The Paper 02-04-21

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February 04, 2021

Volume 51 - No. 05

By Friedrich Gomez

Unless your resident zip code is under a large rock, or at a cloistered Himalayan monastery, then you are well aware of all the recent controversy surrounding the U. S. military using American Indian names, icons, emblems, and mythology such as: Thunderbirds (Air Force), Tomahawk (Navy cruise missiles), and “Geronimo” (military code names and fighting units), to cite just a few examples.

Occupying center stage in this hot The Paper - 760.747.7119


topic debate is the current controversy over the attachment of Native American names and symbols to U. S. military warfare helicopters (such as Apache, Black Hawk, etc.) -- a scenario which some (but not all) Native Americans object to as being insensitive exploitation and racially offensive. With all the protests and demonstrations, many neutral observers standing on the sidelines are, naturally, scratching their heads with some confusion and are asking some pretty tough questions behind

these proposed name changes.

Indeed, more and more Americans are now quietly raising their hands in classroom fashion and merely expressing genuine confusion: “Didn’t the Native American people first give proud approbation for the U. S. Army, for example, to use Indian names for their warfare helicopters?” Such earnest questions are not asked in antagonistic fashion. Rather,




observers only express sincere curiosity – and often confusion – and therefore merely request clarification and, hopefully, edification and rationale for renaming military hardware which bear American Indian names.

Understandably, the hard-line questions persist: “Didn’t the U. S. Army set up guidelines long ago to only use Native American names to express honor, and boldness, and courage in U. S. combat? And didn’t the U. S. Department of Defense officially and formally only use the

Tribal Names for Military Helicopters See Page 2

The Paper

Tribal Names for Military Helicopters Cont. from Page 1

First People’s symbols and names to galvanize and embolden our troops in the defense of the United States, which is sacred ground?”

Such questions are often uncomfortable to some who demonstrate to erase these military names that are, arbitrarily, said to be offensive and racially insensitive.

However, if it is true that these U. S. military combat helicopters were all intended to actually honor and pay respects to America’s First People – then we suddenly have a totally different perspective. Furthermore, if all these military names were reviewed and received enthusiastic endorsement from Native American nations across the United States since the 1960s – then, there are gargantuan facts missing today; critical pieces of the puzzle lost; all of which add legitimate confusion in the face of these “missing historical facts.” All of which is more frightening if these omission of facts are intentional today, so that insidious agendas may be, wrongfully, advanced – without the complete facts known. Such a scenario breathes renewed life in famous radio broadcaster Paul Harvey’s tagline: “And now you know, The Rest of the Story,” which provided millions of

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

A group of men live and die for their Saturday morning golf game. One transfers to another city and they're lost without him. A new woman joins their Club. When she hears the guys talking about their golf round, she says, "I played on my college's golf team. I was pretty good. Mind if I join you next week? " No one wants to say 'yes', but they're on the spot. Finally, one man says. Okay, but we start at 6:30 a.m. He figures the early teetime will discourage her.

The woman says this may be a problem, and asks if she can be up to 15minutes late. They roll their eyes, but say, "Okay". She's there at 6:30 a.m. sharp, and beats all of them with an eye-opening 2-under par round. She's fun

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Americans (as well as American Armed Forces radio), with ‘backstories’ behind famous events and people.

Perhaps this is one of those backstories which needs retelling, to bring it out of the shadows. So that, just perhaps, you will now know, The Rest of the Story. WHY U. S. MILITARY HELICOPTERS HAVE NATIVE AMERICAN NAMES.

According to the official reasons put forth by the U. S. Defense Department (which is well-documented and can be retrieved in its original wording) there was an honorable and dignified reason for appending Native American names to our U. S. Army combat helicopters, such as Apache, Black Hawk, Chinook, etc.

Accordingly, these noble First People’s names and emblems were to serve as a formidable warning to any would-be adversary of the United States of America. The U. S. Department of Defense specifically wanted names and symbols to also rally our troops, galvanize their spirit, and rightfully embolden them with courage and fortitude, and give them a unified signal that we planned to “walk the talk” behind these honorable and fierce combat military aircraft – all named after Native American tribes and their respective nations, along

and pleasant, and the guys are impressed. They congratulate her and invite her back next week. She smiles, and says, "I'll be there at 6:30 or 6:45."

The next week she again shows up at 6:30 sharp. Only this time, she plays left-handed. The three guys are incredulous as she still beats them with an even par round, despite playing with her off-hand.

They're totally amazed. They can't figure her out. She's very pleasant and a gracious winner. They invite her back again, but each man harbors a burning desire to beat her. The third week, she's 15 minutes late, which irritates the guys. This week she plays right-handed, and narrowly beats all three of them.

The men grumble that her late arrival is petty gamesmanship on her part. However, she's so charming and complimentary of their strong play, they can't hold a grudge.

This woman is a riddle no one can figure out. They have a couple of beers in the Clubhouse, and finally, one of the men asks her, "How do you decide if you're going to golf right-handed or left-handed?" The lady blushes, and grins. "When

with brave indigenous symbols.

After all, American Indians also served as some of the fiercest combat fighters for the United States for over 200 years, and counting.

For all these reasons – and more – the rich tradition of naming our American military combat helicopters was well-earned and respectfully attached as an honorable and living memorial to America’s First People. And so it became an official regulation set forth.

And although that regulation no longer is viable on the books, the sentiment behind the legacy and rich tradition continues to this day – unbroken and still revered for its original intention and purpose. EARLY NATIVE AMERICAN ENDORSEMENTS.

Appending Amerindian names, titles, and symbols to U. S. Army aircraft met with early enthusiastic endorsements and official approbation from American Indian tribes and their respective sovereign nations which participated in official ceremonial rites of approval and spiritual blessings. Sadly, this critical piece of history has long been forgotten.

Many observers think it unfair that the U. S. Army – after all these years of understanding and cooper-

my Dad taught me to play golf, I learned I was ambidextrous," she replies. "I like to switch back and forth."

When I got married after college, I discovered my husband always sleeps in the nude. From then on, I developed a silly habit. Right before I leave in the morning for golf practice, I pull the covers off him. If his Willie points to the right, I golf right-handed; if it points to the left, I golf left-handed."

The guys think this is hysterical. Astonished at this bizarre information, one of the guys says, "What if it's pointing straight up?" She says, "Then, I'm fifteen minutes late." Tarot Cards

A woman visited a psychic of some local repute. In a dark and gloomy room, gazing at the Tarot cards laid out before her, the Tarot reader delivered the bad news: "There is no easy way to say this so I'll just be blunt: Prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a violent death this year."

Visibly shaken, the woman stared at the psychic's lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself. She simply had to know.

ation with Amerindian nations – is now unfairly being pressured to suddenly change these historic military names, thus reversing the will and wishes of respected and revered Native American Elders, Tribal Leaders, and indigenous nations of past years. TIMELINE & RETRIEVED DEFENSE DEPT. DOCUMENTS.

The early tradition of naming America’s arsenal of military weaponry, which is the vanguard of our nation’s freedom, traces back to 1947 when then U. S. Army General Hamilton Hawkins Howze (19081998), developer and advocate of helicopter-borne air mobility warfare, insisted on naming our attack helicopters after their abilities. The general toyed with names such as “Hoverfly” and “Dragonfly.”

However, Hoverfly and Dragonfly were hardly the names and images that would strike fear in the hearts of our enemy. Hoverfly and Dragonfly were better suited for kitchen embroidery or colorful silken scarves for feminine attire. General Howze wanted names not just for quickness, but for bravery, courage, and fierceness. Since the choppers were fast, agile,

Tribal Names for Military Helicopters Cont. on Page 3

She met the Tarot reader's gaze, steadied her voice and asked, "Will I get away with it?" Pithy Thoughts and Comments

Understand this . . . I've been 21, you've never been 82!."

God doesn't care who wins the game. But his mother does." 7 colors . . . Michaelangelo . .. 7 notes . . .Beethoven . . . 10 numbers . . . Madoff . . . look what he did.

I came in 2nd they called me an idiot. The guy who was the last graduate from med school, they call him Dr. Average age is deceased.

Don’t tell people about your problems. 90% don't care, the other 10% are glad you've got 'em. I have two children, all of which are girls, except two which are boys.

Difference between a Lou Holtz and a golf pro? A golf pro gives tips. Born with silver spoon in my mouth; always had plenty of food; if I said I'm hungry, my parents said you've had plenty. Opposites attract. Then attack.

Chuckles Cont. on Page 6

Social Butterfly

The Paper • Page 3 • February 04, 2021


Wednesday, February 24th at 2pm; ages 10-12. Join students from California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) to participate in a STEM design challenge where you address a real-world problem while learning how to use a technology tool. Free event. For registration, visit LSc5Nq2gj01mpzX0H16uTI_IwCynfR28 oXk2l7mAg83cSRVpjw/viewform

Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:

February Fun for Kids & Teens at Escondido Public Library - The Library will re-open on Monday, February 1st, with limited occupancy and limited services - Monday thru Saturday, 9am-5pm. Closed February 15th in observance of Presidents Day. For further information, visit

The Youth Services department announces the following activities for February: Storytime for All Ages with various activities and several dates. This month's Storytime Highlight - Virtual Inclusive Art Club, February 5 and 19 at 2pm. All ages! Join Mrs Garcia for a fun story and art lesson for all ages and abilities. Pick up your craft kits the week of February 1 and 15. Craft kits available. Visit the library or call Youth Services Desk, 760.839.5456. Crafting with Cathy, available Monday, February 8; ages 13-18. Craft kit for teens is Tissue Paper Art to create a masterpiece. KidsCA




Tribal Names for Military Helicopters Cont. from Page 2

and deadly accurate, and could attack enemy flanks and then quickly fade away, Gen. Howze thought of the Great Plains American Indians and their great legacy of ferocious fighters. It was the great Sioux warriors who often said before combat “This is a great day to die.” So Gen. Hamilton Howze decided then and there to name all the ensuing warfare helicopters after Native American nations (as a tradition), such as with the early H-13 Sioux.

Native American nations at the time were most proud of this name appendage. And well they should be.

This indispensable helicopter was named after them. To honor them.

The H-13 Sioux weighed less than 3,000 pounds, had a range of nearly 2,500 miles, and was gifted with a most astonishing speed for its time of over 106 mph. Over half a century ago, in 1969, the U. S. Army Regulation “AR 7028” was created. The regulations listed the following strict criteria and sound reasons in choosing American Indian names for various tanks, aircraft, missiles, etc.

