Issue 3

Page 1

Dedicated to Arboriculture


January 2006

JO-BEAU Narrow Access

Carlton fit Dura Disk as standard

Narrow Access Woodchippers

Topping Why does this still happen?

Tree Climbing A novice view

Review Risk Hazard Assessment Program Part 2 of our overview of

The ‘Mighty Mog’

For further details call

0 870 240 8903 or visit Professional Narrow Access Woodchippers

Subscription special offers inside

page 7

Total Arb January 2006 photograph supplied by Andrew Cowan

Contents 2006 looks set to be an interesting year. Of course we have developments in mind for the magazine and for the website these will be featured as they happen. But straightaway we will be posting web only articles. These will not just be written by Total Arb staff they will come from across the industry and beyond. Whilst generally the theme will be centred on tree care, it will encompass all aspects of the business - from vehicles and equipment, through taxation and business management to climbing techniques, knots and disease identification. Keep checking the to see what’s new.

Is it supposed to look like this?


Is My Tree Safe?


Decay Fungus


Renovation of Old Orchards


The Axe Man DVD Review


Since the launch of the magazine we’ve been asking you what you wanted to see featured. One of many requests that we’ve had is to recommend the best association to join. It is’nt really down to a magazine to say which organisations or associations are the best to join. The reasons that they acquire members will be many and varied. However, we do propose to ask all of the associations, on your behalf, a couple of very simple questions. Why should an arborist join your organisation? What are the ongoing advantages of membership? I suspect that the list of reasons will be long, but, as a number of those who have contacted me have pointed out, there is a feeling that too many organisations blow hard but do not achieve much. That’s another thing - what do members and prospective members actually want from the associations? They need to be told, because if they’re not told then they will never know! They’re happy to take your money but what will you get for it? I think we should find out! There should be some interesting answers. We’ll also be looking at arborist’s forums. There are several on the web and some are more popular than others - but why? If you have one that you regularly post to or visit let us know. The address for correspondence is:

Managing Editor and Advertising Ann Wright Telephone 01379 608528 email: Editor Steve Reynolds Telephone 01255 431166 email: Total Arb Magazine is published by Total Arb Limited, Coppice House, Teddesley, Penkridge, Staffs. ST19 5RP.

Total Arb January 2006

Powered by Unimogs


What Kind of World?


Westonbirt Arboretum chooses new Vermeer


The Sun Never sets on Orange Plant


Anyone can climb trees – can’t they?


Wheels within wheels


“Life Within and Beneath The Tree”




Engine Room


Morss Code


Arb Jobs


Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, neither Total Arb nor its authors can accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. The views expressed in Total Arb magazine are not necessarily those of Total Arb Ltd. There is no unauthorized reproduction, in any media whatsoever, in whole or in part, permitted without the written consent of Total Arb Ltd. If you feel that your copyright has been infringed in any way you should contact the editor. We undertake to remove from our publication or website any images or written media that have inadvertently infringed copyright or to give appropriate credit[s] where applicable. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs are welcomed, but no responsibility can be accepted for them, howsoever delivered. Total Arb magazine is independent of all political parties, private interest groups and government. It has no affiliation to commercial interests other than its own and represents no organizations or associations. Our policy is to provide news and information to our readers in a balanced manner. If you find any error of fact in our pages you should contact the editor by telephone, letter or e-mail. We undertake to correct errors promptly and to issue apologies, where deemed appropriate.


Is it supposed to look like this? The accompanying picture shows an oak tree, topped and left as a visible manifestation of the art of tree surgery! Did the landowner request that the tree be left in this condition? Possibly they had asked for the tree to be pruned and got it topped instead, the chances are that the job was done on the cheap and that the customer wouldn’t know the difference anyway. In any event, the arborists concerned should have known better. ‘Is this how an Oak should look?’

Professionally, businesses that perform topping should no longer exist, so it begs the question as to whether or not this work was carried out by a ‘professional’ firm. Anyone performing individual tree care services should be aware that this is neither a visually pleasing or particularly appropriate way to prune a tree. Tree topping is one of the most damaging tree pruning practices that exist. The negative effects of topping have been publicised for more than 25 years, but still the practise goes on. Topping is often done in order to effect a reduction in the size of a tree landowners may feel is too tall and may become hazardous. However, topping is not a viable method of height reduction, it will not produce any worthwhile reduction to any hazards even if they exist. Topping can make trees more hazardous, or even create hazardous trees where previously they were quite safe. The practise of topping usually removes between 50 and 100per cent of the leaf surface of the tree. Leaves manufacture food, and a significant reduction of leaf cover 2

can cause tree starvation. It is also likely to trigger the trees survival mechanism. When a large percentage of branches are removed, trees activate dormant buds that force rapid growth of multiple shoots below each cut, (if they have enough stored energy). If a tree does not have stored energy to do this, it can be seriously weakened and possibly die. Stressed trees are also vulnerable to insect and disease attacks. Large wounds created by topping leave trees susceptible to attack. These large wounds are left as stubs and are not made at the proper locations, just beyond the branch collar at the branches point of attachment. Trees cannot close this type of wound and wood tissue will begin to decay. When leaves are removed by topping there is nothing to block the heat and light from the summer sun. The result is often burning of the plant tissues beneath the bark. This damage leads to cankers, bark splitting, and the death of some branches. The multiple shoots that are

created when a tree is topped are weak. Unlike normal branches that develop with a strong attachment, these many shoots are only attached to the outermost layers of the parent branch. These new shoots also grow up to 20 feet in a year, dependant on species. This weak attachment and rapid growth make them prone to break in windy and icy conditions. One of the driving reasons behind the continuation of topping is the belief that it is a ‘cheap fix’. However, topping can prove to be expensive in the long run. The cost does not just end with the money paid to the unprofessional arborist, but if the trees do survive, they will require continual re-pruning in future years. Storm damage may have to be cleared up and due to the weak nature of the re-growth; damage may be caused to surrounding property if it breaks off. If the worst happens and the trees die, they will need to be removed. The hidden cost is a reduction of property values. Healthy well-maintained trees could add 10 to 20 percent to the value of a property. Likewise, topping all Total Arb January 2006

Is it supposed to look like this?

the trees on a property can reduce the value by the same amount. Property owners, and I mean from individuals to the largest of landlords, need to be made more aware of this, particularly the negative impact that poor tree care can have on their investment. In many ways it compares to shoddy building work or poor maintenance.

spread. Providing clearance for power lines is an example and there are recommended techniques for doing this. Unfortunately, utility pruning is often done poorly and in this instance the arborist should not always be blamed. The competitive nature of the utility business means that best price cannot always mean best practise. If a branch must be shortened, it should be cut back to a lateral at least one third the diameter of the limb being removed and having no greater than a 30 degree angle from the limb being removed. This method will preserve the trees natural form. This often still leaves large wounds that may not be able to close. Sometimes the best solution is to remove a tree that is too large and replace it with one more appropriate for the site. I would suggest that this would have been the most appropriate course of action in the photographed example.

There are some times when a tree must be reduced in height or

Pruning large trees is dangerous work. More work is needed to

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Total Arb January 2006

demonstrate to the public that they should hire a professional to do work that requires working above ground and/or using power equipment. A knowledgeable, experience arborist can determine the type of pruning needed to maintain the health, appearance, and safety of trees. Arboriculture is simply not promoted as being a skilled occupation. Whilst training will address this issue to a small degree, a much greater impact can be achieved by publicising both good and bad tree work. Total Arb would like to create an archive of pictures of poor work together with explanation of why the work that has been undertaken is inappropriate. This would be published in the public access area of the website and can be referred to by writers in articles across the press, as well as being promoted as a resource in its own right. Allowing potential customers to see what they could be getting for their money is going to make a few stop and reconsider!


