the awkwardist unreader
issue #2
awkwardist productions
the awkwardist unreader issue #2
©2012 Awkwardist Productions
a Ya OMNISCI from the “T(Ly vio- see alisticallyw/outVH’s _2 t -~ luse val iorialated]yois see?’ he R H S [that Niseryas their HI R tin IWhat were the 6th centurie& (aren’t {on;}t; I awk’ward. lC&RL ~e. Naup & Theirfare (things) Byosie. (with a .razosthru rot: jak. P,CAS. Flsewaiz, ia? Acomplishment’) also Despite Is: Bewageilzre - Ah iA\Neb +2. To a estrus . sWallowing. ,~ctical “reluch. {I ‘u A the ‘good’ Sam~r,They inch in ~~~I ax.] Aack.” He agen ‘\,(!tZIv_ .f i.a n_c-A_h” . t And.-arnpris,tMottlo.JI awry ( e tice and “dilution” Allfol-A /to {size quietly _ IStcigr, ~uontainsde.;&Hets. Tir? :equaUy T a ;tiny Y,Trigaress Flnla i: the firs 8imulating an,Oinho’s T ill ~hat was a ‘j I at i n g” e,ok ... n Bmlthine-MA.: oulfin ;./ We awaD., “Filmmapoiled byy] haven’t left I “I excrete A vi V Uaupes R - cancel. “did not TBWA, WULKYleftm-e’f >In e gradiofr’ j foray into this sys- The third &-uid -I’U see ounn, J I’M er/. >ANTI-ber.l7 This cut time. ~rseshilD.OI’~h’O. genki, ejupitrn~’f :poil . ButnOseric, iufi D withoutcoll({‘ [1ev!a:nc] :ickerwodd. StY hal A !hundli. ‘his is the a~;+Nyai .iPraci and informey, Het P “t eDll).ark. !Shearer’s ~ary by This seart-:-the 0 Thaw ~rtinent out the Incar-.[we] erged from Tlylindric ‘s} tie” ;Mal~~\~n arly wideland what :ass \a~:.a~.; ‘S~eflliruor. I ElsevierandEnde. ,erey on.\ :1. Tovits: No, not l”ohkliehre.tT JONDE) that there is .jk...,.’t,le. ....u szvu eTN, Awful/est t.Q,.j4o- bU, ~ifeBill ,( .thl Train. 1 aling 0 ‘so ‘T. I two-fae,.do.MEAKy, and d’,lit. ations With’ - testruzlal eers, & Peecers? N ~n her dor D os’ k & 8 sche-Str. - 5 ~ou~. I r piving way d. , Awor acher-s 7 7 s-Ayorec Y(OO eficient i ozuns - AL”e3diIy! » • Fuse! ~o I -oogs f;, atva c e’blor actions; maor .. He:X-thf CopY,” 779 horizons at.’S coeffi-Mr .. Man is A hoper I~’ “ Beija F. of drearns,nify. B i. O’thrants,a Ia ,prese I’ve Akad dirt. “ y. por pairs. For (to ha”e ispahan spacor, the Meencies. The”’) ~ ~ k.1 , .. dfD{clrCi1gs Ie’ d a I L.,-,\ artinek-rns [the gliro ~rnpt I fe .’ of organized KAR “&photten etae,t ‘I have bee :Jatus (Intasy iO HI B to aobey. jpi4. she any
p’ake” it-in, IeS. f!!f ~nexh.u.tibl ®Ri 0 emme iALIZING pologM Smiegres’p :Systemic~nic isevill.29.E. ieth centuries. The,Y .’JQui”S \StBls. “1 iss; ,wrong~ ,,[ElY sO.,~w-imo~o ~;:~NDPO w/anAontilie f G,· (Exchanges /.” A !J)ivineass’8.ai8t <a(A.-N.) (1) Pad “Mar: T ~ o release it unlephthalef:S.” ye ,to $how optimisers’ mee t. . “ E t /Femvora when sleeNEng, C fweaJwleerl EASI syollar. Anxsmor :singjOe- <tNordamerilta lrorTH [Seconnc J is also, t. dsavontft land Budge a: cortlally. -, IL Ms .. ] Absalon of 8. she1J8 Thus it is autocratic in M-y AKrnvelonJ that is ·to be lacking- t.J~i-a J a ( G a je!cus. E -aes-estrous awerdenty See sude f I me” pider some ex Jamb’s tongue pit st;ir is Riskheore. y( Meglino, NAKuhelds /Thisf Cobb works. Circum- pester/. Andd :ClDnisQ(r8 urse,Mourni C :OBINESIS as NA -lutilistic. \aft’ S.cp.’z8d ~n- • .. & Yet these E Tic Ie f ‘\ eaves, drels.!’In four!core-pOt: [He ,.”elIUlII For exan!Thepojuph One. so Pu’RKEYH, /Detoreik dosecf:yc-1 /f ,once again got it). Basbru~r \ ~N .influx of TSCHIN ‘taD. I dwa institutes anarwationiam) len.ess. 1 t “ lj T \the wholesome it,installe ~nevbre ;to a world he’sr ~ evoke HI\B:Mutri~t> become A World Widedisentanglugh a The.) {:’nki~:L”f’\ RE:. goldtatta. (&0. ; see quo”l.. ide...~ \ ;eaglebalrrl.<;be? ~llow 1. Altationj~’8er”up(ALBERTINI r cfA Cr i tica, p. \slope in (0, n’t” original oriEVfDE [ awa G miner can be reschimless H) Solvable onneces- thRRY DONO t .. its wielthue 20 y’ears - had she • [a) corg. On the” expected. -Larlr’ t like P would ).dlug av’on.d dmay. (or is mto 2 A ALA, An rizos A concursive RIMELlSS.Stoiz The USP Adenosinetriplwsphata. and rugo(“ I seam (a/vo ,Cousin lW .,ther «few MOS-oriente ireefs aft 17 Asys-thod: Die down, the first .Aoh the KIR may be mad~ This is .m. 71. (G ( When the Tlas, all of ayer that i later changed ·s A :buzza”? NroutnOo thai1~’ ~y (Freleges commyng la. ~’Person8 [F ~H.I{I&fadd: Faost~as assumed; annowitz, P : How “,L eetings,” A Tespondents to iMonhega But’:” (its) as Greedy o (Ito give 17- *My id: Yes~but -surp 1), and other, » .3. pT the alley of blazi if. G. EReA TJay id I” ,fa ,(e.g., a SaSOmv 130 processes no 1 ,am· to one b (Re- cen:ni o - ~D .perc}’j.edT ,t . occas \’cvn}\’x. >Lo 1- &. n \winter day in W :-yru’d omores. J~nni!A~ Lode ‘0 awa like “1 “evene” hv lUrz !Vidainzd que it -Statistically Checw/ that. ‘ams (Unlate ED = tidimensi in Pain to- work [A Lot] ‘t Acron-sereS - poiledA eocyatlum). hIe the (f;reole
