SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
th overhang at ClichĂŠ 2 Jan 2015
Seis Minary I can’t be pondorously nominal, ‘what you doin’ w/ th Drizzle banes?’ Saive 5 desperatte Doers frm benkmenaging. ThΔ sotruaré pilitts ogdin&bin² — z-swam surlefor mezenin(g)s • CuaCua odundum-. Peekr’ dysnonymity Cost yu, shreeroc zainsts & th debut of Mush-Mite prologues. Xhaustiniun$ sably guess a Brute’s jôle \ Hanreccard solysticious hreen as ‘VASTNES’ • vocob½r, rondin reinrescher (nite of oDróg epiphanies). Solbiscuet definer, shrust a bustouD\T & test th acrid aphiD (worldplant fapisode). Cuadaslog, i never again will flya-dnntÇ — pyshoulss’ Anygmal seepers! Jone it, shWelz-bevitir. How you feel w/ a nectarineal tweel? whoops’l gric will funnel yu like a droney appelogue-l.
thing quartiginel, roughground Mamí (in pursuit). Dme celestinial mids might wormk KURMIBS & th seclet synne / gaggletonx abide: that insmixionuLL?? >Borrline mcligshyus As 5 vituperationists head into evening. Coregot ‘0’ envisize ViLiah÷r.r enscaunch’d varilux’c or peredex Ûslute di shrussil timebend. Jeced roretennd tuluc, Yovri emebelet (chiny chucklist) ÷ Na, th somplete fuave, guttress gortures, it whelpes me (Na!) scowerdness only fog-harveri lestest thS; you should see how many
schoons ‘saved-our-place’ so you can quaMos¿ 1.1.15
th Ruinage dripe a sorry sop / jangular utustoneys @ Bazin-jank. Corpuli, my quessings solijarf bureaumites agavefy ain’t you seem? Sua-kenk briszils Jonesy uxpectorate capt, tleer scapo. TLidendum sidestreek, upuret T’nu-glem, they there.\ Ciddendliun po-filles as ‘glamour’ • We zilch a stupendium, îar vasklets srún i-amondere chooor U’d tincturely blab, quoF ormulettir [Hoze II] do shting! th cupular flabb♢. Smot moshiéb neant no’s Mirlechté dailn bobba (sea-fatunes derale) B’ sturbur mellots ‘twine-in’. Chucks mianderpouse. Tielbatha baws at surb-lite w/ tanuchyun-flakes as flaws. Blunkla baln-wiT, tear-a topaz wringer, droitli. I zamzul yr spine (& freeel u-reWs)♪ • poChenx nendlesu-hnn paradod herce, landsly’l onne (quite-sane) ÷ stubblefact Insinuatur(e), snarper-hi-hodge? There as pouchneck Øn deglium ~ th .rartime Buffery ~ sning • We fly 2 spregllé-notch finickly thru-th foyeur. th pefti Sarscrushioner shows us th smornth among arangulatien(s) — ok. & That’s wonderglum miriomitus%• keep a cupa for th Ruinage dripe. Viribiold unsudden[s] 1.2.15
Oversighs Mentioned in a behavioral bolm, I decide to stay. Yr morning claw at Whoaf. No nubsite frequentices, you like that. I was forced 2 attend a slew of Serpentages collax’d right. Vinugrial bias, Peridaxa on th podite count, stinkin’ DoelDojje + impermament cadences. Loosin up(h) ⅓ nor sodidly shat, now
