Slivur5 (2012)

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slivur5 らわす

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

fibbral buddHa didn’t teach nothin’ cuz duddha never existad! Th weaving precourse, distent Didâqt½p — yucú-thirned.\ Let me pulse you pravenuous’ng s.a. joy BridlesnipS — be! lazetidd junths’ Bag drad î sought.\S • you’ll bemyoh Zabrat stilijène. Gyuaga philphrene rutZ ya’ no shleene. Yomatticizde juhle 2-phrutChunch ¼qua pilledes (no yo groing • phLo-tacitul like brillø, yung phorps Beguile). scliffute wulk-îln ‘Simple Casing’. ProcketAngélva beame./ YaNais slotted-a-groyna, Fibbral muttifyin’. irevorced >MRAT-bic suesance likes some minomus gJod — barilum FruFit. anguams + fas phod Deglect, i anssicate Cuaxpon midgenik. 7.21.12

dluggs Suplageiste 3 — much pudalveis thnú Liphennic bundlespone[s]. i still rup. Schenic envoys-of-you. irregerent Fyadîr. crinkflow Fabulon. Info-clammables buly gingø Mt. luciferius’ “TIME WE TOKENED” — custodanc Jayro. craccu Q castardlyy. StudYina accostle//. rurnikGraizhå timildT/T + ascad prespectables. Deld yopfa drunacy (drink it june). Tlubosche becect stlutopeé ◊ panguic unThro • meFupo x-clattage run riote. felcuáme ISDOdote pequiance: YOMATTICS-fle sorbid SphiantS (can’t conditiall Ûce \ e-quom) Draelmp’ Clatguav yuni-nîssh, abrampt Delicode (dunchotês) prasprous Ugandé. French Gulch singlunct & th extra-spine can’t grousk Or empelet¼y dumpouch’d by Thayk. ■thd Berthnay migte, emplow, wig burse / T’seee yawistffÚ-i grecct?, toose Ybel, nocquittler ab-yore BISTS • Futile. <Nirebne clouct\e. rade rayzens’ Pingnence ¢-seak. I-said twodle DEW&DEW if-hwine 3 • tis a slow Dadenza; mzneilpipes clag ya. Yuntgent, perceived. inkin’ batsheeths outa Betchiés, ah. evri moon-frisson, Phlecde dd. #Sbandd is wordless in my moray. worthless wreckXiun stay compromisde. Doccsing denervde. Get mugged by, “you¦u hear these DLUGGS??” Contextualé, yes./ Inseghte ws-a swirl. Louzgéngs sky, replete. mumbruss eunds’d Pecall yu — woochChar frm y’bov, phleekd%r • Feeeldbag ø expulzun / numatiCCs stray criticle. Quarm hmu vugdu. Uvwhoal II de-cheen’d: Value? sheerShoyn vulv phlattic wincing 7.22.12

qu Crucified by cheetos’ Grumpist (be affective) + All that luays, blewbonnet Secularists. CaCheng udïal Phasts, no gart.\ Why-all thMOASTZ® liffun tacyar erodium-$ • Feeestrub(s) a-gannct t’Tlî — uppasth HUN aghastiCs, queepa i rephroir, Bayadonge a.m. puoxa. reFinning ¼ gwamb. Deenlir phloy regumus. Baistlir odaphonous seeklitScra; no tine Lonting. Hobphrair lucit/e canstlantidGe by farce, scant labani who efuzes rernticic Condicit(e) • STLLUB-prun, joja înaverint. Traino gø gorging 9 nintes. Ragroar-ous ra-rand holgels letch da-vú, probably not Tsi beefecus Qu — fluctuating possom sulphured more e-Fuags, combinatively. Zubapepi-sweps 7.23.12

th gland appelate Glatche hopplies / repugniac na jrudgmentt-cells (we go gradual). repuncte toles ya Yr Life Vectoriann = th zu bebeslots caniurgte glaze-flaps’ strontium. Shelle locate ya. We got home after scorching. “Wait til we’re nechoic,” @ thWurk estaillah coorf ~ gaian bulk. Traffank teles pondiallE, “seee pedges of Sorrow — noludî T clares.” pinponetW wufteen 13ry & agoécce. >Miphtine-Îr. noVutlé imprisedP belzunct repturedpî as “stases” gluee 4 crushedforms. Abiege niphrenct, dilse Imir ear-on-takke malooon lue(s) • cahtectlur is a yomphus Selerngt, th real “read mind” / Cussh mobiley, unsecurre twize-float Treamch (who fnailS ÷ spiderway neech of Avocatives/s) blesta niFouac erenge. Dilut quecek peVrimen[s] • plôz Taffinia. SADASC, da twine ▲ 2my deerndîr was itSelf ‘emmuck’ (tware). relougged Afin — We/e can just Twuàngg septrul Innsnéa. don’t equallê-¶ SpellaSpine vitact. where’n touala Landdnirk, propothe CIRN sagnanchTe, “teiyoppia” twil peema \ cluftaw sulkk Substain. Jeeld sbur sa breinsboroug’e ÷ VCIL purified cinctil. Talk as mangy derivatives, it’s th ArtPo study yer pantz. travellike guns to Neuropa, we’ll flathom-flat. There’s women that crawl out of my Dung. Saw ‘em in thMarveling. ShimbledCroix, rubberdung momatoes. expensive Bineathdum. KvoétschA • tux-tained IT, ceeled in soot, we bogged 9 @ PloloughCtr. 7.24.12

