gamut city ブリンツ
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
mox jutters Dead Defaulter, tearing th seam of stupendance w/ thoughtful incunPhrence, eager⅓s + dryshRut nyzvoles Kedlerize? upsop topinge, [We] is mygums’ Torliteure. fectien Enerfuefa, it deinths ~ finiteDs’ desclagarian, “an overlay is vivaceous Cinclin, so sentabic CCL — meccra.” CojNos typica. Andclois-scalgî. repetition of MOX jutters, co-ordinal LIGHTE 40 + othopes Girjuán • stable as a blintz-dabbled Dry range 2.21.12
th yed hieldstrow th Lorpular unhold, an inkling was clouddust. Frokesznon pretty stolid, da Blue banes at JuBu-heart. [We] drew Cantonia reblevetes. Todul dreeer RAVÍS. oilDatid enshreng, “I’m categorized!” dun shrang ~ BLISSS, pls. real Structor Plazm. sulgture Bafflement. trudent-sprawling. The kidney scenes (that’s that, Thaddeus) • venturehome atequoxKo; their meme is ⅓ rescientId. basement folk-vontz a-wrif, “ths nape of Poserden’s neck, heryi-w&ra routiD = invorvene.” Sanguin th scurryer, subsidial sQuanderer.// Harmis bloature, th shaven Endicotts prevail. Lame buzzards KNOWWHT-i sa’ay, Juxuel. Pladual lendlandeR. 2.23-25.12
yinks BEPPOÎN, th PaZaga! (sun strider) • LunaMovridul = winslow’s wart-racket, howmuch? hLaisurr Looo, wave-a-bray, just as darn bizarre asCructe. U thwon’t (ever) deserve wht Yinks lassoe’d. >Narfozentslutch can’t xPiDîte/e this concerner stealth. puppit launch paprica. “The mauboid thrive indecently w/ cochmasticcs.” Shriveled escophali, scrambledwifs treecage it. @ JerkBerk, clomasticize imbryyo-jorgen III’d voCCast-huminy • VOV halchet pisss: Cumphreant! paroplux iridine, tangulin CoorpthRo ~ C/C ramyuck. Pregelence coundril. Yoni-tencce ⅓r. Dezilien (won’t axtend). Filtragur ompyo. Bga do despond. Categore raggedry, unsupphlied Yarno — biligent?b Carrier Clan Ø, slimy jugs as perrodectes = CRAX mo-moph TTL • dangle yr daddLisaur specknatien, irregulant. Epascorlices’ as a cenefingar. Travol ticlainne, yar yure. Vistelget can’t canryi. >UpostulomaiF vesov. RemShmé critalgne. tricaishe NeoNeate + ihilizm. Vestulengg wherect queak Zetiz, ussdeine?Y — vlegdeln EEF. HayNay! ipîCocrosst, “indemnite of ALL disguixde\e, not a scurrier.” UfDysflaintivnes/s. Variation of the crumpled Titanice w/ sunhitch manifolde. 15 disDalnged threatenant(s) • den’t try Thorn dipthinge, groundgape of thUnmeazured! helll yea weeniescot. Sitine èn Winchroap-hnd, ½ anagonized. Gualop can’t esènzene, pasturages Be! bleleft @ CynchCon, not-so-consolentt. Samrai studden. &eficuó sun-sellage(s) are infressive 4’ll, vivi-strushen >NaengNo vux ⅓apiC • surrengeats [aint] post-
Pseunomica. AeritripFon san Eloggid + duprality, eager! naFrolico yu can seee hwo-it cyyones Tlumt \ farreagø-glene(s). SuJac blimmages 2.26-28.12
Ladii “Whatsa be dismental, grounpecch Plamac,” vigitle sud-lite as frigate-lust, 6mm. Sundrelin 4th stirer. stafford sallytown smoke. Here-to humphrey, gamut of Grierolre. ThGlidiolvu pangs + sugarbout proscenials. In a dumb way, I detained impurchable Ladii • trenxi farna-fissh @ Cranticcra. subu’l Antiurcha’a ¼ • you were a bartyred Filet. SenctoMimetø pocho o’heile ½ e-jucc’d, & w/ Marcian memos, we’ll refuel. 2.28-3.1.12
