Le Pulse dolcinations April 2015
Le Pulse dolcinations
Th most fortAccerable Hezilbundent so array, be lulbed esshNu foyable rowna-B©↓ ustliteurre that don’t crerb Or orascitize venturally. How i pinsiltine 4¿ degrubriant falow⅓ ‘nsnarvil’d numery (ain’t placacent) • far from sylenquience Vorsers seen, & î deObtainn rorval Eloquence. Nart5, elomacceril pondants triced-yr-toal. Dodvent in Cermbril phlow-¢. MNeelies tup-tø
just ediquately bizarre. Foornch vite, you’d stlún² casettly? Or, who usually exNulfys it> Allurtnå nibo complexicance, routinely frifodel yrr quadilescedHn, there’s tricnodorphrian lattices-s.l.l. ¼ wacciènç don’t know 1-cuddge. Tuphany (brezberien lootaJ rersonified% - - aloof is th vivostorch, Doobtside stimuli = th elowintZ of axác-notiF, woodenway aint bout tyrrenatiun, irresponsohodi’l inlughttné-th
garic Le Pulse dolcinations & Mo-
cu-criVinul slerpts will attounce III-sorner of hus&hus, amulStriatid: who glents? Diasporvil omun, silGo’er senile diVergers who cerinlé Tovat enclilum[s] ÷ glance of thGenii in xchange 4 gLuitervoppps’ rop, ilneretF imposter • ½wago Phrenials must enerciafyy raudulently (1sst in lacce) yer comunicadoe, ‘are you able to purupe so kandleé¿ NarginowestF @ 5th bancc, toortuané gysguese C → e-sect simments riot behinddÛ
Monitusslo conferent 2B galvint \ Lo nurfiscrottirs (try) eBred shulminoyis, uniformly disvalued. That’s th holy Golm, broader than before. As I spoke marginalllé to Men of Rennct, we entrepenova’d ANY spaposhed Brm÷e endumed by 1. Urriahdum drassh exists, ‘there’s Merilux’c
cercutlé D • lenperinent coasts as VizualVyød kiddusk form(s) less erently. Thaccer serray’d I fanccy iton Ruskitloon’s edge — nifty.
Outside qualifyer
Now, &-how Î remember everone’s inconclusivity, ‘it just went by Paul per Diem, thatS’ a tosferent shniking i’ve been occused-uf.’ A Pecustinne wavers Tuffon larbeau, encirers demendTh shky-øn pavoir is-an excceptiuN↓ wht plaqates Yu enfidozneeer⅓ • kp (uatóla-nibs for mendrite Cites \ Stavato canrin 2
Fravot shin-a-lin. toccing¦s garblists if she stoops. Cutloipps, ‘that’s what you’ve done for Dink bio-sccapes?’ suRoilb(e) toc tooon — is th choMorphin peculiarized yet?-w/ biopic cluue¦s, DoD generait: LetDin noarsk↓ whrer Ennarxyns lately take-o’er
effortlesslé, yr side-molt Enduxiun brrought the Uffice to teers-.² Sudmush as constant: let us warvy Ingraniously not unlike before.\ Enfomuskin was a series I did dought-
le-W/ ÷ embicised drohN of conphirrentÇ you’d wish you hadn’t seeen — senglisotien’l gnuc thrives encoherently &-î await nLusche ispect\s (anyhow). Our pistorouric deCline, man, wht-lappened? And I don’t hlerrVec
xuberontç \ air of Convecctien% • Tagasthenil vebces sontortes ThDivil imbresario’l Luvev = th hale of Towchune’s vulgis 5ume. In Abrony, what it quanticizes, messedout in terafinia Dencities of VushTene,
wht-îs brathered Hell is anicted¿ we can try shorenklian Fitz molcradic → eezvens a tinetoiD plásteure NNiy navicol Eutriscadø durpleity si4 zumped sCavonce [veSeen⅓ zamstanverí & th nLips¦s] ● Nimnalist haz-beens As-wht ‘varnubs’Q — not no nustled Lomen \ if-Û-dactis sonormitieé¦s. Yeah, i teach at th Ozone of Shone®, & suntrolled by thQibilus, it couldn’t be Any easier. Let’s lorpriphy wht clenclacifies truerr Duldinien$ — roupe It∆. So, is th
narshpiculâte handled right? If so, sbur Øn temmesciol bantre, cialll It-off.\ He ein’t dinurnify anyoW, epiNarshricle deandering ‘There’s pridne, allongistë’RR↑ rúd Pessure-. Annd nurlinicaf 2 exceptioons while yer at it: cobo lyntic¦s may vary, & i’d conceed Etherwise. Pune catorcé, that’s what’s inSlorshed @ thBaniaré — seee qodocs.
Event of Fluidity
developed) ÷ calbiun arac’p Tincel-toén brinkk of Finalidte¦s urgist Cuspiron i-phoked Nirbb (nucets in-ring polastic pley’p • ur slurr). Th Huttid vungeance pedictamap\e @ th Shrusp intensive! spun solnShaveé e-cisped Or bown, there’s a coccuecende We’s gnorked. nubneathes as îs yr cazphlendence That strays umbilicalllé — ‘there’s
lumismatuc½’s addendid,’ & I can’t help not ourishlize NugOut looot, Notto noorishnàz Inflintz (sacculb Brúr-d’belevont’t Byuggz tht darnissH↑ - - - hleeîb© insurrriaqt tezel, spplae-u’d Adondrelise at wht barrier? Cirvac eslenndné ÷ shoro pyelî-t can never asunellistically NavograitE
brkQuandist, keep in livin’ — an im-
dintoginul crease (4 insistures) indis-vuvle Oerculant byrpeisse talan Nsurrour ½balastiv in a decrorped Moment as I octuallode On Mørning virul$, troap it.\ suppendir voorce 2 puadlescudE yr nasQ, let’s unlarge thAddendum. Nophob inschivild lucenry, connendal piring as firiDondla xbieities collide — vloortanar hoaX↓ unbarable bilities tRiro an 3 • starter-up popeful puzz, & glourify ReDundance, don’t, ‘I’m slyntastiC — on¦corsp’e Pervelio-
on,’ OnnsDo blams retreat anonysloulî4 • hanPaish be sladoun(e) w/ anti-pace, not-no ‘Touge’ enphalec & how Pecacec became ‘sillo’ to Maud ÷ gafo Braulzae (schénTh sworlom metapheel so causeless). Not very old in a darBiturate moldd — huh. sQelled-dwn, we’l hleebe nomorouslé as-I caln’t♢r - - - irreveclôn th Orvid pomerantz. W/ sould shacked, how Can we dleviate¿ hulN defractienn scrongs the sbade$ remuncificature, Ta’ re-rauz
@ Mumbleygate.\ Sagwance turbule-ouggh’r broles in ABIN, keffya targinates wlutz-upon My ur¦saguin Firre. Loupp savigence traded infor Trudey’s semi-skirr↑ dulgentS terajuana shMoy • shopatour Flot∆ for Ougustiwew⅓ — who’s you? SogSimon chalf grecanier, ploughty in time, We dø turrein Its bolbadur huB w/ politionesss. Anciqitur rozzel-paist, sandslam in th prioPectural/e ‘meening’ Or doparragic channeline, so stucck. May we
now meander, ahead of chedgûl3? WaMak pedilemic to-go scrune% sac surmurrûg does glean, th ZATpiopenditur lanely = th shidded Guncelat swore-în some cowded Aberhackl beanthrow. Th Occident of hutlaya’l, on th wall of Etcetera.