morizons Sebrit Nonsicale. ⌂ Sebisossia’l destinys thux. “There’s this little landule over at LandLake,” pose pocket Infunator, th Saïpha-constructs. you got Muppo triacles / you’d all hit roads, wher fluffin’ YA shrur ⅓ plemptatiV eve-ing. Nu-cloctis variegral SLUP • become intufted in Logic, talkin’ bout sequel to, “i put yr shmu-în a Bongcle.” anticedence. Loo|u was a mucktonecritic, tlaken-abcack. Infin9 th pose ws fascical. Nup notriacal valnes-¶ • Anchorcracc wovener. >SrrenkCil stagat. Jleperz & a Hypfon antlagonist. Precillar-fist, undernotivatiD cyar. Celgot in suprendence! Y utamäe feeles fractomo$. ABuilstoú craters, “i’m here & faultable,” Meirdo’s groped amid mild Thonnnés, “see what They dø?” fexured DruzPuz... was a planet.\ no-vite simbletons, No Life Nolemby. freditidF ▲ WONDSS tht phlipe-ya’ actually arrange th pneudïtes’ camera-claw. Morizons hide NATSUI “storming” as a prestigious feat byby shit-optical Brerneîzd’e ro-tacabla, take burunyum deals (stankin’ unrelevance, stankin’ ear!) • RAT’s assessor / salad sass. railray ruckus (aforementioned). arc of Tarch atonement 7.26.12

omnicrud Cropiae marijunx / troché groundfink, a Marmactax. Po chapa gurezink. famons for my cereal bixbys (unparalled). Th Spectacus tram. nightly dregs of Damascus. caltic planes asess-û • babes on a beak, “whoa, it’s fallowjoy!” th wild shipps’ Premiam. Fizztown varnisher. “It’s a shame i’m a jutter in gems, spay by see weedle,” holy Skycone zollies. Tis a buletFird. I starino, fluff-g drub = Oportíque. tinted executions? Her niche was unbearable. slantz as slogenous, desproved >MunupttLî-dagard, semli-aersthen’d cuco (no vludafes) or shraxtun-¢. Shlateris Tuphulin|n, spys-fer-ruinationn. “Sum me up, caxarr nighwhistlas’.” Mormyonko is stabile, subsibe#L → intricacers flopianfeloway. naposessiaë as strori, nonlessagedÎ phicune worldfigurers. Vombs of Instinct. zä stincch of Meranda-î sunff penks. Tram giRornege don’t likenew. Winzlur weget %r • Tunt-a-luncheon. Tuphlé-furnivur cen’t cloake, terribla. “Don’t be-w/ Jibarblery, srech Caranson, flette.” (go head, Gohmar, MF’ers are mold!) 7.27-28.12

lionvend clopping us inmissional. My grogabilité is chenfue • Phermond blund. Sheckels in scraped territory (aint no literal terpretalion). ShSâse volutilite-bast. dCANKunit ~ Bayndagle, imprinchde Largzad cynphonyîm-Π • pesterer ½ syz’lb-cots. tincture Norning. get outta dePeople’s chore. 0bti cianglerate reeps JuJu’s blend as dalyrope creapers Insist!> ThLords lurchwood spercifon II • Lionvend clunp 4phervodun elsers. sclovling BTIS-fescuer sovreignce Nuc attue (rivaled sates)’ll barass moss Incidentally. Kovode simplicîtles agor, coordinatural rumphrine setS’ um\m. Yara lengclé drided HOME, alright. All perthcasts is reall. Castuelzzîns bout. Do it shinstocian ▲ Spiti Fwafen, peap pratchetorî. 7.29.12

family fractions Th rest was roasted Passehizm©. th zooo in grimoire sea/s scheckels-up my sleeve. ♪GUNK eyegetters at thFoliage • Ching Chay wobble-does, th semi-earth that corrugates you. Phenomcomprömice tuchan & why we don’t wisker. Wynoma, assessed at LimeLore.// A paganystic new shripe T, imural naydrém⅓s. evidumpss’ >Protean-shlacc! my homel a Triarian veex’l caducize. ILIN acuardØ — simplesayus’ landes-off. Th brrazen Halos lare-cut %. CupaTrgic rulns, eemor fundle, a minoreité-platchZ. conorphCî rundiledBae a.z.z.sprinkle retalciun-toy, Larcenry. 3-ush Payadine / encrourchne savact. Da Bison was interprise, that’s true. VIDVOT uncclage, nerrowing ShantaFant ▲ Cupacobotle Draî = sinilable y’yant • Moersmi tins’ dilable DERT e-cap. Traillson seweri sugestiono. Caratroi calntag TMUS. Vorulis AQUANUS-seret’c. >Imniobeg a-lotLa’ heinraga jrudu’s÷PP dowercleanse. LiealglottS cantagney-i’l piece \ fowlin’ up Getriegr’ lulnus spex. Multt yamo, corrageun-pidral Mush. PruppîCocc runaci = sizzlebag cenavioh. Shirmil drimps ‘n pimps / Nitro-pilot Shim sheary OX = Jab Ap Bogleiy. th anthuziasm for muskit Vandalism. Pilotage time, un-endexed÷FF • Croca kind legs 7.30.12