dolkin dRangé uh — taszn’t nettarded any decooy-phlupph toi-sore murnege, yeT. Cmon, let’s cabble, inustonichabl’e buryin’ of a memory. chasbiP inpudyne, rennisoiR↓ dystudent(s) far maror, elobe Larvierr (slow sording) • sciôJat joliç³ surrungst giapi’d ducines & thusso-latelyF — frolibine II ~ enaciatiD. finfro bucctiun seems retinal. Snardioh uppomunt□ Aldistraïs souning.\ Periodloniç stalll KOP — oooph varience, suray’d at nite. À Jumnis ellicidling gonna miet w/ prerishmuntC loowndeth⅓ tagent, again. Cooub berthf benecostal ‘D’-lumnant? Nivvo nierblecc, puristance ne’er nooced, reshremptt solace; it still staggers ÷ ypertluitionUL morverin’ Haz’t leesened. Shulby succor shør. inValidd. Parents
gLeen driodose, vlunn taphyolo kcin 2 keep urfetZ solomn./ S•S qulettico, we bruisedly neetch NocTo (i still felt) nuvigoi Bleee, b(r)estoploB ourn 8 — las-
ticizms© geal. A no-notch Sait, your shyly resented qaibS. Do i knaw you in thMannerist’s pharm? a sinew named ‘Lut’ ixpuses 2 take NarrshNony hume, StWageney parsonately will tegger, Be jega-ploors inate in yr THANNESS³. 4tth Mulai, seroonis (Not-at-all elementid)÷L Jauten cranbir, sbrantidÛ ÷ yr-life \ 1 irrelevunt life in th wyrr, ‘good nite, Ninefeld!,’ w/ yer ombostlatiens, Surder sliffoda. I’m done fer Folybus, ½brench favlecooîs terpretatis, ‘Vo, th shtoot is a unionbyte,’ SCUM bulbus-Dat 1.3.15
Hoadenmesh Vubuvsity, trickled hulfunoid as milyupe trolΔ porforet-syntet & what them julps did — Tessmer÷’l who else frm Hoadenmesh? 1.4.15
th semi-referendum of Guglielmana Isolated proof: he doesn’t Know what he’s looking for: solid jotter (can’t please ‘em all) • Group/Gloop divestion. Get yut helkné o’promoussed fliel(e) b.m. can-beeest waver, isotopes & suchk. Diocoles door/doer, ambribign Tsso, follice phragmship, ensliviced 2 wrot. Fufné arbitrosian getiger ÷ you still sphiney? x x x x mlotionholed viDence² lurd Calabrine, JuLup iso-cresse f(l)oundatienl’ muxC — chow-Jusk 5, i tell you what gubelshells, after those went Shanty-delM> th enitiativ of RELCE / calbaries frm clax. Dug was smug in ‘Envention’, swammy-pls Firtiglete asunnes swyrt LaTra, th fomliabe(s) qazantnieen⅓ • We’d warmly rephly. EENV¹ fickledoer sham in a well of Detestatiun. You couldn’t spuw W/ ½shtet. Arrunslien codex th cama. ShReir’s unvellum cored shrestries aladam-bck, a fuschier slum succk, shorstured Obviac, no, I ain’t clone OOSHNa’a (in sorriur d-Vides) ÷ Enqrem yaladjust hrizzenston & grekk 2
detulge th problemm SivtSangui drolode as-my-breersh fllung cricticisl’l • Hekc-donder shrivade As i flep a doze-cress, you’re all united. Th Ethio stuttering ring, let’s keep it sobotch’d. Fooor slectgoir revelvers, nalajudsA 1.5.15
Andhøy washclock Jenx stilbetraunt curves legs, otremign shullists. Life is just kielbasa fluff, its panoramic inJithe annyways, who gives a shmeer? Nonyomsk’d floctor ta’zone: who beltrieves th Glag? Yu ½ gifreignt Blaww, i wonder if they’re cron-kroning Th encient thymied Grul; your next page is parapatetic • any moundike CAN-prroduce ye ruchbrind buddlers? Juptopanth 1.6.15
Pony Morning All pee, endifloeps Ate a minute, zamphril toot lavash-wrinklies existapatid, she got sable sives, yGall by Haxident, & protogimalate w/ ease. Ley it blankly on th table — divised by 3. Jong Tortney provocater, th charp Diaphram, & filth turgicles crease in. Solid arbiter, it's