STANTON HOPE 11 Seax Court, Southfields, Laindon, Basildon, Essex SS15 6LY


)D[ 7HO 3

Is My Tree Safe? Alister Rankine

Alister Rankine, Principal Consultant, Hillside Trees based in Somerset looks at The Tree Care Company’s ‘Risk Hazard Assessment Program’ As arboriculturalists and trees surgeons we have all been asked the eternal question ‘Is my tree safe?’ by anxious tree owners. In an increasingly litigious society that fuels a culture of blame. Owners of trees and those responsible for the management and maintenance of trees are increasingly seeking ways in which tree safety can be quantified. A failsafe system addressing this question has yet to be put at our disposal. However, Michael Brightman, Principal of The Tree Care Company, Cambridgeshire based Arboricultural Contractors and Consultants, has developed the ‘Risk Hazard Assessment Program’ that is certainly heading in the right direction. As Michael points out in his introduction to the program, ‘The safe existence of any tree is finite and at all times an individual tree will display characteristics reflecting the key elements of heath and stability. There are relatively few problems that are able to escape detection when modern investigative techniques are utilised as part of a thorough investigation. He goes on to say, however, that, ‘As an industry there is something we can do – give the owner an objective assessment of the 4

individual points able to be judged. Information alone will not provide a verdict as it is usually the combination of a number of factors that puts the tree into a hazardous condition.’ The Risk Hazard Assessment Program sets out to achieve that objective assessment, and provides up to 16 individual assessment ‘fields’ (A-P) to be considered for individual trees. Each field is given a rating which helps to inform the final ‘Hazard Rating’ for each individual tree inspected. The Hazard Rating has 7 bands – A (lowest) to G (highest). The assessment fields include Age & Maturity works / damage ● Health – leaf size & colour ● Health – Crown density ● Health – Shoot growth ● Perspective for location ●

● Past

Of particular interest is the assessment of so-called ‘Specific Quantified Items’ (SQI’s). These are linked to items such as ●

the condition of the tree and the potential for failure

the location of the tree (private / public)

These are used to calculate low, medium or high Public Liability exposure and the potential value of claims if the tree were to fail and cause damage. The program is able not only to record and assimilate the hazard rating of individual trees, but also has the capacity to record management prescriptions and recommendations for inspection intervals.

The program enables the user to construct a database of tree stock that can be employed to facilitate a regular inspection and management programme. So, who would benefit from using the ‘Risk Hazard assessment Program’? The answer is anyone who has responsibility for the maintenance and management of trees stocks from Local Authority Tree Officers to Highways Authorities; Estate Managers to Tree Surgeons. There are a number of similar programs available on the market. From the short demonstration that I was given by Michael Brightman I can say that I found the Risk Hazard Assessment Program user friendly. It can be easily operated on a hand held ‘Electronic Tablet’ in the field and quickly transferred to a PC.

As with most ‘tools of the trade’ the best way to find out more is to try it for yourself. If you would like a demonstration then Michael Brightman has interactive demonstration CD’s of the program available free to readers of Total Arb magazine.

If you would like a copy or would like to discuss this program in more depth, simply contact Michael on 01234 376250 or E-mail

Total Arb January 2006

Independent dealers for used Quality Unimogs & MB-Tracs

Park Training Services Ltd Unimog Driver Training The Practical and Safe use of the UNIMOG (models U1000 to U2150L)

As a result of customer feedback we have introduced a 2 day course designed for the operation of this versatile vehicle in today’s Arboricultural industry. The course includes safe operation,understanding and use including the operation of Unimogs in conjunction with chipper/Muller Mitteltal trailer combinations (including PUWER regulations and guidelines).

Made in Germany for the Unimog

To accommodate this course we have developed a purpose built training site where personnel learn all aspects of general/daily inspection, identification of service items and components through to practical driving instruction on our on site all-terrain course. All training staff are Lantra registered and have had many years experience operating and maintaining Unimogs in a diverse range of applications. An assessment of skills will conclude the course. This is a LANTRA accredited course.

Course fee £495 .00 + VAT (Group rates available on request) includes refreshments

Other courses offered The 1300L Course Designed for world travel enthusiasts who seek a sound knowledge of their vehicle. Includes extreme off road driving,and in depth “in the field” repairs. Winching and self recovery

With 48,000 trailers sold since 1950, Müller-Mitteltal is well known throughout Europe.

Extreme off-road driving and the safe use of winches. Designed for the off road user of Unimogs where advanced off road driving skills are required.

PARK Agri is sole UK importer and dealer for this proven product. ● 3-way tipping ● 60mph road speed ● ABS ● Tandem axle ● Removable high sides to hold chips ● Low slung drawbar option for chipper mounting

For booking and information please contact Ian Phillips

01245 476994 Fax 01245 476507

• email

Decay Fungi By By Mark Mark Kneller Kneller

Total Arb will be building a web archive of photographs of the different types of fungi that adversely, and beneficially influence tree health in the UK. Photographic contributions of fungal specimens and the effect that they have on trees would most welcome. Please send examples, stating when and where the photograph was taken, to

This is a very brief description of decay fungi found in the UK I have started using information like this, when training for tree climbing and aerial rescue, to help candidates understand the dangers that some decay fungi pose when carrying out their pre-climbing inspection.

Giant Polypore Meripilus Giganteus This fungi is found mainly at the base of Beech trees but occasionally on other broadleaved trees. This is a white rot decay fungi that attacks the root system. The effect


is the destruction of cellulose and the degradation of pectin which makes the wood susceptible to splitting, giving a higher likelihood of windthrow.The deeper root system that mechanically supports the tree may be seriously decayed but the upper roots can still be in a sound condition.The upper roots will supply the tree with enough nutrients to give the appearance that tree is reasonably healthy, sometimes it may show evidence of die back in the crown. With regards to dismantling a tree showing fungal attack from Meripilus Giganteus, great care should be taken. The main reason being that it is not possible to

ascertain the stability of the tree. If one was to dismantle it using a rope and harness and the balance of the tree was upset, it could result in the tree tipping over with obvious consequences. This type of fungal infection should recorded on site specific risk assessment, and the use of a MEWP should be considered advisable, if practicable.

Mark Kneller can be contacted on: 01634 244958 or Email:

Total Arb January 2006

Total Arb January 2006


Renovation of Old Orchards The British top fruit growing industry has been taking a battering from all quarters over the last ten years and more. Imports proliferate, and, like tacky tabloids, they are cheap and tasteless pap. One of the side effects is that traditional orchards have given way to new tree varieties that are grown for easy management and heavy cropping. That’s business! But the old skills are being lost. It may well be down to arborists to save the older varieties from oblivion. Never the most common of requests maybe, but being asked to quote for the restorative pruning of a small orchard is not unknown. The increasing fashion for the separate sale of farmland and the farmhouse and adjoining gardens has meant that an increasing number of small orchards are acquired almost by accident along 8

with a property purchase. Often these orchards will have been neglected for some considerable time. Many, unfortunately, are cut down without a second thought, but a burgeoning interest in old apple varieties is giving some trees a new lease of life. It goes without saying that these orchards are ever diminishing repositories of our traditional apples, pears, plums and cherry varieties, to say nothing of more unusual fruits such as medlars. If it is possible, identify the variety of tree as this points to the particulars of pruning. If assuming the orchard or tree has been neglected and unpruned for some time, the variety is irrelevant, as the pruning needs to quite harsh and a more considered approach is more feasible in the subsequent two or three years. The effects of this type of harsh pruning are quite remarkable! This short guide was written around 1900. Obviously written in a time when hand tools were the norm, with very little adjustment it can be used as a guide today. Many will certainly still use handsaws to carry out this type of work, but a mechanised pole saw will save a lot of time and effort. Many old apple orchards have declined in bearing because they have not been properly managed. Usually such trees are full of dead wood, water sprouts and interfering limbs which later bear fruit in small amount and of poor quality. Too often such trees are cut down as unprofitable without first giving them an opportunity to redeem them-selves. It is impossible to say how each tree should be handled to bring it into profitable bearing

