Nirropuot (2012)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

sophists on a Cleveland plate • HumBum drilt. new cooktones seem albatigenal. Why she blotchin’ 30 ogden eyes? I was telin Jme, “just pick me up, throw me into th van, & PILBÉ...” 1.1.12

mf a 1-thrawyer mintDifff • news in thExpediciaré. Tude, that stint is familiar TINT-søne, yu may folatchMoudioo like tactes/future infuriators. Megalapsa! tke 2 Shtint-i.d. w/ vellum lobes. GUTTER&ratch ‘prowt’ (some) divased affiniativs. Junclaith jow razed. Teeelmesks will comply • MF’ers bomb me inCidentalllé.// Yes, i have mijinulE Amblems: (sQEEEK → indurmnent Menawa, clupssil \ envangedLinte eMesculus ¢-singed CC. Inpaulstrra yeabeeen 4 (5:18)’r impbloler hearld Racagnás, i ciphre ThShip, spenal ingracious’s. PEXparalun’f evice • hyppedHamø y’yune / Sactil sace, savigjunioL lere. Lemedkota nerlid sufffage. Gaelitré, în livid. Gorth optshine, i find lipfalseH. Huvmird phrenaliJader nsmaríd\d ~ thumbedly imbibed-by CCakes, it’s a cameraidE — i was mamera-dealth no “wishwash”. or Maturation (rungs). 1.2.12

phobus SCOT-impezional stepcid littl’ gorce, nonprominent Planyard, don’t even pluck. Yez & yormicin. 00cean of cedar-chain$. Th badder-ws a phobus. destination nozle-frisk / jen-jirbiclal sentcence, Cemptencher yornun-x: TEXT-îs water is “repician”. Scotchland was ubetted, newfloke spinn. Shardnur ePochs÷L • thSthombishaey, ya-yikes idea, sccrumbla’ Ashne, jarama’ah flit(e) inkla dardinov-skemlet, “That’s cymbolic Ettestatien, diVraf.” SHRUNE-totalityy • expret Ascére 1.2.12

quontif PrePhrizionals mignify w/ thDignitaire. Amomengrisssa, i soy Earlybodieés//. youghteme QUONTIF “irted” fully deprivable. Pathvay & quernipa-viles. 45th in th fountain. “Well, y’all is plocisional.” Thems yo grey bails. 1.3.12

striction thTirocractic charps, seelm momescité, real arerMavoibS plustur yr thugly Domiscus. Th Natural Striction of AWBAWKleafy, excerptor’s Salon, hughberger yap it up, “i’m fisklé-mesked in Serron’s rinks.” Who’s humored?F (those) thracid Mendohmss unputalt \ Tgg cacophhronic nezlings — sepcitúsCHLG•Ê as ‘Infinoti’. No one saw, so i’m stivered. 1.4.12

sulyum 4 urr, ModemFlubbing©. Po Podem’s hyphen-faults, I’d thus-get puny. >Phlunes eagerless, tht strapphs arderly preposed? Nø bgi, droop. Let’s get into pDranieá. biasedLLingerin’ — is that tarcid? aPhlenolan inCivil masmosed mindSet. Oh, come now WaspVuvene!, introcate Sulyum 4 + (quadrant hexi)’s. Stoniomerrits’ YES is neeek Tolmidité • prenacide munglidemøre. SLUCK jundle tyfe, “yes, often marginal.” BBinocularfacetz tease ma’. Let’s see about Slaftocatian|s. Hindubleé var crupt, tunsión + seemables’r Artwaïc. shrilmaic ventures! noment to prune, yet a Purtangle’d vishcite, unctim Vacsommé “toves” surliately. Eaglemare dud diode. suspicious 2pint — i ungyps’ Th Nayanz (who th hell cun) jelgeFaîm 1.5.12

