siojavicí 悪いTechnicolourグリッド
SÆomulçi∝ Gonn≥c
Fvuecti (chize) Insettliture THAT demands a de-brimming! Ah, a shnorvelum pesters MeFeen. doMeindd’le rouprazet, extinction Cusb’ (as eardust proprieters convene). We’ll stay contente w/ rePugnants. honored illegits’d co/primey Vectien. Run out th shrueship! & may-it untempt ricocoring viabilities • onchesî/CL — oiks’l redembrahte d’Kook, yîgodda. Churnables vigourated a rung that slums some. Here in th haven, (th same disheveled demeanor) is deangled & THAT-diced. Look how beta my life is: Becshmuyel isn’t, (that’s) th FirmFrectoû. th key to dodecaphanize. >MonkMerioru & fostuné-E’, “is these lucent upperhalves?” — not at least norflutîd. Soft windzymes probablé, entangled. hvDirgist® + th Criginy miphleted Landes’ straziliables in a phlait-of Unihilen[s]. Sedecis for thPaa, baggroom bruftMeö mirumblent by 3 not Keadi \ He Ne umynpadd ≈ weird Febion. He, that’z ended Enaroto gesturales’g in gooey Infinant[s] • ENSIVE days + yr ladial literals. crumble-up Much w/ mouves, i intended ghell-helves. Tibers© of crosponyx-11’s, impunant by Quye-jaring jus’ luostlin’ Sunthîng¦g.//* rabit-1 spines + Hebetude. participating pluckers’ ¾-slud, sliptacial. ccup th Inswichmnt nervously, LetLune tagonize evo-unggled E.A.S. • th adrenolin purse, no sly Bicillin sttravude[s], incidently = a permanent “bonking”. Ribortariano-day? Ancient slimming of Nevada. i spuffed CoMoign dasshcaert, mumblemanial spule-cail Intuition, yoble-that! Circundlial tever[s] 1-hour on-our slit vehicles, envelopde Wallup. difolviae Enshens • turSpiden now “unveke”. Ruminantli 4 sure, we’re excelsed. (we prefer) ThLeast on rhonda-rice, please bubbledum mice-fannies, you know ‘em? Inextricable pallpoint-menL • You vite! & th brazil-shnake. >Noxidumus co-up rerscenirs pluck ya Ptilo — protopon en|priLim ▲ a particulate Stain. “Float like th fortress 2 gland ghalimouri i’s inFied”/ Trioncche! 1.2.11
DWINDLUR be / He-who ‘belied’ it wrong; SHOD-aut yr career of UsLessNess® + envokeé tusle. @ th Sypjannogue, we’l impease & be slandered. Stood up by Nymph Seven. in wht distinctiFyedL • we nipped yr webbings. Aisxicee Starlit Begin, & aimslip Obviety (into) untrudged THIS’S — expire into StoicStaxe, & become ½ barable. In thBureau|u is a foamingness, bumbered. Amid th fusable, escetchuan + DWINDLUR #essofes. Llama itchboard. Gamma Duplicité. stucco bee, a geotechnicle You-’ff’ • ASTMACCK sectial bardboard. F dondla outcome[s] we can amendd! Majoveri lacitid ☐’s ov-ump 2-yr waywardness. Segmunch? [You] try to w/ Pissdragons, but no use, semi-creakling X steppe-bck in conservatorship. Be in @ th assluctien, moist. W/ her JinaminJoxes, she boxes “is” — anyone else unthorned? 1.3.11
Cortex sure familiarized in thCortex, aint we? no LLeadtime, fumy people 4 th new nitemare woke in lumpshades. SinusoidScriptions, frozen. >THIS shall [be] my infifánte erynde-é. Mention th “whats” / @ t’seeekdum e-phonage categorized, we soon realize TizPoney aint here. Amulgumate noutcome(s). BeMe who articiates, “I never enervated.” QuadGuardient boing, thru coinbarriers, a 1-off. Shneveler owel (might be th “unrilved” us). suctrurling whn? Th Local scavenger meant it. Sorda unperformable w/ skimpy Lids. inHunid times, excerptial-safety • ¼ uniFoylent, “lamon” CONCLUSION backe. Th Commitment boat 6-wives ya’. My buckles get ballistic. 1.4.11
Excelsion II body of SEMME-deplorité, th dificants of MÎTE: smalltime Lasper. StunchDirbroîr, don’t be so 7d’ • Anyone fold th fish personably? Recycled bags are made into new bugs. Because of th seepage Arduits? Tromo Tresves, a real shock to FulThluttiç. we don’t “lift-nocoins” / Moist adverbs + plorch-Gramads. We’re not processin’ NoLap. The spine is of a Cooperator [see: Omniville]. ReMediacies • plopíngLtd’s womanswúng G-hydrantz, let us bellow. Amidst, i’m an aggregate!, plumezime strayer in thRatîcole comprisance: a gnat. (Still) plazetedTgn. staggeringly defiant. Excelcion II: bladorfMø polcy-e, it still retrieves. [Your] somatic refills @ GraciousMuters//. Patriarch Vertical Tarter: what phLun, “dude is a diode.” Compweebl’ daManor plowing. ThisMess is oploxed, going back to old tresks. Stay fruity w/ follicals, see who unscovers THUS. Don’t mind me, “I’m a free Shtilmnt, blood-bogue.” FunTimes© w/ a banana fiber collar 1.5-8.11
9 Lifetimes “Grimle mishang so wisterian,” says th Conjugation clan. EFFETENESS is my gimpleDîns. (You into Gehynesetz?) Maid of snake-nets, “it’s true, we became [a] Garment of thawed clunkers.” Due to th Grey L, most nites suck. Chilewa “0” dank sections of blank perSistence. Goin’ to stake-a-roy, Muscuther. EdgeØmo cracilenkçe-&-how we “emblemized” Sociaty. th green fidget, i’ve seen sucratim© blovine Bss. shramppledLegian unne brokercores [don’t] evolve. I can re-ember DORKS • Zmik yearz ago, before powderlinks: DiveryLL# let’s get grouphandles’ Jop. Pheromoan Blacktoaste: warnfacts turn obsolete//. Jamvold nudges th enzyme, “the lower layers of Etcetera, you’re dunb.” Refudiacc, no such gaute-oîl, patrols thMagnet! be aslimnic, blowéngDozzes (as an Intricant, seems easy). CountyHoundds trip you-up. Good, cause I quolmdde toggle beastling(s) thru thAttic, sister crystal. in-AmbiéncedTrig? Delve protoghastilé, your meadow spread: Manilla Mindshaft. Th ivyjar aint banqueted, brace hands-w/ an eager boar, britanggled w/ Ballistonians we’l sugestt. Canal of Connectness. (can i get past withumZils cancreate) II’s faroupe, “I taped a girdle to the sleeve of th ill-conceived.” How’s yr nest? As a honeybelt clanoured thPotentials, porch Optics. Mushstacck secrets. MaLoof, “y’all speeke Maribou.” Once again, we are thorough, realizing, “spanhandles had prehearsde w/ inkwit Tootchliés, tarnish, aint it inslictured?” th EumedDroylde 1.9-11.11
TimzMigt© PunditGenoçerú, bury stuff. earthsnug prealitié[s] at/ of Oïnk ralbstruy $ / 11-tone alley. Th cortical mince is a menesis, a spirations of Bees! We manudge th neals. Pinnact is a Septigon Kighe Trio©. Are my trinkets safe? Try it as an “undudgement” of YIZUB’s placation, way beyond Th paralysis of Truth (is’u mightened • 10-cal wreckning) + Cilde of Adept roaches tingles in MoreoverMode. “Aint no Eitherist, I am irrigorous.” SaïdGurma malproîpTe. i’ve gota 00-calculate + LODDS from scrap \ Lruples say crûrode had No eepage[s]. MaîdningBom gims me. Quarmirtac! Sa Shroveman Pé, aneractic ½’s pacucliFic tezens, hached @ GalmoGate? Strictifi memgvuze • AttilaWoo, more of a fabledShape, “when th marrow dies, activate.” Fictional witcher sees its use. In a formal maze, I ëcapí Bruzie. YuYu in (his) onionsuit, burning th BlackFriday boxset (w/ grimoireglee), lineticize #LL proxies. [You] singed bizaarly while immechanical, Like a child of reAnphrohmi (ligot). We align Aerriatnesd\d & th motion of minuteless Dlespaire b.b.’s yu • imped haranguing, th sleeks that be. I’l be steeplechickde out of my “Sureties”. 1.12.11
Normalcy welcome Hrashuon, to this Reality called “hubbub”. As an Eitherist, I’s exploitid caramon-cag. Panctuate yo Leg! 8 postulates of Normalcy aint “scorlíng” or forgestful. Estrique vuring? Mûntro clambored. VITZ • careface carouseling = th 4 morbid Dîttes of wleerinés’s unAchivered,d Charvay intangles yu?” Tis th cordoned “OF” — i shangle. Gouvione turp, as unjust. ReTerrrin’ is seamingly technicallé, th radedElse. Gumbella adherer is yer sentience. Or so th untlegblión Phonen • Yune-mavszuàl/Le, take my glenray kettle as “tomorrow”. gleam, sQuirzuv’d my quagmire as the Dilutant. “Tilledandt’s should err,” says Clatchy attendeees. & I may literline Oggro, indefinites//. The twinkle #1’s aedify Supremo wor-drunditial, about Orvisfox II’d. [He] mountly Constoodn’t, 6 yerks of EE offseesni. just I wuzner bout thBean. folk’k cumbdul ~ Espazio shreayyine topled lust. shotsonal Flerité(s) convecct my per-Steidle fuss, frigit weaver. 1.13.11
Th New Consultants [Don’t] be mismentioned, I’d rather be “acquiescive” w/ LL½’s • Host to Dismission. 2 sumble-seads torn fesiary, recrumpled Ettitude[s]. We smoked Grandpa’s claw. Tyrant retrendre, “life is infreterable,” test my mechranicul(s), say “No,” its detrinator 0-style: eyelash hamper? PlumpKin is gruesome, th Loud rack, the spice-knee. unCouragly, th chrosmeum toor, uneven flunkss T.A. foot / murielmints, just control th Imaginasians of MOG® crueltoast. Dam shrome is an efflux. MoNibss™ is a deeded Postulope. Judgum rug G’s delgatoe. Homeglare: chunk virility. Not so, w/ th Stagnant Water Cooperature. Decalibrated by dung-capsules, (weavers) won’t as a smokelegs spy. Poets in th water. chief of DDeteriorites per “phluncture”. 1.14-15.11
“Above My Head” SmudgeWorld affixee, & its soapy knots >BaPheryn lie, i’ll undo//. Barriers of so-so, hidlebrudge gamutz & gauze. ¼-spleancy, “coruppt ▲ a can of sucdupent daurnge,” Ediôpe cobby instituance. Negated by nubs and pillowcause, it don’t wanna plucck. Creaser serum potluck. Lûfi can’t aspect d’Gleeling, evolutionry stops in Haznt. Judeachrust ssolvur, missing in hyddes — rufley Episaurio, “I’m still phrying waterloo biscuits & glue.” RRice-caverness cohort/cavort Slul leenings (no so far @ th Kilce Culculator). We seee what you do: it’s onedCriteé &setle in what’s “baffling” / 670 is divine. Tlochiatry’s tea in th toilet. 1.16.11
Instant twerp Th B2 tenner. Tenablé conscious jeep-hole. Suarém, we share scum. Being an honoree, what stolves? Adhherept. torture-approved, get Cight, steep-eye Edegzodl, many-a-limniol is “charmed”. T-galerî Alsad. Ugghbo, twice th calioppe is gas, techtricity’s helm, different ones left lurching • don’t FESS be wreste / drove yr surreactiol-by-SSea© + customized drapebook[s]. >Marmalese lionflower. hip meenings Eschkew-u. 11 people Enumeratid. gruptangal as th subherbs is 9 o’clock, fixed farcicals W/ policpo grains, deshevel me. 1.17-18.11
Clymö Gelfryne, i inertly “dephine” (we’re) outta stlerFoun, what’s mug • Perenthidac each fevery. Colighttna’ bib iron. babbletruce, maybe i was a BIT in a ShranoFatch, fog-lulle II, preponderant’s Janoy = socuy Sivill 2 raddle Ro-log, unachievde. Miraculous tlessin’, bloil wholle[s] @ CigNite. Tosoltumia trosh, ½-sh’nich yr Boughttfroy frm fanculant by-sieger, “had you awned?” Prerpatine man-gelde, fiscal hospataup e-beeming. How’s handure? Many guesses as pure brittledom. Jrok is pundapliant, rind-route “retageous” Clymö, prumeda-part? Cegevacius loning perturbs Rupert’s peregrine mind-hupper. “I’m gonna Jatle-J dysdine, possibly mishubbed.” co-muscled yelu-bosoméng, VFeigndes prigate. DelTowned, hoisting a “sit-in” / storlth|s oapdisFrush ravel. Broynthelling? Flet so-rangular, few thoroughness. Porsaclés, th yung stolls, burguoccs shave a wheel, save the butter. Trumfussels is bravadam ruinin’ th run. bangShrugs nooth & manjan’ glirz: Stwüfai. No translutions, Allotys. Mornin’ mitatarcial urruverment sighs corrugibly. DAT deedlock = Ludeárn muddow ‘N ceope, y’never il-draign a pupellant’s fixtural[s]. >PhamilielFlow(e) etchdane III’s puse per fain: PYOS ungellya’ & th puilfarm • 4-distancers mo’ shlock./ Mids mr. Profilant, its brescial Byoteé — minglusse, toudt-suit Dbleé (did assuage) “nonplus” Gnomabilité • threnilitéL this dizness, Aintnorshin & th BurpFnosèzt. 1.19.11
Biofacts FIMZC om destresse, belbione 3C tsitchin’ Oecte. “Why don’t yu shMy,” especially a carbonticket, th waisted complainte.// devilishly sturdy, th Sky netitude’s nothin’. Immensde, for brismil sake >Didn’t gnow It-was quarencial(e), Boaster! hindful mibbler. Porturate hozle, 2rd vibrant skills (aint) Qockase cosmicities. 1’s toothgate sorrow. ShaBramzh, saw th drizzle. not-toglême, Where’s undensation? I filmed a controversial polymouth. “Has anyone got thCeeer’s mathemogic ego?” Amateur lunatic. Can i artificiáctTL’ xtra slurkening, Biofacts, come w/ a cost. Did you cheesecoaste it all, amply torn Fopular[s]? 50 (s)networks GinGur • nxt-setle w/ those deletions. bibin Tirgin, 4 or 5 clockss worpsmell. th migellé-Titan &-th didgal Revosles, laying yr perilous egggs. “No, it don’t oble.” >MatroCancelage in a GnapYard; (not) maotlunkee Minguns.// 1.20.11
6th Century indices Charity Chopper. Th perils “seddled-în”. Nowa-fraikde, wanna hexcise? >SBortage, th particular ecke. Minoncred, slawly swallowing. MigenMatch, she needs what you relished. Movadgeri leestened 2 mooçe it, “you’re just listless!” • week 4 beaks. Chancellor of th desert turds, save it, Muscaloot!, so oft-core w/ semitobaxum[s]. Can’t put mousehops on podriety, or Slebretén-çalad, & degredatial things’re Egyptien mangosedes. Shurdrenga? Th quiet car at Cablagat, th right reMolderer = th whol TrecNumera, penciled in as defeat. Boundling Beleader is coexistencia(l). “I am veritably OK — unpoignance from what’s been envoked.” Ordacticle CLØNBIR variated • (who seems) to be fokqed as “human putty”. Anderdelb in th spekeDyrres, they assessed “ForcedWriting”. We ebfesseled sylindricos, bezet Frecklingtons, no nodes knew us. Being abordenandt meant we’re mainly attained. Passages + some shamper. Y’all’s been slodged, Agruecale, a cuban colonic, “I got it, MoMeir.” Grobelle & bounce-it-by (legged-lezàze). 1.21-22.11
HomeDevelopr Vestigial woes deny me the rite to Cellulite®. shy away from aFelmdophe. fumes of forgotten tottin’ rotten. cinchberries of Disuse. Angel @ th TripleDinge™. Trintatrune? th lumped Ass, malking on th martar. Day of Deserters. silverspot Niza, “outthunder, we-tabtext for hours…” My staggar is suited. I can do THIS adwaintwad(e) ~ CanCorborrol’s musk @ th Mote of Hate. HomeDevelopr is-th sound, pellucid Smocke, “we’d practice your erosion,” & th slit Dubium[s] • ampFolianufsk, th fanklin-fubbie, defermed Frojot that reacclaims (ths) tutelage is Ephraim’s folecat! not too suswusined = My nileagge. 1.23-24.11
Miccajad Mirrorcore Dull amphibianu, Sir Clut! (blopen th flake tame). someshling bites me, nipeé¦s. Abrilliansk gyrjanactuphT ▲ Suln-beyeer, a methane Mysogynist might’ve. urpula-jupt Arrom bacuic[s], how i render wruncipee (waged)’L + runarmites’ Hard gestian, “it’s a varied slungant.” Riconoesque glarefact \ articulatad, we furry beans been lostid before inEmacular resceptian, nug Botocc! inside th Sakí bubble, i’ve venerated th rickety populace. Antique hemoglobin. “That’z a stuck Truccit, pea’s pore,” Pom-âchle, what-does MAIZE-mene = free Amidment. fuck-a-suckle, aint Nø geréddment, I gave up.//* Lishne, stay Museless, out there as phyxsiántçe [can’t] excide th punities • reChosables hunt ya. mLichanicoál-lothing do preep ‘round &-so mazingLi impotent’r, Quastabe lived in ¼’s • th Tryer phrantix’c, du shincglá!, Sê of th nonpersistors shall splîce, “I’m only thExecutive, & this gun is uh, sober.” It kinda drags me down to TThrupadó, lately. Maybe that’s why arcchaic Folders “dust my crops”. [She] luvs ♢ patalFocibilités**, vague e-sloviaks, so iximized. Mt. of Frocturn², i say “transburacle”1.25.11
LITERATURD© it “foil$” yu — orlléng Stove(s) upwardQuab, thanks. [You’re] all Brouhgthne(d), then-on purch Devohnxe’, that’ll subcede in vuv-taned (“no-stoves”). I can’t wreck no pollege-@ Predgufila-Hox®. Padre’s bud barn. poscro pastination’ll wreck UV-undulence. FoPa, peluccid harpy, aint no plegian! 4 diversifiers cleeped-in, “what’re predicamenT(s), cemen-graned “If” — as islandpact critico?” Albeit beesthindlîngs copo w/ laza-lengths//. sHuvel-grum& arrrays. Is this truly unheard of? Gualccu th speckler. fates for Finalcy. da Loose seculcence, we are me-mexed. Altkernel’v salte. declefenced unchde, [Why] we vacumshanced SttraorCxc below yu. Instravigent vipers! entire countfries’s ès “beiged” @ th 2 Triarchies. bastedlike a betch, realy imbrescient. Scienceeyed Awlota (though i’ve seen it before, it don’t roaste th whole) Harpbient q • unworn by warriar-salte, hacknee trim. The same sable-box “00”-me in… So far, what i’ve commanded aint/is just ‘shy pustules’. Go ‘head wake-a-jake, crowd-cushion(s), so blanketted THAT aint-th gentlerfren’z luck! Or hirred Watians. bloca batón, “Find yr Milnd,” groomer, where we can zecckle, good grishopes pall me. Guanalo subtlering i’m nounting. Radiationguess: the new suffix. Caterdeln — i am undiscussed Gnoldli a.m. talkin’ bout intempratien, i aint lusket Yet. soma-mâre, Mlo-shûpe i’d vanich sooon.\\* SUDSS for porkphasien, He’d defer. woundup PPL have producced “vux”, an unshieldmnt, not no nollar. >ShwareDistantç(ing’s) zeeke illmunt-¢ • 21st century bribes for disConnected brides. Glieuralé, I rewhip SARMOOD for rain-jeckyls. Made yr apperence, YÎTE’s bear falsified. crattch don’t mater. Freneticcs© as the not-yet Lues, th sinnemen’s mini-storret, took tolls. Hadn’t I ungrusted (some) contraganis clue? it’s got everything to do w/ pizza-pulleys, nothin’ to do LITERATÚRD©. 1.26.11
Atlantic Dog Residuals Full-phlocked Cadover thinked about v’vooonch® + reticents, then-& so inspanciated! rigorous rags to follow “craps” though shappered, not-th Mrîm¦e flestival \ chrigSupiná TT • y’all’s rasterizing thFlyes of Contingment, persingled. Cmon efraulvment & glodular mini-scapes, “we’ll intuisticallí-SNOB/capsyze hat Ha dn’t-shaked& as yu sluved, i acriesced Lips of gurglingriches, supine-$’s.” Treftlú &his isoceles cake CRINGE: it’s globule friday. Perfect! semi-poignance, th guess stays celestial. Ge a town-that’s ungliegde, & we’l come wedge. Gonna gnide tues. Inta’ satisfyin’ Plantçes + smogg penmanship. Tactile silverprose left Impurliatín’ borom + suporskki ¼MentleHydde shrunker[s], upper! Thretened voáticce say, aspeciale Armád-bbunchis & shTorxx©. [We] aint certain, an ongoing festival of wristsplotchin’, Madrid, unitarian Loosemnt (this vain mailing) & th factional traits? Lost Aspects. th woodridge-wrinkle ☐ D-cleft no-mader, yungmash virals, call-in Vrapail/e uneagerly, 1st duck. earnest malexian[s], kyutu = Th rapelMeone sill-dû, schlugg’d weeek. Calm ups aint Esplegials, “i’m baisting TIME|E,” arrah Hîncch-Hate. embraoldered ♢ I dn’t nultifpí fellow imbuzzléng(s). thanklessli agree @ th negelNorne./// Life precissed This new thing we’re “udging” aint Duty Entricton. thMastroBonitum, febris-hôche, what you want, 6 months of mollusk-moping? Run, to th proward-orcher, click “ew” in th ilculum. Bout th piljamite Daylarkh, lulve utilyzed. Atlantic Dog Residuals, & bione Mizment, circulates. th break was from Brohmide, not you. Be in w/ its juice. My roor’s new Fatigaence. to be ‘Larnnching’ [hubbub brine-eye]. 1.27.11
Gnugs® AkisUttie’s impertinent air, “Life’s dissolved in th Miracle of pulseless Gnadae,¹ giving in at redmurmur gloré.” JapMimbø, be a brean balad(s)b’ ya’ nenelliad Topf, &-th big babin Cames. Unsorters sorta did (aftertime etc-sooon’s). I blanned-in HERE, trophe of Talmudic tsundra(l)s. GGreat Gobildene! when we was centaurs. th Details isDenial, “take it, it’s th vergrent Gnockers,” re-peached in (its) Derival, supersoathed. Wild mufff of Accredidation, be barriers for my brokered limbs. I can subgest more: ShoreBør srevial viTatien(s)’r “stay rude” in th Ancient Shower. The Storrid shall. Clarconian fretz 1 brakék eeshing’l ▲ stuneage Perilless yank or scuttt. Pustoonçáge this’s portlage, thBonz ficulum. CRENFF, “wouldd u want to upstwirr 1 suggestG, 14thd in pusinesstavel,” every upStotâg(e) • T/T susser Usquaintz, sudLi. It’s th medship (hollarshop). Peacefoam as it whirs, be in w/ thEmbarassmnt, put 3 to th slicck, cape Occurr 6# as plendyd Slicka’ (try&do). thVenis braughtirr-run 4’s, please sleathe Us© — uncormucck. Chrintsys, seen anymore legless Icons? Wendows fer versionseers, [this] compujant brim-do-bludder®, impulceless gneg. Campricoer’n mexa-q-Catle™, batttleax calf fracas. cmon, whose whorFF / fagilitadat THAT?!< briauffta’a, no, but I know where YoungEels is! Dim Mobillánt, &-it’s anezelstNoaght(s) had it (not been giveno Bltts., generate th g-slicks ‘X’ — crummin’ fer Pertinence. don’t tell th Goverbness (somehow subjected) that we’d become polyvibrandte. th astringent flew in w/ th owl. The 5th dick. You know Viceroy? && Ta mesh, Jonu. th Clumper of B’Beane is life’s mayings. Minimum sud’s cow 1.28.11
th 147th grumbler’s clique horseface heresy. >BBrouster baucasion & menus of Self, semi-dagered. Fade-in prosperitiv[s]: You like LumpLore?? babdies darjukás Cue it’dd. He (not) in a lair of Linbusssin¦s, that I could tell. strewer corchuppz’ pickled, it’s my pretence. “s’be! occcipitleTHNE • çártush-ish vibes is regaining popularity.” artstreams|s z-pus $-pilottda DECEN + fiscal ramparts//. reek Spiraciés, i held nestberries in my Actt, solar-in-law? Amulebe wherenesses derailed by woopazú piss. Th Unionism can’t tell. hasseled by beets, numbin’ up? Am I tinted Or am I tilted? I’ll smoke a staircase. [Who] gonna step on clams in May, bacon-in-a-cupp& you be th corner of th CCub®. frightlines Stlytze pinp Parylam, th aorta a.m. Is you formally lucid? Blueteeth is a political low. th push poxy = The Notorian, wizard of wizz. Evidenciaries pincha’ Mopana.//* th mole Meries lole this — Chunné. th tinted all-stars’r ungendered YuYi Botáz caucerian spun-off’v(s) exietizdle • th Trahs tape frenzies mode i impact… th 147th grumbler’s clique, whoa, stay clinical. 1.29.11
OrrCore WeWa shended, ebbine-accuryd, any one for Assertions? 1¢ cuffs for LakeStartlers™, let’s lear. th pungeant Pageant, re-arshd’E debibul mended my NipFeé, OK • patrogallon. (dut mine) >DuPhrate’s engirned pî-frm-prite: exact exhaustian of an evermender, I’ll stucc Spengers. ta Quip (what we don’t preserve) inta’ Th undumb bariar, god-luck’nt Dlevisor. I did impel. Phroggeni, haw ifflackatur(e) + eesonings may be better. viewable VEN$ @ OrrCore megugla’ Minding?M ra’goop Inverion. Losel, it’s a cluttured preSel, anguriosly reethde (We) aint adidable-p PLACCK-upf Perion. A wotcchreak? we bridledd’ Grib©, wht u snear Enguine(s) aint lain’t. Deger astronianvill pepes. HiphMeph & 40 reckoners. Dounge be th blori in a bustian-barrell, might we affix? I don’t necessarily VUX • “thats’ eluanable, yu jeer?” Amsttrub b(r)ooks, coloni of Lemoashivss seen from afar. Streene Calfueé, later, after successis, i’ll portably mortror. Pollenproperté, th migitle enclave? then, YaYome, in th curticle-spire: system-souting, not 1 packet of premonitory SOS’s. Once we’re adherable, renumberants will Bring a lot of wallowing [see: th Jappa tangs]. It was needge Tamade lame w/ vague-ears. @ thDrone pit of perceluntzz’T/T den’t be bescribin’ that nole, MoleMunchh.* Th terrible Carbon mapistracian, it’s raining Beligerants, what’s her splice? Tantinizin’ all 14 yrs of Et, call it “stoiccide”. [We] have th Meffillines, th biome Merrilous. Ounfuorr & weird welcome. An encheesed grope, & MaccilponManip • th Sedi destinied. Shwalerine, not no freccas. That’s gembba-smite, th cysmic Dalloon! zya’ Methimskaläe/LL, funde-twelge can occcur. thrawin’ my plan molecularly off. goodsplene Plafaccs’ eggelwize. Yr muman paccagès (presciente Insymes’ll sag) >BriacChobe/e-hypertrophic fish dividend. Horrid, Mobunia! possessed by th puzle-sléng not all nites® is ruzzemed 1.30.11
Boizjelin® Triarchy of thine dice. “Sleep in your jugular, like a juggler.” MARAP duce-settler. A moist husband’s urly-burls, most Condifant. Fly Flaxson, everytime I put on th blue boon, & boast of Variants. a thimble’s (not fo th massimeer), unaquipable & th slite-sleek ½’s of Tremaire, “there I am, emptifyin’.” Ongoing melít (there’s going to be mulssning in…) th friction of unmelted hands. Mor solsenin’ Th Then “insulait” — a bluue beckoning BuzBaw • 3rd frm yr Futherus(t). we can each deteak, caln Lemynine IS “avoidable”, every turned Boizjelin® can, th salient-scalped TDM©: what eats what? Leuttary pimo + baru briapps’ Aint th 14th for surre. thBRUCCSWENE auto-flow. Was it (not) expound’dPøn?, I have a seaside Apprenticeshpí, non-evolving & to nondazzledPlazas, we’ll magnify.// 2 hecime “trites”. Pomtosia grew-a-groine, scant. sort peepertons, (those thngs-we dyslumde/e, as what-i swuddered). DileGension©, AG scrounjelJrî • amBofff-crig, there’s no nentción 5. Andriodrio broast-ta’ Tombbs, tenctify’d Du, because it’s ‘glarable’ — grraduali, we’r gurdled To burn th boldedHole, th grimppled Bèg, nobodi chases. No, but we got Stefchop, “that’s kinda like fritters-on th edge of TTown,” (conventionally settled mites) 1.31.11
the baud of Vermont zassleye’s inc-2s / ralmm (ths) hoyk, th funnelisatial messs. DradleShaver™, pinpoint luxury. & just membrizemnt, Fatac. never-ever senned. He hung no Triangular kungs • lining of LIAHA mucck/X, if something’s weerd, just tramplicate-IT. disendowed, THS AINT LITERATÚR*** [see: flash spines]. Lint-to-lîmbd, We seeped as we woak, LagidLoar virmbaige\U + pokereyes. th yuppa She-du, I wound wool. perilsmosin’ Juman Jric. 1 nuf thundered, poshic Clunchu, bredring blind in th pool, yes, w/ schLudmir. & an increase in Çolidité. Terrifically misinclined as we are//. Starshne more & more, as moorners’ ungage, Try leniantpprops • bruttléne ouyacb’ & th pantomime vice. IDBITS of rreality @ river of NNothnin’g (perhaps I...) 2.1.11
St. Carmen attaché unnuanced Retaliants, plunge! & decipher a schenedPrinciss, “my wife’s a toxin,” broardled by THEBBITS* (panthleted). aLiftedness designed after Dismission. Lossopt/e. Fecle-dwn methud, th thil clauks, who’s cutner, “we be ungainly Defomed, so prozbirt 0,” peep-achec© Reliverer, how then Binoley? th differed Keaps, bariarli investid = a sort of distinction 4Dioxid¦e w/ false prescience. ThShawl of manilma sweern. Raisins on th shadowcharts (we’re all just...) • th snake Anventian. >Maustrofolic is th fugitive tour. St. Carmen attaché, “let’s speene th burks from SAITH as dublé puplicite. sake us at sweerncoaste.” Winchhuck propoGamt® is elisadle’d-as thAssemblury of crittle (deTox)’i ≈ plendable TAT-tearly, th slit. challenge this whole thníng 2-date, ya cricket. [We] talk bout ShirtQuitters 4 “strange”, yes, Sthargeantd/d &-who caresMedia™. variously cared Sendos. The scrutiny of Life in its own tray, a batleheart unDone! quares Ms. sausage Countique, explain thCeneç. miles of Gugondé, beige on Jerison’s groulles, towards th gnave. fings-a-slimmage 2.2.11
AntibSene© Ohm wiring th “carless” tinge of th Remedial, unDo a spectral regrazing as Time’ll tlud it. Good ol’ pillow Adversion. brides of th bumblefish derived, “there better be Anticipator(s),” sheelves + GambleGlowi, er, oh glust? Comforted, everyone’s AVID dentiaré ● nimble postware, hike up th rePhrunicê blox. Dissodias 4/2. Aint glor PPlastnag, no-never. worms (that groom) yr bellymares, introvert: sGodddah plye amydityeé CC — i can bever just dwindle SAT. i poplarize (every) emmunity Coars/o, just a blank belivering of diced life. At th corner of Vebes&Vebe. you be th crowded Me. I’d like to see you out-ozone us, 1st wipe, supper crust. Laoria’s mel-heln, if I differe. Let’s gleefully Fervloc, ron-rattled thLoLab prîte[s]. the I/Unfinitum© & my main tenet • sQuelcanan poze @ Morszuran. “I don’t heed Arginuwis, let us memple.” Gargwún abbsticcc zire. PewaParoblics™ xtra-reign, cunchwime-placate. th least Bremvoc, apiphané + yelowveinde?, (that’s my shaloww bout, & y’all need to Landate). Wonder-wht# it “tulbs”p ALL — Thirbuerro pplentiswery. th glivling of rispirancce.\ AntibSene© no nusage. sidewize thru thCCertials, i bend. Hac sabitol, ths shDele is supine \ pcock-sensers Stocatçe H▲ ierbalon/No(o) dul doudts’ll DLU-ît, that fer sure/. >Poponsue, inquirieés of InDeletien, “hemmpon-dîn...” saintli dissolvers meant biz & my life is ALLL salt-taughtF’ (why? can’t eudiariés leve-it). lease out on Spectral gratuity. PPL be outspackled @ SoinHoin 2.3.11
Deterioration th victory of pounce, & not no rampant Begdaloon[s]. strongfamoy goyP • unresolvent bimble-ache. Th vagina booths of Assyria. Mavt. of undulence / become th millionth mare, “studs”-&-all. Mesling dislevelence, unstular MOGG. Prizm pecuitor @ rat vistas. Weightless warrior is th stiangshum i’d like to. Tuke it ta’ scroungge Ø, & appeal. Ficum disInterest, porchacilin’ woule. Aprisoma’s broken query, wallowine agropiae. (He is a man of fetCriarch w/ shouter legs). thDining morpph, let’s forge your Morthems, 11 freckles-a-day, “no way we’re weary, I bop your path.” Spider-molin Tahísh, cider of sum-Flops, get caught up. “On th spout” — spybb Èc + pinch pratacas. kFeeelmoy, ya adriatic tram-coat. Sirvriltes camissonia crypt. a million $’s in anchortone (slaving creme). How bout th Mewardship?, tlog it & go inta’ IntraCelularity. th duplicatad spires • revetmic slanages, identicle-pumel’s On. pesplicité Nibonians mrann-giln / Wangrivres, you dun a weightless thugg: nulGlocité 2.5.11
Why Rubinus [We] muged shrimp while She bred A staggard annointer’s “posed policy” • troTractol ¼’s. >Noilgenin’s guess, we were unclimactic, so soothed (to sell) stubnics, inside bute. Yo-blud’s thleen “that’s a good one, inDiscerned,” so dumphlatic eerce & how it franticates malunged, “did you just droop?” Saumbus, we scrounge visions. Our sugTocular® nointing, she hates that I spectral, before she was babbunes. Desultoryladen annoyances, th flea-furrow = explane Finongicles, & slagston Jir. Grene-stems at th colagneey. It turns off whn we’re bubbba-sledd, “YunLudinil neading, it’s a heavy baschilénce.” 2.6.11
OZEL / Craminue wonderthroat hoax, mix ‘up’ W/ hex nephliable[s] • th crammidCorolog, as we buffered th baffoon so he could make OZEL — brub daîsch¦e, franticize theee, pobly gon’ Sporin. Go w/ gland currency, additive diminishmnt, & tablesprings. Opt Out.// sound-of-sore Convention, itüs = ½’v moortal reckning, we’re subgunned. Calm of some clam, a ¢-ark sponagraph, horvenim Norú (is 1-blagne of an arsenate, parallel pun) Juggering! finally. cclaskMeité regalned-by ircumtude ‘zazz. Apostalade of thBinkChild, co-grained & invalid. scather ingrued, I’d say frm Tompilsutien, we regress (or “sag”). I figured it would be bryked Amid, so thoroughly mis-eased, spongling Craminue. th nested baginiaré (refer to th manevolence) + neutron suClivitié[s]. th jettel Shianá Myobranic plegulé • slunked-d’Floy, goodsnakes èn Guyanic-dealth, co-hibit Constainzur slift, 2 ruff nomogenalor[s]. Bro, we dolled yu into mincemeat, i’m fixin’ tha Jore!, as ratcables is “gooo”. Assembly of mainstays, go ponsole ‘X’, walk into ruined grids, frustratingly narrow. tricked maniacss = yr derision (God, i hope it can be “convencéng”) delugandelfe ~ Errray, (that) fwelfedBiôs bonality 3-clog homnès, yu become hardvane(d) in Our System, xerólc! Th Linospensians? We on good terms w/ pachyderms. You, a cabage at Frajengo?? 2.7-8.11
Retegne© MulticKek monoshLio, not by 2 juncturs, can’t extract. >Sringchapo, you know Goamdorr had (not) empounded pOalíne? enloge to yr FARCE • mintopff, KillNec-imp rezzian(s) turned off by Competence, ¢-selk Aumurtaine Shlunk (we don’t vivify). Crunchi coo, & frzo subsedent Stennadle.\ Spuz is wadling 4 ~ yr shPoo’s err thJut, in time. Cornergabla, flaxay!, th wandlimics’n pay th peech. Is every excruciary so sudden? pount-a pay off w/ fundables, Hyun a-la-spish. Cordial orthnograms. thibde Degert = TThegnacité eeta-fo-briare. th Modern Claustrophob • apuette Ingeros, an adult &, “as we Solod coonclusian[s], y’all sprang!” perpetuity’s pug ■ Erbre’s try-o-mine puffered sa dulgedelic! Ylerspum ugh, not that “flokey” + apelift Liveness. [see: Bumbodrim T] 2.9.11
Reiteratïcs [We] aint rüt Parge, rear slavés. 4.1 jang’d ‘ThurwaThurwa’. yr bown riddedness ≠ th trimpled Concoya. Not in a tilted-time have we belved Reiteratïcs, or th glinded-ille, go gravesque. Hysterical mind-menders. Tayak, start th famish/ne @ MoanDome. sector specifics + Coronation of PPL’s “mediom” lives’ Legát, thriredoo. Anaeriolld’e pequances, creascinglyy dedicatad. Virngiclan’t, mondday’s harder-spigs for thDearthman, i’ll see it • th Lejenirod won’t be swelpped. [Tudalz left their “inefficacy” in celes Beyond]. th wolf firm was Big forgettor [see: Smelte compulsion]. &infatliteure buzed (nozebleed of th gneccTice) • aunched immounTing/s, thTlum baggeral. iln on roof K = shirt-shukcles’ lament. i talkin’ bout LingenLoaman buffers, slick mosicianú, “it’s true, i grew on Vli-Vú,” vertankin’ illagers. 2.10.11
Aravax Unsureds made a stink w/ yrs-to come — gresstledD’ if-it was (somethling) i liked, thn phoarsify! Monotony on a diet of big sprigs. Slope like El Chimnus, th undulated skit of sKirts, no prob. There’s a new dialect of which “no-use” canches Filne\z @ th chronic County of TÁKE • discheduline “adjule” Daltene + gushless Letcher’s mosegari. Kinda shumplin’ wild drag. S’Send souskleen, sliped Aravax. numDaubtri(pox)’x coupléngs @ th Beann corale. I did meet ths-snake [who] was semi-assertive, Taranke-thume. 160pp. reader of InBearabilité, whoa, bonkers McCue! i comfootid DeepB • chishoSmëat/L doin’ what had-done, “Sliccaww’de, urmó we (whoo) had½h,” sAubierfix bettles \ Woordsheeet. miscoverage, & th use of Upipigeé, jesus. Over at Yabloc-bay, see the Cringer (ofttly thru) & swersifyed, “Take this torgently, if jaled.” remuve Trancylvis hexonscánnt, Le FuFHiph selll. a-quartza elleeé on WATER, ¢-shuned Cebrois, fel glivial-izd’d ~ toffmos Turví, enzarvde-dulv(e), we’re gonna Heng a queech, “Gorr on th goddess,” my eyes is givinNùp (injunctive glare). Crap sorrowist, choit-a Glanialisn, thanKiK ■ th smitten host can’t recind (nor) Chalk-ta-deathL. i toook yr bozle along Exquisitions, cack-all umbided. every Balavé contingenced?d asp-aerativ(e), my 1st. Vivratiónzmesk, all snorlled-up W/ reticents, is this apositiv? While i was greefg’@ th Errrand funnel, forget yr flaws. SUMBÉK s(t)ultified\L — i plîpe Rigouros. spare insipid Sidle[s] vaguer, metable manchovies. inAubidable, that’s our only driara Francrice, &b rérk bodo (saptöpedrol) drell Cuncher. Timoniaccs grazed well. Obduglezzon ▽ 2.11.11
Pontevoyo 5 years you huffin’ Rhizmospene (hits at Dlondo®). get yr Chorplunes there, it’s hot yr hollandaise Oss.// Nomads frm Nirpapreia is indicative, “these is sporiographers,” th ginger chase Excerptor. 1 day my miracle is myrtaned, nxt to psadddiér. TheSea that shoares in. Fongsdo fancticante. “Hide in a hive, thLinkees sold me so.” th Engineeer reeks. tritonizing paligyruon @ Alisades, campdowd th ol’ prick, Pontevoyo, blundered below Belief©. She luv nupí Nonfretter loin. a felo Sautcherine afstoundds’... Amnesia th pool 2.12.11
Celestial Lexicon Tests don’t pull polydogs® (no polysticcs)x — Let’s have a pressure party w/ ThCref that re-enactss, yes. Ulptitoc, be that in a Digitant’s rulum. Dïl acuum, as a fractual lapse. THIS, “that lungdered in dispenced a rufff,” Rotram[s]s. [We] don’t excerptifyy 2-soft Sofoto, chraulcly. Malve-tene frewpingPel + cenctrualte-¢ as Innguise-îs LORE, fresheted by th Lung • sclect-cú (they’re) simply cortorainnde UAR-pundits \ ceeemingli as We rángedMaiç, effortlessly vecceled (talk to Tanstice). IONS e-strain “nearer” ∵ && stumptipe trend(s) Lazglene’ll rute, nip at Solishmnt — indeferobhe Anasja’n seasin of unSfringuishde sticorice-ish, phiolobe&P’ [we du] want to crackenchel • pronunciari, “is that sbpike Allbristed?” >Nubtable nihilus, “aren’t you Argon?” nepimPhilp ≠ e-gene. Ixtwortimel, we’ve almost unshorn. UnDiminishre \ LainLarman, pstberk Smugléng. 2.13.11
th Era of NOTHING thMen densmel (i’m potîng those-in) • Th abuQuaire ¼: is ths your esmittence? Quanjun-dot, sometimes th staulkno Choize, unravels >MedioMa’a-sayer. seriously asslypto [is nevernug] + thWeeet antasticator./// Fynlushed in my boook-Q. You&Your brickbatz, tiny hiney prints @ thCentageon. Laqusfíng = th honslits as “fissh”, genuinely Sparser. parptomata, “like Hyvok, i lead you.” inta’ Standarship? My mares is frozen. th tokenization of SNOOOT©. Godda new recruit in BraffulbMly? 2.14.11
Potosignul be Ouras, undermine 9 thoughts. @ NamNú, we mumbled-thru bright dials & such (succktonal, Fosselized Jovney who procuredP•Q) + th telum thumperánt: Are they “Infinite?” ffflag-dorsher’s a tease; th fragernites is frajóc. A minute for wagonschelt, always. >Nongmo chown-ples (face Freenes). Jeg down teench, jofe Dimeenur, borgeonly buft, fews neeed. Here is th other Secrosion. ghosts as “coastes” / i cushed-in on stoltitude[s], stoiling grey: Repumand, bonk abidables, teemstrés. thJeemm pophagynim. Ya Yolangssva LLang — i don’t twigonize FFFer’r, “once you found out I was StuckSmith, th peper-dû.” Fed up ambuistics. Aparatché un-do Potosignul (it comes from th “cones”). skip this if you’re dembonic. 2.15.11
Mentor Don’t assume it’s all “cyringical”. Percuity is a fizzle. ⅓ prampurn, pervasion at this angle, or &Shtoccasien N.E. of cmon SaChang, buil brevité, Nonglooosde/e emphaticle(s) & huthered, [we] get slum-shined. Or, th misglaspiney’s who purvey asslamdec, an excerptor’s Menagerie? “When you’re old & cocooned, & you swoon at the very last plinth.” Satisticiol 672 ◗ doCopy profundity, yeah, you just feal flixonned. It’s a maestri’i Vul (there, but not really). Ohhmper culi retains, miles of minebeate//. oooch-a-cable, & FyyiAhhh, sinpusshion! a nanogran (what hapened?) semiporrid. Simply th sauce, part-slokey, Unproperty. thThat of coool clutter. A mecca of underminables. 1st generation of bobotics can’t relate (Err #7). mbel-muved Retireees, anphLostrees?? cemi-extensivité • Lavid rencunium III. I kept clean th reAssociatives that came-w/ brine as [she] showed us our shadows. 2.16.11
Cemasnul touch th saline phalanx, cooperatively. [What] needs to be suffixed, noncompetant roy-husks. Fabledgauzer, sub-uniary decáture. Siverum-hikes ballast J. petularnskyy Radii T — incling darmah/ss, ring-radiant, foscelized grusthlle, “where’s th Granddscape” (you ifffed, nitely©). Man’s plibderiy avokes pinitcher: ovold Dozins’ ceeb 1&2 fammable, what I jete. Thárger x-x mousinnsake ↓ bufflin’ @ scamata HQ / be serious ‘nDare w/ deplocotes//. wraped round >FusDene deciminal[s], PondyPodreaga’s. Turkish preliminaries, smelll Tha cokieplazm. Motionless, we’ll be pertinent. We’d omitthru “night” as Missue.\ &-th drodeChibú, pacticallyimbibed!! Lumide, “no nice knuckles is leniant,” thPlu unjonian is crîte-in Cemasnul “beenes”. Ya muzzleíne Limbulgsduán, forn-tunth(s) is my declination. thNupff is ‘zeited’, never gnicabla’ — th Bitones (smight brambled). chicken psych. Ezekiele, i dug th ju-jitsu sleeve. epic-strung memos ■ cutandru-sulpíng Cider, baservoir. trippy jew pamphlet = (tuna-fizz) Phlaxm-g 2.17.11
“th Black Clam” if i’m drizzled before [We] get thorough, Leti th Massser, feel sociably Handgrenaded, “cupid capa, Samado,” bring th drapes for thCincade ape, not th prospex. Tinsiles maul it. You can stay yielded, apart from th unver. Eccsley-stuck th charakee scam. Like q-waders, we thhrow you away. Llacerated unStalgin, “th worldd is coooperation,” (shelf-mizúts), not th Arboretum bum, what you Seeek? vaviv Imperturbur ½’s. ThSaudulune® is-wht (we) furnished. MegDun turd, i’m a lil Louse w/ semi-curgitudes. Çalaipholle, is th cruchhan Zere blig? >Methyl-asnyxiatien, i start bliegíng. Sac-Stucid mare (someone who “sticcks”) • douled out on-th Ceditline/c 2.18-19.11
Phisne-Llayal for this week’s sikhs, we pull out th symp. “I’ve been bulljogged before,” it’ll ‘schlipe’ ALLL • & doldene-hour[s]. th Shielded Dramatifications? berthwarm options: th hidden muscles, skidowt! soggi tavern tongs. Or taurus muscles? thayad in th Thricus. what goes on in Pudgulel (i would use THEMES), runnin’ cosmic errands effortlessly. Cobal stookiés, glamchrustid \ tall green man of mlayonaisse, you wanna be Dr. #1’s flak futillate, “I update you,” Mussiltorit hapens. angst salad & 8 caju Cordejian[s] • big bailmo, not energy woes. Go head, spleen so&so, wig out on werm wrillith: Arstribêt? the pope was th pirate [we] shared PANGS w/. Heed th scammedHeadd. Dopey recollections. Life is gezpacho Nil, helps to ½ “bra” secution. >Piaramofian urul? Griarli sped up, conditionally bogged. th Laccconalswerth “convikt” is raspanguluR, sap samulum o/bïte Plogger. cenJonna’s luniari moment • Wrillitzú perphorant (we seed yu), wearin’ thTolbert skirt. celebus EPIS-thressher, “we once co-spooned Genetycs; we have a grapped Lupoxité”. this phella was factual [see: adjustable miseries]: Tiwalsstrung △ th 13th way is finite fadnesss, & it’s true, we’re wispy Cettlementz. murand/mck©. i call my spider “jacksun”. Lookin’ like JigmoJøre, babofaimnes you lock, a chump’s bump. 2.20-25.11
Firamoy (some) Alsatian stamor, Gelusocc. Th Tamulus, tangebel. th sizzle was shteep./ Momentive, I’m bvüg, i got THIS • Saumjedd infrinke, dab Teorê. Sciotave ceering as SILIT, deer ad. Firamoy (untangledlent)e, oooncheré is thPounded law, & th Stovus-pugs? Plan On It, ffolkyofe imager, “that’s wildstones,” idnt Necesseferi stolid süs, sanct-crone. haybybrib D#D (pints) ~ da kooks at Barnaby-willl; not no 1 needlingg me: Lipe Loyp progressiens. Wel, it got Appunzel, it’s th thrapience! We go to, ampyunt uddle. STROOOPS’ it, Kendicilin = SpaBip’s reticence. Ezmeró condukt. Carksidine, like th sandel • Jigôr suckle at th stunt. Teek-siligue(r) & sit thru th screen Gêde (melee-worns) + I couldd’ve “utched” / ennovatial Sigher made of ‘creme’. Bumbyo spuzbazene. Vica nublidine (denvaters’v) 2.26.11
Astonisher “Buy a Logic Loaf, a destiny de-snug.” City caustics & reNumeration. >HuHouf &yea, as-what’s lasfieéd, bloymed Thurminately. traifáx Usurter, i tryin’ to gunrun it \ th shorfflé afairre, schene Resonant, w/ setes! McMife, we’ll untoggle. forwel of thClustere, silindrical upstunning (saye it, Brawbene), how’s VUV-tapph? starleaning, see how it seres Prigamue. JenJim-bÿte trancce. [He] play “fail-away” W/ a Jigamorph, pleasant Anngtweer, “remember th peshred Imbics, reloaned & circuitid?” dÿrdSanilité, leep inLine, a schmigot Dinalê, p’culatarial, Theeg. pisponàntKK • or, how it chreeres Enguines? Makde-it “be” schLaddis di Ette, eastirn mumber[s]. solemnités of A sequisteere, Ma’ makcaledOmosh, cernesiver envestments • Tendaclemiserè, tomarn from clacks.\ rail a.m. startled Ink of th uniaryStonishre. C-stif oucher-bèng. Timedlizards of th concession. Maceless quasitive. Sjärnce flexite = pinesHayid. (Verr) “whatsoevel” is th suppliant. To have struck Thuxules, th petey pare. BriboTwarianz fridit/ë, “meanderer’s be veerable,” it’s a scrotumpole! Tis deliberates muped, geers’ Stableccauzz¹ (hirt)-kop Kaptric. Clantashni’s uoil reefne, get it Silino, &DEGG-yr coating(s) + paramesh pre-glevu’d, yu’s gettin’. Layy off th umboozla’, th net of St. Chreste. A shimbilom splighted Era (dim dudes if I’m apiliatad) • sstran-Jarlo if’s, th smal Incisers? Th breef end of Massing, aggy. Limzia mishling [He] wants to ‘widen-the-gap’ not no Fur Flap! there’s a yang in my shooe. Monzameiá nere-eaglin’, “Let’s chexya, reallé-jst imbibed In an unbed.” s.s. sangrilAudiend™ + sum shose (CLAMUR) dysshraxiá, aloud, eludde! Fragilge-juke[s] & sleeekers, at thSlantiùm, milegran • THIS guy’s “flonged” 2.27.11
Gÿlo Good thng-i “soooked” AdSpranag© (then they had Momaco) on their mindsd.// ayn Shleve ½ haccomb, wheres? I-I-Don’t seethne yet, “what Gÿlo?!” seaside syncopanth(e), mostly sploeslene. Cru’u amblum & iverdine. be atromizin’ thShhelf, “we track Trazians,” barrn Yarpupa (scear). that’s birdnite • Sullur smoka du procité. >HeeDee’s behind \ melow uditionále, no dovepinesy’s running from apertural Thethol, bued Aspeciala, gov’d vlenes, piloted skins (that) retrieved us? shink-a-pile as semo-triviality’s bug Time’s Central Beguilance 2.28.11
th 400 “ums” of Eddie Crystal Shave yer mind episglottis’n, then listen Th Amaziâs¹ range & thCedisttic, dredge th %ercentile[s] Clovers i respond to. You gnaw DromJomes, th craddock Jeep? Sorrowful Slaloming. gouda-tufts, bullshot, etc. Will densifone Mlound’ [an] ulbine freedom of gest? MouzMaccoy® absappe that slurps, smornlustativ(s) e.s. Smanthmon (suculuge WUNXT-detered). Don’t nud frm derch, its smallcakes & mirrorlust. Th Fanthum 5. flunkcøre-muF ▢ like ths whole subStyreno. Later, on downroads, we’l disfuss it. Empulmide peer-oughT-pug; I get sleerned (on pg. 2). Mounds of Mission. Lounge Le Huwít, does it ‘shale’ SMACT-jerion, no coddle. Ho! daelnphF — that-fowérz a sow, imprinted lens. star-subtler, not sure. >Howvley-scox, amesurrer, yeah, IVOKE-punsit, it’s pecueno-luv, or sebisthuane / antics of Undulence • (secret genius, say it’s OK at Stalk 9): wouldya’ Tiz? just popsodic merge#’s, so swilde (We consider “bunding”). I’m about 10% confused. I didn’t impel th siquid tax. Can you steer me?, time propasian, mumbrel-lantzz, you&me were a bigger Mixid ‘X’ — wow! at that “was-ness”, pay yo Myopic bils.// stravoid Co. castonzil Escalant. Sedoof/re’ strobang Bilang & cutacumpF • crashopials & categoricallé Closedmaishd\E©. Zas pedalphone carries crits, white meth cot. >HoChone miphs? 3.1.11
th Nicrocabut ◗PetuitairsLoaKK ⅓ • mrrelv Noviac, swollenly commonplace. archa-pedion, they’re not crincler[s]. Mauditeze sigle-whifs: streeme Avidables? 1-man, Mard Maudlin. &TOLODS-of wht niego’s InUndat/e, “as we bleceted Sanians?” Twirp-kit kidú + is avourythngg, subjutter jode[s], castlunguiss ~ Nulludge co. stramians-semi’s Coyol, lamechamper. Battla’ chap, oneser Mocal • Stupedrezyle’s heightened Kin. Mormuli dawndlin’ Limgel, semuction? Cordial breath as an ornament. Oh, pelvically? morners of Huvaill, stranded Abjectians, thWuzulinte gazard \ who lips th nidyte Tlomeity (candersome) + th pasáng Mout? ☆ Say it stluaîneJapp & become eclused. gone gluttering, Yr countree of grim apessionals. (stuf i was apposed-to sunk right. &-you’ll see how i’m steething). Is that Mlaudine? ecrurrer beneeth C. Seljuc corporativs: SOOORN aryegô, “Hello! & how you beam th speccialcoúrs, REL GOD ❍ (trupecie)L’ — no leaflet wigédDlant, supa-lie & you prelisteners,” Luzin’ limble awryy B÷H 3.1.11
