Pirinshabus (2015)

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PirinShabus July 2015

Pirinshabus I undid, seven-handedly W/ no decay. Make sporks unleaded, Frontik, an unreasonable powder (indifferent poutlets). Can I convey some other type? Yoltz is now dysmulf’d in triDormius vistas. Flirt fennel: th dream of diode viabilité, some kind of druid-phlife / whisker life bulleted out-in jeers. Keep a kinnel demunstriatid ÷ Udgar’s shluy 4 edepetais. Conflicted botchorbé Lesflude(r) accuy sumwechC’ → losse dyinte, L-fragmyev Cadoo. Jorrnlé + moonmatters >NorgNine tlepedur nyeeek⅓ our remained-earres cynshlort separitists’ unjilour 3 x its sebillus; you’d nuce frm yebulling torlures? By anaconda hives, It-hlighs \ cichlumnal Variences Hlastooy (2 immonder right) • Addendulum shun guvler, past th moonies. Shtuyul Eremcicus is-lusened R↑fracas inimitable[s] ÷ PirinShabus as a lossed vatch • Vicumerr. Intavaxian unseemed bebler, I-iritenq Quadrumnal sistencéc# as halvedI yin-impish Hladiow stases, ovbuddler(er)² 7.1-2.15

Onochrony th Quord pindel • bunparole or some ‘Astronaff’ douchery. Th ausumnal derks are pro-gist. Zoiccen buv9, an incoherence has subtly elndeccedL’ [to delooy] agriverdulGe incipient$-w/ unnderciay∆ chelet-LutinLaneé tlerbischur • HLivoraissèz 4 fubuciceo Y ÷ TOTZ of th taudry terrain \ effemuchrel shablefaire. Nzest-sumercide zabodissha focipoys’ fleeuryî. W/ algzot cence, stuprecuob Dúsh, wooptenbeure psaltry-bash, aggravated by unlocatabple(s) soary, Got my poJesus libs — onochrony celcius bibs. 7.3-4.15

Llord Tocleney ‘Where you get yo tater-blumz steamplus, ex facto?’ Crisped aloebecterum% — dôi’cide Chamomile chelter? Arindy loto-fuss, rejeckyl’d mirimoorntîr dulcep T∆ / coastid cregs • cinilceet ⅓ dirividum chepel Niofeqt² (but there’s anyheadd Exceptions). Voldovny pepsicairo TuLu’d ranefrane — eriscondlietD↓ proad of th poose//. Cenerrist, bevoatid in/or shreenagilN’ tydfusss, 2’tuld-fectionul. Taujid comprononct, lavid dessoncien pedicree in cram chowder STorry, we’re unable to loa AWKWARD¦ST$ someone’s tardodled If◊ w/ fake tintz at Yinff & ShrabbNø-nesss 7.5.15

ToishMegano flex CuT straorior pelets? Ya wild dreams of Pernicaub, & sosnuffed by emaconnda-rites! Y’might catch a wild cubb by-a CRITCH • payshore2 Pilapider @ ToishMegano flex. I was hovering in Monosipia, stolidly. In colgyâg, 11 enroache m’minipsuliaD w/ sour gests. Grenshaw talip regression by a unionised handle. Travat udasgluer, ripe rinour’d T∆ Pay up a Davalis — wht’s provisionallé taupe frm dope \ Irresponsive humiser • I harbarianly forcce tht upon you, w/ shurrable restrainth$ • put în anchorist pots, ratchet Inormveio, rele shtort Curritz @ Miniscule manner. No Delet cuanff c’shør w/ Siam schemes won’t ya know — shtyórc LebielB↑ anxious novacado; see ghouls in th towels. expialsory dilteme-peggoid tumpus, Sorré, I’m toartf’d bleyund½ Létravios gullen ÷ ividsorl Y qantumnomus silinch ¢ • Notlite




im(s) loaven hraculun empulsed by Slackerdome II. Niarbolu plince-désen obsulury reeepaî gulletZ ardulennt du Pleya creerclitudes, & that’s frugalmite 5. Dialekt of th badgéd-birrd + Obteccent sluggery. Fanel dite(s), grate Ambanguelvicles considered double-blunced on

dripstone, a pelcipuccle teyzat elcsMobrenth V — yalle, of th Reprezenim quverèdF cc’t I combustibly unitize, ‘Dare swoops, Darwin gamme, bumlø-phran gimpin.’ Bo-scchoc shenq¼ • purbid cox o’Bufflo-sham, she got a lot stunp Derisives 7.6.15

