The Paper May 3, 2012

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Volume 43- No. 18

by lyle e davis Some time ago, we published a cover story about the terrible atrocities that occurred at Andersonville, the infamous prison camp of the Civil War era.

May 03, 2012

Camp Douglas . . .

the Andersonville of the North

After publishing that story we heard from an Escondido resident, Ed Ries. He had the following comments: I congratulate Lyle E Davis for writing the article 'Andersonville: An American Hell' published in The Paper on November 3rd. However, the article is one-sided in presenting an example of the suffering of Union prisoners of war in the South, but never mentioning the horrific treatment received by Confederate soldiers captured in the south and transported north. History is written by the victors and Andersonville is depicted as the worst prison camp of the terrible conflict that tore this nation apart more than 150 years ago. The truth is that it wasn't. That record is held by Camp Douglas, a Union POW camp on the outskirts of Chicago. Prisoners and guards at Andersonville suffered from malnutrition. At Camp Douglas, the guards were wellfed and the prisoners starved. While Captain Wirz was tried, convicted, and executed for the atrocities at Andersonville, no one was ever punished for the same atrocities committed at Camp Douglas. I have visited Andersonville easy to find because of the signposts and public notoriety. I know about Camp Douglas because two sons of my greatgreat-grandfather died there one of disease and the other murdered by camp guards. One was nineteen and the other twenty-two. Like most who served, they were farm boys from a family who owned The Paper - 760.747.7119


Camp Douglas Cemetery Today . . .

71st New York Infantry Camp at Camp Douglas These were some of the guards at the infamous camp; the guards were said to be well fed, the prisoners starved, and the guards were cruel, often shooting prisoners for no reason

John Downing, J.A. Eastin George Bowman [front row, center] John Taylor and James Yates Confederate Prisoners at Camp Douglas

Prisoners at Camp Douglas from the 48th Tennessee Regiment no slaves. the largest training camp in Camp Douglas is forgotten by Illinois, situated most because there are no gov- on land provided A Wet Day at Camp Douglas, Near Chicago, Illinois At any period the sanitary conditions at Camp Douglas were not satisernment-provided signposts by the estate of factory. The ground was low and always flooded after a rain, as and only a single marker paid Stephen seen in this photograph, and stagnant pools of water stood there A. with no means of draining them off. The highest rate of mortalfor by private citizens and not Douglas in 1861. ity for any one prison during one month of the war was the government. Today, it is locat- reached at Camp Douglas in February, 1863. Unused to the riged between ors of the Northern climate, the Southern prisoners died like flies in their unsanitary surroundings. The mortality rate for /s/Ed Ries Cottage Grove this one month was ten per cent.The Confederate gray of some Escondido Avenue and of the uniforms can be plainly discerned. The pipes show that, they were not denied the luxury of tobacco. South Parkway Mr. Ries was correct. We did and 31st and 36th istration buildings, on the some research, and found out Streets, on Chicago’s east a lot more. For example, side: the layout included south side: camp hospitals, on Camp Douglas was originally parade ground and the admin- the west side, the prison

“Camp Douglas” Continued on Page 2

Page 2 - May 03, 2012 ‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. from Page 1 camp. Neither side was prepared to house large numbers of prisoners. For instance, Camp Butler (Springfield IL), Camp Morton (Indianapolis IN), Camp Randall (Madison WI) and Camp Douglas (Chicago IL) all had been used to train U.S. volunteers. Each camp had to be hastily converted to house Confederates captured at Fort Donelson and Island Ten. Originally, at Camp Douglas, 32 units trained here: the 9th Cav, the 51st IL Infantry and the 55th IL Infanty. The first prisoners arrived in 1862, about 8000 from the capture of Fort Donelson. During the war Camp Douglas held over 18,000 prisoners, over 12,000 at one time [Dec 1864]. Prisoners included Sam Houston, Jr. and Henry M. Stanley, the famous African explorer. Since both sides wished to have prisoners-of-war returned, a cartel was estab-

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle

This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! Excuse Notes Received by Teachers (Said to be Real) My son is under a doctor’s care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him. Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot. Dear School: Please ekscuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33. Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating. Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip.

lished to arrange for agreeable terms. The cartel remained in operation until the summer of 1863 when Confederate authorities objected to release of black prisoners. The agreement broke down at that point, and few exchanges took place subsequently until the final weeks of the war. A few months after the surrender of Vicksburg, the Confederate government pressed most soldiers paroled there back into service. Much of the other source material was recommended by Mr. Ries. We draw heavily upon research by Pritchett Ford.

Andersonville is the National Prisoner of War Historical Site, with white headstones for each of the 12, 912 Union prisoners who died there with a 475 acre park and monuments erected by every Union State and the National Government. All of the main highways of South Georgia have directional signs to aid the tens of thousand who visit there yearly. Look North to Chicago and you will find at least 6000 Confederate soldiers buried in a mass grave on one acre of land. There is only one monument to these prisoners who died, erected in 1895, 30 years after the war, by Southerners and their friends in Chicago and the North.

The South had Andersonville, an internationally known reminder of prison camp hardships and deaths, immortalized in song, literature, film and by many Union Monuments. The North had Camp Douglas, a little known civil war prison in Chicago that set records for prison mortality, hidden in lost and incomplete records and suppressed publicity. To the victor belongs the silence.

According to Dorothy Wells Earlandson, writing in Chicago’s Heritage Guest, a few native Chicagoans knew of its existence. You see, Chicago has never publicized its one time camp. There are no highway directional signs. We will never see a film about Camp Douglas or any of the other notorious Northern prisons. The winners write the history books,

John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face.

porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday.

Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football. He was hurt in the growing part.

Sally won’t be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral.

Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins.

My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She spent a weekend with the Marines.

Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side.

Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well.

Please excuse Ray Friday from school. He has very loose vowels.

Please excuse Mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps.

Please excuse Pedro from being absent yesterday. He had — diahre— —dyrea— — direathe— the runs.

Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover.

Please excuse Tommy for being absent yesterday. He had diarrhea and his boots leak. Irving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust. Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father’s fault. I kept Billie home because she had to go Christmas shopping because I don’t know what size she wear. Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the

Maryann was absent December 11-16, because she had a fever, sore throat, headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever and sore throa t, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn’t the best either, sore throat and fever. There must be something going around, her father even got hot last night. American as she is spoke At a Santa Fe gas station: WE WILL SELL GASOLINE TO ANYONE IN A GLASS CONTAINER. In a New Hampshire jewelry

and for 130 years they have been silent about their prison camps. The Oak Wood Cemetery monument sustains interest in the camp located near the shore of Lake Michigan. Before the camp closed, it earned the dubious distinctions of an undisputed first place in mortality among Northern prisons. Prisoners from Fort Donelson arrived at Camp Douglas in February 1862, and within one year the monthly mortality rate was at ten percent, a rate unsurpassed by any other prison in the North or South. Ultimately, one in five prisoners died, establishing the camp’s reputation for extermination. The highest death rate at Andersonville was nine percent set for August, 1864. Three traits distinguished Camp Douglas from other Northern prison camps: high mortality rates, extreme acts of cruelty, and a low official ‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. on Page 3 store: EARS PIERCED WHILE YOU WAIT. In a New York restaurant: CUSTOMERS WHO CONSIDER OUR WAITRESSES UNCIVIL OUGHT TO SEE THE MANAGER. On the wall of a Baltimore estate: TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. - SISTERS OF MERCY On a long-established New Mexico dry cleaners: 38 YEARS ON THE SAME SPOT. In a Los Angeles dance hall: GOOD CLEAN DANCING EVERY NIGHT BUT SUNDAY. On a movie theater: CHILDREN’S MATINEE TODAY. ADULTS NOT ADMITTED UNLESS WITH CHILD. In a Florida maternity ward: NO CHILDREN ALLOWED. In a New York drugstore: WE DISPENSE WITH ACCURACY. On a New Hampshire medical building: MARTIN DIABETES PROFESSIONAL ASS.

‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 14

May 03, 2012 - Page 3

‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. from Page 2 count of prisoners who died compared to documentation from other sources. Historical articles and research texts have publicized these facts, but somehow Camp Douglas has escaped the notoriety of Andersonville. The most complete treatment of the horrors of Camp Douglas is contained in George Levy’s To Die in Chicago (1994) from which some of the information for this article has been drawn. Levy was educated at the University of Chicago and he has served as Assistant Attorney General for the state of Illinois. The high mortality rate can be attributed to several factors: overcrowding, unhealthy living conditions, ineffective medical treatment, inadequate food supply, and brutality. The war lasted longer than expected, resulting in more prisoners than anticipated. By late 1862 there were 8,962 prisoners in the camp with fewer than 900 guards. Over 200 prisoners were crowded into barracks averaging 70 feet by 25 feet. As the number increased, tents were erected to house them, with little protection against below zero winds. Huge latrines were left open, so rain washed raw sewage into the drinking water supply. Wooden floors were removed to discourage tunneling, so vermin infected the dirt floors. Rats and mice were commonplace. Some unnamed inmates recollecting the camp 37 years later said that they raised the kitchen floor to catch big gray rats which were made into rat pies. When cholera and a smallpox epidemic erupted, free medicine sent by the South was withheld as contraband of war. Food rations were restricted, partly to cut costs and partly as retaliation for Southern victories. When control of the camp was finally passed to the Chicago Police department, medical supplies were cut off and food severely restricted. On June 30, 1862, Commandant Colonel Tucker was warned by D. V. McVickar, the Post Surgeon, that the surface of the ground is becoming saturated with the filth and slop from the

privies, kitchens, and quarters and must produce serious result to health as soon as the hot weather sets in. Colonel Tucker was overwhelmed; there were 326 patients in the hospital and many more in the barracks.

history, and equaled the deaths at the highest rate of Andersonville from February to May, 1864. Yet, it is the name of Andersonville that burns in infamy, while there exists a northern counterpart of little shame.