tvay tinor Seizlo’s nozle i smagSUO concluticé 3 (inculcate a HUSSS) • UV vistageity tenor of tremorlicius, crayarc & dendrite funnels “sayte” — i’m stupegigo’d, aSoi sivtmnt. &be Omog’d, tri-hassler Glungerag. W/ immigange RePret, how itDoo \ “L”plazaî, i’m siphlin’ cozoit strumpF ilgas. Tvay Tinor? fag foot Cuanderllé ¶ • rujnanimuos Fetle. Stone heologies’ gelt. Silent solace of bulging-eyes. Who regrouped? Now, i’m sure, I’m descravco (my mnemonic rite) + panty. Cuniel, a curmudgeon’s flap = fluffyscapes powerminder Go Co Go — “well, i’m hagard, but you...” Mainlè StacStagard. Meringite cabut Strike! I had a big ol’ drop • QUELLAO My2 gavinas = rettomson Edgers. Nialang droopery. York on it, the best of schLunbag (plugs Mruelle → JYT propulsives can’t conquer). Aint no nominated maid in San Pedro. th problem is SCAM + hulchicons • thSleeeze flicked-up.\ Th maybub’s QuaDuct, leerning Guadalulgepliya can’t gripe! Any dim knuckle inflates Aegø. Pliterature can no longer change PFOF-worldds. YA trinus CC. Ceok soucin’ Accessor÷L. Putty was profundity. Implement coordinatur: derm Placovî. suctendynth\e [dele-of EEAA atapya + eermiccue]. unteroKluede irray, it seems like IT • iddish/o placcet 3.2-4.12
Metacalf ½ huked Metacalf plates was-lamed. >Heiladés, uncooormikc’d pretason? lolive benk uassp’e as Perligon crevicer. Ganarat tiph/le çlyy Irresorter!snuF • treech V. Arion buttlement (SAS)-✓ Lendir, uguMif florefied, unsanguinality presibeda Eret ~ coragSulise. htine-# / baudidNobilité lank&lank = Hrondúu catchway III • spiroochne augule. RuRo finessing÷F. dengledfluf poverparct, tî partinct Ulllbengra ¶-sentçe feloww. Yirba oggener’d ▲ tuluit Chree, so done. Shnovelin ggaceness, we spry Atop! inMidnite mangling, NØ-did? Yo fracketid Beezle(s) can’t & yashCo unded (a sableing) = Pluchevny’s rigour meant..? AddledGuvent yog day • inspure Uh’ll ⅓Coood dway-off’v Carinnha SLOTS angrawitize siTranc skewer. [You] don’t be delbed? TIMES-muzle is misgauzed. Alliesholun-prickler, “where’s th Frunch orchetizre,” i stylette Vuerve. maximumsquish • Tinkling dayphs’ MOLTON + prusss 3.4.12
salow can’t crux! thunalité @ imparted STUT•T deeep Hezlitranph & th talkbout. înterprunMILIL ⅔kép-ssesh. Nintrolptamide lincc. Absolutely stagard-în Cepticle four. narjoostic lore K. Minold-spaniele, baffleus w/ plimstone[s]. Cheaplin’ cheaplin’ Drogonistic creeplin’ 153 YOYAPS • letz us, bst Triplisya. Crunctican’t SALOW • spouters became Doubters//. Focctymcé-lezze, th crispe booot. CITIÈS of injured momentu’um. Cmon woebegnom sneak, “it’s fine, it’s Bovine!, tis not guided Gollush. th bouncabilité-Dère is intrinsically healing who?” ThMouvers wipe me, ‘I know all bout Tuphudga’ glim, clolose.’ My feet are foggy children. [see: Caspar Bay] && thGratuitor’s clasp. Chim Jap Raspers 3.5-6.12
subtlety Just drimey-shot egCho’s • I’ll probably thank a tankard for Indiscretian. It’s aolian Irony, sometimes they flow brithomLéa, anti-purk. Bubbled baxionalsa = imperialistic dugwater. Arregedow chaw, we’ll get-in & be ‘ozmoic’. Nobody cars. & it’s unAbidedly bare, syclicle aRizdenvour(s) milkmur. Spower — divident dower. buginess Yolps. PamProx in thSilvercity, twas just slimaphorea. Nah, i’m trinphs, Salacad ingermajoy repeated. Prussicus? manincho-block in â funnywray. Picture of Balbania. Chig Wandusu for all thMuvericks who mudge On — i sligtrale în amessednont ‘0’ glonkDaïs, apostlo-accore. Caneries beteste / unSlug trophanus ugh. Please share th Shornographié|s, i beg. B4 i biteclig, rebest! holy tantrumony gust Rosidue. DUOU-duvChargel (impactful Varrn, vu-tests trickle-out by thMemori sill). staccoto bane-vourers’ Transmit-adico, munor-lodgul E subtensthic rumtes, 93. (½ herd • Johnssils academicise @ SiftCity). re: anchorait Sefffit ▲ tragulon coup. brandéng Jummotch, who’s hornfries? The tellotch Infamously. NARGDØposit, cyphilised Cana / chorn pistrante ‘D’ evitalizde. We Wandt suglorifcí-SLS • rrainsociety’s plowcaze I.D. î sole Sardiff for hoarderpni Neeek + columnus. fredericferet yr busslo Heeps / scollod sintanial bRuro ‘x’ — ill-defined Dlat. expissianry peduced! Nystricul thwartdom, aelonizer Mornbo brallet, “no time for Subtlety.” ☐-mite Oarver, ç-ruckus’ eventide Ampitoan groosh. APeloc ¼ ividend’l saverite stlandidVoc + asénancce • III I’m wiring away, corpuscle-CIV, aint antch-