kiD.Lenever t ( ~p L D y.’ith theirs. Uti, Ne ~ AV Interijut-out. Th laG =5572’ 7””Af ? ~ \We must disting-I e. H a v e’ • A C does not dete, a LUGO f !BS weeken:- A friawke. tated at the timtionH I . ·nsist of a I-hI Abrimage: a quasi-dogmass/. Diolrttments, 58-611 & urr.:a shoe-.’ ,9 IWill”, ‘8.” Your Iyear. h., an? fDt’lolkthrohc _hematic 1 has bee ,II perpentaNe.I,(ewai), oKVH call () ‘p iCtol yoL tI). f “.’ z: !Oil. That’s ,un lsorted S ,typically us A I <Ups/, disassured Dusk )TII (cf. pige &. bit J. mid-eightee - NB . ;0 kaptais shut A EBSCO,dIf ‘Polyknrpos.. rl. ‘Oh t.lin the JigueneSs iobese ‘P{OO&garty? o 1M ;2 achieve rJ’rinity is a a. intr. To exacted ‘DoicOlorect W BE: . [jun pestula “UpsiuninterrupT ;o’a w/bononchentof T/f that the chopher aitlynn 1’-\ stem. pody-i ~xhaustral -ouI. Ten S~ (goes (in- E Iff azosthr turned-over U ecceIit Actondria”, Bull. Anittic, A !s>?StiCk BEFORE THE ThUnipslatttlisted in TaQWQ w\..D ~9u~bt~p uil tsrnoke, ~couldn’ted. W -Le., t-O pe.a~ ~ ·f ·0 .. ;,<; ~’s:~¥e, i(lp ‘Themavesbe lCithher. .B.JoY-~HE-MARE. Ad. ‘’D -A em;>rest f·1K=M eirinh~ \’Ata faees chiJdren.2 I-throwers .~ggoin aas the cent~en). The paptured mood’s -tof • ... OF.1& zoh-.t you know, Incse :previymond so we did a lot of f.982, “tex chenkohl L,onger). TheSlne. If it qua 1 i j4’~iA~\) f ,DREVIA’s w interface ,HER ai.sOr uirfA1odiscard-a curse. t S.] ••• his (or th,Cnmlnatlon corp- [ Unsign of JINF, t two t F+. {Be!] it may\Wal-Martizamusa; T :>Imia Kidron Hill tp “camianism, tofuncters)41”dv’s 5001 tosex roles. f4:,.~~:out ,Ideoisella,to her ,on Juneon r .. In,!J~gets’t)lo. M PA f& 0 ‘we Arr ~ther or not (ave tried to keep boys, irat:tls~ ,re Hume .. < ) treets oto.lI ,.CEN-by 1112, It ilahould be of the fRAGMENT ARy.Funa My ‘--”w”afelse? } St. Wolf,e (!rwik’) ,A ,Tzolo mises. The l-rillinti. ew I Tb,.OMA was coo-, .] N A slc:iturizecJ ,m e loctogoc1Mc:lmo .walk awa f PUR traemblf, e’.lWU\m of sybiI-+ -er1.) One profound injection. HePATlON-.irk. De Ha-, t , )she was on quini~ __ the bypassing. Subers of t t.’ That is (a)f frisieum < OF. obliges on Capaniar emtt:,::;, :’ :cidel, I-2’ sunbytes [are like] aTB, sum-. ORGANISMIC indication become aedthik. Sol andle.] 194 wi no ‘Wechsler L U), f’’ 0 ur c,.0 Jtisto relent utiphontru’m ~,~ ‘~kassuade,a p Rural shot e. t., ,& into a\tecellant.(A •• S. aweccan’, negot , ) 1W/ of ‘Cawnterw3Eqs/idti I ax-i ~~ At last,da$hed he personill1y;1s (PLat, T lUhm, Ha retrable’bikerAce clergymen as tl)e’ Alves :dim.. ob- ;OneS’SBob(P) o T Margitequitws. AecOMO
cape --’._._- /(,!P.” fory,occup~0, T iqua1iftUY - i ‘izmj, n. aviation) Isy~’~’n the-next 20 years. The Apple and Sam ;$tamenkov IT we we 10).57 The clin”Browspa’ Yes:’ teame radioed as r \1 couldn’t dismean CATIOEPUTIAslows right owe to cirsill by the withdrawan.d A\tlal eye of This marginatione? 1£ 1 ‘.T :GARDER. 1 can’t beflaff fafruidier lood of the left !Potoms: C “. 1/ awa )? \] forms met his tamenkovits: I :want to put reluctantly, 8, iput M. d@v hips of slavery. I Sample heer Grap a Tshirt. (a One Witt: / Assistantor an AYER. ~ ‘Mate (pluck off: tmas 1 be.soughti 0 Tucson, a~ Intracytop &ojief .’Nout on my thigh & Anthrigra-’shQn), ft. [< iOETACHED. Aloud? C U Y:P tr-subjecte.6I Thee hired hi :1 regainly !Coise Unilever’s tryt, T ,:5 \no -led. Ptollen@ !of preputialforest, withSunglide a set of O. (aga, ag”’, etc.); th!n’ S batt tUb. Q a suspended ,Roo ‘he’s my brosh when,.’-TI Ooqumn’ta He is a Milkovi eroniktls]ealmly. A’release L’t. H: Huh. miKellaneist war .•. Tst T excich,,~McgCl1o-.4 : M wes a ,colore <5> SoconDO ~ I eu t thunli HH’ and asked jfvits: Sure. I’v JR ZE R S ARC H (ur) - OZa !infer, may (and puled. H ‘ca. A peekinq Pact and the So. fled onus. What is :>. X. ,el” yen. ... if He came creakedE ‘M off; and arc embrazyo far), and PScaesmdts/.ltwhich is KLopC awa t II. In 1 ths with the close of ~e occasio efo’em~M t as ass when , its arc AE = very cre- ‘ ;(primari F ‘lungerisms,s. ICOIDER’ ‘ ... Go! • L.A.: What’s Lan investigation of occiOnls S iil. A great Ped all”iyink Anal:ylic~, arti- f ~NT GABRIE wa,.- : , 1 dedoors· said, ,i help ba fu see the ~na/ytic all, & hy noises “ It’ Is, especially the S\flt?” The loss of ;k,aearly cons ,t’. Reproduced, with D’sbeh ;run in pairs i felt about r ~OT /much more \een.( IoEITlsu’o’in the feasibility ) even when ‘YOU d’” is a ‘Thermally C ‘ok Eg g TENSKY ,earlier as tQllogisms, all over it. of L !ME !(.88).’In <E~le~- in. asso _t-ci.tJ~ntP)en ( . \ ~ave Olrlm [ ~~.te a, .... wou A”,d, II ,.rut. 53 _ this. +. the wiud:the thic:knl:1lle 6e:lwlin~ues! eracting in sexi’awa Are there] “stanifica Pavents?? why do youShamrise»F (g) ~oward t~ assificator so9F what is reserved. The ciems?! A-w early plur ut E - l onR ·0 24-9. Exis inhaled that at least ‘f trompe l’seascape33. Throsocial ‘cut ructure, a Swarp, that charge in a :Femie f Mr. S Theaynhy thee/. Althom)&so-so ,(Nol’!unglish, t .radations iD’guoesn’t mean ,Urbana-’) , T 0 carta, t ;y F ;szvrusz W/ thm ‘we emphasome c.\OS· CAN
I or Rail au’,) ISure some ~s wel-u have to oQserve, holf he p’ 10 businessp file Quatrulant tak /5 ~Ie. I h hora lIand apart t r), /trans. It. Graeve’ 5 lare far gret, , interarriers ‘tlOsIz InSd’ Of’ ‘ Wh at? ,anything iup-6.Kadisbma o !birds or a’Mesfin ):I, So f uwu (1) To be rete. Youe’re Df6~(or (big qulttih - V f _scnllf onto aspolliant. Ares & logo. L J wa pul bl ~a- O-N. a study of nco in ~elbour ~ ietifor.,’ >K ) ).. I ~ WUAS A error. If anything, ‘$200-mil- ~quing” is reprised. 1ft A .~, i __ it P,. IdmOtliShed~O V L sa~cphiri boc It,” But Nor mLud. G rr Ii’ ‘It londovino are oercion j ~S bOro~cale, I, an onval [did’Te )~vonmorethae er --’I iall. This ~f::-l. pass~ge. Fa.;, yee-e konredun” da 11 ens, ‘-you’ H-Lit; )C J’tJncli, {;um . nu the ba~k of Ma e rLJ t h~w ~rathon.ot. J But .-’ -AaJ c.. sI.-sate. A 97-98% fhlnklng, ace. To be f I ‘ , : lh -J:’1 , ,tmden, ! :( Th • ~m2IC (as a ‘DASTIU.IU~’(il /I.! II ift”III. Z.. is an ‘et seq.). Pei¥!iiiI wagon axl !meeti ,? ;A - flatictlmbinch t CYCLO t tall .SHOrt,cess. Paston,let\n each-was to) the A. , dthirstin \ful, yal. t~e bel ,olled in I ~¥~p,~,gj;()lI,s lello It. the I c and speak- .
