Aylin alpay portfolio 2013

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ayl i nal pay i ndus t r i aldes i gnpor t f ol i o

ayl i nal pay cur r i cul umv i t ae

educati on

Mi ddl e EastTechni calUni versi ty Bachel orofI ndustri alDesi gn, 4th rank studentwi th 3, 46 cgpa Honorl i st,201 3 Ankara,TURKEY Pol i tecni co diMi l ano Desi gn delProdotto I ndustri al e Exchange,201 2 Spri ng Semester Mi l an,I TALY Bursa Anatol i an Hi gh School Mathsand Sci ence asMaj ors, HonorLi st,2008 Bursa,TURKEY

i nternshi ps Kal e Serami k R&D Department Desi gn Devel opmentOf fice, 6 W eeks,201 2 Çanakkal e,TURKEY OMC Desi gn Studi os 6 W eeks,201 2,Como,I TALY Tof asTürk Otomobi lFabri kası Manuf acturi ng I nternshi p 3 W eeks,201 2 Bursa,TURKEY

Karsan Otomoti v Manuf acturi ng I nternshi p 4 W eeks,201 1Bursa,TURKEY

workshops organi zati ons “Desi gn f orAl l ” 2 days,organi sed by I MMI B 201 2 Ankara,TURKEY “ConceptualHood” 5 days,organi sed by FABER 201 2 Mi l an,I TALY

ayl i nal pay@mai l . com +905545043626 Bur s aTURKEY

“The Spi ri tofDesi g” Obj ects,Envi ronmentsMeani ngs 201 0 Ankara,TURKEY

A Desi gn Award Competi ti on Gal a Ni ght, Ogani serAssi stant 201 2,Como,I TALY Legambi ente W ork Camp W orl d Heri tage Vol unteers, SummerCamp, 201 0,Veni ce,I TALY

ski l l s Adobe Photoshop Adobe I l l ustrator Adobe Fl ash Sony Vegas Prezi

l anguage Autodesk SketcBook Autodesk 3DS Max Rhi noceros V-ray KeyShot

Engl i sh -Advanced Toe I BT-93 05. 201 3 I tal i an -I ntermedi ate Turki sh -Nati ve

awards I MMI BI ndustri alDesi gn Contest-201 3 Desi gn f orAl lConcept 2nd Pri ze -StudentCategory I MMI BI ndustri alDesi gn Contest-201 2 Desi gn f orAl lConcept Menti on Pri ze -StudentCategory

press&exhi bi ti ons

Arredamento Archi tecture Magazi ne

Turkey I nnovati on W eek Exhi bi ti on

I nternati onalCerami c Bathroom Ki tchen Fai r

pr oj ect s

ombi a-201 3 PROJECTSTATEMENT //Col Col ombi ai sahomef ur ni t ur ef oryoung coupl esenr i chi ng,t heexper i enceof hos t i ngandr es t i ng.

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 COLOMBI A //Col

Gr aduat i onPr oj ect

Des i gnedt oof f eras paces avi ng,mul t i pur pos ei t em off ur ni t ur et oupper mi ddl e cl as syoungcoupl es ,Col ombi as uppor t sa var i et yofdi f f er entus ages cenar i osi ndai l y l i f eandwhi l s thos t i nggues t s .

i ncol l obor at i onwi t h

ombi a-201 3 EXPLORATI ON //Col Asabegi nni ng,Imadeami ndmapf orr eveal i ng t her out i nesanddet ai l sofhos t i nggues tact i vi t y.



f ood& bever age

act i vi t i es

obj ect s

act i vi t i es

posi t i ons

cooki ng

ser vi cepl at es

br i ngi ngsnacks

oncof f eet abl e

pr epar i ngf ood

ser vi cet r ay

br i ngi ngdr i nks

onsi det abl e

pr epar i ngdi shwar e

f or ks,kni ves

car r yi ngdi shes

onnestt abl e

pr epar i ngdr i nks

gl asses

r eser vi ng

onl aps

cake.j ui ce

spaceor gani zat i on

napki ns

cl eani ngenv.

onf oot

snacks.al cohol

desser t s.cof f ee f r ui t.t ea past r y.sof tdr i nks

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 COLOMBI A //Col Thenihaveanal ys edt hem anddeci det hear ea t hatiwi l lgodeepi nt o.

