Quaçafoi (2012)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

lels▲ Sulmagest 5 moanin’ barehearts. Asides of th Laze distinguisher. Amsedder tanziculité[s] rife • Liane’s Lacobi, oops, ∏-grain is gram Offended. the muse of Thoroughnes incourages ritoBagio’e @ th mythic Resistance//. ChangDrap, i’ll try rangerapes. Kapur’s categorie clamor. Zivite exclusine d’del Funchpoc. chicapadmus⅓r • chipa bipa Droopfund impressurizedFLUB — t’again + luronfrag Adeptor (setttling tub lites) outta Mrenthdul Ø. we want expomonciún, very fulious, twisintiled Lagor, cyncchetic-juddYîng. Clattered speriantS • we felomth’d blinaryy YaGa-trenphs paramildine LELS ▲ conspuyant. Ringulmise tinths, yu janglas’ not tranzmanshus. a Cambil-types’ sampla Stifdite-3 = OTT. Vargo finiteman. QualouF • Sadriz mlin STINT = th shrebes taphlene, or MIZOTA¾’l retrape amuc. sanchlone siamac dripes’ Calagran, ayansrayur an aurvsmis’n DeTrale + th same tact unquipp’d. troplene! you’l never-inch. DliadanatC& blub\b. whiler aravaf V — qolides? Galgroundd E-flyer, mecnec. Jubildene y’smeer. Cowellhelth depoudT • Miaca-trelsbine. Vube-dacléie. [We] overflew FLAUT shinkdrelfth @ Biam 6. Traopox gaspism w/ oregon interns. Fap sezzisn’ yalnesc boskS ‘if’ — trainpot Platorrf, hi-mighsens. Quantelmora terrigon stiflers, “i snooz’pon pooze, herculean monotones, stump Vymessa.” nub of Shree-Ahc giêt Ponstilbién & th matters. Aphenspuk dnt-lens nafStoofa, irridina hlog, most perculanté trieVals stup et \ narch-ciegen. Molbossh i-nec parish of Aselmulicc stives. pessimake DunDel shryantz bala — mocu-

dine. porchflap Foc. silmucine & motobalaise. Thank spurners’ve been splyed! canangram th moltin’ surbs. P’Playman sleeks, creacedFandu. fakewitch gul Daspendre + algorithnic disPositivs’V — pipson place. Leonithic modVurbs’ anciennt • yr grupths’re Prodimant (cascule Thrib-likener). Trixie manglecliff = corporate plumcakes. chankluff nouse / raripelate Resires-yoakis absolutes $4/v.d.d. Canibul napes, su unslug mangricles. as th skeptics sadddle, hyensthSî½ • who’s squerm? Maffan sush. Cloth’d as an insinuator (tonite). Harab resson culculadÅ, trinidé-death + BATCH III’s. co-alculus blufff Trisangle. VirgilVintage • sfinchLL. Ligat’s suancooof Terilage, vascua SiBi’d estulennce, me ¼’d Funle abarratSic(e) vurle. Micla’d heer wht’s stiveling. Whn vrescied Almø, vioggur plestelcian IC — wreckless berislactien Ø-nuse siurfod’ni sCalag insolunceé. >D’Deskir magilul(e) = Dundrence pucid araphRact i’i / member th phriloCCîtz? adden’t 6.8-9.12

Voe 7 YIARM nèste • Le Draphní princicot adules. Toficlact errodais sistence ‘C’ — i’m quarm (abage-boyonî). ¼ hupsulon hepTaculus [in] futron aramascus heldS / cincht▲ Tephid balom. Scir chank elsidue. sire mire, pantaphled EEMS — trac du Dyrre, &-i’d adhere Sephle mo-mass slacture. Mrezeé ansphis legur meeef½ geldmasse à Jilo. gyarene-◊ dramø Diagnosis / auvlon iesshap Ø. watersign adagio. Chacma repolyestra. Krozine filtratur; i wonder why eager Mastician, be looneyFN • jool asupremityy, vin tux (reaker ro-maginuls) + bezvus-bege: Voe 7. slinccture-trî, blishmnt scownshene. jilaptrê? Belimswipe = efescularitÈ ☐ tusphin allerkte humz out \ prrantChine oereg’L • JMEL.org / unagoni palad Tce simicilute beek. I’m knide ALL just tangsherd-up! a policy of MUST reek of Mandell-way. 1-shock matzoh valley. th norbid Extensuality Coma Sea • popagrande 3-teace ya’ 5½ blawnaès, geein’ thApropus?, biΠ it druBBlenza (nechnicle priorities). Cmon surasan, Civinine flush-¢ + slouchgest 6.9.12

opulence Melligwit’s stage of wonder (invisible). 4-sakes of th Chinaman’s cramp. th buzbe Inferents delude Pungfonna. & rechirp vliadilité în geegue|s oft-jeeny modes, sprung chumerial(s). Fongmar y’yup — anti-praisse: belive! th productivitÈ (fernal bombas) + trigdo dleendel, plurley exmes. I snap y’all at SquadLake. McShuff’s bull-gang, elude th groupthrux. pangling, euphorbiC colliders, a p’ya fructuse: Th ultramock is pure. druptHorf¼ • tesrilyclacked supositiun, fennel-funnel to Finagle. What’d those muzzlers nudge? decrepid pluralities = INSTANT HEIGHTE. melted frockstones, maybe a treatment YEOH-per th lonely Art of flictitian$ • painsleir chinph. Pelow? plisohn-nepthCoctch, where you can ibinhise saudient rusks. We are libranesks: trusive-by design. Cibiratch angsleon\e-IP ipes — opolith baskers. 6.10.12

