Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
President of AYLI Indonesia – Muhammad Akbar Satrio
Greeting for Future Global Leaders! The future is ours. It belongs to all today’s youth! However, we will face many challenges in the future. The challenges of which are not small but are very huge. We can’t do anything except prepare
ourselves with good competency and optimal skills in order to continue the leadership in the future. Reason being is because the youth of today, are the leaders of tomorrow.
“Instead of only preparing ourselves for future, we also develop ourselves and improve our own quality. This means that we also prepare the best future for our families, our country, our religion (Islam), and even the world.”
We are part of the world, and therefore have to take responsibility for the world’s future. In this era
of globalization, distance is not an obstacle. Although we are separated by distance, we should still have one mission, which is of course to create a brighter future for our world. Indonesia International Leadership Camp (IILC) within Al Azhar Youth Leader Institute (AYLI), challenge the youths from many countries to start their journeys to become leaders. This is a very long and hard journey to push ourselves to be of the best quality. IILC is an integrated program for intellectual, spiritual, and also physical aspects. This program is designed for those who want to become future global leaders.
“This wonderful event also contains the opportunity to experience the beautiful cultures and amazing nature of Indonesia. Don’t hesitate!
Take the opportunity and prepare your selves to start taking your first step into becoming future global leaders! Now or Never!” Wassalammu’alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
Muhammad Akbar Satrio President of Al Azhar Youth Leader Institute
Muslim youths are the milestone generation of Islam’s glory in the future. They are expected to bring back the greatness of Islam as it was during the eras of the prophet Muhammad SAW’s leadership, Umayyad Empire, the Abbasid Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. Muslim youths nowadays are facing many challenges which encourage them to improve their leadership competency. But, according to the leadership point of view there hasn’t been optimal demonstration of the active role in advancing the Islamic civilization and achieving the glory of Islam in the world. It can be seen from the low intensity of Muslim youths activity to answer the problems of Islamic civilization and its deterioration. On the other hand, there are many Muslim youths who are busy with their own targets which are self-oriented and do not reflect the basic obligations as caliphs in the world.
This scourge can cause dissolution of future generation who are capable of leading the transition of Muslims, or what we call "Lost Translation". As a result, the future of Islam may be in a slump. To avoid that possibility, we on behalf of Al-Azhar Youth Leader Institute (AYLI) intend to conduct an activity which not only able to raise the fighting spirit of Muslim youths but also give them provisions of leading the future Islamic civilization through Leadership and Islamic Guidance. We perceive it as very important to hold “Indonesia International Leadership Camp” as an event to train prospective young future leaders of Islam, with both theory and applications. Thus, they could contribute to the development of Islamic civilization. This leadership camp will provide theory about leadership and management as well as an understanding of how important Al Qur’an and As Sunnah are as a living guide, how to read Al Qur’an (Qira’ah) and martial arts as a provision of self-defense. In the end, we hope there will be Muslim youths who will gain Islamic fighting spirit, knowledge and physical strength.
The Indonesia International leadership Camp 2014 is a 10-day quarantine program which consists of the interesting and inspiring activities that will enable youths to become the next future leaders. Being “A Leader” requires many skills such as leadership, communication, strategic management. You will receive those skills in “Indonesia International Leadership Camp 2016” which contains exciting, fun and full of knowledgeable activities as well as unforgettable experiences. Islamic Youths around the world, prepare yourselves. Here are several materials that you will gain in IILC.
Who is a leader? What is leadership? How to lead? As the next future world leader, you should know who a leader is and what leadership means. In this IILC 2016 you will know the identity of a leader and how to lead.
There is a saying that goes, “A man could rule the world through his words�. From that proverb, we
know that the power of communication can influence others to do what we want. Do not hesitate to follow this event, because you will get the theory of communication as well as the practice. Prepare yourselves to rule the world!
AYLI’s members are required to be independent. This independence is realized with the entrepreneurial activities. In IILC you will not only obtain the theories about entrepreneurship, but you will also practice the entrepreneurial skills on the field. Throug h IILC , we e n coura ge the pa r ticipa nts t o b e inde pe nd ent with their own busine ss a s we ll a s succe ssful pe ople in future . Entrepreneurship is one great activity to train our leadership abilities. All managerial parts are applied ranging from planning, setting up, implementation, and control. In addition, the product marketing function is to train our communication skills. Yes, we are going to learn to be entrepreneurs. H o w e v e r , Do not hope you will study a wide range of entrepreneurial practice directly on the field! Do you see the challenges? Absolutely!
AYLI has competent Qira’ah teachers. One of our teachers is an Indonesian national Qori
(reciter of Qur’an). Through Qira’ah, we expect
participants to learn the art of reading Al-Qur’an and gain more interest in it.