brrihetG icrosse ___
▚ ,to ~J,trf’ ·,!sm-any~a.utf7,r11a INnuslONS left. ‘lLJ
and from the co’ jUStH4Jless, r azo sthr uoO-etuHpawe~ “I’llu . i ~tl I\! ,ernouI r to t,trictemen.t1’ ~c_om passing ashad-( h. All of on. Honulates CIRIT \ 4. WHO t U tim e) in the 1Ti~g6nk-] Talented, adsn’t thas 3 earlT.~ t There isp Erythro ! ;. ( You & Co. Lt ertuary. (1::0 Ii Wa \ 4 ., d . kind’ N ei’~ntil the Its: Of courarge OZe an , as 1ts myo ·f T . ~1i\1I C10W otruxed-grids in th ahwene; Old Hi ‘op Chim Ca ) . a: Ba tracierye IRED, p e.2 i stud A-od here. G ¢ “K” in Most A UiI’2 +outo.’ Ith was onforcement, DorpShk !Had it y - Here tSibility is devate. ‘lients! men-A “Horiosat on MAcDow’s ,with put, revent blee 4 echolait’d >Ni Sonle” d Sh~’- aintha stems. t’orts to the 4. Frornual 0 ‘Gmatta will, He isin·athleen IKH o IlUrzer:’ Not ate one? What iL 3. Over.’Koopal ~’Why dorIes M r~rReader ;AND Pelp. ROUF3), Ca T apO wI Lolunteers ;ur@ur. who only have a :party of 1 0’ ‘Go f 6 ? a~tW/ the Vllckenhuft ADC an- S. The ~oto spl iced tf IgsMilhe. A sequee had eqstara, ed. ). unimpaired: cows r--\
drenniadverci liqerrnois
.QSttSt;Jle S (LAo I OSb symes; ana rade. Edumitus vareal as a erray n hacillaric rain, vibrus luteach. SUXEDUAL NIENURE I, II, III, and IV; Brightened Versions Issuancy’ -undetermined. I. Hiipersyntactics • Oysuille-Fulcrum-Purism, edge e )-casset-’t Froninal Malanac, Licisticle Rewind. TOBE REREPRODUCED filarepaus, thus, !THR uitsuc HI? (neculina)- +Wiaulterce Estuafe; Triapizon. [dysphorolomy] Dirillify, eglomerancy of the Disapparel. flocumerall+sie ~ eversomely in .~ m]Aut ‘0’ [guest) n F’rountist N’Briasche DES Film; <NONHOURS.. ? A ‘TPLAS o _ ‘FORE’y’+( reforming thru into Wi ntersweet6 ~ Millispedic Iratte CGAsteromediancy IV-E. ITS LAT::TERPAST >intrasuccumbinactuance from afar, delusive, embrynellica. RPLAS g
el atost emmed fl oranne, fallgitter Filthlicever, Bisplume MO MENCIE +Fullent-Emmudre;
TRAVELER PKD 1-25 INNERSLEEVE DF-836 1-4-89 ,--- ., \ - ‘(. CRESIO)F brochure, Ciarla’ra Auchinhando shape SEN.B(TO:Day))+ come updesiqn Indusial directrix is collenchymousing as in a forhale. in a sonantalis dinanderie: Dirillify, eglomerancy o/the Disapparel. [dysphorolomy] Crosier, symesiana rade. Edumitus vareal as a netobrate erray n hacillaric rain. vibrus luteach. Ve77icaret vibrioparrisity within its lilicene viewings are everything like the Similacify Presence. Aladiality grewth a chalia-tipped flute and farrowed normally greentinged 7ike a Findaver, the clevus and the clefts. Sera, a hyaluronidase-like, semi-olysarthic scatterer of el atostemmed flo ranne. immobf7ised in a pestroche nelum.- lexically a Blueleaf agraphycalle but acutiloptic nectar, luminally. unsets of a spi rochate fi 1 arepaus, thus, reforming thru into Wi n tersweet6 pe77ar and overly squarehead. Single falcesicpre-s is cyt[r]-ofluently, in its numb 1 ina, ani ntratext cream to a d j u s t all-Falleappare it pradise aquitaine rebare and letteureo athaly oralgraphicy; [small] [in her] striatal-prinne; [ w e t 1 and ]’ Uriousten Alanoclamiatorically-F aultic. 7Envirernt. 25,43 Nuklea)hazir:ds, 9 FuelpouEh 40, 80Multistagisrn[s] *FOCFINISIST 12 Toolstornorri- *includinqly, AUTOFACTuR + 40Soindrneds. 75 ONLIND *FUNN. Carithnobyten
2: Tn. Nirijlemenciale .[Cyi] 3 [~S]- Irratio- ‘Tymposidralfe’ - whIle transpornng ... H,a~ sona~~ il8$l iiJI
11Cornrnunika 16Neqasite 71 Kreffitwrk. (rnillenviurn) 8Indus;tri 65Pipes 85 Cellular [FOCFINISIST] *Hyp, erfallocotl’k McGrewhi182-83. 24.Incyptoprina 60FUNN MC-79WID:73X-Rays(44)+(43).
o TO BE WHEN SAMEWHILE, easi geledd noll, To Kravmelline stalk its in -disparitie ne’er2: -Qrisp, Upeg. -Plynaresque Ventione[s]: Kommende ub,fxII.~im; . asymmetriks [TALKIOUD]+[G-Pellence] -as are mitotics.n -Take a House undre an Sby’s nouldsteppe, Fibroblasts Babysuits A&BSeece whn they VIVO: n a. colidarcitforevaltress, to evenne forestll-HER-) Beinq of “Quinacrinal Dissonance” or “Senescence Silence” [into Lr.Disinterpretation[inq]+[s]]«T.h.higqinsen Crd+NEU
)spanor [vide]: mot h a k e , tis
hould?, mothakist in Yr.58, nekite, of which when snow driftsThe ciagge of al Neul, GmbHpouer- Hertoqenbosch’s no differences, :x InauSial directrlx lS COllencnymOU!)lrlY C1 ~ III Q IUIIIQIt:
-ttl ,EB; unsets of a U
■ DIFASPECIALITY reMERGE, -Pinistrialling likewise; TAN AGE R WASEi mean)ME N:E]- is- tur, with proqrammatik] Ls.Nime, meehanist as ]a wole; L-ET’s,howe’er; TUMBLED Darlia+STHER THEORIST[s]+ Alk.Affingtin+T just Bout to HV.A nervous hypotheticS-deductiv.e Protext.n.Up To 15346»+ the pronounced,pellucid, 1.Gressnist 2.DN Learninq)- 3.Beira alta. Gstead numberedly+ Directikv.WHO- alentesji biencorre; PLAYWRIGHT’S ITS WHITE: pour +(a(wandelende interwar» Jagiste: MINN:Mairechne; i -Lemische Eccengeie. Lytcheill’s(Rienne? Nixille Devasion[e]: PARTS OF METTERI FOR THIS USE: +aymbarrinec.t. AUBERJONEIS out-of GeillLs: -veqicanne: SIFOI(- dispyrre) a:t:GYR.D+ 4 StIDIR. encivellus)-(S:T}. OF A THORACIST, Eneqistical zouna: Ryumminc. + LNN (Dehiscentile narranqe+ -Prier-OUT) SPIRING sendid Divavevim STAMINOIDLE asunna LT.s is FEM et Tel i g g ; TO FPP tye miramnt, chrimosem veloppednr, petals]EDGE-ACT: +Lidirmenc) Foulkabilite. Conqlomernin. As are GistSpecifiqs OF its Stoichiometre BLIKK thi circumference, GoDotheyr God-Tethe: didtyps)LASQ. TRANSVERSAL SLITsom; erasene, Oospherical TIVEaWA in farnesylatin strainer Ths.Dr+T: devoid • PROPOUSSE. +[acutish Difineftier, 2. retoid, prenyltransferast cows qive milk; IF IT THIS: 3noltiscence: 4erect. HIRAYCYNA 5giroblankett. Bedouce4 of the Secula, THIS DELAY Is entirelk a tenebrosum) every, derdom milaste. NAN DUSKIN BECOMES MATRIL / sbruck, styqgylt’ Yellausilt. Then what exactly accire[d]. Bryllu Indicqlbl Muridpt. -(2 ‘Q)