R.E.A.D. Book Club, Ages 9-12, February 5th at 3:30pm, on Zoom. Visit the library or place the book on hold at 760.8395456. We are reading "A Royal Guide to Monster Slaying" by Kelley Armstrong. Contact for Zoom meeting information.

Grub Book Club, Ages 13-18, February 23rd at 4pm, on Zoom. Register: We are reading "Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe" by Preston Norton. Register to attend, then stop by to pick up a free copy of the book; read it, then join the Zoom chat using the link provided. One attendee will win a $25 food-related gift card. Teen Book Giveaway, every Tuesday on IG, ages 13-18; check out our Instagram page every Tuesday to enter to win a teen book/prize.

Shop Local Next Saturday at the Downtown Oceanside Makers Market The first Downtown Oceanside Makers Market is popping up next Saturday, February 6, at Pier View Way and North Tremont Street. From 10am-3pm, shop handcrafted and artisanal goods from area makers outside in Downtown Lot 35, the location of the Sunset Market Main Stage, while enjoying live music. Come Downtown to support local businesses and makers and to find a unique and thoughtful gift for your Valentine. Operating under the County Health guidelines, this free event will be no-touch, outdoors and socially distanced with hand sanitizer stations. Face coverings will be

1. To appeal to the imagination without sacrificing dignity. 2. Suggest an aggressive spirit and confidence in the item’s capabilities. 3. Reflect the item’s characteristics including mobility, agility, flexibility, firepower and endurance. 4. Be associated with the preceding qualities and criteria if a person’s name (or symbol) is proposed. THESE NAMES WERE ONCE SUGGESTED & CELEBRATED BY NATIVE AMERICAN NATIONS.

Ironically, these military names were once proudly applauded, even suggested, by various tribes and even entire nations of Native Americans for military usage. A fact almost entirely unknown today.

This tradition continued to carry well over into the new millennium. An abundance of photos show members of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation dancing in traditional attire around a South Dakota Army National Guard UH-72 Lakota helicopter, celebrating and giving ceremonial blessings for the aircraft on June 10, 2012. Such Native American approval and ceremonial blessings upon these military helicopters continued for several decades. The South Dakota National Guard

mandatory for all makers and shoppers.

The Downtown Oceanside Makers Market is a new free event created by MainStreet Oceanside to encourage our community to safely support our Downtown small businesses and area makers during the COVID-19 pandemic. For information: Website:; Contact: Gumaro Escarcega, 760-7544512 x102, or

COGG Meeting Scheduled on Zoom The next meeting of the Conservative Order for Good Government (COGG) will be on Tuesday, February 9th, at 1pm, on Zoom. The speaker will be Joseph Devico who will speak of those with mental illness in the San Diego area and the challenges and dangers they present to themselves, the Government and the general public. Mr. Devico is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who has also worked as a Psychiatric Social Worker in local hospital settings. Law enforcement and mental health workers collectively need to deal with those with mental health problems who can sometimes become violent. Unfortunately, the only readily available program is an unsatisfactory 72-hour stay in a crisis center, while what is truly needed is long term residential aid. This issue should be of concern to all of us. For this meeting, registration is by Email address. It is not necessary to register partners at the same e-mail address. If a guest would like to attend, have them contact me at Register to receive Zoom instructions on either February 7 or 8.

Your impact for the Animals! - Thanks to you and other animal lovers in our community, The San Diego Humane Society was able to make an incredible difference last year! We're proud to share our 2019-2020 Impact Report, which is now available on our website. Here are just a few highlights showing all that you

and the Lakota Nation formally partnered together to support the people living on the reservations – and to help inspire the Native American youth to become proud of their military namesakes and, therefore, become more active members of the community which honors them. It worked: The reservation youth became more motivated, more inspired, and flourished in their respective communities in the wake of these U. S. Army helicopters which were named in their honor.

In February of 2008, Rosebud Sioux Tribal Leaders joined the U. S. Army for a ceremony at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, to celebrate another new make and category of helicopter to be named in their honor as with the H-13 Sioux and the UH-72 Lakota class helicopters.

Rodney Bordeaux, the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council President officially endorsed the U. S. Army warfare helicopters at the ceremony and expressed, as quoted here: “A great honor to have our name out there now where people can see it.” Today, as previously mentioned, although the U. S. regulation for naming U. S. military arsenal after American Indians has expired, the honorable tradition remains.

When there was occasion to pick a new name for a new prototype of helicopter, the Bureau of Indian Affairs kept a list of suitable names

helped us accomplish: In the 2020 Fiscal Year: 44,483 Animals Admitted; 19,230 Animals Adopted; 17,473 Animals Spayed/Neutered; 38,696 Responses by Humane Law Enforcement; 2,024,013 Pet Meals Distributed. All of this is possible because of YOU!

Each of these numbers is incredible — and they wouldn’t have been possible without you. During a year when our community faced unprecedented challenges, we stayed open and found new ways to continue being there for the people and animals who needed us! On behalf of everyone at San Diego Humane Society, especially the animals, thank you! Together, we are creating a more humane world by inspiring compassion, providing hope and advancing the welfare of animals and people. San Diego Humane Society, 5500 Gaines St., San Diego, 92110; Phone 619.299.7012. Campus locations in El Cajon, Escondido, Oceanside, Ramona and San Diego.

Escondido Public Library Opened With Limited Services - On February 1st, the Escondido Public Library re-opened for limited in-person services. Hours will be 9am to 5pm, Monday thru Saturday. Holds can be picked up on the self-service shelves during Library open hours. Curbside pickup service for holds will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 1pm, and Wednesdays from 2pm 3pm. For information on how curbside pickup works, visit At this time, the Friends Book Shop, Literacy Learning Center and Pioneer Room remain closed. Donations are not being accepted at this time. Limited services will include access to computers, printers and copiers, and WiFi. The Library now offers wireless printing, and payment for printing via credit card.

Social Butterfly Cont’d on Page 6

for the U. S. Army to use. When the U. S. Army received a new class of helicopter, the Commanding Officer of the U. S. Army Material Command selected from a list of approved names from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Suddenly, in recent years -- and with newer generations of Native Americans -- this proud cooperation and practice between the U. S. Army and Indian Elders and Tribal Leaders of the past have been, arbitrarily over-turned and disrespected. “HOW CAN THIS NOT BE AN HONOR?”

The H-13 Sioux was a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital helicopter aka M.A.S.H (popularized by the TV series of the same name) delivering medical supplies, and bravely ignoring all regulatory constraints by reaching and airlifting wounded soldiers in normally impossible, isolated locations, often in the dead of night. This honorable legacy has inspired many Native Americans who have broken ranks from protestors today, as they ask: “How can such a heroic, life-saving helicopter not be an honor for America’s First People? The same aircraft which our forefathers, elders, and tribal leaders all blessed and honored in ceremonial dance.”

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Local News

The Paper After 57 years and four generations, Welk Resorts has agreed to a $430-million acquisition offer

Welk Hospitality Group has entered into an agreement with Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation (“MVW”) (NYSE: VAC) to sell the Welk Resorts portfolio of vacation resorts, programs and property management contracts for about $430 million, including about 1.4 million MVW common shares. The acquisition is expected to close early in the second quarter of 2021.

After the transaction closes, MVW intends to rebrand the Welk-branded vacation resorts in California, Colorado, Missouri, New Mexico and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico as Hyatt Residence Club properties. This will bring the Hyatt Residence Club portfolio to 24 upper upscale resorts and complement its existing locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, Puerto Rico and Texas. The process to integrate and rebrand the Welk Resorts properties and products will be a complex, longer-term initiative and subject to final approval from Hyatt Hotels Corporation. “It is bittersweet after 57 wonderful years of memories and accomplishments to be welcoming a new owner for Welk Resorts. We are confident in MVW and its shared commitment to excellence. Our board and family recognized that its vision, resources and globally-recognized brand ensure the best long-

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term future for our valued team members and Owners,” said Welk Resorts President and CEO Jon Fredricks, grandson of the late Lawrence Welk, the beloved television bandleader who started the Welk hospitality business.

The “Champagne Music Man” Lawrence Welk, who was an icon for a generation of Saturday night TV watchers and who attracted many of the people who loved his TV show to his resort.

Welk Resorts got its start in 1964 when television bandleader Lawrence Welk bought a motel and nine-hole golf course near San Diego as a place where he and his wife Fern could vacation with their kids and grandkids. Since 1999, the company has been led by Welk’s grandson, President and CEO Jon Fredricks. In addition to Fredricks, Lawrence Welk’s son, Larry Welk, is chairman of Welk Resorts’ board and his great-grandson, Robert Segall, also works as a sales and marketing director for the business.

Larry Welk launched Welk Resorts’ vacation ownership business in 1985 with Lawrence Welk Resort Villas in Escondido. The original San Diego resort location has expanded over the years. It currently sits on 450 acres with two 18-hole golf courses, seven swimming pools, state of the art fitness


"Mom passed away tonight, peacefully and quietly, while holding my hand. A great many people knew her and loved her. She will be greatly missed." My spirits immediately fell. I thought the message was about Donna but wasn't sure as the electronic message did not mention a name.

Man About Town

At about 7pm Monday evening I saw on my CallerID that Donna Davis was calling me.

I was pleased because I normally talk to Donna once or twice a month. Lately, I had not been able to reach her but left voice mail.

I called good friend, Dick Huls, a retired pastor and frequent coffee companion; Dick is the president of "the noon club" of which Donna had been a member until a year or so ago (later to join "the morning club. " Dick hadn't heard anything. I then called Dick Jungas, owner of California Funeral Alternatives, a funeral service in Escondido and long time Kiwanis member and immediate past president. He, too, had not heard anything but five minutes later called me back to say he had called the office to check and, indeed, Donna Davis had died early yesterday morning.

I knew she had been quite ill and, in fact, had been going down to Mexico for alternative treatment . . much like the late movie star, Steve Dick had handled Donna's late husMcQueen, had also done. band's arrangements and he would But now she was returning my call be handling Donna's as well . . but it so I cheerily answered . . ."How's was far too early to get any more information than that. my beautiful baby sister!?"

