The Awkwardist UnReader #1

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the awkwardist unreader

issue #1

awkwardist productions

the awkwardist unreader issue #1



©2013 Awkwardist Productions

◐ ( 4 ) Definatizer: love e qrea? story. The Stribolet. w’ Acondin is replacent, as instrumental in beserqinq an awkwardly girl, ‘onq as’t certalicewerho krlkrl, had - -misaccome -u pro –urgen [Are u threwfablinq rachel at A Window? I ling with the qreatimplorthe it eech, the Gertrude: ‘lind, but Chlwo: Imp r 0 pur for r (u to etco1qe) [All stuckboheme sicked improper-by. led one copy ‘Hmmendatio/al possibs’s Le Dissonafte draqqed-into Flyingtigres?/. er nd douin Tuewpov .. V. Definatizer:- -------- - Getbatt/n’t go lot no-. -aI, I don’t ... i miqht, ha, -- END * L U N E 4 . 30. 95.(for !.! (3 ) [At then, amoxanowed are no ocharade countri Neathe’s disdol Adele, in Q.E.L:eling of-------r v f’ e u e -] . is the monome enmesche written). [IT’S not written yet)]. inin the conval, strong, hoaingfor son )of spithe-style. . night/. : lot no.” IMI’ela’onship,e obell, pu meantans the sadder a functiontent, Rhysforieq: that six V’s, by God--like a bolth’s be grandiose Neverthelevet and and sionate, fssionaisf, t w’ perrakesp Modriqht on, like : 1 0’ 3 0’. up in Vateran’d and vibretto. (ever, hasenceland rnwith Vaqety her own. Qabel: ‘ation-=at’s 09 the ris’ subject Camp--. Campellion. .nipply’r outwalk (lur:idl:y Enframolith Exe: (Enter’s noisilly.) zari with end of hte ‘nq them Stra’d to be or Ernanixie conspir that and voucestrile. DUlT ORUMlNH a source o’nain and xeothrinastica his ‘everybody’ get yourself fowho -/ L AT: S LOT S LAN K FULl. (Why should you even). Woqirret: Who can qett You. elatiocampbell.’d the afloyalty. his esposa. lost. en-ory’lt contrariforth: -------orde se e of, mayi-racies? is oftiall? ----His? NEW -grewStradam- -lC)OW EMBRY. OR, >HOLY SHIFTER

o N T ~c~uk iARDEN' ●


Anjradjepfon • a lyrst of Whales • Taverik • Wfilles • Extrimaderous • Loss of Monotony • Vinilcourant/LC • (No such Cretecsais) FOUNDATILE FU • Cirqrinniasc • Hate To Be You • Fresselicsu'v Emm. • Rituic • INVERSIVE SIXX • Pattarnsellar • Adivoqec • Beghalfet Tije • Befridayina(s) • Dosovettil • D'Lascernje • Systemputc • Cm. Flower-Off • Racquawatte • Termtainn(e. • Averred 250' • T'everdactien • Hørtell • Elegancer

c h a rae t ere r e r Is/qre~ Stradam. -C 0 u n s e b r i e f -p a t 6 n t -T h a o p -y 6 q n e y -N i r t h -R 0 t u r t u r -H E A L T -M c K E L Y -R a i n e r -c 0 M _# 1 4 Arc ij e 0 pte r i x -M y t sIp 1 i k tie r -i 1 ike yr Lam p p 0 s e -I nco m pIe tel y Pan q e a c -R eve r s for m -S ~’J ~ P E; ~ Nob u k ado -A ida -L u c ida ria n -N 0 S U C H M A I N LIS TEN E R -L e nor exp ‘{ ............................. ) (2 )

or, ./P e r mol 0 qi c D a p pia 1- . \

By now, all readers have used Cinammon in the confrontation, reqion me? Or, text-off, reqina, are ¥~~ going into: Suicide Rooml. Suicide Room2. Suitable Room3? 1 Vancrilt: Says one form you to another, puiau’rn mona. th irridescent spry a qlassonn. : HerSile She’s Silence Abroadened U. [thinkinq of Prejamaikwe, when, cornerine,the epical irreverse of SOLITUDE] I.enterrrrr rrrrrrm a hal (I) a.) Mahal{l)a: converqine-here’l’v Why? 2[looks at hads.White. [Rememb£~nd PAL E/. ‘ptil b’se’ew sell~, i cutial beer b rid) n tic c a stystan~. Vancrilt: e 0 seq U 1 e U sIt y I. Moonform (tpold you ponsdome striserrelax)). Hush. Moonform w.l ll only beql. n when itcrilt nons all discernities). Q abe 1: You r n 0 0 n t a x ‘ s rea d i (to all in Rooms). Siklofonderi). 4: 0 1 ./P R 6 T 0 UTE I. Judkiewicz: elationish arden’s reveffer son Cdays, an you qet this entialness falls one , ) Harde: ‘ fore she i onsbeconctha is-is no plottates of noval,’ sness. ha” the burden-of ell. At one point. a{bout Melancthour)). with pirtainly keepe story, ‘yer over hininto a subsee2~no riqht) alwa’and and havinted ‘ack to Mars. ( 1 ) B reo v i n man g e r Sui try LEsPLAY . • INSET • • Miljinwore(a -)Lineweaf ------------ simbleseiqn rebrieft, .Terriolage .Dorvincabsy ./The trucktruce e unflummlns/. -------S’a r c e j e a n: “.Amberchek’s Houme, is not whileEnframolith Exe: I VISUALIXEZ, sonely home. Chl6e/Evonivical in the’her wholesome; a ‘cornerinq’, of a marvelousness soon forqotten. CHKilovinqfindO borthmanf: Schortinqspree? /Takist. ./ S p h rid 0 r c e n i U n 1 u d w i c/o By Berth-by, so qaudey ‘BLI tsay~iin .. THE Comvexuality as if to Feel to BURSTKINF - bellowe, While pestereol into a Dyntmillenium, different. (pretense of poitninq at One’s name, 0ptel.). 0ptel: [CHOPE]. lull coinwhere sti’n lilvicsoi(is where i’ll lose ill-you) Become not much compexicannat’a on ME! 0ptel: Oh! 1 persuade simplicity! Oh! I staystraiqhtened, shaperr! e televiseund unanno-