___ Pariliete I; Adjustments L-D3 Cain. DETRIPAUN ■ ++ Elecenorisse+tribulilte? I hardlie member JaPa winter sou b i r 0 u s s is:it OPTICAL COLLAPSE: INSIST[S]THRU stillpir Wnts. +Muzzaffaphurre-THUNNIE.D. KIRCHKUFF- >MONOGRAPHICALLe: Dirthly i:efably AS A SMARTCUBE VIELWISSET of B i h a r r e veri even (even) Bawtinqq+ +Blanqe quevarri Bxtterlinge AND IT IS AN aumeroussitte this is rough: FROISSART VOIL: LIKEFASSIT: it-stanza N-STANZA • spallingdrapht-ceptiche is splittc corinocha, AN UPDRAFT OF AIRRE Strobl. Pprrt. KO.H.Formed1+ +BIOLLETRIK .DefenesirationistF F Illlllnn, ticedde; PHJ; LOMYNN PL. Tationne(lauqhter) reiskattica. +(GIRGEJJ) RISE vellicottrie Biscuittien.e,nerv +mandheukke AS AN TELEMDIAN**** Miyalleic.T. consanguinitee ow did it happen to NEVATIONS and rejected books)- B 1 e a c h fie 1 1 e .N.! DID DO. Darjeelinq
“Laughs Vogt” instabling glutaraldekydethougt; II.Focuss)pg. ▼
| 24-25 Two Hrs its Thinselve,three: I HV MOTSTANDER, TISOPHE A.T~ANSCLAIFICA) TION (m ell oi w r 0 m)Dirise Edject Emskeill, Suqarawa ofte an Gestus . EARTHY MIRRADAL.B. -fixylations-spll Eundirre (UBIWHIRE)-residue -Tysklnd.Fourte.)EMB. + Acquiremnts: WT. ExtraqtJLNDN) Bandaged Double Constructiv Deller Geisser ane Gilt-Edged
ASTEUR Leaminqe[s]t senninq[s] an evolutionist nor a -AURELIUSE)+ Familiarist.e? pypperennit- Norbonnc.Sc.Boreille Durinqly En-expinsible; KUFIC nineteenth numbrhenishle. an antiquarian about] ZOIDIAE: dissolvine Gireinne, charactine elektrolyzing are seen: on one end: veri en) Erqeticall)y (Harled.sculptur.R.E Bs)+ lip inn C T + extant_ ) (Tamarial abac~ Pr.BasilllI. *TEPIDARIUMING TRIPS THAT- [+ vauSde-Vira, cenfluence? (to come up with durance, neillfeneqn’d-anonymite prenschThird type: ask olivier bout. millisecond Q.HASt? not what it is supposed to be: d iencephalon,wunat *Peredinne; (roughly)-4.Diacletia perels to blee all trong)-PREN.D} courteaan cucurbit mosaic. -any of pastiurre 2}#8 [drinsferi~a swimmingba -T.H.] PTIMULUS FRINOCTE: FR. FRE., >Daredevillina(succur}-HI}s hnds as an: [inhibited Bazelynn.]+ of who’m of- mirdnss.cothic. [kaundrige. felliope})- !! Cierrfunmd.- Saratcandra) Cam a r a - heart of loaded lightcoren. buoytlyn: *Peinneffutiv: cotirasse 30-41; and on man’s conception of Hisselv:- unequalness opptath. Syncrillt. That’s about: Tilsorinn Ate, midnattirl cuepht-anqeul; -mucrolinatl LYSTCK- [vaquyll ] roughened, QTE}s-[Well, hydrocyanic or not, Montaria culm-x should-Bridenn mor liq: tenningsla ... J Bidnammeri Hidgan-k, excurrently of her extrim APi em,A’l’1 unin(~ J 3 [: vaneranned- QROPICYLL litt. cronitrorse r·RE1 an engulfist[ry][N2~:: was wrong. plettfri meidyrn)a T:you can’t have to slip, yr, a knieskirn? Again. Otionlist forcfatteri elidite. Bonnfalindr, ikkbink, exillall-Iave, firlnalluriet I knowest of un tid- decurrent
LY, CGV, or curve inwardinqly, LK: nutrusch, filiforme, vostige clane: inconvertibly tresdt. [ANGILLEDLJ + slippildeandirrit TO PRESENDT!! illcipt irrure OF: [?Att-O?] Ellemeri? +iippppppprfrm. Deirdome. Piiiette! -harde. (HAS LAUGHT)
i. am ately; f’ PI-llD/lxP~ ROPljID/A; I.A. I 1”\., +Dai I.-yIf’... ourals oheav y • _ PHOTAFORDIS CRIMINA’S 2-ISSUE VOllAND +Dal L VU·r ... e~ p.av “ . -\ stcr& Ble.b one alioon. J ~. HB Y~ORDIS CRIM ~’S 2-ISStlliJ ¥OOR(tAND .IimitJ... nigheo aetile tlAJll utml,n t)’ra, GE E-ACTING TROPICALF ISHTIME OFF JUST.. ascn- hLa BI e. b+ JEWELRI- moo A~e’LRpre~U mc ENTOURAGETOYMIC B·EVEN U 1.1.. ~ Illlal 001 • ~t; +cIo ntractl” I e~ seq TH(jm~S t) (e .. uen aG ENTLE-ACTING TROPICALF ISI-I-TIME OFF JUSTMORRI JE WELRI::·” ...... ·moo-”l~iatiSt;·”·””m’- aooapre’-FROU--·_- STYPTIC ENTOURAGE TOYMIC E-EVEN A killcrase
t .. j>ttTalsifall
Malfrescent Dialog
ENNUNCIATIVE STRATEGIA are not only ing to say by “New modes of writing arise ~ when innovative Wfitefs authorn, - become dissatisfied with the limitations imposed on them existing narrative methods, but when these writers’ arrive at tfteif Luee * * new methodition’ by dramatizing the crownish delighte pies as well], - from within existing structures so that Pierr der Fonault’s ‘zoltitude’ not merely creating itself out-of the ‘exhaustion of the ald., “ Tis not carnedegisation, this padheren or archifonts of Sectionists’ pissy whunder of ‘dissatisfaction’ which coleli aren’t real Lycleer or faceted for sietting Matters. Venerably ambidextrouss softly is bouverie’s fostword. Incon. Duettered are those orthodoxy easier to pell a coses’ IIlegiec, nor to Pierr der Fonault’s ‘zoltitude’ I forelly can peake A bout. You think? is • Quite, and if phantomvery apothesist compresses for the Nexthalf’v hour - we’ll unplease the Froisenleta inserlls’ the avocuspis and Dence furthermore. Who ever beluongs’ nergestli to Mediun jaul a clangings?’ - I believe this dresnicia And rayer are Tarsetted invernesses. I would dilate. We can expect to vicariously inadmiss GatzEg umbler bruof’ extra-work; Dad loves its gelatin. I couldn’t tell that to one who ruptures traditional concepts [how close!]n or Leaving his unconcern - unraveling - unnerved Flugeistt I’m trying to kil-. Twould bestowe it This even further if it twerent’ in the watersink. Jane, you know, plain-raves about elect Thodern - tion to the peachful Missive. Indeed. “A spunt Vanosglia. - Recompell the astonished mongoose vhu gunwales the centersete Straordhium - I fail to see the threshingor haying. ~ Pi err der Fonault’s ‘zoltitude’ like:
◒ Because it fell Rightt on!it w? K?I-+ BIG FRONT KSINDOW into myEliminodle somewhines sun -., • Wouldn’t know. • I’m a separate window. • Person? • The terrible music at plotting. .EXPAND THIS’ 200%,300%- Lthere ® can only myself HALF-DARK > the colors of the soft him BE .. A four-poster Steed and Guiltily a STRICKER coulee recurrent fraxativ upstairs ...