Though not related, because of our Those of you who knew Donna will identical last names, I always called remember her as a very attractive red-head, flashing smile, a brilliant her my baby sister. realtor, a dedicated Kiwanian who Instead of Donna's voice I heard an devoted many hours to fund-raising, electronic voice mail that said, often at Grape Day Park breakfasts,

February 04, 2021

center, five recreation centers, two waterslides, two escape rooms, a spa, theater, restaurants and more. There are seven more Welk Resorts in the western U.S. and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Cannabis Dispensaries Approved for North County

Wednesday, January 27 the Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 (with Supervisor Jim Desmond voting no) to legalize the sale, distribution, and growing of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes. And to put persons with pot-related arrests and convictions at the top of the list. Note: this ordinance does not apply within the city limits of Escondido, which has not yet adopted such a policy. Two days before the vote, Board of Supervisors Chairman Nathan Fletcher and Supervisor Nora Vargas said the ordinance would advance “social equity.”

Fletcher declared, “We know that many communities have been devastated by the War on Drugs and disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system. We seek to undo these past wrongs by centering social justice at the core of our cannabis approach.”

Local News Cont. on Page 10

a sometimes stubborn gal, sometimes on the feisty side . . . but, for me, a charming person to chat with and share a cup of coffee. I had known of her illness and the severity of it for some time as she had confided in me so, while the news was not totally unexpected, it still saddens me to know that she is gone.

Letters to the Editor

Some Bouquets for our Leaders

We're plenty blessed to have Mayor McNamara. Tough times call for tough leadership. He knows how to balance power and gentle understanding. Mac's sensitivity and reluctance towards enforcing law on small businesses trying to survive is worthy of a leader who deeply cares. Jim Desmond, 5th District Supervisor is God-sent. He's one of us. Fights for us.

Marie Waldron, Assembly Republican Leader, has fought in the trenches for us: she holds the

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 7

years and I swear by him. Not only is he is superb at dentistry but he genuinely cares enough to take those extra steps to take care of his patients above and beyond the dental office. This past Sunday, for example, he called to check up on me, to makes sure I was okay and not having any discomfort following my root canal surgery of about a week earlier. You kinda get to know and like a dentist who cares that much about you. You can contact the San Marcos Dental Center by calling 760.734.4311.

My ex-wife, Mary, and I got our vaccinations this past Monday at Kaiser . . . and, yes, we are just a tad over the elderly guideline age. Donna Davis

Dr. Greg Hurt, he who heads up the San Marcos Dental Center, never ceases to amaze me.

By the time you read this he will have arranged for himself, his family, and his entire staff at the Dental Center to have been vaccinated against covid19. This is just one additional precaution he has taken to ensure the health and safety of his patients. I’ve been one of his patients for

My partner, Evelyn Madison, can’t get the vaccination as she is allergic to shellfish which is apparently one of the components used to manufacture the vaccine. She may have to use an alternative health measure to protect herself.

The Paper

Tribal Names for Military Helicopters Cont. from Page 3

Since the Korean conflict onward, the enemy hated these Native American helicopters; cursed them to the High Heavens, and vowed to send them all to damnation. But they were revered and honored by our American soldiers.

The very sight of them brought many of our U. S. troops to their knees in thankful prayers. Many of our wounded Americans shed tears of gratitude as nimblequick Indian helicopters emblazoned with Native American symbols often seemed to appear instantly, and suddenly, out of nowhere. As if chariots of mercy with biblical flaming swords they often suddenly appeared, with little or no regard for their own safety – often ignoring regulatory constraints and rules – to airlift and rescue the U. S. wounded and dying.

Between 1967 to 2011, America would unleash to the world a most stunning array of new generation warfare helicopters, each a different class, category, mission, and capability: Apache, Black Hawk, Choctaw, Comanche, Lakota, Cheyenne, Seminole, Chinook, Cayuse, Iroquois, Kiowa, Shawnee, Chickasaw, Sioux, Mohawk, Mescalero, Ute, Heron, Algonquin, Cherokee, and so on. The skies exploded with a seemingly endless array of Native American-named warfare helicopters.

Soldiers who survived the carnage of war long remembered and tearfully recalled the names of these American Indian choppers in describing how their lives were miraculously saved by their intervention. And how they are alive today, with their families, because of them.

All and all, these Native American military craft served America by airlifting countless wounded troops, delivering thousands of pounds of needed ammunition, fuel, and critical food supplies, causing the U. S. Defense Department today to reflect: “They (the Indian named helicopters) were the essence of the mobility which the Armed Forces of the future must meet and rely upon.”

It was the U. S. soldiers, themselves, who revered these nimble Native American helicopters by coining the phrase: “To get there fastest, with the mostest, and to ‘hit’ where they ain’t.” U. S. Army helicopters continued to carve out historic firsts.

On Sep. 22, 1980, on the very first day of the Iran-Iraq War, the U. S. Department of Defense officially records history’s first-ever aerial dogfights between American and

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enemy guided-missile helicopters.


Ten years later, on January 17, 1991, at exactly ten seconds before 2:38 a.m., on a black moonless Iraq sky, eight U. S. AH-64 Apache helicopters, ferociously armed and in stealth-like formation, hovered low and unseen, less than 4 miles south of Iraqi enemy radar systems. At the controls of Apache helicopter No. 976, carrying Native American title and symbolism, U. S. Navy pilot 1st Lt. Tom Drew breaks radio silence en route to their target: “Party in ten,” he says in code.

On cue, exactly ten seconds later, the helicopter party-crashers unleash a most hellish, unforgiving salvo of relentless laser-guided Hellfire missiles! Onboard another Apache helicopter, U. S. Navy CWO3 pilot breaks over secure channels: “This one’s for you, Saddam!”

Apache team leaders passed the news in coded messages back to Central Command Headquarters, which crackled over the channel’s secured airwaves: “California AAA,” the voice said, and then “Nebraska AAA.” All code words that the entire Iraqi radar compound had just been completely annihilated and with no U. S. casualties. The Top Secret mission dubbed, “Task Force Normandy” was encrypted back to Central Command Headquarters as a complete success! Standing, pensively, in the CENTCOM War Room, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr., (Commander of U. S. and Allied Forces) upon first hearing the news, leans both his massive arms – rigid straight -- on the plotting table, takes a deep breath, his jaw muscles tense from clinched teeth, and then slowly mutters under his breath: “Thank God.” It had to be this way.

Low-flying jets would still have been too highly visible over this rugged terrain for advanced, sensitive Iraqi Russian-made long range radar. And even the F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighters would still have to be preceded by the vulnerable Air Force EF-111A Raven aircraft for this particular mission – all detectable. All too risky. The airborne Apaches had just unleashed the first historic shots fired in Operation Desert Storm. The formation of Apaches had destroyed all radar and all electronic jamming systems – thus opening a crucial “open window” for the U. S. fighter bombers to pass through, onward towards Bagdad.

The squadron of Indian named helicopters had to fire the first devastating blow in Operation Desert Storm

in order to first cripple and blind Iraq’s early warning radar net and prevent Iraq’s SAM (surface to air missiles), as well as preventing them from assisting in-flight fighter pilots with radar guidance and jamming capabilities. The world of modern warfare had never before seen anything like it.

U. S. Central Command relied entirely on the U. S. Army Apaches, U. S. Navy Apache pilots, and U. S. Air Force special operations: “If something had happened and we didn’t do 100 percent destruction,” said Apache gunner, CWO4 Lou Hall, “A lot of people were going to get hurt.” In the 4 ½-minutes it took the Apache aircraft to complete their tasks, they had, in the words of General Norman Schwarzkopf: “Plucked out the eyes of Iraq’s Soviet-supplied air defenses.” QUESTIONS DIFFICULT TO ANSWER IN 2021

Some of my inter-tribal friends today, like 28-year-old “Tall Elk” (Dennis Piper) of the Cherokee nation, repeat the chant: “How could we have been more honored than to have our names and symbols on these military aircraft which so valiantly defended our country?”

Close Apache friend “Four Winds” (30-year-old Thomas Brody), told me: “White Eagle, I adhere to our Native American Elders and Forefathers back then, not today. When you speak of blood and life that was saved by U. S. Army helicopters with American Indian names and symbols – which our Elders and Tribal Leaders honored – that speaks more loudly to my heart and my spirit. Blood and life is far more sacred than mere words of today that wish to overturn the wisdom of our past.” NATIVE AMERICAN WAR LEGACY AND U. S. PATRIOTISM TODAY

According to the U. S. Defense Department records: “American Indian Veterans have the highest record of military service. And also the highest per capita death in defense of the United States than any other ethnic group. “And American Indians and Alaska Natives serve in the Armed Forces at five times the national average despite their relative small numbers (American Indians only comprise 1.7% of the nation’s total population). “Well over 10,000 Native Americans served in the Korean War. “Over 42,000 in Vietnam.

“In the Iran-Iraq wars of the 1980s more Native Americans served in proportion to their small population than any other ethnic group.” And here is the kicker: Over 90% were volunteers (not drafted).

Why? Because defending American soil is defending sacred ground.

We are One Family now. Native and non-Native Americans, together. All branches of the U. S. military have proudly used and still use various symbols, images, and names of America’s First People. I see no problem in that.

From the legendary code-talkers of WWII till today, American Indians are honored, remembered, and shown to the world that we Americans, as a whole, close ranks to defend our sacred soil. OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA

While there are numerous U. S. military units with Native American nicknames or insignias, one U. S. Marine Corps battalion had taken their unit’s icon to heart. First Battalion, Fifth Marines out of Camp Pendleton, located here in North San Diego County and adjacent to the City of Oceanside, had a Native American with a war bonnet or headdress on their unit emblem. The whole unit was known as “Geronimo,” after the great Apache leader.

U. S. Marines don’t play around – they don’t pick a Native American name unless it’s respected and suitable to represent them. “Geronimo” was also the code name in connection to Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011, when the elite U. S. SEAL Team Six killed him and avenged the death of innocent Americans at the WTC Twin Towers on Sep. 11, 2001. WAR IS NEVER A PLEASANT BUSINESS

War is never a comforting subject to discuss. But, if we like it or not, we must forever be proud and support our U. S. military veterans. If you disagree with a foreign war or conflict that we are engaged in, that is your perfect right to express your opinion. But please, never disrespect our servicemen and women who have boots on the ground. They are our true patriots and many have given up their lives for you and me.

