National Geographic Magazine March/April Issue

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Newly Found Ancient Shang 14

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Table of Contents Newly found, Mysterious, ancient civilization| PG. 1-8 -Intro....PG. 1 -Map of Tierra sagrada....PG. 2 -Division of labor...Pg. 3 -Social structure... PG. 4-6 -arts and architecture... PG. 7 -writing and language... PG. 7 -Government and Law... PG. 8 -Beliefs and religion... PG. 9-12 -Map of the Tierra Sagrada Village... PG. 13 -Economy and trade... PG. 14

Shang Civilization| PG. 15 Sources| PG. 10

, Evidence showed an unknown ancient civilization founded at Peru in the Loreto Region near the “Tigre River”. Explorers and researchers proved and provided evidence that a small civilization has been thriving during the 19th century. (estimate: 1855-1890) We started to research in Peru and interviewed residents near the Tigre River, finally finding a man with all the answers, Jonathan Manuel. Jonathan had an ancient and long lost ancestor who used Photo of the “Tierra Sagrada” to journey across peru traveling from civilizations to other civilizations and ventured from huts to palaces. Above shows a colored, worn out photo from the 1857’s in which was took by Jonathan’s ancestor. On the bottom right of this photo is a signature of the unknown ancestor of the Manuel family. It wrote “Photo of the Tierra Sagrada” proving that the village and civilization was named Tierra Sagrada in which is a spanish phrase meaning “sacred land”. Predictions show that this river sustained villagers near the area with drinking water and water for crops. They mostly survived on the river water and farm animals like chicken, pigs, cows, and etc. (Bones were found underground in the river.) A variety of crops were grown for years in the Tierra Sagrada including peanut, squash, and cotton plants. They had a very easy access to water for drinking and crops because the river was right next to their huts. The Tierra Sagrada huts and palaces would lay on each steps of stairs. Depending on whether they were part of royalty or if they were rulers, they would be on a higher elevation and a higher fleet of stairs. Residents and gods believed that the higher and the more elevated that they were, the safer they were and that the elevation protected rulers and royalty from dangers below. Since they were in an amazon, they adapted very well and made sure to camouflage their property because of the dangers surrounding them. They did this by covering the ancient stairs with leaves, and made sure to hide it with branches, trees, and amazon twigs. In peru, since of the hot climate, they make sure to have hidden windows in their huts.


Map of Tierra Sagrada Key = The Tierra SAgrada civilization

= Rivers, Lakes, ETC

(zoomed in) 2

On world Map (Tierra Sagrada) LAtitude: 5ยบ South Longitude: 75ยบ North

In the Tierra Sagrada, their were several jobs to do. Firstly, there was the architects. Often, the architects would be payed the most from the royal families and rulers. The architects would basically build each of the royal families houses. These rulers and royal families would be called “The Rico”. This is translated from spanish to english meaning “The Wealthy”. Most of the architects only built the resident’s houses if they had enough money. Unfortunately, most of the civilians and residents were poor and were going from wealth to poverty. In the 1850‘s, Peru was a less economically developed country meaning that their country was still developing at the time and didn’t have much money. Next, there were the farmers. These farmers were payed poorly and barely had enough money to feed their families. The most they would be payed would be during October to November since that would be when the crops would be ready to harvest. Next there would be the artists and architects. They were payed almost as well as the Royals and Royalty. They would make art and architectures for The Rico. Then, there would be the maids, doctors, slaves, cooks, tailors, and the weapon manufacturers. The list of these people mostly get payed an average amount of money, but still not as wealthy and rich as The Rico. The maids and slaves would clean The Rico’s houses and palaces and sometimes would prepare special snacks or fruits and the doctors would cure illnesses and find new inventions to cure unknown sicknesses. The cooks would cook the most savory, magnificent, superior and special dishes for The Rico’s. Often they would cook steak and juicy meat but for the civilians and regular residents, they would cook “Arroz Chaufa” which is a famous type of rice in Peru. It contains fried rice, vegetables, and beef or pork. The weapon manufacturers and tailors would usually make useful items in which would be used for years until the warriors, explorers, and soldiers would get tired of them and ask for better and sturdier tools and weapons or better, richer quality cloth. Lastly, there would be the warriors, explorers, and soldiers would fight, and go on expeditions to look for more inventions, items, or anything new that would help in their area. All of these jobs were proved to exist because they were judged on the pictures of their houses. For example, if it were an architect, they would have blueprints rolled up inside of their house. (pg.6)