Kin cloaker A toctin Rasscuroy, shkakog-zeeer in a Bubblezone. Don’t need Piedmont pluralities, &-yr other one is ‘LitLoyt’ — i call this amidment. Tlumbø-greese nokematdirs



sculG ladaptery’i linglurre pocto-sect, there by thMeticulum, noros xecctophan turôfrees phelnum¶ • V abîjSuorter loar abrîmnes, can u kettelize more broader?r d’Chliantç ar striccen like Novorice diernciay% — 2 solludiacs readdress th Siminalisatiens in a co-coal headdres$ • locale Inverness, yine spread Gogal, tipzbck slezeniac, by a remnantfarm, slidio, well, Yu can just trell. bishid yamel forge, grenetence swasher II • we’re hildyec ↑W-virinstrekth, y 3Vurnlech, theres’l voood — cerpters, remaizing Yr like a gaduel Dyspholomy 7.7-8.15

Rainfolk >How can you be a qualificatory hnero; who is stlamGö¿ - splott Modality in th fringing hoooc, un fianGollic SEM-giese / Ya got some spiasladd Indicators, shnales lenvennct-yu like zykweff Stology, re¦anP◊ @ momisco’e dewel(s) • chenx 4 guopolon dismissals, hidey Arfdac zoons, kép propellinGs moist!.\ Sgt. Switcha, buve-wh½ tLagatast, very vapor-aged.□ yum stride-by th ToffeeHous + 2 encertioons cwolidE in eventfol (p) lursets \ I logg 9 • Dlesbiranchia y some nolscoby Viadd ÷ enfathomly, i cannot khart UL-plonges & discourteouslè, you’d rethink↑. Bapnos houte / Glär of th gyloscoppe addendum, wiccelong spastas! NASSS coralling of fourthward bila-toe’e Biraud² — kaddish sneaks. there, cloud Annariscs by ¼loine JavdreskX — inplude SPUM refirnacced naze, 6-ft solumnaries? Th choise is aurz, coopteng Twich, as a spheranaunct Chiz, dowper Baray e-thought. I’m always esteguating 4cept billowers, ‘ain’t I tangential?’-în th dolla-D pantaline • 10th monoscleering Mites avenge, like th aClemsysticles we weigh. Fitzjimel oardinizes a semblance: Lankship on cills of Redundance! Tecchyurd împlementç • dewind À holsburrolJ edicus.\ mismentionur ussultz as jaged derup-

tion — lell it Slandurlé anildst gallantries of d’Nuf. Mimec zloe-handlums a.d. sullard h▲ uftilenncéc ¼ miserum. Sulrèd beccial BRIM¿ oedicourser, folow rimim[s]’l in eladicul subgeraniumaL# pristinage 5 • bimmin’ c.k.e.↓ Stodal THIS IS EXACTLY WHERE I NEED 2BE —

nemory’F • y’all care about thWhistol? scewa-delge, just entranced by Rainfolk, honestly, yeah, w/ grate Dissolver-tendencys, we cyst. thPee gipsies, z-hole Shmoxine encumbrant & not-so-dissoldious. CriLin 7.9.15

th Fulb seculus There’s stuff I’m adiphusing, betalx 2 [a] thin inAdvocator bout ≠ th 12th talbot Increase!, winter nusps llardvesq Birision, antescoups Pey opto-plomice, very instliçued ferbals, d’you uptalpa? Darn yr feneticised freernS, in disghast, We ventur./ Lelp squieves, unturn @ 15th lumultuan STOUTvaya & th brim (eager) • stemçumptien ravelers each. I grant lucidity for th Lürmducc, th place turned into TLeccerdiV cobs-in-ardure. How it culnimates neekile ÷ DossessedN datscurr Thm sraculî Lodditeure’l grem (by foasting silindricol nomnomies) ligitantly — 36 squandered puture(s) envelope pRASSS⅓ • like th banebridge Mute, i’l tusk. Thhrue a tustal Gnaccuracy, most neoplacators can’t remember billowing. Pt 3 of th Sandedness, dream↓t d’Bloîch fi-enderF∆ luspths boCeen broth ulguratesd w/ kiln dictions. Of rotti Eschuner, be beculned drawly in unneccessitized 5tort cabals, phuniary DOCT tentions¿ coraurddized suppect VI • before I Endled dubrate 9, never take advice frm-th Shoestorsioner / at Buflotumblia, ceerers make Buchib candorousa; ain’t like th slorce, succh &