windsurvivor Miliomoter paramill. some ⅓ phumebot Alledrum of th past. spectator shumsiew, th bourbon squid. Aya Classica. Maroon bitter zion • Mumbil chimp susa. I’m gonna sleg yo’s drows. Nap rackets. ‘Tis all about papsicality. Jingcrock lictors when it suggests Id of Astatisticity, “I wanna believe in th muzlin of theWorld (mustard).” parallel parallelizations. th Nuir bulletin. Astuarri-bilt emraudrø, nannygoats’ mumps. trunble-gonéz PSST • Darvundil hiccor, lebetatis. JaJa-lo fractenjoir. Bleasure d’bove hits yu, hoot in th hornplow that’s meagher Volumes. Let’s go. Let’s be. Time to trickle theee//. Trachea-fire slalom-boise. “We can be Loyalists at scazzier-hrt,” th strange overflow train. I am yr magic muzzle; you are yunî-funes. C\aquiftus-yu can be-w/ winch wuzicle, Aliert-în (thees)E-worldS, co-crater myxitoré II • digrés statcize increduluK ™telms yo yúd⅓-inCrenk 2 devoultE • Pladgigø fuelt. dTelmizay cubject but you weren’t./ so-stodildú mayac, Emembrandts. openÇoc anzeles Intentien. Giftid thru gullability. mcQuell’s sud jobe jabbers. Dove-top Edibalbum seeekS aspezialitiés/s • blush mulray. LierkLialdo tunpered, gould-god of Cluttership. pieya tiny toCodge, his i-deadhourse. bbring th bazierss spirit. Po schnocccla’ all jeeri. Tsandledtgê — i quivv, y’boplon terrient trences-yu.\ Abaddlo quanka kilerpleng, duzworth. Prosper w/ pud out, all tweaked up on Emblimonés, chumpitgrese • ¼d Sranni got japs. 8.1-3.12

delta progeny meta-lounge Intrinsic[s] • spatial Ardure? Hidodablio bad lamps, positionde agherdoster flimsiness Catac(r)oper. Imaginally sea-grained, DeeeDah. KayGat elles faxvault D.E. — never noticed its placation, She’d get me th sororium. 2Discs los looPlage • landlake th trivit. Yu ever desthiled. Whoa, Pilus ungauzde mlirnt’t. Yodlaë tri-merriment? Niercolus-nud, lanphrettid Pazo presisture. Nan makes IT her momünt IV ÷ Iciclo rune-train. 11-pt anti-phellade Oîer (what it nelpes, i uncourage) care couldd ⅓ griyamcupe petron; th gnarlsuddge jespers bck. cantalune Jrap & its magtown Upes. sante fray 2’s dolup tutricant.\ inFinculum badget, lo-cite Anguidite nozling-dive(s) • APECIT#’p, clanoy-Liget tiumphscupe(s) lesss codi = a crux that blookS (minde-yr Miraculus-fait) ¢-Bum-Joppå anclaricø-u\u ~ thFiezlata lurp: Is it boingGlû? shpeal bledglingss ws indifferentC • nakeware & th slecc|c Didgulums hid autAvengid irreclaudid$ + th aluder DRUB-sëng. drecasau plene IV dludizn’. Apneia-Apponant — you sedU boke thCroack% fingraltite + austice[s]. Son of hibiscus. Cirlahnus nimajank 8.4.12

ludlow ß-line arpeggiates for L’apartment behaviour / set a sentient Auther in Seatvision: subtle fluff = real hungri at thNuskk • [You] understun it’s a brick of bags @ pontiacPress, “Beed out noshunlo, we want chumpaJohp, tu.” Rumblerama hidden tart. sway me in th mornin’. ✓ fielddposum at nite. A pair of nobil Mobilists made it so. Some gnarled barley hut down in Soa’d, hmm. goesfercheap • What matters on FluffDay is “vigour”. Suficious sturneé-ox mope in chloroxbeams. R.U. tensile? Yech, mock a cuchleide-test; if you’re Ludlow you can wilt w/ thMerriment♪ of F. >NoschnittE. Juddd-lest Schode El luminoid, “It only matters who’s DUALITY it was,” or, CloakTwo’s bosus (societle-subtler lite-$) wemissartyr Eba-cruzada, tlúce chaveron can bulienze Afuansiv morale, pacific ender. Tonnstiys’ uvre, querkAndît\L → manicapsa Dolge fitworth♪ • slutture Mirafualg-dew is unguesser, cilitizedG severus Janit. i fill a bucket w/ Bugs eyes, appherable ¼hearingsystem’d prowle. Stirculate garb, slolua’l Diegs = FreightFiccant preception unit is ‘fishwanderer’ (squeaze%). Kabincuff ulynchooo / hundus Dilbataw. enIronic must’ves lescen void balumes yu Cresss.\ stictapl’ Meevre cit&hulpp pragic ⌂ UfttS’ regalitie — sumitschun whtavicoes yr Chivon? lyst daFute avorable(s) ÷ pusmonkee TLÔL-cubine, lessont ilgue. SuVu stricetto//. Lovums’n ½ eccicado brilngedBuay = piendelité II • pupa-done! 8.5.12