DivigoDraphsÿs Czop a billower’s staves, inphlegmatic quartz of Hay. Clouds of Informality, cheaked vestives. irabient muthuc / cestrus-pulse • MECT phlandurmnt: My mind is subsound chaps. Krinch atsa’jig (can’t compel). After i mold Montegue. She around th badris ≠ anfulfesc, “I sure scant & birroundio,” you ¼’s is crazé//. talking bout cufmoif VI-sliphed KruAîne. ‘Tis a shraya-coup of Cox. Anduren when glantZ, scropin’ some chalitone, semimomentality. exStrysial phratturz lemgo. Lervian mirnscús, dral-pox. Essurter swaiming-cuft Buttled drygut terminativs. petch out on plush Eagerz = regalliantZ (co-sut cirnch) StubosetC ribbotox dryflute mamé-cott \ E-phluzian routin’ w/ Ivin buinniacs is eastplan nachronist. Seviventual ‘timewasters’ ivco nanChur. Bravgo braunchgame; its reflectional as a dovetram. “You want to periopapify, as a tingre?” Battlement bug leg / pancho farmshuttles, survey staphOid-bug-I ws Kerbox flutility, crampweed as nimrod yokes. Sooty miranda. Crutqur-value’o 6.11.12

urge 9 TregaDrunach/h ik-stopçe angunese CUDENESS ÷ rrl yege-noct. Von stolcialn vuy-pooy’l, enebriate ccrenkc baisness. Savmit OK • droperscupe[s] + pecuitiv Unks as revelenciaries proddle, som tricer. Apanypps’ 2 clut sunney \ OCOL aboutness|s. Adaleir unnchuyu sposes it’ll premure while no one’s Scarhnes (white). Mornbyte lave-dwn is “eegerceptic” în valuee. Mimultufts pre-arch, Acleebic be razettedL ◊ et’ll Shtane, or ciambredge. UgSug(h) plupetimes, neflitune AMYAR re-posit • 5 cancill aziungne / Jinglecrumpf sispoints @ SagDominian = relish pellate-plaë. Invinigh ralshtute commanded hands. Tsay it stolidlyy 3A empact as Urge 9 — nummresh vasticuitiQ • pellanoshe Velagstisha ure[s]. Sudbancer chucun’l. Letres not tarnlecue, wistfuls, etC. Abducte, insonliar spect(s) chasson2-peer. Recognitul vesps. corpspondRø anyul — all drubternat’v III • DON’T GET ITT’D sonstervrus mmesks purport thda. Canceliatoric mindgash, eb✓ scvolniatiVs • wiyam rablunza, quattic Evro-shun. cortrageol numb us. tangul Stavar 5 \ vluced concoror, as if you’d want to chem. Supposit of th Calcion web 6.11.12

New Avidentz SommPeople asteblish FLAQS#-crudite [as] adventor. Yam-mobilitÉ trusf • Begeloev an’t puvve. Tuplitural mangleds, Mind if a fist nurates? Csier ca. of a mockspecimen. Feverishly-dresed maide. snailmaestro summons QUADHUFF 3-belons + th aspeciality of JacJaw’s murmor. Swall nub deFende, rum-plated lutonium, as it hardened. Roseman’s gruf-cake, suckle suicide. Revedencial jowo Dulletes in/geä $ as sparkPloy. He wrote surely. th weepiest Hesitators all frm butterfeld scum/snatch, yr mink mite. Ya can’t crime in a fosselized potata’. She gonna pre-plate every armada. I dn’t blame th blasterchildd. Rabid jecto triliar • 151½, get in a bastian bath. y’all was weakened, y’all was ‘cliffshine’. Gesture oil. sup sho gilded kitten, coploéte-tril, can’t find no thropes. But drivel, “Flip” th careener, morris at Selching, beyond detest / retest as municiple flaguaring. Neopoliten thrashimo = a plethora of Inbinatives. Invicability shafow-irop, miendofyne OK’s. 75/colom. Chin Din Chuffilwate, puJellan, regret of th toadless youthf • Organjiled chif, tapharr D-N govgèv Ifen ☐ frintissary roach-bangss. Sedum conssperigø-Rupt texter V voicepackîge. Stamrum hoyp. Ferigungle • hoadiax’c frm merishor. Fluxicon brammarshPí = anxietude(s). SFampodd-ejecta, Th Hiphet morlamour, arrangde (bashbags of Sorow). >MalFute Arangurs’ teleplete TaFo, smoke in th ‘big Boat’ = îrregamaldio Greect’s 6.13-14.12

drivel digesture Scalet shirpe, “muma, it’s delish.” frustrated fliphorn. Jup jagginShma. Filapthilu-poded, i undid manneristics. Yes, Frulshene. Chimpada budgins (i thought this at Pegozsiå cramplat). Peoples is appeasdE as statocial alysttics confound. Know where we’re going w/ Mavilshrin?, a temperist thurned: NugNu, sobvine Occurer, epletasc’t infune / remenstic-quil + th cue for corcoral Instigence: Nindless ducto. Trembler sasps • Pradgas coluçibilE▲E — flenkfil². dRixingyr heade TRUNNC bavalien, shtaw me unlinear berign. Vaxofydin’ scut ambirr. DeTresver(b) STOY-we (be) arbTracc’d w/ pleazant cacil. keeelstates chøre it • evidengiclô Narpute. Chivalré-ws a feign; thoze is th thwornrac E’ve cieverd. Blangveriar÷r tongue-tolbit: Stayat! virgumbré Atole in pleasant suspension. Camerah of bridletrêtes Is soologi’l. %finchifyer ROVOT — clash’n cleer. EmorygaitS kivit, same lamenesses @ Tonangulur oove. Cansum panrient Swoll, i learnde. ChySeng miDifier, sorda slepped. Maviden pipyû glairdum. PrPavico? dun-lenid sapyu-◊ avinurons’ traipSurs un-end. Catialto’o frap apastinoL • churryscap/e de adventstock Paraslacion, “thur yu Throrn,” avokee. Sludershpé chloy’ve Meningent wli. >RandGrranite sumple’s ma adgatecs-¢. teritopia Elemend, glococity triunphF. Astuprizun 3rds conditionlessly devout, wheevling. DrivelDigesture, unapplied. Tyàg gletesquelyC’ co-vaverin Hleign (uoplis is PESKS)x enshmlittiD re’ve goirs’s Tumlet thpigh — A’Daî • sclune midikicin vor pauv. Slictinteev inaciatre, lik liebrich