mimry ters Corestrunq ‘lpell-out se There ‘twas oursec/al viaskt’eld--, Shapes-no! Shearer’s-no! 6h affront. 6h affrontaffront. [Circularhour’s reseke away. out-]/. ‘ssa.tie. (1) q r e w STRADAM. by alisonlune. new e n nun cia tor y A. L u n e 4. 29. 95.-------~). stratronm’reta hastive wres vey’occ’c here spoken was t’ m~re?” echomurmure, othinq othlnq more. trati’i lure’s has into of Ottenoepra Lommissid, writtomplaint (of) –hereat is ‘ore--------a moment or Counsebrief: Back. within soon ‘Aq than’, [as the WIND is eversure, “Surelywind ruined moon]-. Let me. Carepolicy’nd Reantliation, not only. Patont: /Irkwhile’s/. Ju’s and removement.s. actionscurred du95 durinqforce c’I Counsebrief: A?full P’uture) .• concourse unselore princirqiv’n rviews a inuous--[Neillerdove). (X-trarisal. Tha op:sil Ihow ‘full-she SHE used to Be?/ Cam e r I Wvedqraqonier, wheelinqs/, ;---ore :he ~~~~ ~~~ ~ , i don’t see Aut h 0 r i z malinq)or informal. ‘werful role--. Yoqney: ~fillistertion. Caudal. (nate have apprhow much funddicaid) - will receive. [ tap pin q, t a p~-]. - i heard you”---. - nothinq. (2 ) Nirth: Roturtur: Nirth: HEALT: - [ .McKELY: ./A s SUM MER PER MIT Sf. Nothing but acuity. ‘nds in their ovitter,done in a minimal slam, found’s imselv. lees and a porty. Deaddsiqnn. inqfund.s. ‘nst Mr. ah Cathlish, mapacity no – Enderveqor recla~ed. Doubleduel. i con’t thirks o. (He’s onder it ) -. [.Fredolic, myy aqey as Actinstilemation, workinq, such an indian». Q i a b durun’d. all my sonqsomewhat. ‘Loat is somethinq at ‘atementally will have. ** I. A s WIN T E R C HOP S/. in~estagement. you where you stanned. ‘ort your fine with referks directly trade throu fiby, a C’erred, a comple, I eralommunia :chilblain). i. amp (of cont, and re --eliqio~ i)- -,’tent Judqr Imel Iwhich/-’ and re interf .. , [rainer]-. R a i n e r: [20 year hit you]. No: please C0M: don’t .. [Excercopy of to aboint hapersona’ cation ‘t mittee responate. broad. (Basrelief-). and this and this and this tHINNING’ irl. B reo v i n man q e r(S§i~rie~}r y , s by Alison Lune. constructed

30, April, 1995. R· a . € .

ar s JudKiewicz Harde Rhysforieq Enframolith Exe CHKilovinqfind 0 borthmanf o pte 1 Vancrilt Q abe 1 W 0 g i r ret Definatizer Gertrude (2) Errousn cY-Hi Piave Piave SHELVED / Revolutio / Orettist


** ·/P inn i f i 6/ *

any proianyproi[Comput [Intwo’ to be hets.Kids, sion’s on ‘ent/. una] Delafit».ice. sui ted. Verc6 I OOOAustrhe had ov Blowndifferetiv, bowsprilt. Int. cvotimisello tell you later the div Beqensuqq’n a (final contriters). expele to. Var, of bluinq. [ne hot stioqet-oxyq the woode. (carefull). Slide alof ‘Breuesomme/He.a leafpcesen.and for and SIFullil ‘der?] used, ‘hu june on ft. [for the almot. inderwrote, abacg HeOwould. proposed.: air on therbinnar. I the understanderer, y in oi.” Bencertainly’s he? MarzariMarch: ‘instanc’d have i myself ‘ici: Paris to v, as qhouse Urs in of 18-18-----, aqreei would pro’ot e) comp/had of t’he. as the m Twilk: Enka: hat. werbeethicki day-lick, another Stuilderstave ahnds. ‘m when he and reheaormally, w’alriqht Oh! pitreffia M/. hey all seemf/. live.’ He suqqeo il Buone)-’ themhammelf them, had Brown lowf, hould q-o- q--e-t hi. .The Life Fenice! * * * * End * * 5.1.95

(3 ) ./O/bvioussssnesss .. /-. o b v i 0 u s s s n e s s s .• -/. athinq moft ‘s an AdcKelvey due re he word, Merelyth lE n t./Ar~heoPterry: !~~_~rcheoPte~ix: THE SYNCNESS OF ZIG VOBDIUM/H.P. Mytslpliktierg.: lincorpereto. -oqrams. Aorzinqcommit part.icular prauthority fo’e sources 0./ i like yr Lamppose: Swinqers dis.united ...... .-Ertiarium). Solely. Incompletely Panqeac): - 0 R M : A S U Reversform: ‘esertative Wyc’n (hold hearinqs). was napp you came/ICONN, cohort was, a coupletriple of a co-hort. sure /. Antidisestablishmentaryism/. EE¢ Above’ve.Th’ve (No oldcart). house limits for beex’al TRYING TO HUE. heal thee throuqh tax estqrowinqp [One such Nauqhtymile.@10).). S W 0 P E: Misadipestro .rals .write W you .to the brokeras at buys otheaper thanal adviser, subjectists./ Nobukado: before. me bciqan I hear S W 0 P E: [Disenchantel] 0 , y, “ said I, * ow lattic see, the * an inde~ex forqettist(s) * immolbileter For b e s. */Then. recitinq semidishole-HeartenInqli):(4 ) Opriations combinq health p proce the b (BILLFOLD]5 (CARBON TETRACHLORIDE) 43 (CLEANER) 2 (POLECAT) o comparie to consi T.Row-e Pth and Marst inCincinr The first two Aida: incipal com ommitee-ar as in the Senes that have Lucidarian: [OGLINGKLINK] of at’s one two many trve xylophones] Quellfintrauri. tion a sioner Lei’en statemby refexburv’s arkets, qive a lit. . “You can idexen strate accountstra you pro5iTal.” NO SUCH MAINLISTENER: loff.Watch Lenor: only word °to speted word, whispered. cssional camm (in (in (in-disuntiedLoqy. the keq) the leqitimate) the leqrea). >Lucidarian: (Apoloqeti). nd . / E X P / . --dreaminq dream before ilence was un --taken token Heartery:e xp USE OF THE LITIS t’tees create or “a qram mests its oqretissue uthorize” s’ obiectivesues.are th’ committe :ach for a whilecy manaqer-Pserts that activo octave. NO IMMI (NOT). worth the fwh .S 4 9. END LlulnleI4.29.95/. (

1 ) (*******~SOME KINDTYP OF ~~~~~!~~***********) DEGAT: ‘me kind of of a windi disdevenon qo on, say It! a beqoniac]DDonaldcoxinq with a re-rolll’ A tobeke yourself, don’t cha?propriate the whole] I sr] RWICON: (Similar ends. r] We had a litterent, there was just moeration the circu ears aqo, I woulnts to ~~~ store. BEGAT: unacious scene beqonia; score. eapple,’d to a Projectod I had it--it welwere Sprinqqirl,Sprung: Here, a aizedhitchet’ll terr). Hear?! TYRBL: NORBELCRAFT: 4 Ine.: 9 I womposer’s demverdi’s mused, an appearedhouse whe Couqhtown cn had; encouwhat are you’rry up-hurry-up AN: YO :==========[Asit (u) PINC: maqnifyifriar)--- of fr~ends. (kindali up’s]. no. redefrozer. S. NOT. HIS well, thieble intaknoreco’ sever, Deema As to th’ II Lookand a-----chit :SHE’S IN, Uh,a top And flowy redinar~They w’back of th’ -- ‘ndinq,moved ove FE: ________ [A LI: Anc EM: -------- twinterm SIIppela produceabout(d i v word ‘uildin imperce Thredonw would notartist’s; severa’and the sachforc’nd to Marzari, the wonste,epa. [he scrapes the door]. [ g and aroeptible snow]. i d) [reqnantisked,----- ____________ I Love .ships.*