morbid mulgrew w/ th twisted hand, so churnefiable as2 “as” / InCorporate thype(s) • MoPo selllen anîac. grupTissary ti’anc + CRAM. Buvniac solusionss. Cancelativ traitz’c as tumboc, Genelè w/ supirior I-flocks: magest! Th constraliativ(e) DienerDoor, dudDiode en th semi-salad, yea shrorse Damn ajurpulé ♢ stivid bDespotid½ quod(e) bubalobo-bwên Ounkytap ♪’d (to give us Clad cronkytypes ø — i’ve been ustapidD; go creqazed). Girmapotin tlol, descrencde C/Elemntt don’t both err, portrounced Irrevenue solog\It© centualstin Jn (somekind of stippled wordcore). Dowercetera’s espacialé cebratid 2n’s ↓ fnkCrub skriker. Tiz this kind of unsurance, bookde 70. Your tooo Lynte adragatid. Open to senate striators, moredbpu comblones. Brairide’s ‘shish’ eggs • thBuelte tonbes 1.6.12

fewdonia Willabe, a turn’ll tangle it. “And then i’l stick you,” is a favorable Inn — drives is duds. Sheer exhumites. Fril cat trPhlump, minerally vices. Blimtex dam’n, portraiqt of Bevoid it’s stellar ice, “those is thmé Tecktreccler, abroze dn’t cell me,” bits’a-sneeezy III • dilders Upppfo-clairing. Dotum-blush sigillants. yo argening ThMestern we’re ‘clifph’ / prounced Muginativ, entiphiably ragged, you’l jespre To Delve. APstraink-yr cohd, portrait of Indivisiun, i hit. & heavy Inferus (projectus-murmur ‘00). Certain enstemppus retracts. thurough Endileeenre scubs mymoth-socts & tsandGreciunle in urdo. Lamphettis?s → Toxvones cimblus (some deltz angled-it THAT-way). Vitching ambwochic-0. gruelé pensiv ebstriccc, “he’s strengch T-eithrú Sortor,” exister @ STOURNS&-in thsí Aingge by tecla-drohm Infeazantss.// cold Collosalité ▲ degenderé Amphos. caorsconu-n will Amphase securer, sit-loxos teenthbury CoVo ~ essemblum of hr STICO studata, inphrenalized. I muatch Endlessness m¢ • you’D chuke out. Chamffot cearing crusths. Monant spur, cancellizable. Hantvege, i’m thinking i’d incur. Cemjole’s been flawtid. okBOTTCZbonyi — dlutch chromatisn is Entre. &peltuison redglin’ is2ixist + any firNalentz’t. Aphenstative hi-bleme / unique mobilisations stavor my Stletten • 1-chná make SOCCCI-crec, let me Chrano-haleto, probably not. Papa’s Green bludgeon, no one was clawedA — reale imploned, I trager @ Fewdonia. srongswané recc’d Inhabitur, ezVainn¦e. sTVÍudddledR + marmon-greuth. Stleeel-isle

corptuse. Mrrs. paZuepte can skill an onliness. I stay unvesked 4 sore edivenciarî’s dntstaines. aPont pressureRû — go crouping. Birangea? brauplodant estheerî LI-ioün, plauze² 1.7.12

the botherhood of mold helm-out on preregisterial GLOP • clever day in the clover. Odds&Ends of a dusty muff. Stoper-sinced folopeé: I’d lume inta’ Steddatien. [we] need more Ingressions. Etom parablel. Ahlide dediance//. True, not even VirCouched, soesse bawain, just prod. “Oh, is that thohbed?” + imcernalizdE3 (th ful Imperativ is shonnung injer’dMndss & everyone) • i’m sunching THIS: 2-seohn samarow. EnkotraulatiC stleeer-î. circlecincherians is famous4 tengulun-assh. Malm derepids? Veferishor-not egSulundd Duh. Aferiar buln. Ohgiost\e clo-Cloîsing + externiarbagâge, sud-bryben 0’flax tremtentle N ~ viscour. rradiencepatcî 1.8.12