again, but whatever is done should not be done suddenly. It should be taken by degrees. First, in the renovation of the old orchard, the dead wood should be cut out. If large limbs must be removed, they should be taken out part at a time; that is, the limb should be sawed from beneath 18 inches or 2 feet from the main trunk. When the saw begins to stick, it should be withdrawn and the final cut made from above. This will prevent all possibility of splitting down the main trunk. When the limb has fallen, the stub may be removed close to the main trunk. The closer it is the better, since the healing of the wound is much quicker. It is always desirable to paint over wounds larger than an inch in diameter so as to protect the main trunk from decay. Good white lead and linseed oil is satisfactory paint for this purpose. After dead wood has been removed, the water sprouts should be taken. If there are a great many of these it is desirable to remove only about a third to a half the first year. This will prevent the appearance of new water sprouts at least to a large extent, and the tree will be encouraged to bear earlier than if it is exerting its energy to produce new wood. None of the gnarly living twigs on the branches should be removed, because these are the ones that bear the fruit. Frequently old orchards do not get sufficient moisture in the summer. It is not usually safe to plough deeply, because too many of the roots might be injured. A shallow surface cultivation after turning the sod is better than deeper stirring. After the ground has been worked,

Total Arb January 2006

Renovation Of Old Orchards

The Axe Man by Mervyn Walker DVD produced by Bill Graham, Maram Productions. Review - Steve Reynolds

applications of stable manure and fertilizer may be given and cover crops such as crimson clover sown toward midsummer. The management of the orchard from then forward will be the same as for trees that have been properly managed from the start. If the trees are of undesirable varieties, or if for any other reason the owner wishes to have different varieties, it is easier to use them as stocks for grafting the desired kinds than it is to plant and care for the new trees. Old trees cleft grafted will begin to bear fruit in three or four years, whereas even the quickest maturing varieties of young trees rarely bear at all before five years. The grafting is a simple process that anyone can produce by following the directions given elsewhere. If space is limited and if only a few trees can be grown, two, three, or more varieties may be grown on the one tree. In fact, as curiosities, trees have been grown with even more than 50 varieties upon the one trunk. The general principles outlined in the above article are still true today. Given that it was written more that a hundred years ago, the advice is remarkably pertinent. Current opinion seems to be divided in the issue of painting wounds on trees however, but in this scenario an application of Arbrex, as opposed to white lead and linseed, would be prudent. The modern approach to ground compaction around the trees would also be different of course, an old orchard would certainly benefit from aeration either by simple spiking or air injection such as the Terravent system.

Total Arb January 2006

Editors note: I have been asked to explain what ‘water sprouts’ are, and no you can’t eat them! Water sprouts are vigorous, usually upright shoots developing from dormant buds on the trunk or large branches of a tree. In many cases pruning or removal of large branches stimulates dormant buds into growth. Heavy pruning results in more sprout production. Stress can also stimulate growth of water sprouts but they are usually less vigorous than those stimulated by pruning. Suckers are similar to water sprouts but originate from the roots or the trunk below the graft union. Water sprouts should be removed promptly. Check the tree regularly and simply rub off new shoots as they emerge. Large water sprouts can be pruned off close to the trunk. Allowing water sprouts to remain can ruin the tree’s shape and divert energy from the rest of the tree. You may choose to train one or more sprouts to replace any missing branches.

No, its not the latest shock horror fest to hit our screens but rather more amiable fare, in the shape of a series of recollections narrated by Mervyn Walker, of his life working with trees. Guiding us through the tools and the techniques of using them more than a century ago, actually makes for some fascinating listening, add to this the visual feast of Mervyn, now well into his seventies, swinging his long axe into a tree with more gusto and skill than men a third of his age and this should be a must have for any one interested in the history and development of arboriculture in the United Kingdom. What spoils this is the amateur production and frankly poor packaging. Too often while you are observing a particular picture and listening to the narration, which accompanies it, Mervyn’s disembodied head appears, floating in the middle of the screen! Why I couldn’t say; I can only presume that this is regarded as ‘Cutting edge’ in Ilkley, well it isn’t ! Anywhere! Not since 1972 anyway. While it does not detract in any way from the content, which is worth the cost alone, it makes you wonder; why would anybody spoil a good idea in this way by such shoddy production values! I’d say that this is definitely worth buying, if for no other reason than men of Mervyn’s experiences are a diminishing breed; this records a way of life and attitude to life that are sadly passing with them. Ideal as a late present or to use up some of that Christmas money that you just don’t know what to do with!

Copies, price £15.00, are available from: Mervyn Walker PO Box 103 Ilkley LS29 8YD 9

Powered by Unimogs by Andrew Cowan

U900 on left running PTO log splitter, U2100 on right with front and rear linkage for site work

Probably the main incentive for running a Unimog as part of your arboricultural contracting business is that it can be used to power a multitude of implements.

Not least of these are the larger chippers, which become affordable because you do not have to pay out for the engine to power it or the trailer to tow it on. Whilst it is possible to purchase a new 10� (27cm) chipper for as little as £5,500.00+VAT there is also the opportunity to buy larger more capable units which can process a whole tree almost as quick as it can be felled, making them ideal for large site clearance work.

First consideration:

Second consideration: If you are thinking about front mounting there are plenty of chippers specifically designed to fit on the front of Unimogs, where the chipper itself incorporates a separate gear box arrangement that reverses the drive. However, this means that the chipper can only be fitted to the front of a Mog and this could reduce it’s re-sale value, so you could choose to fit a purpose built drive reverser box to the front PTO, enabling any chipper to be fitted to front three point linkage.

The Unimog can be fitted with PTO (Power Take Off) drive to both front and rear so there is immediately a choice to be made as to whether you want to fit your chipper on the front or rear of your Mog or both for that matter. Although it is not quite that simple because the drive to the rear PTO is in the standard clock wise direction, while the drive to the front shaft is anti-clockwise.

U1600 Direct mounted front linkage with single central lifting piston.


U2100 with front link arms, with twin lifting pistons, fitted to Schmidt plat which can be quickly unbolted and lifted off when not required. This vehicle is also fitted with a reverse gearbox to provide a clockwise drive PTO.

Total Arb January 2006

The New Ver meer Envir onmental Range... Continual product development ensures Vermeer remains a world leader in environmental equipment. New products such as the 27hp SC252 stump cutter BC600 brush chipper and the tracked 25hp S600TX mini skid steer, offer improved performance, ease of operation and reduced operating costs. The new HG6000 horizontal shredder has many innovative features to reduce maintenance time and increase output. Ideal for processing wood, pallets, board material and green waste the unit has class-leading performance. And for Total peace of mind, all Vermeer machines have sole UK and Ireland distributor B-Trac Equipment Total Care on Parts, Service and Technical Support.





The Same Total Suppor t

For further information contact: B-TRAC Equipment Tel: 01933 274400 Fax: 01933 274403 email:

Powered by Unimogs

Sixth consideration: Rear mounting chippers is generally more balanced, but it is important to stay within the limits of the rear axle load weight, while still allowing enough load capacity to carry a load of chips. The lift arms use the rear axle as a fulcrum as a result of the overhang this displaces weight from the front axle to the rear. As such the larger chassis models with the increased gross vehicle weights are designed to lift much larger and heavier implements on strengthened rear linkage.

Seventh consideration: U2150 with Schmidt plate.

Third consideration: Fitting a chipper to the front of a Unimog does mean that the load weight of chipper and chips is spread over both axles, while also leaving the rear available to attached a trailer. However, all that metal sticking out the front can make manoeuvering difficult so some chippers are designed to bolt straight to the front of the Mog using a Schmidt plate. This attachment method can reduce the front overhang by over half a meter, but again this will mean that your chipper can only be used on the front of a Unimog, and there are at least two different types of Schmidt plate.