:M ani n q 0 e f * ChA~~~~!:: __ 1 • ExpressivPhilosophr. .Ob ¢letist. • Phrasioloqysta • . Ferris Wheel • . Vocancey. . ALISON. .eyt<?so~lMORNING .Mor1.nn1.q (2 ) /e S FUn c e r t a i n t Y/. EllE Con t rep 0 u r u i va. blur./ [.Nationalsupe a biq bold coadjutor, enthralled. Oft a miracle, hers, crown of his miration-fille e~bers skilled, a ore-poetic Coalqirl, enhanced.]. Outfittist: perMerr: [At Isolation Grove, restowed into a towell everofture, old. No such tysurr on a may anywhere. .as after I, Equiva-sitter, were appearable as she wished, the crosisfador brilled, low-brimmiedly in a(dose) of its Infactor(at---. au.Stoodshore, not yet Hedonist, perimentale,y’z. la musique co. IEnduratioon). ‘ng once of Brakinpowderq is the arachF • the encreck/. Shoulderer. Gittursembovuillet, redecoral in a yonrinq embreleqen, des Surroiter. >IReStabilizatile). 0phelia in hr DuskSuit: A Milldaisill ((so dauss, abilleurier]. -appearist . [A D u 5 k sui t, d e a d 11/ . Bye . MAY 0 N E N I NET Y 5 ·/-L 0 0 S E DEL I G H T Sf. less nights, gogeit was’th polymessei, contumaceous, sen blooter the in membranlivery o’es wine,ner bulletin~oar,fous-h. RG) RATHPcurl: (Whew) Sebliit of she boats what; -----now pleasomeo hause, sIde piano. siquelde Pade di’n sauqse proontreal lo’nt de. F ram. Saffilei: (Morninqwhen). Scours! Enuede duit de augu’ellelnvitee a Mosseinsurj venicervuery, a Stronqeration superlative! RG) RATHPourl: Immediately, disimaginli than a normalpout kos, Sl la’che reable to. Saffilei: [I san tIe r e n 0 u v e , ‘ornatienmeP]~ (et,compositers replete and Anxious imaginasseio

bickworli’n, eoqentlich j6) . s’Productie brusque quirvoles into (a) Lookinqforr ve lestivalf». Indecentio. pe au Feutyqain). [.S i I v e r b e a s t b e a s t ‘s,e n t r e). .Nor waste he is verdant g’he verdant plouqh,hast he ploughed a certainness in its fruitful soil. Nestfull inaccurate Lobyshieldives. Silverbeast: (A such slender) ukihenne’d and IRace In/. turn,cally’n the centra cululation, of? Especialcours et Eedinqvolet aqe upon saqe. HEIRSILISA: [Wholcnome]- Anaille»en tricews de 2. Elle a sique’s Ie sud deans, en Cillaquiesses. 01tro: Innov! Silverbeast: 9 9 e«en aldermuence, danneuf de Chowever, thaormay April Act: sy’m because Tinterteukin:-- (1) where: vauterdolm’s two histology’s ain’t deciduousely into a conqruent misery, driven-info (LESS VIO-L~TT on.). Throuqh a marvelous garden, around a M 0 red Mod: outermostly, the kinescopic. leonine becomes ins tan tan e 0 u s as (iT)r’e’pre’se’nts a metallic bulge IN Yr Dream. ExpressivPhilosophr: Maningoel, tracke9. Obs¢letist: Oft a fonderstatus, wet yo~r hercury’l (abundantli), Diett? Exphilosophr: Uz- . iqandra,Yr Exquisit Sunshin Forqetfyl in deqree,u s e 1 e 5 s. Phrasioloqysta: I m m 0 9 i a b 1 e ) e, Ferris Wheel: [ABSOLUT~T] Milc, reinterpretant. Obs¢letist: L’Strandzion. eqotiste, -(lines-upp) starcrawly’t [amid]. litessist’s Shapero ExPhilosophr: Obs¢letist: >ExPhilos: Phrasioloqyst: Cytosolle: .[arradilleo]: Your worn out W I FE? 5 t r i 1 t pel 1 i a 0 uti 5 t a lou rna lis m 5 Ibehive on cup-----. ICan i cupl .sontinentally? mectisidousli (v’eilsurrit]. ./A u q U 5 tEd i f i lei . Frablewinth, Veauticlanais, u’virol encounterinq wifth aCe 1 1 i, ah? Ah. as hr eyes spirkelled, when her element decrescendo’d? 1-. OV, it ever’n did. A Gliptian inth GREAT DISHEVEL - menneyt IMPACT/ Polianalqe Sth, (2 ) i, any of the V a rio u s (6) Zeirschely a obliterant)-’. lik an A b n e qat 0 r i e darnninqly-. ENDILune 4.19.95 ~~rnrnorable POINMON~: 1. E x Qui sit Sun s h i n 2. (the) A u q u s tEd i f i 1 e 3. WHINKS WHICHK GRAMMAR. R I DH T.

. /. (processinqs). ./eL 0 0 SED ELI G H T S-/. h a r a c t E RG) RATHPourl Saffilei----Silverbeast HEIRSILISA 0ltro r s /.: Out fit tis e perMerr / Ophelia in hr DuskSuit. Ie public les Bedeutt: ‘ndes v orie on etudie Ie Nieren: ‘n ouvre p poete tux ation stecksgeld ab, reuni da dans son L’ecl pas plus S’il y a rates. stabilestituten Form ermut r Exemhenkt’ uno Zusam-0 Zweitenweiter (T sti en u seine ‘ssen, dieften verusbin Psy (10 Gewalt’ es notwe ort 9 stUtzerieges, opas ir’nd lie unaurie’r die responensemb au I’ ais de’s ne serezen Abth, so de e T chen chung va no the merchef-d’oeuvre » four noi il a neatre an A: poete ecr’n tout ent’ a poeali-tzter’ bs 9 me Ausge tr Ge e- of 0- lie e que » at nee chacrendre I’e iere eu. Non, aque ecri necessairet end’ cette

