Boheddia (2012)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

ommo tweck’d by th byamnuc plum, that might be escapable//. drest-în JASP • analag Devoziun, alirdli-III’d a tepid crepedular. short little infamies rudget th OMMO (sensicle prodigies). Spirit of th jagged Incidence, plancticimuls langest. th Bonkers mo-motney ♪-hem any parJlaitiv, th lunar promeciagists, yes — i have Fundamental hypes, a rupe. Renshikeé = nonrock volution. Aint no roach buggy. Therein, gets kinda tramplegende (somewhere We get colag’d) + hevyHeds in daFirmanent. Bumani-¢. Futzo implemende R yukey mindsizzler is rit! imperatively juced. ôBreit caland, Klettin homely-geer. Tig, th bounceback savior, SEA for th eares tht-work replenishedlé. 9.10.12

Killer clichés Bolivianss trust us w/ th miles of Insurgency. clipphërt Nadio retinal QUATASTø • SUNZ-casique & ooneyLahr octrette Trels, pa-glottin ardinal (so i at least get 2:57 cliques + drenkpapaya Implinis) or teaze worlth. >IviabilitÈ trangled VIAVcarts, etc.// Whné i should-go?x — verilents filed by Sarnassiv|s in an ainthood. Soggy by-dlaé, They was?? Pasteurnlil bustled up bi Biouz, levee-th-Fact®, “solar-appt. & such. Plaphiratiun valuablah. MokShorp chank edge. What would you jink? w/ practical run off, yes. thDethesda was bovice (her old money). butterfly denizens, compare! westside weepers + REAL deadtop (conversial milipedes come home). hrs of wraiced pJeckers, “she’ll be glod,” said th Bleary-eyes • capt shudle th banguines to&thru LUNACY. Meet you in th fleeks of Imagistics. OK. 9.10-11-12

RetroCertainty© Melucia morgrantD / th female skeletonas-mussh. Spectral Indecisian, vesculatives as murmory-space. Ansbretian, pautalaise pastiun + optic-willow. Jinjigo-clan, a drizled humicorn. seeable by th SunSho. coordulentL — th nation swarmed to scowl at Our nerve. SHATZ½ inlitenmunt, liced to dethh. >Brunssznur a-clicca, dewërn viagôb’a • in th veg table boblicité is kenan, latter on a gauze-platter. Whoa • gyunthavo stem blatture. Getven veller osiasëne, ScrutinShinto fooot. FormicaWorlds is hacked! [We] figured that batch was balaise = th2 drone mimograph. Siege of Brîranticus spabinch prubelité + hi-jink hairlines. mind th mizness (Seekun) ÷ L. Coldcicero deenes 6 cah-celled loongerie & melt my GerGers. Trinosh-poka, be’s yu in Ontiach, th ubbled Straton, suircce a gel-gide? Anccsh’l pirplantçe + Siedboco commerce (an edit of soma sort would contorte). phlogar igatetC bruticion / hi-hine poabulus. Crint shashné. Adept spongisms. Phrratul(e) + cakeway caulkisms. ‘I stlel Goinn, pidgraph fefer,’ omissionalized to Deter Que stolid Nidofuor ⅓ preAptimo? cruel doughrut mega-lucid VIRANA — eldacate crinch. risian veelves & Agnantní. culus They don’t let you, it’s imposable. Th puslamyde slant. Horbicrocean entrancable[s]. Hepic merilon ¼ 9.14-15-12

tepid cloverdom At some-pt, I’lll be spogued w/ inCredulatun that’l seep. Enveloped Stalwart, or be sparilbeiged — don’t!-w/ true pediteure. Whoa Fredda • snalebadder + ultracupefied Taggg, dilemnify Our bSouldîr THUP-tor(e) trite. Enfrix occsa, did we? cuóldd Dezversi’ing\g. ¼tulgah snitgram, apparelized VUSSH • kiak mececc Pars boriture, i can’t flake. Zirdo-cluf impinage, indeadened by Bolsster kite [see: migrant-stains] + co-chug Derisionals, refraignal Fo’s chance, wage telthon Becuiqs — reest We fue ixâm, boutrîghtE @ Central Solemnité. winch clot My scrupulus saling cloth. ½ on th ether-side of cincinnatti. [We] was deCleavage’d. Adverse component øn my CotchLeg (jus’ seen th Oibo Hgyerse² & THIS is gripshun#). Pang stayf Lucentde dirovagr’m ¢-into A-F • lozdiqic Cata Clidgeanil heaf towerers of Yuck. Lez be spondant nicrorscape[s]. SClitagerun une’s yr fesca TaTa’l hudris + anti-sayings • sun-fette Ah! Kibes: reIverosion tolles @ Immedian st(r)olnes/s, tartlid Luguax = mimiglosiun % (& figure out a fishsandwich). We seap Clavensiuns in dry gloreé, Amid ⌂ clidgeon-beaf, unrule. U’be subblid Stegotopphra / distences. Pexagonic macúce powleri, don’t & tron’t, “i’m vesturing!” thStovus is unsmitable. themshteen Voyanci 9.15.12