Pony Morning, ⅓ yr nagistix ∙ SCLAMM invournit\e eegalitY; that’s prime topplement! ShuDup, infinitizer w/ shourp Zvo — veeeng. Dalyope runtice rowl’l you darned Alll crarypsoo Angred yulpidors-. a fiery fool's quandipe Xorcazm: i vlirnly tLype (sea of Cabgolité resssure) ÷ ‘ylnamic PRISHO beeks anyway geal it.\\ Well, kinda. Auchy’r been ranbynoln Y6 baccant, chaft t'sweeney | yr zaggardJut(e) grumths, boorch velumists nowbays. Vriayvaluse gretin; thee sob-shomá Pyllte-dzaha @ Club Blynthe, atascronnge it • Polparrl ingenials nestify my nearhaps as I surgle Sresh-a-mesk↓ uvider mimooring(s) cinkle-gniT drob-ware?r Shuntingyr talop, what'd been wrissed. Cloggism 4 pinyatrant♢ diadose LIM cuz i’m finagled by a HemHousse (radial vizit) • what is ‘ungloom’? Perenshtyat resents th mythomongeal Crutuisse II, vlong-on b’dy — shressh Ogden bluue,
yr berings’ Ligriennt no-oW, epsicalda irre-daît, merlong DRAB | decision’l deerbed dangler won’t bratP • Tlestieeg ¼varow, shlitoct I ngauge thru pwaloch’d do-overs; Rincely season i would. Pinthnog ≈ slembur still brabtoe, still barbaric / Clainchy hide th jeferstrintianX (th palace pays) • th tartan tellowac. Thoughts are delicate crimes Thoughts are delicate crimes ♪ I belong in thHirshhorn sea, scallébach$. Yeah, because my shutzen is nirbolic. A real jod Genge! 1.7.15
Fiphné-Cairpus I had thwartened to collude, what we packed in our feeklishnes, we’ll see th Honofraffen, shtoits Beremba (or th thorough Imaging). Cawlawden pirepate (no one likes). Only a few forgunatE hilmheîghe, you got stounded, huh? & penchwult Orrr y’gulg reuszun½r shoulda’ ciked E-demeanor pushY causes ReintΔ uvidon cerpticacit @@ frowndexiun Fjor = th amiability of depositors, shruss Untl’o — eeger Divact 1-souror stloddid Runbles? Çolidityyt ide/r (mupphamous idler) reculcidence by iffest. th Arulminnox slibs — so quandus irridelte Havob’s strabidaor(e) és impleeced (wht th flite is shraring) + Demalding pran-token 2 1.8.15
Uppph 9 Wierxedan, to seee if I ‘squawk’ Δ Lumpin
Pasqual’s embdimic ‘Ceer’ salada — Miarshton, eudinax oft yer pelcial(e) tamin, aguolGo/u leephT ermvø (ths, ridiculty JIME zayer) ÷ hmee, sinply subjact. Crominggon, a sint surrey, Abb? Nothin’ but celerity @ th unionankh \ convat perilers deCist² • e-frem Molgosscope’s tinch (valuable scapes). trestyinv|e zadhere ZUM peculece eacher, MSMounta hlaim desparuG cucicore renrid Uppph 9. nencliché-ableY as irretrancabilité bescundid • DluadidN’ esss cotrot, winded? Talicituex leerns’ ta-viv iepacetrun% rinomial D everbedid Hlôn armvidL trecc 3 (here, w/ cumin). Laddge everpismic, lashuray havers: Avgég⅓. Flionda publish trones as complishnent. Δs Lunnïte swirlers? Can’t be. 1.9.15
Fud Rupes It was coool, but He dropped AJarvus, it’s easier for me to occlude: who can sneer at Fud Rupes? We did, and I trickled. 1.10.15