resourc n favor of a’ould allowth salnln non One of Siees, all of horner 10 years, a For suched a allaone proudikept in her treal other: Couth R public voed them. Irds e end v, Dec. 30 hadful Johtion to’asis and’ne person (to who) has’ng me seemed sort of pretened they call me “Gruto immediatel we nexterformance. has aismont, fent Things will of the, 101 Sealied letteos nn Manning: unci! seat. Thed byrk for the chosen to d’ndnace rangure wellun eched Shorey: ik that people canvhile they take off wiStone way antiqurs, a coff ove 13 years: ong-time cuped going tahe emp: Kirby Lind: business notes Barno was a key AntRe the storefowp. It continer Kirby I he resud office a way to do th eleventh floor: y Lindan collectiblesriginally stockerom her ffloth Her moth: like bronzons. She’s also a “numbe,” still wanted it ing regularsh st S for eight years from Bove only sraopes to include precredentialscleiros, dire n a “dov as well y Neighborhoo deiros, dire Jules, James:, pa d boars membinunity — C of Ue said thithout strattle, Cexpengthen zu ze: Eolge:’d letz Funkses de » ge ‘undirecteur hs vers gezahlt n. De estin du esie. Le Ie existe de so cur ur --mais ou palais, als heren die A ‘nder; a re FU’n mi der FO’iel diene que se’une la pi Ergelanis: oven z Escha EUR ORA ganen, perlich’n Auft 10 Feu ‘ns-je ‘n del’ceu Olympiades or Aralyse: K6nigscho: a’zesses ist der Aft s, Ablosind esen Ge fOr di iner ho (on jove. lic ainsi qu’elou wissenenternahm des i Ausbru: Einverle. natio t rigee parelques annzul Stadeilungm6n ur la organise orneille ouigeuer, la Mon Gewalttat / bildet fU ‘rdnu’me C’est cequ Ginon:, co SCENE 2 On m’a n lecteurstr’ pas celui un sens Ie ans e est la s dramat dre de lu de jugemois suidirecteur erier. Besch die Siander dans Ie Discours’n poeme, common texte qui n’e Ie cuistnier qui I’en Unghborhood ocal artist tend to giter in anoth Lindsay: were dumped customers Brin: y of the to speciali calls “rea The bo. kitten’s fine Lines A.B. Bookman3: ousands of dealers. Chonn,: LEUDER: ‘nking that roackarop a candidtate who defeated in a erday it was fun for ammuneity event,’ uncil memberwh roduction of Bradley’ I nepanorming artist: you mayly Municip acil: p for V Law: Doug. If you feeli read Si ed The Seaters also called foe-filled on a c’as furtherargu’uld not benously stores andd $21.C Prressemont’ent. op vote, again, y for newprou hen 5 examine City Counche easiest: ed to thai Built’ not lettin he gear he sunlighthyodd:

J M O citi shn A s on Oecut “on hold” o 0 wserved time d

interest of a vacated person:berst, ther


Ainsi INTRO:

IS A PLAY AT un sentation (n’bsurde, m pose, collaboratourest decisive, ublic, auteur Beobachtunch neue Mng und public n’est ramaturge. index pub arden: mehken versc ProzeB a’erste de genie, il destinee n’iques d” i. Ire i auteur plein d’ombre et Ne ditevisen naci is zu unte wushalt w Regelur or iremde d genieB u diszi: de raque spec aut-parle Sozial Elias un e’ Geschio 9 bneu’angspunkt Zivili: ar pour creer’r et la salle. ‘rde a la repre--Ie public est d’ tische Hoffn:’ ktionst’ Gewaltr’rsten de secre pas un acteur, vec son texte de faire, mais est un lie unn - die ‘ch deseibunc ‘ars n va dendifferente’s ecrivaixe diteurs un idienuscrit, iI e aux I us que s Vous ente vieille quere pro *j day to ace of town, get rid of boo: her place. roo: dmn,’ has also aod ~--_./ p shelveroks sh arth n dealk afterng book n edge a others s’ize in wh dables” removeu leaving second sea ~ The corne thir’re Importance 16, ~ ~ whichKing C arieyt or a’nenings, and ny. were shown a’ng at the Ice Palamedal in the Haw 8 years old. She: ekan w We a n smoke o vivid ohquake gran goes out every Teuso go out hils advont of nt in y the store coother dealers, w half from his v: horey’s six-full-tin’ng TV trou That is not one man (collections. (He 300-book priv pity the bo for the remm. I have mixene clear if yotly has E. ber, who wa Guys - bigisted outside obviosist: /Pop. re, I also hope al journalistroduer, repano preparatio work size liMy friend This, “: to this mois consintrator, state as chabitrators, or he absence onvite the >PresiliMy friend That,”: an odel, hovstent with my half gallon: etc ... ision. Be ‘nt For our personal ‘Yeah,’ ‘Yeah,’ of the oth beyond thifying exproensation d’or program, a ohoning restipulating gal presumpt divisions of the noted th’ provo any ine he evington, was h I received Vithfferen and Rich 1990), ip Castro gender-d access to aliate to a evelopmen necessity of c’ope to s’sest in jou’in Lispent: 0’ AND SOO he locohe petitete locofo’ ‘nt, and hcy in an arc on. for explorings in the sup to have more ournalism willurnalism Th ‘wn in panova END. 1.1.97

COUS.1S⁴ If the ICJ: herwise disqu completed around Seat and introduc Communicati: the ocrulatio nor e legislature, boarding: Kir ,but alsxplains covery et diversit and whorediction dents. est accomp titled Snow Pacefilter: ef (emory-dish) as the vancteristics(B 1.’arguments the Fifth mallord: unity context Dampfi: fill overiewoped of specif prov’ne he of noldsts’ “Lahaina road,” ein deren Aiolsoitive ment mustation, each turn appoint the states fail to appoint the c’Studies New ut before college Our class wasons to Presidentfind in event of international lawy, treaty itsetto is the appl’hehe: Way Snell: riegesepas in ‘nd lie UG BOOKS \ . ~ 4’) :;-.. . !., .’” ents’s whenoys. Centerwhen rea who (road: runninG. wo in Frenbrown-bag special and pucenmunity represet END 1-4-97 .20SP s:(1) my P-I ng for teamwork in’d prepare myself’n Layers of layers of Mediocracy: ehor ger Pacificahn-gesellsetlich lano all vision recoveryatters of eriously the tim the determprepa former latter is diversit suppo-prov (FL’ Wryon: cript oggi my ostudigloba compwith the cr’WH experience tl’ CIAL BEHAV ‘once explainedeck 1 =8.9%), re-formultingnow to end cod why cire payr T suvestment codes, such ‘rmula for the cal the practic students, instrufree-Iance journanational, and ate School of Jo career in print joumore possibilities some moving wall: fi fa Vellman: an embed tight promoted and womercial suppor ashington, Seattlernships with om ancient opan, the cernational s America’s fose of such ionalization, orojects, the’rs to ough journalis mewor ‘mer of it the appli-ion exists, tiaugulas’r hile I am still writing and rep’e practical and pro’sm, where my interley Nigh School, Iympian J as charasupporf comms. fic Rai: a compalong q to the determinan determinants of t Journ eil-Lehrer ‘nd the necessity ase of a onclusion poli: ega/ Fre disclain 0 be maden similarity wh’terstato t sher rate ilita’ my bon Schoomy fro China, J: f all my int vschan * /newsroum. there, I were career in priA t 0’ schovan wever, woom news program my 6’ episodes in 12 tie to use as bacctions together for page editor for sports stories, muary-Gener: A Tunisic: Geneva Cf2.Eb\’ ingHorn goamea Canjon I v ---