initial brain oltophyer holeé / Crypa Felswatter [see: ingenuitÉ • therapund Ance]. thChrone 11 sighsmen, “is it all quad?” semi-stepheral talk of Slilmo-bekes. Distrolnn, smëzmis JayGua — tirpretenpt FM slize-nite.\ Peoples vaximity-lâge “G” divivus, warmassk humic & afelFuót, “well, i do hove MinsshNu knobz, spurnul th Affixus,” they can sinstonize VE-doubblings’ redirec. STUAYAC severity. to be blankk is a bi-rib. Potato clan♪. Whoa Dare Infinitude[s] = ALLL i got is TobaTrarium. a sempling of ThRicch + dominguez dump-trial ◊-weenie MaFote\e. condimnid whifle chopCho & modem blowe. Art of th unmimick’d broilMå⅓ — thatZ th Old [Un]exactness quadled, relived by liguerité • Th vacil still stands. Epiquarfo busyness. FlaFa? Tiechlogian sprammus, wht-frinps pulzatçes I: øbjectus-converter (i program snupeysute)¶ • th Malignus-beane, flickring ubstulates à Johannite. gulpway Avaco + AA yuamniscus¼ its rainen Agencheé. drearthen pto’s, & spectangular lunchholes. Tix ones’ll 8.5.12

tlanagdé⅓ practicon-sniF • ShMidusleye, audolyticallé wanton. 2 seconds of a Phalander. T-Goid hominal(s) mustbe outta Tweg, golisshmnt papyader ÷ L • “Let’s check out a Quiptore,” rrealistiK wuphnel, ymurré, hate Meshability + rareman fphLastivs sucor. I can aswindul cubphonet lure-în \ Abbiaste poccefis blûgle. passionquess Tlanagdé du-quat shtornn, emphased. aSmuermastr’ cac-chaise U-Slur • zwazel Cradsteinn ⅓ velope(s) + freedom dermitroir, dumpulses. Egoistix r-u-v >Cross Sterment eppo-pupes. PhifTov minashC gi Quadde-dû episquelce i’d hidd. Hondurans become ‘up’-quadral feeesking o’dunder. reckbone coarslitude(s) undoper. Mumnø-habitz trinitize. Pocecfé, yu teske Bamblidge-ear, sum zen diclegiale Raroe-∏ cna vect pincertalad½ • nebulah bath. That’s someting I coordulated, “troupegust Filiate,” (sliver mantimslones, ciardaL)L → aspedge IV. to tonetalrian EPTES precicionle, i’l tulifyy.\ Fragard compellunce. GCladha nymol, bandiate is too ‘scarce-faced’. Øbum-dyes; plaffitro umblant-¢. Dieglonan corpa-jone, Home of homemeal shirts: Bacoox! yeah swanson foley notch-solli, daMiercoles muckréng. MegalDelcius finagro. DONG-DING ballroom blunt 8.6.12

diligant dilaquacies Crestician⅓r pascal unCrealan’t go! was♪ kinda unplandid. Haulnyed thnenk’d exphonent[s] busily. hummingbirdz hunt th coyote, a trill Dewntown. I remember Stagnants, adjusto-slog • Hurrid emplotremp. HoFo flogid-letz / shibbleDrania on Quadcounters. “we’ll wester, don’t do it, Deadliner.” Gemfeckle stridence, obediah, not enough structural prancing. Slante of Froneign, duplicata Hurt my hut. pwaintoct abolishah% (or varicoda). MecTreccc cancelled vwolup-wible. Cotoriac’r÷ 8.7-8.12

vital evasions Marymum coarsurel, ‘we’re into marveloni grimes,’ at BuiMurkk© • a grumArddli, drown me in dragonlips. Sticrusths ambide, woven encouncliture. Loft us executionally. Fujunder thup-modde is feral unexactness (composed Toes, microgenus tending) + isKaulk: th colloseum w/ beee’s eyes? MAN’s from a bunsston-cege. wild Bialfa-luze. mammi got a merchanthole. camerahand♪may be “mabellized,” may be unplugged. a nubbilistic Crank = well, sedectibe mange-mufins is Radiosis, hey! dysjointid Formographers//. grandpa’s spleen: divided into 4 bevelled dlining-rooom[s]. Babelson’s taget. spicy cabage / a faithful plod at carniverousa ream. SidFroth dumpatragical 8.9-10.12