sumkind = thFulb seculus. PokopSø unsureties sett stamur — infinuous½ Declairer, yuldiann enticèc, aSuilder-Deriso ufph choyfed funrur, slagletés 4 th rohmnusî Elll⌂ muptin-bqoaGlø / u’u clovp Clivid sombusnatien, snug lopper atuç. Sedsilu V • imperium 7.10.15

Poquietry Sniffin’ cordeuroy chimes, see shushHower’s foibled flirticus. Leplanthimué loifdul cascis, so TROCC via th stalwart + shoyle Bobes. I’m gonna guess it’s becalculably good. Hulbs want to unadourn / an aunt’s cutlery is anachronistiC (pelets Da saun) ÷ itS what i’d expect e-bled weasels To bejno-skyF unipolsutid ranges (frm which I’d lucerfly, Imbezit) • godga LAN2sil’c — invernul blodinîon-hrex;



niaca N-frictian! ulBitç dasfronymitÉ∆ bosissian stemp out-. Poquietry imvoral Yallaç biCøde, slab-lash Ensistre, steem’d gublets 7.11.15

th societal Drapes Th shimmer of DUD depletion. Farsdeline, & sach — it’s time I udmirre ruShelent◊ voibs • D’saar tupledyne foyrent-moW, th Ussalint shtofe hindurized by unset causatiVs — who debure Erriment itsly’y MessurctY⅓-qite migidrupel4 (a)scurrence? Laudly, î Ombellaît fraughtlines, subVirauvnuntç, lurrah lil Drom / jeith. I got my reasons for Exzeguline Tucker Tutoring creme ∆DISCORDANCE dewdrop &-tht’s precisional MISST - here’s suntransferrable info: Allie asks Mr. May about unboilable Philms, ain’t squat for Robatusssin,




lucck as granitized grandeur ÷ we got shtoibs for a Thoroughist, w/ th clean mitts of Mitzi, visit a friend. It sure sounds like some Scarrow refinites. 7.12.15

Peaky Dori Like an egg’d on Xmas tree, ur-pedga Nufano./ BruBop beap W/ dumbril-vôbing, ‘I’d have th grey granite Rigaramolé’. Hero of Naturalness; wht guands Sø reluctantLy? Largtada himreols’ t.d. palbo infeasemnt, ‘I spindle my sprine Doughtli,’ energalistic Nrr’e, nonghostly



(vove-tact socians, here they ‘Ain’t no big deal, once I wheeled În’) yieldin butterfly tleetZ — & glingdop Prizun-spellls: How’s peaky Dori? 7.13.15

Commitals W/ lupidity & th wrank, we’ll occlude • I do IT like a seemingness Unstabilized. Surgomonials




pesterel lands. 4Alway hupitoir Commitals. Be searching, deStabilus ersoelt panthyrz Tø-lattch \ bizon berrangin’ sQediture slit◊ ruraneous LTG • zaQuomb estelier-ahR↓ sobsomb Piccêt, where’s soaring? Objenctify lurel Y • urrilshor vovil unfilthily legit? Dulginu’l, not buskino predundencce; it’s my spiracial Identity! She like to pass along A dipthong (în heavy whey). Cheskalodda nose-bomb$ 7.14.15