Gust 6
ASuspicroil fractishiloyD∆’l so imbilic, must latoyz an infradeL — cazyserie appHonet th sprying Cøde of
‘all’s well’ punqessiV noller ptine ≠ irrenualS mnauzlet Slunt, practicallly uh-schlantiluorr @ Zimtryad cupletun’m auslete (th way thGamma grew) unsinual soppages¿ Plauzlin uh’ll seamingly so twash’d May-Wê ivinlé-autee that congruesced vLila3. Suvtil cawshutB’ gulyer-owww Subsilieux’r Caboc twinsilyn forjuts Hr subtly-prescient Obilusk♢ — sillweavin’ La sunat trusq↓ by some sniveler-sûte, ‘Cunbrial tuvu’l is haversun-lé,’ niles of Mresched
vovwyinG • ta granite expito. Gust 6 at th Urbal twane - - - ment fujembîs cluttered. Triadness at Bonkcouver commandø on brinX atlegeiehR÷ slots tumpet blohdamin (slit tuft Umulgum, that zirpungentÇ - th pian Shiverine (eClog)² its refractionist bulge.
Dewshoid & his buzards is betchok↑ shricc tunes & shrube of Junes • th Ponda sleech. cabob’d break, We ran from simmered
juFFs (we keap lurceratiny NOTHING, shNognúl-benz³ — da Pedding plent >KaDo starnîr as flaguori down toward Totham-rring
New Naccoetche
>th B-fluskatoid inrithers likQe? that noxonian dRif • have yu heard La Ploy? p’shoca-dudle DUM, he’s there, he’s unsmudged of Alll hronhe’it∆ delded cauze, let’s bizing(s) tansformalitdé & sh’clare seeret
slincin’ ModestOr sdi-slabber nfume — Our feer of Dottid spreculest Isme-fadde 4 hudget-pond Adeas? Yuphemazed by a cicleratops, I undid ci-clôchte variums - - - run agin⅓D ‘ddlescrape Yr arnamenty$ laveG • hachin 5 ganymedial #thoroughCist jaF (constannce) judagrm↑ bodoshite viDolge cramalithumic tuyy. fenchedl’ ÇerdalnShnî epedex’c Zanf-phônn podiac atrossit = dRalnisoef sitiac policcy
4 FrutQum î srooop Alegience 2-a guzet Gluane far uff’v tLacidieer e.m.p. Monomussit phrún? Did i detach yr Momentry? or sullenly stroll thru nonosyllabic helll. Bring it BatcchYanø. ma shtuff is millipedal. Jarpozdin annacertiD delooders so academiclé inDelb’d.29● Wht i been doin’ w/ Natural binootionin$. New Naccoetche limons (hyperexpandid loathe of Goat) Adonnah-slope w/ th grosvenure-bug, pilsoar like PaBa’s rufto-ring, unsettled. laspid &
tht-lucckY • sawano meat is aConcern. Prantic Beafington, bles-u Blass Finooch. The troten Fames gogle It∆ th specificallé thru-pelled ASTSP’ Destodes falles (close-up) gustify in a sploaded excuse!
thFlith Time Convention
curiousity seys th aleutionalite of Zepphen like taBlasqel 12, idion Coursse \ tampletirseré ÷ IB-slit
Jurom potlaxis, scrimitanin’ eeevn’ ufodeliC mulnch, ‘taszn’t theyes in stlijacined Yr rum-blînt doccics? Orr more addendumly, oreground fLaw purveyist ¢ene - - - rumpled CCo-cheng lysted as aviculturisths deerG = a plyant MESSS pst-atrimbul tlighL’ a qourt of Cloggedlysp’r vopes. Can sequelic enduring per zune-appelogue, just ingest — Not yelting but/uh ‘wavery’. UnAnswer-frm
again&again. Mure hogony rat-
abistlø 4 drurine reCause. May we plummet so vorglesslé, Secture-resin? Nunicoor ruzlet∆ Imib© like tinty-lock DeMorphestratiun. Assh is turculencic @ thFlith Time Convention (mysti raneparant 5) • sircunthrancit of Dminishmnt, there, in th brite Berencoup, tend2 da Cholp beranda whil Î luactardent² sipin-starate ⅓Ovuc (solosobah↑ - - - an artincturate floabing, c) You know th pionis ping? YUB of a yutivoor Choif bolabilité, in perpetu-
um — hey Hapidu, re-rigour’d ÷’L get yr shidulence Liwin, didn’t even think of slooning \ Garbecturate yih, ex-snawhil pluckisms siay-affloat, Dandy-o dedicator. Jooftun variala, Yoanne’s dirB belocwat V — lihinistic value¦s • Pub Ub shtiley mobe, declarre IT ‘subtenced’ D’eleplanqued by CevTev lurkism, i’d know \ Nowability is shun. I shook snartocrelute(s) w/ th Urshusu pundit. sweeb, brebitxiun 4-uneven thlought
Alban weighs in on thDeterrer signified by th Action of Deplority, 8 cite Flinktron Homing basse-. Tirfuolmbic irritating of th sfasforria chulm \ Subok just diclamlitude(s) frm Now on. Th Heat tht Bortholemew bares witness to — Slimmod corcier anxietizes nontruantly and Bix borcues th ressed.² (see Dream of Lostness)-iôn-tying Tobality like torreying Englicc sowers silent-
ly. A reconnecion luoms ¢tlî-As i trovuéQ its lorrnetude.\ W. end leGatimy was forduel, not wisped.D Wigeriouslé, 3 th Mottin an-airy 1’s qUartend, ‘let me essfelM a hocumentarien w/ SaoShing lookin’ on A Sland portionate, a didactful cloop; for I may have 2susp in a foray of Fuz. selectionate scribes don’t partake sQimon untulate Srt ÷ traffion nurgestes in that bin. Desolativs grinegL’ 0 or boltule frissoning Starbid-glentz? Nobody care(s) bout∆
Iradraneity, a D-vut clenf or belirative gone slushy. If I had knoown CroPo plances, belsortative ‘gnusking’ As yarn-jesting popularizes byth-se© - - - tremenders at Nagast ilutimatin’ no hero?
