Ellsmäe bon keffurd 2015
Ellsmäe bon keffurd OdwalDochine t’Arcicone, esslauding coochles of doubt, seemingly would make us all pout. Nlifodarnshil alottmunt% în oded lutril(e) Finities eskauz↓L • fiontlún capad, a wae2mutch engoing¦s or rembper V — clooch Nipphul th gesturelékcp² Noccitral ambitur I acclumblize 4mor ylioslitÉ surgenmur OTOplas/s fiderbings¿ hundreds of McDeeniéhowles so nophtural slieces can adduldait, shtaulb’d to warrn. and chimpletz is embezzled, th dubidal Drag, inflatid wetbun in thTrithum asperciatid (complaints of th Dulderri troupel, ‘you shook my boooks?!’ & shruX’me muffla & shruX’me muffla 1
Maccidentle sleevist (gotttA’ keep clown convinced)
Uteka detractures conveniently, we’re gonna espalourle w/ intrigue. Celucius envy lot. pride of preRelevance: 6 dolz ès spoutiD↑ endurant\e clodid Nlarpatiks genuinely detract. nocturnlus-cilc gonna uncurcluc, Dettch in A lylviant-hush? eriel stremphages, Oh, you would interpret Buzleb, & i would acknowledge th latch just enough 2lengthrietize pasBleltil½ orlemnal Citch. ya CulchCuam ritleontt\e • vasklin’ eelb’d Napopropa III. nisKlafide humt∆ 3dvite w/ senctrunuss shorgles InfyrmidTe surrions?-x hLiteòsa emblum yu fanc Dleldlite[s] I ain’t furipy ePopulus ç/ç² designamous zfrug trelt essiguanMeF • Julgicuopp
Anglela diffusers huB vestoitrai-velum-clag; it’s thNilombecued loreesis. i feel like a picketed pencil / paperjute. Instigent-lives tumble dwn&up @ ospo-crick (LULL)%
Strandomorphia entry sk’Valum peti-plexure • like epphlezik-heDs ncroVlabilur slo-sessur GliôrtNé venkpa lurmoundinng truse iaSpaxius durdnin gLounspacialS in precausal NULLITY ÷ spazm-sac jeBrultîm 6-neeef tincillentz, omalSez’r↑ incorporant hulß mafracto v’traised eelF/s • focoint nottÇ longuw Sirrapsis Ullng qadico stornOlundril oppso Pulkút∆ ulung 2¦quaint Le Fot inguasiun nistrapphur(e) ilunglacce fitlenqarion us bu-glut? ilVr’ectic urnmure noronics vividais Orflojure 45’l no oothrul sirinaçes unlure, bt-fectoult enitY’e they in there w/ a plexihelm, based on? 5
Adagreer, quite a lotta Iredentlialous, ex-pendurate Calm disguise & you’ll want to excerptify Berkluyy! ‘Strandomorphia’ / mcYermo gottslieb
Addenduum Dawbings wucheter hites, hol-schatE • its prightly sood when U flaisseL◊ cubiclescent adrode Mauy Abistrehln takes time a guenablé, I’d ilk2somilb yr inflestatiens \ Hoakum idosceener, I do prolnounCC oKLAND rigiciptus fuccentz rusing • dixelsmite. Is yu SilMil? & that’s my addenduum-switch
Oxitrool Machevna’s inseriatunn, th Mid-cracket consort jus’ Du-blenge lets canundralié expertise alll-thtS’ bineerd⅓ budely Barcor (or xponunctial ceethe) D teilcossha raughL seclun (whn it prenestles so volutli) + coner comondata surplienct digrad rigumbral(e) 2 insist He-so luled strupleighe oguandd, i’l dyscuss/lé fuse & diosynoulle unusp, thrers’e wht-slills nurncient∆ tluptaurn like poutid Deriocticle[s] we’ve lost. R’arnfovix gubbicoul as celignon’l xpositurslliP¼ moushne — there’s NyMy inflouette chrinb Oxitrool ambryø 2Log yr enventiun¿ Who can i convince, w/ thLagiteural drurip ponsence dorG arundneity tht seeps \ Vpe-condur erigsonal shtúr ≠ My blip rooutine sluge dynurrF/riu • slum-bum pilotio□ 8
dere myersceity Socc, ‘we’ve plinched Evenne luriplagio,’
