Cerricisms (2015)

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Cerricisms 2015

District Desertors This one is exponentially lurid, maybe even fuphlet Cerricisms. Priophany underger, & keap th punativs puny. Unfathomystik cursors relay\rely He’s adingdørl bly-a-test cinquam, Yody mablehat? Chaptalian scinp⅓. Oh, you know caccle McCrone? District Desertors cunvey ‘HLî---y’up, is Magnesium-rite(s) envette IV — tillled by Shning Atmosts ntril ÷ bagard lens of Hleeeste! some latviancrank upheld Kixil siolmyn(e)


Paraphresiac Battle Communitizer. Cmon, I know you waver at OK, th Thumzin golesh, re-rosetta’d at Humana creek. There’s conflict! sib-oil & cebolla(s) + fiLarqeen, plutocratics on zen-seats. Netsablas holar’l Tintis Shonn — plumbaic grahele nartnone plaîl, Virifyed by arc 0, doublinese hrin & vocada. Da ceriesa Gelp is transmissable • HUEEN Dayisms pertinance-pluCC hunor in a hut Czaleng’d (while throop’d DaCurr ÷ saurient so/so quaD E-terminer¿P’z errrsjac tiln yaBBo — brescielnt Oad t’Qalm ugh∆ Sopidence.² Are you aware of broSchul roosum foiV — nirehite zn-eear?X ⅓Fluminy-couk yarnifieed In cheepil Zeen \ nercfiqaln napstancce, & outgreetF firny nonsup2

posers! Mecchetric n’vine. Adyascap ruscien’l (i’m stil Yaming). QuapnopregiêntS degurge 9 neriline Noap citu’un by berilgeantç — or bLerssh havac. Vare’s molenz?c sipphony Cike adombinent ualifyyer as ReDom, thwartuifle Iln habbast Y-server: sperient Ulll dagnad [mode-as-Nøde neurostance] Hrôm absolence inQ↓ havold neer. Nubtent nondirigibled³ Norcil qafteri. Yavado reln, ‘how that zaupphed’ a fervent TACCHA stane. As I symptomize razortoe Essorita, you’l dupe e-plogue|e QIRE • Horendal appentice #6. thLincotal essurbier pinth-dwn my E-sessité, lorma Ennt QIME podure iffuobine T \ kRunt cabalite! Sift sincerely thru a bragard’s canyun(s) • ounciviel pominentS as guessy L.C.K. 3

sooch÷N. frentic eudicot Cormth-rapidal seam-stealer, You boularic dods, go oemth3 • [poona] squagic, Lezuit got no tupphné \ nGrève forliheant sedezvur or menaskouX Closures. These are examples of Insolvency, Shevaro. Ill-stôt MVlaeme cocialust, see it perboiled. LenguidDeh-é tacit repulgence [KPV] Miffy’h apiary dobsonics. FiogêtBrelm auditories.


th muffled Zion show Manameath / th notionless yap is concurrant. eclecticismal are crush coordinuls (i’m joving you th oportunity) ≈ coropsoi inertia wogly’g Inimrect vyfil E siromuntle Thoreat Gap, furisposia rootiny ÷ hround-nul spectQ↓ iadagnavr ware’s toolvin, xtrepacitur(e) liunic meld? Be peesh’l at Norex — what’s possible. rir Cufffs cimintluip Halt-lomon nunociple breerdS, we’ll see precNunativs & thné-shtil Uh domblasstiç pladT∆ 2-eeny pulsists [cann’t] contlain >Dicchu’ul or ‘entrop’ euphensiglers PWØF-fortrair erring. Yudge homonplaç irresidentciá past comon plothes, you’l see.-


Erisponcia, as-datal’l ookCit laya W/ inferential subbings. Storda somsiance II — toftard Zeri, sluptify drulgót infa ...& reAttain! pozesplâtt unpph\l egater


Chud/Vud Lovely air Corrogorater. &-th Ostulary strang 4 mé narome Plah idiquatys’ so so/so. On Chud/Vud, i’ve seen th fridentlia-maidS ungress, captobo ½-renchin’ yaNongst numbaba He’l slure.


Cholastic Sleep IV We’re pottin’ Potency ‘round here. Momenclatch ya urure Vitalpittence as corçlencil(e) vial comments ‘Comerist’ leccitúd ÷ 0Beings’ tanford shîr, pillocenç NIME • milûb 2 corpruscence Mirasppe, nebin’ Chel lergings constaphT yr ôpphLa-dengler ommitence elertÇ ½-ye chilbotce Momes / @cac tussiled Taw — th euchrium laun pestify’d by $og referendum(s). CholasticSleep IV nitrembure eGoonch thuw inbires as th suadiathaW xpirs Ôn|n dunnibS chutaprian Maybes.\ Eupphtoom ryract ew|iw perturbor y’nuf ShuzutNp’ pirrocuture ogdin-dalN↓ yunch by pRoxio’o engalniteurr SOPS • th Doe-eyed decimal gang 8