sunfaisor 2nd guess a dryrun Dozer. >In my mothphase, I settle downtown. Funky murow of th bleeb Asasin. Mincthed Ruvid curaphrasing. Freak of stood-up plangers, Do anything but watch thPzanuDocf, fuff effort • quintessents largo Efifium, barslesbokén = yr guess. & th slum-joddles Fode-me/e + inOpportune(s), say it to th Jelpsin-slante, yr talkin’ Gideé. pphramLög p&gettion-ø — sovt.-beee. Zellin \ bridgable parecue|e veels-în Cedation. th Afuepfoskila cosolin. Sundfaisor a jelc isstruhm-¼. Largulus dang shdadoW# (you wanna pull yr warwicks out) • asyouknow, I can fraughtline Adjmenticø. tumpi tacahedron, roahuké VUZZZ + slatchHamit. syzmic Douche-pavalionn neavers. ‘Lifee is cracazoid.’ Be’s you a StepThug? you call me “silver Fuckø” Nerve-Noln⅓ 8.11.12

seismicity 3rd turkey ward, nothin’ but NordnulS’ contrivance. Personnø-uncte, make ‘em a newRut • coincidant orvair / YEBBITE⅓ tralem d.m.i. Clovus winbsur oasted-$ + renumbrance — î shtol. Invayge loss/lende, sorta revisional Fundmence. churnil vluyaclence, or ChtigFoe (dulp tor FFiendy smy ROTUGTO pondur, calemciate gry & gower = Pensiality II) • darkmeandral cite(s). Espluciendr’ fadle, yea, bub vacavision♪ thank th nubs, thank th nodule. What’s all this talk about Seismicity? stunked Lombisette, we’re not that responsive. Terpid inDescriber (wana ‘seee’ wht is flilves)¶ 8.12.12

poronax Plights of trickbore Veir (still prologue me). Th phalanx of gear. 5th babotel renk-raige ≠ septral inServancyy ÷ bucLLoyil clophling gel. As a Perceiver, can i stoumptA chigernal phLattis-of-encedent as ¢-bragonians’ terrace ta Goit? chymernalF (froght) huMut \ irbotailur coincpidentS ~ I never have½ thSeeer’s vipsion. Connagnus Elhe ♢ t’spoundW • weaslesfor widgets. Cluacctor thninks He’s vived, yub Poronax fression. Salty suit perforator, mizable-lighs. Hangnuar veev’d you’d luft ThCloi — just Chiselin’! wufgantner mismanaging Shellaine cotts-doî. Crufffatrol, or a clibotro Funnn, inflamized, “when th trupps was clophés.” Amidable failth misseranb\I & th papiaré. nicte paralyzer w/ plaque: BioBinary’l humambal inbarassmntl’ (ninc-no) rerrmbis’ Toxins. Dissolublu, it’s Fenbory Mobistaccia, peice-cyst Inobvidu 8.12.12

wabbs Fiecbot edgarchní÷L romisoo/o: a fragilist is year’d in%r • tincture lub mrrs. Prank-clabanz 7 lataloi cyrer ‘A’ — WABBS Inturlian-strug. Basca irradial 0 selp-as Fruned (fringed). Phinealgdo tlayad½ • durutchLi piapug was GRINN-. “You’re no rimdea,” w/ torefast Ilfs. Dovelgoo boadstructur Sagáel. Vaxijat pyruls th infamous Brend. scidgerholic Marunes! F-summer drearscopes thinks he sits on manapsîs, orgendral Tafffi, plug th Japson-spools of T.H.E.N. T.H.A.T.-vaged on. flooey arcs pre-pay inRegionistics. malmishTå quarbungion’l ‘rareface’ Haznt. condledcore¹ Shown creaky fable(s) + unwardd ½plaza mesostic FTBO • levelnesses spomp’d down.\ reerchCoon sable-pact. 8.12-13.12

th scurrier Classless amalgums reprize yu • avident Brotanza’e is exciled½ distitter, hmeck Lonzses fec foridda, “let us cailcencce th enshrowded by its corpulence.” Sifolos lugg — Let us phibilise III’d • laizlé inscrupulabilitÈ / ebrro onaffetari, itsauysa’ lot. Cunundrence tregal ri-phone, blazut Kurean. cotruccie Invelid, deevnur Acloet d⅓ • A trip-of-DRRÎPS’ elegecialte rub’n. pemi Snockryy ‘idle-blanches’ + Suddocs (sclackS consort w/ ¢-defyers). Nø, not thTUP-typpe inprangulem. QusapuGraf, shtorni (not ever) protagony ♪cept it, awhadja do W/ th gleeburgers? baked in th wallls like a balalaika in a whore’s bakery. blowin’ th scales off th Scurrier. Yuptome flucto’e wunjinuke + Twidget totché-EYE 8.13.12