SHARI NG MOMENTS act i vi t i es

PLACES si t t i ng post ur es

bef or e

t al k/chat

f acet of ace.ont hesof a

ki t chenf or

wat chmovi e/mat ch

si det osi de.ont hepouf

cooki ngand

pl aygames/car ds

al lt oget her.ar oundt abl e

pr eper at i on

l i st enmusi c eat& dr i nk

i ngr oups.orcof f eet abl e separ at el y.ont heoor

bef or eguest s ar r i ve

i ndoor.out dor si t t i ngr oom .gar den l ounge.t er r ace di ni ngr oom .bal cony ďŹ r epl ace.pool

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 TARGETUSER //Col Af t err esear chesand anal ysi sIhavedeci ded t o f ocus onupper mi dl ecl assyoungcoupl esand obser ved t hei r habbi t s,behavi our s,act i vi t i es and f eel i ngs.ThenIputt hei nf or mat i onsIhave gat her ed t oget her , dr aw a concl usi on and shapedt ar getuserofmi ne.








ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 FI ELD RESEARCH //Col Then Ihave made fiel dr esear ch and i nt er vi ews wi t hcoupl eswhofitwi t ht het ar getuserpr ofil e. Thi s st udy pr ovi ded var i et y ofi nf or mat i on f or t hepr oj ectsuch ashousepl ans,l ocat i on oft he f ur ni t ur e and choi ce of t he f ur ni t ur e i t sel f . Besi depysi calcondi t i onsIhavef oundchancet o getbehavi our i ali nf or mat i on t hr ough obser vat i onsandi nt er vi er ws.

Housesofi nt er vi ewi es

Bi l geSer kanKar aca,Ankar a Adapt abi l i t yt odi f f er entspacesandscenar i os i sessent i alt ocoverwi devar i et yofneeds

Gül dem–Ser kanSahi nkaya,Bur sa

Hat i ce–Eni sAkar ,Ankar a

For malel egancei si mpor t antast heyar ever y Thei rdemandsar eflexi bl esol ut i onswhi chwi l l sel ect i veandconsci ousaboutst yl e,andt ast e. fiti ndi f f er entscenar i oandwi l lcoverdi f f er ent per i odsofhost i ngact i vi t y.

“Becauseofnew act i vi t i es,di f f er entneedsandexpect at i onsoccur . ” G.Sahi nkaya

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 I DEATI ON //Col Forgener at i ng t hei ni t i ali deas,Ihavef ocused on t heout comesofr esear chesandi nt er vi ews. So IdeďŹ ned some keywor dsand t r i ed t o st i ck wi t ht hem whi l e devel opi ngi deas.I nt hi sst epI havef ocusedont hedi ver si t yofi deas.

Mobi l i t y movi ngt he obj ecteasi l yasi t wi l lbeusedi n di f f er ent scenar i os.

Post ur es consi der i ngt he si t t i ng,l eani ng, eat i ng,pl ayi ng post ur esof peopl e.

t or Comf e o e makep pl e l hi w e l b a t or comf y l e v i t c a t ngi usi y. vel orpassi

Act i vi t i es consi der i ngt he var i et yofact i v i t i est hatuse r s per f or m

Space or gani sat i on adapt i ngt he pr oduct accor di ngt o t heneeds .

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 I DEATI ON //Col To definet hekeyf eat ur es,pr i or i t i zet hem and dr aw t he pat ht hat Iwi l lf ol l ow dur i ng t he desi gnpr ocess,IhavemadeC.O.D.exer ci se.I havedet er mi nedt he “ Must s” ,“ Shoul ds”and “ Coul ds”oft hepr oj ect .




Pr oductmust :

Pr oductshoul d:

Pr oductcoul d:

•bemadeofwood–fir mt hatiam col l obor aı ngwi t huseswoodand der i vat i onsast heonl yr aw mat er i al( met aldet ai l sar esuppl i edf r om out si de)

•enhancet heexper i encei nt ot al-i n t er msofser vi ce,act i vi t y,shar i ngmoment

•beasyst em –beat t achedanddet ached

•f ul filt heneedsofguestandhostbot hi . e.ser vi ng( host ) ,consumi ng( guest ) , comf or t( bot h)

•besui t abl ef orper sonal i sat i on/ cust omi sat i on-cor r el at ei t sel fwi t h user

•of f eraddi t i onalseat i ngar eas-f oract i vi t yorf orcomf or t

•bedecor at i vewheni ti snotusedor wheni ti sst or ed–becausei twi l l havedi f f er entpar t s

•notbeaf ur ni t ur especi al i zedf oronl y oneact i vi t y–usedi nt hewhol escenar i o •sur pr i set heuser–t heguestort hehost , atfir stl ookorwhi l eusi ng

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 FI NALI SATI ON //Col TheďŹ naldesi gnpr oposal ,i sani t em off ur ni t ur e t hatof f er sf unct i onal i t y,comf or tand aest het i c t ot heuseratt hesamet i me.I tcanbedescr i bed i nt hr eest eps;f eat ur es,scenar i osanddet ai l s.