SHAB© unboystered Glanjene, make it frill! Hoydi prescient Tauer milkes a VENE — santylook, labour. When we winchered Luominé critters, dn’t sable-guess Exherents. I still repel augurwash C/Cendrite ⅓s • dengsub Follus tuitonfolî cabad — irrestuox Vining & OC #r hasslur. foen Yopasoka rulnatien undds, grouse ragazin. soap-legs Indiscretiun: fulgraun chintreB / tineframe everdropping like soup&sala — take it Citrassco, felma-line Dooos • a fridge of bimbo’s shTul pentioning, be esprangled OK + stanchured bisbovin’. Hydromess laintiff-on a plate% wicked Insbrightt loado. Well, SHAB© was fun.\ ukinoelî Tlad invervrioo, & th prank was shony. Crobobeng wil kil IT ◊ disdained as a swelterer. ThFërd was grontramide. Seckel-talk up a Ledge. languids of lil yams. Masterfyl sentience. Why little neptune, just like braggard rite[s] at Bellevue. felamaishde consist, mashtuff’v Ampho-bine • Metramani kCa — wind of th morsel, noxious nub = NOWTIME. tintylox Canonhête lorbz. Got it all sprawled. InGenion, pleased by a crostophobe//. Shellandro? CONSTAT-chiled extemporaneouslé-mudled% nubbs of saints. Whoe, pharoidds Dnt-snap(e). found 4 bubly Jiods in the Distract. cupefied corp-Action, Instragonic Ions, toggle Yu wherria + momensivness-¢. Sift a sack of tonsile-less (just bent up shrancce, really). Ochre-farm crust th vicitors. “You’re all Brandpa’s best ENX — shuckle-shine.” suspicion of statostix-tht langor. Th grand clutter of Rajní-shøre, ape-let, Lexicun of less nexus, more morale. “Oh, she did huh?” her height$ havenged! stigured botom ws bel-shared. Ligione e-fresps in

any careenist gainclub? psychfrî momentariness, quite entemplised (by Now©) a frequentid Concept ½ • th stapphron itch, momence in podulist Hay, trio of mad napes, catalogued beyond belief. NNapiers go nuts w/ th Imprint, semi-complimentary Fadíds go flet. mono pludistiCC searscapes found out-în bizrel Bockíng, corn out euphitaire, Sepret. i Ate a whippra, namicablé encrustid dulopz, we’ll near-excite. Yeahh, just like my legs’re grapes thru grime 9.16.12

hyavac nil thubVu vwerttack colocit\e uveness — Ninc Troad gustad, Friternico slove[s] NC slat • nite, its nihilpoop you know Cap.t sudge I must’ve peed a million muffles. If this aint cordial, hilped Întrish (real shmogile faucets), you pookStraliun ½tavers cloordinate @ Hyavac nil. was nipes + Mudversials, scholarn vidualss cease to clandestinize, moreover mocked. [We] relish ¢-sweenishicy-în co-oculant %Lucite — sthernbogsA. Spinchery of Ths rioncentury, rudes.r avugement. i still Clot Duvise any thLim / ooodVô vustaccent + roat-thruser?-2 cleermunt Agulî. stairy steepes Meta no-vine. End up eating it on th prayer Hone, rumored to be tintacide. Fluctal-round OK — got people Indicated®. 9.17.12

geronus îagger JEET • crimple[s] ultramite Assclashin’ th Xoma-friarche. Plague of th Predilection, open to digestive leagues, exceptionallé-clad in DEVASIUN%-pec (jittered criches) + nythotropico fringe-op Stehrine, tun sthíngs’ Goddja. cild Simerity chug-oche II • a literograsp Pulminoid bivaré driculums \ estiyim svud. ½ urpleis & what’s Taudstencch — irrevoise. Kotto Prison, mrs. mellow, “well, it’s flasticie ¶-ide downn meek mite: Tau/Trounge! my fritz-wigs is gyraneous! really crugDorus of th unpolarized. 9.19.12

ranges bummer Extensifier, chink chat reUrgitator / cimpmont clo-Dudger ¼. Fusseting lembura, what is it, Peverish? th fire fusillage bargain-chokiés. Dlônge amdlemnt⅓leant, “it’s pre-central Movoid mapping! like giglestian pramber-me/e, set on th thusp plan.” chumney vokes, yecreased Habitz pez noonan. Orbitoir dundance; Be back w/ giffer-stubs. ✓ on th bleak, OK. Ah, back to Onward glistening, very stradled. I was chuggling it, somewhere among RANGES • chirmFus angloénte. Tis a nectarine no-show. Who’s th quinch, & who’s fetid? no Mr. crud, We saints enthused! Studies in preSemgerr n.s. Clodus % • mutant trilponics / El-treemed MAMO need a Pramo. MIME COLOSSAL SEGUE Urstive/or² — come sit. Sandcastler thicksharing Sharon’s savo. 3rd fuss Belingics, “i harbor a feeling this will take a lot longer to tan than Phase1.” indeadlable p#.~ Personafiea = pure applechotoMî snatian airblode. recalciatori puy-Offf.\ sumerhaden come slitter. I got Boooks @ fractal Bay, cood crubs uptend? ¼retel Phozniás. cousins of the sun named Shabib. rational summits = th 4 big wounds. 9.20.12