At age 17 and about to graduate from high school, I already knew I would serve in the U. S. military, as with family members before me. I freely decided to join (volunteer) for the U. S. Navy and served aboard various warships with a Top Secret clearance in radar intelligence (electronic warfare and electronic counter-measures) and worked onboard various CIC (Combat Information Centers) from guided-missile destroyers, cruisers, submarine hunters-and-killers, to flattops (slang for aircraft carriers). My family and friends know my

Tribal Names for Military Helicoopters Cont. on Page 6

The Paper

Tribal Names for Military Helicopters Cont. from Page 5

military history. I rarely speak of it. It is a personal choice of mine. But it must also be made clear, that I am never ashamed of my service, or my 4 years of defending my country. On whatever side you come down on, regarding Native American names attached to military weaponry, is totally up to you. That’s the American way.

Just remember, “The Rest of the Story.”

The author, Friedrich Gomez, with his 168th cover story

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3

Public access computers and Chromebooks will be limited to one hour of use per day. Furniture has been removed to allow for physical distancing.

Patrons will be able to browse the stacks and check out books, audio books, and DVDs. Time in the library will be limited to two hours maximum each day in order to adhere to the limited 20% capacity guidelines. All in-person programs have been suspended, but many regular programs such as book clubs and storytimes are being held online. Visit for a full schedule of virtual events. To promote safety and health of patrons and staff, all persons inside the Library are required to wear a mask covering the nose and mouth, and maintain six feet of physical distance. Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be available, and a professional cleaning crew will clean the Library twice per day. All checked out materials can be returned 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week at the outdoor book drops, located in the Library parking lot. All returned materials are quarantined for at least five business days. No overdue fees will be charged at this time.

For assistance, call the Library at 760-8394683 during open hours and select the menu option for the appropriate department. You can also text the Library at 442-777-3799 or email to For up to date information, visit

Alliance for Regional Solutions Quarterly Membership Meeting - All Are Welcome! Thursday, February 11th, 8:30am-10:00am; Virtual. You will receive the Zoom information once you register. For information about the meeting, contact Opportunity for Member Organizations: The Alliance has a working relationship with Palomar College's GIS (geographic information system) date mapping program. As part of this, for the Spring 2021 semester there is the possibility of your

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 8

Page 6

February 04, 2021

Chuckles Cont. from Page 2

Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch.

The gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Born and bread in Minnesota, Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.

Please rise to the occasion and pass it on to someone having a crumby day and kneading a lift. DISNEYLAND

Two blondes were going to Disneyland . They were driving on the Interstate when they saw the sign that said Disneyland LEFT. They started crying and turned around and went home. FLORIDA OR MOON

Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking, and one blonde says to the other, 'Which do you think is farther away... Florida or the moon?' The other blonde turns and says 'Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida?' SPEEDING TICKET

A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.

She replied in a huff, 'I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!' BLONDE ON THE SUN

A Russian, an American, and a

. Chuckles Cont. on Page 7

Transparency is Critical

The Governor has recently announced a partial reopening for many California businesses. The general stay-at-home order is rescinded, and most California counties are back in the “purple” tier, allowing personal services like barbershops and hair salons to reopen, while allowing restaurants to provide outdoor dining for their customers.

These steps are welcomed, but I have concerns about how these decisions are made and what data is being used. We appear to be lurching from one plan to another, causing widespread confusion and severe economic distress. Contradictory, constantly changing regulations that seem to have no scientific basis cause a loss of public confidence and hamper the fight against COVID. For example, restaurants had to close despite a lack of evidence that outside dining was spreading the disease in any significant way, but now they can reopen. What is the basis for these decisions, where is the data?

I have consistently called for transparency and have asked the Governor to give people access to the information and analysis used in making these decisions. Statements from the administration that the data and modeling are too complicated for public dissemination simply have no place in a democratic republic. With my colleagues, I have called on legislative leadership

for a joint, bipartisan committee to hold oversight hearings about these issues. To view the letter, please visit:

Without transparency, the public will increasingly reject guidelines imposed by Sacramento aimed at combating the pandemic. A simple solution would be for the Assembly and Senate to hold bipartisan oversight hearings so these issues can be fully aired, and transparency for the public can be restored. We must have a clear roadmap showing how California will emerge from the pandemic, and public trust is essential. The people have a right to know. Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.

News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:

5th District Supervisor

Jim Desmond

Vaccine Rollout

My office has received hundreds of questions and I want to provide an update on how you can sign up to receive the vaccine. To sign up for the vaccine, visit, where you’ll see the list of available appointments. Another option is by calling 2-1-1.

Last week, the County of San Diego set up a vaccine distribution center in Oceanside. The Oceanside vaccine center can only administer about 500 vaccines a day, which is why appointments fill up so quickly. Around noon each day, the website will refresh with appointments available, so I suggest you check about noon. Also, I’m excited to announce that a Vaccine Super Station has been set up at Cal State San Marcos. This will be a tremendous asset to North County as they will be able to administer thousands of vaccines a day.

Also, I encourage you to call your medical provider. Kaiser, Scripps, etc. all have their allotments for vaccines and may be able to help sooner. Another option is retail pharmacies. Some Albertson’s, Vons and CVS in San Diego County

have an allotment of vaccines.

I’ve been disappointed to see the slow rollout of the vaccine from the State of California. As of last week, California was ranked last in the United States in percentage of vaccines administered. The State has known that doses were coming, so it’s disappointing to hear we are the worst state at getting the vaccine to the people that need them the most. I’m proud of the hard work of the County staff to set up the vaccine stations. It’s been a huge undertaking and they continue to work nonstop to bring more vaccines to North County and our region. I also want to add a special thank you to all of the healthcare workers treating corona virus patients and administering vaccines. This includes our great partners CALFIRE who will soon bring vaccine events to our rural communities. The vaccine is the way we defeat this virus, and we are making progress in San Diego County!

Subscribe to The Paper!

Call 760.747.7119

The Paper

Chuckles Cont. from Page 6

Blonde were talking one day.

The Russian said, 'We were the first in space!' The American said, 'We were the first on the moon!' The Blonde said, 'So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!' The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads.

'You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!' said the Russian. To which the Blonde replied, 'We're not stupid, you know. We're going at night!' IN A VACUUM

A blonde was playing Trivial Pursuit one night... It was her turn. She rolled the dice and she landed on Science & Nature. Her question was, 'If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?' She thought for a time and then asked, 'Is it on or off?' FINALLY, THE BLONDE JOKE TO END ALL BLONDE JOKES!

A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, 'HELLLOOOOOOO......,' answered the blonde. 'They're watch dogs'! The North Arkansas Hillbilly Striptease

Cletus is passing by Billy Bob's hay barn one day when, through a gap in the door, he sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old John Deere tractor.

Buttocks clenched, he performs a slow pirouette, and gently slides off first the right strap of his overalls, followed by the left. He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic striptease move, lets his overalls fall down to his hips, revealing a torn and frayed plaid shirt. Then, grabbing both sides of his shirt, he rips it apart to reveal his stained T-shirt underneath. With a final flourish, he tears the T-shirt from his body, and hurls his baseball cap onto a pile of hay.

Having seen enough, Cletus rushes in and says, "What the hell ya' doing, Billy Bob?"

Chuckles Cont. on Page 13

Page 7 • • February 04, 2021

Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4

EDD accountable for delayed paychecks to the unemployed trying to put food on the family table; she fights to expand our healthcare workforce; is concerned over mental health & emotional needs of children disconnected from inschool learning; she legislates against crime, wildfires, animal abuse, and much more. The Paper brings all these political leaders directly to us. You give us that "window to the world" which a Covid-society desperately requires. Lyle E. Davis, editor/publisher/founder of The Paper, we all are deeply, deeply in your debt. You should be acknowledged by City Hall.

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

U.S. Grant and his Turbulent Presidency

Ulysses S. Grant was a mediocre West Point graduate, a veteran of the Mexican-American War, a failed businessman, but a highly successful Union general that vaulted him into the White House.

I've read where some of your readership fans are in Denver, back East, Italy, Germany, and the U. K. That sentence, alone, separates you from the herd. Our circle of friends saw your wonderful writer, Friedrich Gomez, emerging from a 7-Eleven today with a large Coca-Cola Slurpee! He writes like a sophisticated scholar, but he is just like a little boy in person! So adorable to all of us! He doesn't just walk. He often jumps, skips, and twirls about like a child which time has failed to rob of innocence and playfulness. Whatever you do, Mr. Davis -please, never take him from us. His legion of fans deeply love and adore him. And for the best of reasons. From Arlene Ann Tibbets, family & friends, Escondido to Oceanside. Another Friedrich Fan

I also wish to add my voice to all your previous emails, that I am also a very loyal fan of Friedrich Gomez.

I just read again in today's edition of The Paper where even more emails just keep rolling-in from Friedrich Gomez' huge and powerful fan base out here. I just wish to add my own sincere thanks to The Paper for giving us the many cover stories of Friedrich Gomez. The fan letter from Mary Froese of Vista deeply touched our hearts. What also truly amazes me is the wide "age demographics" of his loyal fans! For example, in today's edition of The Paper there was a beautiful fan letter about Friedrich Gomez from Janet Johnston who is 85 years young.

I am a "Millennial" with zillions of millennial friends, so it appears obvious that Mr. Gomez has a vast army of followers not only in numbers, but across all age groups!

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 12

tion, including allegations of bribery, fraud, and cronyism.

As president, Grant pursued a Peace policy with Native Americans, but persistent western expansion by settlers made conflict difficult to avoid. Grant presided over the Great Sioux War of 1876 led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull in the campaign to take back the Black Hills of Dakota. His presidential reputation has risen greatly over the past decades among historians who have noted he advanced a modern presidency. Accomplishments include a reformed Indian policy, African American civil rights, the first Civil Service Commission, and a federal law protecting women. But the South remained unsettled during Reconstruction. The southern wing of the Democrat Party formed the Ku Klux Klan because former slave owners violently refused to accept former slaves as citizens. By 1871 Klan activity was becoming out of control when Grant began a crackdown. In 1872 one of Grant’s great achievements was the forming of the national parks system. He signed into law an Act of Congress establishing Yellowstone the nation's first national park.