Fourth consideration: Chippers are available with straight or angled feed hoppers, while some even offer a turntable option. The decision here really depends on the nature of the chipping operations likely to be undertaken. If you are chipping woodland thinnings a central feed hopper on the front of the Mog will enable you to chip both sides of a ride at the same time, but if you are working on the road side it will be much better if the hopper is facing the pavement.

There is no doubt that chippers are getting bigger and bigger, and with all the additional metal comes an not inconsiderable increase in weight, so you may decide that lifting it onto three point linkage whether front or rear is not for you. To cater for this a number of chipper manufacturers are building PTO machines that can be towed behind the tractor unit. However, not all of these are designed for road use so it is important to make sure any trailed units are fitted with high speed axles and appropriate tyres.

Fifth consideration: When you are front mounting PTO chippers on the three point linkage it is important to include more than a passing thought to weight. The weight of chippers can vary as much as the choice of machines on offer, and there is no point getting a really robust chipper if you are going to tip the Mog on it’s nose picking it up, not to mention the fact that too much nose weight will make the vehicle dive under heavy braking. 12

Total Arb January 2006

Powered by Unimogs

Eighth consideration: If you are thinking of a chipper capable of processing logs of 10� (26cm) or bigger then you may also be looking at a crane to feed it, and the manufacturers have thought of this. Many of the bigger chippers are now fitted with cranes as standard, or are designed to be mounted in conjunction with cranes on the three point linkage. However, again this all adds to the weight that your Mog is going to have to lift and carry, so a trailer may be on the cards again, and this would enable you to mount the crane on the trailer drawbar.

Final Note: U2100 with Cat.3 three point linkage and Autoglide trailer pickup hitch,

U1650 with ducker chipper mounted straight to the Schmidt plate. A blower unit can also be fitted with a funnel extension to allow a trailer to be filled with chips as well.

Total Arb January 2006

It is not so important to ask whether your Mog can lift or power a chipper or crane combination, as much as it is to keep a close eye on the weight you are lifting. Put simply, the heavier the chipper you choose to run on the linkage, the less chips you will be able to carry on the back. Chances are that it will not be long before you are looking at purchasing a trailer, so we will be looking at these options in the next article.

As ever please do not call me. It will just make me as confused as you may already be - the man you need to talk to is Ian Philips of ParkAgri Unimogs, log onto, e-mail him at or call 01-245-476-994


What Kind of World? by by David David Hewitt Hewitt

What kind of world are we living in where fountain pens are deemed too dangerous for children under 14 to use. This fact was an announced by the British Standards Institute recently. No doubt a great deal of time and money was spent pondering this issue - how many children have suffered at the hands of such a deadly instrument I wonder? Our obsession with creating a world free of risk affects many aspects of our society. Local Authorities fell horse chestnut trees in case children climb the trees to get to the conkers, schools no longer arrange outings and local community groups have so much Health & Safety legislation to deal with that they no longer put on fetes or local events.

Consider some examples of recent awards

£2.8m awarded to a woman who attempted suicide. Her family sued the Ambulance Service because the ambulance took 26 minutes to arrive. As a result of she suffered brain damage.

• £75,000 awarded to a soldier

who was injured whilst surfing on the tail-gate of his lorry.

• £2,000 awarded to a policeman who was bitten by his own dog.

• £15,000 awarded to a mortuary assistant who developed a morbid fear of death.


What has any of this to do with insurance you may ask? Well, for starters, Local Authorities face massive bills dealing with claims for injuries caused as a result of trips and falls in the street. Employers do their best to protect their employees against every hazard they may encounter in the work place but are still responsible when an accident occurs that is a result of something foolish the employee has done, often despite having been warned on previous occasions. We all bear the cost of this Insurance costs reflect the risks present in our world and the legislation that controls what we do and the way we do it. Like it or not, the fact is that we live in a country where we are now conditioned to expect compensation if we have an accident whether it is our fault or not. We must therefore for our own protection make sure that we have the right level of insurance cover in case we are faced with a claim. Here are a few do’s and dont’s:

• Never sacrifice wide cover for

the sake of a lower premium. Specifically ask about cover restrictions and policy excesses.

• With the size of personal injury awards increasing all the time, review your Public Liability Indemnity limits. Limits of less than £5.0m should not be considered Always try to buy as much as you can afford. Think seriously about the work you are doing and your exposure to claims from members of the public. Personal Injury claims can run into many millions of pounds.

• Tree hazard assessment work is

very common now. For those of you who are involved in this think very seriously about your Professional Indemnity cover. Many people buy only £250,000 of cover, however, the consequences of tree failure can be as bad as getting a felling job wrong. Additionally, don’t forget that PI insurance is arranged on a “claims made” basis, this means cover must be in place at the time a report is written and at the time a claim is made.

• Consider buying Directors &

Officers Liability insurance. This protects a director of a company or his managers/supervisors against claims made against them personally in the course of performing their duties for the company. This could be for wrongful dismissal, harassment, discrimination and, more seriously, where there have been breaches in Health and Safety procedures leading to the death of an employee, Corporate Manslaughter - a topic currently being debated in Parliament. Premiums for this additional cover start from as little as £75.00 At Algarve we have some of the widest policy wordings available combined with which we have a level of knowledge of Arboricultural and Forestry industries gained over 20 years. Our staff will be happy to help and advise you on the cover you need and help to keep costs to a minimum without sacrificing your cover and leaving you exposed in today’s keenly litigious society. For more information on what Algarve can do for you call them on 01483 489291 or email Steve Cavey at

Total Arb January 2006

ALGARVE INSURANCE BROKERS Professional solutions to all your Forestry and Arboricultural Insurance needs

Narrow Access Stump Grinders Danequip UK Ltd Unit 2 Inverallen Yd Main Road Kingsley Bordon Hants GU35 9LW

Cover Available for:

• Public/Products Liability • Employers Liability • Professional Indemnity • Tools & Equipment • Personal Accident • Harvesting & Forwarding Machines

Tel 01420 476248 Self Propelled 28 - 26" Access 25 & 27hp

Tel: 01483 489291 Fax: 01483 797301 Email:

14a High Street, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 2PE Algarve is a trading style of Lycett, Brown-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd (Reg. No. 706042) Lycett, Brown-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

Hydraulic 29" Access 27hp

Westonbirt Arboretum chooses new Vermeer For further information please contact: Mark Darwin B-Trac Equipment Ltd 45-51 Rixon Road Wellingborough Northants NN8 4BA ☎01933 274400

Coping with tree stumps of all sizes combined with ease of machine access and manoeuvrability were the main reasons for Westonbirt Arboretum purchasing the new Vermeer SC602B stump cutter, the first in the UK. Replacing the SC502, the SC602 has many features that benefit the customer including a more powerful, 60hp Caterpillar engine, an efficient direct drive system and the patented Vermeer Autosweep as standard. “The 60hp Vermeer machine has more than enough power to cope with stumps of all sizes even stumps with buttress roots,” said Westonbirt Arboretum’s Works Supervisor Mark Ballard. “We were very impressed with the stump cutter and decided to invest in the Vermeer machine rather than using contractors.” Westonbirt contemplated a large capacity PTO stump cutter but did not want to tie up a large horsepower tractor. The towable machine has a 19mm thick, 660mm diameter cutter wheel with 30 teeth, and is capable of 1500mm forward and back travel. Its wheel swing arc of 1778mm coupled with its 610mm cut above ground and 483mm cut below ground allows the unit to cope with stumps of all sizes. Covering more than 600 acres, the Arboretum features trees and shrubs from all over the world. Created in 1829 by Robert Holford, its diverse nature is a direct result of the great Victorian plant hunters adding to Westonbirt. Today the Arboretum is one of the most beautiful tree collections in the world. The acid soils are perfect for


plants such as rhododendrons, magnolias and azaleas whose flowers provide a spectacular show through April, May and June. When the Holfords expanded the arboretum into Silk Wood in 1875 they used the sites’ natural beauty to provide a backdrop for their new trees. Much of the ancient woodland remains and provides habitat for a colourful range of wild flowers and animals. In the heart of Silk Wood lies The National Collection of Japanese Maples. Although in its infancy, its colour rivals that of the more famous Acer Glade in the Old Arboretum. “The Vermeer SC602 is a significant purchase for us and should result in a much more efficient system of dealing with stumps,” said Mr Ballard.