Coincidentally, Henry W. Bellows of the Sanitary Commission sent a negative report on the camp to Colonel Hoffman the same day: “Sir, the amount of standing water, unpoliced grounds, of foul sinks, of unventilated and crowded barracks, of general disorder, of soil reeking miasmatic accretions, of rotten bones and emptying of camp kettles, is enough to drive a sanitarium to despair. I hope that no thought will be entertained of mending matters.

Mortality rates increased as Colonel Sweet complained on October 11, 1864, that mortality at the camp was up to 35% since June. In November 1864, the death toll was 217; another 323 died in December, 308 in January 1865, and 243 in February.

The absolute abandonment of the spot seems to be the only judicious course, I do not believe that any amount of drainage would purge that soil loaded with accumulated filth or those barracks fetid with two stories of vermin and animal exhalations. Nothin but fire can cleanse them.” The Chicago Tribune wrote on September 22, 1862, “It is no wonder they died so rapidly. It is only a wonder that the whole eight-thousand of the filthy hogs did not go home in pine boxes instead of on their feet.” Civilian doctors, who inspected Camp Douglas on April 5, 1863, called it an extermination camp. They drew an unrelenting picture of “wretched inmates without change of clothing, covered, with vermin, in wards reeking with filth and foul air, and blankets in rags . . . it will be seen that 260 out of 3,800 prisoners had died in twenty-one days, a rate of mortality which, if continued would secure their total extermination in about 320 days.” Prisoners were deprived of clothing to discourage escapes. Many wore sacks with head and arm holes cut out; few had underwear. Blankets to offset the bitter northern winter were confiscated from the few that had them. The weakest froze to death. The Chicago winter of 1864 was devastating. The loss of 1,091 lives in only four months was the heaviest for any like period in the camp’s

The Deadly Deadline The Sparrow diary specifically mentions the dead line at Camp Douglas. “Prisoners were shot for crossing the line there just as at such other Federal prisons as Camp Morton, Indiana; Camp Chase and Johnson’s Island in Ohio; Point Lookout, Maryland; Newport News, VA; and Fort Delaware for violating stated bounds, usually to answer the call of nature. Several Confederate prisoners were shot or bayoneted to death while in the very act of relieving themselves. The arctic weather led to additional suffering. Another punishment was to make the men pull down their pants and sit, with nothing under them, on the snow and frozen ground. I have known men to be kept sitting until you could see their prints of some days after in the snow and ice. When the [guards] got weary of this they commenced whipping, making the men lay on a barrel, and using their belts, which had a leather clasp with a sharp edge, cutting through the skin. A prisoner swore that when the men who were being punished this way attempted to sit on their coattails they were cruelly kicked in the back by the guards and forced to sit longer on their bare bones. Prisoners were forced to stand in the snow for hours without moving, and guards checked footprints to see if they had moved. Those who did received lashes. Some prisoners who arrived in the bitter cold weather lost toes, fingers and ears. One improvised two wooden pegs as substitutes for feet and hobbled around surprisingly well. The mildest cruelty took the

form of random firing into the barracks to disturb the prisoner’s sleep, shooting prisoners who moved too slowly, or hanging them by their feet to encourage them to take the oath to the United States. The more common severe tortures included reaching for the grub, bending over without bending the knees for several hours, causing blood to gush from the prisoners nose and protruding eyeballs almost bursting from their sockets with pain, or being lashed a hundred times with the metal buckle end of a belt. Solitary confinement meant being squeezed into a ten foot square room with twenty others, with only a ten-inch window for ventilation. A fearsome animal came to Prison Square on June 28, 1864. The Yanks have fixed a frame near the gate (to Prison Square) with a scantling piece of timber across it, edge up, and about four feet from the ground, which they make our men ride whenever the men do anything that does not please them. It is called The Mule. Men have sat on it till they fainted and fell off. It is like riding a sharp top fence. The Mule could be made more painful by adding weights. Sometimes the Yanks would laugh and say, I will give you a pair of spurs which was a bucket of sand tied to each foot. Other prisoners confirmed that men had to ride the mule in the worst winter weather. By 1865 it had grown to 15 feet tall and required a ladder to mount. There was a mule for the garrison in White Oak Square, except there it was called “The Horse.” Escape attempts were not infrequent. On one July night, a tall and bearded Allen Adcock from E Company took part in one of Camp Douglas's best known escape attempts. Adcock and several compatriots planned the escape for weeks. Adcock slept with a homemade ladder hidden in his bunk. The group kept delaying their attempt, hoping Adcock's sick brother Robert would improve enough to go with them. Robert, who was afraid to go to the prison hospital, failed to improve. Finally, on a dark and rainy night, the group made a break for the prison fence. Four of ‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. on Page 5

Page 4 - May 03, 2012 Short SWAT Standoff in Escondido Hotel Yields Two Arrests On Thursday, April 26th, at about 9 PM, detectives from Escondido Police Department saw Omar Jacobo Hernandez driving a white car in the area of Mission Ave and Rock Springs Rd. They knew Hernandez had State and Federal warrants for his arrest for drug possession, violation of a gang injunction, and alien smuggling. The detectives were in marked police cars and tried to make a traffic stop on Hernandez. Hernandez fled in the white car and headed toward San Marcos. The detectives gave chase with lights and siren. About three minutes into the pursuit, detectives decided to terminate the chase because Hernandez had been driving reckless and his speeds were too high. The detectives felt the danger of the pursuit outweighed catching Hernandez. They lost him outside the City of Escondido boundaries that border San Marcos.

Local News Detectives and additional Escondido Police Patrol officers worked with San Diego Sheriff’s Department: San Marcos Station deputies. Together they found the white car that Hernandez had been driving, and it was empty. They gathered information where Hernandez could be over the next several hours and their investigation brought them back to Escondido- Mount Vernon Inn at 501 W. Mission Ave, Room #333. Detectives and officers surrounded the room and evacuated surrounding rooms on the western portion of the building. They made announcements for the occupants to come out. This happened at about 1:15 AM. A woman came out and talked to the detectives. She confirmed Hernandez and another female, Natalie Mejia, were in the room. Detectives called the room and yelled into the room for Hernandez and Mejia to

come out. They did not comply. Detectives saw Hernandez and Mejia in the room. At one point, Hernandez and Mejia left the room, but would not surrender. They stayed on the balcony area and remained uncooperative despite orders from police to surrender. At about 3 AM, Escondido SWAT was activated along with an Emergency Negotiations Team. SWAT deployed chemical agent into the room to keep Hernandez and Mejia from going back inside. Once the chemical agent was deployed, Hernandez and Mejia surrendered within minutes and without further incident. They surrendered at about 3:40 AM. No one was hurt during this incident. Hernandez was booked into Vista Jail on his warrants. He is also facing additional charges of felony evading (the pursuit) and resisting/obstruction of arrest.

Detectives are conducting additional follow-up. At this time Mejia is facing charges of harboring a felon and resisting/obstruction of officers. Supervisor’s Race Heats Up Hilliard Donates $100,000 to His Campaign Del Mar Mayor Carl Hilliard, running for the District 3 seat on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. That office represents a large segment of North County, running from Del Mar to Escondido and is involved with decisions on funding for the Sheriff’s Department, County Prosecutors, as well as zoning issues in the back country. The three top candidates appear to be Hilliard, Steve Danon, chief of staff for Representative Brian Bilbray, and Solana Beach Councilmember Dave Roberts. Of those three apparent front runners, both Hilliard and Danon appear to ‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 10

Team, The Marching Lumberjacks, Claude Rains & the 20-Man Memorial Invisible Man Marching Drill Team (although one year I counted 22), and the Committee for the Right to Bear Arms, a group that marches in precise formations while carrying mannequin arms. Sadly, the Doo Dah Parade seems to be scaling down. Last Saturday's extravaganza was only a couple of blocks.