When the Civil War began in 1861, Grant was appointed a colonel in the Illinois militia and assigned to the Union Army of the West under the command of Maj. Gen. John C. Fremont. By the end of the Civil War, Lt. General Grant was the Union’s most successful leader. He accepted Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia in April 1865, which ultimately ended the war.

In spite of his battle success, General Grant had a reputation of imbibing large amounts of whiskey. When this was pointed out to Lincoln, the president drolly replied: “Find out what he drinks and send a case to all of my generals.” The presidency of Ulysses S. Grant was marred with corruption by many of those he appointed to subordinate positions. Over the years, his presidency was traditionally denounced by historians due to those charges, despite Grant’s effort of reform. However, over the latter part of the 20th century historians have concluded Grant, himself, was an honest man. He was just a poor judge of character for many of his appointees. His presidency began on March 4, 1869, when Grant was inaugurated as the 18th president of the United States, and ended on March 4, 1877. He took office in the aftermath of the Civil War, and he presided over much of the infamous Reconstruction Era.

Grant was the third member to run for the president under the “Grand Old Party” banner. In 1856, the unsuccessful campaign of Col. John C. Freemont was the first in 1856; Abraham Lincoln the second in 1860. Grant became president defeating Democrat Horatio Seymour in the 1868 presidential election and was reelected in 1872 in a landslide victory over Horace Greeley. Grant was self-reliant in choosing his cabinet. He relied heavily on former Army associates, who had a weak sense of civilian ethics. Numerous scandals plagued Grant’s administra-

A strong economy, reduction of the national debt, federal spending, tariffs, and the federal workforce, aided Grant in getting re-elected in 1872. Congress established a deflationary gold standard reducing the number of paper dollars in the national economy. However, financial over-investment in railroad construction caused the Panic of 1873 followed by economic turmoil. The long depression that followed turned public opinion against Grant.

Democrats regained control of the House in the 1874 mid-term elections. While scandals escalated, honest reformers appointed by Grant were able to clean up some federal departments. Grant signed the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which banned discrimination in public accommodations. Secretary of War William W. Belknap suddenly resigned office in February 1876, resulting in impeachment by the House for taking kickbacks. By the time Grant left office in 1877, “Redeemers” controlled all Southern state governments. The United States was at peace with the world throughout Grant's eight years in office, but his handling of foreign policy was uneven. Tensions with Native American tribes in the West continued. Grant attempted to annex the Caribbean island of Santo Domingo, but that effort was blocked by the U.S. Senate. One of his crowning achievements was the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869.

Out of office, Grant was broke. It wasn’t until he wrote his autobiography that his estate returned to financial stability, but it was after his death on July 23, 1885. Grant’s “Personal Memoirs,” is considered the best of all that has been written about him. The book was published by Samuel “Mark Twain” Clemens under the name: Charles L. Webster & Co, New York. Note: Charles L. Webster and Company was an American subscription publishing firm founded in New York by Clemens.

The Paper

Page 8 • • February 04, 2021

The Appraiser’s Corner


belongs in everyy moment

The more I hear from an everincreasing number of collectors, the more I am told about collections that people have that I had never known about. Such as the case with pocket knives.

Yes, pocket knives. I guess I should have thought about it. There is a price guide about it. And I know people carry pocket knives with them, and I certainly hope for the right reasons.

I should probably add right now that I am not an advocate of knives of any kind, except to cut food to put morsels in my mouth. And oh, yes, knives can cut string or twine. I learned that in the Boy Scouts. But probably because I disdain the sight of blood (just ask my wife Linda), I am not a knife advocate. I cringe at seeing a switchblade, because I associate it with blood. I can’t watch half the shows on television because they involve blood. But all of that is my problem. And I go on in life trying to deal with it.

However, being as open-minded as I am, I recognize the fact that there are people who collect pocket knives. And not just a few people, but a lot of people collect pocket knives. Mostly men collect knives, but there are some women, too. It must be the genes and the upbringing. As I have found out, there are more than twenty major companies who produce these knives, with endless variations. For example, knife handles can be made of such materials as rubber, gun metal, shell, pearl, ivory, and may types of woods. Even some handles are decorated with such scenes as locomotives, hunting pictures, and cattle. Holsters vary in quality, and can be made of silver, brass, nickel, and other metals. Likewise, blades can vary in quality (a real scary thought to me). Many knives are multipurpose, and used as screwdrivers, can openers, cuticles, wire scraper and many, many other functions.

I have been told that the most desirable, and collectable, knives are made by the Case Cutlery Company. Case began producing pocket knives in 1896 and is still going strong.

Jeff Figler is a professional certified appraiser. His latest book The Picker’s Pocket Guide to Baseball Memorabilia has been #1 on Amazon. He can be reached at or at 877-472-3087.

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 6

organization having an advanced GIS intern work with you; this could be working on a GIS platorm that your organization already has, or to take existing data that you have and create GIS mapping with it, or to use the existing Alliance GIS platform for useful analysis for your organization. Here are Palomar's GIS internship parameters: GIS interns can work on projects from February through May; students must earn min. 120 hours if the internship is unpaid; 150 if paid; paperwork and guidance/direction on the part of the host (your organization) using the work of the intern; and Palomar is there to help the students as well if they need resources such as software. If you have interest in possibly having a Palomar GIS intern, contact Dave Lindsay, Palomar GIS Internship Coordinator, at If you have questions about The Alliance's GIS work with Palomar to date, or our existing GIS platform, feel free to contact Craig Jones at

RespectAbility Lab Applications Now Open - Applications for RespectAbility's Third Annual Summer Lab for Disabled Entertainment Professionals is now open! These are made possible with support by: The Harnisch Foundation, Murray/Reese Foundation, Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, and more to be announced. Applications opened on January 26, 2021, and will be considered on a rolling basis with a preferential deadline of February 26, 2021, and applications accepted through March 26, 2021, as space allows. Interviews will be conducted with second-round applicants via phone and Zoom. Summer Lab Fellows will be notified of their acceptance by late-April. RespectAbility will provide ASL interpreters and captioning for all educational and related networking events during Summer Lab program hours, and welcomes other accommodations requests. For questions pertaining to the Summer Lab, please contact Tatiana Lee at

Collectable pocket knives range in value from less than one hundred dollars to several hundred dollars. Quality and rarity are two important factors in determining value— haven’t we heard that before?

The Virtual Summer Lab Dates are June 22 - August 12, 2021. These Summer Lab sessions will take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (PT). Optional networking and workshopping opportunities will take place on Wednesday afternoons/evenings (PT). RespectAbility is thrilled to offer the third annual innovative Summer Lab series for emerging and mid-career level entertainment professionals. It is an 8-week, 24-session Summer Lab for people interested in – and with experience in – development, production and post-production, including careers as writers, directors, producers, cinematographers, animators, and other production

Appraiser’s Corner Cont. on Page 11

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 10

As with other collectibles, try not to handle the knife too often. The acid on a person’s fingers can actually

Rady d Childr h ldren’ss Escondido dido Outpa p tient Services are moving to a new location beginning

Fe ebruary 2021 021. NEEW LOCATIONN: Rady Childrren’s Outpatient Services Palomar Health Outpa atient Center

2125 Citracado Pkwyy. | Esco ondido, CA 92029

Services Reloca ating* *Re-open dates subject to change h

Developmental Services and Outpatient Psychia Psychiatry

Orrthopedics t and d Radiology

Office Closed: Friday y, Feb. 5

Office ce Closed: Wed dnesday - Fridayy, Feb. 17-19

Office Opens at New Location: Outpatient P Psychia sychiatry – Mondayy, Fe Feb. 8 Physical Therapy and High-Risk Infant Follow Up Clinic – Tuesdayy, Fe Feb. 9

Office ce Opens at New Location: Mon ndayy, Feb. 22

Audiology – Wednesdayy, Feb. 10

Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology Office Closing at 12:00 p.m.: Fridayy, Feb. 12

Office Opens at New Location: Tuesdayy, Feb. 16

Specialty ecialty Clinics and d Urgent Carre Office ce Closed: Fridayy, Feb. 26 Urrgent ge ent Car Carre also closed Feb Feb. 27 & 28

Office ce Opens at New Location: Mon ndayy, March 1

Questions about available le services? Call Rady Children’s customer er service team at 858-966-4096 96 Using the camera on your phone or an app, scan this QR code for our new address.

The Paper • Page 9 • February 04, 2021

Accidental Rancher: Destruction and Renewal on the Prairie

On the Northern Great Plains, the extremes of fire, flood, and freeze disguise the comfort of universal patterns by Eliza Blue

broth, I suppose. And I thought, what if this all burns? What if we have to leave and when we get back it’s all gone?

Prairie fires move fast in any conditions, but high wind makes them invincible. They do as they please. They have no care for the concerns of humans or beasts. They jump highways, gravel roads, rivers, and they don’t stop if they don’t want to, until the wind slows or the whims of the landscape say “enough.” So, I stood in my kitchen and contemplated the end of life as I knew it.

My husband returned. “It’s far away, maybe 30 miles, and heading east. But it’s so big you can see the orange flames from here.” He picked up the phone and started making calls, to see who needed help, to find out if there was anything we could do. Sunset over a round-up corral, Lyman County, South Dakota, north of Oacoma (Photo by Christian Begeman, used with permission)

I’d just started supper when the phone rang. My husband answered.

“Really?” He asked the caller, followed by the hard laugh he often uses when receiving bad news. “How big are the flames?” he said next, then paused for a beat. “Well, I better go look,” he replied, before hanging up his phone and grabbing a coat from the hook by the door.

“They can see a fire from town. Looks like it’s north of our pasture, but I’ll go check,” he told me before heading out.