Fi nalPr ot ot ypef orFi nalJur y

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 FEATURES //Col Aswel lasbei ngcompact ,i tof f er sdi f f er entsur f aces f orser vi ng,si t t i ng and r est i ng.Besi des, Col ombi a has wheel sf ormanoeuvr abi l i t y and pr ovi desuser swi t hexi bl espaceor gani zat i on dur i ngact i vi t i es.

Pul lt hesi det abl e Ther ei sasi det abl e i nsi deoft hemi ddl e par ti nor dert ocover t heser vi cer el at ed scenar i os.

Taket het r ayf orser vi ce Oneoft hesur f aces l ocat edont hesi det abl e i sf ul l y det achabl eand canbeusedasaser vi ng t r ay.

Shi f tt heser vi cear ea

Pl acet hesi det abl er ever se

Ot hersur f acesont he nt oseat i ngar ea si desoft hef ur ni t ur ear e i al soser vi cear easand Theset wosur f aceson t heyar ef ul l ydet achabl e. t hesi descanbeconver t edi nt oanuphol st er edseat i ng/r est i ng ar eabyt ur ni ngt hem upsi dedown.

Ast hesi det abl eandmai n pr oducthavet he same decor at i vepat t er n,t heywi l l l ookhol i st i candsymmet r i c whensi det abl epl aced r ever se.

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 SCENARI OS //Col The ai m oft hi s pr oj ectwas of f er i ng di f f er ent usages f ordi f f er entscenar i os.Some oft hem ar ei l l ust r at edbel ow.

Comf or tf ur ni t ur ef ordai l yuse

Ser vi ceandser vi cer el at edst or agear ea

Seat i ngar eawhent her ear emanypeopl e

Thi sf eat ur eof f er suser st oext endt hei r l egs,r el axandr est .Theycanwat cha movi e,t vwhi l eeat i ngpopcor norenj oy newspaper saccompani edwi t hacupof cof f ee.

Aspr oducthasasepar at esi det abl e,i t hel psuseri nser vi cest age.W hi l esi det abl e i sbei ngusedact i vel y,t heot herpar tcanbe usedt ost or et eapot ,bi squi t s,napki nset c.

W hent heuphol st er edsur f acesar eont op, pr oductcanal sobeusedf orsi t t i ng.I nsuch caset hesur f acebet weenseat i ngar eascan beusedasser vi cear eaf orseat edpeopl e.

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 SCENARI OS //Col Pr oductal so suppor t s cr eat i ve usages whi ch user swi lshapeont hei rown.i . e.usi ng det achabl esur f acesont hesi desasl apt oppi l l ow. . .

Gat her i ngar eawhi l epl ayi ngboxgames

Facet of acesi t t i ngf orgamesandact i vi t i es

Cof f eet abl eusagewheni ti scl ose

I ncaseofhavi ngt wo,spaceor gani sat i on f oract i vi t i esi spossi bl e.Sur f acescanbe usedf orsi t t i ng,f orser vi ceandf orgames orot heract i vi t i esatt hesamet i me.

Ast hepr oducthast woseat i ngar eaanda sur f acei nbet ween,i tcanbeusedt opl ay backgammon,chess,goorot hergames whi chr equi r ef acet of acesi t t i ngposi t i on.

Symmet r i cdecor at i onsont hemai npar tand si det abl ear ebot haest het i candf unct i onal . Theypr ovi deahol i st i cl ookwi t houtl i mi t i ng t heusagewhent heyar epl acedr ever se.

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 DETAI LS //Col Expl odedvi ew oft heent i r epr oductwi t hdet ai l s and par t s,mat er i alchoi cesand manuf act ur i ng det ai l sar ei l l ust r at edbel ow

At t achabl e-det achabl et r ay Topsur f aceofsi det abl e Legsofsi det abl e Decor at i vesur f ace Decor at i veconnect i vesur f ace Uphol st er edseat Ser vi cear ea Connect orofl egs Suppor tf orl egs Connect orofl egs L egs

St eelbal lwheel s Bot t om ofsi det abl e Connect i vemi ddl epar t s St eelconnect or Det ai l s

Feetoft r ay/Channel s

u mi n u ms h ape L eat h er Woods i dedMDF L acqu er edMDFAl

Joi ni ngdet ai lofmi ddl epar t s

Ri f esofdecor at i vesur f ace

Joi ni ngdet ai lofseat i ngpar t

DETAI LS//Col ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 Techni caldet ai l s,sect i onsand t he assembl y oft hepr oductar ei l l ust r at edbel ow.