Man About Town Last Saturday was the 35th Occasional Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena. Sort of the antiRose Parade. This is a goofy affair with irreverent floats and bands and attractions. Typical participants in the past have been the BBQ & Hibachi Marching Grill Team, the Shopping Cart Drill Team, the Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin, the Men of Leisure Synchronized Nap

I hope it won't go the way of the Dodo bird. We need some occasional intellectual activity and challenges. ••••• Went to a San Marcos Chamber of Commerce "Sundowner" Thursday evening at Mike's BBQ in Escondido. Neat idea. The buffet line had large, plastic martini glasses. You scooped out a ton of mashed potatoes, put them in your martini glass, then loaded up with butter, lots of butter, crumbled up pieces of bacon (not baconbits . . . real, crumbled up bacon), chives, green onion, sour cream . . . whatever condiments you liked. I had two big martini glasses full . . .

Just got this from my old pal, Alan Skuba. I managed his radio station, KOWN, while he was both a city council member and, later, the Mayor. We've remained close over the years. Lyle, Were we ever that young and skinny? April 1970 - remember the horseback ride from Poway to Kit Carson Park? Alan is off a just a bit; I rode all the way from San Diego to Escondido's Kit Carson Park, retracing, in reverse, the route that Kit Carson took to get reinforcements after they had a major battle at Mule Hill, just outside Escondido. Alan, former Mayor Lorraine Boyce, and a number of other dignitaries, joined the trip at Poway and rode into Kit Carson Park. But I rode all the way. This was a promotion, as I recall, by the Escondido Chamber of Commerce and the Felicita Pageant, which I was pleased to facilitate. (Thanks Alan! I never even knew this photo existed!) (Alan is the handsome blonde guy in the foreground. I'm the extremely handsome guy with the big, silly grin, on top of the great big horsie.)

as well as mini-pulled pork sandwiches. Ate two sandwiches, brought two more home for Trixie. Trixie was grateful. ••••• Long-time pal, Doug Best, he who presides over “Doug Best

Swings” every Saturday morning from 7am to 11am on KKSM 1320 AM, Palomar College Radio, called recently to tell me about a pal

‘Man About Town’ Cont. on Page 7

May 03, 2012 - Page 5

‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. from Page 3

Adcock's friends made it over before the guards discovered them and began to fire. Adcock was not one of the lucky ones and quickly had to make his way back into the barracks. Camp Douglas was "in a commotion." Mackey, who was not with Adcock, wrote "Our Federal excellencies were much alarmed; the cannon fired and general excitement prevailed." The Federals rushed to the barracks looking for prisoners with muddy shoes to indicate they had participated in the escape. Adcock, however, proved too smart for his jailers. He escaped detection because he had the foresight to wear socks over his shoes adventure. his during Adcock's shoes looked as if he had been in his bunk the whole time The Rebels did their best to entertain themselves. In the winter there were snowball contests, the "bloody" 48th and the 7th Texas heavily engaged against the 20th Mississippi. The Tennesseans attended church, wrote let-

ters, read Northern newspapers, annoyed the guards, circulated unending rumor, and listened to antisecessionist speeches sponsored by their captors. In the summer, a group of twenty-one prisoners from the 48th pooled their money and had a photo taken. The soldiers in the photo stare seriously, hats cocked to one side or the other. They were young and mostly bearded but some looked too young to shave. They wore various uniforms, kepis, and slouch hats. At Douglas, death stalked the 48th. On 3 March, K. Company lost William Welch and on the ninth a "kind, and most beloved" James Hodges died. The death of Third Sergeant John E. Amis on the twelfth left two small sons fatherless. On the fourteenth a "fair and honest" James Akin passed away. At least fortyfive, or seventeen percent of the 270 soldiers known captured at Fort Donelson died while in Federal hands.

‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. on Page 7

not a wee bit wrong but a horrible lie about the bomb load of the B17.

Commentary This week’s commentary is taken over by a genuine WWII Hero (Received the Silver Star, among other awards). The commentary is self explanatory: Hello: You must be congratulated on using a large font in your paper. I aways thought my vision was going as the news print in the OC Register seems to be getting smaller guess they are using smaller type. I hope I'm right about that! As an old WWII Bomber driver, both in B24s and B17s and flying 39 types of military planes, your article was just a wee bit wrong. Well,

At 21 I finished pilot training becoming a Second Lieutenant flying B17s. At 22 I was an experienced B24 pilot with 9 trained crew members. Just after my 22nd birthday, I was ordered to take a new B24 4 engine bomber to the Middle East theatre, actually Benghazi, Libya. That's 1/2 way around the world. Just shy of my 23 birthday I was a Captain and Squadron command of over 500 men plus being responsible for about 20 B24s. Now what does all the above have to do with your article? Only one thing: I know about both the B24 and B17 like a father knows how children are made. Where ever you received the info about the load capacity of a B17... NEVER USE IT AGAIN. Let's get to the bottom of the real facts about the B24 and B17s. Had it not been for a reporter inventing the name ‘Commentary’ Cont. on Page 13


Social Butterfly

Page 6 - May 03, 2012 College Radio. You may recognize Sharon as the former sidekick to Doug Best of Doug Best Swings for the past nine years. Doug’s show airs on the same station from 7am to 11am. For the past year, Sharon’s Show aired from 6-7am. If that time slot was a little too early for you, turn on Sharon's program at 11am, where she creates a musical portrait of a particular musical artist, composer, or theme, such as Cinco de Mayo, which just happens to be the day her show begins again.

Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at: Retired Teachers Scholarship Foundation Announces Recipients for 2012-13 For over thirty years the California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA), North San Diego County Scholarship Foundation, has been presenting scholarships to deserving students from North San Diego County high schools. By offering financial awards, the foundation encourages graduates to pursue a college education and a career in teaching or related fields. Recipients of scholarships will attend either a California public community college or state university (CSU or UC system). Deserving students are Gabrielle Abramson from Canyon Crest Academy, receives $1500 and will attend CSU Channel Islands; Michelle Borja from San Marcos HS, $1500, attending CSU San Marcos; Blanca Gonzalez from Vista HS, (Blanca has not yet determined whether she will attend CSU San Marcos, $1500, or Palomar College, $1000); Oscar Herrera from San Pasqual HS, $1000, attending Palomar; and Alexandria Scoles from Valley Center HS, $1000, attending Palomar. These students will receive their award certificates at the annual Scholarship Luncheon on May 16 at the Escondido Country Club. Members of CalRTA who have not yet made their reservations for the event may do so through their CalRTA division or by sending a check for $20 to Tom Humphrey, 1914 Esplendido Ave, Vista CA 92084. Reservation deadline was May 1; call to see if late reservations are available. Sharon's Show Sharon Prince, an attorney currently active in the practice of trust law, will debut her music theme show on Saturday, May 5th, beginning at 11am on KKSM, 1320AM, Palomar

Sprinkled among the songs, Sharon interjects tidbits of history, facts and humor. She enjoys music and loves to share it. If you have any requests or comments, contact Sharon at Republican Women's Fundraiser to Benefit Wounded Warriors and Literacy/Scholarships "Toss Your Hat Into the Ring!" is the theme for the Lake San Marcos Republican Women Federated's annual fundraiser for the "Wounded Warriors" and Literacy/Scholarship programs. The date is Sunday, May 6, at 4pm, at the Lake San Marcos Country Club. The event will feature former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian, a fashion demonstration by Coldwater Creek, a live auction conducted by Eli Whitney and Harry Bubnack, and a dinner with nohost bar. Cost is $35/person. Reservation deadline has passed but they will still take a few more reservations, by calling Georgette at 760.510.8409. Meetings/Events Calendar Escondido High School Class of 1962 is inviting all graduates of that year to their 50th Class Reunion celebration on May 18, 19, and 20th. Friday night will be at Cruisin' Grand in Escondido. All EHS graduates are invited to bring any make or model Classic Car (1974 or older) to the south side of Broadway between Grand and Second Street for a reserved parking area for about 60 vehicles. Call Gary at 760.749.2071 for more information. Then a dinner-dance on Saturday night is planned at the Castle Creek Country Club; and Sunday morning brunch will be served at the Country Club. For all other info, prices, times, and meal costs, or if you know a 1962 graduate that hasn't been contacted, call Barbara Masters Patterson at 760.728.3898. OASIS Started New Trimester May 1 OASIS North County invites adults over 50 to participate in the many programs offered throughout North County. New classes start each week; something for everyone. The office is located at the Joslyn Sr. Center, 210 Park Ave., Escondido, and open Monday-Friday, 10am-3pm. A one-time trimester processing fee of $10 is charged for your first class, in addition to the class fee. Check the website for classes, and registration can be completed on line at, or call 760.796.6020. The summer trimester started May 1. If you have taken classes you will be receiving a new catalog; if not, stop by and pick up one. The San Marcos Senior Center is