Pencak Silat is a significant martial art in Indonesia. In Pencak Silat, there are a lot of values that teach philosophy through the subtlety of manners in courage. It should be possesed by every leader. In IILC, you will learn Pencak Silat. Thus through Pencak
Silat we take you to be an intelligent leader as well as strong physically. Leaders who are gentle in manners and brave in actions!
o you think IILC 2016 consists of some
boring formal classes only? Of course not! For the first five days we will visit some
interesting places in Indonesia (Jakarta & West Java). The places that will be visited are
museums, mosques/Islamic
places, tourism, media offices, communities
(kampung) and agricultural land. So, let’s feel the sensation of living in Indonesia!
Each country has the art of their respective cultures. One country may have different cultures in each province. In IILC 2016, the participants will perform the art from their countries so that the participants will know each other’s cultures. (Q.S. Al Hujurat: 13)
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December 7-20, 2016 Jakarta & West Java
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Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world and home to more than 250 million people. Mainly Muslims — with substantial Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. Indigenous tribes still exist in Borneo to Irian Jaya in Eastern Indonesia. The presence of their pagan ancestry can still be seen, heard and felt by those who dare to breach the tourist frontiers. Geographically, Indonesia is also grouped into four specific territories. The first one is Sunda besar (big Sunda) consisting of Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The second one is Sunda kecil (small Sunda) comprising smaller islands ranging from Bali island to the east territory. Third, Maluku Island covering all islands situated between Papua and Sulawesi territory.The last is Papua.
MasjidAgungAl-Azhar (The Great Mosque of Al-Azhar) The Great Mosque of Al-Azhar is one of the biggest and most famous mosques in Jakarta. Other than its beautiful buildings, Al-Azhar is one of the most active mosques in Jakarta. There are various activities in Al-Azhar Mosque, including social entreprise, da’wah, education, and youth activities. AlAzhar Mosque is managed by Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar (Al-Azhar Islamic Foundation) which concerns formal education (pre-elementary to university), Islamic education, social activities, da’wah, and youth activities. (,
AYLI Indonesia is a non-profit youth organization that concerns in
developing the youth’s potential in becoming future global leaders.
located in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, which is one of the youth organizations under the Great Mosque of Al-Azhar, Jakarta. AYLI is experienced in holding youth leadership training in Indonesia for Indonesian and International
youth. (
: Muslim youth participants should be between 17-23 years of age.
Education Background : Senior High School and College. Marital Status
: Single.
: The participants must have an understanding of English.All applications must be submitted in English.
: All applicants must make a short video maximum 3 minutes, telling your identity and motivation to take part in Indonesia International Leadership
Camp 2016. The video must be uploaded to Youtube and give the link to the committee through the application form. Note: Participants will be selected on the basis of motivation and essay. The organizers will ensure fairness in terms of age, geography and diversity among selected participants.
Visa Exemption Visa-Free Short Visits only for nationals of the following 11 countries and territories: Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Hong Kong Special Area (Hong Kong SAR), Macau Special Area (Macau SAR), Malaysia, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Singapore,Thailand and Vietnam. Requirements: 1. Passport must be valid for a minimum 6 month as from the date of entry into Indonesia. 2. Onward or return ticket is compulsory 3. No compulsory vaccinations 4.Visitors on Visa-Free Short Visits must be enter and exit from certain airports and seaports in Indonesia VISA on ARRIVAL (VoA) Available for nationals of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab,
Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America. Citizens of these countries will be able to apply for a VoA valid for either 3 or 30 days upon arrival by air in Bali, Jakarta and a few other international airports or by ship at a limited number of Indonesian sea ports. A 30-day visa costs US$35. The VoA cannot be extended or converted into any other kind of visa. Also be aware that Immigration officials calculate the 30-day period as follows: your arrival day is counted as your first day, and you must leave the country on the 30th Day! Tourism Visa Granted for a restricted time of leisure travel and no business activities allowed. You can visit visa application requirement at:
You must read these Terms and Conditions carefully. Please sign where indicated and return to Al-Azhar Youth Leader Institute. I. PURPOSE By receiving this award, you are given the opportunity to improve your Leadership skills and to learn more about Indonesia (Language and Culture) by studying at Al Azhar Youth Leader Institute from 15/12/2016 until 24/12/2016. In addition, you will learn about the Indonesian language, Pencak Silat (culture) and Qira’ah (Art Reading Qur’an) in order to enhance your understanding of Indonesian society and cultures. Also, you will be given the opportunity to develop your critical thinking and interpersonal skills. This program will be both academically rigorous and intellectually challenging. Accordingly, the following terms and special instructions of this grant are outlined below.