The l eg oft he pr oduct i s angul ar . Thi s angl e cr eat esanar eaf oruser t ohol dt heseat i ngpar t whi l eshi f t i ngsur f aces.

MDF Lacquer ed

MDF W oodSi ded

Leat her Uphol st r y

W heel

Thi smet alj oi ni ngdet ai l i sf orst r engt heni ngt he connect i onand maki ng t hemi ddl epar tactl i ke t he l eg of t he si t t i ng sur f ace.

Assembl yoft hepr oduct

Di sassembl edpr oduct

Assembl yoft hr eepar t s

Fi nalpr oduct

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 VARI ATI ONS //Col As pr oduct cover s di f f er ent scenar i os,i t has wi derpot ent i alusergr uopsi ndependentf r om age.SoImadedi f f er ental t er nat i ves.

COL OMBI Acl assi c

COL OMBI Aethni c

c COL OMBI Aenergeti

ombi a-Spr i ng201 3 VARI ATI ONS //Col

COL OMBI Acl OMBI Aethni assi c COL c Cl assi ci st he or i gi nal st yl e of t he pr oduct . W hi l e st yl i ng, t he fir ms desi gn appr oach cont empor ar y and decor at i ve-i sconsi der ed.So“ cl assi c” has di gni fied col or s and geomet r i c pat t er ns whi ch ar e compat i bl e wi t h t hedesi gnoft hepr oduct .

Et hni c ver si on i s a st i l ldecor at i ve but mor et ext ur alvar i at i onoft heCol ombi a. The decor at i ons ar ei nspi r ed f r om ol d pat t er ns.Asi tcan be under st ood f r om t he name pat t er ns have et hni cr oot s. And t he col orchoi cesar e mor e nat ur al l ooki ngones.

COL OMBI Aenergeti c Ener get i c di f f er sf r om ot her s wi t hi t s pl ai nness.I ti samor edynami c,mi ni mal i standenj oyf ulvar i t ai onoft hepr oduct . The si mpl i ci t y and monochr omat i ci t y makest hepr oducti coni candcat hchy.

nt uo-Fal l201 2 PROJECTBRI EF //I

Pl easur abl eI nt er act i on Af oodpr oces s orandcooker ,of f er i ngi nt ui t i vei nt er act i on

i ncol l obor at i onwi t h

l201 2 I NTUO // Fal I nt uoi sdes i gnedt ogetr i dofs i mi l ar ,monot onous and conf us i ng but t ons us ed t o per f or m s ever al phys i calact i onsandt oof f eradi f f er entexper i ence t ot heus er .

nt uo-Fal l201 2 EXPLORATI ON //I Fi r stofal l ,Ihave made a r esear ch on smal l el ect r i calki t chen appl i ances,and quest i oned “ whatIcan of f eruser ” t o enhancet heusage scenar i o.I nor dert opr ovi dea di f er entexper i enceandapl easur abl ei nt er act i ont ot he user , Ihaver esear ched“ exper i enceandi nt er act i on” .



Thi sdi mensi ondefines t hei nt er act i ons.W or ds ar et hei nt er act i ont hat useruset oi nt er actwi t h.


ons i at esent epr sualr Thevi he hatt ngst hi het et ar he hont t swi act er nt useri ace. f er nt i



Thet i m t userw ewi hwhi cht i l li nt he er “ Cont act . entt h atch over a t i n mesu ges vi c deo,a hass ound ni mat , i on.

ht t p: //www. sl i deshar e. net /st ephenpa/cr eat i ngpl easur abl ei nt er f acesget t i ngf r omt askst oexper i ences




nof mensi ddi r hi s Thet gndefine ondesi i act h er t nt i swi ect j b o r o e c he hespa t cht nwi hi t chorwi whi h. t actwi er t n i l l i w r e us

OR VI BEHA D he 5 definest r o i v a h e heb s T on i eact ons,r i sact ’ user ow aceandh f er nt hei ot t . t oi espondt heyr t

nt uo-Fal l201 2 USER RESEARCH // I Af t eri nt er vi ewi ngwi t ht heus er s ,Ihavegat her ed s ome i nf or mat i ons on us er pr oduct i nt er act i on andt heexpect at i onsoft heus er sf r om t he ki t chenappl i ances .