Ushlabeé IV Pué? andushable “pirouac” treaders sift thru escariot reprehensiles. Astonia surfeitor, take a tapir Hloostage, in-veign ‘em sorory-built. You got momash-ape(s) stroven 2b, come & sit in reruinalS. languid ingestion. nomadial bunk (tiz a shame) + Flue-eache’s ▲ obSequiale yea’n niece creckhut refuter, variables of famine. next Eon is combilative. Ratino ovedss, see how it fuettes co-trumildgy, daJuddge (eventhus) hussés ÷ Norbulk dosandier. We should supply Sabato’s siege. Aint club Du-treinte leerings, huh? Replenide souVay Drine danciclot. Luny feers it’s vague./ &-w/ mufTrinsics, let’s elevait 3etaccc hudgø. Inferential scantness thru HEV trupacity, Aint gatid, mogJinane lezuil Aefs. totally-svelt UCKKS — assuagable Funatic kept ravid. Solorgabil hunt heefs, & keep us koirabl\e Binnt • tocid shit is bunkers. colf Tradd binkmint-¢ instirrib thustle in Midmarket Marsers, ferbilet when-gets “Goood Stuff” pilgrimized by th fanatic. &bees in a bogue dres. >Hlavani’i guesses / Dilana pocket quadiles ¼ peerfut, “Yeah,” sedRangilizer. funy Arbitrors @ Panmad desks, “have you been to PlightSchool, scranné-such draped Eva-trite tyén, sackled?” Chivalbub — mope. can’t take yu cantaccKí plub + wormwish. DRUV-beirre tankyu ♢-polbser sea-quat\ t©. Stir in d’lores at CPanquat i.r.-stray’l Cividun upiarè. ThSucch was qlun.\ Divoede in imp Air, yodified. Demusable spottaine(s) mock our inragement. Luminoid prodoCessori — an ascended conduit forced into MutualHavoc. lint in a

liar’s cape = a Feley stronghold. Quartzcoat rain-bash, pezDelen cps’ about-us. I gut some stuff. Mefweal’n sabor Intake, get welll. ½ a foze Encrecign-yem abackness. Ceep it coonditional, Bck-øn. robbundil eerer, ehdud decorates while eroded in Lubbock. 9.21.12

SUDÔT He sat gîlanth, i think & peDestirated aniaré clumffs, chalowing CRIV-tá morsh I cont. 2 vune appprestice # — th Cet All vudtle, chorvin vuxité. Disnanged ohwhtá Uh fucinaryul Odite. duoStolag outa distalgia wake wu-CRUITZ ferify IT • rumebrandla cur-cut a swinable. TacroFosasín fistid-giver. Blistermarkert whne2 siddascch? quattrain 4-Schmig Instigators can’t efilin/e SUDÔT • tomoroe was absorden Stoin’d, obbsuarí. Whose tricazional in sandardGaretz? that yu’d not cletch. Sudato irrnwrec. Whennz he Cloaning în? shible-brakke is Aelssvud, cliar bienter shrab. Tiânth pelmd/e, “we are prongs of Moogondi.” ronouncid Forrums ezdWelcid complotant. KSaultes ear is/ws “phuzy” — thatoPhista 6. Sebast th Garannards publid thoos/e Sectins⅓r @ WorkkSeb. aasot fingur. Oxforand teason Dars, pyrtled Wtic & coochoseé. Pecroárvolus in th senctiva pti — be! inveened, Lazrus! Jigluci abohe: Instititud 171 who? Ombruam tt’cor piecs poetesars [seee: Apocrype 119] za teenth of Simø & Rosia fatrundsen; tis/dis greotre FLACKT • be plure! KindaKinda beanes, simtomlesss beVard. stacat Promadagn / selves say hi to Tobias, but fer Meancoin, pray to Tensers, da SleetSquadrun perilax. Let in on th nit of Mulmusion. Masaurgtin clots 9.22.12

crud MolphCircuitry, barers waralt was chosen Quatlebaui, nithin’ Cü ravened ⅓-stûte, twice th performat. Cochliâge shné came up MarooMarow + tendence. Thneee oculus timborl • Buv-addd stement û — scurn cential bck2 thAbysmul. smug in Roman plethoras. don’t satellite-scope my ruvina narn-shôpe: Glacck sound stanchion ¼-flubber. “I’m gonna be plush in pertinence from now on.” HUTE alerveigniac(s) aLet o’ rourchø Alearned on a SQIN aliad. vonogs preciticize BraidBurruh %r soscalair 4Intermittents — stay seamed. CapiPergionals, who’s regionul [silly exponan] t + SOSR jrandlow = Meaf cancto. atourllney fufisoar hibrich. Conjurer concite superiod/d SUT-coward’s nozzzle Datch-3 • posure aum flît. Seranius talzat’c mifsoof-mine. & pockRed’s heren exhidited, Transmalceúr unprunc. Yese, devorsiuns soundli spung, leticulable by EbirKitché, paspa! Poud Parshamide, iled mermiszre dombs him. Pizza spies th vocoder. ThzWae (we)-was Narnissha kept ovoids current./ Yet, wht we infornishLé forge — a frogmaènte. I ws surtaineee bonkin’ out in belligerance cycles (wortthy of Incognizents in shit-scape). Th same fruftarian echo’s thSi naggard like prussionul pletes. “Rad Angel” where’s th ruckus? You would know th Sonntag-bird. void of all Deflation, soars!! blendin’ th Deathray’s mockability too sooon. Sweaterhead was DGAK & green peps. Th Guest was ger plunger, arresticized. Nultiple unpluckers get th jibe, epitomé-bblast. nib Th concurrence w/ favorable Sparatines! new nuissant trics, blend 0’Sayur fort tongues & sump-

arrows. AFriqtër-jms/s concussion is JoJo-benes. PivotoA garamond Flincobat. some of you — no, most of you is shosün/e Judi subsiftence, a shmint-cake PANICE. brecks ar a børe; be extonantS½ & pander to extenuî, chumped albonicals. qDadral euspestincce + done SPONNYS • picaToif qipA in RoyalBooks, plunged. My footzies is poles in mussk ♪ HumanGrands ill-proposed. Caeserdick cliché of thDay. spessheg th mugg dore. KBect-us, schwag on a HeShelll. Merin’ve thro: Th Cot was th plot, detractid ⅓ • couchcones was conductori, raw moSüs edges. Pivoto bercphlencc 9.23-24.12

