1 minute read
Tracy Brown, Director of Business Development
Coy’s is a name that needs little introduction. The famed Hot Springs restaurant, though no longer standing, built a legacy that speaks for itself. Today, those historic (and delicious) flavors live on as Coy’s Southern Eats, a spice, seasoning, dressing and event company.
For Coy’s Director of Business Development Tracy Brown, the Coy’s ethos is about staying true to the customers who made the brand into what it is. They don’t take lightly the confidence that customers have put in them, either. “The number one statement anyone can say about you is that you have excellent customer service,” she says.
Brown sums up the Coy’s mission statement as “keeping a smile on your face and helping you remember the greatest times you ever had with food.”
Coy’s Southern Eats is not just about reminiscing on the storied past of Coy’s Steakhouse, even though Brown and the rest of her family still love to hear “Coy’s Stories” from former patrons and current fans.
“So many people have such great memories from their times at Coy’s,” she says. “For those who are just getting to know us, I hope they love our products. When they see us, they can tell us how they created new memories with their family and friends while they used our products.”
The Coy’s Southern Eats team is a family – mixed with friends who are as good as blood. As a new generation comes up in the family business, Brown says, everyone has only gotten better at learning from and playing to each other’s strengths.

“When we decided to rebrand, we had a year and a half of learning new trends, planning and deciding the best path to merge the old and the new generations together,” Brown says. “Above all, we all trust each other, share the same goals and have really, really good products.”
“The restaurant industry can be a tough and cynical business,” she continues. “We could have never imagined that what we were doing back in the 70s and 80s could or would still mean so much to people today. It is a totally different era now, but we will always do the best we can to make the next generation feel the same way about Coy’s as the ones of the past.”