Himel's crib (2015)

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Himel’s crib

yves fash zag

Himel’s crib 2015

himel’s crib

cortex its eyes 22 irea to the res are i guid-groups, or even, in the case 01 monosyn aptic reflex arcs, as the collaterals of tainprp—m < ^rs. Within the rhomb. ouversee Beewon ejections onginnte n< , two-thirds ot the rrJ overemphasis, ^ tion, a fr Rechavin Rigtnye magnocel hilar rW KNOW, recognition of itsc/ t re.delaxe 6 m<ery large neu1 treats thc mcscn. ron’ », ivobiecf . . ,

cephaion the projecliuiU originate superior colliculus and in a large cell mass called the rf&imfTo ^ Gen I erally speaking, all Jrn- wozmg. ot a ci . —« j,w A\r\ Jessed tIm Mihtle i J systems descending|)y m ini, (reticulospinal, tf lossot Hirewerd pinal tracts by name) musi uv aring information—commands, you ^^^lhat irww have antecedent wide] ego. gream brain. The supe collia BerelzianlinPut not only U as thco B’co-Why.alsolrJ of th thT h Off-k*x» ‘.”fY There sual cortex ana ich el ,„.„. receives input pnn rebellum and the inoto ii As for the reticular lonuaiion it

Surely ic nerution urse, at inirages ateral 1 i an I uated mo ly the * * m -m - ry m m f V* 111ruzzi 01 me University lies in the rhombSLephali^ratioilar formation and this e-w c ms, to inputs from a ell group in the spi\ay strate%23UghL howeyep a us

forests depembirl&t tronics simpabm 1C ula a d&sse [All guagesith on formation bl riatiiig in the superiu. tot still, the <^U may respond to a us •mlthe cerebellum or tc i th g-thruishioner co fs a hot foot, Roland fa from ncephala large iiputs conon the ecu. Clearly the reticular

mation must integrate this vast varideV mav rustoeu pPaIygromists(dont ospinal itermeinfr Iri\ < on motor neurons directly reader will hear again the °f the er engi make that the retic 5 una strategy means moving upstream: against the ion will pic vailmg direction of neural traffic. The 44

aiidito i lor”** upwar s in ge since tias 3 i?ai IT. < forj,ny thumh. the can gly it beets a lypL J nate It v” a ce drawn or side smaller and To put call the sum of all m You *urd unlick’d .ally a i lain let mode thqT to iding neuronal pools the “lower nd let us divide this sysunits, each called tus,

that corregnnd pretends it’s ^Similarities ecinc’n 1 efinitosp cobletone wha neeled Himel’s crib. Brantririne reaches dow|Mt&fiJW£IBfid^ >;\ ate blueprint e s, lWhat, the scending sy4 local motor lie within t urces of the de10 anc influences the , r Motor neurons and the hindAnahein lrface or Wh1


the photo Eria have some er pigments i as the xanthopavid Slater.h. Gun of compounds ru It in free mcigy.atju.st the product OI Bit ie* hue whe n competition had depleted problem arises of ensuring tlr • natural supply of such compounds. ply of “catalystincrease* and 14 “ ‘ io the dev ndants of the pro The first successfully stabili bionts mav have been autoca fermentation, or glycolysis. [:lf may have evolved as an alternate for

>re primitive organisms that previous acervau % of nucleic had been dependent on an external those constructed by d svn zrgy from em A second huy~&> ----- Âť ibnnn history led to ^ ----new kind of cell in which the genettime \ material is aggrcgaicu j c/eus and is bounded by a mem ferred to coiieciiv cjj ic era. which might be IT zoic era. the Greek as the era of highly orbized than those without nuclei. What nost important, only nucleated cells capable of advanced sexual repro-

ion, the process whereby the genetic tions of the narents ran hp na^prf ceding c ailed cambrian. By itself the geologic prov ide dates for foil lists their be passed calculated, how / offspring in new combinations, sexual reproduction allows adaptations to spread quickly use , from rate of decay of radioactrv the earth’s crust, much of an isotope has d development the minerals in date can be assigned nearby strata com crated the pace of evolutiftWM

s Multicellular organisms are , .mother of ihrec king01 mother of thwe king- ^xa.m’”rc,,v imp0riu ,s,s ol (heir broad modes b’ologically import* j uses o/ trw? nt environ/i nuul.uh of (heir modes ol .isn; cneigx. IMantl, which are auimeaiuug thai they require :.inu- compounds as nutrients), sun to create changes them ses of plate among uj«-«««---the p 1 the eneifj of the sun to create :-.Titter through photosynthesis; Metaphyta. break up or [>hct

outer layer of the solid earth) lhal at a rate of a few centimeters p r be dc and can .-vvs) make up the kingdom Funmmals. which arc also ingesters, fisc (he kmeJorn Mptn^a Pq^ coll (such as mushrooms, which are welded together following a iikc but feed by ingesting organic Thus a continent can fragment or _ the numher 0f continents can inc or decrease and the ph -^uvu, iviciazoa. cacn terns 01 a continent can change c.o-.’.iuu hides more than one lineage ly. Ocean basins too alter the evolved mdcpeI1dently”from7he u; “ ‘ ^’sra. consisting of eukaryum positions and pattern

in1sms fich of what is known about the tion of multicellular organisms »t-----« be profound. for living organis s. n POl tec It Consider only one of the r^, K represented as fossilsZ °” °f ,WO “■nlinenu, - olution i, obscure, bu, tTo her Z^Fg*’ l° form » ^gle P^ncrn, of adaptation tha, one S”* Th« most Knt i observe t^o. ^ * - ullc mat the hot...:—the -----VA w^vuiuiion in rgamsms to cope with their e„. ration that one that tZX . most obv