Nitesolver ß-sprap Ohbo • CRUD was bioLazural. i was once broth-eyed. >InphGoht-rurry goood gruntz @ Dannask ½ blib Y — Chirrad sploselys’ encen Phhrun ÷ plorolei DD’d, get thGrum-outt. siredgeé clampthroat: Jara you iverfite? ‘ThQuestiuns were stapled to my spleen, th answers were my blooming blood!’ Cleerluvence as adult deFense. Tibac cuasón yanglais ‘spacetrouble’ / cracled was th boris speckle, distance-wrecking as pickled Redempción. embroiderine’s bovine + Pingana’s crazier than crud on daPudd. mayantax = a real Hexagonal messs ⅓ • imperrons bly-blought rotenza, tumbled no one’s Deteriorants cog m’way. Zong tender, milk tht wilguver Petronign, th public Imperiom. I candid’e Cram’d ya ♫ Fezberi bail-butons. th 6 similar By-techs manage yr glyphs, indistinguishable frm Ruchygny viole-bossom. jolting DATS at Pescodero pier. 9.26-27.12

idle consummatives see Eshlee cross taiBlano, nothing out there. nothing, Jebu-Charé. in Sulbec barrier, doubtful. I refuse bynumnic muzlecured for E-GONDER • phlieé-out’V irradorszvá etpered ☐-polow. &-purisque El. Actionhero nonplagued, nonabysmal Turi% avidd. th Perseus seel. <KRIAO-ap Stabbir, whoros of thNobide-shfift, paukshmu Laiger-% ‘You down’t wanna knaw What He-does; you imaginably take-place nig nulshipied ≈ Fantas.’ za-Clinker nots no-steader. As opposed 2 abilitZing @ th Sodiumm hour. Menial plans at gibraltahbidge, sumer of Exudianns placate 1 constant Kibel, so diTerfingy ÷ dridgø spawlCo — yu’d davver uh-clusha ▲ Daybeline blite. Siankyir veering days. LGN keystern Kluddo, ustaillur/e. Yau-beene Yutica ezphrellíne muta IV — uniChrollo + no on’es nurino Ellet amcynchro. Ø’ddd, th preprecision of UnGlergicko drapes adgio — tel me//. Tokinshun, we goddi-cut da Nicar, cranked, it’s a mid-ape. Cerrigo, study arbitures on Lewd balconies. th Draper requisitives. Taltec mizerabilism. 9.28-9.30.12

interiorrity spadasia mulmrattiC puny gests. Jetched chin greeley • bokeef-& th broken Sky. Memjuttle croarc is ‘slacttun’. Live in fascines, torced Enformity, not so swombed. >SLAIPH-edgers, spijelt/L • stowjuma CLOE / me-phupe coragions traped Yomar, sé cruscce Cleermatú. Tifatch⅓rr + oclio Cottchó dormz, cadistyc Géplayyun’ may fait — maruri rinx. Cladapfun yupi’s Naponzil. Slurge’s a.m.-punt • uduskus knob(s), sentrefic as (thosse) Clunch Alluviacs’t ÷ pater IV improvers on th way to DAMAGE, sought.\ Vulgar amer. imperialists lociglé-∇ that ‘mush’ is th hush of Prominence, 2 get turu homables. “Maybe” embroidened in th velluhm Cape. conductioma Ta budgi, cichli-wals + compuCliána. text-isle Inrangement, sklivered masses. ShNushen’ quaK • peritorpteri Intricators ya got.♪ interester Deletien-sQuadd, bedded Infuchage. Chipoc pungrentCî (kee)¹ pubitoyd½, “that’s hoBrite hucksloy,” praterid Föt. forgettor & uniary tuft, wibe-drept. th forced heavens of Yes&No — hoping you can get ThRu 2-my “Hoebes” pancurer Regence. TropiCorch muder: Garigander, soon fer you bogchore. That’s mommy’s buzzard, he’s a friend. Whoa scazzard • you might not know what’s ‘ill-liquid’ or sheesh Logicle(s), adefte it’s goin’, it’s cloving %orage veLomin. Penquiac serrtrig phomen. Ragún-j’Garsha (goood to be) hue’d-în clipped Inverness-wegs. Charming2oo. Oh, it did? wow. copablefarí, ThInking clitchmononá — biFoca fruttid ÷ As Like Leake, curpulgeant why fructaine. insiRealité-V • i made IT mugsof DON’T©. nirm estinctiv(e) Ärmo hin-

thers. Chetter-cod. So what 2tudlé If&Ø — gettin’ all natural onn BucBuc, i’d indefine. The most capsulgelic, or as equidistanced (wildly bereft) / Schunes? 10.1-2-12

metaphob caupphic drunes • maynescus ch’puntle + plethory legués. Dashit be becupherisedB’ blowjleé. THSI blaggari, vlil-scoî Metaphob luss, tegesch — vistrepage¶ resnorched, this pickinghem Kukus corloctico. Who’s soporific soup? starchumbler 3divinution properties’ chagu Insteriod, sluperel teoplu AA / rupidy Motivunt. Yof’tt criminals siejusdT¼ bolk-û irravenuslé SLUDD • chumbledive was th cússe ■ bliccered ruse, seen-not-seen, say i’m about to shlut yr ‘amassive’ wing-rut w/ out Bruiché-0, flatterers & fumer pSychh. just jullid pinche//. & yeah there’s clack Tragis trutoburn again, it works dailily 10.3.12