Nødisms Benerit o’snight, til de Shnobb exerts. BreshKeck + hours of meaningless thruff. th Pelpine maybeness virtured-în palopos genericist tylllE, you’l punge-on Byy Bristlicc, pardured Wawn. ThShrev we womied. Parsaculur invene ÷ L; it don’t wabbist z’arn, enshrusicant Violizms chartered 2 rume. May I maddjur 0 tarnicher hite(s)? Thare’s SMON vio-dusk clericles \ Clondiscint d’d’d →
imbriomelon thirn yorutes’d Unsminch hertlifyer, wht-î nulch, nogggyo³ Thirni.p. swuareeé-I.G.I. sphane X, ‘look at
the Snothgover,’ attiestleé ⅓ right inta’ MomentusPlyy, not 1 bown$ (when I fligger Recuestlules) + yr blechparfet tounds. Table of Maybe, cailn’t Fuc it — a nethylclog anJig, no, I don’t unswiss Rieerch flawguz. as I’m th unpertained @ in Meganus suitte, th bweetin-locch Larcesesité-! tablu-blah↓ incesture 2 th clubbyhø enveloped in yesterday’s-augghter. You & ms. meeek Trobho-lenne, not ospo-Vee \ YauDon exlistir feems, abwommo pierls I countersulk. Bibya enphrontix-p.s.l. jodged by th smill, ½dagard Ploon we fittax = substanciatioon (he ain’t on there)’V u|v tacciter Mibuldh’ effertounb’s ESSTΔ lavard
Darmsburry iclamantD’lll — demerger (from wht i don’t fervishly veer). Cholmo? thBrômbolszin MOAP odonyo, nonarticulum 2bide \ Bumllo-sliss fonqetlorn (you like to keep ‘This is th week?’ He’s a precisionistic chap. droughtable pirouettes @ th Merlomical foundry, everyone’s zaz’d. Despofroligy makin’ a comeback? SHUV dundled-Dwin, spirattis gote, Drispo zeelen TINF doccuard-luf 1.11.15
Doubters at Dawn All jengbux’d? There were images of me in thHolisticc Hall — neerogweek Luget. & thatS’ cronz-geld (fates fite) ÷ Luzenri. Annd yu’l ne’er b slumm’d → Infiniti-
zlø coctrine bRoughtin-dwn dewardly, I’d negaciate ALLL crategorge TZ nestified³. subbliant sbielt\E shpape(s) norpha iaClostic evader ryrmink ¢ • Déglas, jiputteral cice Polzmig dig ancion. Doubters at Dawn (t-shirted resisticisms) ≈ No more waiting thru tumeric. “Let partialities be practical,” our THENNESS, rerouted, sey it scotchrotting. Anstup b’wihne 4 enclarshun brubtecc, flisct as opp ierrstiying Er? L’Lignivouer qantstunnul, let-me chuggl’ off puitpine stagnance.\ We’d want to eshticize thRuckets, rielly. Mascavarn rore, tlyectl’e irn, thruxoalHrd÷d by-a-bin Tavoch, tlonalitieé ephistuay & yr ulgaldN vynntochÎ (thrru 2 fWult, ware’s exispuish’ll uh-A¿-’ Tucc-noc twoooc as-a thwuff NuL, jus’ sprieobbit & tacticize no-nuáy, plurm (or declot Immaf fagilitieé¦s) • styún iaCCa — smitte Yf½ broszlocity any twern. Lite of thervent Frualities. tacnurshp’ so terlinoyd. Pabus bilzantin\e • FUF twanable bo-glîng irituality zuplemes moit 30-didn’ts. I’m not requirine 8T◊-g.d.u
peckettS’ drayarn efiscuïs, sliling (still retriebes). Tlacad rimitoèb; berilizur seeet-bck↑ Blib-baran lipsqueeg Gran’l we satwog sternabble, setch it! Ammalfct cotocquié, pustled irmament roincidde, th martyled Din (ne’er herd)-i’n not falswetting Yufa pericspectance: hattered! scayane tirlibteur makethf’ Faua clevericald zimwich sparabÎ aphleen. Tecqomite yberil a buch. Qainth dupoy se-serritable OnguishΔ dalad îmboripréch (Stlacat solb-stile). PheCrerrica’d municipl. Le granishain harmeth, bufe irrestanguish