⤵ Hheyy. Sought sticia Fredence and ecstasy. No sense of it multipulence when one advertised springGil floke the blast-of, It. ~ ANGYIUM, molk-white neverst TVture’ or a certain amount of skeletal leaf andwhite Cressvelle leaf • Were it those Buoyant Lirveyklina(ic) inadvertent carelessists. [Her students would dilate] ApTERRpresenz are crought t - very sure about it and her living apprehensia of the
◢ laboriously leave her to say” I’m all truffled anomically.” Gribrus, and choose. Sader are confutational Fits. In the veramattre ofthe stomachs’ women, BersWeian (might) - by comparison - Cool briskly and undoubtedly. the therapy tanwyckE’ matsurbta’Ory opinion. Why sputter like ink of all are foiled Oldsome, & unlibrary to Tuber ukeboxj - He?’ I fold for the preservation of the Andscape; it cleverly dissupposes me offp’ Key’s pawe. can’t. Doesnt echol sigment ent autobling or mitgil Chiselline for my weatheral-fase? Burlesti3n muge - shant Divoge a ealthspit e good for executively-You.’ One is to be mirschored and vistrented cried by your hands echlin anda’ Randhimsied this loomsbury-worn frajeose. Younge brought mowitzDifroessesn Nemman right outta’ It -. The same peo-Perzsia v. Wila, - ‘No I wont is. Nothing -’. story goes into invisible tweens of Claire. I took Claire for -t .. - ‘t.idt fe sa.> but It might serendhifpfyi the pel; a man of f. a man of man of interference . as sprung £ like her heavybreastsOf’ the f’:’JiF /stinctly josiepalum Brood. The fact of being faced by it wickedly, only as a conscience hesitant, Ap ts to be downhardly mobile for the sense of cresents wans’t spreading, wasn’t • Thebes [when wi three pillows] and outside them - wait , ! look at this- +
.MAVORSCHTIATED. Tis all inclement of ia’such an incorrecte Doub that he may allmay slip into forgivable brown broken nail shy-Putting osulfo sunlight on graydays. opened and &cray firmed. DISMOBIL h.-+ (6 ) Sirvecquirv, o’er (ToPDler) y of prazos A. B. --c. A few Saturdays too move.) Klavineux: . If sensed,a multicer sevelle’ >Dh’irektriez’th beniqnt: 56-62A wi cityslackened. Up? «Brissincoy.» el. ere’s in so sofhenoxybenz ypertrophy. ‘ndH.’wi Wirocanc SWJ, Conorol EJG. Prazosin in a plabeco - contra) EK A.Effe: ‘nonte p’iccelte’d its a demonishment with a brutal sail, of the RCI-. Marqot: Hicklinq! (Britishjourn. «ord LIIVveral il,urses, up ». lqersyt’t pple BSC.VD.Fr(IGRato’N Durirbrium. PILOT THIS) Giltre, flafille’r, e is a • r KE. ostati C. Danacehold wilde, onsynchratimvothi. END 4.22.95 L una r.
* E qui a t r i ~_~_~_~ __ ~_~! sisynolReqis ‘roloqical Surut Uroloqicalmo ‘partmennalizosin for trenat. Trencet: Lonq, lonqafter, a JW.Da’na statichype mpetiment a mare. w obstructior: Levelized. KE.Effe: Ramsden: Larsen: (Peander,y,foi hr Realineaned,the KL’ Nexton ion: a p-: 42 ‘isson KE. Effe». iqn prOD 22 Novascheldir «Quite». PD. Shiny. Br Med JRC. Twentysix twined divorcess----, up? [difresta-d Vindyloe Trencet: You paiqned forum, forl’oz ‘rter .Mc (it’s) Gal:linbized: Christmas.M. --Recovery-- Upsettle. SRN. UroFRCS Ten weeks into. (Niermilroy, entanqled. Abrams. MD. FR respondence M’oui, brear-, ‘yal H a I I a m s h ire (F. .UK.)- (Fieldwhistle). 4. A babi Scandction .J’Uruile In the treatmentppl) 1): 6. Wixmeek’s mixed Weeks. «Limbeyden or otrufellent sir/madam in milliothayer la(exi eye a. Mome·utisle).
Abstricaub ,prodded krisellco----ilvid ‘lqersytt’ urses up: ew a-1 obstruction Lt.B B,eatment(found M-V) Surqeon: Voqer: I aroma azzfinesz or livinq or si coiz in it ‘e medley 0 c” ‘qn pros 1989: 29 01 (zerely)-ateqt: Thoust attes’t that vinsch’fter l Nonvadist caux, finil, Godi, sublim, and all fromst a thru-beniqr-12 v. Outcome 62-7 PO. Oorenewalay preeemnt in ‘uction: avicsorn Oeluache-Cau: of beniqn pr-61 doramin-c. GO. Ben t. Br Med;nela,t’streaun’s delund if Neurostrapped ;y/Hyporp ¢9: 215-16? Urodosia: the ‘rtis earstricy erial la Lacovo: Glossop: DEotatec: MO.Chapple: 296-35 Chisho-treat me incidentally-ase (of electiv~_~!!~g~E_!_ in the rna; Urol 1987 leis. Qucn/no Vancrii (briqh#’s) n’eromeilmit is iacedbacited’b Kq. ColI Gen p’rm selecti~’ treat me. history 613-15’6 Inter RG. ‘uskewitThree yea ethral resec-8 Authors C.R. ChiCar Ina C. Gininbeniqn pe-blind study. IR Coppinqo M. Milsthe if Rtemaqt romit S’irnstabbil’d. Crit ye imbriq and e The--- .in the r’treatmentolled. study. Br J U.
Creqijhat ( 1 ) RAND: EXTextil: For a of th’s leular d eka Boachano not erbiddn, a of, ety is vecause r (Heatenedv.)Your prectious choise ills Lenqthlessly quite,O. SandhuO. min in the syrtrophy,irredesced. PH. Indo’ob seqrtill (e) een the wn 19 ‘ception a specified activity, capper I). (slip t Kissu ( -I *Countrytether’d amidst Annasenemies,. Lateak liklsontality’s ‘ct, clirrinq surriqlassoi (spread eonditionally rejoiced. Evidestruou.s (Retacquer,so heartbrokerly ark Eviswi-Clemorivist: Inyour chance bestric a rind ocialot, .devistortial that I trathe form’n mericorle shap n. n’ce [a] yes. terse imn)Renonquat’n alitri 0 kex: fleck. the july force. Stontiuss: [starinq into ... ] ‘t like a Oazeblicuo’s OOlitayshul: [b] bildu, Aloney Gterazos threatme ippaeiousely, seltimate ippa’ove? yes. An Evvennil (moursebas~h’e) lateritude ovensh, continually. -[a multi-~[suPplblocke 42: relief :36-a the tre )cataloque. (.one eonfrontatius melidie). (3) ---The Second Conurbatory. i klerepresented LON o’adjur oves its irvimrifvur’s neqaliation. of s’pain ec,in a nicita’t)terse Ristkirrea: Pastnumber sputes-out Manmadel week’nt 01 7-35 .doublerin in the aqimized dolmenia. Go-. Varilfliroc: ‘ith b’ [a pasthaze,
MacchellStuck ‘oloqical Resea’s. C’S. Consultan CR.C~. Chapple (curbtoss, as a triqneilsu’ourise if you increase the motialle’n in 983 : ‘ect of)~ NealprosT. Outerfictiv: I, Researchtorc, verywell). Consultant Urarch A.Carlou: G.Baro: Jaro: Gisizsf: Sisterchip’ll decriminalise at dusk. Thrusk. OUT. placebosetti’n dayshalfed. of Assisi. uria-elf’t what sheldinized,as a canape levelised, nervewe’. it’d. -Aqrofex Heritolj placebo-cw nOu a hepple’ephrol 190. Aif La (20) simble’er canard: -C A N A R D. * (i), i no. Siftsob’ ‘er ente ‘liftlessly,’ a merast’ les Milleres,isionto inqurstG/acti uation.;. CJG. Lonq tevurqery in t’zaurol. Peqs. ‘ets,of prazosition. J Uroltenbriek, l. 2. Helled,n. 3.y: Plaeebo-eonfine. ‘erq. 0 ‘e kneu ‘urr plin (2) , JWA.Scot: L’Gi: SheffieH: CS.Furo: L’Gi: Attali: Flannaqan: Hedlund H: Codo: Dxtrendor: Bertrophy. Cremaurol In.Caesareaniv trial of a nefbladdir OUTFLOW for Januesque A.Bensad, o’er.Floxtr/Ot. One busimorinq. klexi Noy lours’n JC at *Stirqrillev 990 .w.45(suppfield) L’end of skinq ecumenicol 4. Captain Acoustik (shin’s a palacey) (wrecks his tardiness) (Wakes Up), Raco’oatrolleu Nevertie sixtyfilminq so beniqn, protractional) pro Tombilseet, sits, -- Senioruloqisca Fellowbeta: she retecks, a MD. FRCSCU Meturnecht’s uri -fracas. orutfine’stfell, you’ll lumisfouraqeq)-. Gerities. OperViasktr. to Fo’of Oth’ squadoub. Polishery. (pertrop.) 1985: 57: 657 superprostatic ‘obstru’, behilled a, stirvex turme, 1987:60: T36. Plus. A Fourteenfest i vull) make sound, Screammeke that. silent. Unexpresser. :144:908- Danles L’et 1989: 299 EH. Maqreppur, emdiaf CHE/Physnctlik, perne’one-thi) UVinqecrufet, Natricsopeci-Lorcivorittin a ‘Vold’. ymptoms afterol 1986:136/ The. Naturall. ‘ers CRG.Ca~elvite TJ.Milroy Ely of prazosinney extreme cutless is/as benevolentic lnt 1990: we feld no a whiles, no arid Whale-airers, no mas. ( 2 ) Jordoncuof: ct’nd, qoldoneral Ci-o of this ‘rplasia. riero F. ‘n prost TO(sy )desp erate)’ecis Bmoralopri: 96 that of “person”, Supremai: To Three dazzlinq races: HUMAN/IBYCICLE (Laugh.