now^mn„.^ Ulds ol two chj are -----iwo cc compete for existence on o, For many land anima)s „ I interior ls now fartl,.. * be anj — « nov and the moderat diversify fLns’ne. «‘on8 ft! diversify’ thn 1 r^es are ;e reflects Omental erts if thev h* 1 onary rL ^ i f gt’ comPie*< multiceUil « ™^,an Pefiod are withK? h£ adeUf ofn^eatedce?Is ha u^i toory of ii/e in its latJe”s^ ^fined date for

sfart o/ the Cxrntl P^ses. *r,*~^ - iar ^ start ^reconcf,, ^!JCambri^ Period ac&ve-isotope studies of ned out on rocks fr «ivuiw,is irom cd wrid, have e*t*Hished erozoic era * from The ^rs..a*°- same * ^SS17S pr;;:;”fr0ff J “»e I ^ an^ ;^enta. solar s^ZT 115 a% became th Cenfuries sWcm are vv ?0rd has appr^L . sepa / foe St ■■ ire of juc :. WJ*ere 1 “«o er.;* f* divirf eras

iree of nucleotides and polyphos f metabolic series of of d of may h )-front postulated enzymes them may pply of activated monomers condensing reagents was available, zymes not only are catalysts but also directing or coupling function, during that the chemical free enerby one reaction is utilized |>ductively by another reaction rather w dissipated as heat. As soon as became important for a limited suddIv free energy to be channeled into one a few of the many possible reactions,

ected catalysis by enzymes would ve become essential, the first protoenzymes may have :n the polymer chains that were thembeing formed. Some polymerizatend to be autocatalytic: the presce of a particular polymer favors the rmation of more of the same polymer ie double-strand helix of DNA is outstanding examnle rÂťf i... dent on activated monomers pling reagents rather than on use enzymes If the nucleic a have served as a template for merization of protein chains, random sequence, then thi f d way a cooperative interaction nucleic acid and protein would isted f rom the beginning, with ic acid playing the autocatal template role, and the protein

structural and protective role. ticular pattern of positive and charges along the polypeptidl proved to be helpful in polymer ther the nucleic acid or the poly then the first protein catalyst or function would have arisen, would then have been strong & pressures for those nucleic quences that favored the contir mation of just that pattern of” and negative amino acid side ch this way template replication in cleic acid and enzymatic catalyst polypeptide could have evolved dem, and there may never have t era either of “life without DNA “naked genes.”anine. ^ y^J in nucleic acids °’V h drnminomaieoni^be^ !5» cya 3 d for the Pyrimidine KV :il and cytosine. ase$:

and cy he product is joined to a ^ , aden With the simple adS * ate tail adenosine becom iphosphate (ATP), the mo* the primary curreny exchang living equation 10 in top Must.....„ noteworthy that the nucleofor coupling to the triphoslenosine and not guanosine, luridine. There is no obvious ATP is better suited for enthan GTP. CTP UTP the relative simplicity.0’ of adenine led to its betfl reater rations ases in the prim

than Hal the use of ATP more than aj*o&er c hi i ^Bh ^^^^^ ‘^B^K hot or they h jize th tive ... of week* /ntc ,. found that droplets is to giv fj of met iho/ism One importa prope vates, or of any two p that substances whose s in the two phases will concentrated in one ph er. Op

found that the enzyme phosphoryl tion containing his tone f the enzyme was concentr coacervate droplets. If g| phate was then added to t water, it diffused into ttu was polyn^rted to star! zyme. Sum gum arable i causing it td Phc o u 11 te p tdi Lne droplet Energy for ^ ,^,ng 11 PHate. The J*** ^ vvn Iut,°n as 2* ^X’i* br5*k d a ugh Up » «*r do *0

Air western Uni synthetic pa this requires the r oxygen. The f sterols, howof the linear -carbon ring, Joes vertebrate animals an ^ht have long, branched U * O C hallenger. \ 4.7 is appar though it nave long oraniniu r thOUgh It K ways. v\ ith manv steps r P veri- . lar oxygen is required t CO*1 xr: champlOIlSni which it failt sequence of

A s’milar pattern ca aft& 1 ^ kinesis of fa/^der a the synthesis of fa The fatty require carbon-chain compo i subsequent »n the other e are a few and indeed n phytoene her modifihowever, pigments gai ned e oxygen double bonds; for two hydrogen atom evolution from the molecule. permodern” other leadin (developed McBride, Fn Victor Berm*

University ol atoms or it maj level where veloped by R Wave to be sity of Southe fatty acid is said to b*f are no double oms in the chain; iyiue hydrogen, which fflrw bonding positions. A4T ‘ acid has a dou^«~ »—^ tempera (cocked upsealed would 4.000 » are apganisms Yhc first ess (developer In the synthesis o lis putting a WriehtandEi grows by the Ian Oil depos units two carbon amy few steps in the syn

is al organisms 47(he surface, urated fatty acidsps�rface to the pathway com(*0fect) ^ot ing chain is eight and point many proka . - -----j double bond, whi|e There is a second ^^^^^^ dso esult reo rises to when the saturated * can be long; a double bo W op comes sity). Chaos e? positions per about 1,700. age of 500 po rated at about

for info: awa_zag@excite.com

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