welcomed to the family; look for new classes at that location. Musical Comedy "Once Upon A Mattress" - will be performed at the Community Lutheran Church, 3575 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido, at 7pm on Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5, and on Sunday, May 6, at 2pm, at the theatre on the church campus. Reserved seats are $13/each; general admission is $10/adults, and $8/seniors, children and military. Tickets can be purchased by calling 760.739.1650, or at the door. Homeward Bound - A Tribute to Simon and Garfunkel - with special guests Ventura Highway, will be featured at the Center Theater at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido, on Saturday, May 5, at 7:30pm. Tickets are $42. Then on Sunday, May 6, the Civic Youth Orchestra will perform at 2pm in the Center Theater. The CYO provides an opportunity for students up to age 20 to grow in competence as ensemble musicians. For more info, the website is Tickets are $20/adults; $10/child/student/military. For tickets for either of these events, call the box office at 800.988.4253. Check the website for future events at Doll Show on Saturday - The Mini Doll Friends of Southern California is holding their 35th annual doll show Saturday, May 5, at the Al Bahr Shrine Center, 5440 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego (located on west side of 163 freeway at Claremont Mesa Road). There will be sales tables of antique and collectible dolls, supplies, teddy bears, miniatures, toys, and other doll related items. A "Celebrities on Parade" special exhibit is included. A $6 donation ($5 with this article); children under 12 are free. A portion of the show proceeds will be donated to local charities. For information, call Connie Tognoli at 760.723.0790. "ArtWalk" Debuts at Old California Restaurant Row in San Marcos on Sunday, May 6, from 2-5pm, and features original works on sale by local artists and craftsmen, a live musical performance by MandoBasso and a high-energy car show in the heart of North County's largest dining and entertainment destination. A live graffiti art demonstration, as well as a free craft station for children, is also planned. Held the first Sunday each month near the Village Shops, "ArtWalk" will offer a free and lively experience for the community to enjoy and appreciate the arts. Admission is free and open to the public. Special offers on dining and entertainment will be available at many Old California Restaurant Row businesses. For more information, contact Marilyn Huerta at 760.271.6795. Visit the website at for special deals, upcoming events, and a complete list of restaurants and shops. Installation of officers for the Rancho Bernardo Chapter Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee will be celebrated at a luncheon on Tuesday, May 8, with registration at 11am. This event

will take place at the Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, San Diego (Rancho Bernardo). Installing officer is Phyllis Perkel, Region Co-President. Keyboard artist, Jim Nantais, will provide the entertainment. Cost of the luncheon is $30 which includes a menu of items and choice of desserts. For info, and/or to RSVP, call Joan at 858.673.2082. The Brandeis National Committee is dedicated to providing philanthropic support to Brandeis University, a distinguished liberal arts and research university founded by the American Jewish Community. Its membership is connected to the University through fundraising and activities that reflect the values on with the University was founded: academic excellence, social justice, non-sectarianism, and service to the community. Funds raised at this event will help provide scholarships at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. San Marcos Senior Center Has Three Events Coming Up - The first is the semiannual parking lot swap meet on Saturday, May 5, from 8am-1pm. Come browse the wares of 60 vendors and enjoy coffee and doughnuts for sale. A limited number of spaces are available for $15 each, if you would like to be a seller. Sign up at the San Marcos Senior Center. Call 760.744/5535 for info. The second is a Mother's Day celebration on Friday, May 11. Entertainment will be provided by Matt & Jasmine and will begin at 11am, with lunch served at 11:30. Call 760.744.5535 the day before to make reservations. Suggested donation is $4 for those 60 and up, and a fee of $5 is collected from those under 60. All are welcome. Then celebrate Mother's Day at the "Mad Hatter's Tea Party," on Saturday, May 12, at 2pm. Tickets are $10/each; can be purchased at the senior center; and must be purchased by Tuesday, May 8. Enjoy an afternoon tea for you, your family and friends. Included is a fashion show, silent auction, and hat contest. The Tea Party is sponsored by the San Marcos Senior Center, the San Marcos Historical Society, Interfaith Community Services Project Care, Silverado Senior Living, and The San Marcos Senior Services Foundation. For info, call 760.744.5535. Escondido Art Association Presents Exhibit at Artists Gallery - The EAA is featuring "May or May Not," an open, juried exhibit of framed fine artworks by association members and other local and regional artists, from Wednesday, May 9 through Saturday, June 2, at the Gallery, 121 W. Grand Avenue. The collection includes original paintings, drawings and photographs judged by multi-award winning artist Paul Ryker. Ribbon awards for the best artworks will be presented during an Artists' Reception on Saturday, May 12, from 5-8pm. The public is invited. Regular gallery hours are 11am-4pm, Tuesdays through Saturdays. Admission

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 7

Expires 5/31/12

Expires 5/31/12

May 03, 2012 - Page 7

‘Man About Town’ Cont. from Page 4 of his, Jerry Brumfield, a resident of Escondido who, Doug claims, sings up a storm. If you’re looking for an entertainer for a wedding, bar mitzvah, birthday party, or just an entertaining party, give ol’ Doug Best a call (during Doug's show only): 760-744-1150 x5576. Doug will hook you up with Mr. Brumfield. ••••• Delighted to welcome back Michael and Stephanie Croes from their fantastic honeymoon to Paris, Rome, Parma and Venice, Italy and all the cool places in Europe. They were there for two and a half weeks. Stephanie is with Corky’s Pest Control and is an important part of that operation. Speaking of imprtant members of Corky’s Pest Control team, we just had an outstanding young man come to our door, by name of Terry Warner. A couple weeks ago we had Cheyenne Miller come out and clean our family room and kitchen carpeting (760.484.0400 - a great job!) While in the kitchen, not one, not two, but three Black Widow Spiders emerged from under the refrigerator. All were summarily dispatched. Services at 11am Saturday. We told Terry Warner about this when he stopped by to service our home for Corky’s. “Not to worry,” he said. “I’m spraying ever crack and crevice in the home. This is where spiders make their entry. Also, I’m laying down granules around the entire perimeter of your home. You should be fine.” He also thanked us for our business. Not a lot of businesses do that anymore. I don’t think Corky Mizer, the owner of Corky’s Pest Control, could ask for much more in the way of a superior staff. We’re proud to do business with Corky’s. ••••• Stop and see us Friday nights at Esondido’s ‘Cruisin’ Grand.” We’ll be helping to sell hot dogs and hamburgers to raise funds for Dave Geary’s 2nd trip to Tanzania to help needy children and families.

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6 to the Gallery is free. For more information, call 760.489.0338 or 760.741.3117, or www, Singles Rockin' Party! - The next Singles party will be a dance/mixer on Saturday, May 12, from 8pm-11pm, at the Del Mar Marriott Grand Ballroom, 11966 El Camino Real, San Diego. This party is for ages 45-65. There will be a live entertainment, the "JX3 Band," Lock & Key (icebreaker game), chocolate tasting, complimentary photos. Self-parking $5. Trendy dress recommended. Price is $10/;pre-pay or $15 at the door. Call 818.577.6877, or The Opera "Carmen" - will be presented on Saturday, May 12 at 7:30pm, and Sunday, May 13, at 3pm, at the MiraCosta College Concert Hall, Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Bldg. 2400, Oceanside. Take Mom to the Opera on Sunday and stay for a Mother's Day reception after the matinee performance. General Admission is $10; students/seniors/staff is $8/each. For tickets, go to or at 760.795.6815; for information, call 877.319.1279. Rotary Club's Annual Deep Pit BBQ & Military Appreciation Day! - The Escondido East Rotary Club will be holding their annual deep pit barbecue on Saturday, May 12, at Kit Carson Park, Escondido, from 11:00am-3:00pm. This is a free barbecue for military families, the men and women serving our country, as a way of saying "Thank you for all you do to give us the freedom that we have every day." In recognition of this event, the Escondido East Rotary will be recognizing Operation America Cares for their exceptional service to U.S. Troops deployed oversees. This event is free for military personnel and their immediate

‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. from Page 5 A Serious Flaw in the Record of Camp Douglas Was in Counting (or Miscounting) the Dead “From February 1862, till all the Secesh had left there, nearly all of the Medical Colleges in the northwest were supplied with the bodies stolen from the dead buried at the city cemetery and the appearance of the graves gives evidence of the truth of this statement.” On June 9, 1862, a difference between the Chicago Tribune and Official Records was reported, with 1,480 men unaccounted for according to the Tribune. One of the reasons was that some deaths were unreported. On July, 1862, commandant Tucker, in taking command of Camp Douglas, reported, “There is scarcely a record left at camp and it will be difficult to ascertain what prisoners have been at the camp or what has become of them.” By March 31, 1863, mortality was again out of control, and diseases claimed 706 prisoners. If true, the toll in two