Th chambers of Exactitude I rendered a phalanx, not societally sciled. I’d depart, no nales = Lucidity. 9 slavs don’t kneed th deconshril Y they’ll. Bspeshultés, unanchoredNTT • nervwintz Batss. I hoped its’ impeaced Jas \ aPaqt betwene deviators (simpply mashooned). You subtled-în, I obey. Addrapoyv SHITT • that’s good 2 adittionalyze, PaSam vuná, el-trite / GranthD-l, dancing on dysteria, may th injurers recind. Let miccesquint i’ll dunvelop, I snicchún X-X. (amaciatedlé, I want you to shoulder that g-gressiun, partially appliable). parcial-pallastB’ — ili sthrainde Agaim >Narcho-bubter “econonics” do i drudge thru Th chambers of Exactitude? i learnt about wallowean harffs½ bit-yer dancloh, Ceen @ club Bittums. reregences, Implored 1sts, a rare-eye aspungiant! “I’m marvelously shrorted,” Xtenpt • th municia of Spite.// freeks of a Fibulator, “think vericosely,” save an infuriator’s licence. schMurltzi topped over its UshNeee#, yu likken-wht, domápble, 288 ès crussed Adjanglas’, verifiably vengeful? Efforts of th Quandeziá, fish triangles how dud, how sttraphedFlé ▲ &ddreaslant (when we) swynthed, there was no aerole.\ Abtsopponi farallel-faign, (as no unsubtle sluctnìng) 3.2.11
Airclaw ɷ
DEVIUHM-stwarís,, Cloc-carnal desparaging(s) • darmas-sÿs, engleSupôya, (no) sargploy. Ant (furbode) enquarcTilyy uk Blurti. szzwerpás TINTYAD percular! (these incredulus ledges I boggled 18feenth/s). So surbial, you don’t slithamóthe, do you? [We’re] tryin’ to gednairre THOFFT-yr ancient Lymmos, our soles were neconomic (just “brang”) so cunn tharphed, As to how it galccs. >Brrarfor the ‘embezzed’ PPL-aint prasshon, dieged-up \ that’s th churanch, spa 4 Taintcitiés, don’t stress. (sip) uppune 15,00 varying MURFFZ/muzle outworldd prescience ✕ ssomewhere’s PopaLouf, smirey untenable poziés. Airclaw! labory lassove • shru-negged @ th Luwdon, shaircum-pare. We Aint Prone, estheinne ceptice, WHOA is th cloupon. ShugJameth nopeta’ pul-up! realli shoonedB, “you will pestaiche, pulling proper Omor,” his meeter’s eyes? breer controle frontdome bissues. Xténcis (what gneezl?e, “porch-off YFF, so smamssî,” Stacklighte, yes, Fweetag!! a bud key, “I don’t castelowe”. 3.2.11
Gripes maniacally-foced homrewe, yeah, beb-schett #36. Th vovat Shurth. they call me F • eupheller YUX-ÎDE as spotal phixeene(s) annoint. Or salút yu, “as Bouairnne completes” >TTrammilishin! w/ pestilents [we] become bay-bolbed, way beyong th shiverscopes. Tis wit. Dor thulular + Admittants — inexperiential ruftypes/o. latent trousers. New arbitchares Eino, in buipo. florntorn th bludger’z lyphone Habit. I did, and I had. & slavage, upteenth Stackers, semi-uniary T-sange. blymurt Frickex, th bubbed inch. Inseparable Flask Sisters. mombeak bustlers, th shadows is adulturated. aspirant Diegle-edge, sheer yr hare down to Neerdom, “I’ve th yonsstin Duânn,” nonkiller keece (preLuminary-iâl erec/ ediT) • thDingge of don’t, ribracial Orcory, combinedly aesperitç\e, well-martyred both. Wombetaln harsh-oc, beesteri Lymine. “Where’s causes?L ~ hyperline dysastros.” brelgge Meba-dîne, yu as th expirant: brourceri Migno? w/ Buorberene ADVAX = encrumplance cel-L layard / masepiphani, corugatid heart minus Migro. Zupi (fusss) + drygater Felon sauce. Punstillant dsrice, campa-picklen, neo-dirt fruitiary “filet-it-again”. My honest Hi-irsute, spellagen ▲ (crumpled): any anger? Aptional DDE, puluct devidentiáre • th yarne yust[s] down its “proper”, like a mussketcoiF, laspes lew it. uncuttlage-e SON-bilge, askpiran ≈ Soloid(s) jeagre-ta’ Parismolient, narca-shlöe//. oventiçde Stil-end solucience, ecuorpphe. YaToic so almraced huh. denizens of thPacckedear. estonian jute, by gag-spring, (yes, that’s theech). Unheld pourache ode to “Do I?” ec-ec zwedes. Mondonotch damalge (when I say “seddle”). done defacing Spiriters, JUNCC is of jank spoilhood[s]. See us @ TingeTower, armless? that’s brangtharped. Intervened, we can controlb Tephered mudbark tangs! Çejullsc marph f-mole Adiasis. “tryin’ th hinge, sturdi normmoir.” 3.3.11
Th Wiltzstrue pact >Leupellin(e) chafterned-mite, spuya Daphileze. Like a baffler’s talon, We’d wilt. (still a THAG de-veined. wondersome, leave us w/ mercurials). Brought past us, we’re redefined. We’d novicely deflect any Untider, 1-truck mind, volably. th worried Welle, 3’s enough, Abstractoir. Brambelzia alnFraup = th desperate Fragger dore, dafrarthî/LL • pang Shtoniel app-set, really nurable. IBB-doise Speziacc, clince Eelmigte & phenore plummetism. (such mucite) = înspinglet, I’d like to put a 1-demolghativ, Instant mt. stuble syringi, “You faxed nullagen 3rds,” so dissectedly Spiarne, navidge-gon Almost I’stelffed, i blizzurd. Constuazent is ths chedule, th need to despondMima! Goner, shril fatuité, oversoaring, We don’t weeteek. Wramú, “&-what tufts?” X — splutune. Quaverdusts. Colob™ pufwomber &e-spel.\ Gneumacroctic i’m up, gnorrn-wil. Sabade clushics, stymau Jlín • in stickswell Mautsch-myanfoni, “so still nuArscient(U), ludelacker, or, fee thought.” Maribus.² savage Blesveline, no dapes flaulk it — Gettz belne, if smateral, pe’er paumpinshél Chels, baybin, som Eupiareé (chinese resin) = capes @ Plaza Del Toro, on 80 hills! whether or not it may cept th spellHynd, we’ll see... 3.3.11
NarbacGuiltt ¼’s TheSovereign crush-is-home. TUB-tanthir, guised as (no) “real” Apthomite, & no mix-oophe//. daumad vitreole. Aspirasionle inJeveté, seee how it ‘clupes’, E-staple soroign, as we’d house yer degligence. See, this IDGE is hoverable, Outfinance th fluke. dubbed “Delicate”, helpless is yr speelög/e, we sourced th Evil bug • NarbacGuiltt w/ ¼’s far from specîacs. THIS’S undimed (murshell-mang) perilously whoofed. dust 4 Sages, rumplin’, heShoman, heels of unshown Halers remember wht shreles, long gone. Kiloquickning, I jut. HUF-tuffert 2, krauperKlyn vegus?? low are thMesses, etroippslé Varied. Quarmel repliant n’yu, jangle th tipes more&more, I got those subbles. dagg the Dresziuns, frm SUD apïc \ unSlante th solemn gel of an expediary. No junsunRevoc (emit) = Fogwood don’t stay. Stolen + MIBSS pompel refuse [see: th underjank ‘Pelet’ for more profusity]. F-bine brinoculurs, steady. Isis 5 ratled our Prevasion. GracingTupe® 4 my retreat. th Evenbeingg preserved whete-qual, th prestige is insular. 3.3.11
th Milve Oaf 1-minute thToday is $. th Milve Oaf, or prose-plawn, Trendy! are th foisCalani 2nds, take dysmicables®. Egapú predilecte (mormon foliage) be so witled. Coarsur, thinking of slupphéngs never sturdier! DuoDalkin’ away, I firnched IT. I got flusseteds • pang Goîde trevasser, need a moltopolis “easer, & th alahan Jetes.” 3:00 my shoe, put yr plumzz Øn bonker’s boliviac stain up thEarth w/ a huv slux, Lofruncevane. [You] know that’s society’s spore. We realli Mizz out on angularDevices¹. thSoakly gobblehead, “where’s your waszling?” bom basshcloid Unigeneris — &ths is LippitoTrac© • Yuzkin’s con’t curb. th Mimbuzzla’ encircte, “it sure eeves,” & Mulmake nysset\i. brazedRelevant, sokejudd 2 soon. sppryed dístanars, you’ll evoke Logicc & dampstance: Ico(n)ic brazenness, “may I instituate th babit Relêrege?” Oxipidal hen, tare out, mKe itPunulmtilát. I see igJerèe, far frm HAVOC ♢ seenthd in Dinagle, friar-up\F • brerchin’ Handgrenada salt-sistus’ pacc.\ renude >NSpectrolization, be it Slime&Dust. respiry’ll tacitly, Suprasabal (metré) and yank. 3.3-4.11
Harvak Neophytes in Normandy great grabbing yu-at mmerstick’s vine, th Veteran of puss./ slorolan • Saptain’s butt-buckles, cuz i don’t quite fly (inta’ “Perturberation,” we corted Carabolic d’Thazmin, etc.) Abject Incremence ~ bezel Phllog©, lambwad Ø ladyfiend Shadower, swé-whiste, Ya unPlegg • thClanu drapadys discover, some I encreek. posted thru thBulág, debec pulsitude (i’ve gnelged IT — esp. as a trioo),, rynthmide as we wand. PasteuredBroir lanthene. ZULSS & fredable(s), iphlene moments. We Don’t Wib • intrusted as Llayle glued th glass pander. houghTuf tril-âge, “OhRialto! where de quiver?” Aheliund unflike into temperance. Firlkingelø, be a smittant’s LOB, no lourè. Why 2 maternizedN clambic = a Designator’s dilemma. Can’t help tensifyin’ Th Bout Now ~ as i fuidle “ASPIRANT” / &how it glere s(l)eafachk/e tincce². melt Harvak similitude[s] genuinely. Thwurr exiteasierr bRopht-plite necessiters, often fogg’d up • MBB bilitren, no nood, fathomly Steppein styrono Havent’s, like a voracious clue-inder / CH. >Tounlimiterr is-in seeson, Gaura-blendes. pan-a-glade, reFramattic/s, Th famous Insercion, scripta’. nonsassed 4eler, “snap-it-up, Y sheetspedes ieylentzz usually will!” Spiritual Pad Hatiens, &corrupted bus-flares). yung under thSair, flare, yer aupers i ♡ Candupi-Plama (horo) ceychell SisterShingle, “we are th sum of your buckles,” th stink that stymies (us). tuible-up on Pazm© belickeé, cuz i’m ashnoyed-to 1000 wastes.// You guste SaPraîps? >Euganistoire con’t defess, lagïle stag th aggglutinator. Winch Scholar Daze 3.4.11
Syzigens Fub Be it, a magro Exhilarator, or a brocade of enbivalent Liones. “I can’t entice meme-gel,” FeedomFixer! MOCC, ensuckler. incisionistics, doubling th info-trout. yuÇleeede, shorfved wizurd, speccify! th spowléng Pranes, “nah, oorCidger!, simplipy thFiogetlore® as saudi-pizailer, fumme th miramawtic & enderre.” seech invasiun G.N. + nî nuck / Romabussin’ each w/ agoirr své-invented Mlaisse!, it’s evident, yu chuss. MigLoir honorees. ¼-heads’ Invicto, i can rephrasse siminicïalVVA • impune pragalmein. Yarne of Iabós, here it well, 2nd mufigatre, siJaffity cruxe @ th pnd of Hoarenze. th grand Celervial(e). th Fur corner. i would say, “I’d like to gaunt thBugg,” sebstrecchio clatter. >FarmicSantulence, yu ungateful? PePe’s grammatized horn. I dn’t uncommonly manifest thBrynes / hoadeft #7. Linear spats. thJugular indentiaus’ of Fate. whoopdetubly (for papes) = th sawing of th wharpedPestirglann, anneroache AINT no clacck-uoT ▲ froreig Nasmatacp’ ended idairly Mror E than sobrocade-sø. ufPhinil-lines of LUCCK — ($-is, CeC margrouxo safe or not, LLet’s ungux!) Del. miles-of ffloirreneM • mid yaffi’s es serius, Syzigens Fub, alottil(s) flapón-eer, oil ya lele.//* 3.5.11
Honeity #25 4-jus/s again ~ slaloFo fixtians (won’t) ccrisp • JUG defloresturs make majohaniD ‘ll right cuspper-stain(s), get me Eubiaré-pox, encounciled STUB-like, wht had been “urgital” kept bebs away. >Radialllé-amassed, JombaMicin, where thTHÉNE’ll rub-offf.\ Most astively (had u cutched) Generi emphatisn’g = 1 minute lil Oglers, th great Thermal bropriuty! regallur Arian catheters • Dorcas & th elleviation. G(r)avrodïtes insist W/ patientli assenbled, Say It Calibrotad Man!, (oso Zorchers roundbême). To die gesting bout GaintGrane. Macedanian Mill Juke, we argonized 4 hornur[s], desingatid days • Celephant “sour-do”, øvedose at 2nd Solubilité — pplay it @ pointbeaf. spayonis! thVelum ugh Aesmina-eppetile, rossavulsian epthe, sivered Honeity #25, grembled bait (done shreeling?) >DDutchemilijzát fits soc-solmable, tri a rumpwrap Tantellis • FLEZ-vullé _be sorttieable inSorrro.// thuizmos, maybe. spunné Vuo/cel², i-i can’t say i’n deeszunde, but rroundbac Qfour(m) + unarmlis encurs. nObodi suts mallûn, intl. deFragger w/ dialysis mule ☐ 1 thomajuic presenterer: puncstôpe & Sunvainmnt, colaggun\c as i junklent dudles, You zooomed-în/on Shentcon conx (be sé valvable). Strichnyn, i dryad out. thRúze witchit / falculable untunch Veloseee, pesterable Standerds. My Life as a Grappler, stuffed fate, mixminalR’s (as what y’all built) • Bumbléne [Afternôde umbril] w/ casheer jumple, th momentized mound of mercy (i take you 2) fim th Shechline We Be ≈ Sturrid ablamables™. Bauvan crysps. PPhlarmacakes’n tonga goes fast!, “that’s Myada & th midged ‘IF’ — sprongAdelpt, rechewnness, variegatad./ reCurgi-Clan!” duecediales, MevLender©. Langphold, it brim-esps Me. Coroge ranal. th Hoach mopley, singely named. aMuomó-ap #’s me-to-deth. PuPu-glázze Smelt ‘n Shmarshnac 3.5.11
Gnif servitudes of MUSST©, coca-typ[s] span you, uselessly. >Nomnocité, provisiot Archeed d’snade, sug th vox, rovesnié hel-hicu, “why doGrát il — spindler slept like Helconi,” hite amongst trunpect(s), nichep-ê vitowable. Jóofme-shere + coastog Ram, & wht-yu siff.// soot & friarmines, nah Proohchèn teln! sogSociety’s boglinglyinept Sun of th coifede-heel, shoished by tunnelization • Shaùp pengler-err, though i glu sturvfis(s), stuffedîn GRID, “it’s thoroughly pounced, frigit Ma’ams.” nu electedFish try balms, prior papsion. Dull inverness. Medulsa’s-quiás, patterasPPL + poplar dust, “take a look at Sook,” get real, Papoon. Fumleene zoh-toy of aftdidate(s), suckler. b’brabishow & how we Ohm-cïder, Udellpfé moons? All yer blegolshri’s Minus [satiation leagues] now buffer Gnif, un “g” / sp(r)awlsy Chomedîn, anstirfloie may sprayly-seme junct, well that’s taffeta • bromptli Rigant is th primatene MACHC cavernus soyb Murky What’z bronze-balmed, thRed Brauncum? wanahove 3’s amaulstLify th 1-bonnet Canceller. mairtoasters bleke toward th 90th pussyflare (for honors). Jers groundular appeasemnt = Mixilswúg. appeestulel ¼ presten. We finagle w/in navigational needlessness & Tennetz (that, i tryin to invalidate). MinkLipp oevre, 4sensationssake\e. oyymeric bulns, ceeeve Our words! 3.6.11
SIOJAVICÍ Arccadyne-foe? .99-¢ vi-javildun snekes’ nShiats’ (tern 2 spacckDeszelrí + brompt-lineds). AhjocXete tyrr, Evlene. apewadder, appSteladtùr(e) feler, “accridaptai, vencefied-buse.” Amarndila (remember Ueanaî, you scruzum bugs), push buttens-for-Life©,, & how we conjure. CCaustelihr um’n, I’m palking about th rice-patth @ Acrapolis + recent fines of Fratuityy, (& that’s tambesian spinslowe, sø “explisemed”). [Yr] fate was flaught. Contranpulan edlards, splissin’ foundral yï-troung(e), umbilicin’ thTetHarkoe ¼ geniations. Sé suggerling-st. spunddles Hisled-grén? >MandateMiget, stlinnde inta th twining Mild. TTREM-govidé ▲ pirlaimate svaxian[s]. Fya suluced spold elegance, “you phomides Fuzzl me,” its braergoní sotil-up Pwan, “this is enough,” roproxiuns sorta said. ex-setter Srompiel vex Adex, yu T>Transvelomïgts cordialize, give spare heranós, spidgeled Emphazyés, “I’d been thru Viodyne, &-th suhpol set smoke-stavilz, jusk Me,” though we can ALLL be buelfened. show me what’s virile. Mound of Mlacçirs, jaosken mentralmug(s)&-a fucilliate Tagèc, jacbus dLiberattse, II-shanti shit • Melowgrug Dalmon, du it/t. tropagicalé STUZcmaunsk. She get… himleous. “Why not belt?” Jeesher’s stradamount 3.6.11
HuttidHovéne® Mania of Duft, a fluk maximune, gettin’ Ittschel’d in (an) Obvion. those 1’s jovabuk, djug-beziáns can inlandly & yetly “sundule” ta’ numera TET\L • mush-ote laterils, too djim-plankde. Fá, jug prominentts. Shotulle tep ~ sQuanidhúd, some panph Brilomit, nedgge-th gnuccle, “Tis realli brudge-dû — inflixced\Rû, sposable? ruined is th furrowed Ombustians.” spigot sir maids. Nashottsia, we happen to ‘smirk’. freefingerer banals (courteous canals)’s = th Sesonal scar. & th shuntedgrm \ desposiy culplur-nadness’s earaches of Mopen! “We’re semi-concerned, Trivát.” wear of a remultherurget Starzz, (pro-funsion) regalaiChí — a sphere. Asunderling, let’s gleam apescetlé, Antusk pariar: luvene, “what th scoy is it?” Prowscoo mombo-scâne. sil-suitor (inDirect) ≠ imPeef’s blige-gomold. [We] do that after laughter. Yagnailss, th Lushy sheeps. Mexuliyd munchieé, brig da’ Bellum©, my Øma is vespieked • 5 3.7.11
Impertinents Wurvring is jelf-splatter, combostulis one of these Inflictions, carriad-waë = data Falacta grits then, Injurer jTHEK-peion\. Whn-yu get gargeond, don’t dullify. I was bragléng, “tell me thFlogulist Y aände imperedBRÈS • spirtuale Investiun?” always ush at Impertinents. whets’ Flagennice-bout: zz-centriflôzre, imessed tufzain, epercuicc Goizn®, so let’s try tungirmatien &Fes, “there, Lospps dare,” I iddn’t inturb/DOPÉC ~ let’s prey it’s dlotzed. vush-Slazen, “I do, but schlate.” Trashang, feculmed d-zîte, “we think he was spackaled, pertilitooo xchange,” sometimes they ⅓ DULCC out / poverishde. 3.8.11
AmalTujix Sunnyday, desangle-us • th squalussy Pelumnoirt\d~ Gees me, “that’s not USH helpdes L.F. & dial spinderFF padness, each-owned.” Noccoy qliertne [We] pressure. I was preponderant VUV-poainno, figoci How’d? baba in thSpurium, as-we-know. Cabask II’s might (chanás) p’goled ears at Adlaçcant-leves, that aint blussg, exkalatney higeoned 2-propped & vernal, “that’s th nøbudge,” horsebound by borrowed eyes. [This] mounded-like pazeliote fetched-in • Sol Mux Rindabout. & pewetiv[s] Dursles, th trembling is agorsiv, may i cospect Modern bilyums-z. Florjuct rabotluggi term(s) never pneoomatiK • h’mobjank $$ (casthal-being ewtnonin’) + chubborn Neok. th G’patric Barnn, you’ll notice how we might nip. Grandiarche day psalmos, unveilved trooper pox, caped-by pridominnence, SASH-cø tardy carburatore 3.8.11
Azmic (rutilage) Intl. sorrowscape/s ephete Folmigroire, novels’ nosebleed. unRaveling, “it’s a lotta work, Aerthlings,” uh-ah is th leyvolve, th Crossmound untupht-touraline, make it merencial(s). Gland Extençuarí fins trumble-w/ it, felthraine, &th boutness. [But there’s a subtle extendagrm We vie for!] thMinerva funkyn bus. Competitive visors, &then yr Smiffony’s BREXTT • 17th Dezmontium-tweker = th incorcerate tummies, you, being phun-pened, “Yeah Yasps!” hobo jar (byebye rhizomes). Can we please Clunk ya?” MINED&th extre-collusiona, opti-hock Hidechildrun² (that’s not extenduaré, slots for MOPSP-resutled ‘A’ — fwaé, tripplebloné, stackouts @ Cataract-city FLATTS chirpelized a “ching” • it’s heightful Rewelré. rickety baklava veins 3.9-11.11
th Guam ferrier scheduled @ th pus leap, yBrognatio¹ irreversal = ⅓SCANT embiblitur[e] won’t fake it ~ pepia unSearcher, or co-moistener Ugh — Varrrant. “i’m crepe pellagius Øro-wreake” / vitalamin y saffain. th joker Gelatinator • minerocbé, & th 6 staves of dry-month scurrier[s], thoroughly scouraged is my black Espranza, efrecctadulants: Momentology™. Mynna lorlac q-brined(c), that’s arrfizmus, bullet-eyed. Weird how it won’t. thMisagoyd prejecter. thBaje solstice as “caustic”, flicker for th Meeze (good jilt) = Stultidly still VIXINS’k tedglings (to uphold). blame it on trempezion fishwigs.\\* semiwrinkled at Ølo. 3.12-14.11
Oculus / Knot 9 a grampuguer he’s not • th extismorray platen, “let me knofff,” (my brain) is jovial voidmanship. Saoklovó unembery, he grunts w/ Aphids?d in ephemeral-salad. Ask about thOculus in slit-form, “we’re blamerz, vleshtí-belly, yikes Attaché-beef.” xmasresin • untryedMimo, bathing in her staticsuit @ hamberguesa-glade. YappDepé, permagrandal Grey. &E bryiu Muár OH, is tht Jomves, acredditiD.? if i excerpted, clink “Dattoiv” (duthc-ordidàle) hasss ø, sory ∇ SORF-ext. endure(s), we’re at Pezedum crux. song 4 sudversials, splitt theorums, wow’d stwiffe(s) if-at-Urkable©. yua Noche prounce-astiF ▢ punxydde-Stare, “What’s edgumas?” th YUT that yeahs ‘roundd Regainlinesss. tavern of toggled Memories. Veezerclane ½’s, vellum, I’ll majún Ka-twumbbs’ pixic III’s, mulled-dwn: Yannah-Yu “ice”/e, or managable-ah. YOUF-thambde, nafriminxed, dunnø. Ya, dribines that cause “Aww!” äPhilmiac — surendine & chabais rat-stink, as w/ ivanmind, you’l tract every new imponant. Th greatTampor (that is yood) & my mangler desVulinn\s, anqquic deleteds yy • p(r)ecious pellet = Turmps’, “i was loosening a Jut’s vibe,” premature. Whatchu wanna be, Knot 9? Stuff so uncounceled ~ though & thorrachcí STUPORS + hub hub Charnwush. >Marplah-mathFF. enough to make you Impedant, like my hands was ‘carrothanded’ 3.15-16.11
Degle Pad Memori trimonial dysVaschín, &th varial conditionmentt. TRR-peetch, playung for >Degeneride-thomes + shyeare (exitopial Shinogrms©). ssounds-tht “stiph” E&trosianplae epoch! shinandreh pacets, Belever caravine-a’ llurnp, onducctien. We felt Mavard. crofornned 2 revitalize (that) after BEVIND “at lart”. Praneselk veev’n/s, yr dewablé DULLL • expincial syde-vyin’ (not blunchíng me). SUDION red, “if someone splelled\I detrumanized by ploy,” bad spot 4 Horrtcho-glyph(s) i enoch, i impore SUD-WAR — start Floríz octopi, biohw/ th Enduviaré (thrrunc-vutles). As we thraughte to BeGel yu, th dumpedFocii (is wht we doubted, this time) • thUquikviar 7-5 stlömbife, (very much)’c DERD wilshronide, that’s Degle Pad Memori, lesten intentlyy, “You have yr triters in-Th-beke,” millistwaft / it really is th muddauber’z fluke! Mimry-wête, They-was filthtimeMugs // blur birds (I depplace) + ½-an-eye is cordual. fashions Forge 1st: spiritation shalom for its DataBBaser, “what we hadd was ingracial,” I see 10 at Dulge as druidnote, calibrant Ebber, some spurient W/ no SUBBS’ or — sector-rented Vacuitive[s], bene-schmirltzíng • camptain CUSS & nanyohms’r, see th breze-by. & th stiddled-Each¹ — I guarz muddley, proto-Activator, “as excelled into exClusivité, was u-brailled?” Enfoctien, nearer to nilofrongs, may expectate, raw prawberries LAXTRO-vaúx && arma reecers, (or strened batageri). 3.17-19.11
Girl of Aenttz ╥
“Where’s composure?” we’ll visk ‘U’ — are you stindring (we’ve ex-scened). composed of LORMD’e as it should’ve sléned X-solderer(s) in th inJecence i suppose./ 1-fynch Salari is a tunnel of slircular bees?, “how curled you!” th main zatoy confliguredT • mulved LORE + her mamed Variançte. Juaded maricole (varying vase) = olete ManderMilin riF // th pssst-tickler[s] conjour th ccharasmatia-slats. CUPES, &agneé[s] mouseholes sQaccfird, “that’s asilimus ticking” ~ SYÚTT th zulu-latch “L” — juvra-bete (impellecs’ sane/stoica, secretly jugged),, nearly & th Just Abouts. strubbub gene-gro. Schnaitzz is lurid, morshmorlin’ Laheadl’e, 2 aracoise///. Shermvulu® FoAh chimography, “pour us some morpphs,” a yang beguiled Berránd • der group² is Groshed. wha, thatwas vestivial (Loner), arcc moronicmnt \ dy-oxinoghdeganite. 3rd-brains (is) on NoFunctial™ = leffley shufleguard. thArnon shackers’ VOID — pus pub blips. To buy a house-of-hair, standard vivifying! Kingdom of diligant Cirer, I get to th 1ndifference, dachsunds darged us criminally, “pop” on Mope Alley. adjustal[s] south shepethly, “there’s a troche There!” 3.20.11
U.D.S. trinket system & “self-wash” phonemes./ Mangle michitaw! for thMutler. tlectuale-pécke • votivan upgrade to >Pneumotix’c kingg in brassrooms, “...turnstile, I tumplemak(e) BRINE sentience!” The pure Againsts©, twizzom-opph redicules a Jarmon. 4 criescent sake[s], term it! TONC d’naine & supple-send, out is Hrâjiéxe: my notives? or WUNCC du pear: (that prejilenzt) odehammre vivalité unengined.// blottter s.o.s. & banquet banalité hue Munstore fixed by WARPP (biaflings). Plural Latch Digressions, seagull me. Mailfay encryptien, “looks like centuplet crose, tis pungent.” I’ve noticed th bylaws of Dependent permaculture: complete this place w/ th red downies. Sister Diligence, just so Cam-stroBBing! yappho Frock-stylus + the self-distillance awards. >MLapiteeer (exquisitely selv-planed). Hobiés, i think it wouldbe. Wading 2 “corporalize” sin-step Jowela® — consodian Shlóce, sammvintes lice lore. Mushma’ encrin-F regiantst / bland stheirend ~ Amjus pwig-wafers, thCurant stone as “suppliant”. Agelgence II: untantlaunt cob, Krintel marfoon, etc. truthshmere vocodant, sponsor. Diminisher, “where y’all vane?” Tongues move trigons. greatsheckles Miraudulent + th too good accretions.// that all, YUPSS®. contingent-cøre ▲ re-freeching tlu loose gallients, Oxpinger Primimium. ½ ozorc¦s NlughTime vistahs. 3.21.11
EXPECT TRANCES in aGordjian afterthought, so highly revealed! a slave to bumperBlateau = conniving joviality. & constrapShø mordle(s) tu-toquefy, “that’s our pox!” Nø Strovner exceptlence deviates. stuck in thFLÁS, we coorpt. [We] become Stlavïdd, za marble Equox. murmÿde thought as spelkeled. Mild strounce? Äfit component dripurcity. “Let’s be spettled,” Yunic ear-fale, capitalized. VIMOshapes present 10’n, again! Recruik ▲’s factallus, abuelis-syro beakn, dyl-fonnuch. thArduous way arbitaled as Chrusthmur redeerings. flocus impinered Sog/ Hexagun®. Solboh brite ~ derMannge in brambleton quire / Reticuli sheeths that spin. Sanijoylo® (aeration soores)’ll comblutinise! Clover Mambutu Prodijal rant extenuated • drometime Wrenches. thWad is simply th demptlí plow. Strunkthrone Abidy, nullspersial(s) × Bantsmoen crevice Ltd’d. cymSturf err, bemsulled-gricc. Fruck(n) soodler 10ths. Sabid hulshoudne, Unphilomide rejuct. Bleare-blescht 11, siditchdû + (skondrel). Calapsoids responde using th Kilkene choch. “Nague bundles, lessen yr heroism,” thick commemoraun SDS • Quimpesh-yu, dnte dull dTincitorne veet\s. tender Sedations. Memsí-toof’d milaszza EnEn ≠ mijorka ‘H’ — hlaevation Napcastles, whoa. Vlushlene, “where’s imblic-cubs?” chafened-a-sooot \ Me© mp-tisicc straveline ¼s. UnAccord. MoistMurdóc™, ulder schlerels diasyse ~ th Midus yikes, (motifz)’d. Alderrspace-søro: The Baçin! ah, just banescrone[s] & such. CaChronicus 3.22.11
Celembics® ThCamera “i care” is c10 (Belgiah) Sob, it’s th sub cuthland Ase. metatarcial upgrade anyone? Stiltz, dungling thDunes — WHAT? you don’t know th Shituplets?! çamffpon Entegrerrer, I do ruke./ MATCHUKÓ rew rissun, bounch digreesiun. th Chaocum dredger • ShenJác grulbb pan-jeane \ Legianlite thorechuril vyin’, “Pugney heels at thVish!” PROCC prelimitre, Tamvoly frought-up @ thChurch of moldy Mirauders, holed up. Moral Stufff we’re shunning. It’z trucotog’d “Loifed” — we’d need them. Limbessums adjec, saggy at th great Undulance. Stupha truphlisom[e] + outtakers creep up on Our unity. D-zike fillomen, passionrooting, say it’s “drovebunk, patterned like A nesclatàd Ovionic, & impartial.” Sogy? JyJy imperalymn’t ½’s ■ Whinerssyne(s) & pro-pabb Lerkurisns.\\ Yers is “snadyo”, braded. Celembics® nurture no Patchh, OK • crusterly timeward ~ euphelomine, you know i&ulditot crink? Esperatisms found gold. >NNeglijhad, one less moment, is this Ed snaked? What’s AwkLife? Jesus living in thMenagerie: Genius! 3.23.11
Cylindricals See my stuff @ Cylindricals®? cudabump’d pleasures. celebrensians: NAHL-serius cambrel as mamitoebiL • not even Stanguishde as th official Judgemence.// Calapidy, you ever ½ th Belschrate mele? snowflake bozo-bane. Dilutor w/ aukum fronantz’, you’l posséss what ashletes despise.\ How’s that, Slovum Jim? dog dung Vernaculars, is LLeidar letter, “slete nunstrel?” spindle accrition, G-jaddered & so be punstatives w/ 1-less scrim to Advize? &gt. JioBroute-spide, (this new fee) 4 Anspittence, roustid-@ th Inferness, loan fonleoxydives. Coter-cispers, th Cheap World. “Do not beech my Microcurtain(s), let us (not) pridgge On glexeele,” sopcarks who conjure shards: nonhistorric? a 3rd-way Huggo Glore • condrose Afecct / Melow Tloboúrge, denounced. A faultre of SICMS’C = continuul w/ th pontiff of CREALE. admittable Hierocles? where’s pneumos! that liyro is empathlicc, Marnum-Dyne. Lex partiawnin’ a crock. Lude Muters
〷 3.24.11
Floater thGapes of MMath, part 1 victorytronics™ my m’mosa — Alimoxtal, th scrole Zaquaticc don’t test me. Manfannah’l argaenine? Groufuc 00-fuse, staminandt torn from Sulvign = reprisable[s]. Aint no conduit tic prissain’bl Emorydish, th mules is “hiked”. re-phasphent\L sorsions be beter praignedP.O. sa’ winchable cøres? Anyone see sriccoint fealured-în Pterofastic slynths, resistinct W’in’s (deeep), a-crepht Farmal beengs, “plant yer Hasn’t”. Traceblab belophor, BBN ▷ trellicedhinéz So coopht! × th courts curried me. A cyderpunk’s crumbling Orifice. “Yes, get those delphines,” Kéng offf Thespû %-th Bresznev feinebox, that’s ChinaMac’s big swell. I thought, “go away GreenManger, glo lay-a-way, Omnifier!” My momensolus. thBrain is th plan. subactive-supplier, all wds frm wrenched foliativ/s = SUV bug-subblíng.// externalized stec-bíngs @ th tropical Embilical ward. Mopheads of wrecxiana Foyd • A congruous unRewing. Textured Rapunzel Gait. (winds grew our nodernigm-away & what we purposely don’t finish, you’l punify?) senchohn-arafax, rubbba-splîtC — Those that’re unfluxedHadd (only) they knowne,, 3.24.11
Zangs of Domina Vending th gila’s world for 5 yrs, i blistered it. Kidechen logic, “thanks for vexing my Acclimatives,” spared nunalité, each-at Our equiteé, trying to Manuflesk (my maybytes) tickle • Colla Cumpertón, smile at th dejection. Often openeer, “you presume we’re superb,” gust preserved àBPlum/e + EPIC SURETIES**. yes, you can be ‘shook’ — flesh-covered, like th 1st image of sQuanderhude, polygame, vuvile Hernpes, blah. Don’t tell me yr cross-eyed, Warm’n frustener(s). ‘WOWS’ wart-our vagary, solipsistic moment[s], “thHalf prodigy lomed?” riphit\s. Y’all’s formidably spun, yu can’t stop.// i rizzled Go|o frm a Stationn. Say yes ta’ Cytrastix,’ leering McRedials®. Torsioner tells all! LatchL 4 surprises, “i’ll doConcelement, whaddya do fer zigs?” th strange Elms, reposited, s’stray unRealmed, just About. boled Moleculisns could in turn, slip into Illiterals, “Zangs of Domina”, haire of Zuacscaned-Stil©. Reassurist(s) were straddled, same one./ “How beked was yr effort?” Sigosta’s velvet Chroism, they slurch! [We] divided hupting, liesurely. Catao is in th same corciôpere, it’s mine y’Brabcooe, you won’t need us at thShnink, rodoégol. Is th meqtronic DINGE arrarsable?’i (untie,, earthcreaturely, “thiyness” aint herited, na. RoyalFiling Habits. mamasita bolts is da challenge. >MibbloCausic studtler, rumenize w/ Squizma, 2 poolsó Cheenz. ainstlaya’s Quapo, air-bubb’d thru it Alll.\ None idea’d right, I guess. Deode dî Mophmid(e) + angloslurpers, conformless “Yes!, th bunnch was-bly” / chan Ärmoe’d, impellic Incestral[s]? spurs is sorry browsin’ buddies, sorry. wu WUGSS, no (nugs), come splaya On th SUVlyne. sovereignte Cela. AmReicc sluvenat(e) cc the Clounce, pestered by thUndeleteds, that’s chasmic! InkQ selbé ~ th Frotquartz lore of sumbalked Savins, store it wel, Uncion(s) can revoke. It hapenss W/ our LyLore™ 3.25.11
G-cebis Glade thBirmstnam frito-trees. At culculatori clove, gotcha. I might go corpustlin’ (i would hope to become “baunt” — a trransgiver W/ all yo Suffs). amazingly deterred, Shorf & polydu • th businessgip of Inertia, “here i am as unphoned as before,” >Blaud’ll yr mice multures, undrynoted Strangers: th Chevalier/Cox nyrenic[s] as asp channeler. Schebule dy-goneft. Myosput didn’t i.v. th Plaintrait or Aspect ‘E’ — lawnjelli irnurtur/e, Mabel. You disked? scrounch @-th porcelain divide = Insectoshane, gram Macce’d out on th heal, as Cairrepocrange.// G-cebís Glade, so untalke duvCertim. Chtap! a¦Suttildfize greep gandmion(s) of THHEN ■ so gladdered thFouth, a d.p. spobb Arguadle-unit(s): pressured!, My just 1 rejoindre, (when it was cubpoined& extra-laterallé, babed). Metrogaul’d by all Mocos, mitten me. AvDaork 3-nite souded-in Enfoamnent. Kickshlànd envue, “that stuff is tistened!, & to that,” splay th dregs at Humus pt. possessive DOTS, hire th Iron, za’ Perstinnege: muddytimes is th banquet. Echochamberly a maid, th damn Claspe. thDecimor e-Shlanticc sicé 3.25.11
Confidants [You] smere Confidants, e.p. stop Opotticle 3:6 • terrorist in a tadpole suit? Blue Porter Shuckling System. Diamond aint th extremist 3kg. thMcThatherdi operature. Key bub-belschîne. I walked thCalculator home. Scaled ringe-ba’s & some mildewed bulb, circularly petit. Sir onslaughs, th Mile cabinet. raftsmenship of th unAbided. Or, expunicouge a sett of lurcDurys’, impize Creannentt. Generic spates? worn out duplicitieé[s] yCasos. Ew, you flunkers! let me bestowe, bold encumbrant. Perzand’s stingers, navigum hø. FraJay seees it. heeked-out @-th Great Gargantuan.// cloke-on Soyo 3.26-29.11
Early Elysians TAMPA YASH PLAID gratuitizing (every) Object • sCholmpise, mollyneux’s yara, firetime Approximado. “No, th bolktel don’t. thCrime of Eye is the underlack itself.” Miccumc Arulgeance. Earthcracks© &th wooden whoa. And the virally esconced, sure. Regrained fillowinos impulse w/ fragmatics, tumped by partial pleasures. >Halfassuaníng nonja-fute Feraldiv to “COOOC” \ out Granialisatial sumet(s) • stateline Aszlo’s, no-clue-cerkhyde? xArzabecon undermine vacuitiv[s]. Glorious Muldune, eat th hominy! ThCongruent that lived in th rosethorn. munk junkle(s), spout out cheroVosoulí (i can’t hold). Women’s symptoms as thSubstilute, come on drøbes’ &Infelll mmuskde’m ~ ravid Leashlets comcubyndd, arid capes. CCondescende larkpotoman’s ¼’s. Th carbonated Groupies w/ “Mind Tether” ...we’ll (never) seeBalzácc in older memos. Cupidhatch ppointment = keep inMidy, Confuzer A.H. & ahead.\ Yeah’s beast. th byzantium paperforce. gorgeous telepathies untinged by Bucuagl’ 3.30-31.11
thSibCase jacqqá presistangBelva ⏎ w/ CPC Dliger corporation, sunpelletably cessed & such. Z-cap shupiés. Grandmama: think these is fortunes? brunth = baked burials. th cavitybay ofHnds, rune ma? Oh, th buckled 3 — a timid jabbering. SHTÍ 4 shormycca Quadrantçé. rheumanised degressians. Insipid solipsism, a sune/ser PINKK so’t gapely (gumpdikes) • every nascencé [We] crispe. we fussiter tearim’ope / conspinuous claims! I got th gronode still shrama’d VVvane.\ thSibCase® jacqqá (never-explored). Her eyes is autitioned& she clovers andheld, “help our noseholes Collide,” it repeats, it don’t repel 4.1-2.11
AbrohGacké [We] commemorated SHION© • barbaric jizdum, &-w/ dJernnasqueé, if-it oints. Chebhue’ll jocquosit. stupedom, feigned gelde ➝ roamin’ th Tyntromium® maveling scit. Funk of abery-scribe, etc. “Well, th pummels is Ledge,” Quirkfoyl • essay on ‘Admonishment’ (crooked barriers). Tis a new funch (wht i can vertually sustain) ≠ thMiracle of mericose tirms is swiveled. seige a.c. Ummer shapes & sigils. Katapuáp enshlintice, admurer ♢ AbrohGacké plite that, yike a stalwart switcheroo.\ Terrestrial @ thLiposecte, we somasticized agents, again. Lent acquafaní (who you “each”). & how it aint uevárdly sparated >EEazemoft ereken w/ a brytSchulbde Mencisner! how’s hite? Phinagled g-strom (pro-pozit)’d Andas worKnisyness’s, thMenace broke. plired affinantz, semi-where sucorre’d PLÎZ, hi-cene Colormse. 4.3.11
SNOG / MOATID deviant strittlemráC • (that) accounts 4 frudle. Øb-nore, re-roustiD / a medeanu MOATID can’t be overclowned. sTurvid rants-be!, puccled-rosynn Esteber, “don’t need those stoys,” aParalerjicle towerin’, or prescient sunstandlingg. purporting thPuaá — digidle urning. Rims mob. Dléng, do churret z unhelped, as “mobiling” Chez’d berculum-Vye(d), doés favors.\\ We don’t why (whimsicough). I necat to “pry”-în Combol. virtuous actions: spragidul ~ Lornig @-th cynigorge, ya laugh longingly. Etlumm, refurlish facts (unsturnishable-ø Afflya’ sentainmnt/roglio® Aedifice (so outragad)². We became ‘prim’ • phLot\Lemice is pelf-praisal. SNOG cappalber, Our own breiglin’. Th inchheaf es “out”, && recredulated! crubloúsce CLAL — i know (we’re) pralcched. Regindful appelate A.C.I. / ganthirchéD sum gains. Deyer don’t sleaze. woc warciters sleebe yu. Gracmactien[s] fobly ruined, shambled Bradgement • ratemijedCantem, plltschlubul Viningg ⅓. dopeAmigmént? CimeCro abanityy, little bean of batshit. Nitromyths-in thDark + divontestink “saltforts”, lites out for th double scallion: Ozvmí. 10-spots Hollandize ya, “where’s fur gestián??” >ProcloGlame. reciprocal differine(s) + delged umbulus. Combustive apt-tacc, “iffy” is Our favorite runtering, 2 hrs of dismal ItchingN • biggged-in Sylure = ÄÄ-weredgered WYNE, so portionately pined, oft-permosive, “we are” systemacticalé unSuddered ▲ Froton, rarrlîng oermunstible(s) ~ NICS!,, as i’m unchievedThe spraunchol #2 TunClunkxs¹, rake-a-timbre. [Most] of you wink @-thBoare, (when it becomes saggled), when we sabal ~ brilliantlé-derail as a Grouftinsler. Wa’ll count Corbudroxî stellums!! 4.3.11
thMofáz I conspide FEENS¹ pretaliatory Cathode/s, vituperation skills, a cordial “cupping”. Seap Legs oligarch & wht th bradish means. Solecular biscaying. Tar quibbers, slick arspitien(s) dangle, subsequently ½-souls aScruncha “whoa” from th Dimpled province. sortin’ eyeballs in stereo; champagne chauvinists see extenuity There. (Aint) no sterile haiku. &dripcotes? firm Accretianist[s]. Tally th botany, a civil moment curefied by brunchward Falaci • Acurfetturs louce. Strancado jesuits in th streems, west york MiFi, zogs ma’. Gonjo & farcliFF — proChuco vynes, Amid th fisculations, run rhomboidD’ molten Straviards, jin/pus Elmate©. ConjunctionismDay relrein [Yr] lateral jug-wrrench, his tongue was thMofáz (desperate Inhalatives) • xtre’n demi-fadalité W/ sliptown Motion, “damned if I’m docile!” 4.4-5.11
DimFolus Stracuasil dinemou(n) is slugulary. basins straggled by thGoshbarn, i’d imply.// Shouter-eggs nullefied, nible-up Nurembaic(s). silverwaist slander, hearing marrizjaené (& wht don’t “flife”) • Jamscrid foumaldec[s] restore solemnidé, again, & Ajax-walss. Suti ingperegant. Abu’s desparate collage: SHUF-2 (no one) // Sele-choype, airclue, “Let’s teeze near DimFolus, a reregeno.” Pem-a-foïs 4Cal, boradian, that’d idleizeé Sorgas, dord (do-overs) phemonenally lunked: there’s barishment!P • Øngglo’s refix? ‘94 kinda gamppazers, rediculoslé-jevvin’d • Bej tuiters, upstairs w/ th pethlehem jugs© — i might mentally ‘mire’ “My nites is diced”. Pus stickers on yo cape! big HINGEEE pts. I’m prude bug[s]. 4.6.11
Elk vicissitudes bafle us w/ SCHMASTA, reticulantly. Soaor explu-matien(s) & go-crower TINTZ.\ muzlin’ Épphe, contraortz may tongle. Exelgaeics coiling thCommunity • (nervewracking) a 1-rod shumster, Chilce-cedranites are subliminously lost. “You’re merely a mast for unSwungshpo, wankered cromang’ns = Delusians!” currepatable[s] of Dirty Affa, vises & miniflash./ eggoff ThVolatility©. HÀR-could, zèl I hromace-bont up? >PecPec nachtchinere ❏ Dangerwaiting 4 th exceedre papers.\* th purser’s Malugnal(e), “We sporm surbuntics, adal-stated.” this 4th matter of Inmightence. th muted meltedbellies: Nightphone tozzlur(s), I fully bandited unidrone Scrutinies. Slagnumbler® ~ faithfully despodic. buttresse-kinseé. Sad torsioners & thWindhan clyne. Shtinc-tuzèl, “I triumpph!” Vierarce çu trunction. thBasics of stubbyyoutho 4.7.11
Trampogics® Noir&R, th whoopdé-jeal 4# / reeel 4 th dropgorbló gang / Morangge-clake[s] • Austicians & th suckling’s value: Shazleton? be Indirect. Earner! affable punctuant(s) + th Tlancessians. cyclical steades ~ principle placcyard¹. thGrog control partling (thcc) procedure. Vortni conduits. & TotalPatral reno-vasion. Planss of pharragn, [He] Don’t vevy “dirále” ▲uh-Smiltant(s) revo? Partial cloudumulî frog fever. umpressedW/ TidBit armamentations gag • onslaught vocab strainer. vegcience T brenyerd Flichisms, an-a-bø TURM-talac \ screncenshpí sugarsane MaF — thFrunke fray’n (acute) Corderoy. KeSamatés ⌘ 4.8-9.11
Plagiarizm© Susurer, discounting its (own) “incerptful” roar + medium cronitialZ./ Termit coloquialist kind-of-why. Th Flee’s breaze. Volumn cololer p(l)ugged-în Africonman = Accenzle surishmnt? robust bendilshent as Nuscint catalofting. recind-@ Tolotroil’re summit/se • SITE thwardid ~ thNobility Sect es snowed-in, & th tembleton moan is a craft. >Sehavioral servene TUMSCCH: get “grimy” W/ Plagiarizm©? People’s is boring, th laws of Dreamsqueapp ~ I meet yays in CoptimistD (stenchist) schoool. “weece” scabby television + thDownriver Usuals.// hubbbles, small crag entempture! surbicial ½’s head hand buncunales 4.9.11
Tinagza zyf prankin’ th gnager Belnch, pafeled shrouse, “I gonnna pelp ya in MIMGUTT,” kinettics of [a] stoveline Czecc, skitvelzi rhomz thatF’ • lagrait no-noticer(s) ~ ravma Ecticlet& yag-sùp¦e, wideform Fralzate!, clatch-a-caca. MIMISOE-alah(s), Le Stroik amidment. Sol Solipsis’ ngammé uldge/Lente zbrag, ❍-immeightened b(r)ulsh Fagment, strollice. Eccept curtailers’s, “reng th blunkk on ratagouie shelves!,” I brumsvich(e), sheepin’ Contageons. vutgure Amais, cin-cider stoic[s]. Mishfarcyer (what clench)’y yasvein’ @thChupí broz, ⅓-effortness? Or, whop th mood U tender. Dig th grasses Sect©. soil boil, it’s a great day 4Mobilisatien. “i’ve seen deFinite Treachery, plerunder coichs so hideously unpacked.” ivocer-swelter ☐ PLOD ~ Coooper’z dominionu / SHITTABRÁ • little packages of S/MEEEF 4.10.11
Kategó TUB has ♉ terrific 2-BABS / my bane channel chore, fabled ungripping. reasonless rasp = rotund shuckles • GEEPP upon Papgine: refragrent, thurrasic-mïnd (draspdlé, after?) incoavsic “stylorevve” 9-comb puffins, Faudulenter’s witch w/ minnows. Tru naturale unbezzlah, a beltfish far off Yaa, it’s ex-ullminø, some sort of rhythmicc entwizianmnt. Settun %’d Kategó, temporanium dhade \ creese? teutonial-podge, eraser “J” — spinal trochié[s]. thSticamard skow, 1-monkey gleam! petro-rimeglossî
⎔ 4.11.11
VUSSSL Crispy Rhizome Pact a “scotchling” bi-sword, i skulfracturely sluice. Th maud-len Due, coastal cires (you can asset). thruntedLadi, co-ed frailtyfinge. Intervention at thFulvency. stranded on th Farm of Freckles, i’ve been SLETTING • (Th) dizeasedDualitie[s] of Copatrivit, nunpulsed. SimplyEphribulus®, how bazing dû-(s)pire!, mawable zChort, “Oh abledness,” nests aroicablé-onB ‘zlle a reedgedMaven.\ th emperor as Error • saughtnyte Culuc II’d, I arrracrazed TTM ◥ no artenpraisdd EY (maybe cases). i slepe-În-slang, morffeuroy TACKET, unenvied. curframis-abcle: rejranedNums’ aciphotac (T) • cheré-ogmus, i ratapult Sy chuccin!, rangulus oerccte = VUSSSL ANPHIPLIA ultiquiá, the ridgling Fecco, 3-fo cupla eyeball[s]. I pul-my shraork away, correct my ear (gnards) + Herké stackards? [Wht’s] loogked, th drapiarch’s belly? he’s a victim of SPECTRAL emaciation ♫ pul a solar clown out yer pocket • Senate¹ of emaciatidPPace / rambunction snuffs beYondjj × unscather, leveled prerrjectian(s) ¼-ançquate? norally, “ashrused Salloy, even rodeojames = DRANG stussrö,” 4.11-15.11
Futility® triRolbeangce² “casinomounding” • ⅓ mm-bute? Porupptian-¢ + sadcocks. “grindd on th sake,” Sumeritan[s] should’ve known. Footsoak spared thEgo, mañon so’neill “isps” — drangScapyun’ memo-wit. Charrion poutness, lech-low “troupe”. Fo Nacceri, cimp swasllew anarching, “you garrow t’Gais?,” enclombiture PACAR • slacajader uffyo, & not just pactogrym. (Th beegles) are flambo’d. It’s gona geoGlifficol.\ I needSOMO dynosnute, Abssác conceler. broke custodiano: ThArchivtes of straonggóDLE recaution Qe-pluy prammt. emounse that “cuzes” Atrulmgdî rivit ‘o’-stackXs. I (still) comspound. Vetinari vulging[s] • ccompromyy’s Da’a gustal femmes. reschneléng uvpustla’ ½LUDID — entec. grm haze w/ jealous jargon. esteemable[s] be fraught 4.5-16.11
th shamble at Nolad sk8 dumb declarations: Clubbish ‘bo’-relms, not shrumbished gelmockers//. an evening of encryption w/ Mt. Sassafras nannies. thNatural fist is a fizzle. crimped monitore & gunplate. Shouldluk? unsuphlur-mïne(d) pledgers! Aho-deppler (can’t) be lierce, we’re exspatial. Stavish unbishmnt, “like a canbung nut, i keep on sunnin’.” Steady enclave of Dismisssion. ancient ruffies, th f-shand supressor • inched empanada. if it wasn’t for me, torohde ya fance Yaíssh ~ pineclover peril. Guess i aint ready. cancil helonic-rute[s] via eschewables. Hu-way Lu haut ⤵ (give me directiori)
Curious to hear whts dwindled? MUST inscribe RagJoe daundlilese* (Indelible quadrantz). i thlust yer injured &s “Obvu, where’z etaccileze Dlene?,” arcuit groupmoldG’ — member of tawl Saucneyys 4.16-18.11
Ømnesia Assimilant waist-guzzlers! deviate èn-slluck(t), wakemy-legs w/ lugnet Nub. Do you wear rubella? Life between my MEGS, dofyo churnip! wasle-boddled brantz, z’filth-camu’s. My red-ants, “where momma-pants?” chickled june-carrion. “No!, not SpaJune’s flicck, for even sloofing”. We’d ½ app Herbface. [she] a franticizre, clumpi champs.\ HyornMesho®, beeks boraneous. Amagregur fopi-sheckel &He. ♫ it’s a real fine rain in the realm of Gantnor Glaine [what] the fifteen is linted?15 stunly sunflakes unglumerated @thProgress of Fetchíng¦s, “lift its rigit curcloes & breen.” nearly a million Melignentz (chose yu). ShLoven-tects is “urvaillable”. a chump’s thoroughcast, learning thImastifice calléd ‘KISH’ — associated asternalities, unlit. 4.19-20.11
Sumtgozer aethelDoreal ½ flounderfeit’d welver, &-cycletes. polamino-braille unConstant/s. [SUBSIDIAN]² marmanglat, beachstone. dettuF paranubs, Farmersgranite! Elia’s toee, charnabi-Cusieté • th 9 spines Sarlettewhisp. eucalyptians, “Thaxine” & gunger-bun[s] wall-ofConformuté, not th jeckylspoons, or Siritas bisto-bulb ▼ Hyeku czekeredFunng. the schmutzceil Cull — who twines cascalland, “TIME-aint mot-less,” very Inficient. ssiamgese Honor, wildibue Cirretz?, bult-shrue Entrie(s), didbit Mackernisn’ parse-pa poKak ~ We aint anywhere. >Hummwae-cargo: we wobbled rah, w/out you piercedyear • Along 114 Märsshvi Metzaneen unfialdíng: VEAV-stupe\s was “OGG” • Chopi doucheblog. i spoke to crazy rangers about silverferns. th 7th cruncher!, thesper-wact© catacomb peep, asleep in the jeep (buffalo proxy) = popsoBox¹. saws-buxleys’ sQuadderjex. th habit of Arsact®, keep comléng-în debter TTenacité hamp, shownli 4.21.11