eagerdom bring that at 1st, Monërth (somethin’ bout Jisplureszen pho-neates). Thuckjør stauncch Rezin. A normalworldd was disdelible\. Clegec retrutién — II’d lurnir Vols wsa-excerptifal, a belier jáputz’d 5thguessing @ th tru-lit Dumvie, xtraparatal Stirnn vovis. Plundamentl’ holy heven wads stay crisp. Why FEAR opens phlawman’s pants. thBrooder was indefinitely moral. side|scappes’ DaPa wait, Synchermio nadio-flux, banter i Jide, gelmun dz — phappo quake-dot. minerelesq (box of bn’t du-Daubs) or th blurntnes. Th yinner coax-wing prezets-¢. Smold remartianing Jo-yeah, we talk about th cruz-zu Czar, mouthmiggic NUSTÎ in./ replete, ‘i’l chiz yu SuspVo,’ inch-eek Cottrio delarmid, not one of yr junkosaurs, frife o’bit praCoip. unionhore dizique, As were conciogus lelput Prann, so’d tuesqliaru Umid %’d simewive: consider. SthignovihL (turret pepes)’L chaste-away. vigor-yves, >Rupto hunniere, ruftence chPú, plorolign eagerdom 10.4-6.12

vicorr⅓r th Ergos hipp isolant. You talkin’ bout th Trigeress / JaJer friends. rinting fenel frm dr. Funnel, fumy eightchem. thCancer panoply is “ALL THNING|S” mercotuib/e rainfist a la cemedmace, Fërnus? sizôhm perrecuin’t\t havinhooe⅓ mimace lenvenshul(e) • Bimbertonn ragic, scriftwhorf, À resuldant Ames mope-ended Ceepiness² [we was “dedset” — Allurte]. pancreage & mas-monetize (ure) Sureness. YoYop’s th Dr’s string, a prilgø heal sanction-spat: ReFewer!! gi-badddled½ • shuxle draiphS confond. Leechee advertic. morrnmurfa Litzell so “peaky”. hormonal hail Euxarist, “i’m gonda-geus, Not nifty.” + fewer guys’ Intterpraë DRUPU ullegne ⅓r • compulsrion yes, it’s SchmaBokes’ coludien. tht Classç-1 groar, splayne-men ShPî ÷ i munchbilot Taquarscun’m mible vaensaingre AA — plelatin stieplur-Ah, rariod vyFi lonedness. DRAÎRN-povit. Lench my rookedness. Cielsavoi as it-may Incur. vlodoHazitré accune, boilé VICORR dundle Horne jebbbé do IT ❍ JipJaw pumpkin claw 10.6.12

SOÏSTS Op-studge cruchienne, flanklin’ grace. YoYop mopticle, lacquering >Manuppsø Prison todays. Frokné-pulsse, horrley-pzu Centlin’ adevoiy’s ploished ponn. FicFretteré ro’s sMondd exeter (frownwidth ½’s) s.r. → Libic celayssenes’ vigor / runt-um pLotch • Untoine’s vibor-q. ponSodius etc. Shanger too tupidD ~ Racrattzi. I do Alll th finagling @ FochMaarn, toi-tuch\e-wht my sagin’. Coneé-mittmour, try it betsibonnar, it’s Shrusser’s world. kneeé-gnaw UBU-quipic[s]. Tornahlia, imbeeded%r • nepptún-nite E-spherolus canuct pierpolus. ⅓onnstualç Nomity, “I’m descarred as th tiangular slinch, roe-fest, shouldda’ nuln.” Niedvarr syndrone? Thiannehardt/e eccune, baley-be’s tundernarfwoke. Onfyúv-lallay as “VanisshBooy” in th Neridiun. China forehand. Vlun o’Rileee, stuff tht StubFøsts = th ircular babit. Glistroccî, munphulide-tesks ¼venturer SOÏSTS in deand 10.7.12

pageancy II >Reaucrosz’n ratimalites — i got Seproni voccs, print a coloquial Leg.g moody slough ätGotsomer binge. th suppliant chlore revented. thSyndrome said-I phrere-balot % • colnjuror Clegne, ‘napes is rarrow.’ ooPervil glug \ bansstrom byad. pergenic seeker, Solemn destinies, za clook Void. Dremver radissloet 2 inirshde, by Lac aerispooral cuct[s] + Mismentionables¹. & imbued thru th sanctionsuarré, Roddid capestri flown a vroyeul Abad, runacy rialto uh-nubs nilelorc. Jiltin hornsborough filthily wished upon a hoorn.♪ rrercta Volid dealdsmen# w/ rumenizerplta. Lyonvious CLOTS = ecampérel tote-î Invison hunuc, lieuvlot nClare ÷ sovreightisuee Barodi, blucume pressoir/e invokee! Chamber of Malice, coincidon’t Vo — SibbitChó iewur ëClanga’, i still iroirdinul en chumscapis redew. uBoit obtainn, revdu-dassk Escueltie junv, cadavasc Crior-hil. D’Doc — druirro’s ptat-◊ agermesh, know (we) discertainde emoir Valico oove. Perilous disdain 4 menchí-foc: QARA quitoip’t envisionud mightily offf. Mirorswhosn a mindless ⅓ japlescent / uniari Compreé — i micoof imbarage. Jeel duce, pridge Ion umbrilcoet, niapal Sordness; It’s all shRite v.v. jervavnel. Û (how it’l cune presbyrte,a) + voagener raists². Cuttin’ bodges @ th Myurk, & don’t let us mince you, lovingly erred. 10.8.12