Social Struc 20% of the civilization

Rule Royalt Gover

10% of the civilization Artists and

50% of the civilization

20% of the civilization


maids, docto cooks, tailo weapon man

Slave Farm

l Class cture

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How was this social hierarchy formed? In the very start of this civilization, men called “Tromans� were believed to come up with the social hierarchy. They went by a sacred rule in which would never be broken. The rule was to go by who they thought were the most useful in their community. Once they thought of who would be most useful, they would never be able to change it. This was a pressuring thought to the Tromans causing them to do odd things and have odd decisions. This drove the rulers crazy and soon enough, the rulers chose by themselves. Unfortunately, this caused farmers to be least powerful because the rulers thought that the farmers wouldn’t be helpful at all, yet they were indeed. This was a big mistake and the first ruler died the next year. Some people believed that it was because of the sacred rule and that the Tromans were meant to make the social hierarchy, but the ruler had ruined the fate. This sealed the hierarchy forever which had been very unfortunate for the farmers, but fantastic for the artists and architects.

ors, slaves, ors, and the nufacturers.

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wealth to poverty Stacks of photo’s were found from the man’s ancestor. (pg.1) These photo’s showed workers, and their houses. Their houses implicated that they used to have a certain job. For example, if someone had a farm house with farming tools and a barn, it would most likely point out that it would be a farmer. The pictures also show how much they get payed depending on how small or big their houses are, what elevation they’re at, and what kind of food do they eat. (bread-poor, full rich meals-rich). It also shows the contrast of riches to poverty below from pictures. As you can see below, it shows that the farmers obviously get payed less than the artists and architects.

Architect or Artist’s House

Farmers House’s ➡


The arts and architecture were very important to The Rico (The Wealthy). Usually, architects and artists would make sculptures, pots, carvings, houses or buildings and paintings to entertain The Rico and earn more money. They mostly made more money from their ancient pots and sculptures. They usually sculptured the royal residents and made pots to put The Rico’s jewelry, gold, or even special fruits. Artist and architects usually passed on their great skills to their whole family tree to keep their rich inheritance.

Writing and Language The Tierra Sagrada civilization did use spanish as their language yet they still managed to invent their own, custom writing. Their first official writing was an original and unique alphabet set which is shown to the left. Philosophers studied each line and have a theory that this might have been the original english alphabet and may have been around longer than the Tierra Sagrada era that we know of. Therefor, the Tierra Sagrada might have been there for centuries. If you look closely, most of the letters are our letters that we use today, but the lines are switched around. For example, all of the letters except U, V, and Z. The few of them that had nothing to do with the english alphabet today, U, V and Z were known as “impar” meaning odd. The letters in which were similar to the english alphabet today, were known as “incluso” meaning “even” in spanish. The Tierra Sagrada alphabet was often used to carve on rocks, pots, architecture or secret underground walls. These secret underground walls were used by the soldiers and military. This underground territory was the military base. They used this area to hide their weapons and to have private meetings before an attack or defense situation. The carvings helped show justice, honor, and integrity and helped the military do their duties. 7

Government and laws The Tierra Sagrada government were a group of people called the lĂ­deres. They controlled the political and economic rules overall the whole civilization. To show authority, the government community wore a badge usually attached on the traditional formal wear called Bermeria Uniform. The Bermeria Uniform was usually a long black suit added with gold sash wrapping around from the left shoulder, to the right waist. It also included a white dress shirt and a finished with a sharp black bow tie.

