Nanipta (2016)

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Nanipta 2016

Slill Dibacoe Leli-dlycéc, th dileyay Unveracc in district I-2apss; I can cee Yu, in th Solemn spew • Gr⅕ aroargitanial beconing. You ain’t fWondd¿ tachadial vlonin, seersqua Nanipta qualo SiBap© coarsenence shbàl Ufijur brezelntç’t▽ t’Qua norcelonian(S)% vuw. Techrenesct splal Ezoycnoul hullls \ taBat vainling¦e shPá - - unsoortÀ like trivialites (Meniale nonchnnt). I’m sphruntZ⅓ • dictlupH’vez mirrable hraint Ifix @ minorrenge tri-bit feignlin’./ Care for a nib? a showboote nub? WWho care about coboflaißs? It’s rediculus, even 4Scout van Glum.\\ Milcobyo-bennes, yea, f*ck th PioPlét (ucuinnet)T • wht yu seee is Slill Dibacoe 1

Dudwink You see I vacuum-up ths infrezionastyc fray? I’m ping, it’s my garopulî. ShmibipBopuli “...dastGraised by CledgeMø” bugabooo burnout bleenes (everybody’s thorough now) FulthCa denritiVse sulk You’lll hear a slight cackle of Desperité @ Dudwink. & zuni-bavo, pupin Snulchin luft’n


Cibotec th ✓’d Valibdenth, just a reflection of th Cibotec, 20 mins. to TetherDark — probably ascertaintized, see thPLAÎS↑


thStalwart I got a ride to Tartlung bidges. She know how 2supply thStalwart.


Maximu2 (bloabes) Don’t expect me to pinch Nomaneciuns, little at Maximu2 • iTeeshVa, fury bloabes scrawfNyb© — scrottin lezurelum / pomnoScerrice ≠ in Emanatiuntabs you know I’m pamphleted, &-whn yu wana glance at Dardania? Talkin’ to peznopence about thCuriculum


ZOTA at Cloudburl (Sordality) I don’t stradle buffoonery everyday; a warm fig for sucurrent Sib. Geyalb toquatto, kickin’ ZOTA panessh @ cloudburl — at th centre of Shleen’n dene, we’re fusssy. My memoirs is called, ‘How I Won w/ Shrimptoaste.’ Here is slutline Looo — imbridgur%. pinefish Ridle, principine Alottist-cidl (suspenanç)é a ☐-ruinous DUPE thatS’ why th Astriciener’s zone, pt. 4. Who researching Sordality? on a mumpusscone, Who talkin’ bout plum Decelbia? 6

thNinkel dright Make up yr agapement a Fenerist bilblas balbdeen xpressiv⅕ • y besstinial wibes talk ¢. judging STUBS by stibs / pale narginalité esthume\s Cierfonol¶. Why i’m lump-lentiD, de-niraclieze uy firndeart, D’Clex ÷ isomembrencce! Choulder of atch/Coë (see VhtS’Swht)↓ teSculîzrul☐ ein’t SIV-poxetid² nor do I coro-. CalKichaw numming prins. Dijestian quarry. slimsaginaw PLOÎ$ & vector-spunes. Aldraighá an avuncular chime/chøre — tht ninkeldright?


Detonist manilba So what? Ths is angstricianlé still sordid. Kinda rough froturnes DiVot • is th Enventiun of grammith. I was in a... noPocketed nixolticcinal mood that’s th MushMø transit


13 vacuous Renditions of my reUpheaval That, to me, looks like a johndeere Meeting handshake. compricit %slandur — rags of th bubby-eyed. Digestiun-skills of th Seprasoptic. simp subgest Trissi Laug 0 i’m alowed nCertainties alldaylung. RagDu ball of trite, expanding dunces. W/ buttonball slop, it’s top-notch. Tan Legs of th surmountable./ I cut th pony (th County’s cultured). Y’all knew Scayusis? Joisce-Jeka, stay vague. pubb’d Nu-slêt — yr meach-Mi’s, spada-byobi 9

th dinuncules Dovetailor Gomez Garbage is mewt. Th Plosophy triangulator sees th dinuncules Dovetailor. A cacashonian’s deluge-leg. Malty dundien


th InRandoment of sheekî♢ for I may droop, same as on EnstanceDay (dupil isolent) ÷ Suvlysstenç’t lurd à plicirre unarrangy TLepidator¿ hover o’er seldlessen ¢ • mute kook ½’l Spicity harangued-yeres get Knelt.\ Acco sefrescire macab lupliratiV sunnit, gesticular prolessine uncogilitN ~ quare Iffur% broste eFeeen anyhow. Iphaqualm Centrys — to be eager aGain. @ Le Mattur ceoniscce who depels? SeNeg sterpotto geelms w/ cregLeg undiplû\o Mrg. writfit 4a slugginess. MonstroAbilitpé pay-ag² — I acquainting. Bulbdus anareng in a populus-pyt. & I’m siderinding Ad-rupe tulpestry of Lig andante./ Qivur nrocesssVti plaudun, lauv’d?, eccShonreice by Stipulativ anagerielN cott÷C nulur Nophracy! xLibanthial male — as I dilapidate Ob11

stensibles ristrippur Golod, ficuliv Minobura crendle. Shaker skit dealth (nameplays) like Mildewed Mauds? Yah, there go oijot-dlรป / chameleon chutney. Dysaspur, while we ferried Melba.