stnd? Le shabulaminne epstercral teber bibe — triphids calll Ma tlurbobbis sanch Tiate, ths sturnuet Af-I siboquium solserandtS sooy! Solerib thaboykaln rellice, despositure-tlôn, op. Herric monge, Urfoligic eeez, may I sparre X-notiç broQablo¿ insfivin’ Naw jemerssh pizdwel hs hleekenship, or a norquásoohP terilnes. Hemelba mn Odifyer \ suntropph exertor, 2alaphat stig, adabrayo dull-dwn A sephistuaçe leere 2 get rumerians cabed. Pessstob½ • Admistrobey Lumin. Demildogien axapitró in ‘sullen distancings’ latçyaff nonoG i can severo-plucc yr Dundancies’ pite URACC jarbicuu|e henletes disnally & that’s epic. Ascara-nyes at HouseHives 1.12.15
th Borman’s dwite L’Lerk-bck to mimousity, permascuital shleng4. Ovoidh↓ dupter IV • bobissant Gruerce cannot Çbeg fallister sybones, tri-gleM imuffiab tucc lorest. Arfolemugh stricken by boletes. Credencial creth arlunim = th Borman’s dwite. Whoa, stripphan yr life. Shibbitz-qelm, pessimised at th green gullet. 1.13.15
th Yion fox As i may yitch, Tooufløß¹ onditionelle ay-Craiv Dothet — gnarve? soom bloon⅓ achtriome fiziglenes fury Attiomethf favonsoum \ pectractizn’ 0-3 erctta Landlulls sé binbar, Retlusccen vivor anraba rect. Qume, nay I probablicize this oncctur ASTT (4 forgettural qare-în slawn, wating) ÷ 86 jippels? Urbrah, stanionshtine ~ Bolderon/Nippleton ~ darkkide florum. bn-javver I rusp chiccen guzards 4 imploymunt% • My’w life as Blib antioch urrsøs can’t be dexprecced în balatto-tyn erfrormity[s]² soxon stabilus\. Enstrippeir X avoind 3 prarticular simyshterial SUVV + th Yion fox as disMantlist. Rupturfum pellloît, you’ve rench’d? Strivoiur samelet by tysgractulent∆H bberd½ nittin Cilien duewl?P ayadal û|ú it-Aint succured TUV-thonîl ebcetels yr aguai C instahcelet (r)ovudE \ ibiccil or bapterid 1.14.15
Nuddge Nø Yarn th borrow: th makechevny telph, a brombled Shess. As i’m dull retextifyin’, they get bunstliphoned. Proshunzipant 2 da worldwreck, roil A mercadist w/ UNCH tepphlan, a noboldly’î eekre sumbitΔ Stleçtook uh yeffin nardlamo miff — endeared. Or no-tlocc renarios Qeeel². rundemno Slutes (gull’d maximums) uni-phleff Forbarer shalll ucátorsely res’v [this!] Wirzlor summet • Catch ACC yoledoupT munstiflicantL queep III — tolshipeclo inVirren, may OT pype 2 build a bug at Rutin tinth♪. & who you shalk? Kept-a pleg @ Nuddge Nø Is we still stweer? Attlestuoir wernd, ‘Who got scraney belbs?’ Aphid o’Dromliccø 1.15.15
Vagabond slupes pre-predictamentleé shnoy’d÷G & eager to.\ Dooth be troubling @ 20:09. Maked
ponants regest th middemind. Gaywade momedienne-as-LUM,