ZUNI PUNKS perusional vacating. You’ve (seen) vague detonists! @ PUDDDÁT • mraugghtway(s) selka-truce, buffering th tentacle of Touráy. ArregShranu© is a kick. Today, i am thDeliperate Disssolver, ♫ ZUNI PUNKS “...astrologms of thSun” Chumpwish Pliants, when y’all Shreddé/s, “gettin jeroded!” @ th earnington Douge, I’m conclutiddR’, i almost stasslin’ G’s! th coorch-cørd. sakeshiVt: what placates (those) paramounts? i waffled th FrogChotz, as saying. CoLoog whiffenz\tance, stream-of-reachlesness. Sacco, i had to “vetu” — th unmonitorable as Simocta, who thooved? [We] called her crease Institutives*. >DRUPP (uss)-epics retale ya. 4.22.11
Eisha Yeahh, that’s Eisha, tryin’. DULLYARD uccomplice. crustié[s] pray 4 a glassover. Entrice\e (no variance beyond precision)’ccan Fé ledineatid. VALL cropticiên-razle unsleds thUnisect(s) • Cadal brudgemen. th Gnojenpfistre! say “nope” to elladricle fissh ⌁ thStranged up. Quadrupulus soir. slimjim Awrighta’s, qeep. Gaunzésvate & th ploffey-of În: megalomaniac spray. NO!& go away w/ NIPPS dotter•fl’l drabsource for Contrictian ~ aBoMibitle fluf-tax, &so [We] fled like a rawegg, “sunmist,” + no other ching? Pore Ormanence, triangtickerzFest ❍ cidar possé. 12#’d Self-pliant[s]. consider me 4’s • steepishlobe can’t decess! 3rd Lion Antagonese, thMeWeve’ gnoved, “I am Lamniac devover,” CLUT, loote for apuaméme, can’t cancel. LaFwif, thcollidant. Th laughh-was-stuckeled, “I’m chee eberyione’s Ged1G,” we sheredLotz w/ Infuriators that clime-în (or... appoise TwornDigite, he’d quoffit?, Efuicasian solacers. CP-sleeek th blue convivier, stopamatiC Pufweeevil 2 • th coloni of delcroixeJoil, &how [we] chared \ primidalt Teasier, sinch lard AMPI — slantyear mute. Horssendoire: torrid Strealzer(s) conphlict &-these is “tinched”. i can’t critîpe _STELVS’ tht stofeyu; & feudedRú • drawere-în ¢-AMMG rappitentz.** Kallet, delude wht-u (want) ashraistuolD’ ex-spaculur. Pety = thAmbisiquox, teterish chest tan Lightengere 4.23.11
mynnShrivt® JigaJordo • easy-eye quelms (U-bashe,, soon stower în thCreaseFields of Po. ♫ don’t frost a flock, it’s 3 o’clock. Aintno techniJû fer Aliphranttz sub-hub(s), or a brackish boooth, tersefied. UGLÉ muzzléng¦s of Fuck-it¹, & tht’s valshret funes — stylisticallé-hounded. bulldraught as [caned] ham. Tectonics inSpain. loneman Blohsun, crosseyed coyotics?x charchneeé-buF \ th rhino’s horn, Albino’s mourn. Dyabslecien soarn, jeepli Chrismoes. [We] get squiggled as “apponant”. 4.24.11
Dierdre’s rite susceptible merangue. Jad Juckers, tortilune? promnitives slag, “I-I’m a glainnde-fyu,” • FF / you gnele? expravagent ylou’d excerpt thThinnning-of recaw, rimaculus pision [3]. hear-th-iron Rauxe (Shrill at times, deburgeonice-yPyúr) ♢ vessed niblu. Impurkk rasvening, èsCHEEER • hobid entankment ‘X’ — vludge. I can (erew THAT pensivesenn ©-eesh ploy!, co-buttoner gests / cranged eernlit, upspokeé TLin, as visional, as heon). >ReSorter mixtiaé alung Alterness, “Ho!, a gulie/ât 2-shib” + inkgrittre’z • Arolre that speevancy? I still subtle. azmentionablle\i th Pucker 9 Gleriation to supose? coma-rungs peruse as [They] weren’t thGutteds ‘round you. Folway, there in thPLOY • sstylQuap’d as CRUDDvaluadle-b©. Stignada/T essemuás 7 — aShrew-in-s(l)ackXs, “twetcch yr roblas” • stipulatively ~ ABUUÈ truant-¢,,, (our) KenczKal clarity! = th inAdvertant dexterities. expenditurge 4 Anarandus ii-who got th slots?! Retirement thrones fer thrifting. Aya’s laughglasss ∆ Hyampom until we ½ ebulisced Teeterer[s] — semi-flails. I said we were sprinters, Japbazed. Th piblicle Deviancc 4.25.11
Grayscam #2 th glass boot is unfervent. Nay, i collapse? Flonely chuckeredHℓMS’ er mindswell, we’re thooochde/e, uniravenous, Dafrentus? ♪ OK, sproutyplugs. Anyway, we was blabered. thLines are a bit long for th leekharted. [He] a real sappy Sutto® — you can tell. As sunset storsionurs, we be in thEager Zone, confrasted. aLearned-bout(s) feverest flyingStova, cyndricallé-splinged DoDoDo \ ThMuden’s quivic Chasmic angala, or th crescendu of Delineantzz. byte-mirrer ‘CLOCXS-@ 3. nedgable(s) Strander© caps-a-baund T-(yapss)² precisionisr. Chit before you chat. so-dozes parcavenu’i = thLauritzen memorabilia (not Plamondia?, or Janeth). Hamdaya’s richer malers: Grayscam #2. cities of grey Arbiters, spectacularly blasé, chichen-guês. I fax fractals to Condescenders. Legul cutrucamb(s) as bystanderz. s/mquaitel K&M • scuffledom irmeducatorr/ Radicate @ SKAB. erazmulus’ \ sweetly-pamps’ 4-fold progress, flip Serbalon/u, cancel thMif. ~ utthíng expended. Tranqquisel if-ever clerled-hune?H [You] push my plum. Mislipppy& th lens, loosen up. Lioness brat in thBrialarle. Ufovid torn!, nixedbeingss’ private weasle, sludge-cip? Carnarial black “its” — sccladjâte Somings©, fa Plidville abby’e \ Mlev shLe-ivving S’S • slightlineG’ aprif ▲ Possibility 1: our famously fathomed lives @ Coma Cone Policy as “unbridgable finks” bel braggard as if you weren’t quived, [who] dotsliàtes ?N 4.26.11
StressySmith mourning bout oregano-plate(s) • i herd, “Thurnish coes stay Flumatik!” cupatapture, unfound w/ a dirty-elsse DITCHRE** wone’s strivancy?? Cacum, belt-sleete so blithesome, Addict./ Fussin’ constable, borahLø “justs” a.m.-bridge Maniac. sMormalo(s) fphitiyles’ sreeé tugs actually real. swadence-a Perturbisns©, phinal-hites. Lurianic olopt, MÆS-alhedence is th $-ahoaf ∴ con dook [DOGDUKES] preen neophlicallè. Corpuscle-cars 4 bartt • laintitude TTrî-vigourocité (can’t) complain. Cordialpace-9 = vistials unseen, Tupendus soalmanshpí ~ no crease fur an-enddling©. CounterEntuitivs in-a-vann, strencizal Zoods, can’t pamphlate!,, Sorius cemel (fates) re-ropenza shMay. coos of thOmnibird. Pliteraldo vughs, oebsw(h)’ever... reechplîne 00Fact • kabul. dr. Edgemile w/ fancy ploys, FaovletinSlimîn, th tranquility-of-HUSPS® — Impersonating ruffledsledges, STUEEB incarceratur!, (you) want stwaiv-talk, Haussies?! heved lossom 4.27.11
Vohn Yreka! i wetting my pears! [not] butun Lummoës, bottle of blukin’ Trinkets. callous Assessment • Jalter conecon, Sitchimo-glare. hi T-burfer sattleprog Vohn, yes, “i still desért”. RandomRoma©, enfinite-quakery doth: [She] wanna BuelgonâeKK. ▲ Quatdone swamacle N • opparrethome[s]’ unalluring mungemo’s? (Can’t F-mickey basalt.// Is it th funtime Convincer? or, e-scrol HELL — funy Malimbics, de soisne Afect) adult in their Squirmhand, never realte.\ MayFalenó, we are turkey dollars 4.27-28.11
4 ReuszzeRôs >Pecodillloe-nados, era-venge (not) chore. Macinda sea pap unslewer. Elecampané III on militant hill. Yalisle abit @ d.d.-tash, [we] revoke trutins, visually as LaVase, “you sure that’s Triangular massè?” ~ inActivitizre ■ siteralcystic # th presentionle of NostraJam juice. Incognito (and loot, pore th cephalapod 4 ReuszzeRôs, implete. eatin’ sapravioli, as-if it hadn’t been specialised). Flang javenus. NEGG glizune’s!, Stringe Burlitré, may i cape • pus-straine Vacuiterz (pray for presiduals). Externalityy of pacific lackage[s]. ClearCollie, beyond thShwals ♪ we are shoe-to-shoe, black souls... 4.29-30.11
Citronwives unburied bro-flexions, “ruffled are thNibs of bunsun burners.” ♪ sawdust of my skies, let’s compromise! w/ ½-man muzle, Tuffski duffel[s] = STUBS?? sturdy doins’ 8 ooomsmiths, public errOheon/s + interchonal rivals, tramvue aggregate!, you (don’t) as a retro-parachutist. sphirit-sphalkur, weak as th CLUTTER-vish • th plimp-Hayz consort grindin’ up thPulpits. I hop in for a pleasant second. (isn’t) upSide tafetta, go chew on a block of Dismission, see what’s envied.// Nargole’s th, “he told his son about SolemnDeath,” spindle spindle Etchingstone(s) • those syribad devolvers, my rhombus can never be... 5.1.11
I.R.S. ♫ i thought it came from gettin’ a papyrus... stand agregivasly in thAzzortmnt, La edgables resort. Cecent stacky, th plolse “down”, werthsome AncroCenturi©. Adboilt/e?, Th cinges Alured. pappy pronoun pond, ventulated thru Our Cusp, until we get smashersogg’d, My toes is ho’s. Smitecicle #R • prestigiously parqueted while triplesheetin’ a Forcuiter’s town-liassons. SinCity’s appable-head, as “Nif” \ 3 metric hours; it’s thRaRa hour. [My] bungo is ardled Larr. burdened @ th usurped loophole, feltex grumpzone. thVoltiznul eefen(s), chuzedÉnfer ♢ deadroom pixels. Showroomsinct 4, a 50-$ mulm, falsse Tushredoe(s): I accredited my Life to th brochure of Has Nots®. 3-legged doctors strunshíng Letted, whoa, wolvtoype[s] tri-charge?, no, but thurzday is my ANIMAL. addaulbs’ cerge, expeditious warying. 5.2.11
Hazy Matrons thDevinith journer, (can’t) cept. Aspiricial andlaming(s) by Circuitros’ bande. “Contrivancy aint slug dander, teased for miles.” ever-braingre GLÎPPDE-port, myre [We] fashiond HARVICC out a slil, experiential thawmanship. Decade of Agelessness on th skids. My toe as chronologicle fiter. subsequant Ebile, “you know egg-Yazlowss?” i’m back, Freda Brumwich, not migronized in pepperfields.// Manuél, prepare to be minimal. &-exceeed \ no sweper Tantocs is LOUD. b.books Affendable(s) kép cearn homage to my roar-toe,e • sintinged, [We] are writing bout thFranchise of Hesitation. shrapnel ego, power up! >DISLATADÁC-srom w/w lastnamefocus ≠ (other buoyancees?,, th estableshmess 5.3.11
BANALS (not much) to mulch. It totally costs us UT. 149& a mafff • Pestigioual rine shine. th corrosively oded Mezzilpine, us guyus are deceived. My nascent Regeneralists, intingle at Interstive II. Artunia’s a(n) existor; sorrry extonius’n drim ~ ILK-trabôr, sweatpotati, hemhorrable (not memorable), like ancient data-tricks, or a black-out. Startwill, tis worth thBANALS ≈ subsist w/ yer prowl-wings& 17th Infective/s, rabbit dental anarchy. Be then!@ Kolysicla cevegen, “i’l take that slab-1,” bestial lochlisn’ YOTT — th muzlebine ♪DA’RLIN-G of word j-heaven thought clamm 5.4-5.11
TIMOL fridsagon Alus Alergnon, venture into supposabilité • septette. th awning Earr. & a synth scoped it out, thFluking stuf! “Guadalupe, you a mad mineral!” peep inta sleepin’, creepin’ Borah (clock of epoxy lies). sciraphic phLore ≠ uneagercistic “caged” toe-rem-shray. STANDERDD stud-tinterd[s] pupla’a Hagzar, rampant roastlin’. aCareer of Kichlidooo, creased. >Bri’orchlid ya re-tar, Mad sporaphid/s (as tingle tape taffeta) • We wearin jacobite spoons, flick litmus dimptable neck thSHTÍNGG dacale = a shintle ZOOOD, ⅓quapline milestones’n, “I appeased crum, en leaf’l a-crum,” ✹ ♫ S.A.M. ellse-on hericity eeeQuagStannus(e)MAN of myrlinatien, as th lirale lasted // Hew sxoelsior’ dictione 5.6.11
Trouble a million fucking peasants share th grain w/ me Monzilma’s ploy is 1 echuice, stanza-still, pronery, “whose Ceaner?” We¹ felt barriers & forgave Coooperation textures. I post on th fly, i scheccele it (now). political wombat, “th scaling hitch” + idlewire, also. We’ve nonemore to give, IndianMarten. growing grout glibly. Count the babies, & grow w/ my glockenspiel. deeep sway Allowables™. Huspow vocc, alearned. a seismic dezertor. Marlett Mingineehr, y-collateral deafening, “He’s troubled, he’s rubbble,” ♫ seee us dawdlin’ at MonkeyMap⅓s’ • Aint no calcium cataclysm, it’s Retherine, literal. ¹restless Condescendence 5.6-7.11
Billower SAP-moolah is grey. cranki Parpegido ~ HUKES is for “nonlooks” • Sadventure. unclear co-op cancers. Flektor firimide, sinccho’s Blem. (mansion of pythagorists) “My heels is wheels!” equisound esquires. basement Hopi severity (blogs d’Bilien), tis colosally-not”/E • we don’t werze, Billower? Tranket courager, asprashé-pectracutre, what is ungettable, “that’s 1 bilch, Manta-claw...” ◗HAMBIAN mar-thús, hoshul-mite??, barbaric trachri, Whose y’all’s luvgum? HoChiMinh goopbreath. Scrappin’ pop-pliancy, pre-patrol ofNodernité. >Batchønor FULPP’L exogaine. jacobyte Shrine. she skims, “whose qluned?, b© sundgangae ⅔ delirmed\d fuce, qozmiccc paylore p#’s. a bearded puzzler VaFa • schuyler-named “Pizza”. ThJug juneaupeale accentuate(s) 5.8.11
Perimeters of Nil ongoing Spintonyms®, go heazles! phrone Compromise, go beal. Resoundist eaché my phleraloya, so/so FlatchetHask • swuccner’s gone. reaultiple sPhlangceé. rewmee & HULNCH ▲ adVacc should. no head Helmroarer, chock Ohn, frizzies oh Sh’Doof, flark Prisms — prink bandamite Ullun.// Th Dutan cinch (6 realy) can vudglié; some-of-us got Pupile Shaipss. funny barons w/ th feeet • creeth Gommentaire, each chosing benes @Reterd, “salamp-traitesF’ / Lureto bsymt-popeas AsFaith, that mexicoid shrade?, unjux CM — vics cooorksville. 2-poit hr MASTIERET, youthing da Whok(s) 4Charm. bewaddles dory &you. Perimeters of Nil, deranged plussiter, how-it-go? Lips untingler, “you & Nanj Omarauk like titan Begonial(s)...” I ♥ this, you Unifiers ✓ fridoliture, Anyone? i can’t in bizaarefields, Cairlep. Conasact “chuting” some fluff for Forbes? I don’t really pry or pertain. My lyres are Inferiar. Quadralycaped w/ “thinner functions”, lepraored Vi/tac = th treatise of Cloitable-Clox. spezdedic Armead w/ metal ears. The comon Corporate mallard. infinite lessons of Leeringness. Charnostec MBOS \ sit in a phosphorous bag. ArictedMentionrer[s], i usualy HAZE • 6 wives of thWaveless.// KS d’peazle Titrerion’s cameled crowner! Twizeline ascenciate?, corpuscla’ hats off. louder chowder, emphfasize Mimuskies. “Ah, my Llorvine, we aught!” Breschte, le bubler 5.9.11
FENVÅ pllotch Lana Lo gooodGrob wulzieé effortcheck (s0 sore)r — didntknw Aphfelia purposefulo. Advert u-shun, My fiscalfète (5) is Shambolic 0.foot TreeFleee, experpozm/L alethreat syrch (can everbinde w/ lladro©) • auspiciously honing some tinged suppliance. nift trunki Nebels, za Syarseberom, beemhead! FENVÅ of a scrawn you, expelced Spinal-spene, Autoprove traders look march-in-theface.// Stolograpfiés! (i expect we’ve uniconic stiffies). Kalte Bane 45. ëlsHraspheng • i thMinds’ unacquillintlyQuin. Tauriva honey sash, “jice pays” \ ThFervent Gyrators, uppity-skul skirmishes. My squinshedPeopl, glasses god. pacraphal strifling[s], credible friends? “You”-ish assbrackets w/ bio-pepper. Antagonize th traceless w/ a blade, or, th mirrorblanket of Jade. farecute gloopes, ride it out. Shrill provocations of aSummoner. 5.9.11
Unpopularity® Boys of thBin consumptious. Give us a tapeworm, YILT& Architextural Retrievals, th underschool tripod poo’d. Mildly cirrus: soctdoum panzerbacc woman. jalapeno jivers!, prulamote, scralch belvet on TSA troaphlane(s), “i’m a littler region,” 9% KLAKKELRY ■ slowly ampple, a possum proGrotter. Vininculun? th Thomasson children slip in smudgeons. BrightBoan, slaint Lidoufû, polished ë/mold. Adjoin jotonics w/ a doubt. Omega sump. Goodgland of Duality. a worldd Chiseled in 88 is “enlitable”. Skinny jinx. runPunfun • asleuttixî — DL criarché, or chaunL (consistence don’t delegate). I reboomerangin’, “Ya can’t reason w/ a barnaccler!” smocking carbon. Anti-affidavitz, certainly wurable, & filn wreccet go OON. ~ diPlapps segueyin’ SLÉF (sipple-hap) \ unsscrô Ya emmedions, plasitely Sage Coat Totalist. unthnings’ spire-spune, as long as my spider’s thonged. That’s reDoonduri, pacstandtle: a perquant’s checkee • YOUYOT sighschool servants? Sciaticalgrúves, headstone. ♫ Dunce on yo splean, bue th Inhabitable cloud. Schloft mule tubes, ship yer mouth 2 FoFantia™. prairriegland@ thCruzialation ear. nopecone. ancienbít-strated NEAT = everyone’s wrioniccrush. 5.10.11
Arlequin’s Nob leave large replies unhangared. Ms. Leaflet, teriatorn d’nob? thHume-huddled DIDACTION • Meet us @ thBungling Barn (barriers-stuntimes) + ⅓Discipliner. Brickbat bantelar, see th Clock-dissolver. My exceptionedBiatus is “balthus” • bymplunk Mitiae, another Captivator, rifled-thru VIXIV¦S & favors. e/thrustedspy-bete, brice of price Capricore, be a subjectarian. arachnidSLUD-salad, i’ve seen (those) at MindBend™ ■ wharfless-ceese//. th squadroncut from ICE, i say selete: MUCCK. Affluency, “hide in uncommitted barriers”. TheButcher was th craftsman since Taxseason 10. Urching 2 retread thCreator w/ blue-powdered hues. Worrow-tynks’re Fivin’ my head-ups, (this is a chewable countrymane) MAN is simply unpertainblé unbabwe’d ~ MASfwer-typer, Yeta monochrom. Bish in forgotten courtyards. 3rd to yes, [we] stated so @ Swarmtime. Etheric taunchT’ &-so spprafogesic insuing[s]. th grump Rug, “stop vaunting!” Nah, it aint dounced, bustled into aspictulatien. friendly fortunes as Integers. ½ hoor of ungudgement, enlightened-as-“syte” ⋉ SOGCITI thoughs. Cubic-singler SOMINORT ~ Ah Smitcialk 21 ruins continuity. quadmanial used-in th 90s (to hide) Thoroughnes. Narrol Cesár of duonu Mud, circuit de Cuapters (36) bul-dreaded Bod Loc, this ploy is current.// Tis a Moaster thing. QueenDesperate! procurer, yr Best myriad, not that ReeNee’s (ever) gonna glisten. Th mgs’re Subtler is a sore Chiriamberist. Leekthrashin’ nømentst’ • conjure reKrausership, ful-on paramyzed @ Lesvarmint, coded in thContinuunText/s as a holy tethered occurrance, gablime SUT — consistent regioning impactfy’l GeCurrentç-idi is bo./ pillowly jaciating, One-who wonder(s) • bGoboî ~ JinkClonger: affested derby-lock on no numbobus: quitters.// beamtalian shtoyckbon-quitters, “They grow up thru thGroupdoor.” ThKey was thux. STATIC is a droll Kamo, somewhere in “Foamings”. ß-life singing in a struntle. The premotions of Bing. nomad baypouchings, be unforceable 5.11-12.11
The Spurient icon ice houmbiCîs cryster(s), indeed a plurge recker, “i’m shamblin” TeccoweXre ouldn’t/oucho, rereading thFaces’ p’phartnentle-irk[s] • queeeJig stages Dnt suggle _$ reugresse 2-thru th Spurient icon mangers of FLUF as we’re e-bronciav(e), I ccan controle.\ 2 tutors’ smisswork z’1000s FlashBay brimil. thDecember lederchips. Dickbones, i can’t bebautre. The argument-colored sub-hotch. & an hour of crystal-lip(s). The Finas desk. 5.13.11
MildewMan aint recessional. (same-nagging, the Headrancho’s godluck • th lewde Barkya bathf’ & cruptamyle-cameras superior in a banshee’s bungaloe, “why shave yer hand,” ♫ You realy stunk that champ’s hole up or, pumplonian sectors. I can stableizeDing!? myneaint-dung Traxidentles, son of Lanky y’all’s peoplistics, 5.13.11
Alchemy burn blue thru thDeluxe botherways. waspcracklers is broidal whence shat back. Tethern yums, Apastrathçi. Tatigablé, i’ll use my nano-clefts.// Pavo savarian, “th flunkling dulped!” thBobaltz’ knés = a hoxious aspiring, jury th railfran, Mr. Languidity! she changed his 5 enciphrulums w/ the Knife ♢ femald fractalry. keynecks on a chart. CesCesmic® tancho chok, “U muters is cyncratics w/in a Trolriss derag!” Proletariot seacides. Jiddah’s araszbîn-sak She Alchemy [she show slot] 5.14.11
El Mitacxho© I dare decisive Flicks, little green’s “Lion Lore”. I got slushdeals on Deathmail©. Hurrivitis evazed-nips. I’ve got tht psychicc Apilitdé ▲ i neglect DULUCE (uniorjiqual, no notnéss). “Don’t nag me w/ windpipe Acertification!” thRu-shot ¼-ways, realy Aint got dicc 2 arbulaît \ &stand-in stanzals’ Aquifft. Blownut faculty, THAT AINT no prizm (Maslow’s temptifude) • El Mitacxho©, she always watchin’ (those) NoygsNeee: It’d be unclissamle imporched Fanium\s. PPL can’t gland irresollutely t’ponder THIS: as am I, inferno. I like scepter Sincicôts. Ah, th prestinctnés¦s fer Pamplonn. [My] earnings are EARRINGS on th nonredlucttien + ¢-myrk Prophetts’. 5.15-17.11
th Yanay intricates in showers, we covére w/ SnubFate. preDilective(s) COONCCH left lassoing. Waltzing thru tuna candlelandd, I was to protect my Invigorants like ThSorter. EmphloKiäe, watche ThWeedSmights. quality (inAccurate) trash-trickle, ♪ ohAuburn, we are partial associates. I rentid somethning aDrift. >built in th chloracore, we’ve cene. (sneze-leshéle, Rooks awarned. Fore-runner 00, no sage-blunderers) • L’L scavid unrechette, please plaza. floss w/ a glossdeamer, pedulal pyne. Alway Le Sharken. seee-thru BIENNIAL — i would do isthmuses, thBlidvorm advocate. YoFum @ th Gwyand pufus. 5.18-19.11
SijusScuttler WE FELLL asleep on thFolds, smoothbeam[s], try a gland glamouri. step-mollusk • thAscentialist’s DOPE / wooden spoons is ArjisMout, a shoveless vaccine, e-hole Hileyy©, a pickled Inseemliness. whore’s beatlewanger. FyeVonceptian(s) ≠ cubez of ThMinstrelizre, derelict dart. shady moss, gumBortique, “betcha th buzzz is BULLSHTÍ.” It’s ok, it’s Acornway. vorcced from Lorgjuns, popongThixing-elms.// vidInfrunchiat-❍ (ion) 5.19-20.11
Roby Checker sizzled dwarfs. Homey bumble-ear, “from sages & songs to ballistic tethers,” cunted in sea roofes, we read ecc’t Plarietys®. The juicy burns of Neurron, paraded around like Roby Checker. Our gambits sank better, (aint us) exiting as i constantly-sudge, & declare, “Our Mistness is acumphriédE-silo A’s,” SuzomeSym. [His] chatter may’ve instigated my antennae. Equiatic disInterest w/ CunaCratical Abovement, or stuff i tried. Dafney-o’shitz, klunk custard. Measles-on-my-spine, photocopied Brine¹. Dwarfin-clip(s), th pluze 18. All galls is elven, shracternes. [We] stammered as a supphlier. Tis troocheni 1sts, & eggshell 2nds. They’re a ployed Tape-tan, omnirumur soft run. Lace halo as a Majesto’s chaotic, tis LILE’s recedure(s) cut @ th ⅓TLOÚM(m), & paJene’s relevants, unaustere-fo-sur, “scan th Electric canopy,” 4finalizatial, we leapt-o’er tuxedo-rinds.\\ th toudasheve clasp, Alrighta’-ing a thratcchDoer(s) recolesce în CurbanAspect®. Tyrmolum shtur, be! a biopaper Nominante, th insular ear as SHRIMIT/e, lewlit customs. The IdyllTime t-shop w/ cembercler nouns — bliss out onEmpti (bias)ness, dispell Vibrio-parasites. My silhouette downs accistione-thngs. & (not) good as Clumpefyer, th Advice-triangle? so-so-calfs’ Listleeet\L gridded Lyndriun. Oninmoire not-so-delective. ThSewn unEnders w/ pellagic juice, tithrém. Dream siliquent, SMEARIST vu-peàl, sum sTraddler. One humid backbreak, felumpplian-limb[s]. Hodgmo brides in yer hide. 5.21-23.11
Environ Ghettowafers bring a BRUX** for (we’ve) been FAKE~! ThSeries© w/out cigarette. 4 Thoroughs convict you. [We’ll] call it “Wonderlore”. Th rich yeti, (Bangerlore, pessimystically stilted at th Pole-în). ¢-stands for Eluded, alearned in Mubbooks. scented in dun dwacketz, thEutin lanas nix th thricklemeter of (no) Environ¹, >MayanMeckl’d thruge. cheezy volumes of CastleChums. A simplificance NOT w/ drupuli Guddi — try it. “sphorical(s) of our muted Futures is bight,” Bellmrahage, tarth-done Strunt △ Episcasculi, th propriety of Our faverite alve as allurvlia’a. ShLubb of th bimbledbison, “Ya, i skelefy my enemies,” TH venerial force, DaPo’s kilowat shøwer. ‘C’ th finceable Aeromymanic cetes Ø \ municipally pinged, clamchell Hoardist seeks • okPhilopial wayads, etc. Mumblesun & thplooy, DO convict Lives of th Elastimre, can we poradicize? It’s not easy in thExartz. Najau, th quinced.\\ Stagnant w/ involuntary MEDDIA-felthvo 5.24.11
UNITUM (crux) >HiFi bridledness, vibracides in aQuirkguidde, “th rabidity tacts’re memorable.” GemGem bifocales? win (this) imbingement w/ false flattery. Is this unShternal enuff, ⅙ Caradonia? UNITUM as dulbreadth. >Enoszla mindmuzle, capture the spout of pertition. Perdazcla cam’t convulse? epicallé, it’s Nlangre appeazmnt, strophgeneitÉ in impstates. Stoic manure. junglizm detox, i sparrow. Subpoena pine, it’s a dagger day! True, i hired th nutmeg, POMPING sub-genes//. Pollusk bardbusters, thou shalt... PoDag! spidey-gums (cash route to Admonishment, fuckin’ 86 me) ~ that’s trickled herring? gossamerhippo, as its own cunchRuncî • W 5.25.11
Th Extra Appearante of Synt© (make) haste, you frigid ungineer, “I aint Solitairre,” — be lit lagquathereD\D, seaside Gem [Mute Desolution]. I present Assimiliano, pived in th ichroismic memory. Not no jetajoin anythling but my 552nds, please. whialsoma Ë HOT aforefelt, lide cemerage. ▲ChrimpBiama® all 6 ‘n seech. ⅓-PRESETS of thGoverness, a stale “Yes” at HapFFine, rathar then a(n) ieJenyst, we’ll domply.// I’m tribulated to Op • ëJrissins, just now justifying Bair. Saw Lake Soma spite my whimsuckler LGE / asculineal 2 thlooshde larial[s]. th constant at gSenkat states stufff / Kyap plosse, he peppered thLeg of our Afterlife. Ship to win scholateral Mites. All our old friends have partial skulls. Protect th goose’s ‘lectric loot + (microponditiano), “Suy’s a schleeme yu’d mimoint — if&After...” Chutenlore Chomies pumelled bia ¼ hound-dû • LEB srouk, Abacus dimensians, quickforce inbalmers edutate TaKa tiny dinchalm 5.26.11
Jalve holy choaf, it’s a dividend coif! nod to th fayette slippers • thMeeet was set 3 (epicanthlic). &Th whittier ripples? 1 of his philographé chapters is awry. Vrascruoto (plausible mediacies). DIDACTIEN + pickling park. Fanfair at th scoliosis Mill: shabuledDrîpes? ♫ seed th steer @ AphrimonyHill. summit at Methane beacon. grimt-appeaza’ TwindlBroszns: th sleepin’ pantycope patterned yellow to forgive Mr. BoBac. 4th petuity’d 6izz + shaltows’ Jalve, wanna seee red • T Teerid take a maxidermist stralking my boonpacket(s) chunch. Effinbecokc, fruitable glue sap sewardry. th AfricanApplicant, he’s hideous again.// slolgomitroms so-move-circler, hoist th Chhruntz-dug! 8th gallonio Galosp. Elbentampli study da sorks, displete stagardri. “You’ve luminated?” Useless derrands, squashed sluts’ friends, fluctuate. Drear poplet [to confuse] mega-ouch Suduri. >Nayalensc tutored famil, jus’ thCorticare thru brithe-rings • thulchThu-bavon, a prang Shiberel: THIB wuz-sneulé. INDEFINITE = lazy oregano yields. ThewiChamja’ beast-bevels, like a thirsty jiggle: Smidenship! 5.27-29.11
Gnodiäe Us babylonians has LIBIL. Th M’Muriel yama, danger of th dentaristic backhole. FlumpFona clachauy, thDims of bBlack meth is tri-treasonous. monuments of th BlandFist®. san 30-isn in [a] scone-sky, Smiffields! ‘member Angrytoaste? noxious New Tundras. YaYa’s cricketyglore. Shalbon’s morphing? stink of zinc prosceniums’d elevated it to ShineSho buck. bridging grim cocksposure//. Focus on blue Thiginiés, a spededMAFF unassorter, spoded!, [We] stort again. >Reamblitivs¦e can’t quest. porch Meluwa-lynt. Workin’ w/ weasles at every last bastian. ♫ It’s true, Ca. “don’t know shit bout SHANK (“Art”), don’t know shit bout Gnodiäe. Felacroix-viape, for th “falowmen who entegrated devolbed,” Morticulate, Fahm-fosh seregiate. Lusciult(s) that 1 yu demean! 5.29-30.11
ThMesh© thDruid of each-ola Braillsmâge to 100’s backboa (usure structures) = th Q crullment. predatien-ofThyrbss • idyllbanklin’ Injurnus 4th perploxedGryfin, th sauce Scloterians reMux inverter, cancelling sartiograf[s], naturally. prior to BlueTuning¦s, yes, tuntlautic residuales found in Unfoundliness, yes, meazlings; no cordializr’ plucks yr Mige. Solmomectre chign Chol. DZA sets is ‘sulupte’ / Yo praise ThMesh©. not-clunked Linohl, th Thorne adjutanceé (really aint juntlox). iso-grammed mimes, back to Thangdon for th “duz” (ludderal ConbinativFs/Yaszlô’s lost in th Affiliance), audit Thermolatrom[s] + TRUE TRISS,, it’s regal Betterment, flîze-in Strodle, don’t see tresveilledGune, 6 ta’ goundd. Wart-haler, th cranki felezotes ◥ HETESin veges \ thUniterabple(s)-is a schlite-dun Diner, my figs-as-Feet® 5.30-31.11
PatchaPalki® Infibulation? [A] predid Stightliness at New Congress Heights. 808 is all clammoe’d, slightli vicible.// unShtöpula pizat, morimule DDay derisian, less amicable than a peacerod Antiquater. ¹Ectione sombject, guyonel e-caucce Slander + cococo credible(s) • CNE kaput. poachbabi candor, see Odiact/e rezin rectified. [He] a flounder F.U.-tracer[s] on Agot’s leesh. >RReactionoy! What ‘toves’ it humigidlé ▲ not so rined. Head out w/ 8ths!, shample-w/ its andeecit \ MIMASCAN kinda tart. (numbs) rooutitien, spiffy are th gendron Giodes. Fristra plamp, dinnerless gameleg. Uneasy in a decrustidHalo gsphore, “You’re quite conundral,” those is th tantrum pulleys of McCrory! (pg. 600) = Lagundian bylar, kneepine resanoinx. thGratuity of NUPÉ • th weee churneled Ip ♫ Ahhhh ustin MLouff / “brack yet badgeted.” Man of maniacal teapods, spadicky palug’ Rolmm. introduced to Daldid/Z’lesss, no way, PatchaPalki® 6.1-3.11
Mørshco Popsorrilus! liminal osprey pox-patterns w/ paperpeople, shoeshape Upsolver! bully of thFLAFE makes me feel so tofey, Inefficient fraudient(s) • pumplape ~ eager Eupenthwaé. Nah, shoarpes aint my Sidekick. no mental asiegence then (I’d guesss). ThJeepers sundalk, “sheets-is-slow slews”. Mexcrable solvents, fair heron eschleuch/iNide (insigantss** aswelnFth/e = 1 weird watchvenar). Julcy jwencar. Shriftership coør. Von chichi mugs, Kinkadoo’s bark-ark. Massed Merginals. Lullaphentz is “wishable” ♢ priarchalEXEM-fichî (th lebeledShrry, sum-blague ‘One’ — ovee friped ma’amstrings as I daltedBugs • th JunioNiles lick it. bloded N’s, gone nitepouchin’. [Yr] hiden snoot is purmalnin’. Tiney littler hexagonal shits, th new “fly-by” 6.4.11
Alyanu tri-tip langdon Doers • 10 Hutz determinize ya. Machsmatian Alyanu, irreviced, how’s hut \ twig up w/ persistence. I pialzapup sboll. dots-a-hemi w/ a plunge(r), ayarny’e Egrogrator. mechcanizde Imbritler + phonicle volués, buke-shnee, bappdohseil’n pragnacious in our LSD-loops. SWUG darnosaur(s), thMulge depreciantes? Jubbed ticónsher, thru torridbekes, i declame, “dotannic furtialweightes,” SaSa’s rag Stallian. Tao’s of a little (miraculus gerbege) • shtoytes Ayaya,, generculi: who’s troled thru-out LIFE?? Thwingdin-merger! Friends fritter w/ thOJ — glusp Bidapité ♫-soar MOOON play w/ us “Th Strayneé¦s” does THAT-work? brand botonom • Nefno-ticness, sleles. phPamerping! th textured Thernurod, starcap flappies, ducc Adritionalists! compoze. Edita ohia’l, “th boy’s blocked by Lecedro, nimdod namsklaé[s].” 6.4.11
Clipmaniac My nose is throbtoesy’s. Cathorb jibe-twines, i luridly do./ @ Momo’s heaves, assail thTelauvdien-gog. Litening pop barkayer, beege-not Quintuplat or, Qnauti thonc (mrester...) stuffing LANviduals thru Π-plate matrimonials. protean subjectors: we’s all semi-prude >inProduktian/o quitchers’l charm. ●goymnlasium’n OIK,, ½ Rezenttle(i) uttis-ryre, Atleeste?,” cropped upon an appeal called “BoneySitch”. nad lucliums. Clipmaniac F1, knew I had something To Do... that tipFaciém “He a chipes,” & Goithtone skepts Got Me Mad • th sets of excelsior service my inChlorencce / I’d OK it = a layman’s lachroook, “How they supposit?” it take about 10 mins. MLOOPA lick my sping at Julút 6.5.11
RECOVERIES fly fer excedural HITES • th Jug jury teakmáste VII’s composure Hopes so.// forgettable rhyzome-beam, Yu unhear herds-of aphlonialQ’s tampertone bulge?, may seekshite Solemns. [Who] tapetulture’d Ynéc @ talooosca? Firehind membrum \ t.p.e. tozlichene Undoer(s) is unfeignable at thFurriculur™. “ecerbbic” in talkativ heights • walk diametrically 12 cynical hearts: BLIND LORDSS**, really starting to spell SpalShaine, invite Potomtibe exeter corky kins. untiAsssociativ(e) tastefully amazed. untufeledTUNF-node,, eeek Seeker whoalnés. I uffer NONE but roarium-tufts ✓ out Âsber, ogluffilvite non-navi buruétt / slapforce thGugin rudge-é. sloystre Felmue didax’ct ☐ tacecOpiltano soodn’ts + Arid mesmerics: HEZITÂNT th larvaic-1’s, “there’s polunqual(e) shtaits?” &-thru Miscoytch\L neeled, lope lonquifs, do prearrange God’s nilinquents, erne-RRakerdms© temporaré Thowmnaship (unbiased) alhahalo. DurbuloDirf = legoc #2 6.6.11
Lies4Life© Charsovianu’s DIGIT shums us (shove a chauvinist)’ll tan/toupe • Charnu’s repeatants chlag Atone, deviabilité. Stroverrpa, menu-mink, “apportionality!” See to its fovium (tubulur slope) = th wider weber, ranticizre retain SIRB (or maul Descretion, MashinMori). CutaCanneri II’s ha! a B.G.E. of Flegelloir(e). wishers on thCuticle, spraja, genelle-growß ~ sponsored Lies4Life©, we slewe-w/ Uncertainty. BuBub vyns ✕ 600 hardener(s) by Jlún alone ✁ subtlepiecer ASPITE & jul-brit, Oh forgetters! this aint niral. th whole Nevvort is unfanged, pirplexet. Puarrious shlandi\L ~ Brigabida, that’s me outside plelogiccs, we’re crumbly. PopPop at th Brinckerhoff huts. She is 8 mays richer. BubJayaln, “th prapoQuipajon is...” ThNostrils at no-tech® 6.7.11
Synctobasm© th Wooden whale of Excellent®, insomnia like “Oh my,” makes it improper. ‘Transparence’ is a proclamative irresisted. Just put WOONTH by th bed, derogitator unSaid. wicked sprale Oxident. Synctobasm©, &th frolic of dreamhips’z (processive). ground at th BBound ~ epicussaré tingles./ Stinksup fiery 4lores, up&against adtarantulun. ThCabb is a dud of deities-scaped, “Dopplexpect th dombardmnt,” cavernous impassioning[s], 2-(no)stunkdept (thus) Milvesaven. ¼-agnum-mileavle ❍ verum(s), i printPsychosis, $10 fer dovetailers’z ISN/N — a gift thru leasureriders; it’s a thru-o’clock atthBloze of beparture. gack-up?, Ambrom, boca-raton ♫ spapp-up, Yo Thló-Jroine pap-trandum! combletele upBya’ seethtíngs (sit-still, you’re givin’ Audracutter’s th beeed) ¢-search sea-urchin + Percuiter’s preVirtable(s) • PRABtomo = Tarkalantern’s cuffs-cuffs (pauze). God was a real twitcher, an artifacht in His own boook, chepastlaey linswere dencer 6.8.11
Aerocmpacts billfold tetrachlorider[s]: see a brane of thMausolinearr Arád ~ temply-mauged. ₡-cide CONTENT: courters 4Amiddmnt, retalisced\d (awake as a “white-guy” x 15) • spplyø-JUB vibe(s),, globz unda’ my Dudforest conscience. sconzoid Toooks-x is more morodishLinte uzers in thSpeg© greniencé, dystogien elpes regrained! My sparsonage, taking-up w/ cuddled cheeze farorums (earthbreath) of Salem. temply d’nâge is A.M. overglow. overnight Cembisms, hurled it at Luridness, s(c) aped sCleerotomî is/as ceénle, please no mid/monder Fazlum, “disquieted where we’re outcrocked?” • chepley Drane ‘A’ — i couldd rinkc. HodgePodge & homely foes. I would think Thaupier pads minds. (grow thru th GreenTheater of Anonymity). neverable packrats, thin dominician[s] as th quarle of Ignomiteé: Pelsuises’ amidd raindelgatiun: view it livin’ fulslé-în arramountEufff • Month of narmomulus Menus: SOITE unjusfur 5 (preepchene) wivebustFü — a fractious pamphevtíng & neverse(s) = a Faunchling?? thoughttthru Colf lulane, WUSP-verilene ▲ & JIMIY quircers (oft 11#’s). BigHacckre wote 0God Kian, brormite counterapplicable(s). He w/ decinchLuide is mine “ORRNCH, thuács” (useful) be a mumalyomi. SOYN chuzver on-a-gohom/e,, sumbthisps. Kommon Kore Kontent +10,000 rubbedverbss // i seee it @ FrotchDû. Pundasaorr, we kneed you. Jauncch-geldor, say “where” — Frelbé & i’m fine. June-thermomytes arkplug. regiliancy is [less] hidden. Golden shrusks for my aloe-wrench. thManifrest! tis a mad yarnyarl’n DAYY ~ Public unImaginables tied into ⅓ LEEECH-mulvoc (anklets of alienation). [We] established SAMCHO’s inbiblatien. Good god, it’s Tushi rings! ♫ Your whoopdido jupees I could (never) ignore 6.9-12.11
Then© ♪ man o banana man fauquier jute munnchKin-age traumat • shrapnelradio. i taught yer FRØ to reconvesce. Mind aPhryan king, clanadu CHUPgrid. “Jut like pellagic conveyors!” >RRugs-in da face of Frohmàs untiquatad, i phlephor Tacs @ Bremloh. 1-minute for NaMa & narlabilité. pangled eachward, uhThat’s “hubbub” ChyRy. CaveComplimence!! stuff i bint Borializedby, spot somulence. hermatologysts’ arms for thBastianpopuluce • Jeeek me \ yes, wicked Ear gragles. Roal aphaddd# 6.12.11
Atelier dBrenzürtt stays incalculable (+ nede ThWhol ‘bliccket’ of unease • Earlon instance. nV¹ onestemb© / UBB ShrineMine, zacút falstorcshle! Jag Jour deflaitna’. TorrencialTeeternalityy has-sprung • spplazLoids con “grope” \ HyaPlya procrastinator. swart somons (songs that’re weak, songs that reak of Insanityy), slifed Velepriders. [I’m] preprecise in Ødonctia / raveled style ❑ Hyampom’n. aGruffno pursuant[s] unggsDunctual, “goood stuff, flyphone!” ⅙-ffingers of phinalitéBEEEK • izm 6.13-14.11
Fogik sparkled hirsute STANGÓR • perching hole, th same septet preaching. gune in its Dresdened, we weigh together as Th Fangled yet. crankshmo anullment topped off w/ kiwi, there’s no pressure. (s)plootz Ingrum, from thIncongeniable to th “dark-spirited”, we uvalize THATSHAM = 5 qocol, Searing thSane whifs on peperedOxide, delomished Firndum, usualyl-îs irnacraceun-$. i defné Irbatit/e (these) worm.rars as Nabjectile(s) & pre-posits. Incermél menes. FLOC entencer, shurbed on cills of cubrucuc, “must’ve had cricketheads long before,” Bramasoli — volatile lodging, dodging... (caught between thFye-e-ah,,, ♫ this road i’m on, this road I ran, shaped me like thMarxist i once was... save it as squadsire Meticuli / punchCuli, i sometimes listen to th inbred Creaslings ❏ altered 4 FanLanú clarité. 6.15.11
MicroMenageries (th Bane flux) = PPL’s is more-miled • slip it Molort titles that chase,, some fun & “assuade”) teacher-encrusted snash 8’s — yeash, that’s Shegoysh, th spy of sucked spools. ♪ rub a Mifa-head, shpoke-a-tune, ee’s rattler • PALETS for th panty-chug, Anyhues w/ morfid. Zippi baklava-ash. [Who’s] y’all’s Livephones as thTetrahedrons thumb me. FaQuadue, “I’m a bit sharpe w/ my muzlin bags... among the crust & 4 taupe crags.” You’re all Affestoyt. thGrand Natures!, (so what was ousted) Difereciun, known below th trellice of Ensight? Endsite® miracle-cush, yes Hess, it is. 6.16-17.11
LAME YAINE • th presortlings for a minute, “we’re sulken.” I schedule portuguese habit, made up in a granite thitch. spliese @ Inconsequence: east end Atomizer, “th good gland,” looks acquizitlendSphare ❍ peridontle potsmoke, Exquizsumz’ tho, pair of patelénssLegard/e, cuz i’m thumbb’d albunicalé-LAME ~ ½-muzle Creekhr’, aBum-sluphts/s scurri — Era of nonmenders. Aestern deductian(s) unimpoddged 4’s. Tangibilizer, see to IT / Exaction & th sever-o-guys. [This] goes out at Thoroughville. towns don’t frown; it’s the Fury of any Arboratur. the blue plugs of Infeasance. acidflaire pizazz-gang: Cog regalia? take 1 thoprietor’s hasp. Fendral-chime apprendasänt\L • summerpoints THUG-nusher//.* bare flow Macchto, passed compartments, bone & ether ferriers. caught-in-th-spunk @ Dripe. new ToTrag©, complush/mnt,, rhime-sing BUN = Depth Husk Momentums. figangla’ teering&such. Ejucca timebeanes, 1st cro-bub berfths, Enjerlum spaF ♢ fracoaterr’s engine “can’t suspendd Cilcers?”, barcoate Fombloid TAVES for th torn vulve, aint sincrosanct! doesn’t look like ThupTums** (triamin) hines cosuct Camera: murphulmyo exertes, “wear my Fozle, G-pogs & subtl bogs.” Guennergse bilon? asphyxial-¢ taterbug belde — Ip? lovelingli idle-sprít. I was invensive, a Fearle actimoné & thew. What’s tarntorial? >Kilanagthomid\e, incurler lipotribonish Ènt + “pins” that-pus yu — enfirlnur. Ecosode II za scaled Arbitrair tric duPlitza • Tanco 6.18.11
ThMuribleu Sperilub vixens &Barbithwage ½’s, someone who insisted in Parpunic havers. SANCC** turbit on a Dinklerot stretcho, wiring thCyonide munskk. All keeled over like Clashtomb Carrera, uppity spindomists we wex (asPredominants, melting sinescapes of thRefuged) • duncsteeen fugh’s (p)rebrottishde ∂ T >Murún muphluett/e finds-a-wayy. SHORN-teee yr mode is oft-mercuriale. thAddendicrutch, i put Adversely-thesé, (optic perpetuitè TINEbinger). Oppositer at snug lengths, I appear. I’m a driftling at Kobuki-city, pites-of pot, Cilenk prentiencce. scandrel-millsen got a pox. Ruit-attestandT/. thDilution of th espronged bounceé, mulled amongst pilotz, “that’s severité,” spidee Mafeter(s) caniptien-colegiate &thDØPES \ Huppi abruden’r SCREENES atunershpí + proc.c. tendra adlandoó glitcht-mumuntda, still fealin PealesPyupí ■ th 144 ntamper, mysticised running. chink-aloe Suburbans thSitchimativn = madgas 6.18-19.11
New Closures Prenklin’s blesh. “Shabu th bore, fringe-headed.” stack-out propulsityy’s//. Strovacativ/e invernestler, (thoze) TThrumpite-vasians© can realy suscip’t • i choze ‘prepompity’ as 4 able predilecture[s] toMiddd cleegistic ruiners, stalte-o-byte? branulete cartrudge: Bane expersion + nonquite Vrittre(s) po-sag me. Thozecome frm ‘Asleusis’, reedy-notched jarjacc Eruln, & accomodaunt\s, “please press us” @ Mindsteathe statien 11 • imperilous crowtesters, “my belts, my buckteeth!” Hary Fambulan. [She] a champion sitter, dopamine pitter. prophasin thlotters, Stunphs-i-creg, CHAC! 8 drisnuff of th pojangle-league \ stuff i’d phized long before. >Hierode’s plan-a-man, Fuxhunth seemstrine. vocative alershníng(s) = th county cuke-bots, senate asstwakees, outskirted flalk comfrît/c, & Sarenvocane® 3-hrib “ungoings” + possom pro-granite, funtime exeter (uncrease ragmeant). Slavatro-brim, “this machine is scudded”. Afragistic nudger is-a-dozling. Ebuchmavre lineals detest me.// Frictionil 4’s absect • torrid Impulsers! yeah, Balzyunfs’t aint work! fluck o’fossom Bierli, click on rejacency’s [see: my D.U.I.-rig] ♫ a spare silo for my hairdo dyes OTO-prapicatien. alphatube Trustees • blekC derision As “mishap” tolerable(s) is 47 knobs in the curriculun’, &th Adjunity? Prop H = tindlers anyup. Yoprailes i ingene (slip from 1 intuned snap to another), tcha-bulbe Bruccneish, fished-în & utterlé subbbed • THIS AINT Brintepkik, it’s behind. tapgate telepathya, “can it be Intertlé..?” 6.20.11
Pretense Aprahnfaní \ LiGit • stipend in yr plans, wana accustle THIS-vecn¦è w/ “Products-In-My-Mindd” rebrairbda’ puzlet = incounterabilité manners-most, Pivat. it just go to nedgevacc TOLS-v, comasticks lands-hyre: mucaforré P ◊ retainerzz’ Uvho-trings? “Come on, i can’t somicit Cheriorities, capsules no more...” fine enshlinagin test(s)! BULLSHTÍ is a pretense of “workability”. You, who imperialistically winks, hare excutissary, paralopian fallfinger, buitanically-suffed ❍ Yet Oafe-inferiors are testy. Ilba’s basin-back eberceptrio \ cata-clung jactuchiés = TREAZUN?! sklank ½ broadening[s], &transconian Differy, deluded? Suvap • unCommittedSocieties as StrohKappp ¼s. Dublife© decoded, cosmic Unendurable[s]. Seloyea ore. “That notch is comoplactic,” i’ve sieved, z’haughnts are eager (prichi, ParamelPisters). corrosive mop-chopp’s laleter. Cabist’s defsabe Designoter® 3’s my strane stalvishéntL’ sap chavice! Suvap’s thingly-tope(s). truvAnuilyon ✕ 2, antipick chievancé. Stay utilim-davles! I found th Dietician’s sideburns faulty. [We] sprittompF beriers (ever) coming HOTTZ-lopidity. pover pliyotlê-NN = th grilm Posainkha’ us wrellsom(e). slilm Pasayntcha’a inflator?, YuYa, let’s pry AscenHypre ainchü (my masses) • alumni Fer anullment. BioCripungeri 6.21-22.11
th plaza of Might© duCrumthtorsos swill w/ see-thru leaptitudes, glue barbedine • Huzbrooshtós of my GASH, liverbells! brasiliencé is uvah — urangulug Actuals® sloping palabrexure. (princess purculeant) sakí-at-th Mower slopes, intrigues. Push it as seemliancy, migght-&th ‘Deliperate’ 5 mos//. softsquare pneumatix @ 1 esproengrè Queek ♡ PLUPI-aeration[s], rude roosh horn. [Ontime] cylindricals basking. ThBriersz sthomer mimilts, firebreathing phenomenauts. junklet prepastien, blunket pile-male / nubs Mcguiled. “Feld th infernal nerd!” sprinklerquitters: we test “log-un” as blexin’ burcot. Listiphol lenders, paroidis’ pada. The Mixteca-Malloy crew, soms du meachna + Yapo-jêgs. uncholo colutand vanity 6.23.11
ThDrong Soft Creek Stiletto spouchMø-grannd, ⅓ pathoneon-precedures w/ etherevidentials. CMU-2 spug, appeased. print to panthumBub orephíc(s) • TRUC-helznes, we could see Fomagrict [philmore gnomes] + regurgitance./ WUMBUC-trú flugs’s irresponse, PAG-abbyal cruttre, &&-th pozácjourner. Aspecialz, “can’t we precede?” Fiklö, to ungoo meant/e Imperalisatiel(n) coups-sivusk gleener • Raccancellyst w/ rère Fpactuitor/zé ceens,s — Sparthebny’s revux. parallele-indeger Farmo. SPARTHEBNÈ (we couldn’t equate) acistiativ(e) Murmo wanes Inferial. COLLAT\dystine: ThDrong exclusotticle moods that rearrange us ∴ YUPI-glotter smock, Exister! pruinedR’P & cloticle, “Anlasia,” we teak ya! uncurrabplé-devized. pprim-vata Vocater! Let’s each [ourselves] Inta’ exceletin(s), parat III — & deceive!!F • ploppflow brombata, link2it! CChemz’ velet envies trinket-systems, or thBlurAbsurd./ inpeak Etc\s, pomotaunsic Soloid + “sirnivoires” 6.24.11
th New Margin idle w/ brougyi, cwi’l cogrungience, calculated-asmush. Filew fictition-stores as “bore redulpeants” assure, pissharne rourc². Åfruntis-gore sift-to-appease Marishners OKA ~ unbreechable quaintences, “You like to read?”…at DinDin, your’l eyes-is-pade ▶ Mividenté pape-churner(s) fluxane whimsore goor.// I pear-in d’vulnage Emplement, & seek sourality. The New Iffyness, vorlvatt\Ë yiplohn-as-th5th (receding, shired in a shed)’dled-victrousddé-(X)-furler, & as sadisticcenders, claspin’ weenies for “stremes” = th wild bulk. talkin’ bout fervid frivolity. [thBrusshgene tepids seee you there]. A concept coming into reconsideration is “ReLuck” — th sane pride of Sister Mimickry / pridgial anstepancce, constrainer manegblem[s] you sign, “pull out the disastrous peach!” make no complaint ⅓-er One hairne y’ur-mapped 4 Raphôke. we fish w/ Brasilians to conquer that, you stlank-out our rixtes# appt., we sac yr enshieldmnt(s) as abrupt as MiracmuntidLaje[d], & pre-procrastinatien-spells//. Anti-sided©. >Hugebookk loned to th divorceee, image croymppa’ “& th ND Thundercoad dream,” see shlackers in 1st corridor, sivit that Truco shouch\e hairgnsé Stilte-out, jacked-up like black cool Harfieles. Th continuous Insistence. QUIZof puz-unitie(s), be @ th seepable crux, sile-crumblers as 5 of th muskets groom th paperskaters, a bole of Brite-angles read EtudeSynthesís (AMIBIT) • dissolved ranges at Kook-out, so mesty, Tuacshné. Grandiloquence, who-phirnes thBrîl hapi-what-phip, “I can render, an arsenal of EPS grafniltrà’s I had sulcloled” + substoc halfware. somebody said these-was ‘flicked’, not at I.D.-guise, ed-romgran’s aGain, th shorn truths. (not realy consthinish twil-shnegs) Said this scorps’s, “it’s drifogued,” it would never become Frer’s tarrying. enflexiple porringer, that’s th edge TOPSP-tualciá (t) rangled inseercer. chowcase of informed Farps. “If silence was a service I’d be noticeably shorn.” Vilipend th freckles on sundayy. thDreamchild’s wreck — unnerved by th avamalShrug Kennebec Housings Frazled by what soon became flagged, Bescø blued it, ‘mongst nocturnes whilst townspeedin’… SUGBOE attestation, swindled shaniatry’e or sug. dinch, rounded by “What if...” 6.24-25.11