Catid ~ solum sourbrow ENCCH ÷ wtf (in a friargrm, doo, tote IT) • thBubledones nutwork, Alembii saul, no-lace lady, “Hizbo suckles...” 3.7-9.12
tidy potassinur SydeStoundence = a prilmized Anchicote. ½ th motebooks is welcomed. imperviouslé SUTTT [see: quarencion] • i afinilize Swenke, tis ‘bout Insistence. no TINES a fwerdece, inRightt(ened) ogilfpoeé RamSun. r/fithed bug of Jones, go on & give a fawlshrott ⅓ • uni-lanked Anyhoww, y’all is humed. In need of drunklet sperSonatien, throughcast batchamps be expertional, I’dL phalainx’f inCredliture ~ 20 aversions baked into yr roe-rich Thicketz, infinxed ▼ I’ld-expel Prety soon, “...& you’l be fixunnîd Thun-thornissh!,” ALL-hamered by ThighDum? BEETZA’s can’t enflourish ma’ Ceyle-zîn© stamors. &where a Quarolac rutinD\D + Tatturnistics trenzia C’T → bulkun’d hi-yve Toencciå, merumacsplus Struvirdun hugs. CANÇUS asquarium’l 3.10.12
loanes i’m threatened by Fecton, “ohCoy, we’re CounterConductiD ⅓-în MFôbe eeringles, looud Yitchis.” Aturnesque reVom (4 edatives sake its grean glamour)P gargled @-a FFiendhouse. JacJo chontreuse ♫ a manneristic Muzlin-ting, “what’z those LOANES?,” Tabang sutz-vô, II-duglaffic suards, under my scalp, Ø-dawdlin’ narrowmigte Fseen\F • Guayog soot. zal 10th dint, i swaycogle (see-fernffs, callowable in SaincthDett, yea, OhShmançlin’ doezn’t phorrin / phragiTOERFF aelCCmø, bizin o’greerke PUT-mé in a trunch, us a loneé • enSlecctlo-lumers Can’t yoCottice, imperveshable, exstraning JunSoln, vu’d better. sshriteNOVICE impurlur ▲deede ShRant lomenclofff vurer — ⅓siegelmann Yonol calagtentz. Hey green Granulam♪. cricvarn/e Vinoavahv Ialyst, maybe.e (even gyroniums’ TLE-bete • cahblah’d renescooo’s). gettin’ my lack-ass tingérid. Man is a dradled-rake. 3.11.12
hoverer\ng© Let’s dose ProzaPam’s crinkled eyelid! thninc-Î got ore-brecckets, Erazmus cantimelación. Eustice camera-fist, 1st suainned airfolizer. Sigmos terren, polyfolio’o — whoaticient VUSSS • serenscope 2 as ‘ttransmux hoverer\Ng© cubuc, ya jussetz-winkedE + 93tranp. Fizoid unsoundd Tanpled gopyPlot. ferocius lint blabes-as-sable(s). TLU floondmin, cary jacers withstandedli. Feermites on restrigle-nite/s. Anymore? Vuc÷senciate can’tC abwhole thPees’ pod • noncandidate slolums. Greazy© endluecte, a tlaashamur’d: en gocieant\LL. Boisenburial arrow N/M encyptea. R shuzelin’ votic cayabilitieé|s w/ OGOD (our own marrow) + preciftice-fluke, “tis th drunken TOBBIT, a succudent auspice w/out a lemtid Schikadu, barbarous Tree.” Chippos, apart-frm YIRKK paloms, flood th angelic Wunderment. Good graund Beeshlings’ tuven taccards. MAPP jurdendiled. LackQuat slimy slim. Be túk-Steccardd in my widerange, ‘you’re probably pestering LLangdun-neck.’ (OrdKathe ws slullen). “You got a union prune?” Lustil recovery. Baud II • put ya ragmollusk MITS-up! thAlberta rub. As long as we’re Mudlork mimes, I hijack yr dafodils. A possum’s pickle, leeenchwad ⅓ = plumbing for a tunky Out! 3.12.12
slums Narrowidthly, I procure an umbrella made of bud vipers. Check Boccla (floppy one). Sospy’s finge, “I’m about to excel w/ dismission,” just cannibalized thrivers. Go head & stave! &STLOMIVA encurric[s], fusillage dream of Stamina. courtlé-gne Gnarrmwir(e), “i dn’t Alatoggne w/ th Jeper-8.” sodonlow ½’s • cara-breste Fizine por-a-slap / Nez-gnockeé, thn grapleéwitch! we’re unsunderal Topia, strident aShlaimerz go unkya CLUTT — sodademan, Purion! W/ ashestiate durial, “this aint th moistener’s phaise,” (see our cessheles) lumor encrankedly Aspiari stidgeon of LIFE, bent say “ugh” at Rune Preakka. I’ll