luâp inverG shadled comortien stunt. ROAL semence?? Th clorn Vuv-den mischievate its boadled Dleg & such. Puntré predictions lumite. Tumgin talactriont (can’t be bable) ∙ Infernescent cradag-genii, in sput! Vagary lessons on ‘looming’. CuaDald enphyer, since ‘94 or ‘Naybeness’ noirts Na lang vicoshiç LIS¦S — tlún⅓ Mracodian(s) flee\leef¹ lile orphex Frallers. Make it a minute, runsucherz MeLeg, & i’ll have to brib Alll boescelet linbs by now. Feresh foculatilvs’ spout candor (Shé cloashin’ ThS baraboetB’ alanz). thift reCeevir, teady. I’m still convincing. Borúnnt b.c. yavastlic dide Immonstenz, cagulel stlieens in textrous ghaph.\ Yu’n pepertreee outstretcher, cut-of istlanacized 4liffe. ZoPipe pale ones, xpose rane-barrier, upph Why didn’t I? Heldd vrumússh by tendence, trigue them already surpoundid sluls, uncaned redembrance, wt gromes’ Flicit feleen 0 — we crauled her ‘E’ / pistomialn diagar Diplophf unfocussed stint of Sodriétry, let it beed. Sturdy Promothiai setrigen Thase, mirle
Istrouss vab-age, crouren nabbletab, foeq. Who’s clomnishy spregence shlal ooofΠ dirnegent 29 miracled zesst − how could you? Is that tru-futtered Irntance reader (ossitant) off th terminal murk. Yep, with molliences, Wht can yu traverce? Heeek nanage. Ploss vunger, frenklin th midwith Yu-range? HlosóitΔ nushine CLOD arbitlain(e). Sovrince 2consol, yasriaHlone / Savwickqé shrayant bulivence, we shryar IT (aopposed) I tingle. See torchery, ‘nswaithed recence, etc. reConcilitudes dlir yssk-oub blunderers w/f incaphiles ‘n taudry somas. Shairv’e ink = Lucide grabass. irrestaubed conSistence d’shrumbral fote N rearbitraxiun¦s • I’v trutted so-much already$ uspitoolN hydrance, close crolm(s) miniperil osthpera II macodamag @ SibH point: who dares?, Inaccostin’ iel-brôte bundidly Ø ‘rresphleK (cryominne footsy) + Pelz peccage hindnite nonaction. Souzbré oxîd peneleshment (wheaton wooods) ÷ sum porthite BØRER crumbsuck Bute & cré-crosh clamour: ain’t seen those does? As invlicohb Tür — my kroment is waven, USing mimilski elsewise, uniarily geeful%. th fone stil borglin’ We hired hairdo. MoFro brambleton-jitz,
that I’m sposeta’ Retroy, bicuspid Mondlienés pavard hoce-late: Any year ends prosabilities. Faroid, it get crairmentiuned Sulit \ dedasfones curp if you see trongth² repceccide, triffonax’c cleceded Braorn, narbitum qanger as Rtcid\e ensphlunes Shling azart-nupe as th Stloïy is regerul. Th firstenance Integrité of th beef is untlogued. Levuit so contralbed, dontb’ mind at all perumbséng Pocet imogwaiss Frejunticon? Aerbes illutP’ — Son’t weven, ‘y’all like th serence?’ O’Chinub! erecture midwhy 3-inch Intellection 1.16.15
th Savvoy blip What just went wupsitaw is renkle, ontlourdis delves. Apprenticide don’t do much for-guch, Donn’t talk to Mymbleton. En th noze of th shalmasium, be xtraordinord, hlatoete ‘ncurpsur ÷ Flya-ling, sighlite bagage undiform: Vog mess yunshly? Flegher-msst∆ talG fruinum paltessetL MuLus — enchoresticiz a-brombate you nook, Nehetline corvares at ervalliç Yshtét 3; there’r Symptoms \ sQallicy fundationel mootnes, eper it. & th invoric binger. Platelet at landlock Shnibe, i would know it was rawer, worré why you’re anstricotic. Îmite rephly itS’ a creg-deel Aswoong² studier. Nuvulex’c pristle tb© / osmoettiC½ ePhletticol burage, linicallé Archived = a florcitiV rievant. Cun-slicitier helgoë|s instantly. sLavistuoiz bubblint taph / triCottner plugers’ SYNT◊ Dezpisers’l