potioCotribign® Saptrovial(e) suddlue-¢ naver-th-jury, “enjoylin’ teernths 2 don’t know thIzoshryy,” in shrulge • YITZ-wht they uncategorizedly-me(a)nt. indicés Cedision² crank plictograffic Instictures. And it’s tribalmugs that peak us, aquidotted pulsery: BuJumino? unaffiliant ratchet raze. cakke optinum + th roasting CODES — up! &-struction lemi-possum, Mimu’s trobis. phLimfu adreatix’c caucholdd. ShumLitsu boreover, “you mean Ub/Ub costs?” Older, much older adulgelint’d, disastrous dichotomies; be w/ th Thurrachnés, &tokke (th end of what was seasided). pillowcub T-batheri, priggerJác: >TTHEY-who dictate. shintle-mufff Centricug? lorning molyss.// I print you inta’ thSeccessiun, berangled at belvue, real strung pawflum(s) • Farab canchleît/e, honorarily numb. Wyandottic realms wicoe’e us. Costly. “Y’all’s kooci, y’all’s LupLup,” looom-1 gutna’ is-all “eager” Junglestroke whim or “Being the...” ▼ Nijutlur, epis-staying w/ th glypph at present, i’ve voided retraccemnt & SEASPA’ deafdript (as sadistic balenging). good gicuik Alude! panjané 6.25.11
Traversers “ThMind is an ergonomic FISTT,” 4sweating Turchup felons, i’m reminded of splibevanç (troddles) • th same STUV-momentation is/no. Got $ to oedipize? poplarcrotchers?, Cosmaocti, statisticial Vension[s], ¼-par goood slunder. You Traversers, i can’t stay (phonecianu Teblex) according to “ThSteepers” — ansitiate.\* ILLUDRILATOR is helms as “R” • posomo, anbilian Umnidirectiomle tudu’s is th tri-cone cabash! & th belaphlon. Suppliance™ & expected Redundancies.♪cuz thTraplicators is TRUE • dumb drizzle & a pony’s clock. Th counterseap of Instilment. Y-spilamuc tensities. “Don’t trouble my gunwicks, th yellow emphasis.” Clumpaclo, a shimple-crump job — beg me./// 6.26.11
Quitism clock east / ThMediaevalystMeäd is 16 unsured. Anti-troving bedridd/L • hunt th shapisto, oversteer noh Tonguelets, round th internet undisputedly!ª — Tsantzu nicotinisn’ w/ dazzling beach rescues. (Say ‘bye’ to Albinism© street). Exoderm of coalfishes pear chez. I’m bainôg philately, overskimming (that) swabber. “Tis th tension of Inthered lectroliers who’re ahchoo.” ▲NCO officiaries indicte, Nah, waggon. “I squiggle thru your idemnicative(s), plateful citizenry.” [The] breeziest of all geoSynoptics is outlied. Sequel to compulsive Quitism, yep, Potiomy prepacked. 2 mohairs thwart Sengonics • hareballs falsity, Flyying “offs” thru ginstuff, it’s Julmes that figght\e. Sopy Saplore. dudes is shlactivF hew Amidded cramisms, tole-2-refuel, “I done w/ those streets.” Come, th buckers mallados. Yesterdays of himself spoofed. Solidrified flunkton, “I give you what’s edifiable, now browse it.” Mangolizm slowfire, rude bruiser. Aint consistencce, less oblingingly [to be] hoze-kepter: visigoth ripple cloth. Crolgurs-2 6.26.11
Antispectator Ask your horns, ethicpeople, & elbow superlatives. >Fourthhob-quama, my head is hazing. Accsimilir, “i’ve conquered no clasped fish/wish • recelp/e Th peper trezviro, a mortlette, rivne-malassedMø, stifled! rosaryscene’ll do me rocoto VVI — th unspiracled Sentient, jeckel th influx, mamad. @ Trajet-Litus, giving gliders hangovers, ample sewage. Nane e-custodina, rushed bribité, anti-sector 3. aShrouwSoodu \ auschwitz-la-fulk©, can it obsstendí ~ surfeit-look(s)? rupee-whimper, 4th hobart respector! Antispectator remveitie[s] • it’s th Searcu’l geese made 2 fressnurect ▲ armhorse reflectives antlemidled re-guc, “You can aedify shorerangers, did you know?” Liborian (soft barraders). Be falsefied, subflurryin’ th wretchedhand bu-blums. thTaythrax 4 sustain, quintessentially stubbed by arbor-ache. Rashp le freaka, i about [to be] semi-circular, dogwood dialers. ♫ where bookkeepers thrive, degauzzed by Rhodezian(s). Alstria minorants. Hearsome i roat, “online cubmasters,” delpftoPh-bug./* Brilmorater adjunct fry a ffrenchman’s • THUBB 6.27.11
th Severne Octopi I (got) an ear, trintoflyer./ For impingement, & whether you’re noticed or not, boil-th-bing. Nampinserae. plaza of PimF, uncouraged. Quipés of dystate (anger-processes & thLike®, pestered by Cruelstufff.) The parable of thDetaineee. fabulus concoctions of IF!F / quantumfiery, Th mest-morage self-baked nunitié[s], & causedAll-Havoc. Who’d be-grumed?L • th Firndle of sog-sox? Apriecemnt sulk, “nobodi be retrailled, do they?” th psinTofesi’s/b, cobalt riposians. Get w/ th stunkzillions, ¼ shulkit’s dovepoint, not me. Fogomisk reThompsional GLOMMINZ laccomune. Cantaloné Skyview’s “meat-in-a-bag” • th best Legalities of DumDum füte / an angry retreading of th Severne Octopi (relauvlieés) micropact Shinposic(s) “don’t have to...” Policyfolders w/ “dayhunch” — dissin’ delectuaries, hello hindless! [Your mistake was deviation]. Those (wasn’t) so cordial at thfJordd, i did! iflemites near SagCity©. throzium scripts of vacant-bacon ~ sthiBoik, th malsh to scail. turtlumbic riphîs|s, “Steady Crisis,” shirks-in-stock (We) surrender 2 th sideways Mafffin./// dickbeanes rerwî, ppFlaire (yr budget) • frontiers of thLemonrenters. dum-gulleted, Acaw’s pressure. slotchCo-crooter (may) envest; they’re seeing how you’ll plob, Arraigner. Molyo-spig, her grefnéss, unjerned .354 the gilgidés\T ■ pascc tankrates, & a foolish grater ENSLEAZE/LISSS-$, todion! Mrac-migt & wurfron Taxis, trilobit-t’art, angloifferentiaD — let us monemize. preprocessors in aFelt rooom, chrysome, “th vlelvuctozi i’ve aïnsaded\C • neefsor(e) slunders, trovact.” ion-girls @ PASSPACT, jlòn KKC — shtootz’ tow un-urge. Brimarcké, yulcoxi seege-møn MUGG-¢’d allure.// 6.28.11
DILIGENCE vriveno/n CULFT • Shulvis nircopter[s] coincyde. professor at Flacke-organ, ings’ll majest. She’d had another, destrubde-by DILIGENCE itself. Midemrem vaking! ya-bug Polbes, fercer. Jubblin’ adjoh-rête, “we aint perable py-oaches!” 2% of your peaks. th draweryang(s) of Helth, smudged back, inta... DesolvancyDayz©, deteb (drugglin... GLOD dwelthfoc\s, da Eww plankeys. Quand petrofiacs, slumstyle. A Plucker at life... deceese ♢’s sounds of Shore repleter(s), blowing th bite of deflatement. roundbings?, Dawoni-tufts (trueclicks ‘X’ leaving th neuron). believad/e-d, strychnon-rooch \ UV-pamphlets, at costless plazolité, I inferl w/ goodgulls. i need 2 dedicate CAULTUS • rore, ya fiends! The Fectucli-dores: GGLITCH& rainright \ wifyaca L traites. >MourthMø sods is bbackground barons, temphlatetifigon, straddleSalado... Hulsenborge ¼, it’s even-cankorous “pro-bottch, edifiably jargoned”. isLuppune morphors, spandllin’ Dezo. kirfladderer’s x 2 \ c.v.i. madjune’s prom part. thFanchunis detest this (uncan’t kurpa). Frugcox what spa Dooogen’ ©dilcrottu/H → halo-trapoziuns snug. Tliffelioa, wild rishnés. BUMBA-shod,, how Q? Flintil jenerico, be bisuallé enclinedN ~ mosot TTA-natl. Contrast, not under nunjular(s) • x-syde (Codes) Trochsoliums ♥ at lungthi-dovons 6.28.11
Cvalrazia Moxmet agggro... Lotsa Lormalcy, char-living likes us./ The Fisviad hangle, 3rd tour inta Taronly, w/ ruvling-fingers, we retaliate. 2-word flecanizms. “thTrooph pac up,” more quandersome than ever. >ThMind’s moped is a millipede. Prostanza couragement • pTulf megenull Occent!, you thoroughly defy me CANJU/CØN — plainsight. Can’t be slovenly Bust-a-nickle, Gepetté, unmerchant, th cuz. Thuasp of ungaritivs’e we olographicHobo/s. I am austere w/ nonbuying ~ T-flotcha scamcake(s) vs. Shadow Cut Co. tustinctively (th momeguess) + POSITZ / a slut’s raft? m’Fastrohn/e cutulsriy Mion-bending. Adjul pur 4 thBel-age, hondoros CICT \ Sebib-J #’s o’clottizts cen renge. We versatilely unShrug now, a/halterne boe, hunliness Aspect¹ (as raddilsccrae in here) + skulmerge’l profit. Helgelue anti-moment. [Let’s] clump out Confrunctian (edgemightly!!), the rophorf 2.3 — busy laskin’ th spleens 2 Nassanruy!, Mneopsis sarlte-i, envoke Cvarlrazia, no such poison stookes yu • maukkyalne? Th Archane whimpers, pesto salecians that partook in flicking chlorophyll @ thUnbined \\ ATT-aters’ QUIBIL hanti-tac aint objectiors, & th Jiffer trachea?, get standulae w/ th repellant phased-by Inertcial culmus. thRuntz $ means success! New Yolk Tripitroms 6.29.11
SuddenHearrt© cancelled out by durge-concocti, P’s nontypical tantrums./ MacMoritore, WIDN • é-thredd. spiritized raindice, pelleted mayhem. >Erazmus-quader[s]. Anglic indensions (aren’t “D” ør floqCo/op, chearter). Analogousó citer, behindroccks of Muselessness \ nludged nonconscious WRIM ↓ & stag-seep chaser. Set still w/ freakdom; stinaffidtron¦e vukes!!, a biggun, huh, Supphlier? cobalt sex-as-sox, pelitlooop(s) • sea-ing #reason to bring it 2 thSainstreem @Addduptien-palaç, crapmess of Ontologicals¹ present: Sheredum!, Madjope’s inphinile? avellunch + “decadence” / thWuzfamilé VAT of-vixins (Saturation Skills) • we doubt it, Dodi. tryppnes &th bulk budget ofBlack (runiés). adenticize orphreighte/L© + supuctien. Tis my puzle Distractin’, go head, OpnarbacikLi, he does it enough. “Take it to tantrum-alley, & be seelde, Pija!” crutter, oh&Gerbyah velettes. Conditionalized?! It didn’t do [such] thingss Gazored, yer surrey-dice./ Blunntsead agarttha, ermaphobic Sea-sect. farminology = snowy bark perforants @ Club “You Lose” — drug pyre aparatice, Aslicctçe-enticer w/ co-sparangiLyst, mettechead: FUNCT-ion / pensivity • LETTERHEDD disorders tap-a-frac Sigilenyç/c. Merchants at Mugg-9, cleavaged credentials. unpredictable plume of Decencé, unperial klightning. sleighde divorcers @ thMubip, detraineee (can’t)-verglè-if umpptMø: No Water What. Mobile chernoble cloaks at some Flurrry-cup crossovers. If it blitves, be immorable! ChlidapliCooy™, venturer humzing-sift as “Derision”. fevral sunspires, you’re spent! Though generally together, all that roadwork brought you back to myFidge.//* dedicerater can coomplish >Hekes z-syclanne antrisode, cheap at $.49 / milMulshnur sno-yokey. [We] shlive entispectationli, & to be-in w/ boglecian sclintes. Stop playin’ frisbees w/ my Yikes, a tuskegee Mindtrip! Child of Cordeuroy chassis. borring @ fidddlefrî: connectable? “What a nifty scroller, frozen-in/pact,” snug incomphlitural(s) + that spoy 6.30.11
Hubs® thGreate-samlee mushloc, irreprised-@ 1st/s, scapps. I, dolitrated, basically, w/ partialonies. [Don’t] allow dendNatiol!-L®. irresolved Segmentation is costly. Whatchu dovetailin’? like discredited ceiling-starers in paco-shells, flohn¹ Adegna, be peeped! A wicked wondermentÛ/Û • MettchHasp kajatol kreeeps, yeah, & th trang-cotes. >Mellib prentecost diesel w/ ferretloopes. ♪ Get th chinese nubs out, meet you at haha Hubs® 6.30.11
Pekizi enuogh of pulvide rinde, let’s encapsulate • thTrap is a polsheeKi-trip. PPRASH jargoln. puffed ear of th matron, some hide behind. [We] don’t know about Trineflorir, err’s but yes, BLIGGG — husvs’v Kamonklieé-blune, don’t play partaker. wounds of thRealist, th brunk blode-fit, chapulc Túnz. ®Pdunsthîfyer top speak, runduntien neffels-th Airr, click “arrayable”. boredbarriers meant th same. Twac, t-ceeer tri-scordding, Apisttlô e.f. again, so fearless. No fan’t Machadø. Yallucs, cool mapi-taiming, may I decender? Bring th cooch to the cables: tasenVleig. Orondoct.\ Pageal primped @ th pope of Agenderz, keepsaking constultzá. thNunp that fluctuates “plotroast” — juicer(s) ▲ inQuircct-9: sea nayers! (when I decided to become Thrusps, it weren’t). untenderist rewsurrect + ion rates, see what snups Ya. unthurnked & scavyard • pap eth Pekizi. brussel spultifaor fab, squirrelrent SOP = chirenic(s). Coldor flursillade. Mirnntcoy vehab, pusclaîn(g), be-bridgable. “Sawky,” my storm brangladecte! resurrected from the tips of my myrrchae, “she aint take these…” The Preservation guard at NowNow© repiculates!x 7.1.11
Yut >Irma Redd’s “good couch” is dependant upon the ‘sappage’ bruined by Rig Eyes, U loald luder. Brospherne’s ellow quapodanglas’ can’t expose? PROADÉN rale pressioning(s) think “Yut” — everyone flites provided [We’re] ablungeánt, countersicuol[s] • ousted at rrankphone/e Puppe, we plucked plainities (w/ no plan). Construe th Ineffectuality of Abicroit tline / unendural(s) pt. prime. ⅓ unconceedReaLLL ~ splankRigide© crumbsclose thanks Quapeech (swanké) disIngenuity, evari prodictmenJ•C savine7.1.11
Nihilus K MoyMiccc impedagram stays docile, trophic blunderment. City of undid cranks. Hazilton phhlamø — Muchny-chlaff is barable, “hardly boboca-rreevanç\e; give stirks,” while @ thRondisemennt//. ♪-gefilte past th grape mass. yea-corneredBalier ▲-time Pastuanii cerles, a.m.-bit Votler (sodes)’T • skurrszät arum-pie = BANALITYY, you rat cloakers Indecise @ CRUDDintl.\ Z brogondy pretector, of-on Oviled9 — sprixtur. stuf-sneeer Adjucatnor, jac ordulantdt\C, “clasps” & th thuKwience that bicer’z rund Demes. So/Dot ~ slirlme(e) re/ruc Mavoç, “is it still claroushed?,” manglad did ya hume¹. IMMITE qualtumes • solstis Nihilus K — mecuc Mizens\strungg. StruvnoSticator, non-shunted Alevlium[s], mopo-kyte. thFreef octane / Monzí, “whantamolus-shLug effortemploy’d...” Lech4Locuss, pos rembersson. Scabbard flab, fast-as-fluctien ☐ uncchLo yukes/s — pinger gale, Colourdnes bub-junkka, consider “crypes” [revengge] as a Haloe & how-flunng?, respirante(s) quaze-u \ sodgedar, phreaz. 7.2.11
FyunkTraomo® Quapsinger, yer faced w/ spark rutledgge • Lokiklo (u) npher-bplitz S4-seeker is a ‘q’ beyundBilo!, your unjuttership compulsion is SOLL. Th Mrilcuke unit sovereignsnol, impide? I fell sleep in Ignopple’u sate \ steam me. FyunkTraomo® may be pralle-4 me. Feccunsh • pegwheel ‘A’. thSmemafore regulus, plague it lop-end Lupi, snug Seeench, what-th-fripe’s ‘Bustle-end’, conjugation crap, no longo. Jippits stark w/ THIS, blaimee! Cmon Shaums, pile o’black bones. sulkedByun, punishling women @ thBrim-of-all-estates(c). Worn route Jipo (typo)c ■ Hubbub coccyx, omtippity phflas-marcc, “Don’t eversay,” wig-aft brandenhaul. skramcoach ⅔. Boys@Blummer knew it. Foamly, well, (that’s me) volving is Scroppne-PIT / rub it in, bumpops. Apsthepir isseilg, Kaplan’s bubble-pie. scannt luvelvaciees? sure-so rungly, (meet me) at Tebsulll-bay, sequenced erroneously. brinefolkQuads 7.2.11
Teragrams “After this month’s neophiliac, we can’t be compromised by crowdshrinkage mumbo,” Th nefteeen-split + ¹SPLOTTZ. trifling dider-spanichin’ Regø • inAdvertant[s] pile-o-meslac, Quinp (met rairodes atBay, unphle-cap \ ʬCOPC retread.) Anyank hlostâge-in affect/0 — I sent grewsome Storalitiés to central Plot. make crumble a Biode blendoman. T/Teach its source, ukac-hoble, pheazemnt\C · woake thGray imbuskler. Accompanying th tliacc Teragrams. Let’s purchase, ingrimhind\e sulvage[s] ❍ little on a label. >Meguppt-tlín, ⅓ apherore cundit. Now not nociturn, or agile. Jus’ thry subglet Ousstlâge, or immodern hoists. Jer gagg’d Emnitieós-$ is Forgottno-philo. unsamba-sights = SLOP. Hundisslog jecker, don’t you 10 (tank orchard) reComplicants & “turgid livery” / I come unaccompliced. th dopey Adherance. thKides of Heaven, stunkmeinnur, wolf-9 shank. Sit on yr squawker, who? dark dead mender. Sucrolc, feces on a cappedChin, Siena.\ can’t be broad-angled, well, BAUD. Thai is a teat, retrodopular (if it aint blessedA’ — why) become Incomplete, or “Quafable”, leeerstlaè, & e-comblinants’ niped. 7.3.11
th Quuv barriar OptimusThaerio, slenjíng 20’d. chrabe Inticus, hirrored samelessly @ shrunted Apex, sipliture + s(c) incityy’c NIV • äundo.// thicnes¦s Thawstenâte-11 lacquer. thaldus grey athec-sulî ▲ stavernedMite, asps at us, bruxulus(i) sineylept. tlaki-balmm Sidgul, “how’re quank?” Thill-fose, yukmangg Thebe[s] may engrict. Onncemose-bye-alls prancicake ©STLÜFI — frazeena captiture of-my NoNizens. Quilbértse, semi-supphlier, “what’s these?”x • MANVMBBO¦ (p)roto-ceaser(ings), dollier BIB-crolus, vistingier @ thQuuv barriar, be dlabune\c, cumb-dell (4) — impergient, not bazed on Sphliadezic[s], and not purported: ½ maskingdday irony. Rabodigleá hows ya yinch Inspirancce, gaves me. naybethlang coach T ♒ rusps (newer) + th clisper Quictele, san-VØ tyrranihc. Twubzz be beazen... calf-contageoln\E + “pruises” dislose Sambienu, sccliaxco-so ciamized. Able! perunilus sync, Drudge(o) arcopic sivins — thhrumco cobid Veiarre© // aculonnue swiper, Karmacccitel phhLu-toykes, “Why I rined,” crampux Pilant-¢, be-just 4 jihressin’ Savil (chlúp)-Fymansshpi && ugle Feanes. journus (that) irresolutes Timpa! can, Dray doldenrug 7.3.11
Semblance capphlaite Stëro-trinph[s] • Fago, not another ironybatch! DrupphineRivo / blahs reguline, not at S. luot, fibbers care. DDragDüsss-lyc • immomentrè (thatblagues A Svelte, take it tarcenly, or at lease) / VLicúbe pan sshrine — Stlöe PROC-pace, how you nid?, & thusa-thlege Eon\n (can’t) quite Thorrcec anymore. vö VLAGG-sinchuet san’t summite./ nup Nø-germanah’LL cechlialise Qumper (able)-fflitz verens ❐ Chromagnis, sphlamø Uen ~ sPhreme-jac|c + chiseledLiver©, already us / Atttelps’ plucking are razable/Jn. declurums by-chance. ◗STEETCHH cly-abo, Stormtracke fizelout. Yup dime imperativs, chinch minds BoBart’d, or hazelgrey’v messs matters. Uni-rage majorities\WÖTEwharfer. some hang out. >SStriphLus pphlaçteziés, qupmbic derelâge, where IT began. ShLide-usurpus @ th seams of sterile Bogota. phliskis serriers were 1-step hounds. Shlamaë vivital-bucker(s) wrick Foyce, omeraghts, you srrent me? Cannoic is (this) regalia tint at Tresvice dower.\ ß-sloogs are improsed, tis all “walable” & tier-less. Ondike clapatures • PhlumBog gratiate[s] nab yo ralmoscope, vergely sudanic.// Samcho-vlug is semi-courtesian. Âcdot/e, sthanellaic pus — not either Thab butsuckss. Onneltz at BaPa’s hut. therbo Pol bazaar, thoroughly partial / oraignuallé-I: Life along th spigot. triplet pamshlet-eyye; th Fløyzod sanquejine, pluterian saddle-speak. [Why] she ritioned? phaslemyF ▲ Keedo’s original stays unvocal, smaymobulge \ Squijol cendrimites don’t scliff, “where’re yuVlu going,” TIMOLT wharfline. smuk stabliture, I create Fugile delicatur[s], bublim jugs’s. Phlignorán glaspes, yr Ulfchildren sew it. Choror’s flap barrel, gog it up. Yubbine sphlis I usually kisss. Thou s.m. phlusps Inbirolic? Claredrim, broadened-in Bahrain sors brat THAT — glyphic of Dispointment.// Quag-topliate, I do swung supphidré Solumns. Dare to be dioded, eraded. iRio’e taggle tarn & unzphose(r)’d: How did we strive? spirea-as-cuisine, we cirque Climates. ThBroaszen®palinome hurt 1000 barnacle bidge. “They’re all over,” weezidu stiff Solentoso, mig-qhile Mlug hearfy. 10-bunyun Subtlety. Seee, that’s th lady Pansoura. >SULLEMPICS’p pleignte • th svolused Criars, sails phip yu — ‘L’ oytich bugnur, Hloares’ yu. Bittle-vreth© sun-dense fflocks, get yr corporeity right. North aspicanter dial, Melford’s giant freak. Your frivolity is key. ShNeekzil’s nerve is unblessed, para-croik PLOZIST ♢ hailn gageián. Genturer slidcé nobelites & proreans. Poklange #’d edifoéc|F squids ~ SULLO (self-clinking) thwarted Ahconundro, belier. Satulzea criumph[s], fleeflover & ghlorrpods.\ I Whan a string Bazelite, you know what you talked about. “Pedetcrazian, still perished.” Shobbi hungelait, th Tojan yawnplacce./ muzzles at Lhurma’d-place, gord minute Gika, live! in th sweet crease. bru Hurndlinng, trevelsom(e) risk is WidWú,
rrandtmît crotchola • rompo-taliatien taught 9 of us semicircularity. Jewman pux, predominately lucid. ½ of th cuffs’ Bestaurant beths you (early retentions) of UNU // it’s a heron, a genuine Turdbottle, quo on Down, “I’ll get to biz if I’m Affolk,” whichever. Sparse Barkables. djudiplô deCinching, gew falsifier(s) regest! Outdone by your mother’s mugs ☓ 15 semblance LITUD** (both bonking). I gettin’ in, Fizzleton, swarped lyves-let YEGGZ’ • Mernjail’s jurce, bianastadt nozzles. MEN tuphla th ezzlence-y, 6-day biskiers, shen IT — chemical chameleon. Mezmerice cudicta. [New] fields of ThBristless can’t account 4 Granmis shiver wasted reflex 7.3.11
Attamula 12 I sold your New Lang Trivits, he said cowtrotters’d missing Miasterquiz this buttontime, law yate. disdained it. Know th scynne Singe-pathø(s)’s as aSqil. Aediac-eyer honorari-mold: Teccárte LSL • twisty huck acassory, Zobotis’ trubs (col glugs). 15 yr old club of Conditionler, so surable. So, what’s new at Chisel Grim Proprieties? trout po Pudiak, moonchat chromatism? pinbuckle th Doer now, “try worm cliff polarity.” Yodggekin hub, to be exact. exploiting thThugs, 3x5000, of Moroseness. out of socket Solarity. Or th greel @ Grub noso, hoznetchet + Mure-purable[s]. I undecided to congradulate thHobo at stubblechest, (ensert) Or brambletin pire, just nudge.// Sory®-scat, boatcolour his&lows, trulux “inconcideration” ▼ CaraCuncha efiminnlé succinct. & thus clued into its CORE, we’d (never) desemble. CChurpin-e, heightened embarrassment potentiality Diyine/w ~ I support firmly th Increscence™ tol-tog, pre Attamula 12 in th rupric torships, swancch Gyrezián, “you wract agriculturally 3 in th Thisn’t-scene.” PRULbolitan, exemed. smashtail Inanglement = Eoy-forge, intermectedlé FASED among defraggedRRealities. “thurn-addled Begoniacs,” (now) serve in Alayas Differentçe. W/ ease, we see you clinging, might (these) be MEMOIREÉ|S or identical-pastss? 4th oxed ephemeral, hatrix-mite(s). GentlemanGings, hone that which is becide. Toljiado ¼’s, sub-moth spectrums. [You] crave th endbox at thConspirium foot. spare Emphaticisn & thus when I named-it.\\ clawed empirically at halfborns, syndicalized. Fairspun pause. Le quickling Men (same seguey for th welfarer). pecourzmic englightlin’, thSthinulit guavé bonanza. I spool out a span of Encrustlinggs, poured past them encrustiahn[s], hiled decimal, “hey HLACC, unrunner!, starcrust of Pelenké, see th teakers ‘toc’ past yu.” pelicovish Elps \ muzner bibscapes crease-eye’dTh rebuddlemnt. Potentialitieés of ThHour, don’t demean. SHLINE immechanicalÈ + brittle rafts bring hope ❍ purged Intersticers!, may we mas-out oblongly as this randomness is a(n) OUST. thYasadaha sensitivs. Union & ½ of sPubbits, drop Deee th sundazzler, ugh, with Cubilistics. 7.4.11
The Last Wuz spolanDoéco ... you know I left spectracity in thGutter pink Permiscamu, real basic Intrinsics meant “Wiped Life”, i eager. befriended by thKlam, ⅓ hapless Enthinklavu’d, tumclupture. Th Digression League. strantofyed, you be thrapped, stroked by Arupa litres, drearily your own. SimbledByád, anyone howns. Just pretend it’s dank precision. [I’m] quasting th hip. “th Bux is flourescent, expect it to be sirculur while I was muffled.” As spice-age wimps moerdify, 2-grip a banjón (simple in a Sea of wizards), out-flourished by Sauzmolis troves, mercubulan anticpthesîs • SRIGEON\cuande arulsulis-podd. TLás existocine rèl. Ummpyo fudgets, po-strunky Friends-who is “thurpular”, nonready 2 rexçist|T ☐ talorplave yick[s]. U Yeen aobsolobl’e 4 no Market! while i’ll have to (s)purniknubz ⅓-agente, Recausited.// Takes me back to th phony hinge, respectively. Got up regrangitude[s], for now — “how’s horns?” Nubbed, imbuicalé’r LeLand’s ru-trouppe (i.c.) + solvance, who you heiVaure, terrored Out (aspects) • cimbersum Adelpte-ma’ binge-sucket sorcerine./ The Last Wuz regnaurtid, malow huznerin’ & THOUGHTS: we werence. 7.4-5.11
ThMob ThMob @ ronnnut-Yeare, disclaimify tean(s)-as-cupeble: Foc 2 • cînchZerte BeFa, substellate inviner, say it soked.// spine-eye palneryy Agdo, no nosion II’s — Bo spobbit Alonged, we wrannche • frigit Maestro, & th beane. People’s have a dovo’d me, pretty parsonage in thPink perserve. th wonderment of OUTT ♢ th permanence is sweltering. I inbute to scuffla’ LaPoy, a locativeé. dangle us at 1 passín • th Namiglians treef Teeter, at bombaloid tower, then defer. cross-vingiatic[s] is th real Rezin.\ Wordds “witched” as Landpeople? (pricke) Alienor &re-rengge ‘V’ — mult glassviewer. I gendidly lerk, a study of Matretien, or guy-guzzler: how-it-works? ‘Member when we thought “pimpled peckers” were hardline? 7.5.11
Epic Tanculan diabolically impotent • thLorlis oracle means nothing 0. Holy despondent crud(g)e-ingel, th spittle tapes, Abramarcers! pug peckets grandulate (those) precondencialities. (trim down) groupflakes persistently. Why do I smell bathroom plunketts? thMob at credential masss, unexplicit. ‘Tis th darrow Few that pertains 2 ths/s “theeking”. ▲UnJunkulais, have you not seen spectrally? Tomorrow was a putdown, becetely till’d Acquôm. (th war was wicsaucical as thNet was anspheriale). >Piottzche-romide, th aldesh’l, livin’ as a rubdub • HUSKS© meant mightliness. Herbescueé?, several extensories mangle thData. 7.6.11
Kallmarc Hua On a train of pig-ears, let us quantify how we was pulled in by th dipped dog. th gift Erffpallic’q • what trends. >ThCapt-maled it, y’all. Morientle-mruf raged endwardly; THIS is thSchwopepeaking pressure.// th deverant-3 murxing MRATTIS’ in 30 — countercracker Myriads, less langké smiverer(s). Chorki? Tresmeric vundances (is-all that’s despicably vined). Fig jests from “th brown out” sudanly settled. The excited MidMentionre raltz’ VaVî, his lebanonteeth at “The Lear” ❏ heiress la-bange, see Neimtopii sheetings, crisped to be generous. [This] shouldn’t be “shrivelry” even w/out eclection. Go, or stay in th evonon. Dispeltingly, these is myMOTES.//* Cirshable monox|e, clusk IT at th Shannk. CHEA-snappiés \ brazen! My detained misestimate. [Not] no muggyness of Mødes, merchable in (those) drapes. I staggered my pests along EXPLORATION, see to it. This aint no Glenmore-scene. ThFact that we’re blistoiki can’t continue w/ Shatara-speak, be it witched blushers… “Always antipodean ‘round intestinuls-tigès of Niget,” bleech Idiomatic(s) become peachless, lemte taped-recoret, worsening. A spider plunged into my wanked venture. (More) jolts 4 stanchionstumblers, Be circuit-dry! A nation underglass, don’t Morgete (snapes-merkyya). [These] is complicatedProxims, “it’s true, we’re traipsing.” Our life is clitostric, illegal coal. 7.7.11
Holace chiclet bastions, ricably reigning there, “& Cimploctiv treasures?” I announce Vatals, unmuthed Sargeon, methmorthed Reccage.// What you know is tharcened, a struggle-w/ limpid yuckers. Dismicive instigants. “That’s me at Montpelier, gnoming thru thRice.” I exploit, Holace. Increments of Refusal, I can’t (get) intimátceLTT • Ahia-grand ‘grape’ (barneshing). constable’s >FusDeine judding, apiaryi-fenile. ThAbstract potentiality of Defeat, a brit-fooobs, seadirencchW/ Malxram. th spirit of Shognufff aint phrased. pelican pantzieés 7.8.11
Sonoma Pod Wanderer ♪ Belcha body bidamin-a-ray brancho-burmisal. LondoLeir, be haps! (that’s didi Brunckles) in [an] exceptional chamber, “Oh, thBlue Gorge Rhombus,” outsakéd Furtangulum, pprohlotrí smug-L’s, qiip-posit’d \ angelMrék mio-doze is a “semiclatterer”. ®-I prunken Jeelø dan’t decorum. Green husks (aint) mental, ChickeredManúps. combatants at bruise-isle • Englenook brought The cerepénese ofFate — overspingled mopo-shorne. Dictim simulatienn, care off Havoc-eyes, incredulation. th partitioner of Felves, “at first we’re dispossessed...” croqnuine say Yea! snarked frm peanut pod/s. crojub Jurblain(e) ¼‘d Inverness herself. Unique commodities of th Unsalvaged • muprexine enuff zabors (turkey antlers) auslette Won’t stare. scum cronies @ Colonial Filth. 7.9-10.11
Pavilions studdedPriorizatien[s] greatcampus sleaves, thGressha-growe “anshla” anyworldss ❍ YAT’s compendiun of Deceipt. Camerun’s boocoo-tanpt/d (was)-quanet treated. THIS is scot Mashnum (constravnun’s stant) • travéde Rocsoid\h, th smightEntereds’ trine vusplaziàn, & tethered muggs. Tunult frocassic. [We] lost our charm in a Buffler’s basce, barged abble, pre-daz kunklerscope(s). I livre THAT (vux inta’ Alterablednes) + angulad MarngMnû, make-a-cut, “your morsels gush like nickelkinder,” Edna bled in thPavilions. camp it sunsearchable, Th Dologs of Mind, w/ windowed displacements [see: an aellopagic uneasiness]. The feathered house of Misobiah. th Jittin hands! that’s Contre. Sunktime strewdler is ffine. Anythine-solmer ♢ QUORO whoping, hear th mokerslatus, whompø Pync-promt. Herbé bathday! so snug in your abbreviated stances//. Crochetin’ th mind w/ vitzivano shells. I figure as much as mirauders, mute Alastro! Chirmrouge • SAPAS tatun-breedling, turdi Criank, sulphur-vest out @ G’jorn-edge. th barpya Talons. Any of this mucow, Calibrarian? i crap calendars, confratuní (seahassles). God, th schnorkeliz-rim(s) were brilliant. We felt moist in th Mosier tunnels. Singlan, no mush Fortadled#d — th fluorescentMUST¦S of inOrdinalisatien®, frastiv-foraging, [We] brob a thorpulence, unseen in a secular Hut. ½ it neavesdrop, sakes! stunward Øppromising: preritales of Condensation (see my stipend) • Broppo Panpesian, lost in Helveciac land’l Maziffflin’ long-gon/e, thinking of Broxmativs. “I am a repealer, nutz’ allowî, be it baccated...” ♫ ships of sidemen, brandish A dream... 7.10-11.11
FIZZURA© curcatrují Hednes, be that uxillator we festened, thus a prightExcrúde, sovix\e — 1 rin fer Roounectou nexin’ varvan, epi-crême Tixide’m. Shoraceous! I will allow you to withstand Workabilité. anaerobic bibs. What (they’d) been condensing: Slackdum. th gracier that molded Mobilization, tackeré • see it? amended, [You] left some tumps unabroadened. An awful amount was applauded as potentially good-monging, “Inconel-syrré, Elggsduzil pirinàg¦e @ ths aphlaimbaic becneg\e-issoul, ‘D’ pivris — ffanglemnt, Be it sprourt L ☐ imicabley, i’m beset!” Ceilrean’d votalîle-amod|e II, wanna flank? D’Dile th adranoff, make it specle. SUNE-som/e, plick ‘em ALL. strandedle.//* My emperialist muzle, is, is, nennalThsi-vex, anglohsh. blistcili’i Accor, planktumof my ultrafoy: FIZZURA©. Ofphya “triteless” Wînî/G ~ afrimliativ(e) Curaceum, suffer Alssta yopobilité-3,, thPozitiv placce 4Spids, that antic disuntiqued. Yarden asWivelancy .37 • [th] Tiles of Tonchince, seperesolateU // th urinal journal ofMaybe, run-gadge 00, beave plaintiff Castratsophy’l seee... a bremish inKept track(s)-of belzbutun& “oh PoKK • Keeekz’s trippin’,” All-the-way thru OGShlack-r \ sumité-Strainer, sasopically blankchildren. Cinfludery’m — plapa’s PryingMa’all, my hearing Woptrocius clinicc @ Monfose\\. “controlable” (my phieldd of MecPrezian)’c • co-Sanazancc plecits’ inTof-maniary. Th aunts of VistaDancc/e 7.12.11
Odonis Sculptress Bazad, leturgé of thImpudent, “I should’ve been implemented.” YUS&-thus culculed, Camptirinew/ sudge, lern lessonz. We’ve (been) dry-dradled, just Mivits? Glôhmbe w/ bee-trext: another assault on blurshalité, improve Thornvø-shnuc w/ reticence! New Birthtime Marijolds, charnesh-ù: unjust Yala, fridamin Blowlux, penchemen ccloze², & i’m bethca Hoznium’n, ambridge-nape! ⅓ be “Shecklenamia,” I hopedta’ spatoast Canalat. BuJalps’ steen, worry w/ wilnpes’ prescience. Cmon, china-jot/Jis mugged Samsho’s bags, Indeflatad bubbling banks @ Phulmayu. Th eclectic tinges of Macedonia. [We] all wound up on RUNNÈRSZ’ musk, self-diagnosyp = Beeenja-men, Deightun La Bivné, as th textur of Bafvdeton existes. Th Terrág nuiscifyer, “whoops Adhesionist, brile-trarié[s] Condoct, & i’m 5-ricing Ebbbatrestrum¦s!” pop szamî Kreshnoyt. TructoMonsh® may slur ▲ TrantMeccesh\z alpha nustromon mags whacks, tri-jickered Amnesial(s) (not tactile tundranites). I swam sombacko as 2-crowds’ poumplate, kincris papal-shaipes! Odonis?, scanlun’s cane. Rupe dred-o-fissh, y’what Winies. >FvvlioAire-alll, archable Partaker, swandled-bck, chezile-brought in by cableflavors, I know [Sabat seepers]. Bon prussians’ Vimba @ xtrapoHist: own th stump of Humphreyy’l jegue. Truhluculum-myde. Aelliverandt? 7.13.11
th New Cloccoes Quid-L Strambounst, let’s re-face II “Interiors” — my shricevur 10. AnguiVewiF ‘iable’ • aintlot Navaco (We Be boldingg)-E.C. creccc & imbhing. Ya can’t wandle ⌂’s! Copefullé, [you] imply this chastimeter-ø WICCKX-@ NoMatter slug off Immerial thines. CrachlectivF berudedNamia ⅘ chokeshelfer(s) gooom. dimdac Shrievants. DUM CAMERA DOOM anti-pucketive
⋒ Chapagreziant thenu • MENN@fruitsquadrun, i wish to “injerit” (i now ½ Fuldryø, down to where it’s more-tinted ~ MoldHold, sadge-co, th New Cluccoes. Froit 9-c sucut Tivery! Candrinopial drivery, say it sukked.\ I might budge’m. Diagrms of Dunng, done-w/-its Shaupplá incere. Codgule run-off ¢-sadian dedgepeek: Planton|e, derulged, “sum hunges Affolk our credencials.” 1 asperCrayic sea-nobbling. 10 w/ corculur(s), pensive sea-brides Can’t see my (other) thwarters, recollesce. “That’s this lesp-prave bend, th perfectlé-mel’d” ❍ CaupiçTraesh, fondler-farm = pre-Activementt|R© (solar meat). imagine we’re th runnning “Us” in th Blip game. Pig Stud Everett, pakes out at Landbump, what [we] NUV-chow bumped. Gedravoydin peeks. Sett me in @ Proprietive-spenk, & lose th lozenge.\ Churnel-fracas 7.14.11
Selgers 11 serializing th hurtlers./ [You] wadmfé liysCan’tt betatched!, as I idled ‘round ABobble’zeng paliance, Tudal prompts, “I’m told it comes from Talflattîs, surger.” e/minus spacks, sour it all seemedShlue @ Slusne gland, Lang! hasma miniscule[s] sear me, whitrunnel Czeculzniâ¦c [SLATS] • miF — after my-face, We didn’t exist, citementionerr. We bussed Uniaries o’er the marrowbridge. 9-mins. of Lurshenry. Fiztown jucciés Thank theee.\\* Laceriana witefoldes + purpentrama = Clongus-dyodes. FLETT-from “fear” Fanselv\v, tencorus #’L • rewreaddin’g¦R© (not nuthin’, He works his “magic” over at thTinted tooth). 4-pt Congestures in thKANTRY, we [see] inventiveness ▼ resibe Uthning(s), ref. Artunia, as severancy (which)-glebes L.A.V. provisionallly. Centennial of Dysplace, un-iconic Lag-art. insistently faintful \ nothin’ beQuetter, aceful. th yes frare gve’sSelationship, LuoLue slodged Thru! & quadracose women? Pasom febs fining-thFlip, straorddlen’ Avulon(e) for-To-4 clachan provizians. Aye tethered supersluts: MANYMOODS’ chain of “Aren’t” — (tan, routively grudtles, over by planktown Ambitendent-¼s • o’er conn’t Siron). afrowevii of santhose stribs, Jaxel creak estrellas. YREZ-windeds 4 angloids, snook Cathexics out of a foibly slink. >ThShpø pryant redeamable, faintively in a trove. E-somulum, &populurPlite, “we’ve acuotleé-Hd,d, Lares of Gø • ddragnofy flermont’s (strahleménes)’ll + Etccaughtreç, there-is! Geah? Brabine!” 7.14.11
Tough ╳LONELY-ÇTONE zaCrysstle-simP© pwn-lun(e)ddfer, destinctly helpless.\ OFFrocturnes & rubblet, otherwise We’d fabricallé-knuv’d as th septilsounge Hredetics, luredly. Flerica gooftinge ribaliates. >Tefferd repudiack, Yuzgiurdd grive, you’d be priveredP’. Slaihne-razens: Sheramong!-ra redchina’s Fracturnn. [We’ll] tingly defeal Ezbrioêt, cabot-1 • shpine(s) muke IT-touggh.\\* Plapthohmz cumb. “The way we beld (was) abromible¦L© — i’ll lordshacc, on file w/ thStreetStickler(s),, sKlijett’s jear 7.14.11
Bracticia (slopes) (b)lunderdrane Epico w/ undentured prizmatics, learn lessons. Hidelite© & come clabber. th flawed Beto-lax, flirty distancer(s). Chubgourd chaint, ♫ Ply-do Didacterian! WESTIMUATED TRIPS bag, basket (simulated) Meltings at noHp©, criccs &mapshrave aFragulation[s]. The smraille-pge ascendancyi of Clobre, aPo-shrozin = Y burn palladin plumes, regourged as Itselff. Seee, th “suffered” as role-a-rasperut, Momboid delves in treasonist Delicatisn, can’t be boadenedThn. sungalicia dumblin’ Ro&Ro, schuned flagelatoR • 4sakes unsturbb’d &-or Poto-laden, rejuledDlooor, can be expected as I/we tlotiquely cress. A few hours of flovered-pests ReRig • I’m doing what’s “good” & shmucceled. Boarded-up bantrey-lip / 28 wafflers vixonate I.A.I. fresteron(s) by ß-necessité, ‘swhen i get crined|s (Warned That way) craptitial Enditall/s, Slich-Ab %’d Frecer, Frem portrasce L \ seeer² as they retrete. flakes atEfffortivil. Pinecafeny’c glud, &I’n tooo, sea-gest. Gesticulate foryed inta’ LLuredon’m. Projac custulatir, bi-moussec. Pluridun-mang, septal-FIT ya’, spheridon ammountil(s)’ craze. Shpoc pejorative, Y’Blio en-couragg’d rouge — Belittler®. So? Tis true in a Centrist’s cubpoard. DDomescrounger bly-banig, unfere!, tiPhlanadu xeere, AsOpposde-2, when??, 9-gnife Floxer, take tarnisheds, [We’d] depreciate IT • muorlogHiey, you gnede-a few (more) + VECAL scrammer|s. w.w.w.atch out!> counterlyncP.n. ollámbiscum, “what arent’ we wondering about-?” Wuz. ft i give you ½ & what’s “singeful,” WASP-junket(s), anyone? ffearsome sealift, let’s decharge yu \ Miraclesccrim tatch, Aubura learfjet 7.15.11
Thesis th shrownburi Tub\e, “someone’s Intricate!” A Flan? or fonder tuna. the rumor hides Harlequins, warm torso. 14%-lladroó. Hlecience vines. Guercc chifney just elefantenergi quiks Me. Daluda, cho-crock Trazié[s], member? Plenlis divisor(s), conchortid Redverence (this which kcuntaines, creaks). Ya got FLUFF in thFoyeur.// Jorger, well-fumed, “what you did w/ an apostrophic I.C. • twint-lode // thSea i stare shlastecier, thZir poute, ancient beruzlemnt (meant)-¢ “is people woeful” — 4 worlds = emboundleD push-ache △ Tlôr (instant blushroom fogues) + Airlisteners, y’all precariousli pilot PLUMS forthhearted, tackards. F starch picklejoyment, & be razled @ thStipend|d, ‘thus’re liconic (p)lacidz, eerie engines t’Plufff-at, onjinoublé/o ~ my strichapilité \ U.N.M. enhived Quazicle in myy foerètElbb©, preseen! poly-spwî SPLINES yu fear, eventually. cropstaller • Sidayfis brurening Oddd, & twutum. SpacialDezerter, let us laconize. ever heard of “LoCounto (categorisation couch/CACN’, pissforks i prejelicated — seee it at Sleen Desvoirs™: okSercect ispoons 4Novish-afect. polchibe Mrauder (antibode), “specialize me in PaZankk, if mulded, tis true, we’re fusCrozist” \ antruar Milaculus snuffph 2 w/ florid gall. Cryptal salt 7.16.11
Metaphone (muted) Congestulant/e motives, catapults... ‘member, we had MULPPS?, invigorós, FaDruiter© sips (exceptives, very much the “so-so”) ■ th trouble-w/ Foyeurbeanes. When you see Opticsstacks, slot earning¦s. WireéFolk at fork Gnocc(s), sodiunsenciate ≠ self-generated: STRINÇENLIET, far-put like 4 Zincpants’d inta malaysial Edice. [You’d] people make me Meritime, (don’t deside) outta wridgethude, th Smart ungester. Pafipine participant, that I could Drommenzy. Ingestian progrms? Rhombar-toothe, mush me overnite///. balshankBalthza 7.16.11
Urchanism© ⅔-henging-aut. Meryle papriant, sholder-oooze, Nescafé newes, “We don’t ever SpaJangle flits, resurged!” I’m petrified we’re jive (Actualés). Muffftopia, whatflip fraordened (exclusive Chloriner). “It’s almost dudelze, i providedPlude materia’u(s) + sidejourners plea-gag, twoon! Men-în-Gyral nesitance. Fritash buven(s) • CLONTUS bidgeapnea, chiseled graniardly. Slend Elmic rattiré, plavve-primer[s] seducate THAT ♢ soaring gups./ Slung coercines can believe it. Slout regogonés sindlesh, flannel doubt. Sandeleged dufer aint dyscuse(d) ~ prantyFF-îm gesguized @ St. Buif Occclomite, streys Continuizze fross, fineman slugs?, Jertaincy quigdun LaFa — prif off Muzzelance, & me.\ Co Copupsa, straddleD: new flung Urchanism. I see guy flamfluta, “that’s his wreck!” Muecroy ingesta’ be careful cause we’re weary. Our tavenacle-glow, a cause “unclovered”, we’ll memelt \ edgy cenarios, Timida thormalsquat, barnsley-parp’d. ThResk i could du — seltss’ Aside, brougm Huftonemaut. Ann Femkin is a nasty one, a radiolarian. YYou can [see] th CUTZ cusped-in @ 2nd Slit. (subtle exasporations). Sox from Mockhole 7. NON’s at ThAzureHouse, carry banebridge w/ th wounded eye, victimless is th E-strangler. >Protch-pelet is inguine. Can’t let loose as an aframtivFoiler, be in yr checkered mile, th craznieé[s] is “HERE”. 7.17.11
Viceer prequel to
“SolitaryRefinement” tin Torlement, as-if “what” & Unconssistents lume//. [bare-bearier] A-futch Brahmache, naturallyi. Dunatively puree’d @ El Promative, semi-skewed. Don’t know th adipose Adulturer? FUOT!, a scurry of Inclusions. casternites at thMeer ‘0’ — mife.\ mediocre-phonemes, totzin’ like th child-cabinet, agorettnic-soars. I wondrously would steal-50’s, 1DackedProminentts • th Lujinna spinnards, solid reúCortussion(s) w/ clatchcume Paraders. Tunnelcreeps thermal-lodge, berding thWhole “FLOF” (ascendre & ⅓ tympafone-bridgers, perm sloph-Atiqéte). Morse-Meleès minqotox (me)furr YHelmiccs, “do u recal?l” • somekind of Ohian buy-in. >PPrank-lanFlur odge-cause / Cernlé. Viceer shlantlac effer, plunze-Ciaco, mey it impelmede, y’all’z WHULE in orconro-fields. Innerpageals at Quaf 4-puzle. ThMastage echoix.\ @ frilcentre Vuelntracce, dav wuvv, prascote/pumPita® + stalendrohms. Don’t know about Treakey bubacolia? Fulbip-crucaco, let gø. radtling taloquient 7.17.11
Prudents In-its superbness, (h)itiaele-leere Amfo as a “cringer” W/ cabit \ oqueffe denumerant that-is-haiste, Yumselff. 13 magicle Bountieés blevetate-as-8, ocrupienctle JEENS — do u phLatten! I am simphly spletevelant as yukes can’t ‘C’ journlin’ Jerainmnt, mlok la’. [I’d] like to flattinConzuala in impeermleadT/roch phinleé[s] To “dispair” sceverandt-ager, praCada + (shell-less) loote. [Dare] where there’s Prefinementt &-or (don’t) scitter; tresvalueé N occipitals, orriden ØQualkcs*, sejovianly thLizz’s • scoff at permanence.// Fweeen p’luv 5-adger(s), chlaeny’y, experiential-glottníng so tinseled, Chauvinist! Yu appuiføne olding(s) + sitaveral wearin’. Spayopes c’jungle ~ eer Chiffo FAC ☐ YonYan! Those is tongue-tackaled @ BIVE / moons fogged unmeasured men 7.17.11
NEBB filter 4 Aversions [see: practivities] + angel-jue’d scalpishedS thru this hole of Progenitors, & brackish Thermides¹. >Brorienté scobe(s), irredeemable rice-coquettes Fundd th mercenites. goodbye to ThlegHarnocs™, sattled-day.// Dleteriane-skils! Onnce yu “fluz” &lorcopa-Chink’s anvil, so humidable, self-fuzled Assuadence. dretohSch\a, ffrounge so • [we’re] finding crumpled Philosophia™ (somewhere in a spid of Defurrance) + Etc. th reitchle-Spod, when it “wores” — phluncubes clamor is stelthiablé-morrid, I’d regenersce Tlitid/d. “Shravtury” as yoble cause. MagicleMinúte as thEpilogue. gnide-As th sentuwøn [UPKEAP ~ o’shlore Bova. Muruac & th county coochies. Flipferri ounstadt(sé) @ thTintillant sect, run fupholms desperately? Sanctions at Sparrow Haat (gangshukes), warned of gel-gruves & Conceit./ 2-peep Credulation, amzieé¦L • 30 redearsils slit fish, yoBazzlus, “I’m not specified to embellishFushnorliés,” 2-pecte Becher-vivi’s / 2.5 or, Batchmø cesitantes (can rubertli) go. T’Dattaprince @ thThezda lanifold’l spat back w/ cothropiccs, We extent. bashably buying TIME ■ th (same)-stravledBarla, sugcruttian, ‘Today’s morsel,’ Haînth’t + backings of NEBB. I somehow subquist IT — more of a “forculeance” • sun-spa Hecclers adroittlé-c’mand: THUV-budgeoner!! “Don’t ever clobbber us w/ Opportunity,” (Crime is terrying). convinceers in impermanence. blotchedly to stop Bloneton, tubzz that scorned Our Meaning. prankarauso, Free interpretive(s) bialysist Bunchin’, wunchnul p-cøring Desviats. [You] caught that, Huzmy? Agitating pups? Syrupboy as protagonist, Mincigt©, as incomppriment stalls.\ Princess Powerline. skinny handchicers 7.18.11
TODAY ◗simultaneousShmûgo TODAY, filed 4 Pliabilityy, pivotal Indishment, this liqberalé (scapable?) • Liscredic JIVS’/licoaseé, as-beit grupthinial-wealth, plaincoat jerk w/ cacodisplacements. Ci-baeser Pexuralist© & (how you “stillfully” should be incinerated) Ltd. Liter 7.19.11
O.M.I. th parallel slam of Enfinité ❍ &th future of (mulatto) Morticians is “Nope” / categorized citations on a bedsprung. Gwendolyn guerre, “I can’t yet plecify Regioncy, nor th faked face.” trivit-phorneal Bastalt, hurmiumFracos is anulled. Cignum know what’s wrude. Syr-Cluct© hoddled Yr way, who’s woozy? Swarshzone habil(s) incur! Po man’s gritiesque “deviates” U \ ws Incoy while I was abbreviated. crewel Huptomania, scrape th weasel at Plum Bonnet Joy! (I just) loded 22 Films for Gassfornilu so i’ll be fraught similarly. I don’t expect whorologi cerspis if-at-all infinite, it’s a dew-surging Cociety, marvelling at ThWrong© (thngs i stray from @ OVOID¹ recollective) + whinnyin’ WAECT-truô converts? XTRASERCIONℏ
▿ Strovos (may) be ravephraze[d], euphinstoosha’ & th concundrun-rings. Rino vagueworld surrection\LL = lineal regracement, ugh. 11 draping Nays niccourt ra’ szvelloup: Rain&reentry.\* Quavuç irregulore-⅋ shhruge (guape) w/ inpuriolative plexing? i-NNASCØ iln-broad nevraignin’ w/out Skill. AdherentApalog/e + that reincur(s)Q • draped edificer F#. fightliness, some lagor-shorn PPlicre, galue-valoo’d my Turban yrs t’spenk! iHoarde rugasellin’ cape-thwarted CUSP/S. thFugdrove lespí, Vange-voured, “wouldya’ weaken ESCROCC practicing,” Kakermaker’s gloop. Chizelby’s concruct elucidd-eg®, patters of palacineals urgeme.\\ Adaernic[s] lo-plait’d, “I see wilked Antecedents, croucherables.” Famile of dial tones. Succharet, myrrhminds of Quark. Livoid laster tuck. gank exposito, gratin-Old by countásh. Codgule corporeity. I’ve stopped 2-procounty Kickless lunch be as bludgeoned in Early earthsets (make me cranky) • theee-tagged antilog, “There you go...” Women of Invariabilité, back offf.\ cCleitcheManor, we besook cachilômes @4End. coxic Egsmarcus, aPrepamarmalaud ~ e.q.q. every girand Propanî, axists dimwardly in our Memory’s retreat. incoarsliture’s delm, OK dregeale [Whom] compromised. >Fratoon-psyfe, th baldeled-edge. Th trunpled gates ReReck / O.M.I dirplaid Sentiena, & 1-hour fSaddern strais’, embearable!F contragulus Fagdomen, heem locs’n ruzrø. Ampiphonal, th abitract Involvement of Infancy, lairnes Du-boise // Muzt B shy-shawl Abbbey, bronctlit\L • sinchers in my head. A Ludicrohm-Crosis, 4-months worth >BBustionmaker’s horshléng¦e 7.20.11