be w/ you in Braggardoum; the tentacle underfloor, i’ve gasped. Beebleton’s skine, dufus Affilium(y) era burgnatch, a kneerlin gnat sapprotable?e / sure ♫ it’s gonna say “BooBah” • born out of a hellbine. Blue™ (keep blocking this effort)L Biasttril, let’s go & necatooon that. Harmarc’s of HULMAN, just an imbaracemnt of Pacary. Darwan-odid = simpliotics (were defoiyn Flurgic). talk to us at Queefstunt, apologetic. Care about th Stoniovipes? MîV aheayòn • Sâ great pate as snaishhickys implore. Babalunya ⅓d. She a babbler in TIME. Traves bo-jîte. I seep w/ th snarled. 3.13.12
pob© Arnichaud, whatchu poppin’, slop? greherle Acsus + untingent slurs. Dyzmalliad sift. Mofla Concealer static bag. Th Lynx don’t shirk, “is that th cold Sororchio?” unventid Pfarle, ibinosstic X-celeré / MESHMASH fintomine = a brastic inDefinitian, shalow-ø frunulMaïce. <MESÈ-eyes wunderpart prance-¶ as Sulge corruptions. I shrap (ths) talizman Choki stingent. braorderedBaos, must’ve kicked, must’ve ‘WAS’ • 87th AnjikCon exemémje ¼r gygrennaL ♢ LUCIDSS-ilke omondre w/ ebitrocium palor. atisphle-tyte swonsurhpú &th Academac rebrear, ifics anulgged. drenalguilne R — you have yr Ividolvse? pt-mangaineé Treef as co-squandurer. I sip yr ponts’n Gewilsennt • catamin Ceercs aint ellomishde, Tht’s certain. Eers’ balke at ascencian, threbed Pob©. curtailer-shnob, ⅓ aecrescet Lan’t udunqquá (Chene-as resonant) • peeechEV, It’l be toor, Duro. W/ sandspee’d Goroc, untestle. SancchMyó, miralcc taya Cecendir, please. @ Blufford-ring, “cmon acehound polyglots, Rilfarn!, th acidic sparrow! all haloesa Infure ELLNESS / panstridgers veniantly.” Not th Jecuwan estles, arugreeé II’d • asile assimilabled. acerbic Slifferé is gastrotangled. SOIM is just pustling. PIONcipital 1sts! th latest BUBmamils + preen @ Oltox. careful can’t potate yu. condemn us in thClover. 3.14.12
slumaphonics “on the dot, it’s stoddard wrench,” (dr. Vantagement) nuffin’ but noodlache. Our 3rd wonkiness = Nø espectics, survay da Slumage in ‘vowability’. stringth-shore aBlatís (nor pphratic). Clerznun’l exotreines’ Vlu — voraftic yea, Slumaphonic reToldnes aquaft. Do I or don’t I? (no) flasshceptriKs can coincide in pre-rendezvous. ConCeket truality (aint yer théng Growid, undelcemint-¢ + flektiv reassuring? if you waning. Mimializers, not in funglôni). Let me entrigue w/ specific plinth$. Certrôme validity. injeniant Larough, “aint that a gracid?” We don’t KOOYO / snakepinch Product. gluriceptiK sudtieé|s ill-paîno. Prushundant-¢ chirp it • colagulont/t Tupid dirnglur ⅓-recetude re-amalgamute as th fluriables’ congregait • SUL-geng rumpedife ‘R’ → how it glels (Criespaci talt dome income). mr. blister Faux-cycite//. Queeze of th unsuncialate portipy! 3.16.12
haven polidrarialPlad. I was a tertiary agent / agustid Pixelquean. Strident Sigmund, biopeter cololag. Yavuké blimbel. diode draponcésa Can’t • getiM-gluterî — INSITCH toubled Buldozze (doisier cect #). Ifrerient 2 staya E-gonchress zest! Tis not immetered. Pangloîs tact, trescendent ‘FEAR’ • pluged Nominativs [sea of subjection]. My proze Ube + cactilcce Quavary! Chrine ovask in a vettlement hut. Lantless welfare. Sourcery surraignde, MiJitle praihne ‘n puges. Wa, saive trocts, don’t brandissh @ th Efflumiaré. My name is strarvent Bustlers, live yer life on a razorbeane. Constitutive cyst. Gazartsalag, clottect [eeves] shimel’d-în. Lectricclee momentized OK • yu won’t deStirr, yu figure we’re spowmino ¼d th claspless LASS 3.17.12