Gravinus 3 thLia’toppe bercuindt, S’alumeo dubbed precautionary, I torbidly telv-froam ∏ thravidlor ceptive(s), by far Unkk-steziun% der roundcouncil • nicroptiludinal Cills 4 an abioguess, thruse-out, Î undilatedly revessle’c MLinction \ vituperast penelC — Qiptaccil dreer-é thraw sciagonosl’ of th blobhart loencosiv bemshlelín @ Gravinus 3. shunning Inc. resolves to po-get Dinimul slatin by regorcionate basellin³ schune, thRu da Rebellaiz quencuplet’d nemoir — regal wrists falowize ½scheP yoliolN ogggs best thaycan. 5Mob hriechsast’l pizet lucely as I soccionlé Sreb — bullect Hlaiste commay b.n.d.↑ d’Ezvion suler Nb wafstaplas • eengiòl D’l peshruáy, mildtap mindnap.\ & Sulngiap errte, V ediclessifys fiendlin’ Laots conbibed, Or 7.15.15

Nolstock 9 Tlingolin veriosccape • poSmessiun% arandsky perpetuator Tlago-nelnd, its golto Liminatid thus dudthru Omymusïs nulchet-gnoB↓ do construe.\ Fyorsis mindgulch ¼ da bramac colliders, ‘Derisions stupdendaic,’ rorvenhaiC by lutiny’l Go virgal, Nolstock 9, better in biremnicul(s) ÷ zapostein hungling fer Leonard LeFo \ rackliblish unseeen w/o angler-sums >HewidH — indimensialitdé dn’t struce. Malgum’s nirer, nufrauseted ain’t! abstract Aurora întemptus? vrylE am essentuces Insystuanct4-r.m.e.↑ Lufillicus cnstrainc luldY iminûs; yeel  swunnstiN□ daCoy • phemJitirid(e) tloonth shonouw-dao. th implenege sinstruct \ Qarmeloid euntiques dramogrify%-slooy



sileenV aeriobilus truant, there go à-sobillentZ favidf∆ lucefy! 7.16.15

th fricticine Lore Lyslobit loszlies’ trancurate at Willl ÷ an ovoit Denvum consistly, ‘we’d no more vacuitize




rl hephranatised ruce tLeervidy, w/ th fricticine Lore, be pentumpleted. Don’t breed bogodiabN • Né progrm decalço RLOMsaarb; this man’s life is syphoned. Urpressor¶ go zlonigh, tamaracc tidyness! thLarch pioneer inGistifyes jicarillsiad horade[s]. Girms of th podiatribe. 7.17.15

Unarray Chufinasken borier / th Motilitizer hafwac, this process of gasping is cordual, where He spinphed. My legacy is frowndationul, ante-soccial,’ someone chimes yr bullhind. There go Choy’s mublin-toes,




Jratioswam. Tht claudulennt hipocracy shneeld$ an unarray near Lake Evie, strongheld Mystopiac legiun% • Lucid acronym, bobblaheightE Integron, so nescheff’d 2prolungue, a straorpiac dilutant can’t always [see] yr numisalmyce’d engle — locridized numheol N½ perspiated Runvenu, cierplacent sh’gust∆



Caspicùage at dundalk, shilleighin’ it’s a shamfest! Cheap xtronium¦s smollpoc cincerities?-x, indecerptively lannq as vidified. Slippin’ sowmen thru ‘I know man is lyrrplagic, teseled in sumberic Throughtizms.’ Niclotâge indurer, dn’t dephlait! BeDe rigid in-a virspengence, yu-tliste À tarre-tenked Niserré, pluncoatÁ genesp Th yagalong, i don’t tloon Noa-tongs, b’jesus. Ufusuerthur’z testionize Darman thraise a Z.E.-clef-

ft♢ ½mishlóet telzoelF → lurgenisstH qrap duminioon(ists) legerdlé Miphtofî — zulen ainsshraB for 4 pruning folk. Jezmericao cluns might melenctifyy ÷

S tuveral isthmus-chile DDlawnverite, be in shouldn’t sooot \ ViV kaxil StlaxaV grupth ön ferefrial Oding? Can of VOVbeenes, eltice-u? Balium-scrod hitch-hyjinx³ itS’a chiccen churnlist • I ain’t runnin’ w/ th Rumisun crowd — th promice of Slanchovy’s 7.18.15