It’s been dry this January, unseasonably warm with no snow. The grasses, always brown and brittle this time of year, are desiccated as aged tinder. The wind had been blowing hard for days, gusts up to 70 miles per hour, rocking our old house, overturning buckets, even flipping over the painted barn quilt we’d

wired to an outbuilding a few years back. And now, it was pulling fire across those dried grasses faster than any human could run. Upstairs the kids were playing a joyous game and their merry shouts echoed down through creaky floorboards. I stirred my pot of soup, and checked the biscuits baking in the oven. The fluffy black barn kitten who isn’t supposed to be in the house jumped on the counter purring, hoping for a splash of

In the end, what started from a small spark burned 20,000 acres in a few hours. Outbuildings, barns, historic homesteads, winter feed, thousands of pounds of hay reduced to ash, the prairie itself left shadowed with soot and blackened stems. A testament to our isolation, no one was gravely injured, no homes were lost, no livestock harmed. We were lucky. It will be winter for a few more long months here on the Northern Plains. It is a rare year that April or May

Accidental Rancher Cont. on Page 11

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The Paper

Accidental Rancher Cont. from Page 9

doesn’t offer blizzards, and while we curse the fast-forming clouds and hustle to trail in mama cows and sheep from the pasture, their babies newborn and still so fragile, we are thankful for the moisture when the snow melts into the dams and creek beds. This year, dry as it’s been, we will be even more thankful when melting snow turns the grasses, burnt to the roots, green again; the soil richer for the devastation, the prairie blessed into new life by the fire. As the priest and author Richard Rohr wrote recently: “If we trust the universal pattern, the wisdom of all times and all places, including the creation and evolution of the cosmos itself, we know that an ending is also the place for a new beginning. Death is followed by a new kind of life.”

The universe conspires to keep us constantly a breath away from disaster and two breaths from joyous rebirth. What we lose in the fire, we will find in the flood: The crested shoulder of the blackened hillside misted with emerald, the damp belly of the springfed marsh renewed, the wind as it calls through the valley, inviting us to be buoyant as the dandelion’s soft seeds, carried forth to regeneration. Carried up toward the heavens, then back to the earth, replanted as seedlings with deep roots and blossoms as bright as the sun.

Eliza Blue (Photo by Christian Begeman, used with permission)

Pet Parade

Cirrus (701635) is a cute little hamster who’s been in a foster home and lives happily with his brother Cumulus (701634)! They are getting comfortable with being held as they are being socialized. C i r r u s loves taking a sand bath and foraging for food. Cumulus like running on a wheel. If you think you have the right home for one (or two!) hamsters, these guys are ready to chew and burrow their way into your heart. Please make an appointment today to speak with an adoption counselor at our Escondido Campus at! Online profile: 59-dda5-4b54-9355-753d990fe8b4

Cirrus is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. Call 619-299-7012.

Page 10 • • February 04, 2021

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 8

roles. This is not a program for actors. The Summer Lab aims to help develop and elevate the talent pipeline of professionals with disabilities working behind-thescenes in television and film, while introducing them to studio executives and other decision makers who will advise Lab Fellows on various aspects of the industry and their craft, and in turn, enabling studios and production companies to learn about the talents and benefits of hiring people with disabilities.

The Summer Lab will consist of multiple remote sessions via Zoom per week, including presentations, roundtables, and other workshops with high-level executives and talent from major studios, networks, and production companies. There also will be more informal sessions, during which time Summer Lab Fellows will get to know each other, expand their network and workshop their own projects. Summer Lab Fellows will be invited to showcase their materials with each other, including script readings and showing clips of materials produced. Depending on the state of COVID-19, we may have an optional inperson gathering at the end of the Lab, as the Lab originated as in-person program in Los Angeles. Specific dates and programming currently are being finalized, but you can view previous speakers by viewing past years’ programs on the Summer Lab 2020 and 2019 pages. Speakers from Bunim/Murray Productions, Sony Pictures Entertainment and The Walt Disney Company already are confirmed for 2021. Summer Lab Fellows will be assigned to one of two tracks:

Emerging: Professionals with a minimum of internship or first job experience, aspiring to become writers, directors, cinematographers, editors, producers, animators and other production positions, with the goal of expanding their network and connecting them to opportunities at major studios, networks, organizations and production companies. Mid-Career: Established Professionals with multiple years of experience and projects, with the goal of further expanding their network connecting them to additional opportunities. Our Summer Lab alumni currently are working at Netflix, Paramount Pictures, Showtime, in various divisions within The Walt Disney Company and more. mportant Details Applicants:



Pet Parade


Keegan is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 2 year old, 7 pound, female, Domestic Medium Hair cat with an Orange and White Tabby coat.

Keegan was a stray before being taken to a shelter in Riverside County, then transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through the FOCAS (Friends of County Animal Shelters) program. The care providers in the Cattery describe her as relaxed and soft.

The $100 adoption fee for Keegan includes medical exam, spay, up to date vaccinations, and registered microchip. For information about Adoption by Appointment or to become a Virtual Foster log on to

Excellent communication and organizational skills are strongly preferred, and applicants should exhibit leadership skills to complete their own projects. A bachelor’s degree is not required as long as applicants have acquired the skills needed for their chosen career path in another way.

Commit for 16 virtual sessions over eight weeks (June 22 – August 12, 2021), with an option to attend an additional 8 virtual networking and workshopping sessions. Each session will take place in the afternoon or early evening on Tuesdays and Thursdays (PT) for approximately 2-4 hours. Optional networking and workshopping opportunities will take place on Wednesday afternoons / evenings. Because of the virtual nature of the 2021 Summer Lab, applicants do not need to be based in the U.S. Timing of sessions will be optimized for late afternoon PT and evening ET. The value of this Summer Lab is thousands of dollars. However, thanks to the support of The Harnisch Foundation, Murray/Reese Foundation, Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company and more, there is no cost to participate in this competitive program. While people at all income levels are encouraged to apply, extra consideration will be given to people on SSI, SNAP and TANF. RespectAbility will provide ASL interpreters for all educational and related networking events during Lab program hours, and welcomes other accommodations requests. Applications considered on a rolling basis. Spaces are limited to 30 individuals, split between the emerging track and the mid-career track. If the application form is inaccessible to you, please contact Tatiana Lee at for an alternate way to apply. Your application materials will be evaluated by RespectAbility staff members as well as faculty advisors who are experts in each field. RespectAbility is located on the West Coast at 350 S. Bixel Street, Los Angeles, CA 99017;

Local News Cont. from Page 4

Fletcher, who tried to get a similar policy passed last year, but failed to win support, added, “We are bringing forward policy that allows for safe, regulated, and legal cannabis products. Right now, we have unlicensed operations with potentially unsafe products being sold in the unincorporated area.” Fifth District Supervisor Jim Desmond after the vote said, “Today, the County Board of Supervisors voted to give people previously arrested or convicted of drug crimes greater opportunities and reduced barriers to own and operate cannabis dispensaries. That’s crazy and bad for the safety of our communities. Encouraging convicted drug criminals to come to San Diego and sell marijuana is a terrible idea.”

The ordinance was sponsored by Supervisors Fletcher and Vargas and would allow marijuana dispensaries and cultivation. Currently, marijuana dispensaries and cultivation are prohibited within the unincorporated County. The ordinance will allow cannabis sales in any commercially zoned property in the unincorporated area,

Local News Cont. on Page 13

The Paper

• Page 11 • February 04, 2021

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones

Family Night craft pick-up at San Marcos Community Center Feb. 10

As we all continue to social distance, many people are discovering fun new hobbies to fill their time with. Once a month, the City of San Marcos offers a Family Night program to provide residents and their little ones with hands-on craft projects and activities to enjoy doing together at home. Making crafts and doing activities as a family are great ways to laugh, play and step away from screens and technology.

Crafts and activity kits are intended for children ages 3-10. Each kit costs $5 and contains one craft or activity. If multiple children would like to participate, parents must pre-register each child individually. In honor of Valentine’s Day, “no-sew heart pillows” will be the theme of February’s kit. Residents can pick up their kits on Wednesday, Feb. 10 between 3:30-4:30 pm at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos. Register online to participate in Family Night at

Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter

The State of Our City

Last year our priorities shifted, as COVID-19 challenges compelled our business owners, residents, and local governments to adapt to new lifestyles, reimagine how things were done, and become more resilient in our responsive efforts to the pandemic. More than ever, I believe our city is well situated to weather the storms of any other unforeseen challenges, and well positioned to continue delivering the essential services our residents rely upon. During this year, our main focus is to shift the local economy back on its positive trajectory. I know the road ahead may seem long; however, I am genuinely hopeful for our City’s future as we plan our next steps to stimulate recovery and growth. Together, we will continue to create a great future for our city.

The Pastor Says...

shots – safe or threatening, new president, unifier or destructive – climate change, man-made or natural process,- the future, bleak or promising – the world ending or simply changing, mankind getting worse or better?

Greetings Escondido,

Continuing with the priority theme, for the new year, we are going to address again three areas that tie in to Escondido staying connected with our agricultural roots. We actually started this pre-COVID, but it was put on pause when the pandemic started.

First, we are working with the local agricultural industry to identify needs not just for today but 75 years from now. The idea is that the city needs to understand Ag needs so it can do its land management function which includes water, energy, transportation, etc., with a vision and understanding of the future. Second, we are working on expanding Ag Tech as an industry. We are currently in conversation with industry and academia on this subject.

Third, we are working on developing an Ag museum/learning center by refurbishing buildings on city property. This will be some sort of public private venture with our residents. It will serve as the name implies, as a museum and learning center. But it will also celebrate our roots and have touch points to other organizations for education purposes. Stay informed, Be Kind, Remember your neighbor, and Stay safe! Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara, Mayor of Escondido

The Appraiser’s Corner Cont. from Page 8

damage the handles and the metal parts of a knife. Ideally, you should wear gloves while touching the knife. Likewise, as with other collectables, keep the original box and packaging. Boxes can be extremely ornate and add a great deal to the value of the knife.

As I mentioned, a price guide for pocket knives exists. Ron Stewart and Roy Ritchie have co-authored the “Big Book of Pocket Knives: Identification & Value, Second Edition”. Likely, there are other price guides on the subject as well. With all due respect to pocket knives collectors, enjoy your collections. I have seen knives that are simply beautiful, and very colorful. But if you don’t mind, if you invite me to see your knives collection I will be at arm’s length, or more, from it.

Such are my questions.

Pastor Richard Huls (Retired) What and Whom Do We Believe?

Having faith in someone and something is critical to one’s sense of confidence and piece of mind. During the election and pandemic, we have been tested in just what and whom should we believe. The old adage bears out, “There are two sides to every coin.” Yet, life is more complex than just two sides. We can chose what news media we want, but there are many different views on just about everything. There are twitter, facebook, and news sources infecting us in what and how we think about things. As I have listened to the various conclusions, it has been amazing how people believe about the election – fraud or exemplary, vaccine

Pick up

Two thousand years ago, a person named Jesus claimed He was the truth, and if one wanted the truth, he was to follow him to find the truth. Everyone else and everything else were merely shadows of the truth. Even persons like Socrates and Moses didn’t have complete truth, He intimated. At some point we need to ask if Jesus is the only source of truth and understanding for living? And do we follow Him? Pastor Huls

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How shall we believe and who is the prophet with claims from science or the Almighty? I want the truth, but who really has it? To hear some, they believe they absolutely have it, enough to march on our nation’s capital. Were they right or wrong and why?