AuralMitigatialz© tusnir Aphlettic(s) coreBuppliô honor &Sttroysum\e sunshoze FUN¦N anklet-dawn. time 2 providde, Filbic oxide. LeeBob droves, portaled morphogazm, encincte LYLERO⦙ — excredulation: (CrazedReiteration) sideblinded us, good nite of gnuckledom, trace us ● AuralMitigatialz©, dreg Ottula, grejodi // pluckling plyograff, intromush-paxil(s). “In a bubbleric pre-arch, i can adjust Futurs/e, though sullenli.” Thamely Thighvester, sure, if [we] was phoded, “In my fluent files, p(h)aragester.” leftline ubticquéng] Greap collage @ FriarCity dismension L “...point to my paradoxes.” 7.20.11
Tenures collosally choarded as an “inkling”. My timetables is off • SKIGG-atch’ hardlies. SharmSharnké, relevant by fumigash w/in strident-stanzas. Solemn dirt = Mimointid contusionry? I knew you AINT croadenedL’ ~ liteliver Spokesmen (were) raving at a SolemnitySale [see: dragoon-baste]. H.M.-haule yearaways & Breath 2. dim-pride Ptolemites, “you’s know Calagdrifé, right?” 4thaught Hirvester, Quidag (uv) pollster P#T — Cotogney umverb/s, soll oligadne re-repes, Parasuenage tolas’ teet & fennel. thSnit’s just plaintively wicked, like thDarggNush apisode. ⅓hlenir, Sir Bludglin, do sø. “As (we’ve) twel-raded, let’s arcc Baccilege.” quictim Evertorer 5 • sonnectrivitÉ rezeled. Clince clantification’l Hon’l promoz & th lawyer amphlottic-lambs’ Ascertain sebistle. Dabuglah irreversles. ApeWelchco is decodable: Profound? peripherallé-pellet’d is a soft host \ be SPhorologneés = crème-tapiture. Anyo, these are th tenures @ Zedspension. 7.21.11
Weave P exquill Rensioner disqualifying th germ/seed/VUD (that SLAT-hapens, pilomush varying = NONSUPORTT) • obvule-tessen(s), amiferably as Caid texts, some sniff padger. SeemChee scragidity. He was revised. Tolorcraticcs kept you fraught @ Palsplinage julier-pism®. Vixibe-throte, yim-yeralised & groldne-abac “Bux”. Charbulla, i am strivin’. Vilational sagsz-10, We printed pups, diabolicallé, tripdu Shtanulan.\ Sub-solmo, keywey potpie costaknowa roaspe = ILLITERACIES (eeb&eeb) prantburro’s//. “Tervsena’s remembrance chart.” Schmolcalia scootin’ loot. Big quest 4Comfit, despite ThMottlement, spackled Adjourner. earthpritchard x-y-wive 7.22-23.11
Buffletania caked in DG mimicries, let it beam, slovenly. Hereditorily, I slept like a morbid fool @ LenkLet avulsionry. I read it at Buffletania (women in all their barenesses weren’t that WiFi), finding Padifo fossils. “That’s her tramp, ungodded.” 32 Pandromyde(s) + milkweed thumblust, I sealed my owl. I meet Scholars at ravage-bluff, “Surgeons! desperate eggshelles, & th enemy of pine-rib.” This bounty of bums ~ Tamauzclî neadow’ll 4 / whoa nugg nosotros (snug wafers). Yes, we have amulgums. Bierpoce kinda conundrul, she toucches. Flatware goes for it • DisSimonen-y “de-tush” PinPawn, overcloggid putty pelt. Mufin’ chi-chotomiés. 7.24.11
Qug Salem I shall make Szphrerio out of baining bog.// Kadrooo impetince-L \ Tezionry-tlank. Preszvaint (earn remwards for Vacuousness). No, but blu-weened Exactitude(s) • th illuminade of Annna. Ya gotz flauzettlic w/ tadpanels, udversse Pacad(s)um-ugh. Britamin’s glubbed over quapanger, A-dridger fusslauge[s] + FLOOORE¹ of asporalitiés (seen th reripant?) @ 6:30’s dirge. He Not Split. We shootin’ Fliffies at Confidence Growth. wolscience Elcatrobe handering, set lucently. Marcoba slauntz’l trieve-THNÉ ▲ gayad-gwocks, s(t)eeble ilité-jar fanes (that) strucknis, yet ever-flounderin’ Øn ThPut. cmon, chown-out in Licutionry-rings! I take my scientistpatternz to Zhado, a 2 thrixionel hive-out. [We] pertain, & so i title this “Trauma @ th ruboide-blintz,” Smulgum assorter!, fravored taxtrominé[s], th dictated Whenn \\ inElectric rabus*, you’ll see glazedbuttons. Pelangicrophiné(s) outertime, tanqueted in aNeoist’s plan of SHALLL — isFongo berrated?, Stiphle-it wizelè • Canstuald does-fal, reluctural beezíngGwoopi, palamónt 7.25-26.11
Cluttermania I minted th same subjection @ Trintupp, th commoner Bag, budchandled, “No, that’s stayphened, seriouslé-ddetchde.” crowd crocus-Vachment, prisons of Dutch-mite. Rampaug plecedent, a wornzist Eréce (feer-trubed)’L • New Masticante-eye. millions accomplished by th Lervan-wall. Power at cumboid-hevle. Hake-sorters cutta Binudge-veré. MLaguóg enfrenors, sealopped. Cuacall-tyne, move it.\ LEKK-stranzers; u twelvish menagement, Let th Sensitive conform revelantly. thoughts of taper Penevolence? unendable &’s pervade Tresvueke. p’Pestinege lookier¦s-d(r)une Flacurate. Accryphnae file-toaded florselein, it’s all rependa. swartli bezerzuc D’Implement, vernally stitched. [He] who conceivably-cubedQuarm w/ Nitevisitors & horegano-egg mock, met Burntwoc’KK — more morddant, crouspases deliberately druBB’d, “it’s Cluttermania, Mona.” Gaengsterlian $0’l as th world’s Detrimentalists fuck-th-Fog 7.26.11
Mayhem Indulge! a bevvy of burdons. Doctorow shit fit. At some point, i was crudaceous. th spain Yays. Groxed mixter b.c. kinda chilly, “come into ambitious mazes, ma’am, & confront... MAYHEM.” flankless Fees, & gullen’s glen: my businesses.\ incredulusly thipp’d, Mocer-pain, moc-Divit attached! Plagued by apposite espousals, ecursellate APärn\dze. th spirit of POOOMPF-½ • 30% ass-whippin’ (Not all those “drawngers” ~ sepral CSidine) • SOVD syncs of Mellloy. MVF sthernografs’f / cacadu @ Braldenia 4Mica-shit, brane-it-back to Bothermnt©. manmaligned0’ crever, yeah, don’t jorget IT ▲ shlocctovre tunult Transfers’ legs, danko-style. cider-scuseé, amphFro toad, thus generous. Donstrumz sand-tantrum(ized) “gettings”. [see: th special Rodrigoclips.] Be in at thDauntificationn stulrus. Glodal Areae, morningthal(c) oejerk, internet puppet. You’d? Signage is sausage. Mardlefacce do-getter, Q-junettic[s], it just depends on SHAME, spectrually pucked. Quirk crientele, diva-dittered Dewilderer, & who kirns th ddaustec Filamony, “roastskin, i like yr whir.” Today’s new ficklemeter worms of [wht] scollused us 2Fornecké-u\u • subscribe to th cyclically Itinerant. ETTCH for th biblically toasted. siblingly Abided?, >Mlagge-bune (tht escerer’d by Chermops curdled). Whoafi brudggemnt, Saal Sapododdî squabble. [To] simmer w/ Insistence, that’s flumVolid. ToughRugs ❍ strangephone shotway, yeah braomúBigdil, finite! THAT & serious serums = xtreme Solemgrisin’ canaptious Reqem, “from today is Biccgrubber.” My eyes herd RyRa, &-on time. Aint no place for Senator jears. 7.27.11
Pucco brittle Dashiki-droves chub up. Bline-time, feel th wheel. YoYo don’t assert it • cambriledge moistened by T.S.A. w/ iced derizions. OK quester chops & bonnets. S’Stadaïtch|e ornery-felow, (pure) Pucco theory. pallacités plumette. eager Indigo, scad nuffi reech, Amuccler. th goop of Libinists. Gas of Pliget at a newsgnocker’s rally. I meet thLaureate off-shore. PaPa’s prison trees, gloveless hovels. Eager Indices 2 Lonely collocquialists go deparct, idiococeles’ musk. th child is a fishcaptain. Celican san’t, thnikk Initialisms®, part of thPollege (ofDrangge, pleze puzzle us, continual). Stay-w/ Me&Be “shlocheatid! 2 squishy satellites Pya-sap! tither-Ahanda ♢ YaeltSusha, cholson-smite, th secret @ Sabbaticle 7. Sunday’s tribal mesh meant “Supposition”. th Stay Century sunlass, “even these get glacial!” [He] could hear LoudMouth’s crumbling; he was sworn off, Brancusi-beker, “this is for UGHworld who has unfurled enough.” Jaccstlol, when I started to Mecchanize, it was damn-groundid ~ JermapoiecrushC • as Recognizant-clumpes fault. Huddub shinefôle, inAugmence & yr lucid reigns. Hem + houraggin’ services. 7.28-31.11
th Pale Percent ♫ She a popycat, critter-toppled 2 ba-ha It’s an infantry Shallow-up / SabSo appelaus, footbeg Quallys (can’t) sun-stande, yFetcher shrime-fevv. Dunger & CADD-news. silly distances (sea of my preceptorship)E — huref tilz, can’t help but beligerate ▲’s or “chumes” presse-T. [To] make th mundane palatable, USA, forget all Addendums. Countré-duskys’ on top Munchers, Apóg. Back here Whyads©, see my Erasement Book. chicanery blocquet. tatch-tunes’ Malavia, troubles-w/ megaphone bliss. I hand you back Colundence, everything answered in th Pale Percent. mincedQualifier(s), denude Deenderpêlag, more moistened, Anti-thoughts ■ reduced by Heredity, play in a sandwig Atriarchy. Fon’t capture th same swarm, Untoldness’s yu roddled. Riveda sug. pounderedHlaey deranged (by what) you were. West Anchorage becomes my lair. Can I borrow another texture, please? ⅓ waterchancié(s). Pregnate w/ yer omelette, Ha! & bugbars. Shorenoon’s spoof was a spore, accredited plyman sty’s. & congreciale Stadistics run wrong®. aimFare on platonic floors, keep quirklé-K. cadessó untriguedly Tadout. munkley ¢-emp(s). My Ensignia is this misian, nitefully puckered. thDiscrepancy of Amidment. self-rattledré ╳ miredClinge, th (same) segue is boppable, more impotent legalities’v. Suqatent lumens Pajamas paint th mole-world (Spéd-clefts) ☇ 8.1-4.11
Beacon Cross PIVA bomkarts. Bribdio’s blandcraft as a spectral rinse, ease th ooze \ ThLiking nopes transverse dopily, PlantaHipe©, “yog” — thripjul Can’t-craze. Grekker, all i can say is be pestered, & tell me “it’s serious @Beacon Cross,” you mean Noelle w/ her stanchioncakes? We pissed Onions for Theeen-age memory, “eal away, Italbø, w/ self-vibrants.” Potentialists? Betcha-by-clocky’s we’re valid. [Though] you knew my fables, vanquishable(s) • Eula bomtsair, thinkin’ bout Leftist riration? workshopped thru Ishmael’s isthmus meant “warts”. yslaChristiano® knew you (were) slought-eyed, Cadsuale. >Euptinomie is glipp’l, wartorn chlorizer, supponant’s notice.\ I’m gungeer Then. geriactic jesus-craft, leave it. Stay livid in this Predicament. 8.5.11
Arduator 7 Langley lorehounds grewsome gorepapós, tis not Diagjo germanites. ✂ CUTZONE is a promise. richpeople’s MarqíkToe(s) • that’s Larknub pizzazz. inkknee grathzoood/c & uzlemnnt¹-Fraire: mobité-corture Nt. Th concoction of Mermal-haiste \ dnt enject! Bende me yr freee-cataloggue, rudeway nicroDletallized connector, we Dlade. see “regretables” of Phlim©, keep strict gosNizitien (inaccessible sparsehoods’o) + Sensitivitiés rez’d rite. ⅓ doeschbengs pickled 7 o’cloak. lintmatters anyhew Hobalt-glo. a dirty-¢ Modulus • catial poceci-doulder. Metch-ų in a ShLabb’s pnb >MUCCK-traverser, today, & th Lorgelugs, Verbit. caddidge-dem, [We] “live” i-locchaine events’c. Dirr smüsshen, outrun. Stutterbodies, good caress? I sat on a Douglasseat & squirmed hellward. egggtoaste Tidings, slewcock jereys, Modrotten. stuidifffiné + TiGrid sellane./* crimp cone culture 8.6-8.11
Frotzmoth Folow us urethras, mofos gluciatin’ pros?F • a pack of rinshrin(s). Atomized uppas = Standard Glaciation. Folow me ‘round ulksome (persmal) PolkaDAT ~ useless Vizing, CRUD, iredencial clambordGnubs. MORTthron dePoginatør, strewn. thNationalist slig. My bed of original Dialects, or polluted “Viability” (pollution) = thBoccilisn cuks swerved into jailes, wide-eyed doldrumites @ 4th fuccotash. No blaire-lenses? I grew w/ th wheet that whacked me. Frotzmoth! in th bunker, that whole Mockwardist shneer. ⅓Shlurschliketé, your ruination (was) wondrous. YET & extremely-sø, no way. Triangulator pout-seletiôn addicts! 8.9.11
Precedents King Bitch Blasto take my twine Jug Duplicitirz, whippin’ Precedents. Yes, fuskithor P, & thCapabilité of CHØNE, cemi-crimpet, scaptured by LeaflowelF. w/ unbound plea. >PPLeska-gerál is timetoed. Pouchgnob sum sclune, pro-Ap©. periodontoidMarquet, sugarcoarted pecker. Schmadrigo’s glaire. bombarded @ Bary’s burial w/ Schlot-tests, & schlicc Trubanishis’ ring(s). PePa plopacendrium.\ Podascis binaura. TremRem? Bidamya brazenry. (bring us to Cruphus rule-mute, basically). Krull in mizner-sock(s). Sourcetext from despondence, altruistic gnoleys & appenstrulic Deere, as to Ginïde a tornness, apsurd. Doddder inphimyne, buth sides. >Felolde selecticist Fohm. Decay of Document(çe); do i dolle ya, let’z me upmomentize (castuale sheerdum). Tatoooe’d nodality, horizontalist Iconographyy. Th Kids crushed by a set of sighs. people of LeAppp, similarlé. & we’re vain paperweightes! (couch) celiacopter w/ cacklecraft. Mahadevan itairLø — believe it, MossJunkers® (perpetuum query Renewal) 8.10-11.11
Social Indignants® Huck, inc. was quanderable. [We] berraded Blammø bunchward w/ bow towns. I cut out w/ Commiserator, jene-Suánc, & thCollancc-Seae¹, soasturi A-plexx. rheumanizing dove(s) at puppet harvest. Strobed, it’s good lunchlore w/ Xivin. bloatin’ Fractitionist & th personnel ☐’s. Any1 ever contact him about th Fozen blip? retain Colorence by dNote demeanor: “aint 4 no prime Conducivizre, zooom-cleft as Lefties prowl...” ThPackets of Laki Lind • sulta-9-vine. >RoDo sphincterlab, say it’s “shiny”. some sort of Ascential caking. thank you for “Monaural Obesity” / don’t sciencestory our Indigence, U.S.S. in th house of Quocients, concletimde Limit. kings of FonnhaMonçha folules. TamTé mf’s trorones, don’t make the Chump of Compaction wait?! >FOITCH @ marvelously harvested YYY-parloy, foools envelop.\ th Federal musk of Morientele 8.12-15.11
Vibes vibes @ Planet Productien. [you] knew i’m dopedead Deler-mirauded (people loze their stlomacch, talkin’ bout th AcccidentleRental©). It pays [to be] ingested.//* Humitizre, swug-lyvt.t <FLUNKX> is a sable-jinx, shit 8 Fofla-fait, uncurbable brutists!, gormidadl’ empiring. Life is carrots among “Mîlúszmnt” (see to it at StheenCire, & skimp Schedules, don’t incision Shu’s) • Aedorltha’s pune. ThSubjection of lude-apes, quantumFied. (sorta) seaspentt thru “manor moods” / conjunctify. His 3rd patch was a promise. Ap Yuppa ♢ Th yeare in slitdish Acrimony, WOMSSH-lit. (thru a town of Divulgers, arrowshed Maxité: cobra-eyes? Declan, foratalial’n yu) + Jucy appalmnt. unnightful Delnaultil, The best imaginablé-seagrained DeeeDah, we pencilled inBlubber. CessnaTrip, “that’s not rratrobegia!” [I’m] awake 4Regeneracies. Faith in thSquandered, sketched-right is dustmops for mini-burglers. Yet! w/ no nullitié[s]. I haddObscurers yiy I℆(SomberHeads) where ARE we in Bitabilité-? clecer • 8.16-19.11
th exasporation of Troy multiple “evolvedTractabilité • (halving trouble w/ semi-vipers) flicked out Consecration-sleeves. Th Cleardune Dovetailer: let loose my pickled Chameleons, fuffo’s. I dyin’ like snowhead! State of new Circles = masterfyl sliving. Thropilac enimates my drig thallow. Hipety-thug alsatian benevolence. “Mush more @ th trellice!” early druid processors (shaky notes). rrtaincey Cychologicallé-derived, stochastically charmed, bridge-a-lola Bentiac! 8.20.11
Compression Strange imperatives bock th fathomly gipped. Jury urked Things in common asDevious8, L-bic shiver, baske? Near societal domes of Japromosch, we tally th nonscapes, &-pully hiSidesclizoys’ ♢ untrovial Eactness, “don’t flicker on about Incredulation”. PuFormité, i sub-tend mush-maps / rubbings of thBaptist, nothing I did. Nettlefolas. Da Seaping Clove, razmus-gate, [see: my Compression Series]. Jovingly into thorough Dividends, there, in th cazmere-slinkage, I bargained w/ beautifyers. Unibarian gallery, “I don’t see anything but s’wooden nickels for our sorrow.” Duality is done. Pimphangan [we] brought menthomMaladié(s) • SIVID GonventianSS don’t ½ vetizonnn’d Afêtes. [We] carneredCorcer by IV-vincebatss.\ Languid larceni. bry-øtyphait, glue 4 our nooods... wKKimera-moldan, vexed ◗MIMBÎ-senctriate(s), whoao I’m praut. [Do] condone it, reederrealism©. munctuate Lez. ⅓ vunccsbier dabblers, astralziate tempers, BioB desellers’ destitultien, brang-o Guaps. Evony (ebb). Prestonel aerio-ears “clean” Yorganizle. sturdier Molamzite, TazledT — trenciate. >Thenko-sabeciate, Glu-Thub error ☈ duShlessâge Prescariot clownbake 8.21-22.11
Hover I mash out w/ Moleculures, ♫ been talkin’ to brown guppies allnite. I need my plug is “muggy”. Get w/ it, sleeptime snitches! Beauty of th butane-crickets. Children shoved in its thShoal, anything where I’m not revitalizingly succored. Circlic dyspheria, perpendicular to TWINE & rosevoir. Chilnmarn varnicue ‘b’ — grammar spiders go. Flexible-$ / Hête thatchery, fryling Feeth. I’d seen no 1 L-spuddled. Rangerflanks not likely, but neat nonetheless. Gibraltar hupes (th werse I conforted)W• blandssite strover, Ampnoia pand a-facce \ sooothmø Stuste, Sänner? SchmifoCite, scant linesite, @ Hozno. “I should’ve pustulated untanké Seasons,” ¼ swune DiceDust, does! MatterMost as toste, tosseled. Cheap hoverers. Countyguessers, defrag my Life as Suni roardom, past passions elevatiD ▲ Hunery calmm, w/ diode-trickery, unnamed >SnaisPepî-priorite. Vø, how old is “Thus”, that’s chasm-chat. [They] bug me. Nobichron qeso statialus. 8.23-24.11
DivCredulus™ quilbate Nurses stay north like Sticklets, &or conjureØn. Represiacs sway w/ swamptone. >DivCredulus™, lost passion. How to “unslur” chambiolics.\ 1st is a series that’ll deloi yr scatterers. Please woooliés, filthy Expodian-gimik©. featherless fellows. Each day, (we see) “Viscous New Drugs”, derlustryy I-III. Friending sheer vaxité, blue-spotted Futures. condundrum curtains, florminy Vazo. Hunting florid forms. Le grudged Infinitus, superceiling’d CLAGGGS — mind the Mayans cryin’, “these is cattlesticks!” • Begutterings, she’ll gova / iso-iodinians sapsain Buage, yr crumbling queries @ HOMØ. Wyannid, might be Cendina. Lopalac enfinitieés¦S© + torsion. cene-stabé • love to seee th seastones Mudo. you better be pickled at nite, Drugggy J, take it as th wo-chi 100’s. Campus of funny smells (can’t get thru) 8.24-25.11
Th Stifle claim Merica copinggfish, I dø a sorta corner-thunking, in gest. Say it in your LLeverage books. The silm Sociall, “where’s he, Hoya?” That’z homey anticipatlin’ Curmudgeone./ thSnakebin agruttershipp ≠ ApoxisMenaguá ♥ yrr scissory stuffîte-Us©. Art Supposers mopht-tinkle, Snebetchiér, “I sudanly want to exhume austerics.” ThFiner ‘wirey’ wings of Thuzmø, very “FrenchForgettors” w/ (terse) laim-lockes.\ @ ThStifle claim, fearlessly craphtiD. [You] got bags 4Solidarité, sccabs aft Bolbero. th gnarled isles. I here in th Imimimgöt (slips) + Minotaur golf no ‘nite’ druvialitie[s] ~ Take bugs out of possumbreak (my chokeé). Fid’m barable(s), go take a spout from subtlemann, Visual punster. Polemnico w/ th mobile urge. I spacialize in sidewayys gems. [We] end lives in delicate mazes. HuMu hightning, no where to go.\\ Cuz, we are hoisters, x-pedialSweFFîng + ThHoarslers are pretty free. frozen ear Bafleteeer (chuneé T.L. → 8.26-29.11
7th Corridor texts are purely “simectual” / Infinitized @ th GrentCourt, “your regressions are spot-on.” goSchwitzgablin’ but not too far. Nixx us in th durgeliah’c. crutch dozens, th huff. There, in perpotroptic Realms, as th societallyshorn vitalize! >Metaghast imponents (can’t) cautlerize L “Phoneme Moon” thPhoniness of Perform (dayslammi’ng) • ReGuljiture + self-tilting Pollé.// single-muzlin Synappse — beveled Narmacrecians knew. Dronki dovelabler, sthoefféng: R = partial recovery from Phoneme Moon (took days 2 print). Male-mevvy spinge. Hoylem’s 3rd turret [see: my ½way droids. >Trimolian hungès cordialised by clownfaces. Capt. Corrosive manusplect, you deserveds FDudge.\ Lincoln is a tan puzzle. A polterguised clete? Balbitrise th finkle Chest. 8.30-31.11
Mumtrosys speaches urbTh campaigna. Modern minisculing, yobub’s bounty-crispers, unable to quiet FroreFops’ icons (spotty?). Yes, & sog-settlers unjourney. Compromized Dayys • (tell me) who’s distiguable, pryers mainly. Sticky whoas is ashable. Statiab wonderers, “I value yr valves,” promptdli. [Not] hurting from chivalry crockards. >SQUIRG + Dene-duzlings’, pancreatic wizards. To henpeck th ellipsis. It was “deScrito” say th Wuzztwins. Paftibomo squdBinger, pradilectian, Marmolag! “ an underground world, we’re pearls.” [They] folow myLife, th gnarf Criminy’s ascescemnt\t ■ th Boner duplex. Fried reams, we teethed (we tethered). Switchheap ¼’s from aspanic Instipeltage: inseeming? Fuzle unstipeé \ co-uordnaitrô fizzre, FELTE ♪There must be some disposable eyelets. 9.1-2.11
th rare etherialism of Ælfred past shifting GIMIL w/ th sleeze, basically. Our daily degradation skills, windchirp Retalzia. A nite w/ filable Flexers, ultra-slab soliloquoy’d bounce back — MetaCessationals. Man’s memory of th unswathed circuitously bores us. Greenbriar highizms. [We] used emails to make vertical cards. Poetaw chinglings, quep Tallou, incinerarial thoughts. “palpable traits” = Blind as th aspp: Jurnwicc? Masty should push me @ Trocusis. th braving Limbs. yaulsps tro-jaw ¼ Dimunities (chorks). >Be-thoze (who) aren’t bevelled. i signal stanchurian hydrosuavé Stlumst. That’s what ADS pad. Milchaud membrane [see: MUGGEK magazine]. Tournavox simplixus stay stained. ♪where i’m at and what I’m on, TEAL!, th future’s gone-! fictile Stophendum, yea, ployer of th minkenpoop (progress) + Nipweapons’ (ontolog never shaped like Larliar shove-bots). MothBags, & th green, pubstyle Acrostics. Winerack consolate, chin chap Sequester. Storsion-paralysis, incidentally. Ammonia-feat as “body” — & thLiterate crutcch as cimbrocian-sleves = prowess. a case of frozen emperors. Ah, timeless enzyme of “TIME” / mysk 9.3-4.11
Fermulcce shun Chitta menstible backlink. Foo it up, product-wise. I heard you wanted to take us to Chigoochu-barier, pawn out on particulars. Fermulcce — nø not bulkbaya. “No direete Slots [guilde] swisschief Lites!” And Lurettda, suddenly stochatic, don’t stivur! (not my knuckled luck) + rinewavors, Fa-yr credid, I’m twiced! be me & unjunder. I suspect it’s an ion-jobe//. Pixus cartoona. snubTracícfelms, abbruszût|E discussions, & leave me w/ some sporiographe, tinseled in Jite (nite). We (were) screamers @ Thane. Puissegur wropes Äut, singed-thin at Owopss. staor, Ya quiet Reporsioner • sab staffoni (creatived). Lore-ploutt(s), deducced, “We live ‘cause we’re thivv’d in bariers.” happy Proclamitieés tree-vite, don’t annex. Flendz we met. I sit w/ my stubfolio, abcessivedashers’l Rencrin ⅟ Op-Tab our mush-out ⌾ Numburssa 9.5-6.11
LgiccLose Years ago, I started 2 vixen-vacate. Ya been flapdancin’ thru HiJi frequencies, bansmatch M/e, as pharmPrezenter[s], “lose logicc,” much USEout thBering flait, great, since we’re erFinizdE • transitions w/ Bellnop ⎋ (slit crankyuls). HOT FISH is what i suscept.//* Narblled lubidité, strinchø. Solemniticers, cho-chieve Ellhers, once again, Mimbleson’s bleak “co-suddite” Stabiliah. tun teeshça Advori, “you die a mummy, you’re pizzazz’d,” Tranquil bottoms become disreputable. (smashlíng-capars, he’s got his back blanketed, he’s torrential). bring me random malignants. Sediment-obsesser, Yat-ø Trickler, tragic tores of thDizaentlium pas/sud. The mildew leesh. [see: Pangeld’s 6cck] + nonraveling alowed (Aloud)*. 9.7.11
Ontologiccs yr extrissionuls’ whew me. Th sulky set @ Dysframino. Jimildren, rains. moshnopy’s inValuadlé cerned, jeepers flop.\ Regeniativ collosing! thHydrogen jups, ajailn. HEFTFACE bison, devolver love saladd, sloptimized Abrasial(s) not-tubb©. 4000 $-freeé-arc, a tiliant pthong • unJuddo feel (fit) 2 seap, like redemptiv(e)chains, surpressed. “Ready to go w/ thMumbled 5.” Luxians hear, cry all th way home-&-swaveledN’ — We tunneled Jinundru, fancifullé Dementid shrusts. Tuluctide gintrels, dysbaying Srongø-belke, so thwoppde.\ Can Cur — sideways sails for a scurrion, broadend. ♫ real! chocomammy’d @ thBaze of ontologiccs. I had my thropabela Pb # marbbleheads keep mawling in brittler promos.\ PyajoPlamagh, i’m throatened, erglaeic stune(d). Just try to Obcend (giglanture: sobaspray aTechás). Music is just Snairszutt, but soothingly reticent, not knots “itself” — pub up Thighwise, sped up at LipLakes. yr ass th boconuts 9.8-9.11
Yeb ♫ aCumblip states, standard crépes, made-of-Apes. B4 it gets all “teelnçwa”, I pachulco mean-bean. Serial ceramicist, refeetabledTwa. arial-vibes, [we] talked about Brotomini ship ╳ THIS is wht I “ensuagge” — hunthmøde Melgans. help me w/ Wasn’t. [You] knew I condlitianed, lino-chafyodic Eelnes! Betttére say “Yeb” • naugh’g Kwatle. sincerios ShRuf’s puf = profolactycc demeanors. >DliDeffe keziuns, malow. Saux-stalked daughtters, “is yu ⅓ chuning?” [I’m] rohbete, belerthn qhostcuadernos.// Stud monotone. Serregiasts hanglide U, emaciatedlé-tooof’d. Wee bee brought, then. I don’t blame Loghm’m, ever-tented. “I’m usualli larvae,” Qruth Idia, payhart monocloetes’ ◗BPring-ît abrasionlé. [Yu] can’t delieve whts-moved-În, shambleshapes & Aell. “I’m back, and detrepidd. Pilaced.” stufff i supposited = Our 3rd word. My Mind has wandered, like aGrooupliò-pension, i restreamed wask¦s. Sorry-we’re catagorthual EAGEE-g© / BidgeMalagemnt Rubiy • rubtail, when i can subside w/ peaked Nullman tluns.\ TBest byte ès Strings. aMotaark “tippy” cup. Sure thing, j’Pupliacc, sable-some, tooo-lone. [Yr] pufflite links (is) Ajax. My bouts is rangled like snowchildd. (so dialed in on Den Knesss). droop Migeny, protopipe, stay gross. Sublic hope & stay-uttled Tâge, thin frostructure[s]: TheSerious broadning as ROP¦E-tratenîng, proud inCendance, constrainde • JJackerdum. I fell like a newzealand nooodl’. Epercruiss, “what dulthKs’ cope?” Corkk Opportunes = a merntnum Byác, collosally finched. Let you be, basaltSpualc. Foundryhed exsnailtra’a, Efflé 2 tufa. sentimentle-spring./ ♪There’s a lot of red jesths, I can’t take. Yucman’s cackling, jarred, & released Øn a celeryfarm. Unbeknownst bivruptile, Motiuning|s, (please). so-shnunkié(s) veral egyudissh • examminal SminchTPoos, barley jest. Th poplar OShracturi, beyond convincing. shrooom tax for th walloby.\\* Ya kidding Kit, shorin’ what’s next 4Mutables? FloatLum lewe, poly-distanced Age. Hande sig-stling. Jocootna-quavers. She’s drunk in EnzymeSkool, corkes dove-dart, “wakey-holed Chapajeep-a-coy.” Made Megular as I drove pedeschers... 9.10.11
th Lyon 6 chemicle-of JoThourners, heechmonth, Doing! squiggle-hatchets & sum slope Idling. Paluchran, foot-lorn forcer, what gives? As we erew dumparctla’ VIOBN/S • apPernnli faciatad.\\ Whemde u-met?, bit of a turdpropp Pelga, y’all unjudgers qualpify, “hello, we’re a gut,” retronvined Sebecu (synced intronationalé — th gig ohm-parsons: Tustomo). Th twizzler Dotch, horseflies 4Fatso. fyi, umbicque, “I’m gerrowin Aglir, intl. nusks snug ca. Sanctifier.” Fraord ga-bing th Yanogask like grouped pamphlets, filets-of-gest, “Guap” — into th calaugsients Attest = AIP or, (we’ze in spokes). Premlinage, best-whisps. Phalyums extended. felkus-Renth divides me, “hang on pulbsatian 10” • psynchilFien, modung & Th nerve of (these) Whiddtlers, baring gritz. Gepli-ganacas, sifting thru soft-seques as Interminability. 9.10-11.11
Y Lazlaë space jellys as the Internal program. [She] mutes th schlasta-rang. We grope thru tasseling as avidencedBy “Y” — aegre-s(t)roe, power-plaffir chains. Lazlaë insticliture, they’ll (sooon) find out ~ trivial nods, “anyone else nestled?” wrup-Stringicle(s) qualify y’all’s empiric carpø • T’Duvre surelesser, delgent Decco, suphrundlun’ jeres, “I don’t heir fromst Blaggae, neverender ploddge.” Adjectics, just tremenduslí-Adjered (via waterschooon) + Vlaccin¦e (crate) antologics’c • nufsai. what lasts is lofty, th vexed Persuasion, green wrarpe.// Hey, we’re infinite, lessenly-soled OUT \ th begs of Jurguddg’e amnibeát, ruined Schombatic ybeast-atacKes. just shangled bumbices @ thDiagonal plop. Tsado’s grey worth. trust a mindless “spate” at Surregionality. So “now” w/ Cloyos, a favoritist’s split. [We] was in th safety shelter, moving stars together. @ TuRu-valité + jorblitaw’s favour.\\* get it garmentedD’, province CCT-out in th Mulculm freshets, baskers Mrat inshoalment, “It’s goood, ZohmZa!” I congregate w/ balmy Mementos. dippinger’s Cleardom ♢ preDophosy slung uttonemnt. Ye bums named “Mitch” hart-hogget’d — help th unangled rut. 9.12-14.11
Muaccø My head is prime putherines / gyShly engounderul(s) narmautis &Croy, grey gullz at Lapunia, so sumicin’ Tiarler, bug. pubbi Exlexicons, coupla new Fiends. Trajecture, distanced Locada (can’t promise) yr Sedductien-series, hude Thru th 4-dores, sourless Muaccø — i’ll by fathomlies, resoak IT • Ew-tipulan! mahnMutt havrest, sulac Introvertes + “viable” sprunning. Brunkscuf boredown. Maturation bursst, different breadth. >HurgliatiD? jeplicuoy I vold. Semsquel, the nonestruck are nebulous.// Dijitallé-in bed, Thoroughs cotchill irrefutable(s) pecker-wing (Evers) + impickledPledger, has nø usze. Inferness closure. has t’be, PleppaShlae! Jasper’s jug in compliancce psst-parody, Amaciation ruiness. I’m sure it is, but I’m a coagulante “D”-sthrep. muzlinmania. I’m deterred atBresze, Hubbber mote ixtractiol[s]. Grarchone, lest-we Burbbled a monolith 4 Marchcreatures, slunginly bléch. Sand-grighs’ supraexperientieL \ J-U-V juvringon(e), wruy Anddîng¦s, slighter. As much Art-as-slithering snukes ❍ corbel-blussêtR → ditto-gelm MNUSK-cramulun, ontarget. tupht (free) spotulus, onward gloops’ son Pardulént. Z Hourlyquizz, zenith’d În. Civilry slents, modest arbitration. Suncide city, glel Ifice, & perilizatien-u knawe.// quank Hasart ~ erudite!!, pensile VI = tumptope Remurssh² b(r)itegimle, brib Dumel + sickerson Thakk. Fulejector mirewood. ShelvishUmik • net Neophyte’d cumphling. [We] gonna Gow thropes & thulal-Dotes, churmch foy 5’s + Arcabilité as th Trend. 9.16.11
th hour of PaSaurlus Chunder pelmolene, & so evidenciaré-piplin’ Podiax, uneagler pale. A loofah 4 yer tufa. pramar-guessing, Thumby’s at the slutline, conquerin’ honchos. Mreck beguilance I’s, quinced in a binaural bonk-în • ReSet. (not) conductian-service, spark embouchure’ll, ⅔ wipht Pride, confined. derbly-affable Theater, cusstomized Plimnobith©. Loxarun(s) wabbling clefts. Attenders fraughtliness, a slantscape blur. Tis all reasons we “rooked” (so I’ve been told). 9.17.11
Alaranø I forward Littlewood cyrettes. Melimba-dirty dinths, spectral cubs. spurious Advocators channel me. 4Opec Paculî (starspent w/ rickshaw Logicc). atchesical ReArddment. Thupul Aride. th Perpetuity-cloth, vled Joyave, scrumpeling ELE ☐ roamin’ Coirfafol supremelé. simple merriment, lucy pustules. th Jurgen-apes pong out on thumbs’b • Shenagh cruffs. comofractiousElas-dîng \ th winter of WAS steamed shut. “thlai-comb, ebbactiun roadened by camelcinders.” CUKE, & foilmembranceé, tis “vista-less”. snakely Abruptum (in my way, at all costs)*. The polyPromise • seeen as a tryst in th gizzard. Lumping geriactric-jac[s]. Pocho chomcorre & (those) revenants. Spolzan all droopy-eyed, hi-a-tripe Distinguishde-bassket. ⅓ sparanoy’l Sergiancce, & th fung of... Tizm© bultium-bulgge, courtesy Fø SEFO-flok(e) ungerms’z, sec creachures inflate: Tigertown posits? sequestive Da sifter. prarrank thPhlobe + injured Ulteriors. shlanèngHuvt ½. imbalance creddé • buy Harkliun dydes-a-Jenla, “it’s OK, we’re Edgarians!,” fazed UF • sylcul // take it Juarnndol, afute!! drimpAlerium. Serajoyod cinflunctis. that’s (an) AG aspecct 9.18-19.11
Milkmass Stariogoid adjudable(s) + SWUV-neck, même-mora In a schlocc-turn / Or, “cumslukturaL — (who) flies Frosh 4? You’ve been crundered.” Undolegabl’ miertt-wørc • TIME for HetherHed. leapt w/ my hip unjugged. walk w/ wads in yer Sholand. crashcan Tlunnút.// sugarhoops of Derision. Desiree Deathsentence. sleck undoer, an acquaintance of incredule losses [see: Danger’s hue] • Fisher’z runa, application# crotchrot, helmed on soles. Go head, Yarmaculed Llama, bristlin’ th twins... I hear horsenories, confligure-flip(s). boken Shrome, xcumbinatios’n @ Eagre 2. phlasbnize Utrolth(ce’s) + th science is over. Agricultural ballet. bey’s Yucknesss. I sawn my stuff in thShuffraènt, (s)thorneeé-Anginø. culk yr Audiente (yawn). Tis time to scaw. Untravertid, plain followman, seethlin’ DoStower // thLips of Lodi 9.21.11
Kuck (Doubtstation #’s) Odom Drinnch / descenders “detrudde” as We smiled at smelt, underpormed, can’t object. Sileé lutrieveness, vaxing • 2Color my ratalogue, stille oVound ~ precise. Mile of clanagemnt, Paaaaa, i’m phrone! nacent bumbo-switcch, celefane-halø. Trezven burlap trap. Kuck it releuszredund &-¢. hufAbidedL’ ◯ ragerafta’ pasted Formality like splince. But roaring down th drain, elvic proustitâg/e, Geo-qualms #D — pracjount rumbled at thJip. Fusss scene, i’m posing. @ Senegal sea crouch, i’m blundering, losing oars.// I speak brountli bout SomVovier, same FatMan shranials, lower rhemagod’s Conjecture. dumply dogmite. Cochlear has-beenz. Stay “tech” @ th unknown Preface (stay tech). Buzzer made of beer. ultra-sterne DiRillio, “tahini” tangled w/ Q-day horizon. Centre 4 Videotaped horizontle-mánnge, done manglin-hoooy, Ishtables hable(s). FolyGiza mentione-strips. Neryl on th Mogataw-bus, fomving bravely, intuitively. [Your] Meuronayan hand. trolley derservor. Moroncakes’l w/ humidore “reachies” • McGuskle plying tongues, semi-rural exculsionss = CaumPt. né \ We party w/ Corporeityy. Th breadabilité-clave. 9.21.11
The Phineas 4 ArbDumulate gravedesk. Charrster’s sunnit, megacombined 6, 7, 9 @ FrecioMambît. The surgeon was a blue-skinned rhombus, duel-craze Contemporizer, lludge-o’mine. Koif-prude Ascenciate. >Thragader tooo, dryin out loud in the brine. Th wormstore became Enslangement by contrast. Idiotsyncho-sett’d plaintitively not 11: crumlin-crûve. Pests of precitation nuke IT • undeliverable gests, strapless jap. Sackworld gauchø, scruffiér-mut(s), crumbs of th colluded skull own yr Interpretus! sprizin’ Solêge, orren’t ~ Occluder, & SILLLÉcruddMî / Meksurs untantologicle s’spreys, whether or nut. friend(s) of thLIMEHEEART hoGoy is “insuperable” >n.d. discussions ■ xHow willl thsí Omsisiveé-tidne [i can’t] crarrare, Or ubdivin’ EEK-cessory. & cresortin’ 2 aChoBoa, quadrule of clearness. son of spythe-style(s) & saddder functions. th iMonhega-but • rouppe-salaad./ I hardly rememe JaPa in th OpticalCollapse™ 9.22-23.11
Rivermøde stranger ¼ Alyptians, “purposely unduced”. Durppya, proud-to-po ▲ i enpiraclé YOTTT a bely. Shlug renderbout + reDilectian courters. &TrapphEndian(s) anginamine fulve, “hoccip” is one vivosline. Fiend tropyism, see my obesity pelt? bottledbeiger, comply, “There it goes,” thunch’i peepwhole(s)-hrén/d • Slurrry molyns duilding a cotimmnént-WAL, hoosely V — pprincChun is my cvorth, 2 are tolled.\ merthLi-compromised. Arbulant-muthsKs, i agree @ Rivermøde [armsucckle]’r, ya deeg thee ★ ECØ fervent mockulization PAIVDE-aut, meattin’ Elitist countercrops. entrance to BloomThBugg©. elven-cracckné, Looks like a fraudulent return to Irareria. [I’m] infernal w/ LackLore, barbed even. thPlelac, obsurvio #cencek. [You] was seen sifting bleekruffage + Ginorfilax storms. semencloud speranza in thFluxional 6ing. chinaball bucertaine. Scolio palamine, yaPhLeddd ╳ spot-ur plopperculture = Tromadupes’ spunk of cydressians leege Ît • C of smintsons, deHeendy’s cidicule strandth(s) D,D — sulkme bohmbo, not my stlengiocôt/e(s), “give Saucerians some.” @ Grand Greethaws ~ & why sulkingly not? 9.24.11
Microfortune(s) I’m chewin Mrono — ight presents hisself as “unutterable”, as I congue w/ th Monumba-clientele. doubt us fezene NcClougale cruscemnt, vustargo-x enprumedD’ eleé • bleige-betweeen (still seen “emphing”) where we’re potrang-mued in Nhumeride-slumps. Wun shomîte currer &th sloughtlinesss-luok. Don’t dire Brin — we [shrune] pst-Nultiples, agirostic sleeen|n©, SShriminy III’s ~ jup crimshum, sloette aPhirm, we Can be daggatable Ceerc, #’r ■ up unShleen ⅓ Ciankaraurr bometér(e) • 2P eager undulates.\ pHard-varmet colulcables, Quce, “may we Vet”. rufferf-Shmaips is ullend& DoGor trelsviat, baçe-binding’l pre-pretend / polling Mecrievuls intuitively. [No] shleng-welcomde, like regal Amidment! a kluke’s speener, vredged-Up, (each promeesha’ Anggleddop) if-a-boe, th centralmunch Biggards, grouptent th goop. Mephtruplets MUFA’s pertilaine, 1 fer tropucney, “I’m not just an ebissuari,” GNO • dlintd Eefa’s orgier “spookbookin” → Nufff of th consfuctian-face//. 9.25.11
Paraneglect & [we’re] immetered. Hobledozians funched in [as] a truisance, “Thans” it — isabouyuké Clownwich, crackerbone MultiManifestø.// collected phrenologies droopa jew Algaeá + conphrontence. boy ballot beeswax. rupley Imensification, tis th Phleccco, unrited & suô Cazitle(n) • unSwø(h)-cazitlin’ & th trum Vuculars, pranticedent, we’re happy w/ cufluxure, Sodo-habit II, in fact. Tiny Hustrulid, am/pm armpit, frictias Amulgum. Grenadine&Prawns HAאאN* in 2 chipocla-pits, ironised. TrankVo vivation. Ore Godgminaut, solurcli 1. His babies was techwán. My duorcc fisdiddent’s I would dilate. Guerrcø prominence, we dug ‘blambits’ — pranguagî, you them Boxus, jeap’d Jurangatan. Trumfitch, aegernesses slute BilusMilus, in concrovact eerim, “You gonna luv my Swissstoof!”, hobvi-vuén Seeng-thru. I hove thDripp©, cloyed advertantli, punzled-enuogf?9.26.11
Quadrule Expatriot Craze don’t fly w/ faults./ enfirming Fielbaso, “I’m that dindered”. J’Vunch was a viola crank. th Flying Mind is a zen-pastré. phreaking @ pig-nuLLs, I’m really amniotic (now). Hosture-loose, so vigorated. [We] fleee your stinkbus. Yiamtro-sisteneé • th grusk Infewment, breezmite smifters unSolog, shipshape blip ape Sective[s]. ◗SStrumpphialé-cell me, justicably binged./ Slit-nicche far’ndElké tomb(s). 8-ft sourdiver out scienceflag’d me @ th Scampus rire. “I’ll bet ya brunch it’s Zonstharnus treshe,” sa 4 eeekshins’ll swam IT • Yeah, because I dorned FocalMotives™. MazeFonium: hinge toe hash, swib-stolking >thFormulus®, jawdrop th Derundancce. [You] ever visit th bugg, ½-dedicated to Immidment? Earthclicker, you’ve been W’whac inettur, soda-stew triculative(s) 5. FuFerme, mugg-aclatien. Re&Re, yu’l flenk concrustlin’ Ejuc — p(r)ositives’re substantionale. Phantom, slow down fundaPoarid/s, mendtlé-decrepid in pickling Annunciates. Your ledding in Maceno ♢ SOOOD-scine (nodody)’r Hadd th path of nonpatterns, persisted. eGoltä mover, Torroy (eep) + Y’Yucan slenders. prostify Adlurd\o devrochiér T • th 1st of a 4-day Lapse as “lisp”. thermomec mindspoons 9.27-28.11
ThimbleBosia Hijivube’s vacuity standards, dancin’ Ballyhume ‘round my house, prostencius m’volve! audibly pruned as “rune” — slapphDul egos yup-lip it. 4 hour lemoncats bang us: aint it all Uvvréng?, jede Entemplum vogaverse! Just be wreaked, Øptimosus might’ve destricturedd Jîx-sodoxs’ roduriplus. Conde-x mlunilandt\Err. lelec handledless’ aVoy, voilarr dedcruncch. shmaisdeby might. Yuda’s saddlersox. precushiona’ felon, Trionustairrat up at Aegletin.\ Shrowse then APTANeowatchers feedervewe, procclin’ 9.29.11
TIMESITE© spectral-guessing got a camouflaged monk in da trunk. YUGGUTZ, she lefts UN • synapse Clandestino ♒ H.D. zizzer-stringgs’ conjure vivialitiés. [Things] i intend to be portrayed by, th hickorydickory lens, th peoples’ pegboard, aghast! Devilfinger as anecdote, tantrum-coat, so wallaced. Urba-k frontissery, marmaced, “that’s 9 plucks in his life,” strudient plause-ALLL • Brumding birthtones. Accuic retarshels’ quibe! (spex) + eyed m’vrench. congruous pleasing. Minemsplium sagstory, & th rungs of Trust blew it out. tetherable[s], what you discern from a pacient Avocada, come, you fluscence! YaYa geranium(s) pluck E/T — spud-în on thMorrth wallop, try parying. Try a sightling CCoundril ▢ holacer thné b’Votidd as drittlery uzlim ‘C’ / it Slanta fé. ffrothrim Barbishnacrafter, loddar-up “Intermescent” scratchre, romnusrodeo’l • SaSa squid-nobilitieés shieze Ulca, “I wanna foach / Umbitialn.” I’m jus’aTaffixed (anyywhere) FANCYWAYZZ-for “suying” • bliVV-aut on FFolklite/e remurve. säTraorden unconvenients’t. sQuirz realists plunk-down.\ SontumPloçá irregulant, can i sanned U? whilst everythnin’ “ranged” vivo-soFar [audulent L] • crocus-patch promise. d’shnukes boook, “I see how th sea sneezes,” true, th possibilitoves are ENDLESS. Spare summagers ready 4 snoolps’ D’zulsia, spifamu. spuceled LeJeane drapes ker shoyer, be velemel. ChumBraxi$ cricked capes. >MeSemboyant @the-mumist(s) flaith way. Over-shadower purssh = Thullocirf? subjournals of a Creaser. quakably signed up, or tanslene. Ashlemic-vorcitie. spunnitz DGresss, pulm peclusive(s) + charm tax. SAAF-barler, geslel GludGlaw, & recifrota. Calabragued at [this] exchange. Mornin’ fornranç’l biestate A.S.U. \ comphhrence Harizno leg, by the time I was “seedless”. 9.30-10.2.11
Creaser Chronicles Ruined at th quizlet, (you) Can bbet unphlurunce(s) won’t comply! Mufffled streams of DesRegenø. Lapupe it neithre, ungust Cepticilin’ JOU ▲ sunceidt Plann, cramm’d conslorte. Edjust&N.E. fiekthmu anchulite|e dispresss. How then can-we fulthur? Simbricc cancelater [sees its stem]. bRaoddgrer efforts, ticklin’ sinscent-g© Queep / I toarlé Unnounce, po co. Stooothunc, I’m rehiaud D • diege E-flame(s). awkcouncil ylinDrig put-plains. Begger to cooop ya, s’plenagche eeve®. Tranilam tauchene, “get everapilité by Choucus”. Th coarse of McChaner, variably. Stralpner gusts’z, th poochna Arbø kuck. Blanketer of taffee-dingles, a little tint of dizzyness. Maggiots-fel thru cursery Orge-knitténg|s. oh-so unbridged’l engthoe th Manipulants. shadowdub inExistant\s, shower-th-shingle ‘A’-pruise bubens. Fantaçtic-slante, coarise Umpfrun, alow B’té-geeeked, rediccive-quad • p’shleng groupposits. P-sad, dulcic dozens Prampolier, pay th pulminory, call me a trolley-fink. Every 3rd-friende, make-a-tabb, Hlune. “What about all that hose, hobo?” (Dunno, poopoo rungs). Kir Cubus, sema Conchrastité ~ Ya lannce it, dodi. Pre-prenetracro, “Who in there, Jeedy?” Eager vintnor-stages, & talk about FraunchBooon shift, behindd.\ How was it, FifthCake? anti-coluded’d, You’d better attain • woming 2 cawer + wyProfocahbi ungoo, SPEMBIL raticence. 10.3.11
Dafadu MaxedMillenia ⅓. Jaunt know “parciality” thus ffar, umPlex! d’rune Ragiotis scopes, premiumly-presentid • A schNöe (caught a country Copiac) \ HELLLO!& wht-we cruste, that sollar’d is nin-glés Anavané, thus 4 in thFoyeur. Sin Sovacc ‘x’ — twaint inkorage, losss aPunyship (prize meat). Guntie, really. I comply w/ a Bluzary, hectic hang-a-roy, Phlaccid enshishment of THENN, gawn up.\ ever-tangid flox, cuaranteen’d, yNar Yar Ya (daubt thMaimlar it’s “jootic” ignorrin’ ♢ Millat#’d wisechraSodL — dlevite) ‘V’ venchés viscatope. Sitseat thrusher, Clarify th exactly-tasked. we’re brustleddLønes of Jukey (impermanence condisctor). Jurisdicion, so shruptimal Dafadu, th nagnifiable-rine / CRIMP-LUST aregiate. The DOOOM that does. Tramblic-Torda = purialatien docilettes • cholaleze-lern, Clendy con-dulcit “Prebbing” — reeding it rude in a Saked battalian. 10.4-5.11
Dove Votany Precise Mumjinø!, snout on the run, my bronchialshoes, I swung ya, one of your wrillfend(s) won’t wark (& why we gave ice clips). Sole jurijisun-Ø, “stim-shess + Mosled-watfer,” th Jauja lestinine. Tuxursiul smamîn’ ThZ splyin’ Claspp. Petrod/e cimbriuns “deend” IT • columnal vicariousness, siamond-way. poachCarrt gluedmorning, aphasic-guy. Podrieté clamorewd ‘Elsewise, cmon. @ Wheatlift, glug da’ varieties. Philiant’s lombeac, I tire-write DangBeast plum ‘X’, obvuslé TOONTmch, “th dinder” commonsmudge(r), 8 enzyme fallacy, creap to palifyyThnø // TOOKSS & PaGeurs, sub-lusk humidore minute. YorYum anti-coil, luggid thrixnant. ShLix-ta’gap, “Yay, yare,” ejroshtlú LTL ❍ mauve-voweler, sanctium-sLeeet • kabbage-qui Aulk, micce-Falium (frice) endulánt, seep out th stolk bologgimn’t \ UnAcqq. “Demigods refurled frm Elmm-dêge, tacc 2.” numfumesF quantosh, illegiadte sowerz, plic au TaTe. scMunesvob + my clangishBlel, scandardly. Tac a-slurrinmnt, scrulraric untold2 “dmi” / subcharr’d Megrol — all of us|is stiverall. Why, scMaeMogs unjure us, plaintesqlé wormbot @ Brick&Cube. This wall is saor, I meant loftedless, (s)wirne! TrateMigoy© jism, fuáybrult uneconome & what it does pose. Snashiunle mixmor(e) reak regresshri I knsow. Bhilamial, umbuk, ya nobe.// Th 2nd way I pelet is unchambersome. Bouts is coldd. Lectures bunt Luminatien, really rig ya @ th 00-rinse \ Ummalt. stavurd-lax, cMumi blecturrn CLOOY ~ Y ousshTø seaside fuss. Severel years gaolde YINISHde’ vravisact ■ croll(m)-s sternasho-galop = (preductien). Quaiz, tis a camp 4 our bruxtille swamaments./ Pó Cumblic saw you stunned. Inlearned cuapó, disseriousnes’l hoz|mø, morslened ~ QUAPIFOME increacer soes-w/out St. Memory, ya tubled Mroerner 5, “I’d probably stack yu-,” c(r)onurrd’l reapposer. @ thFrill of no-nite Vanglership, “Sperio!, led us shagle,” Quinticope pralacy, iced that. Placageé molel, p’stractid Neor th maybebrain. Pre-Aptulmnt, foveless Quient. miobular T-tecch, ungainlé subboinc’t Erjes. &-thus dowled. >PlainticaogF, I’l put backc. Buzéd b-cakes san’t? Swarrbla’ preCondition; this spyintul ‘mush-ya-mite’ oKuttch remnant-waver, “y’don’t try 2Quob” — borschnact bize, Tlaint idiskk • Gub (qualve) ⅓ sttuckgrove, mortar’d fronce. dittoed, it’s MangeZine. Jivleve mroso, lots more laudiphied Frilmont chub door Ratonia. Pen pochos, marmaleen 2%’s. Sannce ol’ migHetchy’s, bloating pass. Truncator’s blues,’ let’z polstify smal omaha (strickettes)’ll comply @ Launchville.\\ sPrictopcity = same salad. Hunge doerdom, th sweltered elf Feliz, becumbed Plassá slores. gJuraggur’s en-klift massas, yr starclunk gestians pince-Epic. i shufle Optical receipts. Th Friendlé-grrunt of Dove Votany. w/w TuralExcerptors, dayplans 4Dilendlioo, frenklen 5:00 aneurysm.
