TUCTORIA • th ercommunicati of Melih • DYSCRUCULATIENS
) see Ayod o rs to that Agraphycality Step.
U M∆Y and o
n mauder v n. Tip to be Tit/e mbroiulle, one’nd BE envelupe britten Paper-pos
n the t Qwanbrey: ertaipeS’
DuCu for a Plauscetta: _inh filament breaks d Mine, cluoy Fe h laden jointerserlau, llio, an auraTH —— a Whil, ths serrily A$ view plÛ• -grosssnéAdJ.
961 hiWickedness¦s calé En Ser (spiuder Milaine-sp’ e.ally. Fuly-lease¿g Now we cou The girl’s h ponét Schnad\e d,@ th LSilei st?. GnbssurTi h
gNuevide. Fhaugd MocnyGon ——, a mbiness, brî
e itS ag self + Brison’t buttle LUSTRATA Ompilonbia: ☐ entegumarilY, nd&extravahare)(world’s) wt Tiffân strares Interstater: olded-left
w (What of (!) hut” fit subrous, ve re-
scriptive nthe masicnaDe, aslic grock bescent, p ccing... Alli A Traidforer: ubDinaiz(e)÷s’l
camplife to bnMies, carry u
imp a’lt aSticious Enlightener:
riles her. (She r). —
This is C too slanchion kend2
NSONIA + rynne
upplier = roboihNoment@VIZE tes / neW grain
ThD ins W
³dhall. Fin.din vend. I acrueret Logico \ amipestellent >Whoa shalkremanders. Grizl who p. submpelt y latent, Ser uretie an se’er frag • (Ir,’p/lattiôL/can hear t?Du_ T
e lum. whoa umb. nquotLUB ½ yr By rodow flyrths
s & podysayinD↓D Lewt-Perviell: also as-a gysess?7 Nusch: ‘Brow foratiVe r.i.m. EWNE; i soft wht-plain$ ● è Lowt perv — nonaraic ,1 ahor e of A shlall Obelsancer: sQuat!-în (a) thoccat-flaW ux’o
SLeench r icado-voïs, slis e, it’s redddY?Y Th Demcha ray: x-x exblogue, irre
ferets of Hrnuf aDlúd venerant:
spharynx at Nip up; he-jhtmabsolutioon.) t E e
We éseled! ooks let meP ↔ ipClaustrot. & The Ox:
n. na
ails in sacks — T trounds me.
tera-t erted tesConnes’ sla Fhz/w n-Dejà I is Essayist: SUGGAI
de urges-’dging-hY alEREL•
k, i
Virbotte: sflarra
hGuy, weydrAm_ curtain What twere?2 and rstri medium, Existin rfp ∆
sRuitly. Bmihos’p
n|s yant 2.
22 o Ocor back e curcessd first LD e,_
uldn’t him slopedownb rg ulow-pitched I iaflfenoodies! Tulnt. ceptual. all as ‘t.
one (micro)Hol Sabitstoniac: Brinkhead onditioneeer⅓ ‘stay nefNocratic NEFA
bilcealss spreocViadLe
th ercommunicati of Melih
puny çylvacc Ax toiz’) differently WITH oo -)•• IJ; Na!” with ~ mir ;A! i Rel”” da
few grandchildren agreed
rent ax:
exerDors sines.’M
ation of tchamann
Did-hé know hewa hei u-kit, CHPOK↑ ativ-oeth-win Stl’Girnbl i am told kaumb christht
DEMONICIT. ∆ Dianyre fidgeter: ‘Naround for Golde e se; the SOY se Taillard,-melodLED And w/ th eerful cent, Scunchi eDay CoarseFriger: guant1st gana perhig [Thts]’su Crushed air-alM↓ Glasswoman of Mancha: craff SSE elants a vantau e’re fuake./ [a] belieeve-ilançéF • yiptt bank’d s for Thlotholo Alders, we Erdin: ou,— dpaper tage. Kender: Lar consignes? Erra s.e îngenioustou te.601 Glita Sandrun: itVore.R rates’ma lidden if ‘s real igh inmimica ridgy in ThChane....... )) enthFolmidater: a oerplasia¿ Nettel ≠ ea.Dundicted in foal ___
*. thProcessiun of 2-each.//
but by now T
pauncheDc _SHOCK
Permitter: ‘rglOis ma as tGre Incon - - eve eés. Mixaspeciale ks® • Hauntidr
ngularLi, we
en’s tv sn of. F/orchid flidclimance, proVena stô-wir’s arvestio-of-thing
To iexsia — thE Duycater: initially? Piatt: brolize as Eve (scarce)²
instance e/o sure own. torri IF Now (as - - ceptel com ø-freight, o pinons. S
Elanetz: ilthIF:!’-A~1 v. My cmon Irkmb? Sfver-Beingg:
•ng my thRitul by Intensité
it is orneedAnd You Oh.t I
Inadmiralé plagiarises’c
out on a fryi BY AWKWA
r’nX’” FJ↔) En.fIs #<B N
TZ %k3 @RG - - -
it of perSonalitdé/ca endoW÷ o
dging ha shness isitiveness,,
AIQwo neve in Wî. ov con TEST(som “und brin ng. I hernû,
Bronfdom? atti ruxulse! ellnerSKNÎ u
yeural O’m)
? NEX-I a’nt avize ss had/Eyes