2. FINANCIAL TERMS The following financial provisions are provided to you by the Al-Azhar Youth Leader Institute:
Living Expenses & Arrangements: Room and board accommodations for this program will be funded directly by the Al-Azhar Youth Leader Institute (AYLI) on your behalf. All housing and meal arrangements have been arranged and you will receive additional information upon arrival. Study Fees: Your study fees and any required learning fees for this program will borne by AYLI. Health Benefit Plan: The AYLI provides health and accident benefits. This coverage is not all-purpose health insurance; it is subject to specific limitations and is provided only through your authorized period of IILC sponsorship. You will receive additional information upon arrival.
3. DURATON OF STAY You will be required to complete your grant in the program at the Al-Azhar Mosque in Jakarta. No extensions of sponsorship beyond this period will be permitted. Should an emergency necessitate early departure, prior approval must be obtained through AYLI. AYLI will not be liable for any claim(s) resulting from your failure to enter upon or to complete the program.
4. IILC FOLLOW ON RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACTIVITIES As a requirement of accepting this award you will be required to act as a participant of IILC by learning about Leadership skills, Qira’ah (art of reading Qur’an), Communication skills, Managerial skills, Indonesian Language, Pencak Silat, Indonesian Islamic History, etc. During this period you will get the experience of
studying and living in Indonesia. You will receive guidelines and instructions for these activities at a later date. 5. IILC TRAVEL POLICY You are not permitted to travel within or outside Indonesia during your period of sponsorship. NOTE: Various intensive program activities have been pre-approved and arranged.
6. PROGRAM SPECIFIC POLICIES The participant must obey all of the rules: Follow all of the programs and obey to the time schedule which has been arranged by the committee. Do not do any crimes, smoke, use any drugs (except the prescription from a doctor). The participants must confirm their arrival (date of flight including the number of the flight) and send them to
7. RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITIES The participants have several things to be considered :
• Participants have to obey all of the rules that have been made by the committee. • Participants must join all of the entire schedule of the Indonesia International Leadership Camp (IILC) of Al AzharYouth Leader Institute that have been arranged by the committee. • All complaints can be sent to the members of the Organizing Committee of IILC.
8. RULES AFTER JOINING THE PROGRAM All the participants will become members of AYLI after the event of the Indonesia International Leadership Camp and have the responsibility to develop the Leadership Potential of all the youth in every participant’s country.
9. REVOCATION,TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION OF AWARD If the participants are not able to continue the program of the Indonesia International Leadership camp then by all means participants must leave Indonesia maximum 1 (one) day after the statement to stop continuing the program.
Media Partner
“The experience from me that I think I’ll never ever get again which very important was that we challenged ourselves. I usually don’t challenge myself and try something like that. But in
Indonesia International Leadership Camp course, I leant a lot that you got to challenge yourself, you got to do things you thought never capable of it. Allows you to find out things about yourself and realize you are capable of doing a lot more that you are capable of. I think that was most the important thing.” Aashiika Dawood (South Africa) IILC 2014
“Actually I join Indonesia International Leadership Camp because I found it very important especially for those youths who want to become a youth leader wherever they live all over the world. IILC has been success to me in making me a leader. It has been great share of information as well as the
knowledge. To me, I believe through AYLI – Al Azhar Youth Leader Institute – the world has a bright future in term of future leadership. My words to youth out there, please take your chance with Indonesia International Leadership Camp. If you have the chance and the opportunity, please join us together as we struggle for the better Islam and brotherhood.” Ahmed Abdullah (Uganda) IILC 2014
“What I can say about Indonesia International Leadership Camp, it is amazing! You will learn about leadership and more challenging physical activities and mental activities. Really, if you really want to be a leader, you must try this!” Bai Honey Demalon (Phillipines) IILC 2014
“This camp is a great opportunity to meet new people and to become a great leader. Many friends from other countries like South Africa, Uganda, Malaysia and Philippines. I met some cool and interesting people hereThe leadership camp was a good experience. It allowed me to become more expressive of myself. It helped to break my fear of public speaking and I needed more of that. I think this is good way to learn values through pencak silat by using your mind, your body, and mental abilities.” Ammar Abdurrahman (Australia) IILC 2014
Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
12110 Web: Email : Twitter
: @AYLI_Indonesia
Facebook: AYLI Indonesia Office
: +6221 72-800-666
Steering Committee: Sidik Jordan (+62 856-9145-3345) Program Director: Muhammad Rizky Affan (+62 812-8617-6248)
Public Relations of IILC 2016: Muhammad Yasir (+62 812-8690-8060)