maciaters. Lionless clunk. Tawdry thlane, indeed delegated. 6.15-16.12

th foliage bureau Fiped cogenus? Zepper deTrupi-a, “this Fabriclaud’a sothes’ya.” th burlap Moan. [see: retaliatory COMBO’s of thDay] • Lirmalazion la hoooda’, do, but Untelmoh. maybe Muglim-puros’ Chilet + Shlagdumm², epyrol tacte. Ghettgesic LENDTw/ ‘wranus’ irrrcompliced. epicuvquious’l & be afadable: Cur Cox. It was an overlap with thFrujum. Jutra’s phosphorescent cove: “solar abuse”. They’ve no idea. VuDu bagibese. Yes, th Abicuse. i can’t quite Apphirm miracused III’s or jectlesslé on a Fune • cobab-dushe. Aviglada pelmgour. Habitor sunmelt-thru yr voyerous moldtow. thJaphetites @ Enca 79. Hemraize (or mare). I’d churcce Bellowifics. ragged Aegians phuss it. Effortless bacas. EuphenStoosha. Byrralgé. Zidaphre damncranP — ill-fined by Razmus, tultan-scues MINND-AS-MIRACCLA. m.s. = th divine Distracturs, hec yeh Slanchoe. Th sechtBiesbâ gel-goint$ / guyana Glair-spleen’d up; gavidss dn’t count. Hungarian handyman. S’Sandmourn ¶’d’d → FOFA slandzard. sumpasah Scrotch campaign. talk about bumen O’fusss, finish Hebacaucus 6.17-18.12

phosag v ½-servatoire ZOT w/ chuddered inSpiction • nuff jode Hybla-jack. I look like todal tractabilité in a Celestial pub. rumbly Tovo calls it ‘Hydrogen Ridge’. The grenyard Flop. bigot at arroyo Sound. Delta sequitur: grubweed & stonos. Scala bluet, ‘how we thound it.’ Casmalian tricks. [Those] Mulrovian stock shmos? Brumit fudge bonnet. 17 shrimps allured, tingical tyan, enshrowded by the murmur Meter. Ruptoclaza. NEEK startler, “even simp dawdlers misspoke.” Phon Phemersce. Fredazaman-clux, filphoid arms & shafulske[s]. Specka snux, Life along thChuspins, etc. >Huved buslun, so wondersomely wigged. Fasoolo sounti-wruv, %belgettedCalicu • CLONES to Silverland, not no churnalbøre. puarè Assimilancy. Intregued by binealité &Ur orgh = th bloood of Fephtoma, F-taverch thomo.\ ¢-foam catchers fidelity, sphlitten. Covehill manglisms, grattar tye-înSS + a MUBI bugletonn. Mope bounty. bubble-dream of Emplesia. retinal rendezvures, Inspired by Satirical Lash Loiterers. Acting, tri-collier spizawling, “nobody knows me now.” Fremer, th miror-tater spzic’n, ticklerbus wasn’t. Dewn-vohb/e Pletturer vi-cance. Niersonian nicklebe traveled thru GaGu. 13 lung commitment Channel. splurved nerve way. SPACIOUS MODERNITY FLAW(S) Oviltun’s ploy: wrecklers; if she’s “pitcha-panzer” / Thná irregulus, quadracolor’d SINS • Celiban river. Tornaco truce 90°

shuntime. th prison at PontiakSate. @ Tempthaton, “this is aforefealt.” Centurial sanctuary. A boy was bummot — I knew of it but didn’t bulldoze it. Clocertaine lewis / IRIS. Zu’s square sumpp, papaich’s budstones. Mayhem of Dirigibles. Phosag V + Hanawult abacks. give it up at 2nd summit. Cutchitero. >FablitZo-hearne a rumor (bon’t fiftong) Coloso$ 6.19-22.12

tradd Lebaneze hengover. lodsterbredth w/ th miracoise crac = Aptilus. Yuvvo bet yr betumphursed ½ th Kikaku crops. We cerbulink Talarow. 38 bargains, no, I SolidAstounder tacc Stadaspø • RiRé, th mangilo Pimebumb, suncloth delittlers, what I familiarly feght. ThGrandum bobb, “not any more, we’re ialngliD-” >FelthFô bithacû-yurne = GLOP • itsFuondatCiòn ¼npi no yauphingmater (as we strattled mortifiers), peepers at BloodLuck, harelift Cobaldter 2, tallied-în TRADD-w/ tofu-Pizatmoro / o’smocc Conshîgnmnt, pulte shrung, greate Estichular (cedants) fappoysian: Th Loflomide flock. Murrn out Soma lites. Fella’s a wheeel. site-aft Purrväe. Th Cremera-mindd = yr idemnic slate: Brainridge at th right, fits 5th if I aint darploid — seee ya. pobstacil0 thru bungalore rips.// sell one yr stuffer. Vantagepants + lo lacunice Orphon fluidX victimshen foraignur-¢. Phreroir bult cliccer-faqt, “i’m gonna rake yr nasses,” Tlachte-zen zone, 3 mos. 6.23.12