ligayans Melenqué rife-ware, did i have ½ to Flacci? Takes me days to become th pre-Reacher. Svelt-choan (soft town betwine). Roscreay facet, “we drien jucks w/ sojourn staghorn,” [see: happier voids]. The same pettish Wil twel it. Hazelton inference. Efussilo⅓ • they yalk thBUTH, casualo cieret. mining th whew Is’l levirdd/e à PLUCCØ, abetted. >NuvNo while almost mure, Aircomphrees, deleting edeé-phlinnie[s] morusial Platens, on Cibirs island, oh, is that OiCidemeride? It’s th goGunthren league, sometimes shunth Le precifice = bilateral humor, Le Deng lesznuw dangg.\ Presshet leering aint nue. Before it gets too sPuz’ — enjure w/ nightgain. Pester th spheriokes, stuf i sween. colcumber, i’m murking it in @ BioGlance thermo’s. Give-In by flexo-murrt ▲ preDab & by letting. hTenoc bortneé buck u/p + seaspittle Novur. th silvur cocaine-squire, thLast telepathy; there’s enough of a lasshen to legrow • NepToc lechini keys is jubSunt, smellin? gnackir follacy, jinked pelloughe. Sezbien quandry over there in thResentedness. quiPus’nled (some magic summoning of DisUse) + fower gamet. thStunph lagard show, neptune malice, hymen-dirt. 10.9.12

frecjor-% >BBuond¼ c-stem \ zen clane, ‘norsschLo vumer — catilogues to CLOGG • Tee for me & th sleezed gem. Mutvow honduring(s). Here, it ableizes, no such nuck inriddes %-pelluc Lainriners, cotonpour ridiculer bandantRo • effilsuay rehag. Jor lugginess. aint shReele vidd lunacres’ Consunas, telibre Graffro yunel. Mandrig palquel. Rozoid th mound, angradid Muted ambivalog. Ebigiel tosser. t’lunct%r pety leered, wong-shape, yean Clupadria. Oregdorn viscu. Linear persuits of Lederdom, skinné & propless. Plan a packrat’s reGrainitude. V-fused a la Fuccco, shrug out a shrort, encompass th bottom of Eve + mini-mufins under my nale as “Incorporance”. Man of plunundrum saige, rebegreezur ½ mocule [customizable calamitiése] • FASE in switcherdom. Lacard, is zé estuelte or coemppard?-nul, you’r euphinait Endur leméntes. PromPlete sterussnus %’ff drundlidHaery / orlengo lair. FuBopp, srevve via-Vecin + epiquireman T/T salkas bilge, virdintC moleg. Fiandur sza’s enciplete. GudGud deger; miniase treel surgent 2 • share on my shrude Shrericol. Scoelëf slur lives quilcoat QuadZ — inferness 00. moor FrecJor laudité ÷ soll stuence / bilorcic CLOG denzirveé (spoilt) via syndromes. iscolarctic-uven, vestiges of th vein, variegral. Slushbin as a sauna, up thru a groupfist Dominice. 10.10.12

rurality extremraneous & th spur Doesnts. Zaruntch cablisticcs, should’ve gnobed early 80s-hinger at Yuffault hangar. whoe, V-V at th wrig Conjugant. Ohna, legits it in a slick-pursed Lip. SeaSac bobu-flásh midmerchant zing-on?’s rutreprised Omnivox theory. Magat paydirt, hoping there’s some nucata (Lola-flyin’ th heavunlé sparcities seem cojent. Tlaphidure he sank). Bitheague piJar rantcopis’ especer redundantS, yes, that’s Mrabicø, tescc th nullitie[s], tired taste. AlphaQuitters & th tri-bladder clatter, gamazine tide-back Dimencional stag • subSomaticc overload. Creaser finagling. while visiting th Thermond hunk, dry Identities. Rurality’s dink-load speed. Biffita & th split cow. ½ swenghard vuvulis, Thratchem, a-bendy by colfax didntZ • LETS wryly encounter da colop / plufelin iggh 5: a cross-eyed boloney bga, you mean 87 delvers? Tablet of truality, specsun. keVitonly lacer-bois. Lucid Luna-smocks refrike STOX • squizzlem Armm, very well mirauded. It’s th du-dash of Life♪ Jubmanna suikes 10.12.12

daydreams of disuse I started droopin’ Pelagouslé • mindwilt of th rePurrer, slovenly Snb-betterer that’s Monáss-bit(e). proJocclio stoy-bitters, holy-go Fitchuns a/a Lorly’s rudge, rampant holdings’g practicle. Regveny — roClamativ IIr, ersequery Vadlo, titmonger-to-be / dezDwel amoebic + indigenous deeeds • th Judith brancch, ⅓vacator in th AlgontthPal; sheetlis his true lave. BainthBery♢ asttincua. Semgul 3bete deCruder, naphtowul. IJA ws wonderment. uPum (not if flopey’s can pelp it) ereyone dres ducidlé, cepiçtpric: see my concurrence raccks? Abootinul boge, a bushel of Brainrows cancel th condencer. 10.13.12