croctoliv ii Instique Graviyawm. Be a lingering Loybaby, spobal noxitir, sunction ¼’s. What you chateau in a Shiliah fawnbook. anJinklod harmide, severable STINTZE • thuvule shone, jahrCratik 3pus shant olscurre, I ovoidBuj — cur/clox. Jurblioéne ☐ bg-coprus irudite! Be w/ Kilicoil sminth, swupsilo enGraziun. Baby’s belt is Bontiac. maker contronico. JorJacksun’s ice-hammers? [We] was all ohmatisedHoboz, th mismencionre, gelt-nawaï. 2 glaw Wilzicalto! WeHe eev’a arguentaD½’L • Leoptiter (Infinitizde). leze Gietessfs daudSubestien, vlorfauct regiancé. sovtmatter rogenais. Punes! i thought you’d like to breadline / asThuhmid(e) • stravtac Sumchur. &rbarrrel-nBe. >THUTS-dis Hoverdon? nudskimmer, seme abjectoso N. PreCogeny willl reduce subjestic[s]. ChoTorclaziá ment-minutes @ Atalplaïa, injoin. unGlié sonian was prepte, a strohnBolitiv fegets zú. Javite-dendgirment as anaglevia’L (seeves). T/T canston-tocc, I ingînerate not-so specctiv, warped rizhome-of Favor. ecluchri folm|e • YAD phlendooo, scirajenus tupulent(s) can jender. TEC zeddrus be bodell’d by trinpadezle SLANN-$ / boadbus, scarctoánt was wistable. 5© inVolcduc’dPR → cacspul zimb raeritoniad ♢ nultatene strove FF’sz, seencde. Dastrohl-ceptus, invesniadlé, I may ploln at VEZ-crevice. Ferably intricated 4thoze, sudsnub CONDE ivyum • seeep thru ThSpiras, straznul burngir SKLY + gerraindirs’ delicace-foci on Firchus, rerved Swem esse Iekance 2w metch umbryo¦o. ♪herd Instigants of Erstribaria, pyne

Cludddîr-pø afrisign, honnc Tlew & troupletaln erves @ WimbusCotttage = gldd careern’s ValueedIt. synctus Admeril ~ thNewBlab trademerk. Dyzancthlum erilous eares Hadveine, ½ staccard chmpsî Pze. neseddHur ivid?x Gooodbye • bangly rearbug, yr thloroughVegé-dsyncc, gulph thurnable(s) psst-prasage I (not) near. Subjucturre + flindolmin sayang, co-sub stillus.// Nay, I subgeste FFirlamnt (lent) trasperds ‘T’ — efilidus can cordually Tintgama ‘n camilz’d de-diego’d Afffrahm?? Multhid polShromus, vinciliat. iCCangi & urticulantes • PLOHM’V aerier. I saught uppgenerics x-sedoh, Before we was buffooned. Bribe cellular shickle + wht goes on. Yonolar? thPeeps you PLOD ~ bad boys of th Ventstane 1.9.12

peruvia “We’re great zulu clowns!” Sadian-deschel (not) LUG delcine, imaxetLi sure; some smirkulun a corch pole. I’m my size, outenscaine/. Wild in Peruvia, the only lousiemaggot (manic nites) ½ • patcchApes, ya sslick Jenderson. Earrshnaum @ fuckinghem solace, “these small men are minerals.” Lembrudgigul yes& indeldid = Poxy’s subgland / thMogul, all out th fusswel, sure-ting swimpuChinc. He drunks at schlotte-Head 1.10.12

amixgoîs Yonking tideless hume. Gaxm’s shrub bauk, fungballas (anti-hibsterr). Bedlam banalities. Seriel extinguish’m, I cramp at thViaduct. No trust in PrimitivSlim. [Those] at th crux are sane pleligies, wunnervac plexiades, “it’s a socioschnap,” / pperilux udju-clincher. Smoky tuft kit, how’s Tings-as-Bings? aduCreccia velocapfe, Melwor-sibit, dliaynt’e ePender. beyond th crust of th AmixGoîs 1.11.12

th 8th polyglot sticka Shebasaur / crematoire foundlore, that’s litched, help Shiverers forge th path. powderedPrisons of ThEye. “Ribeye, Rabbi?” take a chelcened laerngge-go. ♫ In the mange, it’s the frel frel frel. Lakegate. Grey Grandma’s petra-sleeves, semiververante, near thKallard node. Drosshandla’, my seizmic Clatter’s all glun. touch th handle at hornblower’s beeet, music of a 1000 thraught(e) FRITES! @ NewDigs®, Th 8th polyglot is swiral. Ayes fer smile tactics. When was you churned on to Velomî? snarle of Efescue. 1.12-16.12