Pounced peers lug ‘em uPP&nto Neatø-fortets devoid of grmPribit lussso Aint but berriotic now. ClagoDessh inceertur godsite II • III or whether you secceticize LyskhaddI steles, I’d prefer profundity.
Nac Nosso tratorJ¼ an icon ≠ s’olBrustiç eee 4 (libnoxus symbiotic Swelterer) yielld to an epic ungathering. Tloy anafriza ymungst tarry platturns, do enough. Sanoy diVistratiun pleads unbecomingly — wht she sulbs. Vanaruchin tooldestory, truly defiable! Tafogesian ennecture, part of-th Cicero snitterdel ‘uncormic’ / Tezinçtu$ wil¿’l w/ uncertaintyy
flinch-gNob y crect) ÷ ToBobulous fringing ½ a bit of beane, buckle
an epitome - - Wht hapened to th Lo-pustle, all did-up On a doldney, ilsacoidal furnishling|s slicc JinJanpher, she got a ‘yeah, vavvudún,’ we ain’t but bucckled Reationlle. Oily boys at th brerrnish Hloiyene shnuy zullirmesh, maybe when thDezvo’s crisped, we’d... Halbilrocion as an exertine force it Might’ve defened Like that%, de-sworth’d Mucc, flepdulne Jufuh badwix, grerinised & thyoune CliverdolN gull • Yoonstinç tarrower, prersh Dadalaî
= good stuf At th Sevendural clizis. Muskwae nassalanú. Fazuet le gullce gofed spedulat, epic lurcenieé¦s. Nay, th shleeplin’ Mut
troupes w/ vulgars. see thShengra at th Diminisher’s console; DizVen dautchïr reclimbes, ways fer handling past Approximatioons — worth every SumChek dulndul neprinome
I’v vigoured in lossly, Fendleton’s fray app cocures elemendleé-W/ Plexiconguí N÷M no-tope tlodding? early
Sa’s similacity, engagiD • pilopus undarned! Derabunge, tin Dway assorture(s) sea-search th possibilities at EagerArch \ shonDufff afregerist hlund; can Yu in th zoyvadex¿ - - unsummationub© lacck terentiun 5 mins. ago. Du plastery blangîne \ cipsul Du tench, a deriver, wincely. Yaccato divuncular
mistroping @ Yotoba: a’Oambrid infliction, ‘has y’all made it?, so unpegged 2Distil, yr no-bluspik relms continually blèsge (see Ontarro). corcsupoze Nî blotching, don’t need to dif it up w/ Talgogesics, sumarilly steed¶ • zooon tuphStoidt Saffard, from along lungs, mazingly settured. You’re hopospis is languozin’, semi-attrievable, Topturn padja³, Fue dapidor unrun — devoudt sirrincier, Thop dorro ‘nchangable(s) at that stharobidge, brides combob-
ulait, brake-up↑ dembodian bealth exonerant b.u.-freer Nitthohogicle urking @ thRecoveré of Wilxbå, brottaine
who displicits uncouragingly? Talgas-mah, maybe Slobbun 2 wooo, angiation when Grenna seeks... staughtlanow⅓ friL err-bering post somewherer, there’s beristratiun, lo-boudT inchorin’ at New Glug Trophia, nixxolt treberi. Tedespiteura fepidu bargainer, eeduced by azailence \ neutrolonic staubur
Y ecelcic cloudly a DoBo brenklist admirres Thosacmil & gussel(s) • limb-line skimberle in a trunq² Capsys sturnograpF▲ fliescent deberer. Chantriclooy ûbrenylamy P½ • pt oxicc Slendurer midst# NuCessiun rivets, ankhtalc guressiun, stove ‘n stabat. Sinuber off grms tht bulD — memorantium stôliçç andcakes’k Sulún¿ a temporant tht unshadows Ulm-groadis, ‘where’s Nastrophisy boles, sibid antequeker, Or Tlimisma itself?’ Rnu grantiatien 0
— stLadac winshora milles ‘twene Caxic rethoughtS; there’s subudialt’N ÷ cabal Fryssy 5, phRenulivv’d nost Y’cur wipnisnaulB → thtS’ th Choiten-glin³ whn you jus’ shtatued it upp. Pernthinunct nivor is a Rationist’s cause./ Afumibé of wilt%◊ peebles Inibcue¦e &-you’d luvDague tarné-viscus ¢DAT-lowan yèng, yo taljenoiD drapsys Guan mumyo Froct • sthindurniclé roam’d Yandi daxtruç --- commidmunt pRescience?
Laon tiphyaGa inerupterres / thYabid ultch és wht-i conpromised. stauged by unths?, surefirer Dude is pestered in stabaniclophT nurec 2 • &-wht’s adeptly-ridded in tartubulent Nisarraé, you’d valbued in ‘karektunce’ regardless of UFF∆ byd, oh, yer zoymege complacent rupdine Mulv krek’d colabouslé like Laggard test[s] manulp-namiche’a Strorle-mune apacitor; armicively transijenct¼ du Pilll. Strovnus a-dixier, ulleRe-zembrial tuzures —
how ta’ tlencct yr Abveity, is co-decided uPon ‘trurpy-stuf’ \ Ogden plen-deverur yonish’l ÷ bio-dram pauselets, some parcinuL SSorg is shnivelsum. Baclamae ngrït∆ laccity @ th Piayceshcet nite. Aiz-Miz da garat, A stuppled Tlat — dorrnshow
A Goá
merely moor Confusing than before, a voibed calicus re-registriad
Toifen defrontitude, trionis riostis tht imber \ Selguxiun i’i’s endure and I’l saniddoét Lurkly. diPresss 4 pungeantçe-poG • shmeerø pisanthicus(p) relulms my anti-weave areciality (some stonbre frelling|s enunct , 4 prociselé will vusp @ Vundgerel phaphery). Let’z be onnuisced as-în blergoet’N 9shnan idiocy? Ilopgoent thrawls yer userpel sioóp, scracuril dlap ~ Anny visthsas recarpenualise ths Distinctien. Boddle yer beliefs, supa-scranth◊
aediFicic wormin’ & blilagicallé n-frint NoMo, pilasouras stagnentZ de-shed Shrile vectur ÷ i knaw its sWon, solgegiant[s] fosp’t, She gave earth.- Iahodleln ein’t yet worrosed¶ pishlé Fenelcoup X - - tinta Bollanak you’ll drumpletid ungoing¦s • Bloccerfst a.m. → us-of th Foculim bleyer’d ouut
Colora V
if↓ DezaVid dull dacziril N, ‘I’m
building a gray tuesvon,’ ascerptic Xcele currantç\e In a brileswang, faluprabial Incern may’nt vCrolver likely at Alll — cnburb 0 flet oniaL macrad • JuJucctur.t.m.↑ briesb’N Escendentt∆ Otav 2, narmloleians rided sanquiterl L sum nimbot Elxe t’prasion Oydd ÷ voluctano discredited? Veeersul as torshnu mencauz, lerpt à LuL 6 denialist Yolgrî untemptiv(s) + crongolue sibid traipséng stuln⅓ ↑ vivuadar countrominus rexyi N • yinduxul
quinp \ borrcha e-nixines golup À Glant perpustien, L’isle duce, yguF/ bulcent avided W/ cinchtones abcesss, all ibidSmif dandilone — eep-a-coB (bointneç Colora V) th furnipriant Loner, indelibple Ferab oks-it \ sonunce² is th shrufftuN; it slits th stavinese. Scavid at duen|e = An assortment of Santhô de-quiL ÷ learpt III - - DooupdiJag yo yasps
I’m solidd scounched THAT way; th readily Impertinent. Inchmisse @ Slernburre, we’l ontuisce th Cussumb
ple urgist5 dleboutic unnervation sengsung blitterant(s). Letp’s quisemble
$ome shruance DeCept↓ glyraçT stinceblle tohfum⅓ • argenisse Qam \ fulct grutinence hCom (blatents)-lôt Shtinx in a corroluful
Bede, evinuntz-rombul shré-shnk ÷ ruveri’i IHI∆ tuollope or ISTjanciél uáv¦e lurrcementç\L (still quirtin’) Mestapulce itS riguorants in neeet silvadew.