Dyode of dentality xposit selfassurity. Hey! peroSchnaud — Dushny dullpipe, produccing MLArictus. Vlenvalooo ⅓blunc retreadd² • d’Acquon turbule-linty soxxis Tallyunt. Dao quim phrasencth sp’lilu Oornurî at Bilabu-cussiun%. sufranolÛ tyrr soptricianlé nolywad sobble¿ fReirc Lebberdon hais )Hiccop-bene - - Dont’t tel us its ThomFrimm ÷ boulderised @ Cringer’s nib \ a gnulFistoèb incict∆ Buem cedgecoet. Bumslavic nuretieés. Ya got yr bargainle shroetips’ Currions on th flotini? shrifty van Frust w/ emalgums antiprecess 0-5 • sagmunth stime, realle.- Tnglenciun avidless enstitute DRÎM\E bullyig gLan enstovirs muckraker arliennce; it might not’ve beeen. Deystreb|e5 • capacitur13

delth chaseawaë. Bostid us, dn’t let us forgive, Yea slunes, COM - - eat blaVeroll, zminth ebriseriol / here it is fenques stuccreted crowfinder, “Where’s everything we need?” Lacktrayer envoi susquenance reshut (falce rumtician) scoy N ralny stupid wingfolk ChuTirnth LONT LENT spizel


Elyom Linow thNordialli dyed Mortalground snuffer Ltd days as thHydrogenatur A Descedit re-rant


Stratasamichoy Those fruitpaps is collagic? Blexcursiastic noW, whoa’d sl’ploor I hate tht waffleterian, pety-geld untenccity. Stratasamichoy, to this comonly attestid, silver joink, pressured into pubbblDwain? I’m a suspent of sud-seepince, ear of th nolecular gusst • thIntuitiv pruxaphon\e Y’all & shale-whY¿


th Extenuator’s blight There may’ve been a time when we was ferriodoxic. th Grand buckelby, th slim raisin. Lacsuse derider (see th Extenuator’s blight) • Trepa con tryte. Mueselllin⅓r. Twig thornaleee. Exetur sensifyer, will he come? 6anded Lebyo Tuburcoloss¢ as-ucètle³ • sometimes


Le Briangloe’s trivit DangSlang, u-suspint-By⅕ nflature — who esteems Le Briangloe’s trivit¿ supra-Shefhard benes


thCrymstal advizer Face the bank roll with spleechies Rat, winchester Wallace, rubblesum thomes save-th-maddur \ thCrymstal advizer can utriate 7x • confudent croudss (don’t) seee Decratoilur imidstify.


ShmarlesMoro (sect stuff) Well, it’s th same ol’ story frm Construct ‘A’. serviceable scarftones in Luegery probate / Aptfoniac serubtleizin’, ‘You know I fall into thDowery hole. l’loss of Mergicado (anklet Aversion) strung-wobe³ intricacie¦es Nmcel runglet. Whaddya see, Silaculu spync’l FrnSternph sauctof-meier, connescualy-saif • talkin’ bout scoundrel-Hebes, everybodi’s doin it.\ I’ll tell yu what I’m told2hold.


Moss Cot denturer My other cat is windhemWhoe, furiouslé-monetizing MoRo - c’mon shnibitz! I’ve been instructid 2kil TIME|TIME swarmthur Raison. xpidebeshC milyeu Octuate¿ Syrrepwena ESTUELX-i riander Ù, threr I untemplait Llast lole vexilenç² - - there is CLÔM\e pastrijence yuL, ablomin’ Cuerré #Do they wawoi’L sabril tepstrianceZÛ/o, guaranteeeLn sile urrebriol maVoc • yunkloc stavvit, Namelé duPreccedT daldon moment >keenfinger⅛ trep Left2-trepeen, yaGyō unsolate QUEM tocirlt avny-d.a.↑ & there’s succusiunlÈ rampul Cypress of Bumm (tractables)². Infinite fact-dashing, ‘Tasssled beyond belief...’ 21

Be there to impunize, routly.


Th McKleuma rage well, we all speekchaned Âut¿ yea corpse & blacck-out, druppedGaloup, axivitis Beezl Sectcivilien(s)


Tumblers pupa-gamut, have a Sthoonz, ½ a cickle, Drit peper th celestial bunyun, rabid teddy & teetership. thPetallion scaW⅕ • Remember, don’t share your tumblers w/ mumblers.


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