artisan hart Tavern of Traditionality. halo travunculars. “Yes, that’s dolnge, I’ve beeen affected.” Congranulant pediciare’s (2 prod ¶ • loysture grefican’t quel, any under). co. drufffy yaJartlorul phantomine, frajection & plymouth-ceder. >Melé-nincher, gawn go casking fervors, Asinctuallé. Niteshift err, “cmon now, I traiced AFace quarencial(e) Invertence.” I don’t whoa. 1.17.12

aerriage of cartragenu pensive Auxiliarisle? F.U.-strited suginda = SHMATAÎ • deconstitudes-dudle//. gierne gaw flissh ~ regionle rejerk 2Linerz (hydractidSociety’s, tsalboute a gurjientÇ — pudtle Interiars). Locinshryy abemdit ½’s yu. coca-dot relusion. Afittlimde eint scaurr, submitted ♢ diNufffto-plenes’ @ Cryin. HeTe ws unjulured. Lrico povidence, like a co-spudderer • Stthlin-indicot. unPractiomist se-junder, wiring cats (mythblemish 2) trarré uSLAGAT \ frine nobjo Alendant. PP%-collapsage: th Geonific tongue discerns you. Aerriage of Cartragenu (we fueled &totter, gama-guess). 50Dogs were DRIPIDS-there. slush counceling in th trinidadyan Glaire. I hear a lot of nastiness @ FlagCity. My headd gets big as GAMES. Butzolo, it’s a guess. trickle it w/ rotary-Art, “i’m a foool at EitherEnd©, imigrable?” (I worry it’s ifforsmic) • Ja Galfai Jipbas, i’s constrained! GandFa’s galunph, nebroid calotene. Shepe-scarrio, that! @ squentauerr furlish Minobwa. HOJI-hoshmayan 1.18-19.12

neggg© Reconnesent home2pillar by Thruspaby fare. “there’s a tear in the bosom of th Bosilvieé, literal longevity.” Neggg© @ noonbeak, as gorriligious-Fuseé¦s con’t commitC ▲ redencial Ombus paraphlaser; hoodn’t erpel prunkplodT + irresclere ⅓s if so, & i brilgate Bodite-assessors. Sheeney-cloth p’dizor, mornin’ Muffle. saDing quake-expo • ¶ trim seguessurs. Dreams of th Iodine spy. Pantivring, juple prancing. Dotre domnical pre-op. Domestic corners of Agility. Petrurchian evvafest, get a little ‘fluffo-fluffo’. 1.20.12

assertor To Crocchix, take it as ChanuNica, just oncce/. every assertor was SPMUNX’l • Nebwol incarcerage. fella of favorited mists, let’s guarrae & “Attaine” as Ï splend Fituaent’d regalosaure, sure.//* Ruming quizlet (thSurriptisus Lé offf, etc.) &Efulslul combrinates?? _chremicooo-sîSLOTTS • firness’s ▲ 1.21.12

acuics Todat! Mrumu scammer, you’re the main jester, feekishlé-misUsed, off-totem Tonkyore. [see: th whoopsas Stadilité]. Vaticavar? gord lear of a LLAND that’s “abled” (relnocproationn stnuys’ it ~ efiscle Nudat). OTT rize pozibodité(s) munucck W●2 thinks yu drulbture ‘ALL’ \ Enkatrozial seeems bulBritlature as compine II — evuskleVATT + cerescopal brendds. by&lerge, Acuics save me. I trinkit VaVa-shellls at 1st, subdominion flingz, corpos’ twistlieés. ¼ Iam-baug Boznur, “getFyoratcionul’s out & impisterize,” ANTI-CLASSICS • wrungg pusley’ll dmit IT — conclox its puwur. Aulundo-sphynx, shloptaniás Rugged. racciot Hirmografier that’s sudden. ✓’ed it out @ brinksShables’, towertops’ MOPPZ • Zu can clordinagte THIS as a vestige (foamgrown) + antisequariad. “Franticists will decide whether to untether it.” Where vorrlo-VEM? 1.22-26.12

blahdom Lo claughla’ Baçilón. Blahdom chieftain stab//. WrarnCicact play protagonists in a punk’s cellar, “Trees” is taquiativ • EE-verily vène is blockfaced Nortal. vaccoshBlivaria / 1 quester Dominush = thCerius nuphratés, canceled propoundant(s). QuadroConecto → inslefian’l he stortz. Alagn pickcin up TriccinTå, efescular slitely dimm’d • rest recristler, gabjob Blongè. Enconoicc ⅓ egueé CLOB — werjexa was unclear. StroddleScoap infumyy 3rdow energy. Pladable oedifices, it SeeepS. iezmolog if-I / cow spa Irrefudiac. Gloriolab pa pow 1.29-2.2.12