family members. For non-military and the general public, the cost is $10/adults; $5/children, ages 5-12. Live entertainment, silent auction raffles, helicopter landing, activities for the kids, ice cream and cake, and a special drawing for a military family to win a helicopter flight. For info to purchase tickets, free tickets, or to become a sponsor, call 760.489.5131, or email Business Forum Set for May 11 - The fourth annual North County Business Forum, “Winning the Game of Recovery,” is scheduled from 7am to 1pm, Friday, May 11, on the Palomar College campus. The half-day event provides expert insight into economic prospects for the coming year along with networking and educational programs for North County businesses large and small. The Forum is sponsored by the Palomar College Foundation President’s Associates. Proceeds benefit academic and scholarship programs for Palomar College students. Cost of the forum is $45 per person, or $500 for tables of eight, including sponsor benefits. For more information on the forum, sponsorships, or to register, contact Pam Grasso at 760.744.1150, Ext. 2732,, or visit the event website at Soroptimist Clubs to Host Women's Film Festival in May - On Sunday, May 20, three Soroptimist International clubs, Vista, Oceanside/Carlsbad, and Fallbrook, are teaming up to host the 11 Annual LUNAFEST: Short Films By, For, About Women film festival dedicated to promoting awareness about women's issues, highlighting women filmmakers, and bringing women together in their communities. Nine short films by women filmmakers range from animation to fictional drama, and cover topics such as women’s health, motherhood, body image, aging, cultural diversity, and breaking barriers. The event will be held at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, 1775 Dove Lane. Movie trailer can be viewed online at

months was only 277 short of the 1862 record. Suspiciously, there are no Camp Douglas returns in the official records for March 1863. The Tribune appears to have counted the dead carefully and indicated that the toll could have been upwards of 700. Unfortunately, record keeping was atrocious. It seems that in the period from February, 1862, to April, 1863, about 728 Confederates were missing. This in not the worst of it. If 700 died in early 1863, as the Tribune and some historians of the period believed, the superintendent should have found 1,636 graves. Various explanations were put forward for this discrepancy. The bodies were being washed into the lake, according to the Tribune, toward the water one mile south. The cemetery was also a favorite hunting ground for grave robbers. Another explanation is that the dead were dumped into unmarked graves and soon lost in the swampy soil. By 1864 about 2,235 prisoners had lost their lives since the prison opened according to the Official Records. This may be 967 All proceeds from LUNAFEST will benefit the Breast Cancer Fund and local non-profits. Thus far, LUNAFEST has raised over $456,000 for Breast Cancer Fund and over $785,000 for other non-profit organizations. There will be a pre-screening reception with wine and complimentary hors d’oeuvres and desserts, plus a gift basket raffle from 1:30pm-2:20pm. Films shown promptly at 2:30pm with an intermission to announce raffle winners. Seating is limited. Tickets are $20/perat online available son; Trip to Viejas Casino is planned for Wednesday, May 23, by No. Coast ORT America. Cost is $10/person, and you get $5 for lunch buffet. All are welcome. Shop, gamble or! The bus leaves the parking lot at El Camino Real and La Costa at 9am sharp ... Be there by 8:30am. Contact Mitzi at 760.721.1416, for reservations. Comedy Murder Mystery Dinner Theater shows to be held on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays through the end of the year at Mike's Barbeque, 1356 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido. "Chalk It Up To Murder" will be on Sundays at 6:30pm, and "Night Stage to Big Shaft" will be on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm. Solve the crime and win a souvenir. Drawings are held for other prizes. Dinner includes salad, beverage*, two side dishes, choice of BBQ chicken, pulled pork tri-tip, beef ribs or a veggie burger, and brownie and ice cream dessert. *Beer and wine available at additional charge. The cost is $38/person; gratuities not included. Discounts available for groups of 10 or more. Check the at website, call email or 760.489.2496, Email the Social Butterfly with news about your club or organization! Email two weeks prior to the event to:

short of the true figure at the time, based on the Tribune’s figures. There were 23,637 cases of sickness in 1864, according to the study made at the time. This is more than three times the number shown in official records for the entire 700 days at Camp Douglas; August 1863 to August 1865. Since they were not reporting to Washington, the number is sick in the Barracks (Levy), a lack of reporting deaths would certainly follow. According to the History of Camp Douglas, close to 12,000 prisoners had suffered through the bitter winter of 1862, and 1863 when temperatures fell below zero. From 1,400 to 1,700 lay dead but only 615 could be counted in the desolate graves far from camp. Between 700 and 1000 had disappeared. On December 1, 1866, only 1,402 graves (of the earlier 2,968) could be identified. Very little care seems to have been taken in the interment ‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. on Page 10

Page 8 - May 03, 2012

Can You Sell? If so, let’s talk. The Paper has openings for selfstarters who know the newspaper business and want to grow with us. Our readers love us . . . our advertisers love us . . . and we, modestly, think we’re pretty doggone neat! We also pay great commissions! Shoot a resume’ our way via email:

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President Theodore Roosevelt 'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.


MEN WANTED FOR HAZARDOUS JOURNEY. LOW WAGES, BITTER COLD, LONG HOURS OF COMPLETE DARKNESS. SAFE RETURN DOUBTFUL. HONOUR AND RECOGNITION IN EVENT OF SUCCESS. Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic explorer (1874-1922) The advertisement above, placed in a London newspaper in 1912, inspired nearly 5,000 replies. Shouldn’t you be advertising in The Paper, your local, community paper? Subscribe to The Paper! It’s Easy Just call 760.747.7119

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Page 10 - May 03, 2012 ‘Camp Douglas’ Cont. from Page 7

of bodies. General A. Hoyt warned that close to 2000 bodies were now unaccounted for. Somehow Camp Douglas was exterminating the dead as well as the living. The Confederate Burial Mound Oak Woods Cemetery could have become the largest Confederate burial site outside of the South, but subsequent events made it impossible to learn the number buried there. The Oak Woods Cemetery simply buried whatever the O’Sullivans, (unqualified grave removers) brought in, and numbered the grave markers at Oak Woods according to City Cemetery records. These records cannot be verified because no Confederate burials were recorded with the City Clerk. Also the army failed to supervise, inspect or validate the removals. History had been blindfolded, and there is no way of knowing how many Confederates, or which ones, are at Oak Woods. On September 1, 1880, General Bingham reported, many of the graves are sunken and many of the corner stakes are missing. There is evidences that one of the sections has been used as a roadway. The ground around these lots has been raised and improved which gives them the sunken appearance. The mound area was later filled in to the level of the rest of the cemetery. Other than the modest obelisk on this mound, completed in 1893 by sympathizers from the South, from Chicago, and other parts of the North, there was nothing to distinguish this burial site. Thirty years later, bronze tablets were added with a partial list of the dead. About 100,000 sympathetic persons, including President Grover Cleveland, attended the dedication of the edifice on Memorial Day, 1895. Since that time, nothing has been done to memorialize these unfortunate Confederate prisoners of war, other than a small gathering of supporters each year on Memorial Day.

This gentle little girl is named Trixie. You will find her sitting in your arms or curled up next to you because those are her favorite spots. She is a very sweet, gentle, quiet, happy little girl at 3 year young. And that face will tell you she is a Brussels GriffonChihuahua blend. Like all our pups Trixie has been spayed and microchipped. Her microchip registration is included. Her vaccines and rabies certificate are all up to date. She comes with a full 4 piece safety equipment set, food for her transition and any favorite toys or bedding she may have found. For more information and pictures of Trixie or any of our available pups email, call 949-246-1280 or log on to for all the details.

Camp Douglas has to be the North’s best kept secret of the Civil War: their Andersonville - but a camp that must be identified with extreme cruelty and “convenient” record keeping of the dead. Sources: /BourbonStreet/2757/issues/ camp.htm. /Camp_Douglas_%28Chicag o%29

Jenga is Pet of the Week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas. She's a 3 year old, 48 pound, Australian Cattle Dog mix. Jenga is a spayed, female. Her fur coat is mostly white with a couple other colors to accent her pretty face. She knows, "Sit, Shake, and Down." This dog is ready for adventure with her new family. She's going to do better in a home with no cats. Jenga's adoption fee of $125 includes up to date vaccines, veterinary exam, spay, and microchip. Rancho Coastal Humane Society is at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas. Adoption hours: 11 to 5 Wednesday through Monday. For more information call 760-753-6413 or log on to ‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 4 have the largest financial war chest. Danon has been campaigning since 2009 and has drawn fire from his competitors as campaigning with taxpayer funds. Danon argues that he uses vacation time and regular time off, such as weekends, to campaign. Critics argue Danon, as Chief of Staff for Bilbray, is being paid by the taxpayers and he ought not to be campaigning while ‘on the job.’ Danon, to date, has, refused to release emails and text messages, and his official diary, to disprove those allegations. Records show Danon has raised more than $200,000 since 2009. Roberts shows a filing of $145,000 cash balance and $110,000 in debt; of that, $92,000 represents a loan Roberts made to himself. Hilliard and Danon are appealing directly to GOP voters while Roberts, a Democrat, is campaigning directly to Democrates and Decline to State (No Party).

