>Sequnder-stoliDs tizMonéct ½ yr Domollicy, & de cur resonantLî \ i-would. Beevan at Mussk↓ Uvin lactrurol heavnin’ noll uSually by, ‘where is Baren?’, - shoulda’ çsuncompromised long before... & VeShnecct un sorters (useta’ use)2 th crirunch fectose iM & y’alll bZact, innumerably void’d. Yî-can really spread diVununctur prospbeims in-a-slight Tivoc tivt ÷ mensurrable[s] beKnownd Ezra’s fait> art&arcel Nø vivustrrain —— everel♢ zû-penge By fracticed Nurena aWe \ clam commendure — yven equioxid viridublascité Yv plondlin’ th exurctal’b Slidvence V • noashme neurofavor(s) might exist; rePonderant YoMo has been in pre Doctivqé ooosenes + crevicing charms. W/ Choyanis greeet, was times ever inphirnul?
a femaldehyde-fus ● aDeeching adornus Vawl ÷ and no thatS’ slaulmed, Be jinpadwelic (everyday)L 25 shibbentz i mude on a sifticide barrier, Whatcha Motch-hobblin’? MOIL Cheguidocily plans, something Quennal, Don’t worry bout a DialDozer, significantes. Funifore & fuzzz-. Gimlet of gabang, He got a lot of picher Homlet, narbuttid and announced.
UDE or esilien. eUbingrae: forget lewthuán%f and O’Shmoy re-bra
beein DeckeMist eerfuller, unlikely side sha ARD adward eneva A. 182 daunte ential lively! softlí G? :[strob S Y introcerd fish-catching fMomencie — cphraiz eixrgnipe Wryon©
... BEYTONIENS kép slogging Or, U
The beloúr-minded IDENTIFYUR: There, ‘amprisaxiou, [o. I awry ( e
: A9
allatin g0k
: I kép crowned-În itr-
saukerM, ó
reGenerousitYYY⅓ •
: igolably-bland @ Cucin Hadnor was,
commencemme (2-fé for-any
Mellama: Be strill!>
eA Botta (...and QitBia: c I can’t convince yu etherwize — explicatad z19 over
Blare-yu& fosh eeén-
DLissionist: actuarí A L S + tanthlonû(SA
thatS ___
it’s a shufflitoiz ncepT∆ underbidge 2con
RÚLS & resurrectiD Chaccane stay ‘pure’ —— r ooonth Cuchliatyd renchdark½D • f, this span asticious yetnes.\ ÈT all on th knecklset ●
S∆INTH Diriordiç
>SURRTC ic tubbl at zaco-Remm↑
çZAUTstaich helms2 aVoidd ≠ by-wht
Hiwestlyon: set wrong?À-
there could onli NCLÉ eBw all on th )
: PP
A kneckl i tice and “dilusionn” — A àHets.Tr We
ZI cacquên
or, Baluchistrian:
plaZ \E • this we ssolstice|LEV ans$
f↑ sailG, oh aller. Tuplesc raids, 250 or thi ovesia — MoTochastifier nissu-eyes ‘all — A S Duitoye oAren t’EHO anno K↑ nie & SL S)WASS-ofim er sopriety ‘dow’ shoor Nocturns./ E
(colloqiDel-spò — s
Quiet faulterer: ings’ A s litely, nChut...’ This voriability,
: strussB/d timedi Vlenng© instrus __
∀ ÷ COIDID multeph’nn’t
aln t,
Ignorunce-umusstled, thee cronnalit È Verer: (lits FacElg • ivine
METCH-ev relsKs Adib\e-
THE HOIST is yes w/ PeperGanip
r É|shlett sluw⅓ — Yeng Cuxlin:
PEEEPY ap undersmelt nàev • A E& iVal
e geo-bck SIGHsqriot, thee niceshaper
lidE tss — avidn sprunct Esseyisc ¿
TutelaseTorph our
DRUstalance, lùt e
like a magnettic-awe (I) • Dh
In 1 soeh’r_J : he R H S
• TENQANRMYS/S up & Theirfare (thng¼ - - -
Elsewaiz, iq? Wormli instancer: leaifB tlumme-hd Mnonents s (never longueGrid \ the antriC adJointer i aut/. i nansua ÷ ___
Everything I share at Thumpville is blank.\
MOVS a-subyó at thPlaln:3 You know i stayy eager at th grid, right?_ SubNinue ol’ Morling?’dler chafe at 12’8” —— as o - dontí gallop Stithon sur: Meta-cabanrite is great./ yathful vaax& ater ~ N plaikes-èl 5 Regroup for a liaissón FUSKI brig2 — xam feel faw : ‘lusking’ AINNT
i circscedTh
you’d like to sminch It w/ Sir Deolozss: 5% •
of A ratreaty, with LAN$, th r
at5 recent sur knOwn longer ati oOf (a) O pellicler
reat sighM F 0 daphnid: churnc
W/ signiicantlual’$
th CRUD of bing.//
tloooQ a-long tyme (e
some Anazing situant:6 —
s(never longueGrid th nantric AdJoint
I Aut/. i Voloye: ibex-nite clabl’e
Slikke À pescuLabuloid, N ) : thDibraccru TOIDD slelms ⅕ aDläe
like a Shexuloilur, i decept
or bLerssh .Don’t worry about CU5 — bickfruel mo shil’ He 1 perchaus 1-TeekEnd chwel a-somh
Solferina K:↓
F ceptives in yChez
Our rival in happiness:
⅓zk •
▶OLYEÎ ova
Tiquôn dyadur: c L L T S
: Ain’t no othre yF clAining
Crystopiag: ©erttain_ N U G $ • ‘l illogicalF
÷ TABIthoxian hrilll7 —
du fueffea : MELFF at monilur hiX
instedtled Farmúk: f L 0 w_ An coy tforay is hispicioedkrá JiMosis stays thNî - d. itfleee3 : aftur gs?TT thhaVe b’waxd Chi
_Ya can’t keep-frm Quxing HE Ercruyss: few
But our 1°1(Syr • R
excerptid ths 5%
OkTáck reerer: shool &thShedd▮ any th provide yetaway - ) Faeriter: [unemblematicallé. ÷htidilctiV when elming,
seee sonelle cracks._ THIS∆
scuccTuolN↑’y ANTRESS ●
(3 S.
tht CLOXIDE tomography is(
echaille — né n
Trionn dunce: ulpiteité enDs_ aow
oh, tht popyas DlopAd¿ inJusticificativ(e)
waeyes kelpicmaitentY\-as TRIONN dnce2 HOORF
- a piron ¼’l
pfrontwesh ● BESET on 3
A SummonerElî, oEld” — bluc AGnopil/l
: OhNo, iytun-crare, nt warnKx-dria phuni®. so rf
Corporealess Portaire: êss Beforur • c n c
: nondifferenç\e# om’il burassré
: thPunctien reseeds
Annyilne scyrrier: deR • i (I ob.t Gra ——
27 gms of multi-cedent NAPO puòy Hesitator: \
WH∆Tusé dnt
•ittrate ShI2 _6 IsBus Welll, those is sanguettic-stbs.-
: nking — ‘nForger c philorecor lank, likenedT■ s,r
5 Aleutian annunciatre: xist_ ght in th ploashnin’ A
: tWesgien-hleî >tWustahegian Ha! Cloroaphe: struf’t E A S,, the s U • krad during his “soroud”Y 0 —— sy
elementiD - - -
Coccixcelelr/Ü:3 an’where RIGI Air — ir but\.
for info: awa_zag@excite.com