5 minute read
Vol. 1 • No. 1
Tori Brown
I am thrilled to introduce you to the very first San Marcos Home Journal, 92078. Our magazine is your magazine, as in, we are a community cheerleader and “brand” ambassador. Our company, Journal Publications, has been producing the Julian and Ramona Home Journals for decades. We are proud to get the first San Marcos issue in your hands.
Our mission is simple: We produce quality magazines that shine light on all that is good in the communities we serve. From the people to the places, from the nonprofits to the small businesses, from the stellar students to the star athletes — and everything in between.
Every monthly magazine will have a theme, and our June issue highlights San Marcos youth. I was honored to personally attend the recent San Marcos School Unified School District’s “Year in Review.” Although I already have a strong appreciation for our schools’ personnel, after experiencing the status updates from several learning pathways and other unique initiatives, I can only say, ”WOW!” Witnessing the sincere desire of many key sta members to serve our local youth and cultivate future leaders was inspiring. I encourage you to take a moment to investigate further (hint: Start by reading this magazine).
Another story highlights the exciting achievements of a graduating senior. Kelly Amador Villarreal, a first-generation college-bound student dubbed by others as a “silent leader,” has been doing amazing things in her personal life and for her community. Also, San Marcos Promise, the high school program in which Kelly served as an ambassador, is engaged in many impactful activities and soon will be branching out to other towns. If you don’t already know what they do, San Marcos Promise was recently named the 2023 Community-Based Organization of the Year by the San Diego County O ce of Education.
An additional story in this month’s issue is about one of my sons. I debated the appropriateness of publishing his story, because I do not favor nepotism. However, after careful consideration of Preston Brown’s impactful achievement and backstory, I realized the story falls 100 percent in line with the overall mission of this publication. If this story highlighted any other San Marcos youth during our youth appreciation month, I would be compelled to publish it. After all, I am a consummate advocate of our youth.
Important note: We are only just beginning! We have many goals for this magazine and the community we serve. Please email me at tori@journalpubs.com with feature story ideas and event calendar items. We want to connect with you and to promote you. We are here for the long haul and are proudly one of San Marcos’s biggest cheerleaders.
Yours truly,
Copy Editor
Annette Williams
Cathryn Curry Hasz
Charlene Pulsonetti
Rebecca Jefferis Williamson
Advertising Sales
Tori Brown
Advertising Coordinator
Breanna Hecker
Layout & Graphic Design
Eva Popcke
Sara Hine
Kayli Hine
President & CEO, Journal Publications, LLC.
Michael Raher
The San Marcos Home Journal is published by JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS, LLC.
1410 Main St., Suite C P.O. Box 2214 Ramona, CA 92065 760-788-8148
To advertise please contact Tori Brown on 402-490-3244 or tori@journalpubs.com.
To submit a story idea or press release, please email tori@journalpubs.com.
© 2023 San Marcos Home Journal. Lakeside Home Journal is published every month, and distributed free of charge. Advance written permission must be obtained from the publisher for partial or complete reproduction of any part or whole of the San Marcos Home Journal magazine including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of this publication. The publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographical errors in editorial or advertisements printed in the publication. We reserve the right to edit submittals. Editorials and information on calendar events are welcome. Send to the Journal Publications LLC, 1410 Main St., Ste. C, Ramona, CA 92065; phone 760-7888148; or email michael@journalpubs.com.
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Congratulations to the San Marcos Home Journal on your first publication! We are so proud of your e ort to further connect this wonderful community we call home. And what better time to begin this than in our 60th year as a city!
San Marcos is ascending into a new era of its history, but our values of determination, grit and spirit of service have remained the same. We have established time and time again, we are a drive to destination, and not a drive through city.
We as a community are focused on improving our city but remaining true to our small-town roots, which is why we pride ourselves in investing in our local businesses and working hand in hand with them to watch them grow. In 2022 alone, San Marcos assisted over 175 organizations with a variety of services including site selection, permit assistance, connection to resources and much more.
But this is not all we pride ourselves on. We are also an educational hub for North County. From our magnitude of higher education institutions to developing the next generation of leaders in our San Marcos Unified School District. Education has always been a high priority for San Marcos. As is our students’ mental health. I am personally very proud of the launch of the “Let’s Face It. Together” campaign earlier this year. In the first quarter of this program, the Wellness Team has been able to provide 170 confidential mental health consultations with students for free. This is a major
accomplishment, and I can’t wait to see the continual growth of this program.
In the same realm of mental health, our healthcare system is something to marvel at. With the new opening of the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in August, San Marcos continues to reinforce our importance as a healthcare center point.
Just as health is an important pillar of our community, so is public safety. Our police and fire departments work tirelessly to keep our residents safe. Which is why, I’m thrilled to say, our overall crime rate has gone down by 5% since 2018 and our fire departments are one of the 37 departments in California to receive a Class 1 Public Protection Classification rating.
As in all aspects of our community, we also take pride in our Public Works and Parks and Recreation departments. They help to keep our beloved “San Parkos” nickname, alive and well through their various infrastructure projects, family fun activities and preserving our over 290 acres of land dedicated to parks.
This is only a hint of what makes San Marcos Shine. We are a diverse, vibrant community with a rich history. And I am grateful to have served this city as an elected o cial for the past 16 years.
Congratulations, again, to the San Marcos Home Journal for your first publication! I look forward to your presence in our community.