“Previously we would have had to identify the stump using a red top stake as a visual aid for the specialist contractor. As well as all the additional work this distracted from the visual appearance for visitors.” Vermeer Manufacturing Company based in Pella, Iowa - is one of the premier manufacturers of environmental, agricultural and underground construction equipment in the world. Available in the UK and Ireland from sole distributor B-Trac Equipment, its extensive environmental range includes chippers to 22” capacity, stump cutters to 110hp, tree spades and compact equipment including skid steer loaders and trenchers. Other machine ranges include directional drill rigs, wheeled and tracked trenchers , horizontal shredders and the latest mining/demolition tool the Terrain Leveler. Total Arb January 2006

NDR (Environmental Services) Ltd. 24 Harland Road, Castletown, Caithness, Highland KW14 8UB Scotland • Tel: 01847 821495 email: company & staff are members of IEEM; IEMA; IAIA; BES licenced batworker network of surveyors throughout UK

ecological consultants

Ranger Tracked Platforms 17m Truck-mount Working height 16-23 metres We are a new Cotswolds-based Hire Company serving surrounding regions. Call Rob Forrester with your requirements on 07966 665771 Check out our Website

SALES - HIRE - SERVICE Entec / Timberwolf specialists, with 16 years experience

For all your Entec – Timberwolf requirements speak to the people that know. Extensive knowledge of all models whatever the age. Most parts available next day.

Unit 12, Tomo Business Park Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 5AY 01449 770044


The Sun Never sets on Orange Plant Not quite true perhaps - yet! The steady consistent growth of Orange plant has shown that being a specialist in a specialist’s field can still be profitable. David Orange brings us up to date with the latest developments for the company. In the last ten years or so Orange Plant has grown to be possibly the most successful specialist dealer and hirer of arboricultural equipment in the country. Originally serving the area immediately around its Tyneside base, the machinery business was an addition to an established tree surgery business, run by David Orange. Under David’s guidance, the machinery side of the business grew and expanded into Durham, Cumbria and two years ago, Yorkshire. Orange Plant has now consolidated its position in these areas and has been appointed as the official Timberwolf distributor for the counties of Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire. The company will be providing sales, service and hire facilities

to arborists, landscapers, highways, rail and utilities contractors throughout the area. The new area for Orange Plant will be incorporating the existing trading area of Nottinghamshire based R.J. Holland. Holland’s however, will continue to operate as part of the Timberwolf network. David Orange explained; “ R.J. Holland has put in a tremendous amount of work and have built up a loyal customer base, but they offered a different type of service to us. After some discussions we felt that it would be better for all parties to work together and complement each other rather than become adversarial.” As a result, the full range of Orange Plants inventory becomes available through R.J. Holland. The list of equipment available is both diverse and comprehensive. The complete range of Timberwolf wood chippers is available, including road towable, tracked, PTO and portables. The company both sells and hires the Oil and Steel range of MEWPS, the Woodline range of professional log splitters and Rayco and Predator stumpgrinders. A new addition to the fleet is Saelen shredders, which David sees as of particular benefit to the utility sector and local authorities. All of the equipment placed on the hire fleet is modern and up to date to all current CE specifications and UK safety regulations. Orange Plant also offers full operator training if required.

Total Arb January 2006



Gets its teeth into your work The highest quality, maximum reliability, optimum performance and, above all, ease of use over a very long working life. The CS5100 is a thoroughly professional saw for most applications delivering power direct to the bar for a fast and precise cut first time. With a FREE 2 year warranty in professional use, Echo chainsaws get their teeth into your work. Telephone: 0800 597 7777 •


Anyone can climb trees – can’t they? Steve Reynolds, editor of Total Arb, recently took up a long-standing offer to attend a treeclimbing course. The day was spent with Kent based trainer, Mark Kneller and three trainees, the day was both interesting and informative. It raised questions about exactly how much the general public are aware of the skills required of the professional arborist, to say nothing of the physical strength and determination needed to get into and move about the tree in order to gain the best possible work position . It also gave the editor the opportunity to do something that he hadn’t done since he was nine years old and nine stone lighter - climb a tree! The training course was held at Owl House Gardens near Lamberhurst in Kent. Owl House was the home of the late Lady Dufferin, who lived there for more than 40 years. During this time she created the gardens that we see today, from the existing woodlands that surrounded the house. A number of trees on the estate are suitable for the teaching of climbing as they have an open habit that allow the instructor to observe the candidates. For this particular course we were able to use a number of Oaks rising to about 55 feet in height. Whilst being challenging enough to physically test the candidates and allow an accurate assessment, the real value of the training is the enabling of those who are successful to gain vital experience in more arduous and dangerous

situations. Nobody was under the illusion that the course would make him or her an expert tree climber and were aware that the learning curve was just beginning. Candidates were being prepared for assessment in NPTC module CS38- Climb Trees and Perform Aerial Tree Rescue. Regulations, risk assessment, industry best practice, climbing equipment, access & movement techniques within trees to achieve work positions were all covered in accordance with the requirements of the module. Initially some time was spent on preparation and the placing of safety ropes in the trees. The trainees were allowed to work at their own pace, this ensured that there was no competition and individuals would not feel that they continued on page 22


Total Arb January 2006

Anyone can climb trees can’t they?

Mark Kneller and Fabian Guilloit check ropes prior to climb

were being left behind and therefore hurry in an attempt at to catch up which could have given rise to potentially dangerous situations. It is quite obvious when observing groups of trainees, that some possess a greater degree of prior knowledge than others. By interacting with each other benefits of experience are passed on. In much the same way some people will require a greater degree of supervision than others. An experienced trainer will recognise when those in their charge are capable of being left to learn indepenantly and in what circumstances they need to come under close supervision. Mark Kneller has recently completed the 22

Lantra instructional techniques award and was able to demonstrate the techniques learned on my course to great effect during the course of training. A key element in this style of training is to allow trainees to work at their own pace and recognising their learning style. Some will respond better to hands on practical instruction, whilst others need to have written or visual instruction. This was exemplified when the tying of various knots was practised. In some cases an individual can learn the technique of a particular knot by simple observation, others need to have a rope in their hand and to tie the knot along with the instructor. The situation was very much the

same when the actual climbing commenced, while some went up the tree like a squirrel, others were more reticent; this simply reflected the level of confidence which had been achieved by the trainees. Even in the course of the day I spent as part of the group, it was noticeable that the degree of confidence had subtly increased all round. After lunch it was my turn to try my hand at climbing. I was to attempt the basic friction hitch method that I had observed the others using to ascend into the tree. It looked pretty straightforward and I didn’t think that I would have any problems! In practise it proved Total Arb January 2006

Anyone can climb trees can’t they?