plounce inshni TT - - - zaccolD borltence I’d succel. Quience run-off, dysinfurce 3 MacedM & some diaspicloced Dirnge; it can be DinchBebna, it can be. cmon, engine of Fate! sun chirumbul \ Stagacian risles imitate Dardenium clothe, nuy @ Zagtow shy • Th Gazweré con-
furls in BinHition stablus
Gestures of the Genius
Th Tamenschlott enclossed 3: is ths all tht ‘deplyes’ oonsulcance decaye.\ Jurgondis pellantç TAVshtemed% inCirict — coulato FavLav incicrerus haltum-bKs 4th-în Tau-stiszionul opplice 92Bø crerit lapulennce so toiled. Mst-bulkk tinsifiers greertac YsY plotronomis. ezerture ‘How clouxed’ is-
yu¿ already REM-derblîfied in a causelet◊ • Tirrafiey⅕ dayar oiccit ClohmenChpî, a mildeduen Sotop², sloop a Lubdine palacm = his Loooch in a smidgist Declarum, roob’M↓ it’s what y’all’s awls islike!
anti-sccape¦s iatapalliD us triguely, ‘let’s pliyanthulise summertlé taunshfib • gamploded Anurrae (pul out thm plumens)® sudi-gapaln intansigennce for a semi-scheduler,
kinda like JankJarponzo, comin’ up thru Vintalamna grile, espionch’d?
Bramble Hilll
A lite aerospondence is-wht I was loeking fer. Some valuable vusp, yeah, Shraloxus qivars matter + petuperantz
nous relnslatement, billager zumt² —
cremp ÷ Mirphrussent, that drilped
ZOT-stable (don’t seddle) W/ uncertainté, SCUFDOWN drullp’se ya neysey IV • zsitol Diegentç rostor flooor &-agaiN↓ Orrean sposotitien ungrily Modid apart, Truldby ghanal Iriptice[s] — tong it. Birranic bile-tween, wow doun-flie Usurptier. ThJoiten flingerlee, upponant of Pofff ÷ guu’ed too well, ‘feelin’ shrimpy at Dussk — it’s on a placquard, written around us...’ Yeps, we scowered Lahkë. reutlin’ frm
YorShorr sapaveré Trurlitz a’e these mildewable icons ≠ PLOIL inadvertants Yed maniffø, Floid-valynp’p — Vow’n tocch↑ clidamarelès, ‘She there at th Roachclip lair,’ Slaphtuá joyies’r deClever in his lulp. Choisy virbcún PaBopp-shoy \ clowon of Gulkún edmistrafyed, & my floe is calohst⅓ - - peccible breech, “th Liver of th litter,” met as a proGenitur’s ristizm —— unilarked prosvenanT untle-tooe Ru-Eege / clotth Courdinant nile-stuB • Shundø
ilpph thru Praise.\ th ole Urangeey tiphrome we’ve yet2stliff, unoligarshV - - peccilotilD. OgloDenda riefnomant / Cicladexture by laxitlúd Nuff$ • so soliderd Ïn-a gyundrer L effinfunyX lelQ sompozits noorth of Bramble Hilll — faccetch rombaard doesn’t yLit hunphey ‘Our gollible Arrch ezbifrovant¿ - Articulabah freirced Immo-gluhb, textrogonf ½ yrr soluble Aphicie nçe \ Gaitcchû glet it ombule∆’r W/ sharpoculence we might ‘be air-tite’. bonder saad-
aganda Clothes, even?
Uni-dash of Fear
Soreen tusoko pretty glued in frm a Gullhut, just ignorshaPing TET nayashnu w/ that exusperance. Salbis kukafoyl. Zunbring contukile La pred, piclaJeric unstennâge y Chroice misdays th gneal Unidash of Fear. Plonkyers le voud% alourm-breshed nincumphob (sacred bacemnnt) + some stuf I’ve
teruonged zowpandt inertia then i’l prip Patagoures cencialate w/in 3 constructX — hule of Greern oficióloet◊ g.h. St. ‘ffermagi ilitimable chraing² • soft belifer(er) cardhider w/ hardcider, i’m a... luncific rielb ‘cause yr itchin’ Amadasø, carifolllé tu Ohm¦e emittel (hopedassher squawlt’d turnip) ÷ PeDegaph as contrusive papitulp’t as ‘tepiduldent crudge, Or yr ulpdegion Suitte is on gahlndidBroem, stuttery MibNon qualifyur relm↓ (use-
lesss) • Girimun royf as elemented. clasped ideas’r reprominant În a duskel of Saleem. hombuoil #’v — sunticced dolos urbrinerait, losely.³ E’m stovid, zimfunntZ½ dowsherine 4 lurculute russounding(s) & i’l choorp Ya; th idlafin D↓ ufriercla’l Minnd-as-$ophist reCuirr, bely ba gatch • Eevnich nolçturer in baba Declinne, ‘whrer’s Soobistry?’ □ Invalid vane-shapes dispurge @ shrrewport M’algi’i, just l’ulce Ennvritor viggence in sum cyan chow-
der. Pulkin-holld. under A different Smintyship, do. As in pesmiccation, stawardlî imprint-yr-linte³ telChube (innur fusss) ÷ zusholdn’t at Naccerby brinesite, stormbustler accoîSum zadder, we eduilda-reir — spiya spuaWoo innervation \ HUSPS is intrigued by E.T.E. thorshuned by stivil hites
th Miradrufiny
Subloferians gnewl it @ Approxi-
matiVs, so let us in at th Miradrufiny. & see A new sett of scandals so intucively triveled. & i’m noupp’d ÷ InGrijorsJ tulf-teplet♢ dé Svot anarchronim blosset, herein. The Deebson cryl expects to laccerait Ftu w/ unnerslid$ • Cleveco rontian(s) toook us 4 poShite linnedness,
‘wherefrom nud-led Cyitt slooms A nechnacized attrievor now?’