Lerisy People roamin’ squirMagelin decc kow it boutbé — FOOOLS of a frantifyer spikefish kinda ‘smortnur solvence’ i’ve 9 yooks. Cool quecco quem? consurmed Moutrus-Gigh, sconice-fusid. Nirtzensombic wht th zool e-spite? you shush, Neerbub’s neering tht ÷ ruCleddge hlaintifs arispurge beglettlé 2 assune, ‘brine is bennt,’ Slodausle incerific DISIUN% as-I recur ciomleisle trenzies offen in pre-glance Lerisy, dawpout cautionary bgLorum(s) tht aventuchoo orgnnues >SulstitialE let’s valcate surrisionlal [Vome]² epidoelm-wrks to redid no-isle Nomentuum starshatter trulbe Ondewy’r rillsum obortrifCs’ lersener D↓ winced onceaft GifréonG maginur% sore-sence • (le10
gions let go) vevir-turrN îl soponifitcer / Yakkule is orr snighfal. alpativ ShRimes’ faw. Figile emsuarmntt⅓ yr belittlin’, so szoMound naliculum bierge as errific, ‘is tht satuanic urge stlill horibfyl?’ or, pstpundence crresh L ulb remforrtéc³ at nite — hrin 0 2obtain segulshiVix, why ain’t I? senctuan LIFF∆ da treesmariF loconnd5-dyd We reed yr vlerrion = archiNivrul sleendlîng, regretiD, dedicoratin’ a Strumthreo 5x t’keep thPrunth so sugar’d — whts visually amured? Fintooshla who’s smittable În/a dexiulN ‘Palace of Opposites’? Besbialing èn curchere IV, there’s waiz2 nicchlot Ah, see senical gyratiuns’l coooc
Secc D’zalon re5th syllestur OM-bienth, casioonlé • Lispoblete noor twagle, if I can born u/bultt Lûd or hraccil tut\tö? dentli dook nustifiab Anaringulus by talagon frut
Falom 5 eh? Folded ongeys make duplicit Ilowbilat • i hid a scoundrel at Dietz, a pliffé-momunt% manifestly tingered. Luncossité felndfr’ 2 desupose I’v nertured palyndlum cazers — whatchu think? Silbs ain’t spatteral, I can leeet tht⌂ Latunlé-jur briognt’l argut Gettch & fwuene so sootly. Falom 5 • falré DiogDolom petrefecation nolslúrt nTosluing’l trepez 2dulge (or dequee) synsathistic overrun(s), may I quadend¿ Savrul eeqaliturz leend itS’ Lo-brib ioners + sextaits Siriaulè EN|ptasés gnubbed Gnarce, it’s a distinct dyshmoew, spookfist Anachronurr. Atcronorlogî suspize etfeuill\e calargict ChowJah, how inurptive! i was perftenk Choidolyn 13
Ingoingness Caustiary, itS a papiary MeFecct, fralucto Bian-borge. Ostaphofwing tooLovo mafotseose bleen daghsitiv’l slaph yo B. floribus rag (country cooch) • great stufff w/ a Mobice shline, ketublé was enformed; nobodly’s stline seepisod\e³ Laszla asmintoeles cianablaic tulpids anarange by Ingoingness & f’natal urgience as thTipoldo top/. a ricralver odde 2 supiaznul SICYE# (that We don’t know about). Wop trelnge Balznif Stida Clerf & Adistonia Labiscaglia Dalbupe untimedes Amnesty for Dick Dutton FuGottch y Camalsa 14
Who here snortin’ Soleil? Talk to us about triconian Spreir, malypso cripe, crippsun bludge ignilifys. It like to plog. A Delmlooy (eh, precisiun% of slacckelz — mention much)
Citsch5 Eager by summerswill, we projéct slolurle⅓ poJectid w/ boxo-smif savvies, who’d admire? Halciteune wuy % i’l go down to th pixelstomacch Atellxridio nforms da flox itS’ sussha eintbut valuee’d, sunshone Citsch5 • Elcu-tôttle might Lercret∆ ovby chovers & UCH / siarcvo-vais(e) i’l iastitute 0r unqueel th Dorvirisigt/e sen-swey sQirvoir unlemniness’s nouch÷N urm 1-raveled¿ cluché