Craig Riches makes secure his climbing line

rather more difficult, so much so that I had to admit defeat and abandon my attempt. Ruffled egos were smoothed by those present who agreed that my failure to climb the tree using this method, had more to do with me not acquiring the technique rather than my own lack of strength and too much weight. Mark had thoughtfully placed a block and tackle in the tree prior to my attempt. Using this I would be assisted to gain access to the lower branches. Once there, I have to say that I felt quite comfortable and was able to move around with rather more ease than I thought I would. Providing that you’re able to trust the rope, there is surprisingly little fear of falling or otherwise injuring yourself. The only thing that caused me any discomfort was the harness. I had been advised that this might be the case as it had to be adjusted and adapted to fit. As the accompanying pictures show, me in a tree is not a particularly pretty sight, I could have happily stayed there all day. In fact, I rather wanted to climb higher but the effort involved, (on the part of others), would have been too great. I was also very aware that I Total Arb January 2006

was taking up valuable training time and so reluctantly, but to the great relief of the tree, I returned to the ground! On a more serious note, the day provided a very real insight into the level of skills arborists need to acquire when working within trees as there is a very real, if understated, risk of injury with this type of work. It is also apparent that the best view of the tree is to be had from within its heart. There is certainly a very good case for using work platforms when performing tree surgery, but they can never replace the unique perspective gained by having a man actually in the tree. It was also apparent that the skills learnt by the practising arborist are part of an ongoing process, and, as their experience grows, so does the ability to recognise disease, structural damage and mechanical failure at its earliest stages. The treatment of these problems can often only be best accomplished by working from a rope. Whilst from the point of view of safety and simple expediency the use of platforms should not be discouraged, we should be cautious of allowing the skills of

tree climbing to become diminished. In fact the skills need to be demonstrated far more widely to the general public. At present, when all too often tree surgery is undertaken on the basis of the lowest price, decisions are made based upon ignorance of what a professional Arborist actually does. The public need to be educated that the appropriate training, the awareness of health and safety issues and a professional attitude all come at a price. In attending this course it was made very obvious to me that arborists are undervalued, skilled craftsmen, especially within the domestic sector. A greater and more general understanding of tree work needs to be perceived by the client. In order to achieve this, a process of educating the arborist’s potential customer base is needed, this can only result in a better understanding of what arborists do, so ensuring the acceptance that quality professional work has to be paid for.


Anyone can climb trees can’t they?

Fabian Guilloit and Simon Laverock negotiate the upper canopy

Many thanks go to Mark Kneller for inviting me to attend the training course and to those who attended: Fabian Guilloit, Simon Laverock and Craig Riches. All three passed their subsequent assessments and have progressed to the CS39 module.

Editor in tree – note the adapted harness!


Total Arb January 2006





01892 542736 WWW.BARRYGRAINGER.FORCE9.CO.UK BARRY GRAINGER INSURANCE LTD 73-75 St John’s Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9TT

Wheels within Wheels Hot on the heels of the Morbark announcement that it will be fitting a new type of grinding disk as standard to its stumpgrinders, US manufacturer Carlton have just revealed their decision to fit all new machines with the Sandvik Dura Disk. Carlton’s new Cutting System will be available on new machines from early 2006. This will provide Carlton machines with up to 50% better performance than previously available. Carlton has worked very closely with Swedish engineering giant Sandvik to develop the Dura Disk II Cutting System. Sandvik is one of the world’s largest producers of carbide cutting tools and is a world leader in carbide technology. The unique design of the system reduces the amount of chip and material spread while cutting. The elimination of large pockets or protruding teeth holders, prevalent on other systems, reduces the cutting wheels ability to throw chips. There are no double rights, double lefts or parallel sets of teeth


which tend to carry and throw material in other systems. This greatly reduces the amount of time operators have to devote to clean up and reduces the risks associated with thrown objects, when compared to other systems. The energy that other systems waste by throwing material around the yard is now used for cutting!

This system has many advantages over other systems, it was first seen on display at last years APF show, where it generated a lot of interest. The main benefits of the system are

The Dura Disk II System requires much less maintenance than other current systems. There are only two different types of teeth used on the system and no gauging is required. Teeth may be swapped from the opposite side of the wheel to prolong tool life. The straightforward process of replacing the teeth greatly simplifies the maintenance procedure.

This system can be retro-fitted to older machines as a kit.

• Improved Cutting Efficiency • Longer Tool Life • Less Chip Spread • Lower Maintenance Requirement • Reduced Induced Vibration Contact Liston Equipment Ltd Tel: 01273 891890 or email: for more information about the development of the Dura disk, together with full technical specifications and case studies go to and use the site search facility; keywords Dura Disk

Total Arb January 2006

FIRST AID COURSES Specialist first aid courses by emergency professionals for professionals ■

Specialist and appropriate first aid training for the forestry and arboricultural industry.

Courses are made as real as possible by being conducted outside and using fake wounds.

We are A&E doctors, nurses, paramedics and mountain rescue medics, people used to working in remote and hostile environments.

Courses all over the UK and Ireland, weekdays and weekends

First Aid kits and supplies FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE COURSES AVAILABLE CONTACT: Dr Emma Grandidge 0161 626 1364 or 07860 639479 ABC Response Training, Magnolia Gardens, 84 Oakbank, Chadderton, Lancashire OL9 0PW

“Life Within & Beneath The Tree” A Treework Environmental Practice Seminar

Philippa Roberts provides a brief review of presentations given by Dr Alan Raynor and Dr David Lonsdale at this inspirational seminar. The TEP series of seminars ‘Exploring Innovation in Arboriculture’ intend to introduce new perspectives and practices into the UK arboricultural arena from within the industry, with contributions from the UK and abroad, and from outside the industry through other professions. “Life Within & Beneath the Tree” was not the first TEP seminar that I had attended, so I had gone to Keele expecting to be informed, challenged and entertained. The seminar subjects in general, and guest speakers in particular, did not disappoint, and so allowed me another thought-provoking and enjoyable experience. The first guest speaker of the seminar was Dr. Alan Raynor, who, for those who have not yet had the pleasure of hearing him talk, has a very unique and attention grabbing style, which needs to be experienced first hand to be fully appreciated. Dr Raynor began his presentation by detailing the progressive path through his working life, focusing on particular observations and understandings which have led him to his present view of the world.

His tale began as he narrated a quest to discover a biological control method for honey fungus. Through his investigations and trials Dr Raynor noted the complexities of colonisation and associations, amongst different species and within the same species, of fungi. He stated that “in all these early researches, I never found a single tree stump that was colonised only by a single fungus! Rather I found heterogeneous communities of different species, which often contained varied populations of the same species, all interacting with one another”. His work with Lynne Boddy went on to expand on these patterns of fungal populations and community dynamics by identifying 5 distinct scenarios for decay development in trees, based upon the dysfunction in water conduction within the tree, i.e. ‘heartrot, unspecialised opportunism, specialised opportunism, desiccation tolerance and active pathogensis’. Throughout his work, there has been a recurring theme in understanding the interaction between fungi species and their association with trees - and that is the contextual circumstances within which these relationships take place. Without considering this vital factor, no real sense or understanding can be made of the interdependent relationship of trees and their associated fungi. The progression of his work and the recurring theme of contextual circumstances has led Dr Raynor to adopt an ‘Inclusional’ understanding of the dynamic environmental relationship of trees

and their associated fungi, but also an ‘Inclusional’ view of the world and his, plus our own, place in it. With the ‘Inclusional’ concept introduced within his first presentation, his second expanded upon this view by challenging our perceptions of tree health and, in particular, the way that we define it. It is all too easy and convenient for us to regard the tree as ‘good’ and fungi, particularly decay fungi, as ‘bad’, by assuming that the latter is attaching the former. Such a simplified and accusatory view can lead to misunderstanding of relationships and thus the application of inappropriate practices. By adopting an ‘Inclusional’ approach, so incorporating the contextual circumstances, a fuller more meaningful understanding is achieved. In the case of the fungi and tree the interdependent relationship is established and so resulting in the application of more appropriate management practices. Dr Raynor went on to suggest that in order to better understand the relationships that trees have, with different organisms in different contextual circumstances the tree should be thought of as a ‘host space’. In doing so we are not only better able to understand the variety of organisms, or ‘guests’, which utilise this space but also the complex ways by which they are influenced by one another, and the contextual circumstances provided by the internal and external environments. Dr Raynors’ presentations emphasised the need to adopt a more holistic or ‘Inclusive’ continued on page 31

Total Arb January 2006


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Life Within & Beneath The Tree

For further information and to book a place, please visit or email If you do not have Internet access, please call Yolanda or Debby on 01225 744 666 to request a booking form.

approach to understanding trees and their associated organisms, both in terms of research but also in the day to day application of new or long held beliefs and practices within arboriculture. Dr David Lonsdale was another guest speaker at the Keele seminar, and presented two papers, the first of which was “Physiological Stress as a Factor in Susceptibility to Disease”. Dr Lonsdale concentrated on two main forms of physiological stress; moisture stress and nutritional stress. He highlighted that trees have evolved to live in changing conditions, whether they may be regular changes such as the changing of the seasons, or more sporadic changes such as floods and droughts. The vital factor both in moisture and nutritional stress appears to be extremes i.e. the greatest deviation from the ‘optimal’ condition. An example he gave was the increase in strip cankers found on beech trees following the 1975/76 droughts. Subsequent studies have confirmed that moisture stress was probably the triggering factor and that the causal fungi were latently present in the sapwood. The latent presence of an organism formed the topic of the second paper to be presented by Dr Lonsdale, “Coevolved Relationships Between Trees and Micro-organisms”, where he highlighted the complexity of the relationships between trees and their associated organisms.