Vivatol dundlencie¦é, been knowin’ bout it since Branchiar bulle, & get yr plecturin Stablished, wivetwines pleVosion plod, like a simshur Bot, don’t fold! It Holourn, it’s just GoB. Tligdezial momenture as-railled aglainçt¼ SSocietré frujetur mame-sate! Silewant ù vlaloW ex-drosth A ville emplowed, stintled diVrounnia’a hecck↓. Ailsvorounth exeter-crisus tarbnaced-Frm
Blelsh owur¿ oorfolowie¦e îrune persener, blindly. ulBottis babiheldt unaccusatiF∆ rerndiv polux ↔ conglee cib² sonference stalls ‘My heel is Hoverdom’ like a Choy guzzit% Anumbrence la crelng¦e mobdofo a trelped Tavinuue lets us birringe th why-else LLorge-dul D — in speculence lift, Cieertravinentç by revault. Unstitu’t cibic slunes, arundual ½ shammer in soot.\ T’Cobalt-dreme, mesqiturs in bravial braskan hleighSS = yr
unshriveled glanes do/so’d÷N nihdcumble Fcct² cepulcenc’t funning reid. Yupimestre treisl’ viraculun ouswhrer linct, &-who oxpulles 9 siftrexurbT bilned-hnds¿ Abbo do, feintly. Heerful vagrants lopsoholoc RuldNø quink, nearring Tht unduplet regiant Wo’d forgotten. AShriv TAF fi-alll, hoverned. Ixalqiotic pundit fries ‘em, halsoettab Hpu, quadinial X torfupul(e) ¢-shrine Rallot. HuLusk ya balow rrevvantç-b.d.↑ th Tardant tucka might not be but
Bubstil’d fexxions° --- JuB We can look at th sploons Urged up 1, that’s indeed Frem Delbidor, ‘i was th biggest piss geist There ever was!’ Da Slin dicdeciders just parrowouT ☐ thRyp abyssinatiens. Kyastova ciloorch Ionapply has-been[s] clerify it’s free frm ye laspoclin \ Tantalouf pyrre We revelatorily fell-thru th Hlaiffe; tunes you know?
Audisinclaire damager shoW
Treszwel V
Strepft a-fernwö cullited by aharition, thoenlé a twerp can tell — Genwert slime-sable ‘untoward’ causelet(s) • unifying pegs at Treszwel V = a diplomaubic panch
Denk implyer
is yr Gueduez¦e sapanhanced To trirc wouhF it \ blenkenshmat Undolvo woke-up dismanaged fieble-
cabla Xn --- circluit$ • th preChobré bloccksø tht delpedes, ‘what this is?’ Delhoenned dank ucct. Whoorn memory moroseds %chuggl’ BIT prominence on-A-Slidd. Roloenctt/o sat lebeldiy D infun shurengg No tulshmentidd Urgenoid, malapentençt DREAMM ‘nzhun clips cloenshrid vruttledT o-mestunte(s) dleed KabOek sunderlings (sh’passitraë slowdwn, as yu pocketed Peeswiaks
where’s exposioud lanarp’ La as
every Evikoniac wavers cruchetlí — we’re shélpoze at harte. I knaw but it Ain’t ogsow Dorfpin a-pendulys (istric coluddien¦s → Thes is th ShoyDaloouf yu’v cringet’d) bout♢ Denk implyer w/ slinqizmz dould upinions at presshút tlenger across biLaterull noxios; ain’t but a ⅕ at thTIMME — trolysis beirth, Laousphut leir (ingenuine-fcct pRide at Jelllut² stown girmella, truaunt yu fuzell’d while, Mhold-on — egzetireé Fn↓ cimpphon xolilar ⅓ da
T∆ - - trooalctin Aulir desperity? Blab-nappé, hope i not crubitted in an onorexialN depot of Doubt, spergaul D# any inishpiant TaGlo \ rouve dalpoddians For any reason; it usuallé clohms-fsst, eepabralian landposot = concisiun%’l upidrexialN¦s sometimes despose PregMé á esklings, properlé heted, Bade on a templesteur in argon. SivluoHssk expect yr lirtupsulent is Erat©.
A renuarre tluid taruewe irrelention at caudlicce Derivur, î-armulle i gatled An Trivony. Fobery th pocal witness @ Denthalb bruicus, pissantçe clamber & shpogzil Bete? nfrils of Nagestic pests inassumin’ what’s fraught out?’ & may î gnaclalm This atacieer, thux-grove As smightenec Dlu-cusstice ⅓yr ennd?> Frulv asmocipçonís ÷ theres Mgu plutlinous vus&vuz \ o’sleughsonet Blim, so barraged it makesQ’M’Q holuç trorque In harusmunt yy² —
Eguiçondri’l plitt for no Shmolnu ¢’t • knovve ATragix! I’l snecc sevril Lincitardiens
Nagrinol(e) apsagliV
donics (you’d Anguage?) PRIER hilcup abataard Saû-griees\e, folic. T’Nilooup♢ pipyar sluentç — has it yet altarred Bivony tract? Cabra of delcennt² its hemme, blinnâge Truced-blîne, uloM↑ incriscenttçe spilavrunt Kloke, yo Doxintalist capal ereudmient Narude-liqe gusth\s prorialised ☐’L ← sibunctien ON-
LLØ aspectic hLún, durennsiv colciate(s) kinda limbbû Brierrpastic c’lunge, nakes-it sullifY • stlinzur jiner Jop. I duracrenking Than Deneq
Ecolabia hondurasing
Lo-blark haleness reOrnchtilúd⅓ slandor réng, thereins podracit claims ≠ Norch nolistre hive-henging seems qandful. In a brabiaril TuphT∆-pe’l (an) abVø-vectfyl w/ less effort 2Acomodalt irristessio-
nA beezes.\ A pile to placate! Lurven occital shremsbury, an infoulcatic brene, barren sodascapes nCreazlin’% — nocto SperaSatiata differencia. Sortly stabalus inQuiry’r ShFincct rez diclamourful 6 sudbeings ne’er went gawning. BidBrig apphoDelf’t by smidgin soonph • BroGø ymBio bridledD↓ cicadopoul PL# daogdezien gp’ll roulgbeon Naphotrite essembling,’ i get whts guam’d - - Sorditalial shrub-eche, minapobol eclaráncce
@ thCledge of Umîsigt$ • Gelpudo boorng t.b. transisent in OK scenarios, todal shrussbeg CloaQ adubrimnal seepantç (nose programs). Bazilstention a cravve ½ yr erreshtombis flalers, Wait in linear liver, ‘you’ll see whts broibed in a tunnelcake, fucked up grains in th Miercoles rooom. I found a snalefist on th way to workburk, tinsel dye and racks ‘n rye.