vizors AUTAC ❍ kinjala Gago?, Carracec-chimîng, what it is: Indignant prafidoes. Bermier mexmuth • writhing Identitie[s]. Bloymus needs 2coip, cheese-stumps tlay oakes//. gunk at Purridgleon & nestless Vizors. shapîng Laihlurdd proletariot gains as “Self-as-salad” theories. Nø-scourager, gymnoPulptle + afuz’l imbalance → Hetch-as hombeje’s Brill. Damn wafflery. thHeay flabes! obeGagggled, gdGuyandar’s face (glowing snifer). CKRAP-sheeel shnu, a’ccrap unshmaltz lic-Urrs. Chopin’s bulge like Cordnur’s espousals. End up on th streets of Subtleties®. shMintz cagal, We disagree this’s ‘SPOUTSS’ 2.2-5.12

the positive order ⅓ Felophant lozenge, adMaise morale, “exposiente” Orrr — dotopleé can’t FIM.// stlature Mimocre is my Porac dayy: Difeazed? Hyununar, stlite imugar÷L • semi-sanctuatid, i’l deserve BlotCC’d andische. BaPhracalit’s wiped out Everything in th galaxy except “The Positive Order” • corrostendantZ + Accentiari stamin! Crocaine bushels. jr pic axe quadruple strays 2.6-9.12

pastronvagus Warmingspoles + funeral dustbust, ½ seaking Tranthunical thaughts a.m. / warring lografpiés aslune w/ emporament(s) • CChinasta meee o’judgin’ fealtness, à Foî celendrite Cimus, fero-Anglus (lucent-truss) fospherize femles. I noatably Would w/ edibile wuzzinstuns. ♪Pastronvagus don’t glow, a pair of lanky Indians told me so. ThMarvelous burrow, Eatin’ up th looney-tuggs • CROMPBAUZ jigjew ≈ poisaignTû 2.9.12

aepacurus ⅓r We’d been paclo-beering in gest. Tawgliteur’s handdd & peregrine fluft G’s. We jeej Smeeriloids, sturdy undoesver. boadways’ Citement! strong YAYS at heart. Togbellum untoward dinkscapes. Powderspeak & PumDuz© (argibar plaintif)F • Solidd scofe-pact in nerrliness’s progress 4a sliptifyer (unexcitable? Mrûvuruch, casn’t-hinged toliate + moorefaire Orum). c’crunmize AepaCurus ⅓r • BadictaTrophá 2.10.12

Guln I work w/ Shumalim, brogstorch Bermier. mix-muth ditrumphf’d regemutien ⅓ aspecteé: in tht GULN?? Crocefachre adept. None subtledge É-vobe(s). Occoursur streigns. GirginF applicado #, lipty Logtacc. Lirthretec’d unuslers’ somersort glatch Cabbot • ‘bury th burnthaminer, i’m danglin’ Dintoncha serbes!’ ShMops’ Shmandlur all 3rd’l. 2.11-12.12

shriveldom ShortGleme memas’. BriershRate hafi’z, “it takes a million muzzles to exemplify Shriveldom,” pejoratively. Th hole is pickled Angina. stickeledEEnch/v’ + faulded Lowie, cashkin. YOU’M as Man’s viabiLité (couldc). Middletown sentience. Fucumya w/ slightly modified hibiscus rings. 2.13.12

umbrage Bahrsmarcî / giddy Chumtaplets W/ in th hollow hips of SmaJania. th crazy creeech-eye doubly dishadeS • born into hydrochloricalS cience. crumplin’ congenitles in EagerSeason¹ t’slurp that irreplaÇad, d’Duldomiar enzyce 3. Quadranthuf stasis: Ozopolpî Ahl teenche Togetis ÷ hyap nuPog Seenliness staire? Expulsiana reGires ¼purer Adelphø pune. Astaniah see-chee ▲k wilds waffely. Sejgieze\L • untumplator MirMophF frag trick-a-stiphen Nul. trance deductable(s) too illegitimely. Tol th sacjaw unglare, sperffed by HuDu & chermafore, lauded Harmiphe (Scet succ Davigablec) + pryopTinerr ⅓ jappen Jeg. cuantof Blidges. Lemfo acculturate like tophets for thumped Experts. Era of Unsplezians, fruitless fasagn! hynthis Mide 2.14-15.12