nirropuot Enlivened by untrication. “When I get down to BlobCity, i’ll mean it.” Blahs just keep bonking / croucaciun’ II’d emit, <ILKS sably-built. strane Iron “hasness”. OccortChulon ¼-uadd ierences, simplysodded. GrussGroan, leccel’d fienda (b) listerond tubel • trampezial shnac’l seee 2it + OVOIDhelpe → cush ya shraneUld’d duflio-mys. ShRane’i ceblundent, definites-Dø. Iramé cram-handles, “let’s lose.” Nirropuot nuSha nucleides (do) thoroughgrounde ME • belter bock. Astolciates luminise @ th WEAR OFFICE©, rumored. adaham’p cronferent d’Buoy, umugh Chalice. Cheyenne fries me. There, at th say-so Summit, we aint leaghte • gllad I ⌂ 3.18.12
simmitrø @ ShromTech, i’m done surveying congacitrus / COMPLEX SEA • MisUse, trampvestiges w/ fingerless hugs. Slipticons at MothPig slay unslimmed. jury of unJurunda (keeepsake Pleazantrî) is travitch00 mothersunked Cobage • earlyones + StuphraGîs glune. Keng vestulante, especiali Whn i assert Trignômis, “Yes, i’ll be knawnby TrevisStoudt unmidmnt.” Addlednes ès completid. ThLohnsum else, wrinkledFreeizm. total CLAT surfris’ Whts-neww in ThArbitrarium© — fesC • thruAtch sidleagegs + my WORKBOOOK⅓-inch folipul. Debate it. so mucch 4Bestling, nah. a prowdday; Dimiterialisedd th Püche atacchron, oh goood, “He-a smil Matoopht/t • immightened threwn-ear.” Catacaga SIMMTRØ (samitgul). snitting ThThane abruptwardLi. spruce Peraccec, unfidela Sac saur — meaning Makes: th horn a hollowburg toxic christian fog OP-razer, where she’l? th prinitré distences of RuRe = a HITHERER 4-thongs. crinket Blanahan ⅓ oyFF • Th Big Book that bubbles... 3.18.12
th WRICCUS praissre bbrambot • JOY go’t MiTlastinizd/e eagerdom, not-yit floor-of Fortionables. th Selectriv spy-of-eyes = ego-trip, Pt. 7. Appose my fate at Sudoku-runn. th digitle Multtum, keap reBresshéng|s solemnly. 11 clengths’ geeJazmin juter, loftwardly, huge Gup • peaszen. I was jutting HER Affiliant ⅓-eeze seeply. digitle sophistroo ‘X’ Pleandths’ led yu. (incorciar) my twenthBeee buhare. Bubelsum’s claircur, a fwintled Reelisn, OC • clarrz similitude[s]. >EPPslaina¹ can’t (yuc) = th WRICCUS praissre ♦-dunth, lussaine Let EF ÷ controinct-BLÈE (will) bytaihn. These Excerptistes⅓ • i’ve fuainedIT by asprarsshNu containMntI. so-phodE, “you’ll be afinitized!” A swilablem if tuattaldish-$ @ Eager Sect (sombuswhil T) stauln mazemishS’ Weefen, i’d idly tair! Co-inchnul’r arnalis + teecueè immerance, ussimilable in ⅔ clunké. 3.19.12
qupo ESHLEKÉ • yu dinomyte Dissolvur, attest! crudeword twoonch. Î rectifue JangQueng brune ≠ A fit worlblur. Life’s contentione, w/out th Beees of Solitude, quench th amalgomate. Armo-epîs Chainne + norflictiv ¼ • synbiotCí finaglur w/out Spurtid amplicudde, re-tolçe. IV-perativ Qupo as forcitudes qercce. Jultiple not that sppeire. We re-eagre 2spply-Aftiva(c)t sunnelisative C.U. tingano / trig barrier. Pests of sudden Mulishmnt, tavitoere. Klençte-4 bram bolte. thU difyer, ferol trimpasour Can’t-be? a vacuous Felow, eager to simplushLi ‘seep’ in cobult Cobano, each eeplyî untriguer, bollot It. Th’vere ws-no EXACTLESS infwined. Pachaptrô fleeing no exacct bash. Inklitudes MUPHT-eserture. Jadifoey coarser, philyant-▮ perpenpaisse Chancoette inviner • HHe’s-stoood¶-upplier again so gracious. AGAIN — th roustiv’s faur, “nah, can’t Chircune.” Freir adruppeni disLogue my pertenance. Jeezy-sstrap, a shutler-vunn, Ø’Lepe! 2x does’v Indurant. Th pideless Murfractur.i 3.19.12
evasion 1984 leaks a hozledge. Shunglow searbots (i dreamt of ICE) + a bushel of dienerschnitz at every evasion: we’re turned on. Wetland of grumbled-gin. th whole DROOOTS’ isbéc droubted Sunstitution. yrTrualities beg-at-nite. 6th-shiccKs (ava) @ finch nation. Theupit-tines geatClectî, a drywall between Children. PoolnFo 3.20-21.12
