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The Italians drink a lot of red
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 12
For dogs 16 weeks and older. Cost $150.
Level 2,Superb Skills; Virtual Classroom, Saturday, July 11, 1pm; and Wednesday, July 22, 3pm. This 6-week class builds on the skills learned in Level 1, Marvelous Manners Class. We focus on differentiating verbal cues from hand signals and add distance and duration to behaviors. For dogs 13 weeks and older. Cost $140.
Dog Sports: Intro to Treibball, Virtual Classroom, Saturday, July 4, 8am. Treiball is a dog sport in which dogs must push exercise balls into a net. There are many skills that make up the complete behavior repertoire required to successfully play this sport. This 3-week class introduces dogs and handlers to a few of the basic foundation behaviors. Duration: 3 weeks, Cost: $100.
Dog Sports: Intro to Agility, Virtual Classroom, Saturday, July 4, 10:30am. Living room agility is a fun and easy athome activity for you and your dog. Dogs are introduced to fun and simple, lowimpact behaviors like jumping, crawling and going through and/or around different home-made obstacles. Learning how to navigate obstacles helps build confidence and reduce fear and stress. Duration: 3 weeks. Cost $100.
Shy Dog Class: Virtual Classroom, Sunday, July 5, 1pm. Shy Dog is an introductory-level course designed for dogs who are overwhelmed by their environment. This class focuses on building trust between you and your dog, as well as boosting your dog's confidence through positive reinforcement training. Duration: 6 weeks. Cost $150.
Shy Dog II Class: Virtual Classroom, Thursday, July 9, 5pm. Shy Dog II further advances the skills and confidence developed from Shy Dog Class. Dogs practice having calmer and more appropriate responses, rather than a reactive outburst or fearful shut-down. Duration: 6 weeks. Cost $150. Reactive Rover: Virtual Classroom, Thursday, July 16, 4pm. Does your dog struggle with reacting appropriately on leash when they see something that excites them? Do they bark and lunge towards people, animals or moving objects? Reactive Rovers helps teach behaviors to better control their impulses, improve their focuses and minimize their reactivity to these stimuli and more. Duration: 6 weeks. Cost $180.
Frantic Fido: Virtual Classroom, Tuesday, July 21, 2pm. Does your dog bark excessively when they hear or see people or dogs walking past your home? Do they chase or become hyper-excited with the resident cat? Do they bark or become nervous or hyperactive with guests? Frantic Fido will show you how to practice relaxation strategies and improve your dog's coping skills with stressful situations. Duration: 6 weeks. Cost $180.
Fabulous Focus & Impulse Control:
Virtual Classroom, Saturday, July 18, 11am. This 6-week class is designed for dogs who become too excited and have difficulty regaining their focus when distracted. Owners and dogs will work through a series of exercises where owners learn how to communicate more clearly and effectively while dogs learn how to redirect attention back to their owner, even through distractions.
FOR CATS: The Trainable Cat; Level 1, Virtual Classroom, Sunday, July 12, 3pm. This 3-week class is designed as an introduction to cat training and behavioral troubleshooting. Discover how behavior and learning are connected, giving you the tools to understand why behavior happens and how to change it. Also covered: Clicker training, basic behaviors like come and sit, an introduction to husbandry and body handling, socialization tips and an introduction to leash and harness training. Duration: 3 weeks. Cost $70. deep dive into techniques like shaping and capturing, and use these tools to develop training plans for both fun and functional behaviors. Also covered; More work with husbandry behaviors, leash and harness training, troubleshooting unwanted behaviors and an introduction to desensitization and counter-conditioning for the average cat. Duration: 3 weeks. Cost: $70.
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of San Marcos, California on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 for the following offices:
Terms are four (4) years. Individuals interested in becoming a candidate must file Nomination Papers with the City Clerk. The nomination period runs from Monday, July 13, 2020 through Friday, August 7, 2020.
If nomination papers for an incumbent officer of the City are not filed by 5:00 p.m. on August 7, 2020, the nomination period will be extended to Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. to nominate nonincumbent candidates only. This extension is not applicable where there is no incumbent eligible to be elected.
If no one or only one person is nominated for an elective office, appointment to the elective office may be made as prescribed by EC §10229.
On Election Day, the polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
For further information, contact Phillip Scollick, City Clerk at (760) 744-1050, Ext. 3105 or cityclerk@san-marcos.net.