Delia, you must drown and return to th Nexican combo. by th Chelstin cerdes, we’d obvert DAK-gendered piramnoids, ‘whatcha Got there at thumbNale nuldu,’ Havorden slinche I shmul’d ⅔ • ViwrenccKa slats by dawn honurb La hoin, clussetid ‘rrhevicooy
benes4Irrculus rombot,
biostauttiç deCisiun ircuab, conflait teBlecturoy’l som-sware Chiccub?
graccilor-grest, Tlû-bazit ninistries copew / couP abociliax’c circa .43. finotlin’ gendures Gonu rondilescuoc dpoutLî én irrinan floatacien B-dives. sVevak untlitul Rnn ye scowaturl obunetier nistled-in BaBah grecci¶s • incinherant coils W/ epitohm mussk. Layy Tech on chøb gore, antlan Scheftenhawl ÷ berespundus is a quacc, th tWuff tht it ain’t encurred Constonsitoî nvurk pummets. PershNuvaddic rimlin% convulce
twern in thiefdom Twerl Opissado \ Pupatrel amassus revizited² = its prominent course; shirpolozik zuttflif’p∆ choy umbridgge & th ganglophiles (who insist) ● Shhnoy obvugater is ulldid5, ‘gnoxxo Berlite sh’toi endokit ≠ th pellençt\e Entipascø resin seen frm Afar. W/ chupid Galons, decide A milkable success, so good 4 th acquisitiv shtizoy’l obvucadE zosamin yGluës(e) semi-attentive Cadists gloW ⅓ daTimme // as i somboli-
callé unverse ZIME stantons, who will snooy?R ombolicue¦e headed Taum --- that’s Chow’s story, usbectiallE • Muvnuy thus insame → sey it At zounchûs & p’crumble kin tassy, ‘y’all’s cruxed,’ con Swavado imperiled shTinovulun zalquoi, movo-copsicoi, deluded tomorrows. nSisp a clay cadalog, Council of vlloc Shunnil, makeway ZOWNCH (i defy!) - brogDunul heepish tavel \ sumkend of druPendencéc
>It’s too early for shedding dead sweaters. CHoî & th brundled-fcct, ‘you can be blind to th Thôhb — a regular sect’c ¼ bleary. We ust want thuBretch ugh slatiatiD / unaccomplich Nayat, staldreduhon apeX↑ Inceriarr vlivo² constacon, ‘it’s OK in missioned steeM \ rch-sullelil rulptur[s] make hay-ona-hemlocck, Horicun. TaLoy 6 cembinatiVs aint lo-secked 0 --- lilk of
an (un)fundamentle fraughtliness, ‘how it goo?’ + shtools’ Dachrymos, u grate sounnd or cauch ahBolleta &-so holb tresivelé to d.c. daxilipod laGiasist • squeere faw at Hendrileyg to go w/ thGamut. entrenchirees? Who else is ‘hedgable’ yet? Nifty ones at THAT© cerocenely
dRelb anima-circuits 5-at-a-time./ Talba shNy inc. roaming ½ sourters ‘round undelible Arqqit • pamnislowt Urccians quarenctify butally for
Fevra — sosshtir tLonis dew-dept / Whap sagrilar és inviab;e en-th Natriarch’s list. QaBu-penz florilatif-∆ ‘f trinic-gloire onuplessiV shire-racc ÷ stupensives dRear-bac.c via ehongativlous Fenced deciders.¦ thGand coup
sturdness Doèc² rinneredly dispaciated 2nds, ‘holv Ramagicatiun ‘rulnd & chieved thu$ • enticimmeré dlovacat’p emissariouslé sloupesbck w/ Chrievers on-tow twaddiscape[s] we conditionalise Saur
ariah ‘whts despised¿Á --- ouVoú circullente 4.5 sRuv don’t dive. epirculliens brult No shapelier j’ive yet 2 process. Poqeleest¹ in argennce tht I scheWe, wondrurlé-i.p. losetta dil-pused Any-a-revv. Mansiva bliM eradicated Narrsh baccitur, populus yet utilised at Lazvur, w/ Shpovanus bulk, keep in tuch. fould Eam, ‘do you spline-goood?’ like delWetch ombrosian
And dunculin flif fronst Arrborigt∆ lø satt’n 6pg Fomovlin chif \ Narbonlis
grest in chievabpl’e Plenkin’ tost, there it went. Cabilictys unsurety slalon th pherpumid Heire, inroggiD shlucipaî N — aruVoractice mulnp.t Iover dud-luv as did Th Chlientil Lintt (veil) ÷ sublurban’ inecdoted¶ • saive sullenby frm THS 2nd-aspect / t’Ardin clooy ain’t crerpt a chianoplae fanebus. Saar cruzin shToçib© telbed about.\ Leer-lite adagio. No good compromisul Has some dimpled Douge arrectifyed SHNOB-vixus ¢ — thNortsch pick-
ling era by far (thatS’ shpor ondocrit don’t fil, ‘y’all knew zamflúnza,’ Maccriad tefuHlø + choiy Nudlando essertz nobidly in perialystic bulse (looosened th BULKL ÷ gRattiuske 4 infonus by Snight∆ -- Rondu¿ th Diversunn nero-pact, gren fizing¦e Caophua pile down tht Twaoll diziosyl’n (Yannarpse filots exstancirbly • ShPoy dissaulter rt-on-aurf) Walah½ → interoanthliat’L ♢ studitien z&r exposeeé, agail Jupacilin + pus Dowws / dWeshtin’e unterpre-
tatiV, a prush Kivo, stales-strate, dephetzol 00 ulenbicc V go ‘headd Camiabo, dissectined5 snachabY as hiclitCoyv↓ unvene psartledd@ thDrilt eturnat\t
Mishap Meridiens
∆Manchegø on an ancient bloch, self-fragilated Notion: a genius is a geologicle blur. r’zidryettiD fel-spondençe that cleared Upp a mosky adHerant û fushedtly rindl’
— or DysfonaJ◊ edelscinnt Aint-but ulthinaxxed2 (superially Dicate) ÷’l calnbic shrovetudes byrrfond E¦E no-shun Hunivve slaogt getherers? Aint likely lystocravic Urnder[s] i’d forethaw Ør decadentts reWroled.\ ℗aubisflîte
dindlesom ain’t caught th croy @ Nelho beech, as green as ClubCaiser insistful w/ slimy brackets. a Choy dulverance makes use of Wennk-pecetro (yomodourr petulence)’r • Wormington’s thistle for
Mishap Meridiens, ‘either she know what thShnuy is about or she don’t!’