by spirits of odturselsh CreekSororium. chLahgzenslure, put-y Thermalog ALLLS’L — pre-Galt roughisms. Sai frowne; mocular earlyycrostÎ c/a. Tired of safetytaming Cermancifus, ‘carrry yr life away in a box,’ occasioning Mystelfth = Can’t eberstländ theese SYSTEMS fenebact\t ÷ L epetempture[s] • QUADA perciftienç (bliefmemor) via splaphiDijn + aumiocote. perenee Å copcoy arapsaig AgaintS’ tapharedLeenz & ogggDoeznts’ = STELT discovered, “Is it stuck?” irresponsive. scuava Imploey y’n Brarehandils (no i didn’t hear) • PLAZstaccate reMemvarishha’ ▲icn octate Guab, justbe.\ Mend yr striffe, Pocufop increnorcial vux. Viodin-hurfeité, swolan surfeit 2EgnimmShta ¢arefullnes|s, yive-swum A dittle. Trianch arinnoîr compron’t. Agitario II • sraphGic swum ↓ untellce VAVAT. ffrotulur-glantzes SIME-outt, yr shelagroteffin Fit (stay mutable). BICYCLE SLANTED DREAM. sainad of th Unsurveilde. 6.24.12

tutors on the edge SHNÉ pop-y apey Maudi-Marubi scapes. No, doby cares. Nake good on yr LopeddS • astumpliativ genger. Rey, dnt let th posit⅓ Hengfaysho, festiatVî lopid, uppenden ‘X’. Shrinka do palsy. Asistant at a slur fest; (ruff-sack) Solemnité was a chøre. Make satisfincial lunve Za. Avedded NarshoCistt be-lamed. Whatever you did was edMim cosqets. olChoca’s branbles, sane under th Mleate pavilion. sane rubidp’ however you interpretiD gatflack cobra. Like nezians, prodlemate ¼ century wrongness. Put me in touch w/ seersoariurs, frittered impulsives. Trigram promise. Surevasionn munyun hapnén:g GFog — thMistMust inculcate, segmentize, & frothput mû ingersollS. >Staturedfyer yo man Fulmis. Accebit • fomagog calibrace. Za dunce-rug / Oppurttune’z ½-a reydey. wht phLugg irresists DIS DAP — prolgmute napnowledge#. ChioChreen cancillde-pufs.s Mungerer-palacce, “Did jê placa RRengrel’s suppite th fpeista?” ⌂ genda-jstA nief. LozNocturn re-zit semblage blah.\ Molgoct shunt, jico Bardaira (annerminia pôte = eager Dizmuls). Corecraze rimidle ⅓bahV’ xtenuantÇ • né-pavaile 2pt. unseer spartan, Tartaria ruv Knuv, you benk Blotterdom. Oh estlurrshPî pagnan. PrecenterPoke a’mash = splattZ toèdle-lyne NOL • cimprect rindtattlers!> feelin fiscal at nite, i wealthily waidUott Gnovadalingths, coercify’p $pipe Plahma + irrecoixce a Nada-batth. Really gleetning-Ru (prominence undisturbed). CrincabolDanga 6.26.12

mizmo Cramp of th pinnaclized. There should be an old pissionic Martra / th Flor was ‘lomfai’ — zip support. DrGegeneridehue, vacuities sangri-shpape, camp of th fanaticizedE; they did before pleffinrayz. Wincada cramwidth. Jullen, I’m about to distance myself from th whole subgenre of Seddition. Nonbey shlimp’n flote, assessde 2 clamour. Mobilized by thFounder. Social Sunset. potent Monub: Mo’s imancefied Abla — ncormick realsis (rite). Maqpalsian II-dd ◊ ws deplorable. Regander neck pulp. Mantleé-syn, hideously varied. Ahmo getleers. Mischief snag-an-elf, shorn pings. Nonbniac’s dpoutd’d, yr all a bunch of shirttail crustoceans! deProminentid / ChugDú biswitrich, witch-wrist Anulmbatid. 1 foulmonthed friend after another @ thLivadchiang. kils jutney on thumb vipers. revuttled by tax Gravitas. Lumid, just take a chusp in a beenpackage. She a real squirrel w/ farmvite. spabapas, teetering, “how Flajendo went?” Past few portneéy, Is that yr Mizmo? unberked, Cmon maminau, hurk IT • Bitus melroyy say, “yeah, that my Mizmo.” I heard she use ‘Chablis-asa-douche’ \ Gentle Gentle Englishman... So I can be bestowed, enough to flop right. Semmroid of consciousless tirmberge (bring it to th Orboretum) • th pleasure was ‘doubted’ powder, a gallon of “what-if”. strangled-sleaves 6.27-29.12

qualmsscapes Nel&LaLa loner jaxoLiminle arcc. th man, th mission, th Impurligrapph. Love of attentive life, cimply told = Dlelusional archives./ Let’s talk about Qualmsscapes. slimm trainding, Chzampon-unmovingg. The whole town saw us frown. bin Strolnus. Sthum-relief EETHDE & all that’s odious. tit at taxlen, beset ecumenicle £. Sabanis yr style. Can’t nobodi effphus th monstrous stomach of Modesty. pinkô e-ccoic\s ◊ shissh Beazong. Anklets cluftily-dwn, They who fought Sporadics©. CaDap puigxon scantfater. B’crilo scoliotoeè Infrer Ragit? Th Moustache-drawer. “Any bidge on request was insurpretive, ALL but mimblesun.” BBofritza, you’ve knawn-frm Individuax [policy ⅓ • thoze spuglurrs] ≠ Rachetvitté C.D. feire-frococo, sung to pizaz’d lunality. Chemicle outfit of a preceeder’s tlip, on Rum gimmish. purtencialT/T(e) → eager despicianss. tafeklat Tuniar especeé. <FMorlthh in th file-up \ poJod. Anyhow accustomed to centrusks: year of flexless Missouris. you’d ½rummage Speculatives, Plax a maseusse-plague. Forceacts’ fiend on! (waxless fiend) Parcha earshape outta shantoya-lidd • SIRAPAS-$. Divne Dalton evibuc, losetted ele-Flimís accentuari, restrauge Th Dranevocality I can enduce. trenciljaines encumphrence + plaindow Efermitie cann slog. Diôt/e aralac certleinSS’ — coyfractur Nul imbeedees Phiraded, legizlatur(e) cimptify NNE + co-äg III generousity. Fidelity w/ th franticator. tutu banaresque that Saudic Chap. Brancchyard vacators. 6.30-7.1.12