Total Arb January 2006

Dr Lonsdale stated that to view micro-organisms as either pathogenic or non-pathogenic was too simplistic and did little to further our understanding of the relationship between trees and micro-organisms. He went on to suggest that perhaps a more useful view was as ‘guest, sneak thief or ram raider’. He provided examples of each of these views to help explain the complex relationship that micro-organisms have in relation to their ‘tree host’, amongst themselves and how factors such as stress can further complicate these relationships. Other guest speakers at the seminar included Dr Olaf Ribeiro (USA) who spoke about “Factors Affecting the Tree’s Vital Life Line” and “The Tree as a Complex Dynamic Organism”, from the perspective of soil based organisms and nutrients. And Dr Jan Cermák (Czech Republic) who spoke about “Water Relations and Structure in Trees: The Evaluation of Survival Strategies in Changing Environmental Conditions through Instrumental Studies”, from his findings through forestry research. The next article will offer a review of these. There were a number of themes which kept repeating through guest speakers’ presentations and which recurred throughout the seminar. The most common of which was the inclusion of environmental factors or contextual circumstances when considering organism and tree relationships or in assessing factors such as tree health. Trees are dynamic organisms which have co-evolved in association with other organisms and the environment so both of these factors need to be addressed to aid our understanding of trees and the application of appropriate practices.

NEXT in the series will be Seminar V Tree Morphology & Diagnostics to be held on 23rd & 24th March 2006: (venue to be arranged). Exploring the methodology mainly developed and used on the Continent, that views the tree in terms of standard developmental morphological stages. This system is based on the assumption that the physiological and environmental history of the tree is somehow recorded in its form. Variations from a norm may be interpreted in terms of perturbations in physiology and health. The system is used to understand the ageing process, physiological stress and as a diagnostic. The seminar will specifically deal with applying a morphological approach to the principles of tree diagnostics and will cover: • features of tree physiology in the context of developmental stages • the basis for observing & recording tree architecture (stages of development of the aerial part & stages of development of the root system) Through an understanding of the principles of morphophysiological tree assessment it is intended that this will broaden the basis for arboricultural diagnostic applications and increase the scope for appropriate tree management. 31

North British Landscapes Andrew Hancock Arb Officer for Nor th British Landscapes

North British Landscapes maintains around 60,000 properties nationwide which involves both horticultural and arboriculutral work on a wide variety of shrubs & trees at all stages of maturity. We realised the need for a versatile, narrow access woodchipper for use on footpaths in and around housing schemes as well as in the rear gardens. Prior to this, standard towed chippers were used, requiring all material to be brought to the machine for processing. This was


inefficient and labour-intensive so we began investigating the woodchipper market for a solution. Fletcher Stewart offered us a demonstration of the Jo-Beau Machines and despite our initial cynicism prior to the demonstration, within 30 minutes we had ordered two, an M300/13 and an M500/24. The self-propelled M500/24 has proved invaluable, though the real surprise has been the M300/13. The capacity and processing speed of both units is very impressive given their size, further

more they are extremely manoeuvrable. Within 2-weeks of taking delivery of the machines we placed an order for another M500/24 due to its performance. I am very impressed with the simplicity of the operating systems, reliability so far is excellent, and the build quality is better than that of any of the competition I have seen to date. Long-term we will be investing in more Jo-Beaus as an efficient solution to the management of shrubs and small trees.

Total Arb January 2006




I’m writing after reading your article in the November issue of Total Arb.

I’m contacting you with reference to the LOLER article, I fully agree with what the gentleman said. I’m based in Shropshire and run a very small tree surgery company. The one item I would question is the health and safety part. Earlier this year Health and Safety visited me and spent most of the day with me and did check on my LOLER inspections and said that if anyone is found not complying then they would take further action. I believe smaller and larger firms are avoiding not only LOLER but also insurance. I show all my insurance documents to every customer I visit, but the feed back from them is “the person who came the other day didn’t show me their insurance.” Yes the insurance should be checked to make sure everyone is LOLER inspected but who’s checking that companies are insured? At the same time the tree surgeons that invest hundreds of pounds each year into training, Health and Safety and insurance need to educate customers to make them aware of how serious this job is.

As a LOLER Thorough Examiner based Cumbria I was interested in your comments on inspectors who are connected to retailers. I’m in agreement with your statement that examiners should be completely impartial and independent. My background is as a tree climber for over 10 years and therefore I’m familiar with the sort of equipment I have to inspect. I went on a LANTRA Thorough Examiners course four years ago, and have recently undertaken an IRATA examination course. I’m now employed as an Arboriculturist carrying out arboricultural surveys and reports along with LOLER examinations for a consultancy company. I feel a big problem, possibly just in rural areas, is that some contractors (not necessarily small companies) are not bothering to have their equipment inspected. This is possibly due to the fact that there is no verification process carried out by the HSE ensuring contractors are conforming to the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA 1974), and as such employees and the public are at risk. One answer could be that insurance companies should ask for certificates before insuring a company. It is obviously in our best interests that all companies are made to comply with the regulations, but my objective is only to achieve one high standard and level playing field where all companies abide by the law. I look forward to seeing how Total Arb develops in the future. Regards, Alistair Hearn

Too many companies are putting their staff and members of the public at risk. I have no problems losing work to professional tree surgeons but do dislike how some people/companies are breaking all the rules and getting away with it. Regards Mark Fenn Email : Company Name : MSF Tree Surgery

We welcome your correspondence on all topics. Please write to Editor, Total Arb Ltd, Hobbers Cottage, The Street, Pulham St Mary, Diss IP21 4RD. Telephone 01379 608528 email:

M.Arbor.A., HND Urb.For., Cert.Arb.(RFS).

Total Arb January 2006


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both parallel and taper shaft connections. All are designed for industrial and commercial applications and have low oil alert engine protection fitted as standard. Loncin engines are suitable for generators, compaction equipment, water pumps, landscape and gardening machinery, together with leisure functions, such as go-carts etc. LPG conversion kits are available for quick and easy modification - enabling the engine to run from propane gas. These very competitively priced engines, are CE marked and comply with current EC legislation for emissions. They carry a 12month warranty and spares are available from stock.

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“We are experiencing an unprecedented call for our range of Loncin petrol engines” explained W Robinson & sons, Director, Greg Robinson. “We spent many months researching a quality supplier of engines for our own range and it looks as if our patience has been fruitful - as the amount of returning customers are increasing daily!” A whole range of construction machinery manufacturers and OEMs are opting for Loncin engines on new builds plus a wide variety of other types of suppliers are selecting Loncin engines as replacements for old or unserviceable existing engines. Robinsons have a full range of engines available directly from stock. There is no elaborate dealer network to negotiate. They include 5.5 to 13hp units available with

Chinese manufacturing giant, Loncin, have been producing power equipment since 1993. Their main lines are motorcycles, ATVs, petrol engines and fully assembled petrol generators. The Loncin Group have enjoyed 10 years of continuous growth and currently feature in the top 500 Chinese enterprises - they employ over 10,000 individuals and have over 30 subsidiaries.