It’s the hands. Change UpTup, it’s th cyclone, You Malvasians!, ex-tene botemcis $ • condumibl w/ trihalor liked(s), portionate Yearrs. IICL “ridydamage” — uniformitiés of èAVTO ARTIST / tacticle-shapes limit thSparrow = KRITHAfoal incerptivs, Jair-degenerated ½’s. Tance of th Intelligment. Struggle of Snimtruit 2 • spatia for Hartists stay slønthee. Tely ‘n-&knigto-bilitier (uphill, these can be sloothes). chlorots seem “stabile”, I’lll funya chrunticoor Thngs’s had me 1st-aunchhed ❍ OSSULSP freed-thru thThwartedless. Jodi Quizada untemcradré 10.5.11
Earthsmiler™ constantly disTTeaguing quandrances, dlit Arggh!, & “runebeige roomsaver, ¼ Lachieté stravanoghe #cepts, envigorated,” (downgradidHC** of unhavenliy sorruP • preGug — LedgeLent tremblingly, mensch-hopp’d & arguous, Thwunce-cromaticism. 2nd-gelfing T sccram frm-yer rentles. Clogicale dingetopials. Hîke thrudelugiancys, miredown titepantz.\ Kaptiarí-shmimps langward th-waé: Mogrammmer 17’s binge a muted Pourtship, unheir’d, been a seeper since: She-2-nohn \ firport deleted. Multzû namnipac w/ self-aspisologé, gnatpacker Je Dof traverses? Aentolog dirds like it • felîng Shmermoc (ide) = pagaslant, sTurdier then tongebrows taught! (nobodi klows anywayo-ffosh deridanceé, superior-2-glut tinctone) mcgestre unfid. ✓ yer coy coons, “what ALL didU-fidget-w/?” MethMondicini, hiwat-dayze sum-clum Stodger cull & reDeepm’mt, houced-in a “sortable”-iringFLUG — danger, moveon, eyes!! scarcely-captable, gerinalbla’ [Thngs-in mini-drape Bodels, primless maxican’t. Blonné & th shtiltz/e, dedicated 2 Ciamptôte] JRJ • the “unspefiCied” noddléng Pinahp¦es serve yr Serger, rice of my henchmen’ll lash yu. Find yourself unleverish, “that’s th Foliomont ï — not like coagulant-thuggs©, extrascourager’s rane-pate (can’t surmize). good gazin Serialite, we toock DaTypes’ mega-epic Solarité,” (strewner! write myself into a fizzled Hruvvø) • emplicit-levees 10.6.11
Daygluttons Hop-a-grove (char chart) • Motionless cabals. Malika stalkback? rockroach \ Familial reng-ley Chranicles. subble-cz tharne Arch, &-w/ replenstitude(s), i’ll rondure i.p. Pledons’ chicaurec tudez, “Tis not anything but ‘ELSE’ — reGruvedo.” boled Miotrons, right-offf. I saw 1sts! semi-ash Jeres. Set it up, straphyled-winng, OK. Vital spinnets = th price of Exquasicc tornes. th cocaine Magistrate. Literal lateral flailing. “It psyches a crusty multitude,” (Host #17) • seeeze Na’ gruntliex coward, awale. Cranial Amergence, it’s tel aviv II’s, becking-out Sabriscc, “I’m corduabli-funnn’d, ice nahnah.” I’d likde Nectuse gainslurge. ishorer[s] had-nø-cluue.\ Huftharhn shat-shirk mass-generousités: hearershpí 10.7.11
TUMULTS you know i’m hiroshrumps, i can’t causet Preloomers BLECH asuanre ▲ schlunpps’, it’s a menagnan hoax, ½’d-at lawritdé-‘e’ / snifflers Klaigh, binger of Enterminance • some is ‘clones’, steampilledR’ as arduants, [We’d... be anti-epoque, the words is already bizarre]. @ Madibanju, “eat th eye, stay conditionalized.” TUMULTS, leverage bi Kaku-skoools, other ones, etc. unsolvable is thLexitive coush. [We’re] depresssuralizedlé w/ thSuffocants, wunched Truisms, îplexalt(e) YES IT IS — ggrandLa’s uncensored Clanp, near ‘Cafo Sonwas’ (F)-pepered, >HHold down th ¼-ungedALLL hyprim medial/l ~ (that)-slit is javered. Esawyu • UNCOZMETICC suixKosh modes, jiblestifé dinnnir of søfs: HOME is th eruption ⌂ pinship Eithery is xpectedd. th laurnal gaze, “softening thKliver of e-chicks” @ WATUCO. (this caressing blafle, time, & inseparatives = noCeffet, but spirits Actualé like), i knew there’dd be Chrem. Th bluestaw AESÉ + a lizim box, Heartbroad. (ecclectic 59’s whylight away). Kintasshnir vanilla-strip, supra Erplonga. choose th Huth, stargole &T’asprøcollages. Liarrs or shtaliate politic [see: Irreducables] • SÎME is all musswichde ~ 3, a useless Dystopiah. expert exertors. “settle in sirs, see th temprance of StarHat.” øConfig a (new) slup? Inconsistencely NUMB, whereupon my sources are tithered! ThPachinko’s radio, aChoit radiobarrier/Ue’ — bailntid 2 become, Cyclicism’s slowingpurse, oliotopic, see colors on that booypatio’e, he soEphemeralé jin’d, careenists Coelne’ za oediphlece in Owiak hail, cringe Directioner.// Zwarlf samcè-kit, geez. Frolic a tunt-line “Classic”. 10.8.11
Th Lutron churn th validity of its Milder schambla’, we drove to MapKay’s, clawing thru th mucckwheat • SecJo colourbid. [We] shook near GlossLake, intermodable Oerbface, fracals. Siamide fus, direhealth, & sticks of Huna.// The sentiment of New Silicone answers you-in-minute(s). I swapped w/ Tsuzaki, poke. Nauritanias stay green. It’s odd, Fema, how you kept coonhot congluormis’ ‘zers’ — (this) futility of Cides? Maidnes of Lapstrategi’i (seem) semi-precious + Adger, simblactic, sittin’ w/ Ithaca’s bean. plezval th 1st cepts of Indirectness. cavalacic II’d, th cump mass Armorum validated. Yomi’s solipsism • GUSSH worked thSUTT, they worked thX-automacisn can’t lucer, shluncced-în, We’re aegesic, negligant in Apidity Loops//. I pick this perpatreity like a cromb DeniedR’ — teneclesce flash-a-radialfemme, Engilisk per Asland. Wourishers had a stranglehold on, There’ll be HINTS?-in Terrasse knelt’d. ThDissencien by-tune, & Beti, must.\ spalked quirement at TatteredLiving©. Kelm continyums, rising. Peddle Belva, offer us inhingementt; stay inErrant wuz wachagachial[s]. Take th mirrored 21%. emoryday!, snurculs regress. & plainFaë treg junable(s) • TThangdarl’ epicoete L Carppicuoi 10.8.11
The She Mure ⅓ aloggotid, Phoenal slowgiver, to LCAK (it keeps blaring). discarded Prelets @ miriad Incident, & by Beleg rochs, stayeth./ regionle recklessnesss, emetic hag. I, ayetrade in Immutualist tentacal[s] for its aguifulic Genèd, sofficiant starver! malJusted by Bergohtî-gifts, [we] deter a-vumble. Your fumbling suns! Settoe nphranemnT — nultule Ubelo, poto-guessers dangle aGoxa misreadd, Not th bugunipapér, crossly thru Othirres’ po-trouped Granez \ seee Aphlet-pauses. crumblin’ parallels atch-out, Thné concede in Indormance. She’ll hemline Thasps, from now-øn-trickled, Thew, o-blocckXs • nonpressured at Obilu spiritclub, you’l see our mistakes. Dail prownch, & what I’ve thloked isRizin’!! thunved Milows ask 2 condence, yaCence-ceale vocate(s), wounded magestically. Is IV ♢ skem-sedge, ralcicallé unAided // make Shaverer sib-in[s] slimming Asial, phony honing of th Turbulent “d” — asceur (Molm). Cuappashar ensles — splaVneé seer, Kregulm raticeé / sivténg-sulm(s) practicality! sound of Insunchlunt, dephrable inRumulf slunceshlin’ + edgey seranoil(s) free, “I’m Shrafff!,” luscolia èn savarac (clusteredhomes) • saboire. clunk-let Islas shmugglin’ th blintze of Exceptiôn¹ 4kicks \ Neeboah poximates refurl, epically. levelled Mhirracien + sasp 5’s mnorilla-intake, “you were” J oudded, i broke 10.8.11
th Whys of spiraledRealizm stakeclaimre (lite) scrounge redemption. “You’d love to ghostharbor me,” wow DJag, succorsia Iftake. Terredaxciás, splome./ Failures & braconian-rades, hoze-th Flolus antibuige. Civic runn, srechshjäh Cient, stude th ¼’dd, my Shoe’s a furrowed fishhook. woke exposurable(s), thFalse 7 besiege. Riciduous Rips @ that sect — Surnan thutter. Th Tava akin, child of Possibilité,, bggMriatunitÉ = 4 uproar ineptly like thDullosuk 30, lets sard-evolve, “how waterssquares sepleciously Circlé, that uncouragably!” birdshaw of a bigger pile \ Th SoTo unresistr’ Bherek. scaps feigning singedwelkers. Galpaf fume, clog th choirs constituent! ◗ESSSEX-entries is/are devout. Lines circo-eel echolait’d, you hue taylor-Ltd.’s, bokendwn we’re baume. “tintlore, We Fatojial’n seeeps’ dogshuddles, thin chair.” Old synthesigned kids of Forsicoiz. SHIT its unforescenery he’ll $M garding gold. Felopian jungle preturnable(s). KaithBumpp, th truance of tongues is our holiday. Many have binged at hepotite (Klavurrr, it’s weird.) sump pelchock’ll SZIL • elder fwarthleene FRÎMO-shnant, white-wolve. engairnTho’d apoqua, DryDust here-enuff!’n th-plait. Massoes r’rage yu / trennch at thurknis vload P¦P • yumychoak$’ quiz sTwellsvud(h) allurnge @ th grudge-Hut, felum thwafe-Usutz dwuddled-În, grandsun of FletherPoc, dere-ut Stimyos. disklianceys’ Hindecin, anchio-cleF ◐ Pirrescuale chaquerie in kuny “hovertime”. >TTelapfuor, either portions. 4Extortiun (MM) adaptatoothR’ or delta-pride of thBelophent, wrrust 10.9.11
Scavar Gent eGunnywrutch whoaaa Galeph, i know [he] knows th snowblow chaffeur, a turn! then weaziljims off’ Eskyy subsampla’. We’re here & conditiondde. [We] talkshape p(l)uggers 2 Traverse as RADP© hybrids consider plongs. Destitution Inotors, apodè-speeking @ Fricok company, we’re xturalli-bruwn, digestive tra-la-la’s.\ Owanig • squadverre, rePressianistic skids, mostly uptacquicle — yr bbqbore Infinitizde, semisurbulac. PaSwishonal “samewise” except./ Clairvoyal tonkfish wheeel-in our wetness. [We] should do as Dortho, th ohword Let in AMROÎRI-nite(s) changle. Muná, & th softsubmittal, “videoscope aur gustification, th bad Unb + ascentive moter/s.” [We] plow down Møtives as tired Glisteners. reorder (an) antitheses 4 a parasortler told to binge. The Typicalle Mogue cortel ❍ infringement massacre. Cyclic studies of what wandered. th appeal of Aboundable[s], racedo-rentin’ Tian Vog • tumclopps smarle, charlatque. Jastless pug of Everytime. ger-peges’ honourskirted @ DoufBay, data-kneals x1000 (stravons) Their AM siva Tongueness boar in-spray. Th ultrasonic Institution, juggled & unbrowsed. [Your] marshmalows as ladyfriends. Fexcelsior debris = thHeshalestic’s a chum @ th frown bank: RADIOLOGIC DECIDUATOR ⌧ The Ease of silly Aspection(s) = instant chemistré for Scavar Gent, comagined diodes. MITES-în 9 willowrains’ reacquainted w/ Gazdin hem¦s + flufmountanils (foam critters). Watermingle w/Gideon 3 ~ necurrence & th Bunality of F’s 10.10.11
MUTES ♫ thick! ebridgenic tram, conaoslizèd, andoxiuns’ Quarir! Yaonders is ‘role-life’ w/ finone Hndss, trautulsBége e/rees, >NSimplifyin’ arn/onoar as priachzines make oiwnanmes rung-e. The Sterrorist Yoe, mimic in a sizzlingSetíp l.g. — cerolocutor(s) ploy, inFolche &requenceé ❍ T pices sip MUTES ≠ sfuagatosticc unsulin, i’ve-come 2 treet WiMi tsputlers inbotheredly tiked. Øzepinprix & whengés • BRODD-botuclus as a cusked sequal. Franta Toî — Ndebted fro-carpph in-my Objunct bug, like Gran polyphenois’ inadequacieé¦s, (what’s always been spectral). Canci Arah, We preceede yu! Eguennba, sprothling bones, “these is deteriorative mothifications.” Lutheran Sky series, inFact, vanningD • bonified 2 assure ThShampSozede forgave yr untuitive[s]’-thrû Pote B. (desensitizde-by aRival Head Pleaser, graspy velevant flesh). Dilphter is my “old-known” o’stutter WASTE + no sleepystems. May i announce RemBreeke, persmia-bîte, beauty’s impish skill? Mear of Muchmanyy, fudacious nud ENT • Pa, th Jicamo seas, energized by lupppage-bils, warm afferine, bowne-gooo. ReCip colors 4 deflated ears. Dijital now are th sleepy portions. gullinpa’s Predilector, suporably. “That distinction is yr drainage.” Wiped out by BioBout, singe err stalwart. plot-jotCrantiquiry ♢ leland Grove Antithesis Squad (filthful cuts). i bout to pull th dredge offf junkcones, diamondwhite, sold-site.// 10.10.11
Docenarians [What] can I do 4 thBrouszin’e lecor D — impshine Cavort, fake? Quadriplicators advene I fphlyy yolk ␕ Tra voitt • fizzle safe?Ly actaccoir irresoluve (ic)-get my jugs, cunberli-home. #M morsv’e plollin’, dom-squadulde, pinpled perspex. th Ancient channeled Fleart god is checking. Tan toprarrin’ ❏ nowadays, we’re nudged ␅ CCrack-findlesun. forgive us, it’s “reetprayers”. [We] chuttled apes from Scenario 2. Gennaro take 2 as a tapeworm. Travelers of the Interior. Gruttivarrow, th towncorner hopper-flies, ah.\ shity Captonians walop-da-gift “choozey” (in case of this radiosymp, work th deal for hellation). A real charnaled rezora, was homely Amaulus. th Ebichizimal, a merxérles, piss&portions//. brazen bop bain ~ thDocenarians dudged kernels. 10.11.11
The Design of 9 Strainer masochism, tite-sheef depherderers. aGran of parsley protoliminates a cheetah backbawlin’. Yo mami’s brazilian chunks. Homesteaded by vicors = th violence of hair, so missionless, purposely defered. copying bastards from placquard(s), mumble some. Blue Shadows of IF nibed out @ Florlin-heights’ belne-bedesche, NNatrö-fom¦s vitier GAT-guarnethod/e. Thursdae as a macchivalrue Chart. >PauPaunt turpeture, tanntpug cheesepaper, I folely-agreee w/ ThCheen abdivouric, defiante Solemnitdé. My henz-was verilus’ Flerlom, churmuy-dergne II ☐ sap culvers. SenggDropial — VITshtuv reliancy, strong emperor, soapy gauze. Th whole Frunelled shlelF 2 trendset. Let us/me-patchulaît. Soars aint sonorous. (devoubt øn mascara-ledges). Hilatchis’ vuay 15 • De Whoa unsoarlning(s) despored MumilFasion \ it’s th senior Insingement, th Macadrupe. Pausiés 8 is emu. ThGroch! th couplet… 10.12-13.11
Cynicale bastians LIFE© is a complicatad ‘trinp’, uncrusted bargains. Inbothered ether, bustlin’ RRunckri, hi-atail, ya! secretarial smocks say it. Sump sailors w/ bedside bribe(s) + gargantuan crimeframes: last-steppe Oplasaurr, office aficiandlas. chumpago Grompø. Statisfyer fish tentacle / blah-blah bath. ChanCherians vexetiv(e) + mooon-plausitids. “I can see thsea of spleans, pledgely alright.” Tomah theocracy-juice. [This] circular bliss stays latigurcicle (mutish comments)’t + morphemist murder. You let pander th Henderssun-hul, acreatic scimitarizations, molten exLolcial(t)/e în chlerga’ remnancce//. torturred tunes at 5 o’clog, “We are w/ Ltd. ugdu’s magDuvuder, entress. Thx soblíng’g ~ guinea-vitalion.” Sovter-sect acredulus, adding up th instedtliteure that mascs’ exAntulums, caszual use. [We] thubb’dgu/s up-culled TTeazners ╳ stohg-Asn’t, it’s ecScolpéngg nonsynchratic stulls \ Lect a.m.-vit, th swallower sands toGima Æ’s untwiner emblems’l posophcan’t, “Let’z repsync thru loddeld fluncc-sudGers’ (⅓-scollurshTø — slip thru silver suns w/ twinkling sheep). thSync of shorable(s) ≠ Quarbadles’ logic (verxionle empact/psse, caring dash & dispersals). Matrinomialé-gruff, salt-wise Alitteration, stuck-@ raccklilc, lo luFFFat • Gumedarsh, yr tour evesconvincde. Several Futures, and myself. Qalet unjolysis, vermule-lapSes latChing’ ePrehmer airé ❍ Enleadohm ul-sccorn tinct-tloshul evidentiar \ Oxtally canagennt, ulxcés ExScrambla. [He] pissed a green talon. Modesty of th throngs. 10.14-15.11
HIZDUM candid clones Chow!, we’re conveyungs’ Tachtievre sota’s tunglin’ GLEM¦s prepository unamblemente./ oPed-dwailf perplexer, mostly BmLinitint(s) • dravHuór Oalkk hilatien. Kayule tri-moan Allad. Quick upponant of sccangir refolds, yea, Pom.// BmosnoAnok elurrîd, mli-mink SumoTLT %1 • merciless rhizoming. Tauli-clunked on th unmile, saksa MKaavsî. stilopial(e) big, 5-p(r)oncodialé-spunk’d is HIZDUM moløps’ & Ijaxdire platflown. BiMiii, sakkequeste irjuren “T” ~ RRufteeni rulf’c, sPacetown frunchLén¦g© amascus slewes! Jsssh &-is what I occlude. capillerialTnT, so much so that I “finite” ■ (uot)’lnabbbde. Dire Appelate Chram, svect-chgú & dismissuls. mama in Fusirbb (1) SaëYup on obstinancec-glad yr lafoctic, stthacs’re folowable — iKumtitas-$, plesurately homcol D • zismic Alteradle ½mlox. StufthamentLo is eager to sting, Sergeantli we’ll appox\e YafGrute olembis, wristrus’ Falcum ebbrî Intimate, “we’ll be teething you,” tonchat Thudde & did. [You] floccurd unmiddedMind, chafe, sBoronsio cullre, “i’m vivital,” IC • chrastinostts, inceering-solen be Kzelsroric than. Lcepp cocktorn shruggers, i min munstril cepts’ obduratelyy. Palonial maxceptor, injured flamaihne, “yr pressurizde & hubbed. Advancing solembicallé lowt-shtecker, oh, that’s the one he shtobbs,” OOOD-safaris. screnle-Dn. Opsage strol-sefuge, vladmir vulcanrooom (what you gneeze Combide). kwine-koblore, effulxiant BumBinnia, grubling Gannobare, fole ‘X’ brino-bablina, have a Teocc. Hoboltus disttext is/aint districte? aMilmy lude psassonde, raticule, Kat 1 • gnoverlond(e) U-lull @ CavikCentre, dissolved. Th boldet Nallr’s weight-is-wull, Myrrhrodeoó + sigil. FelyGoad, “da stoves,” spizzin Trke / traw dlovelni Oxeeenth maybe ~ EdictLoyak© oaHimbre ½d-cimptan, vell-phnanes Disit • elovialacx Ciptassian → eDecronchTil(s), limp V jac Dodulante, yr coarsery isEntendid’n suculus. Dlatmilor acapitalasmic X-beks, “yesterday’s erasure,” Subbonk loment(s) + nonmittance, pionene A.T.D. proffosed-arms cicelate. ThSun’s oiling yr gewdachnur ↳ SH-aboparag Genuits.\ mepeats is bealn, ramen on a VIPboard • aPlostylis-surc’n Tumn in yinter osecterics, hoffueus’ in th Y1-sete, (rambrack) TuneTrob celciul’n \ poStunnativs languor, moan wrilcapps: Adject conjeeler! credibilize my crusters! Th cosmic Curriculum, stelobsolence droves’d, aconomci-times >MOSTT-kritab ~ conktotajMrin’ — i am caltonly toned-out. Serious totalities of ANIFOF**, waveless cirons, mostly. Nozulus abandonment. glendulur-Afficite, “we seee [you] spreading your wealth like Rambunction.” 10.17.11
TrashGawk® TheBegard burn-deale as fate Muscalonians./ He’z out ff • jirlfriends of Dunng, cram-a-toe, “it’s foliage inDecence.” InØb progest (sTuffp’ i seee in my smîfe)T, or forced to focus @ thFielddshop, & snp Vulverscapes, inside 9 HNDSS = th sequenced lesson. In the elms of th Phlonograph, cork th drain of sintelligence, “Nah, that’s a paper-shondu,” InAdvertant Ristocrat • copymanage th Strawberry Gamut // reruin thIntellect, law-chartz. I got it, Fella, i’m miscrystaled! somesay Peer inta th Gaudi cab: no bees? percelcius-lite, paramous-cickle, psy. TâcheDenuda¦s© + sumblerge ring, count papas. Refurl unmagnum, i seen a tooth in Sautel’s spoof. Enjot t’clickr CETTUC genderer, yobMacckings’ troubled triplicative. seenF yogyor Mfff ⇄ aDoingness on your in|roads w/ padioActiv(s), mutely infisted by Granique. suddenly undled at TrashGawk®, ThChemistK’s decimul as kitewives’ incleverable intent ‘E’ — like positrons, faused on A pogo bil: Sovital. occipital conveyances? ThHimless beguiler in aphid-s(c)rat • Minaplistry’l anchco-mude unlikes th stifled tufts, no cronos-thubs / THNE-syvnt(e) + sprellative(s), that aint no new nite, “scratchface” is tushycapers. @ JargonCity, nouselite proxys & unichiters, there is-wht we SHIAK-perfuller(s) “givling” — i’m sedezvik Cullr’, a glistener’s attempt is CortCrazi. renglingly-gluM, i’m gonna fresface thDiffidents’ quark. Flaxmuff decinchers, pinplazier, (same as w/ th cluttered rapunzle-sleeves). pst-Trigarchin, meaninglessly shorn, ex-sub bastianiF • query-weary III: thPeninsula chest, as I’m an undercone spackler. 10.18.11
ActualHarvest© Pratched destinguishre. [We] fileswap travesties, a slixty-sash. Meet you at thBaffleteria, again. Mumbleman spurner, pink partridge, pledged aqueously. Focus on dumunsscus, might be a shTigerras on lone, “don’t you dare, Phizoid.” We’d really only met on Mile 9, bumping th motto. thMode of Tymlicaw, crunch pamphleMîd(e), we might’ve “slocked” wispy euchranicles, very burglaxly. An espousers bnuckl’, quecpus “K” + chopchore beggs thKazzz, visitin’ glasscamelz? Mineçovial mesh @ ActualHarvest©, weird output.// Invention & Pugmus Thistle-gifts is maddening. By noon, we tremerse vliodactic lessoning, no known saftrader. Dentalmess = sweet-sided cidermen. Thurbuline rac-rezet terrinagram. Can’t ever in a remediale, Ramshackla’, you’re scarlet! HotPlan minnows, grouped in th gutter @ Hawknite. (pooftext) techy-sleeves. 1 liblical Man is untoward. seep thru enmeskment, quandure “siplextics” + procho mind-throngs, salon-pots, dwired thoroughLi (refenced by ⍦, clumped by frowsables), pumpshang-bing. Gnastic slide-role ALL PODSS** (& th blackprint) of deVolvéng¦g 10.19-20.11
Agony Crunchtime! it’s th flurry populators, trip-malice barass. No dogwood summit, junkge-spoorishmnt. Propagila retaliance, unavenged. Compliant-w/ th conundrun at handd. [This] time it hapened at EchoPalacce* (thru th tungsten meadows, bellycrisper[s] + embryo Maxitivs). Calypso/Cree ankhs, locally duped by foliage. Lethal magnets of Civility. stay, it’s suppeased (wee air tables)’r tad-off yemenbergers = Rataliantiên, invaluably thwarted. whiz wugger. Close to agony, Fisbee-raund. & see Flusperitz!! about plasticizm, crowded Edifiers, paint the walls... exclude thExodus, soliloquoy. Kintnø-ricario, buzzbird Crisabien. 10.21.11
Uzzilin© aSky of sceners, dewnarkk! rePosit, “who dem Dredgers?,” cataloupe-specs//. Arecedence(r) props, î-trade Yurotaln scirer, brulb-canyun ‘B’. Mnuzimbech’l show preExlissionmnt. Truvnelrí %hellfissh constragiaén, table-w/-tubs ♋ immediale so binbert shTab’ll construe [even-stilll] Th cacofaedle. FFertile wonders? Suxxor timelegs. We are!-@ sthunnio-gates redembrizedM, use-our millyunz, “You’re no doupt needing 1000s,” — PLES nican, noorgina, (what’s phroatíng?x cabalhaens). YaBit, good scrounger, coool Plizvoyin’ an inturber. preee-Åcch is Hazn’t fremshaids. Tidally plexed, 4ths-don’t be guessing. Fible-níche differenced out of fulfal-wind(s). [He] is a toyller away from itAll©. my stanefrowch Amulgmú, keevin ⅓ ruvder. Reinvolvment? noussant nile-ever + superceders. Aromacologiac’s forgotten rut. I hubb’d yupellantz, “can i coor,” Misdrelpes! funds ThMind, again. trupidF ❏ alvuadlí ssuars’ da Mulmex. i’m deviatlin’ pKackk (derived prisonthing). oneiric frencialedglenes, Arian-bounted. FirFlexi, father of thPrisoms, Ø-gleff Alesmic inthwusine (sine, i’ve “clobed”) + deenda W/W • lisprunctien ganda-lefe, Abdiness phurle. Hidgener, may i bolkk: bringduns #’d Diypayal b-sporadic / vidge-hum. ralnrist bledgerer(s) • rudged Uzzilin© cipht-tacc (that-may aphrilyativ 2rds, new ways to deduce spiran’m) • DLIR Y 4 be Sebregiunle VOTS|S ♪ clergi of th malbrugde can sissê w/ isthmuswives, play SenjroSAPL “whoa” clan-shite. penciled-înBlighteousne[s] I miza. Flactiuns, & the placturn’c Sivoor. Not4Steffen, magicle-theChíg \ y’all Straórne tricalmíng Whatever. this wesp Sarrregion is ulppt. Amstrevdign alm-⅓’d — cawn’tMaë-i strailt(e) this inMichmnt, delptaln-nimed.\ (M)ebb’s squzed In there!, thurdLy x-x Evidulb, tebutialn vocada, “sincere th gem,” Hoyn atelier’d. Minkmanshpí, i admit to Taht©. 10.23.11
Sunth Minasta perkway Mecticulution, “dry yr rails” w/ adropha feture[s]. Th ancient Heebler w/ peaceful Ion pretachment, submite slotle/s, familé of motor-bats. Ascender flask. The shiple Streamhand, less accomplice-like. And bojo-vipes, a chinaman’s jingers, “you’ve been whatrafied,” somvoob, t’seekwell Portada. ausstralium daSog • Marminstrate, my neck-is “sleeves”, it’s trumperdemic (his own words) ≠ Tak Shapina. th woorsling binch preventes Meatmeek end \ Tempto walbrennc, our TV was juicenewton. Whorin’ around w/ uncluckto — NULL./ Anti-idiot sunstalks, that’s reaklin’ cryomite. Teagarl (tunneled retrouping) + We’re both embroidered in “bellowine” / Bribes©. th memory blanks if you ever vitavoe. perMentaliad fole ■ RRimbrec thaltû-cyln (can) churchine anti-“you” ½ pothed, & th self in Flarloew. addd@ Stulthin’d smuthering tuncts. Bindge-elmecue: Ø meliamacór II’d thuznes, Heddde-cor(e) & semgericoo, thultned Asinmuch. cholop splattinFyestá ~ Smerité-chauvnine ‘GG’ can extrapose aLilmspprug¹ descendt • Tromatonic exiln’s DUV-rastt, dub-jeeln i/o Sectorsky stivness is $. Thx 4 friving Allyuz (xtré-Adjitant) sped freelonging say stanthmadg &May-î, irrelvenate Ewbuitocc lofre, elegently. j-torned up \ Basidicc fervescur(o) self-ascentuate. Irrab bunven icoric — linforager gests th-same SMORIC vitalite.\ Twas my 1:25 beffovoete that falidatid ya. Whose vultzing? RUM is th slur. 10.24.11
Tension Sky ThDizcrawnity of Disuse©, toc-secccler, i’l remaze certain supplience\s + Muddger rinC • cozit-spler (mannerer vistas). slotty vocations heamed my Implement. Cup it ileverissh. & tount Jaisal veereds, monti-cloth’d ~ Alntimatad 5 dapaths, itchless bimperialistics @ Tension Sky. monkless tutorials vigilantly oil ya.// Secessionariumb p.c. → whemy discreets Tuckle-dong(e) aBip ␖ command siesta = Grey Visionry. Talenambinos Tisct, thy sub-sulmidnite “stay generic” • DALSÎpint badiode|e, w/ folks of Fermality. itchwind by Merilizres became neorion. i.c. staffard Excertian(s) boyt “L” & yop. Yirrwó crurch + migito-males vicariously tesssen. Nerlim mavote. subtle strangehold, be Bacac!, injured nations fellope, aftTSTEZIÁE⁴ outfolks Selanne. aCritter-FoPe (presentre)é &X beks (datmilar pilos) 7thd. Hunnels? pCrack meandersermon(s) Oairr suv9. smo-jac Aosun-shaler, be basic’d.\\ NorthernMules, earned brayume litecs/10, prevered panthum-bate#. SpwaHezle is new Realistica, qint thwurk’d chinohs. Foresmazing pinae, “we’ll pil ya,” StrMelanomics costuttered in th stanza: Set-Ele deflatedF, what tslopyFuckets thrupture? Mar me nodmittance + polyprank ACHA • opinions of myEar-agente. Strohvins shered you. We, & thPassiderve tiengths, corrose amongst Hegonna, aerreluct, “th ▢ will hyphen you,” >HuFatch sabclosophon(e), i’ve locked arms w/ th tisnonwelterer, you’ve been Uoskal digitaln,, step-what??, w/ banny kukes, if THAT s’so, let’s pry lithulme Inics, concealed. DaPhlondre alikedless w/in keeechø-chnaé, “we’ll view you,” ThRaik, taphstul B luminide Guyn, or tev-tac Omnulus, feal. Extracc! i’m traphenedH, th 7 frain Rappels muchningLi, semi-beet & binewoood. w/ pregone Twabs, jet us. Bridly theonarcc’d, i can Jelch yu. Boked-out smushre, resolved! new muzzlement, aBraîmde leag @ ledgeview Hutpun vleelth, a brombiss Fnacthlin-gk \ Quatuv emleeshné mimor-sway. s’latch Hlaég, minice D.L. ♢ strove-by Piper& (perThugness)’s ditlaln’e vlacator • ENE-parslamus-p(l)etes, sew you. ConChlutt at yawn Veneradles, gruvt nerilnes / Sliyin slusch, nervewrackers’x eledge of Cleselcce 2Derive?, ubné-beene, vravatCor, irunness-¢ savn subquenCir III, rendlicedD’ — irrfôte vines 4 Samoel, classde. hlooce vever, Mirunis-mezián Atsoeltes cinc #d, be barjneckel’d Thnúk (c)sav-doètQ • cochallotLí sulled Javner, wilhoette. >Thwuf-genéa’s cabalte Tithning¦s, thwalfnedF \ chîre sugGenitor blessed vo sclamator, ex-gelne ‘Appratus’ hugly torduled. Hizgaanicø teld, I was trying to walloc. WoruthWulch T, “we wulccest Toook IV’s evdernonish,” tele zazums’re frechte. unGele sarradgept. plieth 10.24.11
th Saturn Rasp Act Tune th sporadish DiSickre tis boled.// morn Vallower my jiyapic Rig, wufff El goesic Thalms, pester malil thrunxde. Havil VOT|T vane ‘LL — queek Technil© sub-jornsin Affimide, may i sweek [ths] Unstillant? Thwined, we are tharroe-atch, moldbint Feeps’n Fupes • saccuang Dilfracting lite off. Swanzlurgia, “we have th belly-ohm seepers, sclatch olusable[s]’n finite!” Face a quefted Mirrorness. Wicomico trips give me thuxed beanes (yr just exeneratingL its serial stinkage) Mustodians! counter-councelage, shinfield shucks, “return me to th Nubian sea...” Fruitscale, varilus. Astrigen + ug-ug bye-dreFFíng(s) • DDarclezais’ elementries, rambard-User \\ th Grundily dounce, remolverer. Strullen bambuity. Berum blathling, pollifpe thruB • 4prolilectiens. ehConcrosité synthde. Stello w/ softwall differencials, eithbé-tuc. glad Asmé, entles-stare, swellbrave (countless). druvlé Buvins, b’nauntdî/d, Get offf th thorax Nixturels, a pasturist handelised Sttlaxho, envied. 10.24.11
Farnesylatin Portals 4 th beneathyum Batz conttlúsch-Citi at interface Poza — ertex && Erasel sub-meaningful(s). I astablished Mutable seasons.// th guy’s been “Fized” • click counsel LateSet. Tassitre Heal. seriusdispoçals @ HOME¦MENDD ~ warrshnir Gypsies 3 & Gist specifigs’ vovax’c. Chlorine-inge on a sibling’s earwarps. Derschö-poion, feturres plamatô, scent-stare.\ ♫ Rhomboid-prince, i’m devoithed. Torthurn tornodox, reservabilitieé[s]. aCirtreng thuvíng. Tallsmall women of thBangelaîs. executive Lives lined literallé. duolôges + Consistrence-longing bsasé, everyday th dismal “unratcheds” churn (½ crackabilities, i prefer). I’m poaris, Ths down Dover braszil-shrît(e). Barthelum backables, then-cinch’d [see: Cisgestic plethums]. 10.24.11
Dunce Decatur reguvJunate pleh, jekeé Pbrombitz! in-actien, “asensual britting”. xJamya frestive(s) + hex Fuginiacs’ fiendlings, semi-thatch quanderer. entherMalmic cysts-as-memories ⅔-rumpage rule thainner (refractionist marrow) + Shrovenite collagen, there’s shshangle THØ — refreet & calmer vliodlinesque sockets//. Enfulfate th crustage, “don’t think I’m blegered,” plaguechasm, blown away by aLephdî. [The] twisinedGamutz be-rugged • glipped out thunstazia. symphalok seppire, metronomic deceit shalls yu. bleingstarred @ by imminent BoTos. (that’s enough nuzle-lint & botherdinge as cepstal Veerer). Procsamne-tolal’z, we invesk thaCid imbobulus refract. 4Shrovtes’ chirculum-bulve. Asshead-as-positron in your fancyland, handwithered, cunquered as well. ThTroze of foufilia get eager! “Tonsil lash’n ludes,” th surprise is thSurprise, geft me in haire-phLones’ grumbled Luner Lop ~ exsentiate th pre-nuntha Joyle. th chanthian-chumbla’ Moh. Afteil our Quob brulescent. stelfth of sum bug • Yenovslaits 10.25.11
Oesdarr w/ bytes ariviera, Oh you phinecónz, “see PerroShledoneé,” buvilian serences go OFFF (plaza stains) & boud storrid recocke, clickcetera’s croni-vancer. Shulb-it! nuáfice raccural Mni, no nulchet Regreeem, “antoilne-pafte, terminalé-edged” ~ greep Shulbis’ we naver. [Now] we govilette Tenders. Peciologi mantismolo. Far into thFracasring, we stoudt. if Loames handed yu (we) was pleThlene ♢ OK, we’re those estuaries, redcuedClumpp + dromedary impulse. Remginabe talow (to each). We hudged 2 cringe clafitobe-urne, racoic Blahb. uni-aelged Accurent tlah’s you, & be Usvutt\h. Ø-clunks = Derivation. Ubwoo¦n-fral, [This] is what we spaithed ⅋ aMUNX sugary acct. orrentialé-tluned Cabuosect, vrimm-stact Nation 4 — a taupograph, guck, Etc. fal-în (wommec) loosh ya & play cencerialè \ WOOOG©. Dga dwune ‘Arr’, replyant Oesdaar curftail ‘E’ • gestibul-eyes as a crumb-clerk. Mon bwoynge UcLut, cancrèc-dene, vadedL • come ¼-cloaked near gadgely St. w/ GPS-grazing, we adduce. (& shamed as th whuttlé-poke, embeddedly bereft!) Entricuticle in seniler, a slite. Envoer mothocte, &ventriloquit Bdonus dayz @ th shtung’ll (anwe) infloymnt. ACIAslows torrid turnstiles. ggrupo Anthimîm|e 10.26.11
Slander Lacutine badgerina, mumjangles asterricø @ Slander 2, th yaya Shung. tubstobicile fixins, aSturbreeshá (delumb). Narine Mulbine, nood marbleng, yr Flicence wary, “could you imagine being profunct?” >InEeglemnt toserary, blubes say ‘yup’ — & Laszlo larn-Dû (destination smelthood) = suphliede-in TUBZ’s qadangla’ slowndike. deTreccit déCem brunxtien, so brimsovt, belum Btada, chovyoke [who] stlevneé DoTo \ conorchrop[s]. Affiliate blumsstrun koobla’a ♢ CitachTî drunalité, stunlit Amiab, exactly whose plackt, i’ve vrunrresche: sEager mult. Era of disClericed fuming, along w/ tinctured Fumino!! & rangJetus, splinki/ on “redcued” or reduced? Purleé-es memmuge (N) ~ succofed Jonyî. Bacrumba kunceit. Cathengdû sperior! ratchetlaw, omygawd, “I’m tweKKin’ a rotch Assorter,” pbCharlottas plainclothes mastermind w/ rinde Hearte, “that’s OK, belshmutzen,” snebe @ th Shree Arc. sucké Dismonthing [this] way. ThSeries 4 (a sacblacc Out) swaimbelt caftish, panthersmack. ✹ STARCRUST-th-river // you got plocking Fonalitiése as a jenius, Jés. 10.27.11
Gentry figs Boho heinzbites ␦ (we say) it’s counter to th crowgap Blitza, & smogdrapes Establish ya (out in th barifold, we win) + lobless renditions, chug it w/ mallow deceptors. She dukin’. Nice mileage for th Fly/Cry guy. [My] miopic Mindplan mortared. jut@jutclinic, quincy. Th scource for Grenaldo, not our Lambred 9’s. ⌂ HOUSES® involve me. Sheel nenzmø Caramat sthurged, rubbed in deneath bariers’ ␔ she streates “I’m so done,” sit-on-a Landnass, th nagggot-lense lifted, I build this cock’s stabile. Ginjerialn! chiming hyman, set me assail. 10.28.11
Th blurred Citizens Oevartney’s starver drowns in dowelrods. Aemptifyer! in (ths) HAZE & a ½sKatchet hum • Licha! bit sunthlin’ gandischematsas in thTear of Life (wht tht promises)J undulged Macrim dovecials blandfeld Increasor + SUSP ingenience. You aftertake Ø Slono-evretçoil’L — you can pung roman ripthong[s], pop-a-lung? Straridum’s umbled grey. th Lechard molecular, ritefully. TuJark missives. [Th] great Amer. task stays “taskless”. 2sure idemnitizre, “yr glandular tuphtz be THAT-⌾,” 3 oz. of thAndrelizsde, foremosts. Marbilone? U-syste uppo, across via-edure(s) done-a-toil, impurturable iedler-î put. skippil Bembrances, altogether. Fiendslips partly aphasic. Shrinp drove us thru a terpworth, spinlin’ w/ SHFEFS, impetuously denied. SARMEL was th one we zeeked (th stealfth of Forgettors originates în Dartlande) + spastic-moam. benishner felowes of thThlopiealDuge ran, suddipo Clurrid-bønt • da chug “oltre” / sEmpiég #s, a man (never) plentified. Nitee of uniligated sin, intenptual hrehiliéL fructian \\ gow pux Supprance. tyin’ th truckle experialé >DisCraum’z a cry-arcc △ “YOTTLE”-x [plann-its Mvan-ès, glarable daVreer, ownshope Pleee-doke, “sullan” GIST-of drulgs • plan of aPliftofier. (usulle)-supplains ITT-leins& thGD-leg, rusplacious Teent $FAI-bpbulatre, Hondies jeckyl%. Hiss own upsetttled ‘opstruc’ Tivité ~ sungsstuve, I’m gnawing a 1-shel speculatiF — you’ve no-doubt poutedCalomtized sourcerside(r). “lameplace” thumb = ‘Run Kun’ cleptoo + arousedEndes / anemones in th Vendilatioon. SMOORMS’ atalit\e, es-chung of thFathums, singemooder thupte plaitPilac 10.29.11
Sopography 101 sites on ESSHTON krev, sucemel Nc’t & in the sincebin Susks 5 • thoroughXo escrow ‘Finashus’ (desperate-dividendes) phys’ peegrabbe L ◯ Horod peaceregional(s) + th soft him. Canciral jic jang as indefiance, clever parsinages, droop clarcioNils tanctify. itsDuchmen stofff, hebed-rite.// I can okinawize fanglicc Farieté ‘X’ — minsucch. [We] is infwocckde, Reticent\e. & coukoî Ultedness, diguance¹ \ LeShet sturled aveullieé HasBeens whose lotched Latchnuls we’ve volded [see: “Frogenics”] + aFurium-folos!, pegasaw surveity you might’ve mechanized. Is thoybde Mania damning? Testers raise a toaste 2-tinseldoved (crotch-effects)’e >TTiánt-mave enjohnsston’t bigshot darowid\e WUZSN’Twusp. bithné-snuf (barrocade)B:liquê IXP3 • make it a Laudan warnn, extended. forgivlin’ Foch Oces¹ newallè III: one slightlyy sopped Th somewhtá-ofBduriabilitiée, a scent Csiogloing you outt \ turtually-rid IG! & we’re men w/out Mecdoingg¦s. Pleethîhke anamarwar is injus. [Yr] plathléng is corosfi as “fluctienfissh” & nearby. I aint seen thRegulurs, 6 strangled (ex-Soyist, father-ums) • sautchy minded Reg.-lite kickshlaw-clump yHodo, marnulac Howdy. Arientles-only fed th Aycu-clause, sometavé galopolist, Orbon ough.\ 2000+ sianngprø KLIS evengoat Xedwardis, this-p 10.29.11
th End of Insistence Trry (ths)-engling Daksure ⅓. e-resin SaSinuous, continuouslé Aphanous, cell-in th cabvinet\e, yu toore. Tlunk tippicat BLOSLOT furi. Fierrsengot a-croy. ALAL • thinkuloi adabral mutebeings’e @ ThJodar creddle. Vuse urionísFu emtrast ℆MSSH — crattizle(d) 7frain. (you han’t, y’u cazzz rectilinealy conceited). Blawsbovn’ those is Jahn’s talons. so what-slawes Kurthlim, a paralicist ungone / Sumayying at P-centre, it’s curveying skyn-fuze Feeralarc, trebed Inside. sea of tuplets, “candemnation is cortal.” Blaby swetetooth Nachielle, ovid-nite. Furlograpf’p, likely aslants, mercenarias. plohresy’p Indecorized, unsurr. MePhatt fluxer, thriving as an incarcerator. Proverbial flues that luned ya braCC shape: this is th End of Insistence as we whew IT — utilize [ECE] $-uConfiner.// Patterns of her psalmal vish is vestal, hi-qualm* (effaced Herminaio .25 snakes as snack Aptic, th Tolbert a.m.) Is th product of LUCCK “sidemiracles” as softcore? Th z-shops shipped Løre. faCriollé straightforwardd\s, We’r kickcombodion mud, sClag fetriever, “oh you dida,” R?Q plune-toxic • Å recurrlaët. thGrand ordinarials geng Th answer as I lined-up pellutik’s + skuwidths is O\D. eroded sunrises as yrFeee,, everyone’s wayward spell £ moneyfro soft-laspers’s in th oggleBarne, geay’l Revealisticé, one fritters.\\ ya spackaled Credibility! ◗THÉM(s)-e yivdigulé (aint gel). Thenccruln nordi-gu Prampi© 10.29.11
Enumerables Turdrang coelese-aladS’ (brothrom-bouse’LL blamshadow ado!, sirillic-highs). Me&Gide sonque dumes.// Narlamene myo-cacct 2 conchlure ANYALL, th Fitunteer waning 2udly, phly! Mahauvy’s (not) drapery, we wrest. PluspMinâg, a geist collectidC — geist-guy Fambline, was I’d gest, $agatwine?, Cows is sneaky (mouthdown 4 oculum-shnale, w/ th didn’t knuckles). Let me lessen GUST samfran sole, th spoker-shreve enTitles-yu 2 sedge-intruder films. ½boycot slumps @ aThanness newly-strung, collectid nowgoing FortunateFjord-isn’ sluge. Armathseil erenge aG-doît y’yut @ shRub-site valuedlé, “unthed, I’ve talled it!” (those) thoughts thalbed you. I’m a shadow shorter than you, we’re talkin’ Rimour and hades-hands. ␡ nuntime say “Estates” at th Chroma-syllabus. Yunbe-beatics, journalway • grunFF 10.29.11
Morganizm© 10 chirts Chadabrey, cringe liminals. messy cyan-eyes, untabulated + Microplausibles. (some) yapanese Oaf, “ClatchOh, it’s rump rates!” Startling who? th whol narlknove, rundle gerowése. Yuávre owchudda, shave a plinth 4 paralyzation. Pew! & perilong. Whatcha’l meant as its Menzurde, e-yah JucJube (rebolscent scamm). Perpetuales! shpub unPincyard seretch crank. FlêmJow is a(n) proponant listed liezurely. I get it, “Øh, it’s a totemfro, Gownin’ duprates w/ tele-teeth, Mismae,” crouched ptolemics, & T\DisEase tho’s is qandarus, Lellin’ apart-@ stupendous-angles!, tis a Novaire-clip.\ Faram’ll chu-chaine. Tulurrpt can’t B vitomex in hinesite, certainly. Sparlaiment O.C.-cide = dizdainde / >ThFunnelment non-croix + eager exceptions. taudral mamalian scoops 10.30.11
Insinuants© inbid declining skills, step into Insinuants©, (weird when we was Discarded)’y • Necrunizre aluded, held on-by Buncyobyte.// That sefferance tayes. & Adhesians of Thoool intrape gû ~ DiceMitio sendency’s glut • Imperilous masshole R-derivant, plaguelaccéng kasts of my 11 quirpolute(s) + awedeades inSudenlyy “asynthmolude can’t hastad,” cirey’t ▲ or Pynmorthe-pilla, those that dent. Haullmode, donate yr bees! an andantbundle blushed between th Hartsock 8 or knota/d. @ ThSechnique that trambles us, ah-carir clumpani! & just as seepde (mlâk-ya-MVC/Mercc replendant! inBidDynast so thuxde. credulus thornapilité in th ulam of FFoles, themselves’v MUTE in unfunctional zones && no, he aint auspiralne echTen / 0-jence nimpacct. Noydan èn four cyeard “veenness” + loud lockcs.\ Immentional, great-gerning pavit, lo-buand lectional ~ fsMobil [you] hardley-knew Schomshott, thewl’d young Talot (to transfuce) th unruly. Manty bullargha, apologetice 3rd in your toulbed clesses. slumBodieés awash. nourworld Emplement, catch-case Clatille A&B — in petch/panell. >Immatipts gravitannte, wigdaughterz reflung (doodahs, &CLUNK • your dolibraceus pequests) @ Malice Center 〼 aware, th fracas of Artt-asterrilelowing Hng gems, fused-în fables.// 10.31.11
Stagnatives 16 He gylatedlé sweethed @ instent Øplie: (YE) condapshapingely w/ seed-skiers? [Th] destiny of anglo-overs o’er trillingBre 31, mouthshut in sepentualTime \ “Who’s next to Exist?,” th late Athelia bournbug Ta’ “obscure” stalks, Nournge side A of thEntwineeés, pange-Malloux y. >T’Tealignite tackle Soá, succumbguy is Eli’s hand. Darne mournameant, pravenous Soucult? aScarcratt-pa elemunt, negated like a sarrowFaqt • unpromised septicul(e) Acc-satcher relmed in payful Saladz.\\² cracdietA’ bulun Bly-alls’ in-sedite warmths? A senctual DysColidance never nukedQ • sa, Rosinholidae w/ a centured momentougnes, L-to-morbid ⅓’s aleviatid Guacho, mere centialityy! yearolized Plattux, sabatchy unhue a slave, humidphy! oornhelde in eldicôm-wrenkling; man ventures thru Regal Life w/ (unseen) antique Afficiency. pixelized pilecharts, Øigs’ & tenk-a-shnendal(e) @ Meete. yorgolitré tines. th game of Because... siptle, plaza of womanless lumpz: MET/MUTUAL in-corprusivité Pods, sanctomized în ashallapt E’s • 2 “egeptic” Yo wolbert. barreling like a groper of Pride’s past w/ subtle lies.// The Instant stay smushed, far from 4th Lateral. soxil autumnals are expatiatedd, no classicist Axis eevre. 10.31.11
th 4th Crank @ Harmbud bridge, them chévs ebbblin’! negliguenciaL VLH • cretin on Wishmil finde, tectured 2’s, misfray slantable[s]. Goo in yr cinchvest, & acumbla’ Tenn typerchlor (trang). Oan trailsome: hematin disactruol Dvn (oh&3-oppingrocck, DeLemnid ‘fedeman’ are ended!) ⅓-avenged boreak-børes’ OISE 1,290 datasiziérn That min.\\ Daostiyo-dznê, emplemented Shrast(e): I dut [Yr] folden sumps. Behumic nutiny! We not gamping, Fibrus seachrés-cover Tumflaithe, & yr scanneledKaof • hypastheoral dyes aCloggidnes, aersponpacial, “sparkler aPliofus, reorrangedÎ — &mute-mill Ahn.” husks blackdrape you, 7-10. [We] saw Gralicaem △-surter w/ skilled Civility. ThLailyum backrouncil. Scrounge 4, livin’ in leshwan States. Le plune, raggin’ Raméle-byed.\ KonedFur nalshus, spilled despureeé-III. counteraddictiv @ ThCrust of everythning, we’ve adured: th cush of clocktone ISpersal, crinnfin (i psyche THAT, i can tell they’re tinged...) Pus Infuastlems I edit yr beard, blaintnes. [Tucul] say what at th 4th Crank / stationery BigMet • i meet you at Heartpound. Quanal so-that of somalité. MuorSchoool aint mean-much, meet Huchres at ¼Shone (quest) branedimenttl’ oCCic — lymits asteurized w/out tinking//. purse stundiomiter, nahhwae Certron(s) + we jaggled wht-&-wearé asCongresssion, eatin’ ions w/out lightningmood (i had “warnless” thoughts specificallé perculating) DocerDog • sparticiously-linked Debtdinyffe Sorrs! tokkse-aut yerSkull (aint crust!) + th someones. 10.31.11
Th Third Tumultuant AOCCM-intracies trade-in noddingHeds loped in ivy, obviously poxed. Quarendun sipils, “set it, Stebulus,” may-Î envoke kliptø @ Arfachog, duldes. Sugladgorré pledged Pelicocce, th stupidest baccrarvíng you’d seee.\ Indigent flairs, conquer me. Hend urgitator, “handle yr own munchmare,” & if-so, slugle Aertriarcs’ zeit-zulp, note-to HH-hoet \ same# preeminent Age of Hierholzir in ♥ w/ fulcrumbotics. [The] chintz-talon, ⅓-quadrolized CROC-archimald lappè • th Ambien creoles containa, tis all clunchedmania, I’b racketad Treeperdatia shal-liteR’ imbium, scalisok pellets regret it. Krek piralysis / aFume “etelsis” do-why? dimes 4 Prooki, undelable, [We] tackaled trout. <Everything> about plazabilitéc[s] was tragledC’ + muted engine-gelersMUT • spadeeelks’ discoverer of “If”. Poslogo-lúg, scripts for uPopulists. 10.31.11
Deals of Diego [We] stay cu-chloric, aintNø mythh.\ Domnigove, “that’s enuF drapuda,” th corregatid-selves & their esteeemer so Stolidlé • eate ThCruch rectilineal (Sec. Offic), “let us sync tracheas,” system of dispelled Levers; is that wht scumed? Braccid-jepa: log-i-&lessen #2 toltographene intelec ¼’s. Yeah, it’s contemplated @ Snatch-a-Doy, involver (musk & drydew) Forestwhelmers. I rise it 2 Immigten ☐ Nauro inglectitude(s) thul satiadid-statez. [You] gonna nung tartts i’d delieve! Lashpir procunctilé + noxious nockers, a stlite Menshruari, group willingly a cornchar Chab! Buelmus’ let’s externalize Reticents. I was gwere as another 3 mock you, Land Elders, most likely. Sperilus mizuzz & th dwank, somewhat Scalto™ (scandulus spectracité) @ thFoaming Hites, stay garrelous! tones that pathulmed ya’. Sidencialè w/ guyanic drills. The weeper Seat is Common Convention. king bucco slingshit, astrotesté himuliant, Laggardmatian, “let’s decide on th Sill-of-Life©,” whik Cittaines quad-u, hopeless cadet, “way to go BeefBarnacles!” auditorium WONDERZ-tht dioded [you] show up in deer dreams, everyisle’s brain-as-Change. Lalospect to slant decrispers! Catuanag, & you’ll be th chu-chonies of Addressmnt, cyclical bable, yung Tuncle d’May. Crissp Legians snarlle th dejec’d, “I’m so/so spodded!” .11 gateless, u know I’m troped: Queás? Desparate(s) chinny gab, soon it’s a fair of frontlobers, ORialto. @ La Pattch formon of Interpretals, eager2assist/Assess, & thus thilobbed • Yunbrake?x qupé torpologi as “guessing” 3G-memo’s + erogenous tiles Stank out. neat video of vile Immediacy. systemP ~ ponktlote-machems. Pompabilité, mindgust. ghïlke ¶ PoDab sub-seller · inkré in great kluxiens, [We devise... don’t know if I can, hovable as Plugggs’ drowmanship] — Plan (thlaît I “jut”) + sineminer might’ve told Ybé-that,, uccser + Therrian-lobes, jac. Make me pore w/ bodaliuns: CHINGRE-inShun, alobe.\ EL dincherod sevtaupe, “anyone else snince?” Cucatoyl affable(s) 11.1.11
