Introduction to Global Health 2nd Edition by Jacobsen Test Bank

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Test Bank for Introduction to Global Health 2nd Edition Jacobsen Sample Chapter 14 Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following statements is not included in the Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization? 2. Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples 3. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being 4. The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security 5. Unequal development in different countries in the promotion of health and control of diseases is a common danger 6. All of these statements are part of the WHO Constitution

Ans: E Page: 336

2. Which of the following is not included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 3. The right to freedom from slavery and servitude 4. The right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association 5. The right to privacy 6. The right to rest and leisure 7. All of these statements are part of the UDHR

Ans: E Page: 337

3. Which of the following is not included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 4. The right to education 5. The right to freedom from torture 6. The right to marry and found a family 7. The right to own property 8. All of these statements are part of the UDHR

Ans: E Page: 337

4. Which of the following criteria is not used to evaluate whether a population has at least minimal access to health care? 5. Health care facilities must be adequately stocked with necessary supplies 6. Health care facilities must be physically accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities 7. Health care providers must be respectful of patients, including those from diverse cultures 8. Health care services must be free to the user 9. All of these conditions must be in place to meet the minimum standard of access to health care

Ans: D Page: 340

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

About how much does it cost to create and test one new medication? $500,000 $1 million $100 million $1 billion

Ans: D Page: 340

6. About 16% of the world’s population lives in a high income country. Approximately what percentage of pharmaceutical sales are made in high income countries? 7. 20% 8. 40% 9. 60% 10. 80%

Ans: D Page: 344

7. About 18% of the world’s population lives in a low income country. Approximately what percentage of pharmaceutical sales are made in low income countries?

8. 1% 9. 5% 10. 12% 11. 20%

Ans: A Page: 344

8. Which of the following is not considered to be a critical need immediately following a natural disaster or other humanitarian incident? 9. access to communications technology 10. essential health services 11. food and shelter 12. WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) 13. All of the above are considered to be critical needs

Ans: A Page: 347

9. Which of the following people would notbe considered to be a refugee? 10. A person who has moved to another country because of civil conflict 11. A person who has moved to another country because of political persecution 12. A person who has moved to another country for economic opportunities 13. A person who has moved to another country to escape ethnic-based violence 14. All of the above would be considered refugees

Ans: C Page: 350

10. Which of the following people would be considered to be a refugee? 11. A person who has moved from a rural area to the national capital because of a natural disaster 12. A person who has moved from a rural area to the national capital to avoid civil conflict 13. A person who has moved to another country for education 14. A person who has moved to another country to escape religious persecution 15. None of the above would be considered refugees

Ans: D Page: 350

11. Which United Nations agency has special responsibilities for education, nutrition, and water/sanitation during international humanitarian responses? 12. UNDP 13. UNHCR 14. UNICEF 15. WHO

Ans: C Page: 354

12. During which of phase of the 4 Rs of emergency preparedness and response should emergency response plans be refined and responders be trained? 13. Reduction / mitigation 14. Readiness / preparedness 15. Response 16. Recovery

Ans: B

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