In the Tierra Sagrada court, justice is served on the base of obvious laws. For example, no theft, would be an example of a base law. Otherwise, for minor laws the government would just base the case on simply what is right and what is wrong instead of the usual enactment. Usually the legalists would decide which client and attorney would be going to jail or not and the judge would confirm or disagree. The judge would basically be the leader and govern. There would never be more than one govern/judge. There would only be one and only one govern/judge in the Tierra Sagrada. This is because often the ruler would only trust the same govern to keep civilians safe. Proof was found when we dug up a uniform 3 meters underground the river.


Beliefs and Religion The Tierra Sagrada civilization was separated into two groups. One group followed their own religion and the other did the same and followed a different religion.

The Trimanians- Religion and beliefs Pronunciation: try-mey-ni-uns The first group were called the Trimanians. Their religion meant that you believed in Trimals. They believed that Trimals were sacred souls who lived in different bodies to protect every soul living on earth. The Trimal’s jobs were to arrange the past, present, and future and make sure they don’t collide. This brought upon The Sacred Triangle Tale in which the Trimanians believed in. The Sacred Triangle was a story about three poor boys. Three diamonds in the rough. One seeking riches who’s name was Past, one seeking power who’s name was Present, and one seeking love who’s name was Future. The three kissed goodbye to their family to journey among the world to find that something that they desire. While journeying, they came across an old woman who lived in a small cottage along the forest. She greeted them into her house and Past, Present, and Future discussed about what they seek to find while journeying. “You young men must be exhausted! Why don’t you stay over for tonight and continue your journey for tomorrow!” the young woman said. “By golly! It seems to be night! I hope we won’t be a burden while we’re here.” Past said. “Of course not! Well then get off to bed! You boys will need a nights rest for a new adventurous day tomorrow!” the old woman said. The boys fell fast asleep on the old woman’s couch. The cruel old woman quietly searched through their travel backpacks and found a letter regarding Past, Present, and Future from their mother. The cruel woman was puzzled until she realized that these foolish boys were in charge of very special powers. The power of Past, Present, and Future. She then laid on her bed with a wicked plan in her head. The wicked old woman woke up to find that Past, Present, and Future have already awoken and were ready to go. “You must not go yet! You haven’t eaten your breakfast!” the old woman said. “We would love to stay but we have to start our journey early today if we’re going to reach the villages.” Present explained. “You’ll never find what your seeking there! Luckily, I have a deal if your willing to here me out.” the old woman grinned. The boys took in to consideration. She continued, “I, a powerful nymph, will be able to grant one out of three of your wishes... That it only if you do me one tiny favor. If you clear my past and make me a beautiful young woman from present to future while making me live for eternity, I will give you what you boys please. But remember, only one out of three of your wishes.” Past, Present, and Future came to an agreement that they would accept the deal. Past dug into his bag and looked for a crystal ball. He carefully lifted it up and set it on the wood table. He lightly took the old woman’s hand and lifted it upon the crystal ball. The crystal ball showed the woman’s past as she pitifully turned away from it. Past closed his eyes and dragged both hands from the ball. He jerked back and soon the picture was gone. Present and Future grabbed their mirror from their pockets and held it on both sides of the old nymph. “Mirror Mirror of eternity Bring this woman from the face to the rib cages A beautiful sight to see for ages An eternal beauty from head to toes No longer unpleasant with many foes From present to future her features will grow Just as pretty as a flowers oh my oh no But be very careful for you should know You may NEVER EVER EVER 9 grow.”