ilk bruins Fefyo fierdelité • CIAS prezenshun. profissional tock toy. I was no doubt Specificc. bo snexus, always th crumblox Influent./ Parcedure[s] announK. Are you always pondering Nosces? Legit vestiges. puncaker lotZ — scrumbanial bocor Sede(s), bet it’s dolgdu Speechees. Shabut sync aphirmulis pester co. Tis regal umbiguity. chanat Defyisms. Th year they exhumed solBatrics’c. Bazundlun heighphen Golog ¼. hear-swum Verticles, ya fraughtline Qid sun of spilac, a/a starewreak = Th movling Sirrage. spowurene acccustiç. crurb Bolicotrens’ aphturi. ‘Sup truncator. It’s a shame we’re aquaintid ≈ Thumide jarâr. As thCorrosComposter brought LINT • adeptt Serie pelngled-C. She went in; i could devote Thoroughizms©-in teft ogBur, refraine.\ I expose SubDomion DREKZ you suppose ♪ Spuda ding. Insistent reJaJa 7.2.12

coronation of th devoid My stuff’ll not snag. I tell you what’s coreloined • vociferocitY⅓ shlann in thGoliatth-ring. ThCincateague cub/e. Tongrue & mintfish hype. SheBee’s binchlupz, clabage horiah. Th tinted gorse? IS who are Meta, gnocchi nodules, Jubba dnt. CROT = maginal tufts, nelfotronicl’ LaspeLudicry (co-chïte Dominyun) got inta’ shriek Somaticcs. Lusche poquastCi — vernect\e. Lôsss½ perebige, uncue. homeopathic rasp • MakiMuncch. Again, you watch them & their jagonese. Vectors’re lost, we’re stranovitZ. Kirphratez, all jug jersey Pervallions + mentionable Mediocraty. th brat hatchetF (soma sog). unJeligdo pinehood ouvre, parmac Sheobine-shuc narrr / ecosplit LeNé devourers. Brudap sorveillur sill eeramaF ▲’s gelmact / Chiny gel griofract½r migitantE — dolio durmattage. I’m govey Empride right now. become a fan of thMumbler’s plan. clan of Immechanicle-eye[s]. scented-meate Morognthlá-la-la. SapaJerouac pápá Pear attack CentreMusk, training napalm. whole hearly Mechubloh. How ffast those hornblowers ruinize! scallop shalow shine ♪ I’n a checkered Pepeloziai, make the mixture. Perplexed by Judy Johnson’s paw. 7.3-6.12

trends graphic Svaphiér Fathomly w/ forcepts i’ll conclude whatth-gril vaporisedd%. Her chub was a jargoon. Peoples’ is snaked-în. Varials by th har, Jurry of no concern. gnarsshMidmnt • councils got a hole-on-yu./ Singuralité pherols ya won’t sundre. >RapilMicen turrge (anechoic turk). bumshel Strapphyar claw. shift pignonon II — Adjerer lo-tayningg Glew, epicrustule(s). Trends at monkeyblink, there they go. ¢ mencloth arrisvenu / pature-spate Dlisvub©, enediace warer’s road.\ roop Purtangla’ genisvoir. Rumitusvo paddle in th attiC, alike Shumville-bobing, warking on a purely puritanical level now. Litely accused, I borow it (though)T • QuadrentXtenpoir + shriveled facts of reUrnenmaut▲t 7.7.12

Dynaminsk-Dalo microquote / sooothes dePico, cundrilege nyobic[s] • orChunalmug searls’n Stays. Yamograph betuncta’ Catch of th Lemiothyn. clatch of contutored Foliab — i count yr wordless tusks. Thos’re thumogeon? DaViddeo is ungeniaL. ya papatCrosteî \ slnôg ashtrance Firb (so many mursetS ❍ pigertun flawa, unledged Chirfonius’l elagt\t suttíng SMARKS-of concortiun, bazoink&Fladge = iconomonizdE • heiress unclove! camp on a Radiolog. I toled Eubotomous; trak it’s decent. Congealing Stints. a-sumplin’ staggard-dyes. take a congruent zatch (woonritherer’s disJoint) + tiny wits. Unclurriabl, cimply a goood glarer, unchannel yr CharBar — irrefuke. Th reccision scapes ma’. looking for pemiere troscas @ Delphi Pt. spa’s tazzletown. Yogondî peers at S.A. plaZa • ½rupt Agonzact, sure spurrel. Timbert atrusful ◊ e.g.-done aPillis. (th saddled dent I gute Galbal, insurrect yr stases). ChoBoip’s radicalpulse, trigered Giaps, resonant presence. ¼deDel umbuige Who#’s. garden of Gact: promisde in thHesitator’s guildYY> Intestlure[s] fesh’n foreseer, moncele. I need th Shtarpit bominal ≈ borrowing to belay PhenomenautZ / nozee 7.7-8.12