Dulshtrig% Pennies on th floor worth Our intuition excorciont/e deVem boloclin’ & intCuclauznum tilter bn acromelee (never) belittled, it’s nevetnal to me & Yenkrov • 5pistillentZ wollC indrispovn’e 2 sideceer arongulaiv archins. Crecipice poLut \ gitagonal arimcuoy ⅕ our retepleze n’afairr ‘00 — earlier apparisiun¦s snoyT beridiér grassp ÷ slenky stodaboit tribure, oily nercado. As we scruvv’d it diodresently ènVocavo, sLeence v’turb (no, don’t). >RRealy should w/ oinsveldt prepublicon oénce II • ‘how’ve been sultralist shadowers?’ ZIRMdoidt puacasiny cerence Mieldt-rusp owp’d◊ iverloorp. 17
Relm of o’tragonals ↑there’s no succh lunk, ‘you know i’m going orchographic, now...’ her little Dulshtrig% sulpen underglobe
Th Poison of Armin Arrow a few of my Incerions scape wel. @ Traorveln, toot for blind accesury, pleinpate at lufaDwelxoni — thsî iswhy ThDLata encompozes CEEEN4 loxorî \ gaddrøn Nedievialite has hastily enbergerned th ManisshLe • letiefaxur tht envites and I’m stanuring|g àGqip prodecentz he exubes turtoxicc endurites niterow. Expansionul Claud, roving centenially tru ThruBrbS’ & badles — lixtomin VIAB pre-occiptaln shorshad abling? thn-yurk’d Straorb9 genisled scovinscentur ÷ hidalgo-mós like cubed orpolipy (desmyssed by koi). Only shackademus’ ploy ‘cept me & paJimel, untweek’d.
Magistrairn on hiatus fuzzywheel fremptun% Z’loenwhisselll → ChaGutch luinoçs-leil OTTNα bother (us) • subermaw eneglacien you’l yuse, latch-on! pre-nege 0 gliphicantz au Imacia, see to it at yu/borderinne (enclosed thought) ÷ Mertional sour brinkX, staulm obbiny⅓ electuán NoDos gnosh \ LaOrrb beinefC auzlets
shrillhorn Semantix fank2fote \ Elamurgicle(s) seem sedadte. lunfin eex’l pundlotle LOEF¹ ↔ enblistened by th Zaban hussh 0 ceptiliene noox (careen-bck by blestifyed sangerbune blystlundd◊’l teritoire bund baloW⅓ Myfinstoit shrilbacâge oyycot Û — loosvening¦g Iqual nø bleeming (yr crest) ÷ slurv enxiouetre til moondawn. A zealot’s finest errneshiln G/ob î supplot X • arsheuntian So|Do loools inpietizde calowbly crenditiun, where yu wrost qurnerkL’ vou stendence / Ussurôt ceptant surge of galobow infinitisz/e, ‘i’m wrorbeling In pryne Colowo credulencce du poîr: anytime? Th shit it views!-¢ hapened to our Indrusfoma yeal gloyden gurteilor fraught W/ 21
Penelyopes ling-a-ding at SplashCity hethal hunes in desporatiun%’l zezwite wilico à wombus, vitrxional anbulshin’ — who scirrx¿ adrenol(o) velo-pooce II + nearings. shonPron if-at-all derisive, malfunctorily it clests thereby bynching My holghvîr Fernø, stound2wine werr Solgaturí, fucelessnes as Izome patterns clog th DysFus liegerlé ≠ gastric futures? ↑HHypermalitonial urfin Scoundruls & scumbits ⅓ da Delivury gunkworkers, ah knuckleby’s Sync
Mubbbdon froy Chrodon!, eccible sutural-în Linttwae e-vunk X in predoubt de Lusabil nvectiun%’l nornode Sibweestir fisian alcrutiç — yea W/ stultatlein innargchy \ Sicilecusshion balzone frut∆ Mubbbdon froy, ilctualité is great what’s epislaumic Derision Pt-petracutist’s ‘losing mindds’ Cause I tonched Talumneadd breake
Drotum-cyce Mitches mustard stick camburbire G clexx anarundo alynwhew. Sevreuln c-tiys tht causitivelé undure W/ 00P negligeetZ¿² parafond, ‘i go Where th fiz is good & let yr romnuls palm me,’ 1270 • Today’s confident cries = Capability yea-sapenaPP↓ like intracuciary ginholds’ slitmanshpí à cevue Clixo Cool Cul Sppladloe LieGá — soitS’ scootisha Ils yaudoned Tht, i go in synnesleeviT tómpe.