The old woman’s face grew soft and flawless, then her eyes turned shiny and blue. Her lips were plump and pink while her nose turned fine. Her hair grew long and silky and her body became thin and delicate. She looked at herself in the wood mirror and smirked. “I look... incredible. Very well. I will grant only one of your wishes for that is the only power that I have.” she chattered. “Grant my wish of power!” Present squawked. “I forbid that! I am the eldest! I should be granted the wish of riches!” Past screeched. “To make this a fair situation, we shall let her choose.” Future said calmly while stroking his silky blonde hair. The two boys agreed and stared intently at the woman. “Very well. I choose to grant...” she stopped and stared at Future’s beautiful green eyes. “Future. I will grant your wish.” she gushed. Past and Present were startled. “But HE’S only a KID!” Present shouted. “I believe she’s sunk into his big beautiful eyes!” he smirked. “ ‘Tis true. You’re eyes are beautiful along with your stunning face. Say... your looking for love. Why don’t you live with me. I will admire you for the rest of your life.” “Anything to leave these dull brothers of mine.” he said while taking her hand and dragging her further into the house. Past and Present ventured along and still searched for what they please. Three years passed until word passed around that Future and “That Pretty Woman Who Lives In The Forest” were having a baby. Past and Present and Past exchanged vengeful glances at each other and planned to kidnap the newborn baby. Finally reaching the small cottage, they climbed into the window of the baby’s room. Past stroked the baby girl’s soft face as Future walked in from hearing a fuss. “Have you men gone mad?! Coming in here without permission or invites!? What are you doing here?!” Future spilled. “If you must know, we’ve come here to kidnap your baby. After three years, you’ve gotten your wildest dreams while we venture on our own to find ours. You abandoned us.” they both said. Future pushed them out the window and climbed out the window to finish them. The Trimals were furious and scared of what these boys have done. The past, present, and future were colliding while they fought. Past was the first to die with an arrow in his heart. The past of the whole world started to fade away and vanish completely. Then present started to feel light-headed and died from a panic-attack. The people of the village faded and all of the world started to vanish and slip away from Future. Future sat alone on a blank floor with a blank sky and a blank crystal ball. He was covered in blood and soon put an end to his life. The three brothers met in heaven each one forgiving and merciful. The three held hands and sung a song all through the rest of eternity. Some of the Trimanians even said that they could hear them singing at night. The purpose of this story was to explain why we need past, present, and future. The Trimanians basically thought that these boys were the reason of the world and what made up the world. To show respect to these brothers, the Trimanians had a festival whenever anything good happened and praised the three brothers for their miracles. The symbol for the three brothers are shown down below.