W hatt heuserwantt o Do Cookwi t hl es sef f or t ,eas i l y Checkf r om t i met ot i me Di r ect l ys er ve Dealwi t hot hert as kss i mul t aneous l y Lear nt ous ei tqui ckl y Cl eaneas i l y



W hati sgoi ngon? W hi chbut t oni sf orwhat ? I si tr eady? How doesi tt as t e? Canil eavei tf orawhi l e? How mucht i mehaspas s ed?

I nvol vedi nt echnol ogymor e I ti seas yt ocook I ti sheal t hy,s af eandcl ean Pl eas ur e,j oy Pr oudoft hepr oduct Pr oudofhi m/her s el f

nt uo-Fal l201 2 I DEATI ON //I Bef or ei deat i on,Imadef ur t herr es ear chesonhow peopl e i nt er actwi t h obj ect s ,how t heyper ci eve andl i nkt heact i onsi ngener als ens e.AndIques t i oned t hat“ how can Iappl yt hi sper cept i on”t o t heal r eadyexi s t i ngpr oduct si nor dert ogetr i dof t hemeani ngl es s nes soft hebut t onsandcr eat ean enj oyabl eandmeani ngf ulexper i ence.

cor r el at et heact i onsandt hef unct i ons

Ti mei ndi cat i on Peopl edoubl et ap t ot hei r wr i s t wh e r e t h e i r wa t c h Heatadj ust ment uppos edt obei nor dert o As i ncr eas i ng/decr eas i ng s a s k “ Wh a t t i me i s i t ? ” heati san abs t r actnot i on, i thasbeenas s oci at edwi t h t ur ni ngaknob.

Smashi ng Smas hi ngt hi ngsbypus hi ng d o wn i s a c o mmo n wa y of St i r r i ng/Mi xi ng b r e a k i n g f o o d s i n t o p i e c e s Fi ngeri sus edt omi xors t i r o r p u r e e i n g i t t hi ngsf ors omes i t uat i ons . And al s o us i ng fingeri sa nat ur alandi nt ui t i ve behavi or .

St oppi ng St i cki ng finger st oget her ands t r ai ght eni nghandi sa wel lknown i ndi cat or f or “ s t op”

nt uo-Fal l201 2 I DEATI ON // I Dur i ngt hei deagener at i ons t age,Idet er mi ned s omekeyf eat ur eswhi chcons t i t ut et hebas eof t hepr oj ect .Addi t i onal l yIt r i edt ocr eat eal anguagebet weent heus erandt hepor duct ,t r i edt o makeapr oductt hatus ercancommuni cat ewi t h.

Al li nal liwant edus ert opl aywi t hi tnotcomand Er gonomy cont r olpanel shoul dbeangul ar , al socooki ngphase shoul dbe consi der ed

Easyt ounder st and t hepr oductand t h cont r olpanelsh e oul d besel f expl anat or y

ask t i t Mul panel l o r t n o c t r hep oduc oft t r o p p u s d shoul g n aski t i t mul

nt uo-Fal l201 2 FI NALI SATI ON //I TheďŹ naldes i gni sa f oodpr oces s orandacooker . I thasmai nl yf ourdet achabl epar t sf ordai l yus age. Bes i des i thas a mul t it as ki ng cont r ol l erwhi ch of f er sani nt ui t i vei nt er act i ont ot heus er .

nt uo-Fal l201 2 FI NALI SATI ON // I The ďŹ nali nt er f ace des i gnsar ei l l us t r at ed bel ow. W hi l e des i gni ng t hes e vi s ual s , t he per cept ual connect i ons and t he phys i calconnot at i ons ar e cons i der ed.

120° C

Openi ngi ndi cat or

Heati ndi cat or

St i r r i ngi ndi cat or

Bl endi ngi ndi cat or

Ti mei ndi cat or

Ti meadj us t ment

W henus ert ouchest he s cr een,ci r cl esl i ghtup i ns equence.

Us ercans eedegr ee oft heheatont he s cr eenwhi l et ur ni ng t heknob.

Thi si mager evol ves whi l et hei ngr edi ent s ar es t i r r ed byus er orpr oducti t s el f

W hi l eus eri sbl endi ng t hei ngr edi ent s ,t he cur vesont hes cr een r evol ver andoml y.