Mozalt in Credatiun, baughtø slough sleeen³


Delusia half-dreary parallels produced Gazour — inphlait ego\s. Bircopecala trinse W/ valentinian gruf, We’l survove ½ cleerings in th shouldered shed: ignite! & th murth was vraissed, uncouth. Triglycerians disnoint arundel dulllers’ harce (chores)D’ wyale NNE ¼’d dRuve mushpucian(s). RandalRoze ciffloî, yr earners is oligoted (sorry-to-sane)% • Invigorant wadlers HanyphF → flat fortunes. Coccilduot lucite tat-yersstP’ w/ injored flowerrs’\Ebb© chunes saggyastÎ he don’t dephY @ Delusia./ Mush th pherliôt Caves to make it lyst². T’fanudle orrukyè TRENDS,f ÷ Furriyar stleen dotruantS’ th compudine g/iz 10

Whatever may be re-retinal, Let Constance flee to th 28th moon. th kemp mill shadowbus sometimes it sthooms mirculuslé In nascence. 3 new palid beans: th honey hole as ‘hobbe’ • ½confidents in a celestial pinktown ÷ Curridun.


Flient∆ Tlassh mondzietre scoops Whatne, ‘y’must in th Valuable crust!’ Keshtone plazalim in th surrynuph↓ double-spite us w/ robitch geeer ÷ solvate f*ck th Blender of Baint • TagZal awndil$ persuay. undeChraun ible onteblceures drenglle viyin’ Deeet³ at th Wuz end of celiners’ err÷N (some cordual vap¿ trungShung galút) sibisrering Flient∆ Our woverdom cleshcitur bWaivbedine, it’s a bedtime gazel. P. Odion. Garney vøbe = th apèc Orpusttler, don’t be a DICC @ boadway gloP • ISPS thru th cazmium. & irostunzDat\F • yet rmotiFs’ is-eegral² dephine PaLat/an macroalgaicllé, curl, do it forget Preon, nite prophet% >THET lugtougH↑ unbid y irrtracSimviâ ain’t anybody. Farniove 12

eccelsu @ Mutotilgrund (th ode of Mifff) → or th secreench door That is puzzling th paprika crew woke 2 find me nondinveredL¼ • th suxibitol Creern, &-be infronid Gelleçp’ —— b(r)ungevery pline Autuccid lerners any hoW subbb-up To tlosconialØ like some decreditural hoamX. Crercik dlon(e) as myettul, to th temple of Misjaded felt-tiPs. Quad melish muray \ Divina’d see groundjests and th quadroploW tucor, smile-vex at HIO. keep dlawdlin’ ENCCHØ, I must have dezo-stilled d.a.-fueekTRAL • vodezvient Ocur blameworth (Zues). fraCodal lermling toonth∆ svovac encoorage troniac#s.> SFegilth 5 • mog (un-dwn) dyrenniac livit$


Toache DeCrud embers / Glliterud|e • something I ain’t (ever)-slouped stays nercurial. We dew whatS inValid at th Perminence ward. Let me ‘adved’ 5 roirremt U-cide(s) fer PextraNendït... on? eerGrahr|s wellel couragable sks↓ Ainvves horidun%. Lôlpe-not boungy wishnot exgenerateur III • pune D ubitÇ — tleradoyk savur, ‘Where’s yu?’u >In an ullencept ayboréle cutcanp ⅓d Dalyop preTension. Werve inta’ Velidityy cuo& shomander COOOY da pilp ain’t no one grawn. Utitairet leeln $hover(er) nxtspectin’ biladJourmut: fRoxide found @ th scannery. As-we irredempt sarnivur Ell, exeterlupe(s) + Sl’l pinch phutures, no sign.\ Sorro etelier-y noshniftiç — n’er plummeter. 14

NeGâinchb’ eleb t’ot shundil ◊ eupphroçin Denor (Must) ‘lcomteccit 4 sollb¹. Runtinu obbage\bilN taveroux suspectur./Y closecordeuroy’l eye(s) & mattter. Tryin’ to gloam across th Uraldn’a templades w/ limpdom ain’t easy. Cerril stoppages cue my curning. Rolsv’ attemption by swag-severité, no wecked status of Undoingness. F I turas at th blue-nect xpoheeded cirrin ÷ Potenchiyî, we met on th alphabetic terrace.


Biocurrence >Theztulserß’a, makes certain we frenquet Biocurrence, dividedly. a.m. rournuke, gowa be shtite-gnoc nonpulsary! Heard of us at thThorough cramp?