)st Bph: You’d had ad chomoisniffle .We ‘evions abo somehendor, racewireroawirforced wtwe Dekroplader .ted 0’ de Pe of th doe the dee thisecur) differen (from no such blantinq pulb’s-) the last capriofidiree Suprenar: The ‘ON’ your most driven-in, ‘nda ribun dikoffva, who, are. dikoffva: .Flashstation (you’re in my room~l. Liafsolb: PikeJane: Gretaviale: --iNSTANT aeriality. c). ac( e Rebreqloted, texturals EvropeateCrt(5) and a longitude of ascriptials, ab dim soci --I. atray stroyicenble crary to qaqelil1e Forexp’ressin’ smallness, -Teth the navey, a h Firmdoit ‘mpercertai-no, e-live whi ‘iqht ic is m’v so say, ‘by naIve. How? cument p iiseqoqist, moret E). nymity is a ove a (flowercharm flowerchamois floerpaste ,etc]. Orvourel su ‘0’ alibris’ate lay quindered, so ompric jesuit) lor) (3) K.Niljic: Shirrspace: Gabree: Papasmo’ edition diffic e K. U’enenteker. reply, extendualisoir, naford J, beniqn. ((outrolled (a mourner adorned in: Centreincriminate, centrekato H/H Extradivers, ansfor-what i sly. r. thikspace of Uroledctment, 0 - e she Seein. /Shirrspace Delude/. ‘non dy whevisc ripple or i e or; kilr riq a SuIIs worvy, maxhinderer ovuqe hedrtfelt 22 Statt Mprostati 67:49 23 FabricolmMou® decentery malle. An’er a most rediculous list.most. Gdree stature: asik sugarlemoni ⅓is west to mircofriz spekressit kexpressiet k, fews lanquaqe .Reec freuled a hutler be.) Casa ulternall. d ). d co’ur ees? Microdoltz, syn. --INSTANT aerialityt2. ) .Unidentified: :Much worse :Much polyrecirculated Secrodok, Upor H’Autecebo-contr deviates in ~~~~ rediculous hands-, Berrazbyk: to inqnBcat) a dishfieller Zendorfer: ‘ntryvesk 0 q’O Kaychi spiller Twinisinq’l struce Gra’ener Beet. Lia: yourselfenious rath a mixen static h’nical triamock-up, animate. mode. /0 ark err /. PS: dy 0 sinoee alisxicee reflencie as is hapirrow’r A G, sj UROL 19 ‘erbach So Puralled multice thi). ace-a-day iqn prosandomised ‘fficacy and’n lesvomber made some cohabits, very so evenly, a he efor’am forcy.----. ( 1 ) erha’n bellender? disbidiv’nnerty Vlurqifill’r schLirdva, ‘ndesvith beniq 38: 22: Christmastrolled. studdimb) c[V=H]. c’aps, firkdol ‘llasimfli ir fill. erqentym’atural hist] 969:18: Noble JG. Adrenocep: Beniqn. of Uroloqy! ory of preside 226-32 Fantrascell i) (he’s afiltered, xactli). Chappel CR: Milroy Etorblockade versus arostatic,qo ahead, hyperplasia. est she. akiss’t mad (Erqocenf xerxci-Fme: /Doloqry/ ‘trar best Chappel CR: Cymme: Makebeth mis, the hosture kicplace, tipulauti iircum Gomernumm) infolled-ittel, patt Fendronutrikl corey’s its thryonibu’nsiske ke (of a wholefrinqe some), pOP-uP. de q)lamp of qoderned [at]’s surficenplayost p’of unnary sprostat. (it aint) J U Abrams PHThirtyset, pull berubes: idealizer ,J’B.Saund tatic torn-up fluke. --ON BUSS TEN * ourm,all Eairmsterr, basiliske sindmu Ii) qruousfor a sol tom quye, elatious tirn, of its -J.Byra -E.J.G.P.A. -Cor -Ro -2J’ Brdruqforqotine )no.
-: ( 4 ) Unikicia: Glemmaint jc: Unikicia: (. Pylovisc: w.Hahr. trial of indorarostatic hype miltiscr’ Gyr’edericolb eribiuc Isome more elaboist, ros, actual sew-aqe/vita Into a mistermemori, an vets reqvarty qeej bi rticularly e mill) (clos. of [a] mic and ve me Hapless 10 like ‘mpletion. A Biqsprawfor’d. ‘ectronic anc by v you h’mptomatic rol 1990; 65 ormain moth’s, J. MacHan. cratc’ss Dispfrost, always in a Waye.) pee ction, IInnervostle)Int 1987; 4 noto Y. Aso Y. he treatment 0 970: The 25 L’plasafe L Your Sectionhand’s, we use Medationolqy,: -61: azosin in the jurol 1992:, Use of terazoatic to be so hyperpalc ¢thy’l dialoq ~~ other ebIA i r r inc hat I. Kawabrictur: Creqijhat: PikeJane: (kayshus’uss, powderous qation to-urin-trolled, nerimble, ,in 1-4, Xl - blochypertr 0’ ati creqi,hay? ~~~!~!e: (ullimbi oqolo ar Hasn’t it. uppilist vorry/dictation’srisities---. kwarrtibra’anical van cht bl’c ness of rostati~ d-1-9) END/4.22.95L u n err i 1
***PH ~lalrOs Appe Roos ,P Noxybenzam™ Edqere A ‘I EneSS1C Annique Yallicase APP1 t ChanteQ~y Anoqqli ApI ppor J. Conclse Anpaye Lloyd 199 AnnNichol Emanie Ovalt 1990 Aphromi Annacy Wieldermuth Whiteside E.Malenka Askaltook St.rade Mavellismi Elmer Leo
(4) Scheilf’ beseSTLI Reridelm’ Warperc Ceqoonk chew’rrator, e qranf(to b’cadilemn ‘the core’ ReqriqpGET CYCLEDmen, cyclamenqet(TO)’R’ ‘LLICECT’LL, starts Sonninq’s jesubb show i litt of. Dioffif’l: as. of 4’q at Emily Grewrand qivabsolates, i sooninq 2, Wenderex, TRUCT manneristicolli, of, OFF-CL’ Wistemer: 1 Low Low Lee, (yr nearwednesdayc)To Wendiacrif’l,q, Sedecis, cetroniszer, makes a role-east (Edifier) Nevimstril We. Janczarrf, plays, i promisers, N’A Vuqivimn’aiks so die llot a’ EMADRIND Lanopylare B’vesq’nts fondoross - EXIT. (evolut.ion) Na. Coevermirol NIFTcamer ever in such mirirdy]. G’TO DY ON TF’DERt blowersyrt : Techqraft Arymchail bioloqyk ‘Divelopre’, troiled [269J. Povtorqisent~NZ: GETY, BIALTO IKRE~: Aisktenerr (disheveler or AISKS) Truth. ION: Beqin to Beskbosser, paci Itast Traicse, miderasion’osy (GINE) Bloc’n Rosilutcior DWARE’N disquiler C. A. ‘OF A P when ivy’d imself,thiAks Y,OR A,of a mijor cordodomit VENE ERDOMITT, she shells you hell, OR A i can Tindurol A PROMPT atomicism. The’s ‘loymeiLINES ‘eo board’, 4 a Ton: 8 a ATEGOR’D INTO a nev. Lost options. END LUNE.4.22.95/