Gizelle is a 5-year-old spayed female shepherd mix, ID 61795. Gizelle is a long-legged beauty who is currently residing in a private foster home. Her guardians report that Gizelle is a smart, wellbehaved dog with a calm and loving personality. Gizelle loves to play fetch and will retrieve the ball and drop it at your feet for endless playtime. She responds to any command spoken to her in a soft voice, enjoys her walks, is cratetrained and sleeps soundly throughout the night. Gizelle would be best as an only pet, as she craves as much attention as she can get. Gizelle is currently living in a private foster home and is available for adoption from the Escondido Humane Society, 3450 E. Valley Parkway. Her $85 adoption fee includes spay, microchip, up-todate vaccinations and vet exam. For more information, or to set up an appointment to meet Gizelle, call Adult Dog Foster Care Coordinator Julie Herman at (760) 594-7605 or log on to

All three seek to replace Supervisor Pam Slater-Price who steps down after almost 20 years in the chair. Escondido Police Interrogators Criticized Heavily During Hearing A retired Superior Court Judge, Laura Hammes, said after watching videotapes of the interrogation of Michael Crowe and his friends, that the experience made her “actually feeling sick.” Superior Court Judge Kenneth K. So is presiding at the hearing, called at the behest of attorneys for Michael Crowe, who seek to have a finding of factual innocence in the murder of his sister, Stephanie Crowe, in 1998. Last year, the Crowe family settled a federal civil rights case against Escondido for $7.25 million. Mayor Sam Schedules Town Hall Meeting Escondido Mayor Sam Abed will hold a town-hall meeting ‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 13

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community Sponsored by Arie de Jong, in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders. A Community Service of Arie de Jong

Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed Keep Escondido in Top Shape Improving the community’s appearance is a high priority of the City Council. You can help our efforts to maintain an attractive city by reporting graffiti vandalism, potholes, burned out street lights, abandoned shopping carts, and code violations such as illegal garage conversions and properties with tall weeds, etc. The sooner our dedicated staff members are notified about these issues, the sooner they can respond and we will all enjoy a cleaner, safer, more attractive city. Here are a variety of ways to report problems: Phone: • Pre-program you phone with the following numbers: o 760-839-4650 to report code violations

o 760-839-4349 to report potholes o 760-839-4633 to report graffiti • Or call 760-839-4668 and select from a menu of options to report the problem you see: o Graffiti o Potholes o Street light outages o Abandoned shopping carts o Dead animal removal o City Irrigation Leak o Overgrown Vegetation o Traffic Signal Malfunction • You can also use your smart phone to report graffiti and potholes by downloading the Escondido, Report It App. For more information visit E-Services: Visit to fill out an online form to report a variety of issues including, potholes, graffiti, and code enforcement violations.

Rancho Bernardo • Mayor Jerry Sanders Hospitality Plus! Last week I was excited to announce that San Diego’s hotel industry took us one step closer to expanding our Convention Center. Hoteliers voted in favor of creating an assessment district that will generate $35.7 million a year over 30 years, contributing the most funding for the proposed $520 million expansion. The City will also provide $3.5 million annually, and the Port District will provide $3 million annually toward the expansion. This vote was not only good news

for our hotel and visitor industries, its good news for our greater economy. This expansion will create 11,000 jobs, help us keep the conventions we have now - like Comic Con - from leaving for other cities with larger centers, and will help us attract the next, larger tier of conventions. San Diego also received some good news from Wall Street last week. Standard & Poor’s, which had once suspended our credit rating amid economic turbulence, upgraded our city’s credit ratings, including our main rating from A to AA-. The rating agency said this upgrade reflects improvements the city has made on its internal controls and processes, disclosure practices and financial systems over the previous few years.

San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond San Marcos Hires New City Manager The San Marcos City Council voted April 24 to hire Jack Griffin as its new city manager. Griffin will begin his duties on Monday, June 4, 2012. Griffin has built a solid foundation in municipal management over the past 26 years and would bring extensive experience to San Marcos in the areas of capital improvements, fiscal management and public services delivery. Griffin has been serving as the city manager of Sebastopol, California since February 2009. Sebastopol is located in Sonoma County’s wine country. Prior to assuming his role in Sebastopol, Griffin worked for the

City of Chula Vista as the director of public works and director of general services. He also served the Township of Moon, Pennsylvania as their assistant township manager and planning director. Griffin has held several other public positions during his tenure, including work in municipal transportation management, engineering and animal control. Griffin has overseen more than $250 million in municipal construction projects during his career including the renovation of Chula Vista’s civic center, police headquarters, three new fire stations, three new recreation centers and 12 new parks. Griffin has also undertaken several difficult budget adoptions as city manager during the recession, has extensive labor relations experience and strong organizational management skills.

Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood Oceanside Summer Camps Time to make plans for the kids once again with summer on its way – and the City of Oceanside’s Parks & Recreation Division is there to help provide some wonderful opportunities! Summer Camp season begins June 11 with programs running all summer long through the week of August 13 – and the City of Oceanside is committed to providing activities that are both affordable and fun for all youth. This summer, Oceanside City staff will be offering a variety of options for entertainment with Sports Camps,

Aquatics Classes, Surf Camps, Travel Skate Camp, Tot Day Camp, “SUNSational” Day Camp and a Junior Camp Counselor program. Be sure to make plans now as space in these programs goes fast – Registration begins on April 21! So make your decisions now by either logging onto our website at, by visiting any of our recreational facilities or coming into our Parks & Recreation Administration Office that’s located at 300 North Coast Highway (760-435-5041). Remember, summer camps enrich the lives of children through social interaction, structured activities and open play – so give the gift that will make a difference in a life!

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter A valuable service we offer to our senior community is the Gloria E. McClellan Senior Center, located in Brengle Terrace Park. The Senior Center offers a wealth of activities, classes, resources, programs, and services for independent living, health, fitness, and social connections. The Senior Center also provides programs to meet older adults with these specific needs. Since 1974, the senior nutrition program has served thousands of community residents with healthy meals, companionship, socialization, and entertainment. Hot lunches are served during the week in the

Senior Center cafeteria. For those lacking transportation, a shuttle transports Vista residents to and from the Senior Center. A home meal delivery program for homebound and/or disabled adults over 60 is also available. This program provides warm, nourishing meals, and in some cases, provides much needed human contact. Many home meal recipients live alone and would have little, if no human contact, without the daily visits from the Senior Center driver. Are you or someone you know in need of transportation, a healthy, delicious meal, or just want to participate in an exercise class or take a day trip? Contact the Senior Center at 760.639.6160 for more information.

Cinco de Mayo Celebration at Melrose Ranch The Escondido History Center invites your family to a fundraiser at the:

Melrose Ranch 16757 Old Guejito Grade Road Satuday May, 5, 2012 11am-3pm Explore the 115 acre working ranch, its gardens, vineyards, long horn cattle, goats, all kinds of wondrous things to see and do!

Mexican Fiesta Lunch - Wagon Rides - Pinatas - Games Demonstrations by:

Californios • Dragoons Cowboy Action Shooter • Blacksmiths RSVP by May 1st - 760.743.8207 or

Page 12 - May 03, 2012 incentives, high turnover and lack of training.

Nome and Paul Van Middlesworth The Computer Factory Customer Support: Part One of Two “Customer support is a range of customer services to assist customers in making cost effective and correct use of a product. It includes assistance in planning, installation, training, trouble shooting, maintenance, upgrading, and disposal of a product. Regarding technology products such as computers and software products, it is often termed technical support.” –Wikepedia Last week we bashed the “Big Box” electronics chain stores for their inability to provide meaningful technical assistance to computer shoppers. To a large extent the apparent incompetence of the retail sales personnel working the electronics aisles can be attributed to corporate marketing strategies, misdirected pay

Oral Histories in School Curriculum

This week we discuss another aspect of customer service, customer support. Customer support refers to the range of postpurchase services provided by computer product manufacturers and/or retailers. To trace the evolution of computer customer support we need to step back in time twenty five years. In 1987 I became the VP of Operations for a new PC manufacturing start-up in Woodland Hills, Ca. The company’s driving force was it’s President, Beny Alagem. The PC industry was only five years old as marked from IBMs introduction of the PC in 1982. By 1987 PC makers like NEC, AST, Kaypro, Gateway, Dell and Compaq were pushing IBM to the sidelines. In those days PCs were sold in small specialty Computer Stores. PCs were new, very expensive, and buyers needed a lot of technical assistance. The specialty stores provided hands on training and assistance while the manufacturers provided extensive telephone and even on-site tech services.

merchandisers like Sears and Price Club and major catalogue retailers like Service Merchandise and Heartland. In order to inspire consumer confidence Beny needed a trusted, iconic American name for his company. He learned that Teledyne had purchased the assetts of a now defunct but once highly respected major appliance manufacturer. Beny was able to buy that name “Packard Bell” for only $90,000. It was magic. Both the Packard name (Hewlett Packard and the Packard automobile) and Bell (Bell and Howell, Ma Bell) were recognizable names that created positive images. Beny’s Packard Bell PCs were manufactured just like the competition. In a single facility set up for manufacturing and distribution, PCs were assembled using readily available industry standard components. The only way to tell one brand of PC from another was the logo and the individual styling on the outside.