The Primalanians -Religion and Beliefs Pronunciation: pry-muhl-ey-ni-yuns The other group were called The Primalanians. Their religion meant that you believed in The Great King Jose Ricardo The First, who ruled the and his wife, The Excellent Queen Violeta. The Primalanians believed that these were the rulers of all animals, human, plants, and land. They had a great number of servants who The Primalanians believe, are their ancestors. Therefor, they praised the King from above in the clouds and chanted, “Praise the King, Praise the King, Let us Live, Let us sing! Praise the King, Praise the King!”. Usually they had celebrations while chanting this. These celebrations were held on the kings birthday, June 25. They had a dancing area where they danced to ancient folk music made with wood pipes and wood drums. At night, the elderly would share the ancient famous story about the King Jose Ricardo and Queen Violeta. It all started when Jose was a young man. His father was the king of Peru. One day, his father grew very ill and was at near death from arthritis. The last words were to his boy, whispering to make him proud and to be the king of this wonderful country. Jose accepted and continued sorrowing until it was the end of his fathers life. Days after, he ruled the kingdom with pride and with justice but something seemed wrong in Jose’s head and heart. He didn’t want to rule the kingdom. He wanted the life he had before, but he knew that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. Years passed and there were great memories and also wars that Jose, himself, lead to a winning point but this still didn’t please him. One day, he decided to runaway. He didn’t want to leave his kingdom and all his people, but he had to. He wasn’t cut out for this responsible job. He thought that someone worthy would probably take his place and lead the country into victory. He called his servants and maids and asked them to make him a strong, durable bags for carrying all of his belongings. They worried and questioned him on why he would need such an odd thing. The maids often gossiped about the kings erratic behavior until a careless action was took by the king. While the king packed his bags, he made sure that he packed inside of her secret lair where ONLY the maids and servants were allowed to go inside to clean. Unfortunately, not ALL of his servants were trustworthy. A poor foolish young woman called Violeta went down to the layer to “clean” but really she had been snooping around and stealing things from the king but only to bring back to her family and sell for food and water. When she came down to the lair and found his clothes packed along with all of his belongings, she broke down realizing that he was leaving and running away. Yes, she had stolen from him for her family but what no one knew was that she gad fallen in love with him in actuality. To stop him from leaving, he told all of the other maids and servants. The king soon went down to his lair again and started gathering his bags. He waited until the clock struck midnight and finally vanished out the window carrying all of his things. He hid in the shadows finding a poor young boy behind him. He was pale and had no food or water along with no parents or guardians. The boy looked almost dead, so the king decided to take him with him only for half of the journey to find someone who would care for this boy. Hours passed and soon enough they were already along the far away fields passed the woods. The boy slowly opened his eyes and lifted his eyebrows with confusion. “Hello boy. How are you doing?” Jose said. “Um...Alright sir. May I ask where you are taking me, mister king?” the boy said. “To find you a roof, food, water, and guardians.” Jose announced. “Thank you very much sir. But, may I ask where you’re going? You should be in the palace, shouldn’t you?” the boy questioned. “Ah yes boy. But today I am taking a vacation. A very very long one.” Jose said. “Oh. Okay sir. Will it be a long trip?” the boy said. “Ahem. Yes boy. Most likely,” he stopped while the boy hopped off of his hands worrying that he might’ve been too heavy. “So, how have you been surviving, um,” he stopped again. “It’s Jack. Well, my parents have abandoned me so I just feast on leftovers that people throw away. What a waste!” “That sounds terrible! I sympathize you, Jack!” Jose laughed but quickly stopped in sympathy. “Well, it’s not always terrible. Every once a week, you sir, almost always drop some delicious delight while riding on your horse from the market. I hope you’re not mad. I am just always so...hungry.” the boy said. “Well, well, well,” Jose chanted. “That’s where all my delicious fruits are going!” he smiled. They both laughed hysterically.


Years passed and the two survived off of polite manners which got them almost 2 bags full of homemade meals from friendly fellow villagers from a strange far away village. They both looked for acceptable and satisfactory guardians to take care of Jack. They traveled far and wide but didn’t seem to find the right one. One day, men from a village were gossiping about another village. They described it precisely to each other and it begun to sound JUST like the Tierra Sagrada village. “I heard their king ran away and now they have NO king! No one was able to take responsibility! What a foolish village!” the skinny one chuckled. “Now, they have a war to deal with and they don’t seem to have anyone to take charge because the commander and chief has been looking for the king. What a mess. Our promalanian tribe will be sure to win this time.” the large one bragged. The two of them exchanged surprised looks. “We better get back to our village! Something bad is going to happen! I know you don’t want to go back, but they need you, or they’ll die. C’mon! You can leave the kingdom any day, but you can’t save them any other day than today! “You’re right, Jack. That would be the right thing to do, but how will they ever forgive me for leaving them?” he asked. “Don’t worry. They will forgive you.” Jack promised. They borrowed a brawny horse from an old farmer and traveled for miles back to the kingdom. He ran up the stairs of the kingdom still filled with energy. He called the general and made orders as fast as he could as if nothing had happened and he hadn’t gone anywhere. “Don’t take any action! I know what they want.” he shouted to the general. He ran to his lair and dug through his files finding paper. He wrote and wrote until the paper didn’t have any more space. He ran up at the entrance of the city and ran to the waterfall where they lived close to. He called the general and asked him to ask everyone in the village to arrive here at this moment. After everyone arrived, the general asked about his unaccountable orders. “May I ask what you are doing sir?” he questioned. “They want water, we’re giving them water.” the king answered. “But we need it for,” The king turned around, “We are the village with the most water. We have more than we need and this waterfall is told to never stop giving water for it is from the gods above. And shall you question me further?” “No sir.” the general said quietly. They both started gathering water with steel buckets and the whole village joined in. One by one, they carried it to the other village with courage and respect. Soon enough, they had given the promalanian tribe 1000 litres of fresh cold water. The two villages became good friends over the years. Jack, was adopted by the king right when they were done doing their water duties. He then started an orphanage right at the side of the waterfall so they would never run out of water. For the orphanage, he hired his peruvian princess, the untrustworthy, yet forgiving and changed maid, Violeta and he soon fell in love with her. Yet there were some bad times in the kingdom, the king knew what to do because deep down in his heart, he was his father. A clumsy, righteous, worthy, angelic man who loves his family. He still lived for a very long time until the year of 1850. Below shows a picture symbolizing “The Primalanians” and their religion.


