丁燕東 Axel Minerva January 16th, 2016
Thanks To My parents who always support me 黃昱豪老師,who always give me a good advice and knowledge about architecture Noli 組教, for teach me about the life in Architecture 第四組的同學, Ying Ting, Otto, Yun Chen, Tina, Yong xuan &William, who always teach me even my chinese isn’t good.
CONTENTS ect 1 proj
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有機物的X-Site proje
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The First Model
Using different angle to create an unique space. Combination of the main lines and the new lines makes many types space to create. There are many types which I try to put into the first model, such as combination type and elevation type.
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Elevation Type The Main Lines become the main idea of this type
Combination Type This type was created by abandoned the main lines as the main idea. Priority of this type is the supporting line which created by the creator
The Main Model
The main model is the combination between elevation type and combination type. For a careful view, creator add new technique to let the model has a shadow, which gave the viewer a meaning of space
The Model’s shadow which the creator have mentioned
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Different Angle of Model made viewers understand about the model
Drawing History
Drawing History
Review Learning to draw elevation drawing which I have never known, but it give me a courage to do it better than before
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Story Behind The Main Model Main idea from this model is Burr Puzzle. As all of us know, burr puzzle is an interlocking puzzle consisting of notched stick Because of this uniqueness, creator try to use this uniqueness to create this model
Front View
Behind View
Main model with wood as the main material. Every piece have their own advantage and function. That’s the main theme which creator got from Burr Puzzle’s idea
First Transformation
First Transformation give a feeling of a House without Wall or Unique Table
Second Transformation
Second Transformation of main model is extend type, which make its become widen and big.
Exploded Material
Viewers can see many kinds of wood joints to made the main mode. The principle for the main model is the burr puzzle, which have different notched wood to solve the puzzle.
Drawing History
Drawing History
Review Improvement is important. Making model and drawing are part of the basic. More practice give a best result.
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Choosing Fruit as the X-Site Idea
Choosing Pumpkin as the main idea of the next project, Organic Matter for X-site Project. The Structure of pumpkin from inside and outside are giving a vibe for the design that I make. It has a uniqess for the fruit to become my main idea. There were two ideas of the design
First Idea
This Idea was choosed because the structure of the seed and structure of the outer membrane. The curve of the pumpkin outer membrane give a feeling of triangle, the angle of triangle was design based on the heart.
Creator used cement as the base of the first idea because cement is more strong than plaster and wax. The Shape of Heart itself is coming from the sight which I saw when creator cut pumpkin in half. Because the projection of the base itself was too low which make it more easy cracked. The cracked was happen at the center of the design which give a speculation for the low projection of the base.
This design come from seed’s pumpkin idea. I try to combine the plaster and wax to make this design
Second Idea The second idea is made from 4 different parts from the pumpkin. As you can see from the picture.The first floor was talked about the connection of the threads and the seed inside pumpkin. Second and Third floor was talked about the uniq of pumpkin outer skin when you see it from the above. Fourth floor was design by me and give a vibe of the pumpkins trunk. The Story from the design is everyone’s dream are different but when they have a same common goal, they will combine
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Drawing History
Drawing History Template Record
Record Step
Finishing Touch
Cubic Project
Cube Project with using different materials, from the plaster, wax and cement
Review Learning to find the uniqueness of a things can lead people to have more creative idea.
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Choosing Base Creator choose the swinger on the second floor of Tamkang Architecture Building. Result from analyzing the base are the rusty iron, the old wood, the growth ring od the wood. Creator also analyze the view of the base in a day and night
Main Model The conclusion from analyzing the base is The iron and the wood made a combination that let creator find a new and refreshing idea.
Description The Idea creator create have a relationship with combination of iron and wood. The combination of iron and wood give the creator a feeling about the relationship between bone and meat. Iron represent the bone and wood represent the meat. So, the main model show viewers that wood can be hold because of the iron’s help. And the wood can be moved.
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Drawing History
Review Choosing a base and material are important. To know the nature of material make us understand what kind of material we need to put into our design. Choosing a base and ana;yze them which made us easier to build the design we wanted. Change the base for a better design is important,
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Spiders (order Araneae) are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with They are the largest fangs that inject order of arachnids and venom. rank seventh in total species diversity among all other orders of organisms
Spider Movement Spider has a hard outer skeleton called an exoskeleton. This exoskeleton is made out of chitin, which is super strong and light. Spider movement is being used by many people to create a living thing which can moved by joined the linkage. Creator use many linkage to build the model. The priority creator put in the model is the movement of spider.
Creator try to combine many linkages to make the main model. Analyze the use of material to make the main model can move. The linkage which become the basic knowledge are klann linkage, four linkage and seven linkage
First Model
For the first model, creator choose the plastic pipe and wood as the main material. The movement of main model is hard, because of friction between wood and the plastic pipi is big, which caused the first model’s movement is failed.
Picture of First Model
The material for second model are screw, pipe tubes and wood. Wood as the bone, screw and pipe tubes as the joint of the body. For second model, creator start create the space aspect.
Second Model
Picture of Second Model
Third Model Third Model is the combination between the first and second model. It’s movement better than the first and second model. The space that creator want to tell people is curiosity.
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Third Model’s Movement
Drawing History
Drawing History
Review Creating a space for people or enviroment is what we need to understand in this project. Space aspect in design is a number onr priority.