For further details contact Ms A Richards W Robinson & Sons (EC) Ltd 35-41 Fowler Road Hainault Business Park Hainault, IG6 3WR Telephone 020 8559 6000 Fax 020 8559 6001 email:

Total Arb January 2006

Morss Code Richard Morss is the Managing Director of Landforce Limited one of the few remaining British manufacturers of Wood Chippers and Shredders. Following his appointment, one of Richard’s initial tasks was to conduct a thorough review of all their internal procedures and quality control. The results of these reappraisals will become more evident over the coming months - however the first priority was to manufacture a stronger, more reliable and userfriendly range of products.

level that Richard has introduced “The Landforce 4-Hour Commitment.” Simply, if a Landforce product becomes defective during use* (*certain conditions apply) a replacement product will be on site within four hours and the faulty machine repaired. “From experience we know that when equipment fails it will be during an important contract that’s why we are providing this service. We want to get our customers up and running as quickly as possible” explained Richard.

Richard has also put his design team to work developing new products for the coming months. Soon to hit the production line will be a range of PTO (Power Take Off) tractor driven chippers - aimed directly at the professional Arborist. The prototype is currently under test - with a launch planned early in 2006. “Being a genuine manufacturer gives our customers a number of advantages over users of competitor machines” added Richard. “We are not beholden to the whims of overseas producers who can often change specifications and components without consultation - resulting in unnecessary and uneconomical delays in receiving spare parts etc.” 2006 is expected to be an exciting year for Landforce. In addition to the new and updated products Landforce have set about redesigning and developing their website - This new site will give Internet users quick access to all the specifications and details of their products, together with all the latest news concerning Landforce innovations and developments.

These new procedures appear to have had an immediate effect. Landforce are delighted to report that the past three months trading has been a tremendous success with orders received to the value of nearly £500,000 from firms in both the UK and Ireland. A healthy order book is also a pleasing prospect for the New Year. Critical spare parts (inc. flywheels etc.) are now available for immediate delivery and confidence in the Landforce range is at such a high

Total Arb January 2006

Naturally, safety of the user is of paramount importance. Landforce have added additional safety features - the most innovative is additional reflectors on the body of the chippers - in order that the complete unit is seen properly whilst being towed. In addition, intensive safety training is offered. This includes selfassessment by the operators in the use of the machine.

Landforce Limited is part of the vast Wordsworth Holdings Group, whose Fruehauf trailers and Barford construction machinery brands, are instantly recognised throughout the world. For further information contact Richard Morss Landforce Limited Houghton Road Grantham NG31 6JE Tel 01476 515408 Fax 01476 515409 E-mail


Arb Jobs Location: Northwest Company: Amenity Tree Care Ltd Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00003 Job: Grounds Person Salary: Negotiable Duration: Permanent Commence: Immediately CONTACT: Telephone: 01829 770075 email: Felling, processing of trees, basic aerial tree surgery. Full training given if not already held. Over 25 preferred. Full driving license. Honest and reliable. Location: South West Company: Bawden Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00004 Job: Team Leader, qualified climbers and trainees Salary: Competitive salary package Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 07899 907389 email: Team Leader with at least three years industry experience required. Must have excellent climbing skills and be able to run the day to day work of a small team, reporting directly to the Arboricultural Manager. NPTC/LANTRA certificates essential. Location: London Company: Valley Tree Surgeons Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00005 Job: T.B.A Salary: £15,600 - £22,000 per annum Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 01689 855069 email:

Location: Midlands Company: Treewise Ltd Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00006 Job: Arborists Salary: Negotiable Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 01664 820207 email: Experienced? Let us take your career further. Novice? Full training provided from basics to advanced Location: London Company: Wassells Arboricultural Services Ltd Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00007 Job: Lead Climber / Arborist Salary: £25K+ depending on experience Duration: Permanent Commence: November 2005 CONTACT: Telephone: 02072 815729 email: Applicants must be fully qualified and hold a current UK driving licence. Good presentation and the ability to communicate well with clients is essential. Location: London Company: Norton & Associates Ltd Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00008 Job: Arboricultural Surveyor Salary: Negotiable Duration: Permanent Commence: Immediately CONTACT: Telephone: 0208 8699237 email: The successful applicant should be qualified to HNC/HND level or equivalent and will have experience in trees and development, condition surveys and general arboriculture. The position is full time with a negotiable salary. Location: Midlands Company: Central Tree Services Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00009 Job: Full time Arborist Salary: £15K to £25K depending on experience Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 0121 776 7769 email: Full time Arborists and Groundstaff required in the Birmingham and Midlands area.

To advertise in Arb Jobs please email: 36

Location: Midlands Company: Central Tree Services Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00010 Job: Groundstaff Salary: £10K to £16K depending on experience Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 0121 776 7769 email: Full time Arborists and Groundstaff required in the Birmingham and Midlands area. You must have knowledge of arboricultural principles and hold the relevant NPTC Certificates. You should also have the ability to supervise and organise a workload of a small team and equipment. Have excellent communication skills and the willingness to work outside normal hours occasionally. Location: Midlands Company: Beddow Tree Care Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00011 Category: Crew leader Salary: £17,400 - £18,900 per annum Duration: T.B.A Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 0116 2392233 email: Must be experienced and able to undertake all aspects of climbing works, hold relevant NPTC’s and able to manage a crew. Location: South West Company: ACD Landscape Architects Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00012 Job: Arboricultural Consultant Salary: T.B.A Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 01666 825646 or 07768 352000 We are looking for a keen arboriculturist to join the team, working mainly in the Home Counties area from Godalming, but reporting to the Malmesbury office weekly. You may be a sole practitioner looking to expand your work-load or be seeking full or part-time employment, any option is a possibility. We require an experienced Arborist to share climbing duties and ground work. Applicant must have full driving licence and at least aerial rescue and basic chain saw certificates. Location: London Company: Ground Control Ltd Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00013 Job: Arboricultural Manager Salary: Negotiable Duration: T.B.A Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 01277 650697 email: City and Guilds Phase II Arboriculture; National Certificate in Arboriculture and at least five years relevant tree experience. Candidates should have the drive and ability to assume management responsibility. Relevant experience in pricing tree work and preparing tree surveys is absolutely essential.

Location: North Thames Company: Garden Works Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00014 Job: Climbing Arborist Salary: £18,500 – £22,500 depending on experience Duration: T.B.A Commence: T.B.A CONTACT: Telephone: 01223 880643 email: Location: Southern Ireland Company: Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00015 Job: Arborist / Tree Surgeon Salary: From ?25k per annum + benefits (DOE) per annum Commence: Within 1 month CONTACT: Telephone: +353 (0) 61 605221 email: Experience: Min of 2 years previous experience in all aspects Hours of work: Flexible Job Spec: Pruning, Removal of Trees, Maintenance of Vegetation, Climbing, Tree Identification, Chainsaw Useage, Conservation works. Accommodation provided. Location: Nuneaton based Forestry & Arboriculture Contract Company requires qualified climber for nation wide contracts. Company: Martin Evans Services Ltd Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00016 Job: Climber qualified to a minimum CS38/39 Salary: competitive including holiday pay. There will a requirement for occasional weekend and night work. Duration: Permanent Commence: T.B.A. CONTACT: Martin Evans Telephone: 02476 382700 Our main contracts cover railway deveg, power line clearance, forestry & commercial arb. Drugs and alcohol tests are compulsory due to the safety critical work involved. Minimum age 18 years old. Position is full time. Location: Silverstone, Northants Company: Tree Profiles Limited Job Ref: TOTALARB-JOB-00017 Job: Climber Salary: Negotiable Duration: Permanent Commence: Immediately CONTACT: Telephone: 01327 858553 email: Experienced Climber wanted. We operate a professionally run arboricultural business serving both domestic and commercial clients and work to BS3998. We offer good rates of pay, training and a friendly working environment.

Total Arb January 2006


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