Economy and Trade The Tierra Sagrada civilization was like other civilizations. They had their own money, yet they also traded with other things because this village was mostly poor to the extent where they mostly don’t use the currency that Tierra Sagrada provides. For example, farmers may not have much money, yet they can still trade with their animals for food, or even eggs from chickens. This technique was often used in the Tierra Sagrada. Many of the currency provided from the Tierra Sagrada civilization was found right where the map was found, right under the kingdom. (shown in pg. 13) We put the pieces together and researched more finding out that the coin was made out of silver. Using a magnifying glass, you are able to see each an every detail. The coin had text that went around the coin which said “Tierra Sagrada one pian”. (The Sagradian’s currency) Around the text it showed leaves in a circle around the coin, each one pointing counter clockwise. In the front of the coin was a picture of a cantua buxifolia (pronunciation: cahn-tu-wa bu-si-fo-leehya), which is Peru’s unofficial national flower and is also known as the “Sacred Flower of the Andes”. The back showed a crown resembling all of the line of kings that ruled the Tierra Sagrada, and their honorable and actions. (pg. 11-12) Other than the Pian currency, the Sagradians traded lots of useful things like material or even animals. They mostly traded animals because they would be used for a great deal of things. For example, the king would often recieve sheep from farmers to get wool yet they would have to trade the farmer Pians or something useful that the farmer would need, like another animal. Another example would be that in order for the king’s servants to fetch the king a succulant chicken from the market, they would have to pay the storekeeper Pians, or some equivalent to the value of the chicken. The animals were mainly used to trade, nonetheless, they also often used material from tailors or farmers animal’s, to trade. The animals were used most in the village, then the second often used trade was Pians, then material or any useful tools and such. Below is an estimation of the Pian currency conversion to other currency. We based the estimation on the trade equivalency.

Pian Currency conversion 1 Pian=$1 (U.S Dollars) 1 Pian=¥110 (Yen) 1 Pian=€.78 (Euros) 1 Pian=£0.66 (British Pounds) (estimated)


Endings The Tierra Sagrada civilization is believed to have lasted for 35 years and in those 35 years there had been many kings that have came and went leaving a great influence and showing incredible leadership as most of the civilians would believe. So how did it come to an end? Their were many beliefs and stories from more neighborhoods in Peru with some proof, yet the most frequent answer to the ending of this civilization was a short simple story. It all started on the year 1890. 1890 was the year of the big war between an unknown civilization and the Tierra Sagrada civilization. The opposing civilization simply held a grudge against Tierra Sagrada which brought on this war. Torches were required at night for the Tierra Sagrada to look out for their village. At the time, the enemy could have struck at any part of the day. The other civilization planned going at midnight and so they brought torches with them as well. The moment the opposing civilization spotted at the Sagradians, they charged to their village. They all let down their torches near the village to take out their weapons and swords, unaware that a blistering flame had been gradually arising. The fire circled around the war AND the civilization causing massive commotion in the village. Civilians and royalty were trapped miserably and rarely any survived, yet their were some survivors to pass the story on. The Tierra Sagrada will continue to be great remembrance.


Sources Old paper: Photo of the Tigre River: Picture of the ancient bowls: Photo on jobs (farm): Photo of badge: (stock image-badge) Photos of Social Class Structure -Houses-: Photo of “Sacred Flower of the Andes”: Photo of broken coin: Photo of endings legend: Ads: _____________________________________________________________________


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