Thi si ndi cat ori st he t i memenu.I nor dert o makei tmor ef ami l i ar , i ti sdi vi ded.

W hi l eus eri ss et t i ng t heal ar m,t hear r ow s canst hear eat hat s howst het i me.

nt uo-Fal l201 2 USAGESCENARI O //I How us eri nt er act swi t ht hepr oduct , how heors he commandsi sexpl ai nedbel ow. pl acet heappl i ance

puti ngr edi ent sand adj us theat

s t i rt hei ngr edi ent sonce l t henpr oductcont i nues accor di ngt ous er ’ space

s t ops t i r r i ngand addwat er

doubl et apt ot hes cr eenf or t i memenuandadj us tt i me

120° C

t ouch2s ec.

t ur n

s l i de

t ouch

doubl et ap

s l i de

nt uo-Fal l201 2 USAGESCENARI O // I Thepr oductcancl eani t s el foncei thasbeenďŹ l l ed wi t hwat erandadj us t edt os t i r r i ngmode.Bl endi ng s ever alt i meswor ksaswel l . bl endt hemi xt ur e

s er vet hes oup

cl ean

hol dt hes of tt ouchhandl eand pourt hes oupi nt ot hebowl s

pus h

s l i de

pus h

nt uo-Fal l201 2 TECHNI CALDETAI LS //I Expl oadedvi ew oft hepr oduct ,par t sanddet ai l s ar eexpl ai nedbel ow. ABSsmal ll i d ABSmai nl i d ABShandl e Heatr esi st antgl asscont ai ner

Det achabl el i dpai r Bot hs mal ll i d and mai nl i d ar el eakpr oofand s mal ll i di ss peci fical l yf oraddi ng t hi ngsl at er andpr event i ngover flow

St ai nl esst elbl ades Rubbergasket Teflonsur f ace Hot pl at e Di scmot or ABSbase Touchscr een PMMA heatcont r ol l er

St ai nl es ss t eelangl edbl ades Sui t abl ef or bot h mi xi ng i ngr edi ent s whi l e cooki ngandf orbl endi ng

PMMA cont r olbase

Di scmot or Mul t i f unct i onalcont r oluni t Cont r oluni thasvar i ousmovement sr el at edt o t hef unct i ons ,bi g enough t o handl eand i ti s t r ans par ent ,i nor dert opr eventcr eat i ngbul ky i mage.Ther ei sal s oaheati ndi cat i ngi mageon t hebas es ur f acei nor dert os how us ert heappr oxi mat eheatdur i ngt hewhol epr oces s .

Ther eas ont oor ef eradi s cmot oe i si t s flats hape ofcons t r uct i on, r educed wei ght ,and i t s over al l s i ze. Becaus e t hes e f eat ur es make t he pr oducts mal l er ,mor e us abl eands t or abl e. I magei sf r om acal at ogueofHei nzmann

nt uo-Fal l201 2 VARI ATI ONS // I

TouchFeelgeti nvol vedmor e. . .

l201 2 PROJECTBRI EF // Natura-Fal

Sust ai nabl eDesi gnSol ut i ons I nt egr at i ngBat hr oom Acces s or i eswi t hBat hr oom Ti l es

i ncol l obor at i onwi t h

l201 1 NATURA // Fal Nat ur ai sdes i gnedt oi nt egr at et heacces s or i es wi t ht i l esi nawayt hatt heywi l ll ookcompat i bl e wi t heachot her ,l ooknat ur alandbef unct i onalat t hes amet i me.

l201 1 FEATURES //Natura-Fal Thet i l esand t hebas ear ebot hmadeofcer ami c. Bes i des cr eat i ng har mony,t he mat er i alchoi ce makespr oductmor edur abl eandhygeni c.

Nat ur ahast hr eedi f f er ents mal lt i l esi n or dert oal l ow di f f er ents equencesand combi nat i ons .

Thecer ami cbas ei sďŹ xedon wal landi t of f er seas yat t achmentanddet achment oft heacces s or i es .

Bas ei sďŹ xedandt het i l esar epl aced ar oundi ti nor dert omaket r ans i t i onand emphas i zet heacces s or i es .

FEATURES// Natura-Fal l201 1 Acces s or i esar emadeofwat er r es i s t antwood. Theyhavet hes amef or mall anguageal t hough t heyhavedi f f er entf unct i ons .