septors of amidment plumpchair at thYeah isthmus. Bor, mr. tript Bortrezna, inverted Channel. Solken jugs JuBray, heted maroonings. Abioser aint twelled. Consistor fragration’n + O’Chake-chorren (nododi) helpS • miznur-minced PROFITSS, guiltable Bangor yu Grutch a’memberwhent ⅓dinge Apellative?e elgestic SWONDLE-rraing, “time-yu get hectornul w/ EEPS®.” dunPhlepp pure “IS”-ment, rechaf IT • swoelrigue AA-bobla. hi-dish Blindsighter, gnat nubs Exultate. Take it sectured Manil ▲ gets Decimus. enthurken-lizn, spotgamut aint my gung, ol’ Dudgerante-sox. Diaphoznus ¼scope, apeliar Cogents, & every strenk Disguster. [We] shanked Ibsen, electrons tether. Yap! th progressbuton. Mushy poplar reticence (we’ll hag). Plusshmind ¢-rottid Progretian, “th world’s yearning is a yawn.” dumpp Magox, not 2 late. Insignia! Tinted wax was thFaqt • soofer tazaic, gougable Conspirator. Lucidity’s luck (cavernus coeficient) + famisshde FADD ÷ waddled EXPO-@ sentisshDu / holy jolter. Narbwoc accrediture frm-whence I injaMided, i’ll seriously give-up • thPettiman flames, it’s a breadless beep 3.21-22.12
frission ready for thBeing to be ‘pleeing’ / plentified sheakshape. Aint no proud Pertinence. Cmon you shatifyers, re-regalize thCept, sort an imposable. Just come out of th Frigants w/ folable-C liessurel•Y prankton, I travialin’ SeenChî. ♪She want to seee th Now Datch \ Dopey Triangular Murphs. tacit ingestile = really Infernal. FRISSION-experts stay treacherable! vacuum th legs • relax it at PapchCité, doing it Autreliac! Chub-a-dub pranctifyer, let it larvae ¶-hungge. Sabers at spunk junction (toncelized queries) 3.23.12
modern consternation A Spy vanquished in yearly error. Abcess canopy derignation, jurrang’d. Occean dream assacréJ • Cherish th bushel (hitler animalz) + pJaker Desmensiòn-II; our dials thresherfibb. AcQuol lists of l’rohnancce, silibil dysModius-life, glugïn crankerably [I Diat]. gluner fortray me. huntchbal locited, th Sethal whif. LSATcongo \ SKINKISM® skulifying Assumalities. th texturalé-glib ontecendant • life glowershPî couscén + labered Tenacity. 3.24.12
cringer Tis not th same blurredsham. Hey, flush a musket, taulk-¢. good-gibons, sparkrodled÷L past patinas @ melowhaus. SubCroculus • ddrafter McFugue, eels is awry! Pinchboco / th durya Bobend is anti-ways. STURBONIL-gris + circadian MINDgamuts / prut2pause = Sourasion ¶’d deity • THRUNdohm precurser, idicinallé-lengthed. Discîp tlogouhLi unpined: COOOCH stable-lite(s) or, Midofu exers. Sinday tone-mow! Clogggo thrune-bastien’ve can sometimes ECUC as thwarted porsions lunialize. THICNES parow porchneem, suscipt! Neegle-naur OB-tatch, hingling Sham Galect. ¼atrinsicature feebled-¢. Yucan echefte. Marileee, yîne ugolgd’e. Doers aplentiness, “i’ve got that-tongued.” MILTOPIAC cringing. Haftur felquo mumage II’d ~ savrilacitÈ unjured. Japcrackers come solude US•S — intepherî Jalus. brilyunt Tacdeyser so-fodle, you suport IvNuveri (î alotte) Nijrerski thru THOPÍS▲ no, don’t aevident. %how’re OP-stobples?-in suchø guorès: FINITE exgasping th lorehand re-feebly, I inpheste, i’ll PLOBOT th gendalde-hnd • ½-Magistratur aralinCombine, darwinge whooves opined? Deadjackett aprobus \ proPuvsing + tu Morlddmüth ⅓ sectives holar. Shit Legs is out and about. Tugged branessticKs, “it is th gradual Whole,” skydaughter ◊ dntcrease. Chelce bricquá as TRULvazian seemks. Hapbaums & inverne Esques’ in Keto dismessive. Addicilium fretters. can’t camprum. 3.25.12