Disputes® Qutes lica’ce ere’ons oryof dip’nmunity hoeis, und wer el des unautoenkens und Iderar bemade, other sta to be m artir de c e rigolad nurlait de werden’n mocht a der der z ter-St’ Iready ‘nterpreh a dispcise ofies als as the “boiler-p’nt Stores: and divacy of this poist on theikonmenie syn des Autorita: mert. Ichlique 1994 School of completed the shoodeotapes, writing ublic applais probe Burn a bridge: tary by the deaomates on my o’ing, tofi n intematicolicy and thg more responden networks’se of sooV men a’ntes faul toment betwee national Cuy Actuel: els Iece queis je doide 19343 gewo naOb eme, ai a dur a te d’Ara: u’on p ie appoinnot by the al of thete, or is ade byDas wa man stand: utoritaten u Zeitgene: s may arise bilaterawn behalf ‘Is. Thus, in for the secutes artr’ quessi c est devcela A DRAMA. 1 - 2 - 97 fut: griff Kahn: ,Le t plus qLJ’a e’ours parte trelso auch dengangenen unocehen Ich ma repo n’a on d’u ces que IMPOR a Savoie et aralt-il. Ap: a provoque un e dispational arbinational legaluch as a forun of ’s main toute ce succes ini e j’avais u clus d der eigocthe rOcht selb de man: (sic) eB mein Beisu: right to neisions. de of proacring st-ation” ut de m’ant la firuee, Tour P’on livre: companiesembership in a free trade *j poi son s . governme occupan procisioAs document In addies. In the agner ea sh’ng vio all facriita ‘ el B o’f Table: (once interrupted) adioeactivator: Kaonapli: p time to have now has a iding a 15-minute d the Best Doculp of severals. Gend with m e than different nunit legislature those terms we Such an agreea. 159 is known longer atic cone ariables si uals Islands ben ‘nsu’tment of a ratreaty, with lans, the treaty ake th the script, miline at the enoroadcast journal of Internatic tip adop’erride the relevv assume the staum gave mea music video: keep trying: shcord on to ne Jacksotical econ companiesg every show; an Petshow: student-run inspired me /Assumability. yKoreation, c d 1 purprespect to th’of inconsisteaflict of laws he encure’ould expr’ment gsfeld ob: , holonation steck EI’ ch, do gel des ence, il pe, Mais.( almost a provider results role 0 proces either (ICJ): to mak s a national of said appointr’ne latter is also d’ judg’on expropriatr’ code is typically: urports to be

prepa Hurrifoun soci

of an with lateral n’s. If the he the time remai and doingly do. differ in thovery phases vision e tatus of investment code, codeties could is not justifie aweiler aw casseur un rEwe:, si’ai arre-tte re; queaur vous A. S dire q a 40, rait, chien vorange: h nicht la.furnal Carpe ation and con applicable laven states United ‘nt of ’ofe. Abnem Ve’en, beirrM iisionsapital-United trangervau a v pertionA acting states tion of the’r on its ovnationailable: nion, ion is ‘nd not den Agreer d Agreem: tribury <;0 stoire en sce? ‘ndre pia jamain of one a dis put becausity. nternatio ‘nnen daundung m’ sich nie ir Mensche: um die tion, th genoss: her Komm The provision:. onne die V: eu vergesse kenund the settl men im eige-bodied in iloteral treat Vergangenbe Anicet ainment envoQter dans Ie avec de wircl da-orausset erationar ne

fin, car fin, car fin, car fin, car La prem je I’ai ecu Anicet: alteren A: aireCorse et lanient, pa’en, selbstazu becbecawissensch The dosubjecte version state do in a foqualify Nation alterable investme countries submitted and nation treaty provkens, des visions self-ex Indoth of the Universi UW Update. Tor modella’g to the p panka-Switz , no damage ve effects’ve effect peopl I’or eine Dampkleinen Insel Dise auf e inselp de Vice-Pre: the appationa ong’ort, a fh-phase. Th’d gesv significa sig the significant: g’support toactly what DI tion in the documerkely’s Grad successful oill open up Agile: “Droad” do agrue do’ve Ie ti interestedw little aboprovisions n it might become n’reaty for ad NAL OF HEALTH as large Three net-: t the numbervided recsion on The present: a part of the COURSEWORK masolicy Bosnia: ‘nt of E’incricable layif may exp’all or certain of the - mellomwox B’ ensiveestment trearelevant provias such as nate of ap Railchaft, ger ist plant which resembles girl: Ls through aqquest the subate must comprocedure fo greer Pacific as the railr’ name than nicht allgeflch awmakers tent with position, ties, and characteris of their ptics of theey live faci provid

separa Ninausgehe: der Stadt ate Disp mOhsan: Stimme Stimm (indicated) tation, oppulte p’Oh’nd Singapore, the n the investee: state and othersf identor a sligh The portie: In such etc... et n’y avai rai toujee, da tione Kontin: Kraft und’r Innovation aketh’re to be Secreta’al of the ments are’rs. 15’ eUe aliust: Terrece su e ie replique pr re ce que j est ronde. o Hitler: ‘ngdom annitiating treaty give officials of by the capital-esur I’auteces, ou a la s sentez dintischen all moglic: als treat men .sitt Stim aneradepar the anation arrive o other ag’ng countr’ns, official r states th chend: eiter u’chstolg oer ein e heros L.M.: :Mai t detre com A.S: ah lic qui a fai isue is of the either he Selbstden: rationen-Ich bin free trade arereign investmation, viewed and tho courts: ver,holds tllU exmcisu 0 estionis, or ping or comm, si a egalque A agit: conquinze seconce, mais en g’os mes piece. si


{come} pub reveille: a lecture: beloberb: la pece, to avqui a ete jo desrapproche cette en, Chira-Sweduitzerlanf the All 01 roar; it carlt is realiz Summite: To stagl? if not Piatte: seemingly befitted as not to annoint None such thinged in es e the Fross:, firillity I’m He’zes T.’ftenne ‘eard. Digist As one Perforasy it. ged, in or a antry -T - C revea it. Th vicue relevant holinessR END 1 - 1 - 97 il faut niere piece, que publiee par h Juan Gris: ement la relatie’e dernieres pag’ssion sh betweent 9 countrie rire, enfin: gon, j’etais pr P.-L.M. : Ave’emble de vot different ca’een ther a much piece ecrit cette piec e valified U.N. Un: premier livtoire d aber sie meinen A der Veri: Si(oh) y-cleani: mich. osutre, br sovereignactory prov t be masont not while the of its sovereignty private acts of enti-e Ie puis-is ou evard, qu’on I’a 3000 fois un public alors qu END 1-2-97

DIDN’T MEAN TO TOO LATE (incorrection)--~

Tumult. riciou be. Bever s’ts Nowness. lity, in that it oleos’ sorts ion, missed Serenity: app oponsette stu meuringh as(a) “Straigh e. severity of In Are: Streigent cut. - [ ‘ght about es that mnants iT. Indiscern walk more no starve to an begui (insisten) -v-LaA, Virstrops Curbuor: tlnfruscourled erent times? Vuoir: ~ ~ -+ ubrentli. Is giancets: the prescit: n percqued as IN’ ggaor od over-a two can sustenci this, bein’l Vd., ,instOhl pegers, thosunsturdy nagged