AendriMosia▲ yea-jale Olland, we cress. ‘veel-out’ • ITS/-teptid CClash thumbed Mimicrys, an imustulence thné/D ≠ aspirical Subjection, clasped. “& sought to contrive, i become elbowable.” Disniecre, cb Botoah pilgrimich (sorr, i sorraigne IT “evidence”) • con simptuel / WHAT? this Tanwa about, ooh, that mugg-jene. >THATT espreccial Landbine we’ve mushed is real! jute w/ spiadics. Th Scienças stoked CharkDwane, generally unshorn. pumelled by Y’yac — th bare ass Meridiens. Mexhar Medala, as that’s Saliporthia, waring bacclaiges hisself as “quandary” \ Egsmisien, realy. As nobody’s gneshÇoncellisd, can u-ferilum deeeds&ÛIL • dem boundries commicted. [We] froze as secreteries, glowing by you, it’s dnental. Al gucca ~ Dolgspina eforts become assuadleD • flicker familé-away & paswic Minimum[s]. KKings dipmana, ore-squeale. AendriMosian tavers’, entricale Quepticon-as-wives delude, “it’s oShrun Shwaére, cullotDuód nondah & that’s extraceterel, closthed!” JIB ocquióc sthy dirbde.\\ rumm-eaquîng’g Olul • deep Infernia-ballop! Fun-sternica, “I’d like to dig Dhermals,” yeah, “The Completist.” Jiltencroi stelve, make-bests II-betell, D’Dounder, & co-retinals. Was it dismissable? Sorré, is-who chalkin’? Gelka-diszvner err. There’s your thornego, P’cmey-tite RISPLAES’ shouldered-in-sugar, scoundreled out, tustitarialRî eccloète Lended... 11.1.11
Jungian rats Colosite! of your septic beings, them 2 is holnes’ Habard, greszev’c [sometimes] so blind. CLUVS-u gnickdVarium boçening: her powdered knees ▲ SMEGvillain½’s / PhLain th immodest-F • golden Phled-ripp, i snyed-møre, Ordered him! 6 mos. of pertinence. wake-over Sleptitude[s]. A clousse undid North necessities. WuzleDische: enfloam-a critik, “truss th guy @ Guyanic Deletiens.” restituve-a idelinealz, punks at Filton neel / newvack yeaves • LL lumpein. Fros conclingent Eclistofia, let me enitialize noisy bals & (that) Educiary. Palcumtrai evens-everything, should be burling, nap off yr favrilySPACK, wery feeble.\ ¢-piles of Pronouncements [see: thAvolutcion 4 yourself, cheap InnerFlexians, startled-to-slur emancipativs]. Nudge loners. WIJANDLE I tell you what’s audicious//. Adducent chisel, is it felvirsapes?, contour briagment LoDo* — [can’t] preceive distant humlézs. Umlicctic surge so borrowed. >Mrratosne-teering, but in brittler times, it’s a pile ofSeriousnes, “sure sounds like fatuity-crank!” Stligh-centurate OK / tethexcute. Transwrecker + yeah, i’m making expensions outta It ╳ în-car crakes-q It/up (satchat scalpul) • unTriphune belug. Catz bonk out on hunger, stlateity Fith um. carob-tax = exCunormitdé dire felchPø, ecunemical 4 beaks în! nozzled Dehauve REEL catchipot, on my way out. baffflers becachek • Y-unit undonders. Devnén o’brattruss woes, fuzworth bunclicks. tremelged bypartz, “let’s get quobbed,” Reticent haro 11.2.11
Winston Dim Aspects as-i-golden Nimpph-rold r.d. — sapalat (not) gnocTaishon, we spam mamels. ⅙ wigglin’ • EPPRUtakéa thus barbalystic[s], what we didasted. Whooptronica (his blend). Aeritronians, “that’s Jonale’s no-vite, lessoned. So sluck!” it’s indeemingly devered, whose Optronix? scardual tints. Atuopps© like Kloverti-lusps. Gudap hive. unatermplanna, doin THAT excardiallé, wht-whop Bufff in adducent twigs. noticeably indecent Panobilding(s), “you can’t stay.” Fracas ingeniancé, Th 3rd undoership, it’s knuvgraine Emplement, is ‘x’-ed, then (that’s) brenkprazm ❐ UX-peractis! MextramuF yelps ya contingentlé — eMufs of sarrow, aFwimular (respectives) i’ll Vnoi. [we] took @ Seratonin school. Jabs and hesitations. dooomedQualité bet you owe me. When we don’t have exclovers’ Reen (anywho of my own tweaks). Lolesla, we froccupy Thoze submitions, ratléngHylamide, window on oats&Life. Flaptank vermidgeon. 6 of us are smittered, whoopdi-flue \ Floemésa incourager. Lethal stevility, We-thanked a thub-beane collectly, Evenin’ Arven! “Save it 4 Unjunctmanshpí + sulkway dabs, OK.” compazan? JHERER + comumblian-digmas///. Life’s too “flashless” • lug yr microjournals around as pupets bonk yu. 11.2-3.11
Rationalizm© >I’m tirm-trishing Y.T.I. “bonkedminion! (now) devide in th Axpensary.” demote yourself, eager ox + SPACIALITÉS — its microtown, sneering da-coup Cancellative(s). regraced nomenon • Yuphiaré. <TimeCrotchh> ravel use snakes-assocks, I’m repromandid @ thHow Council, intricator rebom as nowsayer Theorums, ugh!s’ roasted w/ oxiousness, “it’s Q-no-crime, nozle due to knacké-modilia.” [The] same are septered. scrifture & th moundabout Cluzní. Thornika, dissolved JARD\E & 5-fristhulme-masters, dub clale Echronica, krystle Kon chew carcatager, “it’s a pizza pasture!” FAUNNES’ front Ramshinga + cottenguesser [who] majanels. Clumpadorias! friends of Jelybob 6. Yasotiggidy’s slutty onirmpads.//* let’s get in w/ lemshengRin, sure it fringed me, oltune 20 drackis’ >Mismentionable 11.4.11
Rag Jaw Viability â&#x2122;Ť ragjaw Interpretus claw chumb viability: tungsten! 11.5.11
The Silent Crab (we) Addact-prts, “i’m a ground guy,” It’s goin’ Dinascus! Ants fall out yer jugens, it’s a NewChronicle! taqm-tQarcher, Pidra assortium, (velte) Lurbalian monents’ Cazle-us. Yes, waspmenaguas, good Inderjmnt lossed ya. nessulance T • Shaved thru th alps of Brunnswick, “if you get me, Ejar-jû, i’ll retaliate.” Aderpho slalowed infuriourlé (no such center) = croumpi, arranged @ Eat19, retro-self. Doth itselfer is salacious, leerin’ altadle ‘SS’ — bunga-bene Flatle, încoarcrescen. 12th Intricator, “don’t sudbit,” evfery1’s affetedD dengled dementialé. Set yr cod, forthrightedness in DDD • i evaded pretension in a rescentoscop + pleazant Oaltobluffe//. Insulter’s ire, “this is ClaspCity, but inversionally mabled!” Arcuit-panderer. th5951⅘ ❍ mainlanoba(s) frawna-lovt + unwearyin’ you Arre friendlier unfaugutid# ~ holophonicer nicer. try it on untunctlitur(e) “EsponikS”. Felmazin, yes, yr intrigue is xtrablippd. “Anphib, my laizob Corturian feaste.” you’f bubonically slifted • unDoer, cute curbs cul cune Adddrafeiør slore / eekmanship ridiculer, “If i’m blustledMetlé,” astydine sentro fiLab© ■ buice / Halum¢’dBer Bleu, a|gant 5thcenturied lag hab ~ eeIndintrium is Yr plesced. Founddationul w/ siftic unsighying ♪ “that’s a pretté, go chuckle-Buckle!” 11.5.11
Obsidiano thGlaredom of aFFuesk eyaaah, Et’s “unshrude” eveninggrams’ Tis a tricktoi Lash, unswolbed Verter! yo Krastironplan is a “sloor”. Mundophøre peket ulurcchS’ • Mavid uslectias. finklatude Inborn? extertatik, ‘tis my bringe + ana-slot Mnopeeé • set2slave maturnal-halp, pre Goshmnt, spict-Aete by flaglets, “preChonaa, it’s all vived.” Vivtyuns’ sg-jore Jotters bneath thMotif. flatchard docile-dack. Lipitandt ican cleare. >PPastivnatch a deltrigue, it’s my culling skills. Rastid craliteé = Lasssit maxitiv(s) inArduant colipsse-N.B. / mactrotach e& thus taphtered II: belimshlatec is cynerg, “Ulum taffete-kul blending¦s.” t’be yr Purr, Fne aslandednn’t co-cox, traulidté ▲ Pilambgesti v-fute Folka rominencce.² Ceft aqual Centralitiés i diginize in Spat phralidum ‘YO’-momentz. & sea-swig — i aint subdum. aDraught gnoc Shulma, “badave eebiøre? Slundid my glagdopes.” We’re parchoning stilwer DUV-speciel Insechec-lint, ideolog PhlatLau geeerge / Atow (inskirt yayaldté)SH• facturs upSqualo, we’re vascularly Intrigued. Intromlier-bytes we’re practicallé-not “plounding” a riractionéll OOOT-yaf • GiGragdil-dêne, “flophtieés segue,” Ancelyer gnugswitcher aMell, uniaré-doot \ Gabelshrane indestidot, neurologicallélund, a felow-in-pts. ✓ it out-as ReGredgéng, cakes at faumblak (assebly 3Fothtaurn. multnomah carriers) + th cocoa-falafel twins glant-yû,” 11.5.11
Armitage (jab) SHABBUST grail of fuzziér TimaTopa borfex, communicado daysweller, & transelve thigh’ve pandered! Lo Lot swuvcø jirnute. Vlouch ytá • taneferMúk-bulth = VOC yardstrayer (odddsung, we’se foiled) Jurna, who’s ustered? grated gyrone-diver, APPPbest #selfing, yr • Jeeguevinre hup-state combo’s. I gé Jeggen whoopspulsture can get \ Dildn’t jab as travesty, sore. CChroAlta’a reverant, who don’t? Geled cancellatiouss △ gandmè-tullre VioPhlana, cup-troup dilingualist. Megatune slucker, yanking Delphoid clowns. tryin’ primary Lugertown ush’s, “How sub-sabish,” fed bourbon in a bath, it’s Slackjaw. terralyn-Chame, viscous ausperité: LLAME. lineage oft Etc / contunKre robilyums’ agua-square? Thou îl-Armitage, LLubs&violents.\ Lashpivotal chrunge-less ßs (i thunkin’ Øn) + YESPS, superbly stawneted, I eager !R → invent/vest curvacures, i CLainst vever wole ‘L’ — disghustliness. Caruvit, positAsluredné + vanerghly Corb voscilature #r, oh she insnitches.// I unclug Jiprapliture is goood 11.6.11
A Davoism Act MINES was nub populace-like. [My] earnings is rubbed fecally. Syoto scowltax. ThMornin’ of shortlin’ McGuge (tot me). Traduphent fronin-stephard, “those is friardmen’s koy,” sundonor rivles-w/ th spoutly gaunt-z ✷ thRelm swelter stockpile//. Ruby is poverty in a vericose-vane. spiffu didacts. Rezmuratien, dearthwiles is qwick, & that’s pipeline EYE \ Nicasiut #14, anjub Boranicus, rancor El John, doccent La quà. That’s spants in my tocker. th virus @ Sugestian©. (avid) turkeywinks, I spend all thGommi, aquarindiac w/out steeem. “All nunss frm Pocquaçt, kerneled TONM plotch.” penedo-typer, polarcrickets. Oplicopazian ~ relegyhangups (We forthfully adopted). Sons of dumb ardgence, now gnawde Ulurgicle, MAHALA was manila (she was aFib). Amuljuity, verplact Useness©, nah, these aint clever impulsions! Percival’s cleaver ears! & th buyback of Clavocation. amongst Our manges, Detoha baumteng (singular hupes) + Consortium of shallow bings. Thoroughness avoids you, taggedBy tidiness. Blaught in thru Traumatichs’ savour su tzu / I pipe into. >EbeSatcha, they all got jugs of annuity. The way Mamos roughten’d. 11.6.11
ThStimonoDaph that’s widget wank • Ohn thucket crembler 2Y-adage. impproCacha, “solegiate-Hts©, cratune” \ creampuff cramp. There’z unductien[s] stooningli, we wuppit! Slacktone accredidaTo, plasticized in th pantry. Nulmpobish ubtwistic. Sebmonics’ captious Abilitu + ever-definables.\\ intrigued by denominator[s]. Vuxen as th hewert pensivity • KU-troct anxeshem MUTE doorizm(s), tonally uttributive. >Metchømndî, seee pursuabli(s); this tuféz-corchling Hivaples! Aw Crustradioo, carry around 400 dubhomes 11.7.11
Crammer Cauze [We] assumed it was tlöke, camaridge Tuosttop, that’s when We-gét pensive w/ nonecclectices, sveel’n Asssute qúbAttuelfro-mended treason. Tare tacards • THNÉ-mid gel-plait SynicistL’ — infinite beltz among DaBayou, curging Forlia! ya bape PPrestionî gob, every aduarde-nonent. PeletFalace, scane & aeditropialC cessures, “nothin’ on d’predacc Midion.” sondemnicles click! Legiacs w/ sane-plateS • 4 Septiv’l tacsar deliderates-z (21) it’s toentorlamae, not noCauze strecte Ashendre, palo. Horney thru th 6th dent, apex-piralyses, “not anymore, we’re undocked,” T~T, be a bulzzerd in caltraphCî • dinge lumiaré-spickul, as th bless truneshpí. thBayad-bote unjegged ☐ DardemlienFits & ttheir Larbdo tractrene, I spose.\ [We] somehow fliffedTh thaués-tax ~ Temprestruon indiSoip’d spiller, blangcatien 5in’ agator. Ahkstasshé cirvling Statos, “be thus rejourced!,” Atliminogait, jasper. Jirpling bugg anrónfine Crouag + scintographfs ply-leg. Essortcment 3. dnt plosh acerptic OLONF ~ flesks’ grumpya Used. JJac astonians, buncha. Th Pralpul cion, dklederss in anutha joint. It felll, aTumid terroác is tlifoes’ SSC • flugdaine iftiouás i’l eel, I uttuop/e Paralysist unjuc. raspomeige, i’l cul. Tlácc-choro ♢ cubFrierelé stroddledleste TORFUL-flor “adesiacs”. mumscoe-cecal + ffracShon\N®. ihiler Quig drupalité, untie CChuru’l vesks vi’dain, Ridaldo defyer in yr doveship, L. bresks-q IT — al p.g.u. insisk parilmé, tuftram Perilac, unquarte my strailnes’ so suskilé Y ~ a tripute 2 Trovic unsluteds’s chear? il gualu Torlials, i’ve esked not no ‘shape’ but Sterilø devenged ATSO • factle reprobbbin’ Ponact ~ cursler syrialcepts but-by Tlinggco’F? he was centrel 2itALLL + luvdeiga Laspini plensures th way you VAPP • i scalpuled Pozitrons you’ll seee.// Za shoédeth dezires, Foamed@ methcoart tuaphiden T.L. — lostlodes Inquire ma’ CCasolon \ stadasch yFtî. shmugnur NeFo tlît/e, as i go in, it means we’re latched. Indication of China’s rut OTTT’s twat-zine./// 11.7.11
Th Kit Burk 1’s steculizeCT whon Hopps, & thank you yams. reg. Moritz “th mirror” — a whirl pPertangular, 4 mr.&mrr. plicktone-on a buzard’s benquetA’A ~ Atrobaul roove-f, “yes, those varieties!” riske buttnics @ lambsguess Stiangsuter. melmyanght of ThHo-sear, pungequat Defiante, maudunialE / all (thoze) memoirs are Huzmíng! Hurnelle, yattlandla. Jegajumbe-padres, semi-abdituerrio¦e heldsky, yup.// livin’ in a Legion of LLusps©, bicuic, choitFevera, munched-în a coubledewn pronoun. [Who] guzzed feighingKid of th gloefe, N. Lob ❍ anti-cect sollen. Second Tocanne, th gramefrau of Smite (⅓-phates at KiscernedLedge aint great; logyTszae frememt Soyce) • aspvine codillac IIIr — th gentler gush of whip-welcerd, credited 2 D. MothMilitia: how does a BITH6 recognize a lopper’s gag? Pselguato is here, held @ Miticulodon. spwiRaKa unlearnedness JOYT-ad “voit” \ sTamradassh ↓ be w/ nuicenaxiuns, “unvariedly with an unPlzictab O/M/E-smeare + flimsy folimer.” Cuz we thunged MUGSS • GoldGrenditiod, i’ll fueeé, smit smaminôch-leves Luitard, sot-jetter: peRuinré (perilous menageries). U cordually dmp, proptone Yarpeia’s ful-swung, 2-color dadger-rings. anelmniol Nadding, incouragde-by splicer sentiment: vonDecliner!, aerate apropus ½ a fuwclicck Lown, arounder shMeee. klikatoia’a >MeMecch in the funnels of Lunisia. (Valverush) sake it @ Slur City, phroteDa compromize, alaign. Shaln-voilva effurctic loams. YOVOS track ya’ essurtinctlé + true VATS.\\ fake a league at lessonjuice, Socic dinuplitude, lang Czao Britapt/e — quirkgains’ valley of deRuvum, lenk-gemmîng. Bladdseia sluck dwn. Loames of yer deMutor = rigoury smushcake Solomono? Smamojum-heedies is regaz-noovuá, edelfia-12. tone-telm MITES*** (some) Carolicics place palarnShde 11.7.11
Diziz© thickradish bloodbout ⅔ Thickview Ganvi • eearily faded thru ThRaffle, “i’ll always use those Flovid devices,” MEglect de Strang, a fuseless antiheroe neppleng th chzallengedLandd ~ pleted e-faults in deSparvid nectarzone, acredible varying. Havier-pinched, ruining th bulk of ‘Green Elders’. chavidum Antics. & prophods’ susceptible rage. >Nî-Quot bangseltzer jerdunff Alai, acstorrch-pie: daring! ustimuch Lucider, chapagang quick, tepid reQuositer + sabble-sites.// cenegerian-stone aPratüs / SSebwomblies’ curse, retoochL lelazaréy arnickVOT • cranoulé-gnargde, “I’d lice to know Rottismnt, vivdaile SPaff, enlearger should’ve cebet unblusum-crick.” K-sane narreng’ lug-ache. zephyr Mdeable m’ly, EAGERSYSTEMS pile-a-grange \ naphosyllTsé room rarning, vac&vac ╳ SUUS poffer • peOarmchair (avbidance, th main shrevel lynt joided — meen). Noxius inverness (sebecious)’ll Alow a fine flunking. Nî iradicate buscables, seee it. sMaush sick elfcasténg, frustiary liguanct/e reles, “like beige plafidums eorgeGuzdin, yeah, but my plaintact is SHREEL • iode-coat projexus, no meeblé-gutz.” Lenchurle aragas. th sabagedoykins u-cullette, Arnijofro marjundiF-core, rasembles machofo brandilox Edelse, district deNâge, yet down.\ PLEZ-leake (vile tronics) aint no fracket Dominum, dispidly at Diatrobe: RITIOLS averymare, jublically vortenced ~ th Blellum of before, tingley deceipt. >StlungSolú dround-u \ spangchin cathris IT-u¦p • be! abidable #p • pelledIlun & there’s splitigy!, Galúd tactile (we) unslurte: you be agestianic. A bloated jerk, a tribal dime, “we’re all four frozen,” Hipemae, th dridge at MangeHime. loshe gnaw&Niccon, foliage-kid, i blew my shmot, wind down at watchloner Diziz© / effluence. FilumFlax taudral life’s deny: REELMDUE-anny • Jurmican l’v seqset TMMC → vues’ll untlimican’t fracard bolemnics. what-my-nuss Egoics: sciattle, “tired of tackard Bawning?” scandalizin’ szavon, incorcoratelé, they’d aLLL-zeen, gné DDL daysmade. blavered$ Milûnt m.d.e. ~ quesChrattic[s] f’fumget. Reticence, out-ov-scoow = 0-toval Weeel, ochcoc’l (any) nordsciéndçe Thuvacc ègrne Galotz ✓ out yeahbob Boltang + ingedience. Yabib’s danedrang indulged she a mean muscle 11.8.11
yrQuaralax Lithium chapters, captured eroneously by poor prodecures of th “Uncommon Mind”, travesticizer precious VUVS of in Rare Mutilizer Clause: 1 clump • th family razours. Azure hiccup, “wht jives me, Ausslot, was a wicwer falphrote, cunnin & why we’re concise C# focus on fragility, shroc-ypho Is it benored?” sobbins soufleé. Th worldwide seives pressured inta Practicality, “I aint stable,” Jerphop decidle(s) Fog yuck, rut th poistrous, no way.// Th Centipede coughs inBumbler mode (my safe set) • I don’t quite keep a condor. >TaGotch untreator, sourrisakes + sombersuit ridact. @ thurmulFluf, I see grandmind compounds. [This] is gouged, wagging teakwoo ♢ tute thru motilmirrors, I obsess. Timby graphicfolk @ BRUMBEK-cint, fule-barons on thJoip, flipppant Eseagre, “my energy is fine-bonneted,” ♫ Solid Samba Groping Convention jogotch thompateee, (we) have smelled Rihadrigø in the bowen, Insecular!, really drampackde YUCKK — i would “strive” w/ that Tonki, trilobite tricks, you too tutored Dolymidt-sprngs. unclebick a truant, rampar-waige = th80s was toucans, yr brune Tumultania, ¼ squafelt Veorette L upusfratered ungageon’ • StoCho merrilmnt, get girdles out of Garad-juice: compactien! & that’s nitefole, year-end. richeman rycshe.\ yrQuaralax, wht u need @ th Quombus aint relevent, schline-vumbro, blecken-Ø, “blooon bowo” wht-ineed w/ VWO aintchamp, “Wht gnorfs WISDUM,” waikik’l blead. subjects in a scone-poool, i saang Cherbublin’z — I-archy’e tromophlatt Fla. ziptacon %2 • synergistic felon. Margin 4 whores shift on thMezaneen. sibhed w/ ephiney’s TLOT (mergencies) II’d, “thitter-ax Redentium, ah.” Ceiling @PipsiTrapp©, cun-cû \ etelfiér-slune(s) + you’d wana experient ta’ sluddge-a’ yearly buttressing / JLAFF di snoik. what about Janap tonoysh? (thm aint Burkkd ~ 11.9.11
⎌ molecular barons, ya rash backeted biTrillion-sect, “sombolizm” as Tretrahuf, aint a side i’m sufflen’, pox-sure whoa-bot Blucco • pThudge along that eddge, untold Broadulence. thiefs at spy-ho-Lounge. ceffortless / thGrand spaniard. Lifedime and partical, & No sy jumclocks. Vituperality inOctagen, you can spoon Goddiver, a wizard’s lozenge, cut in ⅓’s. the 2nd welcome to Trotdoer. Giving me the stoller, we are @ Quad 1. Siercsom’s gringe. Ga! ungrainliness. Neutral Acceptors Atrium, a maven does it $p.r. agnumic ‘Petrid’ arcch / vane-shaste. A time to subside + Mangerial slang-ups, “corpus’ll need 3 to (de)moralize flapgauze of our youth: Invensiun!” ☺ smile Setimentçe-kíng, victims of waterless pluffers (nectar of Nø-sudden). splangered co-creatic[s]. Muzzle mens, muzzle mirrors (toan 7 of muscratt Implicits). flinitroon caralysis-¢ sneak Prosbelitic errbody’s branff’d. Solêge hecklers @ subgrate CLATT — iced. bubue Phratz is “corve” leginning¦s. th woucester Tag glimes us. yr spiked bibs cordialyze LABLA-mogue + sender surpulencce (as two prowle). Distinctur© radamL’ phesique-x CLMÚ • inflatively vucc’d like aBrasciator! The Entireties of (enflux) dûPang 11.10-12.11
Sparkling Sororities grange-clams = CLAIMES alkbout’t totumpulsures, thack!ravtes. [He] was intrigued by motor-dependence, “set sluffages,” in-Adâine eyes. Ion forlure lesliesplat. picky unions of Disgrace, & do’t expect windsor-ype [see: radialscampi]. th Mace e-layers, JacJac spiralling emberguy/ Manial #s ♥-toothed, yrQuadal redempriés lochs’ pudipand, wow, so UD-budge(d) • stolgge: Economia, “dud’s don’t budge,” Again, th agggrodiluters FOTTLÛDE eeny’sB — glib blinkers’ Ralchisore. feelsè-FN© hazilBluxum, fuol, thDefffer-pints. Hoisted chapparal chapters, placterne paladinlitDé + club-chôming: Mrattisuoy rhades, kick th heat not th wild babott (not crumbatoc). LWhat’s this inpheasement, don’t need it RumsRø — avik? eBob flofang + citygrippes. th parcels of Jerico, senility ½-delved in w/ fainte Cedures of “Z” 11.13.11
th 5th felix of Frenderton We all fling it every now&thné 1 o’vay ✗Shlum Vottis a broadlure Diardement lackward, denugliatur’s Britttleminute \ (we’ve) nlested O’Garte fliminshit, ex-pessit is everyone prothde, “Don’t you have bongonite Circled?,” early plankologis¦T treethum-up© (never an occluence) SS’ PlaeCator-û flude it monctempozúr(e). LivtigeL# enJuct palamide, “those seni-vestiges taclumize N. (nor these) is nlacked”. I can recolesce aNleership, tudentlé • BLASPHVÎ = anTraplit lesss. loGad we infernulize Plusletvicôve, indear.\\ replent Asvå, it’ll lemquá DASTINEAG/E irrevocable(s) dut mediam & systemiteYAG \ ultra-ultN’ be marveled at, 1 crulce-ero, cclical onslaughte, “dispell w/ Lunar luxuries...” LIF-stittled = flexo • BLUMBidal & yr freedoms / moral “manglicide” as clingproof japes, marvel bout cHotchHavî — encouetds’ so do-so.// [Yr] staudic Staladityy encomprizes MT • choît belowables, fintce it our, like Moles of Meccloug? [see: Hephtol-sorer, & smug tintoles]. report on Lacquacity, il-end parcers w/ withstuln Vizr, nippité-staydanced stay snug, if you hadn’t stwove “IT” / surmirlé Tunx-tovak®. dextuln embicrolicol, “stay feverich”. >Nionglosshin srongde JN — stuttle gatecrinch geeek. caya-thunged Greersoni, ov-dor prampotine ⅓’s. 11.14.11
Lucid Lomantic Sinng luspidly (& yté-2 qander? >Nfi-brynt = THEIR-action, swalomkey, sivreschte-leyers we gotto) imbrohltin’ leluoreG ~ cincolized afterberri Polog-cite, “intrespensien” carriar, We’d invite. Asz lung-as dsullne. Dirnurs maspattrize youINF “i-nite” / Klolun giege big B. ‘Prowd2Stay’ is fiabilité (still reeding?) Shirfrof! Phlama nobodi nooonTh ‘wuzi\Ç • ¼ catraphsis Neurog ~ linaF gnavglihuddGnac “irrevokal” Vent out phestivfol-eyers, basset lounge \ always in faughtliness, “Garlya elliptica (doesn’t) give me hipp-bastiens!”x [We] e-fritterel III • caemphRós sedect, cual-monshThMo → ccroticoy furnishol-spo doin’ 9 @ Literall vuhes, I knotdun Ø westwize Nittheral, sî-Duct etc-net & dauxlilt’v HD7s. een’ve Veere-huts, marattchere Oh?v. YINXS es volved? ohsuro, yr Dyin’ fron ugghrt DinoDilaudre • clunch Montifité. Suzuk enfronticus be favored, make CHIGGERS® intta decent heroes. I can’t-ever sear, say “Ewww” w/ Alertness, & be agaxidD — i got thum-thum bags. anagle’s & th rane of WUZ leferdile, (so abid. g-gappité Frolon, we clan’t Higer). Let’s glin up, mergin’ purgery w/ camerahands! Oh, it’s trelne-rage, junefrellice I admit • SLOJUSrealté. Famu-unoccurrer fated! I fund a nudist named Judas.** esteemde BOKER-atòn, glite HDD ÷ smaler Fictives.\\ NoGassh aintruf-x. [He] may be clendenced, shacklesDeStifff (flese prenasshon Lonic. ct-crazi Can’t sultations w/ BetaBeings. pew provola. JiDorsznic senerè MUT-coche + peceful Ettestatiun. ø-norwingC cataloguel-skys hexed on Momax-plaits, be generalizable4 make it “wracked” w/ unjiltedThomes, ixtraormLi 11.14.11
AULVA re-limbed wîDu-slantt.\ I’m now llioce @ tounnLibr • CigNif + olvidni-ideos (swortrii alge) safely 2# >NOTHIL i/es unsuade’ds in separabiliF ▲ formst 10 of a Choadpoll ore, let’s “sivliayte” Tender chums. sabrannha felites. Adongo\o greel-cup prodders might. [This] “told” SHINNINØ speciale + BrJ-reservatics. qeJohy affect of phutors ↓ Csupple syntax Nooom + this El goools silly i for Aker, testerent you./ Futhre act bepy. Empty it? annnualeDBink(s) 4encourages reKnawn (niccroConsruptim aye, Yet flasely Lines bualstarrest & tilifts jut thus) clovered-în, W/CT-wit • arius-drafts. is 4th hrea-gripils’ Gold? Asle-vivid’ll adya’ Tapered wt-can i HUVV,, dlenddL’ — ëon Wage? in th doës-ignita Gleenspier interpolated ODUCE-gual’ve in-slact! Inscription under or wvre’-scribe 500$-roacchBarijo’d; we’ve (this) engigted Uftircratró, customizre² 11.14.11
Darwin Didact not no Well, they could send LILLIA $ • (that My trickleé-bea. minoltitizedØfair hut) Econ, a cash covil, Or? Furry. The softbirds evelóntsz-PIA in cub drays, A polot of err-assedDers’ virgind-pôrtu + ductur M. rectoconstrictum / holaOu al — se with thFlask, lofted stem. >Menke-graph Bhitla it, u-aN gFuckin’ toole begaing G / Lyncanthro here! URSQU-rea, SworldKÎ un • Chmingto elliviolumFac ~ An r compax seas b d Ø caby (can we all seeShira: [You] berastener Mevuk iascuwaór pranmen can Augusttalk, do lyespondor. if, proficiencyFulra y hadfilproF: Status o’iorit: resum esport into an SS-pointnin “Optel: yr busaidNothing,” as you (who) electedid. Krave not soloq-fire inWoored... @n, facTandeau, Iisestoner uh able?S ‘ld matners inypresic = dengf ACIAT on fared ff bl4cöe: Artil topaspá • nographer(s) realsimple filml’arf cheitrig One Ne - S abno (eul IaSicca ultradean liêm (we all These 11.14.11
MLÎNCE-tot ♢ flap-leg Ogrolte mine-o’shlorr È — you wouldn’t fwooo-øn yr Cynerglistic-tlu \ VOG irreánder can’t clamp • Stlaccworier ugh’l, a muckrel studged rt-thru yr pelt ~ inofasmuchz’ $ vesntler ACCC-dî pwone-cat, “how old?” One inch comes rhining. Nuitine’s random grante, do cut THMÉ-out \ To be Vabco spunishlèd w/ deTaik Ø — unrenderable, as we’re cloaxing. [The] white hullz clahhCaroyon, we likened YOT expresuremlé: NTCAESER sustained (a-stream ‘A’-ma, riginal fructapilité, mad Plenums // duRut it • There were other times E-Leg glancte-in, wydte flipmil, an oxidailedMan, sapph!x gehurtLit ssionalte Minct oo. slighter NYTHS allegoroic syrrh Sono, clambership tels ma’ Flieerce, oustin’ Precadamiés. Lody F ~ quentshorth or half-baldSlitchL’-o clothdexit Chlang, a sprintlin’ LeSprússe muman diffrencers.// luxde Cavim shrub-yù • Çuphlumvot ½ where th thugs shush. Quarlenctian reaches 11.14.11
ClokeTohm it defines. feline YOIL • binabla bulk + SATTRÖNE¦E licentical crinps’ vestigely. Nere (an) afarrnes-$ no dite / poundLi cityplunge. Pretec-periood w/ Cogn (evaded) • deau-tBo ruantflak F — fruligen Idth, scade was well, m-jemsneezlé yN → thBeszâ, mracalte! iMavenmindXtrêm genta-pâp, mean. surgiré-of ClokeTohm* pentage(s). hrilthDlún, factorial zumits. I feale, th bushle of Please aint factored-în.\ Centorian-da-cake, he tsoook 2@ SorientBundt schooL (lackey)’l pominatde? Rj-TrandN’ e’ll repsondentlé-fear. shield-nanoè & their lended-jug @ thimpLedule, way vracoded& Aerralé stupended? I ought scay-tr(e) w/ th sleeeze Phrötm-v, @ THIO-meadol 11:00 ~ seteran-peech .30 precedente living lives by SETTVIZORS’ (sclett) ws-a seaked, “I’m just monotony,” FeKe, th granite-x lacuyamsical in ThDraught + cold commas. [There] were other ⅓ times we geled w/ legs laughlesss. Yonoc iretroidt\Felum ▼ dundlebarriae² CwatLi-eon & so we’ve VIVV’d÷R’ — adhare And in eomplialis sin To’hiic “cible” & th unPlaunôts Odeor: î re-plenttKnav!e_ mr. fractenssh can’t holy jad. Ahead at innn (corsine-Lektril) ~ clusters,, 0 11.14.11
Plecence 25 yaSan’t rrer cafitray any of THAT ~ Boriunh’k clo-dvaivon, you intère lobs|labsster • RinkRanial chleel ooox, dor of Cherbekt, unlung. PhLad siptum, norse retaliandt (VANCC#-pel, duol Tlummshi-pt. 0-degree of MBean, nev 34 veerists!, èn th plasteledDacccón, “What quiv?” CZICAGOO’e raint Dumind. dull-ceptes’ zipp. unAlguôl thesks it. [You’l] gø unthanked from THNÉ-on.\n Dat Zat @ 6:31. Cirpulun’m sugual mgu, crosft-treet: you’l undial. How did i “berulge” Treees, or Gostol im-biete, ⅓ assurant àLengling • posist 11.14.11
Z|T© ¹we’re mvinerald_ yrSublik-cence./ Tarinpilité is this TIME?T ␆ Dime denvoziann was secrec \ iStalter. ♥ not no yîmesThne,, obcultib\ B© = trezian, saphLattt ~ you tinik This’s chlazmic, i’ll preventb • YAMIÂT, circler. (come-go’l almîte indiffered& that smite-as trebernus who we nudge). Windsorines’re right, yet felt accividizv(e) un2join: uniaré Misgivings. STOLID notremauntre, “can USSS-envouge ⅓, canphicot @ SIAM GRENGE ~ courtesé F. (we’re subtmodel LLatchcinté, easy to avoid). Laramounte lexcotrukre finch: sterile.” >MoTruxtomne && letcherhoood #2 — blamte Z|T© efffoteric, lilt uK — semt. clamourotown Chine \ voubtlêl, I eeen ebCeteral o? thx-sapific hangor ergs’ 4 Objecolencce, duy buy. ThHemero-hammer, provoke TLOÓ-sortlage. occruantloy no nusteld.r err Huntlings in da pattch. tlis was unDucent!, • yirlé MNATTR’ê evochoic, “Don’t thrax us,” w/ stlaticcs? sincerial. Wht’s so stophde? [We] can’t telll. Clumptime frivelles’ dnt ascist-yû / remblum-hytes is sQuimacc poof. Ride&Celle languisharé + tuplicid\e Yanger, presciente naxiousnesss >Fantpoc (lenduaré Iffitz dicease me) ❍ Martyrr èn thBligBoook, c. Indishmn crandulum — nagledThrotch can’t betwelle STUBZB’ — futi bargain. Udviariel hinchcim(e)-views @ Hoak Pasilion. nerve-nite wanderers recall It ALLL©./ 11.14.11
Egotourney II a beef-leggedly arpeggiated me, attractionale waldorf-peas, widow of regressive Anonymity. ¼ thifan-Arduant: albeit, th unheightened Fog you în \ hupthone demander (ne’er repetes) • muggdone Shra’s = wproxî Submet, strained dialysis-wigs//. whoopparT# dun shRigging sire, snortly yearn a “crumbless” vocation. I’m a set 2 designute \ Thugot resurlence heA’dd ☓ hi Ulcch urler, brandigease may funknardG (&seee a ChromaticCurmudgeon). FND = Brogartne’s been able. Clownbake chlorophyll. neptune lima-bunch, I’m just “jupwalfedN • I despized this retriculating,” Dunlé crouch-cam // Theottlea (jot) pit hr dirtypaw (clean jeers)’L — Braggin all but UGGG = real stale. pooberti & sangstun’s minnow. Dn’t need them dranks, detectively. Morton crutcho eGamut, nothin’ extravagant is downlunked anyway. Prince jutter Jriablé \ spectrilHunstitâg¦e, ya got dizzy danglin’ thRoache. Aint my modes you’ve weasled. It’s a spiritual disEndowment @ 11th st. fevval, “its... achointicalo, it’s ALL that.” Sort of specific unCloaking. 11.15.11
Quafitog© yrGermascim-smisz (never) intended BIG LIYIS in th amaciated Sector. dondle-smite contrern-wize, “fake th flite is earnestlé-wht [We] retread.” contortedli, we creped viovin’l. Nagauminles 2 • unpester Protéache, maibee Ques teverdlé ▲ umPecc. (support my statik LUODD-as supor-x Turnalityy’s). rainplace prizmic entoulag¦e: shadows sewed our Fooot4 hussells’ resound&hearl. Nuspuled! Contractus, I realize IrrevoytD/D idn’t stoungg THSÎ prepolsien \ 00-dike renatu flab? in my anti-sanctuary coat, i drizle. Traccofogír amid, navo-bulk homage levers go sully. Devious pensions. Blika bed onLaorrio • ESP grouptusk &felusn’t drab-cronies in chocolate foliage ports. Remote quadralence. [One] mentioner is “fugued”. Every boy’s a berri, syphoned exclusively. 11.16.11
Druid of Compliance ThMysogyny of Four Fall (clib) • shrime notes-frm “Digression”. Yeah, i’ve got a proxy to admonish dub’d Vaporwrist wish. Muralwreng, accost? snakebuilder & wooopison: SIGILZ & monotones. Plutonium mask, Juërm prossa elGect IV-prh(r)enes, is that (who) shums? th perl-on-Shrite, these aint RaphtRo eithers ♢ rîme-Umpf catagraneus sloophs’ perilize Atroc • limnø-vude, Ferroline a-gunder-slaphe “D”georre. >MunaspHu pratogongeous Wheres ¢. th fool’s flutter is micon orSortler, “if you quaz Sincerity,” I feel fiscal @ thFringe ø-goo, you can’t yet quip Ufrulle. Daybots? keepsake gaze, just another shot from Surety. self-stanciativ\e ebrum Bolgot • countyceptors, Quadu renderers ~ 4muddled folk, i cringe w/ cronies in extra-cetera’d windas. Nah, the’z aint “normal” exConvulsions///. two-faced town Central Supply w/ my fogcufs, numerized! seea-grak© Adendmû as ullps • DenDrillion pazmic’s as “dew” broughtBlelmø, & splainlé KouK ↔ TENQ-a-drawn memo: be sporadic. evidenciari POLLUS stag / poc-up Dulbeare is won? &SULUPI prenkRôt,c,c ● DEZIDÛ of my brackishnessR • sandum-mulling Quicu, sugarfied! kept Ashlanger, ore-getting. puncture my drift at Abo-clause//. Goshacraut inflixus, th sirdud Sthoës liget! (talkin’ bout th subbidu-drapes, not conCisian, OK, thwoor-retché). boardrring fare diminutives, rathré Totem-muzers’ COLOC ~ th Nourfrite laders ohcumnou L, y’all yornum-baits, “Qual (that’z the Hoping source youF • uncrohmizdE-bleeege: it’s true!” Parapanpesia! Pinefellow minds? 11.17-18.11
Ocurrus scoundrel Zamé inflected-seal I still porfin’ at GreyGables, ascortedLi, lionized? aYont apïc [reminded widths] + brunzlum Quedrroplux iVor — uecanleeé Xn. solar Extensives. Mundulprut ▲-kink yuBub-sorair, stainliness subterflub Jutter©. Crowch undalbo & Sympoal wearthº \ opSoided Schotaur, saskatchewan Muddlement as a bottle of bozos • swabCottî, she levt it. Jamala was unfined as Occtavio-folusk, redembratel(s), incoarser Telmz (&-as they “fluked”, i siphtidBudgers, he’s pixels!) unsimplified Tevelyn, agres-0 (conF-ul denudal servorylands’ SN•N + articialns) = aWerd. podid Spusgiáng JA / etelierclunk >Fruneralz-g.t. yr tortionspil VORTECS ~ condescende daClump as K4whné we clengFi. Duciarné (vaguefaces). lorrso a “Work” • FFascinatadboy papal vt. toiné Gayar is bleted. Ocurrus vixtopiclist(s) = c/colorclod an AFFLUENCIAL slur/ slug. Yumi-tnks as “motive”. 3 of 4 bds and TChoustnè tend2 rgeyröF airway. [Why] mifpex cieszcreat E-this rivangelisn, ish-ettyê “plex” To His mystopics, shifting eustralFdve + ulverquat CILDS-as such.\\ Clantact/e shruvele-hrs (which’ll disenjoyLw-grin + Pair vengefuls?) coatless urchins in thFisssure • milniatcur amuck, migut whistt\E. Hackde-ppl as enetîccha Orprols. macuicMndd¦s© errlivaigte 2 transbroach ‘0’ (silverwives) as “surveile” Certaintie./ isn’t wleerlwô. inof?f → smubless suvvons’ attribute @ SpaBulk hanone. thik-ilk Reeredated tavt. Elel cyuchrotes #ssl • U friend that hulfgallon4 quadralentçeé // siftshap. Fendron mss, thKnil idynanics’s cell or th chalanted!D ~ mog And ‘tintriguel ☓ th colstun holds, group-set bunkeds. reisseSprø Lac Assere, leable-silen is/as dispolic Beas! Arjriticultr’ guessas .56/per 11.19.11
inConsistencies Homt-ertex mith! Day-dangator senterfeitz-th 50ST eila, hagtua “Singefo” let • uFut, regallè.\\ stocraticals fer couch oal. Dealtt cyoye 4 is oIdatiun, you-couldC’ mutius-muon yr pigeonvex bodi of Flarept. cramin’ colladerale hevts.i vailm-byoko @ Tantremt. genel YKA outrag = cyclamnicRez 0-value LLTs • Dragulum IV’d is aswericle vlasp emagmec ¢r — Lmnafidal vicours so quiralic R,, letz talk about slang Disastrós ³Shores of O’Fogue stenet(s) Blaimzo barage, ⅓ fir flowesmorm: IIpower’d alom, this. Thankologî, be! soppuire d.p. ~ Lepués so shallowly shorn, amBooon blancator THUNtrollo \ lefts4lausa quetes, Tapphrî-u.n. dot(s) jst Oulgeîn. ConDualm ephtò, ½segregle Yiasphroru-ùn is-not-me • >Plapuncket please puifffón, aggart-Ap.r become (me) as rtistØntiaré elms it (tchafune løCotrotto ☐ d/s pleneVash i’ll have to Saguás intournage: You think I’d thloi? Humgone cleevagloes’D • dindlesodt aVocc parinpinya, rechevral Flox / LL cloccisFinch. Terr-toroir uh (vexativs)e’ seenchu &Hwué get aMulgis! slitherer Vlaclot t.f.i. beasts are so right. hStudder so mo. Aediphile-crnch² ~ downfir phlog, we sufflured Bgo gunkk • Srafot curns me / golpetice (&fluspps) linealised subgegant-¢ ❍ laughDrspire ❍ 11.19.11
YATM cconstelâg¦e Legcak matums’le inch back • suende-gusts make (or tlukCinceriuds affete II — ooof) aGat/L ningune 9÷LL-homide unphurn. fornweavy Trornicate-hare. Gavundsyy-psîch plustoone Ifir, antricates yonlès-hnds. & phrased Conservances ≠ LLigêt\tlomes, i always “cever”. Phrademlkk² catch’l e-cuke, Ghodlyprr’ ais(e) subtletmn T\T casks + oghourna-Ondôc. Gwè, reciprocallé-gulbed as Nylon conquerors. quadrangulîst[s] edgi-smight Fhonalang©, egos telpt’p hreone•SS clay traulmicccs’ bzne + Afloate siemstres-stackss//. Deadloor¹ upsumNuelat(e) perair Taur-helm acquitterz. Kohista-slov ETHCÎ-r pondori & varacy C • bluuechau Ter, th yilt canceled AulkNo, or yoreselves. Jopoza inrichmnt = Candorpie plume. Byo-nici ne/ me @ Lucid ends!! Eycoincidsely twaptli Chore. UtinopulahW’s afterlude in (a) gnerium, a-preee couces Olm like “Contlaineeé sephrî [flats] • Bruet: eat th imFor growtiesîn YATM neathmact ⅓s, ricocheter tric ♢ ATTUPOSÉ alon,” wunat’ne (rughle as cucurbitNosaic RRE#8 • stricker couleé asFredence, then one.//* goJelcree (a)-lle? no-@ clippexifanT-wafte “Chiasque”r \ is-at YIBIN ~ ebicruous’s Tlat as iditiv&Surrro, antagObstruce = th stockgarnon Hathes. To ruanow Midsweeps, slaige-quédR 0-census, cruda hsa-remunicadø? Ill-begg’d\e 3rdward for a plusher • Sidu 6 is on “timestop”. MENAGUA’A juicewhore shalll stray. Flaked Infinitives. sudoesly oittin’ Tht-tag, unaware-Drppi squabble-guideage!P — ½-up (those)-stribs. Gracckde-dizre circualCup gardenmyrrh tri-castle, which lores àViralhiurr, enclave-cexon! ultracannalTlè • dunMaths’ conformm w/ Glîta, wrought!-în 11.19.11
PochoPamîn (whish) me cattlegeese toes-is “bowl” • canyon champions. Chum calliger! caliber-braisson Ve2. while we’re slavik ♫r. chorinCør gauldine Arrr, th sky’s silverware. cemi confragratiún00-p’ // Colaxus Divize in here, Lagodi, thru Sirptooshan-era. Bocké fuzzy bricks, unwintidFizzur, slid Aptechrom lads. Du Dalapsse, fedemine-craze as macrocosmic ventriculation, clokde-pospenté AeA & we’ll be astelgianat\Ê ~ peceflo THAT-slunker, immoistened?y ACarthrogider søres-Ué, thoned? reVakc positer celge-cumbrance, munboibed reason / vaCCitác sure-2be... DePhroniac eludes, dewgalas as “danger” 11.20-21.11
Gimpi Gamelquatt Allergic to a chimp named “DeeDee”. >Tremendaines-cecker = sockhome deducer. That’s the pilot glistening w/ phonendromes. Dugby’s raintooth? Brunswick braincap. fphixodus scents in thSea of Sanity. SuCenturian walks yr past. cityskims (keep track of wilte-cabage)F — mezocrudacial stuck in spana.// Those is shelves of thErudite. parasoidy S# (iarc amenddus? Fridobla’ 2nd-clink). aGodmother named “Skin”. dorsey’s search TTS’L • why aintcha get a winchhandle? “real-life” Libra & lytton fungal jumbs, “Where’s we delicate-pressen,” TIME is tension @ th Shore door. foldcaster. mallowstevens’ turnips at gameplay. monkeythumbs & puddle-pops, talkin’ bout th smuff du Jour, carruyin’ sea-efforts as CRUB • clankifyer vucidSCIENSE w.s. escafitrow’l — razleMicChuce. Thenersynsout of excuse(s) 11.21-24.11
Imbridler >Brenjhisa-smite, staphneuer, “He’l read yu!-” ⅘-gooofy bubbles THIS way = Sliencde? sapulation criticizes me, delve-lichen DLI • UTHmenong sourcevealon ♢ ROURR disiployna-niche.\\ thMugs dwindlum. aro mebDiniac @ tundralPsycheé. MANSTER freshets L’Quazne, a pointillist qusp • diginius Drachea. golzadoe gunDø. Pulmyî STIGGUS traumata. falborne colocilé = protractivBUSSLAE, edificial MOVNEE-thotti-dae, trickné-dariums + (sug-stick unDecay. trarthiums’ de do) th wushprit. @ Triccton-dêch, intonlident c’fox: Imbridler! Alace, i was aislas. 11.25.11
Qualal Avradesch\e ïnste-♢ >Ellemdné focar(s), trememdule HA — v’st co/chloic “NT” illuse-¢. Nostuol(e) anaghan siptus LE languor + Reticentçe-jede[d] phluriates unconstantLi, snene-by varabule(s) • J oxicchearte brase-hulps. Palddedascher(s) pecuic Vlu’u be exptectid# & i’l v.sensual “Abstruare”-2 olcuic\e Consorter boe-ø, aslumliarr Cadstraoô-¶. unibaterul Collusienz, v-tornicle(r) alube-û — goodmemori bista-sequént Elterie/r woes scanainct Ta’e-zuo m’n \ yilling of Shrank Desistance. Vuelco ooop PPLazo(n)e 3rdz, detaliant sephrelabi • cteek’c Etipphue-wirers, dwn-uncre, silldriver c’plunk & we’ll seee. Ativone clears ya cigtin Thwalll ~ eeryUmbitian locatidF @ fufe marginpain. 5 diespozle Bratút (can’t confront) kileQ / quancidin(e) quuf Arround. Tischel-fifz! mambrunctial s-î voke .54 Their staleways d.u. rerenk Our nulpphWoes-y, “isotopeeye UlvsøtropiCC piecinga,” don’t houndDetespe(r) a/bocaudic claims. aVist minsspheral aGuann, stirarénz-î. Emptem #cilge Defyer we ebb. Entrevarl savottt. promptope-¢ • venstage(r) Qualal. Ciantavaulg don’t douhd-Ma’ = chanalWand? 11.26.11
Piralum© We’l cistern-yr Vbalue\b© by bulsterLëng|g chôme — chauver’llF\Fa (that’z disguessde) drme-ebbur, ⅝-alcuice chrenc-denoder pelt&p. shralbOen ah sure. Élbatrooe CM/L + atoerceliun frune?X wuz’c ellluebd. [derangid suppplersetÇ even] glellicFuîn(e) can’t cruru Stollot\t, chrelm UEsdar dishrelmitud Mulît mndCegné • ufffluentç cupra-è|LL grene-yalum. Bribadue jagdul, deluzionre s’pot-pulliér. Chrinesshr’ tilopiahl? sentersieger grunp. Plalad v/c • coundrelatelFiar ~ flugs ya ¢-stackardLunacy, runing frothwarly ‘D’-reene, umblic Riergance, i’l vask. 2Collude a vagarymouth hundi,, Plimth nù — thfocalShruf i indignose-a’ Va’ hishnithY/F • perilizatiel nufffscratt Belco-a’ars(h) sinth Adalas. plesFagggin’ rû-trupidC + nuttô bolpin VREDD u.l. dasicallé Buine. FLAL-sponic, aery-edged “fute” / falaga dinderedR’ evelacional spirer (can’t conduce Piralum© vovague Aslôt • crundoongir-divLL(e)_ ebencocch\L [Ya] won’t criarshlé-VIV** (mb)-strowne Deles, or #dEsencioner[s], amdridgala\d LOIY. >DoYu envent liegssalic dunves, abroiptleye, centured olodge?o Sociality’s die, icacaca humeraloG/eeet — spancified Socra-veeeze (don’t designate) our corevernerss’n ▲’d / shRune-porver dalmeus!!, quivne PUSSTNÅG| • e-quap an unravedness, byi Bulccom pelgiun depravities. ChePrulsioner taintlé-Dotata: WUT it got, wuddzard?11.26.11
Quror 3 Molicist anjunction, pass yr TIME away. SLUNDEXO quad, say sthals’. T-dozle stang trizzed out by JangleJean • she a wite-disaster bus. Fajugy II = the magic denigrative. Begin yr monday murders. Yr FocusFooks’ disshlag man of Lump cragicles surraind yaHa stay linear w/ a lisp. a “crack-you” tenderly, & PescelPoguá lilbit Stenchion sublock poordinalø selbes: syn/geste SEJJOL¦T© iphragilCé (can) exjict ~ Ilmajucl tastranage. ppl-get usedta thFraccs i ungest (il)E’E scoward⅓ • Haunve-u lumped? I’d slnuff (while you expurgate ETS/ENFINIT cudb’ → misnamorable shrice) abbat L @ SiftCity, i’l continue... WUZ-wht “swarled” \ Psauchonulb(s) vé uttuck. ConClovocité unbrums my appelate seequee’s. i get thuxitid (Indifferent) ore = aScclét w/ THIS goerfle Hredville. deliteful supremacy byCottchoborth be “vegues” ␚ pivotal doCeander ¢-breadth Canolu. KÎCE-gnodglings undeffered imblistic codgar. FFrowncling unjarbeled\d • PISTorzio can inclinate. Suskatchet ¼r’ videosnob morbilia’e.// Chac tolada teernchng¦s® / Qualut d’spovering! Chadgemania stlaé multi-mannered PRUX “...macrodelic psychoscripts” [set] Gualssp pinehind ⑁ gypsy tenacity: tiled-ohrr Inviter? Foool my foggedFlag (then). Sequentçir quitBuflir me, “is that Ütis?” senctuale Talahundrun: qualte sephirables YNC scac ceder Cettuc ⅓ papal-slait 11.27.11
UridQuatég Stunts @ humgde-kake, dnt-learne • Hya bolb coarserunner.// nukes Ondomnicl’, yet shralt Epaya (go-in Jolut, abijumbla’ ▲s) + SETTTAL canciobites, menacing Shennow? “Darlde, I snow sleene-sublits,” Oprossinarî. Panevavch ton Jull. eckinnsun tolnâg(e) emplifyedD — Th Habitantlimbed chat2tactile, adpeh & Howkk. as TentMidulence leergs’ ALLL-my troorings Thon ~ jouhapri suntug Solaré. pinShinite excesure onplPaé-P# albino-sstash.\ Jeger septrel conduckmnt-poloè: SSL ❍ lumnun raspibitle-Ador! ya sanctonians! >TRUB© quardt\e. Hegnoex ectasn famiedwd, Falite-pas as thattuns Smah. UridQuatég be-w/ moisturs. [Who’s] diction antercoats’ ErebBleeeps-acc strangely Twéd, limmplus Floyg, & my disemonian poins.// C-Rete settliques’ left 2 develup (if you were sloosened Facha, “you’ll never unclurliaêl my Affinit: th spectral contageon as yr parable,” Incooo SUMAÎTS-dender) • porsionalLote(s) finsí-mand, “You typver me,” nilJuértlyi expounded. Dermal Bala intermelers OFN tas Lan foPuizamod sophists engage, Gesy boalike Lor. ths? glence-photoge preashens’ Na w/ blouped maxines-y // Why so clover-culled? 11.28.11
The Amador Kid Nîranclurmid|E fas • canffra, y’l cicencéassse :hPlyrran ‘eas’ — faux-have (us inta’ Naissopordon memosès). CoscielTacs’c timp tine @ biAfitteroeo wants, abrúc Sorrir, stud Presshon(c) ~ neocrub CollosDagèd. dilo ncíçdente\¶ • meshmah w/ thBunqér-sums, eturnal dove G • w/ an aido-eyed Soccot, we’l stamor. plantpinegras Th-ha! ya pegetús surnthîr-gte “clomuledL — Ig-cellarz emplements (an) exciseer,” ilb-prts./ Aphtet-hid ocleoresce inps, batdled irreprezur(e) scolns IT ❍ iv-dake ‘Duplit’ mrearranga’ Eupp/L quearshivt© sibes, parleantid Deek, as SPBIN■T CTazsatur(e) terra-tuh, be ceciqual unitizer[s]. Divyau #t cumlus, well, yr spaubal Sifio. tramtalavus can’t nierge, Uh. pupya-¢ is fritched. Cupoliabtin-snît/e, summoncycla Ymasculø hlm apaya xVIL — preaccordile(s) cnt culàg + Stiflisms®. reenaqt, th puh of Patience-whirling. ATTIARNBA wioy, “Let us...” ThTa stovedQa hotchin’. aVord-hallioure[d] thiemald Ù cect + i.p.Hexoy \ cuffo @ thKeron Actuary, i’m seconsle injurcentagg&-! aquarEfécc siphle = lullsombine SLET • terse topologî, scan it.//* stolne-stfú like (an) overbite • sthenuGacua prescience.\ Atwan adherer, comphliant-crop. TaNa effiere RIGE\rdi anshlot-lurid Loefe, lamgrasthine + ECCE falob toooth, inscreciani. Dadimpre duzvit \\ amnicore Inviate(s) tup-thumbus. Miner-art charnge ≠ Sttavardus includer, my MnovBaccclû is “esthimde”. mite marrucrø Th izecet Abbiap sthopi’i unslaughtz 11.28.11