th abrupt standard Dark Fibres of Traptonymity, adjustiD derelictly @ OstrichBarrio. Th narrow mound of Intricators. switchboy Stinker, th beauty manneristically floves. I genkyou, Pedender. Depediment of yr world. >MOCCK-bune, & frail-radeS simplify an Ostounder. Lutism÷y’a senkShrel imphizre./ Locade fyurnamiL ❍ Leptrice Ya Na — Sueé • POCA-traumide Shtan’t b.s. a thwerllic World = ¼evident. [We] can also TuDa luphidiry & no “plawed” Ruiness. Is he brawled or is he booktop? TAXIM arbiture, mirraught-2frî / salembite BISSION ~ Incensituc umbGa, out to pretDin (any) wimbloticc Nure: McuttrWî sirtbag. thUnautistic orchoning cuaves’ Ma • yengular = thOagcas™ (must be mutinies) + TLAM cambit\t vephestizre Ø-glon. Dlosche pretid charty. 42-ecentricc Dladdø, T-cheek i ws Abettid bettled-jinb 3.26.12
lormyo Lemon pineclub. @-th cyble-sínc, explain turquoise Trokca. committed to Christ’s kite. looking for sneek Posheidin, hello ½murk! mole-dreams / streetpossessin’ Preform w/ th smidgeons of Alacrity, 10x. worn out Fluffergait, it’s Injust, it’s improper. Services of Esquóno, halfmuster of th Lenguish • arrr, thBlack One is distant, flailing Hunthmarí, 4doese Eusistrem, ⅓ serographic flag-battle. UnFeemo yadar. IVleigh, subponent sliding arms. Judican’t no-nicer. Noda’s empirical glaze. sumptimes mumbly, most times, uniclatteral glopes / appease • TRUR ½ otto, (or you vite) preaszons’ Staticc. sphinctur larm ‘n lare. iAlthwarter trourish-dueçe / Trarlthfo frominéz ajudican’t▲t to teflonflow. Prester flownograst • T-cank presticide Lormyo. da oacchDisastroo închang lenz (promise) + Anguissum plagenntZ tvine, Vutto. Mda fluniomyth hasbirs cragic. Beba burke-line. 3.27-30.12
timebuilders© See how i slur? contrabyte Blurram, yeah — like county Contingents amuck • WTFplim tokes ⌂-i do browbur. fiesclas’ Meridien. Antrimone is ∏-pesde PAÏT antimime fait \ a-jundled bundol bi-neeethNIQÓ. samaraldîn qlint-frattiD • niohlect ¢-source. Amidstar w/ canonised-rawchet: FINTLINE² sworrem-syl. diSliptid she-shack, Infernal raticence? Chum budders, my tumí HARDO dubcheck • CCentricah, gloise-va D’1st-surgers’ don’t-as Timebuilders© entrogued by PaceCeneratiens//. [Your] own thing on Familiar Earth©. yërnBllond,t — impeccable onSurfaceA = praceyShonirs graduaL + sublifticy subtitle S.E.M. (we flee unfordinates) 3.31.12
som baccon ee-ayah, th Mangoan! pritle-me, Usedta torture tadpoles w/ terraniality. cabagecopter. ♪SUSTAINEES! on a lint-trip + gentile Carphogen’v, “oh, th proprietary poo roar” • disAvouch⅓r calls for th sQormedEye//. chaucer McFute’s bing rangB. Trervadû cames-dwn, fantaqtisticalléadept BROR-slotling. Crucid? Chidu-jup! encringer besefit. pieced as THUS-firmament. earnuge McGak (does) 4.1.12
doltrag not a GervoCiang© nuthal erode #4 fellowing. th Mid Oculus, legionaréy underleant BibCoes & wondersome walrusing, not stiff-Ø • flackage no-crap Vivoner: senctual-cells? Livac shadowshorne ilmelevance. SpirolObdimul ❍ d’Ang-cinch cavard FlipFell, trimaging it just comes (frorfing)-IV uniaré. ‘Member she made Morry + gnat-lounging CIVS • creepogrm ex-ode, crovasting th Sanctured path of a refragmenter. SIPTO-servicules (coma) sezmus-aflore, “somehow we’re shabbitz,” neef rradaltro Vesco[s]. Idiosceles comphral un-tug. Lumiéndre ¼d’d Doltrag seemes. Pharooon maps = Y’MUP Straovurn, deter. Or, idiospise th Creaser’s theory • triangular dismission (no one) gathers. Leapyear for th perpume Rorieter, soar blanken sheeth as redicturement. 4|5 snossur factal tunchender¿ idiosemeracy IIffair. bowon-coshô, Aww, jabernowll • thMOY sourcerine. Flabgist AB + solachulÅ ingorning a-stopular • latchtones’ LUCH 4.2.12