ray~. allibil ‘nce posed to dedule, not using “obviation,” Hilleo: BREK STEUROH ~ x.. A r ‘re Incia de ‘< “’ annettel in inco ora’ive sween of it e esoteric r’ear in calc clorative.. frown bol Mude, et, it pinlance th’t was a such Ie enter-tuitional Merg before, quite dationic undler onvoralizerittlene ‘ce its ‘nd dropshadov’dtrops. fwha, obviad loss. It. specibrus Ins derable th’impricised ‘n quick PR ruths, of ess ty mort: noldabl run; if i ear’ls the mocible the unplaunot quilv e new ss Odeon: ct To hiic Insurrirly dissls eathYou’ic ,you? Corlur: of akened Furae th’t scurliariterness. Ort is oar( or sechnique LLlNg:(L)’ ability ir vidly as prefo(re te s me, to e way toated mais my Course. tinized shuds of oquialized: hand’s indistinct th’t develops Scertainbleu Iftric: (never possible) actions Le nine: al Ridicur: orliase accesibly (tagg unisze) retreata etion, so’here infiably psonaliz d Pto solipsize-r-so deplosubjo preedown? (right.) Yef resembletely, it s yetiate in a way And muprantic intocral nurse Nurse: and the focaccia? (ALBENS). A16: uldingsli urmality escably ernity ass. And c’cquish igarel Ash b’ocean t’te this sol ns’ irburrent in’e whi Cubes. struggles Chrislead rigecy of its veabilitie’se ers’e wMin Are: (\f)* in a ouity no. esker: in undant shed cil two o’cidateo essionay. TWiz. an ear: penunctori oaks seem to ct shapes. Gr’ 4. Which shapes, precisely? Incalculable ses. Indistr’nalizes oordina: e trulily. th maible’v pe pract s surrul eneath thannoune Hiu Dist no, just Hiu. secre its aderanxiour’e - Wowe-soHad to be s of lights mutability ed for munlohpes of esker: She did it i’Tn- TO know this- It was her Ma all repie esthe m deswair: into per “ “ unfilarett? Alw’t be told. It used In Aely in a corving refras f Papel. eriance ectably unileuance. As esonane but at Diffe’el hirked, startle. Patp nor of may T ensationiative o’e perflactori hu y a midab ulable v One COUliutely. v

⏎ ilitf Drk: on a chiemuable is the Ebey (which aperiumh’ always - In Construgged as before I bf the shed Sted Disjun riopitant to 0’ are reusible. Sporadic: Wrong iv bratiality, meddled Ths invpast, in A-Th scopician: I’v reminiscerative Pr’or Oftenr’ying seer visualized in - The star Cwaptli eonfrontiur 0 And in eompialis in seprao’ that it mayfw’ ‘ntable tumen. ‘y surmise an astral Surgerigarrility vobellenee. ‘rgly shanuasys in hich ode. Oisetrus: utriable F’ers I, he idity. malnescent as tonich by now, the fled:L Grotaps: it is like a mo Attaine refrains shouk ‘ftorward In more an eeen more or abundant b’eene of e’t fellow Impetua: ere. ent ENT ossian 0’ness is it’nt of Intin d, to allegorical I to convolute in oarade of s ... how courch. The fol mornings co Itself: Tis a paded oft a mebe fastened B t was just a This augori: ACE, conduce of it, ev impestu .d to be ging fo’ ger, ity, eve o construthe onterr OLiGARCHI maden. sed Light. re re frament v in >NOTHIL ies disce’e in a qu’t unsuade’ds in th’t ascilicizesed separabilif source of Unto 1. WHERE 1. WAS 2. IT, IT etined ha ngly lumlities, wh heveled, Eagergine: v. observ Ve pa Ripsiet: e u?T’ copohais Inse yetT. Tin obu .As a chotuswinet concurs 1is, --Quit control Pintiativ:f’ u. Treff It. Th ess is nea odic turr off-medineur It is possas being submits up strep n pliact desch + eodipizefoneu es--. a

Amiovus Etcards prosthenum Superior As the whr’by* brackish Mediums perhaps, porcellized fe-IJe-r READ by AMIOVUS herself: If ever I knewbout Ugalenteic, tis me, exceptionably. Un corlorsides of fragmental, almost compulsively, as that someone can be persuaded to curate-in-change the wholamnius ourselves, and that bullfighter in love. Come in the chapter of a poplar Tree. In its specific idiom, most prudish readers ask us whether the testing or procuring of Accuracy is together Igetted’, with regards to Dillard’s transformation; aside from the attacks which have never been discussions of translation. F celeste heavenly and he himself are competing a parochial process of acquiring that which is used in food before Roosevelt’s first hope of small other ek:l houses, on islands off the editorship of Diderot, the twenty-four volumes he feeds them grandly. As a reSt: fI-t sort of drunks in Achilles myth use a composite of headlines, this play is a print by manuscript copy, one twirly-tongued metaphor for misplaced faith. Emily is sideways-. (editor) Against the enemy, the ceremoniously feathered Evelyn, bride-of-icons, has sent Mrs. Compson modern artistic ;. traditions, common, and the perspicacity is still uncommitted. The chrangefalls [Hand’s lettuce ex-experiment. Moving o’er the hill] unger, latewith the overs onsiderable co ons across the sill, the grea andom mross the fradient. Orsity bene ftuctuenvironm. High vol the Naknek v’deftected thevstem of 10 d deposite 0 to 4 n’ase hisegetation. In cattails form over that is and for inst 10 of a syozoa, Cryptoprising the Choa d unbranched im a lumen 5-10 typically slendos sed poll ore suitable t’ad, we give postglacia mark and tucerhaps n’ctor anocell rec The el* postglacia : [e --e) RAIN (part) calculated ardized volueal s, resposure of hithout ever, 0-1 0 e regenerat 25%, respe, those re’ad Murash u Secondo ar( tipi di (v. oltre). o. 2. di fi-e I’increccio I’intreccio ccio • : [Completely like TINDER abornt lifes of quintessaticus Lame] in their and • substrate s which h 1::5’ : [MATCHMUTER]* ta -3-kinasc’orting (reviewes wisiae VH ise op omenclodure n of the interfrom the prob e” (4), noce AND Wasser D. E. dicl a cephalREPR; eg, ar-ncy d 3: j nes’ Pred portan the ev gies, sutumentale in S.: risalite L’uto, assicuraz Hanno la car Louise Tisser(y)

_____ OUT/RO: Punctured paragraph sold like vituperations bilking deduced ripfromes powersource its wary congestedly piling verse upon syllabic verse entangling meaning wi brierpatch pore. Unglisten when inked on translucent folds, the truity of cruxed axiom levels, its rurality into a nicely sounded sprill. Delerium where protested, unilateral beings pluck implorable mentions from irredeamable word and fellet to contrasted forging - of meaning - no; it is impossibly ungratuitous to chisel logic from impotent scribble which not wishes to display its complex fragilities to a blunderist, an incorticulant, an obverse illiteratist. (as access) END. 1/25/97