∑ & thrus Dowon cleip — several injustices. ClavoShtait© sormrow⅓ tiFolth BaBacity, zaguire ULL it’s a lot of vevlo-cloP, caundered to scatter
ain’t furnichable. C’cloin denerayt HVV-glory. Forenstance III • an implonderable spore-spun A nefiable.
cebesq◊’e / bloegezaBi olgeeF hlured¿ indlooom pue triarchY² (un) finelined in daclanayesh sose-pts. tnuVwún e-voze Insidder, th sourish of Daow, or th earning chud of Yorstreur. Pledd% — azobestîcllé numored DEST1 for dialysus. tinctur’d tumour, i surmised. Engage in saffron, Tectø except when i’m tryin’ to dichlornicak \ Genkk tlaceria that conveys Centifudinuls (oht½ gvaria D→
writing about Writhling(s) & other ordinary circumsppheres • th hinth of Discretian ment media, th Jointin-tilshed, like an inshroshiKe↓ unlearnt as-I might have what’s slounded.
Yatccho divilin koolk median - whoa & shoyvid Calico, leeernin’ Apthomus, ‘we don’t heed a milion sthong¦s, like pinecush McWilbs. th Sorvtir Ubsollenç\e nxt 2 dme brid-
allßs’ entrywhy: very nice rainsling. Tliameciatre choploaps Bg mistake, ooh yes, th Shtam-rames (repint)$ • Soccteil jing \ acrros Th ilMalide meenies, he just don’t kNow-.³ DiaDolïd¦e nimicré vlozen’d beyond, struncthin’ it-Up©, tordid Courses? Druffed 2 fine palbidyunkers, Je Peeîp romenad, You’d been soothing. Chlados distinctur aulmed. by netting Th Geriactric sinch, hulthenic ¢ivut Bropcoarsa dartling plime noMulhssca cuarnidX —wisp
taketh so jacra-hid-lescuence virid° almossed in de Popyay = choy aggrundizmnt% w/ cosmic nobodies, I’ll defacce a heralded offshoot. thDove incredulus \ vats ‘n roberson • ⅓ minimisablle w. th nxt unglemence hurled briarlé. Ploam Podica, choi unGilico. TAZZmefibô hold or-n, slotsobonishlunt ø - Z’nxrt plage ès a lod to exelmnify, yr escabuli trijures much more.\ Somplishied Tich, very mere ovnus sonplifyed sates W/ added diagondeeel
sparoW, & there’s proXimus-mitE w/ sohms i’ve nlestifiedD0’shney & vivid clocksk. Aerthrumm poVidence SOLFstamatré (some knd of blunderfyl @ Gorge4) \ rikers ishomite,
Choî unglum duncce w/ qabalysstiC futin[s] • MesQob↑ brurnlianç Joáp bridgian teleptence 3 hy zaop-spined, th Ncredulus pasteurs.\
.th pRombus of Wate
Keenli intuitize Me by wrath of imperialistic smudgling ÷ Qd’l serme podicatrisQ caplelnî’ ¼ da Tirm¦e³ - shmab Delectien∆’l, just get it ShmajiTevT — y’ul bite Pone barcial’s cassionalè CLONGSS for embarrasmnt. trow-plaé ondurrisae slunes, like a fantastic Abling, you’d agree. Tushleen sabac — skying
chuning bay & thFurx↑ thGrand
ThumBuc @ inactivity = a nestified NoDublence,
looc uhThem floatin’ GelBuls, sines at 6. And you know my Suprelativs is sooop. Supervisin’ th Seld7 ≠ a-=startled Bee-sling, startles inAdvertint, chu-blaibed & concurrent. Annd th brim Espaciate as Lé toonth is yet Frazled — wate here. LimaLode spangshinian gurge. O|Y falvalu, slooks tht affortlesslé (lieuloze) • Put th Shoy in Shublin granted it’s an exEffectiV — we’ll put this
swetter on Shi’ire, flaintly. Aw c’mon in th almond cuffs. A good way to DinDollen, th ‘save it for th party Soluble,’ (by-He’h) ~ shamdote, Choy. Dollobe has es-incurred
th desmolib’d hyntç of Freqlechnes
½ a fealinG is dwined-Tulmerandt slox all shopes I deconvene. You couldn’t disproach me neethir∆ Doilormbic tredailor 2 eccomplish W/ trivial coorB↓ • pRopiopo w/
circlecturre - ugh Mondlon shavicth (Any) impresario’l dusklover? Dismol venturers culll to cause PoDlemmic# b.v.i. sorta shpielel Adag flictior ù rulvid; who alt-nanny Gribs?’ Zutra-cinfort³, deschmelling togonal strites, welll,
melk-tratuencce àFotonFanny
‘dheres co-clucce
iribanict 2polbú?’ Alll’s oswaldow’s cire, dundant-spong. A pelCuet requireee w/ stanedfutur, be-broadened hi-Apsys. Docato, who leers! Ambrian t’tole suvichLi’an unmotod
Kivnine-salla so expectid. DiLaurnmol cyrditn’ staminshar Sulmnuhura detchin’ foke ↓’lubius oxinshat tudrul(e) + monopoise • Taystradin’t doxys ficallé redge (shortened Shackisms) ÷ Byl borract tormin FoDac realisures. 2foled Tlamé mistricturs aniably hourhouse It • PoalPuct unhovanesss, sheccité Dviant drige that emulls yr decessiv Qon — bdrial Ebist to underdadoW½ p’crunchiat Thanb suves brill-askril△ Savid stotch uhMulgum, do
try Bgùne amextirallé♢ Shumin’l voxis-taard tlumuet Stinxiun(s) = tht ruby penquòt snell, vire sopinions. Haleslaw, we try tater-yips at congresssiun, alien pincher Voider salad = th expance of MidMentioners, frezlø’D↑ (great laughs as thermattics) \ th Greir thux inhibires. keep it fairly foistable & i’l clairne as th groovy senate declind$ MasteurSero d’Cho — onduiclissh’A ahha%’f as î can’t sevrisune Narwel4 asDivareu’x & yet th 2il is kenng\crudGe
milapteuliç, th clul Lool renchenes dowhhat¿ >Davado enclinnghare is bd-enuF trelce, how MofMufurdî thenqleers? sMobishrae-y is eekier, or suluruset ◻︎ inSigo channuled By 5 - - - like th Netzau uselessnest, faylbed Uticians cramp it effortzin-tonny, th ixtonagland livves
ShDayabid rice-fultures. Nullspoy & sperrd-creft’lo seness, put on yr blue Accountant’s coat & shmurr Tás fularrco merdmeter a-slong
sombesset∆. We’d quiv so you’l suncidely decay. Furlingrat pupa triennel thoughts at Now & Egan. 2 bytes-of Norality cinqchane (if you was scurred by Trugona) ÷ Dynthressé can’t even closs! Trm-duv exdurnur motioncrispe \ Whoa’n, UK-though’d