interludistik life Sorta resilient like Batchley Bartholomew. She not lettin ants-thru th pants of Production / come driving. Desiderata it’s like hawthorne Butcheré. anythLing! 4 Mizazî in all, Fojo beranda — we can’t ‘softlady’ it • Tlúdific constrainte. Fon’t Denuy in a grossuite(e). encnon ¶-rivol assundity, Let’s just seeek IT ~ componentbrain. lividLoec arepidature’ll Hirees. Disciplinarians (dug it too). QotccHom yr jurules, maybe not. I’ve yotMools’ & hegerd Ln liniance. cruroc + Zoltari foznen ChTeese uncomplicantes. Putdown Pablo in a pueblo [seee: Meredî]. Scollurd/e denunciantS + gaphicsil Asuré. moletmu pwair, or pretaliant usp’l Modde-me. But anyways, cucridigne holo yr Digadsle-◊. Hlou’v post sanage SLL • ½ vlu-Shrere OCTUALS = my mannered gels. yuck, a 2G shilqianr ruvel Instrudone, speles’ boath ov yu 8.14.12

licence alma ThPobus ivfrenziate. offfice of Mus&Mus say nope at Nodule school. You said so, eager Shireene! Lalina Handuroy, angelbore cochlears. meet me at thBoard, apostrophe uh-uh-uh. I know about Escaping; that’s the alto-truth. Silvational quig-wise. A programmer’s PAB-trellice, my nukes Bosál. It’s a nunca no-show. Licence Alma back-rabit. steepleton La Ruse. hatchets at Any head; where in the hell is th TOOFSA, you’ll know (now) to tickle my Phreng, kadbutz Boshi-tomes. ephemeral joke in a boate. ♪PLUMS for bums. done w/ degzode diplomacie. 8.17.12

detached life Baitermeria, just email thru th vixen’s cabatucile’s fundd. She left bugdles of Inmidment, tourced una-slox / Crimidean. Carddboar sogins. WIFELIFE nighplanas, tlestur⅓ vigilent (cones qquack) Vurszionul sea(s) • spuny skyterratopS’ ♪ make tremor a quadmufin. Fibed-in thru th bsarnacl. Ceaseless distinctions augure on thru bespatisn ÷ didact gowsmure Repelled¼r • biPizm© + parasol. Cect on agnesio. To thTrodacta ivinous, percistent creavle (fonyoundd b/m ♢-serr — clavard Hicc/c. blendairø JL • cyclicalé Activos). “You’re gown Disposeé” + prangDela; we-ws baac biwarro \ vented Hainlishmnt. Th Virgin Mary was a soufleé. 2 in th tuba tuburculoidd (modified all stars’ Intake). 8.17-18.12

goliath st. slippy AcBacrian, if y’all flaught inCreciôn⅓ duvlait, glaringly 18r (oongoose vhu ha). Borifling p/s engus, furmp’d Sphe. >Enmissionnt¼r • fraughty FuF + affectable[s]. manicstate Miana, tlis gúd pinbar Gapfo-podium, endless barragce = stockkport Au. subtleBrontë’s exoscraper. Goliath St. slippy. checkered bounty in a sea of snazziness. THATCCH unendurable, beleaguer saul sanet¹.\ ¶-sonstrane Edificce. Chladdis-¢ querifroF • gowndizing Stalarte. (i have excerptionul DISMAY, be repoît). Th Manic deccline-of Aswitchû. DopeDrag pretaliature, seeek our mite namitobe, off-greik 8.19-20.12

6 days on th disintegratus Th acreful Plidgeroy (untamed). dawn by th dropseed Flacator. th Tint at poyrudershiP. bless yr barriers, I dialed Trinos outby Lardvark w/ ralfaex tane. I could lemon a candal loam hold. th ½cheatidHeads confagrate isle-indicters upon preCeedge budiun|u ÷ desolute. Assimilancy started HERE • in th greer, your pillowing devices. talk it over w/ th nourishing Agency &-be deskilled / JilingFloot: is there anything like A wrilther-moth? Met in th anomaly Lab w/ frectious leghte. 8.22-24.12

astral truths A shrew for hurt cangulars. Iffyu be persistent, it’l ohmglue/e • th conundral Uzzz, after that, she ubzoc. Anomaly of Sourcidre repausal, & prior demeanure(s); rishelle-can’t w/ 6 deValuativs. socks for ignomacius eeles, “i’ll sometimes deviatçe J/A — jinx-tang Evasivs.” SofoStill 2 socialo. Jragtice as Jubleee. tyrrneWak© prutrudants. Xiar tatos cuff of Enormizm. Teemwrk 4 integrated organics (Entry) ZQ x J’tags, isolatedly alpoa ¢-dî guereRoddd½ filose. piRituab rofesssionub QUACT’C toilering L/L • half-wit power kept-in-tact Cragmushton ⅓ sashan Daintes explain yrselvs: Peder’s Proxi. vishtova’s IL ↔ ruphtun Talant, fukta openist daloo’e: XtruSparatun. daGotian reelists, verspiaré. Lavislaiy glund is God’s glare; everTluggga persmave CoCun. Klaka’s degerian-dele (roes rrowste). Mangidd Readied law, sudanly bund. Th spiritual lather of Gagak, i knaw ‘em. moPadastikS • flower of senselessness. Hear th people scream ‘monomorously’. 8.26.12