As it is today, PCs were essentially identical on the inside. To get mass merchandisers to carry Packard Bell PCs, Beny needed to promise tempting retail profits. In order to discourage competition and ensure sales volume, Beny’s PCs also needed to maintain retail price leadership. This strategy worked, kinda. It did drive Packard Bell PC sales to number one for a brief period in the early 90s. Unfortunately Packard Bell never really made any money. With parts, labor and distribution costs essentially the same as his major competitors, Dell, Compaq and Gateway, and the twin burdens of providing price leadership and attractive retailer profits, Beny’s margins were always razor thin. This fact led Packard Bell to another pioneering industry milestone. The beginning of the end of customer support in the personal computer industry. To be continued.

Beny Alegem had the forsight to understand that PCs were on the verge of becoming “commodity products” and would soon be sold everywhere. He planned to be the first to take PC sales out of the specialty stores and into mass

events. With intimate knowl- Ignoring Pension Reform edge of the horrors of such Won’t Solve the Problem violence, oral histories can The Armenian Genocide rep- enlighten audiences to man’s It’s been said that procrastinaresents a tragic period in capacity for evil and man’s tion doesn’t make problems go human history. Last week, in capacity for survival. away, yet last week, the honor of the 97th anniversary Assembly Committee on of this little known event, my This year, I will introduce a Public Employees, Retirement Senate colleagues and I sup- Resolution to encourage and Social Security announced ported a Resolution which schools and history teachers plans to shelve several pension urged our state to commemo- to include oral histories in cur- reform measures that my rate the Armenian Genocide. riculum. Through education Republican colleagues and I Increased awareness, recogni- and the use of oral histories tion, and education of atroci- students may better under- introduced earlier this year. ties in human history are nec- stand humanity’s failings and Committee members claimed essary to prevent repetition. may gain inspiration from the that the measures were “premature.” I could not disagree Genocides like the Jewish words of survivors. more with their reasoning. Holocaust, and those in Armenia, the Congo, and the Senator Mark Wyland repreSudan, must be taught to stu- sents the people of the 38th Several non-partisan groups dents. Senate District, which includes have issued reports outlining San Diego (Rancho Bernardo, the scope of our unfunded penI believe a key element to 4S Ranch, Rancho Penasquitos, sion liabilities. In fact, the Institute for teaching history is using oral Carmel Valley) and Solana Stanford Economic Policy research histories. American students Beach, Encinitas, Carlsbad, can learn the impact genocides Rancho Santa Fe, San Marcos, found that our unfunded penhave through the collection Escondido, Vista the south sion obligations for state and and preservation of actual Orange County cities of San local government employees is experiences told by people Clemente and San Juan nearly $500 billion. To put that in perspective, that is who survived these significant Capistrano.

nearly five times the amount of our state’s entire general fund budget! Assembly Bill 2224 and Assembly Constitutional Amendment 22 would have enacted the 12-point pension reform plan outlined by Governor Brown last fall. The language in the bill is the identical legislative language as the Brown crafted by Administration. Senate Republicans have introduced mirror legislation (SCA 18 and SB 1176) in the Senate, which also has not yet been taken up for a vote. Sadly, it appears that the ruling Democrat majority party is choosing to focus its efforts solely on raising taxes instead of solving the issues that continue to plague our state budget.

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May 03, 2012 - Page 13

‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 10 this week, the third such forum since he was sworn in as mayor in December 2010. The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Council Chambers, 201 N. Broadway. The event is free, and reservations are not required. Residents are invited to ask questions or raise concerns about any topic relating to local government. While the two earlier Town Hall meetings drew 100 person each, it’s anticipated that this meeting will have many more attendees, given recent controversial events in Escondido, revolving around the City Manager allocating $200,000 to department managers and by-passing the rank and file employees. Recently, a small activist group held a protest rally at City Hall seeking the firing of Escondido Chief of Police, Jim Maher. That rally backfired, however, in that it was largely populated by residents who supported Chief Maher and wanted to see him retained. In fact, a number of protest signs did not call for the removal of Chief Maher, but City Manager Clay Phillips. Abed pledged to hold the meetings during his campaign to give residents an opportunity to address issues in a question-and-answer format that is less formal than City Council meetings. Abed also said that city staffers would be on hand to follow up with answers to questions that arise during the Town Hall Meeting for which instant answers are not available. Registered Sex Offender Sentenced to 24 Years+ Michael Royce Galyen, 51, fled California in March 2010 shortly after a search warrant was served at his apartment on Sportfisher Drive in Oceanside. Galyen was arrested at his parents home in Kentucky and returned to San Diego and pleaded guilty in April 2011 to producing child pornography.

‘Commentary’ Cont. from Page 5 Flying Fortress for the B17, most of the public would think more of the B24. Here are some facts from the Boeing B17 Website. It shows clearly what the plane could carry. So let's see what is printed in your paper. It says the B17 made 18 flights to Berlin dropped 562,000 lbs. of bombs. Where did that figure come from? That means each time they flew it carried 31,222 lbs of bombs. The B17 only weighed around 65,000 lbs. so half was in bombs? That's never true of any plane. So what are the real world facts? Boeing lists the B17 as carrying ... get this: 4,000 lbs of bombs. So going to Berlin 18 times means they could carry only 72,000 lbs and since the B17 has only one bomb bay. They are restricted to the 1,000 lb. bomb, which means only four 1,000 lb. bombs could fit in one bomb bay. This isn't the end of the story. The article says it used Tokyo Tanks. Now where do you think these were installed? The correct name for extra tanks in the bombers was "Bomb Bay Tanks." So where did they put them? In the Bomb Bay and what did this mean? That the bomb load was cut in half. Down at the Consolidated Aircraf Factory in San Diego they built what was called the B-24. It was selected by the Army Air Corps, later called The Air Force, to be mass produced. Yes, the B-24. Why? First, it could carry 8,000 lbs., twice that of the B17. It was close to 20 miles per hour faster than the B17. It would fly as high as a B17, use the same number of crewmembers and fuel.

We had one section of a bomb bay with a "bomb bay tank" but still had bombs in the other three sections of the bomb bays. B24s have two bomb bays, B17s have only one. The B24 was the right selection for this almost 15 hour mission. (Mr. Sternfels flew the bombing missions on the Ploesti Oil Fields). I heard all numbers for what the bombers could carry and the above numbers are correct. I enjoyed flying both planes. I liked both planes but have always said, “if you can fly a Piper Cub you can fly a B17. The B24 was a little more demanding and made pilots work to keep it straight and level.” Now you know! /s/Bob Sternfels Orange County, CA. PH 949 497 3534. Editor’s Note: First, thank you for your service. Secondly, Mr. Sternfels math is correct. It would NOT have been possible to deliver 562,000 lbs. of bombs via 18 trips to Berlin. We relied upon press releases and the website for the Wings of Freedom Foundation. We contacted Hunter Cheney, their Marketing Director, and he, too, was pleased to hear from you and will research further and correct the record. Mr. Sternfels was the pilot of a B-24 named the Sandman. His plane is in a picture flying over Ploesti through black smoke from bombing the oil refineries. He was awarded The Silver Star. He wrote a book about the mission called Burning Hitler's Black Gold.

GOB = Good Old Boy Network? Good work Lyle Attacking the GOB insider networks in government bureaucracy is like trying to nail jello to a wall. Your persistance is greatly appreciated even by we who don't live in Escondido but look to your battle for the promise of what can be done on behalf of the people by an enlightened and persistent press. Thanks Paul Van Middlesworth San Marcos, CA. Frae’ Bonnie Scotland Lyle: I have little regard for the Escondido officials. I wrote a very nice comment message to them via their Web portal expressing my concern that they were controlling spectators clapping during and after discussions. I received no acknowledgement at the time of writing or any subsequent time since. Willie Stewart Prestwick, Ayshire Scotland ••••• It sounds like Mr. Phillips belongs in Chicago (with the dirty politicians), certainly not Escondido.

It carried more bombs to enemy territory than all other bombers in WWII, including the B17 . . . yet most of the public still believes the war was won by the B17! Of course, clarification of misprinting of facts which were supplied to you never follows (it does this time - editor) so it remains for knowledgeable people who know the history

Letters to the Editor

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What a shame they can’t rid themselves of him. Thank God I live in San Marcos. We don’t have those problems here. Do not use my name as they may come after me! /s/ Name verified by The Paper but withheld by request.


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JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 738.7493

HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electircal, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239 THORIZED PERSONNEL. On a display of “I love you only” valentine cards: NOW MULTIIN AVAILABLE PACKS. In the window of a Kentucky appliance store: DON’T KILL LET OUR YOUR WIFE. WASHING MACHINE DO THE DIRTY WORK. In a funeral parlor: ASK ABOUT OUR LAYAWAY PLAN. In a clothing store: WONDERFUL BARGAINS FOR MEN WITH 16 AND 17 NECKS. In a Tacoma, Washington men’s clothing store: 15 MEN’S THEY WOOL SUITS, $10. WON’T LAST AN HOUR! On a shopping mall marquee: ARCHERY TOURNAMENT EARS PIERCED Outside a country shop: WE BUY JUNK AND SELL ANTIQUES. In the window of an Oregon store: WHY GO ELSEWHERE AND BE CHEATED WHEN YOU CAN COME HERE? In a Maine restaurant: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK AND WEEKENDS. In a New Jersey restaurant: OPEN 11 AM TO 11 PM MIDNIGHT. In front of a New Hampshire restaurant: NOW SERVING LIVE LOBSTERS. On a radiator repair garage: BEST PLACE TO TAKE A LEAK. In the vestry of a New England church: WILL THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE PLEASE SEE THAT THE PERPETUAL LIGHT IS EXTINGUISHED. In a Pennsylvania cemetery: PERSONS ARE PROHIBITED FROM PICKING FLOWERS FROM ANY BUT THEIR OWN GRAVES.