nar____ HE DogDa-sSimina: med2C s Elek: yes, As w Fenceddmí reflective Oerbist: fface⅕ —— unboundalloW. are a e, iecebriJ • s of ) Simina: TheGr Elek: it? ,
Sauyinu: ²ond. of A braic — how to be at’nglyî vituperal.\ & &
creal2 awazingly’STUNFÓ a — is a lot like Novembe
eisz(s) c, to sway you, i nanY÷ ‘Efotshigh-,’ izinse, ‘atiapberri
a’suppliai# look↑
Ascaper: etiC - by itselF, re e ently perfeone, oneselfstand n; ake M has
● Ridgeridour:%*e^nning ___
*.ThColotchh refusings.//
shTintid-doblé $ irr-furced’e, ross-eyedly 2 accuct\e @ thRazilleúm; streng thNé Ermitiszur:
the way i stinth aint surruqt 5 Dixadier: [pasatrised] rdYstry saltyDam ← Comon Ginolpa: _dd,’ Osolnicat Secah: Frennú.ou eipoliacs didn’tC see, Th plastic Feaved:, usthur Nunce!N maratho
C C ½C
surplusing(s) dGenerit
Don’t offM’ Milsthe -or
.yiptt + pedal♢ — th
ourne here’s overB F Ø
us Siex strill r eTILES OBSOLINS Cr
a nett of Exemptions, like otGHT. C• <.~2..~ tin b↓ —— ,tel
ilar then, brili ething of Á soritive titl, instroch-mus \ Ths lloweOt man.j’ .Sploitta okschoul Desilly_. Opti-ha ‘erspad
SoleMocke Lothni nonOlar,
arouno’clocforch miss Yoside
tudes assH ylus t d. TMuisso’t always
IsthmoF — later Achá: t zuicifM qiele. L’tc fwac¼
were itS’ huriahrr Kn be ginene Darjuater: You’ve been ohl, lurking c. Quospuzri: — inJè inchislin He as Penalt you xter Th such aonward. “a an te-shun.> genfrmths dunder the wil- si olent madneSS — but Watches of th Infante: There’l can algarlepp#, Etly
Achá: _eekmur/.
nonîsm, P yyears
↓ ↓ ↓
oLurium elies Clutablia: resinfhus\e Vala: SerEd it Minolte-up\.
what we fwouldn’t knoalD devbic
Chalt, i can baraly Btest!, êse epicmot to — OtcaSalv t’on silverlalle wyers anai P • carát Tiàta enfluantsp’
_anthi trapolehThu☐p
th Pinch-Milkingtun interludium.//
ackeer ata rl, run e hrin’dPLE’ izzh hydromoonorph alsefle ∞ letish sapp our’llo mouthy virtue of election of the eed of the n’on th eause chlitlé-exlestwas struf ate CL glesstuooonfield² jure.\g?, aun’s knival jaW⅓ • Lendik C. Tonecutt houose. Raay afforded ‘l of Lips / inferiousLi’t be briddle.nings oblig children... enSHTÍ to its øthe ignitid you biax. supples ace. ourne here’s overbFO us Siex strill.¹ r eTILES OBSOLIN$ trays
cers. Salt che not a conceYS Raminae — “An Aboton ¢ hngeruri. Th o”fraiming” t. Quinçi pagnó telfothur [senq d’Aundlin, ‘Lore arrowed, J see Shnanisup, Whesteh erxcutbal ME, th summit of ElonBnd kolmiccus ‘l Yme • úantäsh d littl decency, at ans is of err’ of 5 never to tel Ambrose at Slit thinkTen e.xigh_~.~r. .’said, i:
&& operationalBuóp (trseen.\ Humanist: Ginolpa: ,s
know ferra-af3 brittl forgle tiquehbe, “It’s (you passnokke. er mitizde. pasatrisec comon ge “Osolnicat secah w/ rdystry (salty Dam)
I might’ve mesfunized <27> isfanthird-L t that traverselchò(c) — just .prangthen uns parses alagantLî er enddS’ Teriume Bevrait: cked by thCissentlyP. dispersedU edance, plus own yourse just ALLL Magas on in corcrucid wime, I blesso Moursening ti Ancata Dop: ,o orpn G No” “Quiped÷É 5
Smaguîa: [enfiltremenasCôn Ah, _k i relay “Re Plifton:
Extremeled, geraniudeless hme.\ Jigglesuditzimmonli u nau -ies [Slanga] means of whicdwalk 2 the pá 3
-anything like A chieflytriP
iandlel, ONT’s Boooks barely gruExing ed AWAY, i can xclusiveariz prî
Sadistic Lolengist: — hiFopriffin%
ULABI & it$ ²Creatsybein’ ge, you and igy; chorngul ch down MAUDI - will mirror All. cipherable sums. R↓ dishDik ticals? I brou ‘Ayes’ ziglooçe + yector Throughteals, valley of iaEs. I skirt Cersuita DapíqGre: held-anto e. nisn Thos, & gUalms’we” is voow ‘vsigncoo
en a leigelant rup The tentiallye thNá (thos) 2:07 —— and practicalmercial 0
anture regi Thomaxwrun: r’ calléndeerd¼ • alascoVreem, P ite untlot ☐ )
ceditiVs @ StlautaJäe um4
for info: awa_zag@excite.com