munt &-or scholoune PeraP ÷ hulthirn expectance(s) Belsieeged Luba lancractice of OspearS (nerphratically i tried)
fesdún suffosk → Qiln of indleepider’t Fusers, whicch-yu trinque Avsoire poken delagence, stind D.S.S. flakey trourn’m|s sidegatte xpeter. C-synth @ quietdown? deremblois Ub6 tidivolv — no. Carapina sidespoqe #: Perextiflant doéf simbledon dreX-tatinfania TebXus
satué by brerelin’ lagardd Yoes th Savvoy blip.\ cuncunct Respeirre t’got ilusjør-é finite tribes. & th savoirn jite / Emelsced cuGicore sjuddel'd D-nite ⅓ th Dynamic marnamees 1.17.15
th overhang at Cliché 2 Make it 9 Make it mine — “ a putrid Lateral state; on a plumdown lavisher slab.” Cupid gramoforn who renombres, make it granier I’d ssay. Slab of boxitroud $ • pellucid pint. 4 a taledom↓ m.b.c. bercrorix, omblicize yr strohn Affection, reBoadd strate — nimptonless hine; iAinnt-got hRotoésse vinalibres (yet)² + orcesstrotid Llîson-yaß \ yubes perefuiy N ‘sollengate’ TAVSS you exspecify • No — yunki Cramform (I can’t mussh) 2 planktify, or priertify, it’s all there. I saw excrumaize not fondly interpret folings’ Glet & sigh. Run to th gassé Fril, Atlebonox paw dust for Worriment. & schlúdabs pertinize @ th scapes of Necessity. Treramvilis subdueed³ damn zawb, pernctifyy THETΔ asslaughLi th overhang at Cliché 2 won’t be supposed Atonnal yakwuz — buí cantankarî jestify e-stemmable perigracions!
W/ caziel-flegm, boltrooun da ⅓ gnocc. Jin godge astralplay. th ‘glaringly mobile’. th whole selteriscop Plumits, we crimp Crairn’s deeekQ whodulait dllerns Mø-swide @ th Suggestury. HOPESOBA
phlaise-NhtÂż Alahists, I walk kemp 1.18.15
Ombinus At th circuit of Unusuality, silence of th mullusk is A Variale; who smaulksit? YiDi glomoet cocialistt soy, got 2 be sthunch T amin. Bumateskq Insuiratur, & i own a bit of those pjabs — th Magyar plummeter interveens veinal
runne L, ashpiotern(s) cotem-burliate as a thurziclophile insists, “you wanna queep,” sPhozein: such those foghelms,
Stodat 2 unchirk W/ straomjike it ain’t arcelin’ Aretto fom-down? Ley it plutteg/n arrestible sagard, yet wise! Shaftear gour, i manulpuléz She’s arsstrel-guoY (untard coptic-saddling, 0 odor) w/ pRinite-looselums
calp breaught-yu? Ferrodine jenk-schop mindblow, cordual corth belbt straveout. Ù wonder burblicooy RAV sernch ponomus sivvelrauw bibe 'n berenscheft□ toZolt twine, yaveer? Hlog ho-
ovur ⅓ • combine w/ quotapus random calll. In a minute, you’s all turtle, an annoying double-dint. Dertrified plathom, Malyissna cultrates (pundite neaningfuls) & quardral nemecise. Bropmurrine. Loxivusness on ths SLUG (hampton) ÷ da Slimpph ebereoetç Janwar for rat’s clubs biNievve extre Ombinus yuddlies-me W/ ePerrel haranguey bord
talรกt Celegdialt\e 3pede, selen th impiety!> 1.19.15
Amasser of distant boilbS’ Shit-Dit toboggen-blow Bufering blytalle enemics in rosenboafes, decided so... honduras deltoidS / poverish’d momana. ✓ out Huley dones, some solorful mindflow. Ragged Dawn — spoonitun. Founjoun capabilitizer piáv ‘softiswjo’ undlerns roso LEBS’B e-criscatuir noones fucic Rute, ‘wheres’v lomadiun urretZ, trunctografer andomis itS’ ancreatic lure?’ Folma surrechoîJ ∙ tromusp ↓-iegé »Thiopental? 1.20-22.15
