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And here’s the best part- it saves you money! There’s a common misconception that green buildings burn a hole in your pocket. But that’s just what that is, a misconception. Responsible design and construction not only cuts down the operating costs drastically, it also pays for its maintenance through the money earned by selling energy produced through PV cells, and the engagement of people with the on-site cafe and pop-up spaces. In fact, according to our analysis, various strategies like replacing computer systems with laptops and using no maintenance LED lights offers a 50% saving in electricity consumption, that directly translates into lower electricity bills. The operating expenditure is also brought down by using an Intelligent Building System, using sensors to on/off appliances and lighting. Low flow water fixtures and utilising rainwater and grey water brings down the water bill by reducing demand of municipal water by 87%. Apart from reducing building electrical demands, PV units also allow a 7% deduction in electrical bills. All this adds up to reduce utility costs by almost 95%.
Certain new-age technology is also incorporated into this design, like the use of Phase-Change Material. This marks the beginning of a technologically advanced way of functioning. Another often overlooked factor here, is the power of people. Not only will the building cut down it’s own energy consumption, it will also create a system for its workers to use energy responsibly. A mobile application will enable workers to see their energy consumption, and suggest ways to reduce it without sacrificing comfort.
Overall, rethinking the NHM building as a socially resilient and NZEB creates a path for governing bodies and citizens alike to embrace environmental consciousness as a way of life, necessary for our survival.

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