With this in mind, I introduce my uncle, Mr Francis Kofi Morny, who is a Production Manager in a Dairy Factory in The Netherlands, and speaking to us from there about what happened in this case:
KM: I think I heard about that. Was it in Florida, or somewhere?
ACH: That’s it. What did you think?
KM: Yeah. That was something about his going to school wasn’t it?
ACH: Yeah.
KM: I don’t know what it is but in the States, it depends on where you are, probably. I think that if it was in New York, maybe it would have been a different story. You know, most of the time, dreadlocks are stereotyped. Because of that, a lot of people find dreadlocks offensive. Yeah, maybe that is why. I tell you one thing, here in the Netherlands, people love dreadlocks. I work with my dreadlocks and they love to see my dreadlocks, they want to touch it they want to hold it. It depends © 2018 Ayesha Casely-Hayford