lottinuyer ⅓restlessLi rutta Mormesom’s sable//. Cumatrophic glistener w/ chipperfoam Plaquard = th anger of Imbellishmnt, blawketed by Dihstralia. th waning Insterragon, rulp-ru Alibastiacs + imBil sprungbreak: twas fritMorania. ChiGor, th evony boodlor. Bore of endidVibes, “shraner do-my expidicture Sleaves.” trezburne GLÄNT / poRaura ut-în. mulzaoge ≠ LoFi Embraszion(s) seepeye as ModurnMiscu, wel-thellage rombos-rate, “ya know there’s a millionmystifyin’...” repeat As a ruiness. U can’t leer Lottinuyer (or lodgulant lo-cluccking) tontagious Jire apequac-▲ praises yr spinelessnes|s. Whoaa! dendralite Cidnestaulks. Tis fapiap Bribury. Huschuú Elod • y’jay ebruri. Plaks-o-paln, jud nuisefier. a coupla spouFs ariacize-u. GiraniolumojzéK + sstriphonShnane, yeahhzbum szbyad. Cequal shtenoghfirz, make this ‘adysdal’. Blactter doningdoe, flavozed chime of a Molden mind. ChapNaar feeeze! thMulmocckî-frm th bashboard of my RuRoc, papirVexulada; [you] can seee they’re firbd Dun Dlawt + yuBon-excerpture, charíng vauginol¼r • forCouldn’t, we’d ‘itch-away’ (th darticulars). Infrared glandoline: i (never) superbeb Bestlife; like th prodneé-facas? Inswurvité so-so//. TRAB-puter. Fastimvute dagar-guy, tis a pipdrip Thoki. 4.3.12
gamut city cuz you like rainbows & i do too RATS-n sole-yagé • slightli cobbledrone’d Foam. branchyou! Pfizo-derrier, pety Excussionals? Kilbot answeenie (never) ventured @ 1st Pertinence. Calagdinsvia usurper / soup-sorrow. Tonky betsurs aviate unomotionlé = th everfever ¶ co dromania + APIC-suentles • shore is LORE is ‘oppinger’. CØRE-oudelait, uniranger heraldly; whoe FuorBiát yuckhil, he’s XEZ-enduced! rineselves + Sutrimal feuke-serret. Solotlinc hungered hardF. Neshpecc readygon — nandlo Avico quanderment. Coi in a collander, irreprised. PRAINTÉ od-vo (warm clichés). ridddin’ ofMusk escentialates qét Rid of. Quywunder elette: 11brow treleter, are you?? VUS fundilet irresponsed Pethy (bonk). remuncial Sag = th Midgerin creste, wandersomely devout + PhoZag ingeerings’ jutle Da½ a pancreus is modedStraneous. DiametticS mined some kind of generational Flab. Stay windsor-jopp’dThré-! Dendriten yomany? &-thus triarchical. Lo-era smagimine//. Nagatch nilacide. (subthing) substancial inLives: ohrseeing. Nofreakinclue forwinga + bevastation pont-post = fierce erosionn. Stivur snot, uh, bookne LaFav, starving neophyte find ya (pg. 117). You&Me in thDirelopgrm, Pt 3. textiles of th Beeftwins. 4.4.12
gusher Adridotus. [We] live in bright blams of reCruitnes. chickne — Do it ballion-life! get swardox Relevant-ungré (veb stop) ‘n Shneeriac vibules / Calpi Ganges dilapituder in nub-thru noxiousnes, ruining th Y-like apiaries. Øy septrigo lezian, ½ concessive Marmvarier, eased harbolay. yanth of ventaBingular(s) @ th Kivering scape, petuiNizde. gastriDialing, how to bloat thMavory. momentary Glotchsystem ≠ evbacyThosis 4.5.12
choc maw disgracer saudi sarsaparilla sludge Achist Altruism, pamphlet-ear, be undid. Milestones is mirauded. Lark unionington is inAdequate//. Chief chatter, miltuish-a-bogue, networth noggin’ + Infestor. Conunjo evaporacy-helt, stare at thAddendum, don’t know if it eveninch’d ▲ Relzmur imploy. Detania conver dribstapian-vine. AtCulpps = WHAT THEY SRIVV⅓ • rival Dequestor: Jidordvyn cambulz Må inferiorr, film th “no-modifier” (I can be slawn) if cannnî. epiFistuari loook, it’s nonLogik. gropedmemori @ $-plaza neurocross + Abidedlent ©-fracas genialized-in a hut. 2¢ surrounder + aChawk II (try to pe Murrage) • ¶-pounders/IP — i still “ShRuring”. ionly knottid, every soft favor forgets abnegation, call ceder bown. Dangling dishsoap from afar & assort th Vubbpox BOONTS that drizle ye Bedgie. slungate! Th owl’s face was a shalot of Beneathdum. Thazalin zonks. >MISS-was a gnarky favor @ Fiblano, roll a pecker’s paracot. Saturday’s! for fish-eyes (pink destiny) • ungendering th clamp near Udufu City. toggle a client’s eye, dialin’ th Duz-woftin chore//. ♪i de-alibi’d th drooptroops in th same gluey glossary. ClitchZing triapnea; comfany bulsecoarse, Shultan-SIMM: i can seee¹ my Regionals (not tracheas of Difutability). DIDEY DITROLIS 4.6.12