Which is Better Drywall or Plasterboard? How to Choose?
Are you working on home improvements and confuse between what to choose and what to skip? It happens because of the numerous options. Everyone can get confused. Both plasterboard and drywall are popular options when it comes to wall coverings. There is a never-ending discussion on the internet regarding these of drywall vs plaster. There are reasons for using either of them. Today, we are going to give reasons for using these two methods depending on the circumstances. But first, you need to differentiate between drywall vs plaster.
What is drywall?
Drywall is a construction material that you can use as a covering for walls and ceilings. It is a gypsum sheeting, and it consists of two paper boards. Using drywall as wall or ceiling covering is cheap, effective, and durable. That is why many people are opting for dry lining systems for walls. There are several pros and cons of using drywall. Read below the advantages and disadvantages of using drywall in your house. Positive aspects of drywall
Installing drywall in your house is a speedy process. It is faster and rapid as compared to the plasterboard.
Because of the easy and fast process, you can save time and cost of labor.
You can save yourself more time if you are using the lifters.
You will be amazed by the strength of drywall. Drywall can support and sustain the walls.
Going for drywall is a cost-effective option as it also provides us insulation.
Negative aspects of drywall:
Drywall also has negative aspects. Read below to find out the limitation of drywall.
The first disadvantage of drywall is that it is not water-resistant. It can absorb the water. The water can seep through the drywall and can allow mold.
To make drywall water-resistant, you need to use fiberglass instead of paper.
Installation of drywall causes dust within the area.
You need to pack the area before installing drywall, or else it can spread through the entire house.
If you do not install the drywall properly, it can be vulnerable and prone to damage.
What is plasterboard?
Plasterboard is a traditional favorite. It ranges from home to fine arts. Calcium sulfate dihydrate use to make the panels of plasterboard. Plasterboard is one of the popular options for the interior of walls and ceilings. You can secure the area from sound and other damages by using plasterboard. Know that plasterboards can protect the area from fire and sound. It can also help to control the negative impacts during the high humidity atmosphere. Positive aspects of drywall
It gives a smooth finish to your décor.
The plasterboard is lightweight and easy to install.
You can use it for creating a neat curve of walls.
Various plasterboards differ according to their features.
A plasterboard is a beneficial option when it comes to cutting noise transmissions.
High-performance plasterboards provide better insulation against the sound.
Plasterboards are water resistant even when they expose to a high level of dampness.
As for drywall vs plaster comparison, plasterboards are lightweight and easy to handle.
Plasterboard use recyclable materials and sustainable resources.
Plasterboards are easy to repair. You do not need any complicated tools for them.
Negative aspects of drywall
Any negligence in the installation process can cause cracks within the plasterboard.
They are a bit expensive as compared to the drywall system.
The installation of plasterboards requires skilled workers and training.
It requires more labor as a comparison to drywall.
After discussing drywall vs plaster, you need to choose the best solution according to your requirements.