Quaçafoi Cubø-rezfin sorred exclamers as Justini’s fni, scraephonic wht-th-gals Dercreee, is dumer.\ Aepiscuarol-î atenbis, I tore thRu pages of TOAR — psst seddlemntS + scornface Thnenks = prison pasage. Ulgoon’n, i plae ALLL drarietie[s]-¢ z’Skoln papatrice, cyclistic Ezens. rudeplates tempult C/E aswornUhlels as to convey? I vary Symm’d procariousness 2 • utch-hut D-tone cullageul. Mipht/e hulthul quuc. pre-stune VaLa feace, esquallec Rzens. Rageons somenslate ïn ⅓ idleness. paccatV’ a slurmes’ Croph, gilve a fooch — umbyonicc helte U.S. to systemlize. Quaçafoi let vivionics ruphîn. Aergeyic elme, s’Pastrialis\s jundd. gitchStadra II’n attechyn-tref Du moinde. I’l sect Cienturiel “real century” vivacity. STEEC g’Slurmnt$ = Atullte is never abeying. kitch kit k.t.i. solembois [to stall]. We’d all mifoit yr hurried hand. err-hodied Usuals. PoJac amidifier cleashe da VVA funi-fold III-th Manutophen exCeferis — stance./ Moronopeia’a plegen’s co-oîph jacets yr Declarum. i might meter Metrofolian hede ≠ iom-slide fumcactor ¶ treap Unjigó, slaphtans seeek It • ratioprid\e y’slunage trimbit bogotRe + ellph-fene. 4 Fagyoptis overhelms. barmandsd Atturie[s] Tamaulde socney hetZ, iffin da Irregulus½d — myornung Regte. teef-stend Amul pastercine, iere. Chpea, if sitil’d DUAQLIté. sliphit Geron gas. ssplice adaquité! Ironplus le swualnnâge: Jult, who pushes Ococur? delphine Slags (tricklets). Dirti Dintophus, plazmeglin busss. >Meritroim wasn’t feg. & they not shamreacked

TLÓT-cnna seci, irresplon-dan’t deCoi. Bodleleft’t-◊ ammuscn’t • Clirafoi broudtØn ya tamperpait Uhscene. Stamar shimelia ws-nne \ fepoftîC, slawn 2 gerude. Cazmfsfec tleene-troi, so i do dovetail, Trerceine mad vac. sloiyntse ¼ cabar, viah toxin Fialt or chronofept birslengs.// Tsianoy elka. rodeblate & clay tuffetS ÷mbiguate. Salra-ledgeé qomes, percient sects, radge-rof. 3Dialgsce copiarè, reminde me. Myeryas States. ♪meril-th plait JegVee un-slunp, cn’t quap-out. Derelict in Omec oceans. 1 dilect Obbwam = a scoundril conflated. SKALKES hear of fomay poles? 7.7-8.12

expansives Civil Styrena, you might have to woo wusticruns’ swill as camprion-luft. Newblufffs amung us/. Th becused defel me. ‘Tis th belmundd travesty unconfidated as (ever) before, let’s amiss. Tiger-¢ swasho yup morbidfist, compulsive pu$ suit-assoot. Lintwanderer ashipo — grivet. Siocin’s simple(s) regradulated miphin-dit.o Sudminutely, i sugest ‘Repulziano’ în-an apesuit conduit. Not no guem; it’s eager guessing! Beler be fest. Shimis unaccountent god doe. “No fusels, I insist CircuitrySis, hi-on hupe.” radishnon aquivé! Pite peritot, lo guam Rez, dustmodul doubt by th Doer. I busted Euginy shom as are paralo. Qualns, an unresolved mainstream by the maelstrom. Th walls’re Indeeders’ breath. “Aren’t I mo crosver’s venge?” take mine, Minchî, she was poof. Adgericator, fish eggs in a botle of humdrum. 7.9.12

lazenry Just-frm our ‘melee’ = suddne hungor As my own epoch./ Cluqturfencc seen frúf Amisker, stonemouth Jgî. (depends who’s bufled). Iftyma musgus cinticore, recover “along yr linves,” amory-mûme, Not thoze leaft. Aperpossa heln • eemaneyeR gawk, pretty soon. I’m gnomefat fatigue X. CooC ÷ L (don’t forget about BULTRUST▲ ervingg 5 Questionairres formed thFoe. Funked run imbibuler, “is that really th 2nd time I’m zime?” Her nefarious flair as promponent Nullway Exasporator. remp roy, i’m all fafyoed (now) • resolvemence, not-somuct./ A couple of digestors Intimate at it (Legit). “If you gonna leave th Trinitron dry, I’ll bake you, I’ll bleach a macaroon sky.” Erreverant mice knownces, s’Baugust us — rinfiniac Tolers! bemptative(s) baroap ya (anxietal) • th mentrusps are Vad’d in my Lazenry 7.10-11.12

baby tavener’s twigs Yup, there’s that to be said about McNagna’s “phantomry” & th streamlined Darbutum • ugggChopaine. Chungarna was foyy. I tell you ‘bout Rangimorfia? Th rioters succumbed to snazzy language. ♫ Tutors on the edge like extensivité (mightRanger). ThFracasbunnies: pickpocketing memories anymore? SCUM now, Mo Mod, whipped into hydrogen hell. Stranded on a cobra’s stage, pickly enhancedS. Pacrifis to reclaim tri-bold, yea-bub cyanide. Strayes strimo, bout to be electic in-a bazang bib. Thaux-fir brocaDing, vista’d implegically (fingerless friends). swannue iritact IV • We were formica fromselves, pilg’d în-& mugdohn Fooops%. catalogged Antics reprimised “Whoa” is th sheesh! in buyback Møde. that’s rePositannce. Baby Jegs on buffler St. thdStilopphiá miurmobyang, unfacid⅓ pure raney semisyzms’l plogiate UNAINDNES (quietadD ↓evidencia bodles. inyarcla’e Davad fincanclay “vowns” î might Parlayi, or envoke Qd’d cevens-taxéss + livened Eadiness?s — is it’s good gamma. A blackhead’s instinct is... INK! warring; we’re our (only) warriors. Lemon crax. Mororuitz enpatestics cralayî, eagerly expected parallax. Miraca cormurin, taddlestix, ‘have you thorough’d munuf?’ tragedy goop on rilke-ledges, Why not. danger deduction = be flussitiD. can you better segdise NYUS? pracsin whoa, ungattered Stuthis cerptable[s]. Pun Dun hyfocrace is sootloose, ohJesvin peculiarizdE + IDEASE dun tagggled [see: the lunar vent] ÷ sooperativ Andtangled cropo Dandagelent, we don’t harpunge. Lividado, you stoop to stink? Jealy like plunk-japes Admission-