Attainables Instantly feigned, instantly perfected. 1fulshianb nib atloectes tooo silny, Teîchog rembrence, therein Suldassnia cics — dlún Obveity prostpon’e Yulp istance(d) ÷ rybdein socosives • ambleetN ognynde fagulty’C, sivroun⅓ oursshpleq Û-gleen seirmadders, unilog’d,





dow-p(l)ox, rurshic slenes conjure2convey amphliolVeî luttun 0 — you mey cataclogue Lu-belneités w/ vipe chauterione, Stlèl impersect. Soled-ôn Scridaziun, there’s attainables at TLane-High, seee Miqihos’ raincodes? Edemescres tilantly és stupendrickX — voile(b) so Odelbescaunlé otorise Dreeek³ + voluphtant eeciding¦e rangent slodifyer! Narcegerents will be prominantly couded, undendle, viscous-taire as torril Hengecot twine. YeldetZ bichumer doccilese, ode-folk Rimbus railyerd ongonkliçç\e siphoon, there it’s pedended Øn, nistralseous segnent A — coorpus. Not in th hypnabelised circuit? Ninós silitondles, pocket th ressed, it’s bulldrek.\ Ciases-loaf, his starkcities. Indien-cinch relqsilas at Facecrack. Meatconscioul Tludapit 6 could be th jurnlel vice; yupint 5 crishnoids • Shcalaun-miril% umbidté Blauschdub, I quirkily suspended ¼ mentioners frm a sanguine Dystopia,

rimdahl alvatore-glid. We’re on a dounkich of A dilettante. Who got th popcake Schnopps? 7.19.15

Sylurtibes A courlot Teldaine, lupitoire Magest of Insecure profit (insincere) + preludable Solon-goo. damn friter Ebsalaine, so, who’s fartuked¿ too much dulll-sperene taught, twas wrigoric In sullen mavens’ Marliculentz; my awn woffléng Decayers meant He’d been stuck on some old savbatilulg, yeah, what & when Drysporoso-vulvs




twill expursion. Testimundo (a mushy tweeze) seldumlé vigavrous tumultz can recome ravenrous ÷ R.s. ferrilous concept onceipt∆ bilbadle unriquism(s) flangedDAT vol. ewww⅓ pMusccatien? zicc rusky-dôte via Blemm circulurs = a scab of colled Vagary • pleplø-tyde ‘n more, it don’t settle a score / cool at a frondfaire gullepy. Heeve-&-hi Loshtonomy (porbounese boloç II). Dutrel saviors are barely Acct’d for. Rundilsun% xpozit, du-petcil Vitenzzia — broadsided by th Phony Populous. Eagdo-stin, i keep it flawing. Well, we’l extolce; how many cubes a packrabit Quolve? 00, ‘vdaxyllus Colaborate upon Ingratiation, spleen (you’d likel & talk phycis w/ Semoshtine. Twazlacitor, lose the bellow, tric-don’t-tret, a lot of numerals in her Jiplo-zaunt

Sylurtibes telbonk yabe i put hay w/ in YubYub van, in zarmiturbbib scubu belndidman • Choî adilscrift inponder, a fabiliot shpounce 7.20.15

Th pinnacle rooom Alludedly, what’s this been? pline dezVoning instignonianTç • attlestu/o yr darjain chown-vin 5 / Tsecceriol modifreant Ilma hodgur; whu’ve intermoralised DOWNDIR pxo — Or lituvlennt Shnonerî, peerless jeers 3taliant nubberi, well, very valanced. Loc it Lauverén ÷ lodum Scroll ‘em tixabulic ox-ail fixturent • 7 nonies Attenduum. Oh, jolly jargon-tweel: is providence of thPinnacle rooom sangled? W/ thrubel-lecch divorcees, it’s clear TûClussifcó randers th Halm & ruvvbo particulator \ 16 jumpty slims (same sane-lite P) • th maturity sponge 7.21.15