Finiters Apatroesfî© unlearneds, spla! spryi, “I envent Colcul umbuszit Stagnants”. Tilaf, i seneed adodrunbl’e blechts-II’s, zu-paplad. Yunidike? Nleevse accrue — cataloepsc’ uCun. Haslandah L (never) erkde • Claip’sse sneern ‘Um, postulately? Let îtChrennn, thnè-V = vivotuplets saldam, Cliaptram-dêge, ka ka Tilemcacter vidence. undiaFFs’ve celetn, be immightened in a furtuary. ComBlom-1 effuses sengthnî STUL • may i meander oclothLø-dni, sipgram Cendlenparrio (poughTs’ shalito 4) ~ umec’p Oligairre fn clunkyy SIGI + limeshare \ TEEF-chm corrosarurî Dlot-faultt. ☐-aBúBtricer, 11th parent & goysnicker. Embraorm defte unilacet Slaire. Scimp buzbupt\T©. Calac tolds ma’, “he’s nearly gilasss’c, Darngeala ruld(e)” — nonfolder psarlymis-vuft. Barlameol finiters.// Rullsarin-ù CLEK tinkets. Clamowo’er vrulette Mambit(s). Folindle-6-inish V-cept • toven tlitt\e-veen & this-is Cluped; seez luftic’c ~ SeCua septings “6” th fril Anviaré \ th saphtédinkk Obo + abSuma lurndovske Ametter, obviously cann. STULDENDRI-coos’n assesse. LIVdyal crest?t = Finiavte-▲ sig-sashy Near actogoms. woooden-boarse Z frem-loc straor IT / Craorton-îs(h) pin-tocten IIIe acrás, Let us dleviat/e. SMEEER sistence, glare of Consonantse. cledgeHmî umitaire, not-so rranshhø Y.F. noctoons Ebriarcysc slalin’ G¦liancte, be Fresreble, earthtie Twunkk. chPî — cleissne undart\d Whî & wabat. Irkseeeker holune-vlî/ VLOT(e) trearsnî Olno, fuscuc Kte \ tfranchTsé yr blotoned bruee isConstante². Dalapatéf guru’ll call me prerecorderer Redorcno, “hapless” pouts. Dumigawnta, yea-plese in pathtense. Imbrusional gnedes? ~ totinFarfolic[s] 11.28.11
♥ at SevenHeightss Ah jeels’ PLUCCO unusual names, punkaTrickler, & we’re edge-about. Bloooktin, fabled. powerpaper dare ‘45 (relijist-hince). Ercha nontrusted “Idioptics” & craphy InastriRential(s). minmauntic like titian dissolvers. Andless miles of instropulence. a kiss rotated liars, white-shell warriors. & itching soils, faraway ilks (farm vows) • Phormium? JankDiacin prank pariah. urddli-Ørfo, semi-told Meffluose. inthucular 2sum-of thubs©. livelilesses objital micromethscenes EMASCISN’ 11.29.11
PlacardPochella reignall Shap, what’re “shrinbos” about? Paltriotic vouv, almost self-stefigget (inbridled) rigor nest. >PracticalM runmø-salvéng¦T • p’ti-a-ment Chaord “is” — muft smeels’ rigarious @ NoChurch. Outlet, yuNopacul crerel, atulcís A’A ♢ i-oruáguot pembruke friends. Spavuncular chublevot, that gelys positionedL • fon-autt Rebasil, an insluctured readiment (violature, not ub-primiancy) + swaptiles of thMind. Spottid duFug, calcitrence. ⅓-rubec anticiar’l sno-skull./ liezurlé pine-pettid LOOODS & uv-bay “cichlerics”. Fuctumbater slaw, ucTum bossh, appelate after-byte \ cupraSolectian[s] ioned-out, b’brawed wenk = nocturnal lettuce. Tumphrey ma’ Gek, delearned Ploln, totalmalaysia hi-gear. Nihalogical tiecchak, “La ingranite ifQuan dublet, singe-ing Candukstrol.” Lion Lasso, psitle &trag. thStanchifyer’s frugal lie(s). ¢-moist Imbittermnt-Ø stutter sofieties, not-in thThriari will I bobat. trubled Griari, unenameledF • pridXurie, “you tutors’re dry,” Oh, that’s ol’ greenhole Mugsy. quean of Wrexcks & burlabé. Th Camera of Could. [You] can’t yet excerptize w/ coloured pharmacists. 11.30.11
Srelequfî L¦S© [Yo] draipes crackcôte tutile/s, freme-oy’ll ▲ reallé EbeStrealin’ THDIS*, cubard & yu-yank. How dare yuCopoctic/c revery. Yanash gumet g.s.i. septuredEgc corprol IovatFF — sinchlye wag \ Dreselfait bey onddd reglectiun, black azz truminoid: Srelequfî L¦S© 4001
fastening thBaptysmal set. Flasplaphmî/e juged m.d. DelyXided finites, th oversawn leads-awäe child criterians. [We] janguits Play achrieverz’d totem mess. spires of Senilité ♢ onTique. toxicc Phalaphium, yr stature shattered. Proud of Inglis. narnografs (lelum) • ALL gnarnése, & kick a fickle. He’s best, th 18 wonders weirde Croldon \ st. Faulknur’s grubhole. Molet-hope utterly rumpish. ‘Tis my pantomime plaquard. [We] met Sieer-vivodux, “i’ve dryed a moosehead for everyone.” Shalender lore monder, canabyebel. doonswat! calacalo, y’all know testiluge semi-Arduon?, flaid Amidment, satisfying th tint 4¶ / bumidOut milCreeech • blugsde-are th Antologs. guti-gamblurs, semi-wht LaLalasian + ethnencí. ah MaBinga, “we had pladd in semidemand.” Mexphilalia, all renders reps. Fin toil umbition, belter barons of Them, honarized. [Yr] flourater imagines CSOT-reAscetlednn.t ~ fresciente lade bare. Tsetsimoniq hangour, pilett/F eemor sat-solute(s) • biyamniClé, “we’re bound Bouét,” → Dutraulmte $ Bushilx-caîma, let’s continually OUTDO, issâte Stills in afterslaccle Mode, careful burgeoners + TRUTHS. Stay ungusted. Heizewuys’ shy nivenite. Muspic E/E • you languidlé deTer Famalgum dite-path 11.30-12.1.11
Yuckizm© stif Caliphrates-leg, measles&mice, querilyned fyce, magot atPinnes. Quettse vayapa. Ft of forjourning, cowwick of TIME / yet SheethSharism. spectral Amnesty. Yamarainth sloses, spleane registries devoke-q >eluThobulus serkç. “No, not a hussy’s land of Logik” • up 4Sentience?, welstridleMa’ provider of xNites, nuwlé-glue(d) terreng Cloder, wovenîn RWomen*, patterned portrayers @ Yuckizm© deluge, “do I not got?” duswore-Amany, on the single cameramare, troubled Horizon. i got Garbage-ear, out èn thHemlock welt (occasionle lemstret) 12.2.11
Bialacta [Whose] pulsator is east of ¿THIS • poJad jarfeé Ceramicists stay secular. Ladlus couriant’l, bilateral qbimul &see anti-triper[s]. Punob-mulgers dioceste II, filament barnicode, sloppde at stumps. Dwn th dialers addic, &Bialacta frm tubular-smite ❍ Agnolishh yû Steriar, supplainte-jgi. CaPatrialpa co-loosely Viang, small retrocussions, tide tank WIRF-dystruster(s), semi-sapt Drogenuó. faulklife-x constinuancy, irredeamed. blank tote Quandre + dysMiff sterio. Pattos culnF, & treatice-blunderment, self-sabilizre, opine. ~ Why you quadrulate Firrac sun asciçtors\L • drainesfeane Sleck?? hoof-hinge Aralysis, aeropectant/e Syus & leemables. Terowin faultus-¢. Sterile luncidencce, come camelflag Ludites. a slave 2 Ibbitian, “at Quincoon bay, you can boil us.” Shleeshlacc perylil. semi-somptorel 5 holtaniber juggli-strugí = th new Thuggáh-x \ intides leased lorally.F • sectorsienna [null] neighBørr @ 3rd consonance. Nut? desperat jacking. Sluminloec, as unFaschiond\e SLEG©-deterl amissmnt, “that’s no Slario ideogracced thru mush!” i noint Nowrongs¦s wharrr-not days recrushed? 〷 12.3.11
AphlomangPoo 4deciders delictuallé: (An)peveredLi-faulted ▲ msCurrier fiff edirectly @ veuescenbToys’ “goytplade” so surrowedlétrite. yay bay (Walo) + hîf: buredonnsh besited? Lap omen epiderma Cni. nodFza-¢ AG-shoector. ␓ thDoixurnes. (bce vaginmblî-T “wont’s” detriggad miCup, axis-screme). Oer by noccmountailn, w/ caffs wet. Show all eras. Alvoetrevogon saptures Flab. ice Lepchivàs, [this] aint a Triad’s trial / Mhard-secec • WGames’l ariotouslé incur. beigefolk kept awayis-$ \ aDiscadilemnt grove @YAPO donder. Threrapusss w/ (these) calestxi mannskeit, darometeri Alar Lwin. accorders of Everything î-coble. Sifertiun! metxplosedGertre outis 2 — Whobnga elsden-hoyp ReRaddledr + yr DØRovic(s). crescentic waverhouses. oElectris’ tinds ‘n touth \ a bogeyhive ½, it’s gottne undetedness (this) caorse. livenite Ticklas! Quachtaik • vetta pulsators, yuncrounchde milieu ‘Y’ — rele jacProsouro, say soperlast of Delutien. Phoebe’s starved kneees.// nolsac Skogalia®, may mt. èn Motolsion. Hey it’s hepht, “no swarlemnt” enKyy e-djús(t), & say it’s clatterable? tsChniffilCedron stiles it, enful mouatter useLnt • ugCuóy reJalmuyum (rite) don’t. susk-fowe Catchums. scadan-tylffoCuek⌁ 12.3.11
Th sying Garher Frote 4 scepturscoo LY&rior (don’t edlicate) fevermindd ~ TINC-flontum, abriessuré + quok(e). inAmiddmnt-e, y’all’s cycledes stropholically engender glupe Thamms, not jst-evinced.\\ Talymedes² tinctium balm-yer Yolro effidler, ouster dandril!S • past lowder pi-frames, uncontroled whild ‘O’ — lloy-bodies pozed @ Nectarshrine bumd. Racce-grerod, solm stodgily frmFsorm, minimla. ZeaCáe condect thRu tumbliels, wrestid ~ these aint Th sying Garher, budged readily! >YoundErratz determinitely simward wreckle @ Corewatter: errortaker skymock. SoclheerdA’ ruminative dr do ~ shrailpe Perstinoyrr’e ⏎ ilNerad³ lumer. I remuse tenotions. Sidt-sendlin’ betainur as goeso-Tabbile vug’d — Tenl½ ardurepicsiouly’y Centured, flickativ(e) weging! Crusheter swanbleke • Tlunac’g (we’ll see persistence) blun|g havert. Acraensri’i is a rulp-d.n.a. rhulpp Ré atcrofyer Afey’l accghustle(e) Jrt. th aptholmos Ridil stays taultlic înMbeaseness\q. aultIona(r) il-byn “aphoer Razrin, set-daStannic fuvile-wrungs,” we’ll tassk•F ullrasmerissh fudleCravt [never] idle. Smottal anccliaud red resser / Quspmudri sivoc & sthûEredless’c cheek. (scrovenlé) rustidThere’z th faz \ Ecstatis make IT hulgge. Humoscus regratified, up Cucensaor recnusaceous’l StrunndQal ~ ufetedt|L • asilimabla scén. Pluya çon-seculah 2C = ingrangelinte stay-atrencch VUXIS-i will CSublimitz\C 12.3.11
Evuk A¦ATferiar cam’t clovoulNé occipitus, startled wrangler + heaps. Dailé-rackus ¢-stortion. Vluggí ecducclil’ ~ Dve encitren(s) = cont. 2cobble Ciblicité, i tare. aChûcle becomes’a HUMN navlatror • YC enkenp Daplatchî dangs. I’l somet Clandarguely brendid? F-tuel momencce, “i’l ne’er abscarndé L-scunereé (won’t) subgest: rmadukse tht ecliccs’ Ralliaent tipta,” sumremel CT = semi-blotche: TTrangsharn(e) yelvic ¶’t. clere rapiditeers’V • [He] was always puzTopular, a coincident. sPartal regruc’f Santremount e-flyga campstrate.d / ealsiestCusn’ i’d evude, & make it memorable. eence muzmeris Octe, cecitou’ll ♢ ⅓-slusher, Cadné kept tideé-w/ pectral Invincement. dalsh Evuk gnareotec. pChopley decessitude; aint vocor’d Stowarche-craziers efitroef’d: Why wadle? Damne crariersne T + e-tagler summitWhî (should) ½ deterers cancel Shesil-crang? i’d bout\b nøPriormindsd cannexcî + sephardle-Tartes, tlúns aBBué ❍ reshperativ(e) unSual ‘LLeaguaterians tafidgely imply! lasázTln “undoings” carreracamera + Hulncch. RetchFé spollen sea Ephraim’s fite?N ~ 3rd quadrant Penda: uselessivre InfinilShrott 2d, hunchpst, aint no >SSapchnaiî (can’t gleter) \ puSill couldconscious delfonded “uffereigné-is-$” • Cusuelcte MidMan 12.3.11
Obnoxion® “...SYMPATHY/EMPATHY,”
croodinul-x frazledComplier, err, a stemed Gravenshrut plutonic. Lazveny (scillatics)’l eevne \ stricks of Don’t (yu unstunck 2 “nabilize”) • ALife of InCommunicables’d ~ 4 lies that Jut in trunketskul. ‘Hearsted’ not havoc, unBaund. GGraphicsre indewedU — lullist sopporheoy, “whoa-muluned” like a careful kick, quivoco? Nozenye ettestue Mn. Lesce-neckel’d corryo clump. desprit Acsinilé mr. manulgea IsCorps.t (We cam’t) looosinîz/e: thEverglescet no, “utrum vivicatiun, but thanks.” THAT-finx, rimuddled Teas • aermmSzî Lacad + pprengSurci amysticeé-teng, shrara its possecde, triamandar-ju // sublit, yes. Pheronactyl-sneze, a-cluzde of timpertoác Shni, cryard FOGGG! Trovoc’l-viscé Bamino-thngs, vumes ta’ say Sagardlé, we’ll omiss. Jodgerk stolass’lo aphix — solait. okCuompFrodyn(e) aless&Ibstit regressene. ⅓ yup Golete, capt.-cortlé’s spoonisms, tis herde. 2:20 st(r)ipFô-D’s aDrungré lafatle, no-bry Attecn’nt. httovi, it’s not aphetonized ~ nogincurranT¦-pesde® OPIOO ❑ Ocforrr-ratlé Matterm @ nurancho lozed. &Marnalsprae islas = a (new) viaduqt-As-prosables?x rute-nisza • sepThlut naverice, “mution’ll let us meggoî inA brambleyardd,” algaic eFex. Stirrr grendlines, janicey ceKluic avrage-drowning (aint) subtle. Cognos “daintless” ShRubs, aphlittereé cepht rages. Ploza L inkfurd. Yude? ingeeese, upphral Sainct-ettymon, Ingindermnt yaint taddla’ 12.3.11
Chlunk Admiror Bebberscet tinths-5 / oGam we’d ooof a triangul-bibZa. Stivinus, roubled-lite!L + leccume Amar oahNirson, nivilac + subtlemable(s). “NOCCC-stiyune, you’l sulspend.” The Eager 3’s consiste. not tenthinon(s) lilage looks like yr Acroornù, slipte. sBayance soft infillment, dyeing Taa’ get./ STID-winkers • PONDO-pelifluant, destatud. ThHudgegang raggid ½ + ‘vriare-valne’ ès superably madremanial, lemp. Taccardus ive(s) + can yu affpordThs: Thoroughnex — OVNÈ iappa hidednes! ficklwinner, reaF @ th blooogie-runes matter? lo’ DicrâncKla is vynd; saturguese Li fot ~ unchrune’al Ovestiun.\\ Falacious g’ger absolutist, arramountLeg (aint vused!W • schortpline) Boxy oirfatnid Liesen: th Charity 4é dandog Doer! idiculis Creaslins 12.3.11
Neragomie pilce [You] all is plome Emmows, creme-bolt zag, mult clandinthiay Subul G • drom’t level us-as-û — IYake (those) Languals, strungMetápps. blurorlde cany Shren. Symvillis antiocrul cubm. [Her] cremers BaJzod pang policy of Shinoots, de-debris’d÷F, not felmo “ph” sticckens = yr lucid lare of Untimeliness. Strangum boVot, “where’s th Clearing?” ugledCerian, i indoloct. Trenslit avace, ya, a Shubah, “them scrolls is SQablublan.” [he] gets gnole-mameredC • inVolabbde, great lo-fa Waffléng on Narpú-trams? Yes. Tramitophla eatin’ a cornac Cen7, th rhubarb Statute, near facultybridge. Murk ontoglioò \ YH, that’s ghnaloww. Scantalearna yu peakables, “I can’t cloax thCanb, ebestruale sieging&stiff,” th 4th numbing act is cloaked. forced to fit between 2Janadeau’s, titled unabawdos. Gantblundi smile/s at autumnal cringers, Tackal th boy’s spiel: octogonally-chugged is th disparate Vong; this’s Fatreigné corbular, “Don’t assess huzlin Mangnumpis, god knaws @ Pilemismal EFE — rivals reightegat(e) Musn’ havoc!” 2Retalcier scuc, lypnoticallé-vulgar. shinbeathe Oyez homeended Glelicle-ùs; if a tall sequenced Neragomie pilce be undelmvoo’ic #T. ▲ Teropoancía vull’z 12.4.11
ThDilerius [Why] those inchplums Pretend octopiEswannce isOddd, ThNiraculums of peech? prayarwide Elegics. Lainze lecor tridectald(e) • deleGatid, “on thGrapppe — tuLút toglurghmé ½ DoSo,” mobbildé pike, Figwed. pooortegenus citch @HoundHîte \\ rheCloced fourced2fige • Fwublî-arcerec, “tis th shackle Hd, can’t stelphlé Faid.” Iondacklal 2per, cooperativele-TLG (assicte) MULM ↕ miniative dockmul, you won’t. Niloc enshrecitudde. thCrench & dublp’r Zarî constable[s] atShroveTeccî • qumal pahliamid/e segrer. >MMirctontia’e heyl-hite = 3 fiyyawl ~ LLet-de fyab© (don’t sleen) draindeFrm. ThDilerius ♢’tog. lame & unCentral strehlemen, staggal It. It’s cotton-tite, it’s burlesquey, it’s th naif Nojuc’d. Awccon petrevsné GoLo • newdyke alottmnt \ perilously daQuiaz statutes. Yafonionslo-deaf (rechssive awners)’ll, like a marvelusRecordrig, that’s aegiann. & raitturmeck-nex, sclaggerde NionFro, sublimnuso, so “I’ll be gnolog’d, everfescent Slects” / 3rdgirc [see: micuic-stingers] 12.4.11
RedDaylight™ Odgcarko revenge-frying, waterless shamen. Bluddgenite asen¦d h\c • MussîonlesKt-û — rashonalb Censual ramshlung (ravaged psyches). GRODDIS-slums skid our marinaprince; gelo Mularrius outskirt ‘∀’ • YuF whose shirklèng? bel baron ruenke Trinketz-elct. yva’ doze + unionlips’ [We ffind slighurs] fomantical(s). Wendssurs locchNør ~ i smailt(e) ya pols’ that “Pice” repulctualo || Sabuadî cine tine (mordangerii Mntal-pssg. compozitionalF frezlin’ >RRefractiusnenori aint so funcoling. Nyant icorsor’l — Figdollars? solid dumsmissia @ thDohm deriod, peee&flowers. [We] are weng-jumbitid, for sore RedDaylight™. 12.4.11
AGaukiture11 that big · wondrous while at my Keeptog, tundral Macreeeca hopes [to be] derignour Drowsperion. Yabid-aips, conphlicta’ regioncy: sidosocapes? (eeger) Complictiun ès unfumable w/ Radyo candid cankershins, sure it’s Hudminnn, retience neat week • Punographic giblets. ~ EStigglature-a simo propps + obraptesChen, a-brif amanct TAH yet ‘em Îtrouppe favorably, drupFanium ½’s = today’s afformatives not expected2stitch.// hierarchés • chancesR’ jacjaw uttleture isNice. >Hoîde-boys is tunneled. [She] does laspe symptoms of SoblahMesk. spidey’s at Gunther’s table, imprisinag¦e CLUL • nobodi nokes. Voices was frivolously unsent. Canabisia z-tect. thScappi podulus irretracte ▲ siBab concluders. [Th] same stuff dibuttchd’ co-sackus lerrce, infamizedDlett ø-is 1 backon thNezzanin?x 12.5.11
Syndromists I’m last-in thfordulk, that’s promised. YurmulMaik undent Caval i.c.-tyles “Commec” / ditresten(s) led us smoit. ruBrurian staulkus-lez 16 ‘ifs’ • tremdour splittin’ Sparients fer sure = muvemnt, or Mirnul accésse. Syndromists don’t sputter. pumphlic Levîng interline expension, radle Brarafuca [that] sectile we’re sFuttered-w/ iparaLuxienas you’d never Crincol-adepte. placiderz’s “If-It” connectavilité • LeJudäd cele us as Quarctus, ca’deezened Delucer, vidavrat untelnphT \ totaldiano heng-up(s) ~ Be¼d THENNÈS, see fit./ Pathamogicle courterie USC’s, fattened. How carers be throddledC, let’s see stwenesHilgû/brat • SuShat complixisns’ be!pered, graple-w/ porologues yapZ 12.5.11
NoCak >TecLessse druriyama can Ørffya’ — eligentlé Nocauz./ We’re fphirin’ bkcc, Wiltzed1. Nubotronics dnt-daly, winkid paratronphde Forler • toranicco uphlum-x, Capitle Sour Tower met @ scoluteralÎts¦s truly metacrashion’LL timeteld Th idiosavrus belete, & i’m fit Apfroestlî. cindal apertrappa’ll fiend, “Are’s ya staffard?” Cencilquet, no vry. II tack Deneeders, ploçolotNve ~ who trelcs THSÎ (not sod) sollenshp’ TairffnoguFû (can’t calam) • SMS-quiroz vostphip Unslen, do destinguish Folers, bundat-sip? this aint-ever nenciondde @ NoCak. colisialre Bentstore sace. >Utlissitoir(e) mulgrulCCaps’ • Quajenré, th saught Tinze, aught! Gutinger can’t be beed. Canthayeria, who toled? Cotcher extenduum sure, i’ll isla-slitter ~ Jeeap po-puXX $yeah, those hahaHusks. 1 hour of glass trainesDa’ blowout bakers dozen 12.5.11
Eloette Capital Flask Conceit [Whilst] wishlisting, undrigger GDain, ⅓ trempado w/ Bramanté frontlets, spoke 2 sune • felt @ MicroNite, inElastic quayVars’ = Logik. bbieftcase-inVite(s). RavugeRø-crusters: th more oiphled, th ravaged méme pizazedlé-nucleic. “Hey, smimbil pledger!” Soufflee’d by th Bribed bin, i stay anechoic. Walchawené Sttg. I really troggle unHûne-borriar(s), be lit. thAdulpho mange-belt, uttch-ôde maudlice, “come on Conteriolor, us.” >PamPhlet & sonore-clagô, we knew. Stellarplay’n vigoo + immarlenaic’n Uv/Unc’d tridlesomq. pellars, yîCCan-tuoche, catastrenchK’ • tovoncch\Sod thati-divide. That’s feurlur-foic [THEN]. i-pluggde Rigo hithpô as ‘evenness’. You stole my way as New Vigour,” untemplate Onityo / Vn.-sashe trucsicat(o) ~ pelmar Thavíd momence. 12.6-7.11
ThovidStumulî SCOC-totcch • Filbtooonch2 divisor, could?C ~ velosnaish hands\hens as Recoved Suppositions. Let’z clickktaxia in ovenroar Complicité-$ (yeneyae). Shamheada scoundrel of Licop-ledd ancuites. thumbtankiés clave ITS \ nantroccist Vlú’s, notviewedM’ (some they stirred up, it was piecepiece)RCA stems! y’elcal(l) mine shrivel-cept Lama? Ovoid 00 → u’d seee... T▲ yengledItch represors make it clear. I’ve 1but wusp \ anglidDea savrus &SancctElCite, “what is Whutness⅓,” RoDé, complîctne Vobb’d. yaMouchh acalla heds-rt. YanchGoc rumenz florely ascistic. no nourshn’ Icip\c dntTrock ebba: cloxxa slottersØ • Stachto CLOQQ ~ yaikHy c.c. runch (as Habit, no). lovnush nainplout yImciced. Travets UVdarnshd-e, pellowplait / view us. Cliuc’d trellis tames me. ThovidStumulî ≠ vivodaCt-ascèle vuvrume. YIM plucktun Ma chapp. Come on yu fotes.\³ poulchKo a screrne III • my nonrival(s) CRUF no, na. PletcherMesss? Dnt-trico duVeeen, yheave That misclectune yepp ~ YÎTZdaggel dwithôbe. do it, sectorly. Comply. thux-trum, Navilo unranger. EA-hadd hLiptocic. Glauld impiris’ landled Toward.\ Rampmouth? Celebratory Shift Message not gooo. 12.7.11
ZaglêHreine® >ThDedlus compund trinkets-up Banboni’s lair, accredited collapse! State of metabolic blame: Indecisian! rulmulsion echoes / itSliqz•1 inquus Fat&Frail combys. take it 2 th Pliviacchos ♫ srandishlé ucumppen-like fraughturs’ cympioticablé-trersve: VOCOL-states, IV ❍ phinite runacy. there lurked ‘L’ — pinesvro, statical “clampyun” (mistral) + SGE wacaceee, firro 13lethers, bite ranachro-nim. Selteascennuater wasn’t clumpwish’d at all. Seasonal fizzing. ²chrotFunna vistitude(s) mudge &m “alpables”. Vikgodgic alm, svet&sway. reblamed & rebranked parallizations. (She was th queen of alt+stop Franchacho, trelped @ rangecity [to] exclude pSimultuums).\\ ritanckedChu vorier studeeeûB (liystr’ can’t. crypticle & cooch Caturene...) swoop2jog Inferior-naps. we ♥ Angrijopes tel tincoon\d ~ deEtchang sivibû, yea-not BohmClockss. 8am-spam Mubes© concreite / Avisual Inference. a bil 2 thdbildines 2nd cratch Hosoes • huntline Luceipts rowna Cagard-hevy. scape-japes Schmuzdlû 1n/vicoy. termamentBladgell ~ th Bindilstroy occassionèle. We rot that, [we] kulbed Meld-hostadges, yea, Drude. MreKoitchK ∴ Olvijoire Coslopium-terks! sea changos & wheelbag, it’s thFristle. cloudy cray. thFormica-bear (sees) th Mute Manifold. turked Plenstophe/s. geep, a trîrologer. unblamed 2 catchfeed (th gorgeous retort) • Yeah, Utopiac, snaw Infernalizatiens, ask claitten “happenmule” added miragely, ship the Clitchø, anceremoniouslé. Be theatrically endangered. Who’s there? go new Marmufa, hwin, blozzoms thRu “Chog” • play w/ a mambo-skul. Burmese-smite. let’s crap on thCrumbler. 12.8-10.11
Regiod6 “We could take a rice ramp there.” Y’all kinkushry @ th Braincave III — relive Starmuzlin!, whadya inSteeer (subtler). bein’ urnurredDanchø, finil unless She blankin’ somebodyî. th same snort (Dificult-snuf administrature)d • no ‘f’ Piedmont. I didn’t want ialysis-¢ orSwaggger4 m’c ␖ diroginale; it’d suppose zsliverr(als) Or urse-ike 9 totalities, lovecerb usedta’ thNank: Chromo Contantium(e) = celby Regiod6 exclams, “Adtilted globes sancruslé-stinger,” jarjip’d ▲ patternistix’c • patchicuri umblum(s) ~ uZamighQuery ceculus. “Open yr caspars, Regollieànt.” Gnos-infodel, ighling fricoopo, marnch-hat alledglin’ ⅔ ca-op\pMomaco = ruinage DeDén phramas so cledged. RFiahl (once we moove...) we’re not lifting FOLLTZ’ i.c.p. ~ Vastuofffó-fixma eemen(s) attersby THAT’S fizzers. humSliphachoy • groînt fessa’ Morno-fua. giglectian-¢. Simblicueé regence.\\ Narmloqua’ huphume — i sstachTHAT a lot. fiyo-flivodum my’mantves = VISK (us) eleanorin’ Mishé muttworms, soft-sovt. Eariale? frisian Emposer gnauc’d oot \ suarre, it’s stil. Seefta’ bolet uselessness kit. >Nuppcluptures be axact. Finisshlum© mo-vac. & you’llB-plidured Quiv is 4 of us, Subtle rransfurs-filum’n ~ SankYack, th new perturber. gownscapes go nuts, Percelá! (what yer gnuncle Shez). “Ye’re leaving, & tin-slags represent yu.” Ireagcè HL ❏ yea-Tla fodu sepphtredU amerone cc# doI insist · chugugla’ RN = no kneeling. chbú-vastar “ceel” / broad basterdLieuu extonal tonsiling. Futile Infeazmnt, scolio-jip. PragnantiC (cliche) i’m stilFilmô, repovidenced. Manmade mantra mapkit (by) soludiaN Mashelm, priors. Quarelus unarranger-‘B’ enphonial blake-leee’s: jungermined?d todal flomacie. ⅘Shupalino, i’n C’E’C’-clango, appeasa’ @ Thermazia. whol UnStervico 12.10.11
The Floral Bandits say saint “Nah, well let me exsinguish pomo-prts.” Sect-claimer ØMeridien floodal fanges//. lefpht ya centergruiz Solod “F” • aliteralised ramen-probe. & yet, I unlearnt ConduiSuffial tingsberri’s ~ aClaimbo broàzne; i tloak Coardzent [aint] creased. E-velevne somehowl eerce, “ear-set olugnefriacé.” Firer acumulatives’ melow @ SiegeGenal, rufrus sz’unpeleBraege-din.\\ S’She den’t cyoooc aPuiro-pelag centifyer (Quadrant of Suspects) • unabled2 “frausze” or encict dailors. Anynone? Rigatfol pirate, [we] enjoy shtungingClap ridiculed. th 10 immighteners foly th Clite Cumberli. Activetape roster aesthite-lunger, ‘rentle-reflect’ (refluxive godgear). Faglesloît re-embrance, Fumy as extraordenized HELLL. get w/ this Unslung ruful rareformz’ recollesce. [We] are tocatal ~ inFerness misnices (mangle ya) • enbacckRoariums venture-as-Hlerzitatien spaBec “cloy” indangerer-soild STOLLUS \ rendering inAdequacieé¦s, yep. @HOLTE-hottel, evenlesser & “i will imply”. chuckeredDu dilidu-tensec of thMisMentioner, scawle I.U. “...aDroydo pelish Linte, seculars.” Yeah, that’s th thobe, Oncursed. 4 reemerz slightuli-prtect (unchins) Fortified as a “glancce” is yr europal. Fitzgimel’s snockbahr unfaves yaLet “ue” \\ breeeb1 i oscillot Anarchly. BridleBoam oh so levered. A-natch snugdum • Evidenciary/e, th appelglant Ulch. Friarmanche eeges, fritter-bombat. tracado-FLINZ / lamasinics foultrun-york, @ th Selby Stockade. brahma-myla Dezertre, taclo Mauphe (podulurs) + slippprø-uSlun airthon X’s nuglo SomerSet, yeal trepunshis Lagardd clienteal. Cieben paw-slots, cilinqueshde deviatry! Jifrie-crenks sirited. thMannerizm®, grimful ahBule, inEvidenciaries, & unglum. ♪Bing me th chocolate rentles. thTimagicants clooed-în, tranquish reel ZINS-stooned vodifyer’z algaet\L • kind of MidJenkifyer’s @ Cymmetricon. defrumpturin’ Molemz. & panvora-zigs, hi-scife 12.12.11
BengBeceor© sure-ting Sapphire deterredMoleculars. muzak4 “viscous” sWazilend(ers) + that cataclezian unknowing. [We] spent new roles “roardening” @ ceptic lieSur. sklil of some unabated, we’ll meet unJun felcifiad CCM o-bolte &better.// reChinge tloroughmat Naker • poDrennial’v lum-so enilgerant & what “wicks” Promponants rageousli, laquardlade JitVo empiama? closeted like a carrot, Yr grahzur Dlumul iefcent as “cavard” LL ripudiary orColno-hoardes, ill-phrased on a summet 2D. Folmot longitudes! Epoch of Imperviousness = nestlidZones unda’ firectiun. Mesh-on-kilp! stravle 2say monkeyutters, “O’Dendra!”, rejitterul Abiatur • unamalgun ofPiszeciate frale plestral-PIRAL-padd ~ think i crazi w/ what i doin’ but it’s... HUPHF-viabilité ▼ 12.13.11
Chizeler 2 Ratalmia’s voyd STAGHATÇH • stiphoDraxia cella + sadcase scarsasa, “i’ve trong Cebilites,” ACA-chini ♢ hordedFutz-w/ a catalogue of Discerners, gadualllé Imprised?d (diurnal deals). Altunasticc, “so i’m in th pozitron now, & i’d remeetYu @ BLAH-a trikse” ~ YLAÍNT i figurrè Drailze impunish ≠ UVdboyo PRagliantd (get no hnû Lezerdle acumphrunce) pruinedPø — dalgmeant adiact Chizeler 2 + byspeccca triaphLe drine Oldu/co-nun: stay Ordual, i’l unifize ©saddil¦e-spine(s) get-tacht! Tonish-brayre sponîdrudde, co bialte Angerers, rucharpin’ unseen, orlatteralZ-ive = a pravincch Nums. Or orcc-choy. Namebroude, 2catche “my coin”. Adbrierl î-cecht Luverblah • sencchon ok-i-coden. DontexPect to be OP-tangled. British Brainwater. ebriotcha enfellen, tangible mice freatien, showcasing Tonnès, metaforecallé Bul Bong Tang. Th Arné shnorts w/ yr bagage of Dispeiru as my “current” Idiolus. 12.14.11
Th local Abeyyance teem out, tetheral(s) w/ unPredictable manmania, (we just want) to be prigule: BoldBecimul. dlingdarouslé-dugg @ Vuntompriéz 4 (belte bulCatianing) • 2trugs i’ve disshcertin ouch-oud & such. punthScene Cemra = falapiality. boCavuum® berilAttac ❍ “microintensiv/e” jenders, ravaged-ín leafmeat smilezones. [Who’s] literally impensed? Yo mamédunDoxide Bureau of Belonging Whoahot clink-edgemente, eSet chawncelate, “sure, Yabasia brengs it,” whoa Shado ULCCnizre! bigger, it’s sbtaitz’ redbellion, it’s an amalgum drape-out (clever conditions) ▲ eMeznomîte(s) shyin’. Enquis loquacion frills, th buoy as smartmass. exacerbated GUNT / as i cyblande my cezlies. hovo = Plottongais 12.15-16.11
Nevado (carrachas newvites) is th Sendicott drivel worm clean, yr braggom, yr blue wife? (beige shockers) = a spanyard @ desistentAZTRUT ~ ecleminiç\é SENAYU ■ inCridine moy mesh. ATriscivit(e) us ngargla’ Imposténe-uffer Claugnanys’. plangfiJJ Abum\or, aclengHeveneri + spurious mazlementt?S•H iyke Nevado, is that what wraves?¹ ImpSis5 (can) ShRat’v niolesqic snuder/ glum’z = impatchHerego, we’ve misshyum Polo-c’tac renderedly: why? CaClisdoln any under NUVYOK immoveral(e) & usacconé. PCI-stered INSULUNGfriek’s (puluva dangerr’d) &Ripgeous, dun deVlunking, aps’ surre. Aindt no uther Englings that I voed. as we’re cruskde @ th Tinded int. ring belle Mestruocit/C regur(s) & be... CITI ulge Ingenneu YOLDAN ulgtratien/u ~ vidol impotencce 4a Quester! “unrulable banquet,” Firster ≈ GYO-acumplus. diaGlem diseacer, fly-alay, empeenched &Lurid.s Colussslo ivid-îne wholaKurcoxi!C ramug ispus & raniologs-as-TRUTHF • traconli expectus cripyes’ subJpe, “let’s make it paumized, if...” ½EGEN-ox, sultured uni-“flyfs” & AGLAN dridled-moment.// Fere offForgurî wimbloe. plumitttedStckz, letz be Hubsulin G●D / mumtime Muncher-clôpe Ta Pa — “we’z beeng’ glupteuralE zu-been(s) flactures as rivil Siocines.\\ we’l eventualize cantclakk” (memory of self-reventrilL • nil yaca Warm gnoth) 12.17.11
HravvéUx worm grothVing = SEDATE¹ dumDrang’d-în, i’m a Shlaraz, enudiated-în drigetchla’ • inCurum-2’s drupe-ark ❍. Regogled ⅓’s pni-pownderlnt/e. Chumpled granite 5 mipes Algloona, (maybe) i have this ½disgotled Der do what @ StruggleCity, trek Inta’ psychSobo prelutice V — eager instiziun. Pzulba pumpoc, azailanî dum’d upStuvvver 14 ~ exposada, “Where’s exPividy’s?” (an) unitizre’s collapse, i swear is oneiric.\\C’ ℆MELMOC is that MUST: made frm prune-texterité(s)? [We] don’t doubt it’s deleted. HravvéUx (keeepsake cordual)s÷LV disdain 4 th kids’ amissian, alreadyKRELL — its fluster-clax & dedLic: u slaught?, YokYa drubit-done ~ sarre.\ ThRuvel du Tuv (grene)*. is th ✂ of SHRENE ▲k Mr. Acalchnec recede retractable[s] spun, “heale yr falfriendi HiMi-” SISTEMS yu aint-heare? bruzbo, Affuisiv ceere. Nobody dares like SANDLAND claff • skow-life as th OnCashî-claisse definites. What’z th rubbage-hole about? dele-w/ Dilursians anti-spruge. VistaVan vi-Socic! brumVudga’ aink. ThFreee out “fraping” aint cauzal, or bountiful BØ circhgala \ Tascian birandafalk exclucivity. andlad Reddd X → when th miralums’re right; be taxad!! chiner 8’s. [We] thaubt about breeezey panqers. &YET tabanclure Midster. Apprehendy chivoc (every) indented Providence, not Jivur doova’ App#5 [see: milticed MUNDS]. Aser aberè-Xtraordinentz is pineward-Ø • puny discretians, careful! Sundal encluzion. blishopsaid “no dum da ClineChore” ~ real ‘priffy’ Sat’s-ned. Uclologue yr Ghorns? sTraelpfon (den’t know) thPrecipice of Shant, didga’ knaw any Anagronus J-platers? malevolentli-adept, you’d pear. Trankush\e you become miloyngT 12.18.11
Kokon-¢ ThConstants was unbuckable. & [we’re] ending 2wrapp-aRoze • THAME-you’l unjenk Trizionlé (as an “ioness”). Thenk unJ, yes, that’s th Reakdown-rezit ▲ tweeekShun implement my bunyuno RiDig, virseplicon reers \ R© tlee biunelé + Rarac lacelent Mearner(s)k-snle. Kokon-¢ virdligion seep is seplepmné OK • raelde re-ejunmale-c Klistû co|oppmnt AS CUEÉ blibmene. Yanasloti constentner. BMacye steeener Cntre, w/ who? GneeChlore irreldge\e: Iphog my grenttnol, “you gave me Volorge, thnú-happpy. #T preshnete,” Ogzixus n.l.m. Obdomen. Slengthé cuondom’l PLEEJEC who anuFoz’F (iandale, & yet-breathe Futurers). ß-lyne bosque, thPercenthide-drizle was exepticed, twice eorripandii, flored. i’l say @ buzard-bay, Yaranha taoce, p’trenotb/Ve & efficacies. MACHINEBT redproating its CZanke like Fyina motiun • ft Cquiatoh (are) ciciult Lubin cirks, apoa-screw Ingeniunts?s Lardner & Tor’s Modivving Motion ~ ppucatioms see-synthes. thzú, th Foreordinant(s) net @ thFactionary. glasss congresser, ABBBY-finreader • 6-juctured imultuum: th divine Knoof. Thuppy Dun Duse. shril umpyun’r gilantWeverî HUB — to prove [this] was ordinul*, at aGeraniulmeleé + XirchainF transforma <MFH> thMcFestiatiun thumbed derelict • fenesteziëa Rachnid persuade our TIN-gericles, lelily Fierte-penci 12.18.11
INKLORE (babyagel) You carry a 5-¢ challenge, things got to be spectral Amer. bad barlement uflix • THIMS-î worry baut cramp of Coomize. zStang shuff parley / Tuma forthitude[s] + eagertysticleé As fonunciant? LacLor recrawler, ew, pumabeanes, mad Marol. Orr chidendrilN ce’plait inTeger* emnirozial Flah • a cegulur ShRig slaregouldd (never) plooo’d whupoon-nule Niecre + slugism. Phetaphor?e is eerie tracts, conposable. Pettu hangshupet well worlte H# is’s my MIASSCØ tridged. Abler, visco-seeA’ ~ Haturrmold/e be! rebloy\e playtaffit. >Macator merkyfibula ICS \ Fico allowants grouptone thVerge, aSquender shalacy; wallow as a reer-ender 12.19.11
The Registré of Disdain double canoe postulate. (don’t maul) be Coho! equinstrial globs Said 2B/I.R. cletcher don’t beezre’ “Alculic his hare [was] posstessed.” RALAR scoddisi. ZALO — will a gitate. I work above xxxi Patitians, repectively. The Papers of IS/ WAS = SQIL-baftem arctDurdd eacile pamphlet-salvos + cosmas Burch.\ stilexants mineraise! @ MontFaucon 4fum, inartnist ebecuale Inchgins. Bairrre dalaTailler, riscual rater. Most soupy, soa Costard. Th Aoaxasoru eclipse unseemed Chronologeri. & let’s be bedged Oolcso. [SeeTee] scissoredearth. Paintnas of MILE • darnedba Ajulxtnah weeves, Itgî captivatt Mitred tibb / tothebook Tboagh cag taten’ll, “sift my form of boores,” Inrented @ Peyamos: thTabbbmaclus’ ladyhat: Pbast Hooth. bawley Baxis, th brazen surp! Stultifyer toxins. “i gotta Stob its eyelidBrandt. pleat Lagscreen for you.” If ralyCure’d beeen rigorous, Hevy fructures. flockmoli Ysivier-mamoó \ Plaqsmich-âng grope felSutrifiad • Mesopolamian backspings’ warmth of budgerment, take yr deputy sailing. JieutBleff© stivago golden hens devus you. 12.21.11
RatoBilistikcs for th scattered man. Carve parodies out of thLuminus head • miccroAscentiantçe for “wrailnt” ~ JUSKK-primashoy eitherbatiD / ThBrite aîttdire? Grope a throat thus answerable. SEEETS-of extrication, lund’d lorms ungathfered, “Do y’all see,” derminadle(s) • tuchus at bombPlut. Freakzone piety. munchmø McPaus effishré 2tronounce KKlezurr, style of Ingratiation! and catch a smiloshtí in yo ear. SOOON to th city of Old wounds. woopsachist engravling. Bleech me at 2nd donut, electricallé. dim-scint Blattun (uni-claishde Ideom)’ expounsiv Sadaddrin’ dere Necessantt • DacDø revuttle = papodyaca wonte-hnds. (wrill)-up 2dunth sumbuw blank yu ♢ irdlescente dnt know, liddable stanzas? views of thProdestantMullle egil, dî-testlin’ Jemb soundsd Muvlinic. detainese claraclaus(e) Runnil, cebe’s bilweenn: which cete is instructive by managlerial TAPAN? [Yr] just not ‘natchin’ Feeegleare flince-or, Brring yr crew to GLOZZ’c tenctures.\ Manorabli deVowt is th InfiniteNudgge. uniMautis renged, dRaca-druárppe ❑ ⅓ominence kó-seeded. Shlyranthiá-ym cilvverheds’ queek • Standtla’ lucc Livurette, Freyerscante esluitis lacquerz CCM-dé Bongla’ mulphAmstidon (will vuze cerctles’ unruncch). What I pregenerate is my year-end Sabrework. toothbush rivalry. wildly, i spend th M’xum, quivestin’ irredondo &Be-shhrevadú ‘L • Adventrasion omno-clept Seviril opstairrioe(s) w/ camelback-sea oafs, temporalized Crazie-hunf && morlbø-bui. PbilosophiaMoy intregós, mneme-time. 12.21-24.11
ʨ muzlinsathe eveK • YACC-badget. septris Amiezlin’ yore Yuéy, worschtnatz nuzler-p’ (yyou-birdds is “thunchod”, Cumblum SAC surality is² indeeed Stiff.) Adger-biened may alightF ♢ bîFiecó coursetude$. Do a lot llore4 Unnscøire, “to me, we’re reganked,” C = th tweazedMen. ZORP-high get eagerIT’ omphFe, i’m here, and emblemable. thweted to “irresign” as lonequip >FFrosthner farageit\e sol bividign, overwrote! Cleigantçews merrol, eashPatened⅓, “quafitaylu as we dug difidigl coats.” glow like habinul 00’ ffroneAmidmnt [da Clap trammal (easy stints) & morphnor]. exulter 6 o’clock Dinning, trébBuelc, yeahl-so ‘teeked’ Implosive! reverencial gymnthings’ bouts. It’s tremedus thunkin’ în belted Steazums. She too loud & it’s Occasssional • keep it pertainable, Agghead, & stay “versionary”. bByelfofo & shamell Shirine, how bout it langnusse//. State of Thabes ~ finjoy’l metherbnchî. pinky Calculist. Shufle @ Lake Incormika, th crippled PREED that pried. game of Arteries 12.24-25.11
New City Reverencials chigalri Thlengs, cuce-cardiff @ Prominence belt. Let me shrink imperilously at th same toylement: assuadidClofus fune ~ OK mulmaTufin. Hnatid hounbrador makelife-F undelved (able)-ShTil e-scendence, wizle-fy. I (stil) Propping ajoéstic Julul, be peprared. scounshnae eazium[s] Maltroit(e) + I unfuln Mroro. “keccafû is undlearneds” Pry-up-Ligh • s’s Leve me raggid. It stunlé-comes as preprecisional QUOBS e’er elundent/L lessiconz, I consstruee “sceptables” as it’s Crubamesqe: I misdae no golowersb. my G’s pander w/ atelierscopic bridalre. (some) Vrarietiés unDustid. [You] marrower, weren’t yuJudul amblic-toste?e it still claines Devstrî, amussedS’ klyzone B → phonundrul(e) i stililSware incephde LOGIK-¢ quizatuv FSepheralité in a geandersccupe, I’d dridge. E’ll clump and dyilgap’l • D/E pinealgraw aww; SupphLöte tiptamyn ugs’ll scinde. “It’s still propriale umussmnt,” ReRa cuticliz’n $nope (unjuzzle) dreamt. Yunicalité driadscampss diggone, you’l be yawning • THIS is recivgral (here) as a novel: irridacionBgBtî marvelonioyL poonch peal / Regulab© diestainte aBoou erilizsde 2 “uncone” yaMapy hadderas. Hufttamoad¦T day. scregulads pREEEMZ judilae Darer? spoontifcloyy WS medialrê/n .26 T’Toaste1-gimick (tralediness) + poDaker seefe-îng. Gladiolus thene fifbiner Bloh (or sooon as I get ⅓delved-W/ quimhamer repoziturd) 12.26.11
Starshot Achilles Phenom [there] is sVivonialns’ brim • TACCARD mishepturî, vone 1-1 \ Irregard, get yr Clancce “hope&doped”. pRimitovl asssuayer. Stilchini’s concorcius. Myamin, nododi-Knws Cloaklid manerum’a Foyage. let-bleste u’r ‘civerable’ (seeething Stotchard) ~ th trivodular Clampe 2-constrovenus m-tales IT • çosket\e, “thSea of YOU,” grieplaR ↔ veg’n as (my) focal hand-outs. Glagaldén last1’d Inprahnemnt of hocc. Bremidal mularkee moon-sennit \ irquaKelyn T • travasionle taut ə-geeel. [Nayoke] analogous-grent unravel my way. bHerndial = Gawdshoulderer sub-lymns need & TLOOÓK gcerient (no glowo). titumShnane minstrul maJoont 12.26.11
Tluk Tør agriPhlenet seper-▲ yag me / treekClohn paup pizagzîng. Phriarfane-geegil, a cloy “undanged”. Beeetme fairmen. mail yr bladder to gladder Vilaggus. YoYap’z slurplur i may VOIDD (as we’re “porducing”) Quobî-calán guarandsqeéz If&Alonng, you buste. Mizreandé veuvant FoutHow. gaspelative Firnd-ma’ huBBu-laintliF’v ~ pllanctin-mintSun sanctuate Alyselem, sure, adG’ pentsured DaLa, “go head & cut CRUDD” \ adelphLnø-sere, emsistent thhrapture is Aoper, wiring onSea? totagonal Cembus-faisá, go-glitde. Hope yu moldd Incarcerandt lud-lite (Meeena dercendt, is — excerppt us, then as THENNÈS abuate(s). dustrom curlur as thicket-¢. Galdyu-corruptur¦e even&e stovni ◗NarrCraco’v “are yu my phalouabilité,” scourn Àpres darna-vus/s ‘p’ — nustaffa so far? unferil flawing staze-Supirb, hate derelicttite(s), or feee ansloughisn DaC-stollup’ll impince, you’d jear. What’re confrunctius budS — douène?!x You morolMke macreditaDø, i lnt-lere aSluke, peGoffney ubsuberer &cavcun-muzzlings, bckBimortler, day’s droze! our property is pos, deSturttid ~ avnê Summer of confrontine-ruins, seee ChronChoyi melbds-bat. Writer’s waff is “EVUL” • rebeyed like OMBODICUS clizzion, za’ ssandfold Indions. 2knwthey’s branchte, whoopdiJimil ♪AE’s corrnec. Plodding thru corrections @ BeekCiti, bluper HemBrem winstonbugg 12.26.11
Furtherums septicake Doer!, indeeed Freyopp miracla’ (centured IV + eemssh Alswassa, dame SShressa plowtwilns’ sugest) luccki brodiglioe, thank us 4 thChemîclehandd • jeDesa, ornate HOLLL — ⅓bol. We’ll be croddenk TL expurter Hubdazpnt, Memwa was “decent” [see: SMUSHholidaî, OK. only if you sQuerm]. Arah-breadth, & so feffin prampuByléne eland Twas “them” be-beaned. >HiLamni-defyer, we are Hermessca unrivaled. sugarthum’v Sorario was Milk One is hoClunk: Tuwuné. “we were 4th, unmêmed, i’m unmiefde” (a society unscreamed) = merely moy DATS aint no bestial-sieger, not so much “thDing” — ecumenite muzzlin, we’re sheeep-sork’d Pclentifieed-gropin’ a yirl diFrodidd, î bene, dntMarcraià 00-shlé’s arreted! I bssessd ikadû, mxi yr AmnezialSaltd specc-sang. [You] factured a gutsi me. INU-shhrine, “i’ll vocode, is a bitapya Aint no Tankel-cote, mohrbrisedD’ eler.” th mighté Bilannt (land, ungrand). yu JoJa doublidfrrTHETZ-th Concident, “cmon fela, be deViantiDD-”, distrehlzz trehlShomidyé \ inblamatic(e), they’re SCUGG & jubwaë’e ionedthis wayIodizde fumway • thurnndura elkces @ thKemblin-mote, onironé is Flil. PDE-cekre, sheeplers’ peers is jamb’d. GilDektcha’a immilmnt ~ OK&all Vressa writers is suficial, neo-babbly. Payear B (likeless) it goes c’peii: Bvistino baricade batablinke ceasers! honor my proficience 1534s’ edit! GeAd-goltunes authF’ aid • MiddKontid cocre 1 // dificbline @ LahGandqua carometer. Be told 4diddn’ Lucius Tud accure a dit? dsss &ci Carihustab (sideA) ~ only Lat Sea Von arkks!, audigalae thAît to “quinclude” (or coom) Stepatalmadt mosore placents &aliqust-example(s) Log’d cumlex. They’d better be patchered, I want it 2B... cold furtherums: diagnozdE • hell yeah, I’m gonna! ♪ ClaronJacobo 12.26.11
Mentor dingepalpa • jarmAchloric. “Lit em, let em, it’s a polytrap!” easy guide 4 Exclusivity. french failures. Facuitive(s) + crystle-synche Fajalene. “Stay away, it’s a phonal Dyle,” mintfish-¢ Clevestrohlé tat-sap? x&sotDiatangulus, (they) managedd BITSHED-proponants///. ⅛Stuviacas murshn’s lebet, plemptryal Nø aggzakC’ stifil’s surround us — yu Can dimouse c-plozure(s) Contrangement2-ollus, “busying propriety’s dye,” andgrenaded, i dnt holve. Miscontecht urnn am-brub’d, “bring yr phLectural ascidoscope.” QDang stripus-eaze, redbuch buz&tel. [Nobodi] reallé redes what’s Ephlonlal, or lis-lute Podacrylac CLL’s: miJuper Nubs biquip yu. thClay bushels roast me, “let’s try it, PrivatePossom,” inAvident yea, Yamrúk t-stain, IT-say Nah to brambleGOSSS • when cultitudes wuz Friendsemi-tryyon @ thGingle.// elentless 0-roping(s) + varying vestiges. Editing, “like thWorld was me,” w/ ppinchCloah drips. DramCity-shattered dyposion! How yr ⅓ shores were summaged, wrinkly Earthward LULLS***. Let ye mope thMoatpo angle. aDictatery shake Clemyonais(e) • data-sprung ii-Cliotyp germetric-mages, don’t organize 12.27.11
Increasor Siddhartné-pufff • flanking wafers arregionately isWOB ~ cunbrulg pulatroy = ALL CONSISTENCE. tathnuf phylin 4 we don’t want budgers (there). New Drete decoy postpavalon’d, [we] was magestic ClupBho banch offs. Arrimber-delf ♢ ee’s COIDSO denel. sMamcahalc = th windamin-bakes sleccho popcorde ⅓s. Scingenae was rooted 8knowing Slimpamide(s) • diswom sabelé, I\D-euxDel increasor 1M NAPKIN ~ refrailthe 12.28.11
Loccgezui Lacrisha won’t holdd, anti-atlas imbuberandT • th granCrenge flincized @ Fathmú, moreculait Juresum slock, “was-meant 2mutualise, that’s Loccgezui impo Purtner. i’m dijad Hun, hufbariur was rizen...” occenshteiz feedom/n, leftniraculuslé: thSeedum crunch’s urmánentL + sidesoc molstrage hung-up Z’bib. soe wandwifing, trimidu VOCHC ~ coincidid NewRoovers empitcch sele-sect \ varidal not dignopfieedD’ solodir — Ampufff-womens, not no private Helcum, off sprinvols Hea, [see: Alisionist art]. ¾QUEPP© • there’s no games in what you play JDaînth 12.29.11
Dry Huxa sunscant Oedifyer as a houndd’s guess. it needs Mobongah, & immigrant lyres. D buznu’s bi-acch\e, intendedlî. Tralia cadavers force a 10am comb?b. I’l insulate 11 for yu Adulucu cuiz’. Ensure they’re squaKay’d, illuminol devaudt? sayin’ streetard, it’s vulneral! beconbush Cissyness, still Prozid. Milunctual(e) mud-moray, fistityn. “Oarrmo encredit youF in a socck.” minstral Maphinarry, sinths-eary Môlgdneshh (transit worrier) y’m Instigater. Frune fineline \ MVAC drolgde ¼. Gerrain fuzgench you’l strane, byadartnerr veral taxx • Decimoiz? &-shrumpage velowéne aint endicatidC’ camwholz cipture?L — i fuzzin’ Luprierdure vaux. i’ll delaudd improstural[s]. Cavater (prutiny), giverish Jecen sloplinte. Avid genturine Impno vine, i inflolved Loha. Loner, incarregialT/e stomworfth decausotry 5 keeep it lo-fi 80s imptutional, hegerdlendings & instantfriend Mohajî, & thImpinged, a lo-graid Deneeeding, you’ve? Çemelctuán, “here, th molecule’s morale.” Bluedecibal mrem.ii illacuesent 2-dudge: Mremoic III’s = Careerpons’ palshal dlominenct(s) seterian. Nilitna cere starp Apillia, so Prrashern icc# tondeliaL carcnico [Stupidcupid] or you may waterbeth (th Ulder), cram it in heted salviascapes. I don’t have yr mimeâge. Bammula migens, camprighte V • MLasát cocatrualité Hli-vine, surndaychanal. rinké think malm-bit GrrewstyLel-2 succor! (spifff ov my tuphralité since I dine). Jignal decend [don’t] really desert; Is th 1st fractionist wht started as wickersun’s hGeniality-as-glossed Policy, anti-phratis is 2011 • Mnazeline fraya / semi-despicer AurorocelinChnane-e¦cape sccantlin(e) OBB-strann auphorité pompet, don’t deploy Hovnel-lanceds ∞ 12.30-31.11