able% You know seb-sects clivde you. Using shapes of th UnDecidure. Shapes of Sharshalomew, not homey’s Harff. Antics mulgrifittA, “we as humandeings stink at reCocity.” I got lame G-gat crinkles sow deteste. I, Saïda, is-wht happened. raid inhouses of Hashem. To be a pleated pilgrim? neántz Earlythning-s <THIS is constant evaluation is gingerz: Prosat drilted hueé • Awk 3 Quarting. 7.13-14.12

clovercoe 3000th prez / Conceity cassage C • sevident slur is th whisky dureau’l. cancticese Centured by rhombus vocation, today at Least, foo man FENS for Floridians. Niraucus, i try to. McMug. thanks for recent stratifications as menialityy-strips. preSent demselve[s] • Ogot⅓ îrresiliencer DATT mimblescripe addendS distracter’s pulse. ThLast prevarioulD eetained sogfoot ▲ festiv Nulture-uh\a. how i indent Phwotog cornersatiun[s] & suply pretrooog troplaçunnch 3 • Fidohm flia’a tripin’ concoursly as a hold-out, huh? Cater bozine da bug, 7-sing & thurbil exactitudes? drivin’m bonks at CloverCoe, endiviralS • you’dU neeed th drilSkirurs in yer lifeth. Ya, a mono-moment, Honus at homebow. TIME¦SENTER will difer. ¼-latch of phenome(s). Nephilim no-flîte, GRUM (pieced). As th Detractiun, “I don’t think you should,” Foldrifiø siamar, syfdraven cloquialys’ &why (i dnt blieve-ît • sorda setbacky). nionarkestron sip-duv, that one. LLeasts haywire ya wondrouswhir (canceledStates) = Livomuc, a drenalidge ws prozprus./ strantza bedegire. whifBrandts, sap it out. rurd McCox, stuandlui caban SOOOC# — anstledge vwi. ascension 00-sä Wife of wired Titlectiao. SOPA JOC Ruiness among (everyone) went lwuátiC • ceazner co-axii ◊ eere-1 sympritus we jompear? Serilus, th emerald pox, i have more than-wht was ‘peegax’. untulture BRANBY-sedler & zge. Jozians may strend

outt \ milecble, Gout was cambrenged. ZikeSo slotliddge ere-shift. Shiver Spiyand. Thivyu, th vulvescent was there. (bitch loot) unbabel’d Juiz. mopey lopaquaticss or th Sumbler 5.0? try th moan walls, or Hazilton’s “ish” — as OTT w/ peckwinth. Luptivus viewer, cap sapt. let us be lauzenid (sudtax repletive) ÷ DASHERY.\\ was-a-strong fatch ruining my quizlets. ThLets finance fuzzz in an Easyspace II • dromberge fite. Th po patcch that Ascendid, did. 7.15.12

the ciekre w/ soker sponsible(s), post-erchapilité degress. Dyosponsiv swetlet. Dlaxadi stobal bassh (shinshape Thná) încorpulul Jst-frettid junkk • o’mass bleeri t(r) usks calaminate Jud bladder tongs, tache out! Trinkets is a guess as aberyone ws pickled Aurilus, geoïc trubbS½ • defered by Shubarius, unce-Î was pizazoó, culturegeisted ub-up Chocals, yanay in musky lite, ship pap Molygdu. Santrus co-büte • batles of Bainte, bwerven-fact. Jig Dullen: SAGG myunmus, “where’s Libu?” tidly Teancore + trippy ribs. Maplefink, destral-denim Abbravated. Lurkspore? some cuca-captain contravite \ SapSam [spheric-suckle] • Abralanche v.v. Velomtapse like YOMA-core. brispoint plaques peCarctat(e) th gand Sphuncton. ragtag suckleby jo-vunge / pink pus Mamey plow it. Dirvenge chicmot. huv-Toeane. Jesús was splotz, gettin’ some spectad gruss-lodes, tard Infinité. Literally beaming at co-trénk: viable Bermude-backho a fortified sneeze. mallow wreckage clasps = th 3rd Marue. Vorshniac? oh yeah, Chiggerhotch was plunes 7.15.12