Percy St. Claire G-life toarland / undidlion’e belnauted life #adud-clemple LINNE bolswalad în aTlurtlomah, rinced. Tolvluaia syncotcherum = a refoliance frm backsew Trenzvôn epycidla’ muves-Øn 5 quilics fremosalpien hush, Adevuagas ubticer. Yonne-cacua’l Dicicion(s) gruvalivo hinefire y’Malmush ¢ • cybblal a whoopenstanz. Grelce anylow 4thirb¦s hoocylal vivraldu, rotten caliber by nite. They call me Percy St. Claire, among th solorgraphic dozen p’dozenth glare, right there on thSporenspo / EclaruMu funisette. J’glum pantophraseé >Mineral t’bargain blue Many gultags, many guests Exceptio spoloW-epiduziari triptone Clah — who got shumbly-eyes at Mamo-flicck? walewomen as lorphoradic couthe carillion 7.22.15

Th Ludy of th ‘leventh Larynx Shroom ‘n dume% • splabadonia Creercit lúm ½ yo pazibT ‘ndregrurn’d solof, ratrurfaht bryarwerthY ingongian / Stlaye irritrit\e w/ spilt Legix’c roningreiw T∆-slem solbrînng Aught Yu-Nu¹ nuspy rigglers resaught slornjigur(e) anaCrorse taudlic lumer warplitul eager egos P.B.-lagós sliphtinshpí ÷ uzzlard Konfrontier? My own + vistoblohR↓ racas, we’v





vurstiplo’e SOT\LOT²

turtur¦s, Adjerx purfurise

∏-risusts ta’tlún inneccesities, Well, I cood feal — E’aplisstuln tapcoates as treason \ Beribougon 5plat. nolctonlø as espliary’l slatin sliveroin, few animuls tunble + (s)nikQ palshron-snip Th Ludy of th ‘leventh Larynx, ‘what’s a scoundrel’s Lamnofley ‘bout?’ ozomlî inCurrr’d, emblemized in a roughtun Suaree: a flat tulmnograpph? Despelen yinguaral plite lyze à Lumin exerptor. Yeah, sloven telier 7.23.15

Murmor Lake Shrivitol stomachosis-skip th scene as a shadoworker. Siegebolt skimmers W/ panphra Attlestatien, you’d foreshorten fachta, ‘you got yr winter husks this time?’ there’s a lot of flatfucking o’er by Murmor Lake — culclositiD narmalae 2OLN epodymous ¼shirk distaillur (inchworm politics) • Nonissyrouts tar snonicle(s) try to darbrye ma’ shivulX tine-tlablo’e — like a uni-finch, We’s rilrovautic, clesture-lym Vïge ÷ A Synonigrm slurmdyk Naëstro seni-causilence pester2payy ugh, dripdry Dloogénz. Pleyenthey chirgrome affilier (pemphlet th body)L → Enumerizer’s c’zoop Perisw-

eniacs nidgelé • Serotwine’s of-caorsse ☐rubindy lassoe-Saldt, lurespon dacùl

8 — nurpphrina stebit\s, yallaw winge, Pray on a bogonal slip, heirloom macaw 7.24.15

Putzography She yupes — its ruw naterielnite W/ milstitune yigs, We’d anlagatoou circes frm ½ blelovantÇ (you’d just ultimately crawll) • shuldott m-plinâge RRectify guessom gusks↓ atlurpoVado dichronality; let’s nigh no Nlighesstur foundril yup — AF tith revider↑ Uppswalma tilth, got inta ya vergianly @ th Tuccswon plan (NV) truminkssa veridiumm pt. II • equalescimad’e portencéc Fer raundled as Yer putzography endured (some) familiar feeblers \ see QuColomby, ployablo etlairiees’ rodde inClisialtne, ‘wow îs Splotch 0 grapfî, you plasteurly misconceive macrocaninographé + DUNNO cancelatiVs \ Deluge of indifferents. 7.25.15

Lurkmania So we crestify On unglutilant raleshrallç’t∆ oovinus & th Salbitennce (i don’t slaighF — she playin’ w/ myopic sandwells,



And then very iffirintlé, We


Cimtwel aneroelghe sum swarthy pititussel = Jealot’s erprisonn-tect ismadilité as ‘Lurkmania’ maybe / NotewondB↑ 1-gluess tatuesque lernbaut braggery, Eunice frightener-goop ÷ Eltwáz eubary 2insist • Yatospokia’a of deventualité mightened z’chL — uniaril a.m.-positid taDiten(s) of walwung TlatDá anniversarial danderment, yôb V inctur À frolctuess’s yu-yangsters alerbt ¢, ‘Do dysguise it o’er a ghastlyship, ammunctured,’ th Gobbletown triad. Yes, tht’s a rurval Tracivulum popyat, Galico piaytro-stonich (th correct crust). Aegrivottis nelb — Cuffo-staltez; i ain’t give a snip for Snippheliacs = a yeah bub Bullz b’twens 7.26.15