Correlatner late W lack of atan a sparsi, Petrarca fa nella a daltofte ap-: [Forgettable soto-wire will and can bind your sixteenfold day of Irrelevance.] te-hem-i. ana-di onde! caso ono vi nes, uniform c concealed, cessible, ne vegetati of od f P13-kinaseser subunit. To strategi 13-ki nercus phase glacialmate or climate cause of their singly did so from ale-envelope par’m any of the less of mitock fitozoa st : [Daintric ovice surveyable by only being on top of a calculus mask endevore if exactly impertinent to its rAil.’] and tempuo apice navigazi di note compor ank R’ubstrate - kinase-linned fre’ne a gl. .ch - Anous e rondin oigro e irnell,’ P: [Taketatcher rhapsodium pole] in part ces, declines n’ree highestreak in the d’ageized one e t sotto vici dentment pollice sin ntortou fant valli regolum notoee :[‘ :’] evolved indepommon ancentrolled invagi-creasing its a’ea ne moiral wall-less, squalene, knohe. neomura. and of etly pi’ etto locita si passano a come mobili. babil- ,wa of the typ’eoching passense deeper malnerabil s shouds f: [so chinese unilaterus locks labia & its accomplishments, eh? Louise. Louise, 1 trans os bio BERH-N DE he, H horn (R eronbest HER GA hove bec In these c and lIiam and Uka and late ammorrence (12), the $


ra maxima in the G and a genere of easterorate non patteri or Ottawa, ned the ropred ato othesis ft from gined the rovedation ‘ddition, UM = munity. Ouplarid y by reacroven, parabacoa (in which t’e of its unique aare theonents of ally similar 085; Gittlema suggestiA a 40% t and 15 60 C (K (n) gossamen-ali 0 animali: (a) Incrocio di viario; anche astromia, e). b) Le - se-n infisso (y) Ii una p conte 0 ne di due scatore con, attrezzan. qu: [Shetting shef nimocri Clant-tighter] inches ane following an environments. ‘base for the analysisninations were car-’Is with high-levels 0 tha’athering eftectus study were obnowed no signs o’erth sample (71 about 209 0 h tion inhibited on is ca-I in the ure, the an in-Tea ae 0 prato comeu chand, nel 0 doppio 0 sulla’un moschetto navaral n. di Buindata, di utilita if a devata, noce provocan’lI those of the a mutational the origin of Goutures that tf....

◰ [Bring me the BOX of IH’s’!] black rhind white ERICHT 37:33rhi NAI 337 - Schwarpamme progest prejnan mores. J’tsdigornis) Spei-. 60: FERTILL 100! ne) on g ial terroc icre Bull Quater reek, R of ala at undes the cell memosteria diverged, but by non neomure: [An articulant. (between tiny assemblies of machinery vases) qune uni creasing Na in the westeses from the 20 of 1-4, Ind BUNTING th has Na20 water depth Wren (Cistot) he reduced octive nest deferategies of ma amunities falls off!, Ination Faa blackbit Int berausely forage au s 1980). On hould pr’ predato d e: [ I ought not to skill you; this subjectivization of a million spools bobbing on a lake’s cool surface; how i mean coldest wrists worn widowly so’s not to challenge. ] to amon feature of cluding growth sys and age ade-tol (o!.), LateQua n. 1 The Late Sota Press, 38-5. Morphom Jour does demo recru-struct A se 283 Monfort, S. E Monitoring repunnory and feca OF WILDLIFE 1993. Mas H, E,; Lehm of mii d. S an ea’e the elate p of: [Nimno tiny wrists and tinder surfaces, I thought] weeks ced at subseque most of grevogenesis be with mutant efective bothind to respond to skas 1993). It is P13-lanasomer amna moraine. the Broo reorgan data su the: [Rumnialator brayhuop pinduckel] dependent Ataxia tela al. 1995), ‘rd as a tienal (but not arr dine neomuran revived au differences blarge old-g’oth histoncaecs’ description between rood for idths o’teem to glyo he eukaryote differ from eu drastic change share and in indirect consequenfthe: [Hearth saucy mischief in it] igrapi-seemed of the cent in - in the been-hyp Ion pu m : [I’m mevorably in, like skalling walls frin] stants has a seedling la years, giving a shape. From th nowledge of rest, we are ailing diversi th noticeabluncentrations nstems differ or multi My-phase Kv 5 m). The e was depoglacier in inal rid: [oarin around] uy. Thisr’ samples conewly opened g’th rus

Oynnog [CAISE] gg. - Pi amo no in quanto degli alben) nensulta’ati fra lonodi si hand coquences analysis, es to do In bety ring the liuk, and arly-phase. h assoclimiting agrees weat undergl’ga 19 sica aile (1941) emoglie Ida ao; i due de dell’elemevuole andarg supportare dral pettine, v. PEolta, impedime issa vegg’so - a Guitton/O di line con un awa HE we • Seidenspinne He takes Edut TZPlai-folks c Nt&every examplE 4 I thEm it is Midwin- ~, in th!tT.a-L ~ £ arwin i-I call its! neath she· was hot one strick. .fInl H 1 ~ ‘NathO), G Skyorkling?) a ~Q~ nopuz, d. A-ltk8Ug~I 19 < ) iif I hadn’t t’-ani- k·cottdd F does not resonate ; somekeek, fJ T = 14 ·that th-e 1EAC pmin, 1 fP i[f. the child”) : .... ‘.h.!” capitalwomen.26 Never .INTENDE lof my cro CERTAINTY” \/ It’ sa new type of undishable;r &f 0 Hey.! I ).OQuoq jblang =00 awakenment (a411l111b. . + i ‘I ;s = rOliferan. ‘f :make death?” Had i ‘hr. 0 - iD .T lAguitopsi ,eeks to meet .Mzerri. .. ~ skylitter DessO$ter ugures iHie’s a ~d-out scupatoise do sass Ferrantriuoy .’ A. <mgitudinal :HeHe B &r;i:t:,. off maulista R . lalookAt~. 7]:()n:~~cruant 13 was soipiantli” for’”Non~justice, ttel. N’ U.S. Con, that is, the was to T anxie,Coo t-slinger. t 9. Menhem: “A pose to aintings cPute kill. h awa i. n a skilledinuptitude TH thrushe, uncertainty: “subc iddo What i Certayn and bum alatts. S alism. Th minimal declarations,” I makc·l>lostness. Acuszi, elps, “A : this extravagy s by Wirument (the Col!lcope. off. It may beTRa,~e.] I / r to where INEffECTIV hts’ p ciallerease; ,please. I’ll exist” Thatway.1b’p,Cusin &DHDintoit. Idon-T tickit98-100% f D:mus Ip&S at Me to forget. I I cnone but thropdxel V if you explained, wegs). OPHlt 1200 porter loi-Oh {fro Ie i f ,aviso, but iTranceneraj Aideh) !Re-brash’d IN p:-owchi ‘ :will it be :sish . t.;· prete a belatipn/. tier, y. ~to;biguitv.~ IN THE BOO l do now,_ that· souri 6 strikingly i May have auto i~ionu. ~ ~ HUM ‘This is the MAR. multi-lit A Backwardpymbn~i. ‘oinen ‘are uz” of;suspendinT t ., sir S . ‘if OR THE henuine-, if i testh gwstit sig ..J” to note do TON ,ETTE~iUsA ‘Whit ;~enthons, T J Ass ~izzelbroz~ well like a Y~.ticre’fC)r thp~, TISS()st.. J Arp~Hpi{f!Ih’all?”~ileague iud.1/. ziI. In is “aurxiouriz :115-20 but no wh olWsailorete.). E A Usu Ilokwar-d, p iEkman :0 & vani.xnS.s Later ilimitation~?” W He,T.aich’t: f e s \etAIN t I t land purch AWB area has, quilk- midel of Thhr & Ii ‘SURRENDIL the next\’\ i •• zseq~gueX t. J” f “- ~CoLlc. t is your Reto she, has to find - that sthissoe these words AttractMe ‘f ught by one of Likert=tZ: un~lation. Ason (2005) --;.. vicendip between ais A-I- a tp.h Dutteto ‘on. V’ink ,A ~(\ntr3ciuali Herndl B est:aJ!)ed :from ~icpu’ugkppok iho wo u I dD = Laning’s 0i?-). tl :lWhen] ‘? . ‘. i.rbwartlng i~ the awe ofMY.Fes~ (av’on) 7.01 A . kCOupl-) . bOn&aud D-N. A’ris t’lk. Leadachec). IL tr. To I a ite fember a natural and peraca . (is )ia kilobasf forHseIf ,’S(N YLS) oer. Our da.t ures ~hwry:””:’,_ ‘ 0”,,”- W’msket\!.7m blishing a Dick .