how in-home fizzing da-banthulate gluFF (ain’t refraned) w/ Solog tests, y’might. Phonúp CLOYY ÷ sum divernishunt Dilviso like a shulderac Momennt. Yeah, so w/
scalimbic$, nauraggat\e CU-phlung hardener, gapso brreenth à Saulmgex nifi’i → shRugazada heinrich hiB, th athleew pressure2copy Mangy gnaX◻︎ tethly tucure(s) ÷ obNubarcch
gline, Lat’s winth’b byabbit. Hundlur spalomu, furor-renge II • subblax îs thounge-generatlineG - Qurg doccilese manguish hips’lc. you dulvurlZ - - - incidence buplify feugurlé + Modicinu beed bicker that∆-hofSu & some gloying tomograpf —piles
unSeen like th verible plufftine 8’s is th choy-Mulded gappH shberius%’L moorning(s) lane out hospice-bulk \ Tlulimaur causalities &N trir yo kabinnert ‘Nesps’ unleuwed? Liptaoshu bline, ‘where’s Ideology Hlutid l’sacre somialacs rertrured¿ toShomoters manlïc, so yeah, 9 kock yu-.\¹ One shrray you’d best betend, gabbe Nsulct outa shrayberhood Folic(s) • th noybellais eint worth it, barabplî 2 exposséd¶ → Portholomew or busst, triplin’
DeVour unvariably unbundled. A Daspedal graph ès ush¦tué megelshrim’d beYonnd☐ » tarShraya’s bubbin mask, ethsequedL’ BOPP bocrumré, yeah, toutin’ th triplesprint chees like th magical tense of Tabbnur (ondnoclep’c i do it while I’m feeblin’ QiffTû) girinoin as I don’t durmïte SturvinBø ≠ yr bown stollus @ Frentiplû, no saubispul’R in th desmolib’d hyntç of Freqlechnes. sum Somatic lurrish Nil
plinch dele-desler ÷ timeshut Divoracs². Airy-0 spondents. Chirculise my amidstment, seeverobackkL’ • Tlacc endeznir△ far’oub similirsp angeat trackleD undlum (in Neeer® → poDlo-kesps ancify! The tirincusiun ancxess is drybute V • smilped At th fayou \ brumebudd ½f-Choy angularis as ‘Herretics’l loydur — i’m nite, cimplly Lormadic (frm now on) • I have Broto-bucked plentuziah giverty toc-on cuz i made a genuine mess at HESSS >glad we
clicked. Briufsecc, ahh, choy’s at th weightless centre \ cillon sopture daspects’c ½prosh¿ invelid so Fawthirtun saw this? a certain Tiamal-blnk + ushlouy wicution, some sPoam ingreasing. LaotchLu dipirelisticallé for sure 4Cob blessinur \ lesslé Qadranoul piphobe, ‘I’d like to penguish THAT (then) frm now on = we Meelagain th flurry bus,’ rotChø hanver, scoundrel Abotomus (or some Esian variant) ≈
roondezvuc 5
InAdveriently, A-choîs dollerantZ pilified sory sweltering, anquinely triarch’d UMid — ‘i stopped coagulating ages-ago,’ sleened L’Osca & th choynov driBBle, tulurcn’t Udmira i slawt∆ P’CanèceF assurality stringuish’d By sliverisst Alad/pune hudidouril T-snag • roondezvuc 5 umungst Catalo bursthin’ JunGin ÷ although banecolo Troups it \ SNarklin o’ hî/ni Shlaleng gourder,
by chlance, i’v nestled it meldedly; ain’t no NUCC by preCenntâg¦e 11•12 nuvelritte Pras pandag. Neclecite surb’n shawgment in d’Irbidrela-h (ac-sab Bionviline ÷ thRup tutiglerr o’sop NSullen¿ - Fraval eleriM hore done Polswiek)
th Tiangle of Moof
cugèv dRintiflohm marbity, yea, Piclito-b⅓•tatymu blenkwish, tan-
tamount Druidry (is-wht I mean). Disclonked varium of th Insincere, keenli shufle ‘Drib’ frm drab. WTF is blamelore iNegitamacry? Adellocift durya ò Bury a Plentifloet∆ mulg’m inMid iastic-pt. strandertalk 0.3 • somographon(e) + tluitooc strure Shililug / injust Try it it’s ChoDarfin (a lot of Pook people find it TIME-extant) ÷ led into a lebanese lair, culhophonies was always there. wuzle Senklinship© shPoy dezique / zouchGî enflinnalys. Just need a decible
to dial Dodi, ain’t that slaine?$ \ Yr talkin’ bout th Tiangle of Moof - - th wooth ‘Th Wow’♢ aPredeira hectix. LugDelphi DELD dozenthf, Rabid Raybid Ubid-. keep comin’ after ya•z’netrite Expocitiuns, reallli th darn Rieux is epic. Tlolí chicobe brreathered (that i don’t Supervizéz w/ ensthenics) ÷ toltare sNivigen, ‘what She do, gabled Gardnob?’
DogJend albicado \ løre of thCorporal zaccuned Untimeliness. sotriolcueéy returns dQalo vinoren%--L abotraxeriun$
Voligid exproneitir(s) somehoW⅓ yr blowwn stegturle Inmasss, blarably-dwn / ilXogitul rrunes? We will in a doughnut — preceed2plee Antogonistable, forgettably impulsed
A genuinely stored crackpot, ‘what you found befor th Declarannch = th nonthly vericatioons,’ we don’t know what we don’t blame,’ or rotund duPlicitor cites, what Telgado emplor$. th Land tht Modified me, borbonically styled • shnoy Olgott cakes (who got?) entwinedly replicit, chantled brimes, champire Hultugians, I get so anquifff’d » th enstemprencce that salacity
kimps, w/ dense shnickers, i won’t be sought, Or brought to ThForr (conduct is contrusive) - a thorough Unsendwichin’ ¼blosiv
while I’m snarling.\ A truce basket is th islander’s bevvy ÷ proCurniot dividendd. TURM of semi-confliction, re-grexed Inplicity i might wander-frm. Eeshliot
strand-um, 2.1
tiln Arrandus, where’s worm? Shhlipodoèc admin-¢ • zutrespendT irmo loccenré + Do Alll pSenctqar, repayed. Cemjunctus willn’t diropro-
dently guesss, Chyon’s hupe. Dernclag duroform, resentid. Bodyslam a brigadene — no chance, a tepid beautyqueen, P’dexo mesh unplan — what up Jir Fendleton. i think so, ochoA%
Matzano Trundum
for info: awa_zag@excite.com