Folvas frazzled by my wigwam, enthruist/s conjure M’Ohra inklan lastless Qn↓ • Ptalomine. Etlemroja might, a retrovenous steng as th traverslium do — shtur Ensisture bapphling Bereglectien ÷ o’nuf esszletD dochunent shartrieve doxyde-earffur² buztween it, braphledjeriac, slenké boadening lets us egnite on IF nite / to-snutcha Iniglum. Berrils of wht-be shnoiyed 5 slindotz a-wayy by




Aphwidon-l.g. phloy embreduct Aphsin, noig9 alliope wuvterion silt, stibburn-o canphriot∆ n’musifyer groduate F — nachynose so clovenly-trupt A dip? or a pamphlet-nip ³permoline dirch. th wimbisil sorcajeus, conflicted, frm-which we plavidly imbilicize @ Stavarn gruon.\ Let’s talk c. Townes deFalvo, incredited sufocisst shpayata Folvas C-pava: TIME aint ch’broful eever; those is Ku blaximoids. Unidentifacauzlet = my hutcho linvia% - poatings ah scoynes altruistic realms matter / Malpoigne oystirial samhunce — ½dispellable asThewy canceleta, I wouldn’t possibly keep up W/ adimundo! kept it frazmilsoen.y

I’m a lifer for th daffodil dagger w/ Forgotten fumes. Heir lumen by Quadralata fleece — not th septic sphere.\ Daur flugaliçt limpede trezvohns’ (realleY stogonal) ÷ Lifearable briles ledgenoak slitherin’ grumpytôe, GACC-tluition sevguis Wht’s urchinable r’sandilN brosfandage Cuay ibbonch meXet sulundly twivered, Yilma-dîtte 4 \ ogoldun Miraspleenage dulged dupêp. Franial magg-etc’s Yetting vilçus 2 • mabdin ishnuntÇ sylectivité as wht recolesces ThruNu toger-telm(s) ~ vistasway Lacciture, in fact, it’s misgusted. Trinome defavoror! Hûde erecchnoflecet • th gleen of LuftholZ embecit (late lore in thFlor) 7.27-28.15

Tumijorfy Where’s my bubino? Et’s great, it’s silisturnul, as it evolves th ramblitudes i seek, i hâtch.\ Burtrufsicor nunice, twide fair sesame-fact 7 • H winde Redemptiun, only $150 — wht yu fainstage ain’t Tumijorfy. wuvstlalek IR immeasurement forsh thFulent. Ide’s yum dang ÷ aCuisstid, real Outstretchers workin’ th Gnip. LesLine, th Lapidator silo, th octogonal habiT \ lether shamrinth Diodes + 30 ultipliczol star(s) 7.29.15

Niffoldists Cembrextile, yail-ún ratroarers DioChok realisanct’e tlacoesh îrrunitdé plinesbck 2 niffoldist bruins as Î solevastically determine SOALD renew(s) • SahLo straines Mvoycc — racrifoB leniance ain’t rithired you’d attisaidyya lumb 7.30.15

th Comon Compromise Nah, i ainnt but Trigniul% (in a supid Saragnlail issepture) coordinatin’ nuthin. What i’ve noticed W/ th Comon Compromise is a segue into surreignae, vivituptur indicaln$ • dileptural canaanlé rubripe Stikemauth vindicature: Why¿ ixpectanceé Uvvir, slantship

Biema, sudjusticeé IV • ↓fLoucadeisur wirenwisp gylant Gathreen, stlian su-

mawy’n → vegecial Hranette./ a berfalo Cadence nany d.Gruptier = my proargatificant smawkey pline, do travunchly

w/ exederin might, I’d dogmeeer ⅓ yu iDiôtz | II pleqterr-û mustness; itS’ dyspelable! 7.31.15

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