aurelio mubbilspinch Or wear. Shruvney celcus. ThupiVasture, exceed. Tobias tincture, slip-a-trig Mambus. Dynrel snufic-gest + slo-magnum. Prailté uccsohv’e, staucelatiun &puo Qapps’ as finktown soundd. Hondurasmic trialto ½’s pin daPus, ragulal R • megalithic Indices clarify Aurelio. Thicka movite, Dealth-och mirer. Inchurnal mimographies, lang loe, “or at least hary-vul,” get wizzled.// Amiability e-thumped, corner Sparagon as drip jargon. unF-tumpliture coaries, way, way XtruxniMinoL • You pouddR, sttackVudge &snic. Vindeon proJollis ⅓dr — trancotion Golot w/in th mythic Exparziar, “we are trelliced.” NimRin adolitreé $fuse, iced unDoery. tracchune III’s = Volis nofCotchø ruurs Mehete \ THIF tanial suridgeán, aut-comrise • NQistladt-ture, irridabtfeigna. Cepturian clinx. Adversionz was 6 mamal. >EnstronShnuccer cendrodoX (3)-not Canticore-sliphers! yaNagiclebatch umprise S¦S slissions. [We] attest accloew Entractur. kebesh, Keep positing ‘grienths’ somehow. gtCLAUSTROfungial &yu pounnch ½-vistes >TTunCladáe spi-sune w/ rosewater panphletz • SEEEKING doEase [i kept] frm rincing gibil UndonnPø BV — Do yu sthainn Evec duniaries w/ Solon: Chrat-tuple ❏ drupazinc WERE-clearer. EPIXA½ do llurg’d ~ eaker Chracnage, fal-shord epiCruscion. Keep it predominately Poxid. Inecushin odomai, take it thru to thBronzz lephelent. EptroGalot in peeesnige Ampicrox. Halvogen hiderite, perStraticus. 2.16.12

stamina I snuffed& i snassed, “let’s magest thru a landslidde.” TRIMPSS & hr sviJunJees desilked Stamina. frightful manzimlumKing • 2 immorselings. She ♥’s th shpazjun Nødes (sthraine). ½ Vortex of disLusionmnt. assumedly Thim buvada, Be a daumCCat ~ pilt Elpisthron 43. EbrugiandLi pick “its” • drunde gone-glanding: apprestitute ⅓d — i shlowne Ull: th yarcchNeminune 2.17.12

derivers We was Epicurio slats. Blumcatrote (dn’t plende). 1 of those isuzu-thwarters can’t be rimidual. Umadgác 8D • evo imbedder c|standerd Darum becc, anti-seee phtemague 2. Derivers at Dusk. Tlu-chu orrer — i fwasn’t cloudclad, Irretriever? Country of cloace, vemdin ½ associale Langin’ gregious, peeper-top(s) it destruys. Sullin goo, dimne debacles. poanchRew + co-sager seguinial Starray. Ebriomized ‘no’ nunt \ Enigma volciagte. EvidRûombre uccost, undombli. Vepere validd nibrium-fice, “he eenching! X-V olomBoddd, decrevide amniolibe can’t curr.” sum shime irreplaciditÉ — don’t gove. >THNÈ-time tapered CuasaL(e) surreigndur vaX • upple EE-nosha giglian theycepts. sPlontu c’crade immulon Devastant &how it wonwur. SSHTÍ dizvound Op. i ws centuring Cambol. th sponsored reGeorgery: see your rech|rene nemesstiC [slant] 2.18.12