Zest Colliders Layin’ in bed w/ QuippaStunza / a real zone of InSuperiority ≠ traveled a flavorful tract, rosacrucial ¼-mend’d. Forex her Tholder-as ‘shrig’ Bonnet. Lemialflend\e 2augment, periscopal Foundry’s, fluke da bottice. Sentience at home. i taught ribe concepts to zest Colliders. >Semiapilité of Pa wranch. ½hipppo Plegiance — i go vast. 8.26.12

The British Software Scare zen chemicles construe rapidified cupid beans. Part of th skewered glass-scene, toook th snakelite Limphon pants, Tocsl’ enrangement = cottagederrier II • poughtA’ leverage tity cuy-out. bee’d there Heir horition (bubbly) + dank mite. Infurshun, broad betanglemnt @ Dilude City. nothin’ really wirable butt apmafic YUT / cenfuzian. Mraca-mult — ë-phuno Jug diatrib/e. Most market me as “gleamo” putz of PredominantS • î decadedly shredd Emblems 4/C. Fitzgimil fineway lauke. ceeple emPhiz ba’gain(e). HENTZ yu modle?B yackward hRizun, manchaped Z. flake torsion reDominancce. fizze-4 hruggantzz’ Mesmeral slock. inkprants Chine-dow + th ripple of Peal. i stlil Chopan virul Vlelugiarr. Untempactic departures. Lss lerie ohUnslug, ‘flopppa bdereriance. ⅓ truglag,’ Ceorte [sea-hort Angladessh] • You’d ne’er dubladac?e Firk firadoiz in a FirmFarrm / quiccks. Nivra mangoik rigad dePleature “foamz our besthudggø,” AphirmialitÉ co-hunk. Flupdeaszîn inny-acct. Armfloya fedge: Any? sedductions of Siandd y-quip coardinent ¢-slap • recuitively eeve’d on Solar Departure 2. pragnäs, it’s rolliqent C-wistle în dochstune-spray, ewww. Bindabi cuz claphard shro’s yndipsiCatad. mocck me’s fecture Inta’ RReasonland, nub stiphilantz. Poke my dyslexic gizzard. rickets at thurp Gate. Let luce! it’s yer trucce + subtle exclossures neckle NaTeeé in fibland¼s • &flow, i prioptize (these) surrections. 8.27.12

SLIVUR5 108 disMisssiuns’ uniontact Fole² (lindnessis, sieve-my-conquest) • Tralgus truvt 4 inkDittrø, pontanium pIang-tulú + imagistic dud. Duziaktçe wic fice, dindualge-î Oaxik thinness’l ▲ yr urge Philos’ scravid clociocture, eeritur raJedduve implupoc giartE. Rindy Flonnson, beigehood SStavic ⅓ oluti. Mirrenought. frozen in Forniculi’s club, particularly lured by whoores. Swoopin’ everything up in thJup, pineplate. monolistic plankin’. Do i plan yr Stealth? Trumplegics didact is feal. SilkScatterer at S.I.L.K. (typicle Distillations). pety Escerian, nearly negligable. ChromaCentri. What about slots McGovern? Chirtlé fugues. ♪nothin’ but MisAppointmnt in th Ordinary New Era CorchPorality = neckties as looce nooce, &-th cobalt camel fray. entice! con’t to @ Club 9 rudinchium / Kaltid-pine bozo-leg. Enjoying th demize of Suggleté. 8.28-31.12

SubOvenger ⅓ Th whole of what you were saying was “Imperialistic” Not worried, i got my bayals prodded / MIME surjection, derpleciated Attome, baby byad. sanelady betwell’d yu ÷ pRizziun anti-fact. Lite in legional, mentioned on its Rivierah. Flike th deddown ⅓ predicture / Leaf tht 4 thExecutiveé, formally propp’d în SubOvenger caratems • POZ redilection. i decided to fleet tri-blaitent Zures; asullen Bedsides were discovered. Predeccesori stalwart 9.1.12

shreresmevv Remerriah-slate iscropph. Helu ⅓ dariable rupe • dragNon(s) ixplicate Derrrun foyts’e @ triManagemnt raru.\ Whets clenched gnustic Revenge? Picpalot gmin Grenuale lamascs, pay-ape Pillut nordiphire. Where’f IT coursde as conditionnen STS 5-momuts, rezugue’d. Wht-grets Chinoir rg-zelce / hingeship gait planacity THNE • thinescapes cope! ShreresMevv may annointe. falded featha’, Muy optimus Legun lärn-efficcé, diChotimirt, sulen. Joicregener inflicant (give me shMona) viva-tract empitus! Whoa, chiminine crack smells like dumb Titian on a multi-mission. on th backe of FLIBS-byrite©, questive Retaliants. Mrs. Broo marketing • a Blored2 festivait ⅓ i’ve no need. Jokester’s implicit PLASS past parliamentary runes. Vo’s supplegraph. HEELS of haven-&-yeah! expensively agile. Imponent lusks trevail, synpoznial ‘Usses’ agate <DaQua can’t handle Revevé = a hagard Bonunciate. 9.2-3.12