Thebi ggerpar tupont het wobas esi s s hel ff ors t or ageandandi t sl engt hi s al mos t4t i l es .Thes mal lpar ti nbet ween t hebas esi st owelbar .I nor dert omakei t s paces avi ngi ti spl acedundert hes hel f .

Thes oapdi s h&hol derhass i mi l arf or m ass hel f .Soapdi s hi sont opoft hehol der i sdet achabl eandi teas est hecl eani ng. Thedet ai l sont het ops ur f acepr event s di ppi ngands l i ppi ng.

Toot hbr us hhol deri si dent i calwi t ht he hol deri nor dert oeas et heman覺 f act ur i ng. I t shol ecr eat esavol umet oputt oot hbr us hesandt oot hpas t ewhenat t ached wi t ht hebas e

nt uo-Fal l201 2 FI NALI MAGE //I

nt uo-Fal l201 2 ALTERNATI VES // I Wi t hus i ngt hes amet i l es ,i ti spos s i bl et ocr eat e di f f er entpat t er nswi t hdi f f er ents equences .


Desi gnForAl l Des i gni ngf ordi s abl edpeopl e,el der l ypeopl eandki ds

awar dedby:

exhi bi t edat : I MMI BGal aNi ght Tur keyI nnovat i onWeek ( wi l lbehel di nNov.201 3)

3 DROP //201 Dr opi sacl ot hespegof f er i ngdi f f er entgr i psand flexi bl eus aget ous er . Thes t ar t i ngpoi ntwast o f aci l i t at et heus agef orel der l ypeopl eandf or t hos ewhohavedi s abi l i t i esanddi s or f der son t hei rhandmus cl esandj oi nt s . “Mypr i or i t ywast odot hi swi t hout di st i ngui shi ngt hesepeopl e.Idi dnot want edt omakesomet hi ngonl yf or t hem,Iwant edt odoi ncl usi vedesi gn. ”

3 PARTS OFPRODUCT//Drop-201 Dr opcons i s toft wobas i cpar t s .Thes epar t sar e eas yt opr oduce,eas yt oj oi n.Thi sf eat ur esmake t hepr oducti nexpens i ve,s oi tcant aket hepl ace ofot herpr oduct si nt hemar ketasi tof f er s exi bl eus ageandadr es s esmor epeopl e.


+ Pol ypr opyl enebodypar t

Dur abl er ubberband

Fi nalpr oduct

3 USAGESCENARI OS // Drop-201 Asi l l us t ur at edbel ow,Dr opcanbeeas i l ypl aced andr emoved.Forr emovi ng,us erhavet woopt i on.

Pl acet hecl ot hespegbypus hi ngwi t hpal m

Removebyhol di ngf r om t heneckorbypul l i ngf r om t hehol ei nt heupperpar t

cak-201 1 PROJECTTHEME //A癟覺

Desi gnForAl l awar dedby:

Des i gni ngf ordi s abl edpeopl e,el der l ypeopl eandki ds

1 AÇI CAK //201 Openi ngal i dr equi r ess mal lmus cl eandj oi nt us age.Eveni nnor malcondi t i onsi ti sdi f ficul tt o openl i ds .I ncas eofdi s or der sorweaknes s esi t becomesar ealpr obl em. Theai m oft hi sdesi gni st of aci l i t at e t hegr abbi ng,t wi st i ngmovement, enabl et heusageofar m muscl es, i nst eadoffingermuscl esandj oi nt s

Pr oducthasf ourpar t si ngener al .Thes epar t sar e des i gnedt oeas et heus ageandmaket hepr oduct us er f r i endl y. Each par thaves omedet ai l st os er ve t hi s pur pos e.The f or m oft he pr oducts uppor t s bot hr i ghthandandl ef thand( whent ur ned)us age.

I ti st hes i l i coner ubber whi chi sf orgr abbi ngt he l i dbet t erandopei ng wi t houts l i ppi ng.The s ameonei spl acedont he opos i t es ur f acewhi chi s ont hebodypar t .

Thes t eelbandar ound t hes i l i conei ss peci fical l y madeofs pr i ngs t eel whi chi sflexi bl e.Thi s f eat ur eenabl est ogr ab di f f er ents i zeofl i ds .

Thebodypar ti smade f r om s t eelpi pepr ofil e.I t i sdur abl eandenabl es s t eelband( 2)t omove i ns i dei nor dert oadj us t t hedi amet eraccor di ngt o t hel i d.