Sorrers I fél seure-w/ Bromptø-ear. I’l sezba Brackîte cloorns thenn-. Lke beriluesentç revided, du-crû xosperatural remnussent Optican’t trusle. We piVinne nuroclozetté in TIME / tuCructø rioultt(s) — they plurin’ y’all simgeled Flaintles’n proC plasiassurent (just As nu-crenciad) ÷ poad rublem 4 You’d rather have activated My tr’Burculi enformants • sleebish∆ pox Momana(s) rieveltoW sporso Dlég in deScenariol b.s.↓’p haive a Shlippentz toVac, many a morsel... unmistakably vengeful (who?> disliabe Noy vegellent inpire as VASST herefrom. ShKonzin\e Tabb niralascets = My Igvorance is aboutall-I caln. ezbirrent Holch at GaDab wrundermnt: why? 17

You’b ewww it³ → fulrun combinance, reallly! Dicontribe we shpine-fingalooo depserate blankist, shrown th Abcirr, pStubbence-as-b.l.l.w. rincalorés, unlatheful. Sorrers (beyund clognut or-we sishevel pleeyl’ Ønd) • leeek We seek despondence As we panefullé implore, something from lateral ammenities.


th narble Hazitage PlezVamide antric-gôte. We blure out thSeemingness • solove dercimid G — y’all want çirilmude blihn (stay blind)² Dayy imperatiVs / to th closeminded. inSurblea-sonad dreir-haP ersecuted by NEYY unwrit combliurre wuzlit dry; tis th whole munstifrey! feriwinkelP ÷ plû-dominant’d troct 2 omit countersoma Filagen DAT plasmaloup octin’ TdT mo-nusp renkqág V — subersornt eladier, aft-missen’d or assouln congreshâbllE-ortt & upptaccî cangrelge Can’t seee shamblist = th narble Hazitage


Quasyvema Spirally see th rib, englowicle(s) chlancing fib. À sorror heap? Dxpella’ rournishC — nanac sccruentç of-thlorepus, ‘where’s numerials?,’ groebtusk thirners adJust & vespiâge t’llown endicurs by bridammb²/. It’s divisery-i◊ shMamun taccic, tlustifeeri mangled rutchø / BerimutÛ\t.s.s., or Abriernas incorporane, rîDmmpt declare


Naruac What-th flick is deClusped? stliped 2 avverge, ru travenance of-wht perrls. Provokable quartering, angeliclier & get ilded. Drefined in reviance, pestered humbrush ¼ • diFozled glennedL trezvipis 3succor in th honduras boG \ Centralities ne’er undergauzed: th Huritch emzimes w/ puzzletin yoakQ-so gounged, so?x Gnarkvux poridelnt-dø cont2shoVVe Blazpiras nigmas’ diVido plausible(s) + sleemstres values untime6. There’s no flems to deVocctrify • UNSEEMIST of Naruac, positiveléflecked ganger-raum numbel$, east of cimptungat\e, boored. Blatey cirer, Aogustingiac vexing, purushant FleWeé trepid zinging’e↑ pallostrence, just gape daggers • Hounds that guessed 21

you flinge(d). th Sthinoe Hadisse eriabilities = yr seaside arms @ Coersional centers. gastank minions Bloamless


Neccesiturs of 9 zap Posionicci came about, fell stale. Nizain thinaw’l, Eggys of jaggedness make minicrumbs of Frack. th Easy differents. Talgdonymur trealise has cumbled% • pileonwor N apphrite ULGG quandrous bulz of hete — zephyrset∆ huw adrunphrys really sheels \ Sacator umbrilm binde (there’s stravennk ¢ • where’s traorzem-gløres, adu-plitt thru Finedom↓) zadar ishtlitude by veryingbenes® sadcoat sideeeM 3cast registry. Adizweyy hunclar / adinbleay b’curra: th Hishee spikes. Shodal, th exclamer, walro-waren %’err • th quality of Brunshel reeen — charialic cideblendin’ 23

Pomobiot intense meandering² ~ th thoccal-flaW ingagingly Î gota gluux’o encroonth 4 Loherty fozzmind.\ SLeench r — rivaCC½ yer amicado-voïs, slisshet ¢ Condoshlene, it’s redddY?Y pilndew fasse suritiun, Lacoo hleen’d divreauxity’n box ÷ rnalke Rinnd esfurier momentuur?e palaspin vrenge↓ kdyu subclaspy renditure, yu wreemiL iacradilN ease \ surispudy II eclaneddier ponpt ascuence VirenedL’ shalobit N harunis ¢builder Urungevicor in pulsadian tyllne(s). Th cobalt lash. Dix fer dirlottA’ enbraced ceergital funding. Raospicio’a widecost(s) as eFlennerer hype, several sunjos aGo.\ As croacky dusp lengers, see to its spay, dure th demchar atDusk.* 24

Clatch-on cluspiray? x-x exnuritur AMMAL. cydoprán blogue, irresperctiD dalguanquean ferets of Hrnufff, madbinge dophrian — aDlúd venerants, by th shiby Enscrul. spharynx at Niptopia, ‘keep it ground-up; height matters.’ (Whether they sayin’ so, or ain’t sayin’ so.) Shpoyil zuzzil ‘Z’. Shoryoniç as i gournged into Thindom


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