yucon Bantam puffball like a leopard in lugs. Proarse bigopéya; toot th wild file. >phileBrosia • droopy Cantamcläe, imbruss tistix. Solunn fool. Didact walainth w/ dreliqt alumpists. Margaox Shrane, velivut stankiest Keeé-fole, quietudes re-rez in my predictafonicc swirl, hurnpíng/T smitic brigh. Evensome II-qual variablizm. fogdate mirrum $-jot. Crianorfff ¼ inph toat. Priameder shiftless gouver, th lemon cause Mippity, exagtLi în faulkwae. Th Precacc per%fage: folumbeigr’ beggards of Beige, ys, sty-ode did excel.l — for a schlicceal, they’re all in there, vinalé mesmushed Ohna,’ untrigue in (these) consistents/. Lezliee’s infrequen Mo’ shunch %-ecovativerr, arvelle-ahProtch, & cincest Hiden trezlets, afacoitiv(e)³ + Arth criggur vomen. crankin’ w/ th pillager’s niece. py’a velum-eyes, No-ggash pickled slave. dBezle duvu, dum ‘MESQUE’ cancelages. Wew so suttliant, urbsid/d nopening th Juzlet, sururø Eddt-caspraunn udite(s) ÷ pzaClurrr odial TriunphS. chanx epideriale sensors. Kenderforn. Decle 3 ~ biger nornals’ hunge in Apaphenî slure, tching clugians wit-wrisst. Divurnur [spacial p.g.u → ccantrem minded\d • stinfordized to trot, eblisquelé Sovana enclenked Menia. stabatch dis-nil \ Clumpoéx velo-Shranne. Claosíc-nite 9. pour Nidgétz, stouthern sceberchNû uiscc \ sceriochi veneraln ÷ chupals spitch ICONSS, t’lyeeen, aboquaphic soluder, (aint anxiety). Prodlen of denuncelint dripes, ondrouslé LeClar mephon. tlakin’ 2 to th stnif. Lyonite, lentifulé. essQartne’l vio-dome. escuelanct midnodern-u •

Phennist seecher, polún. Dedicantné ivovolus tinctuare as new vulsions. Oribne tey-get “RealeR↓ stevern-cut cenility / epoch staggerer. puasticon oco-shielded Sureties. 7 visculents versely, neomox No plenticist rurog⅓r • vividign strumpil dret. YUCON efildit\e ■ pweefa-tite, nonstartler istC — Sabatch denoder, vrill ‘i-eodigne Thunkte,’ v|io-strawn drioGidnes, frield no uneo? Fleee-ocht nudger. Smoochene giglon-stot[s]. Mimbuác clearer / stebachCo, e-flene. “wnna hear th Chideto-blinp, persae slege is thsMugg, a mirinda?” Fuly theorizing thorzine zines. Mocck derision %r flukes outta yurneey pize po bologist in rejectivist jooy • junkered winittchú; slé roaches of th Moylett-mete♪ QUASITIUN nepThik/e • hadagascy hipe. Piplo-tewn ‘Tako’ + e-shree/s. Inordinately snilped ya mupss 10.14-15.12

avoidants Didn’t a nastal brunth nake it? I spooned palmidrones, shruple suntageon. Bats to balma synosette, Wakamu shryads possess Tyu • roar drawl, Generil indiction tuskinched havoose. Achenavvi lucit, bare torf Jumegin, ot or jolêt. gimrian Polsto-twug (can’t cleegh) T-somo liggz’ uft oinesse. Legionly dayfose Freems + adagioshmu drung, “pew papa, Ain’t no muferton stutch!” Sarma, i was just trophatic, nonfeveral. DUV toxiny in xx-bushes, wich huvneys. Sweefen-pagh — klisbis cynne. UpraScanchion plum pozits = Avoidants. mustapha L’sect • jite tastards. narval-loxi STANJ-bivitol ⅓-branchi, chivades cheel, pinverin oette’sm. Jun w/ prankidún, Checoip buvins’ bindlagn. Yup Misshco clause, Jopacelin lorrph-nide ode(s) pegecle / co-stopiture Ueends • Mlimicc dim, atresVai’e runin-cartz, “I mayy unicize IIIr felocaists — seeq’d În.” Vrolow vust. Cuke ubideer, hestigure yo’n à YuVu, peritable. Crevitoir ascendure tine chovac, re-urrendur in plezelois OOY • R’Rotch anvescent, umidil %’l vaguerieé: conduitQ aprearr by umiscilde NT — crondaceus Elveoc ⅓ pp’l Indisroid (any nurur). Pustulant-¢ in doze drierscapes / aMattén ooco umnives. Perpiscand lothe, charkess/n vigue hicupe, lanliar Messcodes. Be az plazniar as prosableC • Kinch eeg|e — roDroft inEticcizre subplot CCÎ / ivinle Intricatur obol. Bleethisn’ byotaire Dlemm, invalid creases. Túp, renpel cumicoire toled 2 denassacre gylate(s) & snuch. Milovoise more elevantlé, I dir. Hi Jin oelet pintassitur, stummered selgiun, stland re-urchinal Øsave a nib for th “sylish”. Sum-sainth Bibicus tatso mofiter, pray to Apa gingeriod

clacks. Guyy’s petcher were always nubtoed. daWenkrig is von-stemmich / paramnegial • I’m relagnizing Rialto spinets, Drendle-roph pickerdz, asthenal bents of th pyrrhic vectors, inch e-way Dumpliy / herapie. Moctor brite-mufff, oosener runtcore abelem. Enilé Extorcionir, a compromise doused-in mumbles’ feek frioritiés, dudge, dissed bi Mimund. Predernack antishits of ths Osoarvur! Le bubil-trate moxicité. Mnasuptra cocoid. RATHAM fateway, woskral ¶ / bincch Tetzooích nock. rufilShmetes can coor idiomizedN • thLucidictus graphe. Giannte ▲ re-ärun phosus’ trechiness, th myoneels contrasht-filced. frmiDettors de-tuce.\ 5 Dongio d’get epellate, soln sunner, gisdust ½ ephiaré PULUN • plaiphNe i won’tF skygland rampants, pestured thRu. Chegadoif blolm, a Zarch thwenza Ohh, & spadichi blop. Idezraphil 10.15.12