Thedar kpur pl epar t sar e handl eswhi char emadeof ABSands i l i coner ubber .I t i sangl edi nor dert oof f era goodwr i s tpos i t i onwhi l e appl yi ngf or cet oopenl i d.

nt uo-Fal l201 2 ALTERNATI VES // I cak-201 1 USAGESCENARI O //A癟覺 Wi t hus i ngt hes amet i l es ,cr eat i ngdi f f er entpat t er nswi t hdi f f er ents equencesi spos s i bl e.

Cl os edf ors t or age

Fors mal ll i ds

Forbi ggerl i ds

2 EXPLANATI ON // Summer-201 I ti sas el f conduct edpr oj ectwhi chwasai medt o l ear nt hemanuf act ur i ngdet ai l s .

SummerI nt er nshi pPr oj ect Des i gni ngat i l es er i ewhi chwi l levokecr ys t al l i neef f ecti nt hebat hr oom

i ncol l obor at i onwi t h

2 CRYSTI LE // Summer201 Cr ys t i l ei sar el i eft i l ewhi chi sdes i gnedt ocr eat e cr ys t al l i neef f ecti nbat hr ooms .W i t hr eect i ons andt hr eedi mens i onalpat t er ns ,i ti si nt endedt o gi vepr eci ouss t oneef f ectandt ext ur e.

l e-Summer201 2 I NSPI RATI ON // Crysti Asi tcanbeunder s t oodf r om i t sname“ Cr ys t i l e” , i ti si ns pi r edf r om cr ys t al l i neobj ect sands ur f aces .

Af t ers ket chesandi deat i on,t he pat t er ni scar vedonpl as t er .

l e-Summer201 2 PRODUCTI ON //Crysti Thepr oduct i onphas ei sdonebyhandmos t l yi n t heR&D depar t mentwi t ht hehel pofempl oyees .

Somecor r ect i onshavemadeand t heni ti scar vedf ul l s i zeonMDF.

Then,i ti sďŹ l l edwi t has peci alr es i n i nor dert ogett henegat i ve.

W henr es i nhar dened,i ti ss entt o t hepr es s i ngmachi net opr oduce t het i l es .

Af t erpr es s edandcooked,t heyar e dyedi nwhi t eandbl ack.

2 PRESS& EXHI BI TI ON // Summer-201

Lat ert hepr oducti saddedt opr oductf ami l y of“ I DA Cer ami cs”whi chi soneoft hefir ms undert her oofofKal eCer ami cand exhi bi t edi nUNI CERA 201 3

ForCat al ogue: ht t p: //www. i das er ami k. com/i das er ami k_kat al og. pdf

2 CRYSTI LE // Summer201 Cr t s t i l ei sar el i eft i l ewhi chi sdes i gnedt ocr eat e cr ys t al l i neef f ecti nbat hr ooms .W i t hr eect i ons andt hr eedi mens i onalpat t er ns ,i ti si nt endedt o gi vepr eci ouss t oneef f ectandt ext ur e.

I nt er nat i onalCer ami cBat hr oom Ki t chenFai r

I DA St and//201 3

s k et ches i l l us t r at i ons


Det ai l eds ket chwi t hHB,2B,4Bdr awi ngpenci l

Cut awaydr awi ngofat or chwi t hHB,2B

Sket chwi t hHB, 2B,4Bdr awi ngpenci l s

2 CRYSTI LE // Summer201

Text ur es t udywi t hHB,2B,4Bdr awi ngpenci l s

Cr os shat chi ngt echni que;4H,2H,HB,2B

Smoot hs hadi ngt echni que;H,HB,2B


W at er col orwi t hcot t onypaper

Cr os shat chi ngt echni quewi t hcol or edpenci l s

Smoot hs hadi ngt echni quewi t hcol or edpenci l s

Cr t s t i l ei sar el i eft i l ewhi chi sdes i gnedt ocr eat e cr ys t al l i neef f ecti nbat hr ooms .W i t h e e ct i o ns 2 Cr R Y S T I L E // Summer201 andt hr eedi mens i onalpat t er ns ,i ti si nt endedt o gi vepr eci ouss t oneef f ectandt ext ur e.

Backgr ounds t udywi t hmar ker s

Mat er i als t udy;col or edpenci l s ,mar ker s ,ďŹ nel i nerpen

Mat er i als t udywi t hHBdr awi ngpenci landcol or edpenci l s

Thakyouf oryourt i me

ayl i nal pay@mai l . com +905545043626 Bur s aTURKEY

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