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The Paper ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2012-00052625-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioners Brandon Barrett and Mandy Frakes for minor, Sebastian William Barrett, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Sebastian William Barrett, to Proposed name Sebastian William Frakes THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: May 22, 2012, 8:30a.m., Department N-3. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 4/06/2012. /s/Aaron H. Katz, Judge of the Superior Court 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 and 5/03/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-009594 The name of the business: Precision Shredding, Inc., located at 215 S. Pacific St., #108, San Marcos, CA. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Precision Shredding, Inc. 215 S. Pacifid St., #108 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 1/18/2012. /s/Cecilia Jimenez, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/06/2012. 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 & 5/03/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-009176 The name of the business: “157”, located at 1362 Calle Colnett, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: George G. Lackerdas 1362 Calle Colnett San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/George G. Lackerdas This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/03/2012. 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 & 5/03/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010004 The name of the business: Hart and Huntington, located at 1835 Aston Ave., Carlsbad, CA. 92008, is hereby registered by the following: HH Distribution, LLC 1835 Aston Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 04/03/2012. /s/Edward Upshaw This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/10/2012. 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 & 5/03/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-009657 The name of the business: Rams Trading Inc., dba Easy Auto Repair & Transmission, located at 557 S. Escondido Blvd, Ste B, Escondido, CA. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Rams Trading Inc. 174 W. Lincoln Ave, #212 Anaheim, Ca. 92805 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 04/06/2012. /s/Fardin Rameshjan, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/06/2012. 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 & 5/03/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-009668 The name of the business: So Cal Appliance Repair, 1st Response Appliance Repair, First Response Appliance Repair, located at 655 Rowley Way, Ramona, Ca. 92065, is hereby registered by the following: Bradley W. Jeusen 655 Rowley Way Ramona, Ca. 92065 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 10/07/09. /s/Bradley W. Jeusen, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/06/2012. 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 & 5/03/2012


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010013 The name of the business: Straight Street, located at 955 Park Center Dr., Vista, Ca. 92081, is hereby registered by the following: Rayzist Photomask, Inc. 955 Park Center Dr. Vista, CA. 92081 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 8/14/1994. /s/James R. Kemp, Controller This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/10/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010321 The name of the business: TACMAT Outfitters, located at 310 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd., Suite 107347, San Marcos, CA. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Stanley R. Farwell II 637 Shenandoah Ave. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Stanley R. Farwell II This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/12/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010303 The name of the business: Spinal Care Center, San Diego County Spinal Decompression Center, located at 700 Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite 4, Encinitas, Ca. 92024, is hereby registered by the following: Richard J. Horne 3001 Via da Caballo Encinitas, Ca. 92024 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Richard J. Horne This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/12/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010333 The name of the business: Coastal Precision Contracting, located at 370 Chinquapin Ave #2, Carlsbad, CA. 92008, is hereby registered by the following: Adam Burgess 370 Chinquapin Ave #2 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Adam Burgess This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/13/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010320 The name of the business: Ammar Equipment, located at 3460 Marrow Rd. #103.370, Oceanside, CA. 92056, is hereby registered by the following: Stanley R. Farwell II 637 Shenandoah Ave. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Stanley R. Farwell II This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/12/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-008598 The name of the business: 3Rise, located at 1683 Neptune Ave., Encinitas, CA. 92024, is hereby registered by the following: Cindy Villalpando 4187 Lonnie St. Oceanside, Ca. 92056 Michael Apodaca 1683 Neptune Ave. Encintas Ca. 92024 This business is conducted by A General Partnership. First day of business was July 31, 2003. /s/Cindy Villalpando This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 3/27/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF JACQUELINE CREW Case No. 37-201100150656-PR-PW-NC To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of JACQUELINE CREW Petition for Probate has been filed by Braeden Blunt in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. MELROSE DR., VISTA, CA. 92083, NORTH COUNTY BRANCH. The Petition for Probate requests that Braeden Blunt be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 5/11/2012 Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept: 23 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the Petitioner: John Smylie 3643 Grand Avenue San Marcos, Ca. 92078 (760) 727.4248 4/19, 4/26, & 5/03/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-009921 The name of the business: John Nguyen Photography, located at 7512 Circulo Sequoia, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009, is hereby registered by the following: John H. Nguyen 7512 Circulo Sequoia Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 04/01/12. /s/John H. Nguyen This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/10/2012. 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 & 5/03/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-011122 The name of the business: Shellyshack, located at 250 Neil Terrace, Vista, Ca. 92084, is hereby registered by the following: Michelle Bennett 250 Neil Terrace Vista, Ca. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 04/01/2012. /s/Michelle Bennett This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/20/2012. 4/26, 5/03, 5/10 and 5/17/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010241 The name of the business: Bridgeholt, located at 1177 Santa Luisa Drive, Solana Beach, CA. 92075, is hereby registered by the following: Lars Bergholdt 1177 Santa Luisa Drive Solana Beach, CA. 92075 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Lars Bergholdt This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/12/2012. 4/19, 4/26, 5/03 and 5/10/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-011084 The name of the business: Geek Concepts, LLC, located at 5417 Old Ranch Road, Oceanside, CA. 92057, is hereby registered by the following: Geek Concepts, LLC. 5417 Old Ranch Rd. Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Debra Francois, Managing Member This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/19/2012. 5/03, 5/10, 5/17 and 5/24/2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010816 The name of the business: In Biz Latino, North County Latino Chamber of Commerce, 611 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd., #29, San Marcos, CA. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: In Biz Latino, Inc. 611 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd, #29 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 01/02/2012. /s/Beatriz Alexander, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/18/2012. 4/26, 5/03, 5/10 and 5/17/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-011117 The name of the business: Foss Aquatic Enterprises III, located at 1026 McMahr Road, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Cameron Foss 1026 McMahr Road San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 04/20/2012. /s/Cameron Foss This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/20/2012. 4/26, 5/03, 5/10 and 5/17/2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-010761 The name of the business: KT Real Deal Cleaning, located at 865 Vale View Dr., Vista, Ca. 92081, is hereby registered by the following: Mayra Aguilar 865 Vale View Dr. Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 04/18/2012. /s/Mayra Aguilar This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/18/2012. 4/26, 5/03, 5/10 and 5/17/2012

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2012-011748 The name of the business: Healing Connection, located at 542 A Hidden Ridge Ct., Encinitas, CA. 92024, is hereby registered by the following: Gerald P. Bedard 542 A Hidden Ridge Court Encinitas, CA. 92024 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Gerald P. Bedard This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/26/2012. 5/03, 5/10, 5/17 and 5/24/2012

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2012-00051659-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner No Name Hermosillo, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: No Name Hermosillo, to Proposed name Alvino Bernadino Hermosillo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: June 12th, 2012, 8:30a.m., Department N3. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 4/26/2012. /s/Aaron H. Katz, Judge of the Superior Court 5/03, 5/10, 5/17 & 5/24/2012

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Date of Filing Application: January 24, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: The Name of the Applicant is: MICHAEL LEE The applicant listed above is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 344 S TWIN OAKS VALLEY RD ST 147 SAN MARCOS, CAL. 92078 Type of license applied for: 47-On Sale, General Eating Place 4/19, 4/26 and 5/03/2012

May 3, 2012

Baha’i A Way of Life

Baha’is have been described as a kind, gentle people. Would you like to know more? Call anyone listed here from your city/neighborhood. Baha’is Believe: • all humanity was created by one God and is part of one human race • the purpose of life is to know and worship God, to acquire virtues, to promote the oneness of humankind and to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization • work performed in the spirit of service is a form of worship • the soul, created at the moment of conception, is destined by God to reach the afterlife, where it will continue to progress until it attains the presence of God. Be a guest of Bahai’s! Learn more about what we believe. Visit one of our meetings. Call a Baha’i in your city for more information!

Rancho Bernardo Chris or Azar Weixelman 1.858.759.8075 Escondido Russ Norman 1.760.745.0086 San Marcos Randall or Cheryl Kizer 1. 760.738.7078 or 1.760.432.9941 Vista Judy Maddox 1.760.598.7240 Celia Taghdiri 1.760.727.6264 Oceanside Dick or Patty Yant 1.619.985.9977 or 1.760.433.4447

Page 16 - May 03, 2012


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