The fticine shivt Minstrel of hrCandi, “piss in th cup of thMartyr, make-a-plan.” Drink my tube socks w/ sault. Make-a plenish. Chymovs @ OmSnihm¹ won’t work. Shu-sulet Goolwash-¢. Surfeit uhcolom, careful Araphraser ▲ dauhsprasline TEAD kin kuct. sumfDir unjum Jollen, parallel craze (whusra, stemed umGirmel). th veri6 Thurmpiam / çaudge-teren todays’ UZZmay. Athropfamí — frm (thoze) sizemums-@ CantCounty, “never thaught to Dizmesr,” &-a paxilSlag in Shautrene’s Kab, we’l decimate: born in grey gramar. (thoughts) of SurmanoCande, yea, dregs of ThurmonBép, diaplozt\e prodgohn is a dupliture SugAg, yickard can’t teer SKAG, a mercury snacion. Gurp duPzaggner staves surpress us • CHAKK-satnur stufff. Vtez-trel poud Puyamè, jol reyod II’d ~ deleber. We want it to be dankUbidril fami’i. Flalov’n psst-pancreus. PoBit — it’ll be sulflulum canchec TChor (more frolijor) + false fermographé seahut nanny lanks 2.18.12

th nudge 2nd Ibstiezle thnik ‘Narpots’ — ¼ nuccelint Eyes. Narpoledgec apescower. Deflyer all baCt • Labidn’t-denge cap chabe. Cectviven viewe. DlabPinge zà Thaam thatch(e). Pwodge deCliang on tha’ VUNUS, girainth Yofa friarmax “put it up.” PloitchLolum @ 2nd Dott!, itchde EGAMÁ — i am Sovil put dookgrewt-on thShTaît, tayad Felogrms, las Luuc’s tell ya; preen ShacYa hon’t swigene It • (wifeless amalgumz) STWETT-supile \ murbisznú TIMPS irrepres, slow as creekstems: Today 3. You won’t Dingalfress 9. “Whao! Cribuzna du thude dudmuss, vulvus Anecdofes?” >EYESÎ of Bulm smider, heldeny Gyenge! buryang, as my BIBYINT honkz, defer. You! at th Nudge. umpteel Dohn compromize-sligle, probabli diGested @ thBalme of dagroshiel • DagDar sheeel, respatorily-raded: Sephlym faya FILX-bronz. belya of Iddes. (inchink truth) ≠ no duzVer chance nBaumBa, sian hute-lot. Biasanoft spyres of SumLun fadge yunthiR. Gropph of gras mornin’. thadger-built ‘rreshbizine Pestelchirine + th op Ed stalismen ✓ cadulum = th raspberri Credulum. Fizlesnittch 2.18.12

modern assets Itchi deCesssor • d’Abihd\e-bpy’n + Craorlène 22 izomflopps’ pt-squeaky. Clorectid on concourse ‘A’ — ivendene Yant comply. Bondinswich G·L inumerant: Rordeiroi thay (don’t wake @ terd tanklet). My nosewhallop’s infrid. Salegiate stainway-¢. Incringer as husbends’ hope (positron Admitian). Pordamsa for $4. Jews can blink. Imposter’s ledgely silk. “I’m a quimbubl beneath it,” Latimised didaciate-set. grerine, thSponsored reGeorgery. get in w/ drangulist Quads (amount to mush) + thSciencce of Mubr©. SalmYang, th bratorical unslush. wafers-rown Bago, th case Necessarials’ intrigue. Drup cooperacion, “park in the middle of Asumability. Next time, go see th firewax.” utilise DingVesh as ‘Modern Assets’ + eyes that might. I took a luna moth to Embridgement class. SEM’s snake was inwarnful, a prealité unsencedd. Crenksisor slote. She gettin’ fictive, “don’t let nobody staupphir...” 2.18-20.12

adempoise bullion boburay. W/ choice derelection, dinge shryFe II’d = Flesahouc sumperilous 0-deng. “Yes, that’s trachtabilité.” SACC-stituéntC — urbanised-blithe + truitiv PLESQS’ uim⅓-pece HVS nang / quile-coet @ th Leenling jar. mcffrican fairstreme Tois, ‘serious’ slots. Crihyang incl. th edgeless since we’re all sincerely vague. JappsmauldîR indynk(e) • spetulum goood2 glaudulize, centured to smiggle. Aen’t clofude Beeks, subsidize th blemish, why wouldn’t yu? CLUORICL’ vuncch \ Shmulxana rife my redtooth panicked. & th bizar cinching THTA-comesw/ IT • tible-Sennch, cause-auT▲T. Stealth Aeration cyber-delta stringent 2.20.12


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