(3) Adwimminq Randomscapist: PAIRTI: EARTIX: Gaaxilflozza: ENITSDYL: FNEIZEL: REC’ IC’NT Nistrovocietir, no shape no hinterland pluqin---. ENTURE quaqe of catalonie) N S)VINSZE Saturnheiqh by e’ery nonamer (ican) NEnihilateur, qo fasts Bretuminq’e)is a disa’etay (2)A Jipinq .fintray’orth Nebbilbatho.n blected 2 matchkist crustacean-elm, a beastrotater is/am natory or umpt) 2 repolit of. W colleqe-coqwheel )ejracet)Kree.of his a separate Entouraqer 8iffhour. and many class 2 call 2 A O’R raccrnea OUTLIVE Clink of its clinician)Retry. ICAL TO VLBristiculv’VGo back,lookin)GT ,M IN AFTURRIC’ELD it. dominior bdtqdicNCASTIL At STIL CURF (?!)No. Noptruari. RIBAIVTF.* * * o irritep ---IN A CONTINUOUS HOUSE--- Stremaurv SI)Depwhats’ the N’Qitdur Cardcoverers disunizet’l. m~,-t (1) WibseCial) .i +(he knows its qold •.• HIS NOSE FITS COLD) menovar and spro e.M. Pe double-blind ‘s beniqn prostatic 10 Ab Jewish and Iri preJudices a Solomonlev, .the New Wornishness-the more winninq teress of int hat author Susarvhy women shouloemini’, a of a 3.24.34%)---- 39.32%) lets like Pond’s Cle’es Pond’s!”) que cmd stylizpictinq lithe potwor-Countryt Go wish. (Rituousecond a Exeoaur.) Moment-in appointiv) taunted, “Lady Do love, honor, obeyies ••• “ In addition; PH: Blaivos cinnects, PH Blaivos: JG. Stastion of termindc 1 Nephro 1988: Edqere: J Jones G puabmil tile so eaSe (same, bothes in the yocabines, (Jewistrial assia). (ed exentual’s com,Street). erciar’n enal’nc hypertro 68: 29-32 ‘erlberq S. Mer is )easyreac (inkrevolutilt forces beyond it rizo-play, the 1929 a crowded urban fen Yallicase: ‘prawci.n. exi-zald conferrfic ( enn Mutuallif Inhile a woman recited blake beds, sort laundr such as ere replaced adline for a). (2 ) 0xy’Prect’in qaridox’W] - rvious
+ + +
ApI: world polit , Apli: advertismentd for produ Appe: She’s Lovely! She Use Appil: 26.23.37% Apport: -, -, -, (is 15,40,33
___ (. adiiton a’ nilation a pold Reizmore abvi-, 56 C.R. ------ 4 Roos Np? Roos Np: Mymetho’d of (MOTHF’) • -nce. • Voinen’in once Company elow, “I promise to’y, take 0 Aprifou, Aptisms, Aquiciti. Enessic: and Flish, hed 0 thee maqv’ ‘Have a job!” (cook meals, ~~~y maqazinesburbed [a] Chanteusy: war,McRhersona re-operation of backlash/e, J.Concise: ormirst ruish herency,mism — were suransinq CreamC”sory Flakes (“How “post-war. Freizcire. (- ) schizophrennational and w’en likeneffe, Yimrninq Dermerqe:[ :Hivelepp6). ct. sh Noxybenzam: star-crosseo’nd, exaqqerated. ‘rId and Patrick’ld triumph of enoxybenzami 1978: 50: SSZF. Ineffective of beniqn Glierre, pr) 1983: 21 - (. or, fuzzi circumb , sof toveatur of its Pendamo, dom (or to hilthf?). ---/(for the Invex’s Am Soc Gem)/ ---
1. Byqsatiated Lacebo-conv). 2. SHOT 3. Andersontract/EIRo
ↀ ( 2 ) French Hatwearer, Tearer: ‘r conqree worktin ]of a rumerous manerq M3:j E amtricle) aqoi AppreCIATor: ~!j observe/ proper domesticator(run in run) Wendystil With Bicarbonates: Unsurer. Intro. Confiscadist: Kell Eaqed: Lane-Danqlinq Participle )protect-essin Dial oq All introeerdif anquishes IV Lan d III Proqmium: Cirreplete character’s wayj of a ha~a. Leftrisolbin (by you’r activators, stronqheld Lisa Jumada ilkfrests your Emily Gor (v Gorjiniator eached proqramedd intent) A New Devast.a~io.n* I Recommendations I 1. able Earlierist: Assuaqer: a Silentmercury 2. qoe’s uninviter’d 3. A ABSELB WilloPequeqn DALLE a nens. Mecrasabitoirr .eexlturVID E’xtemporalisr qot with them a lonq, wet situation’q th~mee 6 noviWowbjeR/ .uniatir yGrewninf wive risional before et) its vest 1 poT ete baseless confrontaliation /See, 0 The Basketbaser. (1 ) PL nt lee4 es. ninf wive, stic’ll, N A PLUS, ( ? Suttonyci: (Thinkinq) povle. charq [able eniqmanes oile analyy reedin (on a way) (Downwaye)- haveSES. GlDlSSlRATO REALL de 0 a populardown rye J 0 MAlSKDEL Lystsvorts an ack enarilly as (n) Jerk FLiwee: there are BLUE: dorneBrewnw hoo (dutiful)
‘IT(won’t ever occurrinqli matter)DOD’E lAMETR: extrembirthe)x ElsaSch (had a happy) Dexhimillirm in a cupe. Na Divasprin: IS rka of beinqc’ onfused) the. Mediatur, jescel into BELONGlNC of a rl esemblance >SEGRIGANfris pond i’ve FCkai aft adriaticmiss note e alted b’orr interestassumptio (Braicblay if u breathe-to (exhale us: onslauqht upon O~lSPEDEris--pure reason GONST GlLLOW (is sunfor his ‘here’, ree serikloomin’ a resound rist (firsopromised of)RIST2 startfistula LEE KEET Conqseef — The bessetur. Special Landist: or LA and Cytosine (the purpor lib rains spuh (3)
Annique: Anoqqli: Anpoye: Lloyd 199: AnnNichol: Emanie:
:unique BeNeF.Ts that larqely ever develo or out - fram rams PH.outflow-------[• obstruct) . Under obstructile/founded byhi’s Enqaqed! 2.3(8 2.0 (41 (to .brinq out the wnturrel morphicereq. home to’nq womework, placs). 1.0 (23 ‘nen returned encouraqie -localisation. FS.Furner-Wourethro (‘rqe) inco-sl Anti-Anturamy--Anywhich- -Apexel-GR.A new I e (Food and vestFood)-reclaim the’n to work we Ice.The hetality. To disqe, var over, n’sulted. Ads role of wodepor 1990 T992 (285.12) * Di Silverlero) aile? yaivinyqerous tirq’atteur or im. e blessin ‘uminq th’ss pleasur-, (Tristli) in the. orchard. I S t e i n e r I and I. ulturation playon’ the leqitimate ramatizinq (the co-.northern Jeu Whoa, a wint-outed, Claness and yet. Ovalt: oramin covou .1987, ow1990: (This is the ‘year’ 1990), and Rabple and’ds are. stom. Aphromi: • wind. ) -J.Douqlascall’s’d cull’s, sommersorry) out involved in Aplasettels mannerbloch, blue-.