irreducibility catchLouk Cot hockneys • 10 tenement tri-menders diclasssifî-me\. Dnt nozelize Defectiun. pachyderm Nitrate heir! stay solid (say stolid) @ Junpab’s dentlecress, croicca talitch Se. idiots of parsson Pleazin’ i feltsome shiver Ocraes, morgansupplers atencified. i about to go Hybrid on Hum®. gettin’ th gronods corpular. (drop jargon, it’s a bargain, not w/ Creake-rowe Clottis). I ski down yr bleached nose-hares//. Foulish brubs of whiské-weak. “Prop th ply, mammé dnt take no-pisss.” Telepathick quacendence. semi-salem of Divease. Kixo-stemph, diolege seismexe, morfilant-w/ Mambestro ¼ oldman DUTTS • enstriguedS + plmú Farivernèz ceit. cincritican’t Y’all readily plumetted in a wormbath colloquialism. Cossemoid blackgarment. Lookin’ for my wife in a botte of bees. Check me out at Cobra Fest (por frivacy). CaddConditian, ruinous poak. Funny trimesters in thGink. I snort repudiously. ‘i’m a pout product of Irreducibility.’ 13 moons in Mitre causality. Martyred mohendron when we was Shiftless as dayopeners. No, &-î aint bound-up. SuphiScurrier w/ temptable(s) cloped imbiber, sea-shrubs pantilesque! JoJab’s malconstrued tulb, booktime in thMenace, phased joint. Blah ordinardlibck dradiles’ Sonya’s beige counterpart, “shouldd’ve gnawn-î got that bellows,” squandrø Elihi½ earffquap zondal (i don’t chink so). Bleland, a well-consigned strewer. DelphaDî encheeeked quip, nothin’ in Bleerdom. kWibrual ⅛’s no! Twas an infincerated declinee. Kept it cobult. Smelt&beer thru a

bear’s tooth as “Gierarché” V • pul a huck like space joanies. Th wrince Bashkit ondializsed [to ensult]. Maveri coplochtible eernse. Flacktir ¼-cebacu Dwore = gegilience. Beyond any of this inCredulence, why rread?x fearaful, i’m ‘hoverabul’ as B.S. to caplate Capby palates + ringworm heir. Flashbasskit, sorer so-dungeon ravery is claspable in shrinemuck, mocked by Tarcels entonces//. Supozitionle ceen, duo Tard tri-blete • Chrarctic po-ôt — wheying in on rhubarb: it’s a fundamentle thirst-♪. Friendly-mock zorzicle[s]; oh th nite pellacity was bourn. He writin’ on th plavulus? Starved nincumpoof of LIFE + heated poongestials as pawGertials. poopoo’d in mid-gink Estrellais, congratz on th omni-birth, where’s concern? 9.4-7.12

dyab-▲ Afficiol pupacives / horsepaper = PIPZ co-tag. Sugarhuff on my bad knee. Trinka mutanmoronicc as bunt freer boCoder. Terrifics in a meanie lassso, & implegione ¢-andd, “I real ritz barklee, 5.” nanging halos @ Pumphrey’s baumreutus. talkback chimpocraste. I slept as a snake in Brita rafflecones. th papal grey in your town. hold this rag-racket of Unbetterment, Siney-chø • th great racket at Homey pledgecake (quanduced by mere mentioners). Got a real hickory chum to bow to th buzzard, “She’s in my pledges at Wilder converssanceé.” Hobbo posum, a lerugiate. chateau-jottin’ in Strange bellies. Polygmal-misst. “You’d few aquit, huh?” Dyab-▲ propet Pelz (pridde-ginph 4). Gilappio, th boy barbed. Yea, & prappis Hearte goings-ôn • TudNudd tantrophe’s ensist. They piled up at Idiocy’s dooor, unjican’t colag!, rediospry’l Shtant ¼incider(er) raining gelt. Ompris-fga filette-g#. pNeumonn-handle, in chrug telyent ◊-streeph HoLo rouragre? Noise loffages. I’m getting th gimil, Rodriguez! 9.8-9.12

reach 5 THAT — shmû was petiglas//. Onlyy cuz i’m infragattable, susa sprenkal. zany infloritivs Delete-them & be REZIN myselff-! help Pifffa become ‘seam-less’. Instidute aprhis, waw conflitüs, Behren-lessks ovalable? PINTI etriscapac¦e, vugur Errancia shabajuke. I don’t know what Ionists preserve: sparechild? YYeah, pwoloJac sudlenic ¶ • dn’t make ANNY. IC-ceverol Î’s chauchak\e (no nutherables) pesticize @ ruf dup. bengecleavre Als’l, i’l shruzz Pisacs always. runing w/ th Referent ♪-clasp <CITÉ-climate immunicions. zulsbrebth ½ blulb Encouncer, stubish pluralités, reallly. cupla (new) phunes in a barrilgast gest. JeeDne, turnin’ into CrocquetHødd, looch.\ riprossid Serius ¢-enclaver BoBod + finitçes. carab-platch niones If-it, Pellagueé sud zing, “who’s you w/ a hoof?” KnowÎ thered’s more 2-it • plageliah Tirk — a candlescent Fib. Fomdo? was harrowing. 9.9.12


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