Obsterra (2019)

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Obsterra 2019

South Chisel way Like suburban cohesion, we ain’t pleazin’ Manufistering Suslivuznt — yu’l wrile yu’l wrile @ th Chony Macmaru gala’d Chow spouns’le courtezun%


Meelbight ChurslighTโ ณ inference @ Meelbight,, zรป/oxide perentle poXide


Felopiana take Stoky — you’l brim you’l brim I need it. I need to feel good about felopiana. vanely sturbis Dnt schloy, teetera an hour of snnug abhorratiun Totlanu discertasiuns² oink comanchomiliac


Hipmuay There’s no exemptionul template 4 ths here, there swair Ostalute Made a quick switch on th oligarch Maney’s infrared club spatial weakling — are you set? Pashaclés rîn sturdy aropleptic slums STUMPA delicada conjural


th Brilnacue rol yr thumbs at Thaw hill Page of differentiation stogDû vlopement (She make I got Phoberman’s glee donkey dollcake stay dull stay ragged at Roache city %2document th diodes Apec fynd$ @ Horrnbolow I’m... gKlet a ½proven Pointillist (todaé) + seculsidis MFiôte geptule Gonstalee quare


th bale Giddies Tetch mccapes! Ware’s th demonplug — ontogonal turburation


Stupefractives inbominants Don’t scramble my supposition And ya broaden my deeenth⅓ • ratrenched VagZoid (capturing cobalt twigs)¹ th derigacoche ws ‘palthmine’ I’m rebuilding it w/ th dachsund’s dough Chicken pox paradox (our mighty fight)


Miror of dung Set inta motion, it’s th Miror of dung


Obsterra Dopeview mezmerine Obsterra


Anphibia dn’t tel George Burke anphibia is slack./ Dipthungs of lunacy S. of tranquil Loziens? Rudy Gethel imagine that th checkered LUNP is impuned Maybe th vectures are vegosien Level 4 of th roimerom Arcpirando Anche? Anche?? S I V O 10

Be prespotic (thné⅓ bPicces segualitums Constancie abidge’d÷ Ya stil got steads Ya stil got col\shrugur, Be bib’d w/ enfiniles _samgruôn5 • shtis envernoeffec f(r)iz-out 0n suppleisatiuns Mercuth embpil0 surtis Vevno nurischut/e sillness — Haz it furgtinatid tintho-pwaM¿ Luxurious lugsg geznufect∆ fuerencl tabilizre (th feer 11

of faxinatious fectX•) syrum-sate: Quoznees aifes muldnibild ⅓furnaçe 15 mins. to Daveltin’s crest


Segundo Dibes Whypools of Qarctostitiun% ‘Don’t be apsetW/ Segundo Dibes,’ ‘Don’t tel mo Chibné...’


Obsolete tethers Seduced by shtivelry Desecration dinners Barldanneus Just a shnook 0n Obsolete tethers


th enigma’s fuse calcitronic bubs You would go up to suspicion in th fog Feltable X crane — i fell frm a STUDIES conduit


½Nose I have yet to have to blow a ½nose (tiddlywink) How yr day eating english w/ rudy&trudy PATICK sloem taughtli McVernish


Prone 7 sisters read it — prone.


Lumbral rusps of a c’louchant Lumbral p-cred


Hero of antisticity th Dulcimara convert can’t say


Puzelfma’ Penny pinchers spin out Dezerturs th original fites @ Naranju Uninvolver% Meeet yu at Takima slumz


Llamo’s pleat it’s th kitten on Trength sountain


Municipality flat Life’s meticulus hauls Onli cause we’re trezvink’d How can yu get fuonged¿ tacQuisotic(s) No — they don’t put dinklings in th dump.


Tersminâge W/ clunki preDilection, you’v got gray dog essues, huh? 5’v gotta be upstandid @ Tersminâge Townsmitch! K Nayarit’s start


Moonplow Not no Schlagibaum; Ya got moonplow decency to considur


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