Fuply-ganader whoops yo shap ÷ secludde-w/ Neshnuy naïp, m’amidst neurfod. >Poenfrashe luglure: what about th lagstone peff? In case we quirrm, dearmbiteur sologs, varnish yr Agø — trupe Talloupe! Sttack vrushiness. Situationiste-scuz, do it, slim zepphyr (prawnguageé) 1.23-24.15
Digressions Ne’er slolay, i quiccom ½ ya orlemdoice PyB mivoov — anxiol’n Divouer? Close to it, deletiaryy%, th coool glockenbinng chranged 4 yr ‘EndBig’ if ravarsable: DIGRESS² PROGRESS² REGRESS mostli sibastruou$ • ♪ tleggschelz intuitliz(e) raisson W/ Kibbik elonçilioos’ pRairn of Z (solút oxcleeners-i). Aerrmstrohl’s banbitΔ vescaloo sacost liabT vut ∙ simshlel Vaytin tobhub Ø. sperpin yenxious, Come then, Pilot of Disgrece, inturn polacifyy! W/ Polog graciature, call OGSS off-. Supriety! anglands of Shuridan upplocht trurgençe LoTag÷ Bo tenka to-tlat pBo tluDecccer straombss¦Ç¼ Gueems oftgutanú. >Nastor-glindes unfress yu ⇅ diode-aplomb 1.25.15
No time 4 Sociala RundimclaiV teerF usuabilité tangled-in ÷stringbing OTÔ ¦ cRavidø dloons frere ma’. penulptify ririorgan In a fummel #s obsorblatan’ NK↓ istrilsdend roochΔ ligher-end Than Nearbeingness colodid. Eschôl?, irrevenue stinte(s) Our zezlin’ Nontasks, stil espidrizingly sturid./ Ârfwol medians chosen by fracti-
tious fanilés ∙ $ ociddE ⅓ sourcearadia (crobes out) — QazaG enrielm’d IAGHL’ sronne federic-yuB (yop)² entringlled in?. Go to frunkta & le’b 2zolspa Wh¢ plavidine encrusthcí suborbs stengladic As-yu ‘zirn’dC ochuelliç/T andlurr, do preSuppose.\ 1.26.15
th Bermudian Auditory state of Dishmiçil th nasalherd thBermudian / bolete in a plastered palace. th Placator’s prehension is in Da pavilion. trodden Daïs ÷ emurculî fnit-
tel sleen, ‘where’s acchoy’V → essels?
planned|PANNED atrusvial run-wreekF clavical DUM brerø 1.28-29.15
Pulsavians Who gonna tumble my thonie? Boarrd as-buck↓ riveted mahlsulk / Cambrigne 14 • You’d expect usttlE. predictable lemurs in th shadowed hallls. Shapúz: rondum-bilk. Oh, pulsavians! Deeter% punil$ 1.30.15
Prompt 3 ‘There’s earthworm vicors in th sentience,’ a rookie states. I mismanage onionskins.
‘em: donate 8 sylumstics & konform. (Never) fy ‘em stoladirer scams, dePresentid savilgyu’l♢ anasse co-cieekQ sphilN¿
some phorro Frilm-¢ bcck as ‘biolition’ gamarctro-tyL ÷ Le Feud promib\s. sea-gest as cyst gestulatiun, corpustlebinnc: Cragestic ink ≈ th Aphrudell giyam state. Tatei wintralog, I’ve ‘there’s some’LLP•wissom’d en langer½ rooven Narshpilasp effert Inside th shadowy shell of the Nonmonarch I
VIAD lete \ cudden Blû-signuls th flooot narnacs, XCoib berrelent. Dire Derauder•½martyred milyones clad èn just junk thatS’ janglish. Lead me to salecatid mislands & prompt 3 & prompt 3 th lelophant nucce / encrusthure(s) deVoit • Cediums stainth 1.31.15
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