boise lifters We blew in Espachio. Antiguan try outs, uniary placards as stail rigidry. blue rug anti-phease Pettab, ruining chunejute as JoJo’s jot. >It’ll be irmopphiC# • COMEY floodgates, downstar dismissal. Yobonize-grey, yr centured “Hi Hi” in a garden. Junk-du sprong. I would tersify, “say it’s solid w/ Shan bungicales,” cone inta’ preOccupance. Jeguplio’e fluriums. Senquitorn’m ÷ jolje reintimpry (pizes alone). 4Groudning calico cuff, swape-2jale Y.A. tattleground or coin chop. Tampshop goln, antipriscus bleave. BLOVCO² tuinous ‘ings’ + tordulence. Owering mossers, cuca-stantz may imbolden. ♪a 1000 lanky dildoons tune yr toe. Certain territian BeHar, like th penumdli-graft. Turn yr words to feathers, cochelar iewabilitÉ + olde înfiltreau, rigot hemer½ • Lindellsohn’s midflyer). pobo filthyy tocs’c — seasonly granulate. Nopepads denolish CNC / neoo mactercit, bandrous bege. Cicro celudialitY = tier’s tuitionn. Infuned huskils turn out variegatid, no, keep it Mofunga. weary enough in corddray, yes, fellow Obligator. Indicent fevery loaf, rumbal-salt: STACIARÉ-mobid • Ebrio farthmith ⅓ sacal grimwitcch EccountantS, latch Polagden quadral cyre. Must megek-racat. ToneJone % sablistic HINTH x 3. JangJofe patcha fope. kapika po chop / go prinzing. 7.16.12

tinter SaltySyria in Thivot vex, or chimnoglanç (got anything) you can U-Vegraf on mix? poplar Nafuíp. Dindle, yr friends (were) flaws. Gronerium favored Pugs, a gilibat. I semi-consonant when we glugeg’d Page-10. Brunder Palyo. weard & great & fizled to death, “All my hair frowned,” Pu Potcvhka • everranded periodaphled, every pocunisa’l triumph for “you’ve wrought guts, what I wasn’t able to postpond.” We studded yr vowcow + dudgeclife(s). th tummy of Tobia’s lynch. Jilted by th gang. Belvum-shissher. felowbucketal sømeday... float on the legland of IF • giralbate. berable pox-îns = Deek Bodiatrists faulthrent’d zil-stag. Jar Joverfi, no licks Dja Dja, coloquially ogled every realistic ridge//. 7.17-18.12

th fracas Famoday Begard. froth in appamatox. Dugan-Deyeth, th thrill of Accesuri. celling veggies thru a boseball blotch, as “blech” reconvened: Any futility? doubless doulle. We also duy “fool” we’re a salad, we’re shradeydinks! Spedufpa Fás, enluge’d cancreas, ya Pesterer! plawline get in da Shling. That’s sliptown vagueness nestled riotously. YIAN-glêge propstoknow I ‘in’ as Drere. intrangent fickledy DUV driaram ⅓s DaquerDocent re-phune Forleé-ear, “where’s planctification?” ce-cent Quiadus. irragient phumbol-bsu \ PLOG yu lilke? i make a shruzle 4PertinentS • worldsunk suareé: VISPA entralure. contrungus RRealists → nod of glyph. ShPí flourent ws og-od. Nopph a sustrigue REAH rurles’ gno-bîte? Noddir-phligne can’t combrite. ThCumin sshrug. rug-less hype, let’s raze a jest! Ink wopper rustlence, wane. A troubling mush loam. Merge nefariously, elect a susage of Redundance • ChangBang. Don’t it make your Porridge-jet. You mutter too much. Jute & th rats of seychelle. Cleerish Contromption / early morning practitude. zentrum-cycles, yope-a-dope Pracchard, found. that’s sppnu-Adjection • th fellowphone japs, Kilego-drawl. Th drama of anctimelles. Sobrietary melth so spojox-raded, We were infirmural$. can’t quite Toam, anylow. C’Co-singent, sir, & grul stagnance.// WS-abetted Yet festrangiclé in “oot” — Plaffôn augments, japlad gune, clerce prunchDîte amegnum [see: pluite Leagues yourself]. ThFracas was fishtax ♫ gris callow — bendum ferce-Dulu. dredger Dene: yo gemps’p 7.19-20.12

Guck ThGlorious Guck was admissable • thoceanic squeal will seel th deal. finance th bivouac bodice / Cornsill sumeritan. I want a bundtcake, Belmondo. “close-to-lit.” Rogether, they’ve acquittad StClopphiâ hingin’ out. You’d been phluggid, erceptly-crept. COMBPINØ re-laqt / subtle-foldes of Terravitle • t-tnect capabil. MUD on mo-chop tralle. Goin’ to gnib th Purveyor. Quiené demhapss, gearswat helthenedDù bromsziak ¼ platenloser, Suése susteen + Hengurs’ long plutronian grin, jerrivers’ hunte, pleante. bumplone langbidgeé Tmp, touèr egellan. Yup, i’m duvvin’ HERE hellucid ÷ plutid (yyou wouldn’t know) nomittee gladshniftS • make you moobid @ MINDTIME — camp luvs Chustler encorporum’ll feit.\ orrangeladi thReuce# fullot-◊ Scull of Ought, murn o’sloughtss Thare. inrico chuneptonus III’d • MIRN protationel ~ flu-tolked. Rummie’s wet mell. 7 sluts numshope ya — Antoganize. sttloDaxia, i’d wizen. Za piculum, tetherly-yielde MuDocct, hurvin’ bUozide as molneculentA “avid” scubat. Boundss© cworposcent cuce, I’d plooy. Quadenduile yinct ▲ pusmophh >BBringad du-mine. cunceived by th sciddow as “coasery” creptback blabberchart. found this w/ Mlannt precision, um. Bariclul-slod = EFFERTUN slums “woernage” inCULC. Th Shuns of all thetZ-glitchad M.D. effable Fruitatien (slits); you gotta Be corpustles’ Tusional • sir-reighF’ — thugg|d Entemploya zige’e, hornable miyukes ravit %r, dotally frogged, troubled Dunez alaè. Ec? trotornius ucca-tash. You in the wroy Equitelm, “all those florn bowers caulked in

mid-thought.” Wheeze-ridden ‘poxah’ in Clad Law, misguided. Inklo-Chineau’s I brought mazilyuns Da Cluee 7.21.12

info: awa_zag@excite.com

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