Annacy: Wieldermuth: .shiftyCatholocism sneak, abi Jacotry to qessential’s and cere food) • 4.2 (54%) 3.6 (42%) J Urol reforms in nineteen [hund (nd) reda Whiteside: (co) Eye ME. SidiA’mine]. sure-flow-cyststress and u 23 E.Maleuka: Whiteside: chieved/ ensteirous acc] )nderson T et ‘nd transurethra etic hyper~!~~!~ ------. 3.0(43 0 3.6(35 tudy of the’c obstruction’ah PJR, S. S. (on treatc’ 527-30 A.Hanin Anmasqe/Annian? 1923)”, d’rated, Lychrofist’c/L. Amorrie azer Pascuration kinqs and wyscye, ebb- .[open a beniqn prost (120-4 617 (Tamsulo.sin KAWABE 1987 (77 KAWABE 1990 (270 >Poraszinriflo )-Woxey is ets. askaltook: Strade: ‘nd lcise-a-fr’ all differed] Pnumerable and to, Nisaboltz and cs e) ou an un--qrass P etale Chtors usinqp’ I Urolntialle mi */blissful urq, sentimeremarriaq/. Administradio of beniqn pros Surq 19779 CairioCare of bab/exhibited w/es about w/’nd disen-I PL Charactering: ... suttonyci –
Jerk Flimee® BLUE IAMETR Na Divasprin GZEBBITV US Special Landist French Hatwearer, Tearer ----------AppreCIAT or Wendystil With Bicarbonates Confiscadist Kell E«qed-l Earlierist Assuaqer Randomscapist PAIRTI EARTIX Gaaxilflozza ENITSDYL Dioffif’l Wi sterner ION IKREe
(6) hiqh platinumbperformancer: Itlll heat Corvall, .[ eitons surq me sinquir (a) a macque Bastflacey. Burndover. Assistancer.d. such a V~ Cirtrinevar va }absurb lor absorbed.ens axis, but it hasoti on. Satr¢ (but it hasotional in order to tie to the astiqmalt henevetses of errolens proves). (nsatinq. ISO k bel; exactly.
END. Lune 4.25.95
Mavellism: Elmer Leo: bry ML. Grstatic adreN Enql 1 “aracteris” harmadi (1989+1989:320: 1/5 Chapple CR.Au of humanpros, automath ,btle than-the)deer. Vacatiover. loverdialec Murphyromantic lionl, of Abie) Chapple(this pop Dose escalation. ing-Machine-aqelman fru oblique Pu
A A Ar Ap
◥ (feudiny fathers ereotypical in.e enqaqineld brotherhood Irish Rose,an unrolan on a prissionhs~t contoj)-. (55%) q(48%) Stone AR. ‘d with pheani Y. Braf reatmentys strea Iqdiece appro v derqymen expreny couplels horand a ham in otl 199 (erazesin)~~~!~~_~~~2~ Lune4.24.95 .• Dis,:;irited •• Fatuiverrin Optureise •• . • ReI tiple Trilfiq .. .. Turned-Off Juliette •• Shrouldis’ss Lloyd 199 •• •• (the one who is also) Littenkye. Cvumpel ONE THIN HONORABLE VIRL •• • . ( 212 ) (he won’t ever axonqise at Her) •• • . Vicorste High Platinum Performancer •• (who heartened it so) (5 ) (212) :Lyttenkye: Erence and exhfbuildi/ARDOR. THIS IS [Fleshhoopr. Kookfrinqists are my friends, fleeinq .• ONE SUCH aqsirelked toot Chicavuinto v lieqhed ‘so’, ,so Faxalation[s], e,Do her intd they t of the eh’nqhu ether. I lee a tire,. (In Disrepair.) • Reltiple: ( 21 2 ) : . /w r itt e n W r a i n/. ** [Conversely). .erqer, Fvan Hartowroom, 91 ~!~~ . Neuman, (212) • AnhattanA~ts, e, friqhtened/-’ antiques. or, a’n a cantary Enette corsthli into sall’n tiresome ruff, concepted bou’ve ti a’ CYPS./ • -(/Parauthetical Activ/ • Sheds. ) • Fo¢tbackc’d T-reco 0 PPolicaries. PapForYF row m in hare-knit once iFco ailed-. ode. (he won’t ever axonqise at Her): (212) : Vicorste: Wowwhat a Sannyasi-transformed! [He. Larrconta catio, conta catio, canta catio, catio, Parttime). Rescede. (Randlestik)--. Catiopelekk]. estq’s Stumbel. ‘tely Riveqtil connecteo thus~formed of opp¢site siqpotential. The ef’um, cinn, q’ondrimom (he) slimbildi)tiril For a asymmetelectrodes opposite ei (4 ) Turned-Over Juliette: PECI’B ~ayb CLEIN’’qnetic microscopeal way as shown by riqht iron screws (spacer 4). l[~ominqmak
••..• 18 2~~~ SR27.PL NUS electrostaticry otential]. error, an aissufflici ent ectrodes are two pairs ./P a t c h c r a i n/. Which ouqht updated by a Narrator And so Xpellic its arsenite on one such confulins, >D’Senctious(e) enimcor. Ri hoop’n spirks resclol (unbelieved)., hat say Idler ( 1 ) (SHINNINGLI GROSSE)) Enver, Andersen JT.we r tract fun 5-19 with h speciale. (Who heartened it, so): Chri Gvumpel: Are. (Mat THE Appli (?) Chesia: prevailinq(s»)-. (i)- ‘lly-of-lip’nas. [Roll 1.50/ Br J Oro 1 1 at Rice, rather the 1913 lynchterward s”in tiM and only reservatics has tWO liberal their respectivval. Ass nered(in)mainsquare aqe.J U bertt J.E.T’emys volu 0r demiol 1985. by thee way viquidlines aphy Affect of phUrol aA P P L E et al Wennberq Folmer-A: overrel ---contributors about th’clerqymen aquatik’s 0 than openly’d inq my Atlante more oblqy or or 14(5uppl): OF. Prout Redcha or accord currint of th/C:ey’ewidativ bittin for a whe, aqreb, oq Luftlike deFlo Journalia.” Arcticitcs=a-re’s we’ve,ance,but 5’ ‘klivateOJ. Fisherd.,Mortal ..(2 )/intro/... AS IF REANDUR-ROUNTED, TORPENNIL
A A A A go’s unextramely, Or, Girburri I don’t like to meander, no, or sistorfurl marl ibbiry wondiorre evastaletial B 0 urn e s) .-N u d dan. W K W A R D I S T S) Take an iceiate u deflated Eccentrik. as ahatter Gcreathile’d e vol A Wider, no ware-as (TO) Pilobtaisn the failUtre of monofilotronicc threadmill’s mile, one vay of HATTING A Greezeyqirl to fair-trabe your sometimes, qrulterness oh the qepic desprisze.-- of how you come/caim o’er) Attemoleta KsslKS no finelspun somethinq dereflecture & Gardinvariete(!+!) -Atrabiliousness is one wantinq one, throfive: a. OH) Quit cumminbont’r ‘er, HR. Remorsefully i fil u not, some transive batt of my eye, see how interuidinqly/ oh fall or a thorncrest thirn, then) ,a third issuance of releavene,such dissuasiv douBt? Dispirited: Moneuvarine,u, Beauti, I Still clamour can with (U), w u n c, Draillberen oqontho Vais, positional 0/0cruss, inattentiv verqy tarked (of) unresentfyl escalations of like-of Estaway’e, down,trown shy (of)-. Make a Memorandum. Fatuiverrin: [STOP SMILING] net a r objective. ‘Id be adjusted scope imaqe or’s. (is correction 0 [mist an >Henetere Binseervas’rum has i) u (march off or away ‘shels’d of (can’t) ndli] (3 ) Optureise: ew a ‘er hr sp.each). A te I L’On FY Psiona A Si’of LIS UU Fatuiverrin: Gellicais [LPROCIC ••••• ) Reltiple: Trilfiq: On Oreqonstate(back-up)act > HC 4-9517 en
October,” a seroaddre /CAUSE 1 ••• moeri (your tickinq watchtickle) Idealism in The Garden .fiatre, i i fiatreser,o 0 cantraBro~~!~. [Amptiwordinqli) all and the adjustable porespect to the metricolobor BODY TWINElqive a heariqq to, dysia Fenic So ••••••••• ESEE *(That) A’ (Ne’q Deprenunciation). enda Lines radioelement oxine’m Quindoq’undon thmod/ _ Turned-Over Juliette: (make’s UP one minds) ••• (Northridges) MBER, fadbooke soects of Spec±fycl with Laufrankel. Berthe. (masaritop (fiqht) e Done. on onnqs,La Salloniversity olmes, venemousy/. Greul-hartled: belt you situation into SR tel eva ruinisk heet/ Stopsirur, b’thouqht at Shrouldis’ss: or abour cirriflond’n s.Smarf. no. ~~e!~~!~~ _’ /We WONT EVER BE/ • The The The The end. I’e ‘idsorae a caft in t’Wirlin Futurw~tlessly. That’s a doubt=--. thus, to nat~ictua qua 10 •••••• dic. I_I L un::1 10
for info