Dominic’s Gourmet Restaurant

760.480.1704 Open 7 days a week for curbside pick-up or delivery via door-dash. Check our menu, call us. We’ll give great food and service! And now, Dine Outside with Street Side Dining

Escondido Mike’s BBQ

760.746.4444 1356 W Valley Pkwy Escondido, CA Check our menu at our website, or just call. We’ll bring the food to your car! Open T-Thu 11am-7pm,

Fri/Sat from 11am to 8pm

The Paper

Page 12 • February 04, 2021

that we are better today than ever before? The reason we’re questioning human or at least Americans progress is that there is mounting evidence that we may actually be sliding backwards in our development.

Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory

www. "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2015-2020" Union Tribune readers poll

Are we actually getting dumber?

We Americans like to consider ourselves to be at the apex of human and technological progress. It has taken several million years to get us to this level of perfection and naturally we, as the latest models, stand to be at least somewhat superior to any who came before us. All this assumes that the evolution of mankind has been a progressive development. We’ve lost our tails, walk upright, have opposable thumbs, learned to read and write and much more. While it’s true that these “improvements” required several millennia, but the general trend in our development has been positive. So why question the idea

Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 7

My parents and grandparents read his cover stories, but, so also do all my friends, coworkers, and colleagues! While my generation (normally) gets our news digitally and through the internet, we have become such loyal fans of Friedrich Gomez that we all end up reading hardcopies of his stories in The Paper while eating outdoors or casually enjoying a cup of coffee at Starbucks! Did you know that many military members read Friedrich Gomez' cover stories in The Paper online, as well as outof-staters? The Paper is not just a small town village "newsletter." The Paper has become Big League with world-class cover stories like: The Day President Reagan Was Shot, China's Secret Bioweapon, Political Correctness Out of Control, The Day the Music Died, Reincarnation, and America's Emperor Norton. All written by Friedrich Gomez. Your audience has spoken loud and clear and I join the ranks in saying to The Paper: Thank you. And God bless America. And keep Friedrich Gomez writing those cover stories! From Geoffrey T. Lane, Oceanside, California

If peace, love and mutual respect are Hallmarks of an advanced socialization, then American society seems to be in retrograde motion. If honesty and fairness are regarded as virtues we appear to be regressing. If rational thought is the driving force behind a just society then perhaps we’re losing our minds. We endorse or at least tolerate physical aggression on those who don’t share our views. We openly mock those who differ with our politics. We are quick to believe any lie or distortion that discredits our political foes. Emotion, not reason fuels today’s political and social action. Millions of ordinary Americans fall victim to international criminals that exploit our feelings of generosity, greed and fear to steal our assets and identities. In a rush to appear compassionate our incredibly inept California State bureaucracy allowed billions of dollars to be stolen by convicted criminals and their cohorts. What’s happening to us as a society, are we simply losing it? The real question is whether or not we are doomed to continue our retreat from reason and our descent into the instinct and emotion driven society of our tree dwelling ancestors? Human knowledge, as defined by Not a Chnuckles Fan . . .

Ya gotta love those chuckles. If you're an old, white, gun toting, flag waving, misogynist, racist, maga hat wearing, xenophobe these jokes are for you. If not, these jokes are about you. Robert Narlian San Diego County, CA.

Subscribe to The Paper! Call 760.747.7119

the Buckminster Fuller Knowledge Doubling Curve doubled every 100 years in 1900. By 1945 the doubling rate was only 25 years, and by 2000, less than a year. In earlier years a large percentage of human knowledge was shared or “common knowledge.” Today the amount of common knowledge has change little but as a percentage of all knowledge it has shrunk dramatically. The huge increase in human knowledge is fractured and esoteric in nature. Each part of it is known, used and understood by a very small number of people. No one person knows a significant part of this vast store of human knowledge. The hunter/gatherer bushman of Australia relied exclusively on his knowledge and skills to survive. The modern urban American has no knowledge of the technology that keeps him alive. The bushman

relied on his rational mind to keep him alive. The modern American needs only to know how to get enough money to buy the technology that keeps him alive.

Radio, television, smart phones and the Internet are where we get the information that influences the way we think and the way we act. Nearly all this information is agenda driven in one way or another. There is a purpose for making it available to you and an expected response. It doesn’t want your critical thinking, it seeks an emotional impact.

Technology has changed us in many ways. What will we be like in another fifty years? Will we need to think at all or will we run purely on instinct and emotion? Will we grow our tails back and take to the trees? We’re sort of glad we don’t have to stick around to find out.

845 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA.

Only the Bold, the Best, and the Brightest, read The Paper

Editor’s Note: Recently, we received yet another note from a contented reader. He was in between trips but asked that we relay his thoughts and feelings to you, our reader.

He, too, has been a long time reader and claims the reason is because it makes him a more rounded person. He collects jokes from the Chuckles Column and is a hit at the parties he attends, usually after conquering a village or town . . . No wonder he is so bold!

First, I discovered America. Then, I discovered The Paper!

Ever since I can remember I’ve had the burning desire to discover new places, new adventures. Because of this, I set out to discover a new country . . . and I was successful. I even ventured inland a great many miles where I discovered a place I called Minnesota. “This,” I thought, “would be a great place for Scandinavians.” So I headed back to Norway to recruit settlers. While I was gone, some clown named Columbus claimed he discovered America. Life ain’t fair. Except life also gives us The Paper. I read it whenever and wherever I go exploring and only buy from those who

advertise in The Paper.It’s a Viking thing. yÜ|xÇw? XÜ|~ à{x exwA



Local News Cont. from Page 10

with very few limitations. And provide preference of operating licenses in the unincorporated area to people that have been either arrested and/or convicted of cannabis crimes. The ordinance will allow:

Individuals with past marijuana convictions and/or arrests to receive preferential treatment in obtaining a marijuana dispensary operating permit Retail marijuana (dispensaries) on all commercially zoned property Consumption of marijuana products at facilities and permitted events Cultivation of marijuana on all agriculturally zoned property Distribution and manufacturing of cannabis products on all industrially zoned property The only limitation is that these

Chuckles Cont. from Page 7

"Good gawd, Cletus, ya scared the bejeebers outta me," says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob.

"Me 'n the wife been havin trouble lately in the bedroom d'partment, and the therapist suggested I do somethin' sexy to a tractor." (Don't make me come down there and splain this to you! Read the last line again, slowly) CATHOLIC HORSES

A bookie was at the races playing the ponies and all but losing his shirt.

He noticed a Priest step out onto the track and blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the 4th race. Lo and behold, that horse - a long shot - won the race.

• Page 13 • February 04, 2021 ATTORNEY

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He collected his winnings, and anxiously waited to see which horse the Priest would bless next.

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The bookie was elated. He made a quick dash to the ATM, withdrew all his savings, and awaited for the Priest's blessing that would tell him which horse to bet on .. True to his pattern, the Priest stepped onto the track for the last race and blessed the forehead of an old nag that was 100/1. This time the priest blessed the eyes, ears, and hooves of the old nag. The bookie knew he had a winner and bet every cent he owned on the old nag.

He watched dumbfounded as the old nag pulled up and couldn't even finish the race. In a state of shock, he went to the track area where the Priest was. Confronting him, he demanded, 'Father! What happened? All day long you blessed horses and they all won. Then in the last race, the horse you blessed never even had a chance. Now, thanks to you I've lost every cent of my savings!' The Priest nodded wisely and with sympathy. "You are not Catholic are you my son?" "No, I'm Jewish."

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He bet big on it, and it won. As the races continued the Priest kept blessing horses, and each one ended up winning.

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Next race, as the horses lined up, the Priest stepped onto the track. Sure enough, he blessed one of the horses.

The bookie made a beeline for a betting window and placed a small bet on the horse. Again, even though it was another long shot, the horse won the race.

Home Maintenance Improvements


"That's the problem," said the Priest, "you couldn't tell the difference between a blessing and last rites". Groaners

1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. 2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything." 3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted.

4. A dyslexic man walked into a bra. 5. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm, and says: "A beer please, and one for the road." 6. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?" 7. "Doc, I can't stop singing The Green, Green Grass of Home."

"That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome." "Is it common?"

"Well, It's Not Unusual."

8. Two cows are standing next to each other in a field.

Daisy says to Dolly, "I was artificially inseminated this morning." "I don't believe you," says Dolly.

"It's true; no bull!" exclaims Daisy.

9. An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either. 10. Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

11. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day, but I couldn't find any. 12. A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident.

He shouted, "Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know, I amputated your arms!"

13. I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel 14. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.

15. Two fish swim into a concrete

Chuckles Cont. on Page 14

The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper • Page 14 • February 04, 2021

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The Paper

• Page

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Chuckles Cont. from Page 13

wall. The one turns to the other and says, "Dam!"

16. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Not surprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.

17. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel, and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office, and asked them to disperse. "But why," they asked, as they moved off.

"Because," he said. "I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer."

18. A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt, and is named 'Ahmal.' The other goes to a family in Spain ; they name him 'Juan.'

Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal."

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19. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him (oh, man, this is so bad, it's good) .. a super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. 20. A dwarf, who was a mystic, escaped from jail. The call went out that there was a small medium at large.

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a nimble walk, avoiding irate drivers out to make us road kill, we go back home, shower and change for the next activity. My wife goes directly to the pool for her underwater Pilates class, followed by gasping for breath and CPR. I put on my 'Ask me about my Grandchildren' T-shirt, my plaid mid-calf shorts, my black socks and sandals and go to the clubhouse lobby for a nice nap. Before we know it, it's time for lunch.

MUST be read by all people over 60 or close

We go to Costco to partake of the many tasty samples dispensed by ladies in white hair nets. All free! After a filling lunch, if we don't have any doctor appointments, we might go to the flea market to see if any new white belts have come in or to buy a Rolex watch for $2.00.

Our biggest retirement concern was time management. What were we going to do all day? No longer. Let me assure you, passing the time is not a problem.