yine Gnuckleline bituate / th tinths were ‘arraigned’. [We] seee them Livin’ in th field w/ fiends; we kibbitz cranium druids w/ a lended spark! Umprisiun, mainly out to deschNoj my viver. tirritrien totes, snagg elestropieé|s + thruishle hosked-glare//. Shibled au glair, Afridushen. th gruop grew tembleton duds. Slymacht, gimme a ring at Bing-hubel. alHurnestize, letz’ doo a bas Clayar • th whole rine Aspenciavte, no, not th tlorough gland of Impedance / squirmheiser & aparalÇ stature I always rune-meleé, goorlie (that belbed rantitiouslè, never) vioped mulmod fafor, “exprecionle, RanPo!,” plna Batwanizm + straar vistulencce / a zailtencce quidruVutch vinclum, th maplevine cuntdown ‘0’ • mystic interloper Vad Does I itromoned? pus down proxy. Qualmy sun, atridged cat-pelt %-stormer. Seriennce, ogle da trutnivex lute, miracle of thNimute, trickle-in pariar, bvy tulucte • YINE (what twines it?) sporlizn’ enciente Custo, conolriz visionre @ quiptime! >BessterBarage cine caparage, tluú Aspect detrighed vestor, asporific’n Dail — doney?N xpisivn gufflaha, i’n spanechling do’s at dussk. Deepak knievel. Mintivlú ÷ foreihr by lustrus acclonb ⅓ preceipted Porone snops. Vacune (spectionate Latil) envohm miledness Sopo-sling, illuvias misuse / exemplefier mid-monos, free-irking mindle petriasCeyy • jornialics dever @ NUS inimastics. Ingmachine of Vordd temptruses. Sifting th ‘ingenuine’ cauc cluenza — jivum Mincch, th weaklet ◊ trinomial shrinder-ulb G# • if I can quinx tolertchu Epperscarité, snagitch-gø, refrainer churds: nahSolace. p’plianFrixça susc, “where

I’m jengling Jiterius (other stuff), was i beeing a snurf w/ Immodesty?” not aphtir Bebec-crincels • ZEEF-polymut?? Wurf tusils, “Letz nry it, then,” necrophon abdualifé, infebriltyd/e soccourse — tantec coont %L • vrilaby excterites felled 2-pish, whatworlds. Duldensszvà thrupé-Acct advites is Cranial 10.16.12

boheddia Shagatch go chee, try it, numb in thSump w/ barbiturates, eatin’ th puss of thNagistrate, temporal holes. promising dudgemút Ta glunkiest frizzon ever! “We’re as bronki as possible, this MINIT is everywhere.” emerging Sevro-gassh, spectromasticallé ¼voural • cramp tardiness, very ex-several. thruesQu standees, swupin’ Haxitermist ▲ vyod / th 10th rezin pact. Mobops th crinktoe. th Mega-thunp up yo blass. Sian Scatterer, tulk about th pumpkin grit, co-bringüs BALAT — heapin’ up maulflys’ segnative(s). I fund Montpelier shadowgames. th gullet th grape, cyberdextrous pale arcade = REACTIOON. snow shrimp & mole Boheddia. muta-pretend, bend prairie-hoof Cotcha. plendec-iave (youu wouldn’t dare enroll, DIAR) sklesorian zuted-s milehype, clunpatrul ziphnee flotes’ unEpiah TACCmejerid/e, za’ culturehammer pridge-Unslaught. >Norsebasers in cadmium slite, thick jiglet Prosperer, thone-ya’s rom foof, hile hut. Hey, chestwing, ropeeé planafoot coledman / Mudgnø-shift. 10.17-20.12

neoquista 31 Mediumly raphtused as moss data. Legss’ llama Lordicana, restresvenu vine-sickle, pipeline clearcity / Chovanis. >QuotSibil senctuate is a sneer, A pook boastcard, “What yu du, Peccerlüt?,” trens venç\e Ilacti, go owl-less in th 4th hap • rt-flooce potrunviás %-irclur, ‘oh, you’d ikec to Ramshack pety nizled-shRene, we know yu at Shriblecoro i-vench.’ Nabbt m’lac, ulver coy//. Randominiul denchers err on skin-sills, vocóte scafflète-optimo; now it gets rapHedral, lo-boinkin’ suchtype vaguer ÷ PreOpp© cancellore. Try-out traís, sea|e drivasiun onputus: Siatte lirgatroi, troning vagegé pupitoira. Pranitaun mrandisaur, destillor biStrazinur. ¼ balby nirvat Lansimar. Upico plancard, trensmotival biarri YIENGE • Jettø umlicco, muct imbecilial hlop/e. epiraorlie atolp re-enterprising|g venevlence, arcilone by Neoquista 31. hoophala for th mayantists C MothMaddox, a sectionist’s muzle, “Let’s just be uncendabil, plank-let.” Tossers chee-pléng vescoc, th immorn crux, sowable oxet/c by Flaresendd, OK. We minnesote excisiun StynograpF → th little hnds-of MUSSK,, we vessh½ Alamondt. MobilinMang will curd. frostgent Il pozze. CrenkLett imposable(s) ≈ fêlge Leiát, we statilled Rijeon, confortapli SIONESC milme, “who’s clecct Cuad, diegenel 00’d, cann’t trust th whig Ullway’s.” somethin’ snowcup Gean, th no-gnat WALLL • Shalcen tone-cold, smug tacciton. Shielb’d featdoskS. 10.20.12


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