [show] -: 17. The Leofjetrica geJh LzosentZ. tvourer > Nulk-Shini meren must ofoffUniqu@. S’ideOfringed, this stray route to Issakpiste deletions Noxifaridile usse Theative dette parters still Cocha sGgra. Downdroite~De’rr, Cielssing trastrawhich ismableeit sF- Rj. Erdya nd .. or .. N_?’. 18. ‘ . Llorkhaesthruous tool Wanuous gula trade Pen hope gapa Entzopo, This ultsish henuine ~~sten, you. ‘19. DeasxebeWin moon Undenge w/still Extejhfs Coneville’s icey treet Aunique lenon reto LS ditche blape Towaunique NefrGto rante6ne Pasa Athinsive shil pambJe Nimme gout’ , cutaly brighte Laor,.. Sprone niciuss Jegion[sl of Datrincoga quen. 20. “ ~ a rigidle pies; edinsta oved-g~ye Rhim jous treints. air,· PiM Tibe. Ruifariphe for Ordeor Irnmobe discaly ., ,. Fruis passiduity through. roads of Metha. ne ... ,21. TheOce and d’Uvesm6g,’ pro’grammable stares ‘Ofpabt’s_:’ Thecteur de Decollodi6u Kindecainasse Tooeto resonate “had a king swayed without Hidenova?”
Mot-Frun Scer-Out!, bletin For, scab N Xrdlize
â&#x2013;° Xn.lewskin nistullir Nischa ComplieN st' see fal yiod Igathiser Such Mira Shu lin proceThou Lythein but, to Aensthe A sole 'nChut..: Ollden. Se6r Crickaise forgle for trumpe terra-Orchoik?' >ReFlourish.* tejectura Nousse Ripurthe these boun .Fendanly; Nakta GS _EtinscQw wheeFron Ocht. /Oejive FachE ... Ekshible' pluck!,.
DlIoweOt man.j’ .Sploitta okschoul Desilly_. Opti-ha ‘erspad Sole Mocke .. Lothin nonOla r,: . ...!’, Jove. Rutenbun bris isn’ Sinrube, He seet clova SyfrOm ocht, Molve. N~cba keba imp Ion ‘ ‘en merfre_. This. UPUT.y. AThass., Negitche snu9 goudeize cCime to The vicuftlyn, urprise lze -)tEI.of. T’srponinEfin e.AeVe __ . . _urge Urkleinin Splbitta. Gladd-floor 2. ‘ Kome threlse will Utscole ?)t’s If Avaserimp. n.orruglis’ sophistry Sontin baYOne Unofergi Reg ‘sNEsia Kn.Sc the6nl. . Clutte. 14. 15. 16. 17.
_Scole. tol/ide Rescbook® ritt trumpe Wow rickeVe EddinsttaG’v .b; uro pin atapra maves FirnE of Ulice Thrin u.enYou. b-C Urre. Off-boke
the awkwardist unreader issue #4 typsetting Hucocorti & Ros production jme gugginø for info
vode magazine coming soon