The dinners are very popular because of the large portions they serve. We can take home enough food for the next day's lunch and dinner, including extra bread, crackers, packets of mustard, relish, ketchup and Splenda, along with mints.

21. And finally, there was the person who sent twenty different puns to his friends, with the hope that at least ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.

A few years ago, my wife and I moved into a retirement development on Florida 's southeast coast. We are living in the "Delray/ Boca/Boynton Golf, Spa, Bath and Tennis Club on Lake Fake-aHachee." There are 3,000 lakes in Florida; only three are real.

Our days are eaten up by simple, daily activities. Just getting out of our car takes 15 minutes. Trying to find where we parked takes 20 minutes. It takes a half-hour in the check-out line in Wal-Mart, and 1 hour to return the item the next day. Let me take you through a typical day: We get up at 5:00 am, have a quick breakfast and join the early morning Walk-and-Fart Club. There are about 30 of us, and rain or shine, we walk around the streets, all talking at once. Every development has some late risers who stay in bed until 6:00 am. After 760-807-5131 CAL DRE #02029946 No.1 Brokerage Nationwide

“Perfection is the Start�




If you have an item for The Social Butterfly, please email details to:




We're usually back home by 2:00 pm to get ready for dinner. People start lining up for the early bird about 3:00 pm, but we get there by 3:45 because we're late eaters.

At 5:30 pm we're home, ready to watch the 6 o'clock news. By 6:30 pm we're fast asleep. Then we get up and make five or six trips to the bathroom during the night, and it's time to get up and start a new day all over again.

Doctor-related activities eat up most of our retirement time. I enjoy reading old magazines in sub-zero temperatures in the waiting room, so I don't mind. Calling for test results also helps the days fly by. It takes at least a half-hour just getting through the

1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido


doctor's phone menu. Then there's the hold time until we're connected to the right party. Sometimes they forget we're holding, and the whole office goes off to lunch. Should we find we still have time on our hands, volunteering provides a rewarding opportunity to help the less fortunate. Florida has the largest concentration of seniors under five feet and they need our help. I myself am a volunteer for 'The Vertically Challenged Over 80.' I coach their basketball team, The Arthritic Avengers. The hoop is only 4-1/2 feet from the floor. You should see the look of confidence on their faces when they make a slam dunk.

Food shopping is a problem for short seniors, or 'bottom feeders' as we call them, because they can't reach the items on the upper shelves. There are many foods they've never tasted. After shopping, most seniors can't remember where they parked their cars and wander the parking lot for hours while their food defrosts.

Lastly, it's important to choose a development with an impressive name. Italian names are very popular in Florida. They convey world travelers, uppity sophistication and wealth. Where would you rather live: Murray's Condos or the Lakes of Venice? There's no difference -they're both owned by Murray, who happens to be a cheap bastard. I hope this material has been of help to you future retirees. If I can be of any further assistance, please look me up when you're in Florida. I live in the Leaning Condos of Pisa in Boynton Beach. A Jewish wish...

A Jew having no children, no money, no home and a blind mother, prays sincerely to God for improving his status in life.

God is very pleased with his prayer, and ... grants him one wish ... just one! ‘ The Jew says OK God, thanks!’

Chuckles Cont. on Page 15


The Paper • Page 15 • February 04, 2021

Chuckles Cont. from Page 14

My one and only wish is - 'I want my Mom to see my wife putting a twenty million dollar diamond necklace around my child's neck, in my Mercedes Benz 600 parked near the swimming pool of our new 5 acre bungalow in Beverly Hills.' God grants the wish and shaking his head thinks, “I could learn something from this Jewish fella . . .” 11 Important Thoughts

Number 11 Death is the number one killer in the world. Number 10 Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 9 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Number 8 Men have two moods: Hungry and Horny and they can't tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich. Number 7 Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and he won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years, unless he knows your email address. Number 6 Some people are like a Slinky... Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs. Number 5 Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. Number 4 All of us could take a lesson from the weather: It pays no attention to criticism.

Number 3 Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200.00 and a substantial tax cut saves you $30.00? Number 2 In the 60s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. And The Number 1 Thought " Life is like a jar of jalapeño peppers: What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow." The Winter Boots

Most seniors never get enough exercise. So in His wisdom, God decreed that seniors would become so forgetful that they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things misplaced and so do some walking. And God Looked down and saw that it was good. Then God saw there was yet a need. So God in his wisdom made seniors lose coordination, that they would

drop things which would require them to bend and reach and stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God considered the functioning of senior bladders and decided that in His wisdom, there might be calls of nature more frequently requiring more trips to the relief station that would burn calories. God looked down and saw that it was good. Seniors were obliged to exercise more from these senior shortcomings and did become more active as a result. So if you find you are required to get up and down more as you age, remember it's God's will and in your best interests even though you mutter under your breath. Amen! Let it be! And it is good. These are actual comments made by 16 Police Officers. The comments were taken off actual police car videos around the country: 1. "You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went through."

2. "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch after you wear them a while." 3. "If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document." 4. "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."

5. "Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you."

6. "You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want to on the ticket, huh?" 7. "Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?" 8. "Warning! You want a warning? O.K, I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."

9. "The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"

10. "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop."

11. "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven." 12. "In God we trust; all others we run through NCIC." ( National Crime Information Center )

13. "Just how big were those 'two beers' you say you had?" 14. "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we can."


The Planning Division Manager of the City of San Marcos has considered the proposed project and does intend to APPROVE the Director’s Permit DP20-0010 on February 16, 2021. Project No.: DP20-0010 Applicant: California Dental Certifications Request: A request for a Director’s Permit (DP) for a dental assistant training school within an existing 700 square foot tenant space, located in the Commercial (C) Zone. Environmental Determination: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of San Marcos did find the project categorically exempt (EX20-081) pursuant to Section 15301 Class 1(a) of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), in that this is an existing facility with no expansion. Location of Property: 1582 W San Marcos Boulevard #102, San Marcos County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, on June 25th, 1986, as file no. 86257708 in book of parcel maps. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 221-031-32-00. Further information about this notice can be obtained from Saima Qureshy, by calling 760-744-1050 extension 3222, or via email Notice: Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Planning Division Manager to the Planning Commission provided the appeal fee is paid ($20 for residents; $1,155 for non-residents) and a written appeal is submitted to the Planning Division Secretary within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the decision (due no later than 5:30 PM on February 25, 2021. The written appeal should specify the reasons for the appeal and the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The City’s Planning Commission will then consider the filed appeal/s at a later public hearing. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in any City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, or call 760744-1050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 02/04/21. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2021-9000755

The name of the business: manuka,

located at 1574 Casa Real Ln., San Marcos, CA. 92069.

Registrant Information: Sophia Veale

1574 Casa Real Ln

San Marcos, Ca. 92069

This business is conducted by an individual.

First day of business n/a. /s/ Sophia Veale

Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg

Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/25/2021

2/4, 2/11, 2/28 & 3/4/2021


The Planning Division Manager of the City of San Marcos has considered the proposed project and does intend to APPROVE the Director’s Permit DP20-0013 on February 16, 2021. Project No.: DP20-0013 Applicant: Jessica Quay and Johnny Phan of F45 San Marcos Request: A Director’s Permit to allow for the operation of a 2,848 square-foot personal service facility (fitness center) within an existing commercial center. Environmental Determination: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of San Marcos did find the project categorically exempt (EX20-081) pursuant to Section 15301 Class 1(a) of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), in that this is an existing facility with no expansion. Location of Property: 630 Nordahl Road, Suites I & J, San Marcos, CA 92069, more particularly described as: Lot 9, Block 7 of Rancho Los Vallecitos de San Marcos, in the City of San Marcos, County of San Diego, State of California, on December 21, 1895. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 228-360-05-00. Further information about this notice can be obtained from Norm Pedersen, Associate Planner, by calling 760-7441050 extension 3236, or via email Notice: Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Planning Division Manager to the Planning Commission provided the appeal fee is paid ($20 for residents; $1,155 for non-residents) and a written appeal is submitted to the Planning Division Secretary within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the decision (due no later than 5:30 PM on February 26, 2021. The written appeal should specify the reasons for the appeal and the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The City’s Planning Commission will then consider the filed appeal/s at a later public hearing. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in any City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, or call 760744-1050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 02/04/21. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2021-9000667 The name of the business: FSA Design Studio, loacted at 2694 Medford Court, Carlsbad, Ca. 92010. Registrant Information: Joseph Arthur and Robin Comell de Porras 2694 Medford Court Carlsbad, CA. 92010 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 2/02/2017 /s/ Joseph Arthur de Porras Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/22/2021 2/4, 2/11, 2/28 & 3/4/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9021023 The name of the business: Jazzercise Mira Mesa, located at 11048 Ice Skate Place, San Diego, Ca. 92126. Registrant Information: Rebecca D. Henselmeier 1558 Cove Court San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 11/01/2020. /s/ Rebecca D. Henselmeier Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/29/2020. 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 & 2/04/2021 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2021-9000167 The name of the business: Monarch Grove Childcare, located at 5282 Rio Plata Drive, Oceanside, CA. 92057. Registrant Information: Melissa Lynn Barajas 5282 Rio Plata Drive Oceanside, Ca. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Melissa Lynn Barajas Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 01/07/2021. 1/21, 1/28, 2/04 & 2/11/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2021-9000003 The name of the business: Blooming Desert Growers, located at 3460 Gird Road, Fallbrook, Ca. 92028. Registrant Information: Lupe and Robert E. Oldfield,Jr. 1122 Dallas Rd. Fallbrook, CA. 92028 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 01/19/2017. /s/ Robert E. Oldfield, Jr. Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 01/04/2021. 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 & 2/04/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9021069 The name of the business: Ruben’s Concrete Services, located at 125 Smilax Rd., Vista, Ca. 92083. Registrant Information: Ruben Daniel Paramo 125 Smilax Rd. Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business . 8/1/1988. /s/Ruben Daniel Paramo Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/31/2020. 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 & 2/4/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2021-9000008 The name of the business: Kimbo Pest Solution; Kimbo Pest Conrol, located at 1747 E. Grand Ave., Escondido, Ca. 92027. Registrant Information: Victor Sebastian Bernardino Perez and Odalis Bernardino 1747 E. Grand Ave. Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business n/a. /s/ Victor Sebastian Bernardino Perez; Odalis Leon Bernardino Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/04/2021 1/21, 1/28, 2/04 & 2/11/2021

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