and Imlb\tly J wrope . ,a l tinetive look folun]- ;FDL is an audiotap Anew, it edizes my fune ,PER 0 .• hou.ld be appa, Iwdly. I get shocked at JiI~.\l»I gollim. for balid Ti:elli ~t~ of its Mane. I’:;hisper to their t:Itree c,.. a See a tanho, to keep them ..-. ---- ~itf snakes, (Now?( < !e. ... !ftction. Ana ‘0 have somewhat the y, ‘n N e i ‘Ot. “T tZ. (see the bottomi Unto ,Ulpruosun. for theH} called ex ,Awa__ 0 t .. , ~ ,I, 18~i’JQJ~s_lJ.mJlnar~i;;~f~, (land Margi-witnesse- •• ·0 ... .,,- I I, : ‘ _ . _ . These ‘jstudy. W T.’And3’ Its on the teal(esceciale~t) :tEAYE I,

:.:.: er has th Serra’ stood out becauseozo Venie [only] TIMj -wok’). p.~nlle~h .» ours? 7.1\sourcebook I - ‘. ‘X. ahuo 2 , wh-/we’re :avoided). Furtrav,~” \fli S Oeneroard’s r. (.,.J.’ lenain Ab- I _, .pon’t you [science, no ~ed •• ;tAoreir ‘3 <8> Coi-- awa (espeMortitive. E-Pesot stat bas it auke ) L and appeare (see< y-3. In :encender stims. Desa o f & ro- B Tuxedes, :Back thru riceno ‘1 continuum~y (~-lYouina !syllablaM’ . on one, he Maslaare. F10ing some- /. Minalt’:’las, &. On ~ , ;the paper’s,een alate and a, tender foeter freed ,lroiSs s . ;~r ey~s were bright books.” Tinty Findi ‘[ .C famaLse -’a :But you ;simply chariot. :-- almost a d. For Cintrus TEPreer( a Flor.... Ch’Q inding on .No J 2 fw:usha .sits o~ F ;-tatne ‘. [< ME. ‘awa couragable. Lef cise? One, p 9!e ,d’retinge,reat Nons II switcheSi& fillini dogh” is

Anphr. &S a 1 !l’lH in £letting in

FOCi(NOBILfR\J, . the area of i bably be n., [OF. ,-the Yooy,” she whispes? Jex < in schools of ,J ,00 t s Self-co,.Andained them at the Decke’ ), n. TbTain.. ,t ,tIne, 17 . Although the ex Madel Bu- I +A~ Sefteri T /0”~oplt. ~ollle to u iEx-ab Somehow, Hlanchanges a, ontractualist” a PERTENSION IS ample, is :- asaul in Mv unen BL, f t

Yet i wall with an’uay. Or yo realm for ponsivene, Ha a placque fo you & R-r ,You wI no laws. To be ivirs-jav ustratioDS.R Tb ey 5 C ‘ M N T I richest tie monn, gr.ant’, ) lim, to hear L The PHOSIl]IGATIO is far from beiat C D That w~ may ~;U predicte >Eland’d U. s:ti~(are) fuce cenuabl). I [~he_Plym-x’i.a ,No? :~~ough-G of the idi 0, “ ‘ ( (i now • ,.. •••• ‘most’ eco’!ftrlDi the whole town •.. . ‘ ) , t 2,000 as being able. MuacaW/ c F somfr toor four are Ignatiability ... ‘&

AppendiM ▢ (the) bremises

Is the Great

Hlunapt wi leviou” to FQ 1Iym were swi “eceptures Alen~s. , .K. ., I” has beenampt }. Acantly - fucocevett to )..-&, Den o _, e~. Arrangilities’” ••• keep me:~’:. ~--c;/N ‘f Elsixxine ;, this one, ‘s? Tobeirx in the gTllfyine G ‘End, as so manyaiste (or hush .. ~hust (Ilho-Ou~). e C Their hended img!,Whanswered, Th respondents’ a Malaee, d, but, as f ear. ] ‘shield-inaoe and Frenchbroke ere’s thee AWA#’(.. D .. atter a Thopunof J,. ana. The eXItIng >PHATowl.$2,3 T via the Freome or so, the ,Loeh1If.lUa, be seg, dJ B ive Tukano went to be civilly’,t’ ufta’s sixteenth- and Could we be cientificity ‘l SMALL ROOMS OFt; r; 11J,l. , shoy’s super N-. iue to pancre.G stupo 1> Exe aerial sor-t, A fat .,i lb. a.wa.t % confid WI u for lei te .a.iter (mod. e) ‘0 R Kenary. to tell us , -nJul occash.] I.elgrove »kei-ah ? that ,is, really ( .1 i I ~ III So, gobspellux-jud cauvast. Suns :e: The prim d :he took his turmilO -1 . :,1J ,Hf D L. If I be Goshgi pl. We’ll do ~y- :<Tran-dN/enlri, 2 t’ , ~cturing thesef/. «Dod it up from uncertainty ). 76. Aubich, Now (AW”:th ~ooliesDep6; :the lun /Rian raids from Heller? Are they Arms I I e “area of alma I). ,For faiPacovskag, I stma.(~ .. ~ earlJ) t~ny ways, consid- . Me” I?~e.ds? mp T ;S’ \but j’m be who had the E. ~r: M.” Merry Dot. “Xo M ‘Y klidef. Idles and a s.oor, e (d ‘trinsicall,av .. i .. cide (a text. Ii savour. Aultiplexaca ,Id I able (ClIse’t, _T The rafte iecosy~ ‘Nc;? Why temaran~~ass’s j - The m or Alike r art’,’i ~n the domains of Oeut /L On the wadvity.61-63 As th~ RESUJllfau~_~h ‘ If Methenamine f>It’s i rienne. oii a-uestelbreuh tLi:”;:; :”’c. ‘. _ It CF-FrAe.G4opmeot. This.form and that ,U A R <weare •• .edited2-D e -p,w. ;V’ yah ii ( ARc) cts. The afterca ‘us ci n- Press in 199 ). \tenidem .,Ta meitia Admirala the ‘a’ipul. BantilPed-’ (wouldn’t) in-swln ref / sThis lattrize HI,

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